13111 ,T-- . . . 11119.Weltave repeif , 1D.1P.. Liow . "a ' ii . thei4iiii !• -4 , ling- this oounty. in .tbi Irir,ittition, a - oopy. - .. , "',-------'.- and : i Annual Re art •of thel 4fiais • • . - • ' -I' ' - liw.7. • - :..............."-- '----,-.----- 7, -- IHonse of Refugi for 7 i r the year 1865. 1 4 1 I - mi. SeWdel Meek, of- New Sawickly.• tp4 . 1) 1 - f , oa d m j Friday, Feb. 16, from an injury a 86 . i -i} r 6 . c t rs and lianniers co 407heke'lfibeeu_____4:reeeived.j.fr.o;nifeill.. .. • • ;#i* gentlemen, tweni .: . 1 '` ,101. :•'" ' i l l ",. ; ,llouroil has been appointed Post 7 . electe4 by . contributi '' . North Ect.l.lin'this county, vitte ; this Iran Chute. by co asstO• l ' • , ! ; dollars periannum to.i , r .ip * rano , ramie . ~a- !1-. . 1 ........--- --- ,' • ' ij ‘7-ITasi4t,Esq., lute editor of the `' 'others arc chosen by t 'pelts iti"i o "l6.ra df4 h i en . ,been . aiitiointett.': to: aJj missioners of the save 4 imeric theinterior_Deptlktmjeut at Wash , : . 1a • t de contributed from. f ier . .. I . • .; to the institution. -- 11 - isgl i O it*-.- - -- • - ' 1 ''' „,,” Iva.'• - The M. E.- SabbathSchcol- in •of the7Suiu of $:.t500 en the lasi!, year two • .; - ,! to:one representation. , „ :,,-.; M . - tributedjduring 0 I "' fortedollars to„the 'Missionary .• - • of , . , ffi deed and • • • • !officers - all grades ~,- 1 . . c osi:: - 1 . _t_........ - .....,_. - ! Om-House. There w :Aa AlexaeSeriNiiirl Aich . , : tiiii . .; or Wislrinel-s4 Report 2,14 Writ t s beet re-appointed. Marshal at ' gir s 6.5. There have. Pei?" ha •t) r_ ,Penneyleania. - ! I " • • ''' . r 'ae ifeati, m di " ° ' ° and courteous I.:0 1 00 care of the, Ha Kti is so eXeellent officer . . , j , j en . n 0. , l' ~, 1,5 . 10, ut ~whit: gu n ' dWe 'glad - to learn •of bib re- j j 1 1: 1 ' ragman , ' " j ; . -, vire . : buys!, and 413 . - sPri ntine l l; ' l-....---, --,------ ' !County :has sent a . la c' .-- ' - m -The !sew Castle . 0a- j A.!lirsj...STEltrEtlO . lalattl:08 to the Reese orleemis that a gramma is "bent to corn-, . jo , .. • 1 „,.„' s the publi ca t i on 'of a weekly Ter at •C. linty in the District • 1 •• • ~ the title ofxite' " ZAYRE glieny and' kjayette... ;Ie"-je-.-fi' tiglit j on, ands" Ttai Ea '* " • 1 - .•- - 1! , Ii . 1. ----- ±'' • - ~.Br a iss, to 85 . 57.-Mrs., Perry Hoover, ; l'';0 5, anti Pro.viOnsly ' • 'i, Wheatland, Mercer county; took ja. j The expensed of , the It' resdtPll3 a et ith p e alone ii.s4 fell into the, fire, burning ; ported by tha T rta au herselfelt in f a horria.manner, : She lingered j yeuto i no i nt o .lo B miisidful agony fr . akont $I ,hours.. 'i'ettse.okeppipge j deal'mee toter N 114 .1 •I ing the past year ha' 's r T 1 20 51110irr 1 11 7 a,,) D'exisol roe i sips it . ‘4•eck. The value 'o • iiii4lerssto Make it ny• more -expenialints n:: b.,,,, the inmates during.: I t ,. ;,,, wying tor piers Cady other on the . .- 6280 -and the amn ""' i ' The ' last trial vies made just . : 1 • est trac k ' . .; •J 1 - abets that town, anti proved , " eomp !te fa il- . The Superintendent M• ' iroik engiuos being smasbed up ' 'in • terms' as do the t' ' lo9 i; . L . _ • 1 ' '- , •,. . ': ;l' .' .' - . I, lilockburn the girl found in .. omit) Mon, (it the. in.sti a r bsj. '; i u j ::: j i ' ljj Nn l rt h • •i j ' m i j „, l . , - ; ..tyj4 ij i ej p . i tt i ts .: . •' dePariments. The ic-ti, learn, ix improving . and, th le •is . ari *: met:Audit good, and I lone viii recover . PupOs itte bemg I,. l ic u r o otte. The a isciiil i ; rt p114:11 r; -rho.'' ,)v lin visit her, tith ; rho inten- I. ' ,ilea r a g t e l . ::;i i n e t l r( l e l i t e ig nty li c;, .. : for her artificial feet •H 1 ....• . ache i nsti Ott ion Is L ': l ' : 'liii . .t l acter. and, as a ' - 7, 1 The - Pitt ' sbu rg j , ~4zint jli'te..llncluall but esm o, formerly ; a r. i,,tdi nt.n t ! trainingi of the lima . d , (if prime importance. Allegheny' county, o - te ; r ote 1 those • i wn, Beaver county, aft i " ,' ..5,, , t t i . ) . " ' t " -P 1 I gone out to cut timber,' . 7 . .. 1. :, ' Of all the- b i % , • . lortnerk• 1 i . ' it was made • %'' i re 1 t• .• meat t nj"jetirc ' • ' thirds known to l ,as found dying in n j a etice j i (.4. amity, 4. 4 , ti rpi .. 0 pi v conilitio".! Lie exp "red ' Of tho whide numberj ; . • , .'. 'rift, record of the gir • --"" -- ----; -- • -',' ! able; ptillabsout one h firt'The dwollin••t: house of trs. Lindh', a; j we . nee m__,l shat " I ' l l sidoW lefty. resid-m j g in Moon _ township , - ht.; port; litid we prortio ? oj this county, Was entirely ecinitunted'by Ste on , - ly visit to the itjeflif Wednesday e vening last. The fire Fanio s.lll ; tenon more of its iv' from a .candle which had been left in the gat. j meantime . we Iloilo th let by f an insane member of the family... We ! people will be i time ' inderatand that very little of the.coritentriwasd they . will Visit it it - ii`o . used, rad that ft-t Its . With some difficulty jall i Our . County 02inint 40 the 'embers -- of the family escaped.. ' ' 1 are idseply ititernste -, • , , ..... • .I' Of this noble institutio •lesk.M.r.. lackson Boyd, of Butler courify, .j.migov, who w.nelj-forine vs i r 'killed -- initan ly. on Thursday evening t (trident .01 Lite. Iloutt she!. 'ih inol., near Elliott:a milt, on the read . , omit/rt . /Inky to ?lines i fkiiling &Mil' linrsnoburg to' Centreville :-- :4 u t . a i i t i t o t e - 8'1:4..- 11e was engaged inj hauling it load •of -warble! ; -...-7 - ',. • _-_ __. _ _....,, fronilNes' Castle to Butler county-there a wns !•I . 7 f - - ' '?cl eans '• ' • ice oft thee,. road•when.. the accident Occurked _ ~ 'Atom:lolE a/AIME , —The Carroll eaus4eg iiin wago n . 0 swing round espsi 'A p ., 4 . (j.3 , onnty . ( Ohio) ilizio"n , .I . ) ress, tires Ilse. 1 0. , t ,' pu-rticularri of 1 sho king tragedy in 11 end the load. A slab of - Marble fell lir; faOyd causing his -death. Ile was au in- : ghat county, a few d Ym sine ir‘ ,l l 3 wo dustiiotts, honest nun-he leaves • a family, to .j .titen by- the - name . t' - Mclntire ! arid anonym hisandilen de:ob.-Yeti' Cysils: .1-atirlal.:! Adios 'while iiitoxica ed . Went t(. the "'' ,-- -- -,.....- '•-*---4 • :'" •' 1 : ' . -.ie, . Liking . witli Sir ! ' The Hunan ton Globe sayl that ape!. 1 • house a Garrett Da • . , eonified "devi l has been holding high carnival ; I:l:,e'n'i a bottle of w hi key. The three . ...in t4rus Itlong the r roajd east of that place?-j (num - became very - raiik;•'and' Da llis ireso vasisted of :O•cost of mail why het- : vis and 51.4... tire ti-trreiled. ;.51(.. tact j .unnounted with aipair vii' horns, and his ; I itti re got a pistol . ' roni Antos. and spe.aqs nierendi was 'to eater it house; scare the . , tried..to shoiat Davis, "tit wit's:prevent ieiuliies and oblige them to leave - on the double I"A m. his seizing- ho dof the other's qiiiiAt, and then like a reel imp of j ßataita j teall, e " "Y *ltiever was valuable. was Arresft4 ht,.. , arms. Davis then le „Mclntire to the, , hie 11ton - hug tit Me'yeyiiiwn,and is now bohnd• j Woodpile,- picked up I. o 11X0 arid tif.rt tlek lik9liltOn's 'loom; to-await his trial aelthe him 'with the edg,e, cutting - through . ! I Nellie county tour" . • s ' the lower jaw -and rro nth, levering the I jaw. : Ile Diaconal' or Lsko.-The Greeeviile ..4rSus : ;g7"" [and teeth fret 1- the * m il ac e -7- i mn „ I ,H o shown dom i ng i i me •bh nt ; theniptruok him Mont - er blow, cutting I I • *Pei; speJe fine sneeimen of rich 'lead ,ore, , ) i • through" the skull'inti the brain. Me:: . - , Trocorc.•l while provecting f6r `i..oail; on_ th ell ;Ili r 0 dived - but a fe v bourS. ])axis larnjiaif Lewis Lindsey iti titiOt:downship:- Was of tentedand- - he' . to' Answer the The 'ilpeciaiens are kery :pure and fully 1. r • . equal charike of murder, at the next. Let of %cilia richest specimens_ prOcured front the ~I', . - Whiskey alt ne waspi usisilterniaes. Quitje. a number of . iipeeimens : : C fUl t : t. • (4.. ttie: difficulty. ' 5 .latire leaves a lmencen secured, 'and we understand that • . a purpose of the portiei interested to , lit'r fancily . 1- t ess children.— plike : the lead, and-' apiertain ' jits 1111 'editor . of the ress 'inakem the 1 .1 .. r - : followitig f 4 pointed eference to 'the V - of the ehriskey:tlellers of (17 ri C ollton,. It ap Borst E attar. On the night piies-with equal fort ; - to Jiquor deal-• recant-"hat ldtter Cold one the dwellingjl .'. ,•- bonne Of Robert j .Ctinningham, 'of' Fairfield •-' a elsewhere. tetnetnbet - , that, ;bile you beak, f y rnr riebes;..w bile ' l4 mtliip, Westmoreiand'Count'y, and f ar- ! are, withj yin exult' over - . th rapidity , with ltof this county, Was consumed b y I .• : - T - Whieb you are mak; g --, mciney , while Int pf the:. furniture. The house . was a v . oita E . :4:l_ .'y e n r fitinilie I : - go dressed .4in %me one, and ca/igh t fire by ear ; eiessly set- '' : )our an dsilks h bond to . the, remember till it bucket of wood ashes ,top near t the : v j e ilay'..L at a . part ,of the.. mtiney veather-boardiugi ihe nnextinguished embers ".w i t h . , which tlaise (do tes was bought j 't_f j j ahichwere fanned by :' t j ho <le l !MI! and weather - board ree ' eived 4 . irom isieliiiire for the . t 74, it is _ supposed the pme weather-board- I tilhiskay whiCh .was,t lie means of his 'ti Iris ignited. !t. is n serious lossrtojthe ; death and 'the means of\ rendering his ,lisly ,,. it this . ittejealent seitiouf • j . .. jj.. ; , , i *mt .. .children , orph mi.\ - atilt , . will ! '''''" .., • •-...' ,•. , be called npon.to!.* ewer. an indiet ,M.There is ebrusiderable l e.xeiternent .itt ; Mp l it here for the murder, and you bericimii; or Frankfort',Sprinieloccasioned i W i lli be called .upon o answer an la. . 6 7 41e discovery 4f a Silver vein- on Travis j - dictment to the: "Rigber Court" for . t C _ T el:litt_ex ce r the B,s..yer and Allegheny county j the same erim - e.!' , ..., , . . ,ue• T. o companies have Wien orghnised to j 1 *t? lore for silver, one of which is slaking a J tRAILZOAD 'Rat t an qr T! ~ a indications - for silver are ;good, , lag • rulcs of the.roa' a ii alii. ]tie thought l , a by experiefiS4 ruiner : th a t.! denisions; and ought -to ,l 1 1 4 in - : . quantity CU silver will.be obtai ed at.{ kn i ' nwn• ' .Tae court hay : .rroat twenty to fortyl feat.T.llC company now, ' cants f(4 Mires on stir. 'n414114 shaft -1 silver • f I tha t sr if they have got good ore at j root cars do • I °' teen , feet , and intend - sending , " portion : I na_unt of their flue, *Gond 0 Ts Irtitit'to be i r l s t . ' e d . ..: ... :-. . 7 : Ito make change. Al tai ... ' • 7---.-L..................._....._ - " antil'usedteonditionur ~g o • der; li, - or ;otherwise admitting tit uer ' ° f N'iticinel of lee • -account. ' Passen "ialsa.rirObiltol ttakaitit eim:lit ejected f il lnrd si x illa ' .• tali they purchase A second '•' J • • .fide.c el4itrollell bonid to observe deco .. aret obliged to comply wi lii; present grlini i mands to show their tiek jl4i e Nati ' I , beta "12 . 1 1 ;11.2f0TE3, ci otherwi2e . reveal" v a eompaay, panders • a tittoug, the • . t •aL . del i -,Tre promised i pare from the train.' No • re tt bee bu,i,k • mOttopialize more seats the. 4ft .setts l'al ea); lortiele left is a seat t r ~,, ~ ,2 T r i g; t t ealp f orarily absent entitli 14 bile 7i111r4• •' 'FHB . BEAVER4Rcus February 21'4,1866. fioli', l of parcbas in :V a.! i:asarVcurtic:!. ScpPii &rte. .rsin: Emanuel Lee townihip, surldefily it Hooke, diyeHr ge: He 1 sod nu{ return ing at ter he earnv . ,inj t 1 pon qtter:. UV Vile, itots.—The total titan. , Banks !now 4oit i g tho cpuLtry, is one tedred and twentY•tiltF• ir of Currency ttot ting outhiapit3 t 0 „any - ilank e . _The le* tkt been esablished, are that wore ecnof time to ho allowed tO us boon us their Feta' tud with the EigtlNts. , ury. t 1 • R d froMJ liger repreihint:; I , 'Board' of the f the A'welfth' o c alceris': of the ' esternPenn'a. e Beard 'of. Of r !wit ofit,Wenty; iof *Thom are .Vrlio have 1•• tributing two. I he liodeo. The e!c'eunty Corr al gountiea that .tiOptddic,fnndi .11.'euntvibution Kos thh county • Thero are 27'1 • ounoeted , with • .re-»t`tlie date • te9,--4loye 169,, seen committed agora . siiiee.th,• number 1067 girt's.• Beaver • Irghr number . of 4thiin .excepting Alte• ITbe i • nunibur ouuty last year 45; totat 'estiiution * ,as er for the past 7g.00 52 . .. The cts kmate dor- . • been $2,80 per the hs bur do hi:, Wis on • Crete, borp n ea 1725, 1 ; and !shells the antasigg: sg and- Forty Year/. yeare _WM fifty yaars theAl i eridan ra i avail - s, the emotion from was 62 years I Constitutiut - w of ; hat one Ong ern 'tunes, Itlis man i who Ise! I ' born I - 1483.. 1 and t ' the ripel . kile Liam i • t 4 Freneh Citholle go that •hi - 4 age authoutieuieti. • sittiittid ort the a short &trice Istali:l - 11u • au; lust week. - Ong tubed, an is I pl• inforea ti at, 4 ty barrelti Oer ( l ilt thelealthiun i mouth, of tilan , A abet of oiti last ir.'g - tojtub' it. Seveyal ,ther oil in t11:4- icitii , have; osea[ol otit • _Eris:. Ai the-Army idititvl into] old Vetera gether; ..thi which t hey e'ornas the confess 1 I sions; and even thou chausenisti4 der th 4 eigt.ntrit be fining . ' ou 669 inents,-t8641---, 65, 1-think ; Lvol-jui der the lidad . o; eirpturtd by ell mac from J lily ili thu..dorpS ire 0 Seelii4l,eorp, • Pitth! V " While Murry i It : t.4111 lit-, tie-i' Cipiseor .GO netery.l . sin!, Were 'eapt dre% r ifi tysbarg, (len° .; report, 'stfites I t' abilieeliptiiri. - 41 CorPs,. Such tit ; .meit, stnkci. 111 kvor . lp cOilvit.4 • o .;- - i...-. - 91 L -....... j. ' - ' 1. . . i . - •;,- ttpxy i• i . Died. Web. . ;12 li, 1866, Mrs. ......,._ 'll.A.t i f i; in th e 90 li year of hell ake. . The giihiect b this obituary retidei; for-some year.si ast, with tier dacighter and :Nori-it); lit% i - in Freedom . in this •eou.g . ty. tier 1 usband, Hob -I tr Hall. l• died; twenty yriars ago. ; She wdA,mar ried:liii 1795, a the age of cigli teen.— She .i . wriei the iirtfier of two v'ii Will il vin rnit six .jig ‘ dna survive. h.r;: - She left f- II winionl, jprogeny busides—for:- ty-s-ven t 4'41 children, iiiiirty-four great grand--efil,lren, Ind two -';great, great giainl-01 Itlren: fwol .of - her great grand-eh Idren `were in the Union !mum. ; du itig the late rebellion, it andnumber p grand-children. She hail two bi'othrus, officers' in the Eng lish army„' She was a %vim - a i r:jot' re .;markable trim`,'.- , She. united IL,vith .the Church;otilt-ifist sixty years !ago, and Lmaintaine/1. dt ring NO thOse;, lon , r years, and l in eery vicissitude of her long'. and e iegir red life, 'a most, Consis tent. walk 1 atidl 4-mily converration.— .11erehristhiti el aractet lwas 'stronely marked, rfid-h! graces ;rielif; itevel ,oped, Ndfie ky n knew her 1160i:cid 1 . 1 . er sinceilliY: I baring Ahe Itilsti years of her lite eilio wap, deprivecl W- the _privileges:led . ), ie sanctuary, berause of • her -iqlsbilrt ,- to, .hear. 'lie ; last :line . sbe iiii b. at church Was o i the oci easion 'ot "the la Iministration of the Lord's Se!filieri, ind ti l ion-lher i (Airing from the borisela nrexpressed h A great. gratificatiOnlai - he privilege 1 coin i • 1- -miming oht tu,, re with God's earthly suirita. lii wa4 fitting that. her last 'public - earthly i .erviee should lie this sacraments, Eitel t was an app Opri'ate prelude Aci her !: _eat at Abe Marriage Sapper of Alio] ainb with tl43;ls' rants iii - Hearet4 ,Sl. , Was buried i the old giaveya;%l int reedom, - by eh bus ; band's sid4, at. er own requ st; AU her living eliiljo 1 ewere preso tat the : 1 3 funeral-, Inisid s a very- large number of lief.w.hl4 d'b cendants: . Sh _ sleeps in peace; rind ji , lessed; are t ei`dead who die, ibtbefLord; they i si; from their tatiors,addl their-works d jfollOw them.” • i '. .1 0631. If -; • , yeat Ie ue ll t• rnt,l . ett p i roduee h (Jeer' '61400.--: 'stmilcs iii flatter. lane:yore', J o t i l k , Julep g all -inits has '6 - cen he seboulB pro's— i`e or tue House ud :euti2ilactory l'ormEtory ;tote tbe ' • ..ein tie mond I:es id the thatier I e at r e gla(1 tv tineiitm are -Ate. I heard from,.. to mutes, two -e gooct _members boot one•seventt • are do ing; badly. is not eo favor - I,lf are - doing. wcil. !lied with this re.- ititrselves an ear !hat we may I .rkinka; In the • atom ion of bur to it, ami that prtunity offers. ioners we know ;n the welfare n. and . our Man , rly the Suverin will allow lie promoting its Died, obq.bs i ,ANN, wife i nf c I of Smith'elPerr of kee• agd. In the 1(10,41, husband like lbs' *ife. Child en land devotcid 11.0 I needy bav lost suffering as though„seVei.e inarmur,— ) She I faith in thti Ld that. Savior in' the hour w I AVIL.--The follow re based upon legal e univers ally made decided t l hat appli- Ina' min .be ejected of offer the exact a ! 'eters are not banal oad ticketi are good I ._ for th is day only," .e of gennieness, are :era who lose their . m the cars unleis e. Passengers are m- in the cars, - and , h sit reasonable de. • ts. Standing on tie clatiag the rules of I \Pollen licble to be irson has a right to to has paid for; and While the owner is • hjm to the place I 'On the .15t of Geo. Biker the ' Rev. tp. HANlEjfig to Ob the 113111 .the KO. D eke Of Beaver, 0 . .11 Pf Alleghe , pi 1 —The Parts .a the . death a i s 27th nit.; of Detroit, It d attained, th et One He WAS bor e Washing • d at the., out • volution; so • , have - utak ititary servi when the formed. W life than. his of Parr,. the ;orded • Eb .ha o have died It 152. Orel bo on rocor 3,, and reak s of t ioe h . , d,, l a t He ix. e e Federal. a know in 'mod. Flnglish ve been r n '1.835, 's',bap— in tbe itioit;. to duly Church in would sect* pang," Crook„ back Oil Cu : lute laure l below the 1' i 6l‘ a good . yo • »atarday • w flowing flows fifioon 1 , . of WI , had it M= Oil Compan Run, also li eek,' and or !r, lit the d sgoad Oiepar. e struck ( of Which . oinpiinies ha , the names I rl (glory (ln Alt,e spring of 1.864 fPotomac wile gonsol greet Corps } i%lrlieti this Army . t , teet to- - its. of the , '''oript t o . etively belenged,. be eet of disen i sston. 1 listdii on su r ehi Oteb,- )tadon the bantering, hould bOrder on', Mull to following' lltet, un , a et Generitt 'llessage at ' is so pet tint tify publishtn, nntnner of bit ,t Artn/y of.tht ,1563, to Oct.; 'edited as tolhtws. us. af• tl tiv4 il•dt n 523 gut Hie , I Cart 1 It It )s - r I ..eitdo to A 11)ot:a 6ti Un.' .0.10 -Hugs to X 31,1864, Acitlres4,! f . 4:siouul ! i ;t.adardisl y at Gar, ,be above etU we le rid !Army nnY u!.. :once I:vorett in his . • - r nor. of the !A tbi,it 41 s!i ruin the erreinl 1 Meaile, iii t. Is . of th by the• See() I ett4 mind, Undl 140TH. • SAREL,LA: ituary. . 15th intit.. Situ ptain Danish , Pa., in the 5 of Mrs. D. a kind and en; have lost they. The po l , a . true friers f short durati .he bore.alt wi ade professio Jolla* Obrhst, ad hope and eicleath thew ! ! RIED: At., at . the- re Bg.. .in Freeil l'„ LoWary, M s:AttIiNDATAI st., in - Alleihi Ur . . itrim 14.‘"C 1 AmAsinA If C Ap — ltaiTlSTßaii -- — lit4iitee ies V the e'state of Essid4bittivexei, of born township; , Bias lecointyi . deceased, harimheeo Ettilittd tithe turt ell tin ',All to *sill Istete ire notified to make WM, moment, and thciee haring claims theism. willpret , mitt thole :properly math anted for sett& nentwithoutdolay. I. i , JOSEPH C. Art in Adm i t., .febl4'6S. - ., • - I r wise ,4Wni) Cakt. oseph :oii., in iefore, eared seven EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. • '• - L 0 ' ETTERS • testainentel7...l on , the • ett late of SARAH liAti ' toll, late ; . 4 b0 r0 , ,, ofeave'r,l3eaverco.deo'd; Ting imettlgran I t , is ed to the,undersigned, allpersons Indebted to s aid estetei are requested i make- immediate payment,and those hatin, Wins against the estate . will' present the . to. the . subscriber properly authenticated fo , ettlement.. - .' - . - GEORGE W. HA LTONi. Ex'r., i ; t febl4'ilt .. . ;. . ~ - j Bearer, Pa • ______, -41,INix, M , • XC:OIV I IHAVRcOnstantly on iiiind Is supplyp of the Putraliaz (Iron Erame)il ClOthes Wringer, arid would call attention to the Manufactur l er's advertisement for the,4llnlversal Clothes Wrings ,W. G. Wotf, Ageflt . '',,Mt. W. having from the State *d transferred , 'his machin to me, I *ill keeit'a constant supply i l s Also, constantly on hand; etude oil by ilia -barrel ,and crudeoil-buralitita..; . „ - , 0e261 i - 4011. WOLUE,E, Ag'S. Demos ' it ~ , outs► of Valutible Prope " Fob Safe OFFER for sale the h se . in which I now reside,and three lots b . tonging to the same. he hogseis a good two a pry frame, contain -11 1 ing sixf rooms, witha co house- and wish Yours attached. A good Slithle on the lots.—: for tortes, ie., apply tome at my ;residence liivik,j,Ps.. . ll 1 • 4.llfliii. MA Y. rR3 are TOWN PROPERI FOR SALE. T r " iroperty owned snitformerly' , oeoupied ' jCispt. Charles W. ,Vayi on Market Eit., sonsisting.of one good isr;oistop 'frame house and a-one stot y house. tw i o kite, with an ea= esilent Well of water thatlievir fails, is offer-. id for Sale:. Persons desiring:to ptirehue de-, sirable Property, had bett l er call soon on Capt. Julia M. who le author/21d to sell he samel Dee 6 1455 • IA; O. BARLOW, M . .D. ;. 1 1 ,i • : 1 SURGEON* AIM rHYSIOLIN, WING perniatientlyAoeated in BEAVER IT Venders his professionaP,services' to the citizens of Beaver and altuining villages and country Having had twenty years . experi enee (over, four years as.in,arzny-Siirgeon) he feels convetent to'comnt the oonficlence e. those who ina wis h Lis rviees. • Calls i day r night, piroppro* attended . (. ie., dice n the National Tiotel!--hullding : where lie maybe found ,tit all hours, day or tight, When not professio44 engaged ..4 •, ~ ser2o'6ri • , WM. 11 CHANT' ME BRINGEWAT. WING made to ortt, and at ehorteet LOT V etyl . ' .. .- - 1 A - 9 : I ' 11 : 1 4 .A6,..111 - Y 7 .8 ='PATENT . 4 1 1,.. t , S E 11'..A 0 T I N G 1 . - i ; .WEf. : gon r*,lciai. j 1 - HE subscriber will eitt l iesis Beaver court ! IT ty , in the order of T irtiWps, to sell the :right to uee, mike and veik;•,l-.. : .'- '. . • , W :' • i, : licialy's Pt. Self-actin agon;Bralce, . i; 1 an invention perfect in everyr,i,respect, for the use of all kinds of Wagons, pairia g es and Bug ! gies: It is a, peiteet tegclation "to every. v.ehi cie to whieh it islattached,;acting alike prompt and certain under all fc roumstances, on 'all , kinds of road's, by niglit Las kill ati by day, with the greatest safety , , ase and comfort . to horse and:. passengers, without any attention whatever from the,iiriv i erl I. I Will sell-individ ual rights:to use this pat tit brake, 4r .' 9Wti ship and Borough t, Kee inks. 1 I .. . BeavCr,;Nov22'6s , I .0. LtrDwi K.: t "Unquestionably the work of the kind t[. HAity#,ivs Is; l AIONTIK I IIi'AGAZINI3. , . • Critical No.ices the Press.. It is lle toren:test lilag zitie of the day.— The fireside never had a itiore delightful com panion, nor the million it 'more enterprising". friend, thin Harper's 61agtiline.,-,lfethodisi Protestant (Baltimore).. 11. - 1 The most popular Monthly'ln the *orld.— :Veto York ,Observer. 'I I W mus t refer in tenni, of eulogy to the high - tone and varied eXcelletit of KEEPER'S NIAGAZiNE—a journal with tt, monthly circula tion of about 170.000 C0i1:314-in whose pages. are'to be found some of t e choicest, light and general rending of the'ditY,„..We speak ofthis work as lan evidence of t6 - Atitericart People ; and tlieimpularity it has'aCquired is merited. Each number: contains ftilly! . l44. pages of reading matter,Atppropriately r illustrated with good wood-cuts; and it combinos in itself' the ricer ino,ntlity and the , more ,philosophical quarterly, blended w4h, the best ieStures of the daily. - It has - grestpOwer - in. the dissem ination cif a love of pure Hierature.—Tetre xxa'sGu'ide to American Literavtitre;London. Thn volumes bound constitute of themselves a library of miseellineoas reading such as cannot be.founif in the seine compass in any oth • r publication that hat( come - uadtir - our no ce.Etuttor Courier. T :1 11 1 - , • '3IISORIP'TIONS. • l ir ' . 1866 . • " ' he Publishers have perffeted a system of ailing bpwhich they cati supply the, Mson- Des and[ Iltszetv promptly), to'those .who pre er to receive their periodicalsdirectly from' the of fi ce of publication !- ' i . • The ptistige on HARPER'S 141 O 1 MNI is 24 c e nt s es a year which must be .paid at tba \ la.' scriber's post-office. • Term:, . I • I Term : 1. ,1 RAILPER'E MAGAZINE , one lieuirl t $4.00 • An Extra copy of either, the Alsonstia or WEstar will be supplied } , gratis • for every Club of FIVE Sentie - atenns it $4 1 ,00 each in one remittinceti, or $x Copies fors2o 00. I 1- •'1 . Back numbers can; be supplied at any time: A Complete Bet, . now compiiiiingzTwenty nine Volumes, in nest olcdh!binding, will. be sent by eSpress, freight at expense of Pur... chaser, for $2 26 per yolunie.t . *Jingle ,vol; limes, by mail, Postpaid; $3 Q 0.1 ,2 Cloth cases, for binding; 68 cents, ,by sciail) i Postpaid. ' Ad. dress j 1 ' .. 1 _il 1 HARPER & BRO,THr Maiti AWBOLI, st year t mon a 1• earing Aithtul •ti and Her In, and hout - a !of her and in ..g iuFph I I! FRANICLIN SQ#A79II, & 113 - GEL ATTORNEYS ; A T 11 12LW,, . I W ILL - attend. to lege,. bus . aess ot ali knric. Prompt attention given to eol tuitions generally. LiceissdlA - gtonts for col-, leotion of Pensions, Bounty. arrears . of - Pay, Prise money, Pay, eta., of Prisoners of War. and all kinds of military claim! against, the Government. - Offlop. _ • 'boner of illaviet Street ?is thi Discoid, 4immeeiatelyla tlie reari ' onrt House,) EA .• BVER, PENN'A.: ijan4, you., .sat Atci tray t be- trrainic.me Dye fiatiffs, solo It • lid*. lame? • idence by jORN RR. y, by xasobt i rix.t,ic. t C I-1 I L 0 it BR, PA.., 11 er . all the latest tiopce [febi'66 bait S stained the World" IMI ~ors::y`e~x '7-- • I , 1 , , 1 , PLACE CJhea send.:`f:.) ON'T. FAIL!-TO' !=MI 4 to U o t F ii i is e nrl roe! P f 3 r il l i d d g I BRIDGE7AT 1 keeps an excellent au work constant! :is aria shoes made to l or er .i l d 11 eo 101 d most ressonitbli Ihns god iindj by any other! establieitinf • women r and child Kdill' advantage top e Bina 'or tIA I b eet . and; ob,enpeat • • LOIIIB iF. yiE,) Bridge 1S;,1 F ull'6s AT DRIJO !''ST4 , ix ipvit Ilay Le fuun4 , the liest Istertme i ; D1Z1T . 678, sc 45' cl. , 43 1,23 A CHjFItICAI II ' • I Li(ti7ono l , INvlrt I Auld Etraridies ; ; GORE'S t s 1 itar F j . 1 • '. , 1 $ 'l' It F ir toiLEt irtTicLk; , SO. PA T NITA' NE v .i: ICIN 1 - - , ~ _ 111 - • '' I:: , g reat variety;`' all of :tho!beet . quatd*, and ilsOld cheaper than can be boughttat any I, l ' . . other Prng Sfore !zi .her - Couro,l l - , , DYE Ibupo'nco's. Femle Pills 7.5 o;tomata r box; heesenian:s, $1: els!)Els, $l.! The Larieet; stock of I" ; • mps and _Lamp TrimmlngslLai 1 Stationery, Wincifiti)ola*: ;;e . . and putty 4 - i i .2.. r offereontslde of the', city. atf 51 rug Stec , and sold ' CheUpet than S ught, anywheis else. I Let those 41tO is call and. see, and . thoy 'Will doubt nio Decl3;6s. ' I 1 - J. I‘lool . i :• 1 I L . ~ , T A_ Rd VAT I E 'AND 130.010; • TOYS • F [ • ,p ;. , • [l7 [• [ • •I I • • ' [ = . riim m.'s Hi , BRIDGE Er., BRID9EWATEB; . - , I • - f lnE subscriber respectfully infort 1 public that he is_ noW J, receiving GOODS in the lino of_kll the, earious and VARIETY (309DWor Pall•att& 1,10 HOLI„DAY.S. Having purchitsed:l Eastern 'tidos at low prices,j he can is011!C eta than any house in yit,tsb4ig. In connection with his collection Giiods,' he !keeps Btationerrof all kiln Chi l sths of all patterns, Sehoet, Books Of it arrriptions and prices , Albritos; Looking sea, Blank Books of all sizes,lDsfßookS„ err; Pens, Pencils. in short rerythirigl lykept in Variety store. • H Enov27 EAVER SE, A-sm t MUSICAL INffITUTE. . ---- , , , Rev.R. T.ITA*LOR; A., M., Presi . ent. lIE Terms open respectrly Ilept. 12, '65, January 2, and April- ,' 1866. 1 i very opportuity for i Struction in. any bnch of scien a or on any musical instru ri: mnt.; taro vocal Mimic, ' privets of in classes, Isr affordid,here at reasonable rates. r - 1 : {Lads received in the Primary Department; also small girls of any degrbe of Preficiency. ?Drawing, and painting of I eiery I style will receive the special attention of a firat-class mititt. r 1 Ltl I , ;Tuition: $6,60, 13,60, slid sl2,6o,gieoord. ink to department. 1 'l' - 1 - 11. 'None but thoroughly qualified 'and expert: lensed Teachers are emPloyed in any depart. meat.. for further. information; address • I 'aug2'6s E. T. TAY 'ORVPresident. IN EXECI,TOR'§ 'I • UTHEREAS letters testamentary hiving been granted to the undemiirdom the state of litcmtnn Avass,l bob of ; l3mghton Basler county, Pa, deceased; all persons Wowing 'themselves indebted saidestatit are requested to make Payment; immediately and those having clahusagainst the Cam, p+abit: theta - to the subicriber dulyauth egad stittlement. ' • 7 I 11 • ANDR4W IYATTRsorcf, jaitSl'64. ' 1 Pl 4 lll/ 2 * tf-1 -,p DES • r nMUnThWak l ALLY afLXD WEEKLY. 3E Thal3l2e aid -Standing of • the -• h i ..* .cdinineroial. •I'' '-' 1 , The Commercial it the larget p a perr in the . State, having_beeirlwice enlarged within,thip kit etighlan month. No }spar in'the State Sive* an•mneh, atid4here are few inthe coun try that give en itittelsmant - of reading mat ter. : In this respect; "ei.d for its general char m ter ad tone, it ranks!. among the leading jeering& of the' country. '." , ,I i . , . . ~ OUR .; • OIiBLIsIIING ~ . pitilutiss. Determined to spare ;I/either labor nti ex pense, our 4mblishing facilities ;linee been in creased within the tat feW menthe, at in mit lay of Trusuy-Ftve 1%0.404 4'k:diem-placing us for eats time to come hiyond the-reach of competition. ; . ; -... I - 1 ;,- ' , . Exlraerdimary Sgettas rot the a - '. Commercial._ .• '.. • . f Although butjust entail:la its third year; the !Conunercial halt alreedy al unequalled circulation and influence , thrcnightrut a wide and , constently extending district ; of country, embracing Perussyleania,. West ,Virginia and Ohio,' while 'throughout all the West, and in the I eastern alga, its circufation is by as mesas inconsiderable and rapidligrowing.. tharseter and Aims of the Commercial. Not strictly , partisan, nor ,deleted to any peculiar ideas, - the Commercial go'es before the public on its merits, ',asking enlyiust so muck raver and patronage as it deserves, and its sucoiss min be said to be littlidese than extra ordinary. - Although in the future, as in the pat, the Coniniercial will, in a Biracial man ner, be devoted to the interests of Pittsburg, it will Continue to be Pennsylvania and Union paper, ;'promoting the interests of labor, into': licence, and public ;and private; virtue with whatever influence it .can command or, power it it enn exert. Rising alsoveanere party aims add influences, chained to no one ides, the or. gen ofino sect or party, but believing in Free: does and Progress; and devoted only to truth, the Coinmereial will] treat all public 'questions end express its views of pttbliovien in an in dependent and libeler spirit.: TO the present National Administration and the 'Union cause it will give a hearty tho' not • servile -support. THE LATEST . NEWS. '.' , ~ .1 ' Pew journals in the country spend so Much money in obtaitting,the lutist 'aid Most relia'... 1 ble' intelligence as the Commerctil.', In .a sin . - 1 gle Rein of telegraphing alone-it paid during the last year on , an average' abmit One .Thon. sand Dollars d .ifonth—or morn, in one Urbuth, probably, than was pal btanY other, Pitte burg paper for the ,tintir year. '. !. •1. SP GIRL Calla 'VON DENiTS. Is I We beim &Isis' at the tin cipai seats of inter t est, special correspandents, keeping e•Wats:l - eye on whatever is of interest•or value to the public. No paper in the State has so large a corps , of correspondents,l and it' gives us pleasure to:be able,to, say that , we are con tinually adding to the number writers of ex poiienge and ability., . ,i , . - , 1 OIL' I.ATTELLIGEIVCR: ' Dy 'common consent,'the Cimunerelal itilie itandardjournarof the country !with' Petrole um dealers and Operators everywhere. ,111 this:respect it has no competitor, and fliela-" 'cilitiei for obtaining this kind of information we'are constantly extending. 1.... I OLHAVASHINGTON. DISPATCRES. Through a Special Dispatch Bureau, main tained at a , large ,expense, our Washington reports are as full ad-reliable es any,andare' in no respect excelled by those, of even the MetroPolitan press.. At this.tom- of -great questions,•_these facilities are necessary to sup ply the demand of the•publie fcir. news from the National capitol. I mARKET IMPORTS. , The Daily Reports of the Commercial of the ' Pittsburgh, isl the ' leading Domestic and the I Otireign Markets,' ire premixed lq• competent ' and experienced itepcirters, cud their wide spread, popularity attest their, value. The, &rank , of matter. in this Department of the Commercial alone;:frequently exceeds the' en tire reading pages o some of our cotempore ries. . ~ , . . 11•1 Q 7 ESI I , ' ' I {"; ~~ i CAILL. , 2 I 1 1 1 4 } r 1.14 RIM etall Istree ilex is IBM I PPfr. Y On pf res and: ,on oho teTin. eat no- II cal 4int n't 'be in Wee celled Ps. find i a call. o their artiolg g 'INItAF, iridgr, MI 32 RE, ISE Eal O Effl IPS) 1 , . This Department isla the hands of a gen-, ilernati of 'experience and aeknowledged abil. ity; and his reports have at all times a special 1 value. 1 • ' ' The Local Departniedt. • J • 1 , This Department. of the C4=114.011'1 la no excelled. To test the, truth of this, take the 1641. page, of any hf our neighbors,. cot from it that 'is not strictly locatHletters froni i abroad and essays u,en abstract subjects, such as l ive classify properly on other pages, and • exclude what no respectable paper should. print4Land then eoinpare the remainder wits, our Ideal page, which doe. net belie-its name. • Editorial and•Getierat lint's.. I , -With avorps -of' writers .of acknowledged I ability and experience, these departments of the' Commercial compere favoribly..with the 'I leading journals ()tithe iountry4.anl-ye heti* only to, say that whiting will be omitted that is necessary to Maintain for our. piper in these . . and altather respects this standing. . i In f shert,qa every department., and so a ; whole, the Commercial is a Sound,' Comprehensive aid iteliabla l H • he*spaper. Whatever is offensive to a lurtivated moral taste :is iertiphously excluded Ircim its column, and:onr constant - aim is to publish nothing that does not, r serve tome valuable _purpose.— pechliar feature of the NIMEACIAL is 1 • PIT PIT;" In *kph Department is . ven,rovery sermen furnished. oressly for it.. ]. .Thereading specially spared under `the head of , ' • :. . • [ FARM - &UDEN • A - l HOUSEHOLD Constitute another uliar feature of great value;. i• - ' THE DAILY COMMERCIAL' Is published at the ' following rates: • . ONE• TEAR ' ' • ' $lO 00' HALFI YEAR • '- QUARTER •I'EAR ") 60 PER WEE • ; BY CARRIER • 25 EINE rEm note an lbe doubt • mots EL • El ISM 11111 .11 the NEW TOYS COM 'n the 11,3- . anety la, Oil Gies tedg. anal Eil WEE ILL-It COMMERCIAL. • The weekly issue o t he Comtism). is net surPeased either:li the amount or kind of matter given. It is made up expressly for the country reader,—it *filled with choice read ing, the news, the nutiket report, general ia telligenee, Poetry, Besides A Serino* Every Week. • - t. . TERMS.OFTLiEIkEEKLY Single l AopY;One year s2 00 Itr Club!' of Tweak* • ' 160 In 47nts of Ten • 176 Jfie getter:•upof a Club qle paper will be sent gratis. .64diess • A XEZVTQR'S NOTICE xl7- RE AS: bAters. testamentary On the vg* , estate of Niacissa Juor, late of Brighton tp, Beaver county; dee'sß, , hiring been granted to the undersigned, ill persons Anowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to trade immediate, payment; ad those haling claims agsinst the same $ll present theta properly,autnentiantri for Sit- , tirleflt.• • JOSEPHHC. •, r, • doilla • &over: IMO FOIL-18.3101 THE FININCiIL NE#AHTMENT's COMMERCIAL, , No. 7$ Fifth street, Pittsburg: • I ‘)tCiiipiet• 1, ," The bat, Family HARPS - • SPLENI). Critical "The best • Fa United &stmt.". "Tbe complete in sll tl can earned for-itself NAL OP CIVI Pot. ! • "This roper Our•futuisi hist oat- of Harper' zed peinteee, • duit. necessityl ?rake/iv. - . '‘lt is st one 44 1 r " The best of ten TraValer, - " tORtPTiONS.V: - f - j:;,. .1866. -: '!.• , , • -- The Publishis lurieperfected a I, a:yesiim --or . mailing by, whi b they. eanntiptily the' 3ischi.-- , 1 t ts. ZINN and' Wes rpromptlstlixtlinse9rho .Fire , fer.to receiv 7 t eir . petiodicals Idirealy ' front the O ffi ce - o l ublieation. Postniasterit 10° others desir Mt of getting up eta* willyba i, suppliedi wit handsome- piotereir ShowAilil on applinatign. " .., I•• • ' . -.- -.1 The postsig on lisnran's Tolima- is. - 224 1 cents a year. Which Must be paid at the- asis- scriber's poste ce. : • . ' •! - ' p - elellliS : • ~ , • .• ~ . . Hwaisit's West-LI/ one year -.• .. • . •$4 00 An Extra - Copy of either the •W tumor or . Min/tuns will be supplied gratis of M•ery Club , ," e f ir of Flys Stllli 13 e IEII3 at S 4 Otiiach, in oni - re. , mittanoe ior S'• Copies for $20.00. • • - - .. Back Nub s can be supplied, - at anytime. The Annual Aimee of Hsimmia Wasstty.;.' in neat cloth b nding, will be sent by eapresa. L ' . free of expe e, for $7-esch. A Complete see,- • comprising Ei ,h 1 Y•olumes sent; on receipt - of'. etisli - at the•rat - ar.ssl6. iler 4014 freight; sits,_ expense o% purchaser.. Address - . --, • : , 'IARVER ,SiIIROtHER9. - . .! TVINgLylt Bersiii, Ne*,York.,, TO 'THE . LADIES:I • ; • ..i • l' • - s 13r- Ouponco . ar._ ' SU A CARD Golden • Infallible in C I ing Olastru • from ALWAYS SC, kis now ?o er tVrty Years since the•above celebrated Pi ps were first discovered by Dr 4 DUPONCO, ogParis, during which time the/ have been latensively and successfully' vied 1 1 in most of Th i pub as ,lle institutiens, as well - in private pre tice r of both hemispheres; 'Atli unparalleled uccet : e in every case, and it is only at the " rgeht request " of thethoUsatidi *- of Ledies ti , have used • them i .,that - bi •au- '. ditced to mak theTille public,' for the &Berle tion of tll.l:tsejeuffqring from any Irregul4r, i- . ties •whatever, as 'well na to preventian le- • crease of fatly, alberehealtlf win ,ntit Perhiii it.. Females peaulierly ,situnted, cr, these. ..1 supposing themselves so, are continued sigainst using these P lis While-Pim that conditfois,,is' the proprieto assumes no responsibilities af ter.,the stioi *admonition. although their.. mikiness wool prevent any InisehibT to - heilthe, eitherwise4h 'Pills are recitieMded. ' i -, : i - Price'. $l,O per Box. 812:11ozet $54 . 00. • • • Bold by, Si Smith,: BridgeWater,*-Ntibli . ll• lismittn,''pe Ter; S'.:liiithen, Itocheater,„: , ,',.• L, 11 udira !-B ienditig 41; . .07 eit4imi-of the, 1 i above agents eau, have t, a pi lls • sent *C ( ent- ': I dentially) by mail, to' any ' part _of edit eotill• try, or Oddre a the Proprie or; ‘[ • .= . ' - _ 1 - - - 1 I .1 , , S . . p.-novri - : let 25'05:1 r.; . Yew Yarlb7. i gEril $l7, INSUR • -NET 4,43 'INT a. i ' Agenc and Tarns in 1 Appliest!on attendd•to. ' :TO SO • TFHE' pi‘ .DIERS I ur' Kirig,.. now'open for maimed, an, FREE OF- E , • App . by applying t Miniittod i . to "charge Rape . Thos. Baltefr - N. Holmes; N' W. S. Ilityett.l Wm. germ) I •Dissolution of Partnisreh - rpHEIFIRIkf . of Cotbhurft.:uo , has been thi diji dissolved bi tatitual ca sing, John Ca bus having, sold.his interite.4o t A. D. 01111 .d,Mirm F. Read, and J. 41. Miner. who will ea on the, businesslnuda.iinanie tif Eli'Riau buinois-of o I;1=; ADMIN ETTE R 8 of Sklar" wnship; Be limited to t debted to eel inmediate apitistossid ;Itibe;riber p 'element ; I Mt llaeStf Kr I NE Icl I 0 all Otoßal liiefoof 11 1 Time 11- E pest, and most. suesissftd 'aper.in the U1ti04. 1 . 1 : j a...:' ; s : :w. : :Eig;K',..4y;l_ IDLY: ILLUSTDATBD.Y. -', ' i I Notices of the_ Preis.- . • T . ,mil* PsPe,r Pubilettesi in llis• 'i.• '—lfewr • Loam! Advetiii* Nixing' , meta °Vet* ,etitiiitty:- , :. ther4eparinsezite Of iiii" - Mater'. , ipej—}l4.l3 , ns's Writ t' :bin ' " r a-right !.o he title' 4A JOUR* L' ' irli ZATION. r " br.'. Y. .;....E ri ti., farniabinv die,beif ilirtiOritig , I , , ,ians,wPl soviet 'theninahln ' Weekly' long ,aftei- - * hem' -: , CI publishers - Sri tamed' to`, prk Eva,ng - .-' '• '' l' r li nl f isr i. 4D u 'rlr.id, i ' -.. ,*: 8 4. 111 & , a leading . , sad_ of •the its : class in Americti."-146- . Pektodioat • PiUN - = . .! Olt FEMALE& rieeting.irregulartiftv nestovi tionv , I INhatevilr:Cause,,alu4 .7 r iart A T 111.71111111,11, B HAM AID IN' - : r OVER. 4 )0 0 00 ricg.. ggmeitinf. lARTFORD, Cr: - SSETS, JAN., 1885, .1 TT, 3-6 1 1 I EANDI.. t hi -_ [ I a. t..l : 2, — ips io, . es an :Cities I thetnitsit . • for litsiirp,llo will beipreniptli .COAS. 'COA E. Agent. os 2 err Brighton. I - !MRS AND SAICQRS.. SRUJI(IR SANITARY. SOL - mogE, under the.chSrge,otßi. etperieneed Army Surgeon s is • e reception of sick; yotindeld, helpless soldiers sittrAilors.; • !PENSE. , • nt kill receive a . any . of the Directsie, tS he' Home, provfded.+ their - Vie • ere. approved ' Surgo4. . R. C. LOO9llS,.llesldeisil". ' lIILLIPS Sec'y.. • 2f I ' Ili I C. iv. iiittclisloi;• I - ~ I Joh*Witt, %. Jno.-14 Chalfant, I - G-4 13 /1-166**1- d & Co..and w,,h9:will*itle Ilia * *l firm. • :- ••• • - • A. I. JOHN - 411111t18 7 .WM. F;IIEED, • • J. F. NIINEIt."' on,Feb._2,'66. r [fobl4'6lL. . . :811iATOR'ii WO,TICE - ' of administratton on Ihe ' .etitat a M'eattneu.,late of Soutk Denier ver county, dec'd.. having been', I. a undersigned , -all persons in- , I .estatcs- are requested to make - ent, and thoselavint ,claims •, tate will • p recept them to it'. i I. . „ °perky andrentiestad fcizset . PSTER CROWl.:Adza'i7 ' , ; Bes:of D. Stazitri t PA: ,- - N* ; itrmiiims: s tIALN vs(jszl 2l aTil4; • • • " ' 11 EMM , 1 Ma
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers