M _• THE tEKVERT AAGIIS ploolo T itgfory - vinesday l , t MINIS ' BUILDINGS, „Te upt,vr : .4iE r Avjgu ,-3 / 4 PAr „ t o 02,00, pe.;._agig_!_qpiin..ll,o _ jer " Letters' Ind 16y malt promPtlitelition: • • , WEYANDi Editot . 'lPPoprietor. I poiETICA:I4. I SECOISID WIPE. the told me he bad won befor ck tr 1 •- IA other's heart than pine, 1 D laid Isis first and deepest love ; I ill nan earlier shrine.• • .... ... 1 They said my. spirit nit musts grieve 41t I sty lot , would cast' ... Alvith one who held so sacred still itelsamtwance of tie- Ist -- - p a • •-• '- .. .eaded nof—my b4rkwes launched • With het:'s, on life's sweet thief.. , ,dlarth holds not a %vie': heart 1 Than mine--a second' bFqe:' -7'7 , r Tirl life- clay he had loyed*n. - . • What lite - ay ne'er give aCki • -~T, e ftowers,that bloomed' in freshness once ava r%thcied in his 'track: • I "n , 4 . t bat she : ,-*re ar!e-e,Red—. V o ked-out_iriittlia.blttellitven, i• • Ir;telie k o'er th! - , 1.-bcnumi.;o4 r - I .. Fr6Erorbich:het ITOlgtthe? t a i n e oft recall j . . Tan, dream of other years ; ' do 1.14ve him lees tci;know lialt he had cause for tears Mon blest am I that ithath been • Ince's appoint ectodEnsk . • To a!ke anew tile 'flight's of home" in wir,el., bin souL may biisk Miscellaneou.s. ill Clynier tlid.rts rves Melee the eeptiop of "Cie:matron(' e e Perngyivaiiiii Reserves " the eche. e of the Teanortster 1 Express thus wptos: • 1 1:1- ' 1 ' . On the 12th of April. l'i6l, when Stile/ter ‘ens elecadylieleeguered, and en'rn tl.reets Of defia n t treason came renihling frOm the South, it.was hived ie leeelegielature of Pennsyl, rabic to arm the State—to put the old Cmmeree calth in a coOditiott to de:- to d it.f.lf, - and protect"the homes and th emu! 'raid, children.. within , ise heelers: . 9 6tliii;Cmolian,priOnpi'etil fr 016 tuteinets of freteldeneand patrer „ ee i t .,„,:ceCruder, ayer, theu a Soritt, . Antietam ) National Cemetery. .11 the eette Lee hilatu ree' misrepre,setrt illiq waste which wale the cradle of ---, ,- ~ ~, i . The Hagerstown /Jerald has the - 1 the devolution, 'voted ..so ! lt' seems - The Fitch .Compiaiy . l ien Pride following aceount,af a recent 'Visit to here tie'eelleee it-el-soeuis a . ,stranke struck a flowing well. Thie it a To tht, battle-field of _Antietam arid the thiee to ceolt 7 b , et, en it is, and the led.) Oil .Company. We considered -i National.CemeterY located on -a pot.- rem.] of ,Fi.iiii l' Qtillitazonc q for„ever eta good a well as,apy, tv6n PrEtPat ij'' Rion of the same e • and ee. 're, tell legislative ininetee. tubert. - The' eitirrirites are from '8 la :-. ,-.+' ' ' 4. ' 4 ' v.; 1 • Wi; ..;,...:- beroue 4 ehetaieremeneineeheiSeriate enoeie....ee-ie,,,,eikee- Valv - rte fralcirtitir• „ W6 '" A , •" • '''''''" '''''`. ' , ''' s ' f Penns; dean's so losfetb all seitee of ing it out. A 800 e barrel benor 0.• of Astro us to Coto 'against filled from Sitturdaruight Ito Sunder ' ielf.defie+ce, aril theater Clymer was morning, 'and in the transfer of me- if them... Would that every man and woman A ' - at leapt 100 barrels' went iri the run and were scooped up. and child could know this. Mester diately near Jones well Nol. pipet prestd Clymer was in fayor Of surrendering is now flowing steadily tol five or Six li t an k 'ew e isions of the cemetery had biteu,agreed upon, Dr. A. A. Biggs, the energetic cnt of the board, was elected rtiipeein!tendent, and the work en kra Th 'i s i s i e n tnae ':ding and digging the foundation for e e ' w ei e el , f the wall was immediately begun.— During the winter_ the stones were without firing a "shot He quailed :IV ; bendred leetrele, although there aielquarried for the wall and . the lime was - .11.1., t4Q e;peol alai bowiesktlife, and oaths , 'to o l s in it *bit+ obstruct the Qll.-- ' blErgi l "' ' • 1 % ,:. .oar truculent traitors, before they had dug fr at' the These will' be removeees snon aS iho - The•sand "4 teas ' , marched one step or .?hotted one gun. fl ow w ill permit, __ .- 1 - -bed of the' otomat riVer,and is Elf the Elwin: , Clymer, whose 'grandfather We walked on up Bartitng Spring ;very finest . quality. The lime, was .1 sig,no the Declaration ,of • Indepen Run. Llewelyn &, Gillespie,arn r ,hririti at au expense of fifteen hen's dance, ebwered at the crack of the to commence boring just, ilbovaebothnet per bughel, which is less chap,' half ilaredriver's lash, and 'Arao4 willing to Jones well, M'Farland &CO.are doWn what it would have-cost had lt, been trail tiqi co/ois of a C9mmoTswealth 250 ft. M'Conaughy, Niter. &. Co. purchased at the kiln*, e.ee e-eer li , , censeergett by a, thousand mergeries have, a well down 250 feet. 'l3p this -The stones for the 'work niittqusr-, of rove/11001131y sliffering and sacrifice run are Wbetzell & Co., and Jones & ried 'about a quarter of a miler from' ei thou ti. 'ten a, 'word. 1 . .. Co. They have Olio an old welt that ' thy cemetery. They r areeakeri*t in • "[What; 'gilt has be to feee a woman has produced well and will again. It-T [ ll'llWe hioelts", sorn6'of amen ' eigbt feet , in all th's land?=the,,recreaet, das' ie one destroyed by rebel Jones.-,- len length.. When dressed they Treeente ti,rd; false to his country, false to his Camden & Byrne -W.ve al well heie,lla smooth; and beautitul sueraee. The ineesery, f a ls e . t o his own. fireside: which was the A. 4 ltetbbeine -well in. 'granite for the copieg . or cup stones of, And this iS -- fihe pan whom - the Burrel- 1863. ,Thep are commencing opera-_ the weill is °Matinee from a quarry der Deinocitaey presumpliposly call firms and will speedily find the oil. near Koodysville,and is brought to the on soldiers to support! liil there a jot- There aro several wells along the grimed ready dressed, in -beautiful' dier who can bear that, rceord? •,1 margin 'of this run which have boon blocks, varying from five to ten feet in -I'.liis sem!) bill organized the Penn ' abandoeed; but they will soon be made length. These I cap - stones are two telrarlia Ileierves—that 'Arbil; phas productive by :he application of rinere feet in breadtheeight inchee in thick . - 1 line of Lie Commonwealth- Clytner l gee Above these-are.- Marling. Jones ness, and .beveligi one ibeh on kbe up- weall a h v a strangled this corps in its i& Co betting deeper 4o old wells „with per side. eti Cradle, Ho would have had Poetise'''. good good pros p ects If success e s eou on, 1 "I t, rho enclosure' is not a perfect -I 'iris; of all the. Northern States, alone, Jones & Co. have severe' wells a little ,square, although. thre four walls areal ' 441 ' 00 1. e tem to defend leer. . Every above that isre ire; the sitraeposition.---r.early the same length (seven hundred soldier et ihe glorious Reeerves went The facts are that when the owners 'feet), enclosing an area Of"nearly half dal ega,ips't . this man ,Clymer's will, think it will pay them, they will pro. a million squarercet. Tl4e wall facing ettee/on - tter undying bdnor - which it dace all 'heoil needed now. . to the north and east is fieiribed.— ,yer Will he, to have brien ; enrolled in - Las Gen. Karnes old well, the leio. Owing to - the •grading, this is by far l .. t . ese immortal legions in epite Dr neer of all wells in W,est Virginia, 'the highest Ind most, exeensiee wall. ' 4 .. era se. He proved his oWn maouood stands before uN It mere:meat to his +ln many 'places on - limoutside it ie ten 4 ,. shielded• his own borne; and eneresrai •a - ii` tiVide'ne - „e''tliitt%Wliile tiOeet hi _Ol - On' the inside the-Wall is tirwred row laiireis fa i r. ho eiigiedef fiu-„?4 bene fi ts himself,,be benefits those a uniform height of. four_ feet. The, ?Commonwealth, in defiance of the around him.. elt is new Weselersesli wall next, to the turnpike will be sui retched- and treasonable efforts iof Co.- . TheY'are boring deepeiarid have mountedby an iron:railing. On this it.Cl3,ecr—this man who, in Paoli' every prospect of making this an im- side is the main entrance. ! fleshy atel faith iessnese„ont-Vallan , portant well. The old McLean well The plots allotted ,to the several h_amad Vallandigham in the very an d -others ; come des t-i- note mach .do= Stites haCe ilocyetTbelin' laid off. ,It I.eur of t'ee rebellion. ing: Wetzeli -&' Co. have - Up here ais proposed to allow each letate to erect Soldiers of the old 'Reserves, you vrell.flowing .gas. - - The - rais a well up, whatever beadatonea or , monuments . al wiie il pal . , n • s.nd ageirehave borne, here, A. M'Farland's Weill pumping! over its dead it . may ,choose., It. is :ut fear or flinching. ;the fiercest some oil; but lazily, - ":, d Wiped that in this way - . a. rivalry bes tines of battle eeniese whose steady ArConaughey. Jones &, Camden have tweer. the States may be 'promoted, q u- Tn -- 1 - • N ape , 6 '. an. twain aye tolled the - a gbodl well flowing on this tun.' li arid that they will vie with each other Itt.err,..st waves of treason, can you will prove a good one.: It gave 10,4 in beautifying the Testing klaees allot , lit '"' this iieiu ? _Will it be doing -000 barrels in the Month of juno.-4 te& to their fallen heroes., , 16;_teyourT,elves? ' Wilt ibe a i 7 fi r t, ', 9 the memory lof, the innrtiyr 200 bittriihr i)er iiii for a Ainii4 is 'bel of trustees have been governed entire .e- ell beside your Think of •ing bored. ' ' ' -' Ily by, the fonds apprcpriated by the You Whe are th e comrades of the We . have no spaee to mention Lb ' States. An effort heat been made to pakies giviuff , us the •informatioil w'elkeep the expenses within the a ppro* lacked-nnd bringing as where we. priations, and the stribW 1t aeonerity, nro could- judge for oelves. I In passing; consistent with the dignity' and; im- I from tituf, theterrttary near and above portance of the-svoik; hare beep prAcel the 'Jones' till No. 2,- We think ii, :treed. It ika natlonal•monninentiln. proper to rent ak 'that while all terrif I tended to meek the scenes, of one. or .ory ems the i u n 'Fri, gooa, this, thus fai ,rthe natifen'e greatest triumphs, and ,to embracasithe best It yialtlethost oil perpetuate the names and memories of with , least labor. ' : I her heroes, as, well as' a cemetery to A. Hitt& below we find the next. 110'.1 bald their sadred ashes. 'lts walls and -Parland - well—it flows, but not rep- ,gates should, therefore, be strong, latlY. It is down hut, about 800 fee:, massive and enduring. ; nd 'they are . hot ingeleeper. It will : After the estimate of the entire co . st a be algood well. - ' ' bad been made, the amount was levied , ~ . . atte'Otterk•on well, opposite , has all } on .eaY" State in proporti o n. to , the the tanks- filled and is running all the nuniber of its-dead fiaried on the field, oiVpilisaible to the river. It is at least and the approteriations asked f 01..— `4E. gOod a will asthere f.4 any - where. some of therStafes responded ptompt , n. - Jt t.llit'ing now. to the men tercir ., sw 81,attie , whose boldest, 411 was to 01/31;11141os of Washing l'o go'. honorably discharged be they c.eTl _heard the whiz of a the forked tiara() a r-A,C, ,-.lask et.; w h o d odor t o d their 111"e ' ess,.., :a advance of danger. 41.0 alt:ng to.t.nd thitiking', of-the X5O Lave stood etbow to elbowta e .reicor • ;:e of dertth,land - tvefelt %Lt. ioich o f -battle. Tb. these 1 : 1111 1/0 'anow th^ cotr:radoshig ' 41 3,- we Say think of your dead is innues, think. - of your .brothers ,vote .tar ctyrner fan.- • ` n.t t. V n-.!; • n dry • rr. - .."1.1.k: EISES MI anirn 422C6 301 Vol. RI , (From the Pare:Mani Times; lith Inst.:l o... Region, ifi '8 iiiii p,iitiiii" . . bii , ..Westliitiol2lJ, '' fl' . Vie peculiar, internal. Inciiriun of place of. this. impertanee -- should ..he i known to the nountry, f 6 thernian4e are interested .in jt.,' Y_ . .reach -the mouth of BarningSprinfm, cm . the .Ltt. tlc Kanaw.ha, about 28 miles .from thei mdritti; it :Paritiiiburg, ' !rbe,yillefr of.the run yrideuEi as you 'gO lip, ,arld. you moon -find • plateaus ...of Various arc. tent and height. .They are al; arable; bUt thslliills.adjoining ate 6rilyfit-fetr the griaoe or. Nerds Most .of thani 'are still well timbered..-,Therdarric s and wells l'eitend IfroM ' thi /Point to ' the extreme of Upper BurnlngSpringS, .ncarl,y . three miles. through a valle ) v t-, averaß ng i ii bquO,po yarAd wide, ',bre:. w h irk . Ixitd---ontte piat,estusliare Vie welis. On this gound and the re 40 one ravines put: i n out are about 21'0 1 4 derricks and well ~. or wellacorpmene ed and 'abandoned, . The iiopulatinn, of comparatively 073 - rinanent char acter, is about" 2000. Tha i residencita lure generally cheap,- but many of the very,.courifoylab4t. ...4.,fe.w...Persoris„e just. holy livin:g7teinrassirily I'd tents; but buildings are go ing , up feat. The hammer ai3;well as the anvil is sound. ing.i4ll,the tim:e,-, , • , ; - .• ic.... •,. :Is ' .:,..;-- ;.1..1* , .. t_ . ' TUE OIL CENTILE4 1 ____ ....._ ........___ , For the - prOduets of cal and . (pep, of oil,: West 'Virginia surpasses art ~ • .. •portion .of. the :world, `and .13kirrail l Springs; - a.ltliongb .: not •eqUalin,e , ~ 11 gravity the oil of White, Oak, 'MO, lion anti'Gale's : Fork, surpasses .as at illuminating oil iti?3,-xel,produced. At yields SS per cent, more of 'refined ad than - any of the - PenrisylVania wells: . This is an important' Rein and :o 'e hat shrink; .be regafded by..lsotrattd well owners as ao.im i portant matterin the development Of the 6ountry. , 4l our oil is ,ciaiited. 'as the Pennsylvania , oil we mast come', tinfa par! We muill fix a stand rd 'far. noiseives: 'Why.. should, nit Parkersburg ;, haye:aii oil association, and trade direct .? • Virh should we' not . eominand the eastear Markets ?.. We can do it, for we Lave the.material within, - ourselves '-;. •},,, We have dwelt upon generalities 1,.. the oil of But ning Springs. We-prO , ; , pose to •go into detaillis we observed them; not. •eonsectutiVely, ikut as I , i , e noted them on the.'spt.; j . ! i TELE. WELLS..! .f` • . 1- --'- :.,- , 0.„- ipr, -:7-.." , r.i - t.A . -M' --..,' • j. '..- ,', ' . .: ' •'- -•, -' . . 1 A ,• 1 , 1 1 " '' '''' --;--,-. - - -- ' - ' I --: i • ~. '' - 1 . '.' W - ~, 1- - for , • ''''. ...., jr'• • - ' ' '-'l lf- 1 q r > : D Illr s 'Pa ilat.') T 1 -1; -- ::, ' '.14,tdi1i,ig,i160 3. 011 :Atli ', ; r -POktle xi itipp ig' $ , , 1 - I, t . 4 ,!-,cl v , - .alr -' !---.,""..:-* '-... P'-'•• '' I tt ' ! ' . : • ' i . - - .•,,,,,:,,;;,,,,,-- 4rp;, , .. s ••• '_0- . I,t(wilit S`.; : 3 rJi V 7..', 017,1 a ~.-,'. ;' , .: 1 : .. , ~•,,yi,.1..i..' 4,- ,: 4. 1,,...i.:'.1. 0,,,.. ..1.. ':, . , • A .. ..,......‘ . .7...: .* . 4 4.4 ! ' i ': ...;:.-•,, . , .., ~ , a . :; •- ylh,f , r ... iv'. ... t . , ...yr.k,01 1. -., ~.,....,1 . .,....., ~,,„ • , i, „,„ , ~.....„,..,..., 7 ;. ..,...-k -,..... ~,,,,- ~ t , eat -7. •,. - • , --"... 40- .t ' - %- ' l ' " ' l'' - • ''. • "''. r 4-71:: :, '''' •,'.' . ' I , 1 ',Oki& • i'lli 1 . ,0 1 . .I ' t j ' ..i , 1.1 : % ;: :, _ ~ r .., ~ .t.,_,,v,.:, .i ~.e., . . 0 t rt : 0 • r,,. 4 :t3 1 1 ~. i -4..- -,:.:., i' .(1 . ;'- - • ~.------ : : *: - --'"--:7 .7 ''''' 1 B i ::: .- : _ : , ,, i,. :•,. ~, -:, ' , - ir I : tr,T , (....,, : , ; : 1::: r :: :),, 11 it( : r , . i 1 . l, ' , ' I. Tfrumrst r . . - rr.,r' ;'-• . . •- ' •, IA VICO equal ,Y.l: , - :1-• • .1,1., Jr. .in it"' , i ' i... ~ t • :./ r ,. . _t ll \ I -, . - .- - -- 5. ,,, ......t.4 i . ' . - ~..`,- , 4 4 4 4 ,' i . , ... L . . - 1 ' ,.t Vii . :.., ..,.,. .. 7610ed H., ::,.. . 1 lla ,i t - 4. ' -..,,!.:' _; . ~''. ~i ia peiioi otk t -14 • •.-, .. '.; t , t ` .., '' X 31 ' ,t % '1 - t .:7 --"--41111 r ---216 0. 1 r --- -il----: - - r . ;,Y i : 1 1 : ' ' t, .;t;:: , - , '. .. , : . ' ;1 t ; I,t ~, r :•• , , - ... 1, [ t t [ u l ar - I ' ' - . • • •• -, , , ~ ~ , , ' ''--,-' ......... h ) -7 Bt. - sou( s =II Milo* & , brive -Within the- " legi t -Week' i'l&ed-11uvririg -Joriesiweji which they will commence" clean' in- it dap or twis: towingpretty freely-;- - -say-800 barrelwa dry; but it es t i be carried be. yorid • ' • • Mr. Cornell has a well in the vieirii. ty slia has , flo reed--gasixrwerl or tivo .weeks They .comtnenced. - sink. ing deeper yesterday morning, - There are,acvetal Weiho in. Olio mi. 0164 , v :the proprietor* or superintea dants -of *blob-we could 'not see, arid I,mbst. leavor etspecially rinnotieed,'„! If The .I*l eiWbk, r , I rrin . .ileien: 600 feet,: The rads are rill 'covered whr : gil t - -; They will strike , a good well in a few Alaye.,The, eock well is dOWn *760 feet, with agood shaw of, boring. The Wyatt ' well flows - Veriodicallyi bat they are steadily - boring: The Octerson lower well is ',beirig bored to 1000 feet:: It shows well. " • • - - The.Kilpatrick Ifiwnr i Twoll corn.; rnenced trowitig freely' ,on 4fonda,y Imormr.&. He is going to biro deep ; er. - 1/.lB7lohey it Co bare - one pretty good i;vell-butare gqing 900' ft,llowu on. auother. Wheaton to superin. .tending: a .well to be put 'down'looo feet.' - . . On the right fork .of the run we , found, the welt of th& Enterprise Oil Company, "J. They are down 45a, with steady shotiarelf. Captain Burns is . pushing .the. #tork energetically; fend. they'will hem a good well. • A_short distance above Jones Well No. 2, 'is the' White Well; down 800 feet, With good piospeeite. ,-W44lllhk toh Coutpany, Murray, eaperinten dent; bic'down _ 800 feet, with good prospects. , • - - • Dlr." O. L. Wdltams has two old wells- destroyed by JOllO4 or. the •Ka nawirAjoack. , He is elea . ring, them out and. we Iwo no doubt they will be good welli. Standingl"Btone, - Mr.`bießride, -superintencleta; bail a well -which is down 770 feet.-With a first ciese44, - atir,` and \ we don't see why be sh - cutd not find"an abundance of oil. We have not noticed the larger'por Lion,' apse wells because we tic ritt, find roost:my that they ago not pump , tog. L . • • - 1- 71, Beaver -, Weduesdilyet ..~~. . 1881 MMMWsi ly,:aatl voted the ful. ... _, rs resporided,in.part,.and ss ‘is a il tet; appropriatelf;nothal he.: work hss • been ''l4 l 4. l B44 , ffiriAb 110.000. received Ifrourc„-*liittalic o t Maryland. - $1;000;' fr o lii4l. lineipsso, from West, ;Virginia; 1 101MON:k,frotpl abode. 'elan& .itirout : o2oooo , haval thus far been , •)•appUtlrPriitted, -t only 812,000 of: which) haviouqati hien vex pended,•;' , t —l' • ‘ fu r -1.1.1 .., ~ . i t ry As. soon; as-the r svall i'ditniding are completed, the L wor.k I? moving the dead.,will 'he hewn. Aitr,„; G oode '_Ofi Sbarpebtirg, has: pi rico* : ''of . all . that I could be identified •at.tbia.:trinv of ibi.... , risil—perhaps one-brilf4g,:thei*graveir harked with themame -• ~ piny , ,and i regiment of the dead -, •, , Ir; a, still, larger, aufuher'lWith Aiiic regimerl.l ~alone • and nearly all vitltitthe Stak e to whici; the regiment I:4*W, - L, As. We - walked ,ovec#llo battle field we:- flaw y'll w the boperrsof 'a ,Or ttiat had been turned up bhe ,oaghshifre.-.2., - 10ijii+elerring . tci i )lr. 'B rigister, it. was asei3rtioneittliirtt4itoldier whose bones were bleaching hilhe,. rain clad sunshine, came , from 'lTiscorisin. .We forbear to give the iniiitis of hir. 'tame, or his Company , and „f4viiirent. On reporting this matter' to Dr. Biggs, a man was fo.thwith dispatched tore-, place the bones in: the wave r and cove( Nit The location of the Me t e r , , is the, -best that could prissibt give been se; looted. Ii overlooks ' e battle-field, and • many .of the most ~important points, around which the fight, a ged most, fiercely. are. is fol view. ti the ,npper part of the end - ire is a arge rock, on which Genera ee stood for' some time and Wainheirthe' progress of the battle. There-ihas been, a difl lerenecro! opipion.,amo4g the •genfle: men having control of i'thecemetery, whether i -this rock.shoteirbei allowed to. remain. We believe - ..it has been decided not .w.disturbAt: Wbatever„ lit is calculated to perpet - ,, the historic' associations of the s e should be preserved Althngh t the, rock has been , pressed by triiitiii lootsteps thereAvill be few pilgr*s tiii'this spot, pow made sacred; by, 144, Elation's "oil f I diepi, who will not lite upon it and recall. the scene whi 'General Leo gazed' upon that b'l t . September morning. .- . - ic.' .. ~. - l i . , The view Vont this .*eh •is grand;!, On the rightl,lo. the Elk ridge, and,bel i youd is the South mgar k tain,curviiii to ' L the left 'u'ntil it rtG ems almost til. touch the North' rtkirfutalti 'Varga'o earring to the r ' i'ght.-yfliblie mount. !tins approauh - witb i m. ivp,#,,ftirtili miles - of each othev,b„, * !ItYt le e l n t? -1 611 0.,V . urn itheal.. tres,in which gods Imiglit hare; bat tled 4 , It i proposed tO l , dedicate the itemcu tery on the 17th cif September next; that day - being dial anniversary ofihe great battle. It I will, no doubt, _he a verrinteresting occasion, , The truss tees will have a meeting on the Ist of Atignat, after which the public will bo duly advised of ',the arrangement,s made for the solemn and Imposing caremonics. i , • , Clymer's !Insanity. . We learn that oar. old friend, ter Clymer, pods'- .out and ••make l a speeches occasionally, notwithatandr ing the fearful hallucination under which he .seems to (be laboring.' At a recent meeting at Exeter, Barks 3ouii. ty, he insisted that. Judge Woieltvard was elected Overrior three years agd„ and a similar hallucination .will likely haunt him the remainder of hie days. It is not .uticommrin to find such ab; erutions of the mind, but it is very seldom that persOns so afflicted are proposed fur the important position ot Guvornor. A venerable darns in New York belieies ;.• herself the Wife of] James Buchanan, with twelve chit?, dren born to him,in lawful wedlock; the said offspring !tieing represented by sundry degS, eats, dolls, &c., about her; bat'they con sider her a lunatic and keep borin the asylum. Another man we have' re ad of insists' that he is at varialicawith; all the world-4311'r erybody believing ' h im; crazy, whilo.he believes everybody crazy but ~bimsell)' but they quarter Ibim in the insane asylum•instead fr - if the Executive mlin= awn, and we insist; that Mr. Clynfir's Iriencla shall of his mental wanderings or. Withdraw hini a can dilate? He ought - to be told tinaitive ly that WoodWaid' was not e elected Governor three - years ago, m[l4 is not Governor now ar.ii while the 'Commit; tee has its ,band in, he might ad weil be told that General Geary, will be the' next Guvei i nor Pennayllsionia. l —' Chanibersburg ,Aefiository. • .1 1 • -1 LANSLEBBNES,3 IN - ,'MlssoUEl—There is great disregard of law . irisour twee tions of Missoarii . owing to 'the bitter feeling existink etween• the Union men and late ¢6r federates, the latter being in; many; cases nailed to sever, account: This leads to retaliation and deeds of bood. In Charlton cnunty, recently two men • named Welch were killed in a quarrel, and no legal action, basing been taken, the relatives of the' deceased determined to execute juetine sp heisiselves, and prci t o men named Gar nett_ceeded to sho n The sa me day a Captain Hen- lay was shot i jfro 4 , the bash by some anittiown pe on. Srmart wed. now. One cam . : or two ago; wile bride amounted late, • tir • .• Or: • *1404'; ' • :;*°' • , Le "tier. from .40:41i4i. tiiiil3 %l • ..;-.4 , :,- .-:: : , ...OP6O . ••- :, • , '.,•'; • ~, ... • .... 'f' . .•. , -. . -Wainrunrrox,r•Jaly:ls;4B66: 'Of ', 11 1 6 - .T . : A..: 1 1*04 1 4: 6 0 140 % . ,4e.', . i .;Eitt4l" iieie;the 'heftier, O . pekoe* ..;,- 'edge'lie" receipt, .. - or ickii!..inete,,'Of t e ;OttilliSt''„; with a, 0,61:4 - of, JO 1 for,l 4 .,ii;jNetimiel.llJ.iiicin C.lnventien, I beleld;44,,thilacitilibia 'bit . :ilitil:ldi nay' -of i Atiettetriiii4r,.,: Ycin kiin;oat ;:i tees tite..Call and the: PriAPiPtes;eltl7l elated ii i' it meet *nifaritito.v.el,Allif,.,, , '.ittply at. my , earliest con - yenience::. '. l c l' Tblkibuignage . Wituld''seent titintpl .. .. that :tictattawer-te desired if - 4440:n 4 approve„ , • 'call and.. , : the.:Ptinelpi ti .avosfett ,11 . - • in. itbet,,iviirds, thata, failure t ~.', : - May'beciiiteivieted it icclisapp -it ot 'only- r ef tt.is call; bat of eitulriand all of, the principle an- iittienced, in ; ii. ' '.. •.:. . ..; •• • ~- • .I-. :-.. •Thiais a reitio.n in whtcb r B'ml:in willing:6 be pladed, When: ;I 40004 'orthar-y of theprincipies!set:forth ih the :Oak, and . yet 'do not! approve of lot 1 the . call_ itself. : I will ',briefly eta . i k , eta reasons: first premising that I'd° a t rcognize • .thb .very , ..reepeCtible anS I tjemen who have made his 41l ea ttilii 1 aCkilowlectged organs Yet the... gre t Union! perty,of.tha.country. • . • T Since. _the: outbreak 'of "the tbrrifi struggle from Which, !the 'country' help now emerged, , webitve hid a Nlitior:. at . .IJitiOn - party;,. that hate exhibited more devotion. made greater sacrifices iindmisnifestedniore imitelfiab patriot.'. 'ism .than any party ever did ly - lathe history of the world. , , That partyis still in being, with it, I organization 4ntact, and' its ()ignite 11 ) Iciloaro.; and as that party,lby•its fait, 1 41 its doctrines, and its exertions, ties, .chit face of. it a , pr ophecies` of :bat th *New. and all, the 141141 'World; Rived' the Government and.f.i..eptibliCan: instittil thinitOl...Ciar comm o n count de l ; , . - Moralization, and. indeed -frjel! utte,. ruin, 'br,vincheating , .-at all, hazards 1.4 pritnerdialtbeory of (the ; eternal; •i 4 dissoluble unionof the States, tbrougb _ which 'only 'can-4"i r particle of the: th ory - of. State rights-ever be maintaine and.carrted out; it week appear !to ... me to lit:Still the ooly.one!'or at an rate-Ath i ptiont :e ff ectual. tzteansas •fa lie D o. 'ilsiti 4ci it, of finally adjustin . all the remaininft. minor land- onse, t tied' matt ere of ' reconstruction :Consisti r , entt r ;svith the - requirements of.the • ..-I the . . -!amentioned. ! . . !- *- , ~...yierts, is th e . sanni ti:o4la7 ass i .; • e; ha y s of its 'trial; the sam ~, Ow.' as When, but I ale* ahor • Ite .iO 7 ~it: elected Lincoln ,an I I ?brisOa•, - -and the!insiOriti of the pres of dirty demands that 17:P41141r an. act'with it'now. - .I " . • The pith and - marrow of.the preser4 call,''ll should Say s - tends:toward a con, vention to form a party forrustain,ingL not. the Govertirnent in its entirety (as has been the mission, of the Union party), bitir a department of the - Guv.J. eminent. And here I merit take th , liberty of adding, that I. can hard' conceive of any sadder speetacle,undet: the crisis of- pifeSirnt eireiimstances than' that of the tried _ Union party, becoming dislocated 'and broken up bY division, or that of one branch of . _the" Government of 'the 'ebuntry taking ari i•i olatcd position upon questions of I deep and common ititerest,and plaCin itself, in hostile conflicts with co-ordi nate departments. , For these and other r e asons which might be mentioned, I cannot' join in the cutl for ,the Convention in -Philo delphia. - 1 , i • ' I have 'Said that many o the prin. - tciples stated- in the cal are, in .m view. unobjectionable. ~I.• ill not stn ; to•criticise those which are ohjeetiOn.j, able,, but content inyself'„with muting; that the call fails to take any notice ofj, one of the groat issues noW before the American people. I ' allude to the question whether the several -States sbell' ratify 'or ,reject the last sr/lend-1 merit proposed by . Congress t&-the Constitution' of the United States.— ThiS is a grave and all ! impcirtant question, , ~ - , , . i The' Situe upon it cannot be avoided. It 'should be 'placed fairly ar.d squarely befor'e tho people. The failure to take p groued•_upcin. so important and all-ji absorhingh question : must be attribit.,i, l ted 'either to a desire toitert an issue,' . or as a declaration of bel errind policy , against the adoption of tlie amencl.. meut. Being', myself ears estly.. and decidedly in faVor of the sdoption, of the. amendment by the Strstes..l cannot. ge -into an - organization that would either openly oppose that; measure m that would smother it by l avoiding its disznssion. • - 1 .1. . 1 I must also , add that no rian is more desirous • than I am -to attain the•en:- tire 'restoration - of the'American Uir-, ion, with - its practical., workinge, M I More • perfect harmony a vici-catKorci than ever, and ,the surety, is ler lul l moral affairs can be mide;sure.ofsnd-;1 less perpeqiity 'in .the future." -Thell blessings te- - ' flow from such a U nionil -are countless • and. inestimable; But such. a Union, 'consistent within itself, maintained by the universal , consent of all cusses and sections, and laugh. ing to scort. both .the assaults of be t internal or external, and .the ravages of' time and change, a nd Only be ob.. tained, by Sternly reiractin . g oyery , do. nurture from, or comproixase with,th supriiine'and general idertat the Amer ican fundanienfallasr,the Constitution. .. . That g enera:-idea consists, inbrief, of the political liberty an d eqnility of, mankind -ender: the law.!,`. Su ,b, and ! , such only,• can be• the- Union, the two rings aro all the rage , of at Chicago a day a the presente to the •4 ton thousand dol7 , r El EH Elea jshed4 - ' i 88-= tioriallty,..that i,; , irlllftinti;iii-. lOrrn the . 10 . 1 10 1 00 0 efit , and lofty:. dieittnit of thc American . contin.entel.utind;Fid fulfil in the Intim) 1101144 st: efforti orthe preient ttild - iiitilmiat. - It ii ili3t the vague deluiiiiri th at, the-rights- or the States necid l doetoring.. The Jitinerican ;theory culminates properly in.the Jut.- tredness of thci.rights of in,dividuals--- 41 each's - Ingle individual. This after 'all,''-iii irbalt Washington i caried 'out with- the sword; and -Jefferson, filter. irigNot - the - wag-IC, his subtle land free inifd; d isturf l rip', an d put on record With thr!::pf , i_th , 4 1. .. - ;.1 ~..,....1 , .. ~.. ••••=. It is - weirlinciwn that hi thh.pp 4100 1 sinckleglithietdry Of l ibe United States ; 1 the'only dePartiwei or compromises of thokind alluded to have been those in the: intereet_-,of Slavery, and of: its minifold'ineidents.-, Idonnt,Ofcaurse, propiii36 to gd aver the thousatid.titnes told tile ofthe past 60Years- iilci diy, Slavery; • siva confessed legality; is, as we all know,. no more.; - But 'some oil the most important of its. incidents or compromises still rernain-blets and incongruities upon the law. Whatequi nitable reason can be given,W•hy these Incidents also shoul4l not be erased? 1 Time. was that.,wheii the 'blaintitirere Out chi - ) man would die; but ;now ' we Kee the limbi demanding to live, - and move, as if the nervous center stilt ex isted- - • • 1.1 The-persistent' attempts to; .kee p in. the Constitution the rule of 1-an 1 une qual - and unfair basis of ' represent:a— tion is periloris to the future Ipeane of the country, and •vill surely 1 clause a chafing sense lof the injastieel ise lloog as it is continued. ..- -• I : Furthermore, the'liigh mission ., of the Union party, as avowed iid the `Baltimore. Convention, to ~;:extilliate cSlavery,".includes the removal .4pfl all the hateful and anti-popular excrimen. cps engratted by that institution ,f or • its- own sel6sh aggrandizement epee our free Rational laws and policy. That high mission and obligation tan. not be accomplished until all' Which Slavery hag so engrafted 4 is Icut i out; foe until' then Slaverl, is hot "extir pated:" • . . , ;Earnestly sympathizing. with • the' men who look to -a, law of equal 113 presentation resentation as the only gnarantee both for popularrights andl popular acquiescence, I would feel inyselt out of ,plaee in a Party that favorikalasis of representation giving pe r celiai and unrighteous advantageii to: a pprtion of .the body' politic, to ithe detitment and dissatisfaction of the whole.- • Uniting with you and all Good men in the soul-felt desire that peace, pros., l'nerity, and thit amicable brotherhood peritY, may soon previTlsol-5-nt-iiiiiii unbroken through our beloved Con:triton country, that former . erimitiefi eltil l die out and be forever lost, and that all over , '. the. , broad dotriain of AmeriCa equal . laws; shall protect equal rights roan mankind. I have the lhonor to 9CI becri be myselfyoTtr obedient servant, JAMES SPEED. ~_ Too SHARP.—An amusing incident is told'of a woman in ,England, whose husband, - it wealthy man.died sudden. ly, without leaving - any will. , The widow, desirons of securing the whole of the property,'concealed her hus— baanddlerdveinagthiaannd;l: pe th rs u u s ad s e e d cu ip g oor s shoemaker to take his plac e white a will Could be made. Accordin gly be I , was closely ninfiled in'bed. as if very sick f ,and a liiwyer - was' called in to write the will. 'The , shoemaker, in a feeble voice, begneatheiftalf of all the property to the widow. • "Wha t shall be done with t he, remainder ?" asked the lawyer. "The romainder,PrepTied he, "I-give and' , bequeath - to the poor little shoeinaker across the utreet,who has always -beeu a• goixnneighbor and rich 'bequest for himself. The widow ,was thUndetstruck - with ,the man's anclacioui cunning,:but did. not dare expose the fraud, and 8o two rogues shared the estate. - 1 -.- Tug Rev. JL B. Ferguson is the Re cording sec!•etttry of AC Johnson Club, in Washington. He. an Andrew Johneon know one another. " When Governor of Ten pease°, Johnson offer ed ii'reward for Fergusuri,as an enemy to the country. lie fled to 'Philadel phia, then to Europer;:along with .the notorious imposters, the Davenport brothers - -returning, he turns up' con apicuouisly in the now party movement. The Wing is perfectly natural, Itial as easy as rolling off a log ! ' TORT. is a story. extant. Of a barber who, heingcatled upon to shave Pres- , _idea Johnson, carelessly tweaked his ExcellencY's nose. "Pardon me," said the contused operhtdr. "Put .your ,hand in my coat pocket," said the ,Pre sident, "and take out a blank pardon. _Di au, it up and Sign: it as soon: ,on have finished shaving me." - , ' A SWELL-KNOWN citizen of Waives, tor; Wass., retired to.' bed the' other ifight.vviih his full beard, and was sur prised and grieved the neU t t morning on waking to' find that during the night it bad lallenuff, leaving his face as barS as a-boy's. The occurrence Is nousital, but - not unpainted. The Ford's.• Theater building in Washington is being fitted up under the. direction ofSurg. Gen. Barnes. The upper story will he need: for the Anny Museum, and the first and sec •bnd stories •for ,tibo valuable military records of the 'tar. ME xo A*M. 1 .. 41 - $4 - - At, pis ` iw tl o u iiiiiriffilediatti iced' pkettertSteinitt .' type; -.1-tor tor 2i• 8881, ,C.044#10n rot, - • -ff.- IWO itii4,tret 8 and Deaths, ;;Palitiost latices et $ pub* wituio, - tree. _ • • and oib4-r 1.1 1 new DivOrott.i = 1 . lt ,1-Ast,,k s, tcr.on theli s ibi!iiil , t ei , 040 Sytt . „ . ', Mee , eft the following action of p 1 , ceremonies' of divorce. sltesays : I 't ' r , ,. '1 t . Divorce is common. It ispertdrnielf over the body "'of a- 'florae, which iii, , - sacrificed fori•theockaiiiiiif. l '11144034 mony must - take place, if posaible 1 "'when Al e aurvis at lie height.l Alb .--:- dea parti a concerned yin it carry` long I i staves in heir 'hands: A:heirsi.,with, l ,' i tont blem is h is-led-forth,tid a 'eri4talC i . , ot • the - 'eCinpany •is chosen by l to, I . act as Priest • on- the eeessi rr.- -'114.: j - "walks round the anfinal iseverltirees,:! ' ropeatin Alt 31ifiees of allithe Ortiepe:; . , l j is whose o Sian, it hoe Veen, and J . 1 ; 11, extolling 'tir re.tinallties:..' 4,iatbers let !boa's, ' 'rid 'Several gYpsiesi eetipr. 'in - pOrsui of, it :If it is Wild and in. , . I . a t tractable, • leatie, - ditelms,' kic fiT'tzt Will not ow itself to beiasily aug, t, the guilt ofol the WoBo.ie opk .d.uppfa,' rn as onor u 4; but if iris tame nd driw,.l . . cile, her e rime :are ;height trkbeless, i: 3 ,heeious, a d--the deatli braid horiseit3; l I itifficjent i to wash-them: !""Y 1 The ifickiipluals who - esph t he horse ' hring it befire the . priest.; f Tbey re peat to, illAi thefaults *id tricks it I. il bas coin atoll; laying the Aoki: Of' ;be crime of which the 'woman is suP.r 1 • pulled tett oe,h*en guilty to its bhargp,. , I, and upbradl i ng.ond se'olding the dun*, creature, in-an angry mapper; fox i i t ' j.eonduet. That bring, Of it sire, i ' i aecniatio against it. and plead for- ' ite,oonde nation. bWhen-this;part et. I j the trial i finished, the priest pikes IS, large r ki4fa and, thrusts it into the , ' I heart of the , boree, and its blood is allowed' tflow upon the &rind tail ti life is '.'t ' ti net. j 'The dead animal is 1 now stre hed out upon tie ground.-4 The husband • then takes his stand nut ! I one. , side of it and the wife on. the oth4 Int, and, hOlding reach ,•other iby the hand; rertitaertain certain'' see; - ; tenses - in7theqtypiy language. ; : The j then quitholdoot earth other,indwa,lic .three.timea vaned the body ! 'or jthir horse, tiontrariwise, passing and croritn•T ;leg etOli :other: at'-certain points as they, proeed hit oppoilta directions: Aci t etiii parts .' of- the ,animal,•(ther: ;. corners of the horite,-,weallie.gypsy's expressio );isuel l i,as-the hind , and fore feet, the houldere and 'llattncheS, the. head and ail, the patties. halt and fame each bther, • and again repeat seeteneet% in their Own. speech at l each time they halt. 1 The two•Lait Stops they make id their circuit round thii eacrifii,•4 , aro , at the,hetid and tail— .At the' bbad; 'they again face each other andtiptk.P l ! andittatlkat the tail,'they, again ii.•l , fzn i 4eneh . other,-litter - some 'more+ i.n i r kf la 1..,a i nthei nth, ne er again to be united 'this ht. , ImmediatelY after the Bev- r oration it kes place the w wiutn •eceiviss.• a ',token which is made. of.catit .iion,i , about an,?nch ond a half square, with, a i mark upon it resembling thejßioreari character T. After the tnarrillige flak been. dis - Ofved; and .the woman, dis 4 missed' from the sacrifice, the-tieart ciel the horse -is . . taken out and l roaitst withfire, , then Sprinkled with,vinega or,brandy, and eaten by the beeban4 and friends then . prevent ; the l i fernil • , not being, allowed ' to join in tb spa of . the ceremony. The body l if th horse, skin and everything ut it, 1 erpt the heart,is buried on to o spo a d years afterthe ceremony hats take place the husband and his fr iends yisi , the gravef tbe animal to see ibethei., it has been disturbed. At the visit ~ I they walk round about. the graire,wit I much grief and mourning.., t ~ iThe .htiaband ; 'may . take another wife' whenever be pieases, ba'the female is inever permitted to,lmari 1 again. T i lie token, or rather) bill'of divorce which she receives,musi ?meet' . be from about her Person.' If she loses it' or attempts to .pass kerielf 46 as a woman never before 'married', ebe.;ble , Viiiipl Jiable to i l tbe imnishMeht - of • death.- In the evint 'of her brefiking this laW; a council, of the 'chiefilis bald upon her j conclu4ty and her fate is' del. .. aided by a majority rn of .-the'-einbere4 and, if.the is to edffer tleathher sou l , tence, must be 'cOnfirinii& li r tge. kin,g . oi l principal leader .. -The - ! cul prit la Jr then tied to a stake with rin•irdel.chain, , and there cudgeled to • deathlp . •Thp• ' executioners do not extinguish ilife.tit. j one beating, but leatothe unhaPpY, • woman for a little while at'a return t o her, and at last complete 'theii .) wortr:' by despatching her on the spot .1 .'' ' : l: ' IdITAISt7O4IIER MEDAEA, now residlng in'llolhdayeburg, - but foimer, i t y: ot Blair Fdrnace, , Blair county , is done-. . , the lieFoaa of do 'country.. Ile gav i e aii somet6 the armies orthC Ur l tio t p. 91 Whom five died or were killed in 'aetii t l e, vice, and the sixth one yaw wciande a4d'dfacharged o 6 account of liolin ~ Teemed in battle, and • was for 1 6 lo a tiine totally. disable d ,_,;- . l:_. ~ Tnx Waif , © Roche! tl foi the noun I Tax edi or.of the Ncrw York .v , 1 4 appears to have big job nds. In one issue (Ibis piper a t hinn lea , der appears. to, prnve th is better than a negro. ITurak,atifillwal ways of being fici iAe youtHriavoim totho level ot yti dssires-i—cirloWer.your 'desires to level of yl'ar reveoaa,- - , =I . Nry.! ; ; s.a . Ll v 4 4. ) I, ittiogOr eorreepondent I ter. Dernocrat..anye i tt 4 s6 iPhßtidelphia C p4v-pare4 by Secreui 1 II 11 Ei U ISM Eli ~~F~ ty r. ~ ~ Mfr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers