THE . - .: - _-iIEAVER : :-,'AROUS:I 4• I 'WEYAND, Isizsoz-4$D PILOP\III7,OZ. 1 . I JULY-25th, : rot oeTzallott, GEN. JOHN: W.TGEARYi :9P • CUMBERLAND COUNTY.‘ Union County Nominations. - , Congress.. .6EO: V. LAWRENCE, Washington ' President Judge. B. B. ORAMBBRLPI; Ne w Brighton; Associate Judge. 't AGIsTBW .15IIFF; New Brighton; 1 1 State Sedate. Cot. A. W. TAYLOR, 11,3orongh;'r ,i • Assemblye TtICEW S. QUAYelieaverl J.qt: DAY. Wastfington ( county; JOHN EWING, Waohiolitoo -co; ( I Sheriff. . , - °rat Iloqkitowop _ •, Register & Recorder. • • ' bARIITS.SINGLETON; Raccoon; - Clerk of Courts.. JOHN A. FRAZI.ER, Bo i fiver. - , Commissioner. JAS. WARNOCK, NOrth Sewickly , Poor House Dire9t or: JOHN K, POTTER, .'.acocon ; . Auditor. - • J. P. 14. 7 MILLIN, S. Beaver Trustees of Aeadem:y.' Da. - I JOHN -111. LT RRAY: Bi'idgewato; Da. .1:0.V11? STA*TON,N. .131 igh to n; DFetaed in - Onion Overaoata. When the Pederal lines were - formed at Mine Run in NOvember,of 180, prcparatory to, making a charffe on the ;enemy's_ works ,. hasty word •;I • I -.came back from a certain: portion of :the! skirmish liner, that the relief skir- ....ei sal, ~.._ ' inishers had, under cover of the night crawled np to within a short distance of Our )advadektArnopsoind that their ri pa se .as to' make a, 4niek; bold des aad swoop our entire front , line aw y.' The topography of . the Jimit:'l l() ty iacored a movemeot Of this kind. Quick as tbonght,altnest,'after ;the re. tielkt et this Intelligente, one company wa detached from - each 'regiMent in thn charginc e ..coinoin,:cloploynd, and ortiered to "Forward to the Ekirmish lin'e,"-and strengthen it &Vince. The older was 'obeyed with'? the' utmost, allierity, and after , the' line bad been strengthened the command was..given .to liner° foi ward 'rind see what lay beionch, T,be Uniop skirmishers had proceeded but a few' rods, lichen bang ba'ig, wont a -half ilozen. or more of thOir muskets, and immediately ifter.i wards a. heay . v tine =of soldieml(eArjng i ad, throwing rip their .liands, ex ; el imed, -Don't fire, don't aka:it; we i i a l e - Uoion men !"' The , apPeal, bow . tier, was unheeded;- our men knew they were rehels--, in disguise,, and, to, .i - I - utie the vernacular of the line, they "tent for th ein,.",broaght a' portion of t 1 ern down, and obliged. the - others to • iNlnst" away at 0:10 sited. -. .I.The Philadelphia Convention, which .meets-6L the 14th, of .A`tigust, will be (imposed, in 'the main, of northern , • copperheads and soot tern reboil).— i hey Grill, for the time. being; clothe 4ieniselves in Upton overcoats, try t' get rid of their execrable tilmea,afid in- Mg, for theLptuposes of deeeptidol, th at they )1" "Union men;"erid thus gobble ' , silo() of our men up. l',Dut this garb and name will avail' theiri butlittle.— .-- The rebel gray will:be ; (iStacted under: 'teeth the-Union-blue, :and when our i„ilines are formed. 'our eoi l umns Moved `forward, and tlie wearers throw up • -' their, bande, and ebont:, "Don't fire, don't shoot;, we are . Union .men," the ilrue soldfere" of the Oonntry 'will ¶so for them!' tigain,and with the same ' iistilt that they - diCatlltine Run in ' November, 1863. , ---- --1 I . ' 4e. • • , . ~et Complote "P17.41e." i The:toed ofla'.t weelii "fixaled out' . beautifully on .the. soldier iiiiestiOn.. , - .--.ft bid neither` nerve enough to accept Or challenge to puishah Ithe names of' both the good and bad soldiers of the ' county, nor nianlineee.sufficient to ad. I mit ,'that sucha ' pabliCation would be . • to its discomfiture. . It therefore aid. plyinfizzled ant," and, like Sillpanked boy with his finger :Hills mouth ; it' hadn't .anything 'to i say. .-Had. we .'; been` to the Zocal edititea •place, we - -.`4r ; 6111 d have promp — tiy !zebu - o . ar' lodged . that•we not Only got`, mir gun captur , ed !find .spiked, but; 4 as wet - had .it • ..''dumped" in the mud brides. 'Conte, ribighbrir. either tight better die next time or surrender manlly; as a sol dier it should be either - captor or a i '' hired • Do twalker"bu m s „ Imp ~ , a or a incr." , WilY did not the/ tof last week • pointObt the parttealsr speech, Or pre. • Alio , 4 .4flitOrliti,:in • •Irtsh ., 3lepublitans bwrelalinid thar -el iniro'soldiers bid :carried of, the palm'! il The reason is easily given. It mobil not iii) it.. No - . : Union macolollnfer.iyaker, bad iia ,sertecl:anything; of the kind, and. we ~ Jteeordingly ask ' the ;44/ 'to' have this . fyiag teecthttion ospunged ifrom - its 1 em!nti Sattc 4 o. - -'i' 7 - • - •Theidooal and the Clonatitution : n 1 Amendment. Last week we took occasion to ask the Local to define Its 'position on the Amendment to the Constitution. I reply is, that it, is opposed to it ingen eral and opposed to it inparticuliir.=.-.. This is certainly as plain and as 'straightforward an answer as wesonld desire, and-'we thank ourcotoropora ly for the eatidoile has exhibited in giving !it. I Tho I first section, it will be remem; bered,invests the negro with each civil rights as to stie . and be sued at law, to Acetify the courts,and to be protect ed in a bis personand property. To this thelLiocalnays ”nay," and on the con. trarr.assumes that no matter how in , 'telligent the colored man may be, no matter bow loyal he was,no matter bow patriotic he proved, no matter how of ten he conto r t° our picket, lines whs* our cause was gloomyand gave to onr Generals, inlorinstitc that was y-a trost.:, worthnd useful, no mattee how long he carried the• musket and fought side by side with oils o i wn solders, no mat; ter how he fell covered with wounds and, psured out' his o'wn blood that the Republic might 'live, he shill not, be : regarded is a oitizen,_iter plotected,as such by our laws. So, at least, argues ,the .Local. • 4 lha second section says that repro' , sentation shall be apportioned amongd the severaligtateii; accorcing to num- . berti;counting male and female, white and. f.:oloTed; but if the latter are 'ex eiteludedi• from the, ballot bcx, they shall also be excluded fro t the nine ber forming the basi ti, ,, of rep esentation. T. this the Local says "nsy," and as' a-matter of course thereby t insists that if one hundred and fi fty thousandcol,.' tired people reside in Louisiana. there shall come ,to Was:hington a white Man from that State to represent them in Congress, and this. too, in Ike fabe of the fact that tbei are allciwed no part in determining who that man shall be. , The third section prevents Trion who at one time took an oath to support the ponstittit 11., and afterwards sought to yoy it, from filling any public office. ,To this the Local says "nay," ard . thus takes the ground that.; if sees not crime in perjury, has no objection to treason, ends 'no fault with traitors, and belieVes that the men whose bands are yet red with th , blood of our brothers and eons, . art. the. proper persons to fill the office., and Wield the destinieS of the country The' fourth section prohibits the re .pudiation of otit._pablic debt. To thi. prohibition the Local says "nay," an. t. ' 'lance believes that the .war ivas,an • 1 _ . • pended was unrighteouslfifsed, thitit th'e soldiers whom it paid and fed well, vandals, that' the pensi?ners paid'are 'robbers, that . the men who loane .1 1 money to the Government were Sb .. i ., rocks, and consequently that the bonls, y Which th ey, now hold, stud the curren a4 • y which we all use may. be pronounc ed as worthless as the paper on which their values are writtea. But! the Local does not, halt even here. ' in 'stead Of arraying itself against te Rebel debt, it absoluteli refuses to do so. It doubtless has a vague idea thit, at come time or other its party wlll Come into power, and, if so, that than it : will be in a shape to advocate pa i t.. matt by. the Federal Goverr.ment r, every cannon thai wag - turned agaii+t, the Union, for every musket that was aimed at its defenders, and for em i t y dollar that was eripSnded in equiping, paying, provisioning -and pensioniiig the hotrods who vainly sought - to dis Stroiit ' • Again- we thank the Local for !hav ing "shown - its hand," and:, in' Lie meantime we eon upon every ta-- payer, and "every man who loaned his money to t,tie Government in its h+r or neeki to look at the _eclairs prp graMme, and ask himself to where I i' will lead: i lx answer to our request that ; t Local should give us , the mimes of . , Republicans who " p applauded the ,. ceedings" of the Democratic &men tion in thisiplace on thelOth of .1714 i, it says their "name is Legion." }Tow ever goad uuthork Abe Local may "bp, we prefer to see their names in , priiit, and this - only in view of the fact that we have been away from the county e y' for some time , and are extremelia ions tc know who "but as yeaterd y stood at the bead of the front ra k of the Republict.n party in' this ri:s ty," and tsbented for joy 1n 'De - critic Convention: The . Local il:. ''' certainly not ; therefore, refuge to in. f orm us who the leaders of, our party wet. in this county daring our -illi.. SeDOe.. The following is Gor. - Brown dispatch to Mr. Illngbam: -, - i ° N:tsortut, /ply 19-;--The. butt ii fought and won. TheamendMent, a raiified to the Jinn's to-day by ‘44 t 11.-- Twc of Johnson ' s tools refus ti vote.' Gins my oomPlintents to dead duck *AVM White Houle. : (WPC* W At. iiPlrsl.o 1. J. : . Odell, Esq., vs. Gen, HoOber ' and Headley's History - . t Thy'editor o_ ti the Lori, - Itt - taking II e4ePtions to oir cailingq"Geh,Gears ' itbare of Leekont4dizinetain,!'. sagioi: l it cileingia the fight ocrielf. we haie a light reeollection 0. GistirY's leader= ship in it. Geary bed:rnereked up' th i s mountain some distance,', halted arid commenced the wanting of ammo nition•by firing at the iebek two miles rftliand entirely out ef s gbt; General' oterbaus who comma fled a division o -the - 15th Corps , ad &need- up the ' s mountain in the_ track of. - Geary.- • Finding Gerry eta 'srecd Mill, busily ' loading and firing into, empty spare, ttie restless Teuton.concluder to re- Gnnoiter. He accordingly passed Weary. with his divisio , and after pro ceeding some two rnile_ farther,found, engaged and routed th enemy,making ail the Important captures of prison. efs, ordnance, Ate., that were made' on tbe mountain.. vEiriek,.re brie fl y the feet. as we recollect hem in regard tei.. the Tart taken i? the bade ;by %Try." _ _ [ Elo.much for what the Local has. to o sr oti the s ubject of . :',..esiry's lea d er. . 8 ip at Lookout litouttainl Now look irthat Gen. Joe Hooker says; on the /fame nnestion; - and Hooker is gene fly supposed' to .Have been' . on e itround-or "tbereabouts"• on that o. easion. l i n his (Arial report,of the battle, be says: ;,-F-- 1. "During those operatioas, a heavy rriusketry fire, with rapid discharges Of artillery, continued to reach us ' rem Geary . . It was evident that a ~ o rmideble adversary had gathered round him, add that be was battling b ira reetur a s i , l i epelled the repeated attacks of vastly ssi F s o ta r n u c i e l ,7l s ie t uperior nuinbers, and in the end 'his wit ho u t might . a drove them ingloriously from 'he fi eld . t. one time they had enveloped him n three aides, under 'circumstances that would have dienlayed any officer except ono endowed with an iron will and the most exalted courage ". In addition to this report_ made by the Commanding Geritlial at the time, we bill what history afterwards says on the I) . • 't in disppte. "Headley's History 'the Gr etiiii i ,Rebellion,' in 6 alluding this, battle, makes this statement: . : [Vol. 2, Page 2614.1tA1l this time heavy and incessant. volleys -.rims-. ketry arose from the spot where Ottary was struggling againet•overwbelming numbers, The 4044 here was • des. perate, and severalitiMA he was near. ly overborne, but :o4W Vial tenacity which .has always dgr.iilguished he . still clung to his posit;ion and,at length hurled. back the ',pertly, compelling him to take retuge'oni Lookout Motan tain. The valley , ts , ' l tui now oura Geary gained new honors , in this hard foil battle; but they w ere dearly! wit , . l his son, a Captain, ioas killed. Page' -264. Viol fog Suddenly If from Missionary Ridge. Gen. Geary'. coluMn, flushed with victory.grappled aria drotie 'him 'back - viritir'slanghter from his _works. t W bile the_ reitult was uncertain, the attention • was ' breathless and painful; but when vic tory perahed upon our standards,sbout upon about rent,the air. The whole army, with one accord, broke out in 1 joyous exclamatiOs. Men were fran tic with joy. and en Gen, - Thom • himself, who exhibited his emotions, said infOlUntarily, did nr.t. thinkit possible IfOi• men to accomplish so much. " 1 " Now it it'tvaa;Gen. Osteybans' an • our neighbor '04611 that really woi the victory at 14kont Mountain. en. not-General Gea4 we are very sorry that their proweiSti was neither notice• at the time, nor Oitbsequently records. by the' historialt, It is too bad. IN. RonotshOuld alraysbegiven to who , honor is due ! L e editor of the Loca must therefore eetiso'.e himself by, remembranceOf the fact that "Repu • _ lice are ungritefol." Terinessee Or Friday of east "week.. after Gov. A. 1 Brownlow,of xenneasee,had telegraph ed, i to Washingt on that the -Constitu tional amendmeist had been passed. by the ~Legislature' of that State, ..11fr. Bingham of Ohio offered the following resolution vibieb VMS passed by the t I House, and a übsequently concurred in by the Senate. Tennessee has there , fbre again resumed ber practical relit- Lions with the Government, and her' Senators an4l iftepresentaav i es have' doubtless erei 'is taken theiiistata in i , Congresa.TfiCpreamble and reselu. l rii" t , Coo read Ultimo , - ..4 L , . Witattuad,37Tlie State of Tennessee, has in goodiraitb ratified the article of amendment to:the Constitution of the I United Sta*proposed by the This.* ty ninth to the legislatures of the - eeveral States, and has also shown to the 'satisfaction et. Congress 'by a proper spirit of obedience to the body of fterpeoPle her return _to her due- allegiance I to the Government, laws and [ authority of 'tee s .United States; therefore, - ! ,Be it resolsett, by the Senate and Souse of Representatives of the tinitcd States of Anteriefi; in Congress aseemblext, That the State of Thnnestiee is'bereby restored tt Or for-ner properpracti— cal relatin 'Witte Union, and is spin 'entitled ttiihi r ,fixepresented by Senators and ' ReprisSfata tieesi a ;COUgress, duly elected sinkfliosli bed, Urn their taking the 'oath iirleffice required by the Gov ernment., f.: + 1 1 I , - • a P, A lir EX, 1 , 3 :OrernOril Weer.. Porter, oPacker. and JOdge Woadward are the delegates for tie . State at largo Lizi the Phdirdelphla ,00nvetitioo. ' What O .• loyal group t • - . DeZnoo;ati tx Pringliptea. At the Chipigo Conventioe, which nominated :firxerge B. M'Clellan for President, the : follosring is among the resolutions adopted by that body: . -Resoked,lThat this Coriventinn 'd3es 'explicitly declare, .as the genial of the American Peeple,that after four years of failure tit restore - the . Union - by the experiment of war, dating wbieg, an. Or the. pretense o f a military necessi. kr aOf 'wilt-power higher, than the Constitution, the Constitution itself bets been - disregarded in ' everly . part; and public liberty and private: right alike trodden clown, and the flutter:al prosperit-i•hf the country essentially. impaired,! juetice, humanity, liberty, -and the. public Welfare. demand-that immediate efforial be made 'for a mesa- I tier) of hOstilitiesi with a view io an ultimate _Convention of all-the States.' or other peaceable means to , the end that at the earliest practicable moment peace may be restored on the basis of the Federal UniUn of the Statte. •-, . 1. This Weing the' ' last authorized -ax- , 1 • I - position of Demakatie principlei, in a national sense, We desire to know whether the editer of the Local and his party' in , this county subscribe. to the above resolution ta now in the. se' spirit that they aid when it was adopt 'ed. If they do, is it not, a' burning shame, after havingdeclared the "war. a failure," to ask the soldiers who were' cenduetiny lit to vote .iith 'and for the men who /thus discouraged their effortg,.aildl sought to blast their wail-earned fala i If they .do not n3w subscribe to. this : resolution, .we jot/nice what corifidence can. be placed in alparty that; in .1864 pronounced] the war a "Failure," and in 1866 claim' that it wits a suecese, or what guatari.' lap can it give L l i the, soldiers - whom i 0 belittled then thee / it will not at, convenient season do the - same thing again T Will the_ Local infirm us;. then, how it and its party' in_ thiri county stand on the aboveresolution 1. at the present time? , • , • I _._ : ,Waiting I the "Border " lohr. Breckenridge,' late of lieu tneky, and Junes "M. Mason, late of Virgiriia--bothunreconatructed rebels —lire now in - Waiting 'ore' the Canada' border.' 1,,t, alleged by' the knowing ones -that 'theirl respective applications for pardon are now in the hantle of the President, l and if time.can be found to examine the pipets, and make the L pardons ogt, ituat both of them will h.e et PbiladelPgia or. k the 14th of #ii gnst, lad take seats as Dele - gates - Convention -vhich m ee t s there on 1 bat day.' What a loyal 'and patriotic onvontion thnt will . evidently- be I •I. I • • The. Contest in Kentucky. i , —4 4 l.4rant4PACiltilaXlC . r.StkfiCe :17 the issues bet Ween loyalty end disloy alty. For ClCrk of Court Of Appeals there,. are twos candidates promiaent, viz: Generall Hobson, and Many prefer Duvall_ becautiii hb k sup to be in favor of rebellion ; sad his supportere ( - teeter°, that they would support Jeff. Davie in preference Ito ' Andrew Johnson foe :'lel6B. As an dlustiation of the feelings of the, two parties, we give the fallowing lie • count of a large convention held at Elizahethtowth Hard in , t county, ,on Monday last! The convention was called by thel Hobson or loyal patty. Gen:. Crittenden was to address the people, bnt lives unable to attend Harniion Pepe, of Louisville, Simnel Thomas and Hon. John M. Harlar. .dressed the meting. After the' ad-* dress of Mr.! Pope,vrhich was very able and to the point, Mr. Harlan fol low,ed., in the midst of his strongest and moat eloquent Utterances,, loud cries were raised ut "Hutt-ail foe Du. , var.." Mr. Harlan paused and.- asked mild:. ly but iinpreteevely why they were in favor of Duv l ol "Tell me," said "if it is no; because he was for the re bellion ?" "Yes, yes. yes!" "Are you for - rebelllon now r "We would go fur rebellion nosy if we thon - gbt we could sueeiid." - Mr. Harlan thanked accl.l complimented them for their candor.) and then added : I"Suppose Jeff. 'Davis ana AndrewJohtition shall be the , op. potting candidates Tor the Presider b' in 1868—wh, [ ich of the two will you support 1' They hesitated to respond. Mr: H. said: "You; have been, very eaneid, and I venture to hope that you tiwill still be so. Speak out! Which will you go for-;•Johnsen or Davis ?" then the loud answer came, ' ' Davis ! ; Davis! Davis!" Olifinen. the Most substantial citliens of, Elizabethtown and ..Rarditl, joined in the shout. . Agaii,•Mr. Her lan thazked them, for their 'Candor, teSling thent that they were ' tbe moat candid - men ,of their party that he had talked to inlet! 'his canvass.' • • t Very *shortly afterwards, Mr.,Hartitn not having Concluded his remarks,.the pro-rebd -portion of the audience made a rush , toward . .the - stand :and • shouted, "Wilson 1 Wilson Wilson I"' ibis Wilsonheing a "pro-rebel. la - wyer of Elizabethtown. • A Uriun officer or soldier , preaent, exclaimed,. 4 , I•• have heard the same character of shout be. I fore: f heard it. raised more: than once in the rebel- army., • It is exactly the :same - kind:Of aholit *ith• which - the rebel troops always went into battle." •Mr. Wilson suiesmied l the.stand. .. Sam. Tholes,' rose and obieetaiitto• his making _ a."Tbis,'' , he 'Mac s ! calmly and resolutely. "is oar rimetilig. We would willingly divide time , with yoi if you had asked zeto'do so, -but • yap did not,,and we have made our own aiTsingentents, which tuna not pyi ion disturbed." . , • 'After some discuseion it -wad ,firoe posed tirtt, Mishit should Withdraw with his friecide to the Court which he did, takmg with him about ohe-third of 'the crowd. ifir.l Thomu then MIMI. rittl ebienuct - ear4velspeecii • of en hUure deraticm. 1' jkirOn•Tliessday last; a man calling Aiderson, driivt into 'Wells= villa with two torseaand buggy and ii lack of wool. Jie sold the wool :to Ar. George W." Wells. He also tiled tOdispose of his bories to Mi. Cun ningham-. While thu . engaged,: Mr. Wells discovered that tho sack contain ing the wool was one of his own; and, in 'fact, that the wool was 11140 his own, purchased itr'the countty .by one of his agents.' :'Pursuit was given, and. th° man sprunOroin his carriage and Bed on Mot... The _purulent overtook hint in Venneylianta, near Little Bea. ' Ver bridge. It has heed, discoveled that he etole _the horses and carriage at Akio°. • . ' OPTICZ OP TIM Da Sour Qn COMPANY, ). ' : • ROCAMITIII, PA., July 19,,1866. Y ,- HEBoad of. Directors of the De Soto Oil i COmpany,ltaie this day declared a disi. • I end,of .F(Mllt (4) PER CENT. an the capital ;stock, payable the 26th inst., at the office of A. 'J. PETIT, Glasgow. jy25'66. ' , CHAS. B. lIIIRST,‘ Tread,; •N 0 09 - IC E. , . A. PPLICA TIONS will be reCeived;bY the School Direct ors of New Brighton district unit August 15th, 1866, for nine tensile teach-. era ma -one reale, ssiistant Principal, to, teach in the Newl Brighton Union School during tbe ensuing term :By order of the Board. GILLILAND,,Zec'y.. NOTICE.AADMINISTRATOR'S NHEREAS lettere of admuustration on the estate of LOMB WsconT , .late of Franklin twp.,- Beaver county,) I enna, , , de ceased, having been duly--granted to the un dersigtied, all persens indebted to said' estate are notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same yip Or; sent them properly, authenticated for settle ment withoutdelay.. ' I ' FRANCIS HJ SCOTT, lAncastar tp., putter county, jy2.5'68. Adniinistrator. a. ._. . Notice.. OTICE is hereby given that the under ,;(iigned; Commissioners appointed by-the ourt of Quarter Sessions of the county of Beaver, to ascertain and establish the line between the townships of Darlington and South Beaver, in paid county,' will meet at Caughey's Mill, near the borough of Darling-, ton, .on Tuesday, ,August, 21st, 186 5 . at 1W o'clock, A. M.. an, from then'oe proceed' to( disoharge the' duties of their appointment.. 1 'JAMES DAVIS, --, ARMIIBALD ROBERTSON, ' j31.5'66. ANDREW WATTERSON. , . , Railroad Meeting. ALL persons in . ,favor of the construction of s Railroad' from Phillipsburg to. PittsT burg, on the , north side Of the Ohio river, ire requested to meet at the public School; In Phillipsburg, on Saturday, the llth dtiy• of August. 1866, at 2 o'clock m. A full "at} tendance is desired, as business. of importance, in reference to. the propoied, Road willtit brought before the meeting.. -1 MRS IRONS, :-, A. J. JOLLY, , 0726,'65. ' . , • . . -,..„ _ " yr. . id T.....4.-z...1 esivraTlTlA - Ts THE undersigned gives notice that the tas es assessed on . the'.Anntal List, in Bea ver county, .for the year .li-',3, are now cillie and payable, and that the Collector will' ticst the folloivinunamed placee at 1 the ai sle stated; in person or ,by deputy, to ,receive the same, and if not 'paid by.the ;16th of:Auguit," 1866, ten per.ct. additional willsbe demanded: AL John.Arasbing's 'in New• Galilee, Augtist 6th and 7th, - . . . At Richard Doicaster's, Rochester, Au ' 8t? and ,9th • •f • '.. At G. W. Hanulton's . oBlce,' Beaver, Au t 18th and 14th•, .' . ' ! • At Eli Reno's office, New Briitton, 'Au', t I§i.ll and ltith; - ' ' • A ' . nd at the house of Thos.llN / cholson, 'ES Frankfort Springs , on ill 'wee days till he' 16th of August; 1866. 1 f •,, ' DAVID SA.NISEY: Colleetiar, • `New Castle, July 20'66.1 24th Dist., P . , GREAT INDUCEMENT : ! , . Liberal Terms to. 1 Settlers 11 .10,p00. ACRES LAND FOR SALE. Situated in the fertile Valley of the nawha l West Virginia, uneurpas ed for richness of . soil' and quality of tam er. it Coal and ether minerals in great quantit es. Bouts of the tracts but a short &steno's fm the great Kanawits, and Gauley Rivers. ay. eral Farms with 'Houses, Orchards,: &e. I t ie good condition. Prices ' according to loco icn and improvemerits. Timbered Land un m prcived at the extremely lowyryce of foUr of lays per acre, with privilege of/choosinto t t the' above number of acres. 'A large, se It ment has already been formed and is d it increasing. ' Clear title warranted. Fol. at they particulars, address ' t i 'WM. H. BRILL, Allegheny City, P , Or Atilt at PARK & BRILL'S DRUG STO 1 No. 77 Federal street. Dy2,s'oX--3 '. , ). • BEAVER • 'THE , Fall .Term of this Inatitalioa eminence on ' • • • Monday. the 10th -cot September 1; under the ohnrge of . . PROFESSOR R.- T:T — AA 'LO : - • -Al PZINCIPII.I . .. -. '... '' • In electing Prof. Tefor Principal, under an irrangement bY Which he wi lt hereafter. na tions his conseetiOn tor: .4 term of years h thin k institution, the. Beard of Triodes. feel that it ,is•placed.upow a better and more per ik manent basis than heretofore; wipe bil Oar lacier, long .piactical eiperience,;and , repute-. 'don ea . & suocessfut,educator, giie, ammisoce that under his, inAlnairellieSt the !school 'lnsist prosper, and' be, what the Huard aim to leaks it, a - first-clam, Academy, where 'young mea may obtaiiS thorough Ettglisk Classiest and Commeicial education, at moderate espinna. He will ,be sided. by able and ermittat imaiek. ants. Ewei l ythinglessonable MIR beldame is , make the Scheel:both pleasant and pittEtitbla to the student. For particulars and terms, address the.plincipal at 13eaier. BeaveicO.,Pa.. ' • , • ,', HENRY RICE; . :•.I* , Swiiitary Board of -Trnetees.. secepting the Principalphip of the Mat inny. I desire, to assure the public that, afi, ex pense or labo . r will . be tiered to render this a first-claws Limitation' in all reirpectiL , .Young wen . will be fitted for any dam in cou nts and a scientific amuse matted outline. shoat -who do itot.deitire to take the langsaiges.'. For this pwrpOse the las apparatus willtatbringht bito seq - uisiticia. Ample arranvoneati Will be made kr•biard ht.thelnititution and is tows. Laisituite who wish to Obtain as . edtiesti!* ;or have 'saws twlithaeati; give as a Mali '841.4 . TATM, • • I -; , • ' 'O-VJAMsri) ; Celebratn aid D Baer , % ~ . ON TEM 1 r io . FIRST OF AUGUST. , . TO BE num AT • • J 3 . Newv ,--- ri ehton, IN COMMEMORATION, OF, TUE EMAN CIPATION OF SLAVERY IN THE•BRIT -0 WEST INDUCISLANDS AND THROUGH ODT THE UNITED 'STATES. ' 1 There will be a grind Diener prepared" by that ~famous cook, Wm. Stricklend, who stands unrivalled. There will be dinner prepaind Air at least Five Htmdred persons. It is es pint, ed that several addresses will bellelivered; and amongst others the Bev. Biship Clinton • Philadelphia is - expected, Thi table, will supplied with ' 1 t Beef, Roast Lamb, .1241aet Mutt* Boiled itegar-Orred Ham,. Vegetables of all - kinds, • Cake of an kind', lie ", I ' Omens, Leencluule, There will be , side tables at whieli guests be accommodaii.ed. either before or a ft er inner. Guests will meet at 10 o'clock- Din• .148 er will be served on the table between 1 and le.TiCkets only 60 cents; children half .rice.l r , - Warble Works: D. WOODMI NAIIII7IrACUIRDIL AND DIALIi. IN ; and American &Ma. MO f' NIIMENTS, HEAD STONES ' ate Made -to order. .2 ' Please give me a eall befOre purihasing .elseishere.. • • ' Shop opposite Dr. Smith's DrOg Store3tridge street, Bridgewater: •; July 25, '66:ly • • D. WOODSTIFF. .1 F. LEGOULLON, A.lllooKs,‘ • THOS. J. "MteRRIS, J.R. ItI'DONALD, WhIJIHONS,. J\01:).1 WHITE • Committee: . . . IllithiB.-LOne-half of the purchase looney ..‘" I in baud on the confirmation , of the sale by, the 1 court;_balines in one year. with" iare i reat from 2- I ` , ! I the - day orconfirntation. Co be secured by bond ol- ( I Ind mortgage. , ' , WM. S. MORLAN,. of julY2§.'66. • , Committee. • ' le- 1' • • • , 1 ~ tly I viziEsn 1 , .A.-Etrixv_A.L. BRIDGEWATER BEAVER - COUNTY. SS: rN the Orphans' Court of Beaver county.— ' In the matter of the Report of S. B. Wil son, Esq., __Auditor 'reporting the facts, and stating, an account -against • James D. Four bell, administrator of -Lucien Fonabell, dec'd. ; who wai guardian of Wm. Magaw and Eunice Maga w, minor children' of Wm.. new. 4ea'd.,• which report was confirmed. by said Court, on the 27th. day , of June, 18rZ, findingri balance in' the bands of saidadminisrcetot, due said minors, of $756,46; with interest froinJune 11th, 1864. And now, to wit: Ji 1866, onostol , iom of .R ;Rice, attorney foi S. blagawi legatee of said Eunice Magaw. (now dec'd:),the ~Court appoint Wln S. Morten ? ati Auditoi to dis tribute the :balance') in the hands-of JnrileK D. Fombell, idministrator -Lucien Fon:;411. dee'd. ; who-was gy.taidian, Ac., is ,abore sta ted, among the parties legally thereto entitled. • [From the Record.] Attest: JNO. A. FRAZIER, ' The Auditor above named will meet the parties' interested for the' mitrOse • of" pointment, at his•ofliet in New Brighton, on the 24th of 'August, 1866, at 10 o'clock, a. tn., when ind where all parties iriterated May attend if they think proper, •••I .1925'66:3t - ~ W. & IiORLAN, . . COMMON .I!.LEA§ COURT )SALE BY virtue of in orde' issued out of the Coin ] of Cotilmon Pleas or the coutierof Baaver, l the undersigned, Pongaittee 9f the .estate. of Aaentihßush, a lunatic, will eapose to sale by, public vendue or put-cry, at the Alice Of *tbe subscriber, fa - New Brighton, said county, on WED.S 7 ESPAY, August 221, 1866, ait,twcr o'clock - p . us., the following described real estate: All ;the undivided half of that piece, parcel or tract of land,, situntett: in the' township of North .4ewickly, bener Tra,, bounded italollews, vie: Bekinniug at beech and eager'._ on the north-Weal corner of said tract; thence neuth 84 degrees, east 62 peicires to. a „Sugar tree thence south 554 degrees, 'east 20'64-100th perches ice stake;. thence south so, degrees, West 188 perches; thence north 884 degrees, t 68 perches; thence north li'degrees„Vrest 98_ perches; thence north-884 degrees, east 24 'perches; dittoed north 14 degrees,. west" 60 pert:boil; thence south! 804 . degrees, west 165 iierObes, to the place beginning; containing "60 acre, and 128 Pert:hea t strict:measure - oa which is erected a log ,honse, two stories high, with sprini' house and out-buildingi. A vein of coal three feet in thickness underlies .abOut one-half of the tract, One. half ' the traej. is cleared. balance 'woodland, and one_ half is enclosed. . - OF i mew a WELL SELECTED - Stock of 7 0-ood, AT '33 mkrilivnicruy. BRIDGE BRIDGEWA.M, PA. trig g subseribei takes pleasure ki bikers), 1' Aug the public that. he "uolikas,• and keeps e'cuutttly ea head, the : 4 • • . , Most Extensive and Complete As , sortment or BOAS, WRITINP AND "WALL PAPErc, orb c 1 0rit5,04a,,. , PENS. MATTING, DOW.. SHADES, 'AL • '- • BUMS, NVILLOW- 4 . I • WARE, QIINANENTS,TOYBta, , . that hay, ever bean breogbt• to this eotutty.=— In litot'lle keeps evetything that is usually , kept in a woll-regulated . and well supplied variety store. As I purchase nearly all lay Goods at IfEW YOlll4 aid pay ilia for thorn. I ant thus ens. ,shied to sel4- and do di of Al simper than they sin be We i ght itrstad in , Pittsburg. Give ine a call. ' • . . IIht: Bridgewater,F r/7 4 1414 . THE' TN' A • Alta Tai p riTIJA ND FIRE, . 21 E 1 Wr4T 41& In :' z_urar ceeina zan y , 7- 1 1 AiRTFORt), - CONN ; • sSAITS. JULY 1,1866. on hand d Stiites in bek and pith Agi5t2.57,12‘0,6 . .• estate, ndiucumbn e d ....... . 8 12,277 24 Stocks ...... 96,859 60 York .. ............ Bank Stocks . ; .. : ........... 7a4 1-o pp ford Banki, • Cash Unit Real St at New Na , ...... •Mieg.llaneone ;Bank Stocli; ..... " vm '''',„_ B / 0 00 Railroad Stock's . , etc. ....... '" 4, „,79 00 Mortgage b'dej city,ecni . ..... . 6 0 Rft:l,ol l3u 66 - -4 4 ,011,880 as Total • ..... I " • 'Liabilittes. Tosses anadjg f s f ted . ina not dse,L.s22l,:z6 • • • $8,854494 2. - Inentnd for last Year (net) ' ......42,p, br a di i iily income of say 94. • LOSmis t Expenses for myna time 52,541,24.35, -4 a Total tosses . in 47 year5...519,12741, Via: - Fire; 5 172 4 3 ,000 99 ; Inia§ll,slBB4,o tr GOvertinient aul:State.Taxes paid $119,17124- t --Li. . • . - • By Portland Fire, July 44.• • • - . • The total iinoura covered by Atha on• property idestroitid or.dsinaged is 3'4%1, on which ealvage WEI be about 6 per test, Whir total loss will not vary much front $2 O 000, and is - being Ipromptly.adjusted and , This suin is 6: per. cent. upon the .assets , - 5 tiro but slightly exceeding Our gocernme‘it and State taXes paid last year; orairoponia equal to a $.5000 loss for a. company of 100,. 000 assets. - The necesslty for insurance sad the wlsse, wealthy, sirqtig ccorriciratioun; is forcibly illus tratea by flits fire. SeVeral wsak,,lnturtan Comp•nics are destroyed: 'Pot4thad hats plipulation of 85,000; handsomely boa, tacitly fine hrick or stone structures,proi l d,- ,: -ea and screened with 4pwardit,tif 3030 ask trees',-,-botiniled °cobras sides„by deed,„ literallY, alrociSt rising from therm and With a good steam fire as ' s r pr6iperty consnoiel few 'hours-rapon a holiday.-when ite piopl i are least onanpied—trim„thetery insigniicant I citiish of I, cpatemptibltk fire - deftiker, 41temember :the trilling _origin of hies that itweep - .6Wei a feci hours the earningt - or years. Coniaaeriocir best. interests Wets, the -Etna agent a call if you.neell properli. al:trance security. - Policies issued4ttairterms; . • CgAs. 'COALT if july2s,'6¢-31.. Mtn.: r. ORPHANS' CO lIRT SIZE 1 • VALUABLEI REAL ESTATE. • . . 1— • Ir virtue of an order of tbeWrptians' tot Of ~Beaver county, undersigned; xeentor of diemill and tostament Matthew - Elder, late'cif Elder's in sell County. deed., will! expose, to sale by ?labile vendue. or latit-cry, on the - pretases, on • ' , Auptst 24th igtiti at 1 o'clock, p. m., the fullotring 4.0 1 44; real estate of maid 11ait ti ew Iss s.ll trikpi land aitcvalmi in De Inigton iced South! Bearer thonsbips. ant cOouty aferesaid, libunded on the in iitesthyleill of W. :IL • Knight, on the ; north by oilerc.,- lands of Said testator, recently sold to Elie and kr.GeeLan, on the east : by land of Jece_4 Find other lands, of testator, siatill the , smalls -by lind, Thomas F. Elder, ces tattling ab6tit 86 Acres. about 60 cleared: ei;• 1 wkieh_erelerected a largo- Tim Story Bud I Store sfrotsf , • siith Ifout:e atteched, :Ur. oaderneath, Double P9rtico - to Died*: Large Treo Story Brick Wriolen 'Factory, skit basement slimy of 'stone, and with einem, machinery therein for Carding, Spinals', re.' in;, Fulling,.fie.; the building and midi* being ingood order, and of, capacity nfient for a. large, manufacturing business. 111 whole water Power of the Little 13esemCrei is available for manufacturing purposoutii point,..and the Data, Itace; &e., are ngeera and in- good order. Also; is god Tic Pip Frame Dwelling House, with Kitchen we+ ed, dotilde porch, ;Ste. Also, a good 'Frame Barn,witb good mine founduital o a large .Wagon Shed and Cord Crib. - Ant , Two Story France Warehouse, and inn itto log Tenant Houses on the . gredues. 2d. All; that tract of land situate in D,i ton tyr., dn, said , county, bounded on deed by other lands One said testatkr, rest sold try Eld4r and, McGeehan, en - tie noth lands of I iii.!C:,Chamberlain, on the eizt V lands oil George HOffman. and Reuben Ireti and on the South. by lands or James Wl:g* containing about -150 !acres, about Odell cleared.; And ' under it - titivation; - (ntoitz, . to: however, as appurtenant to the prase above described , the right and baehingithe water up the creek on this by the data new - erected upon mid fire . ~,ror Cloned premises, or !any dam of same }se that may hereafter be erected thensktt which •is erected'La large Two Story Soo - DivelliMg House, with good cellar andenelk and a log. kitchen! attached.'Also s hewed tog barn, with gochr stone ionsittOki;, and other out-buildings.. Also, two frame(teinant housei with none-banes _rm• one hewed. log-tenant house, with b ar s - story of stone, etc.; etc.' - I The a bove are valuable tartan sro ewd about 4i miles from`llarnagton,sad atoll - miles from the preSent terrainns of al . !: lingtonlCannel Coal }unread. sad" 11 ; diately,tipon the prejecter.Railroul torsi.% ()Bailee, on the Pittsburg, Ft. R. k way &torn the Talley of. the Little through the coal and oil regies ;r 4. G "'" on thee: & Pk. g: R., at the Ohio riret._,,, The imprOvementa on the tract abort al; tbed are'reryfveluable, Ft he water Pt iN ,,i sa llen baudi t an n d o well improbeil. The ne.ofi other e sie-well - andertlitt" ti V3. structed, and the location aOO o ° l ' • ufactiOagl,purpo‘s. - OM" Atteratioak's also called to ikefactihst eiao , Sr. ea ths Little asimer, eta cb "' ws pekoe the Celebrated !eland 8144 Wel l ' oil end the , tendency; of the oil develg c ., Present being up said creek, iris belie tit in •addition to their ; 'ohm far 4 , 010 manuriaturing purpoies, they woo' camp Valu a ble Oa Lands: - TERMS.—One-third': elthe 'perch%o, on the I confirmation of the sale b 7 _ad" the balance in two equal; 1020 " 1 Iron the datirret the eonfirriuctitst°`,Zielf _,. 011 V the email, with Matron; back PP' - Igltmeekby bond, and mortgage, sets For further information appif to t n.& g signedi it his residence, nor .the address him at . Dsrlinitoni Count*. Pa. REUBEN " ' # 26 Iz'r.of last will of Id. Elan. Flooring• and Weath er i 1 4 ;j 111 tas ti" . 11°. & suit fluarchawrsToit's, Staff vrilante. Afidio, or other • to iv* 014hort adios: at' ago leoly R. DAlla`4l.l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers