. . ... . . ' • .• • ' I - - • .4 , - ='•'-. • • . .' .., ..r . • ~ .... .. ~: .......,-....-- -.....t C ., -' ...:': . 1 ` ''- ' . . a _.---.-- -- : .--- -- - . II - - akLettet;•• -- -. ,L ' '- : ...4 ..;. VT *t" .- 1 - - -.6 "i!' Z r" 4 -' , " 1 •.;.:' ,. .?,•:?.'.! 4-7 ,4 i'1" '..‘ 8": "; ' Timi::43 , --:,m."-v. - icus. ...4..;...;;.5;.. , :-,: , ,.., , , , ,,.1,,?. , 4 . ... a. ' , ft,. . , :IT,: .-• - 4 - ' -.;4.•-•.-p "tt.,l, .10110 1 1 ti 'L.114: , : . , ~ 1 - •: ....'- , .-• ~.,•• ,1• .. '.l' , „ -,; , . • ~ ,' 4. . - *..,. • , ~ .-. .L.,,.. , : ..,. , .. .-- '' -•,, ' • ' -4' . ....,e.r.;t._ •:,:..5,..• r , :;1"'• - '•• 7 ' - ,•, ; '-' ' '. . ' • . ••• - J-L , •t . ..t . :`-• ll'2 • ' ) 1// '.W. A -..,.-. - "t' 4 -; . • et- .5 - ,"l;s'l4. -.lfir -: '.:.5.a. , 1 41: 4::" ", ~-,- ;, - ' ~,;', ''''' '• ', '.. , L '.,- ': ' t .A., t ,':,,. 1, :. !:- ,:-...; .''• .i:1 1. 5', l' f ', 4 i - r...t . !:-.:5 - L ; •:.• _;.:- • :::^- .. . - i i ii 6 i t tat e . . BR; 1A;; •••• - , - 5 - • . ~ 7 c^, ~,1. a ~ tI, i '' ' -.-. : '-.: '• ' "',...-'''.” i ' '- ' - ' ' ' '' `'C' , ''' -- -it ''''' ''' i . - VI ' %'-' aninunin.Afavinae. _ -., ,_;;_,,..,,,,, , •-, • , .. 0.:4: ,....._ ix .-....., :,,•:- ,-- • • r-,,; -q•- • - - - • ..:.: ~ -:-.•,,•, , :.•-•:.7 ••,. -.•••=•, - ,,, - :4•1•11-----...-- ..... ..... .. ....,, ~.., , , •._ , , ..,•••-•.:1..-....,•:-4;,•.-,..t.--to • . . •... ..,,,,,J..-;4. cf! . 1 1nqi,.„1, , -- , ~ -It4i6 ' a 'COnitib . ti . ' ''' it '' ' . " iii, ''i- - i :- .- 1-4- '; ';'''''''''' j .`•-1:- -, V 4 ki- . --•: ill 4- , 7re.i,4-.''l- 7 , 4 . .! - A n - I/ 644 ... 7 mall, '',' -- t '' ' ,' ' ,-, ;',;.. ' I' '-', , i -- ..• • -' . ,:' ' ' '','` • ' ' .. ..'-'. . I ‘,. : - ... 4 ' - ' -`, • .../..,. „ • haIOIST. pToltp!ittiint*, ;0. 1. : ". -`-' -* . - 7- :`%:,....." .:,:..:, ~,. .. , :.•-.7. - ,k,.,?,. :41 ''4 o '• ~ .• .. s v„..:, --... ~..:, - • ~.. ,-. 1 7 A j e t .14.1.-- -, ;',s;:el i t ) ,- ' 1 " ~ ' , ":, - ,7:" J. lAM'AND,. Editor 11 - Pripriett.r. , l'-- -0 . 'jii"AL" - V , - - - • 00 ... r r• ....'1•1;i1.•,•,- , i ' , At' :•• OA "-.,' z..:, • ___.:-. • .-....r..- 7 --L • - , - I .4-r- ~ l • * '••( ' . ''''' ' '1 , ...1.i•1'ff ...1:.. 4 4 . 1.......';....”.i ..•., * llll, •' . frFlßMEßlt>>.Reillt , THIS! - 2 1.411 a to.n: ,76 1t ikArtri, , ,Itio ~ 4 4 Alg E t t • , .7 -•- -,,„ .- •.•-.- - V. .`•:,, ':• , ' ENGINE 'SC-'-11EPATit,4ittEP"1 0 ± 1 14 1 g 4. -1 11 T ; ' ; * Nr• -4- 1 1 gAI s-7 , - 14 .. , . .. • . - - - :.. -..- :. ..„ Gaiiktutatiars . 28,11186,..1!ra15ia mitt - WA' . ' - ,- -I1- ‘ - ."Tr .. .2. . '' • • . • . u , ~,. , .1n Fallstons:BeaVer caindy Ps. ,---.- -••• 0 .10 4 9 1 or . , italihrk Inwiros4‘`Thse , HlN' • • 13 ' .c, eye` •...,..., • .9 • - 10W11: ' gUILIOMPOLt•sge • • L --•-•,_ mower a , d, it eaper ;_ IL-Avrne . -telftualiaialargact voila* at ..', •,_::. ~ .. .„.'. -: , r . • I. , it„ ,n. ..., , . : ~.., . . el :nleactvhticeneryLosindateolist,;totl, of bmai ohsnieaf ving setrar i . 7 - . . . em prepared . to - *arrant; all iscrektdone le , . • - ''''' . •• 1 ' : 4 '''' ' :. give entire satisfaction . I hare el handl/I . 1 - ti:' 4 4... , -;44.,.. -.' l --:;' '-;:•-• -' 4- 4. 7 4- . '- . ferent patterns and-styles : of Enghsea e. /*a . • 1 ~..9 .-.1.------...:,zt , -...-:... i.l +, Clay Rolls, and am prepared to make or mak 7.. ff k ilk, :1 4 ; - "_ - "•:7' 4 '' --- 4 ...,, all descriptions of litsoltinery,"en rOasofiabla . • • 1 ...:,- '`••41111 -- ' 7 . - - %I . • .• - - . ' f.";_;.7 • Ni I f), ~. ...-::-. 2 . .., • , -, _. Plowir and Plow '-. C . ' Z'ati 's4 n ' l ' ::.-r.. • ' terms: ' - --, • 4 ' • -e.r _A , -emu - .; - . !.„ s . • . '. • - -'....„.: -!.?--. •. ' -_ • :".•••, - - ---• . ~.-:, , 4. y ___, ~ I have &Wile best,plow patterns that: snit - -- =• - •_ - _ -- - - .`....--z -: 7:7!:" - - -7c..--' -. this market, • among -..wbiZh is the' "Great _ ~ . Western," which has been ens plow of thei T m n Again riuphat!. county for the last fifteen years ., Therolare , " _ five sites of this plow, on of which 'l_ mane. • • . . This extensiiely' knoirn, and ` d ",,,,,, e • d i, facture and keep • for s-c---- idealse's•Pitent i.e. ver"-right find left"Monntain'•lting."--. - poprilai ];[,throe was submitted- to - tliemost ~, right and left--" Side •11111,"' arta' nearly ,all lvigorousltestof iii 4 ' 1311P,°°I.tr'' at a tria l - the different: kinds inJuse.,: ' . • corapeting-reachnies that tools place under the . . N.! : • ' maitagemcnt of the New--Fork. Society, at Abbnrn, N.Y.. in July 1866. . The committee Cooking,. Franklin End Heating Stove,. - . consisted of eleven judges, and r machines, ~ , were' entered -as contestants . f" the P riie ' - Having.lnade several impeitinCimprore , • The trial Jested three weeks and the testa' mea t s on ,the(!.Clll[44ll.-by . , , whieh coal or were most f,thorough The result was an, wood can supplied without" Ufking,lidel. and. ne.tinced at the State Fair held at Saratoga on having two places for pipe, either or both of the I•2t k of Sept..last; and the. • -..., ..._ ~ 'which can be used at the sime!time; with a Ventilation to the oven,:thns hiving the ad - -GRAND GOLD: MEDAL vantages of sVotdrlng Stove, Bake Oven and, Franklin Stove combined . Thisitove has been was then awardeil the: in constant. use for twenty yenis.'and Many, • ' • I'. ' ' 4 of them after being need for ' this period of '. • - • , .' time, are now in good order. There is but a . ' - . 1311 ,k ev 6., . . _ Small' portion of this stove that' ever bUins ` - '7-'-' e - out, and this is easily and cheaply replaced. . - .as 'the machine •To make them still more , lasting, we are now •'• putting in - tile or fire brick lining. Our other , - ,•, • patterns are the Enterprise, 'Keystone -and • • bu.penor 'to All : Other's. -- Premium. . Parlor stoves, large and small heating stoves,, Franklin stoves, Jennytind's, • • A s i m ilar. testimony was _awarded it in the .Smf• ' Grate and Grate Fronts; Fenders, Iron : - ' Fame State, i:1-1S35. This Machine is regard- Railing of imriouti ' styles, Wagon .Boies, two ci by tiro thotiiands whecan speak' from ex- Irons, Tire Benders, 'Cont Shelters, Force and perience, v Vie' • ' Cistern Pumps,. Sad" irons, Metal Sinks for . - . • . - •- . kitchen, Sheet Iron and Tin ware, alWayson Best le • the World , ; . 4:. ._ hand and made to order. In fact,, I manufae ': ture and•• keep Air' sale, almost everything atolls iumititactured by the incorporated Com- wanted in. the machinery or hardware - line. • hinny of] • ..''- Secenkirand stoves alwayk.for sale Cheap. . • ; • •,.. C- AULTI.%I AN & CO-- Two good new engines, eatable for sate-mill • Can t o n , O. ,or shop purposes now on hand, and- will be . '1 ''-; " . . : - sold reasonable. , Y - Oongstown. New Castle and Erie Repro's •1: fl,e3, , ins wanting any 'of these 'Machines, mar13 4 ;7.-Iy ? ~JOIIN THOSNILET. _ _ • , n rtili lvellieta by . atipiyili gto the, uitdersign-• la. A'..Wll.Bo)t-..A..... ... : . Harmer Bitow-s.' 4.06p.rn ;,arrireaat Pittsburg. 6.45p.m. .Ro - t:' l , - who is the Agent to heaver county. - • , , - • turning,'leaves P.iitebnigh, 6.00a.m; Arrives •, • .J A IF.S PATTEItSON. - qtr TV, p - iglic 1 ounagtown, R.,305.50 f Nei Caistle, 8.25a.m. • ar -- 17 , 67:.3m05. - , . New Gallnee;Plt. . NE'Vr_ ?..- STORE, : - YoutigStown, New Castle and Pittsburg Ao .. . . - . . . • 0 .- commodation leives 'Youngstown , 6.45a•t0; • WANTED I WANTED II ' . :-•:-.-&-.. ~..1 New Castle, 7.20.aan ; _arrives Allegheny, 104- . :, - ..,;:, - . .. ... I ' 04/a.m. Returning; leaves Allegheny...l. 20p.- • , . . • -- tt - 1\ - cit v BODY t 0 Cali on WINTER ik . _sr ~,, ..., .. - -. . i ~.-„.... •ts ;' strives New Castle, 6.2opsis. ; llNgitowit, - - I+ es., .,. ! 1 4 1 - IFijiki'raN Gar Broadway and .- • - a.--v w• Grocer: . ~.. . 7 - 20 P-in• ... • c ' - • ' '-- - - ~.,‘ 4 ~... .., 11 ' :• . Aalt. ~"q., Ni ty Brighton: Pa., arid; examine . ' - , , . '' --.-- ',. • ..-` - • - --.. • F. 112.1illtERS, Oen: Ticket Agot. ; e•-• „.• • . . tlair t1 . ,1,..nt11 , 1 new and large 'stock' of goods " " • . -,, .', •, i • ---- , - --- ' • ; 3 11.t t-vcel‘e , L irom the east, which we. ..re . no w , it . 7. Dl y ntuli otlerhg at anikbeluly city prices • ' '., CLE IF, E.' ilk, ,PITTS.. RR. ' 13 will, . ..' •fi 111,11:11111. On end after Arr 29, 1867, traine leave sta tions daily, Sunda y s excep t ed, as follows. . I'; :l T,C If li Si. W•A Tell BS !!"',.i ', , ,- ' - ' ' • . . . fine Stlrer Hunting American Levers, and'the ' i, • -- . - • , roleadid arty - home Watch, this is semethisg ..„,recy 110 m. cuerip and retiabterniso-,-a-nna ______ WBrECTPUIJ v P , P , P; . 4 ° . :7, silie ß '. - '---------- -7 - - t'.' .° 9!x° *ar il !~ ---•- - ------f- , :-- morons Friends sartbeftibile iineraey, i t • ,•,•lei:th.,, of Swiss - revers; 110th gold and ail- that they i ntend opening a New Grocery Store •• ' I ' , mart. Erea • Man- Atotpe ' 1,•r; I•rrge!tand 'pintail suitahle'for ladies, gcn- on . ..'' , . t , • .• ' • lir! • • , t!..1:i. , n Ind hn:y . s. " . • - :- . -,,- --'.---, -. BRIbGE ST., BRIDGEWATER, , Cleveland . ..:. ! , 8 0 0.itt 2450 x ....i.... I 345 ex , CLOCKS'. CLOCKS!! . '2 . / Euclid strectil 831 " 26th " 1- 356 " . . . - .-h :Ihlindabee, all 'the lastest styles,' pat t erns admit' tig the lfry pood St ore 'of A. C. Hudson.-11 D 85," 860." ' 510 . " • i.i ca: ions prices, which we can ree9altnend I Ilurst, on. the 6th day of March. •,, Akron ... ... . . 1 1 .....:... . , ! •i •Anrrant reliable time . -kepers. ' - ' I It, is their intention . having On hand, At Orrville : - . .. all tunes a full sisortment of the - ' . Millersburg.- 14 .. .Ir,Vi KLII.I":,..J.KWELKV!! i.. .. .- , , • .. _ , { .. 4 Rarenua...... 1 : 1010 66 425 " 546 " • ' BEST FANCILY OR OCIIIIIS Alliance ''',-- j;1110 " 610 !... MO II .; I Bayard ~.....1548 ." - ..... ... - • _ . . ._ - ; Wellsville ..:. ql2O - rn 1 700 66 . , ..... ... -4 . 1 . . ii l , 1 .. 7 ".: / 1 ii ~. ) ".1 ..: gi li • ; ,1 ~. ~' I .1 1 r i, 0 A „ AS " 118/ • 4 1125: 1 Aim -,21 il '' 44 .• /1' .206 i` 4 144 44 4 810 , ; " i •44 .820 4 / A 0• " 318 , 405 " . 516 • - 430:!• 545' " .504 " ,61 4" -521 44 :6 .00 44 .625' 44 i ' 1132 4 4 657 " .." 230 f' *ii /25AM. - .9 845 50 44 ,stows, New Castle Youngstown, 8.01 E ).m ; , arrirei-at Pitts' sing, 'leaves Piitebni °unmoor% . 9.Boa.m''' Youngatown; New C, . u,, ,co et i. c o st a il t e. lon 7.2o l t it l e a s • litta.ni. Beturaini ' . - • ta ;' arrives Near Car .. • . 7.24. in. ~,, •::i - .-• . • ",` - • --• '• ; : F. 122:1i ADM N. ...I*. - fert tions daily, ,altp.--,k.!,":7;sorß. - _.:-. .. --- 1:7:,:f . 4 - thicilliblio generally, • I, ,ng aNew Grocery Store •• , ' . ~ BRIDOEWATER, ,Clerelay ~ • ~ . 1 Euclid Iffy Good Store 'of A. C. finder oth'dn,y of March. ~ : .• Akro• r intention.pf having Ott hand,* Orrs kfull.aisortment of the - ' . Mil' -... . ' . • . • '.4 ; Rs . • . .. 1V... ,I, not pretend to say whit We have in • I' FANCILY 01 CaltilliA r 11.i4" - litiP,llit Conic and see 45krr yourself; if , ) - • , . 3en are in need of a pair if spectacles. - ire• -.. • - .. . : • - • cllisi:.:11. Von the hest and largest lot ever of- i and the beg' le ave- to state that they are de lei ort in this Courty. terimned to . compete with 41 other dealers' I.OOKI-:. - G GtA SSE S: in the town or • neighborhood, as their Stool: of Goods are till new, And bought at the late 711 , .ie we can sell you from 25 cents and up_ great. reduetitn, and selected with the"greai„ . _hard,: also , a large stock of titions, such as e •l sr care by'Mr. Harvey Drown; whose ' know'. I'Ltnio:des. Satchels, Travling Sacks, Sept' edge of the 'business cannot be qitstioned, liar ' 4- 4.:r , .. l'ot:*X:liet, Lathe's faney.strett and sew- l •u been-with • Mr. Arthur Harvey for Many int-.l4 , kets, Brushes ;fancy Dusters, Whisks, years. , • . Dor 14% •.. • • • FullingCl Lairs, . . au., Eduldren .4 C Lairs, • and y , ears. ~ ..., • 61.l.satineassorttnett of house-furnishing They 411 particular • all'ention to their goods. . • : ~ • . Stock of Teas & Cloffeeyas they flatter them - selves' they . have something extra to o ff er: . 711' Usiel '. m U.S I e:i •• : • • • - as to price and duality. .. - . • In additioti to the Je..ielry and Notion' htisi:. 1 The best . brands of Family Flour always! A,s. we ll:tie add I'a fine 4scirtment tit . Mu- on band . ''Produee taken at all times at lull I. • • ~ ' t 4 ( 3l., ltutruntents, 811011 as Violins,: Gliit ars, ttarketprices. Au -goods delivered. 1 . Balijes:;:tviliourines, French and German Ac- -- WILSON & BROWN.-. _ eonliaas, Fifes, Mouth Qrg:1118, Tuning Forks, Bridgewater, Feb.-27, '67-.•••Jy. .. ' - ' '• - GOING RANT • '&e.. ke. . ~, , MAIL, SNP'S, ELI O II. Aocom ~ • ir, , 1)111 l,e pleased to `;have you .call- early' 1 INSIJRANCE AGENCY --- 1-- , -- h -- -- 'an.l e.a.anine out stook Alvliile it is' fresh 'and- 1 ~ • . •. - De1aire........, 1 430 em 650 am Kl4o.tir <....... new ;•'4 , ),./vhei . 1 i,, , '• . . . 9•Nnu undersigned has been appointed agent Bridgeport.:. i 440 " 605 " 105 1 0 " , place . -('or. Broadway and Apple its ;Neu , thigh- . 1 0 for the' 2Etna Insurance Cotripany, 'of Lagrange-- toa. Pa. ilirtford, Conn., end likewise for the. -Niagara Steubenville. ,I 555' " 723 " 1168 -4, • . . a • . . -WINTER S-BEDiSON, , , nsairayiet Company of New York and the Wellsville.... II 72i) 44 820 literm 610 in . . • Su leessorit - to , AidrpriselnsuranceCompany of Philadelphia. Smith's Ferry II 742 ." 942 4 4 202 t• ,645-„ ,• C, F. WINTER.. Each of these Companies insure &ceilings, Beaver ........-ii 1 . ' April '2l, 1 st:;, < - ' ut-buildings, Stores, Manufactoriee;'&e., &c. , Rochester —.II 820 " o", 240 " 745 144 - - • - ' • " against loss by fire, on favorable terms, for eve : Pittebinigh .. ll' 930 • ' lO O2 25 4 I 850. •' :910 4 4 ch _6 - :, H ~- P II 11,1, 1. p 9,,, years or less. . . ~ -•. . - 4- ' iI: Losses equitably adjusted and .promptly , . . - clomp wan., . , • .- • .28 &28 ST- cram S t., - ,I paid when the inin . ranec is eff f ected, All ',:hn ------.---.-,•• 7 i • • ', MM. Ears: EXP, ho o• Accom. Iness connected with eit h er o t h ese comp% • • . ales attended to with dispatch and fidelity, • •-- —..-... —..:,.—.. 4......—.. Pitteitruxi*, Xatst,.., 1 .•. . •• .10s. M'CLURE,'Agent. ', , . Pittebinh . . - I 615.tx 200ew ZPW - •88Orn Recheater..:. I'M " 80' " . 445 31anufacturers and Dealers in ' . aug22'.'66-4y. , ~ ... Beaver. Fa. ' y - Beaver ; . : 4 ::....,. • . . . a-. '6 . 44 .. Satith'sFerrt ; .812 . 44 343-," • 90 I; OI I; r'' ". RE - 111 0 V - .A:1.4 - - i , weiwilie ... ; 84514 420. ," - 72 R -" - 620 _':r 1-I , - • Steubenville. :950 " 620-. 44 818 44 Lagrange...:. - ... • I ~:. •• :•..,•• Bridgeport.- 1112 - " • 680 • 4 6 922 " ..•‘• ... . . De115tre......; 1125 -" 640 . " 98$ " • . F ; lbot; OI L" CLOTHS: I.TlillE OIL. CLOTHS, .1 NI ELEIA OIL CLOTHS, • ' TABLY: oil, (marl's, sTAitt OIL • CLOTHS, • 'Patisp.rent. Green Oil Voth, for whitlow sluides Thnsparent Window Stades,' , ROLT.ANDS, *, • • • TASSELS, CORDS, &y.,'S:c i ; ALSO, DEALEIcS 4 IN - thaiA P.l,ber :.lachine Belting, Rose, ,Steem Casket, Tubing, Vement„ . ;t Clething, and Rubber t goods generally, , • ur's Tanard Leather Beltbee Laee Leather, Books. ItiTets, Libricating si eataPackiftg, kc. t ,, • Agt nte fur the iTniversal C'letices Wringer.. • A gener,al assortment- of. the above . .-Waed • gortds.ulway ,s on baud: ~ , "PlCrs reapect fully solicitod and promptly Itted - • [ziayl'67:tim HIND cAti A lA IINf i STELIED BY DR. MURRAY, , BRincrATATEit, r A ., in extracting teeth. 1 hare added to my many other faailitiv for t he.: !successful prosecution of .le.Y...Prnfeviullt Thiitrealeable pain -billing agent. AlflSrsinch ."-!°f Danistry performed in the best end m o st IdetQ st,yle. Allyrork done ea 'cheaply. and cent. better, thin it nnY °th'e r Steam .tEittr Establishmentin the Stale. • rmi9'4l6:ly IN GBRAUN has removed his - CLOTII • ING &.FURNIBIIING establishment to the r new building on Main street., nearly Op posite to the 'Linton Po•operative Store ;in New, Brighton, Pa. -• .11s also takes this opportunity of informing. his friends and the public geuerally,-thut,he has just received from the east : a late lat ' e and well_ selected. stock of Spring :Goods, which he proposes to sell at„ prices that canna; fail to suit . purchasers.. • Alothing made to order on the idiortest no. t lee. All work , warranted to tit. • aprB'l37 Bums.. • La . sighing COME 'all ye that hay. been - Suffeibit the untold miseries of toothache, and dread of extfaetion, and you wititind that; De.'Chindi, ler!& Co. are ready to relieie you by' the use. of the ,gre.st pain : destroyer—LA UOll.l/V GAS-and make their extraction. a Silures of pleasure, rather than of pain. • . - All/dental operations performed in Ahe best possible manner, and_st as,ressOnsiblatstqs ss by any - good Dentist in the coney: 4 : StirOfTwein Beaver Station, Roobibat— Ws pa ja80'67—1y.,,, J.CHANDLIeII & CO. 4 ADM MIST BATCH'S •NOTiCE.7 , " B of iolitiitistr4 notion:* 4140 / ,1 ble'Or Ntielbigirtop t saver.`her* • been grlinta' to-tb• . 1•1 1 • 41 0• 01 ;_s/Pi 40 ,0• 1 0: ia debt edto Nato are request= 10 "kg h4 / 3 mediate payment; 1 end tbow against the esms letAl pr Bent "theta It autheaticeted for eettlemens. • • III; S.' BARKER, AdeVe.. •PriT67—slo New, Brieltm ---. :-..-..-:: ..: • i.riantp:imailiklil.T. • I-- ' , •-f:/;- I . ' - • ' ' ' s 4 1 0:ii, .ii‘* . - :*o., .i4iri , . • „,:,....i.,. ........... ..... _ : - .''',....-.", '' . 6111 iii '92ll;ii 'tl6iiit ' -.. ''.- - i , l lilt" 10.0 11 1126 f , .... • 12•140:44 - .....k 1022-, 4 1222 . 144 ' ass,. , Ma coi l ... - .4.' ‘ i iiiit u 4o •, l ! 1. 1 64, 10.; .1:20, 14r.,ii . , 44. -- H 4, ii. .... im , 4si 416 . .i `..75p-4s -4 4, , '.. i - :1 '': "; ,1118 481 .181; 3 4 ‘soi t- : AV 11 •: • , .:: 4411/11!* IWO -101.4:is :1116•61 ,-, 10 441 " .. 420 .4, ' •.. ' 20041 i .1510 •ia llelf 111011. 6 . 1. .. B ; eyrite• i ' . sB6 ' 44 !WO 4 lbw" 100 ta ' U . gazsdusky 119 ' 44 - 721. 4.! iliedig 00,4" , • , tr..;,i . • ,leg'" 1115: 4 12611 4 ine...l.- • t,.. - - ..6 , '916." :911e216 U2brit, ^ • • . ire «. 1024 .44 UMW 44 . "11111Y fp IBrel P. ; Wiyili.i' 1920in111461:'. 1526"),+ :lib 'is C. tap bia.4.. 110." 1280 Ass 604 ii .140 .r' .. ,' arsair -NO' " ;121 1•• .E 0541 446-6 4 P yittoiath..;,' 800 "''22o' 4 ' - 161 -44 640 ". ' • Ipirsiso:::. .436 " 857 " 927 A , 718 44 ' ' ' e ' icago'...... 700 " 060 "1120. ." 920." .• . [ ... • - • ''' Tams. °onto zo4ii.• 1 - . -- ,.!.'Szv's ' .Rames: . Exitei. - Ex,' a. . . . ~-..: ,-....• . . 10ag0.,...1 1 720 ax 1020ps1 . 45Orst 480 au ' l altaraiso..:, 904 "6 1250 ' 6 . , 627.' .- !. 687 " Pljmontli:.. '11,1835." 259 6, ' 810"" Ng 44 Warsaw :......lillBB " - 420 " .901 " 9-10" "-.I Colombia .:::.;j:l2l9rsi";sBo " '944' 41 1033'". Fort , Wayne-,! 1.25 ‘• 70(r.," log " 1181, 1 0-1 Van Plert..;, :1 286 66 881. -6'll " 1262Px: Lins;' . - ' * - 6. 1 •:-838'" *- 960 "1234Ast ~215 ". Forest • I_4Bo 66 11006 -.141 '" "860 .. tu ßark_datiky.' 508: " 1135 ",.2 06 6 421.; 44- cyrua - '! -688 " 1218px '244 " -.A511 I ' S ' Ciestline. ii.m , . r 606 " 1260 "4810 "*. , 650." or •i 625 ." 200 ." . 820 " 600 ax, Mansfield '", -667 .. 280." 318 .. - 686 .. Wooster. !. 840 " 406 " '510" . 835 " , 0rrvi11e.......';1 .907 '6 - 430: 66 540 4 'l $405 " Alttisillon.....:: 948 " .504 '.'" , 613 " 941 4.. Canton :...`.'..2 1 ,1004 - 66 -521 66 ! 6103, t• IMO " Alliance :....., , ;1100 " 62 5. 66 73,0' • " 11 16" Salem ' ..1:1132 " 057 " 750 •• '1149 66 Roehester....,l 125au 845 66 940 " 6 2151 6 p Pittsburgh :.." 230 f , .950 "1045 g. 840 ' • sionso 30R:fa. 1 • • 1 Msit. iExes. MIL. i Accoi --- Wellsville ....1 850 ix 412 pa Bayard...—. 0022 .. 526 " Alliance.-- 9115 " 605 .. 715sx. Ravanna.......l 1204rx 648 .1 81 .... .... 0 " Millersburg.. I. . ' . . Orrville 1, . Akron ........ ; I f1ud50n.....".. 1236 . 6. , 716 " 'B5O " Euclid stree t 187 .. 804',.. 1002 „ Cleveland ....' 150 1-6.- 815 .6 • 1015 • 1 TCSCARAWAS BRANCH. Leaves Arrives • ' N. Philadelphts 6.50 a m Bayard,' 9.65 a m. Bayard; 1200 Philadei.-2.60 9eneral Ticket Agent. Farm For .Sale - '; - . unaersigned-ofers bie tarsh for s a le, - situatedin Darlington township. Dearer Cci.-,"Pa., °ea public road a mho 4mq! I,sof linen - Eitation, ,on P. Ft. W. & d.-R.; 8.. Said lanais adapted either ta raising Grain or -It is Irbil' watered; ' esistaiat lis antis, 85 of *Maws Owed and Wanes 4n timber. The' iinProvetiods good DWELLING'FIGIIB B, on BiiadiandVOrn Crib attaehed,And iehoep Ilbuse 28 1 by44.feet..,* . Thera are on * the ire • .tai 400. apple and GO_peach tad Cherry, of the 107' 114111t.viorie,tiest liftOundriat of the ap-'I terse, are-besisfaing to tear I: Part of the' flint ie Alai :Raid with" "-• -'," • '4";:f" 'TWO OR: Tams vivito sOF COAL:. - • !'cote2 ti 4,teet.in'itidelatesn;'. • ' ' The Rie : 6 44Pit is , : twit ;- 64 ° °11 : . ?" aurolic V 1 -"T: /*Wok Aiiiiinsat Boa Otatioii•u+ • 'lf. sot a* -bel'cora;, the.trinde ot I:4ring of theta* be vffeFei at iblto Bidelteliarm" , nrday; the 15th day of7tint‘id:i efidoldtp: at: I Title huiiipatable: to.J. I "Ri , Ps ' .. EMI .. 1. .e..-....... -a , :: - .1';,:! , ! • ~..•41 seVe.;:, - 41 - . ;.)tv :20 rtf , :...F.-,?.•,-i'.:4' . 41.• Z::,,r; ? ": • . . 1 ‘ -,' ~ 7 , ''. -', , . i.. .. , . • _ _ :,Norcrn rro r - , 1 , 40 ,,,,,, - - - . ~ . :1 z.. ,. ..ri bait ,-, w.: , p.i-, A- I'c& . • ;'.l , '..---.;. -,- IE- I ';'` “ - . 3 "•-•• ''- ti:. - ' ''.'"..p.: - .."7 ,- . 1 . .' ..,1 ;. • ;:f•: ~' '..• , i . , ,4, - -::' .'.-> ' -.: " --''' -.re . : I, ! ' - :,..i ' . 2'l : • •,: a ir. ' - . - ' ' . ' 1 -'1 -* *,,n - ';:•': ''''''' ' 1 . ... -- - " '' ,'. . 1 , "" J ''' --- 1 . i'' ..'' , ',--, :. ~ .... • . • : ' Adveribier 'rt. `r . . i r _......--, ...„ - - ... x.: • .i...f ita :. .-J ;- ' Err' ,l ". '-`-.1- 4-- - . 1 '' ' _ . .- . ' - . -.•- , -Al ' ,) •4, ..„.„--, ' l ' —.• • .r., --. .1%.-*-i••-• ,;.- ; "7:-,_•- , ..,:: • , •-• ' 1.: , . - ~: :• - • - . . - .L. rir •—inr— , .. '- - . ... - . ••• % f ; • ' -'' A equal to '0- • -, •.;•:, - • .....•.-...• ''-'` _ " ' - .4- • = '• - -•-••. .- - - ~.....„ .. ..... , _lllll.---, I , •': , '41k. " ,7 - 7 -____,,_:._ 4 -1 , :': - .. ,- `... r ; ,- ;.‘ - :::`,.. 0 71,i.1 .7 •••:= .• ' .' ., ` kt • . i c .. , . --. 8 lel notice, ' ..; x • 2- ...44...,t.t 1 : 1,;,,t, . .710. - —, ~ , V: , ..10n . 1867 - -,----:. .:-- . :Rata . eked 141 - 7 'sPlr'a . -: ' *" ' • ''.. ~ ' - . - - - , , •sad other Nodose Teatobiirm TWO aad s h 7, : Pawed thri by loiiit. I 9 .-. 0 T . n c-um , AN wide them 50 ; . W:0011.0! r . Theni. be so toe, stoop tli 00thq Ynow. _ • . IdtiSiligillaili ; Wage" doh Ll,* le,* to Ocllg /; - i, pobblei;bopeta t birds on wisp, , arigodi: b. s!ilik4 oo k . • ', if ..` •` '- andiron 4 VI: tiis.A B C.'. haiwwk litireWn are . set ; ' thoii a; &l teacher be then thi s - yliabet. • ` .1!e leaf to Ips o deosa page to page, I duide thou t paip's look, : 44. When he as s, with aspect sage , . ' I ,bo leads tit Wesarois mark! Pbi tbini withravcrijet glee to ;leaves, .. itd kneel be aartest-prayer ; Te lease. tieW bast Immbly• given . I lltay lead thy pupil time. '• tNlis - c -7 611 -7- Emeous. - 1 I ~.:-"- -; ..: .fiAllt, 11;VlIdtrlinliefre Cibagisit. Th 'llnltedi eatirt '' ' e - i •• ... , vast at P. 1 0 1• on'llii is! - .l,4; , } *graild Jury was illi'• r'liSnfiZ4eltr,l**iild!. fiiremiss- Jedgs Tin :)" eitsWittitsie*O.tlfe tonal/leg charge to•t*tfifyriV - Y-;' 1, '1 g ai r rlalu ki: l44 -,. ' ~ ..I k Ii M ATT - : -Tha ill sr esuancies sid t: ,:lamnt,,. -A -, , , friends •suid representativei of *Goier*.! me t of the •1114ited States, who lad 1 year. I vr threatened *lin destruction-and *tied Iby Massing 17ithis city for attempting to, lex to the la ws of out tounrry, canlsnoir m in censcioui security under the wings of the 'starry *Sr which our patriotic I Coo. gnus has filial for bar protection : that *a n l in a permitted meet in this building of ever:, las g granite, so emblematic of the power, e strength lof our povernieent. standing i alone and unharmed amid the great confiegra-.1 tia v roams 4,,, that swept as . with a besom .of destrwi. 1 1 d o alt sound it And 4 what solemn associa. 1 d oare suss re es byreflecting that in the . ' we ow occupy, dwelt the' fiery so 1' of "Teasels, rebellion. and civil wef a tfd t h e n c if 1 San edthat fell spirit which starved, by wholesale ; prisoners far th e . crime of 'defending the;„.tiag of our eommon conntry, assaftted soldiers for their and trusting lab' in behalf of a Goveniment that bad as yet only Siromised them protedion ; ' burned towns s aid cities with a barbsrity we kn(nwi to Christian countries, scattered yel )01/ fever and Ismidi pos among !hypos and helpless, and linallydrock down one of entiks noblest martyrs to treedain and humanity.— Another subjed of thanksgiving is ,presented ei 4 in the very condi aloe of your body, fitr i ttisli-' in °cull; wild e that the age of Island ems a - Amity is depicted{ and the neW. - era of equal ity' • and justice, b ins thane' the'clomls oflpereecution nu prebilice is-now dawning 1 upon us; Ind st est of akthat this alty at ll;olimand, thii ' tiful and abandoned seati• , o the Rebellion, ookins ai, comely and ape; slow as a &sat, i apple _ C I IA gilded asi4 o ;bsi. - wheie bloody *soon !Swished its whin of ***piss. Itl l chinontl. Ibis tba slave-trade so long held bigh I carnival ; where the (press .;.. his found Mali est ieptha of Pr o fligacy; Flume licentiousn hat ruled' until probably it Majority ofblrt s wera illegithiate or with- / mbasti t Mat the forms of ar; ere _ the &unifiable' andposndil* pa l lid has so prostrated that ft ' full-Ant ' sigilLothavios general. I 1 reeommended e ,*lthip 'of - what they 1 m ' teuspested4 mutant properly. and pow- .. . PsadOS to ShO_Pataw sat aishsis" -steal ideas-of It hus, Mammon' and 14 11 *— t • , - - , Gods brutal; part! 1, pensions's, unJuit, • • W,tiose fittrilatee Were rake, rivengennd lag. It w as as if tie daub Private& - : ' • , A hut the nerapti AbeimiltileAl 1: •' - . _, And 1K on Has sty thrones diould ' dwells 1 Tie freMlitheritorsaf hell. •• • _ •, • Set famed for joy. 1. • ' ' ' i: '— -•- Hp cursed the.eitmen that destroy. ,_.• :'. i , , isttf ' s;alsre ielteinded that *here Ida alms dell green may Much more ebonlid,, •l iiind,in the light of receal i vharges May ere not hope a of, allitiWki antizior,- future - far this . ally of, Richmond in stiongersisairastrwitli Unlawful ei4d atheistio. pist,. - lind htlartimity wiill. l l l i ~ salubrity ot its ;climate, thesPottfle aat.l , L ite scenery 1 and tba magnificettee of its water netsa, l'' havb seutisameitipared Ms!, ,T . ths ... I ' 4 ' liti` liiiiiiiiili. AO' ' 'via t l , - . ' tio eat . - hiiiiiii; s itte ilk iose ow ssic 0 : ,,, , „, ;ili ~,,,. ;.. .: ~ . i i st il , s l4 i i ,ek , : , .4iniii 4lll i44o - kidisiii'iroliis tm l' :c 4 :4o4"iii*iit Withriltegiir;ao 4oui Y i nieit iiiii•litii44 . ,iii 414 :41' iie of, (iiii . .11a06444, - :Per4o4*. thil"4 1 - 1 • • • •1 ' I ~ - but the care . and j nd rare udgemint which oar hteralualhave always shown ICI their select' Eon.' prowl my feerW.ctifoundeldi, - .lid I ass truly gratified 14 find.so Many geniletniii of Polak Mid 'Prima. Wording* thejl . truest ! 111.. -Ifi, in - often liege from( treasonable sonmies aroilid tut' et cruel:mil 'pedsiti by Congress - sines tie - beginning of • the Wit ; sets which weary *led Upon tio insforee; - that it la weir peshiips, for one moment to; consider the- utter; falsehood' of such .ehargel, and to is on examination the 'lmpulineed elionMQ and forbeaMince of the:victorioui 0 oifirnmesti - which; bat for the cost -of tie Rebel/kit,- wouldweni be felt only in its proteetiow'and thilbseing. While it his heretofore been the common' law of all *Mimi; our Own ineltded, Co !punish treason by ;death, li:iisi' reserved Ibr the Arierimin.,Congreiul,ll'th'midet of *1 giptitie rebellicot . on the 'Mb' day if, July 1 , 14 - iednee that ' punish m ent If the . courts ' *obi' se lli. to fine and impeiconnient..-- Real, it has beenlbe usage of all nations.. In peace as well eel* war, tamale the;wrong doer, iron in the most trivial tristmessi, re- - spend oat of his property to the Aill nmonat of the dital g es.he hp committed, a - pinetiee and usage of 'netoriou governments In all oidinaryVatle; antlyet we' have seen .1 4, pa triot statesman, venerable alike for lux age rind for the biassing!, education, Culture, and IniprOvemeati he heti Conferred npon - iliState 1 and country, a statesman greatly iiinent i among hislellow legislators, 'arid by cl*nion tenroat .of suecesstre Congresses,'; ecinowl- . *edged as &leader and tither, with a detence dad ' neither Clay, pox, Paine, the Pit nor •I i even Cicero had ever known— : this nob e; Man ; We have seen wailed with a bittee s and ~ falsehood peenlint to •the . atithortifig4 lea- i dem of the rebelliona, ita pimps and '.apolo 1 gists. And for what ? Why, fir poposing thiit, a feW of those Who had been chiefly Instill . mental in filling the,landwith woe and mourn- i ing, aid diht and L./salon, and Who, like the late- Secretary or the Rebel financie r - bad', made millions by blocktide-rinning, I end by speculating upon upon the general distress; 'should , out of their princely estatitiontribute one tenth ! of the damages they ~ bad done a nd at the same ' ~ . 1 time expressly .exempting from , pens* al l the great masses of those who bedlam' drawn in . toi,the late! war. 'Thli 11111111111, statesman . al-, so preptameflot. to punish- any : With that ex- trans rigor usual in civil ware, and *est: even 'to the extent exacted by every' European tui tion in ordinary foreign wars. - Wes inch, Moderation and cltimeneyever before so Mini- edand insulted! May this grandMieldatate4 man of our in:matey and age; this honor to hu inanity, and llghtamong the nations, still qr. tinue to live notwithatinding - the sdraDes a' 1 years and disease, and lay we ' yet be guided by his wheloin.andbeneliceneemitil the great - MlietinietastialinlVeirLaba bi-d - seaml lli th" interest of peace,.progress. and:. freedom. I regret, gentlemen, that . I cannot ' encourage yonwiththe hope of a short or light ;Motion, as I am . informed I by the Dlstriet4tiontey the' your labors may be considerable; The unlnitigated disloyality- which animates so I large a portion of our neerspaperprise in this 1 I State, is producing snob effect til!avi the pub=, 'l*te morals,especially in Tenting eidasposition by frauds and perktry to escapelaxsOein net-, oeisary forthe support of the GoveZnenti in , encouraging tie circulation ofeoriat eit Mon -1 ey, and it is to be feared the enxiety in vote it the approaching elections bypersons wogs gad in the late Rebellion, is about t ‘ ti m eoduce in immense &Mount of labor, fee Grand, , . . Juries .on this subject' may have .not' to address yau more at length on a• future nelea .sion. Your 'Mende& is particularly Called to as abuse which bad assumed an alarming !as pect in tbie city as a relic of the GUI barba-" , ern of slavery;: I inean the brutal rijectron of - a---grest-Ishoring and useful) eta 'tithe t i people from the street cars, 'under ,6. act of Congress commonly , Milled the givii : flights' bill. -There is an undoubted remedy or such 1 outrages. - Chartered -transportation compa nies owe impartial duties to the pu ie. and, the gross wrongs complained'of demi e your indignant reprobation. I know the M tter has 'been arranged by the Commanding General with his usual and jn gement, Wit in front its nature a mere temporary set tlement, and needs conermation by the legal p. sanction of courts and juries. l 'only ask that you iddyour weight to what has been so well and wisely done . byjhe General , 7f any o'f: your number know of anyfioletio* of few; it a your" duty to report t? . 'l,he body which ishendd be. always 16 in number, out the as sent of 12 iii required to find a true bill.. =I lEEE bright bar;. .-* dr("4" iiii ■ Senator 'Wilson in the South; Senator Wilson left Ohm%eaten for: Watt , . nab on Saturday morning; but.. after: &this out to see the boti t hedtoput back etracomint, of a severe* Storm. era Sickles, accent Scott and e many of this iprontinent citisens have - paid him all due attention. • Meabindons his contemplifed visieto Beaufort .and Situnitalk, and has gone to s ittigitsta. From there hit goes to Montgomery, thence to Mobile,. thence to ,New Orleans. end from there he ascends the Mississippi. He situposits spiking at various points in Tennsium aneXentucky on his. way north.: • LhL second speech:in Charleston on Pd.:" day night, ldr.,WiLson referred tii the intinut:' Lions wbich.aio - beini made. that , eoVred men Who vote with the Republican party stay,loie employment and be turned ont'oc their cabinti . and holdings; and lie said LIMA would i be th e AratWot towards conliseiiiion. should (tikePlace. Rs thouy,ht eery lihets tlief,Con-• gram wouldrepO4l4 is a violation or the .eongfaition bilk Whit* glCl*4l44lllitiii free exercised manhOod'aelkitge; and r#4.con7 limmti the property c o tt men weeffmyßkg. Re tdrokf wcTIO. snob 1aii11140?7,,14 ii itie' war "BirrAikCiPt,,#irl7. ewd 01 ' 1 . 41:iIkarnir Pl** . 17 - Tee:ol,o. be-. Ire d the rebel statiojrcoa be xadmisl - fecoresifondence Of the New York baleen.) , .. . AilWashipgton Charmer. - . - . i wAsimurros; April 4, 1881 !White yoo think that belistuitt. the For ge* Commie his Ojeuiiiod, we have . moth-' ink of glares! to *rite about, here: If stilou are, in the language retie %sit 'Wilms of the stab* !' snaked in and 'tiffanies de.' tietesti,, for We have cores upon cards of ficti iatunifriltea,' iffiorPOS the. blo sad mai of 'that hodi t itlid • I r propoie this week., to give ' yetiontithee'rbkoi view'. ._ . ' , ;,- .. • .. ~, = To thieNit . 'there Mune 'from.' St. ; penis's' Whose rOblist.figiiii nein/460 .ifoisii nefte. and attracted the gaze : of :the eteriest , OS most !04, I .4o+tollif of Os lofilotatOo o i', tyke .vOliapnfitmiappettriiiiee. '.-Htfaa* was . *034117‘01144a, ift / besuitiful, exoepti to these LWiktedittiriniemeat forelsok of intelligenten-• I iTOoP9o4 : 1 .. ci1i0n• 4 14 0 -Plooidit7 ortOO•lorio • -• -• Her shin ': io:d firmly and sweetly 'eke; Pled; while aheve 'it pouted two oherry-ripe' Bpi Her nose was.enguisitely 'turned to the MOlli .esitrui4tingly fine colnpromies !fella:elf* sensuality and stets. , womangki-atinegation of worldliness. , Her cheeks t round and plump, Wen always aolores4 with the fresh pink blush of health,- and h 4 cheek bones - were just Pritrainent , enough to dimple them bewitching ly. Her ey4 surmounted by brows as close, ly penctifird end delicately arebe,d as airy &P-. tint Gould detiire' were twinkling mid' lertg'i• I Mg brilliants; sheep and -pimPoing orbits; lne-; 1 Claus hazel brew* in Celery and 'ttie4 spoke volumes of , seductive persuasiveness ' , or . ' rte, . pled with the ~- : •'- m oatine. i mperv i ousness "If:I •..r 1 , , an iron-clad.' She weighed • shout one. hen- I died and dirty pounds, and • dressed in' : it: `close -fitting basguine, and many : were the 1 meMbeento bifotind basking in the sunlightil of her delicious smiles. Black silk was the :. :i material 'of the besaue, corded, , fluted, fries- ), seedj_rigglel end! thimgumbohtted withla: con-! 1 timing proration of kW pendants . and Ibugle; I which rattled and jitgled as, - with the 'state :linens of a g6iiii, she walked through theocie ! lido of the Capitol, commanding the admi i ration and successfully demanding •66segui-. ous service of ali With whore she Came;intien ! tact. Her voice was like tie warbling ,of the morning lark, or solemnly plait:aloe' like-'-the *song of the dying swan; and- she was }an elo quent, elocutioniat, understanding, to perfec -1 lion the gesticulations of ,an orator, Or . the • oierpearering sal conscience-zoo thing little pit: ty pats-with-hee r delicate-hands-on- your -oo* - 1 collar, of a coin ing wheedling, befuddlinglit- ! tie angst She ores : spate la the use'of jewel- ' ry,• mid yet wore rings, chains and diamonds enough to add an air of reekless plentitude to I . I bee' regal Pries. Deist, like thi:sixibro lOypii? ". l a • • .. ', ' • •-. ', . - • lib not ' d; leis -painted trite, to life, / sad it te ee rl to add. -that f . li-" may be complete, the, fact that she was seeempan- I id by a hirable, red-whiskered 'cambial , eauvenioneeknoWn in common' mrlamie as ii• htusbend. . He was an insidious Seeker enact new efigneintainoes, at Biel 'same timO . ' tieing ' earefel not teeknew an, one but jodgee, gets- erals; b'enorabiee,tifilPeoplos of the, - 4-hontor ish" line. Re Made its rule .to clasp wih! both atilt flippers the profound pawl of ti dy,; distinguished person that he might be intro- ducted- to,•end without fluiliei pelavet . invite l all such to her .Irgonts. "Wouldbee , glad to , hays you Meet - ley wife air," he said. end so- careinglythe 11146 - were dragged into theiveh. The lady received theM sigurteoneiy, a nd, be log remarkably +sell-informed. was . never at Inlet in her etteMpts to enlist their flimidi-, ate attention, .fo r she always knew something of their.previouti political or military history, , aid seldom tailed in making an' aprons cow; 'plemelit.„ !.I resiollectiou, sir;" she seigiXo all then,„ th Pend ever since you did isotind. so I. I have Mince to know yon." Who could , resist' ' „Bich insidious p!Lttery ? The flies ! blitzed , the i r wing* in the web, not .it vein attempts • to free Hiezeselifis„ but with s burning desire to get more and more entangled in its lashes. Is there one 1M blind es not to foresee the re • suit i Is it nattiesary that I. i shoule ,add•that • the influence of the busied ies, before they . . i nets driven from the web . were pledged to anything that the fair enchantress disliked !-- 7 . ' Knorr trent this lhat. she was,, a most Bodeen . . . . fol lohbyeass. - .! •_' • . , . . ~. , , The Iron -clicl Relief Bill was a bugbear in , 'the Thirty-nimltCongress, including in- its' ''provisions apeoPrietions of millions dollars-' in pityreent of claims of contractors who had , lost money in, building_ iron-clads foi the Goy ernment. Some of the claims *ere . just, and 1 others were asrindleir but 'the just •;and• the, unjust were iserved",iiiilie, and the bill *as lost:, only to be revived.V piecemeal lit the.,Tor tieth Congress. The . first -enalesienl piece thus revived was the claim of lima. Peo°r••& Co., fgr titierection of the iron-clad Connie- • chi It may have. been e just , claim and I • think it was ; but lem not =Waken when 1 1 say Hives rushed ,thrOugli bOth Bonsai: in . double-.guick tiole,and that the piropeging Pair.. er.used . in pushing it throughway the . =•lolibp , ass above referred to.. 'lt emonittedl* near= rly twikAundred thoussikdollatn, enctehe wee. 'well 'Ode for her' iteuble; if trouble ion may , call it. Day- ifteedei, "halt was roadie' , In the House, she set in thegiploreatie - 00.1 I lery, : and-watehedlt in its Tarim* BIOS's.. of 4 Polifoo=ocial7:.PrOfirooti end . esch day some. 1116 1 *, advainee-.4eute times a- flajorlOo fem. the nein...4f : its oppciitante-tbandend:elo.; qielle l .7 fllis balielf,:gatd. immediately When he ripe to tagi...the eyoloo4. 4 : 0001 !Polite of 'Hie rexOrter's gallery winetkwhisrir '-inyaterions ly..-, .”/Irthits seen the spider In the b 34 bnikitie•!!. , Stirs, loberkefkl4 l o44lotri* el . •d oldimia ylkeitior.4, ..04 *has . itr'liasSa Tushedisp stain to the oosiidorht the roes' at -, the gallert,e ! ,then.to merits the . thinks lof I the spider, sii4. I spied 'der thanking 61111; -; Wise*beegulA m tLinitiles,,' her delicate , gland hand- - Mint appro v ingly on the, ' idisiddell, r ioaii at or lob 'eat lone 'Mnee ' bore 1 'the elienhatea attitigh rankle the.-arty..:hr. the Sassee shit watched' IA the lama sower; wail*g...eprisindfrts one- . after another . of .the beht-hesOlat,'lo thinstari eisiltitteil or NIECE It waa a grandaigh 'ugly ind y goes to nhir ~ 4 what weineit gin do when the waits • I]onifor titatmillenium whea.l eitsh eh iin the galleries and wink 'antblint end 'hod sit until* at. sinebiodys,else's wife scabs votes fie bill that i may be %..lobbiing through. "'. My wile, you know, Rill coax otlmr peopl.i : • Wi'Vett into my web,,,end Nom* their. hi; filere for my bill. limn eitilry" with tcy wife - and she'd , 139 ; fcir We'll 'Wax- strong in the - pocket-book. -Its food paying brialikesc, 'this lobbying,: and IN fobbr so suciesiftiliNSie comprised of the lex excluded from the - privilege or - so yon see that bi view of ley iinoral, "get , op," is can't help but wish that the worsen of AintOcaroay soon . be ettfronehhk• so that I 'naai establish myself in qty proper'epitore se s , • ' , pretty lobbrenember.", • , Baltic (Cerieskpienee clf the Chteip regtexe.) A Rivoianoej of ertnio.; • 13LANDV11.1X. BAILKILDCO.i -, „April 22, 1867.; • .1 _ • ' • Th 'e usual quiet Of thts.iittle villaigehee been diettrebeif by an - incident . of great moment to end.whiohicoreihiy illustrates -the' old sai7 lag that I'muider will mai" and. 4, a woman ;. eancottieep a 'secret." 4bout. slew* peers ago, there came to ,this, temity, and .settled abOot,livemilmi from this town, a mitt nutted Hudson,*,of South Carolina, in whiolt State hi lo auctioned his" wife and•three Children.: Clio of his-ceighbors, natntd raTriiier, 'was the fs4 lair:of: buiota daaglters, between the. younger of Them, aged 'fifteen, at4'llndscr4` there sprang up, an intithaCY, Whieh resulted itt the eefinctiari of; he girl: . Nine years egti this mouth Hudson comalitted an4 wan found in the.garret-:of; his hocse, hanging 14 neck, his knees touching` the floor. He must have committed the deedaaineffour or . dye disyl l t: before "his badY, Was dieceVered; , as the renitilne .'• bad commenced to decay, and one aide of the lace and:ear We.'e. :. nurh- eaten away by the eats.' l . 2.coroneFti in g est was held over the-. body. and a verdiCt of suielde returned. . Onti of the jurars, however, noticed something like - a Piece of iron in the ear, of thoderoeued, bat , did not ezainifie it Very minutely, air . did he . mention the fact for some time alter, ' • The young Belcher girl iaerriedalitatinam, ed McNabb, -doith whom she has O "lasednce , • .veryhaPpily, notwithstanding she hecame a mother in a few To.outas after being married. . The family prospered'.' The elder sister like; wise married and Was mitch respected,forti.of the neighbors iaving aught to say against either ' • of the girls . ; But there War *skeleton in both households,,. and the Miters, as they plodded filong the journey of life, .werti! °antifamily .- , harassed by fears and doubts. each attiyht**,, , ' vain to allay Ihevisielti,iilftelt)**C.Wi ' lif, minds: A few Rooks since, • daring s;:fit of (jespauft. dency. the younger sister divulged,to a neigh bor the lerrihle secret whiilt bad so long been upon her conscience and made her, life a tir-. went, it Was that herself. wi'lllersisyi and. .husband; .had murdered Hudson! illart ttory. was,.,that in coinpiny 'with hieHtob, whom rheafterwirds married,.and her eldest sister, , she: called upon ‘ lindscut. and telling him of uation.rupbraidett him . with her betray. al. - 411wlsen attemtited to laagh away the af fair, and for the first time infOrtned her . of his being a married man. This inoeftsed boththi sisters and MeNbab, - : all ,wham'.cointnetteed an assault upon Hudson, as NO been Prevlattet 1y agreed Upert in case he refused* to render justice to th girl he had so fouliy Hudson was els* • overpowered,,Yand killed by into driving hia oar a:portion' of iltlf`irem spindle belonging to a spinnitiiwbeel. Aftei the murder ,waS nccornplisl -thebody war , taken to the loft of the cabin, and left hanging by the neck, as it- was found several days thereafter. - ' - The wommt 'to whont this cessifut secret was imparted divulged the facts before' the 'grand jury at the present term of the Circuit Court, who at once found a hill against McNabb - , hilt ; 7, wife and sister : in-law,- and yesterday thirat =ties were - arrested,.4ought to this town;' anti placed in jail, - _ j - The women aratdeeidedly good looking, bat . . theircountenaoces seem to ,uidicite that. they have no hope. • r A. H. Step4pii7 , H. Sophens is Uttlif seen or he.__ r ' -- Ho is at his , home at Cratrfordsvillei th, road between heriiand Angusta t practieditg law t His views on the reohriotriertion qinestiod are not known., Theylave been repeatedly given,. but not having orginalrid from , himself, have' been as repeatedly eontrailiated.• -I beard something recently in connection with -the olenthrit of Mr. idtephens pi the United Stales Senate' which I him-had seen in print, rind which I tUnk Ought to be?published, -- in. Jug tioejto 'the President;' or if poor Andy doesn't need a little, justice, who does? It is 'thief-- Mr. Stephen T, sale well known; did not de. sire to be eleoted. He told his- friends so ; bn they sird upon him. General Jiin, liteed.uan was the matt wko had• Most to do with it. He "append tohe in the interior of .• : Georgie at thislime in it military command. I think--and tirok great interest in the matter_ --repiesentiugthe Thom no - daub!, of the Northern 1 4',h f Peniofir 66 7, 1 with ' which' acted - politioa ly.• Steedman telegraphed.. to Johnson to know if it would be -hdrisahle to elect Steplies: The Presitnt replied very ileeldidly in. he, negative, saFing that. Mr. Ste phens wee oniparole, and ought notr,to meddle In politics at - His fidvicurwhe Trot - talthrt. and Stephens Iwo sleeted, '1 It will he tentern bhred thet - meny 'Radical phpere of the Milli hoonaisiMr:'Johnson of tiding in the election of Stephens. inilepokeiof it as sus the North, etc:. Whei. I Mate hem I linhe from a, man .who hue is his tpossimusion thA cos riornd'enCei AI L *V tulMibetwetll Oi! ) e!hian Sind the Prestrient.--,4 Hoots' ClorCqn. Cris. Tns man who °in derosud &trice oftei superior to him who Oen five 0, CM =I Abiliiiiil is iammittat at:Aim rita et 484 ) I ,niateraat Watt erg -11 11 1 1 10 at 'mkt. re 14,Ileati: virSzarsliass;ot this jdsrer'." 26tSr asst. tide:lool*n , 76 Asents' buy par is Desthi4elisksis, of s public nature, fres', e ebel V. P. mb NM .1 iii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers