- ...- T - - e - A r gu.SO - . - . h be published Every Weditesdah •'• i , nzD ARGUS BUTZDINM; 1 THE - P . 111111: 1 St. BiAvEl4 PA.. `, ~ • ' $2,0 0 per annum _ .in- Advance L 1.,./1 'and . Contributions, 0 .1'• "‘!","1. "Letters • 6 ' ' ' : • io e pr omptstten, t ion. . , - , wEvAND, - Editor & Proprietor. . I-li R-4 AD , d it i i iy 66 6 s , l e tri e i e p un t 4w ilt ill e :lea 'R ro v i st:: : 0,.1111104_ aftSeir:iyuirly.san2,* l E;t l s: l B , , p niut - l' el vipg Chicago at 6,5 . 0 P. M. oco daiV.) 1 ' ' 7 1 17‘ fAibl Of ilr u . ~,,l, ,-ton , lli Is slim -dam , Gel till lotrit'' r. Fe Is'' POO' lin tell dila ;M25 1 ,: el., 111 SAW• pabuL 1 1 " 1 Mg& g lpfirt emit %Ile. p',RB. 111.0 , italrl --- tint" 14;1 ' C 7 xl . e `lll' :12t. Ili 17.'n ..31!' or tr . it, ..-.. 1, ,r. .111 1 1:. ,, „ y,l n.Y,.. It, li: le: U.ll On I; oh it:, , T frll. , f,ld Pittlslo”.: Pspless Taairtleave? No+ tiq'tt•at 4:os:part.. arrives in Pittsbuig'4. ..:5 p.m..c..lleturnin't lenves Pitt , ,burg at E;450 tn., trrites in New Castle at 8:4 a.m. I • 4 N... t'i'tle' and Pittsburg Accommodation run leaver! Now Castle at 7:00 a.m., arrives Allo;_llmoy at 9:45 - a.m. Returning leaves tleglleny Fet 2:25 p.M., arrives in New Castle t 6. - 15 p.m. '' ' - • - - . F. 11. mypits, Geri. Tinliq Ag't. • CLE YE. &PITTS. RIL., and lft er July 2, 1865, trains wilfleavo 84- ti,Lls daily, Sundays excepted, as follows. - , - . - ' 001210 Boom. • V.,,. t ., -I L, ~, . r.- -- , ...11.01A11,.. ,r,..x2 . .. ...visit.. , i&ccox I(iekrvl .... i, 810./x 240 rm 840 PM z'clid Street 1 : 821 ', ', 251 " ;353 " •,t• I .dson. I 925 " 845 " • 600 " t. iron .. ' 1....... , :•.1.11. tt , ' . l•- ' 51) 76- 11 ••:-••:. •••••-•• rem ;1000 " 415•• "536 '• ' ADC ...... 1111155 "1 500 ..630 -" card'........ 1, 10 102 •• 535 " ' ... . . e11ivi11e....,111 PM; 6 . 5 5 " ..... ... ... i -00E50 FORTII. ' - ' _ 74 , • 1 T 1 M . -- 1 . '- . • ' . II AII., Exr's. Acmix ', EXP . . ; 1 --•-•••-:* --`-":".... ..*---. ..-......-....L.. 41 5 , 1/143 ..1.11 845 AN 1 4161a1 7 4 *...../. 1 ,'10/ 7 " 1535 " ' "te.....e'1106 .1 1610 ." 1130 sec !ae1te.....1,1156 .. ;700 " .728 4. ...,. 'slernbarg..'ll.___,,l ,_ , ~_ .......« ill. ... : .. 1 1 ...,.... .......... ... ..... P ! .. .i.t . ' 9 a'....... i 12:2PA1 1735 1" 812 4, ~...,;.. ' d street ii, 137, .. ,824- " 921 " Card—. ..I I 150 ', "835 4 ‘ - Oar. " I I '''''. . MATT., 'Exr's. lEitirs. 4o Ancom' 4 e-...... : 1 0104*-11:1A -405'4 :1-rrent.7. tlitlO'.. `B2s''• 415 " • " • Inge-- ;1139 , t, 72r "MO " .... l A•riville. 1 1158 " 743 " 528-" " -,.., M C-L 'Tilie .... 1 1 125 PM 845 " 720; '" 810 A t 'w:erry 11 147 " ,007 - ," - 745 , ; s; 645 " --tr.„ .. t 2, ~• 8 22 ta 7' xr / ,c l -t'r ... I I 225 "1 1 950 ", 880.si 74 8, 5 8 " z - ,„;h ..I .n. 40 “ l i 1105 "1-1 , 76 •!, 000 1' ooTxcrwatrr. ' ' - 1 ., 1:xp8. ExP's.- MAIL, ; ACCOM -- - - blirgh 4 . 155 PM 4355 m 610 Ax '3soex clt ''' l lif' -01 300 ‘r 545 " 725 gg ; 446 es% , i. ,, n , .....-- 1 ... ....... .. . ... .. 1 783 s. 456 " €rerry t• 3116 • ll gog .4 F 5 It 4.4 ine ,;; 4.; f1 '" -0 64 4 1 ,4 ',; -- " 715 ", 840 11 .680 r, ,, , e• ; .r2B ~ 8t isi .950 di 4.4. e. r a , , ou i.:• e. - P14,. 0 s ~::, 4, 1 0. .. , 3 800 - [.. 1010 /I F 114 ?:". ... I C r . : 7- " . 91 7_ -- " 1105 .. i...-... -_ , l - -- . voo " 930 .4. 1125_4' • 3 ' 1 hse, A ,...' --------- k--.-. 4 -, 4i. m .„, 'A:WAS BRANCH: `,- ' Pkg io ,, a Arrives " • - ' . T,rl a r ni so am, Bayard, 9.55 pit'''. i - ' 1 1, N. Philadel. 2.85 Alr F ' r.. . 11 1;1118 . General Ticket Agent. • • '' p l , - - -LC.E.I - ' 6, 1 : , _ IC , A ,, t ./ r OI C- 8 wll I be reeeittetf hy libel ~ 1,7_',,,,L.,.ct..re oficeir.Brightrgidiat,ridt. ekeZ , 1866, tor a Toe temale telebr t1. c , , ,,,_ ~ male assistant 'Fi: . 44l;Si; tiiiiii "anr , t7, ll l 3 g 4 tow rwion Soho 1 - 14,-n re 4. B _ ..- o duing, "7'4'4., - )` ot.ter. of the Boad. , ' 4 - D. 011,1,14414 V 1P14.. _ .!t a . . • _ .. - . TRAINS GOIFIG.FFSI% . ,.' , , It E,Kes; Alen.. 1 Exioii. E#'ll: .I,:i It______: .',.-----.- .:,--.... —4.•_...,.... 4. 4 ~ -1 1 210 Pit r 645Aii 2054* 11004 - , A Jur * ***** 1 i : 320 6' 1 !.820 " - 815 " 1210.4 - E l ister-- i-: -- ..;, ; . ) i „ 640 4, 822 41 - ' "CS j , m:i IF 3„ Ipo ' . •••••• . . _ ir'4-'7 " n. I, " .f, sza 0 ,* .-.1267 " 1 '';;„'''' II - 452 " 1(XV8. o; "42? . 6. - ._.., 00, ---1-- II 519 " 1 1 045 ."- 450 .. , " .152 - I/I, ;1 1 615 ' 6 1150 638." .280 a i , ..... . - • ,:I 705 " 1242p,m 614 d; ‘:Bl6'.id ' . •• • • ••11 726 66.402 ~. : 651, „ , , 805 4 o ;145 f: ..700 so , . 4.... e " .... 4 . . 825 , ;t2 9 - ' 723; " • ' ir '.. •.. 11 ' •• ' AO -k* ~iite :1 982- , H828 - :" 802-../ o-.:6fAid 4i 64..».:4,11025--" , 425 1 r i 4 ,,," 40 'li ,A,.••,11.00 '6 , .500 46 - 110 MS. 1 tintl!llss' ". 1,621:144".410. ‘106,.. . • t;11• s 5 " 1068" . 800* .... ' - '' ^ ' Ng 'BB odu4icy !I -107 1 " ;7.0 " 1 oo . 4 . ` .... ... f. il ,;801 do 1149, 901 - 300 ," s!'92c6. '6 , 1284 pm 100 ....... '. I • • 95454 lia 'ii 10' ~, ; 836 " . '.. • - 4 • 1 ••, - ;:::::1 405 . .. 6 6, 7021:66 144 " r Wsyne"... 544. " 1101., , 44 880 4' , anbia .. : ,.; 1 1 628' 6 ' 1235A1l AO, is; , i " to iiil,le-- ,1 -- ;."4,., ''' :' , W. .. -' 720 " 1180 q 507 ."., lia, ! .... 1. , .. , ,1i..:.. ,th; ........- " ~ •••••• " .....,*." ~, i t 'Bl9 .' '4Bs .v 609 " .254 .6.61 ; ; ,h . , .. ,1 r5h , 0...1 • 958 ." ,41 5 ." .7453 " -426:" .t....... ; 1 :.:.. c. ..... " "' .L ......... ! I •4, ;...... sr . a . a I ii.Cro9 : ! ...... .. 5r.r.... ' 6, 1 in . '1 11 ~ 4 , !,..,.4 4 ., 4.1 '4, - )..„„. 1 1186 " 1600 " 980." - . TRAINS GOING EAST. . . I I. MAIL.'I EXl` 7 3'. Ex p'-a , l i., - 1. 410,0 - ,1720:in - .ssOrm' 12..1...'. .i 4'- oo • ' ; fo 1- 'llCfos .. " ' - • d' • o. ,Li55,)....1 6.7,0 " .905 " '763 r 4 " ittroh ..... ,; • :. 161 1 , • ; " .4.... ' 1 ;:i1itt 1 .,..... • 8:',9 d!.1033, .66 933 4.1 r,..i i ......1! 947 " 1828 ' 4 " 1085 -.“ - L '- - ' • I - . -4, • • ' re,: 0....... ...... .:', - . f , vir43 !.. I - l ..1 - ..!.1':., ,! ' '" ..: "..' , I •••,,,,.e..... , 104/1 " 1 .1217ini. 1123 '6 • 1 ape.. I1:f 50 «': 320 :" 1225i i x -- :Wcrt ..1. - .1 ! - 10 ! 7x37 1 : 2'26 '... • 188 , do - f: ,• ..0s ; ' ....;: 142 " 255 " ,$O9 .6. ~.`,, -: 1 1,224 d•,_:'325 " • 240 ." r( , •,t . ' . f t 348 -" - 4:;3: - 1. - 407 ...' 1 8snlnikl... i;• til. " 45944 440 „ „ c 5,„ , ,. ..... ;1 512 "i 538 " , 526 " il . . ~Ar,ii 545,6. „605 600 . 1 . ,75!Crilt. b e .!,720 ...,, 630 ;:‘, AO " i,..,,r,-0 ...SCA 1 1 701 ." 715=• ,lenville.".:,', 5 10 , T 745,,:" :4300:41! ,o', er :,........10'n "j..'8.5 " 850 .'" 4 -i i ,, ; ......... viluo o‘, 9041 - d' - c920 •5i1'.0i.:.,..1k45'. 6 .1 (.),;7 '-6..' 1 356 .i `4851'".11'. al, .4...... ' 1'2051 , :u. 957 "i 1017 !" 45: "' ianc .. .... .:' 1_' , .0 .. 1 1030 . .“ 1186 -6 ' 655:4' . - 7 „ - ~ ; 2;. 1 0 6 .,1,125' 6 . , 1205pst 627 ' ,ita, 1 ,...ni..' ;!:•' 9 _, , " 1 ,;11-17. 't. 1281 . ..6 652 66_1 ft. . A:4 . 6'912224m , 112 6' 728 •. 6 61 Itri , gl.: on.. ; i 42x0' ft`' -,• . - 143 , a 808 '.ll ' hester ~..1! .211 !fl' 119' il` ': 200- 4 820 sta:::;- . 4 ... li 550 .:•2 220 6 6 .310-' • ?ao." \ M= P `f;'' 4 j_-,; ef:t : ~ t =NM M EEO Vol. ;: :tiO:kTIO'AL:: • - " is,foh rin t eextrome to !ill. Extensive Belli and . tillth'en4l. •., The' farmer, plensed;.niayltssat slond His buslieht sown, his sires And ? ‘plon4d, indulge the sheering, op• That .time plenteous : oo,, • , 'Bhrewd.common-sense sits laughing .by, _ _And.etteslis hopes iitborti , te die; i. For, - when maturini . sesanns smile; Thin slies t rei Shall . dis4pohtilis Adeised, the empty?Prid,e dispel, 'Fill little, snd, that little' well.? '" Of: taxing , fencing, toll; nb mile • a kg 4 - 4 tour - ground ;relanirtni - when 1.10" thni:ptioii 44 , 4nd mortiAte'fartile'screjrields " Than thebisrkadOW • ,„ise • siNeht beioni• T fsitiFisiThislung-etitiftinsellti, 'wittiest: farn3eti are t.,ittialst. 1 901bei Rua iihrilibidustrikartrrninitia Nor let rike' ilk, defetin the , plain, loan - "A I on'tnui . hettillatftfroli';" l ' l 4.'' ;(l 1103„.,.! No briarti i Mahn italthri show . • zit ?x .1 • • - • • I Neat'heyouil;arns, Your 'hettrifteit, • .2.,, ; . ; , f ;Four ditibrOfenlein, ionillintrt-yfrds . ewes% No•moss tint sheltekne 'roof enehrond, No wooden 'ps.neit. the 'ilidoyl No filthy Icerinils'foup•tit4 poison % f p No wends' With rankling w ; • • . But shade treeo ; exPandiand•frtut trees!) own, And flowering shrubs "'lsis perfume. I With pales-your-garden . oirtde, round Defend,, enrich sad /deaf,* gra:Lott; 600 -‘ , l Prize high this pleasing', useful rood," And fiU with vegetable g00d..-.. • • : ;.• '-!,, 'ar's“Let order o'er your time prOide f, !And methodall your business:lolde. 1920P311 , Early begin ! aad end your ..I/ Nor let great tasks . your bands embroil; .:t... ‘. 4 1 One tiling at came be still, . t ", t , Contrived, resolved, pursued and.dene.. 1 1 435. 1" 1 , I Hire not for .witat yonrselves can do, - And send not...viten yourselies can go; lior till to-morrow's light - 446 What might as Well be done` to day. ''t By steady effo r ts - all And long, y riiodeiste 410 ; 14hile eager toil and anxious cake ' • -737 " Dealth,•strength peacerand.,life "impair. 14 i.lz. •- •• • .!`.I "Nor 'thine a life of tail severe; - ' 1010 1 0 48 ‘: ;. No life hateblessings so sincere. • • , 1155 Its meals so - luctous, sleeps sweet, /230. rm Such vigorous limbo, suers:health -CoMplite, ' lBO No Mindao aetiVe,•biish 'andlay, 200 24,5 . As his who tolls,the g 35 A Weer -sloth' drags iiikdly on ; • 400 - ‘!i Suns set' too late and rise tea soon: Youth; manhood, 10, all linger Ooir'' • To him WhO nothing bath' The drOne,7l. nuisanee to tbe'llre, Stays . but- can scarce be 'sold 'to And well'lthe bees, thesOitagel:ivii , iiV"'' Plague, chase 'and sting biro till he'die;." Miseelaneous. SPEECH OF 1017. MORTON,IANA. HIS REVIEW . OT EIS • AIINDNENF AND VIZ CAT. FOR THR PHILADE . rniA CONVECTION. • • At a meeting of ;Union men held at I ew Albany,' Indiana, On the 18th of July, for thetypose of rati fying the . nomination of Walter G. Greswell for Congress, Gov. Morton reviewel the Congressional amend ment. atfiength; and discussed the re., rived dienniod selremes,,of . the perbeads. in the folio - ting he shows!! holr the party :of Vallandigharn andl Vo3rneeslhavo eaten their own words:! _ Some three or bur. weeks ago, a De moCret-ideonvention, was held, in this city, at which a can,didata for Congress was .6ominated, speeches were, made by Messrs. :Voorhees and McDonald; and a-sertes of r,resolations ,adopted, i t . the second Of whichdeelrt es.thltt,"thei war: was jest sad necesoa y to prevent the .disruption of -toe Urn ii, and the ovettimX:s (*tbct:Coliai4lBloott.",arl 'thanks the soldiers for , their valor .in preaerVtng,.the'ruition. ''' Sliteim u ttoii`tbii! i aftetv the war' , vas over, tbe-then compoping the Conveti 7 tioitsikseciverekfue the tlrat'it Mir, that - the irar . Was 'Just and necessary" on j i our part• L--a truth 'w.hicri ha i l, been ,ar riv d at by the'gr eat body- of the per+. 'pi' of (be Uoit:ed.Statea mor,ci dian five ' , Sara betc4; ' - ''' • -'' ye. O. . i _•, .. .- - . This , resonation , is Coplt ind un r es e r v ed .confession' al of tbe disloyal and the , treasonable . otiree pursued by thi so called i Democratic ; pally . throughout - 04, War,'and a fell adrniS sion that i ,theiriirinelples and practices Were hostile to the linioti— , . , The wbolo coo pVti; i iiil t eiOid'it es , Aying repentencetilii r p(A l / 4 /4a eon- i victed criminal filiolle.. - ,Liji4lo-4n .fun view of the scaff9 l4: jitit,„l,ollfregar4 it as a.Onfetittiortgpiirleitinet.roin pen- i it.e l oco of 'h,ealt'Atit frpnit?ppe, l . o f - Pai• Aloft And rionold.,tife. , The m_eil.. 04 , lo i t, Oil? coilemnor. diktat° . c ount ,g. receive:it as an evidence' i.h4 l ttlfY haSii - fro - nithe firstleen in fa vor,;( ,war,. Ano, demand' qua:, , tb i py ,! 0 liet hei' 1 - r T• 9 'llo>ga?d 1 : 4 49 1. - Tilanj.Mbfk Pr 3 t i ximioc,t44o RieitOvea,t,4oll4*o:, ; , A rd A y ßttfrle4oBl 1 . 41 ' 01 : 11 ftere4tAfP' jif-r0hA11) 033 ,•. - • ..- ..4 , ' ,•- ' VA,` , L it "the i ' ve;iveal.l4et44.4o2lfin v 44 41 .14015 1 iiiietlftellAlgtehi' ': e,c lAtitrult i o: l irt l =_.*.ariiktVAPEdli: 4 .b.ottt „1 0515.35 A00 . 0 40 1 1 7P .10?itki. P l A9ll 6li r t ,OP:X°q4 ; tiel l it 4k - thel.: 4 1 0 10- 1 .11-4 4i3M 11 14 1 PD! 13 :4 13 1 111 T • 44.-31Pikikilia9tkPu8t.t! *PA4949olqsl,l..si` ArMO4OI44OI4,OWYAPRiuOPO94O -i, • .., - ''' , l - 1‘ . .'-''''.7'7.',••: , - .g.. , _-,- ...,- a .. -- f ,-'' -_, IF, -.Li 1 .„_.• :. - ' -- -- ,•• - • - _ • ---- " . ••aZ 'l7 - :.!1 ''; ill i,i. -ti Tr ' ; , ail) i.•H -'-'"'" ,;; ' % • : ', 1.4 l' - i .• k.t•;.,J - ip•; 4 l. • .1 - ,, , v0. • 1 --: ,tr.,,,,;,:z .0&113-V" . ”."4116111111 0_ • '• i • •' -•` lk 1 •-• ' ''" i ' - , - . -•.''' ...I • i ' ;'II - 6 - :.. - 1 Irt • • -r , :t - 4 o. I 1 • t.. tit 1(1'4.1a:4.k .a - .1.1' 1 ,•:' •-: t•=i *-- 's ! • - \- • ••• ... - --0 - ' .- ..‘ : t r l4;l .1 . I i-il - st. qt4titt ~'"?,. ..•1'74 4 . ;:4 . •ti .... - - 4... ,„„.", • 0 ,., sy - , •',. 1 • tro- w ••itqt . t 4-`:' r% t 4,..:Fr - - - -- , ,i.4.- - = ...;$/--- ~,,.,..,... ...,,..„ L 4, ,, ;,'. 1, ' ../ • . .4:,--,-...-1 ; % -,1- . { v . - "•• • _ ~ -0 ~ ,Z! I k ''') . .'" '' ;,,. 4. , ' , • ; ' - , ', (;••-•.7- -... ' ' -a - : .7 %.. ; - !-- . - ;,.-1.. ! ....,-': ." ,'.4,: - - , ,.:-, . - • ~:,.. ,-. ,: .;"1:;:i ''..' i -.,. t .f_t.. ' .. L "'il '',. '' .. '., , -:' , ' ..• . '.. ••'• :ll' , ;.• .- t. - ;;'T T . .- „,. ••' • • . --" -. . - '" - r -- "rrn ------- = ---- . ~, ~' ~,T7 .--. .. , ..'-i . .,•1'r., , q.:; , ;' . ... - • .•. ~, _ .., . , , ~ ,- -., , 0' 3 t 11 . eaver , Wednesd: • • - ..7...a. , . ....), • ~ 1 . 1 ~ ° ,,. r ...- . , t ___ . • it /o'f MEE . , . • .., =I MEM s =t''. , t Y; .<T EMI NEEI l 4 : J ._~., 1 - ::;,i-,.','„:7;,11.:-. Wig jn, the armies , Si?utht .the war wasoittstP4l4:4ec*lt' of eparie - . the; 'op v,ratl wicked, sad- ~tehele unihk, punle4o l ;a:44, eFda4 o 4l ifrORL . , the wat .watsltu4and naceieary, - did the : 1 8eets of4.,i,bertes con- col . r- . al" ei•trt overturn 0, •, _ ••• • • me it, relea!e Rebel prisonera,,seisaft I t - •1 'is Wiled/ ' • . vi bleb - provides - ‘liiritliiitists - plinir the eight ,to vote , . :10 an) pen is, Merder the B'xiieutive,,ararA, tste‘to initof the mat !tihkkhitantaii?f/ 1 cifireato Indiana into rebellioa I, .4 . 1 / 4 -„ ineb , l3tistir 21 yeara•ofi ' ,T,SintUri Ftio- - .i r the War yraus.. 4 :in4 and D0C . 08042v,7 ten of- tbe United'S or is to any Villrjlid l ,' Pt ,theee man enepurage,en..., Waji'abridged, except Partiripation 1 list me e nier.tha sirrm.l themselves; •in 'the •rebellicin,3 l ‘tre qi , er 4 iti me ~ tbel contribute to tke `Sanitify, -C,onurriipribasla of reProsentatirthioreini Obit i , sior6 hiklir,tti bap ors soldiers' families, be rredneeti-in 3 tlitP?iiirtioria- Such arid 'Ai bite ip, all those things :milieu; male-eitisona aball,ikeht ‘l,43the wi l co, / should he cheerfully 'performed by 87,,,Iliilliber of male rie..bion-21... y e a r's nf• erlltPiarAwk Skirjotio...eitiAell 3r. - N . ,: ag o hi ' llub ,k Btittef ''' ' ''''''- • _- ''' , ( _. g,the war:wria,citialan,4 napeskiary,". k The .',effeet' ptillOillitmAint • win. V rbisAiAaininerAie.P9 itilyie . f(P,it9 :„Juilia'eitOni4l, 4 ,',Ob i -litto, ,pOpplaticin C 4t 1 119484 Art ; ` , ifti M A.g!n a . t ks o6 * .b bikk r il' i uq. l lo,l9 - 1 11 : a l f i ng uP Ou 1 i ( u.Aeld-AlkPk.. _ 0 .49 1 f i f:frui7_,croue , 0 4 . 3 Illieli l orreprePikntitt-tokelskahY, I.llle tf. I tie Rigkkrito ' I IT& ITlrgive gika! , • • ttaelsw 6 . l eh"likkkgrakke 'liredetretr.ASe rishi of . / , t't I Y-k 4:,,Aul 'o*n/ I d, tl * ual l h :euffragO . 3 ' fi ,.Lig h dit 3 . l , ICttie male Or.: „) 'ar t,. F/3•-t,t7 4 74Kekktskilikreiloklionifiripek' pier xt 3•l l *Eis' o 11,ili 'the • 1 4 ' 01 t AO 1uiT.,:40., our aruks, al* same prpFi3r,tiiar to„1.)p, is MO rrieg`ro r 1 8U `....,..grltt,_°lo_T ; :.• :.• : 1 l. , poiniation that whi ~• cevo 21. I 1 1 ., '"A I / 4 11AIffftlit'4 ,1'11 14 11 a. war:Wool4l4 leers of age boar t 4. ole' otitcli u . 4'l!.?,eirtlifYil* r .WA3 3 tili4•4l% l 94l;atin't population „ and •Aeds `'?th e negrol Pn i tßif!Rs - IVAume_,,k° k ) 9 l aiatt , h° , tacA l roPlAlatiin ; by _ 11 _ 14 ;1; Pg.tjon from - 1 tint II )liFterlirc4l4olllllllA-T it Waif o ver , the ' the' whole number Pr* ion represen an ,gter i tlihr,,A44,:done;alt the harcaftation Pk CO be . given.," Ttijii„will hiie ch . , y, Angdfl.;ltruiokt‘ea 'their adhesion ' the effect to deduct tile whole 11000 taAttcAp.tfilplla"t; could Ido • no good ? population' of the Rehglitatee from , . 1 .3:14111 - mote . 'Om isggrOgite eriMber fteizirrhich rep; „, _ ••• 4,- • • , resentation hilt be given.ilfnd win d°. Tfiefell'S'KlVOVnile of rive . 'them of 30 votes it Cliogreseatid i,iFio,o l 4rfee ~The representatior- in the Electoral Collegkija'4 d • '- -- the S t e !'" e i (P d 'or . the P 6 9P le4 'Eaerl It also de . cluais the 12014 India 4" de he t two representatives crSena• ' • ' • • 1 LI •, --4-.0 , • ••• ; ~, .3 . is IA ,tue I.Tmatu, I.ll3 !'q't is intend which'' she is entitled , • ..iiprcisentii's ~t hl i i i th9 .i r i: e :g l i : thk . o ' 4ll h.e . ' e ß ei t a- tion, and I sq in every.. ~ *,er State. 4 • tine U P V .'..F t i na q 3rePres,ented in the This smenamoot in eta/ Leaves the 6 theo i i i g i na lt• fo . rati .4 n 011 ; e Con questlon of negro §ufreag• NMI th in State, ,to be deteimbried "pod,Within `afitatiop,,rep*qatives were apixir- itemr. If south :. i•j aro i t 4w . t he ren .„, tier among, the.se'veral Stater' by --• "".• L- •r . • ' l %- - - -3-r rs ntation sor . per Ole es, " rho nag aitiini,to' the _wholts - ntimber of: free re ' e '- - •L - I t - f t pe -i mekke,'"eieltkiling Indiana, not tax- b u e ri t im te be e 'r 9e m r a e l e e t "rke e gf ri oti g iroirp A— 'r " 2i y ra e ge ari ll ed i p thrco fifths ;of; all other. P er 84 0 8.7 of ade and.'she Will 'have*: And the! Those thi•ee•Ofthir 4 all other, pep - • 3 d- i r -"t h ' own ..•.4 „rii • • , I ... • matter is re f e r re d ' en ti r el ' to•ljer, ent re y i oef '1115, 1 '1P 1 ,1 8 liv,e,Et N ar•d, in effect , every determination, and so with every other' !I've gives' eke minted iits•three free $ t • 3 . , ' • . - ' 11 1) 41 1: repa egerthz ta e ' . . ...1- P 21 1:Inu , 'at e king *. 1 The prtticiple enumla,ted by the ti n,--,* Tina Was a very h ill Pinvfaion fo the' 'pep "le 'of the ,free 'States, but amendment ,is this; 'pit . Wherever there is -a race of poops ' are deem iti " B . ( l 4thancl e ,4,B •W the e ll t:4 4 dera ed unworthy or unfit in i receire and 11 '4 4 ( 60•ccre-dlhY our 1 1 141113n ' n_ • -e'enn enjoy olitieaPrights,' ehP.l'' shall dot( i ii r mise, •••?•Y believin g! _ thht :" 414e r•Y be made the basis for coiiterring pail was,fast pashing ,away and. , 0 34141 ..0 0 P‘ • I r his sod' °were upo others ~ ~. ~ .. u, ica r g 840 p , I 9 . endur6 a quarter' of a centriry,4 . 9ol, it - - • • • •-:, , / hectine - ,,finally an , alinniirafoolo r #4, - TEM PHILADELPHIA •• pflariori. 3 barden and Ilijnetice, f4I ittave ro,rt,b# `"Thii Demoe'retin mit'... . '0 ' di' ' Coh,.' SaiiiS• ii-iePreseneation,,o p 2 a :.BLitlOt•kieski hive :published it t .'''• tor a 'l % Tit;.i l e 't he : T i, ii i ( je, ee of Re Pl e k .llo4.fieu - 4 1 1 4. tie - Convention . - Convention (..;./' .` *. ;hid in 'tho I ih 'tt l e . . .-cdeurrAl' Culler 4 0 Mronlit.eig Ciet"Of'r hiladelphia cia,, s.s 14th ''Of i d,71c1, P.relAdUnt' on aPPAlkn?,t4PPitg- An in - be , k4; l' f itiilhe'lqii4 - P oilot.T: '•. ' ' -'1 1 ,'4 . .1. '. 'its l ttatiatintan CliiiVl) 1 ' .', ' ';' -*atoll ii : 11 - etl-141 - 1 1 4,t0 ht 1i e ., :k*, * ,41, - 4 860 ,tit 'aitotaVatshiiiiir' "--- -Te betno , .. eleven Revel States, not, including in cretin party, and ren neiation,tif the' I t el' eumbOr • RentuehY, Maryland;, name. Democracy, and' an invitation ' I Delaware, and Missouri, had population of 5,002 051, and had •tr no a white for its members to meet in convention Egor Population of 8,750,031 with them in forming a ,now ;'organ!- tt° zaticiLi ; It is a direct confession that last apportionment, whicti allowed o, e I t h e 1 rprnsentative 'en---avi t rz, 125,000 pc,o• l e d Lion of ithesel wrievons to be'borne, and tbeCipinir'g with treason t ° r e e r il t o i n P a s a ri iiia; ln i d a e a lib n i trie gta t i o n i; pie, the white pop Rebel States would entitle them ; to 42 ; 71, t , n0ri% o f thi s call , w h o are stagger.; rpresent:Aires,' and t oe,colared,"pop ! ; itg . elation, now tbht Slavery is aboli l hed, under its weight, are ' Striving to and each negro countil as , one persd,n, relieve themselvesifrom the dreadful burden- - ' i Would entitle them to 80 reprosenta• . ' tiVes I more, 'nuking 72" in all. Tho proposition to change its name . the .,. is a humiliating acknowle d gme nt of By the same. census, 7 N orth- • • Western States had A negro popula tion of 65,000, 12,00E1-of whom lived lo Indiana, and altogether making but. I itlf enough for one, Ropresentative. defeat, o f ttishonor and of national condemnation which could hak•le been Wrulig from 'these men only- by the direst suffering and - necessity. , And And nc,w in thew; eleven Rebel Suites yet it Will not avail. The now party, whatever name or shape it may &Bennie, the negroes , enjoy no ,political rights • .11' b tb e ' agni ' la .Copperhead bon !or consideratiOna whatever. They i hSve po•more voice in making thelaw; c w e l rn: e Cqm - pose e d e of the st:me men, i 4,) , w hich 'they, are governed, - 4 "or in Clothed ' With the seine history, and eboosing their„rtiaers, than • the besets plotting th ' eine dishoLore and dies.... I ot,,tbe, field; unity** as the Constfin- 4 - • - • 1 tore in t 'intry ° the ..es tablishes the fact, hw ; thin now atairiwiteir, :late masters '1 .' -. * I Will have 80 votes in Congress and in ver4hat tee reesot reve.ation t the (lie Electoral College on theiraccount 1 /* 43 9rik9 r ( Of this.tlisixihtirthat the —just equal to the united vote of Oh in leaf Was jostiand necessary,' was local arid. Indiana.::_o . other mnrdii, the iitits otirtocter a end did • nut extend_ to !.white,men - of tbeseßebel States, nine- Washington,"' fo s s it runless no mention ten twentieths ,of whom are 'Rebels I *l the 1 . 0 4, et all, and for night. that 11 1)• a d were engaged .in the late / Rebel. ;P ea " in it' - e - autho - of. it never th .. rs , lion, poo l vpj,9 dovitp. l a te i ndi . / heard of Ate :Rebellion. ' Tbev discuss aim by, representing theTnigroes, all.° 'Stripped of all' political ri lit . lhatever. - who 1 the,,dangeroue . s a . litaat,loa, of die:coup try,ulterly i '' bon g a tte fao; Utak-there, has been... as b lionaind innocently 'llle . negro; for hphielr Itm . ottnts to see,ra t i t' i , 1 : t ' lt ' the P "P lemiti , i , , , nothing,, counts, ter nctakijo, - and his equa ll y in visP rentl Y • cntertsi - t h'ig I e isionce is 'utterly lignTred; but he the, idea -Le • suit*, who believes a outifs th a..nian and 'Counts for a that Whei3 - ia he , r i. tfiruatrindertbe au .14 i' iho benefit 'of 'ortlite Rebels dirt , his b°4 li j .br Agbs: ', 4 ) l3 'it : • 411 ' I n, by whiiin'ho is'annkfundati. The,white I°w me to fluOtn . , FtesagelrOln i it: ,people of the . .110iet ' States tire 42 "At present • 11 Statei,krs excluded 1 ileum tor ,therriselves and then will from tfie gli tiOuli k Cclunci!•i 'Far ilev' have 30 votes more' for the no itifts . • en long months 1,16 presient Congress DeMOcratrb`politielans appeal do the h l 4 persistently denied any represeb sicklier prejudices of people - iv. claim. tation to the people Of • these Statea.--, ing that i this' is h,lhite, cute's, tan N ro r o• Lain '' affecting -their highest., and anent; but Who( kip,lor 'lCif e tiogiin i s n . B dearest interest, Rave bsen polkaed Government; is it ,wilich;bili . 3o votes withorit'their oouskinti and-,in Stare- in chogr e e and sty : Votes in , th e Ek e . gard of the, foriitarnental principle , of tbral College be,s&l 'onnpgro represen- t r ee ..il k :AvVrnuilkati4:l ' ,. • t i ": 418 ? /his adva ntage Which the klere ifelsiiiitnipiteouetermktber bet States now have is monstrous, for sevep'montturik,States have not and ii riot in bp quietly "adored; No %keen represenied" 'in Congress, • but Northern Milt, who lias the least re- makes no reference : whatever 'to the siwet keit/lob: 1 0f, -can' hi 'a moment manner : in which the Senators and Re lorensent'thit;thtl* stall retain it.. Even preeentath•ea from those States went If ilie,e_;(449oy#l—if, they had tried out of C,ongresa , or the, conditieu • of I,aatal,Cttlii:,GoVernaient instead of .those States.for the five, years. piksoist, desttoyinglig-they could have no poi. ding:these seven months : , , . -: .. .4- - . , `'`lkn , 'T fin to it - ' ' li. affects el-..--- 0 a • • _ . - -kkets -to treat the . subject., as -if Poty ave 30 !lutes, ,tn Aengross the., nators sad Bepreamtativea from Ilia :,Mar ano . cooirtit l iency; .30_vetea as those ‘Statii bad been, rudely, expelled 1 ~ liii4 rotte n heraughaunder the from (!ongross4,4lahout cause or fault . i A a f i t i c : o 3 and set, of the,3o.votep ,of their seats:fig , Illin,long period of ,- , r,i li. r „statern. And these 80 votes on their . part , and. wickodly kept tint " 3 1 1 10 01143:41 4 61 14 2 e" a . 7.lk . 4. o P t r i lklefro.tu .seven months, omonrotitiztiolVoveatrythiooesalimsehlYnatatrienia 1 see T tu bi; 4o s is lh a si g v r e os b a u i t !T i ti t za e l t i o tt da l i w o :u i ld n -arid = .tirrio Pte i u s eti nd t!t i l a riti v . io il i v a it i r m ars--h ov before :lesson,' yet it was part,of the original Paths, bed voluntarily abandoned! their ,I \ h eo yi„pf tbe,Gopylvemeot,. thet , ,the „Amato-44j ineugneated tat:wool war, in tatek without regot4 , _ to their=pipa- which, tor s:voogy sod _Woodritsug;', 1 c ,~ '~ latiepilehomkt fist/ rpreiieiiit jion . z itti:the-"Sertso;:' ‘. fat`s nrit eekini to ' • Itutorttii to' lot sett, shatioilit Ogee lnipetioe n ••an— .ecri bi C4ifigteeelitit 'Tee u ti9n' -iiteehding r of the •United 'Maisie; t WV** El t, • • =l.• '• • , • I - - - , • •-t- I .• • • • Pl. " 1 • • 7ri 9 •rt!,T, _ 4 , ,• t t; ' • . (111, I it' F• 11. I 4 L . ,. • • • • •. '; ,•• ,• ;„ ,„ •ci• rikt - tri r • 1,1 •-• " • .-•..•,, •_-. : . . .. •. • • • -•14-,, ;-; r • : gliSt}.l • - • M. 1 1 04114, • '" L ,. gle'' - of - I, four -35,41141 they• ware Over ,y'filahtlOgly defea ..• ~, IT :7. t:. ' AlCalf! 0, 0 3 r * #M_•-• ' tt=4*. • - - i''' Is? "As .easentiaPtelf i 111 II 101, we .- " l iiii 104 - 1411 C - th ' - '1 but' '.,Mitat, iota , , a er g , (thliiftgalijr,SOttieletiffilityil of LAM" rifintlepollitcludineith . right .o ,-.repre. I l atinititY.On in- ctieg b re4Mistad ; thit...s;ciper sips right of each S4te, to. licit:4ml As f11r._".,, 11 91. 0 eti0, coi , c l ros.SfibjaCt °idyl 1 ,4 Oicititritlini *nt.l' the '' Milted •stijim. -- ,,i_ . .1:: .-,,,- 1 ,:. ,' • f • ::,), ' ailiOsali , i. this • iit , , a • mote .Itrick:ofi ,wordts, intended ; tcf obscure the, tro,tb.A i There:is sp, issue inriyed coAcSrpingl [ths righilit or the di n its * and equality, 1 1 1 'of the - Su ttee:lnt th •reirquestfolibi. ' i what shell he tba:at r tits' and condition 4 ot. , the rebellious .• i abitantS of - ,:;the 'Rebel44)4o.; uPO.4: 44- terliPk• . 0 44 th - ny. be .admitted beck, to the esijoya, , mentet political rights and e :e . hat. a e. 'OntitY shill be tiiken..whii4,ingriiiitiest 'exiietasJ by-the-lord peoples! the nal Lion te:iireyent theiborrors,andratros Wises. cf anothar.iebelhon." , , . • , ~f,.... In copolushin, the, authors l of . thm call use ,tbislollowing fingitage: - ' " Wit 'therefoie:res ebtfully but ear neetly.nrge uponinit fellow ciiiienii o [iiu;dlltelet. 01.!PetTerritory and ,Congressino.. f al'.l4ta(in Mi t U l oited State. isthe ititertAl4.Priion, - 4id• in , a,.llPirjt o birtnony 2 and - with ' ' direct f,eteronee , `to tfisprinciples contained in . saideill, I , •• to,Amt prom, ptly zitn theeclection . Titantkaissed consetvative mento r.e• -present them . it:LA*O .Couvention. to llmiond Ahat - alt-Ahly State": shall at niece`' tier reskiad:if.their practical irelatiiiiii to the tf;ion;itieterititu -tiOn be Maintaitied,and peace bliseathe *bole country."_ 1 1' -. :• . • ' • , ,-.Efere we have the wboleDemoeratie IPolicy developeA\w , ich is that all Lb „ States It hall tif • _ti, qo be restored' their practical reJ ato tbe i Union by the: iininediate - - . *thissicin of, thei Sent:Lion and ,:', Rep antatives into Congress, Every' enator . and .it prestkltative •iieett in. nine out, o eleven Rebel Statealisjitir informed . 3 tinebel.iind wholly ' unabtetiO take tb test oath. gritty o i theinA - ere lead 1 1 1 'log Rebels, and bo i - a large ,part i preoirii4tirig the fin tit'. intp rebellteo And iperneeratic'Congressmen deman their • .I immediattL. and uncOnditiona , restoration'.; to - posiior, and., proclai , that the, failure these Bebe 1 ~, admits them to 1 SeyerGnionthe- is' a gross ineriaction o 1 their rightS and a ant i on yiolatien:o the . Oonstitnt; ion,althougli 1 ,Representatives h ' for the propedin4 a fitro.Yeara atoyedlt , on their 9wn i count, and durin g four .years, of tb I cruse Waged a Most bloody war forth i 4etitiiietion: of the porsennUnt - ; - . '• -, ' t r Aniijilitre IMniiii he allowed - to Bug teat'b fhb - ;Outse ll moo member jle on . ;or , speoblovers reached themselves.' They have pre. scribed in, advacee the termikupo ! which`this , conYentinernuat meet; . an %these l eonsiitute the exact basis an I platform of the'prelient " Copperhead' I Detnoracy. So that evety man wh t goes ;nio that convention, is advised in, ladiance that •whatever change ' , of !name be may; und l i;rgo, he mast: subi. [scribe unconditionally ,to the 01 , i "Copperhead" irg . ed. 1 , 1 ,. , . This (lead" is acldreasedto Rebel ;as well•fru - Union men ; the loyal me 1 1 who snetaine& th;i- country, ere, not i !Specified, and Cord derahl oflieers:an til , soldiers are. iiiyited,.to ,talie their sea lin coaventionin Philadelphia for th purpose of settling, the questions an conregaerkees growing out of Abe Ile ,;] lioellion - in - which they havi-j jatit bee defeated. ' ' ' 1..,- , '1 , this nen , party is to. be dubheil. th National Union Patty. ''' ..Blit according to the docirinei e • tertained by , thelnen who prgpciae t forritit, there is nod nation;, there is no l Tni,ted, indivisible American people. -L hey and theii:Prodecessora 'for 4 ryears .have sidvoeated the dogina tb t lour GOviiroiotent, las...mere compact,' - 1 mere confederacy cif States,ofriovereig sill&indapeadent,States,sach of whic , according to, the ,4pAltctoky , and Ti ; ttinis ' resolutions, - Irbich , have Jon forM4l the corner tone of the Dcinio: * l cratkicreed,.bad al right to judge .4 f; the infraction of the Constitution, as, well sa l the remedy;'itud7a2reinaln „tn . - or withtraw from .1.45) confederation according to the dowmir a cio o .01 . it' own will. 'l' , 1- ‘143 5*4 1 . 0( ~ They held; that we were netnne,m thin. but. 48 , many 1 nations an State* bound together'. in eopartnerehip • bj articles called the 'Constitution, and which might, be dileolved air pleasure. As :to the - .ll,aide, there would, be none-it the'tD4mll . 74tio partY of tf.t . North. La'net- ci . defoted, at th, polls, and the Demecrstic pitrtypt the South had not heed . defeatect:tipon the :'field of: bittle. i , . Every Democratic orator snd new paper . agonises upon - the eubjeet of reit, high ';taxes.: • ' They dwell pathetieall tipon the oppresston 'of the people.an pretend to thank qildithat the Dent ()ratio party bas ;ne , responsibility 1 ache, matter. • Bukho,W stied. the g fact,", : These high_ taxes,. 0ne...04aq ) were leviecl,by the Denim:ratio•}Nifty. , l i That party is .thit anther and . 'crest° ,' absolutely. or , this.lgreat debt:whic vow, teats. , aped the nour.try, not, - i deed,- by . ..direct , legialation,.- bat , •h bringing upon the count r y thetertib necestittew nut of whicb it bar. grow . Had iti-not belt for the Assurances given by-the De oeratimpartY of the North. to the people ortho Eou th it hit no resiatancalirtuildj be.offetedlto, se cession, and that !the GovernmAntrand the people. lot: :the : Nor th..,woulti beheld still-while .the ,work of , esta,blistti ogle . Suatifera ponfedersiny_ should , be per. • 1111 EIE 1 - •- ' : =';, a'':,:.:,l.'; • : Jrnf .11 ,'7 h,O! )077ri MEM , ler RebOlio!' 114 1TeF vi.foll4blOft -1 b Opi.italceia.. 1 , ... 1 4 bliirigciiiti l lio . iitici*Coiiiihi ,saibirt' liThibiemig "boa': :high'. s tate., - H.Olocaniturn iq . , htin - . ird fay, 1m5,1itt1M1r 4 1id,t 0 : 1 4 1 01 1 ,n 1 4 . 94 1 4.11141t imali t k i I Ttke e:PdClUrtgegrientlY4 1 ,OVM r 1.0 .a.bglis - fikik,livod pkese bizge: I•Tbb listfitatieb, yois Igiivei'tbatirbellion I;coatinuisd•thxr,Ao# , ' the iteiosustent iindAlavilLk•al4l4,o4w n itb. v i e tb yea i t radl o l•4bP 49 v er4e94tb 4cra. , *nit:, he gielo ciio 'for !bid we -attaggled, l- triAleid 'Ai& o.:Tibittabiy , i i ary ; and , troter!so4' g 0 about lia. Obit* Aistatbers, byAlsely fun:Tibiae to *lb. .eiii. ol4 tAireo j .cioPipiinfree& - g. ,Your; r!!!..."6-,il-',0,9.?,-..j.J1 - •• ' !;..: t t. : 1 ,- 1 , : . 1.• .. r ... 1. , SOZIOCfriI- 7 4 1 ria• 1131 4 4 9 3111 47' geoator 'Garrott Pavio. ; of" IFYI Lod z Senator .SoalsbaryiL of.gt „PehtWare... rtrei‘ i coneervatiie l 'Deirineratai,,entha-; Wailed fbr, th e . "President's liolitiy,'!' and have , lnever . .gon,:. the. length of, oper.lyjwitiOring .rebellion ori.joining, tit atMed• roost/me •to the ciovernmenL 1 3, yet„in, thidel a atte i the,Senate.on 'the' Civil Rightel3ill; - A rif '6, 1666,:.M.r.f, i r ',Davis declared - that' in:-. 1 the event of . the passage of ttint Ineasare,:l..••a ,f ...lam henceforth the enemy of flour . Govern went, and sofil devote the feeble_ remnants of mylife in efforts 'to overt/front it." ' ''" ~ - ,1 • 1' - . ,' Mr, Saulsbury *wan not tabe outdo:Me, acd - opolly-propberdeciuniftlireatened rebiliWitkil '_:.•-•, !.1 . : • .1. 1:_• -I , ' 1 q„riae . Ao itity, eir;Abakini ,iny judg 7 i mentitheipaimage of thin bill 'i • is an in-T augurs t ion: of •revo utign. 1 re well, I air; that the A Merin:id people should i 'take wiry;' met their ' hot* in' okler, for, ihpvicupUesible that the poo r 1 plo will patitottlY,Obmit to, it. :Heft.' yen knows we: 40e bad ienoiigh of 1 bloodshed, enoughl' of •nfoirroing . in' every household. Tbore are too many .newly.,mide.., graves for_ any., one to wish to ,see more. d' Atteinii i t to .execute This law within the lunits of any State of this Union, and iit 4 ' my judgment this Country will again" be Plunged into all the horrors of civil war! In tnick*a State: —an humble State in - point at num- i bera, but i t a State of i• gallant abna—yoar j law will never be observed by the Jii-; :cliciary."l. 1 . 1 . I 1 Timis like the I:l?urtione, life South , ilhas learned notbmg .and ,fcirgritten: I nothing.. i.. Cfr.abasbrid,,, i unh miliated, I earepeotant,it comes up "ti!he with ita I told swagger yieldingnotbing and de., manding[ everything,•-liatening :to no restith sad -threatening reirolution - and i confusion: ' -it acknoinledien only the i empire .of. force, Iltr . kli 0 !we exerted oui powec p it reapeete# iiii 'When We 1 laid asideinur weizimr.ti and vrepired to - welcome it, it , I mistook . l humanity itild wood - feeling'. ,fori - • •fearc land ~i t4'_at lonce resumes its old.-•.attietide, ind ;its old policy,- which be Demo6rttic alli ance bad always-rendered! so - n Succeato. lel The Democracy, _hingering for the epoilt pf- piace and - pow r, is eager . to renimr_that alliance and to self the 4 country for its iniaerable *nes of , pot- Cage. '.lt rests wili,the people to say whetherlbese schemes Stall be baffled, 1 or whether 'tie ' eb 'll' 'supinely ' permit. i the.reneWal of an gitationiwhich will ti convulse, the coun t ry for ageneration. _ , ~ . 1 Eta: Shall the Soldier irL "I to. Vote l 1 . II . On' the ' s t h ' - day ot Tannery, 1864 1 i (see: Legislative Record, p ager 8,•of that , , year), *r. J Johnson , mu'ved • that the Senate proceed .ic the cOnsideration of the following ' , a mendment -to the Cotstittitton. viz:, v . 1 .. • • a , 1 • Be it nsolred by rtheSeacit and House of • Ripreseatativerlp.f the , goiamonthea/th . of Bennsylvania in General .Asseiably met, That the following lainendmenta be PropOsed to theVonatltotion of the Cominontyealtb - 1 - m.‘ netiordinee with the .proviaions of, the tenth ,artiele thereof:; ' I' •• " 1-1 ' - I TEMPE, 1 01111 , re in addition - ill section to - the third 'article of the;Ciinstitution, to be, : designated { at ;fleet:l,llOn. locr, as follows: 'Section. 4.. l ,Arbeeiliver any of the qualified eleetnre 9i thiS Common wealth el yoilllbe in an aettial military tinder be 'tlequisitituy_fitim the Pent of the U, nitediStates,' or by the atit tom ity ok tbis Or inonwealtb, each,-electo rs mily_exe 'lie the 'rig lit of euffrege in all electiona - by the eitl. aerie : pride?, A uch iegulaties as arer'or shall be-prescribed by la* , • as fully. as if theywere present at 'theft. usual place of !election. t ! , . On the . quoition,., Will the Senate proceed to 'the Coneideration - of r ,che . same 1 the yeas Bann nay& wore - ed by Metiers Donn's(' indGiate, and [ were' as i f011owe;-- . ' . -,, . , . . F I r Nie " 'Mei t 4 lll 4. " PAIIMIPPOPI ' Con "' yell, Dunlap, .Fletntng, qraham,.l46o, HOutehOlder,' Jotttacca,;• Zolry, _Mc - Candless Nichols, IlidOway, Turrill, Wilson,l'Worthington end - .renney, Speake-16. ' .1 1 1• 1 - S'ixs—ildessra "Renrdelee, "BnAer, Clymers , ,l*oovati, Glatz, HoplEingi Eineey,••Xi!iiiibertion; Latta', M'Sberry, Mcsnlgorribr7e' 'Reilly, Smith, Stark, Stein aneWallace-16. 1 . 21: • - So the motion was noLsgreed to. : , i L- I • ' ~ Clielef*., trd ) 2 ereN;".m!L-, eTi'ig the .soldier4he,right to . vote I - TEX',,%!- Al. iik R08 8 t:U. S T SODStOr from K - allOwvasiite dOlard; ill a printer;S Aftde.7 'Nit gas be if 'den. tified: vili 'tbepabtioitliii,(it "nowilii, pen from itisribtiyhoOd. 1 Ai4o4-rer, oonimendgionOt, l l4 - 4‘814 ,' -'''-vi, .1. , i , 4 • ' . ‘• :~- -...05... - 1.. -- tioricg_ yo Apwrnsras.,, ti-i -‘to fantod at - the istarif-$1 , ' io!*' kw*, 1 lib —, co I in!),PeOlit, -1 10014116 k DR cents. A t. eral nai seeds t• yet" radea, eit.iniaiiittradientiiiii. i ' ' A space 0011 to --- imirtfilliiieatdellife snit :neatireti a l esiiiii - irer: 'T '. 1 0 itU ~'• Sp setismra ) . _adal , pet eesit.sdadata4o4 7 %, Balinese earth, 1 /i - emits a Lug lar.rls* t MariNlPill4r PeitkaiR4011.,.457P44414r,...___:,,,,,, aid other 4ices of &labile Tuttlie, 4 " . w. ' ", - 1413 • ;• zi•i•ed iji:•i! 4! , Tr',J r : •-; it 1. aC> • r qt , • z s c 3.1Z4 i • I / IS I' FIRM MEI= lIIMIEMI d'lB,lB' The krt ofo44reiluitusain.. - - l a i Ther•thir liiiiiiPeneili*MiTe) Sew '4eys : We do not pehlieg the folltwing al.PI?* o # o , W 4 :'*!_ i !s li YiP l 'F ° k in " ',1 ,1 , pertieads of :the Northhtai3y loaf.' ' 4 4;cP,PtAutpl , ,b! l ,, 9 3 f 4 :v;ihr , T!! illfel"o'.., V. luck, but I.os§e,‘ Of. venom that etill "" k 4PJ:i24P 4 . I ,r . , ,wr!go4*-' bode This - artiereis eppid approvingly " by t ie Wt i ,t e , erietkier;. - ,iputiO 13 _ 11 9 Pei pigiii — of 'We -tlyi , nee, pet•iiontaey" of .. *arruntle of tT,:kliinitiiii,autiriv. l oph / et.e0 1 4i431 - fi ,rtt,tO. 09, the'9iiiiijase 4irtitii :". 101 4 00, triOn; ..Di l A o eraiy 'of .rtki - Keystone tate, iii .opposition to the ': 111 dleill :4 . tinbtl . 0 0 1 0i4ftle, . General Geary" hepstlier isrhotlO. ably led o tle. `•*Y l It 4lPP''ll4c!irif'nol.7 °n !at , motif every bstiledeld of ; the, rebellion; "a Democi:s ir49'llitryi , okiefead five' dont in F nsas against the ratan! 'of ,the Ssiath lsho,were ur g ed -on,by that 'altid'el pat lot, ,Tameißaohtiiaii. The_" only . Sin : hat Gen:—Gehry's enemies , , ... . . . charge hilntvith la thet ho_lov.ed free* , down and tbe s ThAll'ie better than -Dem- Ocraey and The issue cannot be do t ttitit4-4 . t such a ,eouteet, : Bead - the.nrtiolined peas it_.• to. your, nelgh.:: - , bor. . We ithink any man - Itibo haelha, least selfrespect will spur ttAll comma- Lion livith such 'a party; . [From the' a crone ( W :18 :) Vaimerat.l — I I IIIZ A A B I3INATION 7 (ili tiNCULN.'—' We did t ank-God fot_pallinebinecila: home:. .l liineali • ialtallleaven,- aW Abolitioni t o say, he is batter off thew ! hopes tn, aahi ngton: beset hy,thleires,, Abol it Ickpi seekers, 'a' emlitty jf% ' we thatak goo ion come ditt Jao«34,.th the"Chari erri''of 4:4 Wetb into th9p oeFilts , lit. 3 ppoor ,Pte tbeing 'wit we . thank their :re after 4-,,, IWhat° 4014 us . semade . Booth his a g ent; - no one but Goa is to blame for. Liocoln's , deaths God is never to-blame ; we, who . are Ch Istians t shmdd thank him for'every' ihi g;,, , W d c, sot:thank 'Him"; he who ' d foot itkink'Gnd'is, n'o Christlith-,i, ri "litin'isnall us stretno Chiiitiensi. K_:. ~4k behave tbl bo.tre*:is bettettg no 44 when f rittiOkrt 11 ;4 Vrin:4 7 .l4 c i e 1 . We - believe more . uin ,statesmanaliip thiM ic! nigger sopg,s; or ih.humSidute :yarns In ime• of war; - : ~.-, • We believe'Lincolp w„. a mere - m art :of putty in the hands of traitors arid 'thieves, known latterly as 4.bolitipo,: , i isle. -1 . ~ " Wa`believe that God 14w that he.' wits: notinsifnl, even if ornamental, :, and remo ved bin to make room tor st !.bet er nuM. . , •iPo belleve Jolmson is a bett r aiin tba l n , Lincoln—if" ho 'hid; no been, surely, die ' great - Republican 'party I would 4.ot'have gone but of .the Union for a candidate for the-vice presidency, wben•they bad eii .masy, good, pore, - T ho rOle statesmen, it'. N the ,orth 1 ek belies!! ,tlie-Co4try. . Would be batter off t i o.'dayiif every. Republican, tiAhblitnin traitor, Meddler, •Ifyccr. ph nt,Lapologtsty . traitor -or tool of, t ire tors,,ware la the , bosom„tof:Abra-: rui e heliericluither x that the Aboli , T tion perty , is going to th s e - deill, liter's allYiev i ll Ate 6661. not? holt' qui&P" .. ' _ 4nd we ..wilL further believe that, "Brick'" Pomeroy. hits..' 110:, more true "friends in th'e 'Country f.t.lian j lincolit eV'' litidltit"ivedo netcarn theenip finger for the good or ill, opinion Ql, 1 -1 tbe,4b3tition editortin Abe land ~ Lh i at we shall edit this paper, just. 'ire {seeflt, and' ao what not one of or. is aisailintadiredo—tell the truth wit - ont[fser.:or favor: , !'- , -.- , 1 . • .2 , ' . rem . i"t." gie/oi ralio ii s eat. -- ..;.-,.,,, , .1._:.. ____ an ~.. , a byes.. a taw in.' l the suburb" 1 ig e oirk..eity who bas grown so i bit s lag tllli!,labolitionistd, and every iiii . .ii,,tb t savors of ebony; thit - Ire - ir i!sir II we , tack far WI tos , eat . down',, ' b utifai blaektwalbut trod which had i 'lda 41 0 a reatdonee for 'many. Olio; '; 1, L i ,', l 'H• , . .. • ....' .: -- . -:. -* j „.„,, rty9onlmorning,Jar.gepkins, !boo, bave !,yoia `: kept . yosraelf. this `long t t Elute r' , 'Sept aryaelft' fiaid'ienitin'a; ! I ;don! ~:keep' snyaelks...:l live, ozi 'oredit,". . f" •T . •., -. ,-,i 1 . - .1, .1 , , ..1 . " - • , - -.- - ' . 11551 MI ts, army contractiira, 011*,. .'d 'gaping listaners :to hie: ies. • As it friet4 of :.Litioola- God for ealling so .great end , • n home before , he should bg-,i !noted with thr:Atiess, the, '.' Thaddenses, the 13enjamins, :•ses, and others of their lead= i Gott and moralitrparty. • it nir G;id *iilti - rg , Lincoln-, - wal e*, a . company cf.Pemi . he is ,i in Heaven. • rm ; illenr suffered enough. froth s' abolitionists' on earth,' and , • God for ealling-hi at beyond , ik or influence here , or , here, er ie Is .right. God, who I, wianted:lm..cOln Temovtd: - 1 azNrissuat writing from Latay. .et i , Tnda, to 4 friend.4iP : BT,on• aa. 7, 0 : . "T'4141.64 .the other day .op . on *.`bri de j ., in 'thy& 'sliemity, .worth in " _ bar .orii rig 't not -than'sscr,ooq, and - fOutidi he ;'in all -her t•Weet:simplicity, hire;. -t) . mow,: looking for eggs.: . \OP' " Pald.4be• " 68 4'bein old hero ; for st. week.... I ity-six 'egga;ind 'she Wilt tit herself, I btit you !" - I, the Cigarette-at ithe T'arisian, kadies, le at ling to bea:_eßstotn...;... lei provided 'with costly Upon wbmit - in asks: "pat what . ean . vulgarity ? ; Not even set, with diamonds, or lane handkerchiefs st 10,000 =II II U
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers