,-, M=WIMtMZ2 TIME BEA VIEHIM - 111 - 1111441Upp....4 , , ,, •...,.. xerit ma BPUBLISmc D EvitltrllPN.ril?l!Y tba aid Attars balittlai,, tiiiiijai.i4lis • I • ; t• • o 1,4 upon. at , Two pawing twit Tpx o n o col. Rill w erisits, at dm oraiscaca.•l • it VLo. 1,• Cominnukationa tni!atibledy*l:cksoirli ,, two at reiTectriillY ikons a this kind must laudably bo aocompankid, by t i e name of the ituthor,“not ibr tr.".4* 01 ' ' pa nty wino imposition.. . 1 von and comnundaltlona:stionbits addrosird to J. WICYAND, itiProprirbir. Notice to Stockholders tion of Three rs C . r rittNstocKnotiAttiozoixis skiezz.'.4 oil compny. nu.t. tee., Ja. 40 u p' Muuday, Eept 14th at71 . 6 - o'clock at tut. , . By' order of the •', CHAS. 11 1 EgraST.. • " 1912. • DIIB..MAHQUIB 47, CUNNINGHAM PRACTICING rursietilis; \ • 110olilgri*PA. t iromet toci doors east "of Aniteeili. note': IWinet nltentlou given to n11'01115.. . • ' • tivrl9.64: ly. 1 L. TID 'ItII.ILIIT,' '. '-' ' ' "''''. G. _ _ L __. _„___H '__ _ CIVIL EN iNasult.d4Ouu.Vailtuu INEW lilliGHTog, 1 1 A. cI'RVETS. MA,P4 :ANL) rgiArxr,titi .. iI,4DE ON CI abtxt uotice. .: . .. ~ .. • DelnB. i r :endue's to Whereas lettere taftiment toy-111) 0 o ibOttiOtto 01,Clietiot 3lllieug t .late of RAcroun townetilpoleuveF coupty, -1 , 10.„•!deo bum b u n granted •to the, tm4er4gued. al ;tenons. In ,,,bled lU Mld estpte, poi hereby notified to make pnlitio pay atent,land Ihoen haying claims, to petulant do tole *idlest data, to •• • . • . T JOHN FLY, t ' - • •-!, B. L. 3111ENitY, . te;l9'atoo. . •, : •:11 ' •• Beaver Seiiinary ,•, , tnte FALL SESSIOIt PE,148 • & . B,EPT.B; 180 k, gins scilooLitid Lo s° A ND, M.II*.P3SIrOiLY 1 conducted by fruNTaylor nobble aiudatantioffers olertvi. courtier to trio qualm Ealglloh /or cidalognde addtepf • -• ' T. TApa.,M. AGENTS 'WANTED FOR • MEN • to ,UR • • ~..E WHO GOVERN. 'oobNinT, I teaks Its laws, have fought Inallattlen, charnitithis with their eloquence, founded ouraallagaa,tontral uat relals, manufactories, and, Our • finaneap—alla :Wive volume. hill of vividliptarest„./kkelikat Myr :radon and characteristic anecdote.. rah Well lied i.gre --41 one *Wet tooricaltr:_nna, oMownt Be men Price tow•lo cult the thaw. • The:htemptot well as the moat Intareetlng book pnbihiniihaliddai OSIL MN: Sales Immense.. /Nary bodf , tranta,to +knew the lift:lo.mq of these men. Orbit for elrenhis •• _ZEIGLBR,IIIVI3/ID.Y.di !r.•• Illikra..elocinustKU.,Cblogo,lll.or tit.,LolitkaAre • atit.e..4i'fi.:6t.. • • , , • • i• sf• . . ?run uNDERSIIINED tirAt k LaAttillt - LOT' OP t. Purr Dome*tie Wine; , -mannitnettared-by Idennelf, c: bL rinernett -near industry, Disi tar mutt,: Pa:, xblrh he Oil intl . at moiteraWitteit. lbla :wtrityla rude (nen the Onneord sod 0-ifanthlt Gripe; and wilt t.e•ohl kv the hott , e. nr ke;.'t' • coev.rri plautwone year old: for rata atiny Irltaltard • CLIARLES RONDitt.: JOS. IT :-GREET ApcnITECT, Igireatv - Qf Ark and .110 • Or.r and Iteeldeucc, •• ' ' '"..• • ' '1 "IWFU ,PA• LACTIMING :0 . C I tl i Ml galn i LVt a tt lll SOthleriit . _ 3 * : 4 victim port .1411 Alid that. .De., Law‘,lllac LI deq 40.kriei iii . • .: ~ ` !ef9gtt 'lentil.' • • " 1 . and' mai oWmas by . . rm. reth dtcounte'... , ~. t.aro oe In Ittlvaigtatleit, Rochelle*. i rs'; .* 0017—iy. ... T. J. CIIAIiDLER i ta:';' _IMITTIV Ir r 51TT1: 4 32".-' • 1 • T rap, r:IDERSIGNIM ttlii.S.Lb IiEePriCTF4 ,I . I . I I 1 iefiata the citizens __Sicaver , and :410.1hitsi, Mal boleti opened An °Moe In Bliaser, Pn_ for the practice ..! D. etletry. Ile bee had onelderahle exprlence In the. riernealen. and !lettere li mail[ to he able to give gen #.34eileterlion In lite lin hirers. . ffrOlllee In the old .irlormly [lntel" betiding. T.iird blmet, Deaver, Pa. All work warranted for nue 1 Of. '' J. . or.)snoint. Law J. H. CVN.II ut.,-.vs A.tty.' t_ a, if ;If; , iP., MAVIISIL I , fIL, EEC. tTarael 1 INDUSTRY SALT CO. x.uturActrvusps Ano,usazzas iELE & COARSE SALT , Industry; BOAVOr CO.. Pa. TA'l put np in good order and warranted to give !ntlefactlon. • • BE MI orders pronipily attended;lo JEUNET, 1 ) s ' i Stotch !linker and Jenialer, Third Street, 'Beaver, Penn'a., ,Iti room acijelelni J. C. Wilsoles ~.dfliCa4 (:012i watches and chronometers repaired 'and war : ,, : ,Md. F.ncrarit; done to order. • , . VirThe pittrmine or the public is solicited, and W 14101.11 iniuruntml.l tan na a, VIA. ' , hydrae:3m. • Cb as. 13. , Notary Public, Conieyaneer and Insurance Agent. EF:DS AND AtiltEElll{:N'lli' WHITTEN . /tND lI ocknowledgemente token, \dc. ' ' " Moine been duly, comm . Wooed ao Agentfor. sever :11 first rhos lutinrance Compootee, representtng the Fire, Life, Aerldent, find Lire ii,iteek Derertmente, prepared to take...darned write polielet on the moot 11141111 terms. " I • Aloe. Agent for the '"Anchor Line"' of find' doe v(con swami. " Tickets sold to and from allirorta in iretind. Scotland, Gerninne andl/ranc*. Mc In Leafs brick Diamond, Rochester, Pi. vrercs. . • Fands./4 Heineman, . . No. ZO Sree DEALERS l I N I ROUSE .FIJRNISEI,ING GOODS; ... • .: ~ ,,. - . ~,,,' my ER Ati'D PLATED WARE, DUTTANIA.JA cI peened, Wooden. andiWiDner 'Ware. American anq French Clocks. They haVcr al‘raye on band the tullmt hig : T. Spoons ; - :,...Ten Sena, - " F•ter e " II "' . ; I r.ve :Vence% .-, 'lr .00141eti, • wall' , 1 3 41 T 1 ullle Pmke.• - -letMilya, I lei% ca,- IN...en Poike, Salvers, Clothes Donee, t'ollt.e Urni, I •lecAligetate • - aprz:•rP:ly Tin: eI:LEAPEST , • "ory( 130ot and Shoe - Blouse C 1 TY , J. H. Q. WIWI:FATAL!: s COMMIS . "on (I . * to Boob', Shoes in Robbery!. New Y ann 11:eten Prices, th us noting 01 la-pails and trazr it 41re, agent ior Phiindelxibin-CUY aide at neniarturers prices. Venntry Merchant and Shoe Dealers will rays mon ?tc.; on ine.bef we going East.. 11 tY 4 } ItecelvediDallY • ZINIf At L 0 0 4 N . o 102 Third so e M t , , r t. RET W ,STORE . . No. 98 Market 'Street, • ' •21:1Douit ritokvirrn I •ti~t.:rtrn. r , . . . . . I -2.:,* tA zsrli:.ll6: illgti tblr , 10-11 %! ,- * , - 1 ;4:.1 1 - 41 . )7 111 • • . , . 1 :%' 711 •F t t tiPr-1.113 : 1-1141111I ' ll ' ilc2 ' arY ri-drIM In i I i r . ...l•Nfi :St .1.-..rt!4;1•10.a!P.. tsi. 04 loaf .1.:10.1q! I - '., • r ,.. 2 . ?.f.1 4 1 , f! . .......?% 14.1 Vf.:o ilite Atttetn lallr.ft ,vild l / 4 12'n0l , t. 7 .., 1 , , . 1 , p..,....,: l „,. 1 11. 2 , 14) . 34 , ea l i ir , i ,a01, - ;;;;91. 4 ,2, • -... of •. , :01: 4 $ ~•:.,,.....,a ,5.a,....•.1.. 1......, , . i I 'l' , /r ...r.11 . ..i. •1 h ir,'. t. 11!:_) :if?? . 1 ;11 , .7- fli 11 . ;:',42 , A . r .. -. • ' - ..-:.:! , ':. - . V 4: '.2 b iT tl r 'off >1 .2 :!. „ 1 . / al: :; , : ,, , , , , st.l, , i) ~1., ,t .r,, , , , vi „. . . 4 ,... . ..... :4... 4 . i...1.•.•1..1 r • .:31 ' ;'" 1- •.0 1 ....• 7 • .. , .il ..),.. ~,, ..,.. ~.... tt• t , i k , ID iAlqii !ito,oi v., , :flui.atit a ii(, -,.. iityrill: , 3,lll i:1,,,,.,idi.;k4f ' H. ~.., ..... ,1' ;,..;./. ! ..,,,,..;,,,v, . : tv.i., .. I . I b, vt• kit, n 1 .IgolArr!ifi..f.rea' ti oil • •1. ,:: ......-04:,x.,,111.• •,..: - .4 . u. ffif -f. •.r r, 11 1...% 1: ~,;, •.,, 4 ..,, nu ." , r , .i ;,!,,,, _ IL: , & Li .. ,af a -1:.:1 :,.-tf: it , -...ia 10, : - .lr.ibizgi •• • 't t.. .17-! ... : , td..11, 4 ,'1 . - .V., , A1n r - -...,,, . , -10 ,- • 1, 1 1.: . .If.. V. 7.): ilVicia..:4...e. ..••••••• • . 4 1 1 ' _ • i• ./ . ,,,,4 ~ ~1;. . ! , _,Cjf. :::1.! •>•'.f,' l : ...V1' , 0.1^..' 'Mkt • ,A• 1, •• -; -,74.:: 1 . . vl Loki. :•!.O,ST :$ ..f r(1.,1,...7, ~4 .., .. . 1 .Titn ~..: ~',.- ...,,,Ii ~.,Tl, , '.... , ..i •,RL,•II /.• r .. . 1.1 0 , 1 -7) 'n . i . l i _. ~,•I, i ..,•,,,„... ojill ' . 1.:',. ••11(13 j11 , ;(•.1t: If i f„.1119`..11k) .;.;‘)Ll 711:11 Viiaiini/ J., d . ~,•,.. ;,... r : .i -• • ! ~.i . ...• ::( k ' iof(y1: , : '" ~ • , 4 • • " ~ ....I . ?: ti..' !...,.. ) .1 - •.` '...... ; • , ...1 . 1. 7.r,..•!.... 1 t r .) 1.11111.:61 4,7.. r r.,r,.1. 2 1',..• . j , 4:3 7 .,•••i...r, , i , in ! ~{ 1.:101.• ,..L , 1 1,44,...;:t„ 1 V.. 0' .k 7 '" ----- - ' -..113 tit P. , 4./ivr 3:) - A17.:3 :I/ R7,ft. - 1. - .; ; C:11:ri ; • " ireft • . V_re %Fur. , ::1 • , dl i fe.vg 0.?..r..p.....,!)02-ri5iv.":5,11,...;, W 1 -11 4!3 7- rit. `' - BEAM, We i t zer CO:Fla NA;pIQ4U,,ROT .11Z. 'C P 11 et# 0310 ;a1t.c. 1 7 , # , P 4 444. 1 01 , • a .1% v-A • Homeopathio"lld* 4104 .§lmpreqp, TE,l6Bllli HIS pawns! 111; 19211110111111 k the citizens of flocheet ettntaindtaaNdlligh. He wPuld - Bai that. be pays atteatteu eery. Ilia nel :node of tipithig,lYMelle,?; Mee Me' to onitreartili toWilOtte wum throttle fibrillae/1.- 'MAO! slab old other ph aurgeg and the.dlagrmes of ctlfleitlf : caeca, hs,b/klng thnely hale& " . ..1 (Mice o» the Dleinond, 0! . 0 doinseeptfil „ store, and near!? oppoidte 31V,ofaltate Vexlel7, aerter, Beaver aounty.,Pa.;,', , 1 „ . eept2lll. • ',.:: -;:.'„ ' I! .. : ' t.; PlTTSlikkat .. . ! :: „‘„ anillihletal lii:g A 1i,'.. , ; A ".(r .. .. :.. '"......: :.ivl` • MK i I ~..- i i • ~., : ~ - .. .. .. . \,— ..........-, • AID . ~.,r l-ivof , --. i ., .., , ---.. ,- . • ..grAnnhigerggie.,i ; iqr!' . . 1 • '' :. ' '.•';"•••71-r •' .: ' ,', 414 ' ; • t r ve . ; OAMPAIMICAKXXINtror ,Lit . - ~.--,:, '.....1.1.:Li..,+..... - ',, , . , .. 4' In wril-f4.1,,tr,:r '''11;1111438111114:001 . 4, PIO '' .. ;!. c :i . ili ittii6.4ol* - • ••• '. 't '• .I'l' , ! 'lluiseek. •Aigiek . ..E.Pient -1' 1"; - 11 , 8 1Paibimiumal Illenue*of an 444 i ii;L o : 11111 wardissislasstonees,uss; " I. > • Itoiduisilsid*sdagan, !tint Ninsidadar. •:: • , Oitpadibs,raseodise.lllMlEKlßecira% grOaaatq4adeni soPPliodnniUltgieltessnit - supplied copes and terobetcseall In yens 'orders. J18119:111er: Orie thd tirgoist . rac'ii.'Slio4iesifis• WHOLESALE HATIIINES le the add extenaireittid reliable Mine of. Flee,.':. NO: 1:311,VVOOd „. ,Prr*sisint* /VTR GOODE' *hit. BE BOLD AT EOM • Rif 1,:l•deb; and will be fodnd to compare In extent and variety with Drat class how. in New York, Tlia Mock consists of Nen and Boys' Fm! and Wool Mita, Bilk !yid Cassimere Bats, Nen, mud Boys Po,,Muo, Boy* and Children! litraw Foods, Paltrileif Shit. 'ker IloodiOundowns, f.ad etrandMist*illati4imuted and untrimmed.' Country' Iderclumli are invited lo cal and examine our NEW HARDWARE HOUSE. 