--: -- ---------- - : - 77, 1 , . . ' A / kw TherWiteiwat , 3124 4.4l4rt"'" a . ,' ' 1 • . last wee and while there 14.titiodtmettri4p.011didr . - pleased with the Indications ell ,+ isiowsti;d4xpg gm te* g le, around as, •Qui AtiPbt! o' l i ll ij been erected dace tarried Ow. Men ' i t 4 y r get itAtil:e I i DIA ! ! I 3416" Oft big=red i Phieri bine* Marna of • :iiis64lloV diorite? cireulatlosk kw see a " 2 " bl° ac q 6ll4l gliwn : destalltia :• , , , all fa th e enmity i t inal ki__ bekm i ed tb/4 ""t: . Thil 0t 1 4 A taan 1011,11 add themselves up* goad, tes.:uhaedanha• :mow ' Alalitidearaillild mitest e m i r own it ater , - map Oat said saw min at Ind • • e ~ I • , .1 41,4).11k1 la' Pelf brlth Muir saw trolly they hinsautantd, dri , tatile:l „ which caddis them to dil all orb" Id t *liiii,o4 c.tt#lllll 01', ' AlittrialliTISING• that may bilefewith them. 214 its eery attentive ,%- ' • ? - • , r. .-.4-L.,- —to buiduare, and ani already almost " 1 ," '/D 1 X . .. -- . ,I.;- 1„. 11w. 1 sw. din. I I 5= 1 ly. . . .. 114 ,PWR I t .___.. _ —,..., the growth of the place. We fbund qpir oitt ,Rien, pl. l , oneare.-10 itite.4.. $37,2*00 011,1131 J. weekitot= ea Ktnitr hib tr ag , i Tereiusdi. ~ .•.;, 113101 5 irs KR 4 4O . i vai Three . rarer, • aOO I t A p an , , , .... 4 no i r in an j mo,ei nn moath of W'eltlien, and Is tinning off some t „, 1.. • •• y, • ,col On 10 Tinso 15 50'15 00 thommid•beide per day. Thoivityp ,11010tionipatond i i'.. i t 4 11 4 11 •••••• 4; 114 - 17 110 on 75 17114 ° I° pips * that AL brick area Dew liaticbcoate . i 1, . , tmda maldng some additional liaprorerdenfi, 0,, 1 t.h•taffOilrehali , ,orid ExeentOrs`ingleer $3 60 !kiln, re• chkitivo cm) Ar° !err Oil:v*00144 intidea means of gettlig.his brick. to tualkat.mavahmkaak* Special Noticevacr line, ..,,,,,, t 10 empeined, Whit eitablishmentisidlo' - 11414, ArPartenA, latheAddittihrterly,exceptatanahmt , - .. ~,, / ...uleXPL___ „,..., Ad;ertleing, which znatt he pp in Adeieedl cT ',tr ei rl l l no , . 4 10,411 . 00 , . ,;•, I 1 i•• •,,••. •• 1 t . ,r, , 1 t MIMI .• • i•• • cedteen.aulde..4, . While at Industry stat Oahe atrOIZVP,ORKtit . . . , , 11 ,i, . -4- State 01 " 1164 ' , ' eberlo4, , Meter km; rho week Me 'farm, (adjoin* Indastryoi "by Dr. Cane entimg • no tie Is if of deptelnbcr, 1808: . ' mina OF Deaver. It embriem adz actedeaddi bed*" , id as 'being rich Sundae:al donee:is. A stone k,, .-• . about a mile In length and fr0n 1 0,4 6- 1500;144014 tlll - 47 . tWet- :. fFelfidttPonansterarithebittitternbostridsolotttetatil 10 deg. 00 .. L . Qattwatioterf be lul4fithi,takeis Word hiiinikWite - Z=. r. -.0 deg . 1 hallentrei l e iiiititese,.is plat as they ere i'rongh Rea-, Bed." ire taken to Pittsburgh audelibi. V. - fqr 'bow i IA 0 , 04 ...ads building perraer. Opppr i tuytaf thOkaninindidingi --I- 44 - _ _,rn thaFfflAtitticisitibigedlorattm, e taken from this I ; It. T. TAYLOR. ettairi. Grind atones are also: remanibettred pia, :- stony obtained here. On this farrn;:yazrllss44los l : ./ 0 1 s Pliilliebry , t.rchlti . jiOdmbro large raise Of fi re clay, Old lamer or atlfill atilliorbred agent . la:er, will be opened end brought iniamase. , - Tits vast i lola m% ualpotogorogiqye(o4l; 4k 0 . '.*lam' '"•.-- .a' Ittibeldiesdtble; 'There* Whhe at the , t • IRIIRICNTS. 'retails deeply tinted with red end an altrunder; 1 0 7 those having soudifeekbace itt .ord thilttikf,Mim,' it directed I , itch app e, yam If net aireiditil444‘iiniordeglayeta a dukt time,latiferiliriluitide to the owner. Soreral hub. I (seine Of COW. •111104 1 . frolll tilftWicitiliCi43oll7 l • thicidei4idiktilde eve akd on th*Pqamptie tato and prodigal:4M; Developement .ta•needed tbere,' lei and clinitelAis mice it, would uneardiviifins etiadth; now Stubilled in the Me overlobtfai Industry and' 1-, t 1 a lb* tiverlitibbort instance below. , . x i. . . r 7. A. 711. .- -19.1 c x ar. x. i 5„,T4,17,61W, 44Z —. — lWder.. lO .ll .. • s. AO deg. frrdoedj- A k old , ~., . t ti . ii.p. .f ii „, filvdp e,. . Nit I ._:::, .4 ; . )9 .--1-, i nitu, i . .. 7.9 deg.. :'76 ... " '. . ltd. , 10 deg. ' . 'l6 deg, 10 04'. . ' • .; 14: ',. 3i, ,AR dez Jo i f 76 deg. s i. 70 deg. .. AK* 7 0 Pa tna twittlingy . 4 11ttflioggit, , ttrthe viiiiortse4 ar,ent for ,r( s7 epq.% S t ~,:IDVEATiRAItiSIYTR. '• . htttelitioti "of tie public 14 directed to tbri fol. :lowing new advertiaettlen f a,. whkb appear for the drat time In Tot ! 1 ;1111rEliktiociVIti n—Juttn S. VIP" `Ofilinatioe— ntrre..424yn. once. 11 11. it,etisom, Ino ,t Blunt. rt"Jß" ' "ii - C36.Clc—Julni Brade'n. - „ fetitnPcii township held 1 1 a Ineehng.at scolisvillii Lon last Wedneeda ) y evening. Atha the spealtikevet' L eikr,het made some mango- went" . sby th l ,iyoupagoti conviiitii)l.4l . titiomuld on the .3/06.• i Among other restitutions pee owl Wlts".enbinvltbig iiiWe:T:ost and Colfax clubs on the south sloe ,9z dap riyartithe Grant and Owifey "elitb of heaver and elf Other&rim organtzat loos la the tsonntl tritetwitKili tin t.itat day., Tha r expect to have 'good Omar °ditto Crity mant4. The Republicans of llopevrell township arc In good fight big tt Wand will chine tO 41/13 6a the second Toes ( li f i f f °N"lt4t.'llW9l4 • 91 1 + lit pine—Meeting Mllate-dintanahtNio public notice eiv - en, ilictabove named organizations met at their stand Wed7esttry.,,,evett e lpgjaat„larllng fret escorted the . '• kg at thnni . prom:aeon was laid by the liter Brlghtyt Drink hand. After the +4ll4..lvltittidlettitricad4ldy the; President of the ~Clab.dasael•Paltersop,•Ftstio. presented I flag to the Bois in 'lnge of Beaver Falls, which war prat . ,,, • the Mir Otto tewn,hr nonymal appropilata speech width vtii , - ;ppeir'ed by Cul. Quay, dt Beaver, on be half ;PliiC, hisys in Ulue t tu a manner that elicted t c • '',applinse of the 'lloya" as welt al all' prawn4.•,'..All: • I ntior4 o , l l l 9 ittlicaOr bitite/q1 deg, may It never .• lie , thshendtVirti Oder' orin War by the patriotic, RI ! , I ta Yining 4l WAAV c-,tfrEtitvsteremoniris of thcipm4.ents -' 2 tbo c tituilink Kau addressed by Mr. Sam'). hithol of Illtsburgh, A. DlCke,, Sapp hherhart and Hon: - Nicholimn kt aunty. All the speakers orgeifitie acccosittut a iotahlsteff effort 64 the p►tt)dfl the loyal lieople• gf ,the hind. to stead' right; and reek', theivrone, - thet lyd eboald,bey,:are of false se curity, turf Odic! but,onr ostorta, id beat back the enc • .114infimaketnantrii and prescript it 1113sellled trout the baud; orttietteiniee, olhe;tog therrerreete'Of tw..verslagon KNAli==intarldgewitter sinlyud,„ WOO. • .. . . /hater Fails, iept, ,1103. A 1601111111110X1 0041Cil1 Editor sr • llll,Celtlee ailed ,' • 'WeVi•tiald t9 ,.. ktpjli 10114 your tolamns, . woletn'illb the. none of, earring eyents of the !Imes, would be,(or . emowbentomern Vo p fetrAPTICIall c,f a suds' cluireeter.. Althoulig we cannot tie justly numbered cillttifill,#4,lrents of what Irv ' ket.midl'aCeitiunltifo ll i.." 'deb!: means a great phllnnthropfm, yet we are In liver of equal,. Mat/till/fa.' Sun cif Netter. Woman, to attain her lights, moat strive herself. She must bring lute reunlsitton the 11%inlitLlhlitAIII:a.leiinialijhe ie gifted with; nso wllli (McMinn end earnestness, and ;by galleries herae II wilat'shedcpeude on others to Require, for her._ . • . . . Ally l le It Chat a snanfrecdptelleOrthree times as, . • ninth ilea wturinti the p:donning the mita° Ihrient/i of labor.? Celery Is celery, PO'the learned and eminent 1)r. 01lipod ; and labor Is alior, we may, utterly re / .gardiera of who performs it clf we hare a coat !roll l nu, what matters it to tt );trlio medu 11-1 frtuvie rmirlte amount or lime and labor Was icoestowed upon the fabric, and Is It necepsnry iii Inquire who csecutcd ll—n be titer 11 was done;bi Jttitle or ilintalel IE Wit . dune reNtitri p oitOtirqe*nti 7 -41at there area great rilftelince be teen the compensation of women Ina the compensation of men for performing the donne amount of labor. ' The Present condition pc thi . ligal allows a maultarltaprtwtrildtds-inaini&agniti as a troinitiTh? performing the same labor. 'Now Is l ' i* P7.PFor ?ATOP flnitsistent with oar *seated pripci . gen or cgnal suffrage ? li,e any, cot at, all, t rfutin are entitled totbe fame antount , of wagtta 414 ten. fee , the lame quantum of saliva, and should by all means redeye it. AA srbet4hat 11141tiodithitlails and indllibmat about tataasfileo4oofilii*Mt very little van hdtlWn 1 - T• 18 itnieftihairkeartabion; They shonld. as a class, • • 'fork i ro the onestion; examine its workings, and re solreenitedly to better their present ciriumf tamed.— And thus they wonld, beyond a single doubt, be enal. bled to (Umtata' their eCertiya,ttlA 'And Increase their lON, w .. air 4- '.. ,. 4 '.. ! I X.CAXPit.... Meelion of the Ilopeavell Grstsit and Colfax Club. The Grant and Carat' Club of "IlopewcllTo., met at the xttjtool-room,Pptew-Sberned• ' Ana. Mot, at 7.P. 3f:: for the thy purpiaso of cemplet , ing their orgairdzatten. G, E. Shannon; tempormY . Proddent, in thtichair. .i f -. The committee on permailevit orgeW.atlon rt Mo" . ' th e ftth"ing hers and control, stadth were 1 unanhnonsly adopted.; iProi.;snrreflif.i loved ; Alas; Preal",'Ttios. McKee, 17. C. Stott, G. It. Shannente limit. McCattlater; net voiding tieer z , W. ll...nruco : Corresponding Sec'y., J.: W.Scott ; Trealw NY; IL , , • ell)lo. l lllVelinglitioiinigib 6, ; 4 irti; Sail. Shroado. John *bite, Joseph Irons; Alex. Yottitz ; committee ' ..on Sticakepv, Jas. Irons. P.aq., Jill. Warnock, J. R• McCune, Wm. Irene; 'Vigilant committee, Valentino noble,. 11..Terapiar:Ghtleill.1 *steli' . .Mayid Megabit,- T ' T.I " • llPOlillifttrlK.bt;lftlyalvimmittee e a la w , • e ked: *wafi. , ,afolut. Boyd; lidletrierth, Math Pat fr-IMii.ifJ4:ll.:.filtarniiireftmiTtitleer.* I .lthile g.i., Chas, Bruce, G. li. Davis, Robt. W.. Scott, ci: 37: • Apajdieg. After other bailee% of tho Chib, Capt. G. 4...ltberhart. of Now-Brigbion being present, Wes- cal-. . led rypooLtpii telanddded hi on eloquent 'gad pleasing lodrati, disetwaing at length. the great and heeled ' :Let ivsucetgeol wed In the present political; contest. J. It. ilarrab.l i f. of Beaver, was then tailed, who delivered a briar : nail,!Wltlibliediyili9t.faillo one-. 117, te...tatiletle ' liaertrinV,46l,-,ittyal l men, who • came et %Wald Of;Oteir qoantgr in . ate .flaie of her - peed, should rulo and not those who sought to destroy,. . her, or those who sympathized with trident. #lO clove of Mr. Barran addresS, a rote of . . Eleeleigilf494o:9lßitthh4 able addreasfs. iv - On motion the meeting adlocirned to meet at New- Bcottayille, Sept. 9, at 7P. M. • By order nf dub. ' . '..it ~ •ii- i ' 'COatiniingtonn cAcipissizy. : ••••-, ..,..ri: ; pi ,' - _Vow,' Driortlfs-4AR,, .1114ifintidatmoising ill of :eysfiringraasa:litiiii sable** wow %and • ~ . 49 •41 . to it,: Ohio firer hug -9911part*II, tidal/. 3 19 7 olaf,ll4Adatitljlih' ...' i .,;:a r ti '. , hidr.,-„Mill' t i r .....10,,....,.. .. • . be Min on I T ter:ealiriebtfl ?it C tl4 4. r ; , ve:Z:: 1 1 - 1 • bevy ' lame& eldalto I . via- Wham. An . Inqu es t, awai maid w ar bi r j u awa r taawya. ; wax hem -"ler the body of the deceased, who rendetpd a ter . .. a l ll 9f lkilitilhailtd • A beat" em I e len temple, and what ippcsred to be ;rig made by a knits tpiat the left sysysuggestad the probe ' bilitYrd / edit taaltalmeassa ' The Itiantutacture of ;wit Isa,4lkesoryor trounty.—We were pleased _ a year or scragAL iti oryeacT4Conitid and French, on taccoon crcd, in this county, and to give our readers °detailed description of there works and the quantity of salt turned out by them daily., thh o bcr' estab lishment of this kind is at thepresent time in BUCCCIII . I' Irl , l operation In the village of Industry, Beaver cone ty, This one is owned by Messrs; S. B. Briggs, E W,PI tlllfr - fgalqnl l o;il.tieepli Ewing. These gentlenie own about twenty aerial of land along the mauth.of Wolf Rim.,:,,hapstrtogretilp with a number (.I't:6l,4i,as,..4ey.s ' atiko , well es this property for Oil in 1861. Reaching a depth of 843 feet and finding but lit tle oil, they gave it up, but In the meantime:DOW not tinconectons of the fiat of having pa s sed through hcaVy Vein of salt water. In Angust 1867, and alter having bought their partners la botang for oil out, the t four gentlemen above named, tubed the well and test ed the amount and stren g th of the lalVeratei.: l- Thei tilt t and u p ie ly m n a b o u n n u dant re t a o . salt. In February of this year they began the cok, , istruction of their buildings, and by the middle of.rnito they path) their-MA pm, 44Csbis 1 11 9 1ao. From gm; I tin* until the presentjtOrylurroloreraged from 90 to lIS barrels per day. The water Is refired fromLhe d I by moms of a sixteen horsepower engine.lo4oo to be abniidaot,soon tole, todkotsthree dines u'much stelthefisdieiir tines '4l time their machinery will be so arranged and their world so outwitted as to enable the company MAIN, dtidr MOW, dotter then they are using .t the pe. , nf time. When Bails - dtmeilheg., will (,eve built up a One, lucrative buSitiektatia batf paiioOctoiliarld eidemble to, the permanent Wealth of tbrr.ecitinii •sidwi. The, slit wtitch they manufacture is 41e 'tAicc , V lent article and sells at from $2.26 to 111.50 per barrel. IBut a few rods from where thee • works stand,* ra....l..,v.rtesitssriloitestvelitutaietio.l6-Thleanais, an trontsMieb a wapert of garde at coal Is taken. The salt workS are supplied with cosi from this bank, at a %Vei4llo4j Bhp railroad and riter bell= a ample of hundred rector the works gootithe transports don facilithat that ;up wry convenient d so patirnieta • Ibt'itianageMent of these wort's: Is en twisted to,roirlioxiied friend 8. B. Driggic.F.siti:itib to in?neety way ghat ilia to discharge' the miles vuivingugytt s l4lAip satishictory manner. Th ik.tkletomit 1611te energy, capacity. and sof ; On the whole, thereforeove (eel like ourionitfirrielleuitnUvti;g "Food thing" In the salt worke4which they are the owneis. A. q. Mc )Coil:k - linkilO-Th s eco nt4 pi,4*4l, which comtnenced Us aessjor In this place on Mond*y en& Week ' , beet`,; sitiniiitilid its labora on last fin"' evening, and sti4ot!rned.', Tlio, , f9Fprag mi wqral rnttli.ed oft =', ' , " " " - - -; I Corn. vs. Satn•L Tres. Indtchnent i perinty. Trge,' bill. Mofencinnt ludd hi the sum of MO for kV rtlkiW l unto.. Recognizance forfeited. P111{.". ftL".traqi Oiciiitilli if4jury. Cingeda Maned, and defendant gave bond In 1200.00 for his SP• I;m:ince. linipopaCprfolied., ', I ' I Canlirs . .f 0 . 1 CitailvrAE "16db:talent: Icflildilgi'i stolen goods. True bill. Continued. , I cCprf,-ya.nkatigidAiillarf:tnitk4nent larce ny. Trub MIL' Thieve 3 months in Co. jail. • M l' n com.,vp as. Alcorn. Indictment Idultry. • True [4lllid,'Coeupkomlsed. , le' ...•-• Com. vi. Thos. Jenkins.. Cita 4 desertion t on - i oath of Mary Jenk4 - ( 1 . ollseingeflopill 1 htsoln vcogniziince. • I I ) tiiiPAII. hck Meson. • , Chair of ; dmittion. 13,1 I oath of blinettliaMngik-n,Tiept,:anielaltered En payauencof eikilif by.dplektiant,"; • • • -, 'z • ~r • t „!.,,, To it! L'ronCrit.4l4`ljetlir, Chitiga - i;f descOnn tut °WWI nizMirfieftnn Estte.." ' else settled upon pajibent 'id cons. , ~co In. vs.-Bore% Turner. Indicted 'cal intantiof•ftno peace. en oath of Lorinda Wilson. No 1.. prlmwrs, ed on payment,of costs by defendant. i Pont. vO. $0140.4.1 . 4 Thaw , Ihr -astroty . pittar,infolati lia P"'h•lhOtslil ci)A, payment of costs. / 1 Coln. vi. Dant. (libb. Indicted for Itrcany. Tree , bill; DeLogant.plead guilty, and *en 4•4calt to pay a • Sire of meddler and costs,sndrserve I rsar tn Co. Jail. Com. vs. Milo T. Barnes. Indletnient seduction and bcalardy.. True bile. Processe=red• • , 1 .1C4XT8C100411631110114. ' thecae endue- win •y, bastardy. Confloned - to pert tertni and defend- . 1 ant directed to enter into recognizance in the a "i I Com. vs. Theo. Calhoun. In tlictnacalt keepi ..f•pmnioss dogi;iTinct S; ilti I:6ll:tiisliitiiiii,Marsb tem,l nrst ay. : I Com. vs. Ssznpson vq. •Indictmenhassanit sad kinCr AYE -10: 0 4ucd. Defendant bed. . „ II 40 nc - . . i - - l,Avi-siieT Com. vs. George Baxton r „, Indip.4lo. larceny.— , Tree bithiziktfif3Xlifitiingi: 6 " 4 • ; • CAI, 1/4irt:lsANinelip..:Videniinii libeghts;lrennan (34-1(4...,q*, 4.4OI,VAIIiNiMIIVOUrite MIL— Verdi cf, penb.vcitighrt imd Iremin sat ;flirt: and Valentlne•Voughtt le guillifOrtiMlt'l l o.l3,3ltiotheOrtimitiorinelii,f*thif• iott of !pr . , "I" ' and "ii.! T Y'l l i WiAligrinit 44 O Mouths II llitii• 7 _l - : ._ • - . 1 :` ' ..- - - • . - • V. • ' l• '' Cora. vs. 14A). Vaughn.. VelontlMCV . P , l e '"' lit iv, I Irian Cooley. Indictment assault 'pod In . Tr ue I I bill. vordlesoke* Vougbit4isd Ventsn'toom3l4 guilty, and that Valentine Vougtuf la guilt}, Afit 'pen teaced to pay afine of II cl:iitte to ,the commonwealth, :ftriitiC i an Imptia ,.... , at 1016314 mt of two . —.. : . • , . . • . • - . _ . . . . . Cow. re. 'Henry Darts. Indictment aediction aud bastUdy i True bill. f • gym. es. George Itiberege. ledictmenc keeping a ferocious dog. Tree lople wowed. ! twit ,. AldjikVaitaitiaMtio. Zialdtinettt asaaidtitts tety. True NIL Verdict galty. +ad , ivr4 , . • Co= re. Thaa.liihneton. Indictment t AA battery.. One WI. Nol. yds. entered. ti 1 Cdl OrrOC l aWdriten btigrce r tott isl ave `County, by order of mot.. . . 1 ' Com. Ts. Robt. A. Potte r . et all; Indict* malt= l in 'dons tschtat. Iperarnaa, and Dud. V Way, die pmts. 1• , • Com, vs. Xitry Salevan et al. Indlammt areault and battery. litntxunins,tand Gelb 1 Irrytli ee proft..,, I cn so ll X. 3 art li kiltit PRlVgaret"toyles.—V dlttntent assault and battery. I Iqurazarte, and Mary Snllevan to py the pate, •c_...• :r.: , - - ikatittak%iittil * l '4 - * tea. ;1*.44,. ; _• • Pairitbmigvtri.tNximl 4.bicielatilte wasa , bnitm , doiti w inuriiiy4that. _ _ person who was itut;36 t 6 tart 111;Nk NW , gotirluilikegiugl to beep theSnicm, °Oar., !.1;a 4 _:...P(.4iPeroarCwoliaealstittiolLithotity of the: Gra . , Fif beittierle..l A le *, 4 4 -.Pk4rminitigiwki unsin,isggi, a nd Just" was T:penixrat.. Erery.higtit itiltriditittlid r "nor aiinthcr manliesq&- atherjiluVir toAiien felril weir was a Deniiierit.St ,C447_14a4 1115 , 0 InuOted the rid armlet ut a. Ainop °. 'anion by declaring "the war a Lei "r stack ♦ 1.A.1 4..4 e iLl.l 1 /.1 , • • • person who invented dame/00514v° • ; ciiiej.iff"/"Prt Bray person who contrived helltAh• iereitsitga'te_int.. troche:a the wasting pestilence oil yellOifjeveri int Northern cities was Democrat. t;I )21 Egg; Rerson who robbed the scheiol un and used the money for gold gambling °Nuptial etga AVATgriat crat. Every person who engaged in shaeititillailkiii. grows in the streets or burning negro school-boldene 744"d4j4ilefiliX St:II.TX. rory person whe burned lap nein; ,t44ildirg tig phan asylums was a Dentocrat. 4 Every officer in the army who Wag „dunnage** cowardice indtdieloyalty was a DAtFaCrAt. ' :1 PM. Who denounced Wen *oldies as "L in coln hirelings" fkaii tpeidikti?tf , - man who - dew:wed V . 'z's l, 4hacke as "Lincoln skill?' was a 4entocnit. ar3 • .1J . IrOfr man who asspat , that " ;were shouldered lb< •blooded murdciv milnaP a 'Democrat. ' ,!1:),I lEvery man who asserted that "oni ilsorrAr la /1 1101 Perlt3I t fgetflefatffie Benittlfinis:w.bdstM-i. 1144M35#4018101 and fit_ : that the Volpn • gAti4 atitet ` tog m '••1 • — 0 Irna Democrat. • r 4 " mitooll4l•Satilted to reimo.o 2 oo pia& ars and burn Northern ettles waslEtsasoetati r trforg member °flies Ealttimithid ibieakierat` ; • Booth, the assasstaorni * Desisocram :W, Tr. a tit imesur.,whata4l4ltema tilurder: Sc!b n 'fftend4 ,, Is Democrat. .. • - Aire._ 4m4 art Pllbsw bother, Isra Dens: Wire,fhe murderer of Union prim:mem WIN It Ocis; Dr. Thaekbam le a Demomak i ' -1141.74/4.1.10410e, :11iMaiiailre.. Bamitt fete ••Democrats. , Wade 11.1040:11,..yif.'*iiikai:, and Delormpi*: AmDann:rats. . . :sr ernando Wood, Ids brotherSeti, Me gambler, and Jobuldorrlsapy artiDem - o : ersts. .. tritrillVa ; • -7 . -:, -•.:,; Iga %to , Audi:lamb:kr ircrats. Joh n. C. Walker and Mt Dodd era bin** ;; Old "Grandmother Wells" la a Deracterat. , ter Vallsndleutqk Odiickvat , , Jek DriirPerne*ti,itddittli Re** t4iir oerata.--/adlanapons gar -- "I a xi; a., 4 .1:1r:rill: IG N. ie.a TAXlMAPClbildleibliftaigoalaol, aol 7ork at Atcblotuat+ T - c -- L-- "r 1 . --- T . AZ/Itla r e - C 1 5 4' '-' l'd "in Now-Orleans on the 2d, ;at which 300 white men enrolled. ati Mn. A• P. buni.ty of Calarmss,4.. ‘ t left "' the 1 lishel, antl l li 7 4overipe gin behalf of 1 , (Ant ita ii,ado.. " " ' • , • al i v ii - cantvgrot a b . arr l h.: N. re 1 b l UI CORMayleiblr CIAPS %green for m. Nitvr'-Xilfisri7a l Za , due a company of Fighting OM 1105huenchr, wapti& They 4113. ei brie sworn nevertarlity down mete torchers tdlyAmsc,lo! Ma los I res intil l ‘ l7 el M" fli T i l men of Lee County. Illinoui, are making' ficlllskr.Pmthrsitontforta flood Ideating at Dixon ott,lorrlik"fattirteenyiti. Ytt27",and Guy. Get:s ir*** briet w ykiltliejApOnifsid la be present. -Tamptive argadikeirliti i? IStaifyierinia. "Pry . rdirit4Fl4,l,o6fteiis'.L.ol44o4'. kocuts „ pittrM ?forgagßawnsliM, and a score of other' pliteii come reports of pole rsommOresitiliitiCetings, dc.,, ;Men ri?lr l Veltirk 4 i • 1 all L. , , *dna VI ril iblvtiri'ilfstitbisi e sen to °Meer the forthcoming Seyninur and torchlight procession In this city. are theist o I known thieves. Proof ready in the Distugh-Attern ey's oflien-a* A Y. Tribune. Team is ens Democrat in Goshen, Addison Co.' Vermont. Ile was on the doubtful Ibtf thigjek r ak . &my Voted for Edwards, saylng. 6 1 midsa 111 do so this thee. be , ' ' horn oting for n late of Thor z.... C ' .i . • anon (Ohio) Itstrioe, and, Oen. VIl &fret both worn- Inent Democrats, have icpudtated' Yellen ghant, the former giving up his connection with T lie istrood caulks Of Valbutdighalles nomination.) , ; , r 1.411,46gnig.4"5211111d00.' Few dewy.. Is waxing wane. Nineteen meetings, to e . addressed by Gen-Rusting. the Republican candidate for Con gress, and others, are announced to lake place before the 23th tint. 1 h''. - t It 'f.ss ' itt.4ll 'ram Ins Union men of ITew:Orlus , are Wt's, a grand ettehliatajolomPsitopobVllllM. Th e-expect to li f e have 20,000 ram in procession. The newel, from Vin.. wont gives thern . new courcorand they w reputilsin thew old tyrants in November by a large . 4 ; i1 4 flonlirsatt Democratic papers, as 1a • ' I:= l:thatiT Oar," "t:ri. ___lilli, e r a h • hi CAarisNog rimer says think the truth bat speak It softly. It 't be done gentlemen. You've shown the dagger in ' and yon can't recall the picture. . , . Jonas Dalrymple ordered the notice, i'lleadarme =ffraelircilitßoilisl that he found Mr liiid ousecioar, at. newton, N. L. Led !'feat, to be removed before he wised open court..." The notice irtrulti look well If postal fstilyhTiostilmi ind probs. 1 05100:4 1 .41*1 01 *A lianwli ( been A d ) ( , kit Itie .1110111UNOSII.. diotainse r d all ' end tiorkiti not 11l asimnsid Of Oary, and Carl la -- of Vallandlghars. : .k..N. . amintrciesklinisiVng'ift 'fit mere ing was bald at Oralla Cs Thirstily: ZiNtlrt.the itritttegskUsitt procession ftlild&o. la which ST yousig proonn ladies relt. resented ikettamir4l. iIM ,11110n.L.,.11ii i Cis' eFclusivbly or yon ag men, wan very creditable Mir. 1 I r f 'il3 . ga ,:1;.• i,,,- • .1..... w. -- • e -4 „. , . _Alifielaalls#_ _ „ de•,,War*ltijit OngatlMOL—The ' ll l& 7 **K r .** 4 l OW . • 90Aiifilrldb*daf nitalt. all 1 Wok _ * ' a r - 4 : tiZ__ 4 ,o :1 5 04 111 k, ' Wl ." =o 11 . L i ,AllilliAlelliW ‘+ Itwettreg affl. O* l l_ . .IWithoisog***4l ••• the i . lio t ~• it ar.," ;: sa i imay i ti t . St' 4 ti* t 6 .. iiißvflailliarst .. -, • i Alex, T i Vrer ti -.... • .• - ... -ii aptittlialifthl :4 4 MACS "erectus& OittiistkttpieltWWoth lip lbw Tho!„. iildholsott and "17 ;Wpm .0; ;, l otro a r a laVastan ne wake club rabl 114.44. lit re autr gost lo t ti v ir ;ll ,, _ r J: r i e , ...._ Ob.. &Pi. 80, Thol. . : or. hoc',.. pAe A- i ii ., ii tr i t4z i p ii: i ': ism,; - arittrorlibiiii . ilTh etll , ll4llo**L4 i 7 "I S AIWIrte Illeeki 1116. WO 7 ,.... 7 4 .t 1 :7.. i -. aae wi naro orlid.r . : pi tbemer to. Ir •. . A 440, Berne eValr. I , h . . tili - tptlit 0ti115,..2r4,01 . 1 f.;,,.. 1 1 ~ till—. of Nimeowooolr 11.1.filluMaa I i,aivag i . New I . .. 14!igid; Will Cain taro' 1. rail* kbe Waifs rnmigiMr' , - gen throagh • I v ir l V VAS tniciiitiint and eneundollo., lant4!4 Ai 012441-14 *.icWtis . artik • 9rd•• Aberkalolllo9ol l e 1 11 7 r en .1 • 44 "4. 1"18‘ 1741=1 its inetarpebellibl lafi rtigetwitts .ixami _-. 12 .... v „„ vti ~ morisca.n. - - itx . I, ark t 111 2 '. ' • '- , ilialittr iln /04, t . " g icr •' 1 ', . . 7 . -., 74 -,"4"16.;. - '''' '''''.• ..' kihsri...l6&' . ' os Eddi e.' • • "lOtti.';':' ',„it shosSislepOoka riaskrY•''. ,! .; .tair s o • -. 7 ,- . :. - - •-"" "dieiriOl" Hitritlatigia" ~ tato*. •16et . i, - . kii 7, 1 r7 otelpdtatous OMB st ro. • • , .• . a - ,. i - •,- - • ISE llMMffil ADA3r4':7,llolr4re?-A1 tlie mildew° of Polllitik.lo.llooHmet,,Pa„ : . torthe• oc if:)i„tiitß.,3l ' Pe.hiTr.417,*;*41119‘,6 *eimA i of dm ken •.„ ~„ • , i.tttfit . l INDEPENDENT i)rt.c.• COittENI: • Aglo4:atirPfisser Counti: sit dessitptsfieligndent candidate for Mil office of Coroner; at the ensuing October elec tion. -The support of the electoris of the i scw ty, irrespectiveof Etrty, is asked for. nay )7!:• sept-2:31. • ,- ( 11 " t 7 Fair of the Seaver comet riettruaSocip t e r git o btp in tbe Far 138+►nesday, Thur. Iday and Friday, the 'Both day of September and the4etrand 2d days of October next. CaLito The Montt mate - the bete Setelix, e §snit Mmii 41Z i rittr i pM Pqst. afiki aNitA ll l l lMibidVat i ke Fißist y liiill mliir4-31124nee'lltBeityer. • . me w. i ll 9 llll , mentia-siother cots Ar.P: ....Lk !, a:45i1:6 r 20.10.1 - . Qo to Be lge'eyfor a stylish gall Ilitt.;-b Sea-tatedifteir Meerttaement another 63/11, 4 1:19'1„ ; ?4'o--atztuffligtutht l ti. 1 06 Illbdi*Vaabibi,:i. mia; Mantiltr i i ol6lllo Amxibusabl lif;;%e i „;;:, TANLEscfailisc - sALt pat b good cmlail sad wansobiltbr kb/ gatisbotkm. • • •; 1 ' seplett AU orders prompUy attended to. . , .... - ..., 40 - - • " .--- 10 ;-4,ad= ~ I rkin , lioticido Stokh o o p d , iktit i: : , - , ' ,, Z,leii: : ~ ,' - _, , sin le 1 I • CO.. Wilt ' at Tio , , Ns ..3.1 i .446F44.111.0(). i . rilia.., . . , . ',..e.e.sitytwasswesp, -El t .. .. A Oala * Ma i if i rli *MON l- -W 4: ii Te;l'U.l. I .., :SW ' .• 1 .....__ , . .----.....- 17.4%•IVSgES 161$1111Xdr; corrisserottrzi tooimo ow. nsw - Ak i mal t s" Le witiiiihsld•-dhisrwarei Also. Japati. W.. • -. er, Prag r ialle W !....- nenJABS A •Q • . It vaiterp2 theses. • ' ~: - Iat i AT I CVM -111....A': i 8•• • ' ' ' iln''' ' •••rtVilitUCOGg & 4 M/ '. ' 1•1! , • : -11- 1 11fo TlATetteral St.. &Amy tltty. vs. s • i secliel!tAtTi• , _vi:l•,',V tIl;._•• _ , • tr ' .... e. 0 ,-. ,),./.. I 1. • . . t . s, . . 4 .: 1 ' • • AAA* ;) t l • WOltittk ) 'O 4ll 3- - wilk . •• 1 :i , li-1 :- .r . • !........:1 X 116::::: vl.S.•.:ivr) Iliw. - "v - 1 11 3:1 .3) 2. iIICIA Q.Viii-z pii • 11,80Att. 1 ..,,,,,, fr.-:::f , x.r.mret , ! • - • • 'i."4.•":e-'n,17:.:1'"?.4...7, ji,`",,, , ti -- 7 it-rt.cir:/ ':Ac. , .: 7zugu4:ts :.;...... .: d , ;ft- ''...'•..i1:!k.:,! njT ii" . ' ....3i1:: igli '.t r . -1 :ili- - 4 4, ..e.lllrD ADVIROIA: Iritragft n: t 'los3tl -•- :. 'di-i /N a z l i iiet LE il lu t '. . B . " CAM !ME , 0 l'• I 2 .:- - -f • • A ....,. •. blatiltrAbNitio=tarr or mead an tito3 bee ev er • - sltPr , flirtjer7l?weet ;1' . woo f =ttle "4 nedis swnee. sasseasa orlrand Heim teebre par • .. (WIL4I. .1 boas Ap RAO okr4woriF4 17-FFP:i 1:r:b. ‘ttair.r.l7 • Isnlittsmos. -...:.; , . W , ',l ~e17,1.1:4 ?L i , , ', ,1.- •-_,, . 1, , 2. 504.1011Ap Ito 1 ?I a "limo 1 t 1 +'• ~' -• I . 1 34`, : t; • ~ • „ta r A1.4..Tff1-ti.,ie. 1 • ,11y . 47.33M00,10 .... ...:11 ~.. :• :., .. P* llL°2ll3 IV m I ilElVerem =2 1 .1 • . wiel!‘ri AgEII4I2V 1 l a illter , •Mtr.iLti —421 ..t,! • Jte k l eSTEre: 9Al'lttirw g C t are ,-- r,7TEET, ITrTSBIJRI. ( P I A. - tqr, . II it. ~l'i. LM 3Gt . •.. W 7 tlf. IF*. -'" , ' -.% 'llifgagl4o4 Jl ll - 10 1 ileiiidi . - Dealt 1 , , rl-110.i..- -1 1: ia v L i, - : .. . :01100FABEELY .. .. , GROIERIES ' , [ ;Pr/ Fr :.":...Wl4 - Ild -.llEMAilit , . .' et:• - i . i '.'-'" '--- ''''. "' - . ..- ... -.- ...,.....! k. , . .An ',- r U • -- 1 Oligititi a i iioi4E4tic I FR' lie . 9 , i'C' 0 4..12,;. - i - _ .L. VICUSees . _ . th:suvidi a Conit i *li4d*ingibi in 4sisibaloo, - , todermWetirtd I , : 0. , ,, • 'l.'" I , '1 i. , ‘1 • . 1111%rP CP41.10134144. B i :';'') al 1 ...*l6a r ill * lear. ~,, •••_.:.„ ~. , l a ~..:,,.. .., ~,, tc, •••..,:i. ,• :1 ; v ..) •,..,......: :1 - :, :i : .. amvb.. „ • .....1. -,,:-•,... ,, r !•:,.,. ..,,.., • •=t ~.. to r' . -Str air.:loi:ow. bar,o4 filfrOdwa*lla mow 4..9 -tr = ba id et Dept a.71e45 Caw W 2 M tom. and rate tot bar belly. sad about 5 yanowt Tbe prose fa requested to tome Iceward. Nem coy themes and take her away. GEO. CAL— tope:MM. • erfIMI WWI Mar A 0 g 1 11.014 pit --n -„,,,,,..0 wax A 1.) --- T—.:_.....-............;, ” A trict t r a ulitrOo a 1 „ wa I: i i ,- - 0 , • T ' I' 1 , .4 ' i t • • • oilirodo, l t:l t.i. . , flf .1 4 / t.a.:5 tflit 111 'ilia Z.! A‘ZZ:llia to I " • t 39.•; ,- .ut ...vt . ....i..:.:..4.- ....._ -•.:...- •?:-... ~ .....7..p r 'tit 0 _l_ - . - ig , il. , :•• ,I - ; e . \IN e .. .:E. ,<.• .r.,4,.. ( :„,.., .„,„ . 0 .:.t.i. Ico - ..,•;1t i , t•I•J'ne , ", I , V• .1 , ~.11617,:;;;.' :.,..:•.....', .2: 4 it9 . ..1; , I .:,,ii40 , 211 L,••1141. ,,,1 I;'+' ,JOS. .i.l trluil ... :••••••',.! • 1. OF , . . . • ~...... . . • - 44 ,b2;.?0,4,..,(.1 .. ....l 4;J . • _•:','.• . .. 1, •‘... r;r 4 ._c' , lll . 11 i It ','; ill ‘, .b t , „ 1118FoR is6s iii s ib—if.it- , r;: , „ , _ ~..,„:,..... , • ,a. 4,.„,, i.,,,,....,..„ , - • t „r,r,,..•,,:, 1 .;.;,..,- 1 - : :1 ., i . (Vgi thlral 4...k. 13. •I'/;. 1. ' fts. . -.''' ? t . ~64i t 1 .. 4 ILA& • . Orli 4,1/Lir* ''• • . . ~ • /Ltateigl-1 „ . • . V ‘.‘ ~ . . - g . ...I :Portultett;;;.t. ......4,i:., w el ri.V. .:;§.- ; ' ' . , rrtqtal liniul i .. f ., , , , ,F,ra.ti 00 cou , c=ti , i' , (1,- 8111,!...i. ....„ -•,., 14;11 ibi ,...;.1/4 figiade,ltt f &MS' . STORE DX - n. l .•• - r 1 1 11-0!,.-t; ~r ~.• ;:: - ~1 ••••( 1.- *:.' .1.,1 . , : 1 1 ' 1. r 4 •1011*(7•1111) 4rifialitii,4l.;:•; I. li 11171. ' . r. =1 " . • "its i1.4%.14:/t.)l i'. 1.•.• -- 1 .;, -...• .lar 'Ayr if t,a 1' ttr,i.:i ; ) . ) rf.:131 1.) I,l' 3D71712 Y1(P:312, MEI •-i-r • NRW PRINTS, (t NEW MUSFNS, 17. 0 4 4EicfCHE . 9R, NEW GING:Wig,' LUXASa .i. Ar. ' W4k, 11110 11 7. - r•:1 t . !'t . . )%-; ,;• :AZOV% ° . lo ' t , .e . , 11 • :",,:i ' i : , 1: . ) rii t Sill 'e 1....)NR W r.COBURP,Si ) . e . :. ' :e.1); . 1 .14,1.130,1 V. ; ....., *liinlia WI - 4 0114 1 *1 I MO 11221111 White -Flanneie, Yellow Flannels, = V% A 4*E. kanteteB • Tweeds ? Drillings, itig.;ati4 Qa 18, A li IlirP sk irt * s z , ; Notions and Fain. 4il Articles f TAJO:kin gs; Bonnet Ribbons, ..1:046Ø400d3 - • 41 11 e 1 .1 4 : 0 1. (1. j • if te i t i t ; c ilte eampti Moot eve oared to to tithes. et Bean eoenlireanthilte pleasure In smarlng our eadosiere and those who uoy Amor as 'lib s call, OA the store ibuet Is us as 'ever. rra - i; • a ri.) I A.)rt u , RENZNata =D!,Atil, .1.l:ti • 1 R ci..l:.C.7fsA ; xito , •......., -,, i ii.,.: • i .- A,-. Fa Ar 6 i , l'ttille 45 .., • • ,-,asi f.:#:•?.:....1.::,:.1 zAft P,W 7 7 ,f 1 ;., (14FILVtari r GOODSi 1 fTOR . ...4- tg. 7 7 t lyt:tittr : .• IN,SEEDDIEVkDaOI 4I I) ,Jia Del-Art -AI 3 . 4.` t 1 • • • ,tnaminclettgergk. 1,11,41. vi'miev9. 7'l • ' • .0..t.j.w0t ALsrel. 'fr . -A ‘,1,1! • Bi COME EVERY MU BODY IND MORN D.:M - „I) „q ;MTh” O.:03110.mi .11 ~~ ~_~T • =1 '0 3 MEM ' `..11: 1 11 14,1. 1 °. f !- ' ME ' s ' ' •4. • .4 4 k •, I '' MI =I .;: I! mu , on itc A. U,lt fit Blii/WZR• PA. 1, 1 / 0 021. , sfr.it , ALIT! 01nit, - ;•t s . ltattiee''" $1 50 50 " 4 t • = 3.00 11 50 - ' < !l*.Jl o ‘l6 attLrrir. 25 . 1 b Back $125 50u " 950 bbl. 10 00 11 MIMS 111. reetWann Noon= at mom Industry sowbeldp, Beane eitarkb vista* at an asawty mashed la lon tootassemtwlll expose tordSoomio t oseoarmimill Zfifig ks : 9 9 lefis es) t : ••• , • t ia w r i. r ow wows of Wolf .. .mmion ft s e r t i t t s liaaVolerrootoir Ar. .oeik c JO mass dim& 4 1 011A111 Woo on Oa Imaut to Said idiom deal >r Maw • ed. balance to two aqui ousel lootobsoolo WA lir • r _tmr,Maggeig- 4 0 oseitral by JAW i t, • 411.110 RIPS : - - _ .~ti r, i., t ~ : ~ . tZgik )46 ;. 1' 11~11l 1,1 ILY • t--• r•c.r• "It" Queemnrok, Hardware; "r ift4 I nrwiL_Aßß t M w. "A loinf&l, " AlpyVfillarßOME. tame in Ex 6Mitge in, Good*. beikerfid - Free qf Chop ail Plfg a itmsleiririta.ri../ 11 1 ! FLOUR ! Mai s't _! 5.4, Cross* & Co's. ase,REDucip. • BEST • "MOE i I • n • r i aevm- iniiiiiiMnil za s o ya 50 a _ • , 1 2,90 Aktne4" 11,50 94bocHadQuagy,..T.fliK COUNTY." 25 If. ode, , 1,22 iti 2,44 - I I Baird, 9,75 . .sased.r \ e",.sitrif t type erer ESII ;. • Has list rearms froze tk - Emit and Is newLreeshr li !.40111raAiiktedillia Selected Assort -3`:,•1.11...ii..9. lit fir S pring and etainlet Good • ei , tv AT lIV3 OLD f3TiND. Caner ••:,•411NatIP1004 1 10111611. 1114 r ••• • .601144:1:. 11111 111 •p, i . 4ENERI4;;ARALER IN . J kyZe, • ;MCI ; ;: tiriiiiib. " ... • NOTIONS, ,' • BS. 77'.1.ift..71 I ,' , .."2:',...,1 .0 1 : CAPS, 4 .0 .1 10 C4TEC San4l3P. Po . ~, .1 ' „ 1 " 1 .,13140CRUS !.1 ' ; ~,• 0 r t I . i" ~• .:I' L t ..I t. "... • 4 1 ; A, rI. (1 Wri:4... er ~ ' • i-.'",-.-.', 4N:i• ....,1,1'.'.- .1. 10.1 • .11'..!.: .I.:Artargo rum ~1„,1! 1, 1 1.,,.t.. • ~ td...1 .3 .-• • ''• ../, "ti.. , S 1‘. 1 • ; .. ...4 : l ' 1 •-, pi:lM ASIS :AO kori Int, . .. . . . • e, 7 t - I,lprowsw-are stiVlNSWar•larase .„,.,...1..,,,,, ~..,,,•;).V. J.,..,C.1 . ~. 0,-,,tri• ' i' ne , . to) . -.1:1I ' .V:•••t 7 . 1 !1• ' '. IX . .'- .011, 1 ~• 2• .".. -. . I°ll6iLESlZONititirrailh ?.,. •. 4 '..... - it • . • J. ,.6 .:1 -1 ,e11" . • • : - 10 1 401! ",'„iiii* sem* hitiltileo ll is ag , N 4 .1. 4 0 b.--4... .,!...-,y3.1 ,p1,:.4 0' . • ,clut,trito 75,,crxif i:,...m 116 L 0 1- Atk i ii will ii *lii. te.ded - ..... t.. win, ~.... 7 . - "4.21,Ti_.'.. a . r..i.." ..,'.—: AN . .. • 1 1, 311-81 6 • - 1 m—, 1, :.,,• , n1.44n11. .....{04.4 . , . .• ,waerse Mill AIWT/44 T AIL 1- . ,-....rt01t-..21 , • ~ . ~ ;,,, ''.- 4'"r •Os DAM. Stele Ws to omo it ifroidtoterses I ' r• lion Oink. .. , • lim eriStal 4.4' lbolklisit y oft . 7 /1 4 . .2 011011111 . A rai '' boilkidtilkoiketle_t_lNite as WC we torn OM/ 6 fa slooL CIL .. lIIEI MU 115 IMO =lsm 01JR Id(rfTo : CALL ONCE AND YOU WILL CALL AGAIN. Ji , ,i: nri WHEAT lEEE = " k : • • MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers