VOI,. 33 TO THE VOTERS Of the United States of America. The Democratic Congressional Committee has issued the following address: Clothed with the right of elective franchise, on the eighth day of No vember next, you will be called upon to exercise the highest duty ot citizen ship. Upon your action depends the control of the next House of Repres entatives of Congress. Every vote for a Republican candidate will be an in dorsement of the Republican policy and approval of the record made by the last Congress. The Republican party has come to be the agent of the trusts, the great corporations, and the great banks. The truth of this statement is borne out by the public records of the past thirty years. Since the close of the Civil war every demand of the money power made of Congress while under Republican rule has been substantially complied with and every demand of the people substantially denied. At the dictation of the money power the legal tenuer money put out during the war was destroyed, whereby prices were cut in twain. By legislation hostile to silver and treasury notes the volume of the currency has been kept so limited that prices have again been cut in twain since 1873, so that dur ing a period of thirty years, by means of financial legislation the producers and laborers of the country have been impoverished while the wealth of the rich has been quadrupled. By means of this legislation more than fifteen billions of wealth created by the thirty millions who live upon the farms has been transferred from those who pro duced it to the coffers of the rich. The Republican party opposed an income tax even in time of war. They passed the Dingly bill, inten tionally framed so as to favor the great trusts which have contributed millions of dollars to the Republican Campaign fund. In the last Congress they surrender ed to tne Pacific railway steal; they voted against taxing corporations; they even voted against taxing the trusts. They authonzed the issuance of five hundred millions of bonds when there was not the slightest necessity for any issue. They have abandoned inter national bimetallism and are now thoroughly committed to the single gold standard. Those appointed to office in the army were the sons of the rich or dic tated by those with a political pull. The worthy and competent were turn ed down for the ignorant and incom petent resulting in more sickness, suf fering and death in our army than came from Spanish bullets and Spanish fevers. For the great wrongs done our vol unteers no one is punished. Only whitewashing committees, holding star charnDer proceedings are organized to cover up the outrages and excuse if not justify crime. Vast sums of money have been wasted in extravagant contracts given out to special favorites or to corpora tions which make political subscrip tions; and where speculations have been discovered the records contain ing the proof have mysteriously dis appeared after reaching the War De partment. Only a Democratic Congress can be expected to* investigate these wrongs and bring the guilty to the bar of public opinion and to punishment. The shadow of the Gauge bill hangs over the country. If the next House be Republican that bill will become a law. All existing federal currency save gold will be destroyed. The en tire circulation of the country will be in the hands of the banks to whom the sovereign prerogative of issuing money is to be surrendered. A bu reauocracy is to be established whose officers are to hold their places for twelve years so that three presidential terms must pass before they can be dislodged. Bonds are to be issued without limit to buy the goV. with which to redeem the bank notes. The government is to get out of the gov ernment business and go into the guaranty business for the benefit of the banks. A monster banking trust is to be organized to swallow up all the banks outside of the great cities, for these agents of the Rothschilds are to have the power to establish branch banks wherever they will. If this monstrous conspiracy is to be de stroyed it can not be done by return ing a Republican majority to the next House. It is given out from the Treasury Depaitment that the war revenue bill has come to stay. So it will be if the Republicans continue to contiol Con gress. If the war revenue bill is to be re pealed, if taxation is to be made more equal, if the power of the trusts and the monopolies is to be checked, if the monster hank conspiracy is to be throttled, candidates who oppose the Republican party must be elected. The very foundation of the Repub lic is being sapped. The money oli garchy is in the saddle; they must be unhorsed or we are lost. We therefore call upon every honest voter, regardless of past political affili ations to go to the polls on election day to save the republic. Duty calls to us. Patriotism appeals to us. Let us once more have a government so administered as to bring equal rights to all, and to give exclusive privileges to none. Let the decree go forth that hencetorth ours is to be a government not by, of, or for the syndicates and trusts, but of, by, and for the people. Ot she twelve million vofers in this country, more than eleven millions are vitally concerned in the accom plishment of this result. Let their voices be heard in thun der tones on the Sth day of Novem ber. INO LEASE HIS MAJORITY- Senator Cochran Deserves a Unanimous Vote in His Home County. From the Philadelphia Times. Senator Cochran, of the Lycoming district, will, of course, be re-elected, but his faithful services to the state during his present term fairly entitle him to a verdict from the people of his district that will strongly emphasize their appreciation of his ability and fidelity to a public servant. Senator Cochran's district is strong ly Democratic and he is cordially sup ported by all shades of Democratic sentiment, and as he well deserves. He will be greatly needed in the next sen ate and his influence and usefulness as a legislator would be much strength ened by his return to his public duties with a largely increased majority. The next legislature will have excep tionally important duties to perform, and senators of the ability and integ rity of Senator Cochran will have a wide field for their legislative efforts. No matter who may be elected gov ernor, the question of slate reform must be a most vital one; and with an earnest and practical Democratic lead er like Senator Cochran and an able and aggressive Reyublican leader like Senator Henry, of this city, the reform agitation should give substantial fruits of the people. Senator Cochran's con stituents should re-commission him for his public trust by an overwhel ming vote. Take the Money- Next Tuesday is election day. Dur ing the past week, and trom now until election, every effort has been and will be made to obtain Democratic votes for Republican candidates. It is cur rently reported tnat money is being lavishly used to influence Democrats to split their tickets. While it is not honest to take money that is not earn ed for any purpose, it is more honest for a poor man to accept money for political support than it is for a wealthy man to offer it, and it is also more honorable. Any self respecting man who is offered money for his vote should take it as an insult, and spurn the offer with indignation. Of course the heelers and rounders who make a business of getting all they can out of all the candidates, irrespective of party will not be insulted by such an offer. But since there is a "bar'l" in this campaign, our advice to Democrats who may be approached, is to take all the money that is offered, and then go to the polls on Tuesday and resent the insuit by voting the straight Democratic ticket. Meeting Monday Night. The Democratic meeting in the Opera House next Monday night will be addressed by Hon. Jas. T. Stranahan, of Harrisburg, Robert R- Little and Fred Ikeler, Esqs. Th's will be the night before elec tion. Every Democrat in Blooms burg should be present. Paper Free for One Month. THE COLUMBIAN will be sent free to any person in the county, on re ceipt of the name and address on a postal. Don't be afraid to ask for it. You will get it only four weeks, unless ordered to be continued. Go to tho polls and vole early next Tues day. Then see that your neighbor gets there. VOTE THE STRAIGHT DEMOCRATIC TICKET. BIJOOMSBUKG, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, IS9B. FIRE DESTROYS TWO HOUSE?. About three o'clock on Thursday morning of last week the prolonged sounding of the fire alarm, aroused the residents of town from their slum bers and it was soon learned that fire had broken out and was rapidly des troying a house on the Light Street road a short distance above the Town Hall, occupied by W. H. Magill. The fire companies were quickly on hand, but owing to the great distance of the water plug from the burning building, and the muddy water, which could not be run through the engine for several minutes, it was some time be fore they were able to start the water. The engine was soon in good working order, however, and the fires extingu ished but not until it had entirely des troyed the house in which it started and also damaging the adjoining house owned by Harry Eshleman and occupied by him and John Wolf, to such an extent that it will have to be rebuilt. It is a mystery how it started as Mr. Magill and wife, had locked up the house on Monday and gone to Philadelphia. Nothing was saved from the house, the furniture, clothing and other goods, all burned up. Mr. Eshleman, who lived in the lower side of the double house, also lost his furniture, and household goods. He had not heard the alarm, and was awakened just in time to save himself and two little girls. Mrs. Eshleman was in Philadelphia at the time. Had it not been for a strong wind from the south west a conflagration could not have been avoided, because had the next house below caught fire the whole row consisting of six or seven houses which are built quite close together would probably have been destroyed. 4 Pretty Home Wedding. A number of invited guests as sembled at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Miller, 011 Centre Street, Wednes day forneoon at 10:3 c to witness the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mary, to Mr. Samuel R. Bidlemau. The rooms were handsomely and artistically decorated with lestoous of everg "eens and carnations, while beautiful potted plants were dispos ed of in nooks and corners. The wedding inarch was beautifully rendered by Miss Maud Runyon. Rev. G. H. Hemingway, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, tied the nuptial knot. An elegant dinner was awaiting in the dining room, which was profusely decorated with flowers. The bride was attired in a broadcloth traveling dress. The maid of honor was Miss Edith Miller, sister of the bride, and the best man Frank Miller of Drifton, cousin of the bride. The ushers were Samuel H. Harman and R. Frank Colley. A very large num ber of presents were bestowed, con sisting of cut glass, silver, linen and china. After hearty congratula tions Mr. and Mrs. Bidleman left 011 the 11130 train 011 the Phila delphia & Reading railroad for an extended trip. They will be at home at corner of Centre and Third Streets, after November 16th. The good wishes of a large circle of friends and acquaintances go with them in their new relations. The ! bride is ajpopular and accomplished young lady. Mr. Bidleman is the proprietor of a book and stationery store, and ranks as one of Blooms burg's foremost young business men. Several city dailies have recently contained a dispatch furnished by W. H. Woodin, or his friends, stating that an effort had been made by a "promi nent Democrat" of this county to bribe Mr. Woodin's private secretary to furnish letters and information con cerning Mr. Woodin's canvass, to Mr. Polk. On the 4th page appears Mr. Polk's statement of the matter, and his denial of the charge. The private secretary had a row with Woodin, and then ttied to sell out for spite, or else the whole thing was a scheme to trap Polk. Whichever way it is, the thing was a flat failure, and will react upon those who instigated it. The official ballots, which are being printed at this office, will contain eight columns, namely, Republican, Democratic, Prohibition, People's, Socialist Labor, Liberty, Honest Gov ernment, and a blank column. The size of the ballot is inches by 21 inches. With the stub it is 21 by 19. The "plum tree shake" will be out of fashion after November 8. WHY PUT IT OFF ? The buying of your Fall and Winter Clothing and Footwear at this store means the saving of many dollars, and then why put off getting your actual needs, when you can buy them of us now without paying one cent's profit. This sale will last but a comparatively short time, and every day sees the stock growing less. In possibly 2 months we shall bid our friends(who have been loyal to us and helped us build this business to its present size), good-bye. It's a harvest time for buyers of Suits and Overcoats, Storm Ulsters, Boy's Reefers, Men's Underwear, Gloves, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. The profits are knocked completely off. It's an exchange of Goods for money. Suits, Overcoats and Storm Ulsters for Men at $ 3.90 from $ 5.00. 4.50 " 0.00. 5.50 " 7.50. 7.50 " 1000. 10.00 " 13.50. 12.00 " 15.00. A Saving on each of from $1.50 to $4.00. Boy's Suits and Reefers and Overcoats at $1.50 from $2.25. 2.00 " 2.75. 250 " 3.50. 300 " 4.00. 3.50 " 5.00- A Saving on Each of from 50c. to $2.00. 0-IH)IDX3srG- COMPAITT, Th.e T7v r li.lte ZE^rorLt, Nearly Opposite Court House. Two Doors Below Postoflice Jenks Tells What His Election Will Meiu- Not a Victory (or Free Trade or Free Sfver, But tor Economy and Reform in State Affairs. I am informed that Mr. Stone, at | Pittsburg, Saturday, announced that | my election as Governor of Penn-1 sylvania will be a victory for free trade i and free silver and that I will so claim. This is not true. It will not. be a victory for, nor will I claim it as | a victory for, either. If I did I would j be false to the platform adopted by , the Altoona convention. My elec-1 tionwill simply mean economy and I reform in State affairs. Votes cast j for me will express a determination j by all good citizens to drive out of, public office those who have robbed the State and corrupted our govern ment. My purpose is and shall be to introduce an honest, economical, just and fair State administration. I now say to all voters in Pennsylvania who wish to vote tor me on State issues that I do not, and will not if elected,"claim that my election indi cates aught except a desire for reform in our State. National issues will be settled in the Presidential election of 1900. My election as Governor in Pennsylvania should not and shall not be used to affect the next Presi dential election or the issues which may then arise so far as I can pre vent. (Signed) GEORGE A. JENK.S. Huntingdon, October 31, IS9B. Buckhorn lost one of its oldest and best residents 011 Monday in the person of Esau Shoemaker, who died at his home in that place in his seventieth year. His health had been declining for some time. His immediate survivors are a wife and six children, three sons and three daughters. The funeral took place yesterday morning, conducted by Rev. Harttnau. Interment at Dutch Hill cemetery. Don't risk losing your whole vote by^trying to scratch your ticket. If it is not marked right the whole ballot is thrown out. VOTE THE STRAIGHT DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Mens and Boys Hats and Caps. 19c. from 25c. 39c. " 50c. 50c. " 7 sc. 75c. " SI.OO SI.OO " 1.50 1.50 •' 200 2.00 '• 3.00 SHOES. Mens, Womens, Misses and Children's, prices that were never heard of before for such qualities. 98 cents. For hundreds of pairs of Mens, VVomens, Misses and Children's that retailed at from $1.50 to $3.50. Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Felts, Gaiters, all at and below cost. A Stout Republican Indorsal- From the Pittsburg Leader (Hep ), Oct. 22. The candidacy of George A. Jenks has been the means of causing a com plete union of the Democratic factions in the work of the Gubernatorial cam paign. Williaui F. Harrity and his lieutenants arc as pronounced in their advocacy of Mr. Jenks as are Golonel J M. Guffey and those who aided him in the handling of the A Itoona conven tion. On all hands it is understood that Mr. Jenks is not a politician, in the ordinary sense of the term; that he cares nothing about the ups and downs of the factions in his party, and that his one ambition in seeking the office of governor is to acquire the opportunity of cleansing the state gov ernment, abolishing official criminality and maladministrtion and restoring the management of public affairs to a plain, honest business basis. The Democratic candidate is not a new man before the people. Under Presi j dent Cleveland he tilled the high office Jof Solicitor General of the United States and acquitted himself with dis- I tinguished ability. On laying down ! that office he returned to private life, making no endeavor to seek further political preferment on the strength of the success already achieved; but the worth of the man, his integrity, his trustworthiness and his splendid quali fications for service in an administra tive capacity could not be hidden under a bushel, and, by a peculiarly happy inspiration, the Democracy turned to him at the moment when the naming of an irreproachable candi date meant everything to that party. Having the solid support of the Democracy and the certainty of heavy accessions from the Republican ranks, Mr. Jenks' prospects are unquestion ably of the most promising character. The only obstacle remaining in his path is the disposition of many bolting Republicans to give their support to Dr. Swaliow, the Prohibitionist, rather than violate empty traditions by sup porting a Democrat: but this bids fair to be removed before the campaign reaches its climax. Special revival meetings are in pro gress in the Methodist Churcn. NO. 44 Hen's Underwear, Gloves, Sweaters, Hackintosh Coats and Outfittings of Every Kind at the Actual Wholesale Cost. Boy's Waists at a Sacrifice. A Ohurch Wedding in Orangeville. On last Thursday evening a marri age was solemnized in the Knion Church of Orangeville, in connection with a series of services held by Rev. A. Houtz. Although it was the inten tion to keep the affair a secret until after its occurrence, it however leaked out. A wedding secret is hard to keep, it is like mercury in a porous vase. '•Vhen the pastor entered the church, he observed the altar stand neatlv decorated with chrysanthemum, and an unusually large congregation was in attendence and all seemed to wear the expression of expectancy as though they anticipated something more than a sermon. At the conclusion of the regular religious service, a wedding hymn was sung, after which the con trading parties Mr. O. S. McHemy of Stillwater and Miss Almertie Her ring of Orangeville, presented them selves before the altar for the con summation of their marriage vows While the oiganist played suppressed strains of music, the beautiful church marriage service was read and the holy rite of marriage solemnized. The two were made one and introduced to the audience as man and wife. Many warm and sincere congratulations were expressed by the host of friends present. As this little bark has launch ed out on the sea of matrimony, we trust it will have a calm sea, a happy and prosperous voyage, and at last reach in safety the haven of the glori. fied and redeemed in our Father's Home above. Some of the young people who were out celebrating on Hallow E'en went beyond the fun limit, and destroyed considerable property. In several in stances locks were broken and doors torn otf of buildings and smashed. A large settee in front of Dr. Purman's house on Third Street was smashed to splinters. Such conduct is far from sport and if the perpetrators are caught it will go hard with them. Our conclusion is that all the indi cations point to the election of George A. Jenks by an overwhelming plurah. t)> an d utter overthrow of Machine Rule. — Philadelphir Record, JVOTJ. J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers