== ISIZZI 3 El B N :.4 N z 1 - t- JicrIVEYAND, P1101.11.1Z TOS E .-k'MAY . 22, . MU.- elxistorian4 his been appointed Minister tq PrnsAn t in place of Mr. 751ritht:Who died it sh4t , t line age, in Rerlin..L .- - iiiitunrc Bencroft will not :accept the'irpoint=ent. - - st ! iff are now 'Vitt tke ricittity . "brltichtnoild,loolimg over the Avatt!, Seth! te6.sr nil city. The 11ithmond grpts^o inaiioticinc.tLie facq`stiggest that lien r 'trio vttottlti tic oiniarty them in their ,Mhgeft .a* • 11,z tet-confederate ofac'er, ta lent:sr& al Fenian General, and who 'recently , betrayed the : Fenian cause- in - *lsind, is said to have ',arrived in 'Canada 4 teiv days.agO. The Fenians should ...layertfleete . d.that. an Irishman bad sworn 'allegiance to this country, then, regardless-Of bls,oat4t , tatted', in in attempt to destroy it., • Mould very likely betray' them whenever be 144: h.ts initrest to do so. "11,: . VOWtattionaar - in 'concluding an article on titer:dean:4>f Jeff. Davis,- piles it up on that in— i.filltittame will be a hissing and it by-word so longsdbelives t and the very worms will vomit' %Olen they. ccwc to knaw at 'Lis rotton bean.? , • .BVisle:v4l, much sympittlii for Jeff., we pifs::,thr: Forme, , • =I `Rettacklattistr,.we suspect, has not addedd Many Mundt; to his list of friends, on account otliainterfereace in'the release of Jeff. Davis: jiiiiierfortitl adherents claim that his motive,l iziteeMiiitifone , of Davis' bonds Men was hn while others insistjhat he 'was goy hi the Matter by efdesit e to further his 101 l popularity in thei3OutherztStaies.. How - trterlhfitmay be, we incline to the , opinion damag,ed his reputation ss a lead eFor the' trulon organization, and that the blacks particularly, will not, since he. has Clasped hands with the arch traitor himself, • repose the some confqence in him in ,the fu 7 ture, that they have in the past. In the West too the leading newspapers are opening up a Unit*lire, which will excite feeling to iatick hint that he little esPected whey engi neering left ,DaVis through the CourtAt mold. • • - . 14113111 T FENZCZtI i who wa.S•cciTiciigi in khe• Wwe1. 1 44 1 0 1 1 coast court_ in Febriary last for the amr.ler of ert W. Dinsmore, was exe ented:oti last Wildnosdy in the Borough of Washington. 4fore his'execueion be 'placed a "lititten oonfeseion in the hands of his friends, signed -14 himself and witnessed by Tourer live othc4. and which ho, desired to have published 4,4 the Washington, .rittsbnrgh and Beaver.papers. This confession is quite lengtity-too long for our crowded columns— but in \oUr next we shall endeavor to find.room for stteh portions of it as . relate - to the Wen:. •eneee brought to bear tipon Fogler before the carantisition of the deed, and, the alleged dia. , reputable course purimitd towards him by his couitis L el I before - and during his, trial. If his statements - arc true, and!We see no cause to de, them,• the Montgomery family. as well as Foster's mtornies, occupy .p, very =enviable POllitien before the world. The latter, if Foglev is not guilty of false- Itood in hisdying confession, should be strick en froic.the list of practicing attornies, and to every possiblemanner lre,made to feel the dis ibnorthey hive brought aspen the profession, swathe infaray with. which • their course to war4ht an unsuipecting client has covered thenU . . Iit.:PFLINISSI has not yet died out in the South, and free epeeeh appears almost as re mate as ever in that locality. Or the 11th of All( month, .11on. William 1). Kelley of:this 4StiatAti, who it now on a. speaking tour in,the Southern States addressed a large Loading at Mobile. lie bad been speaking but a eftsrt d4me when the indications of a row developed' j i.htsmaelveit, and soon after a blody 'attack was . stmie:upon eulo' . Kelley and lia‘driends by` the ex rebels Who appeared to be present in a /arge body. Several shots were fired directly .at-thi l ludge ! l who however escaped unharmed. As it was, he Was forced to quit speaking aati his friends' fearing that hls life would be .Askitett, ke etas ; hurried out -of the crowd to his hotel.: -.ln-the .melee three' men were killed, and _ten wounded. Had Union troops not been ,htteriedly.hrOughtto •the ground a desperate ' .ricdr.would no doubthaye occurred.. Take the ..military.,from the lately seceded 'States, and aloithir life nor property would be iota 'within ...their limits. • Thanks to Congress for the Re eonstrtiotion Bill, which furnishes the only pro tection noW enjoyed by the Unionists of the' Bcruthein States. as BMA gentleman who honOrably sided inthe eacnpe ofeJaves, was ienteaced for this ,nffense to fifteen years in the prison of the, Dis• itriceof Col:tit:tibia, but -was pardoned by Mr. Liter;elnactiii having served eighteen monthsof the term. 'frlten Dr: Boyd lately applied for ; Tegistry in Washington, he wits refused,, on the giciund thaeno,ene could be registered - who: 'had been "convicted of an infamous offense." '; Ito appealed to the Suprenie Court of the Die. 044 and it has promptly upset this atrccious• nbaurd riding. Judge Olin holds that the • •President's pardon restored Dr. Boyd t 6 his pOlitical fights, and Judge „Fisher that he has :not committed an infamous crime. We are glad to think that by 'no accident could the District Judges:have-been induced to serve Slavery alter its death andburial.--N. T. Trs _Auna, • _ • Az enteusi e gang of thieves has been dis covered in, i hingtae, _Washington county. ,I, _ A _twice your man" had rented a ware house in that piece; ad himself tad confederates were secrtit ing their stolen ‘ property iin it.-- Three of the party hve . been arrested,, and developements impliMing others are looked ter.`. - Washington county is certainly beam ing a "hardpluce." • ;!..tilittITART STAATOK la leing,v4partmly - urged in the. Western States for the . nest rrisidenerefthe United States. The St... Lou. is •Destacrat ticipe' a -he will be the nominee of . -.the Union party, aid urges the selection of ciriSen of Missouri for Vice P resident. Who it. prefers . for the last-named office is not sta . /l ed • - • To the Republicans -,of the Un- The ; Jac' Davis Sensation - - . , . _—_ ' --' '',t-: - ' f . , . 0 , - , e-_- i' - ' PROitiIiNMIZUL * ' . - r ion. , , ' _pr_ ' Fits : Monnms,• 4041,-4 taw mop ~ -, --,- --:,. '......---., ....1.,„. ,, ,,. The National Union Cominittes appeal raft lf *I llatiip" ll *all 4 . 4440_:006 II ~. litliiiit •L I ' the Republicans, of 'every Stets, for their* prepkrati , beinjp•maii, by ttavinpn4.,,BLlWt,,,,.., sistance : and co-operation in this simplifier's for 'dopes:titre. 40 . 7 ,Oiloc* General **jai - . - •ls ucti k.....prif - :,- - ___ ifationatis._ _..„ mar , s hetr . crises of our c ou ntr y . . . at. l'' ',l arrived 'alOarropialinf tatsuqaris 7=pj,, , . . gimes, , , we deem it of the highest importance - efitt Ito accoMpany hini — Leavi Wilt as- Ilt . 1#""lrtgg11119111111012%. ':::: • - "s , , ' 3 -. the Reptiblicanaot each State should itomedi. changed by i him and his family ,with their 'fifiontili 16, 7 : 14.:Lkisits:wairibeir ef ne. stely re-organize fer the remaining ,elections friendsin tbe fort;and General Burton walk- fines mat . to -night it the eent'aiet Grand and Of 1807, preparatory to, the coining Presiden- ;ed on outside of Davis , and Dr. Cooper, - his Royal streete,toVsarjiidialltilley,'Aituniixe ail contest, : Eatemally ihould this -organi- 11 )1 4 46 " , on the e t , h e,r• . T t 'Oert °La& mule! 0 l'hillisliere .als o , presen t;_ , and, ever - j i b in g ration boimmediatiely effected in those States brother =of Davis, who arrived Lit ? visaing Was' rezninitably,tptiet tilliell4 began tipsik? which have veer 'before ree - Ogidied as the. from Viekstliiigh, tined Efili - Davis' lii - iTjlail; sa t Yillrbe hadtrounrie liiseart4 l lshis I only just basis of•roternment L the equal and , her sister, and' they ; were followed by several 10f .. n Re Inikintiteripted by W•lrblto inalienable rights of roan. Not a day should 'friends. 4 large cr o wd gathered on the wharf man (4114 'outskirts 4d - the 'nettled. - Whtim bellost in forniing and strengthening within around the,stesmboat landing, to witness the the Indlea . lionaniPtle carnet - 4 ' The -grit Shot' those States a public sentiment in consonance the departure of Davis. Ile convened with wastired 'it this . ikoiat,' It - w a s lii k rie - to with the principles which'underlie the ghat his friends cheerfully aboard the steamer John tell who 11 4 waS fired by Instantly sielts fol political Organization to which we belong. _Sylvester,' Bp looked much better thane,' - 'hbwed i from the negroitGlehe. Were all armed. . ifo this, end, we desire to prosecute a syste-, imprisonetlhOugh e' .. r3 , pale'aZl4l:atte !rein n I than Ulan* glinted. .1 Immediately us e . . matte and thorough canvass it the South- Marshals Underwood and Duncan accomp after the firing began;..atalarsa was rung and , • ern States, by th e most efficient speakers of • him to Richmond . "- continued ringing during the piegress of the • both - races. ,Ifi tiouid . second their e ff ort's by .1 -- Bit:lE26*D. May 11.—The steamer . John Syl7, riot, Iritiah lasted about an • • hoar . A large a (distribution of ' documents, enforcing the vaster, - with /et Davis, on board. arrived this meieri.tY of t he ilk" we* fired by tmitneei principlei, policy and aims' of R the eliubli a f terno o n. • ogbefore h i s arr i va l - milit ary -'Ln il - milit as but very few of. thi .whites present were can party. We would call in every locality arrangements had been made by. General Soho- . wed-" Pt° P 3l l o e antssead: ed In quelling the where it is possible, meetings for discussion ; ' field. 'A detachment of the 29th regiment was riot before4oerrivi4if companies of the pith where those who are with ea in principle 'ins) , present, and sentinels were posted at intervals. regiment , Who ;rent !ordered out .by Colonel learn to act with unity and energy. • These'', enclosing about two hundred yards square of fihePPltriVemd appeared en the ground as soon Measures are reptired tebring out the votes' , the wharf.. Outside of this a large crowd of ,as possi ble, not entll•the meeting had been' of that lane body of Republican Unionists I, n'egroes and stew whites were gathered .,; The dispersed .. Thal now guard the streets: By whonow render the Southern States a battle= I brows of the surrounding hills were thickly 1 d i"k ti ltig g ii ht g . ul i e t t - aa lsinsp littl ossi e I r le ,wounded "Three gnat nu to 4l ,ste altem te the field of principle. It is 'the pressing need of I covered with spectators. ' Major ' Vance, of at ,ndih . the hour that held, judicious, aii able , men , General Scbofield',s sta ff , who was in command, number of killed ei thoroughly itUbiled with , ou r lie d, should I had a detichment% of -the Sth artillery, num- are known to have beekkilled, ono while and eii there . explain oir principles, elstablish our faithfulness to them,' and prove that national greatness and human freedom depend upon the permanenttriumph of our cause. Beyond this; it is most essential that we should: now establish in those States, Free Thought, Free Smelt and it Free Press.— Every pan of this Republic must be open to the discussion of principlei and measures.— This must be sustained, as a *cilia' point irr our creed.; at any .. and every haeard, 'Efforts to iatinigate the humbl' and ignorant voter - on the part of Abe. Southern. planter, squat be Mei with -the spirit of freedom, and- the de- , termination which a Snot ti.. - use "auction*. ' In tints past, the'Republicait. party has struggleitagainat the unjust reproach of being sectional In its aims and character, though its purposes and its mans of effecting them - were such as the fathers of the Republic approved.- It, was 'accused of being governed by motives, ef. desiring to aggrandise the North st the expertise alba South.. Its ad verenries having the power to silence and, to crush all opposition, denied all discussion, and over awed even freedom of thoight in. fif teen States of the Buten. It is therefore now an imperative duty, which we•oweto our party and to ourielves, to embrsie thitfirst, oppor tunity of trulf . representing to lease States how consistently we have contended for the interest, welfare and *Steeds:lln Or the Rholo ~. . . Union: _ The oicrthiow of Slavery and the Rebellion, sad the, , enfranchisement of the freedmen, reze: daring thisloverthsow secure and final, have happily vindicatedoie . eourse and organisation; but it is necessary to stamp the. conviction of our io,yality. and fidelity to the right, sae spective of liection or race, Upon the recton- structed States. For the fines time in. many years, the enthusiastic i followers of our flag and otinfpeoes of our faith we there taking part in the popular gatherings, and in many ofthe Southern fitatea, : we have season to b•- - lieve that they form w derided majority, They are however,. without, organisation; and lack the cohesion and discipline necessary to success. , Three-fourths of the Republicans llhave never voted, and have HO practical knowledge of the means whereby the Minkr will is expressed. With many of them. the habit is fixed,of rendering implicit obedience to Table aid , dexterous politicians who are im placablyhoitile to our!priticiples and deter mined On the prostration of our 'cause. Our iiiimediati action is therefore' Impera ' tiire. We esnl°t . delay without imperiling a ll Ifor which scrintieh has been sacrificed in the . past. , con fi dent in our strength in the. North, and the West, sad the Pacific States, we Must knot forget that webs,. a great duty to per : form toward the loyal, and true men of the o 1 1 South. - -. 7 1 • RxrceracAws! , our ippeal is to you, to der ii on and sustain the work which a few loyal and true men have so nobly begun._ We can:- 'not ask speakers, in addition to giving their time'indlalents for months to this labor, to. defray 'their own' necessary expenses. We cannot print and distribute docUments of the character.required crithouka heavy outlay.— We have no - ;meani'orreliance except Upon the generous spirit of that great party which hold. the claims of Humanity and Freedom above all price: The patronage of the Government brought into poweril , the statesmanship, the courage, and the loyality of that' party, - will not aid es in Ali good work. • We roust therefore appeal , directly and per 7 Ilona* to you. , If you are . rich, give genii?. ously. If poor, send us whatever you can af ford. The generous 'purpose and the noble aim sanctify the humblest effort* At, all events, 'set promptly, and let us feel lust the sympathy of the Republican party isivith us in'oey'pUrpose of making this great lantthe homed 4 true'Republiean priiielples, where distinctions of rave and color are Unknown, and where Liberty, Virtue and. Intelligence form the enduringof our- greatness aa4 prosperity.-- T . ' . • - bai - AMA,' lettere and. , l contributions to Gov. hi/pave L. WAILS', Ci *rem and Treasurer, Newark, N. J. , - . .r, • . , - • Mamas L. Wale, N. J. - . ~ -. Saxon A. Ptnevieeca, Pa: • • . . • WriAtate Curiae, Maim _ . . Jams B. CLARK, N. IV - Litutacr , Ganim,N. Y.• , - H. H. &It tirilliTliti, C011.1;16 • N. B. lihtrruens, De , -., H. W. florneei, idd. " . .. ... Executive Committee of the Nutionil Union New • rut*, hay 16, 1867.. , , . Piisvampris.deituaka, Rasteas has decided to Catena With `the puldicatbon of lists of un called far lettas. It will be basalt.? posted upon the 'bulletia bowie of the Noriolui pat-. offices; and . snob ; persons so dad?* oan thee print it. ; • , • • Gov. *hasty- ea , . Bunker -.Tieteived a dis patch from Genesi Gillen, eamsmadiag at Vicksburg, salaaming l b . arrest of 0. A. Droop's, the murderer of the brothers Zook, of Lancaster. - • - berbig about fifty, moulded as s, guard for thel carriages. As the steamer hove in sight, withl the - national flag flying, then:Rost intense an xiety was exhibited by the crowd get closer, but there was no demonstration, no 'cheering nor hissing., When the steamer was 'made fist, lion. James Ilona went aboard and bed a feeling meeting • with Davis. He brought Mrs. Davis ashore and conducted her to s car=. tinge, followed.by her two imprants. In n'few minutes Davis came aver the gangway planki . accompanied by Genemlßurton and Dr. Coop er. The party immediately got into carriages, and 'sir rounded by themounted guard?, drove rapidly , by .a side • street up towards . the Spottswood Hotel, thus diaappointing large crowds who had gathered on Main street near the wharf to see Davis. • Dens wee cheerful, and had no guard, 'walk-. lug freely about the boat, conversing with passengers, who wireell anxious to spesklo him.'.He said little about his imprisons t, but spoke in terms of the warmest affection of Hx-g'residentPierce,who visited him on' Thu - day last. • He said there was no man living for .Whom helntertained a higher regard. i At Brannen, on the Way up, &number of la dies had gathered to speak to' kiln, who shed Lean at seeing him. They had been seguehat ed with his family during the . war. A lady aimed Mrs. Davis, of Richmond, who got on the boat at Norfolk, died in the ladies'` esbinjost before reaching here. . Two• bridal parties cause up on the same . boat. qi . ', • ~ There is a large and curious crowd; all or: derly, around the Spottswood Hotel, welting to get &glimpse of the prisoner. He Wm re main in General Burton's charge until prodne : ' ! ed in Coqrt on Monday: , The citizens generally, in deference to the wishes of the authorities, staid sway from the duke. Many of them were stationed La doors and windows along the mein street to see Davis as the proceseitin pissed ti - ii. He oceu piee*the use rooms et thelpottewood ~ I lotel that. he, did in 1801. " It lathe opinion , ss ex pressed by_ one of the counsels, that if bail is refused him, the Esecutive will interfere to prevent cionfinement until his trial comes off. Many of Mr. Davis' friends will visit him to, night and to-morrow. , . ''_.•ffieunclitn, Mel 11.—The • crowd - around the Spottswood Hotel dispersed' after viiinly waiting to see ,Davis. He Las a private par lor, and takes his meals in his own room.-1 This eveniug• among visits from nearly t i onO'hundre rominent citizens, &pg them 4 , 1 , the Pastor of. St. Paul's Church, Whore he first received the news of the breaking of Lee's lines. ' There is no restriction of his movements, and he JUts the liberty of the house. • - . In view of the regent riot, ' the 11th United t - -f., States infantry is about to encamp permanent, AY at City Springs Park, Within the city. Some citizens laid before ffenendSchoBeld anomplaint ;bout the 'language uked at the 'colored meeting on 'Friday night: as likely to , produce ferther diiturbenee, sad the matter is being investigated... ~ - - •, • .' A large windier of peniiits'sre biing - gran ted to be present lathe seision'of the_ United States - Court on , Monday, many of them to colored people. „ Blouson** May 18.-The United States Court view packed this tnorning. A military guard was plaited around it, and there Was a Istrong police force inside. About twenty la dies were among the spectator. A. , niimber of ,negroes were also present as spectitors. At 11 o'clock Mr. Dav , is was brought in and took s scat next to the prisoners' boi, with.Ben end Burton and 'the United States Marshal. A servant accompanied Mr. Davis. , Mi. Davis was sitting near an open window, and made the remark, ' , lt is a little cold, isn't it?" when he -was removed to a seat nearer his i g e nnsel,ia front of the Judge. General e n's return to the writ of bade • corpse as read, and the Judge complimented General Burton in obeying the laws,' and re lieved Idia of the custody of Davis, end the Manihiki immediately served on. hinin bench warrant. to answer the- Noriolk indictment. Mr.O'Connor spoke of Mr., iisvis' long ire prisonrnent and feeble health, and *skid that he wwita• . , , There being no opposition on the part of the prtuctillon i whilAxed the amount of tbail at $lOO,OOO, the Judge announced-his readiness to accept-bald. stating st the same WA, that theresponsibilit, of delay in bringing the ease into court rested upon the Government and not upon the District Attorney. He said ono:, half of the amount of bail should be given by versus Podding ii the State of Virginia.— The sureties then suss fernard. Hardee Gree ly being among the 'int, followed bii Mr. • 840, of New York, and kr. Jaskisai,. of Philadelphia, end _ethers. A. niusber of gen tlemen :residing Isl. Virginia - offered their amass as bait . . . . Davis was ougratultdod lir- several of his friends. but there was ao onoastration or sobs of ash kind." • , - • 4- Atter givitig ,bailee app ear at the Novem ber tens of• Court, Davis was taken b 7 week to ti ii =mewood. Roue. front theme be to New York en-routs for. Okada, whets he Willbtay for. sons time to eon: ' ORKZEI . two negross. A nuinberWie wounded, among them one poliosmas and a white boy. Judge Katley is at the Datil! House, and ,lewres to morrow tin' ' ' Bout men were killed and tienty, wounded in Mobile, and for what reaeorit Not because Judge Kelley itteredradleal oPinioes, but be cause in• Mobile the spirit of rebellion lista] unconquered. But the other day ene of her papers boaisted that Mobile was the last city, totturrender to the Vatted ,Bates.l In spirit and intention the riot differo not one whit from an battle of the war,-and probably only 'want of opprotunity prirented a massacre to bkOy' as thst in New-Orleans. IT a alien of the Vaned Suttee cannot adfirus a Meeting In Mobile safety, tlikAlatmuna cannot eafttlY bet-Omitted to repreiverdetiel in Congress.— There ispat one Way to'decitathis tfteetiftY— • a deep aid broad line must be drawn between loyality, and tree/es:such a line as Gen. Sherd idan has drawn itt Louisiana. After the ex perience of New-Orleans it is not Creditable to the military government of•Alabame that this riot Aonld have ammo& That Judge Kelley refused to speak *pia - is not lionnisinx. he should have been protected at tinit, and after so narrowly reeaping*lth his life,. halm wise• ly declined to offer himself as:dale d target to theltebels of Mobile.—N. A serious not occurred en the 44th lust, at Mobile, in which n"number 14 persons.were killed and wounded The riot .eriginstrd in, an - sitar& on ledge Eel*. while speaking. I by some psrsous- of Rebel, sympathies, and was an outeersiopinigof the spirit of Ft. Pillow. and New-Orietins. The Judge was detcaded and hhandhstei batiks own., Mostutitilestaital r aitY 14.--Our eiartsr election came off yesterday, sad the Berbli iamieleoted their ticket without opposition.— this is quite a Otatme Wont, as last mouth the Dasocrsta oinledthe town by small majority. • Ir L said sinker Colfax expressed the opin ion a few days agog that there would be ao meeting of Congress in July, and marmot the Radicals now here: including BontWell, Ash ,ley, Butler, and others of the house, have any Wes that is quorum will be found pressnt in either branch of Congreas at, That time... . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS AN.NOUN'tEMINTS. We 'are requeste4 to announce the names o the following" persons as candidates fur. the offices for which *they arc minted. For .A,las_embly.,. T. J Cuanotru ) Rocheater borough. CAPIYJAME:r DARRAGH, Borough twp. Tuomas J. Powtz, Roehea_ter bor. S. B. WILSON, Beaver borough, Tuostas Nicubtsos, Hanover Imp. - S. G - Catiour.Y, South Beaver tp. „ For Associate Judge. • Dr. M. .I.AWIIENCE, , GTCOMI tp For Prothonotary. . 'RfiIIEICT DICKEY, Brighton towtes,hip. Joip; CAUCHEY. Beaver ' borough - 1 WaLau, - Beaver borough. For Treasurer. . (-BARNES, Borough townahip. Lam EDEN ALLISON. Beaver. WiLsos, New Brighton. • For Commissioner„ -ViromAM EwiNo, Riemoon townsh ip JosErn Flosamor, Won township Jona e. Comm, Raccoon tp. Jury Commisibitier. JOSEPH C. WILSON,• Beaver-.borough For Auditor. GEORGIC 'K. SMANNOK, gopewell:tep. For Poor House Director. • SAMUEL Me iIifiNAIFK, nomy For Trustees of ,Academy. S. J. Own, RoChester borough. Jo4N BARCIAT, Btutver j . , - TSte -oil[ie,Wnsieoidaiily cf . owied out tide week. 'Primary meeting June In. • County Convention June 3d, 1567. Deolinition. Erdion My kindest, 141161411 are dee the manti friends who prcrepted the at. ncumeement 'array nameifor tie Ace of Codr . ;.. ty Commissioner ; and strong as the claims of the eddies; may be, • fox mini( I bays-Daly to my, that whoa! intrWasie for my okOutti. l 7 was simple my enty ta it; end my.country men, wliliat torwsrd me fr9r doing my duty, elan have the opportunity iwhen the proper time arrives. Ira the present. 4103114 , TJENLIETANDERSO/4, WRNDT. if. D., Escoß4EcieArr.Elitsrr - Ass), alualfres, P 4. s - Anne" ANY itliffitkiNag ON LOCUiT ‘4:l' &MK,: betweva itiiiireid and. Bridge !Knots. - rinsyV . 67:ll2l t iiiimmii.spoWrfluelipilliu4 • .0,40, dav•nditiontittpoolit • nitiZ: Coatis if Coinnoliplono of *minty Of Ilfos , oifik to. _.__,_ gl,-t, 10111 t o. intpookto polo o sale,'At titillating'. 011 0 1 4 in thebotonstl. Bower, I* %lit:county dm , oak!, on . , . ' • - SATURDAY, Just Bm, 113 - 67 ' ' • " 1 • at 10 o 4 clock in the forenoon. the following PP:Tali-IP-wit : f _i• - • : 'All r4ht, title, int erest andolaim of defend. ant, of, ier-mmi to a martain...traat- of lath in ; Chlipewa,township,baver- county, Penn!‘„ .bontaieditokth,by-lanße of -William DaVulsem I and other". ' east by lands' of the "Ifermomy Society and David Cochron":l hare, south by lands of IssaO Cox and C. billillin, and west by land of S. Ill'Consughey and Cunningham's' heirs. conhaining _l9O- acres more or less , on which i s er‘cted one lOgandbneframe dwelling liaise, with caller under each house; a frame barn, one log barn and, other out-buildings; two orchardi• on the premises ; about 140 acres. Altars& and under , fence. -The s h ove tract of land endelaid with - coal. -; - • -, Seized and' taken in execution as the prop. erty of Andt w Welsh, Jr., at the suit -of S. No. 2, ' 1 ALSO: • ' "At the satne time and Pace, all the' right, title, interest F and claim of Andrew • Smiley, one of the defendants, of, in and fo the fellow. lug tract of r d, situate - in Big Bearer town'. ship. Beaver County. Pa., bounded north 11 land of the heirs of Samuel Blair, east by Big Beaver creel, on the weal by Robert Stumon, and on.thel !Oath by- heirs. of Samuel Blair, cottaiiihg 1/1 acres more or leas,aliout 90 acres cleared:'thentire farm under Sines, on which there is erec ed a Food, frame dwelling-bottle , large frsspA and outbuildings; a good or. chard on khe premises. The SIM 'underhOd with I tikes foot Vein of c0a1..:. 1 r Seised taken in execution as the prop. L y arty of -Smiley, at the suit of. David Beatty.. • Altlo, - at the suit of Bbbert Stiniel's admiraprat r. - -., , • 1 e i tri No. S,'• • - ••. • ALSO, '',..1 ' -:I At the m e time and vises, all - right, title, inter t and- claim. of f defenylant , of. in aid th a c lot of ground in the bormigh of Hooksto Beaver county, PL., bounded north by sc 00l lot, east by street,s'outh byllot of Wm. P rises heirs, and west by lot of Jame Milli on'whiolt there is erected sr ohs iin story frame dwelling 'house. with cellar nix? dernestb, a rams , stable and ant-bnildings.— Lot eacios and and planted in fruit trees, • Behest d taken as the property of Thom asCalahmt, s4the suit of W ill ail Smith. No. 4, - • . ' ALSO. At the sa e time sod place, all the right,, title,, interest and claim of Margaret Wilson, one of tha defendants, of in and to a certain lot of ground, being part of lot No. 872, fn the borough of New Brighton, being 81} feet , from the- netth side thereof, and •boanded • it north by No.' 871. east .by -Third street: south by rt of said lot No. 872, (south pnrt). and west b .Beesnd street; &leo, the other , part of 'Mild lot No 872,being 10ifeet more or less _off the south side thei•of, and bounded north by the until' petition of said lot No. 872, • east by' Third Street, south .by hit •No. 878. and west .by Second street: The two ortions 'above deseribed, embrace the whole of Lot No 372; op which there is erected a two sto ry tiame dwelling house and Out-buildings. Lot enelesiel and planted with fruit trees. Seised and taken as the property of Marga ret Ilfilsoei, at the suit' of If, A. NVGiU's isiL minist:a* and Trustee. for use of E.•Moops, Inardlin ef minor children, of J. A. El'olll, 1 aimed. . _... ... • No. 5, i - Aust. i. At the same time and place, acltright, title, interest and claim of defendant. of, in and to Lot No. * in the borough, of Preedorn,, Bea ver' sedgy, Ps., bounded on the seith-east by 'glair,. street. oa 'the south-westity Iffolf al ley, on the Mortii=west by lot No. 19. on tie north eastlby Main street; on !whisk there, is erected isleyse two story frame dweßing house with cellar older it. "Also, a large (frame brewerysad listures. Lot emelosed and pinat as with flint trees. grapes,4o. • 'Seised end taken is execution as the• prop• arty of Lewis Bpply, at the snit of •Willians C. Gall- • I• J. S. L TTELL, Sheriff. i * .1 Ensairr's Onics, Bearer, May4'67. pIIERIFF'S SALE. IDY .vi of a certain writ of • Fiera Facies. _ED its ed out of the Orphans' Court of Bea ver county, and to ' we directed, ,I, will expose ` to public sale, at the Sheriff's Offtce, in Beaver,: on - i .- , SATURDAY, !r1 8rn,' , 1867 , - at 10 o'slock,. 11. tu., the' following property, to wilt . f. 'All right, title, interest snd claim of defend-. ints, of. in ' and to the following tract of land cituate la Chippewa townsbip, Beaver county; Pa., bouided on the no r th by land 'of rim. Naii.,oulthe. east by land Of John Cochran, on the seat by. land of AndreW Welsh's heirs and others, abd on th'e' west., ;by . land of - Welsh', heirs ancilt he ilarmony society;containthgabout 100 am eS, about 75 acres; cleared; on which there is erected a two story stone house. large frame baru,wagon Louse, spring house, and other mit-buildings. Good orchard on the premises. • Seised' and taken in exemitioni as the prop erty of Rachel Jan e Cochran mid Sarah Ens ibeth eochran,'m inors, , whose giniklian. is John W! Welsh, at the suit of Sarah tidcbran.. . • J. S. LITTELL, Shf . riff. •• Sumuies Orrlcz,Beavei,3ll43 , 22, '6 . • • • 'LICENSE NOTICE• T IS* of Applicants fOr License at June , Tank 1867.. • , , ' .. • - ROTSLa, &O. • William M'Cown ...... ...Darlington b ro David Johnston Big Beaver tarp. Jameb Doncaster Rochester boro. Andrew Swaney- Green twp. David Magaw - New Brighton hon. , ! JohnU. Camp' 41tocheater. •• Jas.!. tarris Brighton twp. Mike Carpi Jr Rochester boro.•.> • Adapt Johnitton ........Rochester • iiarnto amain. 4 becea Darlington boro. Greas Beaver.Fal City. J b Longenecker.....Fallston bo • . • E len Auger Phiilifieburg nor'& Nathan WCown..... •• JOut Aber. "• Industry twp! J. Lintivii..l Big Beaver twp. -Francis-Blount New Brigh on. '• Alegander Deviney- • •• • vo saga unnon 11t QOADVeletee MO? Lee THAW ciFART, Tocrstrisa wan #. mittva MZILOILIXDISIt. C. Rowdier PhlUipab i g bore., ,Poter, Angel. .. ..... ......Bridgewster OlLC:lipoyeree • Rooliester JOHN A. FRA.WHIR. !Clerk. may22'67-84: WILL P. Ginurx • = (mar GRAULUIf & B Veahlaii able :Hat re d ' ' No. 52. St. Clair Streit, (Between itb.sad Paiiati.opiLasirlietet.) P/TTSBURGH, P 4. OM*, - oArstad *ItRAW 3068; of, miry 'style apB . siositir. 916 e Wer7l lowest pries*. , Etssytrfil&4. == =WI =ill KM Moleyere & Aeapips -! . , ; litehines in the - '11• 1 States I U. . . . refit Flatitmal Field trial of Mow - ds "iirs'oelAl:Wro, held at Auburn, N. Y. I r* - B(lB,oaditating three weeks, GramiGokli iledilkondliighest premium was awarnied, the Iftibb#d Coiebined Mower I Ranier with self-rake attached, is the best rionabined Ms chine. Al the Grand Monieg tria;‘ of the Funkiin ,linatitute, held at Syracuse, No Y., , -in August, • 1866, the first , premium Grknd Gold kled4 wait Awavda4,le - the, The ittawd slioqiiihlai sis auticoaire year" the iirst.pendunt_et. the _Ohio State Fairs.r— For Gale by gAsinar =mix. Enou vs*" Ps. - -[mar 22, iB6T-2t. T i !NW . DEAL= IN ALL rrirk t .-06pper =I PROPOSE KEEPING CONSTANTLY ON hanct i4U kinds orl N. CORPEE' AND 8 ENT-IRON WAEE, w ieh I will scal '.eiT TUE Low_or .17121g0: I%lM:bang, Span et job work Done to order in the b t __possible inn nner and at the:shortest. notice • Using none but the best of omen) and bav • - ing none but the beet of 'workmen, WE, WARRANT B ' AL'LWORK • • • s4rop ON THE LOVER END OF 1 Ir4Stree 13ENV,ER. PA. Clot u& a Call and Examine our Stock. Japanned ware kept constantly on hand. nisy 47: tf • -- .77:e".*" THE PLACE . 70 BU Y" EAP GO'ODS! DO CALL AN D R SEE THEM - 1 - AVING reently purchased a complete and fine assortment :of Y GOODS, OTIONS, • lIARDWARE, • • . QUEENSWARE, TINWARE, GROCERIES, &c. e ate prepared tOaelltat astonishing low prices. I'r nts Gifighams rcr l own. Muslin j Bleached " I, Other goods in proportion pal and see our goods, No charges for shbwing them. Ail kinds of Coantryrroduce taken in exchange for goods.' ORB. & Third at., Beaver. InisyB'67-3nabe. I ' 1.1-r• tst: t or June Term, 1867 - .• ' 2D uosn'AT. • . • ' COmm. of liana, use, Ts.•..G. Sltrodes. Disney Ewing, et. al.: " Jos. Fronk; ct. at. Kiwee.Y Sr. wife. - Poe & wife. .T. Price ' , & Co. ,! Smith & Reno. • • same, l, .1. F. Willinins &Co . 3D MONDAY'. ' . 'CD. Hugh Anderson. .• WM. M. Shirts. Co.' John Graham, - et. at. Thos. Greenlee. Geo: W. Barclay. A. J.Chambers,etai G. W. Hainilton. Y.. S. Morlan. et. at. M. 4BYAND, Prothonotaiy. •Roheit Morgan_ James Collins & Co. Aohn Bea!,ty's.Exec'r. " Osterman & Co. 4! Samuel idorrOw }teary Barr. 4. W. Alaxandesea hrs IV. R. Denny's heirs • .r Thos. H. Jackson mityl l 6 l 67 John Barlow Barlow, Ann 'orbit*, David tar ow, .Thmis..Barlow, Es- Iher *enyon, Rachel Jackson, Sarah Barnes, phi' Barlow , Thomas Witham, John, idnty and Jonas Smith, Sarah Hatfield, . William Pullen, Tames Patin' ildary - .tWititehead. Es: Woolley, Samuel parkiison, Lerins met gii*Bou; . Jane T.nghatn, Darbythire,Wll- Main Smith,.: Jonathan Smith and Jonas Eche- i. • "I+ _ I .• . 7• "my fit Deed from I HberilrLittell to HenjamirkPiintefact acknowl-H edged. flame day, on motion-of Sheriff Lit- I .11 R. Harrah,' Esq., appointed 441 tee to distribute the money in the hands of the • lame County, as t' • • A . trail *atm* from the ltesoid. Attest F • CSEA.I4). U, Prothonotary... • The Audit:44'64:Se mated wir, meet tie nas als intereatad, for the purpose of his appoint ,is Mt aloe. in • e Borough of Bearer, on Thunday the alb day at hunk 18 6 7;:5s 10 o'cleek, laat which time aid place, all Promo anvini lay claims ansiant tke estate of. Naomi Jackson,dec'4l4ris hereby - notified I ist attend. , J. .8. UARtIAU, itaylsll-3t. • = Auditor. : rteitillitefrNiNOtfe‘; 4 1 . 1 .40mAMP grits W :tailko • Administratian aid Guardlei • ae co i t o, w ch hare beta itumpl : and 1 44 ht the Rai. w e e ! Mae, of Heaver truudy, Pa.;wir notice thatAlti elute bit O r prevented to the.phans' Court Eta be held al Bearer. hi allowance. mut for the' Coitityt:`dfritisteer 4 . gar_ma rsour JUNe 12ra, A.,: D.,491114- for conglinAtion lad ;• • First tpitiLlinal acrouni - •if- James adMinistrator &mu steams Itstesesto gish t i; ct Joeeph Walker.-deel:- • First sod-fine! account. of - John P. Itrn ° ' • execdtiti at! therzlist' - orlil of Ititrilti iint * deed — " • Fival.accewat of Itetteecs istrattix Of - the "eliste .of johnotAult w ' deed. Account. of jainei Ramsey; 0tav44 1 , 01 . Nlizallthl Carothers, minor dautipiet cef Cariathents: die& 1 • - Jas The account of John 31 '?iinitrie, amiit s , tretor of .the- . estete of &Tribe,- Ipfurtrk deed. 2 - • L:. First. am,L i tinalaecounf of Peter Croak 'irtinistrator Of ilie.estatc of S e u tuelliTosself. • deed, • - ' Final acc o unt of iohn FQelia . A4lc.O.fiat`-, estate of . Chai:Keeljn. dec'd, First and fitta4acf3ount of David ltee i ri4 Rot t. &Ott,' exechtors of the: lest of gam: John Scott, . - -First and final sotomat, of David Rens*, administrator of the estate of 'Eugene 1„ fi t ,„ onoleed. : Final account - of Dr. Thos , . Robtat a. Guardian of Henry Smith, one of the chi of Henry 'Stelth,;_deted:. Final account of Dr. Tbotnas Soh i isan4, • Gnardian of !sane Smith, one of the =to children of Henry Smith, deed. • Final account of- Bantuel..,Piersoll.thunfiat of Wm. C. Stewart,l,miuor child Of Prattle Stew. art, d ec'd, ' • , WE. .~~ NM OF , 6 , .& Sh.eet : First !tni - 1 final account of Adronlleaderson, executor,,,of, the last will of Jno..,llend cru k . deed.' • ' , " Account _kfJno• B. Crooke, Goaradamoiflia.;, belletraietninor daug hter of Jiiint erg& _ deo'd. • Account of Robt,Wilson. Guardian ef-Praf tenon P,Rowe.niinor on of Jane Pint and final account of-James Fag** executor of last will of Stanton Gordon, deed, Account ,JolutMentz, administrator of the estate of Jelin Reed, decd. Account of John.Slintz, idininlitratot-ot the estate of, Rebecca Reed. deed. • Personal 'and real Teitate 'ICCUIM,S*Of Di• ward ROops and Jas. C. Ferguson; t•reetatorsot lait will of /mei' Ferguson; • Account of C. ainnoinratot of the estate ;o? /coati Warner, deed' Account of J. C. Wilson, executor of last, will of James DrCulleugb. deed.. - - Account of J. C : : Wilson, administrator of the estate of , Hoff. Thounts CunnisOsa, decd.• - O. R.Z.A.NI3IIIITZ. • The account of'.l adnikististor of the estate Wm. T. Morron•, , Account of Enos . administratHor of the estate of Alfred C. Hill, A'count of 'Andrew Wattersov, exeester of the last win or sJohn Walton. deed. At:count . of _Amos Doutt; Guardian of /woe Doutt, minor son of A mon Doutt, acted " Final account of Eliza Wally.% adminiatta. trii of the estate of John Waimea, lee'cl: Account of E. P. Townsend, esecotosOf the last will oftenyn. Account *AR. ljanditn, ei'r of last will of Jno. Russell, dee'd. • • Actount of Rohl W. Stewart. eir. of. the ,f,iet will of Mary . eno Stesena,n. deed: A t oount of RlizeiVallsos. alters of the et , tate of JoltuWallaefe, dee'd. Ancitunt of G !ladders, Guardiau of :Stro ud Shenrer, minim eon, of Joseph Shearer. dee'd. 1 J I - • • Account of Jno. qaughey. .euretying ex'r, of the jut will of'Simnel Smith, .tee'4l. - Aooonntot iti. li Yrazier, painit. of the ee• tote of Jno i l3ibbj deo'd. •. neat • tonne sicount of- Wm. -It Figgie. truotees appointed byd, Orphans, Court, in lie estate of Jou. Gibb, fllliOLgitiN. itegiont. W., IL MARRLitt, , • Mon. uments & Itaal St* 10 cents, - 18 4 . 12i ‘% •• ITALIAN & AI/EIIICAN M:ostir Mantles, Marble • M *arlite Stone 'Fencing and Posts for Cemetery Lots -Made to Order- - AM now repare.l to offer to the patas, l I. large and superior stock of plsiD "(tila I " r * namentat head. states of the eery label send4tuperior finish. and for which I 31:3• 14 " ling 25 per .ceutl less for cash. that .Uty .the fitm iu•the Siate. respectfully intitetiet irspthing ;anything in my tide. to calt saw amine my stock and prices 'ldol 1- chasing ,elseuiero, as I ant tietena4 o . 4l b Under sold. ' • . • ' Prirrs. FiU,l6 JL - orn,erly DIME. SAVINGS INSTITUTiO • No. 67 FOURTH Street, nearl`oprO, I . le. Bank of. Pitisubrgh. •Chartered. isiso g-c Six Per Cent 'lnterest AlloireA. Opts , from 9 to 4 o'clocl, and on Viettnesisys o ' , BstUrday Evenings, from l'tbty lit to Non! ber let, :Ito 9 o ' clock, and from 'orember 11 ' to Ma Ist, 6 to 8 o'clock. Books -or By—laws; Sc., furlniAleti it office, gratis. • - This Institution especially Ictlers to 0 ; 1' whose earnings are limited, the 4 PP 3 rt.l /3 ; t e 'd to tecitinulate, by small deposits, guilt fed,' " aum'otbich will be a resiairce-,' what tr" and bearing interest instead of remaiaiq produotive. - BOARD OF ME Summons Partitiou Priardent-LGeo. A. porry- - p a rk V. Presidents--,S. U, Uartmanda s- ,. Jr.. • , „ . B " retar Z 11144 Tressari;r-11. E. 3rtju ß P ,l A•arsalss, • tc• Nitu lck ' .• 4. S. 735 U,. •'. r, Raw-, /Ghia Josus RtiodeN . G. , Follansbee r John • Scott. Jai. L. Graham . Robe rt . Scuir - ... 1 Cbri4l4plher - W. A. S. BOY. Moy B,DMINISTUATOR'S 1,.10 of odudnivratton GOO , loax up, late of Dailispfs,oll* ltest .L4 i;er co., deed, haring bees groulteiets uniersigqed,sll; persons bitisbte di ' a imei we requested to-taskeinuatiifia o _,,P 1 :04 those having elsims alfsiiPtc. 56... 2-4 i t preseqt theist to the subscriber - theutidated for settlement. . , • • . VliO, :Ado sprlT'67-6i. Luee s Valle; EN ENEMA mavl4V( 7 'Rochester Marble Works.. i~ ~I AVANUF A 6' TIMER .OF, DEALER 1:1
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