. 7.., . .... 7_ _,..1....._........„....,.......... _ ... T.,,,,,..,....:.....r....,„..„....,,,,,,..„r,,........„,i7t......„.te _.,...........0.,...., ":i ...... .,-,-..:1 . - i''..............,' : , .............. „....4,.. . tv---, - i ~.1.0.,....,,t7 , . . . 'I - * ~i ' 'y s - 2; - „,7 : . •' , - - ' 1 ' , A.ea -...-2.-- -, ".." - •' _...„,.... m ........,..A.- -0■066.---,0•1......•••-::•-..wre...-1.,,,m,../anpfoustowtoratitm, ___,.._, ~, ___ ..... 1 -A- r " - g 17,1- s T.l T I IY " '4 • .- - 1 7 , T 147 i l r 3--a ,, , , ,- -1.1.1..--.7),?..1. 7. . - 4 I I •lIT - 'ir" •':: 1 , r-$.,..; 2 ,f +i - ,- ,,. t...f. - I , i7sit: ...:;,,-.:,-,,:..0 , .... , :_ t5„..1.1.-- ,-r. --. , 1 )übli hed Every Wednesday, ~,,, • .:.. 4 1 1, ;,!. (7, 7 ) ,-. T , . 1 1 . , ~ 7 - , j. : . . ... , , , s -r-..4 1 - , . ,-- , -.., ...„ - ~ .., I „,ter. ,-• - , ,i. - -Cll.? rqr ._, 1 .. . It, 4 ,-- ..' , ; - - ... 5 •-• ;.. ii i v 4 '''..itrh',:ll . ~ '...;; 4 " h . '"'" .W. ,/,' , .'''t . t : i • AR GU'S BUILDING, I - ' : ::".. t S,%. x ~.z.. , ~..., I. .:. . ' 1 • , . . . -... . I . ifflrl - V r - - RDt, ', :., ~,, ', .1," -;:s I '-. ..? .. , , ~,I '' 4‘ 'll .4.'. ' ST.. ',WAVER, PA,' .'- , ''- ' . ' -%, r''s - ' ' ' ~ i' ," -',.! 1::. - f •"..--,, ,- 1. ..I,il-, ~ • ,: i .,:.: ' , ' --e -'l_ ;V,* Ifir r e - ii- .--,-•., i, :, ?.' ' -' ' ' t. _• ,- . 5••• -.: •`,, .-, " . .1„ . 4 , ..,/ ; _ per annum - in Advance. .‘. . ! . , l ''., 1..i. : 4 .1 '4 ~, - • . 4 ", ' - I`, '': .4'... , .1i ~ .. ‘ • ', ,-. .. 4 , 7 ".... - N ,. . - Al .. '''';' ' ' ''"'" '' ' .. ' . ~ ' . .- • , , • .1111. . - • r .1 - - s . • ' ' ' 'ln ': ic3 , i ' ~, ..1 , WOW ..-4.-.1. 'ill 111411111CNOGICC. .4., , - '• - • • '.'•l - v - •+, - r .i . ..,,.j!,,-.1, ' •1~ ..." • •' 4 1 4. 4' .44 ; 4i.4'i i:47--- '4 '''.. - -v".. I . 1, • 4 ; '.."1 2 i) -- >': w,, .. :-,T -, ,I - ,-,; -. .. • . . „ . . - - I ;-,-,;.•;,:- r 1 1" . Wi -P1 THE • 0 0,00 , . still• Letters mintitibutions, by mail, liAve prpmpl, atteriAlpn, f.,_WEYAND,.Editor .14 Proprietor. JUST, O'PE NE D: -AT- ' IVIgS. , A. E. KOOKEN'S, .3!dillknery Stard,, OCII EST ER., PA .• - .. _ :11: :Ind good ass.ortment of STRING ill LENEity Goobs, - including silk, .1.- , StiaNV. and nwitriting' bonnets, and hats of . e - ve ri.si yto and quality. ' Also ribbons, Row er:. 4alitte.F. laces.. StIllIV cOrd, and tassels, cr y .14,-., wittier and. jet:, liuglc fringe 'and or i .., 1 0 .v.futs.••• •• • . • , . .. STAMi.FGD GOODS c.sit-tantly,ou hand, or stamped to order with the . PERFORATED STAMPS AND MEER .101:11111 - ,E STAMPING. Fuitane for la oho notrruuted fo wash !ia.ed: 1:0L tun, or woolen goods. ing receive* a hew and improved *PRESSINO .MACIIINE2 A!!•1:t1 , . , latest styles (; .:$00; n ,nr Ervinired t i : , fw.. , in tile 1.1ic,,! NM= a 1; E R Buckeye • . Now et- an 4, neaper ;--_ w, i r t: l T. Triura_phantl extensivetv. knOwn, • and deservedly Machine vtas submitted to the most test of its supericrty,.. at a trial of peniieting machines•t hat tuok piaci-under the rAagetittmt of Nt;W• York Seciety, A . ril , :eett, Y, in 18lt41. ' The committee - t.-41,/ ,, j .1 of eleven judges, and: form machihes :7coritesttints . for the prize.- 'fine t tree treekS and the tests The result was an-. tveuicea 7,1 'e Fair held at Surat mv4hut , ' I ~- •;! and the, GP I AND GUI! : MEDAL • , swat tied the: ICI 'ekey n 3 li f e machine , Supeript to All . Others. A -ilnil:u• tcstt nony vt* Af , led it in the !•:h.1 , . State. iu Thii , machine is regard h.,„ the th,uvichl,l4 who cilu froza 1,1 ~•111,:e. t "Best m the - World, I` LON I I. cull t .t C. A nny of thesit maehinett applying t,p the nodert , it2. - n ent for , iteaver aunty.. . JANIES PATTERSON: New 6:4lilee, Pt. (• ..,, Wnnti t !, ttL) hr.l \1 ii RE, NEW,,• FItM .i . NEW -ST T . O e s. Ne w 1.114 Sut annaltrice t,:s their int !lc's n.ntl i geuerally, olteniiin• o New .ocery Store I.p yr.,-1.4 1 i - I.t illy s C 111 ::;;u MEE LEST. FA i Are' to.tf , taie thatthey are de t to with all other dealers Pt tg!tbothnod ,. as i• • their,Stock new, and boug,l4 at the late and selected with tlie, great lar'rey brown, Whose knowl isit cannot he qustioned; IMr- Arthar .llaryek for many MIMS • .;• nr=. ;11 ~~~~,.~..~., iar: m '"~ '.. r. = %Id^ L•cu With I a 1 pt ,t:e,an ids of Family Flour aiwlys Lee taken at all times at lull Al goody LSOI4 .& OROWN: i , ;yt [Feb. 27,4,?67-,171.y: =I .i,.L Titonl „PAM I.TON. N & HAMILTON,. Bever bounty, Pa. Sharon, i,h I,;or uf 4-1 R R GLT S STOIIE.) unEr,s of Fancy and Com - onis, and dealers in Handles, •c., •Se. .All work warranted. IVtA:CeIA(' n,.fa Bt.( Tv.•ine„ parch and pruvi , ied • .Ive Nutt • . • . OW au eacelletil lot of Curn, tir.selves with all needed Neill r 'ourselves that all Aroonis f),• us will lie found as good as' eap as the cheapest.. Cal: and qlsewhere.- . [lox 17, Leacer,:l'a., taahltfuet ured iLe uct.,t, auoic ki:ialc.re Of•bonnCt and hat bionics, 6 alter, o:each and 'press niannt , r, ;nut on :d'art A. , E. KOOKEN: - -- - It 1; .1 D' Tll I'S FM f o by tbc•incorpornted C out- LT3I A.N . it' , CO• Canton, 0. 11ARVE ' Y OWN DItIDGEWATR, Gned Store of X. C Lii of .Mitrch. ition of niacin g on band, at lortment of the ' ILY GROCERIES! rticular attention to—their Coffee, as they flatter. them *e• I±oniethitig e*tra 'to oiler . (panty. j Vol_ .4; • : Yal s t T _ • . •• - - •., . - E*GIENE'INE'_;I,ErOR S110:10, In Fallston Beaver Counti, Pa. lIAVING refitted and, enlarged niy stock of -machinery and tools,•and having sccur ed the servioes.of the linst of mechanics, am prepared to .warrant . all'.work' delta to give entire, satisiaction.". 1 hake on hand Alf intent patterns and, styles of engines, Fire ClAy Rolls, and am preparetitimake. or repair all descriptions of machinery, on reasonable terms Plows a - d Plow Castings. • I have all the besit. plow patterns that suit this market, antong which - is the ...'Great IVestern;" which has been :tile plow of the county for the last fifteen yuari. ,;Therelare five sizes of this plow, all of which I mann • fact Ore ;ma keep for sale; also "Patent. Le ver"-,-right acid leftH".ldortntain King."— right and left--" Side Hill," and:nearly all the different kinds in use. Cooking, Franklin and Heating Stoves • Having mail several important. improve ments on :the "Climax," by which coal or wood cnn supplied without. 'Mini lids, and havingtWo places for pipe, either or both* of . which can he used at .the same : t•itneovith a ventilation to the. oen, thus 'batting, the ad vantages iota Cooking Stove, Bake' Oven and Franklin Stove combined This stove hae-heen imeonstant use for twenty years. and Many of. them after being' used for this period of time, sre now in' good order.' There is butn stfiall portion of stove that ever burni out, and this is easiti' and ch en plx replaced. To make them stilt. nOre lasting, we are now, putting iti t ile br ftre. brick lining. Our . other 10 are . the Enterprise, Keystone and Premium. -- Parlor stoves, large and small litiatinglstoves, Franklin stoves, Jenny Lind's,: Grate and Grate Fronts; Fenders, iron Bailing of various sfyles, , Wagon Boxes,-two Irons. Tire Benders, Corn Shollers; Force.rind' . Cis.terik' Pulyps, tind Irons,. Metal Sinks fur kitchen, Sheet Iron and Tin ware, l always on hand and matlefo order. In fact, I manufac hire and keep for sale, almost:everything `.wanted in the machinery or hardware line. Bi , contl hand stoves always for -Ole , cheap. ITwo g 0 . 71 1114 V. engines, suitable for: slim-mill Or , shop purp;oses now 'on_ hand, 'and will be ttiold reasenable. • ittarl;;''',7.l--ly. JOHN THORNILEY. NEW. STORE EXC L U,SI V EL'Y IE3 (') 4L - ) t. s aricl S e s pEIISON.S . de.irott.,t er eottotitizing; t itpl it t.o their iutcresi,, to call , • JIUSI~'S ENV ' :STORE, •a• , . . Drimulway. o:.poslte the preshyterian Church, \1..0: roi L diton. - The underAgned, having hail §evnteen , years experiCtt,e in the businet. , A. feels Mtn- Wf fully , conildent,. with his facilitie , for re= , ceiVin good , tircct, from the Manufacturers, that it . will hi to every persons advantage to call and examine for themselves. , ''.. aprlo'67-4mog ' . • • Rochester Marble, Itiorks _ •. . i W. 111ARSHAR 11.1 1.;:l•.1 CT LIRE OP Monuments • & 'Stones DEALER IN ITALI.tN :&., :IiIt:RICAN : 111.9.31,E Marble , Mantles, Marble and Stone Fencing and Posts for .Cemetery Lots Made to Order.; now prepared to offer to:the public, a large and saperio . r stock of plain and or namental„head,stones-of thC very latett stiles nod - supegior.ftni:;ll, and for 'which". am .sel ling'-5 p r .cr cent. less for dash, 'titan any other fikw in the Stite. I reipeotfully iiivite;thosn ,wishinganything'in. my line; -to cult antliex , amine.- toy stock and . prices ~ b efore pin-- chasing elsewliere,.n.s I am Aeterininedsnot to Le under sold. - • e Laughing Gas ! • , 011 E all ye that,have beeb suffering tlie Vi untold miseries of t and dread of extraction, and you will find tliat-Dr.-Chund iler & Co. are, ready to -relieve you by the use of , the great pain dastroyer-LLAO7IIING VT.4S-- - -and make their extraction a source of pleasure, Father than of pain. . ;• All dental Operatirms. performed In iheliest possibile:tniinner, arid at as reaVnahle terms as 14 any good Dentist in the cowl!y.. Ara="o4lise in.ikaiier,Atation i ltochester, Pa 1: -•- . . . • ERNS F . A.ItL NPa C 0-14. INS IMMIMII **LEM= f'.. " • • • .• • • c 4 it:p.-4T:' TS. Agnew stock o[ ch °lee . natterns,ivhich.einnot • bo excelled in extent and varrietjt. WINDOW BIIADES, In Green, Tan Colog,. Buff, Lavender, Drab and Fancy 'Colbrs;. with plain; heat and rich Gilt and Velvet Borders, over 200 different .patterns. • e FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, • - - - , , All the best. pattorns An ;he. market, -vit.-4 sheets 8, ti,•71.12; 18 'and 24 feet w id e . • SCOTCH W ItillOW ITOLLINDS, , . Buff. Green, Blue land White, ,in• all widths ENGLIALL v(OOLEN DRUGGETS, ".uf Bright Color 4 11, 2t, '2, St, 8,, and "ei: lards Wide. ..• . • "r I Woolen - and Linen *Crumb Cloths, English • Wilton and Velvet Rugs, Swiss • • .Lace, :and Application • • • • Curtains, In patterns that are not to . be found elsewhere NOTTINGIIANI CURTAINS; English and French floods for Heavy Curtains, NEW PATTERN CORNICES, Carpet and:Curtain Upholstery. . • . Orders, promptly and carefully mauled,— Will send .careful and dwirienced, ulholsters to.auy part of. the country 1, to lay;Carpets and put up Curtains, Shades, &c. ' • M!PARLAND • & • COLLINS! 71 AND 73 FIFTHS TIIEE: 11 . 1 Nat Bui'•ttng to. 11. 5. Custom House and Pustotrice i , rfeb2o'67—bm. , - - ORPHAN'S'.COURT SALE. - 1 . . 3 - .B 1' -virtue quo order of the Orphans' Court of !tearer county the uti•liersigneil wlll expofe to sale, at public out-cry, on the prom- ics; on -. • . •, - f . . - Dionday May p.,0th . .1867, at . 11 o'clock, A. M. of said day, all the folio ing described Teti' estate [of Daniel Ehrhart', late of Big Beaver towndiip, 'in said county, deettased,,situaln iu said township of Big Bea ver, viz : ,A certain parcel or tract of land, bdiantilbtl • on ..thei t Nnrtb--loy..daaa , • .6.1 Beatty, on the East by Big Beaver Creek, . South by land of George, Baker; and West by land of William. Jones, containing about Jew] Acres, on which is erected a Log , House, cue and a half stories high; fruit treesen the premiSes. TERMS.—One-third oft purchase'morey in hand upon the confirmation of sale 'by the', court, the-balan:e in two equal annual instal- , Mears flour thatldate..with interest froth 'same by bowl said mortgage upon ' the premise,. 'rho pnrchasers to pay:expenses t 4 preparing title; bond and mortgage. and all requisite stamps. For further inforniation, in. tar` of the undersigned at Homewood Bea ver county, Pa, WILLTA7II IT. FOSTER, GRXIIAM, Adra'rs.l of Daniel Ehrhart, dec'd npr'2.l.*ta. . • ORPHANS' COURT SALE. Cirtne of i on oilier of . iVe l Orphanbi Cottrt of Facer county. the: itudeimactl, t rat , r- Allt I bda, decd.; will eSpOtfe to salb vcith.c, on the premises, on • 1 MONDAY, May 20, 1867,- ';clock, M., all the undivided fIVC-SO7 , enths of all that tract of situate in Greene t ornship, Bearer co., l'a., bounded North by lands of Andte . iv Ilarsha, East by other lands - of the said Akron Hood, decease'', South by lands of John :Weep & James Hood, and West by lands of Jaihes Hood. & • Molnar Witherow, containing abbot FIETY-EIGHT -ACItES, about 40 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation. Improvements-are a log hose and log barn. :Said lands subject to the dower of Mrs —Hood, mother of said intestate, and wldow of Minim Hood, dec'd. . ' TERMS-One-third of the purchase money in hand on confirmation ofsale by the ccurt, the balance in two equal annual installments from that date, with interest from saute time, and secured by bend and mortgage. • The pur ettaset o pay .eneuses of preparing title, bond and lajort gage, and an requisite stamps. Fite ftirther; information, inquire of the undersign ed, residing in Greene township, aforesaid. _ Gritsos HOOD, Adner. of Aaron Hoods April '2O, 18f17. . Eli 1 A DNIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.. y ETTERS of administration onthe'estate of Jons cit.twronu, late of Darlington,, tp., Beaver co., dec'd, having been granted to the un lersi gned,all persons indebted to said 'coot e are requested to make immediate payment:tin& those having olaints against said estate will present, them to , the subscriber properly au thenticatod for settlement. . . • J. 11. Adner.„ ,apr17 . 61- t. Enon Galley{ P 1 . 1• • A b.IIINISTRA.TC It'S NOTICE.. •. • , LETTEBS of Administrat ion on the estate of Dssict Hoops, late dt Nevi Brighton, Beaver county, Pa.,- dec'd., haying been granted to the undersigned, all. persons in debted to said *late are requested, to make im mediate payrnent;t and those ;having cfaims againstlt he swirl-will present , tirent properly authenticated for settlement. . - • - r 0.-112W4-EI-Adrrer., aprl7 l 7i-:-Gt. . N~-tic~a~: HE Board of School Directors of Borough Torinship lndependetit School: District, wish to employ two wale , - and four female teachers for their scnools for the term . com mencing the 2d Monday- of May not. An ci aminstign of teachers by the County Superin tendent will,be„lteld in the Union Schitot, House in Bever on Wednesday l "MaY Stli, at 191 o'clock A. ,m.. 4 and the: selection of li{ao . 4 l?rl'i . iiki4Oirintediatel3 theroafter. Ggo._ ,u,vdww;si l rres.ideit'of ihe'Boar- d.' ;. (r4ftti . • , t.t 33e.sifver 5 , • ^ f , : `• - is - t,. r , ! ~_, OiFki At i El ll= =I .:E;i:l., i„.i.i -,+ ,', • - ' '.. T . -'w - ' ' ' '""4 "' - 1 " . ' q'T' b .. , 1 .1 ::.,- +, by. : --, ~., -1 4 ;:i i in hs. poll; and ~ Fernan eill:pod an ease . _ .. tit r e ii - e i rs' 4, iii 'i:' ' - - ectioi in Corin II ectentilrit)i:'atid 'Din Veoiheeeient thel l iii, 'iiid Va: landingbam`watited tit • / knew noviriehother the created' the moat'. . .' ound Benstsiun s at s ithe d , a - tietle. , .. 1 1 - .It • r eiin +: .. se unespected,lsa-iik,,,3 ;Pie s' . ident.)iitz a going I o seeeit the; itittiaslitin and take theDemeer itia - patiyin hie*Misimf a alapirr i th.lindei 1....: a clear skY, r or eutber ! se like a gleil l UV% ~ r r iewria blaek elonl,tiS I.lr.i(l;i he bed a list tiv-ipPiitnientsriißontli ern Ohio he wished to make 'At this!, tit the solke the fir a - .11Y.,,eun lite in the inoirti quezticm arosewhetheier not rhea not better in 'Silei aliens Alta ! . citiera moebns :With, qe. i me : no : itirth er l 4 , at we vn i save 4, owri , move my- Classiele and Military Institute to. • , its . - •. • -.ial t -Ceinectioutt ram ii - pisietiele Mai,' an II in with -, he Cot"tr balm% ei Perlenet TO! ''. • - • - - .. It satisfactory spite •,103 , since the ieceetait' 3v413 .. -Ls •asko: es' pertinent tO,.the: . !riestfon, the Fort P i Meri-alt . ' - It produced aver, s ii i ..! .whethortornot. there was It•distill4y in Con- ~:et. . on Meek . 'Cram. ' *hen • I• enti entiet, and , echoic", whether nenot there wiz up to himlwith the' ~..7heraftzengaged*lthf.,.!l iaciantliostj . Offilvithii four mileeuv. it. ' .- 1 :#eicr,etarltltandall . :replied.: ,I2le ' WOOnot all the ; eleheitee*., 'tiYin. to coniince'; oil nigger; wbich i fornt,.., . „ 7 1iClonged to him; th t, , i )4d out Indoosements, that he coodnl. fulfill.'; tictei 4, the onth Cis theroseliee mitt :t e. i; ll 4 4 *hoPe!it:' 'll . ooestiwitti his , hesiholt i t Only onee . whi lt 41 E ger ; coo& _treat,' titid'';sh4el,','eltildlike, 'strati foiWarineen in hlz that, when ihett,intells:to exercise the leieL deelings in politi r S --yruz - biz cheer 'faille :and ; had bin well nigh Liz rooin. The furet query tivefranchiseditftheilli : i2 regard for their on i th o : .wus-easy toanser—: the elekalitinretnens•weed interests they4vroo -:- their backs ow i Atdishiniats, . who itte .., ati•liettry-headed. indicate to : , eny man uv ordinary ntellect daceeti rs; and 1 ru: rt em and them only - who ! that there vtiz 'diatilleries • either in' Conneti-: fie; know&thera; L'-' ~ Al,l, _ ~ .. ,• , ii k t orvery bandy to the Stait, but there wtii ,•Sarnyeeel,r- eappO t , 'D ee m '' , in an a fr e i,,,i i n pot. offtsis to spitre. To carry , the ain't th e ai ggeele - - e ry wun ni - em•bed bin solurrily prOmiet,, ' dinnit. tone, V'eith l i tificAluid 'on' e President rerriarkt that he reelystioodn't shotildcr, awl.ly si 4,01. A 3 / 4 41 Inv yoo : t Yee'are I . wears., t ink that tritlin eireum'stanses wood inter. bone ui: onibniieritiffish uv Our flesh; er withgiven uv ere to other men. uv onehloodH•ctida 'ritiark the Deekin got in ' to the habit same ye ~ „ago uv gettin o ff when 1 A i . this Pint I broke in., I told cia firmly that speekiii irtri imd. alien' o I :l i ess I coed:hey a better post . iiffis ' than the n I hed, I woodn't go.'. I coed go and coed uv:, "the , D .;, ay North, uses it= It i. 4 rutti '',lreetive, the in this , in r i - . IT uve_ wet' there iz uv theColledge bildins.— alines, en he l d been his place, I slioodn't ' „woodn't cost much pay -rate on that cur :! n e stun. •I spose a. better watt coed be got have slung it oni o j tOrt to the pecooliar con. t I Strncitibirri Which in it be put onto it,) an 1 i i• Connetikut at less than the oast uv trans . .1 our ixiteristeis ont, yo'oel." - ~ ,wherever that Democratik Vol 4rDeekirt,". ez L : Itif t erruptin him. 'Dec r ;,iJ. d - . t . ' + anrtla it, but ' * ' i ge az built that must be the corner stun 11, kin, Connecti ut ha s• sin ken in tininderlonesf : 17 .-- - „ , 1 i . "That stun is halloed: There , are tender and hez gone Idemocratist" " , . i i 1 associashuns hart i r , "11 Gat,." Bel:. be,l"liereretfc !" g n round . ,It ''wus ' , the cor-• r.cr . sfure :us , a nigger stool house with we: i"governorand: • 1 •a, • , .., . ;I burnt to the ground'the nite wb herd' uv'the “Verily," eel , Congresmen, nut c'tv ter 1 veto try the Civil Rites Bill. But I mint, go Theeeltiat sudd *p ter nv the friendly , c • I. k • , .. . , i 1 .1 .. • .. } tu onneti ut onleis my subsistence iz Ass i t ' - Deekr 11 Ell relashuna exietin be rril • in the Deekn an : t .) i: '- oored. 'Thar iz , more money , they than In entu y ut whether they-wood tint.- yooel,l th c dark. cim lvioned. El" he ..WllB 0 1 1 kI) • I doubt • . • • I speak frankly:• • the E i gekin'ailetilith i e4sekin was in favor tic • yot,e.iiit;.-z well. ineitifyin.l it, for never' ,ie*.ll!sh so lielabored,ez llenfuk V Lhe y 's ' init a r n es . t e e a d t! ~ ine : zi ft li Di gere, kr ' I '-ki a n • i ' derstand'Wh •-• m • ••• r • m i oiti ni ‘ ll l-: win thiatunferturtit el4tell'it. . The flesh _woe ; l i appreciate the Democrisy ttv the 'Seta, Irtje iminejitly la i serat .i . a pitc ied into him ; 6 0 t i b i c on i , o in ei d t , h l e k s i e n c ou ri n tl dge e rs tie ta r n as d liu o n e sli t l e eu m ' o t! p it. fcrosbus, and after miunellin the •astonishetf s ' na, Illenoisand Ohio, coz they'eum frUtulliat . Aferkin,L who•didn'tl* why the result • uv a ; eleckshun 'sliood •svdric,l eich a e i an gd, t ill he' wui etirrirentl i lti: 4 4*tW esst • w" strength 'n Ileentin's and ftmander Wood's deesttiks. i a' ' iit,%., • • • k' ; I he 'bed :rem , tam; pae vtgrous k ic k, ex.. ut pardon me—l want to keep deer uv Coi),- . ..; - ; • 1 ,11-..;•,-;, clanninz I-,-!1-1:. • - _ nctikut Diumkrats. A:people any ..where where tit ii ''N'o4awind3, I' ye "Take that yeah , ._ sweet tem iffindle-fa . etenses, I've bOr l t , selves teas i.z.,inst tie kind uv people deg't I, instinkively Mistrust! a 13kt-11CA:I into twastin 1 • • irder. onto a nigger want to lee among. •,- •, 1- I ' , , • . I - nukes ;svho,ltaz dickered away ide,•intere4 - .., '',...,,, t ~ ,i .;,,,,,_,,;,„ • . ~1 •in Bunker hill. ' I , liiii notist that • 'Noe E ' —into, coaxin wile ,al;oattentable „right, to emnitiand+int ' '.' 1 "Irsat 1 s ill 1 . a itg. filliki4o4/I" ; :,kar - th.eiPlif . iliimies . ,44 cum SoUtli and . married. sad, foe I T er faiatlr. 1 , • .( - ..?. , 4''...'.;.:t; - 1 1 ,- .... , 'C -„.1- - ..._'`...f: !:141 . ' = : . #o , 7:'.` - 044ier ! 7,ith a.etutiiehiux 'MU , ire.. 4 r 1 iMettp ?" '•ll . t el, ...#**l'vitziad. : • thi t # l . s ie I,!:)°,litilz-up#4 . -andqes.Zny experie4; timl 8 , ~ ti t I the realtddn-wer'6 ' ] ,ili e lkii:o l '. l 7 - '; : te 114i 3 0ti0.14.1 . .!iakee . :...- ! ielui lies hed ii,iiiiarli ' a i.t.i,io' , .''Untlans ;II ' c z e t.4 ••• 4,,1it :AFA : 4II; ' :toolt - irt.'.l34 bed -tom ,y. eleali'cloie, ial i go - A"c army! . 5P..1)7441. Alkdeo.o,l , 1 1 ' normal speor; uv ;poor comm down again frot l o on the face uv •• the green earth'. l'hey hey , I wi h nit the Puritanism to keep it- within 'the high hots -4:ii 7e been :flan and in bell) the aceotness wich is biirn uv , a barren • soil, • again, misers -apt (info yoimbrethern. ll mca i ns that (pane ticuti has epokes, and that yool' tt. heunds- I T -they possess the ability to make% 1 good deal m r vaiyl:roahle to me tlo, than /!.. twin on•-their zrativ rex, but his laziiiess im pels him to a easier existence in milder climes w • ir. l itt hi:my. ago., - do my friend and buy ; -for mackerel ' boo goes ! salve for oar - boozes, onlesi poor heeled, , and instil " ft 2 ta n South' nd fishes, for men. 'A Noo Englander ) : yoor villytie Noel) he less in the market.; l Voo'd,be asbameh !to sell fur a low price trod unrestrained by .graceiz• pizen, and I biers' . I; n't yobl''" 1I s • . 1 . I left the 1. • / * Imoci-i'iiy I jubilant and copie it' saehootsets' religion aboosed, but. iCs suthi ~ we ;may wall be thankful for ? I 'her alle 1 ll' gt C I 1 . 1 to Was in on, lie in hat.l must go wheti cod &id - kindreti•soles. The nit°. I arriet been thankful that the Maytlowee; brot eve. ' , , religion ei well ei, brains and will.: ~ ,1 therliea s s high ca navalof. theWbiteilouse ; . , .1 The resident w 6, in tall'feather. There 9u I Among the Connecticut Democrasy . I shoo 1 , 1, Conneetieut•Tionpe all over him.' Ile had `stand no show, and beside, I herioo Mud wooden nutnieg f,.7 a I)Juni - a pin—a tainatbo ,selt* respeck to Sesliate With em, on',,teriiisM' bass; wOod ham biing from his watch fob, am equ„ality. Ins i tid, ay, foragiu. on era they' l, manage to live• on me. . I hey lambs . to Omar 'in honor pf t.+l oceiishan he writ drinking t imnehes ; iriitile frimi Noo England 41.1111, will i in - Nent'ulty, and I don't care about ehaWgin I sma li Eli'coB l 0r WeOmrkfteld onienein them hut i em. I ,don't want to, throw eny 1 cold. wateiL ' • ' • stead of lemons. Illandall sprang tewaril m ; onto this festiv occasion, it, being a' element' l'ez. tent ereti the roiim, 'and clasped me by tai 'we all despise, but; hey. we goy ashnerlinewilv l ' theirii I t' hand—the President :try tother, and we' tlw : c r u inyoon trop. Jf I iniderst%na,it, 1 I -. ~. , —tint unlike that three graces—embrace •. we wun by means uvlpatrunage. and runnic a They lied thc otWa•Aage uv. me, .ez they bet , War- D . imokrat, a hem I. in' common :with al -one; ode:-4-the oniort--which I diedn't‘ but troo De*ocrats, despise. We can't do it agin I 1 ; 1 ~ l• ••; - I i • ' „The netblast that sweeps from the Nort • will bruig to our ears a story of another kind sto9tl it. Why -iet ,]wher.tbat oder win from,' ..1 , ,_ _ • , t Via ,brehili l s of thoLzelltavin the apintif power, ; ; Ono swiilller don't make a spring—lley knoe I %coed he stood fit ha they been eatin des% . -•1: 1 of calve ) i login born with two heads: Thi foetida. - : ,I- 1 : I• I fear me, is wun uv these 'men At Oils - jincin -c Secretary Welles i tom •,' el e , c"it u , 1 i I . i strooities wich nacher sonieliines perdoose in. 1 • 1 I • I I to sho , chat she is capable uv. It trint normal. - 'lll,n,'? Said he, "why this unwonted bilari At . 1 hey no objecsluin, to your feelin .good aver ty 'i whithis j ii& her greef gennerally he 4' ourt , ii;,, , 1 • .. Lit—it rejoict ale. coz • it'll giro _Our 'friends "`The Connecticut eleckshun," 'said ,Se . i South courage an may steer, e Radicals in. I' ' 1 d - I th ' 1 aril. I, I I . ~i to givin us bet et- terms, but-H.I i,' ':. I My i marks war. interrupted by Saulsbu "Oh lobe site,;'.said•theverierable of Ima t .. ii ..,-,i- . • 1 • r 3" . o w ve u r z_ ol it. vcr I T . who he hen siruptously drinkin -punch - with the ladle, and the ,ador us , the- onions oi - erl, s so a n e e llit o l t i li :•l r "l tn ' rs ' l ti l t- n h ib o c i r y . uz I :l ft e v et l e e d Y ' '' '' --milk him he rolled•under the luble,:and-vot ' ---‘, ^ 9 • - y • • —wat wut his ha, --our candidate? ^, • I t•That•vinz last 1 jeer," salt, Seward pp.! /1 I • H H. ! I ' ' • ' 'Well perhaps ip wuz. Wlien, did tha Ste! vote again?'.' i lteasked innocently, to twhic no ! answer - ums given. - But verry little rattet tion' is . iaitl to ¶cckretary Wilde by anyor ceptin Setvard; and the fact that he OccPtshui allylundet-takcs WI keep him posted in eurre events is genneraßy taken ez evidence, that itt 4 b~ttikiA up.; Ppor William, its erident he Pri,ssin into his dotage'. I 'There was pleasant •gatherin. Cowan au Dpolittleinnd cylecur and Brooks, and Om ;Congratulatory li3ttcrs were "read thin no fdl.a pago . ofthe l'iew York herald. lohn I Brecketii;ttlge ltoried this auspicious event w the heginninl nvli-ood l i trlisto.it. !did, the eventual .triuMphi of th ,. Ali b:4lll ‘ luz liven' proud to 11' . ea theorist - Mayor I,loaroe, tly'l'sZo'o*Orleans, ped that after this evi . deneo - of returning r, -son; President .l i l ehnson woad nit, hesitate remove chat secondßutler, deneral Gh‘rid who Ivai:ojt.t to . , every friend , the;!'r i esid had in tile aky , of which' he was latelif May Generall Wise sent his congvatulaShtMs, bu they loceupi9l thfrty--eight pages nv Pegs! closely written, they vettziO rea; I:):,l%sotirfiti•ellei,irtetil pipe, ma!le ny t c cob, ouperliicli teas civveti a symhollicle ‘"!.." ti • o cr e crtcan eagle w , .th g ili . • • ! 8 - .186. `i T." shortly,;nt; the mettn br.-oke leave foi (1 • E home tomorrer, ez ioon ez run• my • mileagei.• PETELOLCUU V.NAsor, P. 31: . T • (Melt is and e t wisf.t. Professor ui•Diblicle Politics in the Souther* Chissc kle,B,:i Jlilitary Institoot. -•• I . t Abtii.ham • Lim:sol4. 11 • , %Mon•lay, lust w i nek, was theitinnlversary the death of' Abraham Lineoln, had 'yet' quietly ldid the event steal upon the 'Cenral that i 3 1 arcely one journal in 'ten' noticed c'tlitorially'at - the time. - The day cumniernorii Led bj that (I:it is one that can never'•bp fo - gotteln lby the Anterican people,' though it claims(' no prominence as a time iet sputa 1 1 Priblie re.engnition. - ,Tfictleed•thttt. mark - eddi was tlialast blow-of traitors-at the , ' life •of our' GevernMent, and thohgh in that sense it failed. it ON, down:the: groat t bulerarit .and. head of the nation.- The hour cie.3.' F iuurph,ivas eVer- - shadowed by a sorrow such es had never for rested upon our country. - When that' terrible dispatch; "Abraham' Lincoln is dead," i • shuddered ove r the • wires, r tb l e rejoiciag heart of the people fora moment stood still.. With its returning beats :was registered . the .v4vt,' 1 that che itirit . which ..nerv'ed: the ,aSsaar: 's i hand,:: and which had for fottr yea t rs . sirilii se tt it destroy tartan:mon liberties,'; should tie utter !. . : . .: • 1!•: - : r 1: /! - 1 1 H,l ut ! 1 .r. I ez 1 n.p rn ig,- ~ ~s MN ME OEM II _stablis.hed 1:818 '7 - and wh lence will s k#t. , 11y crushed out.. •Twenty years 111row.-wei thitt •ow: been .:,.,• , wheir thelbo l dy of .Atirahara Lincoln passed. through 'bur great cities to its last restiWg plAce, the sheets,-raiirosda and.the church& were crowdd with men who came-to do his 'in boll') !31 '- A ye mins, . l l. men - pined - in his praise;. id no tonite Was found to wag against his ni mori.• 'Ove:i his tomb orators poured forth ) th it bUrning ilorence, ' whose Pehoes shall r . cPh down through generations o Pomo.— T e pulpit; the halls of legislation,.. the forum alttlid - reverence to the spirit of , the ,great de- Pt J O. ! L "• .; :', .- .. : :,,And th feeling thenrifelas not died put.. S' ieng is the. AuteriMin nation endures, so . lo I g l Shal l the name and fa.ue of Abraharn • coin be cherished. ..No finer tribute, or 4 ~ Ore fitting charactot; has ever been'pa id to , 1 nriStt than that spOkenby Schuyier•Colfai as A. finteral +then. . • . ... - . 1, ..1n - the fiery trial to which the. nation has been subjected we have given of the bravest and best of , the hind. ' Tne: South is billoWed viith the .graves where sleep the , patriot mar tyrs pf constitutional liberty till the resurrect:- ieti tuoriL.: The vacant chair at the table of thousandi upon 'thousallds tells of those wo,ins.pired.by the sublimestl - spirit of self s ii!i orifice, have died 'that the •republic might st rvyte. Golden ..and living treasures have I - - i • • beertheaped upon our country's alter. put, ato thcse ; 4ostly sacrifices had been offer ands the end seemed almos to at kind; a . tiler sacrifice had. to be made; Ind prom the ,h i ghest place' in all ' he land the victim came. ' Slaughtereti at the moment. of victory, the A blow was too lace to :rub hini of the grand 1 lace he has lion for himself iU, Listory. . . • tiluraered, coffined, buried, he will live . ith_those few immortal names who Were no ern to die ; live as the faiher'of tht faithful; I T in the time that tried men's soul's ; live in the I tsteful' hearts of the dark-brewed race he ifted_ from under, i the heel of the oppressor to, he - dignity of freeddte and of manhood ; live in eirery bereaved circle which has given : him ather,: husband, tmn, or friend to die, .ati_ he id, r i fo o r u s h o is o m co p u a nt n ry y ; of liv m e a r w t l y tli r s . t - t i t iberty, justice, and humanity, that trio• of i , heaven-born principlestlive in the love of-all . beneath the circuit of the sun who loathe ty 7 runny, slavery; and wrOng. And leavirig.be kind him a record that showshow honesty and 'principle. lifted- h im , -im , sec-made, as he was, from the humblest ranksf of the people to the noblest station on the globe, matt name • that shall brighten undere. eye of posterity as the age's roll bi." . -=-E t ; e Diatch. I : .: e L. Congressional' BUS%Io Mint.- • Au, interment 'ltiiM . l4lthi froth . . the ;"idld tobse - chseit'arpolß:ien he "the Centres liniti ? " 7 4hieg: annoMiciff;:te' Yates, Chandler, Howard, Patterson, Morrill, Nye, Cameron, Poland, !among Senators, are writ t eno down for the.patty : and of Represen tative buffalo hunters, COtrodi; Bingham, Mil- OrtV, Baldwin; Hooper, • IPliersott, I n itrwrence, )laro4ton grid Hetchem, constitute a licely foriion:Dr. Burliigh, delegate 'final Dakota, authorityl for 'these facts,. which aippearin The Herald of .7t Jo. The national idc-nio party referred to must meet , Yank- Itoni ' Dakobi about the ' first- of June,:' - and thence proceed' to• the Prairies. Not all of them wikgo West and hunt Buffaloes rather than reinaip nearer home and be shunted by bores. . ' • -, • 1 .. 1 • , 1. • ,'' A Word to 'Boys. I A writer in an educat:lonal l journal . makes the following pertinent and truthful remarkS tcr boys,. which we deem wpithy a • prominent place in our columns. Boys, listen : The first thing you want to lehrr, to - de volve what force is lin you, is self-reliance; that is, as regards your - relation to man. If • • - I were going to give you : a formula for devel ' opingithe most forcible set of men. I should say: Turn them upon thV own resources with moral and religious truttis When they are boys, and teach them to "depend on self and 'not on father." If a boy is thrown_ upon. his own resources at fifteen, with the worltlbefore him where to chose, and he fights the battle oflife self-handed up to manhood, and don't. develop more than l an acorn& shpre of execu t tive ability, then it ere is lye stuff .-iii . him i worth talking abo4. .dle may leiren to "plow, and sow, and reap, and mow." But this cap nil be dope with . machines and horses, and" a! / man wants . to be 'better. than either of these,— ' Wipe out 'Of your vocabulary every, such word. as fail, give. up wishing for improbable re-. Isults,' put your hand to tho Plow,„ or whatever I top' you take to, 'and then drive on and ,never I look back. Don't even sigh . t your person to I see if itis straight ; "don't,. be consistent, but !be simply true." If you g? out to "see a reed ' shaken 14 the wind," it is ,'pretty likely iou will never see anything of niore conseqiience. Rebels Vs . , Copperheads. - "Occasional," in k Forney's Press writes as follows: "The argnmont,t at the colored man is un-a worthy.of anal unfit to exercise tha right' of suffrage, Still insisted upon by, die .Topper head leaders of the - North, is constantly ,brought into contemT.t by the unceasing im- portuhities.of the tx-rebel leaders fur the ored-votes i fit the Soot'''. And lithe eieeihneit 'rsliouldlo to - the polls in ,one moss and sustain only their frientlit, and elect blsekii as" well as whiteilto office,. the very fact that. these late .manager of publiC opinion have _appesied .. .tol them for their support, and have offered in r& turn to stand by their interests irt the future,' will prevent them front quarreling with the 'result. The high tributes to the potental in fluence, courage, and. intelligence of the Sautherg n'egroes, daily paid by these-shrewd arid exfferieneed politicians, 'no : matter. how initineere they are, rittliki become ofrecerd ,as !so many taluible concessiond: - tarty thtt iz _~ ~ .. E.. -~ z' 'NOTICE El 121113 - 4-• - Adreo.iiiiments inserted ` ,at or ,I. per - enekt : '5O cents. 4. l iberikt.-44.unt .. 40 ) 3 ....c91'!“ 1 7 1 , odvertieero!outl. onlonkss aferttoooteggf• As pice equaEto TwoLveylinee of Able qpo, measured as. i Special notices .26 er ceit.."klityrk to rem raeob: ' • • `; - ; Biislitese" ciirdei 15 attitat s. fine 'per yetsi .• - Miirtlates and - Detstlie, Religious, 11.014.4 a 111 - • • - sad otL ' ti- Notifies di `public nature; fu seterntilif ,itijnittingbeicre God and . Mau 1144, '- the new isteri are worthy of their eontidiinell' can:never set up the ple:i,' , after _an ' eleeftioittir that society will biz,' iliioi.ganize4 . if the':'frei-ji men.steure the majority. Had ;the ex:velielk taken the other ground, and denounced tbiyi:- . recent slaves, or refug'eti r ,to 'vote r becarine thesel slaves had been made voters, they might cont sistentlY Ooinidaur Of a 'Consolidated ' golored - - vote. But when they:electioneer, and - I,proni- • ise - almost everything to win- that' vote,',...i.hO L Y; * are foreclosed against protest, and bound tU submit. -- The situat 10n...in ; ;Tendeisec: proves that the revolution Jutireacited more than Hui' black's ill that, as in Ater quarteri, -insprese, l ,, ed by .inexerable . events. and- confounded: ,by the Sagacity of -the blacks, the oltfreSel.iti:j tiuericei (they Call it t!contervlhive") has . en - 1 ter.ed the , field in bold • mientietikion with; the • RatliCali. In Tennessee the ttegroes are' •ye - tens and citizens: but cannot hold otlite,ur.siti; on the juries.;.: . These franchises Will - Illiv r 4issiljt•'.' secured if the Radicals.' c Irry the A•ktgrts4 , ., election, as . from all.app nest they '-ever. f , witch:kingly will. But .the e. -rebels believing • . . - -.. that they can delude the melt ithey' ha, l, ‘ltq ' lung oppressed, openly piriposis -,, that if thj,' freedinen Orill support - 1/tr',Crandiclatel, ' .they: ' will take the lead in passingl:laws providfisi that negroes may hold office and ,sit onj.,thti .. juries. Indeed, so anxious are the authors t ot the rebellion arid theirlolloWers, I to °Mehl the confidence 9f the 'colored citizensOicit!ion]siai ' ., expect to see thint opent espousing the tritOie kitty' icalprogruntzte, and bitterly, denottncing ',tlie s {- Copperheads of. New Jersey, 1 4 entisylvaniti_l i. New York; and Ohio, for refusing to `;silo*' _ the colored, eople in those Stakes the iiiitij rights that have been stCured WI heir Berth-' ern in the South. TA. fositio would' *, far more honorable . than list o upi6J. .14 j th it faithless sYrupathizers in- th ti_kl frep i l . St los. That it must be assured the .-for- mr" for their Own b!ifety, is just-`"as : :clear as_ th tit Will be finally occupied by, the,lattei, it they desire to co-operate With their late 'To r • litical)ailciates, or expect to have any inflUr ,l , r e .ce' n American. politics. , : ~•,; : • Tur. Wilmington (S. C.) Dispatch thus com mences a leader intended . to persuade tlh3 blacks to vote .the anti-Republicattficket: "„. • . 1. g-This world: is,. ruled by zzeltishne;s:• The! • idea that friendship can exist without col:Mix; I. ntty et, interest: , is - preposfeiotts. .The thibg - , • ., . called - principle controls .the action - of a , very: small portion of huznanity.- The Utopiari no : - tlon that hr, rules the mind of'man, airuffitai , 0fi 514,e. devotion to t4•' the geparallaur, is an ex.; • idoded humbug. IWe were ourselves laboring:: under the pleisant delusion•uutil the Shena tnzi . bill gassed ; but since then cur exyerinee; has ciught . na some lessons wiedam. .•,-, .: '.-!, • • •I'i'lnternit - Aa. 6 *-th ,d7OiIrPAR-r - I ! , 11044 al* 4 . l* . iiiakiiiaticati -: i;:'i;,-. 7 i•g r°. . e s , ..- 4 ." / ke t i , s .. e . o . .-, . . . lo o, ,;_—,..1,.:0,a5-.-k...A,-."- 'pre 'are interested - i o n being their - friends and in: dealing. fairly and ,ly them:, Nort ern:,people. are only interested iti'mayittii-.. .money out oft heir ignorance. This' we sisalf endeavor to prove to : the negroes t . not,front particular for thfeji4 or devotion to - tkeir inter let, _but (*.awe ice ri*r ee d :elfish fur/kr:ie . by . „ -ling than the truth." . • •: • • • IVe .. illust say thai the geutletnan hag, a une-ratoonly,fratik way of "pOtitig. A. ) rA11.15 WEDDING ; INIIIDEiT.=The ' ether . day a wedding. took.. place at:the Madeleine.. Church, between a very noble 'gentleman .;and. lady, and among the' crowd that gathered tint; : Side.to see the -4plert4itl - bridal Party 'wait a: miserable beggar about t welve years old. Now; : , . • 1 in Varis l every otie - '‘Cho has not somethingto' . sell is carried off to a police house—Qf they stop in the streets as this one did- 7 -andi ao-' corldingly an officer was just atikii ` igher if she' had,a,nything to dispose of, and th‘ - ricer - thing was treutbling hi every :Utah fbr, ear . 1 of imprisonment,- when sweet' little gii, a , siker of the bride, happened to orerhearl iliii' policeman as she 'Passed by, , and to- save, 1 the ragged offender, .she quickly placed in "her - hand asuperh' bouquet she waS• carrying,' and aWSwering for her, said, !"Tes; abeillliis . theso-tioiCers, but she :asks . loo t much and -1 cannot buy them." t., As she turned to 'go iliiii, .an old gentleinan, who..:saw and'•undengiuod" it all, stepped - .forWard, _and putting' iv guld . piece in the-pour 41'4 paint; -remarked ; •.1 will give isienq franca-for it;" nil press eil it io the anilablei angel, whose &Oda , 'had been ziaiwre - 'fragi•ant and beautifid ,ti 'the choieest blie,nru thlft ejer graced a den. A Year's Work of toram Sell! •Car,elully. contidled Statistiesshim that i awns:it'd lives :Lie annually 'desi . r4tid by tempetance•in the United States. One 'blind - tell thousand men and women . • . - . I.yearly sent to° prison` to conserinettee.:of st I drink. , - • " • • i , , Twent' thousantlekiidreit et,4 to' the poor house for tlteetaine reason:: Three hundred umfders are nupthe r d i il;the` yearly. fruits of inteMperauce: 1111;': .. Four hundred s . ttieide's'follote..,the'se A441.1%11 catalogues of mieery : : . - Two hundred' thons.afid'orphans artilieritica thed each year to 'Private and public Two hundred riiiiiet,m'of "dollure , are. 'Yearly, expenied to PreclueViliis shecltini; 'of crape and misery;'netruich more is . . lontrfrem C.e.i:sume 0 anie.-Youtig ` r TUE Albany Po.e . ; :„ , "A • few niontlis , sibeeNtin4erbiliplayt4•qt corner' on , 80 - they lll!rew';'..etisting did latter nearly it ij!, now said ghat • llectthet . Ipte7r:has •trantierblit in a ..corneir,' in•such • a 'fir.. that"! "Virill ! 6ost him thieb mitten Of dollars to gct4ack to the place Of befinictr" - •, ' • I ' -•- Mn. MARTIN of Pittsfitirtl . . mont, front,eigla. hen?; ralAtl - I:l4 . year, Ff fiite chickens; - - sold :Seven, lintiOreti ari dozen eggs for sti, besides using ono and ten dozen.ijt. his . family:* )Ir. L. ti y ben: ari.'t`great9 . r -s o me i 9f profit =to ' • .11 US MIMI ES ICE am 1 A I I Tr EEO Elia `bi fill I CM I ''r ,rty- liii.ed I • is h I Itsr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers