Mil The heaver Alva. .telktfirtlirtiV.ll.; Sepiesuirlll, UMW • -a . Grant. . mml;;;l;mmam !ME GE • tor sionTocateukri. tl4, oft. SURVEYOR .GENERAL *NW 106114 e 011:00. 1111 4 'MUSTY. „„ , .?OE coopusto, • cipT.Jossen DoNlqw. Of C, qoanty. • , , L. .--Ant Tlithatel N1C1191430N. • . /L J. VAN& ,RK. .4„ J OUR FIN' (MON TOL moisulfted -Atitetcanr• ' • J. rpm oommassibmink ~”` • DAVID W. SCOTT, . sox comirrevitywron. ' • /L. DICKEY.- , . PUN • jr,o4 AUp TON; . jiILLIAM. THOMAS. ' ion cenoNgs. , WILLIAM BARIV 23. YOA Titarr ler it,tMLIIT, t . , talfUEnitAtroiNr. . wait ril MIME M 4as 4„m EET I N G ! 'Another Day to Your 00 i 1 0/7 The 'Boob&Edit 'of: BeaTer, eottniy are eintesttr'*tlestedPl*44lfaB4 Mee UPS to 'Solver, , ' WZDNISDAY, Sept. 1.3 d, 11389. • The followinitibiitingebbed, persons will •• be present to stldreesi the people Ott ibeissogs thelicklbygi• ' 1.• •• lifi, oV. • aisv isakin M rOmx.iifay. • ovo 11PCILlthe .011teepiceilhent gentlemeitirtiFt a dpit ance Altel4oo bees bsitettb be:l,ivith:'us' en the . . ocession: Otle, como all , . Itarosatoas MaiFinoia iilll be h e l d st .the (.' *Willg radii it, the thaw isankst's : • Al Darlingtoniteptilllth; at 1 o'clock; ; nt, • .At r!drvir.,iePL ltd;: ',o'clock P. *ialtry; SOL s l7 3i "It M ftt New. SheMeldo344,lBth, 14 .1 o'clock ..A• • , AtlefOgt4;l l a SCfril,of pule, Independence tio; bit 9th; 181113,-aill3iridoct P. &Wale spesiusts Will the people iatt#ie Moo* phtoes, who will be,annonneal ,hereafter; Other meetings will be hereafter Mitsistmsiti at other points' in' the county. Ily mist of the Cot,Baocutise Com. • , HIM, Chairman. Mr • PikiggluroiTeit*lvania,i vote for the )*Octitt ki ticket in October is a vote to tax :7010%,Ownlitrnis. ` Read the fOurth resolution Trak. '• , „ Taht oirdh*ry exppi,iscis of tbe Government roi ebb:p k itte go l year werw a hundred and tortriiialnillionsofdellars. eiA reduction has • • been nude In the iiipiopriatlnne. fur the pre& Int tear from one hanared pnd forty-el: to nikle‘nongmWtpus. Jf.nd yet It ' charged 'that the• — thinnenkl admtnist ruttoi of the Re ' publfcansii blghly eirtievagent,l lAnt.:,G: A.' Wow Lind Col 4. K, 3r glue wilt be gireleneit• the Ifjiii:oneeting in Bea ' •fies. on 314 c Nitt4Wlol4. Irina Avant to Itenr ', f i ned speakers, turn odl and listen, to thew. • .„f.*„ J. 8., Aim:want 'of Pittaburgb, heretofore. one of the nuisirprorainentßomo• i , mate otthat city, end iril() was only two years " ago 110:1,) , MneoratIC Mindidatelor Congress in 14 . 40Acte - has CO= out within the past k* dip for Grant and ColGis. 'Hominid net:go Seymour end Blair, but `cin , the other hand wtll woe ail hsa energy and influence fondle :..,B t epitbAcan nmolisms and the peseettid quiet: „ which their election will brihg. Ben., Oen terVaccession to our party' will hi worth a Largo number cif votes in Alfeglirny.iionnty Riminimut• the - count"?' Mess Meeting In, thes place on 28rdor134tembee. ".Attend it jelthout the lergeet •meeting ttei held In Beaier eotteith nnlen the eredth.' er proves bad. ' ,lionvrio SHY/JOWL was chairman, of, . National Dentocratic d'onvention, *hich, -Chioagerntlee , t, declared the war to be a" idnre, and aallee for - cioniPronl,lse and-sur render. nelferhpolOgned for hlSOirt o that infamous white-feather gathering, nor Lad the Democratic party 'tier Cfliciaily-Or otherwharretnictee this ' ofreAliire slur on the • hritrerY,ead efficiency of thei*olunteoranny.. tiililla rs, remember this, man neit',Norent- petritnnon ex4joi. Curtin, and a „, ?mat efother - diatiiiguialied;ientlemen from abread.will beat the - Maas inefitleg tit Beaver on;tbeAltrd of Septtintior. Let the, people o[, bia,cruintr tarn omen maw teat* and hear, eridnent men. , , d Remit) Haiti of ' Beefier and vicinity bad a &hot* 4,l***lo o a is the - CIT# ,/k/ 1 1 1, 0 bo l 'ooo Tweday . eveningetbst 444 , Ttio room was cm*ded byeirned, uttelligent :.:_entactbse ilepublicans as it has leldomevee r 40621 °merlin& Weir: The ' w4ldest; ienthnbl' Was manifested on the toitedliet. ~411 /Iffiro delivered by &near Tafilir, of this • AIM Tbll l . 8 B. Swope, of tlearlleld 'own- Mei Niohnienti of. Frankfort spans. Tim speeches of ill 'wereii . squi Moodie delivered Mr: Itrviper wit thaigood: 7 It Welt ananhnoutly re ed by • thoseltrho ; hed4 kis otio of the best pond delleenid hi' this place. e loi:meneoßer. sad a dee owner, iirried Idi audiewillsAMs al will; and 111 / 1 1( 114 MTh* ode boas end bol(lbny•were loth to permit him ta:teaet., and many of tbes" expressed wlllinigness legate" to him all night sf be would but go on: . This of course hevontd - not do: '4 ni l this,con,in-, simt oflrr.ificholam's speetli•ths indica°. saweilmee cheue for Grant,. adVolfax t alm thisilidJourned. That'll is rolling ob.; ' +~ -+~ Y s , Ir any' person is se silly as to Wave that the freedmen of the South would be honestly dealt with and tenderly cared ibr by their old .._ - . beg await° look at what 'transpired, In the Georgia Legislature • last week. Under the -••- . s. ''' tied ... la - ' : 11 04 -'.. ;I.'. o A i :. .' . etrii • =,= .r 0 ... • f , ' ~ .1 ,: t.. 1 p - 1 ,-..- -APJ ....f these regulations akeilicks eitinioo4ern Mates - toted it the . ' • . ..-''...,•-• „ - en-kag . stonvesttiony mid mho 4 .. •I were chosen to y Igl !' 4 . filth tea _Quite a number were] • • . . .- ..... . ~; MigleliiikirT ;' 4 iiiit State . ifiliki4Mlop for some time Peet Wintailibitit.444oy4!vkied political- ly. Surtlie itlarktifikirind out "coup , le of itteklithiAiikOtte 411,we which they lekcl ealltelF,P4titiliiellolo4 would be liitVikbi l be~ ol o.o 9. Tbetibenr foremadegliptbedt . '4**4ooel enough of them n_ , 11#4. enable them illii, e'o l lf ' " ittied` 49; and forthwith ...tyot, pdhititives 'lore elect @dfketi;tliiil . siii *tad ordrced to go bailie. - Li liiild4be t tiiricObr of the State iii),#eted. l r. Niilukt : itiheideo hiliand their t 4 1 h45 . 115 ,,,_ ; 1 1i ,ti e , f h tAd 44 -'44Y' r :iilfbar*lielealad. I iduci - thieemc !Alva, that! •. C;si rebels were Ithemselves..ther ItrOnivii ‘ sroiee pr vote In tkilliwintakingt eipiAiiinsi t eeocorglii. Thy hid blitik iditillatiff*til • hearte,. and I these: were morethap,*ffilte. Araftiini conlOttand; 0.44 4sPelled them freiti l tiestYie*hich *Ler were leirdVelld itlid iiiitiinially'elected.! Suppose thitiOilyill; blacks would bave•bed• the majmiej , ' to, dit stKyed impelled 23 dislor at white mettiiberatit t,l4Georgia Legislature, what attowVwritirbeen inked . by the rebels and theti:' . 1441swrir all over ,the country? it al ' lirith tlion'ttpon Whose ox is goirml.):lrkiraitgli-ltemded move in Geor gia thaw teh#4l,o - ph,Qwlo twin& every where that it* inVitive• driver of Georgia has about as mucVt!Odefiiessiort,the negm - as the wolf has for4helamii; • akto more and no less. - Oun Dedicicratifi:FeWheld mteting in the Court HoiukiOn ; b.itWediiislay evening. We T were pot prima, hntliall been informed that the Court ri*'ivits tint y, *nit half Ai led,: and of theee'thiii werei peOsent quite ca pumber'beldhig6A Xthejtepublicau prima , alma Skeelies were delivered by M6Srs. A. 3fillaon am% E. , The speak ers are laid to 'hitiii'liva l ded!! all the way through. They' eing gekup uo 'relearn," and eati result, ai their ,hearers were as- cold as Tbe mertlug pleased 'hi Democratii hArthou'lliAd L Th e Itepubileatis who were Rresont at thepine. _ , ' ' litoritimes Last ILegtet. The CO* illip4setivvi(ibe rebel Dem• octats at the,publkt debtis Vie' best way to prepare the public mind ibriepildiation. And this is precisely` llorapc. Seymour meant vi,lien*wri.4o '404 friepd Colin M. Ingersoll,, of Connecticut, the letter which, printakeeently, is important en'Oday serve i *onion In our eoliumns : . • ITTffe.a. JQYY 1 24, 1868. Xy . I have not been able until this moment to an =Lair kind latter ,of thedBth inst.. / saltt a kiOthiese ef imitriends. But Vie7;:epluttidinsillgo et sou of troubles.. 4 do not knoto Ad caitalssjoalgo Malady rhat l'ani Oahe ht, ..rshati aid Ai ;best Jean. I see the Ripubl cos &re i t:34l;oo dodge the financial Ise!** and ' al* the,, election into a 11104 personal; cuittert... - Our papers must not alliWq.bheitX7**Atilker,.. a lll - 7htf_Set time I- hope yon win 013 an yep me. Mr. Seyintnit johurbelik asking you to give our respects to Mrs. Ingerioll. I shall be glad to hear Stun you at *4 Truly , yours, ' , • . HORATIO LIRTMOUR. MM. C. M . . Inge!t(4l,,Hew Haten, Conn. Which, tranalated into Pinta ki,i,elth, melt* do not discuss the reliellioli,or my part as its agent and sympathizer; but exaggerate the debt and the taxes, eindso !Wing our national honor into, (liscvidki; %t'd , make repudiation Tho. lOW cornmeal,!is sigitifictott resp-eta, and full' material for this view of perbaiwthe most alarming. t , . • t,' r • RiCKlßLicAltd`Y attiii3l46itteletial meetings. Quite a number of loci . loneettnie have been ot.dorial 'bit the county , ;centiittee.. Among these AC may,. Attention those appointed at I)arlingtori, Fairview; inthistry • New Shot MoCkgttei'iSehObl house. , Let evezy bod,y , ti% to attend then;.,.„Turn out in your AgArpf, m ,youfatirisges,ozotiorseback and 'OO root, .fln4 Lasko Such a demoniikation as was' PA fascia !in • thew wend localities becore. : ;l:rphpya and at sheen.. , t Mir, NeW York Bun, 1111101 a perhaps, the fairest minded Democrat . tepaper In the city, can't staid vrtAtipsii..; Vim is 41'!Itacom inpritititpottFmnit,a position :(• ,i! , •Bou, Wank:Blair has 'ivrittCir to a man dolin South tosay ' that , invine 'contemptible carPot-bageditOrhas•atimdered him. ‘`.l have 1 no,ver made," says the- General,,.. "any such A:atom/tau hcattribateh to mt. On the con tisq• i.*Uforthat policy !hich alone can give, peace to the country:" , , 1 This is published as a cprreetive for the , °fleet cif,Bot celebrated Broadhead letter, but it hardly .tioesul to cover the ea*. In that lek, [ter GenAllair said : "There is' but one way to , tliiiii9rortitit Onittanwint arsitbe Constititv kr 2 4l7 l :l t tl i t it trii.the iuld P v r t tli t de c n o t . l ; t tli to e do- - r. LOA% ce de s to :. uth, dii:. perse the orpot-17,• 'State. ; tioventments, allz) ltnr, theyrhite pee e• to reorganize their own Oe'verrimeitts, an elect Beaetora and Repro d'.l 'sentatives. • The own -oflielmisontativet will eoptrkts • to Ow ot•Detnocrats arms the North. anti t y will admAttheacpresen tatives elect9l,,by . i tlus,,whito.Tovio of the, SOuth,m4litith MO, eo-aperadoli of We Pees-, Meat tt inil. 'Apt be, difficult do. asapsl the o IPott o courn _t9. l ol l o l t PoOe morn to the Obligation t the t e lret.l' `• -, . , f.: • , 2 .. Ma 'ant isirigh;Ali ii!eir,or this hitter, for 4104. Shinto„ aWlarethat heis for q ponit to of Pali* 1, p Votaing th e eitethig State ;Gor ; emcee= or the Sonth,hy arroottrosoo is not ream Bettie mode State thantltosomand th ellt 4 boVihfigidted Of*, : 1) ,Y•4 1 1430 pp pUlaritsilsine" is, Heil, ~ diquillang as embers of , -Ma le 4 prolatdouves adOd Who have beet e "" 404thi r -to k w . anti whoiq 'the la* Ark y iscloag s from; rittotberstril t is not ifotts), t hen fieruite;V• tow ,Ine of OA- is aqtPirity the knpqN t 4 Worth, to those 0 1 011 Use dLairwhoPaild to 'Suction thian, la not pies.; All Ow* Ittkiisoredoh; *limb bootsßhdr - propans; to'dO Wert 1q Aire done. are t. an otpeacti hat 4' yak LVho in v w moo of th e first and lailtlif Medi ht I tint thane Of eratftdi'llkiody rfor a thattwatdd ;editor (AV ersui 'to ,mu : snaky than u lna ter 111 or boa* Antacid tif,Ottrgetrand.h . cannot see two in nrach wi t F o e Apr *Ai understandings. 7 ' The . mule of the oxintry ilea it ;tiny cies y; 4 - 4 - 4111 ii, , aßtianstlimeantrtilielakierii - width,* Say Mier them will•'serene impose bttt to reakel OHM' doubt •Ida' demi' y 'and 'ciet9ail his' !Instal courage.; •; - . • - 1•• '. - 1 ; . ; ; ; liEl Grand Xew liirlighton—Processielit le a ' RIIO Long—Del "Mei p%Ua, AMA" 0316.411'e, largest and meetusgitbat was ever I took ilaoe In that town DOOD delegations Ikoollo MON 1/0011,11 Into the I weeded In gettang tl I t eadway, about 1 o'cloe through the . prlnat hilt Wan open lot at of the t .p iris ilia ra tour to tihn* 444 .1V tA 44P1,1.),Pciw°0°.. were tied ViA to nriler::ffaki!&?Thuttir, " who ate nottzueekkhaitoiipirbeg . 4,4l , lettiti of the *iii r t, Ing Iles Presidents —lefirw,;triettimAiditritrit flosopec Berri* Bqd: , :iiedisitaHeiefer Pattetlion, , alt*: lien rii-Beivef —3 V a_COVOO:. _ll464o l4 lPiii .ragh;— yieshOes;l , . Thee. 'orver-PalaaJ usjohit vrt!opifilrksoolliikabryqthi _maiitia4fipriVEljoieti,-)Torth icy—.lf4 i, 4abg t,aiermsties , monk* ;Ito rityirlicelo; EAlfred Q .. Mee • • Creirrt " fi r )Lt ; „c!i ;. . UV. ,1iir,114p*1. , ,p04 . 44 the chairs made titiii4o4o4..and -then: ilitroduced Judge very /' ical and loreibliti stglap#e4'; OyiewPngvklinl enne#4lo lo F. l .o 6 l4o4oe'ninilnign• No gaillakitiiisl4aeaCliginid be paid to ma ail Briiiiisiptir,ereitorthart testae that 4e. .vsstaudlimerivasdntimliditd' r thi over an •hour t,inumi pouring! 1: 6)* '90 :646 , ' After" oueer these hilinitable gangs by Pope, t Mii g ehall reat carapalge'shiKThomas cePlititbUi;glf,'liiis riSt . ri?cinced. Mr. Marshall . B*444e brid4ten informed j that It ITlB;44.llnlentleti:te Lave-an adjourn, ed meeting in. tim event,* !'iit ) gliincert at which tirapige:ioll4ilieilentle men pr* ent, would entis,upaii,,ille dkuasion of guar lions tinicinuar agitating the public mind; at mune consideitible 14004 "itrid' hoped - that a few Ireistigia time would 1 suffice. N'aiwitigandingilusluntouneement so anxioup,irere _the maple to bent' him rt hAt he was comPelledla Make irs tended apeeplip, much to the'clidOeitaiddelightot hG slid- 'fence. - • thelfew Brighten glee dub antaiiiabaai fthe'peoplif*ltli clithriaign songs, after• which the intietinkadiciUrio to meat at I ,o7 4lo tk.ftli, : Y:!" Concert no oi*Fiborcromos'.4o densely Padte6vitli linnian beinii(Brecbinbt wheth• er there witicireri . 4 . ip,"CanthuOinm In any , oA4 , ogiiicetys. - icaqsi,:itne, in Ben- TeTc?‘ 4 YYtnAllikriesiftvoil,upen this mica it-Ails meeting be,ari'indei . of rho feel ing.ofthe •People iliftbeat aie County, the Braatt 'fila-(7o"ll4l44tio4Onank Atm= • •• •• introtdi*lhe ,Hon:44t . Main, forinerry eitfzed Of till's 'Con:di:add who at Unc .. tltneirepr.eiliamd nilr district In Coughlin.:addfriends and:neighbor/ gare.l wiitheception as be took - bie poeitiani upon tbantegold piead pAndples and tlfe Its:sty . .,4l4llth !'so *flaky clefeatoif treason and Ariuniplied - ater aniddliaddresint same titirty ntlnutei duce- • • Mr. Marshailligt4Apriciired: upon the platform amid the moat tdnitlitupus applactio and the Inn% senttine , crithissiainxt that las' beeh our lotto witiu*afor'manT Years. Citator mooned' hifiserfipoc." thia ociiu4on. It impossible for us to -Convey to our reit ere igo , 'proper conception of his speech, - .The principlestf oaf ty ihdtanfies before thopeople,,!kte ald,X ethnic tiorl.tmon'ov4fY mind wes t that , l the party ot ft Wont, the party ofjustleo and of Sight, the Iseiriy,of iaer and e:f riOer, 'the Republican Par . ty, led to: shallind mast triumph' mi the 2d Tuesday, of October ha a 'precuricii tii• the brufthnt .. triumph that awaits it-in igoteintiet r nect.:,i, ' •,„• t:Ttio%A•eai *iiiti;rtihflueurwasintempen.: ecl iv16.44u is by PopeattheNewßrlghton • gfee ; elobi and• Mutely' the - Roiscr Pails iirassißene , lotont'ln4dnight din meeting ' l 4lehrt4., ; TILE daily papers of last 3fimdsy . gave an account of a fan:1111 'earthqnake'akong the coast of Peru; Baca dos, ace., ha iiinfith Amer ica, on the iqt4 cif August ! where by thirty two thousand" Ares . ..were' lost; ' Ohs sunk out of sight in.* few tacitnente,4uld-lakes are now only sant where they once.staid. Great consternation of Conroe prevailed:*l the In habitantsiiililifying are housilets and wretch , . • ed beyoad.,4lesoription. The rafted fitat^ s steamships Fraionla and Wateree Were at an chor in the harbor of .4.,rica. Thl F . sysloAla was &shal l § i tsciss,onu rue Twenty-sevsur Aber crcwoesethei-with pik,Faptain's wife; iieni:drownad.• •11111 *stereo was swePtf?Pr, cafe - b inufet.;'-eyithlif Inland. and`r'hiftlugli, and dry 4rfk, amid . kflla L zOnly owe Ykiiitti4n i tuiAlrownsil tnitu the W i ssilice. Thl# tditti c m antandedsptGUS of thh " Pk ite a lt ," d A ll l4**iblei, ion*. ,44ry datitiVao4lo4 releted tn.heir.ot,hts safe. to,'neampor iscionnti above referred, to speak very Battcringly.o4l,44t,Pto " 11 " 11r ! i rI4.51e0file•Surfpnuding a> Vrag*likiltaatootudigismizisjps; 'etl 64l in?* trlght4ll earthquidtes B*ft on thtacnntlnent.,, • •'" Ia caasequenoirpillia,.plibli , a at tie toop44;kophkeltitiiveliii :Am; Ordwded . out.- .1i; ":2 ;T• P:u r , Tgaoadatlibetraltatiiirtto'. e rr, are fer•peneetrpeace 414 AWIT. ha war think' tie Fopa mmareettbisandivww them. Ito litsior of peace when -o+4llw peace, and in:lltviietlf, eat when lAtam u any, 3 , kaa vpaskp the pustakociat did "nipic lifishiolAskisee. pted to be fetid lar iberildaFtmems is emicdadvs, t , , • 1 - )1. • *Tim Beaver Palla Iteiagoiesis bad.i, de maroon 04.11111111 r 4/4116ich tip largely atteigia 'a•Tite swim& ism was maniteete44o4,:. l 6** t h e meeting will n oAsi**Patanp,lllo 4134 The Republicanaer Beast* • Ps4 , Nide awake, ant geieet tot th e e'VeYtth "14- MI t: . ..,......_ • - • •Nrilama 6 Auld 0011v04.1 - !----- 7 At , --0 ' bit 116=11131.731,413efa1a r. 7. l i fi-I . Z. • ': ' w'S-holtaptiblkins'have gained. o. i 1 . . - ... hislate,:4.trtioisolo.:ft AbiliOriNeallite" .i , ' , i ~. 0. 0 ..,,.....N . ••... , t , um , --t .- .JS.,----vrri •I'fii . ...'"' .' -.>. . - .1 r • •4 r "1 lTelleski, '!•:',....--:'•', 1 : ,- -- 4:46rejitree colored ' ' , are Just no*: - hinproeintailt the.. ...Etc an , * 'inci t e*. •,one onkel ibleelfElp i e . nem in litlitatatiAlte Wornieg fiontiel4.rit. .aneed to titremity 'Wielder up:the charge, Ortln ew iliellevakifeatiVriag• comparison of condiMni i-, . . :.•I•• '':-'ii 4 .lil - ,_,...-'' Monti= trigt inn nixie Dgiiii : :!, 1 , " As a ebnipleterAztatteu of,:theonadlig . altortbAtifitheßediettrinces that the public' Ostitatee. Mien diniMM' abateriAliebliiieof • % eg, pii Weal). -neettesery to: glib Abe - ornate! . / . lurg': ;Mr. McCtillbe,h, Secretary of th e ..;;; AmorillagtOt thowtheidebt** March 81,41863 ...Liati : , !-; . ,,111616,,ii6,1,077.14 July •.;1,:11366 - t."1.4:,- , i /A):, 1 ~... 2,532..534,480 67 nowiliwan Jimmie tif;thenotiblieftletst iir liu Mate add emeniontbe of LONE MUNI" 1) Dro ~ PIIPTY•Sau: .11111, LI O N S WYE- . DYED . - Airw - :VIMY-NINE ,TECIUS ' 0 >P0IIIV;II1Jit WIRD , AND : A •!DOLLABi .6,311 D, :THIRTY: slew '''• . • ''' 1 __ _t'il :"•‘ the fi gnretiocthe Sedeltery lie, the pow aunt !:At5 4 p iroptCyre ant4 e• e l =ofoOnion that , WA riot the tlgOreKr , '• . Is will: beVllerTed their the debt:tole neon; Iristed - erltkthe" debt on :.1/14§lipllgt W. ter Marctql.4B6Si thefollnwhig .o)l,eeters po, tell the Depincmcy..tuid • the i*pouieit A0...,.4et stroyinitheir armed -power ti p in the /WOK., agents. :. Grant' ovtid against mcboond .01 Miirch.29ll4 ' ?' i , • ..H-„ April.:3,lB6leff. De* erffite!!4 ' ,P lc*, mond. ' , : f;•,•- 1 , ‘ ;" ~ ! ~..... •r• - Apra t, 13p-ftrw. Gent itantfu Ca Rich m :: April c°, 0 6 . 5 T - La 6 ' 4l 7o,sii, l **,"* . k' ' Grant: . .., , ~, ~,- L ''• :•• ' -•_'' : • - April 0: 1845-Defente;s of Mo bile-captured ,by t NaTy.. - . • • 47 2 ti m s20, pods-,MOirell Cobb ietircitdered: to X2O, 1 845 ' • : -:- Abin 42 4R,0444 49611 *ill*l i 44o ' t,ft I' Sherman. •• '_. ,_. _-.-,.. Maylo, 11165T 7 Thereboliutikiertendered: gay 11, 1860-4eff. Davit *as captured. Ma y 14, 1 863 7 - PROY. atalth Rut ienderedlei Canby. • • '.,'. 1 „- Alnle. 2- 70,610 1 he rintt %tell" of D> 'abotiie.„ . ) 1 111Trcilftva.:•,! FA' : , 411. '„...' , Total number of Democrats - (nOn` support . ! lUSeymour . aid laiir),,Attptetta i as abOve, , This al ; the armed' reeistance of ' thc;Denuicratic' re How : Noir then ..fer the &eta. -SeCtteavy: Cull : rat (innruil reo Po* Diteembef4, 1566„ ea,ys the debt weet*ti Oebober _,l 1865,_ , $ 1149, 43 7 63. --The debtle Jai. 31; 4sair r. above),:s2; 520.11,- 480 IM ' RedtibWit I :two years And 'nine ,MouthesllB6,olos6. . ,!twomunnuzo AND ILIGNIVITaCjittX4OOI,IIIDeNTENN THOUSAND VtArAIDILIiD rpm) ,riry,vl i2:not4iis AND annrmxiitteradrre. .., ,: :- - I -.!• -: - The Mistake unnli3;by t , he ltrtrintil I s that it did tsaget *Attar 'OO4O, ;! int* 9 1 dettlial Only 'fit , goir'lhat the' 'debt is triliter noer ' thateltonee OutiOhelunonnt due on June 80-, 1 81 14rifotati lave iIeMXI PI purpose better. TheriAt•”vae. ant . $1.740,690,400.49, , 5nd; a i emaarillerOWlW.ou'd have appeared. and tik ilit*Flt Argoirf 1 , 0 04 tare• l' ". : 4 06* . il , WAillejliis 7 ll#o : l4lllergliir- I eg fregfiltempted:by:4l4 Dernocretic °rpm bi elreildy U'ciipperhead, or °tight to be r r ' Nn .acpubtheu, isignacent.onnugh - tw-Am gulled by such .tetiiif.7. IVO : cloae-hy isayini'that tief- • they !SW:. "ligures of the Secretary „ ' or the mletridickit prone,' lie In tbiamatter.. - Whothien Se; iVe leavv.„te: the judgment:of aa.tvho read. —lfar.'lli,' ' : : ,•• . . . • . • Oar Debt OE4Ponts Paid, „ It haebeen timed to State the reductiun of our public debt. at $40,000,000, that being' the. amotint-by 'which Ate ; ascertained deb t . liquidikent the Treasuer bythe Issue hondaorbtlieelietiritixtr hoe been , :reduc ed 1 Me • have :been carithl to enuphi this•atate snout with the b.et_thu, Weilidtcht,s reduction •td the itatertahled ffei•it. we hfre„ paid about C 500, 8 00 08 ht hadt pnV, bounties,' overdue, =tracer; latinipartatibn;. aniA * Other ex perms :41 - elosiiir tip the war. :These were tttall incarred it& dee iii litigufk 1805, and ationWbraddilidlii . the aroma" rif 'the debt and , dermal • tutu I*. which it littibeen i duce& Mr.:Edwiud 441 1 *40, , :z speech, deliver at Worcester, fore the, Republican' tenventhin: of .11 ' husetts, l Prizenta;She goblet Stettin their tnie showing that the actual iruiehysd ted and uelleniditted,War Ug4t.l , 1865; $34197,74N0t that !Vries tiiiJtilte 4 0 , 18 0 8 r .8485,0011,000--bebig 'enact* ;tit:teflon or ;802„783,828 in thsprinelpleAtlre debt. By. the same rapidity of payment, could off the entire debt withinten yiatil ! - The urea are as follows :lbw total aMount ef ter-, enue received bY , the • Cloverninelit' for the three tears hob' 4rA1,1;1115, to June 80,1 1868, has been: : ClAO5B,..W. Out' of this there - were vidd ;Ow' bank pay,, of the Artny'l and levy and War :Contracts, Within , fifteen months after , the elose Of the Rebellion; $774- 865,851. Amillberewere isid .fditibunties, l pensions, prize•money; relmbffnshig: States for war; espenditarei, elatme cif loyal men, •Freethuerilßareani4xpenses of Re&nstruc :l_,lfin, and; jFe.t_lot'uttigemeterier, ;11,912,401: - TrieseTwo sums amount toe, total ' s== to - be too' added to tilaticmarDebt, al it aloe on the hooka of the Trotenry, 4prli'l,lfietk,g 820,7 77 8,282. The .eseertained debt '• • was ;SM.' 955,077, malting the aggrigeria 41(13.287,783.: 829 as aid eie- stated“ We therefore, actual - ourdebt by 11 1 91161,113!..- • • ' We can At?ir Arrive at Ebb *dined; expert , p. ,_ v f ttl e ,tn i lttitlrotti 'ettdutilve trffoter ex. ,yerw ,1 •ti ••• ! • / 111°8 '74 6J " , " .4. 4Boixasi s , " " -- War lotareiiiiiid.:-:4K4M,883:-.1.511,111424 I liaittn=4 l 4 . oooooo .llBB ' "Urn !t%l Yes to , orMoao,6bdip gold, idle rhe r aw r haiett,' ra: W 1 6 0 0 066 l b Olitcl'airn4l ' 4l,l.o99," rwe r, tell adorer than Mutant* Gomnitient Or r ing the - 1 44 14 . 0* Yestil; , Hand, j thOr fame a thinks the nd firma to' ti. .4 Dettkoci: izer'ho - noichtindd s w ad mast by" , 'gir,f )31 . Colorado • • • pirbUosa !ream% A *mom int(nr:wrinsvcriiiii'vntirsopres EXAMPLII—JURVinitIAS °nine tit 'lcings .I'OcKnlrg•y? a. Aighblipan Zugend k ji) • dred,and .-Repubtletur ... , Wmfty.i Vile goblin Army- heird from A. Bend ford, Undr , ohtedly:lideelnd.dele- Pi& 4); f tat Lenni ek F t Om* Wrist' (Illeinla says, the on In _Womb' yin= suited lir the electicut egmub sod lleiiiiris &holt/to - by an Intieptry.- ,Thre undoubtedly belirgelp, • I ustruemys:rriprowtot zuwater;xxi. Se.lourd, Sent. 1)! T A Woo Feffispetebei yesterday says : The hWiseeleaden ye*: teala y resulted in a Itepubllasn tribtury.. The N ii M u gt IV 44:kir:Rids* RePIINolm _ • _ y,' 0 12 ' 1 , 2;•1 ERE! ~r;,~ ,~ MAINE *I; ou - Niiiiii„liko Minya :1'41'&1 ' , , , . , ' 111, M i rmation.- . . ANl e r • r gab. att elita Ztk ti !. et " . 04 1 101.1 i le mirk the du .at um; this COm • • give • es Genital llectiont, ; d to of ,ate : I ; • .. Ili teem to be, • L epic 1 -. I. eigetkos le to:la held. • . I • LI. JOHNS . L1TT111...• • a High Medi thirar a ofirro ATE; 21:11 1 5pAi 07 al i U GO Mitsui* dr/ Of Uri! aoll . lfteld be bleb at . the eau° mew= distetele lisiau.ll-12101101igikeiNglalr vases Mob • Beaver. '*bum ot • • • borough will meet at = 1 The of 'district will biotic bids stool somools botovidi,M e rt as t i tai verr i zigirosupra - a=, • , • fibroma oft , . The et hi deno. town hip meet • • le • .t at eCr .e % ,•:,01"1 M wn3:4'"- boiloooltilosidawitoe: to . idd " • • • he eg wDußva.i. Anlo iftelais of „Wiliam • district - at Liao 411 Jella-Potur, la the 01 Ibit at er Create itcuneet .ai ass Immo Nhnrgumov.:lK . ske T wat ome, towite new occupied br.iiienson afit, In • -The ePoe*oro e 7. Srighbef- toirnild •.t embraced to industry`_ Metrics), will Meet ;at lire eeboot seartownstap,••)v;.:s - tr.:". The electors of the . ^t: Of Saihton will meet &kg's:Academy In Tallstcre. ~llekkgtoee ,••• •••••• ••1 t -1 _ IrthTvillage t"" airlavii h r li n. , Illbetralte The elector, of oniptOte toymehUlmost et the laid to' The't • of Smith Deaver tor Amman u the lie of Zeho Rovre.b,eald ttilinaldie..l h.- elookitii of DatilattOn , pprrofhAtriplo*at the Aftooe u gioutatoop - house l ar k sior g4 Ml ß ifertr, mostu tA ZAto„ l i Thee et tainklth • IP will motet the beare i lif. R: Club In 'OM towastit , -The dachas alltorth,Sewletley at eh. h"s6 aj A1 1 3 1 .9 ,143e - a " ihnij• UMW; • _ . • Tiu.electord‘ce itt waship . will meet at solowa km usee. In said township. The eleeters at township will meet at the ;iimbeet ocutii 'Mitten. /v., In mid township._ The elpcM- mug ba tipper on,sorth waren:ft iso 7, rongitar 'New .Nettat. will meet at the Carpenter pltcp at hoitlf Wei. In raid borough. The eloepire at. iddle ward of the borough orlictir =ton, .1.111 : meet at the Seer! Hone, ea I • • Tberailittliedt harer,or south ward If the biarterob. of i r meet* tie Car factory, in sald w• -The e uteri - of Roebester township will meet at tle Doleallie Schoieet, In said township. The electors f o e th borough of Rodseater min tenet isAm-uebtiol bouu In Rochester • . -1 • . • Thesis:tors of Ficaloni, tumor . I • h ind district Will meet at the schen! house ht Froxiona. ' - of New Sewickley towts= ' , Oiiii ~• tititereO l fJoist Feasel. In ea id u• p. 'The eta:burr IntinetrY met at ,rile school boweeln industry. . • The *chin or •'ideet at be bolsi la Sammy. • • Tin:eke:tore of itemistor tole:whip will meetat the homier Ow. C: Nibs, in said toweeiretw— jalgir'etronorce.lbi: =ugh' bt Hama? ` will riletj4 The eleetorste borough will meet at lb, l sehool Rouse, In said borough. . The elector) of die bormigir of Soden et. VI"; PilNiC liew lol hewer% said borough.' " . • The islectonr of New Galilee borough will -beet it theathlw4 lakes lb New' '" • ''" ' which Glee end alas the qullded vicelike?)t albreesidwiU by _ballot-- •, o p 4. olltt oft Another Gum* , 1,14 e .Prionn Ist iiii — Aute Surveyor General. of tue . commonwealth et Pievanis. • I:)fitepereob'fbe member .5 qmre qi from the Tie ea ty.roem Munk% of Rie Commonwealth 'of ' - T bne wes rons - toir!oesibm 4 tiAose:mbii of ihechni.! sou 'of Peanaylvanle., One personite the odielfof Platelet 'Attorney Übe minty of Beaver. • • , • • ' One person for the oldie of Cosmilssioner of the minty of Sauer • • , • One person feilbeadiee at ,county Surveyor of • the; minty of Beaver . ••• One the ttlbe t Scia HonowDireetor Ot t. toasty &Ream,: , ." • `- One person for be,oinee of 'Anditor of the county. . • One person for the Mike Of• Coroner of PO) amity f Beaver. IMltpe for'the ofllcO of !bootees of Abacus/ f The County of Dilly... . • , • • - (s El . make; leticlial and Me nallcc. . met Sr the Ilb section •of the aixemaid att aka d llairec t ed. "i Paso!. exreigiell Justices 'otter peace. who shall . wed any Vitae tit apoolormest at profit crime under • the Government of the Vatted States, or of thiat toretiOramed dls trier. whether a com at/Anted officer mr Otherwise. a enbeidlea to officer ; or agar who Is or shall be employed under the legis lative: Whiney Or, ertecullve department of this Mote or Uni 01:14144141. ee bfan7 tire or incorporateddie- Met, an 4 also Gma every memiliseof Comprise and the leigtsbattregibatof the select mid common wen orally city ; .evireionere of auk incorpo dm. gir44 by Ilw hicatiablet of 'holding or aserdsbag at earns- mite the Once or appolament it indite: in wave or clerk of *r , l e Commonwealth had that so heemeetor *rind:re qr other °Mier at silty 'such election, shall be eligible to any °Moo then tabs voted-for.'' • • . , • • Alen: at tail:U . lbn ;tit section of the act of Amami. bbrentitiod "An Act relating to continua , and for ' o .ther tle="-alkoarred Aprlll 1840. is enacted tnat the d, loth sectios , "«ha not •bei so con structed astaprevese env , tallith. otheer or hornet officer thesis servingettladge.Mepagtor or clerk at aol generaLoospetial etecuoutithie coonnovrealth. that " A that in the else noetkail of told met KU enacted lso, every general and special elactkin shall be new ed beteklen the bongs at eight and tan In thb forenoon, and shall without interruption or adjourn ment snail until be wen otelock the evening, whca. aged? , • Tim general. spode— L city. incorporated dtstriet sod township cloak** Audi bb conducted be.. InsPactors *adjudges elected ma libilwaid; and' by Clette eppohtt , - ed as herdoskempsodded. , " . , I O vermin stall_ Ile permitted to vote t -- aa dee. OM DO liur Vrtite freemen of , the age of tiienk•Mip rawer more, who shall have , aktimm at leamt con year, ainien- the ;•JeCtkin d Wet where Whirs to voting legates daysi -suet election: and within two yours eWa Btait or comity tax, which shall lave been err aessoetat kart ttia days Imam the election : bat a elti. as the Milted States, went :hes been, a qualified voter of Mk BMW, L and reamed thereroat getumed. aid who/ball nave resided he the eleo • tiott district and pideurseasettitepald. shalt be entil tied to vote alter reddiltr ill this Stale sha monthat Siat tititelretraen. citizens of the United tate% between the attic Of: twenty-ene arbsmiP. two, and having molded la the election Whitt tea daytioarbrekaid, shall be entitle& to ,vote,althought .hey shall not have Mfd taxes. "No poison shall be permitted to vote whose name Is not contained in the Hat of taxable' inhableinta. ltit Dished by the Commit:Wows, wilois: gra, he "ro t , daces a receipt for the payment withbe two yeaes . of s 'State of county tax. assessed agreeably to the cowl, Won, and give satisfactory evidence, et , ati , hhe mien oath or afirevitionor Oath or' n ot seatheirVihat betty nod sue ataz . orentallure to wedges mato 'NW! make 'oath of Ma setwept • thereof: or seccmd, lib. claims 'a vote by .belqg elector between the opaa.of, , twenty-oar and' twenty two yearn. be st s aMo t z Oath i •or athematic* Use alt l it i garrelt i rid make aeh a t proof t orilia dbmift asgequitati e by this act. and that dew liedletelieve Wm Me actumata aiven Min that he is et the album* and giveemch bvidence as Is byttla act: whereupon' tame unba son so to vote shall Dein In the alpht babel by Me hapset naLand a made ceps sty - by writing the word obi," If be shall*, admitted' to vote by reasopit _haviagliald oe thei, word "age" If he shall be ll e mitted to- rose by reason ot inch awe. _sad shall. be carat out to the Clerks, who sballatake Semliki, notes in *beat of voters kept by 1 them. ' l 4 l Ol dos *bete emit:lade of tem person so is not tbund on Nat Outdated by er il in ail ssiotfzul yr Me Sea to vote whether Mond Ile s. sot, is objected to liy..:any •quellted 'fre4abate the ditty tette himi%etors totems. person en oath as to his qua None. mad. it he cfmtins to have resided, within the tots ms vats year of mikek kb paeli AO mot **Melees pivot ttertiot, maillnakm proof Meteor bp:_attoutone wltnessomba te soneuted elector: Cr i t i t leat has nodded witidatheftOtet mere than asstlaye int pritelihns said eledial.. lad shale also hMadfsweme that lie toma Ode node Voir sucePil&kilrbil hi Arledn- the. • and Odle tun not realms Into add district' fir. pia pow atvetlng,tberain. • 91very pembagnailleides avow* sad weisatali taintioakeg a i ro ratel le on := ii ol o bl=enee t i d sots the towaddyi ward ec dlstrhe la Irak& Int dell re, dde.rr -• • "If :Weld) prevent - ditUillo Litt imy once" as aleedostnidee Mead such Maws or trioemea7 h ir sect o 4 at shall integript wftlitheewacatise et thr'ehlraTigrife7 mo Idour at mesas to mar Mew:whine the same astriht belilleg, deal deteiedp Nes czwithreata.stenlensensis; Or aboltaleds pesittleAtmerks wes tevisoimsk,.. awn WillefteD latielliree.ortimsaielorpe to permit heitry or te miodn thsetwhear e eisho te , luta. wow on ONlV=ft ga l; . 110 0 4 fOf MUDD UM one matt ettn.thea; sews asd It aletn i t s -she i et a t use -tout I wtgefelkslllllC4 seek . be Md. that no person ettAinntilim WON • 11110. the at,. 4.1! al* esnassaw as ow Oilmen win eawir_. - anAltsepidttled *vets thirds. thee convictiois as Neu par_d So pa a toe of ! sottems tionettanintrot Dom teAret 'ow thaw -1101 1. , !T SknOtlths.J .1 1.. • " • 1111 M&TI • r lor MIMI1144 1 :ottioll .. ,derlAlt glilb. sahl. e -• • le het *SM. for *I rawt o ooto a ghtilnibr.' Motion to the inspectors sealudgee. wan OD. a tlOll to the debt of any ilerein aessieed by mew . . • at each eke:dose. orvach Sher mailers to re-. ,___ to the ammainent of voids tit told Maybe. , 1. 77- or 'ebbs of Mem,ablil from thee to ttme nr. 1 i U '"• I - m perms or snots 11 antimanyitat tit IM. span the result Sr any election within Ude Cow . wad* or ehall oar to Moho itor.- Minh or arms , i ettber by verbelfflochmtlod Mmeto or by any clod or written 4~thennent, dialleageor Invite t. parson or perms to melte each . bet - or. vragar. upon conviction Mend, ho or, Awl • Z I . heihilline pay.three times the alarot deli to bet. II o vois arnada not bY kw ai (kieniatiimatko alteo I , . sal dull out aide proper ~, any tbe.wantrof. sub .. iniCh pebbles to lel . . I* *. * arr orhell..op am .- be Rued In any sus not two bin. ika l inetdtbi l =g7dilenl aft the inspaiftor two tickets Insitirs Sidi 1s Wird r iOg SC ... tntllissallyz iil)tei the Mem be If ad,' par te do limbs or . tep oarig ahirCreircent s =tie lined to ifirt • sam not km Man thy nor mom than- ire. basdrati d_s*in, eint ba tiemiesmitl tpr any tam not hes tbart MrlOf more= twelve !moths. • . 7 ' .0 7 /Filsy leveed , ontiled to vote hi Mho . emotes -west* agreeably to lelkteeceß Tn e sone of mudllbd cithena) shaltepperu at any el. ideethpi tor the ICMlltrtriratetglron cen e rietten. th forle t t and any tam sot -. .. • . one bandred , dpliimp : 4 1 Imprieoned far Mitens% . ....... . . • . -,•• - Ire dhtrleta la tide 1 ben , . Itf '. • at hialoart Howie In the.' .holoorWl re _eaver. on Melina Friday alter the *lea floe; Ise U o( member. WA enjoined upon i Iri l 4. w. I/ 7 . 'The 4 Maitre Retain J Ars will meettlat ay..] cardigan with an act approve d ' May 51.14 ISA at the tigoiutleo *Ow-the .bSolarb of Reimer, nn' seventhday after. the election. being Tdesday, Oct. hhh.410% -- I . . 4 .i ,- . • EOM TheCongrosalonal Return Inclitv will meet laws conlawee mit* as Aet apowired Marta.- WWI; at; the Conn neilwai to the borough et•Seever. to the - county, or'lleaver..cia the *twelfth - day after the election, being .4A/, ; ;Aisi,l6; K4i:Aid:wiatirig to Me •ffeeetroiese Corarnmeavdo, 4 ?'*ue,fl the 2d day of July.: 18894fiejtrj4tted and. lured:a i m foams Sac. Pl. When. two or Wore. counties shall coin- WO d6trict fur the.. aamitr or me flidtettald of wrot th mouse 2epresentativotes.or of this Co °wealth. the ;ridges of 'the election In each county:having met as aforesaid, timeCiericoo shall: make eat a fair statement of all the votes which shall home been eveti stoma elretion , within the county. Moiety person lowed tot! as such members, which shall be signed by said! Judges and attested to j a g; Clerks. and one of the said Judges shall take 01 such certidatte, and shall produce the swim at a i atinl 44 9°. 444'1,1TmleacIt county. at each to #0440 1 . , MLA or way be appointed bylaw fo the'plupooe ; which meeting shall 4 tte held on the day after the election. o„r• • • gge.. to. The Judges of the severa l counties harbor met, aiaforbwid. shall cast up th a several county re. t any:lend make,dimbestemtpros of all the votes giv eto'for 'aloe fu Whirdfstiicf. and of the minim of Vie-person or persons g a ll:sad bee amid returns • lb, each Odle% shall be ited in - the dice of dos Prothononty of the” GC Conunon Plea' of the • County lit 'which,l they •c• mot. bad DO "Oeseil: alLsil bit' dd Jolt's be demo Red In the oeloceCpbet ollice.bessied and directed se ht. pert. Iwo and threseheolghosenth section ad this act.' 101. It shall also to the duty of the Ester's Judge, in every case. tolianewlt to each of the per anus elect to seu,a.iet.„Cmftees. or in the House of ' • • ves OWCamMialsrenttle. a cerlilicate • e no, within dve days alter the day Of wak ing OP 0 2 0. 1 e/urst - ~.• • H i r - I 4.litintliiiii fItTPTI.EMIeNTTO.TRIS BT.IOIMI' ' LBWS OF VHS OCIMBIONWEALIit. • ' ' ' • idiom give. Wei node* otitur folittertho ,prof tlfotar of on act approved lune 4th. MB. entitled •••/. further m u retoncd . to the_eisctiou laws of this. Comm m • tt l ui Wipini2Aoll. the act .. of Congress of the - rutted ,entitjW 4 l'aie act 16 auselnd the severellutte palmed' tomcat*, . for the enrolltkr Med calK out dm .Natimml fotest. and for .otherM at, *Wined . Was•l *MIL ohs that:mod b and eltakfire. all 'parsons with Bare or naval writ* of the bolted States. and Zhitars MK been , 41 811 4rEed. or relieved from the ~ at .disabiliti therein provided. aril deemed &Tura ..a to hare Yakutat* relinquished, end kr. kited their tights-of citizenship.; and thew riehts to Webs 'dtfryti. and are thrived of excretal:lg any rights of dtken. thereof: 1 ' - : _ . .. .4Xlit - tirtilinsWe;Ttets I not &duns of the Utilieli ttqq . • arrtelt. . under Ow constifolfrai and hws of Yen la.' tlthlthed &lotion/ of this Common - Stenos 1. lio It curer.( igr the Senate and . Rowe of its/presentative' o f : the/ Ummmetelltill of Penn. syhunis In Gel Aszttly met, and. it Is heteby bo o /WWI ty hf tams, That Well elections be It Cothatonwit .16. It shall be ntnewll=w thejndprw Itiors of any suclielec dun Oh IWO, WWI hanotrUrill~il frogman? • --• is the provirdow. Mild MOW; 4 ". .' . 1.1 • 'l li a / a nd eight b=sirii I slat •. kftte, un ' d itahall bethdoefol for any such person to offer to tide any ballot ca ballots. . • BilemmAil That If any inch judee and inspectors 1 1 of eterdeat. or any one of them shall melee. or con- swat to motive. any such unlawful ballot, or ballota.- item any such disqualified I person, ho or °they. so °t ic/adios, shall be guilty of a midlemeanor, and upon conviction thereof. In any Wort of quarter 'bewdorre or thiirCoinstionwlsalth, he shall. kw each offense. be /sen tenced to pay, a fins of not lesethint 'one hundred dol lar*, and to undergo an Imprisonment in the Jail .of 1 the pro comity. for not leas thin &sty days: 1 BEM ,21. That Zany, perstrirdellrlred'oraillr* i si, an j disqualified tw aforesaid,' ec- , idea. h er to be baldish Oda Commonwealth, vote. or Sonde; t o uji the ofliaxs thiroot, and • offer to TOteutt 'ballot or ballots. any potion. so offendllig. Shall :he deemed ty at a .mhdenwrier. and on. conviction' Moro: sauy.ornrt of qtarter - sesslous of this Com monwealth; shad, for each offense, ht padTplib tl ln fl ' .manner as is provided in the preeediughectimi of th net, hi tha owe of cancer* of election receiving such „anlawful ballot g. ballots. h I Atortoz 4 That. If any, person shall herea ft er pot , suede, or advise, any pommy or petsons..deprived of c .and disqualified as d, to offer any ballotor to the °Cows of any election. here after to be held . this Commonwealth. or shallper suds, or advise, any tomb &Beers to receive-any bal lot. cre.ballots.ftem any person depth/rd.& eftieen si k lacsamisgatotalided as aftrauld. such person, so of be guilty of a misdemeanor. and upon conviction thareot. In env owed of quarter sessions of tide Commoowealth. shall he punished In like matmer, Is is Prrerhiled to the accord Section of this att , bithe case..( onthate of. mach election teething' wady um laut& ballot. or ballot*. I , -• •• •- ' ',,, At ACT2tELA TING •TBB IitODB OP VOTING Nrs_A `TIONS..MTIIII StiVEKAL COON OP THIS CouoNwsavrn. ~ , , 1 mi l allia x gieirtillehil nodal of tbalollowing of a . x tre a March ID, ]Sts, titled -An Act tug anode of" voting at all elections In the seltilti of the clonwitonweidth: • .. / I tisertoir g,,' Be it enacted hy tha Banta and i alonwr of ti thes of dm 'Comitionweidth of *IP. tads in Gettend Assembly met. and .it Is hereby, en, Acnid by the authority Of the/ sna.-that the qtraMed vutdts of the sovend conntiot of. this Cloranionwcalth, to all gcnethf. to:maid bor ough and /weld eke dons; are hereby. heheyltcr, entbosised and required id tote, by tickets."ptinted• or written. or partly print ed gold partly written, severally, classilled aa follows: One ticket hball embrace the names of all Judges of =vat voted for and to be labeled •outside. iodide f'end. ticket. than embrace the names of all state of.' rere - voted for, and be hbaled .*•itate:", owe dthat shad iitithaste }be union of all county, ofilmtir Voted for,. Incleding 'office ,of seauttor,, member and 010,1711 bets of.asserably„, _and mamba* of . If voted Mr. and be • kbeled. "rowdy,' one tI shall an +tate the name, of all lows slapoffieera voted for, and be Miffed; 'ttortudalpg" one,ticket shall orsabrac• the i l names of allbough officers Voted for, and be labelled uimmurb;". each Clliat abaft be deposited In sopa- Tata balloislim& --- I . - ...,. : /..: :•::" / .„. ~,,:.., , La n i adet soy hand at Berner, the , ef.September le of. . 81 "ig" oar one thousand e ight- hu ndred and sixty-eight and In the nlnety4hird year of Indepomienca of the United State:: s JOUN I S. LIVELL, Sheriff. t Suunumen Veetcs, Beaver; ihm.lll, 'OB. 4- • / 1 ,4i. Ortilliituico for Surnir onion of Ng*, - • • ounces, Aco.- Sao i. Br It enacted and ordained_bithe BUM= endTerrn Council albs Borough of Ba den and it is hereby enacted by authority uf the That s flue leergssipaergeowerap:Dollani milieus than Twa../kiplin rrit be i any person er neesona_rebo etadi anytime week, prflege, risuireouil tquorcrr other of spoire• arguer agony street. hure,squars or arlene . es river shora. o r adi destroy ar.ftausto be ed any tnibrr od er o r otherwise Were thsui", =Weft 90 , 'within the l**retlits borough or sonar the arto snotty thokbeleetate there. of,' or shill 'MO bay 'tutuance*withio tockooto, to the sauoyince of the nel~riod. . Paw IL • Aran* ir Amber' alned and • esacted._ That II ant often exuemiteg• 'rive Whirs nor ill s then Two Dollars be Asposed on any person or per sone who WWI Meter drive proy_ e. a n y or at to boa Mint the edges s a t any or Ate otherwise inkne them, totho otertractica or Alliarri =ft father loSsinell so e nacted, , That Retail laths deo of th e toner IMISMOVID or ease to be removed; bp hone any etreetololeate. auk easy. later .iiver • Weds Ship borough. And ft shell be Ike p it f i r m f:mi street oreatniadoreer.sin koowing ot . togitheve the pessehor persons *to otoria_ askance, or psesoadelpeesula owning each lot or tots .ou which eaysisissoaresisegoroftee to Morrie the ow,a In toes earic e =l=lak atter notice ;do aotaismene- Add (411) or moor itarninoe Domarosiv• at tiwidleteu. • • • ciao etreetatotsiedoektr; tt mon be Os duty of the stows contedeskster to ram ota the et thee*. pease at add pet*. or pwoom,iso natiti c t i o As re. • • laribressit ,lus otitis esvrass so teemed sow trio wieplitoset__ poem at I= lec bitilj 11111,81Xeikg tor pupy °tibia TN* liity pereorreikft itftireroir emcee tit' oiletOr waCter deed. filth or • I liftver, such cart • • ivicsupleint•• '3W- "sad FEM 1 . • e •-• • cleft to - ••• on mrscret4 or sivierpairparipeannyorForTeirtotie k* ea a; t r el l 4 llll- i r t im al irt . i tt or i tfi t , Say pinto Iffotoffti l 'w er 4my dead germane, in whale ec ki pr. or , nadateor any lianueona Of libleb shall annoy, De off i riv e or • menet hereby r Seltnplannen, and tatioyeNtimprnoe exia otatkpy—b4deaUt. n . 4 immured reenoval made by keskielt Ike dot ercesed la ine Teo 1 E areg t raciaktUrea tinnwoo tnt ionac eat air hm e e re k , tf enter' int° and Ilp9tl any h mast liter tiedtantr, and remove ,eZSPIttil PiAno Owner siNlecnplor ( 4 and an amonon moraines. pco, VII That any person or p ert Illtlitilkatormainord at leu.r mail* ) o inlng lornhait be e a ed pc as tO effectually wre s t the side,, npoff of n4oulthfr. crn ,. madetalmee and private, and • k, nisfailllPl Offehalve omens to the r therms% hereby an d o whelk may privy vimitniabik tea thisewiee than afoitank l aectated pu. Pi ed. rrmer menet, preseemeoe or eceoplecia t blic be ai OS caeca:Oen or muffsl of ifirch nul at Ihnnkm from the street commh.loner kaiak and pay the sum of Flee Donau, forfeit and pay for every same sa drier MAW Um further of (Fite Nu' 81c. via. mil to all 'diem ot,penalties are not or may no herein kbo Male ordinances. they 'MU 1, Tmemirer of the Borough for the me of n IA4 di* When a dne, penalty or forfeiture teprem be by ita o an f y Mary ordinance lumposed ee. m pow:cation Weill strap tad taxed Wag ttweit en d er ko k aher , ?Mores anl penalthv. That a oendne before any Junco al the I'm , BZC. •VIII. And be It 'further en: C Raul&y = with UM%O in the lintiti of the 4rl, dliwydyd f In so wit public Pace , shalt upon ennenti y m then poly a fine of not lea than One Dolla r nt reinthrninn for the trot odite m• and lea than Thrennollane nor mote t h e, th.wordolfener and .a in.. of tee nor more thin Ten Don'ts for er r % offenee. , • Kw. 1T... A Ken dment to Article IX. ne'liftei the 16th day of Septenaher, tank% 'obrer, and swine bektinlov to ' peritHlP, found runtilnz at lamp or roads or highicep within the 1111114 rd ..bAn ho ncruatilered In the character el be taken up as 111141 by any prr , egg, atu lae dhipcsed of under the exhit lag law,, wealth of rennasXyanla. relatiac to .tr r , .°l4ltits Eager to in Mk we 1 1 1 ned and eoselen in Connell ..• • DANID ANDEUSON, • . Atte, .1:. • T. Bost, llec r. opp_t 16:1t.. U.P.. NI IL FALL GI PAU. Go -.BEN Third .Street, Bearer. .FALL'AXI) Wi Hats .noviza§. YEATIIERS, • And ererrhlng. In the hne MILLINERY TRI.MIIIII FLAN;SES. YARN, sZEPIIIIO3, FANCY YARNS 1100 P, ! BAL3I(,RAL P•KIRTs, CO - FANCY COLLARS, & CUFFS, BC iIO43ERY Lt, GLOVES, VEIL S' SDAWLS, TABLE CLOTHS S C : . NAPKINS, 3IENS SIIIRTs. DERSHIRTS, DRAwElls, SUSPENDERS, TIMBRELL EMI Exub r oid A Good Selectio'n alwitys on kind -,!writing MO W° it Ow itne will et 4c_ f nog as hum/need in thentarket oar Mead • ithd Whim; tbr put fironiwr ti C=fX of the ulna assuring Ow low the coming season some rrr stand-Wow PMSBURGII PRICES, We Solicit an early : . .• J. H. BE soptgrettly: -.NEW GOODS, NEW GOO • .:" - 141R5. , E H BEACOM , HAS JUST HlCCZirat a,,selert i • ') 4 . 1 .1• 7 0111 61-1:10dS sbe to the public at the In rates : The stock embraces every Lradiei a'l4 lientlemens Wool( • • - Pliin wind Fay Yarns; PHYI*. • - DifEBZB E TRIMMING& 11 . 00 P SKIRTS, VEIL STFFS. CORSETS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GIOV COLLAMI CUFFS, COLORED CANBRICS, • . - EMBROIDER= DRILLING, PAPER MUSLIN. Alo&i: 3 6l s amortme t of LAD ES, AND tlO . O :•-•• • HAT ria T P +ref e 4 u theseioen itaWdki ectilipoo of the patteluge o f Sod the pO ieberelly.• Gooch oog hid et twenty-bar bonne notice. Call-, and .amine 4temEnsnm rnr. PLACE( 34 'O 4 0 PPrite thi sene. 0 ; OF NOW Opening X due SW k ut FLtIE, niutioxs, Of eve' thacTiption, eso FORMS ,1 rza
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