II The Beaver kigui• WltTAllDObasoli =1 PO* CIT. • TJIyeseit, RISIDE S. ,Gxvint. • , viczAistbarr, • ' Schuyler filtsift AUDITOR (WIRRAL .( sll,6somut JILLIMIATaIII AcarraoiaßY comrilc• , R GENEIUI . . MIL JAMS CANIIIPMEIbIit OF CAIIIIIRIA COUNTY. you commis, CAPT. JOSEF)! l B DONLEY, • Olt Greene County. rox JIBIUMBLIC • THOMAS NICHOLSON: IL J. VANKIIIK. A. J. BUFFINGTON. . 101! TIROSIERITING ATTORNEY. • J. It. 'HARRAH. ; "pi 0010111ENSIONER, DAVID W.• (SCOW. son collzin ommtrox 8, A, DICKEY. 10* POO* ROUSE - DIRECTOR, JOAN MENTZ, sOa AUDITOR. WILLIAM TRO3IAB. (FOR CORONER, WILLIAM BARNES. • ;, ton TRIBISSB OF AUDEN?. 'SAMUEL MAGAW. • RICH BY RABIN. -MASS MEETINO! REPUBLICANS, TURN - OUT Give An Day. to. Y our •::i 4.• .• -• ; coinitry .Fhe Bepnbllcane. of Ikaveri county, k are earneetiy masted to attend a Uwe X*lng In Sevier, on.' 1 , WRDNZSDAY, Sept. .211 d, 1861) The following dsstinguished persons will be present to's4dtess the people on the lumen of the hour, vis : ..v. site? igx.eov. crairve mml.l Q. A. vi i ___llol6 A. i t i i imii irosa i ltr., ANN ISOM TimeMALS Otherprominent gentlemen [roma 4isterose l km also been invited to be with Us en the ooession. Come one, cabs al! ! Then=*a* Mairrnies will be held at th follow mg Places at the times named, viz : New ,Bsfghton, Sept. 11, at 1 o'clock, P At Datiltigton; Sept, 10th, at 1 o'clock, PI 17th, at 1 O'OlOEl4 'At,.;+(cw Sheftlcl4,Sept IBth, at I 'o'clock' • At McCallum School Mouse, Independence tp., Oct. 9th, 1888,*,7% o'clock, P. M. .eultable:apeakera will address the people at the above pieces, who will be annnuncoA hereafter. 1 Other uteetinga will, be berealte itnnoupeed at other palate in the county. ' By Order , of tbaCo. Bxecutirei Com. - Jl. BICE Chairman. Tun Conyention litAt Bilgilto7l U. on the litls abtAdd,be well Attended 'by the Republicans of the stirrOnndlng be roughs and , townshipa A number of eloquent speak 'ere' of Western Pennsylvania, among oibers Hon. John Allison recently of this =anti% aro einem* to, Adroit' it, and preparailons bait been trade by the citizens for a deint4l - which wit be creditable to.the town and. Pixtutyi Tbo Ditnociary „tome i been straining themselves at nashiglarge vowt,lngs in that locality. , Turn out and let us ace what Repittalows can do. ' Tini Democrats aro - "roplag In" all t e Rebel ollletabt to help them put down Geste: their hied ally In Cols mallekius viorkidde traction Js Robert Ould,'Contederato Agent ciaticiatip of Prlsoneri. ' Oultiseoodod front Washington and, joined the Rebellion front l ore of it. He 'Served , ft Ain it Istpited. The people saved the coon ilia spite of his opposition SAM They will • reserve it, in spite of his malignity, now.) Vrimorr held her State chactlon on Tuesday. , The result surprises us. In come . c etence- of the overwhelming Ilepublian strength In that kate we were led to believe Aust our Mends wore *Pathetic, and Would I Make but little or no effort - to get out carpal! ' on* *lank* that their ticket Would be elect ed at any rate.. In this we.were mistaken.— Apathy did not exist among them. They .wotked so honest, thinking men should Work shd the result shows the haviest vote cast in ttiit`Stite' Shit% 1840, and k gain of 10,000 Re. Otib Votes on the nepublican poll. of last yeSt e Oar Majority is about 28,030. /The . Dedt(lorticy did their bat, but it all wpitld not do. Theyivent under clear and clean I . The 'kid, and pattrotic people of YerMont were.alivato the Issues of the hour, and gave 'the cops the bat thrashing they have ha for ''Knott inanyyents., All hewr to the stUrdy i . iferthlkaintorYertiont. Let usimitate their exempla In this Stan) in OctObnr. ‘• 'Teo' Republican modulo, throughon the conety hiivi been largely *tended desing ‘`, '• this• preeini Oinipaigtif and we truA Our Mande wilt-outdo thaninetica upon the Om. =atop oft be:Cooventios of she *IA hall No Pidni abOuld bellowed:to make it the (giana ,, vapolitiesidetnonstratkin ever white, id in the dowdy. b. thwart* Clubs. and rfrhis Awake orpnlattitiat bor.:. Gin aaster,batill that is needed la themill as esteirr to work t up: ' • In every township.the titepublicana e mkt isms bliss tittiatir at in earl? day. The Grant' dabs and Walt of the Widt.t. trete • sesewsnies sieteild aPpeint ionrodteiri at obi* to mate the neormary armogeeteas. In twarahlita Whore oo elobefare oriattiapd townitl a i meeiiagi should be held i fs met ersnee to lola Iraq*, spbject. Committees vP 6 I I ; CClalt ePCSennal -7(Qr P. 11 4 21 L O ,IIYO Old ar Ifttia AP* rice : andil i bp.nalretod apt ant 'at work 3'64 1)04 a 4 jetipible are Itipublitsus • yam 6fid- iiIOJUS4•I49I4I be brought out. Let every one come. It will do yo 6 good Lower -r settled- In your eteYietion6 .y•xt tans to telookin tbe Wes of the thousands • I 4,/ friends You will sanet and hates to the elo: • • mum. moon who will be there, - The —Leeltioseeriuu cmviespow Arnold'Wall a paid item, _ l O ' atrt doss of the Ravohtdon. tb,a, 9Bis . .1 , Washington, and .Igegl , "101 7 ', Generars commission ri .• ' IZ I. ‘ k At ty'• service, were tog cb his . . . W. & itoonlabs season to .. . in . ~ , the same Inailrhd, and ambitious to iill t h e page in the history of the present war L itins. trated by_ Atisold Intlakortliantrnatiattiali PciOlide iatr ie i 'Es t i t ti4A P as a resoldutctitingli sisal thekovannknzAkCiatimANlUMMAC has - acted. %nth the RiPtibllim - Titijik• 'Plif,tie with Grant who supplants:6)4lolls balor, mend, and matched victory irma - bis debiat chilled his' patriotic ardor and heirs' just in the mood to fall when Johnson - . recently tempted him with a dipiormitipapPirititrneriV If thirels now a more pronouneed rebel In the country than W: d: Roseenum, we oton't,.. um derstand the Englhdt*uste... -',. '. ' '' '' , Per ItOseerans hai Indulged in:a:political Correvondence. With "liiheut in his band" and the ndssion to Mexico in, ids pocket, • be Smut to White Sulpher Springs, Va. l where. rebel generals most 'de congregate, a self con stituted committee: io ask ofthem the terms! Upon which they would become good citizen' -Obey the laws, disband the Ku Klux and learci i'ff murdering Union mew , and cuertia. His. estrney was announced through the prem.. mid ire hive its results through Om mine itohannel In Mar of two letten-Moseerims to bort E. Lee, late enminsatierinibilef of he rebel army. and Lee, Benningsrd, Dacha; and others to Roseerams. , The rebel reply was not lit of t elinsicier. The abolition of slavery being a feet was plished they acquiesce in It ; Being nimble to , get oti of the Tinton they are willing for tbe ' present to remain in It. And in the: mein time they will abandon all their naughty praCtices If the AL B. Government' will.desert aild Cite:maim the Union men of tbe lkuitlii 101 over the State Governments to the rebels and adMit Lee, Besuregard, Letcber a Co..' to places, civil. and military, fratCof the dim. bifities consequent upon their treason. Con' earning their intentions It gib* °Mee:stone ire not made the document Is maim* si lent. Amongst the idgistunts we mutat that at Col. Btoe.kdile, a former Imarade °Maw ford iisthe ranks of tbe Greene county Dem ocraey, and late an officer of the rebel army The letttn of %seems; however, is one. which meat bring the blush of shame to the cheek °revery Union soldter, the more that be professes to speak in behalf of the entire Union army. approachee thou paroled prisoners u an infenor to superiors,and the tone of the epistle is cringing and asophantic throughout. Their characters are described as "brave, energetic, •selt-Sacrldelog."' Be expresses the utmost contidenm In their at tachment to tie institutions.they for five year a sought to destroy, ' He Cobb Lee - that be con- - .eiders him a "pure patriot" and knows be is "4 representative man in reverence tuurre gent for the Union, the . Constitution and the welfare of the country" And holding him and the "good men" whom be will coat in ,such esteem, he asks their intentions and fa, ready to receive their behests. We presuina that in his judgment It was in' the spirit of pure patriotism that Leeimrled tbebattalliona of Lon mince% and Bragg Upon bls, din 'reel mg,bleedl ng columns at Stom a river and Chick 'lineage, that it was'with a reverent regard for th e Union, the Cotuttlintion and the 'welfare of the Cottony, that Lee, !by shell, and ban, and bay(Met, famine ' disease, murdered hundred e of thousands of the country's des f enderseswore allegiance to • rival tionstltn., Sion, and struggled. So sunder ibe bonds of the rtiton.,+ S. Alas pOor Rosey ! Drowned are ,sthst,inetn ones of Iturfrcel boro tutdChk karoaugs,duled the laurels of lulu" sin I Corinth. install st.. !Id Will mite bint . tho bought th tall of the eae• mks he was !aloe and sworn tdeonthatt, "The light all }IOWA Which once he wore, • ." The glory from his gray !mks gone POrevermore: If the correspondence originated upon Ito. seeress' own mcsieowe might regard the en tire with'euntetatit'aed pity. - But' it is im portant and alarming, as indicating the ayin„ pathies' and purposes of the party whine Plait pet he was, No one doubts but that Mr. Ro seems WAS sent upon Itle Mission with ex plicit lustinction4 that the rebel leaden were convened to meet him, end that the entire correspondence wu plotted before he act out, andtithes', a part of the mithinery relied upon t o cect Seymour and Milt. It is the Dema exacts% titatOseart in hand, and mouth in the t i c dust, ids to the Sulphur Springe;te kb& the feet of e heroes, of the Conblersty. It is On "Win in4'l4—whicb eon iddi 'ln the pure patriotism" of Lee, and regards him as :a representative man in reverence and regard f tr;he Ildon,the Constitution and the welfare of the country." And it ia the Denim:Milk party ' which, -. thiough Lee, demands the overthrow or , the existing '. chivies: 'monis and their !Amender Into rebel hands, with a removal of all dliitbilities consequent upon the rebellion,, and Withdrawal of the . .military power, as the,pricei of ,pencie. ', The correspondence sopplements Blahs' letter, and proem tiMt be LViti aeaord with ' the re; bets, and they with ids patty, ind ' that Sor moues election means revolution and blood. shed or a surrender of the fruits of the war. Its publication was one of the • many mistakes or the Depoteracy in the present campaigt, It will sorehead Audio the ,I7atou ment'open the. eyes of honest Democrats to the ‘purposes o f their hiders, sad add !yard'sre to the grata for Grant add Ccdfitx who don't &WWI tra4Olii sad undei iviase jug , la r a i nktmtku/ Unit " ) men will be Protected, the lawsinfomed, sad rebel taughtthelr Micas. Aar lIANAR Th e sq*meer orators say , =Aso, The tame say 3res. .1%47 Wry. that lime the' Ist Au 186 to the let of Aurae, le6B, th e debt has bets reds* frost $2,757",q16 01 to $0111084,411p8; iireduction ofneve than 10°1, ECC (0 .0 100 • 1 4 1 .. 'lotus-Ws reatteuon bee n gohrg to sae taxes have been vastly reduced; twits Of thew !!edpi4diosteiheloosobOct • TlrEitebtlbittinla of VAlToll*}b,D , 6lrOare, *gene•grett.credif toi l itfictory, iiieritieir opponepta at i'multiollndOot*Oti WU littast, eitYon'TwwillY oneet week; 'ls a" 'toping valid hnWd swag th6r ta In eltietitlOn. ,Vioeat* theta cans% t o roe 24y0r,10 iisjoiliyViesehund grotiejhei 4litle? ciiiiii for th , woo position. lastdAar. . . , HIS lIIiCAL 3 ;'•, 15, :. . I w-'' vmaioNT. ,-)...y : illj ' latex - TRI• b* . ~...4..... What Ow Gratillhatatahl Sep Think alginate Colfax. Srt alp r0,,y," I'en. • ow -----ean~~_:___. _rsp, The Senate trnanimouldrisp& Man. The House Neiy Propose to Move , ImnuidistOy upon Your Works." ' .•, . • In die world to.daY prendsr.** • Is borne on sny breeze, 'And with Grant to steer the ship of State , : burfisg shall role *eilka lcto "Dominion", *kit* And Swath ammo toe-4- tinr Stars and ebijeMin the Canadas; , -4' _ And likewise Keideol • •• ' a - For with PresidemtlYiNgs . • _ Will be fewirbo ewe fought May herd, this °matey he has exec • And God darmukthelright 1 • ' So boysi a find bumper, • While We all in ehorns chant—` • . "For tieit President we nominate • Our own Ulysses Gran*" • • • And if aslutiwhat State he hails Pons, , • • This our sole reply shalilw; r• , • Froniwear Appomattox Couit House, With its famous apple-pie l", '. For t'was there to our tlyseis That I•ee gave up the light— , • Now, boys, "re Grant tor Preddent Awl God defend thodgbt I" .The Reptiblkat Victory hr Vermont is a ragul u WaterlOO :affair: Our friends ban, piped 10,000 votes since the kit eledlon; sad have ousted the only copperboid Senator In their Legislatm. The 'Souse Is nearly 'tinsehnously liejtuhltott AS honor to Vet! snout. Let Pannvlvanhi Imitate' het: exam ple In October. - „ • •. ' ‘OIIIIIIOIIIL t We have glorioninews front Tontine: The Republicans have earned the State by a mi joritylot 27,000--to put it at the very lowest egura--being a gain'or 7.000 over last year. The Senate is unatihnottaly Republican, and the Rouse nearly so almost every town we have Republican gains • The vote seems tb be the largest eiet*pißed. avid =the contest Was anitnated.: „ The pentop'iatar made 'a des. pe Tbey i were met. kg 'the. pro. per spirit, and the result Is a pecialve vlctow The learn of the Mitropia its this: ,'Owt rut* Viciiiitv. In 'Vermont, as In all loyal States, the RepOillesn party, and the epublican policy areintiorivil breveti , dilin :hut thoughtful cittzeit,'nisue was never Upon one sida'we The, ave the enemies] dtbe country, on the other Its friends ; '' It is the . issue Of Sumpter ovei•again Tie/Mena. regard menaced the tuitional ite Blair now threatens the initionnlininee,....! All that Lincoln wanted woutpel Olt Grant wants is, peace. ' Now, as "esti , country respiwkis: "Amen." , , Itcair Mends iitlywhoretioulci 'iustre :Peen 1 justifkid in self-contidende and *paths', si wie ceitainly to Vermont.' Mica= was assured AU the offices were in tie hands !four M ends. No matter bow tame tbteediviss; the' 'fridts of victory were Katie' But Vermont • *Ethel she had a menatritunpA to win. 411ta was the first of the NevrEngland 'States to pro nounce upon the nomination of Grant and Colfax—teensieer the putiseci of Blab-'4o give an opinion oftlio otintemplated'prO-Shr very revolution.' , tsi Influences that lacituis , ed 'our vote .In Vermont would prevail' in other States, arid - !o ilia Republicans labored Ihr victory at home, and for the comfort and encoutugemelt , or *fonds in distant Ind doubtful Stateit: Tiivy worked hard—even with the disadvantige ()Necessary farm work and very warm weather. :Every• vote was tireught out. The party went' Into action with full maks, and themictorrsurpasses our highest hopes. , Maine comes next. We dare not hope fbr a victory so decided, but our Mends' are In earnest, and every town rings with the fumy note of preparation. Nine more weeks of work relOainsbefore the Presidentlal elep tiou. Let it be genuine., thorough; emstinited Vermont work, and we shalthave 'Vermont triumph. Friends, give every hour to this Organize every , towrethip. Get out every vote. Work—day and night—to poll our felt streagth and to,prevent fraud among the Deranerats. We have the victory In our hands—but. we can only gale it ,by 'worilcfng everywhere di. heartily as out friends have werkeitin the noble Grecs Mountain State. N. Y. Triliumw ' • . • bt a reatast span% Made Ilampton said:: 1 1 111taWreaViratai , nt was honored it barite and ropectad abroad taxation was light, and PlentY Me* the bee • • • , if thlf!' Wei then , Why Ilemptin wage a farrow, tdocKliand prOiractod war to deezoy uthe otd Governmentt" Thom when he and his assodites now badly" gave half s million of lives and five thatia2tudlltons Ot money t preseiewthat, QE nersument Theme Southern gentlemen 'Ault Inter that the people of Qui liforiti.dethistei at its myelitis their Prue"' ot*lllide l Sr the bailor of ; ' the old Clovegunintl ~Thel advice 64 ; union lavishly Under*, lathe leading ntempiuga is not felled by , titillate" ofeget puV. , Utley re* rdente the electlint prudence If nolatedeaty would , bow thdoi to tbe rear. They den`Stook well in boat: - • Tin stumpteches_that tell *a teat tiiseitunp' legs in 4 Wm:We UMon soldiers that We useet oa err*. bsbd the number of whleirdoea not 74,1415akt0 situdy Blair and his rebel siltiapra !be Gre chuaostbs for another war. • .1 , - ME POMMY tibial:mt: drive at Marble of ths, . What would be thonghtok Niao.4lltitlid handed mark—who wrote arab his right band; mrd rather sit with thedsall In belt, thin the Democratic party ; " waits with' his left bandhoftodlis planet by whteb paper sad his "principles" were sold to *ed. "leaden; of that yam :poly? We ltna* the man Who did just fast very dirty Moir." • ' Inei On, auk I" 'lOO ms‘ alba tqattikkg*X l V 3 . ll, 4 o- 4 ,01114; ,-;Tht 1141- 11=0"4"-rall 0$ 1 " r Z s t aka r i P Ul L,,...l; nallbeT 0011 M sl l f/MI !RUT ' CM rind. 111111100001 ft ftll6lll VabdWia. Mk 'Gray Made an "lad Maw ijahipit dionewlik 6,44111,w011 tlflraurt st wen inaipostwithi*Eristie mutt it Phalan iallll.6* 410 Oa Site • Sod iinant of thembelnits Owlebor in WWI air.' 40/01180.aissatitga,, :41 ,• ''!lfttalr Wilisiiiiientaid to the seiseted, *use larOm,jobtoMo lo6 ;44gmlisii by) arm mew hi theAouth who hale 41/1111 thevelen_stoNatid Vern* mg In the NO** whebelmiiithtes were /with • them" utot t sWu ..Winneett4:. I sletraqtr . stetVitt is time that!** hithciOr Othef,aololl l o%.l enjoined when c the Winton went dOwn seder. the "dews of noit." he iteellneekonnikdo . 4nit,intet4it e y*Ow siow : t9 xpoki whipir* Oka mo4.d. and tine =a, I sweliatted te igivelem thy vote for President." Ir ti l m ii=likeelt"erpresece the seithients who, se ex43enstor, CO* says, lookidto Ilia New Yolk Cow main Int *Wait tbst wesideonunandtheir oYt. • - • • -'Tans New ,York noes has slettertiont In- Mink, giving* Atli kenttLoa amount or this !WSW canvass or the, State: The writer says that "the wholes/detente:ties of an the Italdteg Conservative Repubneene. wbs, two pais ago. supported the Democratic tkket, arcked last week perfect puny anon the Destoenttic kaders of Indiana." The Demo. crab expected these meet° nanalnirith Thiy are do skewed by several old-uni, bedlam% whets's*. soppegt Berneaid Blair . and reVidciion: , The malt Is la place the State *Aid doubt:- The copper metes take exception to our j "tone" towards "the people of the south." We ; are reminded by more than one oopper street that these people, era new gellowoadaests eitdbrothers," cad that it is not either goner. 'one or politic to *peak of them as rebel, and traitors, and to denounce them as constantly plotting evil. ~The rebuke might come with sane force seldreally be entitled to some con. `shkbration if 'it were founded in truth. We claim that then; is slitolute pellucid folly and danger in entrusting:the contud of the nation. al government 1641,the Management of all its complicated dal* to Ines who have been for 'eight jostlerang as hard;as they, could to, destroy the ..ginernment,. and ,who caused whatever , tertiplitiationrlberb are and thus though tbeltk repentanba were perfect., ;Wei farther dal* thallium; efilliation with northl era Democrats, and their teal to destroy the, party by, whom their madness was detbated,l Is an evidence thatthar sentiments hare not yet Stilly reached a 'reliattlapstint. We (hither claim that their bin at the liew York Concentireilial rand sail (brawl; that thissenatal inlierit Speech by all prank lie* Melt is aliparts-Ottbe arnith4 is masked by a bitter and sareetteint spirit ; that it ip deadly towardathe Utilea party and bitterly' nza y ii to theldriltd adrehnstration pt the And therelotei WO addiVest tiro rob= ran rreiliuther poiltleaksuperykien, anti that: the party., with 1414 UHT 'l l,o lrechW Moat to, a man 111114 1 . kfto o4 / I, of SIPTUir* .JTerellf,.the late tamper of. men , vsho 144 and•contessixily representative; of the leathern sentiment. Thep ate men who snit and !pug have been influential them 4nd whir may be properly selected ,wire authors and organs of. she teeth% retorred • to. We ask if this language Miliaria such !specification as Till justify patriots* sensible people of any kith!, pcilltietaim or bonne* men,in consent ; int that power Abould to phased in thelimmi- The Mempldit'Anneal says ".00 on boys : swear tai Murder berthas ftune. Arm yourselves sod 4 14'softliN *DC be recd to 11 7 0 OT OI . II PUT *br caned gmjlind light bilk royal get sided." ; Gem Wale flantpteet lays r• • - • 'we to In &WWI *rifest lout mum' erMeh we fought. lteeersirall I Malt that the eame tbelf hilted, and that thapintipies which gave 11 fifewere wrong. Never army I bawd the men who 'etr held It pa nobly as"mbeis' or Velum'. • Shelia this dear old mother of ogre all her sent together Mita fled her alters. Utile and volition are left to me. saw will respond mom cheerful!: sod peotoptly Mew sell.` , l ''Governor Wise, of ytrgizetv 113 :43ecomicon 14 not damn it 11 table MITI , 1 041 7 error. 1 support SKr Demise he prosevest a revor tion." The Pirate Benuneeiesre: • ' "I have bees a Demers* 0 stillte--hetbeethe war darted the war, sod atom the istr-40 dm& • the war on principles of Deatoestej.. and se mesh I drew my sword *Vast the old Msg.". + , • .c . • . 1 • "The triad old lieseemitie pa w kik bm clan from the shooter IS which It . has t n . fielded. and now irtme s of sew Me sae 'MOW, ood I have come Imre I from the etmtU l t oar t rat ify and rejoice with y ou etoishtetiso of sod Blair." . , i 1:, General Albert evre: , • • "T 0614 sea j 4 be J4C, Jots Orkin boa to the roe* trr those golden dam The south la ear land ; the eorth la a Melee mete boodle robs.. bumf er awe et your MEM avow eternal batted Otte Z, Wreworsi: 'Swear *et the - Of thallehlato wall! fuequebadaa and Ohio WO be like there of mei or Ibey aro saw rims of Wolk bermes_ per bides Mod sod tier of the melba , Hulk WWI RD, 10 4 4 don atterapt tomes, and lbh."" • • ' 2 !iohn t Forsyqilk.o tAthisaink, Skje s 1 • .1 Intnotinee the bier bowie upon sway. Mufti; irreales** Ita-ltlex Wise wbessefer at U ag ettuabw .kn a kegs.. OM trielibblp .sa t ul as meet wodnialsi "leszketres • toetako 'el milke . 11 .-- a 4 111 ".•" ". -• ' ' • ' itsnlidy i ; of -Qom* Aye:. 5 - • -f , q : ' . "We brie eneutd kiwi: Wletti bike lilittitadii 12.1t oeatio h;1 1 61311, fti a" rtkide r t ilat e ar eCC4l. a eery weed. , ebe ensi besestidltee sad ita e ms meolesp- dere Anestdoetaver ed. Wsloweseeps Z a skies relhoese, oat ettisesis Ors ppeseal , •we 110011416 Witt ft =MAW 1 esetwa • we werbeer It se_ tamer. We will ams..stallbassrka• teem, oar gkat Itesrlies and restate . lb. Open. Wit aerial eta _ giset renotßAwk Widet NV Ma POOtir tow= ; bat treat. ipso kis tram sem .-olt*e li will Mk, ease Weis nedier lbeir • raw bliM Ma. aid win by as iseseettbe .seeWidge4row Aped PO adbestostiemplaapt,). *s ae., ashes km Moos yes meneg. Mien atestsea te the Isetb Me see wet istly ma_ isle. aid silo will to seek a esseliolt, If soothimiry, UM pad labilkaut. l•We Rd aot asks the otber am E ; It irpt , Lead . m op _e_l• sta•weidepply noodles tik ler Ma& Cot lOW rod ent 'WS' • 11Wespints, isaftW poles arimirr . • .• .I: ' •-• . . , 1 • , • ; 11 0 1) !EF,f ;' o 4l)es eta* AMC States 1 11131!:' , f o rbeteemskestbiiiiitaite sill NA vold.aoll seen pot sand. • ,* • !" The via. dm skeleton itideli•bisebess is* sit l gigrT_4rt estegbis7tosMan beicteliniS=ZeaAg a w a b e e d l s • t it* ari * se tae etentry. ..- .1 • • —• ' : . Is needless to toti them me great Wisely)* sealstenes tit 111' . 4:pe li j , t , The Petersham, Vl4/101*ifliki*.... 1 j:: t SiSbottld deitmenesttbatiCbeseri 1 , - are sitnloas In des te. • •w__ Vtl Was es wartlike' tbet Itsiblowseld WWI& male bestow& meads . 1: • : • .j• , T , . 1 • Iloweli Cobb : • ,ii ,; ;..; ' • t.i : 1 ninot to expos aid 11 4. **II * ll4 b ta g time AM. In eat • entelnitte . isteerealbek kar pers aw k ii i • Ise ~m r•soeskllist , , =ea eat* skse, Owes mai wba I Asked eponym i 6 kr pm Qom , ped i teat Grant and CAMS, isbe beit woo thfosi _.,. . • =:;t:!==i2l Oak te - Wit `~oTe nisi toidlet into *lllardink 4 ;_. • . • ..41: Taus Joanna lays:i i. mom It mews and e= di aitabisneafim 110 ' be rr a 18 4 1 , 11 Var ld w I l ltink °API °flank; tip • _ _ • t'etilitlik ei M; 4tor - -Teli Wes pi eishmshis sod speo towed it with .. Mats ...., 'the. widet or her ONION So • aileetnittot,t4 wed': e i g n aw Ai wee=losg b Owe c throw brarble the 9 ce stitadossi Mr% /et .Ws lOWA.- : ;Daiiii., eAte r parkr Wars, lb, Mtert!?s Ihr. Slab lontlett ' The •Richmond Disyststi4iatp; - •• - '?These. IN Weed, twreisiterwri• timer. sad all Ilse, metabolism, hersies-sits or nerve. Wilms allia • ' risk* Maw r ill arve t° thet- - it is L i ! ri _sa -, bat spoor dowerthaest powers Oe C r t .=sod wakes tip f rudit_to be sleet say.p arty. There woe selinily_. emelio- a .01 Ationeerstte - met? lathe worse wMdt hopellto d 10dag..bet Dielfre War has vosokeed It iwpwistekt Mr the tok armies , the n w. I wow leek loafer. , TOO L , winup r d tes their Wage Mote' '' . A ••• • I : ,' i,. • • • " • The l •Petetiburg(Ta4.Etpriss WO; '.' , •. 11Hader our lawsl4 y4O l , Lai a right to vote le the sus Prodikorial ...wemea., ..i Milton would deal as that Odd. wur.seeoseptav Ms; desist with threat. Tingistii• kernel to be lifhtemd. Tindal* buss usgamtiossbli right to-lots, . and Virgil* will vote. WS!ectit to ,werreives to truth; to the setiosal De gloom. The law is doer I,_Virgisis sow rote. To = ai tionther or our rotes me lestitioal Dessaerser ' *dem* Obliged. ji.et tie daft, duty • sad N este:. des us lam to megeople or the meth wade-, gr-uanding cou * o #4.7' ' '1 ' ,( Perhapswe hare'spplled evidence enough. lrnektheuntonv , u auf be famished With any d.Wred • quentltylof the seine - sort, If they Will accept lesser himlnaries the lam 1 gusglican be snide fairnesie atic., Now,l' seyithreeraior Seymou emph r; . o the late i rebehi , have antenittedi to; the results ' tribe efatr: - .. They are turning swords into,plow- Amts, ea taking fare of ' their Wies." TILe whole'pany cry Out for compasskin on I , = salient traltots Dui : have they sub- ?.. Does the laupagfiwe ' have cited Sound ..subenianyel '4 'seems to us that the I fact of sublikelon Is the wiry one at issue,and the, the weight - or the exprailona we have i quoted is diametri . sally opined to ariy idea . Of sthinission. Theyi *sir ~for "bullets in the ,'wkiraid hearts" of in men, and threaten to pot them there. They denounce all that has teen dose to' and tbutheni, and look forward to the time when, under' ;Seymour's 'Prin. ;dewy. they be able to tear down whit we have erected. 4Th! whole canvass estab- ffsbes shone:hag force ;!of the rebellion and its I 'Malignant spirit: . This Imams is not • now.' in mum as it was when Lincoln was lost elm- ted, but It Is' alert, and es rowdy states that I ft 'only awaits a:Denniciatic success to break Lowlife. . . ' i• 1, Now the evidence; here, cumulative to en math of like tenor previously published in star columns, ought to satisfy every,one that Ail: political campaign opened really Includes armilitary struggle ltd another rebellion, if It is won by the cOpperheads. The most prominent: papers, Abet %Wing men of the : southern wing, say, en. ' As the) , spa* under the sliding!, of northern licenser% it is not ' to be supposed that they anhasom ilietligelves . so freely an , they Would like :to do. Their rancor is swallowed pr a time from necessity I Still it shows lta existent*, anstwe know what It can do in an _overflow, We know the ion s ly means for pmeenthig I this. Rsifficals and I northern conservatives an working shoulder to shoulder, to.preverst.thegrest danger; and not. only to prevent this: . hitt aim to forward' paentive :goad, of :Which the country stands an such great need. tint the urgency Is great; the danger. is inninear.l, •Ii our grasp slips at the moment when we are stepping from the topinnatterig to ilminight, the fall . will.car .Miltly be bed. , and maybe dimgCrous. The country cannot aped- :to run any risk now. The one and only plan for safety consists In . united and vigorous!action,for the election of Grant. If this is. secu red. ell the threats and plots that are nerd lessarding another period of difficulty will ; be . exploded, and national safety, : and peace.' and individual 1 prosperity, and the pacification of the whole country In' a durable manner be Made certain. Any other means meat, from the condition of things fail. • We, aecondinglytirge all to taken per sonal interest In the canvass proportioned to its hasards,and-notto'deslat from downright work until November assures •ni that all Is and will coritinneto; be well. end 'ibittPresent geed is increased by prospective' additions. Therii artbut.a I fair; Alava .to. work in. Clubs and , committees . are doing nobly, but they should only be twinned as al& to and nev er as substitutes for the most diligent person al 'Work.. , Give us this for eight weeks more. and then a different tone will come front the south, And a different sentlinent will be felt In the north, and we shill not for a very long time be compelled to crusader what Is neces- Anieri sary for prearriation.—Philaddilda berth ean. . : . . . Tat finrrn. mujrdeir if tralima lieu by Übe Xi KW: Klan. • ' The Memphis Flit prints the Siflosring : _ 'Monocrats have no* in the Bea th two arganfte• noes ; the one open, the other Genet; the out legiti mate. the other' with the mole papaw of lbsterieg ate a sn a and Moalqathlli MP' Wages. It le me_the seamy of this num Deemer** otgaelzatlon rah* makes it detestable; It le the feet that this le the met sametatlen known to term Wei termed is this cottony for the sole of perpetrating at voldalain boors. and In saf cattrers epee political opponents. Dancer**. delete eitherertak at its outrages= rend to doubt weistanar. or commend ft as ted discreet sad onetime; man. , within a short Wee them masked Democrats In the State of Teenage* have beaten many white sod hundreds of tank nth ; they have committed nun• be rabberka amine sod money Rat eneseweffetly. a mem at iferseilks. Rut theme they shiperted thee she told who etass — a thm were ; they outraged a white man at Ramboldt. rnoll comb'. Sad at thessaae des whipped= es that he died two dare Ifterwirds from the and they searthed the Memphis and Looted* bed kor RaPPillam whom they Wendel to murder. het wham. theltity. they wawa* ; Is Lino& con s . Obey took naa ma bed end Waged oho of its bet elklaszta, a tienetor of the State they have leeched_ • Pro Men R7Dusiet theY hsrebsiwid sebsoilaimat taitsmernadassi Wilson' comae* ; *ethos Sneed State Repremetattris• when Obi, to NashvtiliV to travel a lan t e na tince oat athlete to escape awes siltation .nredered Rt. and Xr. Winton to dadk in thefts etnettY vitti r4.% threabeed death to them who dated to carry a nuke g e of trre makethr mg r l t ehesy strewed n cou n ty tha they murdered Mc Medal and his porter at 'rankle: they cheered when at Ifemptde and ?on rest threatened to kill all . white rwileale; they have Oben hundreds of Industrious related meal• oat of tail.. sad adisemt coaatitie_; and May hoer rein sir tertoria MAIL Weekly, Lancets and. other essatiss." t 1 • - • The Frankfort ,(ICarduelgr) • Oramensmaria raida to Ws formidable hat Of • outrages time • folloviing "Will the aseker it tentlaittis dam to deny that AU 61144 denied and ) emeerevaegmbaties. thausadves the ; ir ttilks haw .scietsd the a qtr. ths counties of Hoy* Ilesvor. IhniV i damn. sad Am. an the victims of Ilists in t ,work bass ' bona etteoposed ahnsat wholly of • turn, 'Zino WS rllbed.l7 the* in tlia isat dm isoatha has bow It .l mut. liossat so atattas in the boa (*what knows to los tree. A irsetlaess puma thtottch this d W la at week. as his way. oat of OS State, becalisa lits'aleali totAnitantss e=ed tionsterned his with Itiot the deoilLto Planar amp,l4. iinsios roe cawatiss gibs Mika •'1 ' - ' . . , , inotbse stow Alm et the use comity a hew e(pnipseir 70=1". has -beer crime Se hem cmi tlb• ota be leibessol - esthaddse et ,perestristai 'by .a asedsk it Mix at s usabstitievelleethis Degrees. ' ninth% r as ketee lw riltibi l .l4l= 4 iXn A t it* ftit headhunt. ' "fe us Obit the Mil WU bin• liitil itilidlegi ;ad ' la rt h e 1 releity of the ushisasosst :What* *la bl.s.ipse -• . • - , . 1 ) lite( Liiiii s riCa Wt.) ‘Catriptldittemit Abs-Bt. Louis Diiiii*i detailaihis Rebel De- mace' ouingesflaTiatullik . - ' • ',' : . M =I useil=s. 1101 Nyo . mi. lit _ aotticeliiesets-lbaut. siaiklUellittat --. wu esiaLlo-s e ta PkanapaitehlTrothertmemtwee- ittiledbstmembytnuitl se, . . =IS am l t i t a meete 'zilmli oatk ill ' broll er-ta44w ef_tbe re tem; the _e tys , pitedielty The aims e g ad* kW eeetelato 1 Um' comity from the &When pastel the State, two 1 ' tato* plembeimeit bele cespell* to *es he atipio. , !girl NOkttditit'ale z Mt eixeitet thisaiirettee,flte 1 !ur Oa " wieV i r ii e mit ttt i r . Tbeir = Ittatihr i rtah 'AmiPro tailielit Ide prat. , dor.= taw ig it Apse* sae modest lam 1 lteesjihte that Semler etW. 0 Crttttedes - omit. , UK bees shot wee. s li titieer with heck 'hot thusSkil=tarmakhgltiv MA Ass to Lae nig. ' , no rho to samintiente F 77 ,4 4 ,i. be M=. liTiet the Vow- whietf testabie edam' IA Witt - Mg tdm seshiethil_ 14. r ioNI., coop I te.2 . da • Rikat,, i =aroma rt the State s a7"esilletest a tfie wetter Cm. sesibtattan is a pert et_ the ;preemie. Cot the tell til:Wmod aat the '1.114 of the. Dasoaeßr la it 005". a#o legesiedt‘a Orb." ?ittro 'lblitttiettitents. A itadatetarateeft lerretleo on the Wats of Bold latent theme Terensrlety. Perreer softy 11"1" W 111 = 1 9=. 1 te• tor said ire req to make sod those Wing Wm* sodas' the setae =e t : eedest. will make knows tie wane without delay . . sest.rSteit. If ILLIAK MINX, Adst'si tray Cow: CUNE TO TOE PREMI S ES Or TOE tiERSORE bet. au Boa Mead, to NNW til" Enter toasty. oil the td Of. Sept ; • red iow with trbtte bee. and IrMilea bet rb ettr, iimt skeet year, of ie.. The &mei is torpseetrato eerie bilrattl. prove prawn,. gay dames tad take her sway. OEO. CAM septrittit. - - Notice to Stockholders Elep ' DirectOre,hc. fru s erocitinciiatua Tni wawa. J011:49 I OH rphipsmy. will meet it my . Mee, lb; Roches. ter., ott 31,,. !opt, rat lo4=l,, CURB. repaGS. • : . • , Peoria:!. . J AS. CAINEIRON, Attorney at Law,- "' - ISSAV*I4 QF . PICI IN Tat NATIONAL HOTEL MILD. oo lij y ullectiens . Pcompur attended to., . - Notice :to StoCkholders .--- Elec. tion of Directors, Asc. TUN XTOCZOOLAXItS OP TUX DESOTA OIL Co., will moot' se my dike. to Umlaute'', op Tbarsday, fiept. 1003, at to Oselgel4 m, By waer -' Mira nr . , pepPlft/L Lott or Stolen—ss Reward. The underaluned ofkrs mrairl Qin far the return of a akI.S. whirl was taken hoar Its marring In tba MeV, near the Bower Station on the CJt Raltowd. on the sled of Sept. alb. tikltt.• The sk i ff Is palnvd rad In the melds. and blue and white without. The above Toward 'Wks pald for its feta= tome at ibi. place—Barrer Pa; : Troia* Farmls!ising Goods, " I L L WIIOI:SAALE and t } er. 11 11L. pTLERT. 9,CRENSWARN; LOOKING C are and 'Dlaarware., Also. Japan. Tin. Wooden and Willow ware, Market and Fancy Haskeio. es * Nitchen Setts. Module WelUortia. le. Aim. FRUIT JARS AND ' • Comity); liferdwats will And It Pita* Mmes.". to giTe:ns a all and examine 'our liAelt begun soaking their parcharti.- • ' J. A 11.4INGDA a co., No 124 Federal St.,'AT3orsheby City, ra. reptratif. The Rowe Sewing Mnohine• OLDRST IFABLISI ;D - OF ANT IN TAE WORLD! MYBM° TOR ?MT 14RWiNG XACMSES Outdo, end have been taanntsetnred eontitnt any under the eaperneket of the original inFonter. • • • 'Eltas. I-Lowe jr. Shire their. and introduction 1843. Midler torments upon throe machine* made within thr last tyro yeah arid their rapid!) , growing poputatlty attest* the tact that they bare reached the eery scree of perfection, and that they are not only the oldest eetabilabed bat the beat in the wort.!, 'These machines do perfect work upon all tabrlea whether due or merge, at .Ithig a pinch also. the ID' vehtlon of 31r. Howl alike upon both of the fabric, Sawed. The tensions. newt novel and unvarying, an be adjusted to any degree of tightness., and after bang &elated du not reqWre ebsbOng, except lot dlikrvot threads. OtTo throe who hare used lb. Howe Machine, it M not necessary for tie to speak ; and we nook' °Wye& to others Who wish a perfrct machine to be ism and see these machines berme buying any other. Send for circular. Applications Apr agencies must be ad dressed to 4' STOOPA Sole agents AmPennsylvania. New Jersey, Delaware and West Virginia. Office S 3 Smut" kith ML. Mils... and. No. 4 St. Mir St., Makurdi. Pa. septgefkly. FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! TB lIRIDRINKONRD BRAS LEAPS TO INFOIIII e trim& and th e peddle generally th at be boa Joel received a new .took of goods of tbe latent Myles erauxo and limns* ereer.mbleb he caber at very inalerate niter. • OBA2LE3tRIVS' FOILIVDIWNG GOODS, • CONSTANTLY ON BAND.. Clothing made to ceder oo.the itheetont ponethie make. Thankful to the pot& kw pant Strom I tame by dose attention to b..mea to omit a eentlmianee of the awe: DANIEL MILLER, ' BT.. BRIDOZWATXR. PA. 1 G - : T.TARKER. . • . Physician and Surreal. ' TENDERS HIS PROPESSIORAL SERVICES TO lOW Mom at Roast& • r and rurroor4llc torus. wognagar thstrito pays_psttieutir attention to ttf-, goey., _ Ins boy wade of dUttagulditsig Marva ems ' bioi ittti Wolin. mat Mkt to wooer walertoi with dram dbasoes. -no win sun aid otbet phyridma to ' IMid the &wawa at Moat caret by hoist ollte. co tite Inatatad, two doors east at Ceowe's store, utd nasty opposite Mr. tabowit's gracer7, Ho- Asan. Bauer ota uty, l'a. ' NOM , • , FLOUR! FLOUR.! S. J. Cross & Co's. RETAIL PRICES IiEDUCED. BEST. WHITE WHEAT 2.5 Ti sack, - $ 1,45 - 50 &- 46 ' • 2,90' Barre!, - 1100 .: 40011,0 441810eit iiiimuccouritifs," 2. 5, b - _:5.1,82 ‘ I " - --50 61 , 6 1 2,44 •' - 9,15 Room* fteri, vote. eastakse g WOK /bud. eagle take bias towed taken MO pleqe. MO KIM Ikea or two man raft* tbr liesator twogold Iraklion; airieticte beta- It we*, a OW at e ARE TUE :Ftotittinorfacsttloiiit !tt Y,w: - ' " ci..: 7 limit." . 4*,..:ii ~-.- 44 A-J.14:1t , tg l ' BEAV R. pj ' ... • '.. JUST QUALITY. • - 25 - itortisek --, . . ' -.: $1 50 ro it 4. ~ 3.00 Barret. 11 50 ' ' ' 'tEciiNii - lrittiri 25 lb Sae .. $1 25 50 "• '' " . • • 2 50 ...bill.,_ ,• L... . i 10 00 'nom& - yAr3:-.-----4------1,112 REAL E3T411 . ' • : •• • .IVdli SALE. . WEIN ITIEDF:2IfifiNZD. EXECUTOR OF wiz ,A, ket ME sat Imi , tation of lleatast don Lee of b i k i o r t marialehi Amer tasty. i, b, vim, o f in sitadetty eashdarst la sold Del al l y ova tostiastadortU expose to palllc solkos the tresoides,oet BATINDAT, B*NVier 19, low, • at II oelock. P. 1 2 ail diet ink% tuna or plire.l dr Pad elkaiall he Moillietry Artradd• fkk iiii lki - tbe P et Welt tea, are talk Dom duo vitiosA Awry as the a rumen% v.. R. _ lei bads of Jaht=osties Neville. Dr. S. . c ilia . mho sot scuenu_so u taltdrt ONE HUNDRED Aeltlastrlet Asemant. About SO oats devoid, toot ender the abide kw. s dsrollke boas* at kir km. tem. _____ • ' Tllllll2l-oaLdtled ia hood aka deed is delkor. etl4 Woes la two mud istusid lastolmesti win, i n . I tens** born tliy ut aticatel to to small * Jodi. Mat , or hood sad asotteart. .. dull% SUllirt. it; r. i Rochester MARBLE WORD, W. A. MARSHALL, PEALSIA IN ITALIAN AND AMIIIIRICAN • MARBLE. Wit itAVledilr. LARGILTI` tiSIORTVIMr Of IFS tap Istabed mkt Yost Stases that hsa or. er berm adlated Is Brayer COUntyou the wiry treat citrit pies. Attrition' desiring Xonourenta and 11.414 Stow cal ram sad muffins our work and Prkes befee par. &sin; eleelrbres. We defy compeddos. both Is !Isiah at Waft Mid prices. •, • isamstraraa W.ALL PAPER ! WALL PAPER ! WALL PAPER ! Oil Cloths I Oil Cloths ! Oil. Cloths I CII,A. 1 20 "cm Err ! Cr .11.14.—r0 TS! can sepArtrawirdnuoint terviehmrvbereed.l 7 WOLIN DP WALL r i-6(TY.PI4:"Ca.B3 si will tow mold lour Ws B. ISEETYLECEMM'ep - Bridgewater, Pa • Dino boat knead, hearing the original pewee. Also. Window Shades, Satchel... Trunke, Striirre , 44. Views of all Okay of latetest in the count/awl apes the continent.' I tespeettally eve node* to all to esti and we tie tame and well selected Stock of setters! V Mil ZIT 000DS. • included ha *Anse, re twee [Anklet cm pets, Rags, OR Cloths, & banUfal deAgn nd pattern. B. MULTIENI. • merlreitly - 1 1 1 1 .A.11.3W11111.0 TRY THE ALTA VELA PHOSPHATE. Ti itt COEN:WED PitiNCIPA UN Of TUB Ca, 11 chested GUA NO titan . ALTA VELA. - . COOC4 OI tbreVptt nt. of • AltedallCCsl - lbe ri l eta Is t. t ie IV: L i c7ce s se : I T rorean t '1)1. Bow Phosphoto of Lime, Teftelther with POTASH and BOA, the eweend 001410 of ; • : • 00111111XTIl KAMM em bleb entity:Him in Which it f ie WM IV lug them awl hews whom mkt; it in preference tit or kink* is a owe Wet rlitt!r t ; t r la Gunn COM IMPERIL . Piterr l NVt i ; letete"Tor-ir ROZMER'ff WILD CHERRY TONIC . EffirrrErtigi An TIM MST IN USE• Use Rohrer's Took) BROM The It ; r11 beg in the Markd. R. E.: SELLERS ,N 9. 45; Rokid streets, OPPogibP 14. ClarlogLiztAaloo entrance 10.101ifir . PITTSBUROTI, • Who et Agent* for the Wed. For ale by *OOR V., Beater, Pa. 46M:1.Ni Uemisis lifeUe4:t:. I. I ST Or APPVICANTS Fort Lick!iss AT sir .1, maw Term., 1909: , . tame Nees& -Thoessil W. Resat,' st. Clifr Dom agsstratter. JOHN A. FRAZIER, Clerk.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers