4 |j)tt ESTABLISHED 1866. tfihe (Columbia gcmorrnt, ESTABLISHED 18S7. CONSOLIDATED 1869. PUBLISHED SVBHY THURSDAY MOKNINU Bloomsbui a;, the County sent of Columbia County, Pennsylvania. GEO. E. ELWELL EDITOR. D. .1. TASKEK. LOCAL EDITOR. GEO. (S. KOAN, FOREMAN. TERMS: —Inside the county Jl.OOayearln ad vance; $1.50 It not paid In advance Outside ttto county, $1.25 a year, strictly In advance. All communications should be addressed to THE COLUMBIAN. Bloomsburg, Pa. THURSDAY, NOVUM ISKR IO,_I_S 9 S._ Stone is elected Governor by about 100,000 plurality. The Republican majority in the next Congress will be about 12. France and England are attracting considerable interest at present. France is making all sorts of prepara tions for war, but she won't fight. She is too well aware of England's strength for that. There is a gain of six Democratic Congressmen in this state, the success ful candidates being Barber in the Bth district, Davenport in the 12th, Ryan in the 13th, Polk in the 17th, Sibley in the 27th, and Hall in the 28th. President McKinley has issued the annual Thanksgiving proclamation, fixing Thursday, November 24, as the day for its observance. Those who honor his observance—and few Ameri can citizens do not—should not fail to read the short enumeration of the things we are to be thankful for con tained in the President's proclama tion. This will do for a beginning. Then, if every American will spend the next four weeks recalling the things for which he should personally give thanks the day will be celebrated this year with more than usual fervor. The proclamation has been made early enough to give every household ample time for all necessary prepara tions, and with so much time to get ready and so many reasons for giving thanks the American people should celebrate the day in a manner to make it a celebration long to be remember ed. THE ELECTION. Columbia County Democracy has honored itself by giving a good old time majority for the Democratic candidate for Governor. For some years past the majorities have been small, owing to factional fights that have unfortunately existed, to the detriment ot the party. But this year we give Jenks a ijajority of 2117 over Stone. This is oning very largely to the splendid organization effected bv County Chairman McHenry and Secretary R. G. F. Kshinka, and their efficient corps of assistants. Never before has there been so much work done at Democratic headquarters as this year. Chairman McHenry has given much valuable time to the duties of his position, and to his intelligent management the result of the election is largely due. Every Democratic candidate on the county ticket, and every district nom'nee is elected. In the matter of the Judgeship there was an element of the party working against the nominee, and in the congressional contest the power of money was brought to bear against the success of Mr. Polk, but notwithstanding this, the party was united, a big vote was polled, and these candidates elected. The congressional district is wrested from the hands of the Republicans who have held it for the past four years, and this certainly is a victory for which we ought to be thankful. Let us keep up the good work started by Chairman McHenry, and the dis trict will not be taken from us again. Results not in the Election Table, Watkins, People's party for Lieut Governor, had votes as follows : Greenwood W. 4 Bloom 2nd. dist. 3 Bloom Ist., 3rd, 4th Briarcreek, Catawissa, and S. W. Conyngham, 2 each 12 Benton twp , Berwick N. E., Berwick N. YV., Centralia 2nd., Fishingcreek E, Jackson, Montour, and Scott E. 1 each. 8 Total, 2 j Logan, People's party, for Secretary of Internal Affairs, had 1 vote in each of the following: Benton two., Berwick N. E., Bloom Ist, 2nd, 3rd, 4t.-, Catawissa Boro., Conyngham W. N, and S. W. and Jackson, and 2 in Change. Barnes, Thomas and Peters, Social ist Labor candidates, had 1 vote in Benton township ad Catawissa Boro. Huston, Peoples' party, had 24 votes scattered around. Jot nso n had 9 votes. Root, Socialist Lai/jr, had 4, and Munro had 2. Guss andqhaw, Liberty party, each had 1 vote L the county. J. B. Knittle, independent canc:_ date for Assembly, had 28 votes it. the county, 18 of which were cast in Catawissa borough. COUNTY MAJORITIES. The following are the majorities given for Democratic candidates in Columbia County at last Tuesday's election : GOVERNOR. Jenks 4784 Stone 2667 Jenks' majority 2117 CONGRESS. Polk 4767 Woodin 3584 Polk's majority 1183 JUDGE. Little 4688 Scarlet 3434 Little's majority 1254 STATE SENATOR. GOCHRAN 4835 Culver 2738 Cochran's majority 2097 District Majorities- Mr. Polk is elected to Congress by the following majorities : Columbia, 1183 Montour, 1107 Sullivan, 209 2499 Woodin's majority in Northumberland is 270 Polk over Woodin 2229 Robert R. Little Esq., is elected President Judge. His majority in this county is 1254. James Scarlet Esq., carries Montour by a majority of 539, leaving Mr. Little a majority in the district of 715. J. Henry Cochran is re-elected State Senator by the following majori ties : Columbia, 1556 Montour, 718 Sullivan, 197 Lycoming, 3141 Majority over Culver 5612 Creasy, 4602 Chrisman, 4470 McKillip, 3208 Goldsworthy, 2829 Creasy over McKillip, 1394 Chrisman over McKillip, 1262 1 Facts About Porto Eico. Porto Rico is an island 95 miles long and 35 miles wide, containing 3,668 square miles—about half the size of New Jersey. Vieque, an island 13 miles east of Porto Rico, is 21 miles long and six miles wide. The population is 930,000 of which 300,- 000 or more aie negroes, and 90,000 native Spaniards. Vieque has 6,000 inhabitants. The principal cities are San Juan (30,000,) Ponce (13,000,) Mayaguez (20,000,) Aguadilla (5,000,) Areci'oo (7,000,) Fajardo (9,000,) Naguabo (2,000,) and Arroyo (1,200). There are 470 miles of telephone lines and 137 miles of railroads, with 170 miles under construction. The land along the coasts and in the valleys is generally level and fertile. The moun tain ranges contain some gold, copper, lead and coal. Porto Rico's climate is semi-tropical, but generally healthful. There is little yellow fever and few other contagious diseases, despite bad sanitary conditions in the cities. San Juan, the principal harbor, is 1,420 miles from New Yoik, 1,190 miles from Charleston, S. C., 1,200 miles from Tampa, Fla., and 1,000 miles from Key West, Fla. For Trespassers- The time of the year is here when farme' and tracker is almost at his wits ends to keep gunners and tres passers off his premises. Fruit and nuts are considered common property by many people who are considered honest in other matters, and the gun ner thinks a well laden chestnut tree as having been placed in his way to requite him for the failure to bag the buzzing quail or the bounding rabbit. In this connection it might be well to remind the thoughtless that the law aginst trespassing provides that all persons wilfully taking and carrying away fruit, vegetables, plants, fruit or ornamental trees, vines or shrubs are liable to a fine not exceeding SSO, and an imprisonment not exceeding sixty days. 01 Interest to Poultry Baisers. An lowa farmer, studying econo my, mixed sawdust with the corn meal fed to the chickens. It work ed so well that he gradually re duced the quantity of meal, until the ration was all sawdust. About this time a white hen stole her nest, and, after reposing three weeks on thirteen eggs, she came oft with twelve wooden-legged chickens and One woodpecker. It is said that the Galland Bros, underwear factories at Pittston, are working on a $90,000 contract for | Jftin Wanamaker. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG. P* Mrs- Mary Pane Kosborough- Tis fallen to us to chronicle the death of Mrs. Mary Faus Rosborough of Bowen, Colorado, who went to her rest on the 28th day of October, 1898. Mary Faus, daughter of W. P. and Anna Faus of Pine township was born December 14th, 1863. Under the teaching and influence ot a home, where the "lowly Man of Nazareth," is enthroned as ruler and King, Mary grew up in "the fear and admonition of the Lord." At an early age, she entered more fully into that "abun dant life," and united herself with the M. E. Church at Wesley Chapel, Waller Charge. By her diligence and her thirst for better things, she fitted herself for teaching in public schools which she did efficiently for several years throughout the county. On the Bth August 1894, she was unit ed in marriage to Mr. Calvin Rosbor ough of Bowen, Colorado, with whom she lived, loved, and labored until the Master said : "It is enough, come up higher." As a teacher she was loved of her students ; as a friend and associate, agreeable, obliging and kind ; as a Christian worker she was zealous, ac tive, progressive ; as a true character, virtuous, pure, good ; as a soul meet for heaven : God took her. A memor ial service was held in Wesley Chapel of the Waller Charge, Friday Nov. 4th. The large gathering, and the tearful eyes of the many who were present, was the best expresston, of the es teem in which Mrs. Rosborough was held. Her sorrowing parents, brothers and sisters have our heartfelt sym pathy. The Lord sustain and keep them. R. J. A. Court Proceedings. Court convened Monday at ten o'clock a. m., with President Judge Grant Herring and Associate J. U. Kurtz on the bench. Geo. S. Miller was appointed inspec tor of election of Mifflin twp., to fill vacancy caused by T. E. Aten being in jail. Bond of Lloyd Bomboy trustee for sale of real estate of Isabella Bomboy, deceased approved. Emnia Metherell vs. Thomas Meth erell, Divorce decreed. Bond of Administrator of YVm. H. Yetter, late of Bloomsburg, deceased, approved. Thomas Jones appointed Inspector of election ol 4th district in Blooms burg to fill vacancy caused by resigna tion of John Tracy. Estate of Mary P. Wolf, deceased. Partition. Rule to dismiss proceed ings. On motion and argument it is submitted to Hon. H. M. McClure for opinion. Adjourned to Thursday November 10th at two p. m. An exchange warns its readers against being entrapped by the wiles of a slick swindler who is working farmers and boarding house keepers in the western part of the State. The swindler calls himself Thompson and he says he is a mill ionaire. According to the Greens burg Tribune he is a fraud of the first water and neglects to pay for his boarding and lodging. When Mr. Thompson arrived at Greens burg he went to the county clerk's office and deposited in the vault there an Adatns express company receipt which showed on the face that he had sent $50,000 to the treasury at Washington, D. C. Then lie went into the country roundabout and began offering fab ulous prices for farms, several of which were sold to him —on paper. He boarded wit.' a Mrs. Kroft, of Ligonier, and afterward with a Mrs. Collinstvood, of Greensburg, to whom he is said to have exhibited $44,000 in currency. His actions were quite peculiar and he invaria bly slept with a revolver under his pillow and when sitting in his boarding house kept one 011 a chair beside him. Suddenly he left Greensburg without paying any of his board bills and without taking along his alleged valuable receipt. Your friends may smile But that tired feeling Means danger. It Indicates impoverished And impure blood. This condition may Lead to serious illness. It should be promptly Overcome by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, Which purifies and Enriches the blood, Strengthens the nerves, Tones the stomach, Creates an appetite, And builds up, Energizes and vitalizes The whole system. Be sure to get Only Hood's. The 1 Combination •of * Good • Qualities M, AND LITTLE PROFITS ™ is what we are looking after. Willi WINTER STOCK |g fi iPtl-Jfp will be found second to none for ' ; Jfjf W quality and price. Our Stock is Complete, §|lt\ llf with a handsome line of jfl I? -*! Ml # BPICBATBGS <#l IPOIR, ZE3O3T3 1 OZEHLIDIRCEIfcT ITEW, ITEiiT -A-IsnD OTOE, AT TOWNSEND'S Star Clothing House Constable Fees. The constables ot the state, of which ' there is an army, are awaiting with the greatest concern the decision of the Supreme Court in a case which has just been argued at Pittsburg. It in volves the question of whether a con stable is entitled to 50 cents for each witness subpoenaed, regardless of how many names are on a printed form, or whether he is only entitled to 50 cents for serving the entire paper. According to old hunters, the largest deer that was ever killed on the North Mountain was shot by a party of hunters from Harveyville Thursday. It weighed 240 pounds dressed. The Canton Fair Association this year came out $250, behind actual expenses. Only 50 cents on the dollar will be paid out in premiums. ISAAC LONG, 73 and 75 Public Square, Wilkes Barre, I'd. Samples of Everything That can be sampled if you'll send a post card request. All that may be told about what can not be sampled is yours, if you ask. Hadn't you better try us ? Pop Sin Plaids 50c. This only one of the favorite fabrics for this fall's wear that has lecently come to us at reduc ed prices. You'll find nothing commonplace about these mo derate priced stuffs—a very de cided cord with plaided color tones and interwoven checks of silk. It looks worth a dollar a yard. But if your tastes run to a finer and wider quality here it is in all the wearable tones of green, blue, red and brown. These might be $1.25 if we ask as others, but here at 98c the yard. Send for samples. At One Dollar. A very good value of Colored Duchess Satin worth talking about. A satin especially good for waists. There are twelve colorii gs to choose from. The fabric is alt silk, and honest silk too. We used to get $1.25 but the concern which made these overreached the retailers' de mand, so we bought quantities at a lower price and sell at a dollar a yard. Send for samples. New Sash Curtaining. Quaint ideas, filmy nets, sheer Swisses-solid, substantial, wash able stuffs all. That's the class ot curtain goods by the yard, that are gathered here. And we have knowledge of the sort that's best for parlor, best for library, best for dining room, or best for bed room ; and we tell you the best way to use them. Helpful store this. Send for samples. Address Mail Order Department. ISAAC LONG, 73 and 75 Public Square, . Wilkes-Barre, Pa. A STORE AND A SCHOOL A 9tore that gathers the greatest stock of merchandise, a school for styles and beauty, to which you arc always welcome, and which asks no fee. Roam through it, stay as long as convenient, come again and again. There is no obligation on your part. On our part, we promise yon that no one will ask you to buy. If you Lave any needs to fill, and can resist the beauties of the Autumn Merchandise, which have been gathered for you, it will be be cause you are not ready to buy. Shoes. We know no other store that carries so many shapes, so many widths and sizes,so many styles, and we are in a position to know. Part of our business that. If you knew half as much about shoes as we, the shoe store would fill your every want. Women's Wraps. The crisp Autumn air has re doubled the demand for outer garments everywhere. The snappy styles, the unusual gath ering of all that's new and good, coupled with the little prices, has trebled the interest here. We call attention to our $ 10.00 All-Wool Kersey Jackets, lined with Satin, made in the newest shape, and in all the new colors. Furniture. Manufacturers need the money. A chance for us and for you. So fine an assortment of bedroom sets and sideboards, at so low a price, is new to this town. Consider yourself fortu nate to be asked to share in the saving. Bedroom Sets, from $14.95 to $50.00. Sideboards, from $12.35 to $35.00 each. Dress Goods. A splendid assortment, surely. How many varied sorts are here only the women who know this Dress Goods Store can tell. Not an old pattern, not a plug-ugly F. P. Pursel. SURPRISING TO SEE! How fast we are selling our New Stock of Fall and Winter Goods. Pretty Styles and Low Prices does it. o Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, from $5.00 up. Ladies' Coats, Capes, Separate Skirts. Coats for misses and children. In this line our stock is large. Prices low. Ladies' Fur Collarettes, from 52.00 up. Our sales in Shoes increases daily. Ladies' Fine Shoes, from 79c. up. Gents' Fine Shoes, from 98c. up. Good Calicoes, 3c. Good Muslin, 3jc. Our stock of Underwear is complete. We handle the celebrated Leather brand .Stockings for ladies, misses and boys. Corsets, for 24c. up. Our Grocery Department is improving daily—adding new goods at better prices. Our whole stock is complete and prices always right. It will pay you to see our goods before you buy. Bioomsburg Stare Co., Limited. Corner Main and Centre Sts. ALFRED McHENRY, M'cX lin the stock. We call attention Ito our Poplin at 42c., worth I more—and the grades, at 75c. : the yard, are not equalled in \ town. | The hundreds of neat, pretty effects, we show you as low as 25c. the yard, and up to SI.OO. 1 You can't help but go away , from our store well pleased that you bought your dress here. Some Bargains j FOR THE NEXT to DAYS, j We will put on sale Wednesday ; morning, and sell for 10 days, or as long as they last, a lot'of ! Simpson's Grey Calico at 3c. a yard Quantity, limited. .! 1000 yards of light and dark Outing Flannel, in pieces that : have from 10 to 20 yards in | them, the quality we have al | ways sold at Bc. the yard, and j not a bad style in the lot. They i go at sc. the yard at this sale. j 500 yards of Outing, same that we are selling at 10c. the j yard. All good styles. We sell ' at Bc. the yard. A lot of twilled Red Flannel, ' all wool, worth 20c. the yard. , We will sell at 15c. Bleached Muslin, we think as j good as Hill's, 10 yards at 52c. J Heavy Unbleached Muslin,as good as Applcton A, 10 yards at j 50c. Good, fine, Unbleached Muslin, 10 yards at 35c. Best Unbleached Muslin, 10 yards at 50c. Canton Flannel, worth 10c., we will sell at 7c. a yard.
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