e f H E RE JJi R US; A. few days ago, notice . wairreceived here 1 4 t 44, A* . 1 .0 at. ' 20 1 040 *bp se mysteriously disappeared in November last. that • n body supposed tabs his corpse was found in the Ohio river near New Cuaiberi#Ad, liortio* thirty or on torty hianday moaning and re 11111t1 fb e irr. thilr :o4 o, ..,T -7 021 - 0 1 idritt. went from bore ', turned on the night train, having the remains . _in their custody, and' fully identifying it is . .f • . :.." . 1 being the :, ottriap,of ,Thornebliddleton. "The • the sttention of the public is directed'. to the 1 family havatakshi it !to:tkeir 'tactic ii‘ralliton,, Terries new advertisements. which appear this county, and an inquest was held yesterday to-d he ay. milt. Mutt the result of the investigation is fel first time in ihe :Argstz .. we have not yet learned, but presume. the ju 0-11sts kCipti--ifishatri dr. Byrne. : have decided that beWaiisturdered.iti.itla o,llowers & Ileapertlarrey ki' ry cotru. • ~ : •alleged that the body shows marks Of baying *Sberirs Sides—J. 8, tatted. ' i I been stabbed in two or three different places .igrLicense Notice.—John A. Frazier. , _,twice in the region of the heart or abdomen"; ofilpecial Notices—Watt dealt'. • --, ifirSpecial Ntitices—Wilson .t. 15iokey, (lit. and once through the baud, And also--having . a cut on the`rieck: If we are not misinformed Sike*Notices—Nrm. F. Clarke. 1 'to this, and the . Coroner's Jury have ren pt‘SpeciklNotice. 11. Rhodes. : • dered a verdict in accordance-with these . 1 alleged facts, there will 'doubtless be some n {- ucovias.--Dlre. Reed, • who was stunned 1 arrests ma de before this week expires, and 1,. lightaino lastweek, was not as seriously u dlto mystepr, which apt'wered se W • r e d as was supposed, r and is now couvales- , impenetrable a short tune ago, will more than are ,• - .. ..' • . likely soon be &tired. 1121.' 1 1 ICA InSORIL'AMInk lierWx. Pi0t431...4., 64 Fifth it., iithe;sothorized spat for tho hids ttlt City: 14-6 W .ADFIROOLI4ENTS. potnpahyo4 peoiple leading this iltange ettcs,mied last week. near the Bridge, - at Beaver Falls. They had j ember of , good horses itnd . covered wagons. CONITiID TO J.44L AGAIN.-77Mr. Swain who its committed tojitil two or three weeks ago, to s chatra pf.ineen4istism,- and was since ;:boated an , lOiVbai been again committed c la ,;evcral new charges. RES. :"OcritltAst:s LEcipue on matrimo ny 1.1.5 deliveted last Wednesday niiht to a qttite large audience.. The lecture was as in tero.titg as one of its nature cluld be expect - • • • , ' GUI ESGIN t Slily!, 7 44 rare -prize was Be fe w days ago is the town of Fairview, Ohio tovnshtp, this' banniy.. A large eagle . wai , anAftring O'er_ dad town, and - a - gentle-. Elan rook Ws gun and shot at it. bringing it to the F auna.. Upon measuring it was found ureature 7 feet fro s aii tip to tip. Atm BpoKrx..—lt , is timid that Mr. Mcgen6 ; sie, of Industry; Lai succeeded in tracing the. ',owns who brokeinto his house some days ,tge'to Pittphaf s gh, learning on his way, that 'one of the robbers, in his flight, had applied to a physician nni got his arm set, it haring eea igloken by Mr. MeKenzic'slilow with the tliiir Il via AND cArs.z-The attention of renders directed to the advertisement of Messrs. .1;rullato &. Byrne' which Will be found in dads issuo. Messrs. G. kr.. have a vary kggt‘ stock of excellent goods - purchased at.. rst es. and which ahoy olferat avery slight :t ic snce on .curt. Their stock is;-extensive as reriferii have , only to call and isee for • theulaticesj . • • L A p..;y. 'John Pennehoff, the Petr s oleunA i log. of Bennehoff Run. returned an itcome cf S19:000 last.' year. This .is the It l vliciatralincorneretirned in Venango calui c. . • ntrlSia CM, Igsiovms.Lt:GovernaiG r eary his apnel'ini.d Iron. Divid Derriekson, of A Meadville, Wayne McVengh. of Vest. Chester, aod•William M. Hall, of Bedford, as commis -I,iano-a to revise the penal,code . under the act inssedat ille last session.", Messrs. Derrick - - son, McVeap..lt an 1 Hall ar.Well known law yap, at;d will .perform thelir afduous duties ably Owl promptly . . . tiononny Arrinwran 7 -- - A robber attempte d , ti; effect on. entrancelato the etoretof 'Messrs . J * 'r. i1n,0 , ; in Faircie . w.7o. tp., this emtn-- ly. tie hot itnismi the window ,of t the store yootii to get in, when the ratline awakened a young loan. trim won sleeping in the room, named Sanford Anderson, iOn of Mr: Hugh B. ..Inletson. ofAllit. place. who . arousedt he house .. with SitierieS of alarm . ' The robber tgrned \ tnd took l'h his' heels, •Pe was pursued some , ii , tonce. When nil tritMes of him were lost.L. te is thi.ntittil by th e young man as 'a large, eary-;,;::a ni , !;, with broattrimmed hat. 1; NW: t, T 111:: )IEITHERS OW THE PENN . A . yIG u•avt -Ceees.—The firs,t annual meeting 'l , t the 1 ens sylvania• Reserve Association will 4t Lcld n liarrisbuVg on the 30th inst-.. Air taunters of 'the aforesaid corps are re , ire cquily to ottiqul. • ' The jraii,oa will bo delivered by Gen. fpm. Mcl!anlless, late of 2d Regiment-, at . the i,!ete Capital Hotel. • Any member desiiiaus of . attending will giie ;lake. as -fibou as convenient, t.G IL J. Cht!.n il:er, itocloter. Pa. • S; run cotta il ON I'Am:ft.—Says the Ilicritzbuttg Telfgrupli: ••The .Republican :Ate Wants to te of service to his party and utast' ilarticill aid, in securing . the: triumph Iti:l l .l , litelplV.s, can best, succeed by sub u. ! l ocal Republican newspaper.— There tie. W, I a time mare necessary than i °^^. to 4 e4tire lamer circulation for Repub ' ',. "I'Ppytipapers.. - The neople want the truth, azid titifkilly source, from which to derive it in its fli : est and most sublime shape, is in }he coluransof a manfully conducted Bell4blizark te!"laper. - . . We trust- for these reasons, that ouT Repub— lists cricudi will subscribe for;their local. or- galls. Every iepublican family in the ' , State 'bouldliave the benefit of at least.one Repub. teal new epeper. Sueli a Jou r nal is the great Itcrilliary of free school education. We hop e eur r trietulti - silt act on this tr‘h, and all who .!irenot subScrihers will at oriole subscribe for A Republican journal. • r To Tli FRIENDS OF TILL D.--The prin -614d, officers, and M Pupils of the Penis's. lesiitut ion for t h e instruction of the Blind. of Philadelphia, will visit Pittsburgh and remain d uring the week. commencing on !gouda)" , Mv.i ; 2 4 ). They will give severs' . Musical imd also the Method - of reading the rhiied letters, and other interesting exercises. The object of the visit is to exhibit the ca -e !achy of the Blind to receive instruction in t w ery.branch of 'knowledge, and to acquire mechanical trades for their self-aupport.-- , many of theiVestern enmities h i ave never . sent their Maid Children to. the Institutiou Rb Philadelphia, their friends ire notified. that th e State "provides for those who; Are indi- APPlicatiou ma i y be • meAlett) ChaPkt, *EPP — PONAMII4D7 11 0 1 7nti A Mystery: Pert-lal ly•U eravettedt Ltcttrttic 8p..-- 7 1Jettyer*tnotlit up witliTis, butlnotwithstantling darkitec'eddia"trot ptcvail• within its limits. Not long ago Mr. Joseph Hall of the National Hotel, caused a large ,lamp to be. put _upon tz post near his house, which emits a steady, strong :lightfor rods away from the• •Mr., J. B. Rhodes of tbo•Drug_Store at - McKinley's cor-. tier has "followed : 5414" and pat up:a -large sized lamp, - which' its rays to 411 around." : .othertiori - tbe Main , Street intend doing likeloe, land: We presttria .it will be but a short time until petroleum itp the principle throughlare in Beziver,,from.one end of it to theother.',' • • OPENING Or THE 1.!IIHLI9 .ISCHooL.—The Pub lic School of this place opened on :lOnslay last • with 'Onn:lundr.edliind sirtsuly-fiyv The school will .in all probability average about. two ..hiindre4 • iyhen , ortael,t/ip chil dren a.re all iu attendance: -The - teach ers arq as foil - met .Piincipsl—B. 11. Lakia. Assistants- - Misses Whipple,Tucker andliVood row. The .Principal, Mr.:Lakin, has ben for nnmber of years in charge of the High School in CannOnsburg, 'ciiiinty, and comes highly reccominended as an efficient-v.l - ucator. Ihe Assistants are also flatteringly spolicivf, 'am i d will, no .. dciubt do their part faithfully Ind %well. , .BITRIFID IN . THIS CHUNTT.—FogIer, who was eiecu!elin. Washington 6inuty on Wednesday . of Inss. week, was buried in This cat/nth—at Georgetown.. ills mother.died in that vicini ty some yeui : a ago, and it; was his request be fore the execation; that his remains should be deposited ne.u• whereshe was buried. , • - Bain/FM Cocpurrsok.--,-Thc house of a ne gro bttrber ) named Tanner, in Rochestei, was entered by robbers last Thursday night.— Tanner and his wife were In the hones and abed While the robbery was being committed, and heard .dietinctly the movements of the burglars; as- they - passed to and frci In the house, • appropriating all they could lei their hands on. lie did not rise to see' who ;they were, supposing the noise was occasioned by thaffeturn ,of another male Gemini of that( Louse, by the name of Jackson, till after some time; as they were departing With their boot', Le suspicioned thdt rue facts of the case, and pursued them, partially undressed as he was. causing them to drop one of the trunks they were carrying off.' Owing to Abe scantiness od his attire, he was obliged to abandp the pursuit. and return to the house and dress. him -1 self; which When• be had done, the robbers had disappeared. Beside other things, the robbers bad possession of. two trunks, .one i containing•a suit and other artielesbf clothing, belonging to Jackson, worth $lOO, and the other trunk containing - some female • apparel, 11. which lane• trunk they dropped. but success fully escaped with the other. Thehouse was entered systematically, a hole g hiving been cut in a window pane, through which one of the robbers inverted his arm and removed the fastenings the window was then removed, and the robbers entered: ' , IMI MR : Entvon: The announcement in your last Iss re of tfiename of Lieut. Eben Allison . late of o. •:.A," I ,th Pa. env., asti candidate for the nomination for the office of . Treasurer of Eeaver county, gives entire ,satisfaction to all who haive the pleasure of his-acquaintance. It is Proper to state for_ the benefit- 4 0f those Who may be ignorant of the fact that - lie serv ed a term of three, years in the army with credit to iiinamlif and his•enininankl—se - i - ving, thirtyone inontilint non-coraniissionedaiiieerandpricate. His uniformly good qharActer,togetizei with the above facts recommend him to - the considera tinn.o4our citizens. Lieut. A. has since his s return-(two.yearS) been the victim of disease contracted by exposure while doing his duty as a patriotic defender of his ;tint:au., now, temporarily at least. plipi,ecilly; 4isqu‘lifi ed front engngin in busines' away from .home, adds another reason to those above ,raen tiottud; whyrth s e benefits of the office at the disposal of the.peOple should - be cooferred up on him: Let us support hinr'who has so man fully helped to defend us. f - W. F. I C. • nusTltr, May )8,1867 . El). AILGCB : It may be a matter , of some interest to many of your readers to know of an imiortarddisdoverY I deli ,. made in vicinity of this plate. • - . A large body of iron ore, has been opeped on the land a Dr. S P,CUMMIIIB. itts.dis rovery, I am informed, resulted..#o 44. e fol towing circninstances . • . • An extmvatiou.bact . .been mada some time ago on 'a search iftit''fi - ie'''clay, when 'some bnultlers Fereencntintereol khat were pronintn ced limestone anii 4 th'e sear - ch'for clay at that - - point abando i ned. . e • Sinpe that •tio e large vein •of fire clay baying ban opened at. anth er' spot on the same property, -the D octot ; non 0 14" .ded also to test the vein of limestone, Ind set n hand to digging for the purpose of open, ng up a quarry, but-when the product coma lo be tested, it was found to be iron ore.of tcellent quality. _- There appears to be a large body of, it int bedded-in fire clay, and the saute is found en opposite sides of the hill, iedioatizig its contin ue:we throughout. This • may: kiwi*/ a source great wealth to this and,nciglibcyling notions of Beaver coun ty, Otero id •>a tine body of coalin same hillsond s the locality 1 1 1,Kin•the -v4 ll ' ol ' ll And river the meat con v etnent.one that could be de sired for mantifseturila purpOses. . • Would it not pay some of our neighbOring iron tneaufactoriceof Allegheny county to give .their altentien :La this TR.atter 2. , • ' Onszavnit. • -Piklate , t . . 'FrbiffunlT•Le!O r .rig, WitkviitiimeALlO ' _ ibii*Abbvtif if SOP& H. MaCititall4 at . - A gorresrmdeni,l signing himself *Teri*" sends us theft& loling additional partionlars: Oui the sleit itig of the' 12th init.; between the bowled' 2 5": 44 1 d gt PO.kaPi9 of wiL R--- Mg4 4 4, 1 •;:5 4 &fedi?: Wisinirgiiiiimiti•eisiii4 ad 'SW dered. ,Thaireiiitimiiiiiititsiditittii, enecteid ed in forcing i r entrance by means et a window which, nnfliitiiiiely, had bees seed dewily 14 ezdksiened 7 ..,,, After, ,ezzasmistitiii the tittriiiits, -- *li-haisi . t. "Ai:. - tioliro ifieded up stairs 1.0- the sleeping apartment of Mr.' McKenzie; flout dimes they toolrhis pan taloons with, h la . pocketbook containing peer s26•Mio. tieb'elaidiliens in the mnn,bpfrenp i posed it w as a oft. belonging to, the family. After going de iitairs they upset so:petit/th en utensils, whe eupcn Mr'. McKenzie sprang up and proceeded to ascatrtainl,he, cause- ef tit, noise.'. On entating tha.re'om,Where the bizi. glars,were.the light fram tt dark . lantern :was throin in ids far. Percelring the outline and form of the burglar. in. the obscurity , behind the Melt, he replizedthe position sad instant-: ly, grasping a "c Lair, dealt the intruded a *m ortal blots,, felling him tithe 'floor at "onbe.r-- Whilst ettegett "with, this • one, hewerer, the other atteckedihini, itrikibg him ,lirst'on the , _ faCe aril : head and - again on the stomach, the latter blow. paralysing all his eruirgies - iind prodnoing inteese. sickness, and contronently i „ incipacititte4ll4m: frcitit any fUrt!tereifati..-- Before antother ,assistance could be had, they succeeded iniffeatiag tie'} r oqoaps." l A broth er-in-lair of Mr. McKenzte's was sleeping in thekozze ei, the ; time, and heard - Zile nob* but serer *tilt* been in the hcptiei bafcry, wits'stioneWliA 'Contused- and fiiiled L lo - reach 1 • • the scene of,att ion in time. Sir..lloKenzie'ri pocket=book was found . lying on the floor,. ri fied of its.contents, amotlnting. as near as he can tell, ,o Shoo twn hundred and !sisty dol— lars. , M. McKenzie has entirely recovered from the, effects of the assault. As yet no clue hitsbeetzlitined - oftlie-robberst Apnarty of three4tiOn, were Seen 'lounging along the river that afternoon. and a women who 'hap pened' toba tip late that night saw them drop. ping their aka down in the direction of Mr. Me/ten:47s. It isrtitonght they were the par ty'vAo committed the:burglary .- , : •, • Medic al. The Beavel°Connty Medical . Sotsiety met at the Doncaster noise,. Rochester, May' '9th, . 1867. Members present :. Drs. J.. M. Cams mins, W. W. AIL Morrow, D. McKinney, O. IL Cunningham, F, D. McPherson, D. S. Mar-. quit. !sane Viiiitins, and S. ?Al: Ross. Prosi flout D. Stanton being absent at the American Medical Association in convention at Cincionas . ti, the:Vice President, J. M. Cummins,toolt the chair • --11' A very mil:vesting colloquium. was luid ip ''regard to tba N high moral bearing anti correct deport4nt wbiah should characterize every mernbell of thissociety, and thy! i.romote -the public good, and honor .the medical profes sion.. _ . . Our delpgates o the State Medieil Comma, Lion were Instructed to vote foi• i,lie•rectignitinft fit - finaleS as' members of our Profusion ,Wdii) have a regulir education in: medical scienoa and have a diploma "from_ an appiroved sehool of medicine. . 2 • . • . . , Afteiswbith are had quite a pintraeted and profitable discussion du obstetrics; Dre. Jack-' son, Winans, McPborion, and Ross exclisaig ing4eir-cieros , tritlt.iibi,vitAiiiiilhilisreiony and goo* feSling the soei:it3i edjencued lircieet-ttnes=pisti , ...- Ittscoond Tlfurithy of July next. z E5P3323 a Ter. NEW CAPI'LE P. 0.--The•nmination a 111 , r tha , Preaident's Po:Hamster at New Castle, • I • LawrencU ()minty, not having been confirmed i by he 4filatte, the Post Office Department has ent an agent out to take charge,of the offin ,'until Congress again meets. air. J. H. Ramsdell is the agent's n a me, and an Ifonday I I lastj he iissuttied. the duties and respiusibill , ties' of the office. . . THE SOUTHERN REUSE' FUND—low Tyni MONET WA& APPLIED.—We hare reeeleed from Moses Scott, Esq., the following letters, with !requist for Publication id the Argus.,— They were handed t•o us last week, - but too Cato fOr insertion in that issue.- The letters •fully explain themselves.• . • 1 i• BEAvEn, PA, May 7, 1867. . Rev, J. 8. Tiareni—bear SiXe4lol4e three weeks ago - Ilgot up a subscription popeiinthis place for the purpose of raising money for the relief or thel destitute people of the The . autount.centributed,,slo7.so, was sent to you per hand of the Rev. J. F. Dravo,, for the purpose •of hating it forwarded to the pace it was most needed. . . . 1 clip and enclose an editorial from the . Beaver ounty Local, thopemocratio organ of this cooky, of the 3d must ..:in which it is char-. ged that. the Inoney in qOestion wad obtained under false pretences; not being applied to 11}e j, object ibterided by the contributors. , Willyou be so, kind as to inform me at your - earliest cOnvenience as to where this money i As lent, hud whitt.disposition, wail made of it. '.. ' ' -: • • ~' Youra,AespeetfullY, , . ' . Moms Boom . l'irtsacnoo, May 8, 1867. Mr. 1 41eses 650t1. 7 -11,esr -Youi favor of .yesteilief request ilk ine too form • you — Where the tucinex•collected at, Beaver for the destktote the South - ayes seitt 'aid what dripcisition was made of it; is jolt received. With plea mire I haste to reply. The money WIMI sent to Wm. F. Mitchell, of Nashville, Tenn., with , instructions to 'lllittribute it among the deatil tate and suffering,irrespective of race or, eoi -or, wherever he foOnd the greatest destitution. 'l'ke money, along with other moneys sent; me for this kept entirely" separate from the funds of Freedmen's Aid 'Associ ation, and noes &ne of it:applied to the ex ' raises of that os et:44ll°n; but entirely to the relief or`iti'deitilii4; both white-and black. have received lid "sent away ablint nineteen hAndied dollars to Win. ' Of one l / 4 , boniand dollars were from our, frlends st Eeenemy, and five hundred and fiftyAollars from the Young Men's Chris tian Assoidation of fiittatinrgh—sent-to thei; fordistrkbution. • These parties understood fatly thatf,the moue' would • bet sent to Mr. and • sou clarified it to be set. 111 acknowleilging the receipt of the _other amounts reoeived both in the nesispapers,and the le4ers to those who, sent it. I scaled the stuns thlitg. Mr. 'filitohc i tis well hoar' in Pittshurgh' as a Most re le. judicions, and tittetworthy tofu; and felt the Wipe:tenth" pf distributing-this sacred trustoarifully-1- I re ceive 4 from him a few weeke ago an .. ccount of. Lis distribution of a pint of che Money .14 =' 7 7 - itiA.). lCri:llg .trifit , I- rot ' •t i ,,,, : A!, =ml 4 id lit, ' we* iliP. lorervidllOb il AR& '. ,ftlitills. LidadO - 4 " 4:44- * ' -tilPall the 'Pri4PeItIOINSC"' . .. to,- ' . . the chilioca liar . . i i'''... , himes* Mki isreasfirr, -131 . 1 = u jlO d - rill :.illif ile 4 1147 * is7ol, - math. iill‘f id i attiedOmi will al* then * apishilit aiiii Orsii.aigietilike , is mei. PPP! , : .41, 111 . 1 !tni OS .004 1 *-: - ..t b r i ligroKf lodise s letter from Mr. Browd,ri white ma, sent by the Molar; s _ethe-,iriereseo thanks for the aid given Ma. He had lost Ilverribintist.o.4oOdi 00 1 41lisnidmitilf I log hut. on the mountain 'lda.; This took dre and burned down;-iiiitaben - after Milk% died: Depressed and he brokei no wonder be felt. grit,elhl.• , ,Notii , gs 411iimmaitiderlikt and starrition_io treat or so extensive as ons letters rispiesenteif;: Hi. , ItHeikeil has been making diligent. inquiry,* to fares where the gratis! stitCriiii Was' rePritait 'Last Rehm., day he was tcipe to Deßnlb tionnty; Geor g i a , near Carteteriliei , aliont ninety m il es,south of Chattanooga, ith ie he had heard ,there was `great 'de•stit*lcfl• B *., VA / - . , haxe. $4% heard from . him. -Part of,the' Motley was dis trii,tited at Florrn*, , ;ashilini . ; ',pot i2l - at Atlanta. From this statement, Ikon's we lure, not: had, Mr;llllitchilrelinal ieport, you can sir how mach reason' thorn is , for the groes aiid - taiiiiit 4511'644 :if jibe' iditorial in ths_alip entddiied itilour little.: ' ti the .• hest of my knoirlidgis and .oiled, ; _not Mi Mile cent. ofthisineeiy 'has'goiii autf Procure Radi cal trants'Aidaltailicarispeeoliesforriagrobs,"' bn 4 ii l 4 * th t Lat lk . R rile ‘ ll4 , 11 0, 1 * Poeta blo way,, in my j udge it , * n_takii sure of Its resehingtie real sufferers: • it lilitkioYai4s I -know, Mr. eitielteilis soured has been pert fectly satisfactory to. the donota of the' mon ey, where they havelheird his reports, 1111 thus far received.;' I *llona think. that ~, aiiii dais: minded mail would-diet ' deeply wrortined.. at liming made, such groqndless charges, if he riiitli4 4.0,,i40f ~ 'utterly , tithout foundatkoi they iirc. '. Resiectfuily yours, , . :Jai7lF,* Tarfsw , —lt will he seeri-byreferenee riseolu pious which were passed at the relief pect ins held iii Pittaliurkh . oti thisll* inst.:, - Whitt" were published in..the Pcttablirgh Coomitreial the followinsdnyOUt Jacatei, 0 1 .: Bari, Erg,. and the Rev. Jos. S. Tiavelli, are . aitthotized agents to receive contribntioas tn'airthe star-- lug people of the South, and it matters not; then, as to U:hich of-these . gesitlacuen eotitri bulione ,are sent. Tin Denver: County Local:Ll resPect;n ll 7 requested to copy the above correepondence• -, . - Motes Sccrrr.-: Special : Notices. . De,Go to Goalies-ft:4 all kind* of Goods. , • grariVileen &- Piekey koi- replettished . their Bait - of 'Baits & - Woes . old every pee son can now . b e Callanier.aatise end • am, •1186,13ee. Destre arlvartietart la another column.' . ..... F. -0-,4-71. 106.3u5t feeeivod iktgfaibleLibmirlsieiklef adies"Erbraiiiiie r shoes. - Cbellibistin•Beaver Cotuiti. Vona and siti. *ft-Ladies, in order to:in,sare a nice 11,t - In a Gaiter, call and select frost's large stook whisk is found at Wilson 14Skey's, j is founa a. Go to Healy' s' for Delmont Hoop k s and Corsets. Stand ap and be linemen. Dr. Pattern t expanding shoulder fences are jun the in to keep jou erect. Cal said see theta, odes'e Drog Store, co a . M et, and Di- Beaver.• moat Latest . /Ryles et Hata, sad Sweets, at Gest ly's, cheap. T I. reirA tine artiele of Sherri Wine just,re waived sit Rhodes's Drug Store. • • BarMea's Gaiters at :Wilson & Dickers. iarlista & Bonnets altered and ebssnad at Gealfe, cheaper and bitter th in any other placnln Beater County. . , F. F. F 6-2"--87;w • '-, - Call on W. .F. Clarke, 'fod door above the Post office, Beaver -Pa., tor your fine family Groceries. Eve/thing fresh, and of the- best quality only,. and dt prices, ailow as else where. . 110,..1t , you are about to. paint, Call at Rhodes's Drug Store and j ascprtaiti . ,/tori, cheep you can buy puic white 'tad, oil, ornelits, &c. &c• Remember (inlay has removed big Millinery and Trimming' &ore to Water street, Bridge water. Sign of the Red Post Budal. Cizred Rams, cs 1 _ 4: - curtsied, Country 4‘ . M Dried Beef t --: - Buokeye Peskehblow'Potatoes, • White Ciover-lioney, • Oranges and Leinot . us, _ • . Pine Apples and CoeoU Nuts, Turkey i Pruned!, Layerlaisine, • • A fresiOnipply idistore'aud for 'sale at 13w• eat rates byloirm. F. Clarke, , 2d dooriebnie 0, Beaver, Pa, • • - Eihiria made Warder. at, Gesly's. A atook.alwaye - on hand:• -- nor AmmonWed Photate. thegreatFer , tßizer, ki is worms on poso4 : freest end *ere," lei the *nintlty and dee 4.tho orop. IL is also thebest *tido hi uso far genera gain* For 8i le by 'Wni.l l 4reeßtif; *- 14- ' [2d door shore P..CI. Pe. • Stir Reel)! rip' be found et the Sign of: the Red Ppethnifrate st., Bridiewsten. Cht .#4 18th hut, Mn...,‘:•-•lTAisoos, moths, of Thomas StaiOdioto,•Esq;,:of 'ode iteOdoisil township, is ibis Coant th! i eli° o f boT4 9 . ja a rtlED. On the !tithe , Rev.J:3l. fhOfth, i Jznia r fn i ft t ' if 4_l3iideb;-Peinie.COnifYl. 7.4. • 0 a d" .. •;• • - . • I . • =NM oz• , ir : ort ui rk s - MEI NEW pREgS tiOODS; NEW PRINTS, • DELAums, s . AT • I - I I= MED.. , =I ME T'ArT7l, EMI .r~Y TAh~-- .;:hitMoND. mom MEM En ME ,(*ratty e_diiCod - • • I I to RI C.E•4.-/. ! 1; 1,.. ~', • ~i .- . , ,, ,,.• ); NEW MILLINERY (100D8 II4T4E,LOWFIRS,,aIO II 9AS, &c. MEE =I • ilitTiag soured the 'Agencifer the Empire !Tiring Mach hie I respnetSayi soNeit in -egan}inatian. at iite num t by tht.public. " • . . , I • =;M=M 111111 Tuts Machine Ist coast= • • ciple of mechanism. possessing many rttre and valuable improveguests, having, been °attain ed by the most profeind experts,; and pro- nonticed to be simplicity and 'perfection -row bitted In a mechanics! point`; of vie*, the tages Ire blahs for •t be !.illuriaa *mites," !- • ' Ist.—The • method of 1 driving the. Needle Ba*.,by a eumpoiutd erenk, PutdlUtes ihei same :action as heretofore obtained by means of it Cam; bed hi a store derable siad noiseless manner. r 24L—We Uee .11 TOSOling Phan above the IS.. ble,,ind thus are enabled to sire ell the I oom requirexi under tii&arm: without _ detri- meat to the durability of .Maohineo; bevingj la bearing directly over Ile Needle Bar.. Sd.--Our Feed Wheel is :a friction feed, end' constructed,tbat there is but one joint, 'transmitting the motion from the rock sbaftl to the wheel, and unlike alt others, cannel be effected by oil , or dust! - • • • 41.11,-:-The Beck, 'Shaft that works the Feed motion also drives the Shuttle. Fite beating fof this Shaft and Centres_ are hardened steel and 'adjustable, sr, that we can talui up the, loet motion at will. . - • The following_are the principal urged against Sewing Machines: 1. excessive fatigue to the oper 2. Liability to get out. of order. • 3. :Expense, trouble, lose repairing. , • 4. Incapacity to sow every tit material. Dieigreeable noise while The Empire. Sewing Exempt , from aU OVeotions. . . . . . , . It Isar a straight needle, : perpendi cular. ad ticoa, makes the Lock or . BHUTTLIC ISTITCI, :Wido will karruka am nor lavas,- and is laltke Ot both sides ; performs perfect sewing is_ everi . description of material; from Leathe to .the finest Nansook Muslin, with cotton, Innen, or silk thread, from the coarsest totbli • • Mafia number. . . . i . -'. , IT HEMS, FELLS, BINDS,BRAID _ TUCKS, QUMTS, YLAITS; out GAT ugßs. Raving neither ems nor one trenst.lancvtne least- possible friction; it inns its larkOitak glees, ie IA Fteaitp { f'Noissiai• # 44 A al Fortune' PFD F if - , I DRY, G 001) STOIt pA., LIGHT 4*:ICHAMBERS Eli I= }~ i i • .‘; enti:gerie. Caraivan.o And TRAINED LIONS .I MEE • o TTF.P.Ur AT THEFENORMOS OUTLAY OF OVER 100,000 El lIM • • • a requiring in this ititrioUis :iittieations , pre stinted and the refiltitudoue duties belong . ink te so giontioin. esinblishdent * • . ;. the seinyiees of • • . • =INN OVER TWO HUNDRED MEN AND 1101{S . , Wiil - .libckdbit : at Rochester l On Wednetday, blip 29, 1884. • Do o rs . •.• . , open at l ait - 4,7 P. IK.'+ . .PorformantO It 'continence at 2 and .7 P. M.. eying an hoar for the ioapectaon the; Zoological col lection. ' - • • • • • Admission to Grand Combination 500, - • 11 _ -hat rende'r a place„of _public' amusement re line* interesting.ind instructive,this Minds pre-eminently above any rimibtr organisation of the age. " The perfprming school number& Thirty Lady and Gentleman, Mists lirilliant and finished representatives of all that is charming, intrepid and graceful in the zriodetll ptir4l.9 of Annie exploits ! , • 1 11/3 OLOGICAT♦ --ports „ (tat, R h.., 4 -Of rHe rar species , e from the noble -King of he oral • • " to the most dinunutive of the Hon 91 tribe, Ind. liirds in( foitils Without number, This deptrtment 'rendered still .. .- - .arformance of THE LION QUEEN. SIGNORILL Wan' • IWho . , wn at each exhibition demonstrates tier cOn piste larked over the wild denizens of the forest by entering the eager of the Lions, Ti wire and Bears and subjecting, them to obey-. :anal as though they were household pets; the, , owl ' *dr who ever has, or ; in all human prob ability ever will attempt a.feat so daring and intrepid. The musical deP,artment . embraces Ell GM Of fif t een sole performers that acknowledge so iniper . iors in the artistic rendition of true mel ody *I Soul stirring music..., * EQUINE DE.PARTMENT T H E.• objections. of time in. saription o pea►cion; eVis is esci „ cannot, fail in pleasing , the more fastidious and critical conniseur of that noble iinirnal, the hem, aid" in„:truth - the egtiro tout amenable is as complete as lavish expenditure arid years of experience could Maker it, nothlog having lb#ft widen:a to render it -N the Court of Xonzmon*Pless of: Beaver Iconnty, No. 189 Sept. T. 1831..,, /it the matter of the individual . .oasignmeo. in Trust of . Virut. It:Rhodes late of We Erin of Kirk & Rhodes. * :* Notion is hereby given that4he Final Ac mutt df Thit'sl4. Power, 11Bi Cliatntierlin, ond Geo. P. Gain:Lore, Assignees of the person al individnal trust above named, has been M. 44 in tbe t Prothonotary's office and teat the ainte twill be Conlqued ottthe - first day of next Tecin„ unless ,cattae to the contraur be then shown. ,Slay 15,11367,--3t. =II IM!MI Y and nutpiamos • _ •.. 1 ..• • - \ •• • • ... s e - "-* „. - 1515/:L: THS PEOP EL'S OWN SHOW Wryer morn Keneral information as to ar tists, acts_ and .perfotinanias. llirds,&a.;sse Posters and Pamphlets. DI. WEYAI4D, Pro'y. EXECUTOR'S NOT WHEREAS letters testintentary on the ettateL MoCtskass. late et Psdaiski tp., Dearer einnty. Ps., dee'd., horie been tea th e ittlncribeFttr aA iadebteidte thii.eald*tate ire request tasks isitesdista riyvakt, a 4 qtßas bring claims or, demen4 against. t 4 lte•.estfts °tate said deoalent ,w. 14 14e }nom* the sat delay to • - .• PRAHKbPCLELLA.N, New Brighton. WMAI:ST..EI,LAN., Pulaski • • Executors. •_ - _ I • : sem . e thing • r WONDE z • - -•r - • liii 3 - ) 11A1 4 .- " - . 1 _ NEW' biILI.INE4 . • -,• - ts D':',4 Si 44, - E's:r 0.11.1..*fi,-,,,f. - lioo RS BELOW- STI LEN SH.AI,LEVI3I.; tit.; B WATER • 81:11 ET. BRl.pg S%V ATEtt: ry H4lll. ItßSiovmp go .N : ,,, V , lii ?honk formerry, GOO , 5.7 "_ - 3 . al. • cke, , on" Wafer "Su i ; tild4s , iralif*,, w,iikre Oria.ba,Ag i to 7.g,c! 4 , 1.130,_ cuipit. t mere - and\ail .ett favociug Into Ifikilirk Pa . . . ~ . . •i j.-ain p,ow receivialt* bihriri licit gip= Ntock.. , "of ' IsAcit , wiring ayleit 4 :,. )ill ' . Trizun{ing§, Sukll . l4l4willbe schlijr,Dl7ollolo .- - - - l. : ( •.• • i ... Ur ' , . L. l / 4 1 .- , 1 . • Th1113...131.0 . 33T „' ... i ~. 'lj , , , 3":: il.:!: .1 • Of every desciiptitrt,ilik &psi:Altair bonnet% . •1 1 • 3 4 4 !" 1 " 1- gi"r l 4 t ii -1 1 1)1)( 0- 4TvOl-1P- Of all kinds., for Drayseisaud,Sacques,eilipg, arde,•= acniOisretigiits, ,c "eV "eV toos,'&c.- IiAtkORAL S; .1160 . 0 CORSETS, II Al /I• •Furnis4itig Gopd;s,. eig .2nd Ladies' Paiier Colrarsi,' MEN AND 'BOYS' - Attp- CA YS', ECKT I ES,. S USPENDrak A.N hitS. fit' E ,KfifitTA , .p 4 kPzii COttAlg - - • .-- I-: , ,--.. ... 1-I.3sieiny.' '.86-:'..ollll::oik;.evi s * • ~,..--Y:,-) • t LA 1141S' OW; IA - 4 - 0 1 . 6 _Ol%O l i ts, SETT NG AND.U Mggitli;•,-- DLES4 GOODS AN D SHAW lAirfirda • . , citEkß - - 7 , ,,r V. . ... . :I' ~., ._ - z - 5 :. :1, -Li.._„ . C • J mewed a mre ult , '4 Or gnur, ~, : imi•l - miLLlNkla r . . 7 71 - 11 liOnnt..s shored and civilise:d r d!Csike,--, Stam i plu.t Pinking • sill' evoki,titi* aitilakiag on sbikrt potici ~, t • I Men's shirts wade to order,. Ideelune stitch*" CALL AND SZ4I iN iyzoußi,E r io SHOIV GOOD. ser • Remember ,Vbe .iDlice—two (bora bi ,WAll 'CONVERSION Of 1_37 - 10S , l I N reply .to intnettmi, snqiiirleit is 1404 • • Ut the manner of 01 , 4 4014 tbrAages.7 8- Os into the new 5-20 Gold Coupon Bold : , peke the following stole:mint teethe lietenlitef the Of 7 3-10 s, wld May 4o( be WisTO- ed : • • - - , The 0 averment - computes the interest on both bonds in currency front the (Lite of thn • maturity of the lest coupon, gloating 116T41111 And thrte-,enths on the 7 3-14 s, and.eharglug six per cent on the 5..205. For estunple.: y 64 ; sent to Weithingtou - $l,OOO 7 3-10 Bowl renches there oo ' , =1 litly Jot $1,0 4 0 74 days interest. (From Feb. 14,00 TRING : j - &-209 ...- $1;000 119' dais interest . (fromJanlst) 1956 - • - (This is clivate4: Or 865 clays • ' -.• per swat:ruin).:.. ,; : 1.0t9 ,Sfr Allowed' for 73-10,.., ..., 5U' Y*l PllYo o Veiument, , .o..' 4 74' - , • .... r'' i"lt. lip ] , i' )3( len . I .t th.ie Nat.tbegilliii•iii"i" est is gi*en as currene,y,' which- leaf-itself a profit ; to' th,e_party eonvertlng the 7 11-408'. of nearly eight' dollars per $1,0911, ssldatvsniclisli. fact. that at the present rate ofj.:Gnidi: i11e.5-30i pay over 8 per cent. per inittneF. - .r • We are ,converting the 7. 8.:105.•en . much . better terms- than. the Government„ as the present. buying' and Selling rates enables I . us to allow the holder of Pip 7 g_ 14s; it better I figure thanas yet been cifferedby any %tette l ' c a cominis'sj, n'... • : ' " ; ' We also . , bange the new 8-20 bond for the. other, ? Serie of 7 3 7 10 s on the , most fayerple Parties - eachanging, ti rovigh us, loW4ditina they to getting much Vetter „terms then they • can from. the Government, '. will UV° their 5.20 s delivered to them immediettly, thas say., ing delay, We ,-also ,register. any blnidililtem 4 ; to us without chirp. Ori all bonds;sail us by -ezpress ewe Pax_ o'birges both it ys,•ind I t send , bonds vomptly as - direCied. . , ' JAMES T:BRA IVY 4 CQ.- ~ • -(Successor {o' 8: fones It Oa, # . • Peeler), in Government 'Securities. , . • ' 'Corner Yourth and .iVood streets . .nieyl-=&11 • '. 2., • , Pittsburgh :, Pa, t • _ STRAYED: : 6 R 6TOLEN ClTRAYSD•or.stnlen fr.= the premises rif the ta 4 subsprib.er, Vbin . 14 41 0 ; .epip , ,t 4 7, Pitr‘.Pg: th,o O. Ole •,fith:ilMt4 ► mare, both ion . feat ringboned, a star in the forebeid . ,. - thin in -flesh. 'l4 :yearn -01,and almal. 16 hands high.- iAny.:_pergen returning ssid mare- or giving..infortnntion .coneerning her, wilt - be liberally reWaded. G ' • d . AGLEII.• Smith's Ferry, Pa. , ~ . . . • u `l,-JIM4I HE ndersigned baring purihsse# : tbp "MULVANON pROPEUTI, ' at Vinpini. ewer county, takes this means of informing the public, that 'be intends manifsciterilg and keeping constantly on ham:Vibe Terylsosi article of, lime to . '-be found _anywhere. . sons desiring it, eon hire itZelivered by teal* it the River, at the Depots, or'SfaokylAseit - iii• the snrroinidfitty4llagoi or tionati*"-Will-bit - Sold. at peitsonishle rates; • • • stir ri"errfirs. : VI: J If 1.115.); • M IMI FA Mil =MOE ME liSi7i ES 11 I= 1 ~. 'f .., 1 p
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers