II 4 fiklitiliVEA - AGUS A viu be Published Every Wednesday, . I .!vg„.pp l iph t • - • j sispatat 1 0 /4 s " Os,bo per aununi in Advame \: oititut. .14844. ;011 WO prompt attention. 1 I j,. wgYAND, Editor & • Proprietor. LOT .0F..1 1 WHIMS TO OA AWASTiIqk AT TIM Ax.o:'lucti Fair or Tax BEAVER COU TY AGRipt.prao.sopEre, TO BE HEIM AT Ete*Fer, ON .Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, Sept. 26th, 27th'i 28th,-`66. ,PRENDEST: WILLIAM .SMRODES, • vica 'Pft,Eaßtrrrs: I'ITAZEbt; ‘.. JOIIN-K. S.COR SEORI;TARY: WILLIAM. 5.. BA RCLAY S t • con rspoNDINo ,SECRETARY: D, L. 11U. • TREASikazal ,toErif C. :WILSON, tkiA.NAGERS: son MeGinnz, Tuos. t a ms, Jon N BAXTER; Joji - K; Bsioa- LEP..11"31. - BARTON.: • West Side—,[t: H. A... War, J.' S. NEAs, S4iit;EL , NrcluvAs; TODD.• JOTIN S. LITTELY.:' ROB ; LIU POTT F.R, 'lOl. ThIC BA NAN D. B. IRoNpj 6,l_ll,±rL" '"C-= - I CCladsl.---Fartif awl dardini. i - DV cultivated 'Farm of not less than 60 acres; t , *rict 'attention being ::paid to the style and condition. of out-houses, farming, skillful management, etc - . . • $8 00 :a - do ". do - 600 ;•ft cultivated Vetetablti. garden . do " do hest tioirer and ornamental garden 8 00. be6t do do . 200 Jua'yef.—R, H. Barclay- . oliid 1 , . .1; Hazen, tiortliSeirickly;"l: POter, RiaMoOn. - - ClanNo 2--rarais ' Grave Vineyard' of, lesor-thair 500 -yinee; etrietattentio4eing paid to the out tivation.and candid* of the lines $10:00 b.st. do . do . • 00 .7atigs ae above.) Nuts.—Competitors; desiring to etitetrelee • • 1 and 2, emit, fitruish the Secretary 'll jheirnamesbeforeA4gust 20t1;, 1866. — " 7 , No I , •--The:4 necessary ,traveling expen of the Ridges on vlisios Nos. aikd 2 will aid tiy the Society. i :ors- 3n.—The JudgeSion all _the sever ( al sees, are required to at , the Secretary's :e at 2 o'clock, p: in., on the first day, of Fair, before entering Upon' their duties, procureh hist* report:. 4ny•Committee 'ilug to do this, the Secretary is authorized, reject their report.. Claza,Xo. 3-4-Moisep •t hlooded stallion 4 yrs and up $lO 00 test . - do • - do ' 700 - •.d o , 3do and up .. 700 nest • do 45 500 t - , _ ... do .2 do and ur 3.00 hest. ilo. , -, r do 2'oo do : •'1 dro and up. 3,00 ;est. , ~• do j ' .do 200 . blooded' are, ;Inus_tt show her stock, • A years old and up,.',' , • 6 . 00 ~ .•st, do do • ,4 00 et Awing colt ' • ,i , '• • 2 ' oo 1. : :;:•:t di • - 1 ' 100 rt stallion for all pitrpfe, ; 4 yrs and up 10 00 ‘att.t ••do : • i. ' do. , -7 00 do ; ayes and up J. .7 00 d o • • 4O - - 51)0 do ' • 2 yrs and up 13 00 -t • do ' . do 12 00 ',. do j • 1 , 1 yr 'and np j 3 00 • do ' do , _ - 200 ~ . rood mare, showmust her stop*, I -4 yrs old ind up . 500 !tost ,d o f •tdo -, T . 400 It liOacy draft stallion, 4yrs . and up 10'00 beat . dcr •do -.. 700 do :. '3 Yes and up 7,00 ti • • do. di . 'k , ;.: 600 yrs ,and tt.0 , 0 ,- = 3 00 to do' • do ~..,. • 200 do' -HI ye and up - 1 - .. : , 300 'eat - 40- ::'. -do t"-: - I•'2 00 ' , my draft mare, to show her Stiick, 4 yrs and up: . - 500 ' l 1 'ln .it .-- (To '. do 4 - 00 'ni match .lil'ories or Mares , - 6 00 do : AO •\ t :I ' .400 tamily,h•orse or mare ' i - ' 600 "t do' - ; do f !!'! 400 fatuity carriage fiords' Or mare . 600 do ; , - do -•-• ! 400 heft .1 hest • ' zi see.—Thos, J. Irwin, North Solrielr4y, R. rpy, Brighton, - D. - Pat terison, , Ilopewell. relding,."4 yrs:old and'n 6 00 b,tl •tio do 0:i • 8.001 do yeit and up • • 8 001 tat - do ;.do 200 'tit do du 2 yrs and up 2-00 1 00 - ' ' __l 'yr and up - 200 !ft ' do 00 Est mare, 4 yrs and up 600 4 00 - I do do bra, do do 8 yrs and up • 2 00 °° _ do - -do . 2 yrs aid up • 200 ) tot do do 100 .. !ft do Iyr ord • 200 do do . saddle horse Or mare 6 7- r x tst do 4-00 trotting borae or mare • 10 00 belt - „do r , ,do 7. 00 Neer . &Cracker . 1-, ' _7;10 00 do • • 7 00: 'Jed vr alklnglortie or mars; (10 cent entrance fee charged) -• 1° no t do ,en h ea vy draft horees or mares 600 .] do ty7 draft hori 4 IA mare eor ,4 yra dknp 400 d 6 ,o ; • • 800 do •- a 3rrs and nit 4-- 800 go r, do .., • 00 =MEE Vol. - 42,-No. .29 Usti Tack • . ; 6 2d best Jack - - beet 51)14 of mobs, 4 iro old mad up 6 1 best do do . 4 boat mnitoott. - 2d -best dp , , '4 best Banta,. 2d best - ' ' '0 Satin, Brighton ; ikijaokl; IrCo,y. Hanover; I Clay No. ‘.-Cate!s. Bitat Dnikam bull 2111 best de beit do 2 years orovei 2d.beet , di. -do • beat • . do 1-ear or over 2 2d best do - • •do - 1 beet ' do montinilot Over 2 2d best do . I * do V i ' best 'Durban cow Lyeess or over. 16 2d best do -do- r , lO best •do g years or Over . 2d best _ do do - ' 8 best I do Miter Iyr or over 2 2d beet •do ; do - - • - . 1 best ' - ' !ealf under 1 yield 2 .2d best .40 - _do beat Devon bull 8 years or upward , 15 2d best do , , do 1 %est - do ' 2 years or upward 2d best do do - • • beet . • : do ' 1 year or upward • - 2d beat . do • . best do " 6 months old 24 best. i.do. do • best Devon cow 3 yeari or over • . 2d test L, do do best_. do 2 years or over 2d beat do 'do = - • ibest Devonleifer Iyr or over 12l best - do do . • I.best do., calf under one year 2d best do do ••• • best native or Cross cow 8 yrs or over 2.d best- do do • '. 4 best do -' 2 years or over 2d best do do 2 boat do heifer 1 yr-or over 2 .2d beat I do • do 1 best do calf under Iyr 2d best do do - 1 best yoke work oxen 5 yrs or over 6 2d best ; 'do - 4 beat do 3 years or over . . 4 2d best do do • ' • 9 beat Vest ox or cow 1" - • 2d best • do . . Judget.—Thos. Hunter, Ohio; Wm. C. Du l Beenomy; Benjamin Butler, pidependeno Class s—Shteg. 300 200 Best Spanish buck 2d best - • do best 8 Spanish ewes 2d best do lest 3'yearling Spanish ewes 2d best do • best Saxony-bust 2ct best, do beat. 3 Saxony ewes 2d best do - • "'. . - _ best, 8 yearlinehtxony_awaiv ,_ • • - 2d best do - best Cotswold hack 2d best. do • best 3 Cotswold ewei 7- ' • ' 2d best • do • best 3 yearling Cotswold ewes 2d best do ' • • best Leicester buck 2d`beat. do, - , best - 3 Leicester ewes • 2d best do - • best 3 yearling Leicester ewes -2d best do • 4, best Southdown buck 2d best best 8 Sodthdown ewes 2d best - do . 6 best 8 yearling Southdown ewes • 7 2d best do best 3 fat Withers . 7 2d best • . 5 'Judges.—Johi Kane Darlington; Jan ,Thomas,-North Sewickly4 Jno. Scott, RaOCO I Class No. 6—Stiv.ixe. ~, . . 'B est Suffolk :boar • ' SB, 0a 2d best do do, • • 51V best sow and .. pigs _ - , . B',oo 2d best. do '- do 500 best Suffolk brood sow • 600 2d best • do - do • • • 300 best Suffolk pigs under 6 mos . • 800 2d best do, •do ;- -... '2 00 best Chester White Val. ' . 800 2d best do n cht, *, • }6 OO best how and Pigs, Chester white ' 800 : 2d best 'do do .., . do 500 best Chester white , brood' sow 5 2d best '- do do • do best, pair pigs under 6 months old . - 5 2d best ,do do. -. do 8 0 Judge—David Dunlap, Chippewa;' Al . Ewing, Raccoon;llenry Mete, -Franklin.' 'l, Class No. 7.--Potittry Best 3 hens and cock best pair turkeys best pair Muscovy ducks best pair common ducks best collection of chickens Dip. & Judges.—Wm. Leal; Rochester; George Shrodes, Moon; Nat:- Lindsay, Borough. Chia No B—Pantry. Beit rrint or roll 6 lbs Or over $5 2d best do do - 3 . best cheese, 10 lbs pnd over 2d best do • -`• 1 best maple sugar j • , 2. 2d best do - - • 1' best sugar from Chinese cline Dip.•& 2d best do • '' •' Dip. it best molais - es or.sugar frost same Dip. •4 8 2d - best do Dip. & beA , light bread Dip. & - 1 2d beat " do , . ll best light cakes 11 2d best do P 11 beat 8 varieties of cakes Dip. & 1; 2d best' do best 4 ,varieties of preserves • - 2 2d best do Dip. Sr: 1 best 3 varieties enchered fraiti • . 2 2d best .do . Dip. &-1 best - hslf gallon grape .wine T • 31 2ti best 'do - • 2 best.half gallonctimuot wine . 8 best 8 Varieties fruit is bottles or jars 8 2d best —do • 2- best &varieties !relit butler 2d best • 09 . • 2 , • se}, spollinan plain 1 . _7°,7 - .2 24 best , : 1' bestopeotioeslioap • • " 2 '2d best do• . • 1 1 beii speofineri • 2 2d-best do - 1144-31.r.5. Eta mud . Akekinlargoate. Nor* &wield./ ; )fl J Sr. di Ptd9l44dince; MEI MEM 9E2 - : 1 ME MUM U . • - 1 . • t T I i 0 .81 I 00 001 1 00 00., 00 1 00 00 bOO 700 6 ) 00 6100 8 !00 5 700 500 MT). a. $3 po 1i)0 1 10 11/0 8,10 Dip. & * ' - 1? - s _ ":- - fi 14' ' 7l. ' `,7* • = WA MEM =I . _ ,:F eaverci•-r, «cd8•44,- . 0;!t:blio 11 irbest; 40 ,IN;n1M00 4)0 8 00 -bestlot hope, in ilAcs Dip. .6.2 00 j /0:1 'best : do • 1 . ,00 beat. Worley in wood eglaCsi Dip. 4, 2.00 2d beat, d 0 ,.:, do - a, 100 best: honey _inwood, ,Dip.,c 2.00 2d, beat_ do Dip,c .1 00 .keet end 'slyest' collection - , boney from single lekFeDiP: & 2 00 2d belt, ,deo: Dip. a 1 00. t . Judges.-.Tamen.,,Knowlis, - itsocooni Georke , ltieelz - Econekny; Abaci Mori ton. Btigtton. CUM No. 10..;- : .Fiowers:, Beat variety and oolleot'a flowers $3 00 2d beat . do . do- 00., boat colleetfu and variety pots' 2 00' beat green-,-bonse plan 4 100 -.use ph.. best 'basket floirers - 1 flQe best moss.vaso with - Rarer% 1,416 best disb . dr) • 1 4 90 best hai.d bouquet - - -best flat do 140) best table- .do best florat.desigr. 00 Judges.-- ; Miss Maly Agnew, Beit*eq Miss Maggie Anderson, Beaier;'Mips ilfate StileP, ikßochester. 0 7 . as s N9.1.1.--Domt.stie MantVaetures, Best 10 yards. broadoloVL. 'B4 00 i t lest ' 416: sat!net _.: : '2 0; boss do cassinuiCe ,• li . • dent. 'do flancier_ ..,...". :1 - , le beet 6 ithawle r 1 ..„,'::' . b l Neat •- ' lcl k, =-4 ,16.... .. Jest 'sewn* ki I k , .clom est. .best silk vesting - .• 241 it best wade there coat lice; made overcoat' r bee satin or velvar Itt '7 0 1,1.1 beet pair pante, ;7' t beet 5 Bilk hats! T 2 00 'best 5 fur tatv - - 00 Judges.. ;Tames. Boavai. Wm. Huret Briugesrateeph• Frieneis. TaGoullon, . . -s • - Classltiro. 12- 1 -Ctfithilland Furnishing. Best silkiOnnet $2 00 2d best" - . • 100 best silk or lscs,.cap ' • " " 1 00 best toil neaßtat ladies' dress • 200 begt. • •do • 1 00' best dress for child 2 yeitys orit,2'oo, `ld ° best do .- . ~ - 100 lfeist made shirt and, collat. • " 1 (to .enzibroldered , alc TOO: 2d best; '; " do - 100 best embroidered pillow Slips , 1 00 best LOO best , do stand. cover • 100 best do stool cover 1.00. best do - lamp mat -1 00 best do - underslessehltniet 8001 2d- best do doh 2 00 best set on quilt 5 00 2d best do 3 00 best patch work quilt. 5 OD 2d best "do ' 800 best white gnat " 5 00 2d best do - - 300 best bed spread ' 400 2d best do . 2 00 best pair blankets .. 5 00 2d best do ' • • ' 3 00' best quilted cotatrft - 200 2d best. do - lOO 'best wool carpet, lOyda or . more 3 00 2d best ' do di) '!2 00 best rag carpet 2d bei4 do - .2 00 best bearthrug 2 00 2d beet do .1 GO best domestic linen, 5 yds . 1 00 hest - specimen linen thread r, _ 1 00 best do thread lace, z 1 yds 100 blot knit woolen" stocking,: 1 00 beet thread or cutten stockings 1 00 best crochet or knit chair tidy . 2 00 2d best •-• do 100 hest crochet bucean cover 2 00 2if best : . do- do 100 best crochet stand covet .1 00 best embroidered handkerchief 100 best do - pip cushion 100 best do ' collar 1 00 best butich artificial flowers 1 00 best do wax flowers 100 best basket artificial wax fruit 100 j[Nora ; —Any article which has heretofore rlceired a preminni in this class, will . not be considered by the . Judges as oompethig. Ar ticles must be made soithia *present liar. _ 1 JUGIVS.—Mass Jane Scott, Brighton; Mrs. I. N. Atkins, Beavet , ; Mrs Mary M'Kee, Britigeyrater ; _Mrs. Eli Reno, New Brighton; ]Mrs. John r ill Shrodeit, ribillipeburgh; El Clan No. 18—Pield Crops. Best acre white wheat , . 00 2d best do. 2 00 best acre red _wheat • 400 2a• best do 2 00 best acre rye 200 2d best do, • - 1 00 best • acre barley 300 24 best de • 2 . 00 414 acre oats - 2 00 2d beet do - - 100 best acre corn - 3 00 24 best do -- . 200 befit white aced wheat, 1 Inishel 2 00 24 beet 46. . do , 1 . 00 best red seed wheat do : 200 2d best do do 1 00 best rye seed dO 1 00 heft seed oats do 1 00 bcist seed barley . ' do 100 best seed corn in ear, 8 bushels, 100 best clover reed f bushel 200 21:1 best do do t 100 best timothy Seed • do 100 2d best do ,• do 50 best flax seed • ...do . 1.00 best' beans . ' - 100 best ripdpotitoem dp 1 q 0 • • ZEI :s: _, _ :ate ~.. , _ ~~ 7 -= - j „I. •-i." • • :` _ ~'J EC -,* ttt i Tv,;_r beatebi beit'Andel best-0141J: bPat sePO • be,tti9"* beet`sere If 4) "beet'sorci* * l st Desoll; MO* beod 3 rintie best lot sweet` - best lot mangy : beacti t tdlik*Pfr,,„ 6 eisfloftar9ll4,- teit ri 14 41( 1 .4:- gt . - lot: cakkago,, ti t eei'lot onions r . beet IoE turntp be kit pareOlot, best lot alyeeipt best collectio n`of bert Ido • '2d best - best .1 -beet beg 1,1,416134 Judgerc--- , John- if? .11.011.0ei 1341 . variet43, 2dilgest; - do. aril 6 de' :\ i•best,. - . do.: t he sand largest 2d.ktest . . do: bilt varieties et ' penis, 3 eaeli 24.beit - . do Ibpst 3 verieties testi - 8 yar •tirinto frkst, ' best 414rieties 'best c'oliectiOn pi best doe peaches beet dot k cininees best Cata gt 2d beet . do , best Is &belt., gi 2d best do 'best collectiOn of 2d best! do best colleo'nkreeti 24 best :do , host eolleetion-fr% 3De person I,2dVfle•L‘, best'aried Rocittener Class N0.115—,-Farm Implementi. • . Best two horse - plow • - •, 32 tip best•oneh3rie du - 4. • 100 beet hill sicie plow , : 200 best torn q ' f do , 1 'OO beet grain drill - • Dip. 00 best reaping! maehi ne Dip. *lO 00 beet mowing .do Dip.* 10 00 best corn planter , ,;1 . 00 beet square harrow . 00 best triangki do 100 best. clover huller • ; " 300 best! linrse Filly rake •- 5 00 best cuttingjbox ! 100 best mac Ife for gathe'g clover seed !100 best grain cradle • 1 00 best tfirestiing machine • Dip. e:3 00' best corn Moller - • ' 100 best:cider mill * '3 00 2d beet do! ! " a • 2.00 - beet' lanaing mill , ' 2 , 00 best corn cultivator ., 00 beet boric+ shoeing . • Dip, 'a. 300 best hay! ladders r 2 091 beat farm ladder;2 t O•feet long 00 best garden ! do • ; do 1 001 best farm roller • 5.00 best 6 axes: i . • ' • , 100 beet flour barrels, helf, dozen , 1 00, bestcolagrienit'l implenfts Dip'.* 10 04 best- wool roller • . .2 00 I - • • 4udges.--Isaiah _Morgan, South • Beaver; 1 Wm.; Wallace, Rochester; • Wm. Springer, noon. - • '---•*-7 1 - 'Noss No. 16L—Arechanical; Implements: l • est 2 horse carg'e or buggy dip. & 5 00 1 beet do • dip - &4 oo ,stJ 1 horse - do. dip.,& 5 001 best . do dip. & 3 00 •itl 2 bUrse wagon . dip &,3 00 ) ddre r esing bureau - dip. &3 00 r sofal • dip. & 3 00 0 six muhogany ctuars dip. & 3 00 six coinn)on do . dip, &1 00 sane aeiit • -do • . & I'oo dining table ' 1 00' wash stand ' • 50 basket *pile' , 50 Ju4ges.-4—Jo i water, D r ite' eon, New Bri OEM - do millow • 50 picture frame • clip &50 eariiingion wood • 100 dozen_buckets dip, & 1 00 halt'doion tubs dip. & 1.00 white Inad tugs , churn dip. 41 00 - • dip. &1 00 ponp . , , 'bee' & 1 00 inaiiuret forks, 6. 1 00 bay, folo), 1 00 broad axe ' 50 , cutleryl 1 00 ,specimen iron' 2.00 cooking! sto#o . : dip.& 200 coal stove for heating church es ithd SCboel houses dip. &2 00 castiuga'gsuerally 1 00 stone ware , ilip./& / :1 00 truit jars .six 3 qt . !' ditt , do, six 2 qt, , • 100 glaMwitre dip . & r. tire-brick . „dip. & . I.*oo' . dip. & 1 00, hoskon Small, .Ftrulge r ipger,,lWver; J. Robi.. ghtoni -1,, ~~` ~..,~ : r ~~r:s el .„-., ice: x~r~ 14f , 11 „Az.. t ME -" Ogii - " If4tioither and . .its ~ fAPr . Tllaf‘-. oo 2tactures. - - . ~. , 7 --. I -,(- .-S;:gl o , - C ,- ''‘ ' ' • • ' • Bcpt- b ' 4 .- *saw . ,_ .. €5 4 3 6 - ,i, - -. r. , :ow do ... do • 1 :._ ( [ 4 w . .' 4 ..-- - -do - -*Od.ll4a -- rins-4 do • ' • • •40 . I:oWakins 4.d0 :I: - dop.-lliable'r set eat nags "grim ~,'doliiigle , . .., - do -. Trdre' s bible farm harness ':down ' s saddle 'i• • l ig - ' --Aladies', saddle - ' Aridliand martingale- ' , A.lirop*'halter . . . 1 1 §0 . il : horse collar' ' ' • ' 1 1 itt i gi 6...-At ;leather. trunk*- F;f4it. - : pr gent's calf boots. 1 oa: - : kip boots ): _ . :''do 'i s slogs boots ; .:;..F.do s stags shoes-1 do. ' ladies' boots 1 - :, ',•*; cio - stiofisr'" Odditctio , - I do .siipperf-- ' ' es. awn . ,00rpa , - ' - ' 4-- 4 =-6 Im - ii d B ir; , Peter Marks°, :Phillip iisprge la Cunningham, nocheat 1,-.. „Ivo now 00 - 1 oel Too oo • 00 ,1 1.10 1 ix) . I:00. usd i i t6is7 l i;- 2- 91., lilt° . . t 9I!IT 4 4 g*41 1 - .1. . . Class No 18-'—rainting.'Perma flB ' ldest oil painti'ns , aip. , a 2d best - • tlo ° dip. a best photCgraphi . :dip. a 2d best do - best ambrot) pea • dip. a , beet, photographic view& 'dip. .a best dthplay. Of photogt Ohs ; iind dmbrotypet-, I dip, * beet specimen tieurnatsip dip. e 2d best , .ado''dip, a best specimen penmAship: . with left hand ' a '2d, best -do do dip, a - 'iv .l to title i) (1# ". . 4 11'00t °: XOO 100 .2 QO -1.00 , . 1 .00 Judges.-- Capt. Wm. Beaver; _Henry ihmber,, Phillips T. M. 31.`Cord, New Brighton. : '1 430 00 00 2.00 • alto No. 19Discretionary.; In this CIRRI may belottad the one articles on. exhibition tiot•en ated in pur Premiain-List. 100 2 00 100 B'oo 2:00 800 -.800 to NoTe.:4,l4dgee are requested th• liezitiellit the Disc retionary . Comiiittee istieteii'entaged• in, the seieial elit.ssee 'roar et a .premitute; bet Os : to " : * ll : frr ef P la sh, "jell fk i tea* Social ; All be the ditty °eh Die', lee to examine 'all au& -ter' Letioinzeendiatiiffieteity, -tho rations chissairtiipther with • 'any article 7 may deem worthy of premi-. um, which is not sOeoided in our List. But in no Sias; are they s to make awaviard, (My doss,. ' :unless theiruttention•has first lieen eall‘d to it oralle Judges of said dais. I : • Discretionary - Premiume.to be referred to. tbe - , l Board Of Managers. H • Rules and Regulations for the Geiere _ runt of the Fair.- • • DIRECTIONS TO COMPETITOFI.' , ] 1. COMpetitOlS at the Fair Must be- 1 1 Come members of ,the Society,' s,R , have certificates -- of rhembershi, which mutit be showt to the-Secretary before t,II y entries can be niade. They must alio: be citizens - of the : Connty, and owners of the proptittAxhibited for premiums.• -' - • '' , l - . , 2. Numbered cards roust, be atitach ed to all articles, stock ,ite., for cxhibi tion„ which -will be furnished bik. the Secretary—being anexact copy Of his entry—but the names of ofoners strictly excluded. 1 - • • 8„ All animals or articlks mast file on the ground berme 6 O'clock .P. M. 'an :Wednesday, 26th, (the first day of the Fairi) that , they may be arranged in 'readiness for exaMinationl'b the Judges immediately .thereafter. , The cards attached to everything rece ved, ' atter the first day (Wednesday) will be marked "SECOND D I ST ENTIVIr,'.'i and in no case will 'Judges award premi-: urns on such, entry.' Artiees foray _ stilitieciiiently be offered for, exhib . tion, but not, for a premium. - . _ 4. The same article cannot; b e sed to take a piemium in twoldifft,roat. Classei. .. . .: , • 5. E xhibitors are not to mtike tt selves known to the 'Judges, lark bCa'airits necessary to the examinatici, stock, machinery, if.c. Judges must be %interfered with hi any maple and person. EL Competitors for field crops p erns must Present, certified ,atete of, disinterested persons. ,- - P., 7:1 'No aninial or article, Entered premium can be. remov e d until close; of the Fair. except ~,bYI sp zermissian. All .Stock, &c., - on 'e* Lion Will , b., subject to , the order direction of the Board of Menage! 8. , Hay Or Sultry for StOck l .wi full n'ished free of charge, and :irii cost pr.ce, and an,kbu ncianee Of yv will' be on the Grounds fot all purpi 9. No premiums will 'be paid it thirty(3o) days after the Fair, ant premiums sent for will be paid oril a written order to the Treasurer. a Society, (Jos. Q. wqopo to tie ire ed by . him as a Voucher forttia .si In-att eipies premiums to bet mei] for to the Treatenrer. 10, A 'Committee will diredt halocation of any attiele which be 'laced on exhibition. 11. The Board of 'Managers opera no paiatun accOmodste co itore in every elass;eiery pceoa will be taken'for' the safety, of all tiolas on. ox.bibitiba; but Wok w ME Elie -. • • ~, , •.0 . : . 11•...-.'. . -..:_. ; :..-- ,i - _•-•:.:-;'-!_.__, • '.' l • 1 0:_'_ .:,.. -:;--,ii•?. - _ - i::;.-_-•!-:::.,:-.' `. • I . IRE ME =PIES "Esi, , blished 181 . do tees be liable for.any•ioes Or dam age tlat may- occur. . 1 rl 2:=l • mrraccnnfis TeCalmo7.e. • , 1..Af1l tbe Tutigea, are reluirod 'to ' reporti theinielvitii at the.stat r d,' it' • - 2 'o'clock on Wednepday, other,' ise 'vei. eanciea will-be : immediately filled up by the Board. They will make full and detailed reports, ancil retnrr. them to the!' Secretary. before 12 o'clock on Thursday': The Judges , imust f - confine themselves, to the urtielep in their Bev- eral, Etepartments.as set lord i i0..---the Premium Ljet. When 4 wirtby ob. jest is"preserited - ; dm are to .refer it . , to the .Discretionary-CoMinittee. - .... 2. Judges will not, Karat* first prek minimiupon. indifferent! objeCts with , little or no competition, bet Eui,. , y award. , premiums of slower grade,,Oririo pre. 'riiluins, as ^they abaft deem proper. • 8. Jedgeil will•ism portnit e*hibitori tarnake tbemseives knoWn nukes .It i becomes necessary to the epainiriation of iitocilr,&e ' 4. Judges are requeste d to make a notelok every article that ceniestefare' them, 'as the Board wish te' make a La, full I report, with, tbe I,name of the i owner, attached; but _wi 1 .not award premiums upon - articlet or 1 animals I ,not eriumerated in their; owii , particrt. Jar claSs. but such as they ,thirik worthy they •vill recommend to the ettentioc of the Discretionary Cornmitt r ee„ -- . „5.- Judges will in no case ;lamer& a premium to any article the 'card of Which r is marked Seconll-4ay entry. 6. Judges Will permit 'no p rson to be present at their exaMinat ono, ex% cept aii above direined 1 .1 ' 7. No person' will lie ' permitted to ,serve aiili Judge, if he or aliel May be' competing for a premiuml in the Paine' Class, or in any way interest ed ' ' M. Ruts 1 i , . 1 ~GtNERAL ' '',4 ip,&c. 11500. 800 3 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 300 200 1,00 2 00 1 00 later, tug; 1. Certificates of Life !Membership ($11".1 each) -admit all, fiic,iinbera of the .fainily r to all the privileges .oftberSOci ety, except mates over•2ii yeas of age. • - 2, Certificates of Annual inemocx-- ship(6l) giveall the priyilege foe thel year, ! includizg succeeding !letectjen,, • and adinii,ta the Fair Ground during . tbeExliibidon,the heads of it family .' and children residin g at; except melee over 211 • y ears : age4 . Single tickets (25 cents each) ! will ' be good_ for one ;` admission only. •, .1 , !! Afi!srtieles iu the Manufacturing or Meebanical 7 .l3epartmentelifiust be mach, the 'County, and within a pe. riod of onelear previoue to. ihe prey. -k'air. ! :: ! .• T Board-:p€ -Managers may award premiums un irtiolespf special * itutties or.,S,tates:: ,toxicattligliquors on thil'Fair: Ground, either' to drink himself, .or to give away,, shall. be expelled from the,enclo, Isureoind not be permitted I to . enter I.4gain.l , • 1 , 6.01.8a0h iforse or Colt.l l bronght upon the Ground, (except those elffiligadin 'hauling articles to they Fuir,. which shall not.remain,) will beitaxed.ls cts. .each—a pair of'horses (One owner) in harness or otherwise, 25 ! ;Cents. 1 7. All Carriages, Buggies &c., used in the ; ing, mu.t be driven obtrude of the, Gronndwimondiately aft6r train g • S. All Carriages, Wagiins, or Vehi. clef. ofany kind, coming Wit* the en , closure (except the prey ieions in -Rules ! 6th and 7th,) meet have entered for com• petitinn, and have a numbered' card Placed thereon. None dthers can be admitted. • •• ! , Varl me the at. to all itebioh ease I* =am 9. All persons having Horses to ex— hibit 6r train in the ring are required to show their Certificate et tueniber ship, botki at-the Stock gate and en. trance iot.the ring. " . The Board of Manaiers 1 (which includes theOfficors,) will be present on the'Grouilds, bad will be pieased to give any. information , to. competitors or_others who may desire it. The Alanagers wil' btOe ati Auc. tioneer tn.sell any , anials r articles xbibited, which the , owners may wish o dispose of, on the third day. v i The Secretary of the 4ociety (Wu. S., •BARCLA.i 7 ) Will be ready to receive entries for two Weeks previous to the FS, add would earnestly. request — all Who can, to . make application before the Fair, as it,will facilitate arrange.: 'molts th4t may be 'nada for their ao:i commodation. ' In presenting the, foregoing Let of Premiums, the .Boartl bag leave to call attention to the fact - that it hub undergone . a ..thorough .reviti l ion and 'correction; . and the - Wetild i nvite ' att attentive and care uf'perusal, feeling that inl variiekt and extent (if not in aggregate ; amount 1 premiums offer. ed) it is nct surpas ed by that..of any other County Suciet [ y in car State.--: Taking' these facts ilnte consideration, the Board would cordially invite all to o(m.y:tete, hoping that \ ive,.may have an Exhibition _which- will ~ prtive alike creditable to on r association and to the agricultural interc;sts of :our 'County: ' - h , ..._ WM. S. BARCLAY, • , Jtili let; 1866. . ; qecrltarY• . . (tin ' 3 it n of to 'r by . ieMl. OHM for the vial. ibi and to may Tax crops in southern Illinois arty' said tot i be very' line. The . quality of wheat is much superior to last .yearts crop. .Potatoes and corn promise ly, while the peaoh - aUdi apple trees are- bending with their ' . r_Weight' ; Of 1 fruit ' will Pat' 1 . , UOll 11111 4 ... i is MEG ME UM 1111 .r t~,.y~ Sc:~ ~ MEE • b,-10, , -mivoitt... - :id 42511, wit ,••="-, _ ii•• • 00•!' •joy e ithi pj . •.• • Woe of adOOPT,- ••"' , 2!"*" • . .;••i , 2i; Pe - t 04 90- 1144 - tki k- 1- 7 ' !" ,1 Ai r 1144- f • - esids;-78 44167 _ _rouum • 1- • Sushi_ calL_ rifflOtto-R411110141#44 M-othiltrinitio64-11i46" • '` sad .1 - • . then' llzilon.CanventigEL ITAti TO ms pßoptaroi goner th i SHINGTODOuit.I.I. ,: the ing in!n call for . a copvnticgr ol pgfth'_ 81.13 tc ,beilel4 . at tn.depen-: deoce Hall; in-tbeeity of-Philadidh. - on tb , first Sionday of September, ;_ •• ...• teethe loy4 l- UnioitiBl of the 't'S . e. it . lis' •• "..-":- ' Thir• great hone' is upon us: thli' - '; ' majol ity in Congress o ludits ;sung:rte.!. -, ere, firmly' declare that the rights of the o,iiens enumerated in. the,tiopeti.! . ..ttitioo and 'established ay thi-supisith'i, '1 law, must be maintained inviolate e- ' Rebel's and rebel'oympathizerCmisprt that the rights .of- the citizens mask . - '. ". [felon to the State* alone, an 4, 19,4er - , •:,,, PaQh 9 -TOgatatiClail as thir ittliebtrii*, -- : State 'choose- voluntarily to reedits,: We b vii seen tbia:slodrinit%tlit Ilditik " . Sovereignty carried out vat,Of „prioni?. -,,,:._ cal, telitits,until all aatheli,tlT-'413•Ce 7 4-! , g . ress wilidedied;tlie Union' MnOora f -d ( ril) -- destrayed,' the - cor.stitntihnat -- ' - right ; of the'. citisitis lifil7--tge`33Ontti"! •nearly andhilated, tindJbeland dem . ',., hued ~: b y civil -war. The; tide' bits..- come , When the strucijuie of- . t . 4;6 4 ;_4‘,44, goVeirnments. must. be_laid.ou:P/AO4- tutional.principle,s, or. the despotism:. giowr up - J - tindir , iitiUtiteknis - Imo) er-. 4 _..., ship ne permitted tOfernoin. l •Wii kiltnito - of no other plan7A,Lan that.. Csmgreit, • ui - ; , ,ifer. its OomitifUiieilel s 0110 '4 ; 0 ' W no exercise its - authoritY`to fiiitattfar the Principle - whereby; protectionf Is' made 'co-extensive withi[citizensbiP:4'• We maintain that no State, I,4thSrA:f3i' its - clianie laws or legielatioc,eati - make ,ransgreesien on 'the rights tif ' the:,-, - Citizen legit,..niate. 't Wfi - demand and .iiiik you t 6 coned in demanding, protection to every eitizerrof the gmt, -- .Itepuhlio on the bests pt egualicy, be.i ', fore l ma e law,aud further- that no Sliiiii Goner ent'ehould be reeognit4it la I,egitit;iate under the Onnstitutiou' in SO - fa as it does not by its organic, - law make impartial protection fultagd . comp! te; ,undef the tto,ctructeble Stat e- soverignty, with rebels in the tiri,-', groan coritrolling . SoutLern • 'fiesta -1 „,..1 tares, andembittered by'disappoint, , merit n their ecliernce;to destroy' the - Mao , there will bia . no safety for i the, loYal lement of „the South, ‘. O u i t reliance for' protection 1 s hii'%9 on' C ngressi . and ,the great Union, ' party tbatbas stood and is standing by e the-Ii tionality, by the _constitutional riglit, of the citizen, fond by the, bee nefice t' paltrciples of free. govexii4 metal For - ,the.pitypose 'of briiiiiiig the leyal.tlnionists of 'the South Pito a:of ,reptiblietkn,.. : :igotaiturfonj, , ,,,'4l_ ortb; we it.cfte - yott.to - in‘soodly numbers from all,tbd ;ern States, ineluding . the Stfttes Kentucky, .W est rylarld and,Deluytare,-to meet ~L ependenee).Liall, in the City of elphia, on thelrit Monday , of. ber next. It is 'proposed Quit, muld meet at that timinoreeom= 'measures for the eatablialmiet4 h. a, Government in the South ire.' a wi th and protects the rights citizens, iire..tftiStr the call . :ponded to by numerous delega4 , of Raeh to represent . . the ,trtie of the South, and quit kincifof • intnent which gives fufi_proCee all the fiirbte of thc'titiiens . :itch as our futhera intended anti aim• as our. birthright# ' , Jeri' of cogatitOtiooal we c the 1 role thq -nation; oor 'rebels ttted, sympathizers. be ,permitted , to e it. .Shall loyalty or disloyAlty be, keeping, of the • destiniee' of lion? Let - the respenses to this i hich is now ln circulation for irtast thair misty. hive tlip call • eiignfit i res, and is being unulesxSaly signal, answer. ' - , L . lid). ce its given thist: gentlemen. 'tit si distarie car. have their ncyrkeivattticip* ed to st by send ing• a request, by letter, directed to D. W. Bingham, .Vti r lieb 4 ingtou ',' D. C.• • • ,.. . Sighed by 7. B, Stokes, Tenensitee; Josap S. Fowler„ Tentieusee; Jansee. Getty , Tennessee; A. J. liamiltrin„ i,i Texas .. George . ' laws;' Paschal,. 'eas; Loren o Sherwood , Texas; G.M W. b bu r - n, eorgia; Henry .G Cole, Georgia), J. W. (se - hug, Missouri; Jno. 8..11.01- so, M. 4' .T..F .Benjarnin, laiisoari; Georg. W. Ariderhon. MiSsoust Jain - B. Frith, Fairfax, county, Virgwja; . Itewa 47.1,„AlexamIria,,Tirgiaia; ..I ie Ha n, TAlexand ria. Ifir?tn. Iw i n. eltenzle, Viirgigia,,-..T "tr . ', Ivan., Virgini;a; John C. Uncler,. lill'irginii; Burnham_ Wardsiall, - ia; Alexa n dot,. M. ilkvcia.; iVirpti -I ron lialiir.; Narib' Caroli9ap , dlcie, INtirili Carailian; Alabama; DIE - trat.i.j. 31. , J, Spafford,Alabatw' be, Alabama. ' 1 i J• M.• Alter. (I itt; Le - Bunn; wood, Virgin ia; B in Chicago last weele i ts of, RWiljTßillt4:-111. %' carcasses of.anim4l,ol I o Ito& Largfj : ffpq l l' .m, aThi hislty,fuptcry4-, — , very bad caul of o°,o. oningi t supposed, be sWalkineti', soma orthe water. • ~ . ~ 1 2 _ _ 2 2 - •_. ': GE* RAE GRANT' Ili 01 I t'll() ornriltl, 1 i is stated, that th_eie should - be itt 1, one AO regimedt pf. eaialty,!, in elk % ', Southern State,'in order to pieveit;, - l outrag .. and to give proper proutuitoii:, tireitiz:ne,, sihite and blank. L • i ' UPLE were recently married county, la., out of ,docra sal orsebaek; and far a wedding ted airoaa the"plarne . and' fifty eattlev" s 1.• A • Dallas upon.. trip hand . i:: ~•.: -~. II lEil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers