INMRNOVIMPRIM • TUEBE V 1 . ,„.. • , .. „. ov.talifieEti jt, In tbe cad BsAvravrA 7 .st • ;. TWO BIOUABB notrasa lIr 'JIDY Its • NUOI. I •fr .+" 13 , :• ~..1 1- . 4msPhoi. af: , kle , papar , wlll , be'fithlaho , fko . ..-* wniiiTigat rese. l l o,- ,0 41 . 41 / 4 Piel. l matoe*- - .41•44.0r01tn, taut ars niapticutißy• mailcimkr- Tuttsl ir rib u i tt ei ft :: iviaa of Mkt kind tans fditriafj t y,kailg3 the name attuyitattuir,ioi:foi smOcauc" , MICAS 4 ' gilArsulY aga/P 4 114i461130L1 Inc Leases and . ,cointrlnnitations J. I , IB YA?iV. Ifilq#4thl6Bo4n r , Notice' tci.StOiklol,derti - 12 - 1 .E I,w 'll' t: of : 11 ; 10 .rectpsi . ;&,- 61, 0:11 rINIESTOICUO , ...RESOB I 011 Company. will meet at my calembrltochaa% _hr., on *away, Bop; ,14th at 10 orolook, s. ; • By order of thp. Bbaftlii :.I.• • CMS. B. mnist noitjr-n,Ele(:otar*7 hfipto . 6B. its:: AfAitqw, PitiOierrOP.MTßNSTpka, . . , • ~ i w;g9citrairEg p.4 f Tyroince hie' o. ? Anka47's • note pru_22t nttentt!T.i..irca4 •.. .P"J' l 3rt • L. EBritlld'irt-: CIVIL ENGINEI}II4O3I6IIVgirOIt . • •• • • NEW BRIGITTON, P 21,.! QuitvsYs. Kers AND PItOEILES BIAPH ON short UOUCO, !, ! pet; dB. 11,xecutorta Nottee,rlthereas ett,one-lavtament i'd nary upon the eotate of ' County, -gllonq t late. or; telecom' toweahlte, Beaver County, • &wet.. hava been granted to. the uitdOrelimed,, all persons In- Jelled to eakt &tate., are hereby netltled to make Im mediate payinent, and thoteahavtag 4,,talma,te moat the soma wlthont 'Way,. to • ZOIIN WilltNßY,', •• • '15.1.1174=RY, fl,`'.•• 00 4 0116 .: • - Bea- aver Segimprp.- dt.ttlnsta FALL 'SESSION tiPENs SE?T. 8, - 18681 rrtus SCHOOL: 1 4 0 WNG AND .. 1131TiNIMPITLIGY 1 ro t t. )rte. . , MEN - 0 F L - 0 URI . 1311:.:77. i rilliti NEN WIIO Oj t VZIIN 0111 t COUNTRY, make its lats. hkei ugihejte bad* chinned ha with their eloquence* dedtcla colleges. control our railmatte. tutinufectorlw, Ind our..thoutoop—inio a ttractive volume. full of vivid interest, itfollki Intl* , nation and charact etjstl i anecdote.- :5110:•Wollkillied wee —l5 One alert tat the i lives dr over 50 tap'. P r Ittwlo.v. it hip or.• - • The aboaratititni well as the molt !blears nu book publlittod within live %flit.. SACS immense. }.very body) Wants to' 'know tie life history of these men. tiend.lar:Clieularlo l 'l • ZEIGLER, M'CLIRDII4.Ik C 0..: +" rhgt.Pa. , Clnclnnatl,O.,cldcago,lThorstit:Tomile,Mo: l' iug ' 2ll'68:61 • '' .; . ..,• t , .., :•-•• ll i i, .• r. • 1- NV:iNII 4, (Az i 14 A LE ... rpm uximnsupqm HAS A -LARGE' LOT OP - i Pare DomeetlcllN Me. manufaottorc* by l'introlt, at Its ''lttevard n ear Industry, Ben*: coPP.t.T•cri” chili Ise} will jtellant, 'whereto rates. This wine to =de from thialtonkniki:inli CatawboOmpikisurwlll 1...041 by the bottle. gallon or keg.. .i: . • ' • Concord plants one your old, for eats at may visemarii et WARW.'CLIAILLES ROEDRL. • JOS ,GREER • . „ ARCH274I rrEcT, INECIULNICIAN, and dance; ” AN : 4 •g • 4 EI Qf 446 (_ tfigep f rw wan, ,„.1„ • ROCHrOTAII; ;". L ilir6iiiiiiib l 'cia . i. OdIR Ma. YE TUAT DAVE DE AIMPERING G the Antad wherries of toothache, and, dread of tin traction. and you will hod that Dr. Chat:alter& Co. are ready to relieve you by the use of the greet .I.44royer —LAM: II IN 0 OAS—and makor tine a source of plearttrewther than of :Wu; . t All dental tOrratternalrafformed In the boat possible tuntivr, awl at nntsouubla terws an by , good .Delt, lu .1 le. • 1 04 by }logy" Dit_o newnostor,ra. 1.1301 CA ..I:3pINT"JUIEIntriEr2 7 : 7'11P. ,, 7 'IIP.UNDERSIO3ND WOULD IT.E . APD . CiPFULLY inform the citizens or Beaver and viclttlty; that• he lets opened au office to Beaver Pa.. fur the pismire .1 Dentistry. iiefins 110 aptielble exprienve in the aressalou. datters'idlnllulf t be give gen eral satlstactiott bustoe•v3. - in'the old -Gormly Mier' bighting. , Writ sfreet, Dearer, Pa. All work warranted for one, )ear. J. S. 4308110 RN. jerrikly. Law Partnerships '. 1. etniNIiGINAM, E.P. IiCIIHN.• UUNNINGILIM` @ • ICITHY .A.ttV I SS: At r..:4I,NAT. OFFICE, THIRD 6T, • • .AE&VER PA. einti.T7:l) DI C. B. WARtillibToNi oIiCCRSSOR TO DR. W. A. ROSE,) PIITSICIAN and -SURGEON, Um Wee of the Uniseislty of RUiinsylvanm, Ras located; permanently , Rochester, ,Saver-ATanty . ..Pti l '• Paving had mew * Tann c.wasEit i eloollt ) ilmokelk° Ito pneilee of medicine. he offers hie perrico 4 to the dtlrene of the village and eurroundingrountlY• riroMco and residence on 'Water 'sheet. second doer 1V6d.0l the I'ittshurgh National IPlont.Psetory.: sljere he may be enumitdd, all hou.s day& or night. ... • J./ i '4l[l6l7.o3:laliNt - 13 JEUICET, 03 JR. • Watch • Maker nail • Jeliteller s , Third. Street, Beaver , rmufa., • (In room adJolni4J. ...W.lkarea : 'Gold watches and clannometern'repalredt andrwar rant , d. Engraving done to order. • ' r4rThe patronage of the public Isi sollehna;ana. LaWwtion guarttthed. Give• us a trial. apri?Y ;ern. — . : • Chas. 13. Ilturrst Notary Public , Conveyancer and Irouranoe Agent: )FiTsINoA(atE2IES L AND' .ci.ea.anent ,t en . Having Lem ttily conoopsioned ns Agent tor see mr n 1 tlrst class Insurance Compel lea. representing th e Fire. Lifo. Arcklerrt. audAlve Stock' Departments. in prkrared to take risks Md. write policies on the moat Obrial tcrrns. r 1 4 Also. Akent fo the "Anchor line" oft first doll t!cenil steamers. ' Tickets sold to and tronDollporte In Letrlend. Ireland. tic,ollatmL,Socasany andTrimea , Mc, in Lear. brlek ruar.ll2laintotol, Rochester, rtlearr&-, " • .. .... ''la ids & Retuelnan,' ~ 7 ..• j, '.s, 7c ' 4 No. 20 Fifth,srittsbhiigh , DEA,Lriti IN , ~ t - .... -!trl..) J... ,11 ••' - . , .;••• , .. . ... . HOUSE FURNIEIfIINCf. G091,:)A, IZILV ER AN!) PLA i t'ND-WARE, BRITANTA, 7A r : L. pannati, WOoireinl: and Willow Ware:, -Aawri. Sean and Pcnnch Clocks. , Titsy• have always, °/14111:11s.t".41: 1 0110 Win g, : . ' , A I lir, NI '. : ' 4' .:. , .,,,., fiabletinooill .' t I 44,tioiiii;.:' :" Ater &Airs. Ten Nmon s , i . • GobkhNl •:' ) Walnut Tullio York,i,. i . ICS,IIIIOI, • Iron Tab as, besert Pinks, W t ivrtro, ClothasAcpah .- 1 • Coffee Unix, :1 ' ',111.60 Cheats. I. ~,, ...,., • • -:, • ....I ki , r22Tiftly. •:". ! ( - 1 .: . ) , • .... ! .1.,.:::?;..; EMU • xcoot, ah fth9e • •'— IN miriEL fy-I-7' A L 13 74 jritilli; i — : ti'd( *no Iko dre dod Pee% thus *mg Licht. Agent for Philadelphia; 94,y b 7 th c rut. 1-'4ll'• 100(18 Received 'D ( "'' •At N,o 1102 :Maid Stre G et - Xear Wood. - ItLTAII., STOIIB %O 1.);$ _re, • No. 98 Market gt,reet,e 4 " . DOOR FRMt FIFTH • 1 1 1 ~ , : ,,t o rq,,,,; • % .,11.1 ';'.4 .4. .., -- z . ~,• .•.,• . ,!!,,, !loc.: ott;tls ritn„,erl • r . .., ',. , !,•:•_i; t.: I ol C ,, L! , "1 ;‘, ~ gI•iLA!.7 - 19., , '1 , 1 t: •.A. .i• • ~ ,.I”...tria !41.1 i.)3 •I ,:.: •:1; 10 '7,..1.11i1 10 !!, -rteli Ifs..; f•fil , :4 , 1111 :irt:e, 1:r .11'.9Vvall' I (11 0 . ! 1.91 . .1'nf '; • 11(A.V.1 . 1i.5,71? • fir!' . r.ot gc,tioro e ; ! .“11 • ^,:". r...•! • • nPf ?Of ‘,C Trap ,f , NII! es , j• • :1101;; ( 1.1 T +.151y1 t i l l t A . rei:;, 4 -. ..70f)0 ••.11 cr!: .:r. :* • lOC rt, 1(77,0; T" : 11 *11•1111111 " 4111 If.• , ,.;111? ..r!) • , e ~.IT° • 41. "..06,ortie4P •,, -••-g: It •••• , _ - Ontiltago;Ltshopt **ulna oil& " ' ' .` ''' ' • .. f' ` ' , ''l4 ' 's' . t O.lY' 4'/ N a fiN ROLESA i , I V I i t i,‘ 1 i A ti Mktiditie#4s*; n mlibb, " 61 `' 4 • Mining ' ''' ...It. I. Mt,. .136 Wood Sii-iaet; Prrisatrgas, P Ao'rr. (AIM GOODS lIILL )31{ sato ATICASTAN PRI- M nee. and will be farad to lir ardent . and yeriotrwlth drat thm bon We* I•Vale." The wrack anallits'of Ken and Bojo Par and Wabl Hilta, Silk and Cassf Hata. /den and: Now Caps, Wen, Bey& amd Children. Stmw goods. Palm leaf Has, b ker Iloods„Eirurdowna, LadWandMisam Hata and nntrimmed.,,Country Merchants are invireil Ttr. and examine out Stock. Illtablopftr , MENA NNW HAR t DWARE HOME. ,• ', importgre and 441e . 4 „- , • iA CtriT , *lll' &C. (via •WZIRE sToett 'HAVING BEEN • notrotrr • • dpiWdeelln• ,In,pricem, we are enabled ,to. .offer Inducements:Awn oldlooseo who are carrying, Oyer blocks at,•okEspeteee. Country Merl' ebhula shou ld hot fait tO visit as. Worm bhtbe Idly, • '; )1 4 111dsay. 78toirit weti , ;* • • :t; •..BR-L.rngrr t nsrftgß7l.‘' P4ll.§4PRou. „ , aliggll4 rind BER__LUMBrit, 'ffirllll 17NDER8IONED_ 'XIAVYAF taN 11A ND AND 1. offer for sale at the km.= ;of htmarket. • .111A080 feet NO. 1 C omdreeaed. . maim .6 2 . , 46, 200.000 ” 1,2 and ft rticeilkuii6:exine d u ty . 514 " 1* " //Oft' / 3 04luid 1 1 ;#0, C;ng.l 5.000 4 ' l " '" '" • Weatherboarding, worked Weatherbording 'or all itindi made Warder. • 8,000 " No. Floorin4 1.1; audiff. ' " " 1 Ci.dr. Flodringlioarda, •- , 4.000 " Odal. kei./ 0 0 . 0fikfrA t % Inch. Bhingkeirand lark. • . - - •!. I 400,8 0 LOU. Mar 18 Miele. Iffffeglea,, gm'eah teed, 901000: "1; Latii, tiff *loiiithdi;l47,affired. n Joishi 111415AwIdligt. , IMMO feet Hemthek ;Mots and:Anddiath all Yrame Stuff sawed to order.. . L a Wheeler's Water' , Dikwer.'emizioaminatei Calofffa tod Water perispikeyindithikep t on - hard sad for ; ' PEED! rteitifiY.°lPirar t i 100 traoh.Oprn and Oats Mlaad.llas Oa Fula. 26 1a : 10w Zee — " Ch°i' % "l 4; tanct4%Aiß.l6l4. rimobt; PrPrah rr WAMill hltito ' • .`• Chigo at • ' r. leaves lag ca Pittsburgh at 1:451'. TRAIN. 4011119 ,Plt6obn Bocbester. galena • , Alitancts • Canton Mass oil- • Orrsillo Wayeter ..... 21anelleki MIME] Bucyrus.. , .. . Lipper Sandusky .. • rest Lima - Van Wert.... Fort Wayne .. Columbia .... ttri•AW klimonth val_paraiso Clucago Maga , • Valparaksoi,2 Warsaw r Columbia. • ' Van VY(11...' • Lim5:...:.. 7 .11.4.1/ - Forest. Una? B h#tinsEl.. .... ,Creatlbma Manatleld' Wooster ' ' aDmille . • Maafillon .;.'. Canton ' Alliance Itotheater'... Pfttabardh • ' 111 Youngstown, New Castle and Erie Express' leave ; Youngstown at' tBO p. m; Now Cantle, 4.00 p.m; invitee et Pittsburgh', 6:00 p. in; . Retuning, Wives Pftlebundt' 7:15 a. norm at Yonngstown,M4s.N.•Castle; 'k40•11. 04. Youngstown.' NOW Castle and Pittsburgh Medium)._ datlrm Wives Youngstolvn,•sAo a tu;;New Ctistlee,l:lo e. in; 'arrives' it'Alleglemy, Itoo s. m. Retuning, loaves. Allegheny, 4:15 p. m; ,arrives Newr.settle,l:os, m; Younprown, 7:50p. . • • P.R. 111=1101 Quadrat Meet Agent . , CLEVELAND & prrrsßuicau RAILROAD. t. On and alter way 11, ivri‘ Ileac badidas' daUyAdandqsomptad)ssldOßNlL :r. -". ..h , -. ilrAlL..111:0 r. k MAO.; A1.e.90x Cleveland ' WAS 1210rx ...,:'.,": 'Writ Euclid Street. • 1346 1931.111.1 ~•.. .1/.µ(144u..• -• , •-• , .110 f t'lll6 , +U' • .- - ' , 506 1110011111 •• ... .;•,•,.. On 141 ;....... 6,47 . • Alliance ;,' .;;'-•: '-- ' 111 1 223 ' . '6lO . - • &mint • 1 164 " • .169' : 1 ; .... . Wcilsit :.. ' '' '/30141' . 415' . •••• - ..i.......L...............:;.....1'..;_,,.. ....._„.„,„- - 411;P ' 14 ,47',..;•1 1ar14.1. Wellinille •'' -'"„,';',:' :Val:lU Vai ..,......a: .4:d . 4, •"'r' • . ~i''re..:: - 111.„,,... •.....zA, z aa ....7lorn i , * *, „ ,...,- r. x,!•,!r,-. , ..!: ri . '4l • . •:,..... , :,1 PK r Ml'l ...., mrc le — nrr; ~.. Iltambli.:: -;'' 4. % ' 111 " . .1 i E uc lid .....=,17,1Ti t rirr ....,,,.. , ; --...:;; .;:i...i.:1 .rif,, \ " \ tati ino . u , A = . i.y, . ••:i 1 4 ,4„..,. t 5,,,...„ . ~. . -.,:rn ; .., 7!• •••7‘.."'"? :-• . . . / cktl • .!.. !.. 1- •tj: •..•. ........L I ' ''• Lk , t‘. •-' :- '.. ;•. . ;1! - M ... .1TM ~,,,,Tort!./ ;... - i .-.,.1.,1 - -,711.!,:•,..! !**1 1 1: Snow. Wow tik 1 . , . •1 . ; . .:, -it,.. ~: 1 ........ , . 4.....„. mole Bellpr .--.!?...";; 4.150•14 .X 111.461 • 2 , 10171 - ...: rhiaal2l , ,i 4411. 1 : i . :1140: 1 •L1. , 0. r'' ‘--- • ••••••,' • •••• -4 , *roar 143 , ‘,..:187 y. , : ' `IV Ilin'inie 4 _ _," ~.„. , ... e . ..• 600 . 1 1 50 : ' P ' Sls '' ' ' . t ilt 1 1#1 . 1rFF7,•••••• ? - „•:;, :Of ~,, ~ 19., 41101 P - 1 ' ' tl.- , Pr ......'4; . • • -. mi . Xl7 •- • •SO :•1 . • 4181 4 • 1 110 1 ', . I ' er 4 tr..!';‘l ..;', 'it -415' ' AO . f ea ':''' Til t " , 4 ‘, /. . 1. 0 itinv.......; ma. 411C•r- 10561 • Itgl - ta VIM . "'" „!: .., 1 ,..,..1 , • ..7 .0 . • ••• -.1 ' In• - rf.V:fi I". 1 '. ' ''.l.: • . ' • ..:....1.1 Oda. 0.31ner..r....•......... ~ - 4,1 n ia..,:,..• ENtlaiiigik;,; f ' ; .'.; . 1 •441ais Mem • oust' toper. ......„,......„ 1 .:.,, pct, I .n.:- .....,:.. ........ 1 41211,1 , ;na •••:•• yalpi or^ ISi I . 0 ,.. .041..J....i.• 167 , .. 106.4 , l• at . 7 WiCil 4 ~,. .1.• • 1.41•••• per ,als :„.1 1810 , a o ~ , es. ,v.... `Eltetfbal le -. • 935 mg.,. 7 iiiii I: . I -al" I, ttagegoTt ~..,,,,,,„..,.. 1 , ... ,fr isgs 1 Nall: , •Ft .. ..:.: t at IMOL4F,, , ..,.+4...,-.' WA. '4 , ": 6 '" 'AC ::':;., /11 , 3 4kW-44 1114 1 21 / 2 014 ' -' i gAPEST • • • , Arrives N. Ilaitadelphia, lie a. m. Bayard, ZS, am Bayard, It 10,m. N. Philadelphia slbm P. R. METERS, Geaaral Ticket WM IMTUMEMi 111 • tr 4 o f. ; tr • 14 ` rrn 010 E. .t.tlisit iv) ,atitndy4 . vat •, . sbitttr t; .41,1t.t I top UM te`49 r.. 1• tItYIIGI4I ti At , til(iitW 71 1 CI t , A m e)il u?..1 • 02. I- • . , •0•• t•tr .1 0 :r t ; utsi, n. 6 .f: T 3r t . f x ,4.r.,rtrvb ;:1 - :;70••••).9 inl)TrAla '". 4 1 2 • .2 4.-22 f Ewer, IMMIZ ~~•, . M ~~ ~~AI,~°I~Q~ D S Ato RAIL • verli43lr.3 . 11s1.1§.Faxi , 's. 645.4.11 •980A34 . 515 - 1010 1011 ' ' 1226149 1125 •115 1218r34 158' . 1240 .. 219 - ' .Ikl 1 259 .. 1101' , 8:10 • *XI 500 445 , 530 001.40 4100 019 540 119 749 749 mil '. ' 991 906 • 1015' 10111 111101.0 1155 ' 100 I 12111#0 six • - ies 234 ' 447 r 415' ' ' 7110 ' ' 510' =3 1112 MIAMI 40111.0 MO 960 11.15 1211rx >OO , 45 1, yea Gss I 8 PTV. WO. Vlte 1(150 1120,61 IGlirat . 111 ootipa otrxs!., - . . . . •IA T iT U It 1, t .. ,. t , F 3-11-.. tg - Wt •4 ll t ;B e ( i,vyA:, , t,, . wfer, ~ . l E y . 3 011:, L ind :. t:.l , .. , • woll.att6 • • 7------... 11 1 / 4 _l ,• . ' ' ,Ji l iki , r o 't ' . l __ t „ 7 ••11 71.1 ••-• • . ' .• ' ' . 5 '" eMIIIIIII3 i i,Lwi ro, 7 ..1 •,1 1 . 1'1.iri, 61.,:,11„7; lb tolsoattfeit: 1 ' .. ,46pgaiailke ''' the . :40405 36ge . , taw :, -, go t,l leelteldrat, . i. Wednesday, • imit4;er vtdive inedAr#67, l , 8014, and i • • L.4lttci fit, ,,,, ;.%- , -4 • :oil mit rtll rf.l,r ;1r stesiditituL : ; : ; 4,faim ila t irida „„ i , i p Vico•Enel. -.• * ` . r . Rafts ;Mei*, rt tt • 7 -,, ' atik oD "., t`. - iil'' atect, , BeC4-41.•" , R, 'rrah s . ro •p a tb.t t is on ittl,..: '! c olt. 8 0 04 4* 41011140 ankifrAtr2i,J •grl: :,Tittnattrectseple.?..!Wilson. ,41, tolorle•twEas(13140- 7 eJ. J. I "sea, Johtti I WAIL` W• l l.'P4orltilitesisuowftiohu Le "' A ' ': .:.. " I : r ~,'. ~i, „ !;., ":1: if,, , ,:...-. ~_.: 'Boutn rode-ritoDert Potter, i..; C. 'Ritchie, Plein "clobil‘ E. :Potter *W M= 71 Reed_ . , • . r 1 ' • ..9 . 7 )•..•'.• • *WO Sidti....Niehdrile.ligi • Alifirdir ' Offi l 16tiitlIVIWA 144 (Bs A yormy:aziipion. .tiAlsnivp. ~ ~, . '-ry .7' " • ''' ''' '' , O W 4, & O6,IIO . , I—F4;IIIIIIII4NDVARDBNif... Beat criltlyated" , Or not 14 ied than ' 5040 /4 etriet etteptkot e - heing , paldtnitinitWe . ' '-.4imullikrn at hFaa,' w•miog y skillibrinku 7 , aged/400;c . ~, . , ~,, , -.. 11.,10344 12d . bear• • . ~, , 4 6. 1 , ..,. • • Aci i,,, . IT ~, ill Mit beat cultliratedlvtign, thbkolgarden woo 2d bes t '' de. ' . • Aar: ,:.0 , 1 best ilowrifand orniniental garden , , ' I X oo 1:. Judire&-Jobn - Totter ou NT' . 'a; lisdrkfipid .&.*(larothera."'' ' ''' ''' 1 -" CLABS'Ziti:2-.4MAPE VINIMA,MW''' Bestgraptr,tineyard of net leaat* SOS' '' st Het attention paid totho'cldilnltf . ' , ,lcouditicat of vines/ ' i ' - "4 ' ' ' 41ft; ~2d best' , 't - • t by,' • " •4'.- i 4 •'.." • lei i' [ .„,, , ~ kain*4 , 6ldgell as 111 ) 0 1 , 0.) . ~, •- - I ' 2 "ite , /ail•flatPeiltorlf - deelrlair to enter Cla ws Nos 1 and p nilig, furnish ,the, f3ec.y.wiik their, pameslbefora th e tom of Rept.;lB6B". I tirQta 2d ,l ltheneeemary traveling axpel?pev, of Judotton el insses,No. 1 'and 2 tell 'b6 paid by.tite rtociety.,, ,i• •,. • -,, r . , • , Tr , .. trate ,TThe Judge." on all thr revend'elas ses are reimired to' Oil! St ; the Secretary's or , tfite nail:00)A, A. ilLosa tiui'gre,und on the firiA.4l4,,ar tne -Fait; barcon enteritis upon their duties, and „PtOcitre • a blank report.-- , Any Comraittrie9l4l,ing to _ this, the *mail, 1 4 Auui'orizga t ° 'relect sileig reliiir,;:„. '., - • ibl;Aßßy9. •3.:IIOREIL'a I -I "II ' Itliest-bi'd stallion Cyre Ali tip•, a 1,, "$10(A0 G d best.hrdlabahnii 4 yrs and .up ~P, A 7 00 'estblastallien , l3 yrs ,*at ttp ;„„. • VI, 40 2d beet bl'd stallien„iyrkandiup„;,',., )5,00 best 1)1'd :stallion t yre, tiro. ; •, ~•, a 00. 2d hear,briltatillioniLyranild Op j;.. 1: 2,02 begobrd stallion 1: year tilid,up.„ .., 800 2tl bear bra stallion x ,iroa,flua AP •,., -441.00 Iss:,bl'irniive must alsOw4-her stock 4 . 7; yearstand upwanl ', • ,;•-• ~,, ,5- 00 2d•bott , bril utetys iniun ali4W. her'eteckr - . - 1 , fL l AlS ' aild4wilid: ‘i - ' , , - ez-t. ~a 00 te . at apilng colt • -, , zi lu -'' ' . • 4:00 2 d haataPlink;elr l ', ' t - -7 , ct ,, . ,2, I 1 besllitalAo,ll. for lull- p u r po ses '4 years .' u" upward • '. •'. .. lid best lthiti rcitaliiiipsaia yrs ‘,„ , end upwarti - --, „.,.. • ) ' i -- 0 . 1 , 4.1 00. best Mallon For all: . RFRiillos Qnssa i et .... • and uptvanl '', ~.;u , . , ,t I 1 1-7 00 2 4. 1 ;e4 ata!liun for all- , Pn*Bo% ft jrs.o.; 0,4. ii '''-• Rua tpuu•rd! I . ' !"7 ""' bar I , abbe, best stallion or alorpostai 3saists ,I, ,v1.:1 -4 , -- 2d beat stallion Ibr, allfptirposes 2yr&r . and uPwardt* * ' • ' . best stallion for' 01- ilarinxelt 1 year •• end npward , .. , r, 241 best stallion for tillporpos4 1 year _, bes a tl li br u ood p7 aut . e must show - iher stock; °9 4 yrs old'and upward ' - 5 ' , OO 2d best:'broedonire tat* show her • stock 4 yrs old and Upward ; , :i l oq :dart heavy draft stallion:4 Xnarti I'M' upward t_ ...... 10 - 10 00 2d best heavy draft itailtorß4 - rani , andlupward ~. , ... ~ best heavy draft stallion'3 y6us! and ' .• . • , t , upwet , . 2d best heavY draft stallion' 8 Years 2d best•gelding I yrE and tip . . '' 100 best nutra.4 yrs eta up• . , ',', '`' 0' Oa 2,1 brlttnare 4 yrs aod up - , ,• - „4 00 best mareB yrs and tip 8 05 2d best nsaro 8, yrs and up • .. ' " .;',,,V; 00 best mare 2 yrs and up' • '•';a g • 2tl' beet mare 2 yrs and up . . ' . • 1 ,__J best mare .l yr old ' ' 2WI 2ellbest mare ~1 yr old ' ' 1 ai l best saddle borse or mare - ,:' „ ' ' ', ll' 00 2d best saddle Mtge or-maro ,' , 4 _OO l beg 'straight walking horse, or Mire , ..: ' ten percent entranap,feelotriP3d,, .. I . 1 " °el d ; bust ,• -. 4o ; , 0 • - , 1" : best,sP 6 4 . l l44vY' dit, home for paieir, 7 ' ::6 1 00 24, best ~ do do; '', . • „ ,A.Oil best ben draftl;#4-"lnii t icry rs .-• , • and upwgil ~, • '.. , • I ~ • . 1 '," i f bil 241 - hest heavy draft boro...,4'inaie 4' ' ~:i l yrs , and. upward :'" , , • , - '• PO best heavy4l4ft horse or marell yra ~' ; 4 , ~ , ,i and uptVera • ' ' ''''' ,2d best heavy draft- berm or thare,b‘• , pis and upward 3,. !'! MEE 1:122:1 CM Writ 1106 11137 ax 111 frt El SE NM TM ^ SDI' " Ino 11% 117: 1 Or 1213rx Ell BeE4 Jennie Boo 2d best denu4; • ••• 00 best rack • 800 2d"liest Jack • " • .- .8,00 beat span mulesA.yrs and. up -1 00 2d best span 'fltulea4 yrs and . r 4 00 'best' mule colt • • • • 2, 00 maid colt • .1 00 •Judges-.--L ''.N G. Laird, Jac:; 0nt140..• ••- • ' - " • CL S,l 73eet Durham that 3.,Yis'or,ovor •24 best; • ' 800 beitAttrhainib doL till2 - 00 '24'best . , •• and bmeard ••;,,, • ' d°• -7',• • kW. lopfsl beaisfra4rakstulllgio - uPatard .• " . 2d c!,s.t,..licattyl:draft ert:F•XearB. ang-4PWard ' : 2 !°2 test immargtt tr4o4 gq 2/1 best ltea*Aniitatallioit 1 . 31'444 , "2. 2dbbebeat ..heaVyt fituru.lmalel4,4 ~tro:1 ~ 4Lotiti her' dr.' 4Ti ki*;,. ll'hejti7 itilift•uatte to)sittrW • % . ,4 UP"' „ 4 : . 4e * ,4l lm.anulkh'itZipies or. warms a a , 2d beet' - 'may oo .• — OlB r. mat vldiagi 4, yis`idij :!•• 4 00 41144itialkig4 YISIL44:;: -; •-1-4 , 11(oo g e p!s •(.1.-4 00 att..beargsl BYislind ue i 2/V be5 i194 144247 %4 1 . 1 41 1 0:1;7;.•! 1 -• Tu. , 1 . - 'i u d 2. " 2d rt ,••••, - ty belt gold .I up • c 4 -:,a: :2 00 b e 3 " 0 4.40 1 41;1414 - yr , vo"Nro • : 1 00 lieitadttiftltbalrAa.4iorg* '• 2 I X ) d beg....• - A4.O) lT ' ." , ! rt ri i 7 °° fyd Ti (coo beet' , d o ~ is 7 011. `11.,•;111.00 beisedUkiiittc,ct•vira•2; 'l24'444';`'• ivr 8:00 4)411 .,, 2.4#4 6 40 . ...14;0ver ,-- 2 gem •• 11: 1,0011. r ,at • to &slow t bar pp ,tu : i lii il l 4, :yari„oriiit.';:" -, ';=,', l .l:)fi taw xelid V&A!, bUltiryrit'Or up ' 800 2d best do 4 bast devokbultl d u yr or u 00 00, p 2 24 best 'do 1.00 ME Mil rfivroll erit • - . • is got; 11C best AV *IOC 11,4 niti POPelltrit•rl wa iblOk mite, Dent bes , yok 2dtbest c i boss .11mt.beet bist.. • Rid bestinci antiZi' J best 24;bilit Dest.B 4 hibestl 1 ,!., , • I tat Bigamy. , ,x ; ,, , 1 /).; ..--, :lit . , • 111, iiv, lidAlear , i ~) 0 1 i . 1 , 1ln : till' Am 11: it t 016360 , 1 41 t . nTF. i i-, ,41 cotswoi. i ibt 1 Sidi*, , - 0-1, It .... „_,lrifille. f ` ' frio f. 'l i? ' e(X). bait $ c0t 6 44,316,,,,,iit. Ist, I - - ; tv.ll-40w, belit 110-SailijcV...- tWI t ,ii it .7.-.1:14 , 0(1' _ - - . _ - - t 2 00 ple • 101 1 00 2cLbest nmpWsu-zar ..'; -• 1 00 Dent sugar trem Chinese -dip !arid 2.:00 2d best* sugar from Chl date ! cane dtp and.l,oo] ,Best molasses or sugar froMmunedip and 2. V/ 2d best . mil or sugar &Ma same dip and 1.00 Best light bread' -dip and I'oo 291, beiVigidkreadvi • is 1-'1 OQ Wat light Cakes • ' u ! Air and keo - 24 brat • Best three varieties of cakes : - . dip and , uu, 2d best B.verieties of cakes , . ; I'oo Best three 'ysirieties. of pressiries • 2 'OO 2d best 3 ettrietina of preseries dip ands • 00 Beii varieties &tared fruit 00 2d best 3, varieties euchted fruit • 2 00 best ball ,gallon grape wine : : •: - 800 . 4 41 - best half gallen l grape wino. ' 200 w;t holt galloneuffant wineq: . 4 8,00 24 Pen hair galleon eursantwine .• 200 ben B,yaxicties•frolt,lp bottleor jars 800 2dlo, 8 yarieties (Alvin in bottle °tiara 2 00' besti3 Nrsrie,tipt cmit.botter • •••i: • • • • • • 4400' 24 br*Vikrip t tlesi fryit;do , i • , 2. 00 pest specinienpickles •,• • • , 200 , .., 3 0 , _. 18 ) 9 t-eliici, men. pickles' ''• , l 00 11 C 11 ‘. ,RPIPCMIR.IIOIII9::,' :t , 200 es,a 40ap.21,;1• . 00 belt. 44en.faindles 2 0 0, . siopeciinemosiidleil 7 :•• - ,1.00 best• ; ..; • • 5 ,0 . .1 t a e lly. . • tlsti 04 beeLepple jelly' •' •': ; dip Acet . MPe • " '• • '>a;' . '81) 24 best ata i pc jelly ' dip best jel - ou 2d best •eurrant Je lly • •• -• • best Siberianjey• • - -1 , • tie - 2d best Siberian jelly': " • 'AP best Sla y . apple Jelly : „60 2nd best May.appks Jelly •-• ' dip' !it D°E 43 .—Min Sally Stokes,:idaggie Pot cr, 3 1re..A.zude,Serogge, David Scott _ , • •••! , (CliAgS O.i.i=gox-EY; .5.00 7 00 7'oo •-• 200 . - - - • , -, • - • IN* litiodiallan bees ''," ' ''' . .. ; : ; l ll li & 8 'N _beet - hive (*comm . -bees ' .-, :-. • ':-.-', dok'" '8 . uu beet kit; honey in glass • . *". ; ,' dons • , A.'oo 24 beet lot•irmey in glans • • '' *,,'• •.RI d T .1• 4 0 8 •beat honey in wood and•gitis! 7." 119., 0,2 CO lid 40 ka•honey in'leoodds Otiii. do ' - ' •t 00 best honey in wood - .'.. ": ileP '''...2 'OO •••• 1341 beet 'honey in weet - '•-, ... , do:-. 1.00 ' best-Ind largeetbollecgOn Of it,94-.'•••••.: i- J;i ' • ey from one hive "- J; ;.-- ' de ~•51..40. 2d• hut and - larkiiit eideatiOn of , -- -'. . . ' ' hPile. Y'A!*__._l 3 .4 .o hive: , •. li. ,; de; . ' Jcf•fjp . .'..` JUDGEti—MIBB E34ljy.,§kee, Idaggiellrot- , ,-ter ! - ,..Mre..ifonne'SdrogmEar4s2;il:: - ; • ,''J• • CLASS: 0:- w . - - -.pfuwatio. ~, ' 134t-earil ' ',001001014 Gt. - . 4 lo rera 8 ' 1 4 , T '24l%leiraide ' . 4eopiefetinaPC , Golveßl ; 2 '' .' beet eolleet on.anitgaffe§rin gmtej '', 'll I 1 j t i l l e 1k 2 .2 1 . 1 . 5 , 1 0.p.... .. 1 - - .5114 ~J A; ; ,' 3, Z4i• i I Ira'4'll r i......1...„„n i•i LI: :. 1i . ..111/1100 ',.. .. innaair,dhe th , n9wqlo . :-•-Al - •./i . 100 1 'ne-14'dleh - Witt i t i tlt : tbed`hand.tik -•-- ..... -I, .' ! • liatboogrorza 4.41/eloi-J , ) - i• ......, .:/ i 1 alibi ix:quell c'• , -"'t bee . (lora' t ; ; ~ It 11.1 i I Ina: deel 0;: ' i :4- i:' , l:-..1:E 2.. - tt 'ogflloo iffunqueir . _. .. -- •.- '"•'."; ," .-y4:11 tdod Ol.) Atakistin,'-2,Maggiar -o,iailialto:isil-nomisv6.lal,& ~,,,,,,i f),,,! . ., : uiiorms: ...,,,,,., , , ..., ~., be ßest :l l(b o . ya Yirdb rde ' et teill. tirket elb . tIIL'IL ' ` ul '' ''l k• -PliEltille° .4-8 I LI oroe bertifiquede eititinfero ,,- Jr ,: ; 800 -beat-10 Yarde &Wel • - •-t, • i, ~- . 1 , ,, t .. , 1 00 beat Mama c' '• ' ;'''',.. •.' ~ '.'::?7•;.. ; : 8 I•I bask eintinteilit;dtimii4C, l beet silk:veiling- a" Y - ' - ' .'..,' i; &I 08 beat triad! tieite - '''" ; 1 :4 ;1 , ;AO • . • 1 -e, .. ) ,le/J.;:•try • • , made' oast - . ~ , ,„i t AO .bestiath*otoetAiiit i/oit i '; ' „. . :! rtirbtiOlt,c" •J.— i 'diktat"- ; • "". t ' i .... t ,;',„; i ' , I/ 0 8T10 beettollitibitit t "i `'-'''' ; ,''. .. _ I I • 4 - JUDinsi;*abiuli Ait hie,lij.Mtiret. . CLASS NO. 12-CLOTIDNG AND FUR NISHING. Bast flax tidy beat colored cotton tidy ilids 4+79111d_ ol . u. at al avot,TV./1.. !Arai tot itnitt ykol ri t me:t tilvinicht vflo ,!ibl ittsb ' ll6ll 1,441 i - I . l e t ilitilt - . 1 l atiet .. - 1-.Y, ~ a l li/sou,. Hi Ittpialowitsii . . 0 gybed .. • c • 1.,1 , 11; t 'fir it...! libor. nwierr. • n do : /re J ad ards ade Ya 4 . 41 tinge off " : 0 rez:•_ lit"ni, • ) lieo c ;-•..littrAcr whiasist Awr4 hat ; hat id!! ges competint be 4 Itiust lie made 'milk= •:" •r - - • : : f. ~tk4g4• 3tlfa icp p $ 2 ,C$ IPUIWPA9zi.. _ At dill , *eo finobt • • 1:c1; .4 fed best ten iit ORLI 2d best do dtr ' • , •I ' oo best acre at' corn - 1 ' ' 3 ,00 ; !• • • . 2. 'list white aead wheat, one Weal • .Iroo do ' .do do, do, r •.; 1 - ‘ lO best'red teed 'Wheat, onebusb:el ~, • - 2. 00 .24 do. do do r di, • /00 ,beet rye seed, one balhel • 100 'do seed oatlycne buabel 'I 00 dodo barloit,y, one bushel • 100 .6.1 do corn in ear; three' lonsbels• '*Pd' do clover seed, one,:balrbushel • 00 ' best ,timotbey seed,. One-half bushel : I'3o 2d:best, ,ao , do 'Ado 1-00 best' Ila% seed,'one:blf Wily* „ RIR do Wane, one , helf bushel - ' 1 00 do Garnet,Chlii petal*, 34 • • '1 oo• dolluckeye, M.busbel. , rt .1- . Harr°,,l4 ,boshei, , .1 oo db Closco . potatb,li „ do rbaebbleiripotath4s( husbel 1, °° do Sweet, potato; 34 bas h " ,• ' I do - aced buckwheat.' one:bushel • 1 5o' dn . spedineri Chinfseatiopano ;' Lou do acre Nesbannock potatois . • :Ames do lotoot.reangils, t 1. 00 do , - dord Carrots • 1 00 .do do, ~turnl .pt, 1 • • !No 'db"' do rutabagas, .t:. 1 .00 46 •'do ibritons , . , .„ 00. do , db • turnip Wets . '1• 1 'coodo, do , do, ,par s n i ps • ' " It or) do lot ofewootprimpklne - "' 100 Ito cull on. of squashes •• •• oo do collkfton' okwater ;melons... •! • 4 00 do coltectlchilif eltqops . „ 1 00 do's do bush tonialbut " • . L 2no 2d best M bush tordatoes • 100 best, tnish,cons beans " -./ °`) 'do M bush Wir beans • ._.. 100 do gallOn•Lima beaus' ; .„ • , .1 oo dolt bash bunch ilistins :loo Jutoons—John „ 41Indouti, 'Abner YON toil and 4.11 ca Bra, Best 6 Windiest alti riplites b each' ••:‘ Bop ad bat 6-varietles WI alipleilt each • 100 'loaf° marieties winter applet Bosch .8 , 00 ' lilitatat 6 *midis' whites appko ri ,•1,1 .-1, bo boa and lart collection apples • -,...•,9:11 *0 241 best Ind hrgat tollection applesai At .00 Lof t bestil varieties stunnstrir NI 8 NA . Low 2d. best • t , - ' ,•1 • :-' 4 ."''' ' ' I "11 tkr testlYviritiles.iinteß P.UIIB '''' 2a ° best 6 Varieties White! ,rw_t 8 h,- Sltol ild Usti witiethis'irtnter pear, pact :1 1 ois !mat 4yarietios.ploitis !leach . • 1 , :, i: 00 tat collectleao,pbuesm„: ate; ,, - lOO befit ilti4olo.peaches - - ,, r t, I V.• 00 ..".t dozen. quipopa, ~ •,, ~,„.:, •,.. i s .1, , ; .:1,. 00 .- tsic e beleitilaWba grapea, e s 4: :001 ildibesfitatiwba' , - 4 001 beep sae grapes 31 poelt!• s * •-• , tl , 06 best collect °Lout door- grapes ' :--.: 18 Oti , ilid . oioapitt:dosigrapbe t L ,:I ; g .twi liest'eblleet, o'azregabotisegnipeat ' ,14 r g ctd .2d bestOoll on givehlianse grape) , , 135) . 00 best,airfrutt - getiesto to 'onekoptort•' . ' 71 " 66- , 1 ,,,, , , r , • ,m,,,,,gt In, all' 411 I nis, paiCh liMithel I '' ' '',. 1',64 1 Verg " ',,..., aepleg, . 48131411.2 . . e. II 1 , ..groti 21,ir , , : Etpujapi WIN, Mfiromind JObitaabertil.; l:ll. "''' ' -f , - 1_ API 7 Lot , „ • : Nea zsz-riktir AO ,„„,..- • • Ora* Winn ' 3 , '• u/ :''' ' '" 13. ,;', .--:-: 1, . one plow 4Viaiitnir 1 z Wil ,6 8 i 4 best hillsidejljapi__._ _ i i-!, g 2,.. • my ' ,bsar AAR"- 1 ' , , I ts , ' Afilli 0010tatiliieldbil:+ nail ir.ra ti. .. . 1 . Z' ' INSChignr • •J''''.‘ ll .' 1 ;It‘ 1 ben „, . , 1 -.. ' " ‘' -in ' . , 7 ." 1 1* 1 *LI •'', , . 84 ! "I ; P :; ; ,.,. 1 ,5 1 i 1i -,,1': " ' ki l VlDlltaiilrtenr.::. ~:s .0): . ~ ........*. fr o° (AMUR 'Vox ----- 100 best machine for gathering clover seed 1 oo best grain cradle _ 1 oo beet throttling mitoblas dip it 800 best corn abetter ' 100 be% elder mill , 6 oo illifi ____ ti. itt..:kripiaiticif Itlit7, .•.1. 21(iot at mg/ ',* -, xf „ .. , l „ : _c%„: _ .__._-_-_,, lobali Is - A7r . to,: rwit5147.35.1 pigstript ''''''" arai" ls .° 4B fsf. mi ,* ) 1 :A .-. .... . 40 , 1 f ig i . 77 , - 7-- zir.r.al3l ; :7-it • JR , : • -t, .1 I , . • . '''' ' li a,-,) , ' ..,,, • - , •:1 cm . t ~,•••• •,.. ..,..„ fitc)a ,, . .:. • ..• ..., ~ • i,,, s• st, w , • . • . - -- -4,-• ....: I Ll2'qt.sltitM9i 4 4 8 00 ~„ Qo 44 ha l f° 4 4 41441 "I.l ' b 6 sett bitid as? • , 5o beittiuttety . "" b° gape:went itoti tslll - 4 ;., , „,,2.091 i eopiAss stove ' w,4,029, 0 01 14 , 1tove for beatingebdrehei ' dip & oo b es t listing genervy ; ' I ' beet stone trite ' • 1 , 4 pest frettjars, six 8 quarts' • ' .f p •• pia' l l4 l •ras six 2 (Pada 410 101 ware . d p I. 00 beile Sre brick' "'dip • tit 0o beastomM oo brick ! _ & Der Junes- - Richey Wilson L'=il l ,,g;, ham,Jottarittsin. 'off ; ./.' I; -AND 14 . 0. OXII. rra AutuA l7.—LEAT urratE l 3.. Deer i m - #( 44 1 , e•- rnelASlCll_o4r .1 200 beik skirting mthfr . • • •,S 00 &sit** istiber n ' 2 be .! r.testber. 1 2 .00 best la blatber • ' - 2-oo best ' sktos botber . ' 900, Wit ealf Mug 4 leither • ',•• • 9300 best double Et of at e• noriesi oo lic*siogiePellofoi~lionera 00 _text_troable_. 4strobse , bo pest MIN . ' - ;.ao' feet tee •,* i 00 ,befit ' ',A4 - 44414 f • 2 Pfl bait httir". • • - J. 00 Qat bo O •'•• ob -1. I INEMIN t"! :01 = =EI ~ii! : =I tehterß . ". h • tramic - aoilniA':, ~,- • . -I i• - if i ) oc• Mit -- p4i gentra•calf boots ' 200 r bogilatr fOrd'a,kip boots, i • , ,t• t .2 041 gelleli atogado . ' ...: • • 2 , 00 ' iclit'a siona shoes : - ', ItlsB- 1 oo ::---7---- -- heeptar i sdisit'siipperg , , ~ 1 1 00 lonoissinsinet Agoortmd, Joslah Jack spn and a eo.,C unnisuchater.• , !, • .• • ' , . , CLASS NO.-;18. - -PADTTING, PkNMAN . best oft • sIVE, s s arc. • ' • Den off painting . dipl& 15 oo [2d IlestAldo do ''' ' , • dip &glob • nest pito tiwriphs: dip a 5., on 'Ad beat : do • :,. ' • dip4l oo best' ambrotzPos „' :, ,- dip &2 00 bet Photo pews . . dip &8 00 ,beet displays of pliotoiitiplui and amorotypes • ' - 411114118•0 e, beat, apecitnei!' peiipuinithip dip & il , no fld , n do ' - • do, • dip a koo best s ; pe a di ii sion . penmanship with tart h - -- - 1 dtp& 200 ,241, best specimen penmanship with _. , Idt hand , , •, „ • &PA i' on i loniuss , 4t. T.. plifrhart T Reisinger sinf 1 , op 2' 00 9 . oo 9 00 19.--DSCILIMIONAIr. 4,0118 class 'found the various art ci in cies, on exh ibition ootmaturwottol In 9Or rut - , n% L. , • • -1. , Novelan . d "are requested toecall the:at iention of the Discretionary Committee loan Articles entered in . tbk goVeral -classes rWhlck ore worthy aof al pr , - hitt 112 po: case moot maktiotawatd Orpiemimik to Sin lir not emmonsted . on the premiu m list of Ol?301. 1 e41 2:104;1 2.—ltFhaii the duty or the PO oietioniry 'COminittgo to examine an =char ticies as 'shall le ',reciintnended to theta' by the risdges on • the various,chums, together Itith,those to *which their ttention directed by the numbered cards' (19) on each, and also any article they may deem worthy of , premium, which la-not specified in our List, Bat in no case 'pre they to MAC an awapi-in *ay class union, theirattention has first ban called to it by the . judges ofsaid • close. 4.lllßsCretionary Plinth= to he referred to the Board of Mans,gcra 7 • sal*suid Reirulistions fbittkoffiievir .• - , . • - f ermiltetitorate !Mr. 1 .• - ' rrot r To coxruTrrona' • ---- •- ' -''l. ComititOrs at the Par - must beet;me imbibers otthe &kitty, and lialte certificates of Inemberiihipf hieh muat liejhown to the BeeketarY before " any entriei; can •be 'Made. 'They eaustniso be eitlaens,Of the money, and ovrtioror.4l6.l!topOtj - Wo6lted for prey* -fit' -' Itumbek-ed - oe'Tilii:!li44l;he attichOlO allertieß4 stock;' . t i 'pp • paltihigen,' which' will—being an tuned copy 'COW, eigry--' r buA the names 'the owners striy.4tOliide4. • • , j ; ,- ii :- -:,11. !' All atintOleiggeles.Must be.:on tlke : grants! , lieforet 10 i'. pck, .4.. 3L, on Thursday istiqw*lii i4T . itir . ii:r0 1 1 444 00 niftYbe hiralfgeollir'.medln*fopexaudnetbawby tiff 4 11 4 6 titkaleatirrierooo:-. Artielos war subaegraintle el , ro4 , ; ; Akr r e4blqpn, but "riot font . ~t ii -.-' '...11_•,-0 .r. l' Al l I lk „e - p iAnitot,t le •theid; lo - 1 1 tillont. 'rem , 1. , 1; 1, Otiliieenr, aims; I . k 54 *- -.1 " 4' ' ' . -•*.. '4O 10 Moko themselves tolliii. i :finlescit : beconlea ;Ree -1 aolli'' to '' the ' ' int 4ocir, iiiimliii : 1 4 1033, I ilijOrfe r .; Adigl or must not, boo , Iktterfered w ith, ir:llia*.iiiKV. EOY Jr,,tl s , • 1„. poippetitora =4:*erhbrins o f r oogied,o, r zimseror dislsor ~•-• .. 0 11=. 1 17 01 : J artm altt pr el enterst l. , fm p,reto „ I*o l, * - 4 41 0K r millntatilsek'Nbrttle"N!': • •-: lv.l)34.lllo44PesatidolL 7.Altiathile r 44 - ' . 41 , .. • nieovito !Milord* Inallibuetleirlot ' • ' '.:,- ' 401 watt, ~..., .• ,:.:;,„ 11,,• ~..: • . prAttnw.fioridodr•Wilt billtiriti*l - ' ' -. , • etillulM end - gain at' ileirt' 06,, *;lkii . .Inklubcov of wider *ill bo *.. , ,i n? , Pnini# , Pisiltiparptom . . i, -••:• • T . .... aluminum *HI -be pa*- mitir 1110 1001 days after the Ilide i anat.ali.. remintne sent for will be paid oily on a written order to the Treasurer of the Soddy, (Sns. O. Wil son)to be retained by him as a voucher for the same. In all cases premiums to be re celpted for to the Trasurer. 10. A Committee will direct as to the lock tlon of any article which may be placed on I. ' .141 A 18W30f1 affr 453/1.10U . 1 Gita.. 4 9 ,1 ": 3 At" 211171.1. v't a.libiliallitaEMENTS. 7 1'; . 1;;Trtsti at ti 4 alba - 400p Itnt for anik saisequot of disooest! muds as Mai I{T ` n R t te mto of OW typo ammo& • * JCI:CtalaiS a Wad loyikatotittO to wM loaned Maria auk toowtoto; _ magi oamoooold *root ergo. two Ma etsitt to .OholtP ahlr ' l l4lwo ta row to mem Lbo bail& to bars WWI - 1 to Mot wookli pow. • . ‘---111111119'414 %ir ix at i ria ll I Sa o Ga egimbitiogom snit ' logg lr damp Om 7 aitizzi orty t a mi S -01 4igtThitioN-T —, • • ::crr aids, Alikea w i iii,* Afomoo award a prong lb ia - tiWelethe . of which is matt toy.:A .jildir l'lrikrzoit no 1 person ID be il i Trillok eximittnlons, except as a b o v e . dir c i. i :to t & ued . " t . to iserfe as a Judgolif he ii- 7 ybe competing [awn or . au; or 4 , say . iF•RNmi.. . 44 , .. tx 1 3 l'a if all •••-••••-••• 1.;!:;% ,-.Gesqinal: Rules: • IL!•clerunosteeubrafifmeinbenhip ($lO exczo,alizoatill) membentof the family to all the. ,pdyilegee.of-the Society, :except i mam -Mtr,!eerM9ffEet-la ' t$ an , thept aen • membership 01) " • year , Including iseoccesiitigi admit, to Fair Ground Aka Exhibition th em e heeile-of a family jeibikiren years residingag ate. dreept wine; 21 of 41(dostee3P-Wenti tech) will be gave for &VMtostr.i• articles In 130.1ranufacturiiigor Ifecipmkai 13 . ., must be made in the 'county, , 'period of one year 'preyed*, to the pieeint I? i 4.. 'Alio • ENO Of Wittagers may award PrePli,. ung, IPA** of special merit from other counulatatep„,„ ; ' ho ekaybring Intoxfat iliquotsrbaihe'-Fdloefounds, either to , Qnnit hitoodf, tbigitgaway, shall be ex pel legfrom the enclosure, and not be permit- , ietic6 l iter k Mau-- - • horse upon the GdikindAexceptthopeln hauling ar iclett6 the Palk wbwibaii not remain, R • of Soden Jai cu= bustrebe.. ItUn a lis Or - .. ring, mud be ou of ,the gra*. iuuttediafekellirtntiuina . 8. All . canbqtell..wlgons, vehicles of any kind; coding int the enclosers (ex cept the provisiollaht reltillib and 7th,)mest be entered for coinpetttion, and-have num- Wed' car t dllaced theM9XplNone otheacaa , be admitted. All peirsobithOnilietid to exhibit or train talks rings?* required to show their CerAficate of if=bp, both; the Stook gate and entrance to the ring. A. iyhes lioardondadogens w ch Includes 1 - 11 ' 3 • 021 cerlekwIll be pones es e grounds ' antrOnll be &did to" give. stuy information io competitors or othehs who mi 4? desire it. : The Managers will have A ctioneer to sell any-animal or - article. Amid ted, which the owner may wish to &poseur, on the third • da t Tha SeOrdary of; •tbe finciety. (J. R. llarral4) ready- to •recelve entries for two Weeks pruviOns to the Fair, and would earnestly request 611'v/hoes* to make • appli cation before the Fair, se' It will facilitate ar rangements that. easy : he made tbr their ac cimunodatzon. • _ - In piesenting the foregoing. List of Freud veil* the Beerdbeg leave , to , call attention to the fact that it has nneergonel thorough re ;vision, and correction, did they would invite an - attentive aides/GM perusal, feeling that in variety and extent (if not bf aggregate amount of preizbiona offered) it is not somas sed by that of any other Como Society in our State. Taking these theta into'consideration, the Board inlaid cordially invite all to com pete; hoping that we may !dye an exhibition which will prove alike creditable to our As sociation and to the Agrictiltensl interest*, of our county. • J. B. RABAUL, Secretary. ,Pitmirranto To-Dames Wilk geakli!.aresakl. igentlibi this sea. sou tha:i waverer batons biotite. Scarce an e4change ,reachoi ,as that doe' not contain 0118 or more horrible anekestorles. The lat est Is told ors yontigilidylOeyder county, PentuVivartia, who was hi the garden picking berries. 4 piercing scream train her alarm ed the rest of the Tamil % *lie; were at the tea-table. liastenbigttiterPirief, they foetid her lying an the grolind• inseeslbTe. She wax carripd ititodbeholise;sild sail° relate, ex amination, preyed that' the was dead. Her friends, on proceeding to prepare the body for interment wore horror-stricken to find an black snake .coiled, tightly around tier Oersop, beneath liars clothing. There. ifbi ncietertidiiiii or the shake ii eving bitten Ler,: Abe inference Was 'that young lady fngbt.. ; ~"• .4-, P-WPYmotat.•',/irdgerlrho lila a great .b140 1 #144! WAY. cantd apes Baran, whittles 9 0 1e4uilte -nail. Itint;i'lwaPfh• bed." 431 r. ha, ,; 1 0 1 14 it, will tirert 1111 4 riti 'lire risen" LcrelA 44 I SW i. 4111 am !line-' aye he will Maergal soaxt-nauedo •Tbfl blm -I am in tha bat eitvemity:::, : •04, m ow bi * tithes to say ,adie u , v i rig. ,I"Tellitim II am dead." "lie aANitlifil iiirkokk, " york s yldth holy wa tordtv aConfotind ail 1:d ldyt lit. P t 'jt•t;•' '. ( I ). - Wir bi AY rli . 1 A:>ORTWit INIIO, l i t ihciAincry, who zi ti had hein cletabedlki l ' ' ^ ikl a freshet, katdidalted tfiVfil'ct. Immo thatby re m*„ .1 0Z,1,4, VA-tilt". la* kept ine ~' . •: 1 •.d %, 311-.44t3 ', . 1 A . ~ , _. Is • _.. 1 _i' '.,tl l l:l4tOr a,theataid thisgata‘Tiow - aziurchin jelnial , t i * f i , 140 1 1131 / 4[ #*; lll. * Nes hags' Eicssm at a fashionable city party—low necked dresses a prombsent festarea Miss Barrelbindinp says to het country (man —"Coz Sam, did you ever sat mach a glorious sight before ?" "Never since I was weaned," replied Sant, D11;1111E1. le 1 ' E i SS El
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