. • .„ .. . „ . . .. __...„..,,_ „,' . • - 1 , At' - c ' ...mits sessossasss ....,,..... - 4..... , ' TV 1.-+ .1.1- et,A - rt. gli • , : ,,- -7 - 'hill be Published Every Wednesday; - . I _ ~. , , . part roolik IN fliE OLD ARGUE BUILDING; 1.. c 1 , 4,1i).-` ,-. .. - - - z... . 1 THIRD ST.; BRAVISR, PA., , , . . , , r•i -I 1 • i• , . . 4. , - t , 11 i m $2,00. per annum In.'Advanoe.- - ~, , i. - , ..-- - .•,7,4 4 * •..... -- 7 , . I .-Letters - And contributions, by mall, - • , _;, • :,1 , „ ,, ni,o 4ly na.".' 14'; '''. -- '1 '--.. - hell have prompt attention. , 7 . , - . Vol' 49 ' _ ,N - ~]. J. WEYANO, Editor ' :Proprietor . - • ever,' , : 0 0 z _ ~1 we -----1 rallston•Youndry! 1 0 '11(ifEt&, U> AD TRle t i a G r e at cf-,b e ctl: : -. AL , 4 , ~, ,i , E NGINE 6L REPAIR SHOP, 1 '' --- ~ . .-f. —77 -- -., e , . . 9 ,„:„ , ---- 7 , , p 7 . ~ 4 ...,,,, .. tar.43. _ 14 7 4, - .'.. ' 4- - • ... - = ~ • ---- .'_ - , ~ • Ala ... ........ 7 , In Fallston Seaver County,- Pt. Bruelteye , , , , • ~ _ , .. ,t _ ~ . = 4ll / . 29lt h e i e . ' -Arr..' • tr. , ' run Divas altoficontif •- • ' = l ,- , :-'.,-,-,- , , r - ttr_ , t4 . 63 :?; : 1i It i :LVING refitted and enlarged sty eteek of ~,,,.. - • machinery ' and tools, and having seen-- MO e 1• „411;td ' Reaper . - . . . , , . , , dt e services of the best , of mechanics, I - ... , elliig_lllL. e _ . am' prepared to warrant all wort done to l i .. . . . .-...-......... give entire satisfaction., I helm on hand dif- I 4. i - It '''i: fereelipatterns and s t y l es of Engillia, Fire • -••• Comer Of DisininilHlll{ Thirit . 'ft, •-•=:'' ; c i t y Bolls, and am prepared teacake or repair '1 . ..-t i al 4 , , .41 . - , , Ail descriptions of machinery, on reasonable r . 10 0 , .„ - - __. - 7.4. •. _ terms. -4• A I 3Ele•asrer 3Pee,.. • - *ll . t.. '. 4 •.. ~-:- - .. . . . ~ - . , ..‘ A 1 3 10W$ .and Plow ' Castings. i p li - ~, > . , —. 1 . - I have telt • the best - plow patterns that. nit ---- A --- ____„,_-__-___ ----7 - -, - _i' : ‘., -_. .a.s , rrim DRUG STORM FORMERLY OCCIIe E this market, among which is the "Great --..--- ----, ~.4r•;:.-4, - ' _ a - - -,.-- --- .1. pied by _Me . . ELtatunen & Aim 'lO ^ Western," -which has been ens plow of the , has been purcbased by , scouts for the last fifteen years. Therepire Again Triumphant! - , c free sizes of this plow, elf of which I castnu• S. B. PAECOMICS I 2 - ' facture and keep for Bale; also "Patent Le- t - Cer"-right and left-" Mountain King."- , This , extensively known, and deserredly * ao - now 0217110 , , • 7 right and left-"Sida Hill," paid nearly all popular lachme was submitted to .the most . , 1 1 vigorous est of its superiorty, at a trial of • the di ff erent kinds in laze. , • compelia machines that took place under the A. Fu ll an d . c om pt e tegtoftor , J. • - - • nianagem rat of the . New' York tkelety, at , . booking; Franklin and Heating StoVes Auburn, N. Y., in July 1866. The, committee I , • consisted of eleven judges, and font, machines 4. , . Having made several important improve- were entered as contestants for the prize.-=-S nu DRUGS & lIEDICNIN, isents on the "Climax," by which coal ar The trial lasted three weeks and the tests' , 1 wood tan -mapped without lifting lids, and were most thorough The result was an t. - having two eines for pipe, either or both of nounced at the State Faitheld at Saratoga& on ,01 - 1-MIAMC &1 -f:, thicli earl be tiabd at the same time; with a the 12th of Sept. last, and the • 4;entilation to the oven, thus having the ad- , IP e r fu. 3:22. e r wr g avenges of a Cooking Stoye, 13ake Oven and franklin Stove combined This(tove has been - GRAND GOLD MEDAL ...,.. SOAPS, TOILET ARTICLrod , in constant C-se for twenty ye re. and many • of them after being used for , his period of was then awardedthe time, are now in good order. There i is but a , And Bnishes of All rmdti. - e a portion of this stove that ever , burns . ant, end this is easily and •chea.Ply replaced. Buckeye _PROPRIETARY GOODS AND T o wile them still morelasting, we are now 1 . . patting in 4 ile or fire brick ruling. Our other as the machine • DYE-STUFFS. patterns are the Enterprin, „keystone and Premium. Parlor stoves, large and small , ...lip iserior to All Others. heating stoves, Franklin stoves, Jenny Lind's, , • , a.c. 'Grate and Grate Fronts, Fenders, Iron - 1 A similar testimony Was 'attended it in the ; hailing of various styles, Wagon Boxes, two I ens, Tire Benders, Corn Sliellers,iForce and same State, in 1865. This machine is regard- , ' C stern Pumps Sad Irons, Metal' Sinks for kfr ax-' n " .. ed by t h e w ho can epee ma i • , - perience, as the , _ . We are prepared to sell PURE & SECOND 1 tcheu, Sheet. Iron and Tin ware, always on it ad ctrl made to order. In, fact, I manufac- ; QUALITY WHITE' LEAD, AND- OILS of all Best in the World, t re and keep for ,sale, , ---4most everything • kinds, I. .eittshatrgh ,Priees. %tamed in the machinery ors, hardware line. - .- . ~oI limulstoves alwayi for sale cheap• and is manufactured by the incorporated Com- • ..;,. f1e1... Pkese Call acr d ;lie C onv i nced. 1 Two rood new engines, suitable for sam-mill 1 an or or shop purposes now• on hand, and will be . Ce AULTIII AN & co. _ - sold reas.nrAhle. NI IND() Ar GLASS OF ALL SIZES tem 13 . ',7.-Iy. JOHN THODNILEY. • , . ~ ~ Youngstitiwa, New CatitlieptL,Erie Express • - Persons wanting any of those machine' leaves It oungstown, £1.0 1 07c,m; New Castle, It: A. {{'t{{'{{'tuns Janet - BROWN • .k- , . .., ed, who is the Agent. for Beaver county. fr 4 looa.m ; arrives ,„ NEW STORE, NEW PULE. , !. 1 JAMEJ PATTERSON. ' ' . turning, leaves PiitsbusgYoungstown, 9.80a.m r'fftne - Vastle, 8.25a.m.. aprlTo7l , rma, . New Gallilee. Pa. ' . I Youngstown , Whi sk eys, stock v of Alcohols,: . ? 11 ' 18 v/1 1 1 6" li °l3" V a l i t 1 ; CSC -' • J. & 11. PIIILI, I. .P S., and other en rs, e f oun deav aa e, - • complete, and,.being seleeted with great me, 00a.m. Return , 26 & 28 ST. CLAIR ST., New Groceries. ~ . can be,relied upon as being- Pure as can be to; cretins New obtained, and will be sold for Medical. Me- 7•2oP•nn - - , 1:3 0 ,2, - ttenae - Wrg• 1=1 0 43„„ 5 , -chanieol. and Sacramental purposes onl„!. ' -, -7 - 7417 : XX I ' fi N Manufacturer; land Dealers in - 77‘4177,70 riPtiC 6 / 2 4 • al/$ l 4 'family CLEW 11 1 ‘, .1 eij B 11, 0,111 , FLOOR 0114 CLOTHS, 'l, - Receipts Accurately Filled': at on and after A '• FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS, • 411. /30..,Urg• r ., : ..., -*• , ' 1- "'•ti • • - - deist, 1 ' ENAMELED OIL CLOTHS, ; - - -, e • .1, ; • - - ; 1011 - m E FECTFt 7 LLY announce to their nu- - Ora Prescription •ana medicine Depart ..i.,-, „11, oral's friends and the public generally, TABLE OIL CLOTHS, men being under the personal supervision of tom !toy intend opening alkiew Grocery Store , .TAI ii, OIL CLOTHS, 114:211.. M. Halm:roe with an - experience of MI • : Transparent- Green 0.13. Cl o th, seven -Years, we flatter ourselves that we can BRIDGE ! ST-.„ BRIDGEWATER, for windoW shades, • give full satisfaCtion is any brahch iff the business - 4' Transparent Window Similes, - sdonntng the Dry- Qood Store of A. C. BUFF lIOLLANDS, ' , 0,, -t, on the sth day fif March. . . 110111. Remember, the place-near the, Post- It is their intention of having on hand, at • Sit ADE FIXTU RES. , Office, corner Third street end the Diamond, all i mns, a full assortment of the TASSELS, coßns , & c., ,t e Beaver. \ f • : ST. FAMILY' GROCERIES! ALSO, DEALERS IN I ' All are respectfully invited to call and ea- BEene goods and prices before purchasing • i ' • India Rubber Machine Belting, Hose, Steam . • , Packing. Casket, Tubing, Cement„ , e lsewhere. aine I Beaver, Apr24'67: l y J. B RHODES: :11,1 ley beg leave, to Mat e that they are de- Clothing,. and Rubber _ , t.fruned to compete with all other dealers goods generally. J II BENCE • . - GOING NORTH. - ,te tietown or neighborhood, as their Stock (.1 ood& are all new, and bought at the late Oak Tanned Leather Belting, Lace _Leather, . _ 1 , , - re)* redaction, and selected with the great _ Belt Hooks, Rivets, Lubricating 8D STEET, (1 DOOR BELOW SEMINARY,) - . Mai& In's. btAn. Accost s r cai-e b'y Mr. _Harvey Brown, whose knosrl- Steam Packing, &c. _Beaver, P a. _ __L.,..._ . ,Wellsville ....1 850 ass. 412rx -enf , of the bu•tneos cannot be qustwned, hav- Agents for the universal ; Clothes Wringer. _.-.. I „„ 4 , • mg been uit h 11r. Arthur Ilareei• for many Bayard.. ..... 10: •• 5 26 ” , A geneial assorlmebt of the above named Offers to bis Friends, and Customers a select Alliance 1115 " 605 " )cm ...,• t • , . ••.715.0t. TheY • call par+lcular attention to their goods aways on hand. Stock of the , 1 Ravanna 1204px . 643 ii 810 " ..,„ 1. 7 ' Millersburg.. I He; of Te is ,\-. Coffee, no they flatter . them- Orders respectfullrgolicitod arid • promptly ijatest , . .614,4 they have , something extra to offer filled. - (mayl'67:tim AS E 1. , ui e s orr,rine n, to prt4 and quality.'' _ • Akron ........ 11. 1. The besti brands of Family Flour always • Hudson 1286 " 716 " Farm For Sale. In Trimming" , - • *--- ...... r .. 850 " en lurid. -Produce taken at till times at full ' Euclid street 187 " 804 " 10 02 I. trail.m pris 4. Al/ boas at rrflE undersigned effete his farm _for taste, EMBROIDERY, , ' Cleveland.... 1b0" 816,'! 1015„ -4.1 1 ILSON & BROWN.• L situated in Darlington township, Beaver ' lIANDKERCHIEFS, ---; manna SASS. ' 1 Tirtigew t er, Feb. :i . i•' 67 --.ly . Co., Pa., on a public road i a mile south -of LACES, • , i I - . , Malt. Fix ?a, En's., Acoox INSOR - ANCE, AGENCY. Said farm is adapted either to raising Grain - or Stock. 'lt ls 1:vell watered / I contains 115 .- RI B BONS, - ; l_i_..._ _ __H._ I __. 7 .._ acres, •'B5 of which are cleared , and balance in ' BUTTONS, Belaire....:-. 430px - 560.tx 1040 ax 1.....,... Till: inider.igned has been appointed agent. timber. The improvements are, a' good ' iII§IERY, Bridgeport- 440 1 " 606 '.l4i 1060 ‘.1.. .: .. 