41*ay, 1 ,,, Werra : ..Taiporiers and Dealer-1n- ••• • _ • HARfIWAR 'CUT, I s it.4r Ai -Utie: , p, ..14 1- 1' titY i',Wlt d'ilifv . : ' : ' ' l. ' - ..... ' 1 , 11130 *lt ',oil Illw bitorull igititNnlittrWitentlA4lll"Getlitt.4lol, . dialog the late doable In 'prices"; *usurp earded tonfref oeuteriedlickulentit iltui old fibuoes wholre carrying over ryroelill' nt.'44 price r o, country' , xer chant:ettohld'hot WHO visit uis.wbbnjapeelv,.,.,. ~ ILinditar:Ntertit dc' Ewer, .... \ .. '337. LIBERTY -87'R NET, • • TEAR UM Olf DEMI. • -PITTSBCD tinkirajr. ' ' . • : 1111. LIIMBER,LUMBE: It, lIIMBER rinlE UNDERSIGNED HAVh ON LUND AND 11 offer for bale at the loavtat rates In the market. • 930.000 feet No. 1 Coturruffilloard, endowed. - • 100.000 " 2 ~ 200.000 " No. 1.2 and 8 'Faced Boanis extra drv.. 20.000 '• Extra Dry Flooring 11. 14 and 18 feet long. 15,000 " • " • Weatherboarding, warted entherlenallng of all kinds made to order. 3,000 ". No. 2 Floortng, 12, 14 and Id. 2, •'" • " 1 Oak Flooring Bawds... 4.000 " 1 Clear Panne! btnff, and Inch. Shincico and .IAtN . • .011,010[.011,010N0. 1, 10 and 18. Inch ShinglCe, guaranteed full count. . 200.000 , "1, Lath. (all avioth end evenly sawed. Joky, mud Studding. -. 800,000 Loot hemlock Job , ia-and Studding, all *Lea, Frame Stuff sawed to order. • Wheeler's Water Di ewer. and Boardtann'ii Celebra ted Water Elevutor, constantly kept on hand and for Eafo. • •- • . ersidp. ... E. P. KUHN. t KUHN. MaCip ; l7 . RD ST., WAVER: P. 4. , . . FEED I FEED 11. FEED II! - • 300 ,boodi. Coro and Otte mixed In the grain. WO " " , .'' Chopped. for tiale,• , ; . • At low rates, . .J. & 11. DAHR4OI( 1y#2'613:51u. FLOUR !-FL'OtIIt!IFLOUR!!! CHEAP AT . J. 13., IA A. 17.13. BE AV Ellt:.PA. pEST QUALITY. 25 lb,§ack $l , 50 • 50 a " 300 Barrel• " 11 50 „ . . SECOND QUALITY. ' 25 lb Sack $1 ; 85 50a " , • , 250 b11._1 0 . 0 0. . T. 'O.:MORGAN GROCERMS 14:bieensware • Hardware ' NAIL% WINDOW GLASS, WOOD AND ,TVTL.LOIf r WARR,414(70 ,147" . !FLOUB,`:B44Z I,IMOIA Pittsbungh pOUNIRY FRODUCE•taktin in Ex chan g e kr El°o6-, Good. Deiiiered Feyr .. ol Gihasga •.e.O the the Banxiirimilk , ? W ' Wholesale' and -Itetail\ Ilealer" CHOICE 'FAMILY QROCERIEB and T E AS,.. FOREIGN and, All klndi lit l CouAlry rniducasold ' cu eogrualleital. and prosagtaturnapadn• • • . - . • NO.. 49 FEDERAL , STREET, MEE PM • • ! uctlz tr a " SIIALTIENBEiGtEIe . 111208. itZkLIM Tif Vellcigla, PiCklei; &e. -: l i eillOtt. ' ai067,t:1411. Allefitiei , . . 1% , . J. i tl:', , t.,:Elki.;!: LYI - 1;,,1i.i1l ee."or 41ti", VOSlLlPOtreabOwril;.t . fmt, 7,l gtil ......, ... PARTIRBVIBIihtO * tirtit '.4i-' ' ot good Coal 40T . WPM 41116, ' iilla .' OWIle !/ 11 1 0 4: OS anus Near add/ming t v rt I. A) - ;.7 ay gaol _ , 1! ",, & . • , :ii !2.111,---,,,-;•,o4ltv,i,tll.,94trAyi;etp la ....:,;. .7 , .;..r: i • .r.':* ...4Z,r4 '..--.:, i_7) , L 'Lam 4!) 1 DI, noticeitc• i-btodkolderitt4a - - ti -- .4 ,0, 40 ,, t05 a • Aif i .7Q.,.ilmyfl.r.t.rmr - re - p.04,. Iwpfibr u la •. . . .... ra;sTatuoramai ow_ :," , -..-, _,. i oirsit inow Irak , . T.!.9494 17 .1!1 01 A..49thi4t - t e divii.solko. rfrtt.ra -: .„--,: '. ,7 .7 ~,. . . .•, ~ - i e t ta• :IL “PUrefiste.-;;;1,11‘, , -1. e ,-.0,,..pu.,,,,,afrii,„..1, . ~.• .' ''''.l • ... ... • . 5i tti4,.;,:i r i, 6 ,,,. 4 . , - : •,:p:1-:10 , v 1r 11 A 14 . 1 11 1 0 /r, Or.rP ,,--, 7" --. 1 - ! , • ~ -,':-,, AP • i ‘,.1.1: itii6i'lfi: i Itti",iii ` ''' ' . ... . .. cityitet..abtaile l / 4 4TAR"E, io6lti -itt , ; law. /mat.. iAlim::Japon: • W .... 11 41yarip arr artitukrimay Hits* bessto 7.1777=1 A W ri nteg- ..4 . 1 , 14/ke , OalStrollbitimuitil id it tothelriid 1 ' * lal . eppokcall aidiambulaqt!irtr,stccirlibgbeti: 75 irf My i t.:ll . l,l4d gt tai..ll._: ut ;ilintatiolni r ea ct iri g z— ~ w,p-P ~ —. d irptivatu.dt 71 '- AD 4 . 1.1 1 . .t f: it t : ;:it .ft 10. f ' fig ' t 1. , 'i t;•••••• •• . .• , . f-.•' t 1, f ft.': ...kJ' , f fas ...' ,11. , .. ~ "!1. 1 ! Ogphans:,, :Court' Jiteal :.! IngtOttirs' , „/"Prl.•'tv3 Vairrcg OFelaltOliDfilb4W4llit OltritiN6 Couttrot ibuccea county. tbe A 1041111140,0 XXOCII.. Writ the lest lilt intld tea 44bulat JolinAndult, 13N late of lotidtehntyleto talUthr 'puede silo on the,rdecniscsoint NONDAYANLIPtIittb.' Mk* le 13.01 K AA (401 4: 0 7 b be4bustbilr;tetitg:cetit•ol , 4o.• decedent; situate In iliena - tp. • iscayeenognitil, bolinddd on die bylitids a tihrildllbyle's on the eastltY Beni* credt.'o e south: be.+lside Dan4tiltanstd-E444, the mitt to Um* troltinetyo! eni. eits'ikalts..anitaliang„inout.ts human and bufteenhiciaslitidicior ism. on wtd ar e cteCtK one tiro 'Wry stone dwelling+ Douai iur tog amikl Aboutill ecrescleaced ; maw* on .tlicycetnises,and% SAMWIrI: Weir, !Vitae& , • ,;_• • , 1 The piarduive aloney:to ne. patcht. awn die conattnatinn otthatittathe oast* and the tin k" — executAnnAnd thdi f tery, °Me • ••••• • j'IMP•I4I3 • • ) P, l .xfcator•;, , , peitt • • " • • •• •-,,, ~,,„ 3 3z,f31,1,3-, ilMil • - !`` ',r)l er 4:1 0 EPS , t t 4 - ,W:''.. - .01-o.'O'bs,l ~J.. '~i4 !..00_ . A.)4 . .0,0.01 , 4;,.- Iles :JUST RECEIVED •"a scuiev.asiortment of .;! • which Rho offers tq'the pnblic at the .loweit. possible rates. The stock embraces every vasSetpat Tir Ldtes andlientlemens WoolenAiio:de - - Plain ranoy Yarns, ik ' 4 . RB •• - V - t- • - COLLAR I . ' ' HOSIERY. COLORED CAMBRIC'S . EmßrpromuEs, , , . . i 7 LIEIFS• ;D RI LUNG, PAPER' , MUSLIN. Also i tk . steottreent or LA.D780 1 ..1.35E. 5 3,41ND BOIL . A. I.i.S+J I-I A. S which will be Tem:T.lle the meson minutest. • She asks a conlinnatlim• of 'tile , painrinare of tier friends and trerpubitc generally : ' w a ds nut u n. mad can be bad at Lwenty•four hoard notice. lIIENHEU TUE infACE. • Opposite the V P Seminary. ad fd I sr3pi i L AND WINTER, G O.OIY S UNDERSIGNED BEGfi•LEAVR T 0 1141 1 '0E11 . 8 - lila frletide and the public generally Abet be bee Jolt' received a ucw,t‘tork of goods of the latent styles for stntrati and Sunman wear.which he offers at very moderato rates. GE-T I TLE-VE.2W FITRIVISITING GOODS, 131E1 _ CONSTANTLY oy V4sv. Clothing Aisdo to 'order on e-phort ble ' poim notice. Thentittt to the'ptibHc 'fer'lutAt Aram' I tri:, clod() attention to bustnete-to merit a, continuance of the came. - 4 . 4 • - r MILLIR7 .4 '„ BRIDG*OIt. BRID01114121?, 1!..4. JOHN 'divrit-liirtsurs. .4011 N ENGLAND . & CO., t DEALEfts.ix 11.113DWIRIZ Alt CIITLIIRY, *..14 j. ..„ I, AND F i t e,3laa.ufacturers) 010, 1 -LIBERTY STTEATP , ' • Old 'rrrratofiln,p,. aug26"6B:Bmos..'• • • r T • 1: 0. 0 :YisbUß FLOVRI - ( "i r' •, • . AV.-ce--g; . trUZET.4.I4-rßregiS' VVID. I ; , . ) . 4 , .a. 4; .3 BEST ',WHITE - 1 -WEIEAT , 25/15-mekit,, ft,14;105/..:4;.; • • Second QuOrty, "STARK COUNTY." it( ,• .1 1,1. .: -24,1ki3acicys', ~:. - " $ 1-g2 . -,_. . 50.,« cg .„ ~ 2 44' - i. •• , .... . 1 •- ~ Barrel; -'• ..i "-" 918' • • 7 ' Roche pier Sipt. JSii, 11)61r. w - ___ 0 U LEN OF -I\l - ',:.:1" -- A 1 \t ------ i) S - - A - 7 - cait - EN -, ,:•::-.....-.: - . ' . QUE.` , / OF Fti:LANZ; 4 k “-. .. "d 1 hi la tbta,beat . 11*. ;&11 1 4 1 of oag a Wat. ng la znanne,r, Unaraateod oqualtoany to the world] ,Waa 'an tOrengthot. old road so.tp. eat the atat - fathead quEltitta Of genuine CaatllB. Try_tbis did Soap. Sold by the ALDEN ellkilUCA4 WOK 48 North Front Street, Phitamartria. sepe4'o3. N.,OmmeaS er.4001.14,,w4A., BEE MEI MAME and Examine ! ISM MS mai t accOrdfrigtoz re. ylex?Fesogoicto Ambers pl:ceoul WWI ilangfittlA: .4Li?e,PhS?ir.- orzwqmpyinAtq' metOer;. 1 311tuif ' imund lion sr AvlOch, t 0."4 d Wows: nlcrr =I EE CM The arriTed, Nye, thf aitcYnx!t re4/0111 ten any "Nurse many., fro/riot would lel3ora I f Pr at very trundle] Upson' IBM action. ... 'profitable discrunion--the main Was advantr. ed ti wrAtohLkitentt Ivor fullysnatailts cd by all those havingtinut experience in the use of this valual4o-14V44t... • • .'• The chair,continned Dr. Nye principal es.' sayist for the next regular. beitingr t Mid, Dr.: Winans alternat., : i . ~ . • : ~, •;4!, - The morbid:m*4:6y, isilielogisaid Aunt , meant' pnenmonis:tieingon fiki•tbr pet*? non was now taken uji,tle Chair 1 (In theAtb , ,, sense of Dr: Meltinney, . ,who nu. to" batii . , opened the subject,) appointed Dr:: Jarksrin to proceill in the discussion, which wiliilion. tined in a very interesting manner up tii tilt hour of adjoar2llll3/1; nearly:ail the Members ' participating. . Piithiiis Piiimonalis, was tken selected as .. 4 the next question . for mutual, discus:don t )ind the 'chair appointed Dr. Joseph i l icuilidi-rink . to open the subject. , : ' ,; il, On motion the society iuljourned,; , to- meet' hi Rochester on the 120 ',clay of November, at 11 o'clock, A. it.' - ' - NICIIOOIIS is Some interesting memoirs of the . EmPerOr Ilicholaslontomia, have been pne furs in Parlikhy a writer who was fonneriy a page in his 31njesty's service. The EMpet- i or, it will be recollected, won for himself the 'detestation of his own people and of all rope,. by.his inhuman severity Mid - despet- I.haye seen, sayeihe writer,hnoit it the torereignaef !Europe, and more once have bees{ admitted to`the honer of `diced' conversation with:them ; but never have I eaf• perienced . the icyAropresiton that the eleitioof the Czar produced upon me. , :Re '4/diked straight forward in lordly—style,---bbilleaden I eyes coldly fixed i on pmee l operX,,pereon to whom in turn hoeuldriesekhimself, and gam! ing deeplyinto etiaptee With a 'Penetration 'that seemed to mink the very aeFrets of the 1 011:1 liPtiaPVliifielirc iti OAS' 10 0 4 441,i 1- . tlmldsted ; I, added to apb 141.101 k eo angbty,reflected the gamll4 beiltiment. of his life, hb , atter con* tempt for Mankind, Militia inyitical "faith in itisOnP.4lo,l***:tioceul heig ht, and. ly penetrating err- stailgaw YOU setonew' • ;Firmirconvintetlihat he : represented Ale-. 'WU' power an enstb;•• persiadel time to . his OWn-neonits:hi wed tlttlifiendetpty 61 God; abd held Vathltiln l o 6 %lirth= rogsalles, be watched Withrlin - pieta • Ingjealousy sidred4oposit With Which he believes UMelf and . itnyl'lntedtpt actlitsthia atithotityared stn lege, and pteved - j 7/ )claccirsioN;or Tnavoar thO iirefeonopitatitri'ofhli. Mgr4,l4sta'. IslimiukiefitAPoOtl, oe4 thepoet Reliefforiire condemned Soho *um.. The Emperor etma.',l ,ed tha l deree titkir the Hasidim formula: "PO pa donate (Oo -be Oa Theft were th j eta k r " 6 ° llo tin O&M . eteeollon. poet'of the highest erdorrtaleS theft° one iod 1, to the, seatiold; dust at the moment whew the executioner, having pawed the Appetit over his head, hod raised .him on his, shoulders to _launch him into eternity, the too-weak cord !In*, itto/ ho fpU forward, bruised and bleed. lug= • <<, 3i.:,'s < ti< ~ . Thekkuow ,notirwi 4o do anything in *WI% 801 he, relimg himself without eVen corning pale, 'Mot even how to WA at rope.' ,AF<Kelditnts.. ot Ada kind —Widea: being Very rare—were always conaidered occasions of pardon, they sent, therefore, to the Winter Palace to know the will of the Emperor. c,4 (r,.• y,11;12. 4 4.1 t a :epfu Evraico L. '1; Le. ii1;1 2 11 .a.ri : r,:44111 lintecant• bas: broken?" , aahl 4fli • es, *tie. "Thenningse - deiat Implies don has anth:nicise tontect•With itteintty pycp dnoed•on theinlnd.of the Jebel?" • • • .•"lin a rit: num, aim" -- . "The as frbwned.. - 4 'Whiedid Pay' r:nsked he, tieveiely: -Al3lre; be eshl.i 'They knoit'ziot how even to twkinnyetioansda.' P • it "Well,. get,;-_thet: WIT° hirif th cont e iary. Andhn • • no. EMI 111111 cariuMous Min L c • itshort,llme before the. Crimean war , b ll l4srk mist/. ilk -Krona,. Sea, a mpealr, en .beirOback; " pre rated his troppsio seated in - her car irisle-'l2Sudderdithere appeared Round a,cariale drawn by one horse, ind tint stel*a.it %kilter (waders( nke. , i011ice);/ 'charged with o entogiophic,lettep , from ft.:Kineef %ISA' tir the ' barterer S•nd Stutpreils.':•late theEMPress sitta the more eisti.Vi.sPßNs..4o o /4,4 11 4 1 4043. 1 tars the . apt letter, ind ran to „the. Emperor tn,Pre• Iliad, the wets eL t rlin imisosteps, fro th . he wse% turtisipale;rind kinds IMO tark.--: • ' 1730.1etter 105 t... .1!") . ; . s.f_ v C" Mbli l ir kt in ' 414 1 13 4. krroot. be; retMeen sta•100 to arid finctllt, but the soldigm, , the aides - dec amp, the horses, have already trodden it in the dust, arutthe pouf enve lope cinnotbe four& ! • • 7 "What ails that animal r asked the •F.m peraref One' ot , lds aides-de-Camp: , • , .41. do not know, pm!' • • "Well, and sski,hint, and bring me his IV , he' a e mp spurred big iioise,,an d fir the bps of the•Poorfeldjaguer he learn sulltsph letter from the King of : Ahe lapel!** of , Russia bad.; been woug 1 the Czar, the information 'of Nicholas 'blended 'instantly; iregion *sit kiootny , and it:Att,this, man younielf;ond Mg hlm:,to cornmunicata with ~ , Onditct tim to Siberia: Lett him ligusto itcaed; but let hint r:nevpr win Europe, ' le-immpots . well as we unhaOpy were both tb setont; withiatt even I cAr bc9tlN ktr. this journey ofjwo toted. The aid 2 de•cantp rern• intim afterwant and 'was rceoni nometiorr from the Emperor, but alder was doubtless dying or dead ihorhood of, Tuba*, such faults 4g,esicapml an amnesty. istanew witnessed the ohel am relate) were not rare In the life of . One morning.in.thespring,whea a the Neva ,had rendered its crossing nelilOthi,' the Eniperar, on looking indew of hlaWinter!Palaee, saw a d Watehliig,ln evident stupefac• dtrecting'fitiriself by leaps. from lee to another, toward the bppo: IBM •r,:•~: IMZEIB3 • ,-1, 8: EMI MEM _P. 1,1“ = rt , ~'.S~ A~ , I(tli ice/ c t 4 P., ...,.r .t*Tcni ,YftiOiiN )ratint, ! 37 9!tt l ‘ ll2 4*lif., t' • limpppqr LI • •;::- Ls a peasant _who- pas.. s bet. be' Atha Neva Mr twentY;live roubles, as . trying to gain thelreshrd."- - + bhA twenty five :lashes," koplifid 'ld'chotas; "a mark who nsks6Ve.tht this . mis erable vr , ay - siould be capable of anything for Money.' ozatox oF TEE 130-4. ILIILUOAD. . . Seely (i ;0:7. , P.,:', ,i,, 7.11:11.)1 • ;i:11.!; r:i • • . •):17t-'3 44410'0 ft/ . 1 ; 0 4 1, 7/, skj • 1./..-V? - lei,. 7;:c- ; '% ql'll: , C 10 /44 le 't •• 1;211.1 , f ji; , • .) ;r Ai Si3k r. j!if7 , 1" •;, )i; ; al 7/' it Yr. t”. ;“ . s r 'nk . '1 ,, 71 •A' ;;:q ~ t t! , ,p BENZ altfallintldik-aunp. , , Vit a ltigh Awil he. 'YWliatc,out, ebb What 'teo6e he hes for To .e desperate caprice of the same kind is due the construction of the railroad from Fit. Petersbnig to Moiedw, called the Nicholas Railroad.• The Emperor hadlin his court a; certain general, !Ciento:dead' a disagreeable person, exceedingly, unpopular, and. of equiv ocal fidelity but who psedby ,his reticence and promptness inroxecutingioniers. When the:real Was_decided upon' br a council of nimisters, and its erection considered urgent, map'of itiviiiativas brought to the Czar who was tallied to look over the'course designated, by the different 'etigineersAnd give his prefer ence. ' Nicholas, .without saying a ' word; took the map, marked a iitglit.l line frau Moscow to BC Petersburg; dud said ,to the I stup4ed engineers!: •, ' , Thbi Is thii)ipc orthe railroad." I Mit, they sill' cried; "impossible. .Your natire to l undertakci` such "a ~ i rbhidixilobide Crewing; In the desert." • " • " , No ..one to undertake% when Icommand to be dope'!" said Nicholas.' ; "We shall Ana'signalling'te frOni a cor 'tier: • • . . Laid. he, "do you-See this y eso d re. 0..1i •• - , • ' This Ls s , new railroad I'prbposo Coast itici,•• ing finny empire. ', Sire, it is magnificent!" , • You think sot Will you `charge yourseg., then, with the qiecution of my orders r, • , "With the greatest; fileasute, sue., it xiati,t. hisjeityUiders it. ' 'But the funds,,the funds "Don't be troubltd about •them. Ask for rill the Money you. want— , - - - 44,l_nrnior to flip engincen r ...Arun see , " said Nicholas to. them, "I can taldn wlthentyon. :I Will build my own *9 construction of this rhea latitad ten year' - It did DCA aevUte one 'inch from. thelite marked outtylho ImPerillfinger.; and leaving online side; at about a dies of tom leagues*, , the , "M no • agni of Na Tier and is host of stthenhequally imfl.ottant, •It traversed . : in. the. midst of mindietvandwoodii, nothing but inim,ense soltitudests hundred and ilk kiloreettes `iifirorixail cost Basis , font :liiradre'd M lßon- Qtnca-y¢,little more, than . . belts million I kilometre , -Of which the ,devoted Kleinml 'cher, but that sit a matter of course. took a good share.' •Nicholaii, toiiiver, Was right in saying wean could resist bin]. - , • cants os'ciLukAcrz' .virl* *1)1141114 unworthy asoverign, and , . tholo l a delicacy astonishing in . a man of Both keharicter the met contrary qualities angdifEbti ldee d . themielves in b huh= dra ikts:of e life. insiailetiohe night taw hini &tend' a poor Jew in the face, aud accompany the act withAP s nuktit_enormotts oaths, becanie,'ln giving light to the postil- Ikon .thltßerUn.lioperbd , , he hid•awalosn ed hint With a sturl.by throwlig-iheillght• of lti lintert luto his face. ;4%14,4 Warsaw, "bottle Went to re Live the KIN: of Plus •abt- mid- the Ethperor of Kustifet; lie took Francis Joseph into his arms to force him to occupy ; the seat io.fltopog in a carrlNPN:',Fhlgh youpg An'perci was uUvrilllng to_ accept; LOntitesy, Itco3idlig toll° ' Coetticl4 — that =did have ezitetlyimited•hifn , ;' - 4 • i lfet ode man, so rude and zohinghty, dotted Dtvat.ifnlen7 Alva 41 011011 9 •.9i• wed mut; Obe.yer)r retunung from a, whbre he bad almost' frozen, he stop pedut the bottle of4lady; wham .he knew to •be is 111-healthomd met the &clef ht the' waning-room. ~• •, •e • - • ?mild he . to the &get • 7 •` t Vefi ttert The cold of St , Po teriburg kJ, ing Mr.!' "Alo the cold is injuring heri Feel my hands. They are frozen, are they not ?" "Very cold, sirs." EMOMMI r • w.',. 0 :19t!::•,.. ,-. 5;w1 - , , .. ' i: ..:;: ::•,7 i F ;•• ZM=LMUMJ :1411abbished:,1818 =I ' 4 litr4 `.I : will :iiiit' 1 - ens :until - ttei filo warm: I muted - in:it for the World2intrea. b er a u g ,ad 7"; ~,: ... . :., 5..., 'A..•. , , ..,, • s And.thathe Emperor : wail& tn,thls sort of an Ant,cehanitper, talking to. the Doctor, until his haiids Zesamed.their natant! warmth. • Strange'4iiracterf Curiput rnittures of Ringo god good: qualittek -ofintknees ' and Broodier; bra* szniehinalroils.colnageons; event() temerity, and distruothl. eve" to pol troonery, equitable and trim:3l4l, generous and "cruel, at once thi3 friend' of ' ostentation onll of simplicity'! "the • slace who magttlt cent, his court splendid ;the Inwtionsnese of his courtiers dazzling, while In his own per son, his habits anti testes,..bs il4ented.nnAln Pee t kikaiiiititlX , llhLwosting •CabinWsias almost bare ; be slept 4waye.on ikettraP bed. The ohincia.if)SiaffanNiand'of - hhi mil lii ry cloaks, was proverbtal at St. Petersburg Worn outaileceffin different places, they ev idenced; by their- high* neitanse, how'cutre 'fully thersirerep At' lb - repasts, mq . even, he , drank - no- -wine he never smoked, and the odor of tobacco no disagreeable to him that it was forbi 11, not only in the Winter Palnce,' but in the s to of St. Peter*. burg. Bien the-43mnd DelkeAlpiander, the Czar truly, and an inveleridtr; smoker, was Obliged to idt, under the nuostelPiece r to enjoy the luxury ofd cigar in the Impatal pithia. sat Erusa rmudx. , • The character, tbe•conduct, ttiti whole pot. !tics of the Emperor Nicholas mfy be emb ed in the word pride. Hifritling within wait pride, a gride incommensurable, a pride such as neither Louis XIV, Henry Vll4 por SO kr— man the magnificent—those three crowned repnieeniatives o 1 capital ilins=c' ould ever waL . The Idea of humiliation would hail him Smiling, so entirely he believed such. in eientimpoodble. It may be truly said :hat he never submitted, for the first repuLict be had • tci suffer killed him. '''/Itlit . pride hi him passes all bounds, and tpu e, souietimes on the aberrations 0(4 Ffetaltabtutisai One day, one of his tades-.de camp -clime to him very much tinned, and throwitig hi/ itself at his feet i 7." Sire," erted he, "I beg your ..3fajesty . to grant the a favor." . - - . "Speak.' " 1 / 4 "Permit me to fight a duel." "Never I" replied the Emperor.' . hair. a horror of duels. In his eyes, all blood was criminally shed in Russia that was net for the country or in its service, and lien punished the guilty in this respect most severely. . I sin dishonored. It, is necessarY for tale to tight.' • "What do you say rep , "I have been struck in the face." i '".th 1" sttid the Emperor contracting his brows.% "But know I canno t permit a duel.' You mast crane with Inc." And Laklitkhira by the arm, he conducted him herons the assembled court, and, in the • presence, of.all kissed him upcia the offended cheek. mGo,now,". Said he, "and resutlle• youi tranqhilltyahe affront is washed ont'•, . _ turn affairs had taken.' But after the battik otAlma - the truth had to be, confessed. A courier . , Colonel A.. was dispatched,to bhp in greatliaste. He received ordcrsto repair uumeduttely to-Czar. IL what - news ?" said the Emperor to him brusquely, giving him scarcely. time to enter or fulfil the accustomed formalitlea of etiquet. "The tattle. has been fought, sire?.._ - - "Finish !" said the Emperor with an emo tion that caused his usuallt9lltto voice to tremble: "Alas i—" "You ray—s" "Fortune haslailed us." are—?"' " ease beaten, sire." The Emperor arose from his scat. "It ispnpossible," said he, in a quick:imp , "The 'Russian army has taken flight." "You lie l" cried Nicholls with a frightful explosion of anger. "Sire—" , "You lie Mysoldiers never fly." "Sire, I havo•toldyotrihe truth." . "Yoe ,; say, yen Re I" 'And his eve beaming wrth'anger, his lips contracted, his hand raised, he threw himself on the military courier and tore off his epau lettes. "Go .• You are nini , only ii soldier." The unhappy. colonial, pale' with shame,, smothered his rage.and'the tears that rose 'to his eyes, went out, his .roul to deoPoir hardly had lie reached the stiii,"case, when he ,Imard thit voice of *the kmperor begging, his return, ' Ile retrnoed , his'ettepi: and Nicholas running to meet him lirdently begged pardon or his 'brutalityAnd offered for his seep. . tance the post of aid-de-camp. ' "May your Majaity hold me exedra]," re-, plied the poor.ofticer ; "for in taking off my epaulettes, you have deprived me of my hon or. - I leave : them i mi yourlierula with my dis missal." • ' ."You are rightwriPited "It' is . . not In my power to repair the offence of my Nasty .A.h I we are both unhappy, and L. am vapirdribed. : „Tesicompletely van riulided lAnd, he walked up and dowriwith ft agi tated step, like a subdued ilerrin - bis (trite — , his heart bleeding ei,ith.tho .weund, given. his pride. • , , "Go leave my empire.; 6 ' Continued be, ruin inglo Colonel A-14-4"and pardon tiro. We must not meet again. • Both °lns would sue fer toe much pain in each otberti madam." . IlluzerStralegT. In One of Caen.` Sherinan's great moves Oen. Blair colimanded a dridon in adveinee t that had our narrator; with has. brigade, as part of the lotto.' One Morning the co,lninii came tO a halt: 'The men fell out,:and hour after hour went by in'idloness:' At Tait one friend rode lathe front; irk foiled Gen. Blair ficontioiterinithe'tahnO 3 of if bid a' Beale oit'theietirtititilte Diming abouriu k,very fitorptekrua" , rummer. Gehl Blair had fixeditis headquarters for the time under some shasty.trecs. and_ through "-field ibt/ises of cocktail was try :. , trig to oomprehesidithel situation: • IS;this hal was.being eillcleutly4Wed by, his staff. : At last !Li milt* .volanteered to 0414 'hOrse over, and reconuoltre, in person. — Oen. 1 Prank oonsented;' . and- ordered., the man "to •strlp naked before plunging in. The orderly . tithProstetit.fad.ae2l4l9o. ht• itrner' ta .44 rman mimed , thentelning of dill ho'c aid . (Rm. real* . e•pirtlited. . . • - • "Tut, tut, reo ~~oo ialedBher a,in.hlsauick . nervous way, 'at's AnAnry well fop this ltraie fbritrar; but it 'biti't Witr. - Rem fetch the a oleo Of artillery. Sow, ity'`good' fel low, be continued tp.the !Mittelman onm mand otthe•pn, "HPellariotl Alia land *Obeli to the roof oribl:-Impr without 41t - order was obeyol,-and hr tive minutes a boat came over to say that the house was a hospital. with a few sick and wounded Con• federates left in it. ammumfaufweiz WHIM ENE EMI ME Ml= El It IitTIMENEMI26. - _ - _ - _ ' finuultir Wit 'mentos; slaCkir flidt siVs . •4••at willidatihiliirei/J attar 411t000t A Irmo equal to Fix Lace of jbkl Ulm nfliiinni , l • • KUM. ' modiste-1 after 190 11 nets , w 531 istwM• AsiaierSiT i at ten coati weft* (*Ago ango gF#0,446) ' reseryee Ube_ _di& In aline' 0 / 10 !._ tbacmads from. ,4zde_ 4 1n !OK Is Atalket stearreCtrii to Ow Ad itiP9l4 Inlnlfd *her ,3 " 1 " noon=litertkie Ann, 4 lolo PIM+ Frank MIMIC' anent Electlionearkas T• • " • iFrom the Da Molabi (tows) Thalstiti) , tf hiutlnbitria otificentlattitak" ton need never'have:iisked lf will LS** wine. - It Frank were asked biniselt be - iredift ne doubt be honest, antral: . Itio, that* . I'll takswidrity.nand.theartswer en. y show his faithful .devotkor to. Dettunratie principles. The leaders .of tits patty which has hoitted him 'all a•mndidate, danyirwhowev er, that Frank indulges in' rmithln , bat as. Bert that he is as tern Erie as him. self. Perhaps. bh• ',when .it .itome—but when abroa4be Isn't, as wewillstmer,.l • On Sunday, AkUgust only over fortnight age,Frank B r, warn at St. Joseph. 'Mo., on his way to'the Mountains • to attend ,to his duties m nne of the cibminissinners of the PacifloßaTlroad. Iftilmin Mining from St. Joseph to Council Bluth, he hired some railroad ;laborers to. Atha him throojlh ens hind-car. With a hill snpply,of Frank's fit . • trorite beveragetr„itboitrd, they started, but on ireaching Hamburg, %FreinoriC•oottnty: of this Btate, they bad fretzne.ati 4 demotidlzor that they laid op for reptdm 'Arriving there in the afternoon:lliad "Mania/id; Abe ntlimad eatin g h?tueltr , Prllliii- BcaviU et akeillain guished genius of th new • ;4 • bad his, presence annonntorte 4W 1. Who soon. attnef AlSElting, so t rans. tli-tritt •• • •• " • . well, it rans. ... that t. • - aged me inuphogod. .$ j! or Pe. park? *evens drib* edenDhfit . 7 go, and t tbe "h,Pud.ccigli" --- 3 1 . 1114311 ° of chew Thenolse orvfhtteter attracted quite a - crowd, -- u alc !amid a All Blairgive em - -more a ground and lofty tumblinsiolluut they baief ever seen In a circus.-. 30 drunk did he dual ly, bccome , that ho war: picked .up ; trona lib Boor andmrried bodily to bed by., :twoume,, and put away out ofsight ,of the ;ti tt e ring.. • . crowd. , These litMetnenta aro trail and hxtfliptitible. IVp Aosve tho testimony •of -ouVorol l teliebto men who bow all we lißxe, reka94l 3 TE , tdii.' Mr. Scoville, the Diopiloior of A ea e WI, expressed his wil liagows• tiirtiyikilt ' vi clan he' initenkt tOgir 10VOW Ptifitcn -4 dtsP4ire-thAckii;ji ; ~,_ :i,' tr it:3 ,;• .;- . Did you ever ti".Bl.ltittthly of thp InsU• men mid , the borse•tradiali 7: 1 . .'.' l ': ' . how.ikas : : • . -•. •. "Well, secinga!dish of gritted. luirselsdish. on the table where thay.buil,stopped for din nor, eiieL laelpeillilnisOriorgelY to, tlul &lug, :upposing it tube (nava Da ifotatil orAquasig' and the first puttink a forkf I into his inoutl,t tf jerked out his liiinkeichict inn ills trowscrs unit commenced wiping his eye "What troubloyery Jommy"-Inquired his comrade. "Sure, and I was thinkin' of my poor old father's death wheif be was bung," he rup}i• cd. • Presently the other taking as freer of the pungent vegetable, had as sudden nee forth handkerchief, when Jemmy. olly.i4quiredi "And what trouble* yer .V 4.1! `•••Troth," hci reolled,!'gmt, you wastri.hong wit t ynior flit: , dead; one was. punished bf:reiittrCtuartlrre- - two never saw a battle; and lihs left Owens, 61 inegrao 9 , Of the rei l / 441 11 g°14.11 1 1 .ri wain* , weight hut that *OB octukki / not dolor the coppers to 'couitt on so votes, unless they giyethit*Eamo,tc• and to such rebels TO Widelliutptork Besuregard. and their • ibillevs. Tho' *0761;4 ,, as a body aro* unit for their- oninu .. ) Some other gamumusqre trial.-; NOX • - io 3 h- 1 • • Baagnnes • Balcony MR f- The following excellent hit is from'AbeNti; grad Revlon', which appeared in the--good old days of the New York, Mtwara at the' cprner of .131 oadway audithe Bursary,: I Mr, Megrim *as sr tting in Ms office the, museum- the Other' thy.'wheii . be Lea +d" a knock at tire door. • - "Eouresin;;lsaid ha 4, 24 , 1:f. I. r' The t docropened, and a trombOnd entere4.. Mr. Bangum star er. Tho trombone Atria .01- lowed-by hn arm, *and the Mitt by a'body ' th e body belonging+to no less a 'lrellotritge,lllauf Mr. Eh Fant. , * •' ": "Mr. Bangraml" said-Mr.-Fart, inquiring ly "Thut's my name,'" said the gentle:wt.. "Good morning," name,", Mr. Pant. , . "Good morning." said•Mr: Bingu ' trt. "I see that yon hare icband on your Dal. cony." began Mr. Faint, . • . "Yes." said Mr. Ilangnm. . • "And I came. to *co 111 could get. a shear tion•ae trombone." "I presume you can," said Mr. • front two to LIMO intherafternoon; and ds to . • eight ip the evening." • .1 "What is' the place worthj?",seld Mr. Fant. "Five dollars a week ?"said Mr. Bangum, . _ Inquiringly., •:"Very said Mr. rani Withireat isfaellon. He :had not expected terra , tbsiti' • three or.four.. , • • "You caul begin today. it you , like," xaba , Mr. Bangun. "The payments arc 7.7p0i1t." • "Verywell," said Mr. Fant •• ,In accordance with this 'greet:dent; Faut's trombone did duty fora week fon Bog. inn, and very hard too, did Mr. Fent 'lslam • away tin Ms. tomberie. At the end of tho ivqsk, he called Bangum for his week's ederj. • "I.*lll nmke out *bat ifyearr • Ban.: • .1 •,,: "I l fron. please," said Mr-Fant. , L ,r ; , ~ • •, .After a little turning over , Of ,leareit . ,and competing cif Debits, Mt..'Bitgabi banded him the bill. , He reed -it r;ver 'treed, belles, three times, looking every tWrial iniete 'and more mystified. At lastrhe - "Mr. Bangtun,you have made take here, I believe." . . "Eh," saud Mr. ItanguM, "net that: I ran i Aware of." • • "Yes," saki Idr••Fecrit, smiling. He - couldn't • help smiling to think how Mr..Bangam would laugh,when ho learned whero themistake. . . was. . • -Its lather a lUnny Mistake. ' I don't' see • how voo carnet° make IL ' The. bill reads—'• "Mr. Eli Font to Mr.Pf g T..Ba o tg b utai e D r. 'Mus T um-2 p rth ge W e ek en di ng D a yy.l n 5 d B a „ "Well,” said ,Mr. Kliolkrre It was five dollars, wasn't.le - r' "Ye- F s," mud lir: Fent, perplexed. "I, be- 'here It was: 'But I don; lo o k ' at 'it that '• • • In what light did you look at it?" said' ,_•l3angum.• • , • ' Mr. Fant, still more perplex, 03,•*1 114pirglit you paid are Svo,dollsrs, not ou." I ~"Oho l no." said Mangum... la • thaatate of the ease,' There are quite ovum bee Of persons Wade city who ;Irish to Prac tice inch instraments, bat cannot &int si Homo on account of disturbing tire neighbors so I lot.tliem a standing up place) in tiro par- , cony ; and each - gentleman who'comei ' gore ' brings what instrument he likes,' and pretty:Es whatever he .'wants to, without &startling anybody; that, Is anybody we care antldag about." The officodoor opened; and the trombone went out followed by Mr. Flint ; white Mr Bangum proceeded to mato out his hills against the other instruments. Mr. rant has since given up the trombone. II EIZZ3=3 MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers