'9 PU13.1.1911E0 VlTititY ilirltDllllBDAT 1 . 14 thoo-cialliva4anah4, `41.0.11 . Sf a a i L T wo Do Luactut - iiikabag: on o Piplce of tho piper artiblithilichibitA., fa !rope rs, At are ante oath. communteatitme on ettl4oete of local or genetailni toot are r e.Pecifelly solicited. To tagniorattialini, i vre of thls kind inyititsyy j .ba.lietripsnied by 0 name of the author, notior' tobilillattion, but as a r am:4 4 Bo l A ImPoulflon• I f tr. !g o e rs end communication ehOulti b 1 ogrpos f ed to , • i '' J. WET /01D, .411 tor it riveter. . I 11, •••"7-7 , -.— .. . t • VRACTICIAITIMI i ftIiNtie .. . . i,-,•, . ' , , 1 idßadAt .K 1 ' " . 3.. r! i rOflite two dkiate plibt"' , 6f.,4oeitra • , . niptei 1 _ _ ~...t kor A4 ".., tdoting; I n.)l 7; , Li• If II i'), •7ig2 :I V4 . i . j '. .. r fF . ; , t . a 4 •••••••••..................- 'BT; G • 1;4 _lf iIVILENPM I . IO . I 4O I /FMTF°Iir - "P r gVVA4o.grgi l fiTA; , : * " . • .t'II I IEYS. got • :9-jtr.erro Thigul ottre.—Whereas !ottani test= • r , ', try pan thesitattiolgetsiibillrivt Kee Boron drOVII4IMIIIIII growl to.4hof toioiNo.:;tilliperoottpl.to. iebted to vAid citateounoberebyasolklioLto,makeilair ~,,dig f rpoyment, tut noise having cioluor,loptopoot the fame without daisy, to• .1 6 1U4 WRY, 11. 0 /11 Ar d • ic om:nts.i tr. Beaver Seminary & Institute. PALL SESSION OPENS SEPT. 8, 1 1868. ui,s tic • o .. a ,t N OCESSLLY j . . oditiidi ,4. Ito n ...9", 4 " ‘'' retalcignts a s • • , • • rad • IGENTS WANTED FOR Td B ki i 2 .., II T illi" fl r iiiv R . OUR t OUN •.1 ' , ratite ts, a bt , bat , . . ~,, .us oh tirrierlOqn Add on c 0110... ,co .i'l .ue ,11, 0 46., mennfact;ries, and onr finances—one at ochre volume. fall of vivid interest, life-like Rio newt end characteristic anecdote. 550 well-filled pget—r2 flue steel portraits, and theaves of over 50 l en .'Price ,ow to staltitbo ti pas. The cheapest as Mk Tell so the mostinterein 1100 k published within five j am Ssle: , Immense. Every body 'wants to know tie life history of these men. Sethi ft* Circular to ZEIGLER, IICCI.TRDY & CO. lie.Ps..Cineinnati 3 O.,Cbicago,lll.or St. Lonle,Mo. . I nO C F : C4' . ' - :\l' e• CI VIA 14A. ". ,; ' . . _ ti TIN FOIL SALIE. frir.UNDERSIGNILD HAS A LARGE LOT OF namee , tic Wine, manufactured by hlmeolf, Oil* TIT i n taintry, which he wl I t • eir le wine SN Dade from the on r Da and will le wit! by the bottle. gallon or keg: i -ccerard plants one year old, for Palo at my vinevird oprfNlNtf. - ell A ItLES ItOEDgl. J()S. .11. . GREER ? ARC II ITECT O 111 ECHAN IC I Alro • . I ANI) i • " :1' 7 7 Etiginor af Arts and Uitu3 and liesiacuce, „ • • „ • LAEGIIING GUI: :,;:, ''':. fiOMF: A !LYE THAT HAVE BEEN SLIFFERTNIG t,. the untold miseries of toothache, and 'dread ofnex 'arc in 4, tent, OM We Alt hat Ifintlita l l et ready to/ n'.lWivelyou tile t n t•lrnyerz-L'Atiffilf:Sek 0 . —at dr et ;on a source otpleas i i i relter thanpiti 'AillieptatAperolt . nned :in t t lioottple r t aeri!spdnt rflits hie nakat b,,t _gpoit ,, ,.. n• t..: In the county. 117*Cilthr *aver BtaUoti. Rochester. ' N. J. R a #O7 ----4-t- D - rn mum xis; „ •-•- 3 e- - • .... TIIF, I*NDERr i tORP o rOtrI,D 4,•ICTFULLY 1 Worm' the . Nett( -Waver ttpd dotty. that 1.. ho opened an o Ice in e nr, Pa (o r the practice tt lh , ut ry. By it tr / i ld. a ernhl il nce in the i th,te-,.10n. mad i t el se to he, give gen col cet..fart (tin ilt 3 lutottness. I ft; office in tho old •IGormly Ri t ia bulldlig. Mitt, , , meet, Bstritt; ANtr,-. it Ivork IV ted for one yr. 0,11,A/ 1,,,„ , ..,k‘„, J,,..0) . ROHN. )4 TW:iy. _, _ ..,,..._•__ • • ... . _ . • • . . - •,! 1.7.4 r w Pa &Ai 11NNINGHAIII, E. P. KVHN. 1! U.NWEVOILLif e KOIN. MO art* Mastmoi7l: OFFICE, TIIIR,D, , - movAiy. -•- B It l C. 11.•IVA.1111.1NOP:).N.' sucrEssoitTo•Dll. %V. N an& 'SURGEON, . „ nrettilie of the Vnlvernityi of Pennevlvantlf; • 1 lap 1 ocuftql porninnently'ni RQchest r, Bpa7el7 colintr, Pa: ut:nlV yens Cxperten re In 1111 fiches at to practice of laid Was,* offers his itervice . .i 'to the rat the and anrconniling country.. . •1 And residence on Water street . .. d tv, tita Plttebur2h National Plow Factory Pl:ay IratonscOrd,ldfgrahlSe-W•Wiltillma.6 Isle pr i • tit:S.—g• D ..tio:IITNET. .• • v • .1 . Vt j atch Maker and Jeweller, Street; Bete4ii", lie r.qn affioining J. C. NVllcon's office.) watelleA and chronometers - repaired nadirs'. THI. Emzravin:: clone to orders. •,• • i ;1 7- 711 , . palroturzo - of the public IS Solicited, and eanrantecd. Give ua a trial. • CIL a.,. 13. H0r5t,...,. ..,1 notary Putdic„ . Conveyancer . Agent. and Iniurace Ag I11:Ens-AIN:JS I ADltthliNW_ 'VeitriMir 'AND / , wknowleng 'meo taken, ,te. 1 Ira% inn been d ly comm , s4oned as Agent for pever. r,r+t c141.=4 li , ranee Compute*, representing the !1.. Life, Art ent, and Live gtoek Doportmente,le „m i t m •-• ,;ffed, to take r6ks and rerit6 polletee otr thelnost : 1,, ral f vrms. .. , . t Agent for the “Anchor I.ine" l of flra clips St•Mtners. Tickets sold to and from all ports In Iselarldk Ocollittl4,,ColentlOYolllritance• fallrc in Learn brick rdw, I:omnd 'Ttothrater, • San ds K Weidenranc; O. 30 Fifth , Bre et; ;Pitisbuugh • DEALERS IN //OUSE PURNIO/fG 14°P.141,, • - ``ll•V It AND PLATED WARE, BRITINTA.4 A-, ` innif,•(l. Wombat and Willtr Ware, American :. PoTth - Clocka. i They : bay,o lihrir on :bend the . i tl , l. 511.041;,7 5 +/Cite, 'l.YtirieilicAAlr i , ltils.on.., Goblets, 'Walnut Brackets T:0",:: Fork 4, . lea Trays, —, Iron Tablet', 1 D. •••..o Pm ks, l ftitlvers, , Clotheellorem, l'rw ‘ L leo Chests.- 1 ' l 3 ;It r r Ctrili THE CHEAPEST 11,0 0 t and shoe House T tj . - r — lr i i , ' - ...... • .ti... Tzleorlarid, ... TANI-F' ~,T titErw..wiitiotti. l‘ . 66llBlB ..i Finn dealenl In Illootfi, Rh '4lc Tinibberr. at Near (it ana lkw.lon Prices pus sal:tag:sf expenses and Att. * 1 . 11 ' 6 . Afield far rblindolphii! City 'made goods at , Aillpfecturers prim , . , . •_ !: —, ,'"nty Merchants and Shoe Eaten; WM rave moe ' 71111 tag on me bet' ore gain mss.. .. ' r" . '.. ( ; 1 oo d s it c.c is 1 vC d i Wally . .' At No.. XlO2 Third. Stree t , - Ia:TAIL S ' 4 ll' WOO 4 TORE - PITT4I3VROTIYPAE: • No. 98 Market' Street ,.., 1 • ,im noon ritomTnrrn ~tkr.th 1 • , . ... ' ruill lotefrr• 2 a1...'41 ,19T , nd77 ..114 se cl,,lpitld 2 1 .....caV1" 11%.1. le ft-1c ti tt.f , r. - ,1101 too; 70 Idhow . ftheillltc , ll :P.:. pl P.p.W . lvt •cmly , l n...r1 :,-,...,,,p1.1t.1.4 „,taccrf f*a - Ar • -Nail 11ue p.P. , ,,sib:f:tl itPl3 - 03!191 !haat A.7l,fittftligoo 'MTV, 1 A a r ', ~,rpt h:cf,;l! ibici,,, ••41,sit 1., ~.,11. o l ~,,Tl,if ittftf" 7 i !ic ii. 1 ' .t.!;",(1:••.1 , -, IlfOt filil, T 7.1 •• Dil • .:v : • 1 '•'•:4ll',/ !1rrt..'.....! !Win ~ • .. t• , 1 07%17 ./ . ;;;t1 .401,144na4 . • .., . , 3. . .. ' i ••••••••fq ••••4t ot 71r, ••I r !. o t• •,If $1•••. g•, , 1 ~* 741 i 1 '.7:`,CM c! •14.1 Cit !Ital./CO! gi.•• • •174• • 0....,,1 I -,•••.• • f2-,,-;,,i •1 , 1.11 ;41 bt 1, 111 1,37t1. !I • ..,•!xj;-,•,:, • ,;,•, 3 ,-.4r• f , b a d" bd i r . ,m, . 0.1 ~, ..,,,,r,'. .v. , ; 1 1,),0 ,e 1 i , , :,, 1 ,41.• .sift, c , !'ut At alPt 5.-`,,llii Ema4ttstra VI al ••: • ILI r - rlt nt.:‘,o.: ~ . .(1,‘7. 7t• 11141 .Y. ' %Atli • fpera .vi.:l4ipl ip 1 10110117 , 1cM: 'ad 10 :fon rev' ei .1).•:4•3•.X3 *tWI ' • - ' , tar. C' 1* •-•./ 18 /MO I •,,, 1 1 it> ChM 11101 VA !.' • •• a ~siv.i.,tt . ••. ,, 34.11 - 1 utlJ I'll 1P.71!1•• I/ fiT pf L Pt., oar ;aI:I.G, .flfatif asap) ota its • • p ..,,,,„„if,„.,,....,,,a„... 7 7 il •L‘ WW 2 w _lei V .'• I :.91.vhCi1..1! Prat 4.P4 So MICIO Aga • o,Q3nawn '1,40t If//: !LS alat 001 al; 'et 1 . .., ; V ... irMinat aci.i.;.... - Ws .r? Y , . • . : ava fr.Rlllll -b /V1:11‘04 31. c Ab s oll7l 961 sit,: tinl •il!!..)1,1 , 17 Alftillbouli K 4,414 b 3 1 gulat'llple . i\-,,altt.tm" Ow clftd - .lii.",:Pcff: abut t.i.3 grad iAI foe fil-a bcf., .1 , 41,1054 NUN , Vinibsif ltbile-miT" 111.4 Jaw, +pill .twillf , ..l:Pft_palcora bc,a „by:An:p.m H!s. i Olin • •• ,V 1 0 t iptp.l,l,7 11111' AAP :HIP, .3 - 11P.M • f.r••PT. ,4 l . 'n' , lrn .9trt? ,•••• ~.,.. •.•-• •• n,..•••••• ••••••,(.4.341, 3.6 ,..•,. ,P, • ... ' "lA. et : ft-. ...T,..• ••---• - - ' . _ _ _ _ ,o•o• yr.. .. ..- . ... • . .., • • , .„ ..„, . .• • .., .1., ...• , r.• , ' "...." . '' .. "7" - e• '1 , Trr --- ' - - t.. 4 "..''j • ::e..1 1011 Ficritio.WßlT:ill.t , icto s Et CIT Sill V..1"l; br:aritor ,411, 0,7 Mr waft.. IVO% f OO 11.' ..J. &l b, tm, ..,.:41a . vIcti,?311110- 1.01 .Itu; ealtref4smill , . ‘...” ei , al ! , •)I(ifno ! • Ili • 4 ~, 1 ,.•. i.,••..tie.a Ns. V. - 7/1114 , , 4.4,..!•.•1'a•"4 - •i•I-•"; ', . ot .4... i I . ' L , l' , r.t• 0 , 4 4 4 .1 , "‘ , ., wjtt.M.r. ' . siblr r• -.•'' ' ' , • • nril tarttiol. astra tig , inar 2 Ita — rityrn" -'n4.11 ' iir, inf &111 r _4klief-lAitt . Grist I ni , Al ..., - ;1:1 7 .1. 141 I:JPse.g tri to flit -,;1 w 1 1 au ‘l,,- xi .Iri a s 711 Qhl66l4lfir s taki iiiir& mra Wu" ga o l , 1 I Wil i i' I 1 : •:i 1 :i ! olliff hi 1 1 ; r t ;•-. 4.14 , 0*,44._44 , 4„,a0wirdikig.„c,i;1.;! : ,to r:W .,: ul t ing '''' r i a rugi .fr.oldlf IR Wit KA , r), y e. f: !:••?;', it ititt t it Z. ., 11 1 14 ,' • Arwif? the ,I. ~. ... . .1 .. ..! 10 k.l.titrt-l1 ':/.01 ' . i • li",flb..t: . 011.7 2 1 ;1 , r.r , ,inei We. e‘ 1, , 4 solwo 1 i-7 ,, 101 . 1 "...,1f) 0 71 . 11? it , ;:i 70.4.17-f.1!.77 ' it ~•', 1 10:1 011 1 ritt i t4(oo3,.. i tl V ' :e I tll, RV : :.e.: V:l . _e of .. . .. .... Bilkiwieseteettilleetilayabr ker Hoods,t3nndowns. led &en Mkees liste,rdreamed PUP agni t tga... - ,rohn ii , th , t ,l2 l ,,wr i tiv th we t p x y ... ~,,,- rrATI" '.. :la'44: tu• f."7:70 1 : e' , ' .... t • , ..., .. , . .. I. , A .e.- ,, —, to .. . .., . ~. /*MW::..IMT:Mr.4:;..` ~:ira • -a..'.t7'- ,'r:l .tt • !a iq Lindsay, 10 . 441 glaWe*, 4/1.1,..11•• . : 4164i4 r imistchiT yir :1!1/ 4 .-) ,1:1,;!:)..1 1 , /rs„:4. frjr,t. /Z f ~tf a AP. V , ' ll '7 ,, .•'•,; 1:11 4.• : B s 7: tit ti. '' ' PO ' ia ; -4..-"•:,'•!,,16,0 • ' . A - ." liiiirrnig4/406 ' duringlm lattgeopp,, z i ej: enabled to oflbr greaearrlannennwnts t who are . 410 4 § 141 4 14 MA A44 . 41 a it ig c "n t Lindsbir;;Sgiiiirili','"' griiwer, ' ' .- • .k 4 Tit /11 , LIP* ' . ' .r: , : ,, t- - -i '337 LIBERTY BTREEZ,,,, EAlt UNION DEPOT, , t aßnira3l34ll n ng*lSEfily. Ureeti °I.UMBiR . LUMBER ' ' , L 1),p,11 ./1*: : • •„•,-; .lIAV4PON offer for Pale at the lowcrt rates In the ktaHteto•• 200, I feet No. 1 C9mmop Vot . t . rd, unthread. - NO i:- 4 e l: o ,%' rti a x ii; g •i a t• N:10. rgp. 1, 9d§ 21 20.n00 .044.1".wylilowtAr 1244and...18.tbet long. 5.000 "• • " W theibwrdifig, worked Weatherbording of all kitula snide to torder:••• •••, •t -1 • 8,000-•• .+l,! No . 2Floorto o g o , g l4and 18.. .• • , • .1 2 0 0 00 " - " tt IC k Psnul sla 5, % and %inch inch. Shinflesiandlath. Li', 400,200 Narl, 10 and 18 Inch Shingles, guannuted full oottot.— ; - /00 1 ,AAl t at n enll nlathlnd,..!re,t!lx are a 2.o 3 o,ooPleet,_l4eutlnaj,olsts and Btuddlng,. all Brame Hillis Sawed to order. Wheeler's Water Drawer, and - Biwa mati's:Delebra:. 054,Witter Elevatot,, constantly kept on Pand and, 'tor PEED vEgt• IPEirwt r!" bneh t Cora and Okla nixed to the grain. " • " " ' " Chopped, tor pale. At low :atom. J. & IL DARRAGH, lYrtatant •.•••1. , MEM RAI LR 0 AD S:. cipeAGo , RALL*Ai.; Onaoil after . Juna.7ili,lllllll; /tains vall leavo,64tiona daily, (Sundays.ogamted)aa follcm-p A r [Train leaving Chicago al, 3:884 P. M. itaTe2l• da3ly.J grain leav ing Flusburg4; atl 4s P. M., "vq l " 4 ' l ' ' • TRAINS GOING WY:ST. • • - , 1 ! .i. ESP'S. 1 laatinrsh,.r.c:• •••• • l ''' 645aat ttloter •'' -," • 191 ' 915' ''' • • 1 Bnlcm 454 1621 Alliance ' :, WA . 1%16 Canton ' 627 1213r1r ptaa111114.,....,... V . 7 ..11.917. 1240 ... Otryllk.i.:. i.,,..i. Ili 132 `: Woos ....% ' - -Ns 2 07 Miss ;. ..; i X 4.. i', •.ste 400. A Creatllne i ' 945 1145 .. c. li la ° - °C 4 P Ancyrna.::: ~, . .... v...... 1025 • . 629 Upper Sanduoky 1059 718 Pelmet ::.:.,. . - - • -- !'IIX7 749. Lima . ~ ~ ~. :1,1217r/4 . MI. lan Wart. , „11 12 9 . up.: Fort Wayne ; 800 1210rn Columbia :131„ 100 Warsa,F..:L ' 1.......4..,:.#141% 1, 1* 1./ Ply:month ' I i 610 800 Valparaiso , 11 caq, . 447 Chicago.... • • •11 km . '7OO ' • COZZI .. . , . . . '''' I. ' - .' - "Exri 'Exi'llF.,:tri.i .Ex . , . , .• .; .• II ' •1........_..,- ,___--,r-,--- -----7-7-1 4.1 1 71,;(1 noAk Worm , ....,0 ~.i, cm 989 1106 • Nalimllll4° ' " '' ' 1 2'o . , 112..\' '." 12 , 3 me •tlyinotith .4 .', 0 /o ,i, ' l iftl i o x 1232 , 430. 1 1 % , arFan" 100 • IMO '. -NV , lll5 4 802 ' . '. 421514 a 490 , 415 .809 '; A 1 8: IST3' ' ,212 .* I 601 " 340' op' 1 '' 340 -ii 580.4 yr 424 ll'IP 550 • 615 • .., 11, 4%. ,847 ..4 1 4002 103 : ~I . IF FM f it - 'gri. uns 110 .. _ . . C01runbia..4...r.... 'tints. 217, Fort.Wayno . limopx 815 :Van Wert 1. 480 535 F0reet.....6.... , ' is .413 . . . , &;3 Upper Sandusky 11 514 , 718. Bucyrus. ; ; ~..,:, , ....,,.1 1 •557, - 1 -- , MI 1 • • 'lt 1130' - '645 j' ••1.. t 1.1580. am .655 ' 918 ~ i'itansfleld ' • 6lO -'i '723 937 Wooster r• • - , .851. 858 1100 Orrillte..:.•,' - •-••• 1'515• • 91R 1127 bt asstllOn 940 950 1157 : -Canton i 4002 4005 1213 ex I ...4111 - ated I:. :,..r.. ;...; i:IMIS ;11050 V 55 I "Saleta . ' - ' . ' ;.1114 . 11129 an - 425 ~ Rochester . 1 11255 an , 195191 302 P1it..ifinr214...!.4.. t • 11 5 5), (le ) VO . .1' T • " , _ _ - '," ' TOntiZiwit ,*1; eii Castle - mid Etta -Expreasqltitgat Yonng nat t3O p. in; New castle. 4:00 p.m; writes at rittsbirgh, 8:00 p. in. .Retnrning, leaveo.Pittstrornh 7:15114 tn:hrr. at Yonngatotra,lo:4s. N.•Castie: 9-All a. m; Yonngetown...Noto aWk , and Pittsbugh Accommd.• digton leavto ;Youltantown.o,l)o a. Fl;•, Noir 438811 e, 700 a. m; arrives at 'AM:hefty 10:00 a. In: - ilettnnlng, leaves' A 11 8 5 1 i 81 W. '4115' if. id; 'atrlYtta'Netv Castle, 7:05 p: ca;WYottngetownagtp. raw, ~, . • • ... ~,-• • * F. R. AffEltS, Oenerallteld Age+. C4EVEL4'iD 4 TITTSBURIM RAILROAD.! On. and.attei' Stay V. intim , will , leave Stations (Bandltys etzepted) as follows. • • ncl.)lttE,' *V W • - 7,7 ass - aiNG 8145 'IN.I • v-,71 adi(' • • 1 Imo; 2 03 " :•••1* Ilu d eon•••!•••,.••••••'..:. mss • ' 1•11' ,•,•!•rn" itaren4 ••• •. • •.* 11z1 US ''• -- A 1 1141 14, rnr • 1154 ` • 555 BAYatate • • “2. , • 150rX 415 • ,1 Wellftviuct "i' ' a ''- • " -'' • obrittl 4 43 rig• -.•:::;;•:.,•!‘",;.::-•:', • : Itsm 'Bar's: _ •• • ' '' s ii l oatia: R r n e v i n i ti - jrq f ost B3 Yl l} it r 'l ..... ..... Affiance. • 1120 510 74amil 7 Ravenna 831 • • Iludson . ... 11g1" 5 47 g 1 910 ; 4 , Euclid fitcf .. . 1 ...„.. , v oiL 1 4.... 01 !' : ' - 4 conc. . elbv • ---4 tI:-.. t' j \ \'' • ;i lase., xest ItehorlAccoSi Bellair 1115'Osts 010sx Sethe --".... • Nt ri el m vo oiit Llls ' 025 */0 ..- !' I . . 1233rx 743 837 . 4 111 ; S i WAY . 4. if 14 I f 2 „, , caver . .... ....,... Rochester • OILS,. B 0 1550 770 f• 1 Pittsbut3h '1 •' I 4.15• , 11291 655 HO : ! i'. p. t . ;:f Gont°7 o q.' tl • ff•' 1 k : r . , I 11 1 '._ Ilse.. Iler's: Rim's. Acco c : Pittsberitt. r u r 600sst . 1 .- :41ds3t 140m1. Rochester 710 VS 550 - 440 i I tißlee r ki '° : :>::',..:Al r i ,nr.. nic if •, titenbeevllle • RR , 445 „0 . .... l i g i t i r t'''i 2/ 5 5 ,. WWI M l•••• : .. ' ' ''' ' ' ,( 47 3 / 1 0ARAWAS Rap 4 -411.1 . ): :: , 1 lielcoal N. Plilladelptda, 060 a llayard, Lt M tn. R. ME 1 r i gt i t ! ,,,,,,, s ti,„ : .7 ,..„, : , ~,,, b„. b. to Z" t irtv i.: : I . - : vrpa'stic 41 : 0,, Itt: • Totesaidirdaltat . ,ikirinsdlYrukuuatpi. ~,A l, 4l,,dpskts •,&, -- )e• I.str; .i.zr4.1.45tl tsll - ercra 11 •-inii ril l ~14.F1:1- 1 1:1,1,1 1 . ,...,.1•=,..,,,t_.,..,, = i,,,d. ..,prigildeni,..,}Uljbft AlthtMa' 7 ;WM; i: ',Ales, • •.ariest-Pitilldents=uMPrDattagliyililliKi4or Donald and if. Goehrinu _ .zrd R ec . c ._,11 itlf it w4jt.l peromil •1111 -Ire B e • llcki n ••• , ,h:Lemi e „,.t. , ^bist 4,,, ~,..f r. . .., . 444 4;rfftkil?L'lt ~,,i ,-- gars, • lituemmt su . tor . *' 64l " 3( 4.4 l.l oT 4 l ll l 4lo hh'sizto • Bbal.k. -:, . tir'••• - • _ , :o .o. wysimi palm, 3n,mno , no. 1 r):: ZStttitit4ZgliVeo4;l1 4 ' Lfri t ''.. - E3looltaitoB4.gff . t.itlyirlitp it .1.6 g rAid . , . l. W . ' . .I,TI 1:!.kt0i30.14r! tt f • !` ,. *•;:ittn ft ' 101it ' fi gl i dg4lls . birer i llttoiailia_Pti ter,kleorgo,W . „ MpAu , K„f...p...40, .:; 1 CL4riTNclO-pi,.r Inivuiln i7i.i.i i ... 4 ' • 4 :. laW4i_afadt4g4titalsitaillitt? ~ " , striet/attention betm paid.* ':# 4 o llo l** l l l #l i s r *TP l WV , - n 1641 L ~, - -Oilttlieokr,o4% - -•,i , ~,,-: ,-. '''.V., • 1 3011 f 14, 4 3..beanth,.. lr. 1.. 4 ~ i ..1:-,14107(! ,-.l t c, ,•.,, 4690 beat , utilti 4 ttitedYegettiblO•gritdrr`,n''; '.( 840 244 1 : 1 4:1‘0rt•,:. , 09!, , ,ig-y... , 5.44 .- ; di 4,7. ,:, „bAgt, tlkM9rawa.9.rafuncwigardo -ItA oru.,, , wt-optr..,,- i, t ....p •-.., ~..,`• 1;: • •.:,:,, cLAssaa:kiAk!lifia iitvila,';,. .. rb Vlneyard'otinotlesslhantkoriries; '' ' ct'llitimtlori ) ptildT;tritha t eulthatioti•and - ..... , , itlon Ortrittesi:ii 'l , l 0 , ‘‘'m *yririt,uko) '24 , 11! at li•dti• ~,, lAk i .„.1;; •.1 i.),:.1 .% .7.10 3.', , 11001 , . War 2 i l t iga ß lig 9,b0v01 , ,,:.-1 •,:,T; fliftdilie4loMrielitortfdliairihpo naturals& It' * NsiSul?ande' musXf Wrath tbe idedt*lth theiFilitraits befife , th elstb of 44.044 1 . 868!‘.- • "NOW 24 2 -7retsmessityittwiettagtexpetisee Ofgnatesubielallsert-Nrel andlWill . lid paid bv.t . h - orpopi e : -.0.9-i, I. „I.- -.1).,:0t,t1) .4 1, , -;.• `'''Note' , - dludgesenrill theleirditelds tice g As'aie'',rifiii Bl7 u red.totillint ~ he - Rental/ovolt Ott i tit 10 '0 eloolo l irlfthedgroStnid4h Vie II iat i drO, it' iliellFair4 Ilibibieleatet44 l npolit thdliqintleit,and - probtite •tt *Manly irepoirt.i.t A r iif etiininiCtee fallingetathiel ThelidoteUttfy, , i:atitlicitiiettto`ieleet Clair r`eport. , 77:r ~1 '''; ` . 4,1438 ;ttsa. 2-Atolff* ,ll- 1, -' Felt blid.stallian 4 Vatted up.: I. i $lO 00 2d best•brd stallion:4 yraantimp , :• • Is,l 7r 00 test ll'dlstallion• 3 , yreand i ppl y •,, •7, fir, 00 2d best hl'd stallion 3 yrs - and up -.,t, 3:00 best WV stallion 2.yrs and,up. f. , •• ' • • • 3: 00 2d!bebt. bl'Astallion2 , yrs and' up :2.00 best bl4l stallion 1 year and up , •• .3 00 ' , 24 best .brd , stallion I:year and. up .. • ' .2.00 I befit brd'rriare must show her.stock . 4 ,: • , ' years , Atalnpward,4l , • "• * ; 7 ' -. .. 5 , Q 0 2(l' best ,bi'd mare mdst:Show, heist**, , • ..: , .- ' 4 years•end upward • :: .-:., - 1-. 800 'best springoolt , '• - „.. •..•: I, • .., ,:- : 4.00 241 b'estspringeolt - .. }. , Jr' •::- -i : '2 00 best'stallion: fori'all , purposda 4 , years , i , troc p u m v k v i , d ',111• . 11,1 : , bc;fr . P. , .• -4(100 . 2d best stillimifor alt Ilurposis..4ri I, :ill:- I "'ant{' unwit id,7l .-,, .. -', 1:,) r!,.. c , .. ~.7100 -Ileigt, 'stallion for 'all purposes '8 years , : .r 1 • ' i• !kid, u p wa rd ~ •1•• • , t'• ,T Wt , •") I 1'1r:17.00 gd beg:stallion' for all •purpolice 1 33rit , • a - , Jibtrtirdrard 1 :•;; - . ' I n• , ' , , 1; , •,.t.;: , 5 00 beststalilion fora1101 . '1108E:0 2 3resrs. 1f ) f - ,. .f , ri Kuipar o wntd :' ‘ifi 1 J. , . , , •i• ,, 12' /Z.nl4 1 1'4,3 1 1* '24 best , statlion , f4i allopusposeslyrer•-h I .' ; 1". anti Upwards ~, _.„. ! 4 1.'a .• ,t , ,..,; 2„ilp 11620 littilligli ro . l' al' ptirpbei4l. 4 *y -1. - • and 'upward', • ;' 2 -.; • *.•-• '• • 'B.OO 24 beat stallion for all . 041 . 0° , 0)114year ::,'. - . an d tipirtitd • 1:•I . , r, 'T . • • •'. 0, 2111% best: brood'etiaty must seep hot stock' .. 4. yrtrold andTuPward -, , -.- • • ; • i '.1.4 best -hived :Mare' mutt ;:aboat , her • stOek 4 - )its 'oldand urtfaril" best hp t 7 draft, stal'idn:4 • yettra 'and tt lira . 2d,teat heavy draft stallion- 4 years - i - atilt ti Warn , • • ~, •• • ".:- ,- 7 , 00 bait Ilea -"draft stilliotrB. years and , *: - 1 24' est:heavy - dittfi , stelliori 8 .. mll' . • , ' end dpiktird •- i - • 1%, -• , r,-,. x ~t •.• : .- 0 00 'hesChbaty draft . istallitio2 yalits - and ' - • rd . . 2il best, `heay3 . draft stalllini 2 . ' r yeatt : "'..f and npwlt r liCtt libavy . dmft stallion 1-yr &di '." 8:00 2.dlieit healri draft stallion 1 ye.' 'l4, - '4'oo tio,..peivy d'tt Mal elto .. show' her •'' teiel , s i c yrs andupwanl •• ' '-:, • .'• ' 0 - 00 2'd best heavy dinft mare to show her. t , , • . ''Stdek 4 y ears and 'up '••••• ' •• • • '-' •f' ~, 4. nn beat span mita:torsi:is Or Mares"' • '' ti FP 24 beSt -•• ' 'de - "". 'do' - - - ',f , 00 best family carriage horse or mare'' • 'lt , so 2d best -- do ..-. e- —do - -- 300 , best gelding : 4Mß ouslatpi Aii - i 4 00 2d best rclding 4 yrs bud up 3 00 ..iidSt guldingißyrulltidiitle, 4 - 11 e, .^-tf)lJ.4 2d best geldinzadpit 2 00 best tclding 2 yrs and np 2 00 at bost.gpiding 2.yrs.andlipi:!•;,:i .:J. ,Y 2 00 ,best g,cldttig I , year and up , ~,, ~ ~..., 2.00 24 btst,elding 1 yrs and d. i,', . • '„'„ . "i oci best mare 4•yrsand.up ~ , -.. ~ .. -.0 00 - 3 Al,beoVmate 4'1'.4 and 00'..','' - ' ' J -", .:.''4'oo - tiP • • .• : ,'':'; •.-'8 ;00 2dioest mareBlirs and up . ••• -.•- -,. ,•• : ••• 2.00 'Wt,' ll O l V Y'ra;l/ 11 1 4 ' "' ' ' . ' • '- - 2 Nit 2d best paw gyrS,anti .14..:' „ - .... '..-. 1 4)o' 'best mare.l. yrola ...., f11;•1< • ,- , .. I ~, • 2, 0 0.. 2 4 1 4A.Illarel Yrord; '.' ';;. ; l '._:', :''' " . ,, ; ,.. - I'oo, .%_tWili ,eLibrso. 19 1 ' ii: , ....; :- r`..:'• .: A 90. 2d nest.ssocue ,uorse or marof ,',•- • '4 90 . r64i r'f A ri l i g. ht wa l ki . n t bog , ir , Or **C. ' pei'eent..orittanco acialtarged -,.... • 1040 424,heit,; ./- . ,do". ' ... !-•dor ,, ~- . - ~' : - 7:00 leii,Vit#' l otr'Ot'llitiii*Ot lijAras 'L:O 00. ..lialiest,, , , . , do :-1-• . .do 7 , ,i ~.-'>• .- ~ , e ..41NY roeitliortrAh' i t 1 9 r IP 9 F : I 0 1 1 '1 ' ' •:,...414 . gipplk: !ad:Vest.hei4;dridt-liniSii , cininare 4..-:„1:', I ,- ps-andmpward : • L. .:' , 2:1 , ..,1 . ..:* je ~ ~.. 2 ,. ,00. . 13114 Aff i nl r al // 0. 8 0-444 61 . 4 iiti . ; P . . . r. :4114413Virdt• 1 : 1; 1:. ~ N...' .: -, ..: . , '0;00 2d bests heavy driftilidrse* or :plea 8: . ' '''.' . '::-.1#:. 1 1 !).1 4 P1 4 4 1 . , f4•'.. , ..: '..m' . .. : • ' •' ' 2'oo EIT2:I EMIX! Eil 447 sto 626 645 2 , 7 if EM ' rack , J ! , 5 • V , • •?• t• 134biXt1 814-. . ' I • .1.4.; 4 2 41 u .blidta BOP in , Oeucral Ticket Agent- ME= BestiTennie. , !...fr :-• ;.:: . , 00' _5 00 b oß tgoey,. : 0 11 **0 1 04`101 1 44 . ';:ii.fi. \;;:• 15 ` ,00 2d best span mu l es 4 ynitinnui • ..:-.4:4-0(1 ,bglit•xlAile•PPot 1 :111i f .):rl 2 1 0 0 . sii - aefg 2 x. 43: talii3;7iiiiittitto l / 4 and ibtv Hays. : ! , 11114.4, ; A: S , !CLABtiI•.:No.;44-43ATTLEd • • • Bnit n Doilutini.bultilyncorpv_ezziy L.: , Ao'oo ,t.r..1164` : Ajoi:r .":4 8:90 ,? 1 .V*4 1 1 11/1 1 , bests r; •1111 best idarbil ‘ m ••••••' • • •.!.,.P4. l ' • . • : ; c'f;. durfkaiik4o,l7 .. .. airktizAririttl , ::: 2100 I ' • & :‘!•41-Pao!.: „•,!: batiturhiinitisSteriliftoiroilie o ' oo ‘W "#Vtl.-. TZ. IO n•Ale:t .:, 00 'mcfnuritsm 00nar.111n1rt;4314317." "."."" ikt 'POW a'',)l4s ", APO ZQ •40.,1 r.ll at a. *% • .t. 100 ' Peg tl6, .4;100. iortor.n otL rU 4'l mind :en s 00 2d best • do 114:110 dl ben deratebblt 2 • .2dhist o ß .)? - tot best devon bulk do' g 2d best do 100 ENO 1 -7-„wa - f •••• f •,.. ... T. p .. 71r‘ ni, 1.7 . ii , I , • 1 . s, ' :i* • . . ''' if i Ure l ' ' ' it 1 ' '‘ Oi ' lo II beilt .• • t • 1 1 1/1 s t'.. •- .• iileill• 9 . 1: • flebill*l4re . ; .. , J rEldoi:e:idti :.gat . ; hog kw ,•.,.. , -, ~- • Ilea . it.zeld 9il I 114fint: tt01, 1 77- 1 :F 4 „ ear IbtlimeT#oll l l(ftelf bars *nattO 2441111difo*Ika4) fliAoC3msti,l fa )11. ' AtiMPirireir - di iNg beev,„„,„••... , 7 , 1131- • - __. .! • - • i 1 orratomd , ~. .......F . ;•• - dbtl141,v:rpm bells isithiiOti horsitirMAßdatil*tb C. 1.1111 ,S, ' - -difvod4.l:,-*',.eit e tiviii:irf4a tit lai ' . . Wbtited2oloB4"ti 19til l ' : yew br I!3t4toto Atip l earght, dovi7,ollLikx wi1ar.44:..1 . -.14(1 I I bditillifif :Mil Rillti z ifil ,- 14: ...1 c• .:tiri•.:v..;• •: :. , • • . k t..... lati fi ng maitaili , ./ ..11, e' ` , l jaidiele7f, ,i, li-' 4l - 4 1 4(fICIDOC CO/ , ' 1111 %ft) 4. CLAM MO.; to-044015116ier I ,psza BoistespludikbiteioVTNlOßlT . . ".iip,bitk:'y V. Milk...m. Viiiiit i tiodno •im . ,:5e 5 41 1 .4! btetieFutng II bird 41ifOlttelillpiddll* :Ado !,IrAiit y , wi Il micito 2d bast do A L.: • , ,Futt bcit saxonyluck. _4. ,1.-..... H...: 247. 1 )11 1 4:11311,1 1 tilriztta ,:iv."( woZ 3 41'00 it, lta l iti l egail.:,:ro MA If. :;:r l l.. 4 a 41, attio, ~. liiT 1411::*;, Di!! 1(i m-litrY jr : 11[00 WU 8 mcdtaweid) e*illf,ts:P.3!:)!Nr '4 I" IsZi t svo bcolloigotpcjprAi.i.xii -.lllirriN-milvt4 24 ,, i iiialfi 4 69l:t iAti,. , ;..io ir, lfiq 41 - t litidtikthrt!" — bilk ''''• s; ;4 ' ) '; 6 1.4 4 .6. -'llll3 getteit9tri . dcweilltil ;',, !1 , ..'):.-.)1 tt0) , ,):.=7:18. 46 Wows 8c4;8449744s awoo.;, ~,, , di I,,wJt v izlogeo itystiMiqt) l 9 ll l,4 !17']::: . .11 40'n !toil, . do ,zo beS 'illiageiLtielitie teteittd;#l'iliik . / 44i rj ■.. and.iatobplisbc: ::./11: .!m;-.:10v.t.1 pu : A ii,eiti Walt= SIM • - OLASB - NO/4-45WiliMIata i f ; t Best Suffolk boar -• 0 - - - ^-:.- SOO 2 ( 1 best .twodltnill.;o 4 ll ,?4,A.111 . ' 5 00, gsb. t's P w •Pii d . P i gl,.r- 1 - . -yi I •;-:: , .•1 , .;r 1 " ° ' t 6 t • 'idfr ~- ~-„,; ,- ~, - 4 .z.„,i , • 4 , ) 00 : r iiikl fi ski ll*:. , ,, -. , 1...:-filmys, ! 1- ;! . 6'. - - ' •.. i; beit' tillk*i ll B Bl thileieAtitgi, ....1401,.. 4 sl • ' It 1 2 0,L4 8 ,11_,."- ' ' ,1 0 ,,,,i,, 1; ;,•:„. ,, ,..- 7 :'.. 0 t0, t 4; ....i , lOll .4 - b e st 1 - ; Fster FIP'I S 1 .1"' sil sa "r,ne - -s - fi • 2d Veit ' 40'; 1,2. ',e 1 . .. .1- , :: , , ~,.;' atiA: hest kiiiilo4l,o,l, ties, 9lfir WNW : ~-idt 3„„ 241,be1t', - , . o fro . w_ut 1. ,-*; U° r _r_r± .7: 1:,:,..-01;;'Yv a „ bestChahr, n'lilf , ulpock licilf ;11. „Clii- ;:f LW 2t best'. - I , ..a,; itx ~...„:„!0 1 ...1 . , '1:101 bi-t r;oft t ; et', or 8 OW ° 0Wfi11,.::,,,,,, X .OO l l .4,2 d bon; • ,:- . OO • ti.1 , :1.,,;4 1 N .gc , 5÷5bn9,1‘81.4*,4 4 04, 4 %, • r's';!!.s.,. *Tatues, 4 0 1 11: 1 AW .../,:, • is- . „ T • .I'. , ,; , • ,- . C1.4n**0 ; •74 1 ,C! 1111 j.,,k ,, : 13,05 t th'reetiena nigniNlt. „. 1 dip fr,A.V I *.ozor,ur - ttirkep,,,,.. , ._ e.,:dipi : ,..4..up, bpstmr 900404. licki-, , ,01vi-)oloiA I /4 201 , bp* Ow 0 1 ...44.11401 49 1 4 , 4tiw V - 0 1,4 X1 I) oC,cialect4out9C. 1 t/w 3, i , t. 44 . 71 , t4I4'CU ~...a.04f.‘,..,1i.... 1 ,A 1417: and I L ... 0 -4Prout.wPoTht :: ,- fii.•, ; .-r: 778 :4 ntiti SHW. i , i , . ,I tittk/35 iiCli -tar''' Best pint orf rblib fier'64ll‘ol o Ii 4 3 - Cio ed bed pvinVbr'telP _ '11"00 figrullA4 Blistelkimsirlirib~Ovet br' l ' 11,..e ,°B' , oo £d Dead eheese l lolhelnia„.„ ,. ,,44l ...,...,.„,„s.._ fictifc .4 4 ) 1 0 , ad best maple sug*'r ”. 'f - !: 71 11(41 1 _,• .. Zest sugar from (114nesii,tiiheidlp; iusdroo ed best angst tram' Chineseccaiiiidits ard I'os Bens MolaMa.oreagar frientiin*dlrksiid.rog 2d bestitlo"Or sugar !Mtn innie‘'dip nlid'l . , oo Best light bread'''': ' ' ..- ' `-' " dip., 401 - 24 btst light brelut.! ' ' '-z--s: , i' , ', ; • ~, Best' lightnakes::::` ' •' -,' ', • ' 'Afri;;Still.l' . 2d best light'eAkes ' -" _ 4 . *:: ._ l," . *i ir; :mg tin'.oo varieties of cakes • dllial,id t • 2d hest 8' Varidties of antes •• . ~'•'.' '"- ' '. "I'' `Best three videties of 'Ar*ienreq . '.. , , " 1 - 2' ed• best 8' Varieties of,preserres dip, isnid f i Best ll•verietieS•etiehredlliliV.'" ' p`k 2d best 3 varieties euehred fruit . .4:00 btt half rontra - pigniine ; ',.. ( , 1 ' 'l l '...,,''''l OC g btit half 0•1 on glue sliki ,'; 1 , ~, pc Zest hall , gillosentrant. wilier e ..s, , • 5, , . 1 i 2d ben half gullon currant wine 1 ' ''-ta ' best 8 varieties fruit in bottleorjarii I - , 3 .24 410,3 varieties Of flintrin bottle calms e lien nirarieties fruit butte . r. ' 1. , ,• s , , B'o,o WI best' vdrietiesilrult del,. ;;, '„".. ' I '!'.,' '2 00 1 .toestrAijetiniell 'pickles ....,,. ... ;., • ! ' .- ' 2 - 00 1 24test specimen-Fates •,, , ' ''''l " ' • " / ,QQf test Speablett:ooo,..` •. '. • :: '' - . 11, ', 2.00 I teti beat stklmen Wail ' ' 100 I best sW4nien Canktill, a, 3 rri r• 1 ,1) 00 2d best sipecluieff:eaticiets , ~ , . ~ )„. 1. 00 beits 4 l o 4zee JellY ' • 1I ' -- 50 ild best quince jelly ,i. '. di P best apple Jelly • ;-- . ' , or . ,:-,-- ..' ; 24 best apple jelly ~,, , ~, , , . • d itest4iitrte,Jell,Y- r, : , , : ts; , s „ ~ , , ~ ~,__,, Xheon•grapeolly ,•- I ••• h F ' -, s•di 'best eurnint • jell J.. , - - 4 ' :- 1 , -,. - :T. , ••••• Id lestletttrifat' ellz,*; , ~ ~ ..• 1 , . , j lieitßilierlaii . ". - I , r - -:- • r'so Ildbest Siberian jelly , - . - "-r- •r'' .. " "."' ' - 1110 'best Mllynnolifjelir '' ''' 7 fl:-. " . - : I , -, ql .' ,Ao tad best Mayapple jejly, : j , ~ , 's -I, r 1; )1 iiilJuDOns—Mun 'Sally Stokes, - Mi' glego ter, Mrs Annie Scromptifid fico 'f, .• - : -I.:. , r • . _ .1 , - ,-. .a, .. . ' Vi.4.63.1afi-ollOut • ' t " 1 . 4lve'llsilan bees ' , 2 :;' , .i -1 :::'-inii ' &444 , lealliVeoonimon beeS .!I , .ts .., .. , do" ~,: g 00 best , lot . honefyin'eass "'" '- ' ' Id"' • . 200 2d bed 10t tvVeY 11;018st t" , ...- do" .:.• 14 °,, A best houpytnlyoodsvid glass ; - doi iic., O. ow 2d do lot /iimeylnii . Ood4s*lfi dog a l 00. hetit'Amity;lnntotr'•`- `,-;,;,./ ,;:daLr? 4 2 l 9o OrbeetIKWATAU*O4:4I...., , :,,, e, -401 7-, 0-,„/ a' Aunt. anillargisteollectionct hotwur. :'''l . ey from one hive do TOO 2d b es t and latgtlin Collection' of 1 ;7 01 . ' ... 01 1eY,40010 1 1414e, _., . - ,-- dol / a 00 •r.v.iimss.--miss gmorgitoices,;kaggio:l:!ot-, ter,llre:Aim*Scp?ggs, NIAd '", a" ' ' , ••• -CLAWS° 4%- , no • ~:, - Beit -Variety nrid , iiolleatfon.ot Anne's. - , 8 , 1 10 ?.040IntietyinitteOlkietkninfl10,*nil 2i i 1 btL 601102 01 1 0m 0 iiIrWiti!ftliiii ..", 4:00' Web , Wialligeprinut ~ T *CP ,•".....:. . 4 I . loe t of floweris"4- . i., , '',' ' ' ".". - ,l` Z i t' ;''''' - !iiistOiliatb i tfOticl* - txr7 A si '4" ::Ii belt• . • . iTiutdmitit iloiirerci* .:1.-, c. '4,i, best_handlynolpiet- -,:;." :)' . .,i7 . ` . r ':,;,:r Wna i l,ls4 ll ,_ .f-;,, , ,,, itigITITAUTIP '' ' 11111R;d1' ~ .! .It ',.. , ...1. .:4j 9. G. 1 i i tAirau. .. . . .4 , 1 ~, ,, ,,,,...,-,,r, ;; .. t-o. i s , d r 1 7 24 • At,, t ; - 4.4;:"' 1 ' a ...,..j1.:'; 1 .:f :TVO O . ." % '.ntiek.B.- ''' timiiilerilont 'L O 4 l ' ire, Mary Wilson. 147, owksslNtipive-aiitimirric - AC. 5 ,,, bcr..1' , !.) ., f• , .• tivi VGBEASt lturi tnilirrT ..., ~,-. . . r • ~1.-rstß Pr• d it liesl,lo , ,,yudbibroad tletiv:;.;', k.,..: ... H, 34. . botinryoooo 4l t:,,, .14 i': ~.. ... •11,,4 1 -. lb 1001447Fda4:40 81 fidsPi:r ...,..., .-.. • ~!"..e, ,ar best 1(1 flatus' el • , ..,] .0: ..-; ...:.: All 1. bah' d!tlis'Pi""*"•'-`1 I . r .i'. s .', .'.,,...";',11 0 ) „ . , . _ , , t a l c 41 114:1 04 e l t i c .„ !;.- ~ l' • ,i1....7:. 4 oo :su gls best s II; ...• J . IT .:,..,: ,4 ...! , l•‘;lh'f'i'' . 00 , L egt,” ''''';,-, o rit iOrr ,-.' ; •,-; ;'t i .:. 1, 4nn Alm. !„ . , LI .• ..(...-; i _t beifitn4laatlrshet at* i ~ . ..cf, , , , • 4. Al, test p ai r apaitivi :int . •,:,.,. ~,, , ,1,, , ,i; 1, ~,12* best enlists : , -t,..; ~ r:o'l V , ' -12 A 1..41.'44. • our tr rrri t .-1-r•27.•*. tr r ".. it , !..111 e. , ' a # l/ ;r il r=tft • a •• : fOkSiatit * . •I ' . r r f,? rota -..litt. , v‘al lIIMMIC.rftr3-':'i.ro fI:It ' I _ 11 494„ 4- r I: , , V..:: , :1.1 , 1 ,‘ .. , ';1 , 7 c .:`, 9(51::: d ebt Mted diAiOn MY , - ...WOO ' '4 00 10'00 MIMS Intim .17.1014.51 •LILT ,10114. arcoU itiainuOlß eat Nur* •grateitt iltioursD to Joker ggs, a ,;;6, 0 04 1. - t; ' ' 1 • i U . ! ttiq 5 t 'II e i MY l iirl 'JO 11!-13 2 nt'ilitfurr9ST! • 1 • =-7 Fin 1 MI ti ll • .‘• ernbriiide • , • 7 . ..... t. b 1 ,-, T,,qatntT ,q k, , . -4, opera cspA b . • v.;14 alit 50 .-. AA quilt I I - • 800 ' •" .. ' '," , ,omistrrill olsnea ge best •„, ..,,-. b ea r ,!•,•' ;', !! r- 1 asisolt eitiT--turiM heap Jeep qu ilt I . ----- '- ' ,', 300 I MOW • 04 4701 i 0.1 !fit(Xliis`: ( l t tlait hair 110W010) ..rir , ..r., , , lbegt, moss lr , if 11)0 1 Jnyi 5O best basket -_____ flowers , • " = ing r oiz i f - 01 '(,,Ri , -C,' oilo rll !.'i t it i best silk b o nnet ,a5...:11,1' v:., ii, ...io l r.d ke 03 Ofblilit iilltt is t i P0T1451., , 1 Ili iaall'a'rt:‘ or 141 0 ° best silk or .... 21 7 , .. , 00 • ,1 l t hi g itEdt !.:11:11 s i r ( 600 tat: aitrY 3i . ' od best a. „, , ~ '. ditioimmufl - iloo • %est dreis for clind•l'woriesll44l.--;ya 1.n.12 CO 12d beet.drelifo;o l 4 4rBo t•-lm:i - I IC best made shirt And _„ , .• „ , , bu ll* "best em broldercdtkait -1 "" - " - "'.;.,2 00 12d best enflitoWraitliirt l fitiw VA 100 ih e .t em b r of ! jered piihnslblipsll NI Mir;. 1. , 00 5 --.1.1-.44111bid ...,..a.—,..,,g,..100 'best einbrovi2: ,II ,i„' 1arE i ,,, ; 0, 1 , A . 100 best embrolae ~ - " i- MV II I - 100 best embroid er a •• .; ~„1 a ro do embroiltualtlereirlt P91 0 05i, , ,w2 00 1 2d bot: - .4.411;0ttJ t .X- tttuto, c !•el Igr 1.-. -12 I A best set OD (Pit, ... ' '8 oo 2d best set on qutio- 11) 0 t- , -. , j'l i; #4.. - w it 001 b est otti , l iodvon. q uiti. , ,,,i 77 fr,04:1. - !: 2:18z4o 2d best i stil le i "0‘'..9 0 -;9, 1 0.4.,!... - -1:10 e' 1,.: J 270 best, ..,„ ,p. . 6. 1 001 2d,,best w , . et t t )•••• . ..614(11,.. lirm. iii , , e , nA ° V'' 1 besow , Jim , •;1111.1,,tf0..ite - t ~ 1 il3 , 4 001 b i pb e Z . , Bel . , , f.; Pirn . : lea 200 bek,lb ' ' 81,7/.3. , •, . I :LAT . . 8 i r ,„ 2d.bes kid ' zeeittbitl ,- ;' I .:ni. ' 1 001 belt•won . leis#LPPY2ydfolmeK.,ly 400 .16 11 45 1 9bP1C 1 F10 "Rat , ' 5 t 9, 119.14.61i Iki M . 4:* t ' l eno ai i r C u lja, • ! .:.!2. Pr.tr.. .AY.'l.9 2 b3lll a tor helifillue. i . ‘ 7.;(1,.• , 47 1,!,;,.:41, , i. A i :12.00 lillibest hearthara mil' .•.,1nt0?....i- v ,lli iteglrOmuest49. ll nen' Szfariki . 4- , it.t ';': Qu ' -' botspecifacn Wien altn"' de f"thiliatflibi'VfdrilA :;'. l -'1 00 do knit woolen stockings .-...10.140 u,l: . Op do thieador cititonisteehin -- --- - • 1 00' do crochet ornkrehair>: 2, 00 1 13 e 2 Ft- • d, - ;49,' 4% ,•', t. • . 1 4 0 liesVCrorldt 6 , preci4o6l4l` ' ~ ' " r .','," „t 991 li n i ik.::. d eit , ..,/ • d a t.-..N.. • ...7., .-1 , :.•,.u;: it 110 bost , cfrachetztand corn; : t.. , .t"- . 1..1:1-00 Apembsoidere4lkoo4 l terght92ll - • - ... ' ,4o n 0004 7 . ; . co eld'ltuticli affAtidar'fftnteri''' ' ' '• 1 ' 1 1 00 'ad " dti ' '''' flail' ' , Oak ''flo "- '.' ' • -.' '. :'l 'eh 'dal:wake,' ( 1 .1161" do- - fruit,. • :•• • •• -; • •i• . if -0 0 traisrsz.”4-Ani.artlele which h 45 heretofore lecciveds.Rretiaiumithis chug, vow not , be cOnciderediby i the 3 dgeti as, cotttpeting 'Artielett above spktliod trust be tnitde . 'iritii-i it the present • ear 5.; . -- - .... •:'' .•:: '. ; ~ -.. • JunoEs.-'-.3 iss 31Lirlk,Swtt, Miss Lizzie 14 ow al . 3 4 1, ‘, lz &. lim etfq ' --- .•• , ,• •,!; -914 1 ?; . ?;, ..!1 9. , :,0--ErEtt..4ox.4. 13est,incre'ef , Whito3rheat i ~iti •,:.:. IAt 7 rIO 24 best) de k , .. t I •••:: 4 0 :r •,*.4711f.q,-.. M . , i ~ ..2700 •betitaoro 0 •liid wPeat ...- ,-• ". . 4 ; co 2d best do; 7*loo - ' *.''° '"'''' 4." ' " 2; 00 ~_ ii4, l ,lntre et 7 1 . 3 ~ • ~1 -- •,,..- . ~; , , .... ..4.diii;a,ao .7 r , ~,a;.> ~f' 114, , ‘,.1 irr'i , - I -.,..1 . 1 00 be+WU" I t. 1 ' ' ' : "iii fii • Oo • ssd - be w at li 0, II ~u , , , , , ,,1 itt 4colt si qtafro a bent Sere Ot _ I' .1 ..0 fl:tr.: , l ,n,;,111,140' ad d 0 ,.. ~, do, 4.. - - ,' .i. ~ ~i , • .., '• 12.9 1 ) best white Mad winiT, one bushel - -8, Po 2d do .do, do do do " ' 100 best reit tietxl Wheat, one bushel - 1 ' '" ii 00 Id & • cdo , An 'O , do' do - 1 - 1 ' '-' ~: 1 1 :41, 0 best4yenoedome baba ~,,, . ~ „ !,,,, ,1• oo do aced (Wet one, bushel ,- • - - , !:: :,1; /, 00 1 clo.do.barlq, 4:bushel - 1.90 '' '5 OtOrn ireinit three bushets . ' ' ' -3 oo dototoiertilettiOne•half basket , , 4 - . 1 't ' • 1•104 bestliinothey seed, one,half babel i - : /, , - ,00 120 best 'Ye° ~ d 0..., itio 1, , 11 : to kbest flax seed, one•hitlebUshsl „ „ - 'OO Ida boons,. one-ludf bushel " ," 140 Illfainet Chill pdtitto, , y, bushel '' 7 ' 11.6 0 I do.Backeye,r% bushel .; t, i•.• '-',- , •,• .4',14/ 'do Hatibion , Inilki3Oe, . 101811(4„. , . .1 i do,toseo 00. 4 0, 3i buntel,, , It 9° 'do' PesichblaW 'potato, l 34 bushel •' ' ' l '' 1" 00 do Oweot potatoi,44 bushel . - -,'• ' - - , voo ado seal. buckwheat, lone bushel,. :, t , .1 , 00 do BPPoilAfo ChiclWlßSor,eano.,-",-., ~ 1,1040 I 5 acrd zieshannock pptatocs ...,. ,1, .2 .V p l do lot of mingulworftelS " ' ' 1 -, do , ' do:horoti - "1 do , do turnips ,• - !-,, Jr, - , .., „1,--oo d°' fi° txodilowto, ;.„ ; , ~ i T 'II , tr"*.:.l4llP °l dh 'do Onions , ~ , .., 4 oo do -- dti , itiltnip'fice,',4"" 1 ' -- - - '.- - l' &I, do do parsnips . ; , p::' J- , ,..11.0 0 do lot of sweet pumpkins ; ~,.1.... ,: , ......1 00 do,cbilectionot squasbes ~, 0 1, - 0 ii - 9° 'do dollection'ot writer . melons , ~,' , -.1 00 1 - do collection oftlitrons •i ; - • -. •"1 00 1 • .bash .tomatoos' .1 , , ' , -t - - ~•,rl , , , 2 oo i 'best2d l'inOlumatoCa , , • . .. - ,'7l. oo , bush corn beas3 , , , ~.1 ~ 1, oo ' , tt 'do' 'otiall' sOwliians , -2 , t 1 "oo deortallon Lima beans •-. '''''''l "C''' "I' bo ilb *bush fsuich be ans . -,‘ • .., .. „ 1;,if•• 1,6 0 :i____,,t.Jußcl 0 3-4clnt Hindintini. Abner Morton ligto -sum.BroOka. v.' , -,„. 7 , .: '‘' , ". .7 , ''' ' ' 014813 NO 14 1 =FRtirt '' ' . :1-. rit nt ;-;. i 9 .1 -.if • . ,-. "- ~ Best &varieties fall appleal each • ' - - ..4 to fild.bestA•Varieties fa ll apples A each :. -, 4,c0• flimietiesrlantat apples 'Teach'. • * 4•.# to 2d best 6 varieties winter apples , is `'i. :Irmo best and largest collection apples'- - I 500 2d lowans&•largest collentlas apples-, e 4 00 bei 33 ,varlaticamithner 6.31/11:erSaoscbs op toestl.: - -",',;.: • , ' ~,," i t - • ...1:o0 bait 3 varigleAditter pears 2 ascii) • ,-, 2. oo best o ysuicties stint* p a tkeach • ' .2 bo 2dibeilt 6 Vatletidi viiii‘er rilB'eapt ''% oo bostot 'varietal - pbfrass •'"• '- " 4 'l ' oo beatioollention• offplums:o.: T: 1 .1, •'. I' 71 ::I' l oo' 19 11 , do z,ouslteSil,tok e .14., ~.• • ,, ,r. i!,f r.::,;1,00Ma WO , 2 1 °. OP% -, • , ,-,,. 1- > ...,,,;i 1 .9 0 ' - b+lat etUrtvtaVgraPeS g, - peelc . ~ ~, . ' i goo infbest'ents*bargrkpegoi; .... , i ._:- .1-on fe .bestilsabella litinag •-• :; I . ••4-11 on 1 . ~gwiso -polka? 1 , :::.,•tvoct 74tx) . - coget "Citie lti lk L ll9l l 3 :7 - I' .: Tlla k gicl.oo3:4sl*bm grit allows gator ;.ti .: wi t , ' l ,:- ooLiktd!*olmitilUskiapelnmsor I , 'fl4t'l . tt 4 ;.,i') rr i tli..l9lirtr'',:l.te! X.):...21 $ r '.' $. ll / 4 0 12, =dr , rSi sqtt;)l,4l, ~ .. ktiried,o i _viclT .Ip - ci Altai Pr ijiiishia, Jrroanar-• --Wm.-Henry anal Jointliobertlia• 2,c .._'l e.::!.. - .••_.•:,,R cui•!;11,1 Tr Ter 1 5cA1400#..00 6 7;1 11 ,44AC ATAZIONri " i aitOrl" / 4 :oorma , 71 It.ill FAI!Hc ,- . r. - .401)4 . 1 Oise - low . i / tti o nshada i inv -,i, ,t1,.1.2. , 11., 1..,..fiL. , , , ,.t • c 7 ,1 • - temple* , Sf's. Pi:; b , P. iii , ll -: '- best grain &rill tits, l4:L:t,.o.l:6lldlirat-oc r li belt rilaPlng," • ' ...__ IV& 10 do bell 111:117 9Li e .i ' • '--- . p t.. 10 cal , tem 6 • t o! 0., , - __„,,..111, - ) i .. 1,... 4 . 00 best nafoliminne I-. Ai , ,,i: :i; .s- .0 ~ k m borS, le barrowv. , fi t , ! :AD. , s•;., li M. oci a mm ,1 , .. .„ xerhuller .1.-.1,-; 0 t i t 7: -.- 141 s: ! , )..'g kKi , 419n4 New , -,:it :11i-fr VI 'INN- Ai 'OO • ..g 0 41 1 141 '37 ”- 1.;•31r , i .i: - ,-1•:4•:,1- - 1•1 -14* " • , • Foil pAimingoi o llo4olld 171100, ••• . .I.W " , ltq;-1:: 1 ,,i • ' , ir 4 o bestir • I • , ~••....! • .•, ,, :n i-cr. ,: ..r1:.:00 3 oo WEN EMOIMCM isckhor;ll J%:14 ezoLltistut has ,Liflottm tath:i .*l4ll TISW In rn ads In • wild nrit art i , cla i zinf :0 aprit,a ,Ii: .0:1•..7 tell +r, it& . .. 2 Fig 1. • - „ , ; gr i T t l Wrmic H lP. (11j a Rl'..i l t oo , ~ , . r 0 011;7 b15.113;4. 1? I .it 1..t0 belt botee.ahottege "Nola t)i.:(ii-o. 41p,it B.oa baittbii.429Ai.g, -Cl , llr-r tie Int 40,4 9 i 3 0ct bgat lit .. aNeetlg tODi , r.;`[? •r 4 00 btir , Troperf;e , m.,, q .I ,, ta i ~ nr: t-i ;1).63 bat sbrattat. O,PIf i VOli+.l .•'' VI ^1 4 . I :1/1 au bbesrti flour barrelit,.doainkir., li , :" _ 1 1 R ~ SI ! best plitgriegtgra U tifnfolem i tittif, - ,lf 5 go is ibd i c a r s....r4 ff ifi Fl.l 1.11 , / . • ' Co o 1 L__"Satrititl-pabbat ggrelitirNolat'• Mceartin .Wthl,RiWklat i, • : -,',•)i:. )7 , (.: r ; ,1,-. ',,,, ~ t : :'u ',GLA..SB litt ,Orr.M., _ 01141fIGA.L' , FD&P . -r. .r, 31 ve; ~,, ~.-.. - eiIFRO” - ,.. +l',l ...11 1 , f•> a•, lAA Ahompuiliwg,vr lima. .. dIP 4 PR 244.1)4, . `,. '.. I : 4 11 (''' ;belt'''. linrie'Ciriiiii Or brigal I • dip ' rtifi blies tig r otio r dgoa )6' i I,riAs.,; r aip l am, 0 6 I ,lgigdresskkg,bWreattn•.,,i, 1. , t,• • 1 % ..dip , ottar.4lo bfiSiiiiiiihn t .,l ifnr ,- 4 . I_ , Ltownr, 4 1 P IA 9511 . . eggiii chairs ' , . dip,,,, uOO six cdo 1 I Weibiiiii 1 ° * I"' -'1% . 41' ' 'clitifieest - ebihhi: , ~, I I , . ?r•'' , "i —"Pe& besOdbirinrgtabla• :v ,:• ,T• , 1., ; ,'...,..1 :f 111400(. ',WARN* W 1411:- 1 -,, ,, ,i i•Ily '7.111t, 1, 'll /59) • beet basket split 4 : r • • rdo hAarnt willow •Mi ' - 't it ~ .1 *11,4 ,,, ~5 6 b b rAti t lt e r iti nib 1 •1 i- '7 r",) il i•,itigroit o best ciervhigtan wood r ,...71:77' . - :.7 fl• , f;.;t ,i A *Cr betigoireil kiigKet; 1 :- : sni it•ift:p -di Pt 4 , 1r: 0 0 , b9ginleNtlll* , , : ? 1 :,c,,, , -1 . dip, it .1, PQ best white Iced eils , . . ' dikr Waif h t •II .. ' i". 11 'l' 0 , 'l' y-dliti lie, 1. 456: beattputhre I'm? I rr. ',,., 1 i t , ~w i ; !Ty dip : et 17 0 6„, beelike , . Wier ~ i. s r -,7^,A •••• 7.,1f:11 1 9.411 1 14? ligit akiPer. ..,,,,s, „t,,..., ,::„,,.,,,.,..,I.i i ir best la orka, sia od b e i g e& dft e t...? -• •:97, ,) •,,. :- ~, • i , i ,, elf& begovkierto ..; ,',., •••,-,...);.,“ „.,,.; t•mt 1 fori. big = . iltiO trreki;ging t.n., :17. - , ill* t l egt .t . , calm . i ~,,,, , ,•, , , Alp, ft,13,,09' 110.4,n4t 0 T0 i lar es g*All,4ol lll .. .. _, . 0 fruld" ' • ' (Hp & nib' r e ett,' , ... -ge r airr• ~ , ~., • I,r¢l ...„ 1 i i dl bait -tabus arsmenel.-1 ;',. rt: •- , ,•510,111,.; Leo e, hot frpit pi; 11,qu e mts, .. ) ;,i,.: ilip.o.l )09, rf t g are p = no beitfi re -at 1 I, --.....0 '''7. 7 . /: faro ,z.• I- 00 beta CCIMICIOII trielpai 1 > -4 , 2 i t.. - Old, 1100 WITZGIOn4iI ...1. 40-Elikiiit IV4OII-04444g; 4 0 i 1 PoPTPsNii/r4rvto.: , - ; ,1 i • ,-. " i '.,. -: -1 •OtOPS , lN3AjN ic hr 4 404 ITS, S. 1 ' • , • 11x ll>irums leather 'best ikhking leathdr '''' •• " beet sob leather ' t 1.• f - •'' beet upper•leather.., ,r ,' * best bridle leather. • best kip skins 4 leather ' best• tilt skins 4 leather best double set.of carriage harness best singbr set of carriage bar..,, best double farm hameit .. best man's saddle best' hu3fe:f saddle best•bridle anti:martingale " best halter best horse icollar, . • 'bait !cattier. trupk 'best' pair gept's calf lioets ' ~ boot palrxerit'S kip 'beats . best:pair gent% stoga do: • best , ptilrgent'alstoga apes lie4C pair ladles,. boots, , „ 03 • • " rOO 010,:41:0eishio,e_s: • tteet riiitlisabei4enpvem • • . 1 0 0 I Banumi illOorboadi Josiah ,J ack sopandGeo. Cumunglnuri. • ,cIJAISSN,CP. :18.-RAVINTIN(I ) ; PENMAN-' , • jAlti•oi? ! *l4tiplg, ;•, „. , A1p.d1.541 ) . 2d bes •de do off a; roe 'best' photographs' "' ' ' difi*B 'on 2dlest.;,4 do ' • dip&S 0 0 best ambrotypes dip 42, 00 Nat klmto.ylews. - • • i . kB 60 Wditplayi of pyii T tpgrtiphs , ' • ' • • atnorotypet • • • dip oq, best.sponmem permustiskipr • dip ik 2 po di 9 d, Alfi t • dAP ft ''x' I)49e. t ean ie.il P- ix ePT*II)P- with " left nd" ' *dip' , iio 2d best spechnen:pepratipali , : _! left hand •-• • - • dip it ; lon Jam:,l4Bliertuttt,"!:-Relsiiiger and B. B. Lakin. ' l ' • "CLAN. ivo. 40—otedriirrto1 , 4Attr...' , ixr found thelairious a rti- F4?-8 on exhibltloe qot pnumopttod ip,our , 3 .re= plum . •` Mita I:Jiidgeitliftviiipi6steci'tiefddi theta tontionxif tha Distritionary Caminitteotta all Lank:lea*, enteredtutba .several classes which pro, wortlg .of a t premium,, but la no cam, to Make an award of iite.siiitim to Im:it rticle pot 'eniinlierated nn the'pretniptit list' Of Oa' Boel ekr . , • • - "Nom shell. be the duty! of the-Dia eretiunftqf Committep o to examine all. such ar• tidies as ,shilit reeornmended id them hy the' jud ges 'de the *irides - clatior, together With; thosorhr• which , their awerititnii4inay - be directedilay thanutaboreci cards, (liikon each, and also, any, art)*hey. „rnaplecra, .‘&7O I II Y of ' premium, WWI 'ls not speclthO' In our List. But' in' no a Exis& are tliep to:i4oiiire an award hr any:chess utile& •their attention has A lart rO 4eAu- called to it; .by.the!JuOsee-0-841 Dif,voitoribitry onolMSto rfer rod to the O rd of Itternigets. • • •"' •". ' Cap.• ;;.•I .1 e • and ilteindiatiOPlPTOWS eroi" !,.„ A ~"Orn,TPll44fAhe-ralr* •',! DLRECMC9S iTo cxmaTrroas. t PgrupeLicors et the.' Reif, must beiynne inenperdbf the :cletyvid have 'certificates menibetshtiir ;Whlelt title% le shown - to the Beetttisry. Wore% any caxt be made. •Thilt / 1 49.b€1 1 0 4iXem 0 01 4 1 4.114Ful PVIICrAca4e PpWelly slii i. .n)ted.for ptsmi urns:- ." ' F . " 16: 2innibefeetsirdd lent tie" attached to &Radicles, stock, ibb.,l fott:exhibitioN which *AI 10 kttlifhed , l4, Am (er.retary-c*.ing Au e;set copy , of hlo entry-184,pr names of lliki - oCirners stlietlY iiellided.' ''' - 0 8.!)1Alf abliMils indifthilte Met be on the wodbetartioeckeit , A.4, ea Thursday itia."oos l 4sl4Y . We kalrAilicmaY be airuNfed iski,oo 6 AM fin 'examlnat on' Mete Yliefgalnini 66 6 f el )* thettilftei. 'A • lelek.niki tubsecthentlyVidalred Liter exhibition', but miler. olpienuiteno 1 ~ -•,..:, 11 ..... 1 ' i, ,1 T1(1 4. The same mita; oapnot-,bo 4.10, to take ap_remium in' WO dltlerenleltaes. - 6. EWlNfoitiffeliotto nifirethemselves 111110wNeMe MEW ,dlollilolbiestakewshib• emery to the gAillttliati Of Stock, machln. ; enrotc:lTJAPAcistiP46l?e 04049..re4 with ,fn 'U'Y " TIPS. hi InX.Pg•PIL -r ... It 4 • Mpeato ibr 'ffefel al* peetiliatlis • 1 dill* ‘ mewl Welted. statemeatr et 'disinter n ; ,7,7;iiti % -; i A lic *lel* f" NV gre'eDSP:i id;Ztir4Ao•NetztA.:. at on ea lio the order and - iihdrrot i am saidormenswit ,Al , I :r! , 7 ,c, i F., zr i & Hay or grawbre Six* will Jbe tttintth..' od the of charge,asmiviito at ettlit 6 'piiee; 1 ! 1 .4 ;4n Ihundonee"Ag **twill b!-clM' the .rest - dr.PPIP9sr • ' 7 'l l ', . Itti? irrerriturp ifil tiiiiita 'entlY ihrrV (SOY days after Ahe Pair, end , all' Interims .seat tor Irdi tar paid •OlOy ow a , written Order . . n•Tressnter of: ilbo BOSA, GP* 9. Wilt 11th) Ixt.zetll l ll3442d.FtSeAt ToVi 4*; the leme. - - lit aEr.recla prernivatlyr fir re -0410 Bird the Tittilater:: 4 ' '-' 't '''. or' 10. - A-Ckisiattree- 'indirect as tb the,loca • Lion of any article which rimy be placed on =I M=S2M:I da=l64l7 , 3kda dd' 4. . 1 2{l #l4l-s7 Lila*, It, eql: Arisi - osernftrol :ftetutt hollealtit ;1 12 .•• S 00 ' • • !••• On 4-00 - 2 oo 2 oo 2 cio : od 5,00 .440 400 4 bo • .11 oo oo 2 o 9 2 oo • , oo 2 oo 1 00 `~ ~, _ ;. UMW. •• • • 1 '4fsi r i menimmifie * net LIP .AVSSINCIPKAinatr' Vi 77d70 . 1 . 774 11 1 *: • ' ' tel/ finer ibilDslitimfirPlbretwien bliwrig iftge4=el=l434:l.Tir I !rho pubu4l e ,ri • illthi t re 1411116 0 114, 't!sementilAmp tnus:tee la ma to qoolaw-,, • to al thivou 4114 JoktottbooloottOtooliumkbotutoitlipaet goon to taregiAmirlinifiltAiter* , --- . .1.A.1137.:{ti 51011(1'Jt. . iixhibitW=, I.) 11. 111941 . 1 f St ahlietrAThr It Da pains to a.. fiiinFidittilliihrOMilifh Svery. .class; eve ry r prstaut qrlyg i ar l gier the safety oralilrtleleir oil ex will id no mse,ballebis Int anyrioseophaasst . lhat may occur. Tr/ . f ..:.• P.V.:7.144 4 ) [ • i • Instriic,tl=4ledices. ' ' • I, 1. All ? 4146dieSiaiiil iqiirealltiport; themselves at s'stand, ago Olotk. on Thurs day, otherwise veceitcluswiittbs immediately filled up by thcl *poor urPitrittilk, and detalicid re ports t au t em ' iEn t3ceretary befofa if 10 1 _01 . _,, tin • y. Thn Judges must crinfiiie the:Weft/al° Ile articles. in thciav 341Yetat fiktitMent4ll eel Sikh in, - the Premirou Lllll5l MU I Iturthy object is Prcesided..tbrY Seel97:4;SAANItto ths , i DM-. a l th cretionary Coplaittee..w 0 1 ..4 e r.'" .; .:1;•; * 8. Judgget,vi I.y9kist... 1 preiniuttut upon indillbre_ ~n olki ttle or nO competition. But, duet rd : premiums of a lower giiitic;:oil!`uOrt i niiiiiikilalli* Shall deem proper. 7 7/ - •'" . 1 : 110 z. 1. c• 'B. Judges wilily*: 'permit exhibitors to make themselyga ,kmwst iuuf emit becomes 'necessary to thegqiin tw iotr,:fstuukArt. ' 4. Judgtoore" t,b e' ' a Uote of everyart•^4sl„th4 )n,10._ ,_I -es i I drt44.-A,ili,, full , 1- , Doaid with - 0 1 , l . . , th tt name of the lit- 'titter-1 •,* Ititt wpl not award premlubtlifikin tinkikatilt anlmOP nut effiffabnlirth l i e ct rtege i n.EMVAt flo 5 1 1 1 iliircesatiTto cittiMbe ‘Seigi nm to any articit j l ic urarrd j k it :rialti a ccbteend-dify e ,I 5d p it ov 6. • Judgt% wi at c pt, person i to ' present at their :ix owt.except tut abovd 41 , 1 :r1 • .• 7.,. A ~, zor.ui .' rql.j] -NIT" o leffoili, .. " /to ital . M 79 aiil l lll ko.fract or ,oi 'Peapttrnt ) !fur a premium In the same Chat orturitne way intetestAd4 .i43P.' _:. A(l?..l::eraiff .. ;i: q 0.:104-..hiti17:17 p ... p - i it , ..2.1 !•,tl' irms.,"RYPestilletniAl 1. Certificates of Life ~,r p.Af lica.tilimit 11l rue is of • e • I. _ th e ,- ..„ .. , .3 . r • coo= .i .. fir: trio si r's .moniu . ti ll flames 0 0., . . .. 1 , . ... hi 1 , Atill tiie c irli it' '" '1?I, ? '.!-.' • atlceedingl. -el otti .•• et .1 ,• • 4 (4,- _^thillt ' , Fair Ground • Wu** Aitcoliabibillon/44, headiforti faintly -amt. ohildroroalding,at 140 t4% , if.xnePt.raAIP9. 1 .144 1 W 0-4 51§ , 14f -- • :stii,vetticketios cepta sc rill DI g oon one adinhailint'iintr." • "" 1t 1 • ." '4l. ' All lintel& Jill thatillooll ► or Mechanical Department umiti be torsith WI tia s ,_ conn4 • l and Robin a Irrind.. l PP6 re." preVIOUS to the pry-sent Fair; --, 1 4 4. _The Doard . uf ... Managers j !wart! . t .„ riteiliums on &ticker • Of iipociallameit (from otter countleami-Statillii..i.:' .'; ' 4 ) 5. ,Any person who may bring invixica ing liquors on the )?'air G rounds , eithvg to dank himself, or tl give eirayj pellel iltruthe enelostire,•and not beParridt ted toenter •• •,.,F , 0. Each horse, or Celt hrOvit' }ipon:the *Munk( exeept tit die engaged n' at, tielestdi'the taxed 15 cents Cseb--la• • pain all horses. (one oWner) in. lutraeoi ox ellierWise4s 449% 8 - '7, Ali ,ca,rnfgvik buggies, used irt the ring; Must bc.driVen zutaideofthe grounds hnnualiatelratter • ”T 8., All carriages ; WaganS, gr ve ides of o khiff..coming Within the encl.( 4 4; nerigthe•PrailtilOns •enteredldr , totapeeitie4aaditierienarns bared card-Dieced thereon. Isionototkiteincl be admitted • t:, T. Alai: . -IX All' :Person; havinglei • iii t o exllllll% i t or train: in the . ring lititiltorWodiftile , their Certificate of Memberishipvixithiellabe. Stock eto and„entranoor Laidig. rho A . The Board,ot Manage" w cap s the officers ; wl 11 be preterit on t • , 'Alla 'will be 'pliicrifftio%gire Ttett-' to con peti tOro het* whiV 'May qtrlit 3t. The Managers will lava antAnditMlear.l4:+. sell any animals ore.artioles exhibited, which. the owner may; wish to dismatet,' isl"Xho third Ant - ' 1..1 .•P • is T e sectetary the, SOO4 • •*. lint be' map to • recef* roc 'tor, two weeks' proviode to -the would earnestly request all who =nit° mica application beforethefair,Wkw i lat l itate. 'arangenients that may he : lags ac 'Coinmudathiti. * 3° 2 %tin presenting thiy fanning Iditioli noisy the' Boani beg leave toicall allgstiot:to thelact that it 1 . 3a.1 uofkrgone, tho vision aiid Cotrect_iiin,ad they ~gggpld ' ia~vltb an attentive and careful .perusal,, feeling at 'in* , vatioty• • add 'exti3nt • (If not aggre gate .adiount or "premiums offered) itist-vit 54. 1 34Pe0d by Ahatmf anyothereennty.linoin ,ty out State. Taking,theit9.#o4_4lto ciA e)ildrettne; the BOard would 'cardiallytil l e :all to cotiluetoOplng that' tethibitten *Web! WI 'were alike eridihttikt to ourittemelation, and to theAgtilmltnntlin terA* o ;;T•PountY.- . • ; .1- J. trogAic t seerpta % _ry., _ _ _ ' '-•' - - , :_,,,,1, , r ~,z ; ; . ,,, . ' tnE . tomiwiii,:g 0414 i!. fr o m .Y 7•YriMis ioteo o :4 1 ,*0,'44P. 600:4:1 1 ,4_, HilitOP earcf- L lt 41, 4 1 1, __,g s i*t,,uo' 'Any. qPI . i alL9ml - i deaniirea Aca . r siineefa I Conskicritkin: , "Iloic i hitif o .- 44 1. 4rpniai:r 40.q.i'!ii ,POO4 11 7- 1 1. ,s/ I the rag Len t ii eva 4 1 0;gota:for, tpii„ttla,a rut C!.` - Tile 4ti . 14,101 of 141001iailk .071,4i0,*., f i34o9o,,ivittoi;, wt ,•;,I . l!'ice,all,9ie'r,.*ltt'll'aii . l4 4 ! p t i l ~, )vipw.1,iiv9,ii?,..#14,.r.igq.A , 4316,1-4qi a ciiin mon afght4o see. AC, ,;ep , al,' img i6.)1,...w -mour alai:l4dr' -toriialight; lir afieasiglis, and 7P 94eu...a. _F, P11A1.44.41)67,14440%ar i d smmour,f44ctiatr, 4 , 411114 • Bat .ist ;It Oesr,.(or G sant 14 apowft , and-be will lase ItAttt *mop of gskttog ,owt of Itrließ NtaisA AT stako4 If they Pau gekbelgad - Alta. dB yr gi3 4l ?&P A 00 AprArg Aas, ,votea,for 8...443- ahls and supportsilisffilmtbst.taasttg.to paging he arc eat • Every sac i rionti. cryn dOngbrace o Jit' o Itycliere alilitlerliOd know his rdbel friene.' a Thsitllodk F upon". northerstDem6matasn•downONod helms no better here than an honest Repabß l ap4' ,I 7 tr* : _§KlAclAQN, leg 1 VOW :1 . keg' 4 1 *. 9f,..14 BPlgst - l*Ft4, elW a ßtigliep A i., ot..p9i. i t 'So. P:A4grallgApi ►t Plu4tian4:6 l 4o.ot ; 1 4.,thia ci ypAid.7., Eta. Pays t •-, _ I -Ttll e tettlitbi , ag. weft, blotng Shento of the, Loma i NtQ l ea_ t . , I ii`innttOn'ebop;lod tha pysti• that I coral IT ber 1 sannibillbunr . " .;...!.., - -,r, • cr.itt • ,: • a ~, • . .1) 1 :ilia:: i'2 .7 _, If •* Mr Af I(iitll4, ittifitittllitipohi cOrifitiiididecti4tileitiThfai 11 0 1 6 0. 0 1- Ps• iiirf this 'the Niti , odi k irsi n ,(6ll Or Di pasts this Ivki." .- Ititaikifirl4 the di skin 1868 i corals:" , f , i, .Pi:T , 0101 - .04 *. •,', t • ;—"thewoodswaild Cingdarweze olittlt of Dem -1 ,:. /I:PARTY • of , Htinterstrotwata Na, last sratkkHled sixtplvero Hoover's monOtaiii in Alma 7da.v;'and : . a good day for 'snakes. ll IC cm MMMiI bure • • atoll that-Nt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers