- T.' Ito', Azt.grAziE,3 WM in , Pablishoilitiory :Wednesday, WM N." rim: a o:l:4l!fffs, , acw2p:@ , , l,T.3 Taistrazi . i . r4T4 y , t. 52,017 per atinuns in Advance. , •.• - • 42, lair Letters sad' ; contributions,s.by ANA ball buveliromptattei*n. j:WEi'AND,t,Editor & Proprietor. Y4l,LS',l93's ,rOIINDR,V FANGINE SC-Ritt'Alß SHOW Int falliton ,Beaver County, -1114 • He> t ; Mil coGtied and enlrie.l my stock of snaddxt ery and Ines. and having. secured the .serrkaa of . the beat of tatichaniea; I am prepared to warrant..all Ivork done to give entire satisfaction. I have on band diffrrent pafternfi styles of Xugloes. Fire Clay Bolls, and AM prepared to make or repair all &merlin tidnedr machinery. on reasonable terms. ' -PLOWS AND PLOW I have all thelvAt !flow pitteres that stilt this nearkel- Al7lol o which is the -O r eat Weatera,” which boo boa TUE wof theAmenti for Ote last fiftetm vears. Th era :are re Area 'of this plow. all bf which t man idiseture, - and keep for sale: also "Patout Lever"-.right Ata - "Sloantsiti Iting, - -rlaitt and left--.l 4 .ide 1111 , . atoll earlytil theiliderent kinds - In tuts. B7aVilarl4 imp HEATING narks Slaving made steer; iMportant impmventents on the "Climax." by Which coal or wood can be supplied without lifting lids. and having two places for. - either or both of which ran be used at the same 'e„ with aTontllation to the oven, thus having theta:van tages ofd Cooking Steve, Bake oven and Franklin Stove combined. This Stove has been in constant use for twenty years, and many of them after being_used for this period of time, are now in good order. - There' i. but a email portion of this stove that ever burns out. and this is easily and cheaply replaced. To make them still more lasting, we are now - putting in tile or lire tack lining. Om other patterns are the En Keystone 'net] Premium. Parlor Stoves, UV a wi na small heating Stovee, Franklin Stoves, Jenn y . Cc. Grate and Grate Fronts, renders, Inn Ealhlng oT ration,* etylen, Wagon Boxes., two Irons, The Benders,, Coro Shelters, 'Force and Cistern Pumps, Sad. Irons, Metal Sinks. for kitchen, Sheet Iron and Tinwtre, al- Um r s-cra - hand and made to order. In fact. I naanufac. lure aloi keep for sate, atomic evetythittg wanted in the machinery or hardware line. • , • econd hand .stores always for sale cheap. Two goixi new engines,•snitable for E4ric -m M. or shop pnr pp4e4 now no hainl, and will.be sold resoonehle. marl:4l;7—y. , JOHN THOHNILEY. N. . 4 .. WILeON • BALM - LT BROWN. NEW • STOILE, NEW FIRM AND New. Groceries. I ,Cl 3 ESPECTITLLY XiiNO U7‘..e" . ..E TO THE melons frientle and t,lie public generally, flail, they intend opening reNew Grocery Stem, on BRIDGE STREET, BRIDGEWATER, )1 _ 1 eadjoining the Dry Goods 'Store of .A. G.:lloret.;on the 1 ' illlt:day of Manch. . ' it is *stir tntentkm 9.1* liming, onhand, at all tintes,.s full a4.omnent of the' il ' • . , , . .1 . • DTP PA fa GROCZIDES, , I add they bo' bare to '1 ryto that they are determined to tanytfte with all 'alter dealers in the town or neighbor hood. as their Stock of Goode ace all new, and bought • at the , late ;seat reduction. and selected with'the great est:rare by Mr. ii.trwry Ulmer:v. svimse knowledge of ..., the hitill...lß cannot he, questioned, having hem with ii t llr. Arthur llart.•ev for many year.. . 1.-,; - They call particular attentlim to their stock of Teas . - and coffeha.e they thsefer Ilieuiselvei.T.they -have some thiur extra to offer as to t'r'ee and quality. • The bes'a brands of Family Flour •always on hand. ' Poulace taken at all times at full market prices. AU yowl.* rfairered. , . ' . . WILSON & BROWN.. tri,V.v.water,- Pei). 27, 1267 7 1 y. 1 . ., • -.TEWAIRT, .AND ISUMMER BOOTS AND ,SHOES. , WILSON -& - STEW ART, ' tvour.D itEsrEcTvri.ix TXFORit TfIR Ff'.it -Ik. tlitd they hive luae.jtt✓t received direct from Innunrceturt—. the lnr_e•At •tnd bcFl Felected . 3: PILING AND SUMNER STOCK OR Ladies',. Gent's, Boys' and uhilren's Boats andiShoes. 4:AIT'ERR'AND:SLIPPERS . . All of the latest' -fete , .; that lino ever bran brou:gbf , o thim courity.,autl whirl' they ar4 prepared to eell Art ellEAr. IF NOT CHF:APE:It, 7:1 , /tn rag li.r I , ow:ltt city of t`ittstNnrz, -Thankful for lot,: patronage. vo sollrit,n contirinanre of tit. rmet . aid, in, hi. porrlurit , r- to rail and ekiimine our Zthl,l. ;11141,r1v,...1 . 1vermp ptiritm.ing ••14 , en W. hat,. ,1 ronneri4A to di) all reirdring. (;, %VILSON & STEWA RT. , In the Diativtlid. Rory' EsTER, VA mins J. M. Mo. _N IT I S T . . . lie in Teeth . perfectly tittetk Art Steeped, •,it.t.fl nod colored, to suit every individual. mounted line Gold, Silver. and .Americitn Vulcanite. exieneted without pain by an entirely new pm. no Ether, Chloroform, Nitrous-oxide or any other u,Ttl In connection with tne appanttnn. ;:es - tutee on Third eVreet, •24 dour eastot 11. .11. tler,infr. .tore. treyWir;:6m. • . WALL .PAVER, WINDOW SHADES -AND O 1 .L. c) Ir II Si -AT owest Possible R-wttes, ~'..~ • i ~ -AT MRS. J. DtALEUS I _BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, In the Diamond, Mil IIbCRESTER, PA.. * eon ;nil other Boot,:., Stationery, - Engtem lan rold 1 ; prolololy g.tteoded to. I Ni;REW - V • 1 • . • AT.TOINEY AT LAW. Pnriicinz in Ow t.ereral courts of Beaver ronntv„ 'tt ttritraptiv arto;o1 to all Muds of legal_ business in • thi7 or 4.,t0r, adtutning, W;711 A. t . .. , lll , tiortely made in all amounts. Tt l"'" ~r n either in thia county and State ;I, it. • in v"n' ' '', l 3n c:o_.ni :: Im , •diate -attention wilt be given ta tkawittc or booth , . ileeda,,lcasett, articles of agree , W 7ro- h. 1: • ;11.1.1t11 1116111134 of abotrncti, niof r tiae, and to that. I'rtprvparation of all sort.. of legal Inatruenta. m.:acts. indgment and other pecuelties in MI Pinn.it or Fold. ,cell; eent , ltildinfx of Jos. near • - Th-tra'a Drug of , Th!,rd Street, Beaver, fangllMiY, . , . - ------- • IV EN DT, -31-. II 031. E O'PAT 1 1 1 T, • Br i AVER, COUNTY, PA. RESTDYNCE Oti LOCUST Sr. a Lail:Tani and Bridge Dny1.67:19 ME 1 , E=Mtlil , .Mower lLnd , Reaper: This extentigalt. iniaiinrsh4 OSSOSTISTIfvoptdar Machine was Inalemitted - in %Outwit - idea:Pea Out of its anpertority.tit a trial of competing machines that took place under the management of. the New !fork Society, sr - Auburn. N. Y.. in July, MM. • The arpunit tee consisted of eleven judges. end forty machhita were entered as contestants for , the prim, , The ttial lasts. thnie weeks and the testa were most thorpitgla.. , „The result was announced at the State Fair held at Saratoga. On the 12th of September last, and , the , • 13. ID": C ,32E.. M.'S": NO • A similar testimony was aw.anled it ifi the same ;Ante in isil7.). ThSpArrnttinc is 'regarded by the thnnentids who catispeak from expMience; as ilia ( ' 'i Beet in tie 'Pieria! and to maniuthetttrt - 41 by lite Incorporated Ccrinpa my( of _. f ,C. AULTMAN'ac CO: CANY Chrt ON, 0. • (perilous want i iing any of theme - mach .e , . Call ' illAV them by applying to the totdereigned, who te the agent for Beaver county. JAMBS PATTERSON. aprl7'67:3m • . - New Galilee, Pa. t , . J. i4j1.. : VfHlpt IPS, 26 & 28 ST- CLAIR ST., • ittgiferlargy 1: 1 451 , sy XannEacturers mid Dealers in FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, FURNITURE Of L,. CLOTHS; ENAMELED OIL CLOTHS, TABLE OIL CLOTHS, - STAIR OIL , CLOTHS, Transparent Green ' 910th, . , :Or-window- - : Transparent Window .Shtdes, BUFF ROLLANDS; SHA DE FIXT U 4-,4JRASSELS,'.443OEVIiiriV, = • ALSO, DEALERS IN. Indlannhber MaAlne Belting. Hose, Steauti ra;„king. Tubing. Cement, Clothing, and [Wither goods 'generally. Oak Tanned Leather Belting,:Lacel..eather, Belt Hooka. Rivets, Lubricating btcam Packing, Agents for th , .! Universal Clothes' Wringer. , A ginetal assortment of the shore named ioods tl ways on baud. - • ' Oiders respectfully collated! and promptly.-' Ailed.' [my 'R:6m NOT YET lONE TniE CNTERSIGNED worn) RESPECTFITirr inform his friends and the pablie generally, that he lives," and keeps constantlY on hand s • .ti ivell selected stork of ' . LADIES', • GENTLESIEN'S I • • ar t o -, AND ,cHiLDRIzi,N.s :-. , . Roots and ..._.. hoes:, ,_ ..., OF ALL KINDBI, 1 .. Which he will sell at the lowest possible prld4 In addition to lila Eastern made stock of Boots and ioes, he also keeps, on . bandt r i re lre assortment of owns manufacture; and Is. p • _Ed do Joblitork Or ir .; " lug On the @batten no . aka jo wallas can be, done hiero at any other abori: la the bonito .', * , Thankful to ituit trnbile for iSatt facers to lily traidneAta. I smpectfally ask • that they. may be continued. All Eastern workithat rips will be repaired free of . npriltl67:llllC- -' ' - •• • 'llolllarrALto7.' . w FARM FOR SALE. '• t rrdlF. UNDERSIGNED OFFERS MS FARM F4R I_ SALE: situated In. Darlington township, ileakter cottpty, on a public rout 14 a mile south of En= Station. on P.. Ft: W.. , 21C. Ily. Said farm is adapted either to raisin?, Grain Or• Stock. It is well watered. contains 115 acres; S 5 or which are cleared and lualice In Weber .. The itproyonents Awe a good DWEY .I ROUSE. a STABLE. W11:1 Wal'on Shed and Corn-crib attached: and a Shel u lionse . ; 2,8 h 44 feet.. There are on the preratt‘es.olo TRE P O Apple and Penchi and Cherry . .., of the verLest varieties. ' Two re hundred or the apple tes are nahlg to hear fruit. Part nt the farm Is underlaid withTWO OR TORRE PM 'S OF COAL, from 'S to 4 feet in thickness. The neighborhood is `good. Sehoola and .chntrehes are convenient, and there is an excellent motet at E7)011 Station. it . is not raid before. the whole or 2 . 15 acres of the ?ACM will be offered at Public Sale on SATURDAY. JUNE, it:ol7,' at 1 o'clock, p. m. Title Indisputable: J., I. EZELL . . Apel3• to . Snort -vane ' ', AC. REMOVAL. BRAUN 11,6 S REMOVED ms cLitYrmsta • AND FURS ISHING , ESIABLIBIIMENT to the new building ou Main street. nearly opposite to. the triton Co-operative Store in New Brighton. Pa. lie also takes this opportunity of foramina his friends and the pnidie , generally. , that he has just re ceived from the east • s 'large and well selected stock of Spring Ormills,'whieh he pmposes to sell at prices that cannot fail to snit pnrcha,ers. clothing made to order orithe Morten notice. All work wan-anted to lapatndlot LAUGUNISG„_GAS DirmisTiznEn SY ilk: , TirtilißAY„ r 1 in extracting teeth. 1 have added to my many other facilities for the sucemsfal proliecndon of my profession, this invaluable pain-killing agent All hranchesior Dentistry performed In the beat and most modern Style. All work done as chegdy, and lifty_pel cent-better then at any other Steam Dental EstaMbli mentigthe State. [Tor9'664f • 11101111tANCE' -AGENCY. pnir2tV67:3nt • THE UNDEEtViGNED HAS BEEN APPOINTED agent for tbe 4Ettut Lsaurance CompanycorMarti ford, Conn.:, and likewise for the Niagara Inatirsince Company of 'New York. and ahe Ententrisolnantance Company of Thiladelphts. f I ,1' • Each of these Companies insure dnel:lps, out-build ings, Sunts.-Manufactories, dm, An, .• rot loss by fire, on favorable terms - fbr Ore yeses or eta: Losses equitably adjusted'aid promptly paid when .the insurance le effected. ,All!Mtsitteas pommeled' with either of those Compoalea attended - to - uldretpatch aril Oddity. JQS. M'CLURE, Agent. .1 " )."; 0 1P J I*T" , ::,:tt,3 ,- .1. ,n:vr.3-.F.. ~~~, ~~ '~r~- FAILME'DB, DE AD TKISI At3AIN Tnnlmui4rr GRANa_WI,B7 wee then awarded the ' te , the machine' SI:TRIOR. TO ALL OTHERS! ,~~ "I'6i--1T . . LAUGHING . omis : COME ALL Y $ THAT RAVE BARN BU7/FKRING the untold voleedes ortoothaebe, and . dread of ex traction. and yon will died that ; •Dr. Chandler - A Co. are ready, to you by Ote: ; _uso oUtho Creat= dcntroyer,"-tAIIGEIENGGAS---fute inaka.'lnetres do' i iv.nrco of pl.ll9nre_stilbesl fl?ark or pain. • _ •, • MI drntal opt:rations performed In de best possible manner. and at ramonable teinesal by any good Den flat In the county; M - Oitilee in i3c.accr Station. Ttoebe s ster, ' ja:4Yll7-Iy. T. J. 'CIL; ZDLE - .2. C0..1 '..- . .. , / _______ -4111 _dill.' hop ,t 4 ~ c, , . 1 -,- u= mt.r. sm. t$ refri. .., *-,,,: te ' 4 ) 4 i*.. , - ir i t h l . 7 gi p A „tr., t..ii... It) affii• as • ft 0 .. ~..., %. ‘ ,-I ,•-•;,-- / I•;i 1 _,, - * • 2 ' ". 'ilr N 7el ti 4 :' - e a ..414...- r . „. •, t. ' ' -:*. lk, , 07 • ..t1 44: .. 1 , i . fit 1. .. •"--0.00 f . f . ;W. _ 4: ... 74 - J - - ...Z'_ ... 1, err. AG e_ r e. • .1 , 00. , r. ~ •• *- . .-, • • • ~ ..m . :APP111.7 4 - - .1 1 •"' l• 'Pr'' I 1 I •''...`..: .1" , t1 , 4 tt. - :t I -•,. Vr . _ - • ' -..:'• 1 . .. •-I : ~..., ...,•,. ,0. -., ,t, ..a.), ----- ; --71."7- 7 ' .4.:1 ru . ~..:,..- ~..- r -. - --- 7";7f:•"'" - r:. —, . . --... '7-'1 ~— : 7 ---. `—f' 6 , .1... ,„. „.., • : . •fy. , .. . . '. 7 "' - - ' ' '-- '' -" 1 { 1.41 '1 f l i re „. ...... ~_ , . , -.,. , ~,,. .... - ..- , ....... . -J .' ' swim: •• .' .. ::: 6, . , !... "l', - - , 21 t . - 4- . • ..• 0 ,' . 4 qt..r.5... . 1 . . ' .• ; 114t41 -4 1 4 1S AW*91M,-:- [writ .7( It.:11 MEM ~lPr~;o~ ~d ~k • 71,1 : • ' ''! :l3§ - 0 11 ;t r er ' .25igetr .T Cr - • DRUG stoßs OCCUPIED 1 111 1 to n & Anderson has beers pgrAbgl!ll2g . . '4,..8.•,itint0 DE tro Oonip4itellt*Ok at : - ,• • - • U* rduosi-a itEncontli Mx' e rui..:33;L do 1 6 Wri sOAPg, TothEtAiriimks, And Brushes of AU Kinds. PROPRFETAR`i GOODS AND • VEr*esre'prepareil to sell MRS AND 240070 QUALITY WHITE LEAD, AND 0112 OF ALL Rums, at Pittsburgh prim: . • , • - sm. Please Call and be Convinced)! WINUUIY,GLASS UR Aut Oar stock ;of Alcobolg, Wincti Brnedles, Whisk and other Lionors„ will be roan d complete, and, selected with great awe, can be relied upon as • - Pun as can be obtained, and will,be, sold fur • Xectrattical, and Sacramental protioses only. ' • Prescriptions and 't Family Receipts Accurately Filled at All Hours. . • , . trn Pres eription and Medicine Department - tieing nn er thepernonal supervision of Zr. M. aaameron. Riotan experience of seven year& we flatter on:metres thatwe glve fall matiallaction in any %prandial-4bn Winos. - LL a • . All are resoeetfolly invited fo call and examine our gorilla and prices before purchasing elsewhere. ' • Bfaver, Apr44'67 : : ty J. B. RHODES, • _ _ • , • 0- Ir TI D STREET, (1 DOOR 1111 LOW ERIIIDCARY.) Beaver, Pa. , .. at TO FRIENDS A 2,, CVST"ERS Q Stock ' - 1 1 . I).AIEST STYLES 'in rrrinirnings, E.)I BROIDERY, - TANDKERUHEFS, 'LACES, ' - " RC la` FLES; RI B BONS, BUTTONS, 1 • .I.IOSIERY, - : CORSETS, , ' GLOVES. . - . , TIDIES, • ' • HAL: SKIRTS. 11BIL" The new Style Invisible Empress Tesil hoop" Sit% Veil SOO, Grenadines, San Umbrellas, Zephyrs. Indies` and Gent'a Paper (MS andronars, ate., i • .1111LLIITERIT . - OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Bats and.Ronnets, very cheap. Ykrwors in every mi. -ety, cheap. Hata Ind Bonnets altered Hata cleaned, cheap.- • . ) Alto, Dress-making: Cloak and Sack Cutting, • Pinking. &e., /Se, • :Madame Demoreses Latend Farb , and N. York Trim . : - need Patterns constantly on hand. P :OF E R"N 13 FOR SALE. ' As out stock has been parchascd'atjew priors. it is offered at corresponding low rates. • Give na a call and medal!, yourself. ~ • _ VirDon'tlorget tin piece--one dm* below tba Set !nary, Third street. Braver, Pa. i e • 2 . J. IV BENCE. aprir67:3in NEW GOUERY Ti: TN. MUSD:MED TMCES PLEASMtiI Informing the people of Bc:airer an<l vicinity, that he has opened a . 1. G R BY . TORE in the building to whieb his Feed Skip is:teirirkept, on THIRD STREET I " where will be found an exeittleitt assortment of COFFEES, TEAS, ,SUGARS, SYR UPS, MOIsASSES, SORGHUM., _ RICE, PEPPERS, - SPICES, SiDA PS, CANDIES:RAI- .; Bedcords, Weehtube, [Meas. nitrate, and In fact every : article usually kept Pia wen' Teri • kited Grocery Store. • • . In.connection ivith hie GrneeT he edll eandn . nee to keep hie IrI.OI3O ( AND TEND 8 ORt whereitha best. articles In this line are rotatantly kept, and offered cheap for Crailt or-Produce. *nly SMITS SIOTODIEL Styveti PL DIE • . - wnferir: • • Nr. 1.. *rpm's. 1 W iN T E :J.t; :_k ri .P..)141: 4 50/ 11, (SUL'ORBBORS TO . , INEALERB . WA CH CLOeICORWILTSIT; I, Myer ,ssig Plated, Warm. ltsmicat lavenipiento. Notion Opecisliattentlangivmtpt*re*r . ing of Wata es, Clock! sad iewElty. store: Corgi BitoktrorAT Arrix STirert3.• • NEW BRIGHTON, FA- jjar.3l.7 I,T, -HO NW • 01111/Ptit O?3MI33VEIC A •T DYE-STUFFS. MI J. H. BENCE, ENGLISti CURRANTS; • 11122 t . I :? F. -i, ~ :_; ,: -. 4 ;.1;,!. Y. , - P Irate I to, tut -1!!! -' • Natio , fith tilettluarged Pietistic. the Ist 'work tor lith, sod 't,witoitted *O l ll =inl t .at the c. the •thas oat; it . at . not permit loatgomery o.l3abe". led “Bs- - be" oa x..of -,the ,fsm4y) aed. , blow am the safe of J.,. Caton; at m a merchant trithitostas of Reilrees, whose store is neat thpanteitiheaeleelaffilear; ,ley Weis. aad eveikentaktut* Web:. bin feth er's house. IlewaltiAle would ,Itit s' large amount of money-:;;litit, OAP iiittigold 'calm , Thi'sbove was prolonged liontgowle-. A 1?;;;:ondloi of f o ff ro C b t4 tl4 ll6l"l rile staled that he del ,he itiy of her; cafe at tiny time WEWoid attettispiutylim.- Mardi &Black to this ilehriter dfieettigeßlaelt. ,` - deeesseti, end ib wair r i.the dnughtera-law of Esq. Moatgemery.frti , • tilThe Dinsmore rthber . l, trus proposed deli to •me hy, Jatneiontgontery._ He told the one evening. slot& `,ahtittltte-Sett ot October that Mere wu cabala:, Diplome dealt at. hie store, that wee said team very wealthy.-- =I returned - se. plenty o. ly, i was the time to "I for it. A abort time a ft er . ' I bad left Montgomery% "Babe" and I made 112 p to got . ° Mr. Diatintores and rob him. l ,.! We started from town on a ;certain night to gether shortly after. dirk. We - were armed with $ Colt's navy rotolser—the same shown i l in toad.. I got cartridges foe the photo' et the t I- :'store of kobert Dougan. Ws took,* box of boot blacking - along for the purpose of black , ing our hands ' and faces. We . applied the blacking with n, shaving brink,. in the stable • of William Montgomery, before startmg to Mr. I Dinsmore's. 'We wore army overcoats, and : old worn out silk litpl, both of us . We gotthe ! blacking and 'brush at the grocei7 of James I 'Montgomery boforelonving town., We went I out the old Middleton. read. We di d ex- I 1 setly know where Mr. Dinsmore• lived. We I inquired the road at. James Brigg's house; a. 1 farmer residing shout four miles from this Iplace, and wis direetati- by them l "Babe" i went on while I: anydredithe road! I did not enter the bone, but hallo Wed from the• road. Attar searthing fortiosee time for Mr. • Dino. I More's we gave it up; and," 1. ... be" said lie hadl an aunt living down In - , , hollow or low land, which • l be r po th intart ta , m , e ith sa e rost dthlt they and M r . DWi= Oben. ' Ire 'Nista heknewthat. :it it. • 1 (meaning Henry Miller. who ilittinthar-in- wof ."the Hon, Win..Montgomori) And Mr. Dinsmore's ! were on good terms; because he had seen . Mr. Dinsmore get some cantons day at. limes Montipneery's and he ,told him - that It was •for his aunt. moaning Mrs. Miller. i We then went to, Miller s. The house *stands a short distends oft the _road. "Babe" went to the house, anilli-remibied at a, pair' of barn the bars are used as an inlet from the 1 , road to the haUse. 'could heir' hint hallow-, ling distinctly from where I was; hr hallowed, 1 several times, but no 'one • answered him; I think they were all iii , bed. After he hod stopped hallowing I be ipsti a noise like the fat Iling of glees. or the olant pushing open of , a' door With-I'4:lmin on , faetaniag on the ant- sid e , which a great m in flutists use. After the noise I heard sum _ tonieing .towerds' me, which I =on f Out to be "Babe" re- turning. I asked what the noise was; he lone snid'he bad thrown a one through one of the Winclowsoindhe Wm tt had `solved their c l ino nearly to death. = -• • ' ,- Attar "Babe" cam e ok from 'the house we 'started to come bank Washington again.— We came lack the so 'road we went. . We I walked , both _ going an 'coming. We came to' the stable of his fad( and there le ft our hats. and . coats. The too= army overcoats; both were colored bl and both hid capes on them. "Babe" • up to ' town . with - mm Iwe washed the black' our hands ,and faits 1 at the watering tree on the farm of. Hari. , risen Shirts; the wet g Omagh is on the side of the Middleto ' rout*? . thus 'meow' modation -of the pnbli •We tame oat up ; to wire, ,e.nd when wegotio the corner of Main I street the 'town • clock I ,struck =nitre. ,We came nyiDiiestnutsent sinks" !demo on, the corner of Main alid besituit,stroida. .• He , wee staying in town =the lite redden= of George Black, fir ' r coniptiii for I. Mrs. Mary Creicrift, =tarty 'Mary . •Ildiek. I went to my hoarding . ouse and Wad.. to , Toy . We then gave up to Mr., ore's until the night of th n th -of Deoem . last , and I believe we w d have given- , ;np tee idea of rohhing. Mr. Amhara altoge th er had it not-been for th e s nd suggestion td J,O,Mtio Montgoinery, ' -He to - .me one day lad asked me when w e e going, to *b, Mr. Dinsmore. I i told . I didn't kilo*. • I've ;be. ' , Tod felliiirs iting'bekiiiii,":inestning i. "'Babe" "tied my= J.-was -iiillltig , iiintr burners and idova lifters, and Irjinly - - to lit* corn for. Jams Mill.sserDery-ruat to I$ loose of Mr: blames' okpikrpose,t• and_out. where be lived—waist a iiiimberaf farmers' limisoi'thedayl-Wis it 10; 'Dhisnese's—.got a boron to ride atAint Minitkomery.*: • ~. , ' The Mandsy hero= the minder. "Babe" end I were at the house of ; :Caney Mull; on the RE! , I• :` ' ' • - ' ' •I . , ,•: • • , ' . . 4. ........ , W' '..- r - T7r -- • 1:: ,W7ll - tiratl!r - ir. 41 1 1 1 1 11 Mal e. -s - Aillgr -- iT 1 . 4 ," ctt .4 , 4;....:-. , 'al !tr. , t r. , ,,........) !ti...:' rttr i lk 4161' ee t' iI • 1 :::0 1. -tc'•:: , • it ,:tia.C.V.`!* "t 0 rei1 , "..A , 1;: : '4.14 . 1e . . LILA i./.. , 1,.,1 ".,••‘ ie. i.: 0: , l i la L , a ii. 144 - la. ' -"- -, 1 ' - 1 '11, 7, :',, -: ;It 1 ~L. •-1 , L':. ....y, ~,... N,.. ~,.,.....:,..., .,,,,,. ~,.,....•,. .. :..ii. c&rd ..ir,e . i.. •I , :IU!! + •J 6 .7;: - 3(1, t ! •0'.. 4. .it.... r. 41 :t ...x.t. ..i,.. , ._ C. LI - yg,ll .',;.. t ‘f., -0, , ,, • ... si , - 4:tt . '7:l , . . • 43 .. ' i....il WI Z ~... 4 : 1 ,. , 6 :-.'. ) ...,:... . 1.,,; IL' „ s : rr2'..- . .4 :+!."...‘.1 ,,,, A:: 1 ...•.;. ,, ,1..: ...... - . 0 . :.... .....• , ~-, -... 1 ..... . i ~ .. -'•-- ' 1 '' '-' . - -' '- 1, -: C 4 1,.. ,_,,-.., i , ~,. .. ~ a 9. • 1867.,..,' , ,:,..„ •.., ~..„,, ta ...,-, '1 ._-',.; • , ..1 '':' . .' .: '4: . ... 1 -, . 11,,,f,'711 ,, -f,. ' :.."' • : t: . ~,, , !gni et Qfp00..1114 topt viasol . tit& lier*.noill bitk.!!- - ilio,theit edoe '--- ' fin. the - . .alPy• IEIO giArttbees parpeesitiiiitcharnher -tea : foe-the house,- and wontrip on.ethir vanish I'felt,' it-my ditty to iintiroiltitti itfit.T: ,ftc. .'' the lads from it, which we failed U. do . n. We "and to the back kftehein pant-the win.... hi attend i elm my,ease di. 6, , ..o,l4ittotoocliii , 14 jib; petite jit . dernitnit4pet . ~doer-ef the tinting roone.he was ghee ltd. a! saithefere- r - thin, it wito 'a dinsininitte,insiti:: OIL %e. full " it, s if alr thit . stable done. Ito shut the brick door. and fatavtlie besi Obit ability, - ant - See - that .I' 'lts' ~= ~ ,Iseadoia twars-ei _ ----) . ... ii„,* few minuets. - 'bittern told me loge Mit of the , said` be . trofthl - Proinlse tint'llethlefiat p,r 1441 4; " t tei d = 4 th Ise *ft nbaok door of the stable. and hirwerild glut the: but that he' would Preiniee - .to! defend. men"' '', - ,jnorsdan in:it'll tketetitAtvew.,Keltiojk, when tt tend it-o 6 the.insidt4 end that tnefrotst.dooi-'. smetritiaT titer i theft told Reth:tiott I , - Wet- - ' *eared tip. Jinn' eeklungiestity *lad temlf and locket it Owthe outride, - That dock of the: afraid be win.' concerned ter '. Minitgnitiet )-:-.! '''' Went to_thegriniery, of Arne! Mounts& :&•e [stable is'itspi.locli. Be pnt therneyeetthe.l Resent he Wet- not,'. ant Whitil tot Pei M rs". i Omit sieves tectiosk that . morning: : _ While ; stable iis bia - pooket 1.. tonlock the stable when 4 .bitnrief Ter any one .:; I asked him if Mr: litolt•t' !- : ! ' Ars ellibWriainte - jet tettlitieninrall pasting . (Mew return.. He *ll.cent-tbs.:Men aetate tgomery • Alerted 0,14 lkymilithi for nn: 'lite''. 7 the store, wben I-101ffloseitl• *Mtn - to stop. at thetas& of the stable hi* the bansynrd eat; said -he Ifid UM 'know whether I - bit 'dids. titti.." ethesileint_thstetestet i eWee-faatenen thsgate attar huh.: ,We :then ;went ' but Id' Montgomery told him .whet ` th e tifi i r! itftwittiti fib nrietatentefter;`„ttliabe .: in; ! three!) another! gate .Into a=field tbatjeinithe ` fleets - Were after nftabe.," that if rhatrineli Irina Weill . eied ' _the '• ettin together. ! garde* and arebard, ant kept •aeross ttie held' _ confeeeeit b e would. utter hero - belle*if litlf7. l • 4siiiiiiiii4 .l bie •Stautgthile4 , iiiksigiisett lof • Willies :Mirk sat Ephraim' Hess until ; guilty of the Otter. and e rerun bent/ • *IOU ti'''',!- ` l ,We-illeimaronttletelflto .: the.' , ef; Aimee hire came tb James Baud a. We crossed over ~ *remand dollars en .my 'eaee." . Rut f' ) ..toid:intr-'' rilinekseheenialiabe.:pesit't at, ease set in ; In ineettnem. end kept„the ..roar- -all-the net o noto trill thietieilinf tint C "ft itientie t , *boat peepeging to go to, MeAintimeee's that rest of the *eyed Mre. Ditutmote'm 1., ,- • , tinniest 'tern* -. I socked bint'ir irtbleePt..._•' l ' ;li a r. We mu **pistol - out. "tr - th e drawer ) We hept outtp the CresaCreektreeeientil wit ell ontgoineny tumid let ;...Babe'r - lit' Verse"' 004,eir * ieent l hite - thr.floar tenni; tillid r! "tiabe" - "emit to-a road tanning directly to Mr. :Dins; 1 months nn4re. ..' Ruth, said:be cou ld; nit- betr . 7, ildrellett bane hob the 'pluat 'f witha smell 'meter; that Inrxii.off to the left oppoeiiii the it. ':'' ' . ' . . I- I •-.- '. • ' Shitlet. . Ifetheweetteetibsed eite:season ern ' tenant house meths brut of Samuel Taggart. : t-I stated to my vinare] iill'eiiiitiVihei laird*, ' Ilettl* not disehallethephiol before. It had .We kept that road until we name to • the bld :end about wh - ,i I hat inedeststeeientifter.) Hit ,lteenloaded, end some .nee had , run melted ! Middletown road.. There •is any old 'school I saidhey viould linveno, keep Anne doWnlbe ' r j Teat in thirehaisibers of the eynider.' and it hoses *tends by the aide of the relit; * short 1 beet fway they could: and if 'they succeeded' fook 4 eirif*l 4 the holes in the - nipples. * The distanbe above Mr. Dinsmore's Wei residence, I they were on a dead leVel, as he eirenniststie ithembent bed bees tusrebout fourth fall .We entered it. and lit our dark lantern, and ;nil evidence was nothing. 'He said the-boots -. OW. 1-told itlitette!!to gete cork _and : proceeded to black our feces •and bands. - lire . did not /me net '.to anything., :I gait if 'Fleur l burnit.itibleekeititnie4uid h i ds with, not teak thelantern atong for the purpose to see to be convicted t wanted to live ar •langne I • - - be Mdied herwegad• '' ` 1 . _! " I whoa i re were properly blacked. -A ft er . we i could; !told hint I - did . : lire said ' I had. a• -= At the *ringing of the oast bell fa "tbe -if- i had completed:blacking ourselves we ;started' great many - war's fri4;nds •on _the of tside,',.sad ' ternos ionemoon,inßobbie? Poland came to me', towards Mr : Dinsmore's house We tittered,' thattliey Would! l ey to , - fight dein lil green '. `and asked me if' imp sdatap to, court; Itold: gate bel;ii the barn and kept on toward the dein o f puldieprenedioe,'and if we l eould eon- , him t would go. ' A ft er we bad gone out of • hence.' When we gbt about midway . between+ ',ltinitethe trial untit \ thii excitement died'-'out , ' lacittliaterft ietca4.".Babbie" asked me to go ',the barn and honse-we became alarmed et a it would be better fcb.tis.• Hitch" roe Monte back ,Ittd get him a sheet of foolscap writing. noise like some one coming towarde • us. -- -We .. goinery had eiinployed tkt beet nounselin town , paper, to Ift'itatelong: o6 .4shichi dud ; got the ~ turned backand *Mined, and found the w ri te and that Dinsineres had \Went to Pittsbu r gh' - r ipaparojileatnotnery . ,'s store. and gave it to came fromalot of hogs that were . feeding.. in and scoured the city . and ' uld not get aur , He aidti then seine up no the court lane. We started again the tame .way, but one to ike holder' tne , e a se ut ' Fetterntan,- , root*, Where I ripened - iNtiginbenr. ' I left found we could not reach the hone* in that I and he was not rery good. : M • 'Reth never I the court bons about ;Wen t e e foOc t .and went. way 'without alarming Mr. Dinennien; • We told me he thought I would . gets \ clear. .He Ibitek toile stove' of Juane; Mentsteliery,tnethen crossed over the fence . into . the orchard: ; eaidif he could endues it -to impriinnment it - I asked nitabo"Jf he ',felt : like taking it wit .k . ; and Went around in front of the house.. I i would be ebig•thing.' He said - he\did not {down street. ile,saiii be would; ,We want thin Went to the porch, of the main building, I think a jury could dle not ie the I Unity that i down as far is the : Bidirosd Hotel, and stop - I andsrent np on, the porch, and stepped on a I would man e It, out moref:then ?i t - u n d e r in the'' ,•. ' led ea the corner int eanntlelteet : talking to : beach that .wan on the . porch. an looking In : second degree .: - Little I always held out the -• ; i I eha Arnold. We had not -beet" there but, a I thowindow, and found, by the clean, on the' most inducements to me: ' - T i ~, i fewmemeetewhea Robert Rotten mime down mantle-treeslinve the fire plate, that it' was 1 R u th an d Li t tl e % told' in ir n n e ,i 4 t h a t we . street en the other Side. "Babe" hallowed' half pest nine o'clock... The minion that I j must take the back tnick=that the-great point ..: :. ,to Bolton teems over. which he did. He and looking ia the - window wee because !I -Wanted wire _ deny all' and ' dentate, the proef -4. (for ft. did not want to . Prere it* WO 1 "Babe" talked a. teer•modllenti When - Bolton I, to know who was in **room, se Jaime Mont [remarked that be must go, and &liked oßabe" , i gomery interned me that Mr. • Dinsithre had 1 kill ldt. Innen:wee:but treated them' to purrs .°:' j i.f he Weaving down street:. Bolton.." Babe" three oefour, big brothers, and we -had better ' that we did.' 'They asked tr consent - totirew_,J • ; and niyeeU an eterted . down street tolgetheri: be on thelookont. . . • 1.... , l op a certain affidavit, .whi h I 'gave ' them.' 111 '. IBelten left int at the depcit. " Bab e " i • aid I t [Here felloW the incidents • conneeled with itheythought It would bettei• my csite. They 4. -' orosseteveir to th -. other side of 1 the street, I , , 1 ' thought it itouht break' those statements, at -,,-..' 'and came ' back. up to - James Identgoniery's i the killing o f :fir: Dinsmore , with which our i any tate it :Would not worse me. They. told . ' store sigain. We went from thire to, the bar- . readers or. already familiar, and Whir& we t '+ m e to send for the,l,llllEi6l, Grayson,Aidind-- '!:'. bet shop under , the Mansion House. and !both i taw G ude; The an e mo n e . p ag h n oiii ,nnt se Ito- I son on atett:ale Saturday, and that lbe aft- got shirred. I 'We went from 'the turner 'shop . . , is ; thus refetredtci by himself. ' It 1 davit would be ready. inn that 'xll.l Would to the Iron Clad" saloon and get &glass' .oft ward him, those _n ho ! have .tot do was to swear it was eorreet, and ~ beer, each of us,.. We drank nothing more.-• wilt also Are remembered by 7j. - :paid ' say,•These nre the taste I gaveyou."r We wept from the saloon to"the store of , Robt. attention " to 0141ms:ter at the time . the eoron• 1 I sent for the Justices anti they and Little , Dugan. and Igp tone ; package ofi No, en st art-. ' era inquest si4is: held, ..that . Fogler inteliested ' Were brought into. the cell by the Sheriff.-- flagon'. The pacluigeetstaineditix .ur.tridg i eI3 be" Mont ‘ e.Unerr in th emoiler, land that ' The Sheriff came into my cellbefore he atteit-r Ca. -I wantedninibts" to get thecert4idgetchut „ a i • . ! led 'Be rn , and said lie was_ going to ask met "- be Weald not; be owed Mr. Dougan some mon- be iifterwards:refescd to : testify against him , enestion ; awl Wanted me tnanswer Ithn reel '. illy. aid bed not the, change:. to pay him -just i Whenthe latter was on his trial- for- !he - ',wee I told 'himto Put he Inestion,... and! .womild . ' ' at Ilgeg : ghe° - • 1 think "Babe" stopped ill crime.' Why he declined doing so is stated answer it.: He then asked me if it Was layde-' store or Suit We merit% ' , 1 i . ewe .. • , r ag i n th e a t are or f ! .. Dorgan . ! here by the condemned man ar follows: i [ • that: theme men came hers. - lOW 'WM W , ' ' , waft. Tie said he - whined • te, etch - ide Ise ' one • . t hack to Yemen Montgothery's! " " in g Made the fore g oin g statement 1 im e . ' thatwoUld bei'of tiny advantage , tO ,Thei; Eat'. - .. went' n l, tend sat ]down. - Mit ' deem it prudent to show thesublic wint,l did --. -:---, i :ttiet it ertuthis duty notonly to peep me hate into the Mores it after we! not tertify in the _ 4314° of __ _• /4 " t r il .,...____Pr'. Int to pioteet nie.. Thin Sheri ff " then broight, • -.. ' iced talking with e about , a -,..th at , t rot t a hj aanitmoutim „,,. vu ,,,, awo , „,„,„. 4 ,.. -' ..,- lin - Little - then! inistienthettleittitto• I bad gent him s:1 la it few : 101 4 , it*. -'''', t.,., ~ .", fIyIWV IaseWACT„ la• :11bitliokS ' a . iitat. its . r ut to. boy - . ~ . . :-n ""7,t . ' Fi * rg i , i t '' . lettjentt " ''. .IHisraiiitlititi•iiiiiit liP. a .„tik: nnii'preetiette . - .•• - the pit... • .... :, 1 - : -, -;" n gititheerenteel etennur -- -t: Led him If he studied : Latin ; 1 Mucus for.not testifying ' 1`..• i, : - i.kt` ' e ' riff told him to state what: the' allida . .. ..Ant he did not.. nie, Dinsmore I ' "Babe" M. twittery was brought tar jail in d av it wee Inr: Little refused to -do-u, . SO* remarked if be did he would read his lesson , ~,__,__e on _ . of ~ ho of , t?* eveeing the In Lille Sheriffeald to go out, that .nothing Of - for hint. ..itabe" then started: , for borne- and ' ;'this her On theft ning of the following day, he. that kind would " tie allowed while I was in his - told Med° come out as soon asillt - was' dart ,"; , called me to so me to the door of iny cell , his 1 Little thin requested; me to say ' e lenge...,. , smite bring everything. . . • . ! cell being directly opposite to mine. ' .11e told nothing in the presence of the Sheriff: I did .-- . Between sundown and !dark I Olt SID - ~‘ t ai .me to get do en the door of the `Dell . - and. not know the! nature the ' of l a ffi davit' at the - my boarding house to get my su per . e. I I th . e - en " .. p u lace wm ti l i taid y ea t : to the w s i p th ic_ii _undef.Lhe ,__ door. se ,time ; but afterwards found out it was -a paper f' the pistol and n.setened it around ma. and did U°6 • want . certifying to "Eitib.es.' innocence in the ninr. - - naked James Montgomery far some powder to ''"'' to be overheard. I told him during the day 'der. My - connselliesid it wee necessary that , with, the pistol, and a cake of soap o as w h °if , that I loathe iris on: he said I ought to have the affidavit should, bedraven up', so is tebrent , ''street Which he! gava me. • Ithen tarted up • . ~,„, , them on; and I was a fool for telling john m e statement_ • hey "hid if the ,statement to get my imeper. Mre Nit/ eY Wa " ""1 Baird what I did. After I at tonne when I went there. , I ;forgot the , I Boor, be asked me how thick the irons, .were, Set down '-en the went into-Court n bontradictet_it wascertsin ' death to me . ,_ 1 • , :' , . I dark lantern we intended to take with us. I lai if I had a saw; if I could saw them off. ' ,I air. , Little - j then went down street again ,weidin - James old hint I could sawthem tiff, if "I hett:oll4l.. when the Sheriff i terfered With his arrange . '‘• "tientgomery's store. and told hlinito give me' but t it would do no good. He said he .would Monts , He said " e would . have tire Justices 'the dark lantern. It was in 0126 c the draw, I get me same if nwanten one. I l acked Mit come Inryet..ntel e 'would sheer the Sheriff It era behind the counter. 'Be gate lit ,to me. how he Would tonic. -but he did not tell' e Was'notin his . place to be present It any of • and I asked Idle if he had any' sperm, or star how. I told him I did 'not Went's. saw. • I 'our meetinee. IC _ Ruth came in a- day or . j candles. 'lle said lie bad not, but onld give • ~! then asked him what his father thought of tne vi l ib after thet. an said he, had itxpeetatt that Me money ingot one. I told , him I ould vett- . cue. • He said they were ,•elown On melihe ,the Sheriff nu ll ' terfere';initli . the arrange e er he would get It,- which he did. I remain hell," (meaning by nthey"'his father and Gib- . ,„, en v. - -- R e th' en , -,, eld me he would, have Dr. lid in thestore while he was gone . - ..When be ! sont for coming out; but to keep quiet, and it ereigh to conic in nd see me, and for me to' - . eamehick he asked me .how we .. were r hn i would be all right. This was before ~ I! made * state the 'Notelet" or* iii the affidavit to the to work 'it to. get Mr, Dinemore ont. to) i . the "tenement! to the Coroner's 1 Juif" After Doctor. as near as could recollect. Hesaid . hint I was going to tell Mr. •DttiOsore . that , that he would not sneak to me. 1. --.- '.the DOctor would n it . say anything about it.-- . .. .. Miller's family was sick. He telt me if he I I , t bads man, in the cell with me •bi. the I told him! Woril d . o so. which I did .::;. ivaa mene would firesenneof the tbnildinv,t . some of Johnson from Independenee, in this Little brined in -the affidavit one dry, an t . I ld ` ' and while the -family was putting t e fi re out , 1 who wad convicted of 1 In d bat- Ruth feed Lit le to read it to me,' whienl; • 1 tern, on oath of Rebeees , White, ,and wee un- .he did. ' Rnth,then asked me it won - sign we could rob the house, .he said that was the , county , _alum anreque ~ way William Kelley done the time ,',l be-robb.a, der sentence. ' Johnson and Montgomery were it.. .I . told " him thnt I would not; as it ' would:;, • h ay iefaters house. I told himl i i ii , d not . do i anything of that kind, for Klee . iti t t ' Gibson was acquaint.- ' nor . be of any iiset them its *y case .. They,: • w d e t ec t_ i soon on n ma 6 erms. ‘ I - then stepted it After , led with-him before he cunt to j ail, and need ' said it would , ; and • , . , - el it would go kern with as, for th Cotamone, ,_ _ be _ _ e• itint papers when be ' as' in to see that Littlebronght ti paper in to me and said.' wealth could bririg two indictments ligainstnall„°B.a„.., I requested 041Ilhe ff to give me a he wonted me to co y - it off in.a /plain hated , —one for arson , and one for bUrgtary. cell to raym ___ , if which he did. ' Re removed write. word for word, Which I - did, and signed ••' The ,candle I have described 'abo was i , 1-- - - i f. ' Johnson to the other side of the hall to a cell 'it and. sent.it - to • him Aby Ruth. Little said: furnishedby James Montgomery. i After the adjoining that of ' , Belie." kept a great noel thee went•ed to' havo ft published in the Wash:" .., above conversation ragain went my boar& ~ of private talk, whichl could melt understand. ' Ington papers, -and r that .he '• woied try and ' tug home; Urn: Wibley weeetHlsheget- Log' Gibson used to g , it in .to see Johnson, while in get Mr: Swan to come in and tee me, .tetl for Wattle house and proceeded; to load the pistpl ! the jail. One day, after Gibso bad been hi me to give itte him and request hint to pnb- ' ' 1 and get read I put the old pante on over tny i the Jo. Johnson called tem* . fter be had nub it Swan did - Inatome. so 1 sent the 047 1 black ones, (the pants were 'tonna the next I gone out , to come to the door e My eell.. I - per and the copy also to,hini by Rntli. Lit- r.• `morning by:James Grier) and 1-had !every- j went to thedoor, and he told mto send out-ne Il an! when he Ineueht the paper ! Int. not to . • thing ready- tas o start by the time iupper w. by ef , j John , Kennedy,' Jr:, for W Little, A - let tiny one get *hold of it. He PAW*" - had ,teady. We ate supper by candle . 1 11. - .7 old' Johnson to Write it down , nd give it to ' counterfeited histband writing all' through mil . : We at. supper Lori Elantiltter carne in and imeat my cell window, which be id.. As neat paper," .. - ' • b .. ` s : .. ' . sat down by the tire. After "I gotthrough With sa Loan remember' 'the words be i nsed were as;.l asked Little one day It en he waa%°Cag to Imy supper. I went up to the Ore end- vim- follows :' He ealdfin forme to send lent for Lit- 1 , h„„ t h e l affidavit `publish e, n a --aak In a I fenced ;talking with Mr. Hamilto about the tie who was a lawyer,' and a' good one—thati week or two before, we we t to trittl. , I . .otn . .c.' . cage of cents and Baird-talked ' few me' I there was a man to see him for me. and be -_w,ee jetted to %seine in publish d. • Ilifteldnett ar.... , meats and then went out and ,et d down j told that , lc:said get gleam!, I told blot I hied - ter that, one day, - that - they were going te• - 1 the Ilielioey road, which revile the proton- Ino means to get a .lawyer - .with. The - next' have it published ii day or two before *atria ' gallon of Main street in this borough. ,I met 1 two. after Gibson went out, Johnson told Me in the Pittsburgh lienere. ' He main be vitiated, IMr Kidd, -the Clerk of the Court, , about mid- ! e gain, by, writing to send for Little.n-that I it . to be priblisheinsn es to arrive here a den •.- I way letweeit Ideresideue and Walnut strut I, he had said he would ' take my ease, money or', or two before the A He, 'trial. paid the reason It , —he was coming toward town, .carrying aI no mosey. Gibson said the lawyers all - be- had not been published,hefore was flit ther. lighted lantern in his hand. 'Know Mr. Kidd ) , I longed to the Free Masons ' Lodge, antthat it . ditnot want thent to have " any .hOld -en tut. ' I when I see him, b u t . have not a ,_ , k ing - no' was a rule among them to help those - who had I Suppose he Meant ,'ny ethem" the counsel foie ' 14 4 that. i'quaintanee with him. . ; • no money... . . .. - j . , '.; . 1 the Commonwealth .. Ruth was in after , . • 1 I kept Abe Hiekory read until I tame to 1 I told Mr. Johnson. that I heard *at Little and I told him to tell Little not to have thesffi- . where the Said of William Mon ery joins was in the west. He said Gibson would tel. ' davit published at tin. , _ , . the Idiot: yiedetio Baser, I - th orossedi &graph for him: count home. Some time sif. 1 - Little told me thee were goings to apply for ' Into th eilinds and kept 66 --- "reel to the r eel" ter that Johnson toltinte to send oat after "Lit- ~ ' Wehantre of venue -in my cue.: He said he !donee of William - Montgomery.' Whim I came . tle and Judson. 1 Gibson aims „Into jail in a'' had evidence in my favor that I knew nothing 'to the stable the batik door was open , an d ( day or two, an when he wins leaving he ask -' about. He said linnet • keep quiet, and' net _ • when I wes:bout to miter the stabl 'lvies,-'bey • ed John if he mht speak tehim. John t o ld make any statements in court, and'-if 1 . td Meath* frost doors was open elso, all.- d ~,, I him to go aroun to my window and talk to forced ine to it, to deny all. and - go down on I some one gave a signal of silence . ; Th - e s e uee ' me. Gibson came to the window of toy cell ''the affidaeit described chore- lie said the esmefrom the direction of the front'' door.— and told in. in an undertone, beforelohn came j ,cotirt might want me to go before the 'grand ' I advanced toward the front dear,' tr here the around to tell him (Gibson) in - Jatia's . pres- !jui•Y; but that they' would object,_ and Kite's, suedes/is from , and found it wee. 'ellen." once, terend in Little and Ruth, which 1 did: ' forced to-go, testate t lie4nets set 'forth-In the ' • that gave the signal. He-had a knife. • The They came to see me that afternoon. I told , affidavit, '• lie said if I made the statement ; 'knife 'blade was *oat tea or t lee lushes - I r e, - _,____ - . 1 them that I had sent for them to take advice : *al had formerliniede, that' I! bad 'better j • lorig. sense ell I could judge „ see !smut t " in referents to soy case. I told them I .ball ' tell the sheriff to get a rillic and bane - me, at 1 , inch andAthalf 'wide, He was , cutting .at a been advised to send for them. They told me 1 once.. f told h nettle Sheriff did not show any steep, about. two Inaba wide,•with tae knife.. they would undertake my cue on certain eon . 1 dieptit-ition of wanting to hang me.. lie paid Thelnife was new, and appSrointly had not intim* namely, that I Would do just • Crthey , if there we: ever a repo ~ cut for me, it would I been need mech. -I asked hhti what he wasfor . t _ dirtetted in all thin g s , and mast reveal noth r :be Sheriff Smith. that- would do it,' hen . 41411141% Be said.htwal l main a befit 'air ling they told me. and-keep -my lips sealed to , thousand dollars wee "n big - thing and if Istaint:„, , the knifeeloreg, sad .o ".many It in.' Says I, orrery one else but them.'.w I told them !ould hanged the Bl k eriff!wimid get ' the reward.— "what , d you want with the knife: : .Says do jest asthey told Me, and I wanted 'them to iHe fnither'sid if I ewore eeainst , itiontrome. • 1, "Tint dbnot need it." lie •replied le'wee be honest with me, ,d I al I, trust them.— t ,ry, nib Co ry, that the Oitereurt could do hothing - Aping tot : stk. it anyhow'. ifie then ,fisted:ms Ruth told me iny etas w - *riw. impetrate ene.and , •:foreie. and if I did Md. - that they yenta earn I Wilk extdg, th *byword. Whathetedlee,,_._,lteleali; that it would take despe v s men to meet it; !ry my•ense to the Supreme Cosh. on the bills • took OW •!mteglef• and be seemed gammon ; -but that I bad made it so Myself, sod that 4 lof exception taken during my trial. • The last -, 'Sleet askettine,re he goi the knife;Arreplieu could natant* tiny ens for{ it but myself l l.daY of my trial he told me Esq Montgomery in _„,, a thel t ,... /llMme „_,, L L - 1 1 *.Y..h k e L : tn . er : edit "'" -Wreast Little then spoke ri and wild he sawn faint was out hunti. gulp evidence in.. our favor; and .._ °""___,,',"'" wr,,,, , ',..,..• _„„,,•"' ' 1 " .111154 , 1 hr t ra- glimmer of hope forme , e'an would acquaint,itaid we had got th em where we wanted the* ~'"'",_..'"w°„,,.,_,,e'''',',,Mu " '''. „ , wall „„ , il t... 7 ', ever- Ruth of it 'at an early ifs , and then they.' settliat be (Esc- ' •noritgoireryt would give I * 4- '"'",'• "''''' '' "” `" e '''" . 1 *m e re would tell mean. They di not say Much the them ! all the money that th e y winded to.'!ear.. .. In the 'table- 'He wore as old worn( eat , gi ft . gnat day, bin said they would come in again in Iry my ease to the Suprenie Conk. - ' ,hat. and a black coat with acape, to it. Tbet - a r aw d ila , - ! .., . .. •,. ',. >- 1 I Little told mi, before genie' to trial, -that it. coat that I wore 'had a cape also: eels. bee The next visit was made by Hutt.. - I then"! they could lames ge to get ,eßabe'' tried first '- ••I,li gein the house to avoid ettspieion: you acquainted him with dry circumstances. and Out! 31r. 3lonte_omery Led said ,he would turn I f, . !! I:i2ISEM iu I .Vt •'4 It • .• '` .••‘- - . . , ~,~ . ~,.. , El c • ,t-;.? **. . $ J •" RIME EIIIII ~ r. .; 13141,..,A2 . • -1351414 181:8 EMI =V ,- .. - . ,, N0T1CE14405181111E11114-. . Ai ;A lthr 14 i tihrt 910,a1t . ailnare , liaah anbaegnetnt ink e~li:a 60:aeats.:• A libt4nU a'aiia•Vetiii4 ° "' 4 ,1 * 'se.apait-'etitinf j r i l kie : „ • TX 4 5 - ineasaratl, An a". Naara.. ;I'xi yse speei a l dotiais INS 'pi', cent •4 4; r iti4inevi:4Tll3,77ri “nui l ilacringas anti lienshei'.llallitlaus v . other.. Nntierl'or 'a publieaslii ;frialOP - if lia.l n p money alaw,ya SEEM -4. - • 4''".!',:r".110 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers