6 TO ABOLISH ANARCHY GOVERNMENTS UNITE TO PUT AN END TO THE EVIL. An liitt-rnntiniinl Police Sy.lrm To lie Perfected In the Nenr Future. The Anurohl.t Movement Hun Assumed Aliu'minjt Pro portion.. Lucehoni, though an Italian, owes his Anarchistic education to the Gor man press and the Paris commune, which, though often suppressed, still breeds Its vipers for all of the Euro pean capitals. The German anarchist Is above all things a thinker. He It Is who writes the burning literature which incites the hotheaded Italian and Frenchman to action. There are exceptions, of course, for It is currently understood that It was a German, Schmi illicit, who threw the Ilavmar ket bomb, and for this crime Parsons, Fisher, Engle, Spies, Flelden, Lingg, Neebo and Schwab, all but two of them Germans, suffered death or Im prisonment. True it is that the anarchist prates of Proudhon as the father of the cause, yet In an argument they cast aside the milder logic of the Frenchman and gorge themselves on the economic theories of Carl Marx, who put the problem tersely for these anarchists when he defined the communists of his time, and they have developed Into the anarchists of to-day, as "on the one hand, practically, the most ad vanced and resolute section of the working class parties of every coun try, that section which pushes forward all others; on the other hand, theoreti cally, they have over the great mass of the proletariat the advantage of clearly understanding the line of march, the conditions, and the ulti mate general results of the proletarian movement. The immediate aim of the Communists is the same as that of all the other proletarian parties; forma tion of the proletariat Into a class, overthrow of the bourgeois suprem acy, conquest of political power by the proletariat." And here again Is a typical Marx sentiment: "The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can bo attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let tbd riding classes tremble at a Com munistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose hut their chains. They have a world to win." It was Orslnl, In IRSS, who began the war which mllltapt anarchy has since waged on society. He it was who threw the bomb at Napoleon 111, and, with his companion. Fieri, was guillotined. There was a queer blend ing of the anarchist and the liberator In Orslnl, and he has been to thous ands a martyr of a still bleeding cause. Since the night of November 7, 1593, %hen bombs were thrown into the Llceo theatre at Barcelona, where hun dreds were killed, European society, royal and bourgeois, lias been in con stant dread of attack, although the work of Ravachol in 1892 caused no little consternation in France. With six bombs he on different occasions blew up the house of the Trincess de Sagan; the residence of Judge Benoit, who was unusually severe on anarch ists; a store at the corner of Rue de Clichy and Rue de Berlin, wherein twenty persons were killed or wound ed; the Cafe Very, where two young people dining were hurled to eternity, and finally a portion of the Palais de Justice. All these exploits were performed In the first months of 1592. Two Ju ries brought Ravncbol in "not guilty," frankly admitting that they were afraid of their lives to condemn him, although they clearly recognized he had committed the crimes attributed to him. Mothers in France at this day frighten their restive or unruly chil dren by tlireateuidg to hand them over to Ravncbol. The murderous act of the Parisian anarchist Vaillant, who threw a bomb among the French deputies, aroused the whole civilized world to the neces sity of concerted measures to check the mad violence of such social out lawry. Voillant's cowardly attempt to assassinate the legislative representa tives of the French people probably marked the turning point in the his tory of anarchy. Hitherto the war on society had engaged only one army— the army of the aggressors. Now the army of the defence took a hand in the active hostilities. Within forty-eight hours after tho Vaillant incident the governments of the different states of Europe were conferring with one another, either by telegraph or through their accredited representatives, regarding the rneas . nres to be taken for their mutual pro tection against anarchistic foes. It was settled in short order that no more toleration should be extended to the publication of Incitements to the wholesale destruction of life and lib erty. Entirely too much consideration bad hitherto been shown to what seemed mere noise and bluster. The time had come when society must re slat even an academical propagation of the tenets of Anarchy. But the work of the stiletto went on. Still the deed of Vaillant differed much from that of Santo or of Luc chenl. The chief fact to be borne In mind , In the consideration of the Vaillant in cident is that the outlaw's murderous design was directed not against a monarch or anyone presuming to en- Joy hereditary rights over the people, but rather against the people them selves as represented by their elected officials. The civilized world can read ily understand an attack like Vail lant's when directed against a tyrant. When, however, anarjty presumes 10 attack a republic—th most perfect and equitable form of government as yet devised by the human mind—lt Is plain that the general system of a par- chy means simply Indiscriminate war fare on all law and order. These men aro pretty nearly all alike. Of Luccheni little Is known be yond his more recent life, but like Vaillnnt, be was notorious for rank physical cowardice, and nothing could have evidenced this better than his se lection of a woman as ids victim. It Is pointed out tnat no anarchist has yet had the courage to attack even one man where the individual had an opportunity to defend himself. To say that popular feeling against tTie anarchists is extremely bitter is to put it very mildly, and the popular demand for suppressive measures Is certain to force the governments to adopt far more stringent precautions than any that have yet maraud the counter revolution against lawless ness. For a long time the individual cow ardice of anarchists had one marked and peculiar effect; It led society into the groat blunder of vastly underesti mating the danger of their presence In the community. A foreign commenta tor on the subject remarks that it had become the fashion in government re gions to tbiuk that the danger from anarchists was a mere dream of the pwi.ee uuumruics. .1 !• re lieu minis ter of state Is quoted as saying: "Of every ten anarchists, there are seven who are in the employ of the police, and three who are arrant cowards." It was this Bentiuieut, however, that has prevented hitherto the adop tion of well considered and effective measures of repression of anarchists. It Is pointed out that even on the perpetration of the outrages by Ka vachol, the people and government of France insisted that the episode really meant nothing; that It was the net of a mad man who had no accomplice, while about all the precaution that the prefecture of police took was to request the Scotland Yard officials to keep them posted as to the comings and goings of certain inhabitants of the French quarter of London. Santo Caserlo, in open day, on June 21, 1594, had no trouble in plunging his stiletto Into the heart of President Carnot, although the latter was being feted by the whole city of Lyons, and his earringe was surrounded by officers of the Republican Guard. It was by the veriest accident that King Humbert of Italy's life was not cut off by an anarchist In April of last year, as ho drove to the Cappan nelle races. Giovanni Aeciarito's foot slipped as lie stepped on the icing's carriage, and all nerve was thus taken from the blow which he aimed at the monarch's heart. Angiolillo, another Italian anarch ist, was more successful in the at tempt which he made on the virtual ruler of another nation. The steel which he held in readiness escaped the eyes of the police and of the special detectives, and on a quiet Sunday af ternoon, some thirteen months ago, he let out the life blood of Spain's prime minister, Senor Canovas del Cas tillo. The present year has been fertile enough in anarchistieal exploits. On the evening of February 20 a murder ous attack was made on the life of the King of Greece. Successively at tempts were made on Nicholas II "of Russia, and on Wclholmlna I, the new ly trowncd queen of Holland. It would seem, however, ns if the Lucchenl epi sode had changed all this. The gov ernments of Europe are In negotiation for the adoption of measures for con centrated action and for the unification of their respective laws bearing on the subject of social outlawry. This step is positively necessary in order to meet the anarchists on equal grounds, for it has been proved beyond doubt that there is close and constant con nection between the anarchists of different countries. They have a mag nificent organization for the prompt and secret interchange of news and for furnishing each other all forms of material assistance. To fight such an elaborately organized system of evil, governments throughout the world must adopt a scheme of mutual aid. Among the essential details of such a scheme are the establishment of a permanent International police com mission against the anarchists, as well as special national commissions. The persons whoso names get on the list of suspects will be under police sur veillance in all countries. International legislation will also be adopted in regard to the sale and manufacture of explosives, and an at tempt will be made to secure uniform legislation in all countries for the re pression of anarchism. It will be dif ficult to obtain this, hut it Is hoped that the sense of self-preservation in the presence of the danger which menaces society will prove stronger than all other considerations, nnd will facilitate the tasks of the governments when they come to propose such leg islation to their respective parlia ments. Germany will perhaps begin the great work by the enactment of the Umsturz bill, which caused no little consternation when first proposed sev eral years ago in the ranks of the So cialists. Husband: "It seems to me that you come to my office a good deal more than there is any necessity for." Wife: "I cannot help It, dear; your manners in the office are so much nicer than they are at home that I like to enjoy the contrast." "I wish I was a girl," said Bobble. "Why do you wish that?" asked his father. "Oh, then I wouldn't have to bother about thinking what I'll be when I'm a man." Cora: "Pauline is smarter than you, my dear. She can accompany the new te'nor on the piano." Perdita: "Yes, but I can accompany him on my bicycle." THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG. PA. PROTtCTING ROYALTY. Wilhelm of Gormauy HUH 1,000 Men Guni'tUug Ufm. Fifteen hundred persons nre lying awoke nights in Berlin and Its neigh borhood to protect the kaiser's life aud health, and to see that his path runs smoothly. These 1,500 are servants of all degrees; some are styled "Excel lency," and others are mere bootblacks of fortune. Yet despite this host of watch dogs, the ltaiser feels secure nowhere hut in Potsdam, where the castle is guarded by 500 picked men In barracks connected with the palace, and where the royal park is patrolled by numerous sentinels, who have or ders to shoot nt any supiclous person who cannot, or will not, give an ac count of himself. Those Potsdam arrangements for guarding the royal person are observed at all to courts of Europe. In his palace, at least, a monarch seeir.s to be reasonably protected against un pleasant surprise. The dangerous part of the king business is in outings, ceremonies aud exercises of all sorts. At the beginning of his reign the kai ser magnanimously decided to dispense with the public police service. Next day the president of police and the en tire officers' corps resigned. "If we are not allowed to watch over your majes ty in our own way we cannot be re sponsible for your safety," they said. The Prussian court has abandoned body guards, except for ceremonious occasions, but the kaiser keeps an elite corps of 350 mounted men about his person all the time. They are cailed body gendarmes, and, like the Feld jnogers. are really nothing more nor less than royal footmen, paid out of the people's instead of out of the kais er's treasury. When the kaiser goes riding two body gendarmes, one or two adjutants and two grooms, ac company him, but a hundred or more gendarmes or Feldjnegers in citizen's dress traverse the park In all direc tions to look for suspicions characters and bo at hand when necessary. The King of Italy loves his wife, and will not drive out with the queen for fear that a bullet, or a dagger thrust. Intended for him. may strike her. But Crispi went further. Out of a half hundred banditti marked for the galleys he sleeted one, I'ietro by name, and placed before him the alter native of dragging a ball and chain for the rest of his life or of living in luxury and keeping his dagger and fists ready for regicides. During the last live years Pletro has shadowed the king by day and night. Ho attends him in the council chamber and to mass; he sleeps on the threshold of their majesties' bedropm. When the king Is about to drive out I'ietro examines the horses and the carriage. He takes a bite or a spoon ful out of every dish before It Is plac ed on TJmberto's and Marguerite's ta ble. Disguised as a military attache, tliis lusty ex-cutthroat, who has a rec ord as a throttler, sits to his majesty's left In tlie royal coach, with a dagger up his sleeve, or rides by his side at parades and reviews. The czar is surrounded by half a hundred men of the Pietro stamp, the pick of the Don-Cossacks. Splendid barbarians they are, and the minister of police sees to It that the influences of civilization do not touch them be yond the soap point. They must keep clean, must, indeed, be paragons of cleanliness, but reading and writing, even tlie Itusslnu language, nre closed books to them. Knowledge might mar their supreme self-confidence; it might interfere with discipline; if they spoke any language beside their vernacular it might lay them open to foreign in fluences. The members of the imperial family order the Cossacks about by signs; they are permitted to speak only to their direct superiors. The ar rangement works well enough indoors, hut for public occasions there's anoth er. When the czar rides or drives or walks anywhere outside of his own apartments, he Is surrounded by a ver itable cluster of dignitaries and guards dressed to give them the appearance of superior rank. And Nicholas, being a small man, completely disappears in the sea of humanity engulfing him. To hit him. an assassin would have to hurl a missile from above, and then it's ten to one he would kill some nobody, or half a dozen of them. Offi cially the personal safety of the czar is entrusted to the master of police, who is again controlled by a general chosen by the czar for a longer or shorter period, or for different local!, ties, as the case may be. The presidents, or masters of police, at St. Petersburg, Berlin. Vienna. Home and of all the capitals of Europe report daily to their sovereigns, their business having precedence over any other affairs of state. William. Nicho las. Francis Joseph, and oven Leopold, ■would sooner think of dispensing with the ancient custom of holding a morn ing confab with their cooks than tie grudge the time allotted for the Inter view with the chief of mouchards. The Emperor of Austria, who Is a pious man. employs few precaution ary measures, save the military ones peculiar to his position as the head of a great army. Of course his civil cab inet Is always on the lookout for Czech. Magyar, Croat and Polish mal contents, but Francis Joseph takes little Interest In the matter. At the same time lio does not believe In en couraging attempts upon his He. A would-be conspirator or regicide who falls Into the hands of the Austrian police is sure to suffer the full pen alty of the law. or even a little more than the law allows. When the ern petor travels, secret service men pie cede and accompany him. "I have met Ills majesty several times when abroad." said a diplomat, "an.l on one or two of these occasions the late Kin press Elizabeth was with lilm. The Imperial couple, when leaving the ho tel, was always escorted liy detectives In plain clothes, a measure particular ly distasteful to nor uiajei # . V " A PERFECT FOOD—as Wholesome as It la Delicious." )v o§l WALTER BAKER & CO.'S V 1 COCOA | V fj! \ A • Has stood the test of more than 100 years'use among nil Vi CJ jjfj |■Jtj V\\ classes, and for purity and honest worth is unequalled." V* JC |fl I W Vet —Helical and Surgical Journal■ X ii l 1 M Costs less than ONE CENT a Cup. A'N X MH 11 M l Trade-Mark on Every Package* H WALTER BAKER & CO. LTD., K ALEXANDER BROTHERS & CO. DEALERS IN Cigars, Tobacco, Candies, Fruits and ITuts .SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Mail lard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every "Week. GOODS .A. SPECIALTY. SOI.E AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco Sole agents for the following brunds of Cigars- Henry Clay, Londros, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Ash Bloomsburg Pa. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF C A MPE T, ML A T T E A **, or OBL YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT W. IEL BKOWJEB'S r 2nd Door p.bove Court Ilout-c. ® A large lot of Window Curtains in stock. "All weather " That's the is alike to me" CffijSjjT kind I'm look- I wear the< ing for. I'll kind thati T order a suit "RETAIN from their THEIR J* I agent imme- SHAPE." nt—' diately." MADE TO ORDER BY EDWARD E. STRAUSS t CO. America's Popular Tailors, Chicago. (AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE IN THE U S. AND TERRITORIES.) Ragson Tatters—"Say, lady, please | gimme a dime ter help me git back j where me work's at." Lady—"Here's j a quarter poor man- What is your | occupation?" Ragson Tatters—"l'm : a camp follower, lady." MAN AND WIFE IN DISTRESS. — Rev ; Dr. Bocher of Buffalo says: —My wife | and I were both troubled with distress- [ ing Catarrh, but we have enjoyed freedom from this aggravating malady since the day we first used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. Its action was instantaneous, giving the most greate- j ful relief within ten minutes after first I application.— 47. Sold by C. A. Kleitn. Lawyer Sharpsett found he would I be unable to go hotne in time for I supper. His typewriter girl having I quit for tne afternoon, he sat down at the machine himself and succeeded, after half an hour's work, in evolving the following note, which he sent to his wife by a messenger boy: I "atthe Office s—3op. m ! DEar MiLLie ::: 1 shlal not be xxx xxxxxx hOme this evenenig until until vrey very xxxx late do not, wait fr for mEA a A clien tow ho Has A client wtih whoM i haev an apopointment is xxxxxxxxxc is cmoing to cnosnlt con sultme & it wil taKe al al all equen xxxxxxevening your Ivoing hugsxxx xxxhusbnd. ?: hiraM® ?"— Chicago Tribune. ECZEMA REMOVED IN A DAY.— Dr. Agnew's Ointmeut will cure this dis gusting skin disease without tail. It will also cure Barber's Itch, Tetter, Salt Rheum, and all other skin erup tions. In from three to six nights it will cure Blind, Bleeding, and Itchjng Piles. One application brings comfort to the most irritating cases. 35 cents. Sold by C. A. Kleim. OASTOKIA. Boars tho >9 THAT'S JUST IT! You can't always tell by the looks of a garment how it is going to WEAR. WHY NOT Get the WEAR a* well as the looks, when you can have both at the same PRICE. $12.00 Is the starting point of those Edward E. Strauss & Co.'s Famous Custom Tailored Suits and Overcoats With an ironclad guarantee thrown in free. IT WILL PAY YOU To examine this line, and leave your order for one of these hand some garments. CALL ON L. GROSS, BLOOMSBURO, PA. Hobbs-"So you spent your vacation j boarding with a farmer." Wigwag j "No, sir; he was no farmer. I opened I my private bottle of whiskey for him j one night when he had the cramps. He got a glorious jag, and charged me J jOr corkage." IN HEART DISEASE IT WORKS LIKE ■ MAGIC.— "For years my gaeatest ene my was organic Heart Disease. From uneasiness and palpitation it developed into abnormal action, thumping, flut tering and choking sensations. Dr. 1 Agneg's Cure for the Heart gave I instant relief, and the bad symptoms have entirely disappeared. It is a wonder-worker, for my case'was chron ic."—REV. L. S. DANNA, PITTSBURG. Sold by C. A. Kleim. France is preparing for war. Eng land is ready for war. Germany and Russia are itching for a scrap. Uncle Sam, well, he's got an idea that he isn't afraid of the earth. A calm always 1 proceeds a storm. To CURE CATARRH —I)o not de pend upon snuffs, inhalants or otl(?r local applications. Catarrh is a constitutional disease, and can be successfully treated only by means of a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla, which thor oughly purifies the blood and re moves the scrofulous taints which cause catarrh. The great number of testimonials from those who have been cured of catarrh by Hood's Sarsaparilla prove the un equalled power of this medicine to conquer this disease. If troubled with catarrh give Hood's Sarsapa rilla a fair trial at once. It behooves people to closely ex amine all their two dollar bills, as there are a great many counterfeits in circulation at present. OASTOniA. Bears the c? Ttl6 Kilul You llaW Alwa > s BoUgHt Pennsylvania foil: :ad. Time Tabic in jA,,. > 9 g | 4. M. | A. M < p V p. K Scranton(li Wlv J c -15; { n a. 1 . ,yi 54 j Plttstou " ..j Tils llOUj'awj U A.M. A.M. ' 1 v Wllkcsbarre.lv 55 au {IU lr! , I 7;. ,KM Plyin'Ui Kerry "11 ! lu a.! Ift low Natitlsoke " 1 146 lu a, ,4 • ,)' s ,7- Moeaeail'ia sU4 10 4.5; A... 637 v. apwultopei.." 818 1.. f6 a&s! 41 Nescopeck arl sun 11 liij 4 , 0 ; T *• M . M.' I*. M. 1 p M rotlßVille._ lv;{uu; { I }jj „r, , lluzlfluu " 7ln 11 ;i'l a 111 r. ™ 'lemhtcken '■ 7 .':u n;-5 em ), , Fern OR 11 •• 73-1 LIM' 2:> i Punk (.ten " 743 1 411 a:/ K j Ncbcopcck m 1 s (.7 ; :iu, i: y A M.J A. M.J I'. >, p II Nescopeck lv; ; 8 14' 511 1111 1 4 ;u 5 7 a ClCasy.. •• I 833 Via 418 Jfl Espy Kerry.... " r s 43, Iteek| r 4 2 71 E. Hloomsburg''j 8 47! Glen, 4 .iu 14 1 r. M.I Catawh ya ur, Sf>6 lz a* t 486 Catnwlssa lv 8 881 i< 21 | 1 ti 8. UnllVlUe.... " Mill la 34 455 747 Sunbury " 1135| lOn 5 1". 810 1 A. M. P. M. P. M P. M Suuburv-™. .lvt > 45j 5 1 III; 5b 48 II 925 Lewlsburg ... ar 10 lr>l 1 4RJ ti 18 ■Milton 10 in 1 1 sul ti la 'J 8(1 wniiamsr,oit.." f unit] a 301 7 Oft 10 -vi Lock Haven....' 115(1 3 4t;J 8(11 Reno TO " A. M.I 4 p 800 Kane " j 9 1" p M.I p. M Leek Haven...lv {l3 10 13 45 Bellelonte arl tut 444 Tyrone •• a 15 ti to Fnlllpabnrg...." 4 as| nan clearileld '• 5(7 808 Pittsburg •• j tits 11 to I A.M. P. M. P. M. l P *1 sunbury lv, . 11 50 { 1 f.51 1 as: 5 8 aft llarilsourg ar lisc ! 3 au: 6 ,Y,, lines p. M.I P. M.I P. M.J A. v, Philadelphia .ar 1 3 ou| II 6 3 110 ao E 4so Baltimore " 311 torn r9 4ft oas Washington •• 4 i"i 17is 1 110 fs| 740 A. M.I P. M. Stinbury lv 510 05 5 aas P. M.I lewlstown Jcar 1 05j i 4 S3 Pittsburg' "sti 55 ill 3t | A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M narrlsbutg lv 111 45 13 80 17 3a 510' JO P. M. 1 A. M. 1 A, M Pittsburg ..ar ti 55i ill 30 1 a 00' 15 39 5 Weekdays. Dally, r King station | P. M.I P. M.| A. M.I A. M Pittsburg lv 1 Blf 18 10 13.0 IMI IA. M. A. 11. ! P. M. Harrlsbuig or i 3 30 I 3 3u 110 03 13 1* A. M. A. 11. Pittsburg lv j I .... t8 00 p. 11. Lewlstown Jc." t 7 30 t 3 05 sunbury ar| t 9 8| t 5 00 IP. M.| A. M. A. M. A. M \Vnslilngton....lv' 110 40 1 t 7 so) tin 5* Baltimore " ill 50t I 4 .'5 t s 501 lis uo Philadelphia.. " >ll aoj 1 4 3'> is 30J ria at IA. M.I A. M. A. M. I'. M. narrisrmrg lv J M .13 II 805 til 4nl t1 Oa Sunbup' or I B 051 I 9 40 1 lU| t5 40 P. M.| ' A. M.I A. M Pittsburg lv -5 100 1 53 30 58 00 Clearileld "I 4 00, I 931 Pillllpsburg.. I 4 511J 10 13 Tyrone... " 7 ll| 1 8 10l 13 30 Hell.'fonte " , 831 i j 0 38i 14* Lock Haven., or! 0 30J 1030 a tti P. M.I A. M. A. M. P. M. Erie lv I 4 3'ij .... Kate " 1 7 sftl .. ..Its arl - Kenoio '• i 11 in| t 0 401 in 3"| Lock 11aven...." 1155 t7 33 lias !3 oc I A. M.I I P. M ! willlainsport.." lasoj 18 ao tiaisl 4oc Milton '• 140 11 18 187 j 45a Lewlst'Urg " 9 05 1 15 4 47 Sunbury nrj a Ctij 9 45: 156 SSO A. M. A. M. p. yt. r. M Sunbury lv, tti 10J 1 9 raj t S tic t5 4 S. Danville " ti 38 10 17 s 21 no Cutawlssa " 054 10 35 j 237 0 3 K. Hlonmsburg" Via I 10 43; 213 0 3 Espy Ferry " ' Hock j tin 47 a 47 t0 3 Creasy " 1 Glen. I 10 to l 255 04 Nescopeck ... ar| 8 07j 11 lu 310 0 5 A. M.I A. M.j P. M. p. M. Nescopeck lv; j til 10 14 16 t7 C 5 Hock arJ t7 19 11 35 4 401 781 Fern Glen "j 7 471 11 43 410 737 Tomlilcken " 7 5s 11 541 4 65 7 41 p. M. I Ilnzleton " | Ran 12 181 sln 80$ Pottßvllle. "| 11 3oj aosj oas A M. A, M.I P. M. P. M. Nescopeck D t 3 071 111 10 t3 in t0 59 Wapwullopcn.ur 8 181 11 S3 319 709 Mocanaqua,... •* 82M 11 321 3 so! 721 Nantlcoke " s 48- 11 54 350 74* P. M Plym'th Ferry" fßt>o la oa 4 m 75* Wllkesbarre...." u or., 12 10! 110 800 A. M P. M P. M. P. M Pltrston® iH) art 9 411 tl2 49 t4 52 t8 * Be ran ton " "| 10 111 1 lei 5 sol 9 t Weekdays. I Dally, f Flag station. Pullman Parlor and Sleeping Cars run 0 through trains between sunbury, Wtlllamspor and Erie, between sunbury and Philadelphia aud Washington and betweenUarrlsburg, Pitts burg and the west. For rurtber luJormatlon apply to Ticket Ageuts. J U. III'TCHINSON. J. K WOOD. Gen'l. Manager. Gen. l'asn, Agt. 1 Reading Uaihvay Engines Burn Hard Coal—No b.iiose In effect July 1, 1898. TRAINS LEAVE BLOOMSBUKG For New York. Philadelphia, Heading Potli vine, Tamaqua, weekday- 11.30 a. m. For WllUamßport, weekdays, 7.50 a. m„ 3.40 p m. For Danville and MUton, weekday?, 7.30 a. m. 3.40. For Carawlsea weekdays 7.30, a. tn., 18 20, 3.40, 5.00 ti SO, p. 11l For Rupert weekdays7.3o,B.3B 11,30 a.m., 12.20, 3.40, y.on, 0.30, p. in. For Baltimore, Washington and the West vl* B. A o. K. H., through trains leave Beading Ter minal, Philadelphia, 3.20, 7.65, 11,26 a. m., T4 7.27, p. m. tsundavs 3.20. 7.5.5 u.36 a. in., 3.46. 7.87, p. m. Additional trains from 24 and Chestnut street station, weekdays, 1.55, 5.41 8.23 p. m. Sundays, 1.35, 8.23 p. m. TRAINS FOR BLUGMSBURG Leave New York via Philadelphia 8.00 a m., and via Easton M.lOa. m. Leave Philadelphia 10.21 a. m. Leave Reading 2.15 p. m. Leave Pot'svllle 12.811 p. m. Leave Tamaqua 1.49 p. tn.. Leave Wllllamsport A-eckdays 10.00 a m, 4.30 p m. Loavecarayvissa weekdays, 7.00,8.209.10 a. tn. 1.30 3 40, 608 Leave Rupert, weekdays, 7.08, 8.28,9.18 11.61 a. in., 1.38 3.60. 6.at. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. In effect Oct. 4,1898. Leave Philadelphia, chestnut Street, vrhar and South Street, wharf for Atlantic city. WKKk-nAYS—Express, 9.10 a. m., 2.00 4.00, 5.00 p.m. Accem., 8.00 a. m., 6.30 p.m. SUNOAYS— Express, 9.U9, lu.oo a. m. Accotn., 8.00 a in., 4.4S p. m. Leave Atlantic City, depot,,: Wsbk-DAYS — Express, 7.35, 900 a. m., 3 80, 5.30 p. m. Ao com., H. 16 a. in., 4.05 p.m. SUNDAYS— Express. 4.00, 7.30 n, m. Aecom., 7 15>. m., 4 15 p. m. For Cnpe May, Sen Isle city and ocean City. Weekdays—9.oo am , additional tor Cape May, 4 15 p. in., for Sea Isle city, 5.00 p .m., for Oceaa city. 4.15, 5.00 p. m. Sundays—chestnut street, 9.15 a. m.. South street, 9.00 a. m. Parlor ears on all express trains. I. A. BWEIGAHD, EDSON J. WEEKS, Oen'l Supt. Gen'l Pass. Agt. STEADY INCOME &?S.°Kft *2S per week. Either sex. I'll start yo in the Mall Order Business, day or evening. No peddling. jl. YOUNG, 303 Henry St., 10-12-ltd Brooklyn, N. T.
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