1 'lnv tile „Etna Insurance Company.; of DWELLING 1101.1 E, 4 TABLE, with wag- CORSETS, ` GLOVES, Lagrange..... .... . , llirtMrd, fowl , and likewise for the Niagara on Shatleand Corn Crib attached, and a Sheep Steubenville. 555 " 728 " 1158 '' - . Wellsville ..;. 720 " 820 " 'l4ont ln. , trance ,Company of New York, and the 1 House 28 by 41 feet. There are on the 'item- 1 -610,ate hierpre:e I nsaranee Company of Philadelphia. tees • tTIDIES, - Sa3l l ll' l3 Fen7 742 " 942 " 202 " 645 ti,,oh of these Companies insure dwellings, 360 FRUIT TREES, 1 1 `BAL. SK .....,. r p me Beaver'.::.... Roohester ... 820 "1 820 di 240 " 45 " 1 tau-buildings, &Dreg, M a nufactories, &e., &C. -300 apple and 60 Peach and Cherry, of the The new style 'lnvisible Empress Trail Hoop Pittsbur hI '93o'" 1025 "I B6O s' 910 " II .. , amin.t his by tire, on favorable terms, for five i very best varieties. Two hundred of the • ap- Skirt, Veil Stuffs, Grenadines, Sun Um- ----- :Inn+ or Ipso. ' brellas. Zephyra, Ladies and Gents , • • ' 1 ple trees are beginning' to bear fruit. Part 1 , 0,e; equitably ndjusted and promptly of the farm is underlaid with Pa Per Cuffs 'and Collars, &c. mum wan. loaf , Then the inttrance is effected. All bu " ,}TAIL. Ears... ESP'S'. AettoX n^- ^ n e, TWO OR THREE VEINS OF • ..., oqnezted with either of these ecitulim ritILLINERY. --.— -- —•••••-••• F:Plt attended to with dispatch and fidelity. ii COAL . • description. ... Pittsburgh ~ 615,kx 200 en 485 ex 3nOrx from 2to 4 feet in thicknes's. , Of every Hats and Bonnets, Rochester ., :,_ 725 ,A. 305 s. 545 .. 445 di JOS. M CURE, Agent.t i 1 "g.2l`'f; , ; ly. Beaver. Pa The neighbbrhood is geed. Schools and very cheap. Beaver Churches are ennvenient, and there is an ex- I Flowers in everfratiety,cheap. Hats andßon- SallihWerrY 812 'n. 348 "I 62)3 " 644 " I eellent market at Enon Station. I nets altered and cleaned, cheap. , Wellsville '... 845 ii CM g.! 729 " 620 " Steubenville. 950 " 520 "1.818 " If not soldbefore, the whole or • 25 acres of! Dresimaking, Cloak and Sack Cut- th e farm will be offered at. Public Sale on Sat- I A L S O , Lagrange urday, the 15th day of Jun ting, Pinking., &e„ tte;• Bridgeport... 1112 dd 680 ii: 922 " Title indisputable. Appl Bellaire.-- ii 125 640 " 936 " .Laughing Gas T. . ,rion. all ye that have been suffering the. ‘,/ Antold miSeties of toothache, and dread of extraction; and You will And that ) Dr. Chand ler &Co. are ready to relieve you by the use et the great' pain -destroyer—LA COLUNG GAS , —s:n(l make their extraction a source of 'pleaxure. ratber than of pain. All dental operations performed in the best. Imetible manner. and at as reaSonable terms as by allYgr), Demist' in the county.: - rijr*Office in Bear Station, Rochester; Pa 3c:l‘)*67 ,ly. T. J.O HANDLER &CO. A MIN ISTRATC NOTJAE. r - ETTERS of Adluinistration on the estate h veto Boers, late'of 'New Brighton, • // "tee c ounty, Pa., dec'd., having ,tbeen rtantel to the undersigned, ell persons In . nelued to said eafate are requestect.to make lin lultilate payment, and those having claims t agailat the softie will present - them property au thenticated for settlement. ' • • (I,_ S. BARKER, Adm'r.. New Brighton. • 1 1 1 071;7 " Ct NO TZC TO STOCKSOLDERS• PfilLilTSßUlla STEAM FERRY . . COIIPANY. . . • StoCkholders of the *above 'dlre re metit ed to meet at theo'ffice C o o f m C p h a a ny . ~.,Rh,N cester, on ~Monday, June 3d,of 10 o'clock A.. 111.„ for, the purposi °C (10.1lizing under the . Act. f Incorporation 4lell ' obtaired by. said Company. All Stockholders are earnestly requested to stead.. - . By or of the Board. 'CRAB. B. 131111S1`, - Secretary. Rocheeter May 184i7 muyl6_.St ..1 =I • REMO GRR AUN has removed his CLOTH ING & FURNIIIINA establishment to' the new building on Main street, nearly op posite to the Union Co-operative Store in New Brighton, Pa. 1, • • He also takes this opportneityof informing his friends and the public generally, that he has jhst received from-the lilt; a large aid well selected stook' of Spring Goods; which he proposes to sell at prices that cannot flail to suit purchasers. • • • ' lothing made to order on the shortest no tice. All work warranted to fit. apr3'67 3mos. LA u GHINe. . GAsi DMINI V ERED 'DEW MIIRRAr, Daworwaret, l'a., in. extracting teeth. have added to my many other faoilities for the successful prosecution. of in, profession, this invaluable pain-killing agent. All branch es of Dedistry performed.* the bj.st. and most modern style. All work done aircheaply, and fifty per cent. better, than ant, oilier Stabil Dental Establishment* the State. (my9'6B:ly ' C. J.' : 177NDT. D. ArEir,i4Riggr(Pr, nFFICS ANL ItiESIDENCS ON-LOCie 1. Street; bluyetn • Itailrosa - sad , ./3r ge „ tre e,. • .•., [ Fiynl7:3* .--'- ' ' .' ''' 4 • ' ' ' - : - 1 '- 1 ' • ` 1 L'-- . -• • • -•- •• • , -- .A. ---•5.- , ' -,,, .-- ~:, . ..,..r. V I - ' ' -'''''' ‘ • ''' ' 4 4 :. ,',. , - , 1 - 1 , .., ' ....."1,7, _ •,,, •---•--- - - 7 -- 7 - 7 - "---- - -- 777. - tt'P -- T .- 7, 7 --- -'........,,''--... .....,- .. -- , • - -Twto 1. , ......" 1.,...7,719.... ...1131.1,...r" ". ....... ,"'...... ” ...- '" - ""7" . ' .. 116..4' ' '' ' ...""*." ....+l. AN, .., l --; .- 'I., .- . 6 ~e: - ~• v • ".• ~ ~ i ..i.... i" ....' 4 "..." ''''' '""..' '. '' ..-- ..."" ... '' . ' 4' - 4 •••Timium-rfur- 1 . . ~ , • • • ... .•-) , :4 - Ag. ~. i - 0 141,-5. - -_..- , ,,,..fl , . : 7- N;ln t ~k , , -..',, ~., . •:6:is-ii. :. , '1 ? '- '' I ' . • V`• ' , „ •---• 4 4 . -4 - 4".' . , iw. ' ' - Zl , oi I a:lns:rid 1•_•• - v • , I".i . .11.--; : f ' !,1 •.:.F.r •I,'"'• e'r 1--,t-': -:::•••.: • ::-. I', . ' %lei. , ..- t• 7 •L• - • -,,,,. , T , i i •t• —--. 71 1•4•44 : -. 7,,,2:,,3 • -.;:7. - .0, 7 :1 - , • ~• ~./....R - :, .f.:: • . • -..?,....,. '.. -' " ,.. 1 , •, - ' ,-; i l a , ! ~ -7. ,'''.. -- ' I • : . 1 .• Adl r edissmatilmillitelai• OS' ' - . -- . . -1 ..,,,, ~ 0 PPIPIZ , , ''.: if'f' ' of ( 1. , f' 4 i - ; 4 ,' , -: I . l' : 7( , - ----„ !- ---- -,..• ''-:- -;-'• . _ .... . ..„„ - . -.• _ ......,- , ..,,-.3 . 1,,,± ,„, • -•• , ;11./.,. i ..•,:: ./ •., 4._ - • . 4 .e.- • , -•,•• ••• ti ' •.: -;•, !.f.,„, .7, .• , ~.., ;1 . ,. ... ;i : :.;_ ' ',.. L . ,\::: . s . l ~': ' L „:.' -‘.., ~,. *:- °er a° ce: iarl te 4 t 1 1;:/ral ii5c0'11044.,4 7 ':' ' ...;;-t- 74.7 1 ,c4 - 1- 1 :s. • ~ ..7.-* la.zi , - - 1 z• '1 -,-L . yu- cl . , , Fi_ :1 ir • ' .... • 4 44; ••„, . ,-- 7 .7: -4,...,:•.A - -.: :' . 1.4 .. -. :•'• :' :- . 7:-. - --: . - :•.! k , T e lth e rl u/d. oill?ac it sd _:' :- ' ''' :: •c i i.t l ,... , ~,, U. . ,k... -03 ‘ ,04. 1 , - •:-.-•• - *7 , ; ~....11 , • , , 1, .. , • , , A space dquol toi T:friFinir 51111.415:4116.1570: '' "."....., , ,,Z:,:::: '=': • - ~-;., r- , , kr:l4- • .:..1' 7zt !) , ''''t :, , - N. '..."-, • •-!:' .“,f 1. - :• z -, .- ik.. . - . -'... ' - - '` . j 11 ' . ' :-. ' -*. '. '' -• .- 3R: ”` -...- , ^1 , 14 , :,.... .: , 7• 4 • 4 * ' -7 -1 ..1. i • ..,... .... :-.,.._. •!. .. .. " `'N.,... t• ,-, +-...- , . -• . , , 7.. -..- ...- • • -' . • '. eamurigt*-ii 'iq' iiir!u:.,., ... - ..-::!.;:-......----.......;.1. 'i'l``.•, - ,.0-'' 1 • , i ,_, ,-. z..-... ... i .. - ~,•(-7-..--.,i•-,-4w..- -.., • -,---.,...=-* ~.-: r A -..t.. 1 / 4 . -, ~-....- •. - • ..' - :-.-• t . . , -;- • : . .- . • arslial notices 25 - e . itaid. 1451 Wilda Ter , ,l. • . 6 , mtes. , - . -• . . ': 1 1 , ' , -- . Submit cards; 75 es 0-,I tour- 1 r :, . - , • ea . 'Jeri °Marriages and Des4m,11•110olok Politrital,•• . "Iv ' r ILI 22, 1867. .-' 1, Bstablishod 1818 ' - •.1 - ' ...---- -......- ''- ), , ,21... '., .-:. 7. 0 1 r . , - 1 ~, . - !.., ‘.S ir - _; ',.. t . : ,;,', .„.= , _. i i. ,- .', - ~....- , . - .-'-,. .-. , . - '. -1 r s , ', . , ;-- ' - is a °II" 5 ° 1 • 4111 °!: ► e r"- ...-t _—,..e. 1 ' • ' , '; ~ 4 - CheiiiketßA i 4 '-' • '' .... - . . '....,-. .• , •-•;,-t.; - 4 ~ , '- 1,,,,..:. , .. '-- .., , ..i 'utier •L . .. -.- • .-.-,. -• , ; -4- ----, • - ~-;,.•;•• ..c.: r : . l _ ....._ :. , _ ~,, • - tap' ;--.' •, 1. •-:4-., - . . .- , 1 , • .. , _ s p:fic • 4,7 r, •i, - . 1 • - -7•••• , • ••••i,„ ..- :, , / s i *VI kir' ~ e '7 .74 - ki 65.+'4f, Al J 5, .i ,/ - . 44 4 110 if g . I ff.,. 4 ,..' 44 q ' 4.1 , If 4 : ft !•'4 .:: 1 - , - Madame Domorest's Latest Paris sand' Now York Trimmed Patters, constantly on hand. PATTERNS FOR S.ALEO:, As our stock has bean purchased at low prices, it is otTered'atcorrespoiding low rates. Give us a Call and satisfy yourself. , Don't forget the place—one doter below the. Seminary, ad Street. Beaver, . . J. H. BENC4: aprl7'67-3mes. • WALL PAPER; WINDOW SHADES coiu ci..Aarrmiti; I.awr : e,st o . ssLb le Rateo, M rs. - 1 - 2VI cixavy , s . • BOOK & ST47II4V.FRY STORE, J...1. , 1;c8 714,z •. in .the D*amond • a lli g lICI" M 1 11 . " -11 ' 545 Le t.4191 4 7. ' pspe.. Au 'o r '' ers promptly attended to. 4:470415tm.. -AND-- -A1 TIIR-,-, tr : - ,.:vr .--4"1‘.7,,:t"- -:--..• ..- '.;1..----. „ - . .11.1 Bar's: Exem. . ''. ' --.. --.1...--..... ',...',.......:.- 111801811 1 .. i.: .s. ~,_ 20166 . 11 w5";. - - alkl" • gi -4135 215P11 , 1 110: 8.1.4„....... , 10wrl th•-. 62.,,. 4E4_4 , 'Miami ....:. 1140rf; ru - 520,f1 an'. -cilatinG.s... 12a4* 1.!..../oe a 028 . litssaillon:.... 126 1 / 2 -_, ‘'' is : 780-11 644 '' 0rrwi1k.'...... 188 4;\ls .1306.” .71g ~ :Wage? - -.. 212:4 1 ! AIL 849 .. : 746 . ,igi ai di - .. 4 14_-_. 40V- , 4 •Wiss - 101,4 ''' 020- ." i ''' `,._;.,,__„ riAr '4lllf. UV:A* 40 060 i. I ••r'w*" l 7 liDe- 000 ,• 801 1100 ts. 1000 ' ,1 841....„.- 68 6- _"" " - Y.„,„ lam 1025 • • U. isbalty 71 0 ' 1220 sit 1100 4 1 Forel(' . .755. +:1.t,; 4 % .16 455 z. 1128 lania.L;;.:. .. ... ' 915 , 'f2,- . , ‘ --.i. - $M ‘. 1280 Viall-Wert.:.. - 181111" -,„ -,- 41 , 880 a 127 Feet Wayne., • '. .' ' ...'''', --!f 140 4" 300 s Colsauhla --. 2001 W " i g.. - 604 " 846 • Warsaw: ' .' ' +.4 - 4 44 454," 486 1 Plymouth..... 800 1 ' I ~.." 751 44 540 sS ; Valparaiso... ' 486 1 : it of : 4 927 " 718 «; Chicago --... 700 ' - --; "1420 - 1 • 920 ancsd -. q im . itAirr. .., • .... EXed . *get. ihros.- Ear's.l•- ' l-.----, • - _'4- 1 44- --- r - -- Chicago • 1 720 A. MASK .45Orn 480 AX V111p1iti110....0.601" '627- " 837 - Plymouth ...... 9085 1 . 4 :', ,fls 810 a 829 ' Warsaw- ...... 1188 ..e- ~. .001 .. 040 11 Columbia l2.l9rst " .944 " 1083 a -Fort Wayne.. 325 " ,;" 1030 " 1185 " Van Wert ..... 286 " -_,1,1•• 1186 " 125' rx Lima.— ' ' 888 a - '160.," 1284.tx 21 " Forest 439 " ItPll l4 'l4l " " 11 Sandusky 6OB "1.111.4 14 3106 a 42, a ..1 851 nuer llll . 5BB a 111** 244 " 51 •• Crestllne 11 42 ; 606 " 1 R!' 4 „ 1 'BlO s• 550 .. .;;De 625 a 288 - ,s l ) 820 !' = 600A* Mansfield ; 657 •••7,i• 848 -" 636 •• Wooster. W005ter..,....1i 840 " lip .416 a 886 " 0rrvi11e.......1; 907 .•• -q. 640 .. - 905 " Ma55i110n..... , ; 948 " 514,,1• 818 •• 941 44 Canton .......JllOO4 " . 11 _ ,.. . 44 13M a 1000 " Alliance ......; SlllOO a 62134 11 - 780 .. a 11 15•• Salem .... • . ...11/132 "..':6sEitt 759 a 11494 , Rochestir ....,1 125sai .846" 940_" 215 r .x Pittsburgh...." PO " 9671 , 1 1 1045 •: 840 a . ~ - • - 4 ' I : MAIL. i Elti' l 9. 111Ati. I ACCoat • , ....:_;..._. —.;.... 1 . ..—:.—:—. I Cleveland .... 820 me 245rx i. 845 1e Euclid street 831 ••256 " ! .156 •• Hudson. ~ap " . 3&0 " 510 Akron .:.. ... . 1 ' :........ • • Orrviile.. 11 r Millorsburg....l( Ravenna...... 11 . 010 66 1 425 66 - ' 546 " 1 Alliance . 1 1110 " 510 " I 650 •• Bayard .......1J144 •4 548 .1 ... .... . ~.. Wellsville:... 1120, px 7UO " ... ~. TIUSCARAWAS BRANCH. Leaves• - 1 - Arrives • • I N. Philadelphia 6.60 a m Bayard l 9:66 's, Bayard, 1200 ni,' - N. Pkiladel. 2.60, P.M F. F.. MUMS, General Ticket Agent. Gd 'TO S PliOTOGltAl'n. 'CAB, . • E • Stanaieg at theS. W. W. of the Fair (round, • .13MA.1,4 , • - • - • where Pictures tit aII /kirids are uutde at less thaaihalf price.. • - - ;S'Ai2'igl l .4.oTlo37 GitiAlU!,r4V• WE ; - Atmliciimr..esE - —ln connection with the Picture Geileri, the undersignekluis o pened s shop fur the repell ing or Wataes Cloeke, Jewery; which, 5et31b5e1 ,1 1,4 2 0 4 14441- 13a short notice: _,. From sn - experlehdir hi' VS Sfeils` in the bud.- nessosslnsetro estiefsittkolloco, „Orra, o z; -t• ;nay; 4.1867.....; . A. 6 That theEtbi .- • • irrespectiveelnens uv color, is heel): 'a men end a brother; and the , female Ethiepian, also irrespeethe'nv o color, trol 7 a woman andi6iistei... 40otoed. That this Institoot. whose name, . . R 0 ,..,_ -• . , •'', 4 - ...... , . ...., .:'i ' , is iteie ee i /ePPILY - °hanged, sbel be i a sited oar' usevi Rower s„.enrisraurn. '' - upon at • ' 1... ' . (tn u .-, • ( °his in the Staltuvtentsielryi ' --- •la p enle ?''''.' it! strict •Phelitffs hie; .. --. •••.• :7 " i April 21 lein 1 ,-. - " iv " ~.._," dc‘ r . .. .. - L .: __,- Tfin!ii, Image , and men change •Jiltiiii fast t i a ,...=,__,_____''''!'! • ; ll ,.,__7 l. . . -1112 ,7_,1 hae el f T , e .__,,,.0. i as times.' I ahooi like 6 tee thictimes !with I" ' '`,' . ""uv 7 ' ° ' '''' " 1 " ; 424° "'. 1 " elt ` an ' i e kin -4:411.- foster tbint tkin.,blit this last shatthe ear* settlers, ay. idaemiebocssit4l-,mank , Slimed idsveriEonthis *satiated. raisin; it, I hwebinfornedtoinike; intbartoolft•naith. 4 . will sudden. The. Committee: ideekebun resi4, 1 4 114 -eer , we Iltie with irnitilniehun to ditiet:de us much teed Witwenit W,* hit well ward em and.kin haidly restrain, : .ourielvesi, over It for perhaps a day.lett es we gun to . Re44°4lll!'eat7!"l tables , - itt the choice b: git other indicasheens froin thnliortb. we did 'IT rooms, and in all,ziaitters:where,there is ,a II iiiit See hoW that little spirit was , jtoin_ to I . Cl r iee, the &fittest mast and, brother, irre-`- i ertelt, we eoldr; Aid her t,tie precedence.! than ever—Chicago ditto, and most iferywhere ! he SIAI - ' Ctneiniati went Abliatitit : stronger esoieed, That Obeilin,College, by not giv ons of Ham. hrespective uv color; the the Dimodritio rooster lens flattened., -The' in the by narreminded prejudice with' dsierves the , Cabinet, when,they heard of D eacortPdessie, i precedence, shows clearly that it ii,actooated' 1 assault upon the nigger • on the recentinv thel re uv every lover melds kind. interligente•ny the. elsokahun nava, notified' Rooked. That the Ethiopian, irrespective me offehelly that a repetisben rev Bich l l oonsey rev color, kin change his iskin, and that hie wood be equivalent, to a reeeetarr mi isitnit ; i otherwise. tint; even thothe post offs shoal be dhcontin- °dee' of el es t" an y , is Fa ther p leasant than good. “The nigger vote mist be ,capeherd , 1 1. • . , it's essertial; Wade Frampton inf. so,"; wrote t"' ileg4ved• T h at . we loon I with leathin Upon Thinda , l,o;:ist6, sia 1 reprimanded the b e i oan t the States niuth. which, allusprofeepin friend iniii. i field,•refoose t 4 take him' t 6- their bilszums, for his recklessnhs, and borrowed•four 'dollars !eIOP for the ,nohle black men !IST the Cotton enter. '.: . . us , Buccal, who r ls the only man in the v, 1 ty, Who has &air ready money,- - 0 make it aLLJ ir e eePetl ie e we Sight with him. -- moat. and Northern Mho se.land t eWee k. . i. We held a meting wr the Dricktor and I En° 1 ' • i • I -" ill P Deprive, love io 'honest ,in their " Faculty tiv the Southern Military and Chute- i professions We flat the negro, :they will 1 ele Institoot list eenin, to decide Wit - POnriet, come down with donashnna to assist in the ,that institooshn wus to take in theentie wort , comDpletion `all this". nv surroundin thel'Stiliopien and 'ettachin in , • eeki tIY the Academy. • him to us. In sick a time es thie, ex I men- 1 n Pog ro m didn't knew. about ilia. hed bin edikatied in Ham And Ha r, •:- r, and shod to Captin MePelter, it wont do for oar • instooihins rev, Learnittio stand back: These wilt a Weever in •On eeimme. " BeL deubted , Sposen after all this coneeatdon the plum. 1 grate lever's, the moliers 'lir public opinion, 6136 ' d i de i, Ormli° as? . ' sPc'eew h. , •; 11 ileedent -1 must bti es progressive as tie progies'efveist, i vote with; us after all,! . but cling to hi , North- and most"change other things. tit. meet :' ens friends .. ,Or epos* he shod vote ith us, the requirements , like ilv thetlnies. ' We her corn- i and we short thro hiexvote git centre e, what toast our march into Afrika, and thus fer'hey ' : then? Hew cool we redoose em to 1 er nor we gone into. ihe bowels of the•landithout • real conditioA agin after all this pala4in.. •., impediment to speak acv .Let "no persevere. i Bocom - replied thit he *u surprieeditthe i Let, us , capcher" the:Ethopian; stink and ' ,alt ... .... 1 Deekin's obtoosnis. First,' of they did vote il The liteetiii vim held in the .back y 0,;11 rev I with the Ablishonude we Win ne,worse off; ex tt that wax whet proposed tci• do any how. H ascom's, ? win II and the roof of l ee Post Ois leeks'. I lito. the fact that it win. rainin ed an ' El' , oil the other heed ' the y . didn ' t, whit limn: tie De- ; then The:troubto with . ard„ntra is, they lin in doubt 'i know: too much. "Let em,'.! eed fteleiont,Waii ____,__ __..._ 1 min up, !let einasseelatawith es syeiir:,..iet: "Pill" : °EI lu. . - - vote With r - ' It '1;61(' . - . 4' hif - ii'iav Le .. .. , . , , (From oe - • - 'Niugby• • vaiILA N ITAL ILIOIIII ALTONII I IION IN worAuto 'vitt , : or Ns. XA111114111,1111111.. IN =I gave the wiz , I got is-n;vi pair the sli ht in- lad to go bard- ce aid sejisted ~, ...."....r.-- - - re. „apt... ...c agree, - tae: Cif& that itherehedult bin - that complete, hearty i t recognition of. 'our Afrikin brethren Inch there ought to 'be. ' fie bed on several otea &Cons allowed 'his* nateral vivacity to t the -better of his prooftetted. turned - irid into em alarmin. The old ice of Ham and agar and,Onesimus beebits So drilled into ins. in his youth that he bed to ivisssle with it: to keep it in control, and In erpite lit likaltelt it frekently g4t, the better ux biro. He se sated that, the name of the insUtoot ,bs ,ch i from , The Southern Militery and olassicle 'fil - l ' stitoot," • —,t . 1 I I "The Ham and Japheth Prise Aderuca , for the. development uv the intelleck • . - all races, irrespective ttv ear.", That'be thot wood "User the required end. The colored - gentlemen who chose to dyes theirselves wr the pritligis afforded b,Y ,k this Inetitooshn, when it is finished, kin li d in, this no minse av ootopJetn' t. They're reoiignis lied. They are given the predentie. : Thai stand :firs.first -in the matter and foremost- What-more t - in 'tin t hey ask? - . Bascom laces serial * to resolooslnine wick he desired to 'present.. He • •sed it inig t be 1 -- looked upon ex strange that be shoot+ for the concentration uv free niggers &tithe Cos ners, but he bed good and sufhesbent *sons- First, he had faith , that constant contaot'with the Board wood bring Om to the pint ef petro nizen.his bar, but of it didn't he knowedper fectly well that the Board and. F aim* rope manage to get all they bed, for board'andtool- 1 tiou, wick he wns perfectly certin he'd tin 1 g i . the end;' Wet ha winted otos people ,h e— 1 ,to yoose a illustration borrowed from hisiblt ain, the offishels nv this Institoot won the un nel through wich the wealtlinv all ay em wood be coniusted to his coffers:- -I fell on r i.s : e k ek rapcher and then *owed that I wux i ill to ie for his good—that cared not how e inuc l or ther people's , money run . through mto him; ate 'twos thus dilonted. _ The resolooshl pre tad reads,r follows: , , Resoissd; That 'the 'sm. uv the -Southern tiltary and Classikle . Institoot be tikanged t i p "The Ham and Japheth Free Aoademi,, for t e development UT the hitelleck ay in riiii• i tin no color." . + Resolved; That in oilskin this change, we, l the and Directors, do so, aseertin ',+ , 1 I. That in this emergency we areljed j ill i dinbtin whether Hoer got Cite at' all, the I 1 a e.tament in the Bkripters to that affect; -i nly an error of the traumata!". ' 1 1 2. That - .the did et tits, be didn't 6es ' ant at'all. • • -- • • - ' ,40,3 E. That of be did cons Ham, the cuss 't tended to extend beyond. Canaan et ihe til est,'and hence hit- descendents - go • t , . ,4. That of the curse Inxe really .atot 'ly intended to 'stench*, all =Ham's de sert , trriinpactii4 nv eolor, to the + end no time, L it hiiiit arw:oars.* in Hentandq, Si that Stitt* hes mile: nn irresPective'tiV‘any code "cirptio IL ta m , b a ez i r b th bs e_ ad elorr oited that bt ber tat ingidialm Diggen ist, . five nv color, is a. 6 - esst, is ii diro4li. _ Ore, liiblith'' *4; hey tillee:pracdiesily bidd, 1 1 * ' ittelWiii7iii ninY.lbi I/O+A 147': i i# 11 ; L • Jambes 91* liiiinttoosi + to Jkly . iillti‘.4 , bee 'atilt Ilarthar + bleached in, Bent, - r c - • bnisiietAver'-'+' a =-- , . . MCI em - voto with . . us, at - toettij; , ..- 04, t ottoi Months they're 'Piechaiii :laid' `'' gifir ta `be iervance unto thiiiiiiitlieva. ' ''. 't,"*.sitit he; alit the Nertheiii Hltzliitiriti; - itid '' ' Aii : iv bit we - May hod tiihriiiiggteiti Atli - itotet." • Bid littlitiO4 Vis 1 ir— I Br'fitifitialglit initaieastol*,- Nitukal- i , itilittWiAtitai'ViiittsiAatts; quit ikYMitig l . , gentle:mit tv - coior who; lite l o strong - ti:l eenhianse to Elder Gav4t, ought t, lorr blink'; eapacity, was unanimously elected a meinher of the Board. ,the yoonyou - is, perfect. — Ham and Japhetithave shalten hands and are ' l, embracing Mush other. , • I Afity'prosperity attend ' the nupchels and nifty the tune be fortunate. I her got over ; the disgust attendao Upon the fast chill and am conisetentlY feellevrell. I- , •- I Byrum int V. EMMY, P. 11. ' (Which is PostMutee,) and, Erofessor in , ; the Ham and Japbeth Free AcOemy tor the de r , • velOpmet nv the intellek uvr• all races irre • I" spective ttv color. ' l i . . • • I NM ,Gtett. Nettleton, editor of the Sandusky' R. &der ism Washington; and In an editorial, let ter to his paper regarding 'the prospeota of the nation, he says: .\\ 441 Prom this outlook the political affairs of , the nation have not. heel a more • cheering as put since the fall of Richmiond. The prob• lem of reconstruction at last iselved.lustly. wisely, and well. (toil of the long bunko I • *„.' the 'nation is rising Crowned with. righteous :n*Bs aid therefoit with pesos. .Everything is working well., Apparentlf nothing can mow happen► to prevent or long delay the, consum mation longed for by every patriot °falls land. AU that is now needed is studiness on part of those who have won the long battle. Let the great Republican party, the 'Wily of history, and the Party of destiny, stand un broken and unmoved in the hour of victory u ithas stood in the days of danger and strug gle. The Union Republtean party Mitt continue to rule the nation it heti eared.- QBAIRELIIIO. —lf anything in tht i vorld will make a man Ali badly, except p ohing his i fingers in the crack of a door, it is =gags lit4bly a quarrel. No man ever fails to. think lam of himself after It, than before. It degrades him is tie Spas of others, and, what ie worse, 'blunts his Sensibilities on the' ono band, and inereitsis the power' of passionate irritablifty on the , other. The truth Is t the . more peaceably and quietly we get en,..theit ter for our neighbors. In nine oases out of ten 1h course is, ifs man cheats. you, cease to deli with him; he is abusive, quit his cunpiiiii if he 'Widen' yeti, take care to live so - diet. ilkohody Will lialleve. him. No matter who-1104s or how lie misuses you. the wisest way it taiet him akin', for there is nothing better thin this cool, calat. and . quiet way of dealing with the wrongs we meet,: , with: • • The Border Souitirt, an Indiana:Copperheid skeet,. publishes s xteiv Semoeritte campaig n song,- We publish. one rerae; caleidateit no doubt to win AO rotes of soldiers - rosedirdred tileveand '4141` stiff in Socithern dust - 1 t • iFe uket" 'three Madrid thousand If = BIZ LME Pleasant-Vircii:aa. A vdie Sol4iers 4 . Before they “congnereti" t They died of Southern fever, •. , Arid - Bouthern staid and,shot.i , .t *Wit herirere three Instead.df whetowe.got.' -- _ . . , = pilitUalfigln 7 Aesimpearan,s - Of - Matasetta irt4r, _. ihe Rochester (11.-Y.) Exprste ,hantlitti ft.4• . '': - t. Iv [l. wing: • - . : ''. . 1 . - ` ' '.V ,• - 1 We learn that one of the ' original fltnal, rls," who in 1848-49-40 riaitedthintft bui,;:4l 1 ti'.. - or through whom the Itifang, Ilk hart l+ 1 . - 47 1 - ble manifestations Called...apiritl'iaptise , a ' , Rochester k Vogl" . new puoiiiblittli'' tinned here, and bite* to crook 4 rte to hear-the remarkable , so ~.4 ,.. '. l flned.T‘ created i! , - Pr;ifonid. 9 1 k_ . '' ;t roughout the country; _ an opportnyty if , •sq. - - • '. ' - -rt. , . I Tho eider of the,,two girls *the fientflellim ced the reppitamt here , a married trwswitp,, 1... ho resided in ails city at the time, bliatnitl . " 1 q ite as reMarkehle' iSnediutts sit the pripir • ' embers of ilt fatnifir, and 'Was swig reipplkii ; fa producing more powerfniand retowrialip s I oatifestaticins: The planet sister "mesin• i i Nev York, and retains her tplritnalpetwithk i _ 1 b . tattends no public i.circles " " ' '...' i 1 Margaretta—now here--wblie in rtiind4- - i :re iti,,1852, giving public “manifnetationo, " et the late Dr. Ylisha' Rent Rape. :After{ 1h oigagenteoVto Dr. Mine,. ( b 7 ilirkait as!' • , xi placed at school dnitig Ms ammo" lin e , . Irr h '• request the desisted from she loci. no ille trill ° last timsh tz i P p td in a p ic u n b i4 lie. the D7 w i h c il a.sal e )811111- m *4 ' c aify with $ sister in 'Canada, the rsppiss • r commenced; and her return In' Obi etifq tn„ resume the public nitutifeatatiorm, - was imptmopll, ' b` . , the perabitent•commanda of the. tirtaibbt ise a its., lii obedience to this, and upon : a rup'; 1 from the obligatipn given to the ,ri, 0480' b the same Means. she appears hen. . - - r _._, ' . erie ~ - • : . il. G. , .-z . . 4 1 ; --. lost ( ' . . . . . 1 The removal s of General . Sherhaan„has mot only been seriouslieontemplated.bY tlieTYof. - i le i tot; but was vertreeentl,yen thers4if,ht . --: • ' • g executed. The plan was to place Gt . )tm - rta Ousseau in his place . . . Senator Patterson; r ol - concise*, for one of thelntite ilottsOlitatie, , o posed. it, on the.gieund that'when tleattend:: rrn rt ation of Rousseau. was under . 4sonaltieratlisis ' ' ' Executive; session that the . quest ties mil ' - I • ed htm directly whether in eatur, d; eassrJ ..., - i . .,-,, :tion he would not be sent to relieseistflitseri.r. ,ii,..:.;.: - . S . n, and-that be, Patterson, Mad. a roost %task_ --::::.„" '-',- - : . ,i;' ire statement. that no inch ehabge wag Ging A,.,•iw i • initiated, or or ould • follow. -Ten.:l-hia, lir: • - p; 4 :. t. c, olison.replies to his Sen. r tn-law, that nil acs . -,.. ii7f;i:: : .. ad I stny authority , to Make. such - pled. ...,::';:.:.: ; r . tat, he great and elfecti're oppositions.tit‘ ill! : :;-f,j - 1.-, -- -,:- .. mesa% has come &OM the !rat': Gepelinegli,'"•:j T .":;' . s...4.. ttttd iron General Grant; and this has . • 'illlk:i.lYg °his imiltive character is io deter Cher - ' ., :f ,. ..24 Q -w , .. - ... t fraillifollowkes hisfinclinatitukank. : -•;--:; '-. I hda rebel friend) hat - isl-'' . .- .4..,,,1 . : : :: --- 1 4- 1 , _ _. • Ktestma,—Josh Billings says:there is , !otedd old, blue? lean kiss, that: alwaysLitakeektelt, -- laver to see. Two pekes's. Aor 441014 ersuasion) who he, witn'etst a grate meetly ore younger and - per. pulpy: daze. meet id - -onto public place. add not • having sew - task .ther for twenty-feiur hours, she kiatektptitegi. tely—thein the tort ebout ' the weather and he yeung maw who I . p rea chedee yesterday, and • then the kiss imMegiately,.tind•then ,- "tbkhinsh end tart et what the :pay to each otter. and kiisi again immegiately. Tide kind ov , kissing always int me in mind ov teW 9iatstrieing to Strike fire." Tx Buffalo, a few,days ago, a mischiemoi fellow put a dead moult° in his sister's water- , - foll—a splendid one sbe bled just pt . t . relsasi taw short - time a strong milk was :diserrnil4 wherever she Rent,- WhieV:n'o one could sqs count for d 'untifthe ImOther offered wager there wai a move in her waterfall.'' She espied, and of Course ,losit; but" the last that.' was semi of the mischievous brother he was making rapid tracks ,for, the depot, prepared,, for a longjourney. 474 Lt ar_i A COLD • WWI' Vll3lllol2l— French Ilenessruw 12M1 predict that, the summer will - be . coldAti, ; wet like that of lest year. i .They base the fact.that immense Maseettaffee have-broken, or are about to break sway front the extreme North, producing 'cold ind vapor. , The weather. of the pest few days would- sce nt to indicate at verification ot - this , singular pie. diction. - . . . 1 , A Lanza from pring fi tild„Ohloi to thiCii , ; oinnati Gasitti, says i '. Al the land is white with Mey hfossoms,._ and - frogt. Tit stilt tbeve:lheehi - mm. . no , ere ha Jr s noto line 13 le , ens years a p r ospect for fruit in the -Miami Vanier. as now. The air is Ailed wi h the iragnuiee'of the cherry, plum, end' pdseb. While . "1 1 1 ti l, small. fruits, give ahundani promise, aitorSiven the. peach seems determined 'to defy. 'he* Frost and showWbst it do.: • 1 ' .• .- -,°)- Saxxitat Wilson in his ;speech in ttertesion last week, said : say to yonmen of clinilee 7 l l ton, your cause is lost, and lost fbreier.- 1 1 Your State, which had her fortune in - itestelt is lands and bondinen; has become in Oropeition tf bar numbers, the poorest State in the linionJ, o State has felt the effects:'of this rebellion '„ ore than South qtrolina." - • tanderatood tint - /ion. John Coestri.iift-! deranappointmeni. from the late State tern 4 'Peranie l convention. is preparing& billAesigni• id to suppress the liquor traffic in Pennayirrik nis, which= wilt be pre,ented at• the nest sis 4, 'lion of the -Legislature: • - A schoolmister not many miles froin Boston Common was whittling a stick. Colle s day lest week, and accidentallY 'Mit his finger, . Which brought,_ out tho exclarnition, .‘God!" -InJ c • stanilY aeeiog several heya near hint, headded Sinitommonwealth." - • . A caap alo' was told by acolpartear.tO "fa ratiabar cite,"- replied:4B4la had trim bla'adoagh _with kaa ova info,. without re.. ra. , *mber?ag ether alezOi wiies. • , , 1- , 1 \ 2 I V j~ Mil INN MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers