4f - BuYEItU JULY Alt hi • and NES .....---_--- il o w Jibceoutive Vol. 10., • - ' love r:, m Weyand, Chillrmaag, pooligb ID: John Csaghey,'L 11 lo p pariligh. a ! 1 ydellr: Wm . paraelo t eleag, Vg DesTer: C. P. Wallace; , - ; D r igliton: Dodd V. Scott; - , viipree: Jiihn43. Rerron;, . Darlington: gr. W. C: Ohurlecli; - economy: George Neely; slo: George N. Taylor; , .c. Dtanklin: John H.Wilson„... 4 yreeflorn borough: W. W. Bert; . freedom district: , J. Pita ; ~, • . Diem: .3. N W elson; -yienkfort: W. R.-Frazer; • ; • • , -Ouirs: John Nelson; opreall: Rob}, C. Scott; • • ~• r . • ills:airy: John Wilson; •'. r Daiepentlenee: Arthur ShieldCA Orion: T,homasl'hillisf .• . qv 41xn.IY. 13.151ifirt, . . . i ' i • , ~. v o , saighton: EL Magaw,..John,Lßo7lo, E. 10 :,:tiviehly: He ii. •nr y G -eehrin d • . f a g; ; . . faith gewickly:: Dr. J: M. Withereiwi . • . hi t ic4 JotaiSlenti; Dattert:Fatoes.Patterson: " . ..j yliillipslniag:. Itoliert Routh; falaski: W. W. Irwin; •' i • , ?pieliester:l6..l.•Crees,, A. T; St‘P..enbe 1B4CC0911: flame? smith, , 1, , southlieaver::.John Roberts., t , . , , .••••••••.-- !INT' DiNo‘4."A,3l; 311., the;suilicirized agent to 11 5,14 received at a late hones communi ; ip reply to oats . n • • last week's -Local, eiiicndog by . A J. d A . which, owing to its troth crowdedistite of e+nr columns, 1e ar iompeiled to lay over-until neit week-. I : poiLt; and I.ki \ affidarts - leave Cot. ilolea in a peslkToja m few en! We' think would Oleo occupy: . - e •- - K n t! t aacSlreas.-.-We ire no, little grati io.at t C at atezdy accessions to our list of sub , set' •b er g, They have inereasedi beyond our • rod magtunfs expectation's; arid . W 43 talta this 4. . 0 1i0n . to tender onilhanks tat :14.' J. id'Cor- Alsq., of &mak Bea . P.im tp.i fors large list 4 r a.psiti yearly 'patrons. spin-oAsexio SEMI TAlt.—OD Thursday last ' Fixog pox, who has been c r enftned in the c loy jail for, the last thirty tlays, for assault iad battery on the person,of Orrtion Brewster, vii disehsygedjftil and Permitted to de wile peace. • . . , J. ,,,- A GRAND JCILOS IN ROUnut.-4n Erie emai -1 trirt.t.:lis State, at the recent term of Court, ihiGrand inry expelled' one , their number :1 1' lor i dranltenness, and the county Commission ire i efwed te pay him Ina fees - for services.-- 1 • • Served him nght. " • IT -•"- , • • • . . Burin AcAnEscr. 7 -By an. advertisement in' another cabin - an:it will lie 'seen that I.ltic.oli and honored indtitutton of learning has passed, for i term of years, into the . hands of Prof. T. Saylor. We are leartily glad that an art an t tmett .of this kind has . been effected, for•arithTrot. Taylor's energy as a business dm, sal his Ike quolifications as teacher, , the yultlle tnnyttntely eoncludethat . thre Beaver Aeadoiny Rill.ere long assitk takrianla as oh. of the Eliot, school■ of its kirid is the Btat•. ' TOY/MVO TO JAIL.--On Thursday night of 'kit week Sher 4 i.eJlie reeeitved the ;person of &mei Reish,. whoin he haS :now confined in the colistyjait Beish •was scat hither on a commitment of Justice Petit, of Glasgow; in thiscounty. He is :with breaking the store of B. F. MillSr, of Glasgow ,and, as believe, detected in thelcommission of the Set:' Sii hundred, dollars in money is said to hive bean takpn from thel.store, but as yet this money has not been discovered, nor is it 'shown, whether 'Width obtained' it or some one_ • tbe. • STATION Bunting .14 - ro.L--06 , Pridayaiternoori the station house on the Cleveland & Pittsburg Railroad, at this' place, wall broken into by , some, person or persons unknown. The bur glars,first forced the outeridoot of the station, and then breaking the slide over the aperture through !Ali* tickets are issued, enteied. that apartment and Cook changb.amounting to some three or four dollars from the desk in the room. burin g . thev succeeding night the station lo l ase was again entered, and s trunk belong ing to fra•. J. S. Itittan was broken open and rhs contentsisferhanlod, but nothing, we iv se've stolen from: it.' 1 • Blll4Call;tl).S.—Aa some dear ezch ages are Publishing the animas of •t. some of their oldest subscribe.re,and the length iSt;time iiiej haVe taken their, respective pa, tviv, we this week publish the names of "tw o of Vitas, ,whora we happen ! to know, hitt have ttli,the .1 . -sui for no Uti l e period of time: Joseph' iteisinger,l of this place, corn= stated taking the Argiu in 1818, and has ta ts it eriint cry ps ecily ever since.. This niakes . a tongs: nt • E;abscribe'r and reader of the Spahr a p,yriod of 48 Yerrs. 7 r~reorge Barclay, Esq.,(if Brighton township, , toaetieed taking the.iirstat' ,- mbqut. the year 4 48, mailbag token it continuously sines that thittiale. This 'makes him pi subscriber to et Piper for 38 years. f. TAr. Sao scarcely sayi that both of these Mieszett are among the most influential and hot of oar citizens ; and that they have the Inns wishes of the paiti and present prlrprit- Iwo of the Argus" for long life and abundant -irooperity' there is no d'onbt..l - _ CANDl*.irs.—.The progrtuk !Mob the • !sale of ronsie has Of late made. and.. the gtasral desire, which ' is beginning, to ,be felt , it should he;intioduced as one of the reg. l'rar l a p a ssis - senool . hranchea, has ortitnnlatod itiv eitivnieniu s to perfecting an -insttllnerit adapted to. use in : the church and .school ai 1 ' ,• lea as the Arawiag•rooni: ' • As the'ree.dt of this desire, we have the la ttlit can to for favor in the Cabinet Organ of : S iss.rs.'. Union & which seems to drably adapted fel leading' classes hi, "ea - music: It Is vet+ neat:and cempeet in ,`•ora,' substantially made of oak or, walnut, lad ism every respect !Well situated for the OpL w e L ave had the pl ea " elo bearing it 414 4, and hive been l i amob surpriisd that -)!Si no, ill'3o4Pinter and Tolson. - of: sentd - ' l nOttld Mliained.•in smalf-r F La .P. •. 1% Moot zez. See • • Drtern anegter- eshessi, 111=ra 7.. Alk. • 4 , P, ~~ .be one, qt therioot tosollifist -of Ito tied to limed)ittivtilloie; 4• 1 41 s t*itory. :: sind description 16. 1 : 4bled to come in Possession: Gf; About the last of Ddcetnber, 1864, number of gentlemeri . of 'this 4leirats 8. Pagan; Hairsh, oh the neeeeety of hsvo t pwr : 43 ,cor!‘ Stone; modieue grounds far the bariek, of the dead than ,were then• hid:ie . :3d 'fiCe(irlt. ngly an informal !flirting was, held si the slterite office - for the purom of putting the metter*fc proegrii.. ottur or additional groandis for linriPt in a tangible slits' e: . e.. • AtAbis meeting - Hiram Stowe, Rs ~ of 'Etherion, preen'. ded, and H,. 4iiie,,Esca, of . Beaver,. acted as Seereq4y. ..114fore I.4end— journinent of the eeting.M..borragh, Geo. ' Harntlton, Jobe ' . .oaUgliei and Rev. D P.. LoWary were Appointed a ,eammiLtee to ascertain. :bore and on , what term's:a suitable! - tof i ground could' tie - Olitifitcdon. wit oh' 1 . 0 prate anew cemetery: This mottos boo° after Ward e, reported ' tat '..fieisdemy I=l lota, NOII. 38, 39, 40,41, 42; 43 and 44,, containing in tho • aggregate abont; twanty-six aurea„and ya ng mined!. ately wCet . fiorottgh• fth st., Pitts the Aeolis would be suitable ground,ind mild 1 1 be purchased for the sum of five thous and dollars. This rePort, was accept ed, and the proper;pefSons !were- an thofized to neg2tiate the pnrchase . — This being4one, th' , e next atop was to procure_i 'charter of Ancorporatido from the 'Qoirt, which=. was . accom plished at the March I.iiii,lBo - 5. : The names of mM. the corporate ire fol. lows: I Sailli: -li..tiror.eh.,John Mity, O. M. Donahoo, Daniel 4gn i cir, :John Barel4, .Tae.' Potter, I: N..k.tkirie,l) L. Imbrie„Thos. M Cteery,lWin: Da vidson, Sr„ Thee. Stokes, AJ C. Herst, Jas. Diirrigh. Gen. - W.: II iiriiltrin; 'D. R . ,A . - wj jeati la..giee;l47.- 1 J . , M'Cor miek Wm. Ilarclay, 3. C. Wilson,. Sam. 8.. Wilson,H.T . Dar erigh,'lliagli Andetion, Win. Davidson, :Jr, John Sbarii, Hiram Stowe, Seudder. H.' Darragh, Robert Dirragba l ,:, l Jno.lifur ray. Wm: Cox, Chas; B. Hurst, Dail& IMinis, Samuel Fleet!, - A melifi Blake, .Winl. G. Wolf, Jas. H. Dunlap, l'hos, J. Davidson, Benj.Adems, li., T. Tay. loe; Wet Henry, johnston:Small,Jno. V. M'Donald and Jae. M 2 Connell. • ' The kit Board Of Managers was 'compost:A of the following named gen-_, thimen: fMattison Darragh;- Thee. 1i,...1 Davidson, John -Murray, Sim!: B: French Sam - . 11. Wilson,Geci. Hamilton land Henry Hice, and these - ,veere to b Continued in .office until the second Monday of, *June, 1266. The Board subsequently elected Dr. John Murray- Tresiclerit, Heuer Bice . Seeretary, and Geo. Hamilton Treasurer. 1 :. The Managers propee,ded at once to clear off the ground, en - close it with .s nest - mid - substantial 'fence;'arid to procure the . Bervicieof an e, i xperieneed , artist to , lay off 'the grounds, and to I take elk+ other iitePs as seemed '' ne: 1 1 cessary in the premises. Some diffidul• ty was experienced in , obtaining . the 1 serricei of a competent, man to Ulnas. are atiitlay';Cut the lots, but this has been obviated in the employing of rMr. Slack, a gentleman residing at 1 - - .Steubenville, Ohio. He has gone for ward with liis duties in a ,Very ehers getie manner. and it the present time has- . liiii labors well nigh ecimpleted.— AR-sof:on .as he-is through, due natide . will be given for the 'dedication of the Cemetery, and for the' public Bali of 'iota. The ground selected is remark libly well adapted to the purpose for ,which it was Purchased ; and being artistically s and ' beeniifully laid out, this cemetery will present, when com pleted, Refine an appeararice .as any Cemetery 111 be found' in Western Pennsylvanii. - - '-- 1 The following are the, - - - rules and regulitione _Concerning i ota; and lot owners, adopted jby the Beard, and which will be observed in all matters to which they may relate : . ' • 1. The prOfirietot of each lot 'shall have the right to / eat:lose tbe sem with a Wall or, 'ince, not exceedin eighteen inches in height., excliiiiveb railing, Which eha placed ed on th : die_ lir.es of said lot. . -• 2. The said lot, s all not be need fc any other purpose than as "ii place o - bariallor the deadoind no trees with in the - lot or border ' shall be, cut down or destroyed' without the consent of the Managers of the Corporation. , S. The proprietor of each lot, ehal have the right to erect stone morin, meets' oria.prilehrolitructureii, and te cultivate proper :.'trees, shrubs.: an plants in the same. ' - 4. The:proprietor of ' the said lot' shell erect at his or her eipensetuit ble.land marks of sJone.or woo at th corners' therettOind shall Also cans ' tbanumber Abersof to be legibly ,e ta m peranently-=marked on tlin prom& . 43 i. Anil if the proprietor !hell omit f , thirty il'Oya a ft er notice to erect su er land marks audrmaric the number, the managers shall have authOrity . to tease the, same to be , dote at‘ the _experiee of the proprietor. ' ' ... 1 1.-If the land Mirk, and boundaries of Said lot, iihan be efAined, so thin the lot cannot With reasonable. dilligente be - found and identified,. the, manage s shall setoff to the','Orantes, Its ••c bei s iiiiigni, a lot in 'lien thereittin -au i i part.of.the'Conietery - as' they see t; and tteeilotAbeknetofore /oreatti4o:eb ' OMNI BE Fli MN „et_ ..- , • . nit on; . xf. . , kitilliaa th dint pi means. of their mote, . ;"ch` * pti otWiresAiiiiiiiii detri;.. -nkaif' 141 e adjaoem,,lotaoraTeptieek. or daft sob fne6nfehhinvto "lis i -• , ge !Vahan , be. the duty of the na Mir the %Tea-being, and the.* • all ' irtAe right . to enter ir.to and' . ..0 ” 01' 1 :144 and Cil Ealiiiif ifii?-isid t 1 .el . : ' shrubs, or each parte thereof a _ iihr_darfurintitalVdatikerona or Ipopvlii,— , .;:i;.l4, -..;:,..-- - A - 7,--_-. -- ,4-4 ------ -"!- -- ;-- - 6.. 4 4 . • r ~'~~~~. El Fiu At PILAND..iRtir.--On •Tumidity, e ening of .last week,' a destructive 8 . °mined at island Bin: . o which ' tie -1 B 16 701 - " e , "r 1 31!" v tr e el q irtl !* etolloWi rig property: Ten wellsAied ii. large number ofi derricks wirer btiro e . The total loss is eisr 'inst.:it:l - 'l4 $50,. ' 0. The loss in Oil iS is follows: Neer rigtiton,We:l,l2B liarrels; Aiitor well, 1 sbiurclsyStarlight tve11,75 barrris; tinley - well, lots — riot' stated ; Two ' 1 wins well, 85 barrels; Dawion well, 7' barrels; No. 8 Ritbbone, 1 loss 'Doi s , ted; Belmont well,No. l., 12,5'Abar . .ls; Belmont No. 2, not' stated ; No 100. barreie:. -, ' 1 - .. , ! 1 The Lupton House and ',tvio etoree ere turned: olio resit wisaerionely I i jured. The - fii.o_ ;ori g inated from rawing the tubihg With an engir.e, at e derrick' of the NI I M Bri.bion well. PROMOI7O/1&-W e t at Dr . Dayid Stasfon,of IT . er" Brigh ton, this county, 13titl i been prolnoted to the ranft-of -Breclet Clofonel !of 11. 8. olunteers, for distinguished services in the army doting t,he war. ' 1 ' Dr. k.p. Aarl4: l sr,!of this-Plioti, has lso.beeifilicretted Lt. Colobei of 11. . Voltinteets, foi. falthftd- , and Merit°. ions services ini the, army dering the tehelliori. ' Both iof "these gentlemen are diservlng of the honprs thus warde'd them, and 'we heartily con• tat:alit° each of them on their merit promotions 1 - , , B r EraraiiENTATIVI CONYEATXOI.-',On ?. unday last the Representative Con kerees fforn Beavei.- ar.d Washington unties, met at. the Monungahela ): °use, in "P_lttehurgh, and nominated or Assemblyithe following 43atlemen: Col'll 8.1 QUAY' of Bea der, • • COI. J2lO. Ewuro; of Washington; ' Capt..l.ll, l —DAY, of Washington. th'e Conferees From this county were. James Patterson, Esq , John Boyle and. Charles .Chamlierlin ; from Washington county, Ban& John 11. Ewing, Wm. MeKennan and William McDaniel, ' - seells we have quite a • number of subscribers whonrn either directly er Mdireetly interested in the oil deveh .pmenta of W i est Virginia, we this week pal:dish an _interesting account l of the wells andsibeir yield'near Burn. ng Springs. - We clip from the' Pat.. kersburg Daily Times; witnse editor ' bas recently spent Some time in that vidinity, The articlb referred to will 'e found OQ the outside of this paper. onr list i of' irnproVements it Beaver last weelc,"Ave,inadvertently omitted those 'of jedge - Adams, Jos. Wilson, Esq,altiAi;;;V,. Tallon, Tho formerti4l . :::*- - rimproved and changed thet6,inside of his dwelling house room, ai to Imake a very neat.aPPoarance ; while 'the latter have each added several thiltdred dollars to their property in the way of repairs. CONTERiE MEETING •-...Thei Judicial conferees of Beaver and Washington counties met 'again at the Mouonga helalictnse, in Pittsburg, on. Monday last As in , the' former meeting, the conferees from this county supported Mr. Chamberlin,and - those from Wash ington adhered to Mr. I Acheson.— The conferencie.adjoimed, to meet at the call of the Chairman. MARRIED July 21st, at the residetiot of Mr. J. B. Dua lip;toy B. Braokenadr. Jossra Ataxic, of North' Solon, Ohlo, to Miss Masi .3. 14'Quists, of Beaver, Pa. ' Jima 28, 1884 Vat the 'lonia of the ,bride's !hater, Ssteuel Shrodes, Esq., by Rev. W. G. Taylor, Mr. FHAILLICS Balms to Milli PHIS', J. SURODZS, alto( Beaver county, Ps. July 17, by Rev.. 7. Murray, Mr. Wm. Ees st.e to Miss ELIZABVIII Jams Hori, both of In— duetty.,Beseer. cousty,•Pa. : , 'DIED:. On On the 20th inst., Mu dooms Powzu., of Chippewa township, aged 4rout. 25 years. Onhallit inst., Mr. ;Jame Annuozza, of New Brighten, aged ibout 55 years. ' I • szevEß'nsmuctirs. ...- COMM° ay W 111: oIL - Mont.; per, phi,' '312 76 Dried Apples per b0a.......:..,12 60 do reaches 44 WOO I Wheat: , • • 2 011 Corn , - —..--,.. 75 Oats • • - 41" _ t... 45 Flax Seed, - ' ' • • 225 Bean's, '4 175 Potatoes, ; - ••• 1.25 Onions, 44 I'6o Corn Meat s" ' 1,00 Itirgs; - Per dos•. - - putter, - - • ga r l b., • • •,. . tO Huns; • tJ. - a.... • •• .* * 26 Bhorilder!„,.',..-1 4 -. ' ' F aides, , 6 M. ,. 7,:. •-•:,..;:,....„14.e::: r .,. - .. ~....' o: 7;1 1 : c in di e i r. % • , . ....., Ji.,_.f.• , „ .. . r..."....Tr!qr:... - ...- .18 M 6 411414 1. • ' per tan ! ** : -! i'..*Z, --i...*:....! Carbei en, - - - -- ' ''''"'"'. bond.•••• ***** 6•••••• .... . , Itiximit.ql,l 444,11,;;,:kiii, 4 3841 ;4: ""e"OTILIaikOIOW r:01110thlei ' in; A. - ' !I-aritelitrllliiii" 4, - --- e --7 S -6 0 '. 1 ' -.• I- ,V l . l 1 *4 ' I '4' 'Limner* Poly., libi' • 5a,.1,, 0-- • :Vs" in _ town oP' B # ll o o4 l!'jt" - tle : tints ta64-oiii4ailiti;:ll4,siit la' BO VOilclipOrould if,. miiiii7'"`biLlig 014441:: :, ( ~i c t l. II: ,1 1.7 ''. w orking , . -• . ilk'betriee and , Rneeeter. fruits will .soon , ,he akandaiit caw; and .ingar ..:04 „be :in .tio. : niand,and'eepeeill!r 'so* for.. inetv.l ing Wine and, Jelly.- We:advise (1;1..1 ivadero U3'41:14 what "Or. they will need duritte . the . beaeoa , ; of Btifep ShallefibArger, • Bridgewater. ilThey willie!,a 0 - 4 article by doing so.:. They have net received ; front:the-Tait, Twenty' hariele' of itie 'different grades Of Brown and Refined Sugars, and their prices Cannot fail to give satisfaction. ,• Dextr °Captain: - A noir 'lie to cOngrat: ulate you• . on your resuming the Chair Editorial, arid to hope 'Oat the fained hundre4.e3:ea of your Argus mai be kepi bue4 , , is &nutting the evideoceitot your succe ss . .... . ~ . . There is perbapeno ,ther secton.° our. country,, where change ..aeffno written on` everything as it is:tertr: It iit wonderful even woos acclimated, to see the rapidity with which "cities" are built,--though the , suddennesa of their.decline iii.what we all expect, ex cept the owners of the said "cities." Yon will--rocollect with -what , . vigor "Pitollote" stritag into - life ,one: year ago. , Now, 4,4 , 9 0 0.9 1 M0 most des• olute places in - this section. To-day, the fever is setting brick to the Creek, 1 and "Petroleum Centre" will, ere long ' b e bor.ors of a , "Borough ", A Mile shove on the Creek, - and near "Funkville," whiebAn the tilde when the "Binpire,""Bhermau,"and "Noble" wells were in gar prime, mu; a tour ishing.place, and wheiv glory vanished during some auddeoly : ptopoiled poc& fresh---has sprung ap a new place, al. ready,dubbed "Pioneer. City." Sitdal ted at the month of Pioneer-Run, it is alieady a .vert - bustpl . ace, and . the valleys'et - this run, as,well as the ad. jacetit bluffs, are covered with new derrieks,. wells . going t dowo, flowing and pumping wells, sod altogether is quite a . reminder of the old days on the Creek. The greatest.oil produc tion iii.the county is now within two Miles of Petroleum Ceni re, as the Ste vensen, Bennehoff and Wash Wain• tochliiFarm sre.no doubt producing more . than one half of the whole amount. 'rode throughout Abe ~ gn tire reetion.i. e- r general s merrhaddise, lis dull, and . it must for alight lean Fee, remain so: 'The rig:4llly 'extending nes of ' flail-toads, the . numberless r - Sneidentally learn Oil Creelu:Correspoisdenoe. ''Pipes"—all tend to drive . ' teamsters, front the' region e and one or two ;thou sand a them gone, make quite & differ ence in the amount of tiiule doge. A favorite Mode of Shipp - mg - nil Mow', is by .means et "Tank Card; -Two w'riod en tanks are fastened pa a 4 )larform • ear, One over , each •truelc. hey are made ; to hold about forty barrels each,' are inade air tight, and 'so enristinc:ed that all of the oil can;,be . drawn ;from them* without rnovir.g the' tanks. This , affords great relief---to shippers; especially in= the Mutter :Of Ireturning "empties." A man in Titiaville has the "Patent" for fastenink thescitiinks on cars and seems to - have a; "soft. thing."- - • One branch of "trade;" ivbieh • has deva:oped to an alarming extent du. ring the present year, is that of steal ing engines, tools, and in tact every. thing belonging to an oil dell, eicept the hole.. h. is estimated that,. these ' robberies exceed one engine per day. The boldness with which this is done, and,thergeneral Ignorance of: the own ers °Cone lease with the 'affairs of neighbors; rendet the',chanCes •oldEteetion very slight. Then, if oue is stopped he has a "bill of':dale" from some one, "who said he was the' own er"-+sa the property is left , and the purchaser goes after the man ; who sold (Y) the traps to him—and that• is the end'of it. • ' It Would be wise if every, partywho own property - of this - description, should Move it to softie pleat; where a Wat,,ch could be easily kept. 'The ex. pense of tbis would bw trifling coon• pared with the Jose, if they kart their property to. the tender mercies of theta) "bummers." More anon • ' : _ Petri, let.orr. Dunseath Spj - DEALERS IN • . 10 11 1.23. e N7iTettcamess CLOCKS, , .JEWELRY, SILVERWARE. C - sr.qoops, nirslcAt - itoiip, Be FIFTH STRE.ET, Wiittalll)l.l.lls, . 3 Pasuil 111‘ 1 ,A6Itts ter the Mark= Watah Corn panfs Watches.. , U118.6;1y BEAVER COPNTYr -rN the Orphans' Court in and Ibr the 'wan ]; ty of -Beaver, and . State of Pennsylvania. •C)'Br th e .niat ter< of. the : petition •• MEAS.. , for partition of the real estate of Adam Graham.- lote of the borough of Freedom.' Beaver ebtuity; died. And now, to - wit : June .14th, 1888,' the Court gotta a Rule on the belie Wed legal rep resentatives of said doed...to 41 , 114- in termarried with. James , Hooper, residing, in eounty, Mo.; Adam G raham. resid ing in Paducah, Ky., and all others interested. tolholi cause, if any the,y have; whim in quest to maks.pirtition of the real estate •of said diae.+l., should not be awarded at. an Or plows' Court, to be held at Reaver.An'and far the °minty of Bearer , on the first - Monday of September nixt.• /OS. 4,IIDLIE. Ju1y1816641 1 - • Sheriff. - • ;:ta leti v yF t _iii&=C. .and &net Jalf will leave Big!4oillialhA 2 l ll 7 o- 4 101 1 1 44 14 as foi. hir.5. #2" , 1 4 04 1 *941 1 01 ° 41 51 4 5 . 9 ?`. N E ; lriffiliallili.) . , - " imams tientatirawr. I. ~ .. ,• •I: '-' ; ll'' . '-' r; - 1 F3l4l:!lii Mau ., B O' ' ' . W'' •; - *r -- 7'+'-1 1 9 ittiiiisix;.... tikrill felbist - 200111004 ,Roiltestar::... 520 '`f.:- '9O . " ' 516 :". 1210441 3. 11.41itax.• 'B3O ''.••' 580 "U 822 1, •': 48 :5n05........... 418 1 !" 028 !A 41-18 4 1257 .N Colnitibisia.. 452.••• /0011 P ' 1 421 ' O, i• ''.':-•:-.;• sales -..::i.... 619 '‘ 1 1046':',4 450 •' . 152 . 71 •Allisitss ..—.• 615..,.t 1150.6. '68E4: 4, .1110 '4 Canttis........ 706 : •1 1311011 6.14 1, • 812 ••• Massillon ..... • 726.:•• - 102 i , - 681."" 888 4 4, 0rrvi115.....:.. 805'io 05 •• 700 ...•• 410 -,, L W 6( lsteri-• • NV" 399 •• VS •' 441 si. toudonvillit - . 1112'ru 828 •• sm,' ' SO ••,' Maitstield.;« !0P . ," 426. u '942 " 64 6. ' 4 1 ,,_,,._ i t Ar 1100 i“.• 600 •• 410 •' 720 . 4. ,--r--!iipe 1156!•• 620 a 950 41 785." :Bucyrus ..... I7Xslte 660.:. 1009 s• '11:1 0 9,” D. Handusky 10 . r,...• ' 730 ••• 1018 ~. .834, ii; 1'ire5t......... 140 ~. mi . . 117,9 i• 9.01 '4l Limi.... l, • 800 of 920 •• 12' 84"° 1094°' Delphos. - • ' 880 •• - 4160 •• .172 u 1086 " Van Wei 5...... 406 ~ lOW, , I 145 0.'1103 4.1 tort-Warm,: 545 "1150 ..•• 860.6! 1285wW Colinabis7.,.;.' 432 . ,••• .. Bls 12855 x . 415 ••• 114.1 Huntsville.. .... " ..,.. '• I .6 , ......: 1 . 1 Piennton..... .....i* ti ..... •• _•• . • I_ l Warsaw 720 44 180 it -80 s• iiii'.if 80urb0n..... -: - .....---ti -- 1 ..... a '.!:: 44 '• • •!14 Plyniciith..... .1110'" 285 4. 60Sr . . #. 25 4 , - 4 Watuitab 1 --.... u ..... u - i• . .....•,•4 Valparais•ii.. i 56 •'• 416 44 753 64 425 1 4A Hobart.....;.L. - .... ••• [..... 1 . ' •• ••,, C1arke...'....:. ...i. 1, ..-.." ,% •" ' 1 1110:11R.CrOs -"" • ~.....- 4 . ~ . 4. 4. R . rillatgl *Fp, 44 •-. 61 1„ ' di • Sr ghll l l4o .....ii• //36. 41 e . . 66 " 980 1 600 t i .;.- ' :-• G. TWIN clout° ZAST. - . .. 1 : L . MAIL. LAP'S. Exp.'s. ExP's • —:-. —_ -L....1 . Chicago. - - 44041 '72osx 550px 1020Px R.lBlllR.lnne '. " •' U ' " 11l C.RRCrce • "- " ,, ' •• 4F Clarke •• ..,- .46 •• . IL. ' . '44 Hobart . ." , 4 ...L. " - 44- Valpira9o6:6. 660 "' " 906 ‘.` 768 • , .A24 - Lux WaUstak ..... r- '' '. - .", ...:.. . 4 4 6 - '66tee . ..1' Plymouth ....' 838 '" 1088. '1 98 u 28 1 , ( ,'Bou r bon • - .i... " "' ••••-• u ',Warsaw ...•.. .947 ••• 1828_1 , 1085 6• ,i4/1.-A , Pierceton.... • ' - r. ' *u. 1 ' 'I. •- . • , Huntsville... ' - ~ '4 .. 6 ... . Columbia..... 1043 •• 1217px 1123 ,'•• 448 • Fort Wayne.. 1150 a• 120 u 12255 x 616' ' , Van Wert ..., 107Px 2211 "; , 138 ' u .787 4 •:, Delphos'',l42 ir 255 " 209 1 , 814 1 , Li m5 .,.......... . 224." 825 " 240 " !848 1 1 Forest ' A4B:‘6 433 . 1 407 " 1016 - '• 11 Sandusky., 421 -• 459 " - 440 " 1 9_ 49 i• Btptyrus • : •'sl`2 a , 538 al ; 528 •• 1155 • Ar f 645 P. 606 i• , 600 Oa 1260ik Cieetlifle blD • • ' ''" ' • , R , 7...Nt .•• • 680 •• , 840•• 180 41 Mansfield.... "'Bo4 ' .!' 701 , ''''7l6 .•• j % 2110 I.OildOtiVine - L. 9 16 " 746 ~ -.245 0 W00iter....... ,1025 ••• 885 ...Asa / ... , , ~ 0rrvi11e......., 1100: 1, 908 .•6 920 u 'II r Massillon..;.. 11146 u . 987 • 1 956 " ' 466.1 Canton ...... 1205Px '_9s7`" 1017"'" 454 Alliance..:.... 'l2°" 1050 " 1130 41 655 p sware .......'. "if..1.)0. •• 1126 u 1205px 627 r , Columbiana.: 'IWO*" 1147 •• 1231 • , I 652 4' g n ' o n.;. .812 u 1222 Am 11 2 •, 728 • N. Brighton. 1 405 - u 1 •• 148- .. 808 Rochester,..:. 420'•• 11(1 •• 200." 820 ‘; Pittsburgh ... 650 u 220 " 810 •• 980 1 4 1 i . , Erie and Pittsburg Eipiess Taain 'eines NewH Camila" at 4:05, arrived Pittsburg , 8:35 p.m. Returning leaves Pittsburg at6:6lif a.ti.', arrivetrin New Castle it 8:,4 a.m. , New Castle _ands Pittsburg Omommodatimil Train leaves New Castle / at 1:0(P a.m:, arriveal in Alleg t heny at 9:45:a.in, Returningeavai,-' . 4.lleilieuji_ et 2:25 p.m ..;• arrives in 'New Castle at 6:145 p ),' . , •, . F. R. MITMBOI CLEVE;&PITTS, Rit. On and after July 2; 1866, trains will es?* sta,i tions daily , flundajs: excepted, as foliows , 094;40unt. MAIL 810 Ax 821 *, 925 44 Cleveland ...: Euclid street Hudson. • Akron , .. Orrville- Millersburg— Ravenna Alliafice • Bayard ......: Welleville 1000 105 !' 1182 110 rm GOING EM 8454 1 131 1017 . 1 1105 .. 1156 .. Wellrvine ...„1 8ayard........! Alliance ..., Millersburg.. Orrville •Akron ........ Hodson ....... Euclid street Cleveland ...: 1233 pat 137 " 150 DOLVCI EAST. CEO 1040 mi ,1050 " 1189 " 1168 " 125 Pm 147_" . 217=" 226 " 3Q 44 007 Belaire Bridgeport.... Steubenville. Wellsville .... Smith's Ferry. Beaver. Rotilliester Pittsburgh ~ 610.5 x 7.25 7 ", 80 .. 1010 . . 0 ! 1105 • ,AWAS . , k • 6.50 m VA m. a in. N. P1i0.461 . .. 2.85 .14 557 800 .... 336 4201" 55.. 648 di 637." Pittsburgh. , Rochester Beaver, Binith'eFerry hrrille Steubenillte. Bridgepor!,... Bellaire.—::— TUSCAR Leaves N. Philadelphia Bayard, 11.45, F. R. 111 1 413 . 118.. General kotAgeit., SUIETE.P.IFF7JSI Atki-a] . , Bvirtue of . a writ of Vendit oni-Expolus. issued out of the' Court: of CoMmon Pleas of the county of, Beaver,. mat tome dirt : . I will expose -to public salel ,the Sh e UN office, in the borough ' of Be ;in the . oo y aforesaid, on • ' n SA TUI#DA 1 7 , July 28th,` 1866,, i at 10 o'clock A. M.; the following dempi r bed , property, tO wits ,All' right, title, Interest and ja 1.4,01.0 claim of defendents, of, in and tathofoUbwing tet of ,cound,, oituate in theborough"of • r.. lington, Beavar county, Pa., baunded: o the north by an alley,on the east by arket oi em s on the Muth by :imbliii aqua and _on the *west by . George Touts, on whits is nee a lasigivame building, need for s i ' and wary house, widk cellar undern doire mom mani a 7 = room, furnished -.with • ' shitingil &c .The lot is. about 60 by• 80 fee • I beawf o aid ; taken ir! execution . as the p r: y' of Jstootp and Christian Mark% at tbe r 0t . ..A.. .iteie. toed, use of Noble,. Angel h.. Co. • _ ___- •- .1 : _ . ; • I .196. LEDLIZ,BIO. , 131mirries 01=34..1 , I - ~4 14•7•41 1 07 11 '. 66 -..: $. . : •1.• *. N1.n.,•11¢ . , - • 7;' E 1 I lA I ter I I I IN ,Spring&Summet = r: e. I i--14 W - * T1A41.14 - git 7 lt : 4 - . : .:.•.,-.:- , . -. ,f 1:- . ,..f.: :,, • -I; . LtA O. SHOP EMPORIII9I4 ' Mouni and Elt.raw,all the latest styles. ~•_. .1 • Viry chtisibi ,ffivrialitnixtgas. riloiTars; Ruches, :Omanlan* . aid Vaud', Fiala and Fancy ,Nair Einbroideries, Infants', Whist., Corsets, Fane7 and Um, mi k adko o k i lo s ;.l 4 ., Ana Collars, old tadies' Caps, &c., *a. GA-c)045.15. An Limit* just re: wield l i3f Figured Gnus dines; and selling at Low Prieto. - • _ r ,BAI;MORAL & HOOP 'SKIRTS; SUMMER SHAWLS. SUN 'UM. ..BRELLAS. MEN'S HATS, • • (DRESS LININGS, LIN. EN; SHIRTS', AND SHIRT FRONTS. hosiery' • 8c HO ~ TI;OUi..E SEIOT4iI7O9DS Ticket Ag't: i I Accowl - r • di ill« =I 340 ex 353 U 600 "' 240 pm 251 •• 345 • • I= ,••••(• i • 636 •• 630 i, 415 !• 500 •• 585 i , 655 ~ BEINEA I= Exp's., _Ex.r , AccoM 415 pm 685 " 610 " 70f, a s 8800ua 728 " 111 -,'" •812' .. 1 921 .986 ~ 735 .. 824.« 835 .. MI E=! 405 pm 415 4, 610 44 628 720 -44 7 22 " S 880 Am 945 - 610 Ax 625 " 721" 748 " 845 " 907.. 6/ tfAii 64 3.1 . 7 .. 745:;" 950.0 1105 " WEST. ..$ Mani ....,...,_ 840rx 445 4 Euro. 435zx 545,, It t !c1 " 6 0 " ... ... .628 •• .715 44 .818 44 880 4, 917 44 930 441 CiIK,CbrM% EnMI MIMI EMI GARY'S 'll 11l '': r iirigl),GEW4ol3ll =II DRESS' TRIMMINGS; Air kinds, Vi 27 'ehealu" ; LADIES! CLOTHS, LADIES' CLOTH SACQUES? 193303115 t. Cb,esper than °vex. " ilia' see. Irkir . llll.lllri elev. Straw Bonnetaind Hale altered and 'claimed on short notice, ClisiP....! '. • , f..,1 !. • - .., Stamping, Pinking awl Cloak Calais , • and making es abort 'hints: . , Men', chin a made to order. 1414:hitt" stitching. sar Remember the place--eOinei Bridge . 5 ' and Market etreate, Bridgewater.. ' .. 6 WATT - GEALY -. . •-• 11 • A GRE A T INEITRITACEINT FO 1 . -r AA/177T, t'INE TQNED DIIRAB I ' ' SOME AND ORE OM BEASON &HAXLINS ORGANS Thihm instruments are supplying a large want, long felt in the community, and are just the thing that should be found in every house hold: They are admirable for supporting sustaining the voice, are lietter'than any ott er instrument for sacred music, and all kinds of Piano Music can be played' on them with perfect emir,. Their price brings them within the reach of all, even -persont of the moat "lurked means. • • ' , . • - • ' lIMI Prices range ram $llO 'tei $1,000 : And .- ev7 er7 brie is • • r '.l N Vamnted , Fhli Mrs I Brsotw Nurtcs.—Thesubacribers are Teti desirous , of, putting into the' handl of every, body. whither intending •to poroloute an or gan,ior not, a .coPy of the "Cabinet Organ Ciroular,'R which contains a :As fainount of interesting musical information, aid reqdest all persona who real this Notioil to mold doff iiddreaa and they wilt forward then*. copy by return mill post psi& - I " ::0111111. 0.• • 4 , i .; %bit's* 4th et..wd Dian ita1 , 716;66--: . l . ai. • -tar t 1171 balmiest received *le of the TV Sad licit Cactiole Meek of • fr el, • _, C +k„ , 5 - , •, ,Caisiusesde; Tweeds, Xualbss,. (--: Ptintst,GingheMe l l,seeice, ay. -• T ' leer offetleid' to the oblit bi has - elty. Alia. a flplaaiill agsortetatt of - ' MI : • s ~ ■ " radier's Misled ind'Oldidzient.e.'t • -'•-• tilikarLs' All IttalfltEl, ettles:so4 pn*,4l - Rnet.' " •CASPV.Ia,PIi 'eLdrits MA'S*, The Lirgoot St* ind let t Amortmos‘ • •f - • or CorPlio. rigor oilt tharib Rust , Riot* E 1.,„ oi,er offeml• • • . 2 . , . : l l 4,StillizsineVlOW Pros: INlPOOko•ifLorafit of int ing Iff 6Or Rose- WOIO4I diP ',Otto Oro us a asf, se wo aro do.-:a foisoisof f 0 *oil our Moak of prices ' iiirßeitember the platy: • ' TVNLAP,' LVICIft • k CO4 186 Fitdendlod, doon below idan."47kotum! i • ALLIWENY.CITY., • potke -InPartittott; • IN Ike Orphanie Doan lek and tkedoisity of Beaver, State of Pennaylviutia: -ID the matter i ef, the partilien, of the Teal 11614 Habeas Mtilvaiten; late et laid vainly, dee :- To i tite_hek3 ,and les* represcataAives +Amalfi dee'd.,lo wit c• 'tether' Golrell, formerly 19- ther-Olass; l9_llot:fioluq. indis.ak a illistn liss,f regain* Wells minty; tadiansi UMW' Barclay; Ibr- Merly Lucinda Ghia, residing - in 'Buchan/ill county, lowa, James Gulfs,. Who. died before the death of- taid intestate, but leaving widow Nancy, an& bine, via John Glass, 'fea t' Glass ,intermarried Daniel Hatfield; Mary Ana Glass, intermarried with . James Johaston ; , William Gimlet Andiew • Glass ; Abbe Glass, intermarrliri With John Todd, tad:Abbey, having also • I dial prior .to", the death, of said iptestato,, aid leaving one damghtei, n tartar, ' guard-ism . Hulks Glass I,l2,teripirried with George. Herter, and, Jades Glass, said •, ehildren of Jamei, Oli v a; residi n g in Welk' county , Indiana, iticeptOolin Wear , i who resides in Deavir_c,o_uttikforessid; take notice that.an inqn t miki partition or valnatiou Of the'real state of Debeccakfulva- non; deoll,, situate iFßercerecatay aforeistd, will be 19eld on the Fracases, on the 14th day 9f Angust;lB66, at which time and place you. may attend if ;you j think proper. JOS. LEDLIE 4 WE, • . , 871/01 Orrice, \ • D ver,lnly 9, '66. j !!: ORPHANS' .COU yr SALE. - - • yirtze•of an order. of Orphans': ecer# 4 •.l eV) Beaver, the oountyof therm/dere**. • lan of Rebecca Shires. minor chili of (ibis. P. Shim; deci'4. will exposel,ioll4l*.; Vendue- or rOnt-ci7, - on tha,,pretni , on . • : ME IN DIES T. BRADY & CO., Minces:Ors to S. Jones & Co, • fi r. of Wood dz-yourtii ante% PITTSBURG, PA :. 4 - 4 Elll:443i•fil _okers E, II El] •vaißifficiner szcinunEs •- , - .1 FORElqrlif EXCEIAkNGE, . I. Gold & 15ilvisCoupone, , heet . iate phi for Compowed inured N. ,I. 3 LLECTIOIig made o .all aeeesidble ise points in the United States and Canndaa Wimp, aliened. on time deposits. 071 " {r►~. [MIMI aftttß I " , oostoes,-Acne , Cheese, 'll3eitns, Ifeweing, ' Lae* I Dried Fresits, Cover • ' E 994, Iffothero, Green do ?moth) I dri , ' Ilhitsens, &deltic; nix - j And . Gagne and PowlerAt • gal.r f articulsr: . i i ttention given 'to ptcollie : •• —nsi g tul i tnth ! • tlel&eul CO., eat Street, Alley. -LL-1 I ' Sezpininy, Auglist .18th, 18§6; .. . • ceet:loce poit:, - the; following dineribeil setae; ifitniW,hithe borough of waritlior: elf r. . ElimiNer y v Pa: . „Aeliadeci as follow . n ,htreonthity hii. et - reo, fronting tin - asid; - tdortY-tird. eeeei therert!iontl, and:ex=: is. Lpi north. to the Oldativen on *eine by To . *y now , iviiiCtiliyi 0:71F:. kQ.elier'^:,--aiot , n he rwest:by propittr of hire - ' Wit J.: I I ; It!ng;! on, which is eregeti ,one good WO - ko fratnalwel li ng hen*. Witkeeltat Indust ' , and ill under gond fence, _ . • Elthil3-ne-third of the Filmdom§ money n awl:ruffian of sale by the Courf,\ balance nt ',o equal ' angina! payments from that date, I rit interest from sathe tinii, Co be secured-by' lo d and . mortgage. -..,., • . • ;•_• - 1 1 _ , • Jili E ,SfilitAB, -, j 18'66 ' • ' Guazdian. of said. Minor.- Datums cs! ibiLtE SALSlalres lute and - Commission iderohiA Tr 4 itsreAiruff, No. 20t Llterly "Sofa/ I PITISKTIO.• . . 7 - 191,0111. lIIf riii t) 1 1 '4 . , ..-.€3 a.l IN, BEAVER. itintz LOT facing the Court Non* ,Ntutre,. end runnier along Commeith Alley to Fourth street,' Beaver, will be , doff ttimblie sole, on the premieee, en Wed a neT y. thi letlay of August, at I.Veleek, p.m b, the wiener. , 3y,11:96. HENRY BENTZ, 4*. !.I 'Dissolutickrk. Notice: , 'partnership heretetare.eititing nndet' the style el Smith', Emmons IPaul,' ho is day desolved by mutual consent; Sll4 mai* the business will be Jecuiduelad tor he fairer - partners, tbeii sepsraus • eiT* emItiI,.EMMONS ti CO,l jy4'66 —4t.' AU:CHING, SAS; 4}ipIi4NIBTEBED BY MURRAY, uniszwarsa, Pa., in, extracting teeth'. ye added to my map other facihtierfair the successfull prosecution ',of toy ilishiealusblipaiu-killingegent. AU branch es of Denistry performed In' the best lad met fladerii( atylsei AU work .dotaiiurebeiptr;•sidt fty per Gent. bitter, ilia* War e th er Stein Centelltetablialumas thelitlitth twirgfciy liii El .L ~1 13 ME 1111 •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers