r".Y an.Order•Of Obit J) of ,1310aier coutitY;'rlie undersigned, Ex . eoutori.of the lair wfillaud testament ¢f Rob- Wright, hail - of the , 'boron* of town' ' , in_assid- County, idetil - 4-.wilrexpose :to sale by !Odic vendui. or out4ry; on .the \rl m4i t ell !,_, ' - ?VESTA ;4.. libruary 27#1: 1 i 86 6 1, i, " t atLeCTOIOC;IN ptlA:tillitictoNikingdescribeit real - estati .of :aid iltober_l.• Wright, dec'tL; siinate 4st,Green• township "; in.. , the County '. l „lfartissid. l l L; Alit he coal and coal . privilege la a ridgelOt-land hounded folleas,, to wit:' ,IBltigilluing l at. .0 pm*: Orli B.: lotugblin'a line, - !thence svi , dygreeS, WIS 7 per4es, - thence '44ditgre fa, E.B ,perch es, ,th elle°. by lend 'for , - Merly 76f I,4lk!mes, Jeffrey, N:.48 degrees, E 19 'l3-10 per r chigt,lthence Nlslt degrees, g 33. B,lo_ • percitecto, a post, thence N..§7r_degrees,•E -,l44 . percheOhenco, 28i. degrees; E 2 2 ,7-10. I.p.orches. thence N .er ? .degrees, ..perchee; thong°, b,y, 'land of James Camenin4.ltl • greed, W •29...ii-10-.perches, to. plasii_of -begin= -containing acres • and..oB . perches; with the right of road s toand from the:coal 4 ;4 $1,3 many ,ditferent p ces-aa-xteciesary, ; Ike. ,A. d% situated:in i the , boron gh ilookstlivin, bounded by, otheriands'of said dec'd'i l E' by land orJs o kson-Ssvettringezi i , 9 by landi(of, , Penny i_atid Wallace, and W by, public road; containingl.about - ;1 acres,known 'as the oltti.Mill'kltitt4"' 'Oti . which is erect ! . , ed.a stable.' •.: -" 8: A lotlef land situ ate • partly the bo rough of Ifookstown, sad partly in (Weep v.. ; • • bounded Why- land-01l • Thirmas:Laughlin, N. • ..E by. Tovin'lots of saidloorough, 8• E bY, pub-. clic( road, -- mind W by. Jalines Patterson's land; • containing about •14 acres; on which. is erect.; •• .z ads frame barm.--: : -• • 4. A lot:IA ground situate in the township iferitaid,ipounded N by the public road, E • by lanai lof jhoutaa , Laughlin .and Joseph Cain, 8 by lot of David Ramsey- and Y. by • and .of D.; M. Donatteo; Containing about 7 sores all' clearetliand fenced. - • 6. A lot:of 'gr, N ound „ situate in...the township afore's,* 4,lhounded b y , public road leading to Georgetown, Eby,. bAnd.;of i J. Patterson; ..,E by,pablie road and land• of D.. M. Donehoo; ,containing about.lo!acies. • • . A lot'-of i ground .situate - An the borough . of .I.tookato wn.aforesaici,, bounded N ;by • ptib.; _lic aped, Eby lot of Thomas Wright, 8 by, lot of J'ohn Littell and Wby lot of Patter.' soiaCco4tilning 'abouttione acre, otcwideb is ,;-erected u!',,frame dwelling house with out-` ' • • • TERMS.—One-third of the purchase money In hand att , the.cOnfirma l ti-n of, the sale by, the Court, an - d - theremaind r,ialtwo equaLantimi- Aetithiledist from thatkdate,it liith interest,' ihe • dereirtal instalments to be secured by bond and mortgage. j.' • gel,'„Fprifortheritiformation apply to the • undersigieil at Ilookstown, Beaver codnty, -• I ' •THOMAS,WRIGHT; , IJ,E'z'r! lark will ojl.Robt. Wright, d .. - OltaklANS' COMIST SALE. ... TOri virette of an order 'of Orphans'. Court, ; 3100" of the county of }paver, the undersign ed:'.will- tiipose to 'saley 'Public . Vcndue .or out-cry,.elf the premises, on . ''' • '` "Thiirs'acty, .14bry(iry : 2 2d,186 0 , , ~ j , -. ~ Pt One o'elOck P. M., the following real es-, ...4sete of 'Phonies MeEnetny i llate of Rochester . "borough in said county deed., bounded 'add „_describedo follows, to Wit s; .Iteginning at a '.,...p‘ost in centre orOld rmony, road, on, the' ;line between Joseph Irvin and Wm . Porter; ,thence by said line . S. 0 degrees W_Blperches_ to a pos4 fbenoe 8 0 d grees W. 6 ikerches to ,;te pine; ktbeitte 4. 18 degreesr W. O. perches to s_postt. thence S. 47 tegrees E. 16 perches Ao a, postin:the centre f said road; thence N. Of slegree.i.B. 29.1 pere e's to the place of be le 4mning. ;Ordaining one acre and sixty five . , ...,. pereltes, roerviug =thelleout p road along the' '•'liorth efidief said lot, where now laid out, . ..usel and o'lnted hylWilliamPorter, Esq,,upon • whitth arelrected w one story frame dwelling house contrkming three rooms,small stable and other outAttildbagg; abut forty bearing fruit ' trees on' She premises, and a well of. good. water.at the du4r. , •: . TERMB I 4;-One-third itf the 'purchase money • ; on coutiratation 4 of stale by the C.cairt, balance la two ectinfl flannel paYments:fram that dafe, - wit h interest from same time, tO - izse'secured by band and [ wortgait.. 1.t.” . .'' •1' V I E. B. DAUGHERTY, •New ilx•ightoff. Jan. dl., lid. 3t. . Ex'r. . --.s-----7 114i -:---;-I p ------ cr :--------- , • ,i , 0 ice i n ar . ion. - , N the Cophans' . Cour „in and fur the court- I ty of/ beaver, and I :tate of • Pennsylania, ._ n the uttter of the partition of the real es: :ante of i Rachel- Harenj e.ecd. Tu the' heirs .4.24 legal'rrepresent ad ' es- of said deceased, . , to *it: .147 E •stlyn. Susannah Wo-Alzs, - .Ann • intermnined with Jahn Troyer. Elizabeth in— termarried with Eber. Wickham; said Eliza-. both being death but-let ring children; Him . mel and Btorattnah WiCktint. ansiSylvani4 in-, scrthirried With - WilliaM Trbver , and all &tors interealesHfireeting: , lu pad each of you ail hereby,uotifi ti ed to be n app.:or befor H 3the on Judges.o.f;'Said Ccurt, ew the. third Monday of •Marelf twit, to accept'or refuse the real estate of said dep . d., at the valuation put, upon it by au inque4, duly a war* and rettirned by the -Sheriff teNovember Term 180 i, and found to . . eorltsin lou. acres, valued at :twenty-sic dollars and .thirly-three cents! per, acre, and in the erept oflion-acceptance, to; 'show canto why, tire - sante -Mould not be sold. , -, ss - jan2 I,' ai. . 1 408. LEEILIE„ Sh'ff. 1 . ~ITCH! 1 ITCH !-I ITCH !! ! .- , .., Sorateix ! Sbratch! ! Scratch ! ! . WHEATON'S OINTMENT:' WILL OBRR THE ITCTI I''N 41:8 'HOURS. It , I AIILSO ' eures- SALT RHEUM, tii.CERR., CIIILBLYINS, add all ERUPTIONS OY ' SKIS - . Price 50 dents;')Eor sale all - Dfttgilsts: - . .! i . By seocling 60 cents to VEERS& POTTER, Sole Agents, 170. Washington street, Boston, Mass., it 'will be formirded by 'mail, free of postake, td antptirt of the United States. sopt4l3s'-70m05.,, .I , . . , • .• __ „ • --- . Dias°lution of Partnership. ~ 71 , HE pitrtriership heretofore existingtilMier the fiame iiiti,styleroble & listinilton, ruggists,',has this ,day een ilisiolvii t itly mu tual consezit. - 'rhe business of the ftnn will be settiodlby their simepssors, Hamilton find Anderson,' ' ' ' D. S. NOBLE. _ - - fog 22,!:G. • IL. M. lIAMILTO".Z. IMmetiritig from the bnsiness, tender my -Ibinks to those who hay° so liberally.patron sod".ns hieto.fore and eheertully,recommend .So thA) soi4t• Meesra. Ilainiltori and Andeison. * • - DAUNISTRATOR'S INOTOLE. . ETTERS St. administration °alba' fstate . -LA of Col.:damns Q. Ajrnanson, late Qf. the BOro' of Boaver,Beaver*Co.; Pa.,dee'd, haring been granted to ~ b e. u ndepigned;:all persons . indebted tt) said estate are requested to Make immediate tpaytueat, ant those hiving claims , againet the 'same. will ?resent them properlj ....autlientfeak.ed for SetllemenL • • RUG I! A 4 DERSON, . • - novls'6o Beaver. . Digisolutlon of Paiinership. INTOTIOR is het eb3P given that the tivtner sshipillteretufore e x isting iti•the Stilling business bletweett Robert. Porter, John - Ache con and .1:4 B...ltudson, of Sow Gatilee,Bcover -county, Pn:,under the firm of sieheson..,Portir Hudson, wai dissolved on Jan. 2.4.1,1866. .Robert Poker and John itleheSoo having pur chasetithii entirh interest. - of J. Hudson, the husinces will be conducted in fugatre.under the ,firia of Poilte'r AOhCsan. [feb7'66. CoATJ • - IWILL- , eliver to the e i ptidg4*ater, Ilday_etl , quality ofiOoal,'at the ell. one Celt: af, aux amp, 1)e i 'on INt'itiriley's •reit,. sclji . 171V1- i'orter, , ri l . 1 . . ingB - 1' 1 1 4 1412140 , 10" THE ! • 1 •••• ' TO cub i , cetvea dniiiig the ....." '-. By Vtarrants issued during Assesstifetits=Asslssors' and ' 7 , li)',.'. - — Ass'rs a'fkaitin .: Alc;.' :f - '.. Military enroll AndittireTity-'-jaineef Nnit . ; dig, . William Chan --;, ' l ,. c 4; .. --Jqseph.AVela de ; : : ,X-8.-ltolek - Berrovred nuiney, s qn - lionffs a '..''''-• ' - -. i - -- ' l -.lsterest on ffridges-bitilding, $9;927 .1 'I - othet est:ewes, Commissioners' pay-:-Willia. i , • . Jo s eph JohnW Martito' Oorinn'rs—Daniel 1 . i . j Eicher Counsal- to Cianners, Henry Commonwealth COll6B,- viz: C led,. of , Quarter 11. essions, Constables' fees, . • _ •-- Disttiet Attorrusy's Fees, .1- 1 Boarding, .washing and clot --1, Ironingprisoners, 89,00; J Justices' fees, 516,59; Sher --;" Jailqr. ettendance,.&c.; Physicians at Jail, Drs. Be Sheriff conveying convicts 'Witnesses' fees, • --, • `-`" ooroners' inquests—Coroner' ' --- . Juror's ii • ' 4 •.0, expense ' : • post mor Courts; expenses of,. vir: . Cleric Quarter. Sessions, &s Ccinitables' attending, do . -returns and mi 'Crier of- Courts, bhp- M. ' JuroGrand; $496,15; Janitor of ecurt-boUse,Ai Prottionotary's fees, M: W.' Bhe l iff selecting Jurors, • • Arnount .forward, ' , • , Dr. i JOHN LAUGH _ . . To al:nit, balance of formers • j," recd from unseated la. " .i " of.cnilectOrs, prio ." : i t "1 ttin i pnyirs, prior ," . " tai=paytis prior t :,!' : 3, ,. " : i collectors for l .rB . 4'; " ' / " • relief funds i j t 1 •" redemptio'n of lan ... .. sundry persons, " ...1 4. Jzio'llobertd,late I .4 - Jo - s • Ledr.e,7Sl.l`ff, .." 1 I " Com' rs Waiiiin co ... 1 -'. J .. Poll, tax, - .4.2 '" -'r " .Cotuutissimiers fo - " 14. - collettors, interes • '** ; " Commissioners for *. , 1 . 4 refunded on - Karr "" Com's for money fo . I 4 ... Jolin A. Frazier, !' t " N.lilackmorp, tax , " 1 " J . 0 Wilyon, Tress '.4 . c: .• collectors of musts . ... i.• levy of . , Tab'el of ° y I I o AN to ami Giv4n STILE c:_tr!oz j" , 'itiien* of Rochester, lapd iricinits, a "geed orteh notiee.' Nag igunilked 4411 e Bank, iiinin g '4EO boirk of, 1: C!: -1110LTEB4 Bridgeiir.dr. I IF you aid I ! 'you „ •bawo. • MI 111132 f±:•...i: ,- ; F_lifiA)',-.' MEI BE liii • Uttice l'renwrees It Taicei:iii the H 0 • i lector .{ i ~ LiifiliC3~ , I t---4-------7------ BiLilTiei,ier I3e#er bor por'Ough. tv...... Brillgewnter a1.richt0rt......... IC It ikleit- av .... -lln liEgton bor. fDa liugton tli .. .11r.. -- 4olny l'al st on . ITrziuklihn • hFroeilont b0r.... Fr4nkfort,l3or.. •• GI 'sgbit , .. Ge 1-geto'n n .... iGr Quo . hHarniony' 11 llnnover ' • Pliopewelf . hlfookstown - • lndlepentlen47e.. ;Indstry ... • 1 1 :' , .io n • 'Ma ion t _'.e Brighton. I Nest; Bel - richly ~ j Norith Sewiekly >i Ohio • • Pat . 1 erson . ... ... . ,int.' tski , I Phi lipMairg .... -.,.1 Rodheiter boro lioA.e'ster tp..... 'Raccoon 1• - - South Beiver... #~ . ~ r, 1866, outstanding !wirr " . bon LA aunt! II To Ba 1112 der our H fffti { ATTEST: MR &SHALLE IMILLIIIitI /X GE G '0 QUEENS C1.a 1 16 try procitieiwarit: Buren ;ant to buy:Paie ..iealm, go to . Mw; nt buy the be • to Merortie • i . , 4...---nr!.1.......r......"-, :.: ..,. : ......,,..,.. i ... r. „ ii-,:4:. 110- i.mkelimiTazo t.A.iitettY Or BEA M ' ..i . •,-.. ' . , V. - *.1,.:' r 71` , A. 1E 1 • ~ :.L. , '„ r,Vr: , I • e • ebittpte.'i liar, es per 'lreaserer'r se list year, Iti CO t 'Wq 4 ' ' - ‘. l ;.the year,: on the foilowing waits is, sieteuteP 6 i , ' - :.....' ,f 694 , 11 A!4'. i rs attending .. spineze; /144 1 15 _ I , ente, i ' - 1 . 114 . 05— 05..2 i mn: . .. 4 , .60 0 0 / • t ,4- --I - , 60 00 I' 1 7 , • . •.. : - _ - - 64 00 Stat© 50 00—•- 7 84 d wnrra,nfa, . t 18,78120 .ame; ' • • 7,046 14-25887 - . 444411 1 / 2 1 $446 06 10 874 C 8 - . • .88 2&-;10462 671 4 00 1 .0 81700.. .• 721 00 * 1 , 126 00--28411 1: 6%0 ; ' 841 . 66 241 66 --- 1 589." • rl 501 Barnes,' 1 71' BiigttWi rons;_ • ' won, "• . 3 . Shag , ' Oisi'ti B,Tarchty,' Agnew, 2g7.56 124,39 36444 ! 05 4d r- Gb an prior;: ing prisoners, ilor's feei344sB,B7L— is fees, -$-822,98,:==' 67 87 389 67 858 87 39 00 .and M'Hinney . iftP9riteatiary, . 1200 '- ; ,811 at-42811 88:2,8.•.L • fees, d -witnesses; - P of inquests, • . em examinations, 4935. -86 01 30 00-4243 , general rim 161 99 225 36 esge, 166 20 ilfott e 111 - 50 efit. $1,851,25-4, -> 2,347110 , .rge 290 00 • and, Esq., . ' 54 10, 1 ' 15-00----38791 I• - , Y \ , Esq.,TREASURER, IN L i t2 . 2 (1 ; 411 , ! ttleit;tept,, , • .1 1, cis, prior to-]BG3. totkug let , , 1863,, 5,722 50 o•Aug 150865,1 , ; 35.,077-.53 • 4 Septist, I§o3, i . 201114 91 - • i . 1• . - . 1 , /3:213 12-814115. - ed, i ' ',12.7 40 1'• 1 ' s. etc., soldfor taxes,' ,2•10•04—+17,6r.4.1 ney borro'd by Com'es'••• --• , .1 - 0.4931,70 if, ff, bal of acct Out, 1 2135 79.11. nacc't of-fees, &c., ',11.18. t.lO ~ (134 t I V.' ac't Arep'rs of, liridge, ' la 0! - 1. . • . It llt Annurrent money sold,,' • u 0 1 , 1 oh acct, . • 1 • "-' ' lamp and coal sold, - • li '5l, nt N 01219, ' ^ 'l6 00 '1 . ehlr'n en't!itige rep'rs, 1.'3 48-- -39 T - r r forteitures, •• '. 101' •elurnetl lost s• aftcr'd illeov'd, .. r, bal soldiers' fcatiyal , fund, r la fines, 1804, ' - '. , , el lade, l everal Townships for State an - ;; together with 5 :per cent:i ti • opirrpti Ldrai of i!Tre'tthu 'rt 1.l- 1805 1f Aug 11 • : 1 1111 .1 7 :4: 9_0j! 4810 22 '1 41' 31 ! ..... . 1771 J 1:15'31271 *ll . 1 "7 , 0. Tilll '21128 17 . .901; 1222181.! 50'01 0 r 39115 W •1 .1 4'83 01 "910 - 78: 1 ' :1514'; 63:1 : 1962 ' 38 ; 1025 05:11 818.451 134 .1344 : 77!, ... .. .;1 . 1o2& 1 .7:3•4; : 65 !! 370 ‘ gt,r ; ! .034 ! .011 3H! '9B 7,"!; 1 1 ! C6l - 01 i! ! 450 71 1 .! ...!! 3485, .73'. 23t:5 I 5210'91'1 , 15214 . 10.ul !!, - 51:32 1 .47' 8066:00! 10601710 „88-:;s',lii 411'701 2270 5:: 14:1;-1!“;; 1!.1575 IE II , ,• 047:cl !• 11145'51 .:! 111513 2 s q)!7. l :i ; 1 . 54GS 0 73f1 - 0•4..:1 1. 2591 31;1 .167 r, 95 18 45.1 24,3 '9O. 1032!.571 !.'710!112' ...... 1444; 59! ! 980 '6Bl !!!!. -770! 2511 66'1;37( 1 , 1 1 28.10;•24'!2077 'M I ! • .... ! I! 1 4 49' SF; s'rr • ° . .• • - ..... 2480 ! 22q 1750.91; 1 p 2698 Geri 2039 ,;3il 1182268 £11.1'.53077;1511 ENE Pea ver nts, (general) ' 1,012 y. w'arratita, • 1,. 14,459 - 4 • 66,893 - . • - t' i ' • - • $71 7 81 .-- 36 , , 1 ! • - _ $39,2G 12 ; • . ! . I • 'ds and - Seel of Office, , . .. • 1 , 1 .. 'D. H. AGNEW; Cl'le; .li • - 1 .., '., BERET -X ()TICE TO STOC - LIPSBErna &l EltltY COMPANYA holders - held ai,:l l ,bilUP 1885,11 t was'Unanitt u be an assesment: ni d Capital Stock o!':' Se e purpose of paging O patty for building,!*tc H. W. Cimndo ti, Pitts erer mid Chas. S t !inn 3 dui M: Siqo deal lipsburg. :. , 1 , - r —7.47- IMIE ;ARE, etter.' • - !'t nits: Itiodioige es Drug Store. THE beet Peint4 4( of re's ,Drugi 441, &Ed 4,4141.1 ,t2 s we sod jTs UZI 156111 =I COUNTY M'E N r.? ;r4çr '5 9 .4; By =dint br iCcrart Hone!), office Dockets; duplici --Ili aeov. • , e i • - 1 1 Exp's-Commissi nerlsoftlise,r.: 5 , ,:, --; ~- •,: :04' 7447. Fuel, lights, , . Ootirt.houseasiland O ffi cer,' 1 -•688'58' • - . 4 ;-. , • , Printing, adYer ising,A,c,:•.:: .•. ...L - ..- '... 2. , ' I ' ' - ‘0,60 , c . . , Postage and re mitre stitupsi ..., - .:', •- - • •,, . "c‘B6 77: q- ; • •,, _Repairs, $40.3,60; . inaidentislexpenses; $885,42--;.789 10-;•2755 I Z3 1 , tlectielelnipitir4 towntati*Andapecial, v11:,' ,. .:- • : 4 t •_ ;','' Assessors attending, li sts, &Ct.; , r • - -.• • ' 1.. i•• ~- - 10 5 - , • • ' 1 C o ns t ables''4., notice* advertising, ka, L ' ' -:. - 26p 44 , ~ ,1 _ rl e Election.office ', pay, l'., ,-. .1: - . ::. ..: • • 041 88 ', ' - Use of houses, el,!-lights, &0., • . . 1 -• , .• - ,i,1101 i __. , Sheriff's prods atiiin,n4leizir.t4i.,-r. j';. 1 t':4:- L O ' 154 1 1 -.4; iliospital. West. P !, - sllPPo,lldulltimates„ 1 •:- ..-,•Y . 801,4 .•i • • . 1 conveyiag inipatestoi, .- , , .1P 00—',811 .I. ', ,tiPppiirt oLinmates, .1,, : . iltig 07 0, ` , _ ~ •. , , . teouveyinAinmatissite i ... ,„ . ,.., 2804---05 0 tl New Brighton Sch of !frees FinesConetheaties, 1 I I El -- ! 301 ''7 Poor House --Supp rt,of paukhrs, . , . -.. ~• • 7,500 00 i •:• .. Directors' Pay Samuel Wils,3o, , , .. . - '.. . ' 23,00 . ,_, I . taniuel.Nl'Mattany, '., 20, 06-474550 ioo Justices swearing 'ounty and township 4 officers, and issuing-certificatcs of :Fos scalps,: . -. • '.: •- • Costs a exp's bring ing insane pauper froni,Liavenport, la. Taxes-,ahatantent'sescuirations t errers in dapli; to,# c, 34; ' error ih audit 04 aetl o l.e.Bradshavt,former Trees 15; Lost taxes, collectors''reiurns-of,' .'. -• . 1,551 Ilei'unded on lan ' s gold in errer . , - . ''l ..--• :- , '--Overpaid nod-re untied , ; _. y - ' '• ,-' - 8 Uniested.lid retuins, • • •- 1-' .r ' i . - -, -, • • : Uniu mnt money, recd by form - ;r Treasures. r - i Vo!untsers—relief to Anilines' of, ' . ' . l ' '5,35" . ' S'eey of Relief Board, W. S. Marclay; ~' 1. :. ! n I !House of Itefog Amount of 4.arr BY State tai poi 'Paid'on Road do Floss Duce! n 111 $47 , Q3'2 WITH THE C By C2.9ii pki3, l Zen " •‘ 3;cliet cer i i .; fei " 1-61 en • " atnc MEM tia ciAntu ' ttn,.. remsq ".Trems'rse4ufl + `, j A 10, :'.71 111(1 $145 1 t , ' . !7! 75 I --79 tr 71 iunty Purpostis, t~ii t ent tor Tax-nu 111 \mount I ; Paid.)3 :7 l Celle.;_ In pt►'` real r 1, (91 8;:': M=M i;?r, 26.! 30; 49 ! 2: 1..; Vi 7 07': 174•47 P- Fit "1 1215 :" 14 4, LA7 0 I 1271 8.1 881 00,- 126 8;? 279 1: - ",: r z-7.7 44^.7 ! 1. 470 9!) 3:f.8 '44; 2 1 _14 113 ',1.:2 :41 121) 02, it 61; 3 .61' SII Su. tr 3 132 771 S 1 612- 32!' • o 7 727 .618 Col 13 , 4 38:: 124 :,4 2! oil: 1;04 5 , ; 1264 12., 813 Soj 701 05'! r 377 800 ..346 315 05',t 215 (1 1 ; 44; ;no b 3 108 00' A 7:2 74;1, 708 6) 1 353 23'1 -321 Of 055 4011 435 3r :.443 63!1 • 239 ", 20 140 0 79 8 , -212 ;.; • __l t _ • - 1 155 G 2q1113213 • :r2 '34 5' Sicselrf ! J.ANtART 1, .)By tialnTcc . in ha u l ;.• oznowa ,i s due b •• do I. 64 • !. 04 41 .1 " • in hal I - Balance, eaver. thii HOLDERS Of P' OCHESTER ST t 4 meeting of 8 burg, December ly resolved that on each share of . teen dollars, fol he debt of the , payable forth ve) .nrg; Heorge C. t, 'Rochester, or, cob Strawaker.. . _,.. Delp' ab, arid Shoo lii ••es • • ALEX. CLARK, P . khois to •be a t! °roar of ' 1/ - 4 06D. - STABLING atta • '• I - -.ur • --- , I .E AN 7 XICI:Vt : i,•ll.:2l 4: tu i! r•, .-, .44 vi!.. .rx • • 1 . ~..:.: ,r7:r.,.. , 1 . • _ .rt.tt , ,,,,,, , ,, , ,....... i 1 ,,,,.. , :••,., . :, i. MEM l it, ,i ' .-, ; •;‘ ,- ;-•“;.- 1-: ..•!;;;•;;.:•-f-- ; , Acpezidit* it'' . '''.: • 1 - 1:' - :. : - - Ors. ' - i''''' • forsrard, .', *., T-.,, 1, , , kt j 447,032 70 salad jail,- viz: -,'-' "r - ' l. ' "' : J . 'l l teavetationernacwi - '''.,' ''-.- :'' ' 4 ./ 68 -- l 'uts-issued,to Jau:uary per'State Treasurees'reeeipts, ;view's, per Treasurer's aeUortut - , alps, perTreisurer's ase't, t roceipts, . BEAVER, FOR . YEAR 1865. Tal +iarranise 11 . s.arrunts, f catcs of road mien's. : 1 . . `nips, t 'ption' of unseated lands,. . , 3 !iatement alloAd ta-x• payers, = 2,0: ..at ions allow:ticol,..s 4n:lp:fines, '2T,- issions d d:, ;' '. ,lo • i4. IfConl'uw' lb. titat e „.t. i mill ex in ful: on $64,187.4,1 u, 2pr et,' , pl.! ' . 71.72 .1G ?‘;', 2pr et, 1,'43: 16,49.1,70 6, I . pr et,- 1C u Land. of Treasiner, ; • . '.•' .. I I- 4 Mil MI nd 'amounts craditod to and due by Col • ors for , prompt ylaymoot. , -----'- ki.:os;ca.- t ..."eia TI. 1/U . ill, ,‘ 1 . ' - ...._-_, i t tea. ; ,111%.1 ! Collec.'. Ce,.IJ.ECT.OII,S% :1 rm(b!.'Coll'ra - ''.l.--A•s. j,l • • 1 I ' • • • .... - . TT _ 513 3n - Jobn Daep tron: • • tt9 0;. Joseph :11'0,1104.,, • 182 30 .Joseph JI tilpre, 0 77 '; IS3 51, illlll4m Dairies; ' - 27 54' 24 90', • • :• • John. 11. fitivs.'' . ' • 7 0; . ; ...,, :'..01 G:z. W:111:15.i .1.;114.1py. 119 54 ; I:-.:1!..11". 1' gar. I 3 f 15y r.i..- • ‘.l,oraca•Muri l ity.; I - 2 47 ' .. 24:1 4i; b. J . : Camp • toca. 111 78 • 102 :271.1ac0b Lun'salieckcr. I/ • • • ! ! •- 2: - ! , 1 12; D. S. Nye. 3,11!1 le.!. CI, , aznes•etoops. • • •0 1. 85' IW. ll.iErsiicr.': ' • -'• - 102 5c.! Ranch - Diel4,4rtii•olo. • • $46 !Iv,. It. D. Daers'em.• • • ~ / • !! 573 01 !Jfilin ..r.D0i,,:a.1 , 1-. - ! jintrew Ka , terby. .. I' • !! 232 9e Matthew Nelso',M.' ! - 1 1 42 !il ) '' - ; tleorgc B , ..Dari.s. • ~ • I ii 118•:. 'Satsbaniclll,lackmbre. . !!, ......' 300 09 David Alexemcicri . • 14 -07'1.25 1 Sa'i , C 2 tiSeltonii ''. r `•• ~ 1 Q...:• 109 1111 . •40.iiiel ..lf igleY• ! -... 3 :10 ' 5 48! !:.hitin I l tlillori. ' r . !30 52.1 •'! 308•75:!William II B:ebout. • ! ; .i 420 32 Costin - Bur-s. •' ' ' 0 • j! 38E5 11'. J. J. Hazed.'" : •T r i i ......::513 89! . 1 , !'• - 1 • i; 100 85 Wm. 11. Beout.: 1 17 4.. 'ii 109 23 ; J:_D . . Smilil. •:: I' 1 ; 10S 00 !.C. J. Jelly. l t '1; ,i 11 81. 32 7'2: . ..John W. IT rt.': 0t. ; ,..,- 10 54 14_75', rqullit W. min: , .1 • ~ i 239 iii i wolit in Ewpg; ~ • 't ' il 104 35'111k/beet B. Ravi. . , ---- . ---,• -7-----!-----:•—•• 101 63.207 34 cP.I since J ,11.• 1.. ,I§otl ESN :2'll ti ) lecount. 5613. iis . r. c 4 Treasurer. Colleetors for 18f.5, do prior to Bated lands at close of MS. • Us of Joseph 14(114, Sheriff. I • • I 31st day of January, A, Jo i 3 I nzr H. EIG • JOSEPH IftONS4 JOHN WILMOki Commis iIL. 4,i John. .ock.; ATTORNEY ,AT i LAW i era • , 1 * 'BEAVER; PA..I l • thel'AFFICp the' building ode yiel by ibe; • ; th e ky late How-THOMAS Ce rn _ I Legal business of al kinds proinptly attended i i tit to; to in Beaver and adjacent couUtiea. ; '• 1 41 i e y. 'jan24'66--10t, • , • - t at I irr.tx t c=oxi. ,30. - • BEAVER, Iv , . P - 7 . NM iti , 115 15 . 180 00 [4 4 7,5 2 a °V I 48; i :3 , 79 .: 1 :52--2.1 - 60 74 • 03 23 Off - , 33 T --'-5,365 41' 48,542;11 12,g58 'OB 6S Co 61 50 $81.5.11 69 12,082 SI 1594,§32 "00 lIM • I Mil OE t , ;$66,-40S 04 ...4;922j 07. ME :3.(0 i 7A);----124 GO ~~ r fu . fit • 2tl-1:3,423 28 74 12,e83 08 4-LO 1 4--:,222 17 4,793 71 Mil ;- • - 10% MI 1 1:95 ) &;7 73 MEM Effi ~ i 4:793 71 5,073 CO -035 55 ' 1 280.01. • ...P7 00 .1., 89,020 25 EMI , "r 1866. Er, IM sinners: a. t a 3L; r ' . • °ppm*: • • bed • to thbi btr /at 1 . . .. to- Poor titid : f • ME I k * -- 1 1 ; 1 • "[". ' • '2.4 ite %13.'" , z „ . • 'tr.", ; • is Tr.o Pen 81. s ;,184!0 ? ,_ iron/ county,. ireitqL6r,,l • ' 66 • Tai•ionsmayirl '.l tr "1! Deo , ~ • t; •i. Dr. To ba BE • -, , - r-.., : libcpendlt.ures. i,.. • ,-• ~, ~ t , .;,.. , , , ,,, 11 , :.; • I , p 4 ;or . s u p por t of iniiaue pt . i.tp,eA,,..' . . _. " sitppoyt Of,ouf-deor . paupers; ,- I ; ' 4l board : of out- door Va_upers, ',, l ' i " ph3rsioiareil 10f ?.45,t nniSe,'.l7o . l:X r. , ‘ ,. 3la4"Sviarts. papuittlt ,ou ar m f, . .; 7 • ' t skoitk farm itipilement-no Auntlneep ..44, mewingmachine.ke 014 liagrake " 'plow. 19,11; cattlloo 90; hikrnei .11 "';fruit trees, .- I, • ' :II •i I , " household artieleS, ' iiel,fixtures "repairs, repairs, '; luMbe 'lOr : . 4. mason and oarpente work, . 1 labor,"repairingld ages of ,floqd I . " sinithing, 31 4(1; fer age, $,, 2? "loordiga 6pnning, he ,l n E shim "hire, regular luinds,l . . ,',l " do ' exclusive of rekular hi , 41 dee male, - harve,st'gAltresii, ." do female, I •I ': .• , "I manufan'd• sorghum.' ' " Merchandise, I • . l oUnt carried forward 4 ' ,L - . IMI 874 NM • so, the undersigned, Anditors•of, 13esver Ci .penditures'er the 1-I . olise fOr . thepuppe Hated. Givezi-undee,nUr blinds;s4 pen , • . • • I . 1 • -7; .1: WE, and E stand 21to • , • • , : i , , --- - --I eo. 7To Cask on Br - attire:. 'l'hornas Oliv,er. deed,! .. •23 '-.. ' *. -' .. i i Oliver:Baker., dec'd; .! 22 901yi.b. - 3 " - Cash aid Jos.. Boyd, Appraiser 'elo'. 4 " ' .. . L " , 1 John A. .Shannon, ile'd, , 440 8311,... ", 20 " State Treasureealle.eiptB, 4 ' G, a. '". 4 '.. I t tire S.. ildtailton, de4'd, ! 182 00r!. - " .27 ''' Caph paid Jacob' Gabe, Appraisi , . I.V ..•E Bii,rclaY,dec'd, . Icqoo r - " " !"#i felts If. Befghley,- "'* • [.. . 1 Thoa.i Fur:kouscr, deed S 1 24April 5 V State Tresiiverde Receipt . s, . •-• '... : Olivee Bak6i., dec'd. • . -44 81 . •,-, " 10, " ~ " .N...,, ,' -" - 1 1 • • „ 31 ,Inoliort.afara, deo t.. 4. , 1W OT, ifurt.B -1 ' Cash_ paid M. lairreneo.,llpprai . . !•.. • I.' V. Springer; dcB - 41,. . •-i. 750 :July' I'" '; '' 3%m. ChEp mai* . ' " . !Wm. Glann,!deled, ' ' 'l9' ..12;! " 13' , ' State Trea. , :urer's,Reeela • ," • liarrieeCarieis, dre'd; 48 26 1 .! " _ 7 - " gash paid JaCob Schaefer. ' ' 'llarrisan Carey, dged; ''4o 9P.1 1 ,, , itit. 9 " State Treasurer Receipt: ,I . --1 ," ,Wai. !Shane, deed: - . 1 . 10 13 •Nov• 7 " 21..• - ,:. . [ • • t' iSarngol.Scartght, dec'd.7 . VS 10!1! V . " Commission on $853 40 e pe, 5 •" , Fpatices laii-r deed,- .stio. 451 i as, 1, "• ! . $796 f 2 0) ll' ' -- !, • ••, , I. - . . ,-- 7 ---- " --1 !I • . $14349 %.'jl '. I'' :. . I •I 1 . . s l' • • I . .. . ' 1864, s j 1865, in a( I< 4. 27 ~ [pill 5 .. 1 i ., t ; ~ Ell tie /3 " ". 27 " s• is si •• 2 : Will 112 1111 • 13',i1ltined due, 6 . et'lts.. • .1 II AtElt COUNTY) ss.—l; the undersigned, nil - Accounts o the Register ancllliee3rki tiding December Ist, tEtis, li'eorreEt to i! 'I . • -'• I • T • r BE cord, year - 7 ---------7 7 -7-- - - .. - 7 - 77 --- r- ,',; t.u.rotiutm.r:.T.:v • .. i ,ITINANt. : IT (1 'ITI AT 7fr , i ~ iißmiti il i iir ,., o f [ N AN Nt i t .. w . 4 - - lIMI E I I f i Eta BRIGHT =I I.:. 4_11, - t, - )INv A_ P:E3 $ tioN, NA.1,148. LAS A-2;11) 11ff iCt LINTERS' TOOLS, TOULR IGII a All] • ‘IiSONS I TOOLS, - ;' lli~, • , E IN .000 LS 6 -1.1)D L ERS' T . , . N ' trITO . O I L S. I I i i..F.rn. - 1-tAnDvy ARE- 'f pi '• • • " . 1 1 :t NIT FELLOWS &I SIIA • H • I • I 991i15, & 1"1::K§ MATTOCKS &ii S I • *irlin &PL ATI:010 SPA • ~ • Bp E & POriET UQTLERY. I r. I. HORSE StIoES d. NAILS,_.. . .1 • I r, ICARRIA . GE DOLT , S UTs i 1 1 • I 1 .2. __l 1 - ' STRAW CUTTERS 1. I SAD HIE Co U color' .0101 i MOWER AND iItEAER t DRIctLITO;ti ',65. ' . ; -I • EWE NEI *Deco . , Farm for .S alp. !, j • . • 'FRI: for sale the farm on which I csl cl cI: c oath Beaver township, Braver edunty, • i t s 'Cross Roads ' being the gaukof farm ly oWned•l i and ocen4ilect ',hi 1 Bhary . I Said farm contains I . : I i 4 unfired , and Afty=Eight • Actes. 1• hundred acres cleared and in good Sate iration; , two goad orchards thereon ,-- id, 'frame dwelling honse, large, bank vith stabling for thirty thories; blalcli shop and good ont-houses onlthe prom , . ifihao farm is well watered. " lit is With miles! of tho ISland kiln Oil Re , -' Ai'6s4-4i. ' N'.' J. M'COR3I: • ', A.l . l.ErFal,; • , FIAI 111 7 .1 R ESSE 6 . ttit, ~ , 7 R . ~. i • . i 1 _ .. TA i , S BRUIN ts;happy.toAnnounce to his tf hi Old. customers, that.,h has heed dis chargod frci'tho service of thii United Scates; andnietted a shopirt.the, - frithe bßildinFlad joininig„Wni..Orr'a Store. ,Ladies' hair cut in I the aiat 'approved ,IstyTe. ' He trusts hilold friend {will renew their patranage., litiiing carrie ;like flag of the 45th Reg. l): 5..:0. T: 1 ,for. almbSt L a year, izi the 'battles around II"e -4.erstuki, he thinks iltimself entitled to ,i4eir l a bs?' Of the pablic paeren4r.l. jsl, 366 12 T OFI in at. Ra) forme 1 Brig •One (net a of cut A tar barn, smith ises. in two jan3; i II f , ' I MEM in Tread =Si di i } - . . 40c2.13.0ator.sta Izalaesitlitetaa.ao rria, j .; re, Esq., I?egtster of (Do., in Bgayer . ~•~t~tt~, Aezonn: iveli tile 13Yotinont 1. I I ' N.JPA.; sa &Ls is,. Er I= ,• PLAS'rEREIZS' TX34)r 31 MU - t 1 ,11 0 1 50 1 ,' -$9-208-qBB. - , soaer - 871 - . • , i • 1 • •t; 1". - I •,•• 2,2 1 82! i s . 1.89 75-2735 32, t 74•20 1 J. ;. 200 00 , 81127 •%%0 - '00; 2400 . • • - ,48, 00, 1513'.11:.T. it . 2a--4439 ssl `. 4t 81.62 I;rcic;ms 37 55 I,' • 6-1371_1n 55 s, IQ 37, •'4 46 91 86 u0.4.6G • • • -83. fio ptcher'g; 40 uD' ni, r 'i ig 4 . 200 00-534 Gt.; 4i) 50 , ' ' :3 , 4 02—S80 12 Vdir:, S 4 certify tintt Ott acid Employment of tit ver, this' 7th day of Jan' -- . , Saying b..-...,ati du!): !,ppliltlted by the Ccitart or . (qcmoli rieas. igs Lo. ‘r, .t. , .., (.It, hereby ea:Airy that the fa),),ES scate AL if Colbteral he best. of 'my ,knowledr,elll belief:- ° - • , 1 . , . . .. ! ' , I'ILT- i• *0 , ~ i •• - D. CLO.. , K.'S -i • .- , , i • 1 . 'F...t,tc:F., LSI() 4 FiAI Pl! RE '173) !Jilt IS T•LIE i best.prer offere:l io the ftniilih and the', lont.ockne pa tee.ssin.7 as lAC'tartriifr cletimeti for it.;—.l Ii,I: ri.ri•ore,c.g-Fity, lair to its crik-ina't ei:kr, ilaltes-f 1 1..4'4'4 grou•oo. Zola fecidsl when falling ii,fr't from i. 'disease; removes Scruff, Dandruff, citc.i . arrests ' -its (01/itiy, Ofr.. cr curnisig! grant , , ell:Es' Sielt likitd- i tteiielaud !Zit dterc'en °Phe sr,v(p.; cauttes 1;41V:7 . '11; 1 wiry:hairlto beceme soft. pliable atallus:nri. nat.l:.:lilossy.. It is eleg ( tne!,,, I:ejtaw!.l, and ;11l that' (tali be 'desired far a dressing: it Con- tiiinS piti ! • i -ii•,•i? t : t* lead criolher toUtetyal4o injuri-1 luta Co' a',.e. 'iio.:t! uu ,2 l Auil, and of which met Preparatitins rinw in us....are-composed,hut.is a portly erycio:Ve cOmpoitm!. WE•CIIALiENtIE Till WO' i ' r. to ! p•odure an iest••nco'rlieie the Re-! StLt I . e 1: :1•S I:111P d when used .accordhag to tam :rections.Ar.vvng the thousands-with have used i it wo.have. yet to learn of one who is ma. per rccily- satisiled with it, Lresuls. .f.toir'ir.t,ite as 1 vi..,:.4 is with mlrrelelis iiip!diry rest arad, • to all its i ristio . e! be,thty -by' Fi i .-; Use. P is' not r. dye, hat by suPplyint the secretions of the C'ai., 10/3- 1 ,ry glane.ts acts :is a resfercr. Mothers, whose I, hhildrelfg hair ! is h!q.r....iii, trir , r, or thi , ttri systtnt, ; 'will. find by ifsir4, - ,"! i'..it.'! Restoitei• it will itty:te:!. , - I ',lt,..ty improve end may be dresSed in iluy.ciciir. i ed form, thus laying the fotiadalioniforagecd 1 head ill ••154r, 'so desirable in after life.. The 1 l i proprietor is . 11. Ware of the many .v•rlia have' .betih iirt . suppoiiit'ecl by the high- sounding . pre tense of the• numerous _preparations with which the market haS- been' filled; for a few [years past, but such eUtirr; cc•ntZtfene doesi lie pht!ce in the taeribt of his Reetfirer that tip of -1 fera - in all' a! ! sei *o Trimd the iiiintai•u if, it 4er . a! of -1 '• • - '-' • ' ! .! - • •• ' fili?rottgit trial ,Of-tiru bottler, it falls to, , zive per-, lJfect• satisfaction.- ?t - single trial will•cenvince 'the -most skeptirolTj it: I:prit!. Put up in large '.'dbott Les and sell by all drug.gists nt , s l'pr bottle. . i . ; DIU., E. B. CLOCK, T'ropriefor,. ' !!' . ::. - • i Man Chester, N. 11. • 1',. ; ' ! I. MOORE, . Druggist, Beaver Agent for I ;Itochester, Bridgewater and Beaver. , ItiClat•- 1 '1..e..n ..'t ',Xi:Kennett, Wholesale r tgents. Pitts- - burg. Pa. .- . !!!' i - ! Dan:ll'till--Int. . i '.F.XEC.LTTRIXI'S NOTICE. li . • .- —, : i fiT,2l• 2 'ile_i ,Testatienitary on 'the; estate of /it • JAS •Nl'Cl.'l.l.4arrit I dee'd., late bf Beaver , • •,,, • ' ", .norough.!'sicaver count / y, havingbCen gttant !Led to the Undersigned; ' all i: peigens : in- • ;debtect to: said estate ai•e, recitiested to make unM it payment. andediat those. having claims' 1, ~ against the same will present them properly intheotiaated- for settlement. .. ! , i 7 ! ' JOSEVII.t. WILSON, 11.',0.. '•! 11 !! Beaver borough. - . 1 I _ , MUM knit'S 11; ' -1 I,IT, . J I•ITTERS of adminlitrationonthe estate,Of lion4rto N. Kass - stiv.late of Chippewa tp:, .13earerdec'd,'haritig been granted to the nulersigned. all persons itidebtedtoeeid estate are requested to make immediate pityinent, and, those hating claims against said ettif.e will present. ihem,to the sitbscriber . pioperly aa the4ticated for settlement. - 843171,.: MAGAYY, Administrator, . jaiilo'66. . • New Brighton.. • gp t 1 PAECUTOWS. NOTICE'. • i . [ teTTERS •testimei4ary on • the • estate of Jacen COAMZN, . late of ..;Brighton towship; Beaier Couniy, Ps., dec d, having ][. heed, granted tli'the utidersigned, ail persons indebted to said estate are requested to make iminedinte payment, and those having claims Igaihst the same will present them [properly, authenticated for settlement. , . [ i .ISAAC MORGAN, Exeentor. 1. jan/o'6p. ' . . Brighten tit. CO-PARTNERSHIP NpTICE. - HE undersigned has this day . tiken into [ co-partnership CHARLES' C. TOWN SEND and EDWARD P. TOnISEND. The style .;-the firm, • • • II • M. P., TOWNSEND &1004 tintinited. W. P: TOWNSEND. PITTS KGB,_Ja n_ lir 661 ;Van. 17&44- • 1 . - ' St - raw Warited. ' • nADt!, WALLACf. the . ifridge POI yriter (doesWor,ke,liwant to eantriet with ns eni one to funtisli thin .With from link to legacy tone of Mrs* annually. Persons deck lingl to contract. will,cpply at their Works in BridgeWster. - 13envor tryitty• I UM ME i. -.- I , .. ' • 0 .1.' .i . -)1.:rv) *, i- t•••;_ 4 •4•4 ') .. iiit,-1;. , 1;:t i _- . 1: , - , :; ,. .;1 1 7 ..,L , 7 i - • ''., ', ..:, 7:1, , lotiac .0/ ..engl,onient Of Beave' Coit . -. :.•1 hi- • It '" - 1 , ' . -IT , t - ri ,:-... 1 •,... ••• • .. 12 P C P en alt,Alr -•-•,lll l itanantrbrettght iorviaid,„; ea, • filmwliettt and corn, 4e ! 2s; r b as '• groceries, • 604 CC, '! • , :groceries Cori Van;li - Deelfd 13r,; shoes atateiay-ttmde•elothi. • "•' ''" 'eecilliiitatees and onione,43 ',6!" pork:consumed 95; de. ea ` .Deo ,31, 112;97 _ I ! 4.• beef, 91' 21; -coal :consupe,d„, 1 .‘o !,; hand Dec:3; 18C . liquors`and snuff dishes and_swet,ie aodo 4 i Ifinit 3 90rUarqing ,4 7,9 battling 10 00; ` conin g -36 75' 4 1 phy,eician'a•attlarr • ! natralsoi, i ; , 4reatiarer'i attordey i e fe ! !!),Iteward'a salary : I .s meneye aklyaneed,to.ptiupera "Alex' rent P q!!!eillmps and ti jastioea'- find' 'cenitables' feei •4 4 pcblisliingceiptxsud •exp e iAnbeetiptio*, to Ileater,Arr as "!iiiblcellengoas itenl3 .• balance in Treasury f• ' - 111121 11:11M (6. s i 4 En INME t.. r ill =1 El I i‘ 11! I 1 1/aN'e eraininecl 4p4 sadit.ed' the' feiegoin Pampers lasitt county be!' lieve the eaatele a • evrett4 tj t D.• t. SOS E1 ) }1• slctel; UR IS, - JAMES IV arr nem, J: MARSIVALL! 111111 1 r 1 : ...,I..:__. t S l l o 6he . 1: on All • 1 ,026 00 '3O is l t,lo 60 132 hand ' 6 9 la X 91.., c 4! ,„, 448 0 8 _ 21 og ""1, , G - - B tO n 4 l • ' 225 fP po - . - ' 69 tt s • as (If nd 600 06_1y?'. 3 '. ey - 't .11•fii 51 ! ' tltrs 186" -tt7 t 5 e(10# MOE ■ Exfiibit c f ca.' Beaver Cou . • ed !Ili, 4 9t ,f e j i *ra' ZIM cent •• MI itor to !Unbar :40. [otieritsfloo ' Tu fa: di WiILSH, R GO I ODY,_ It 5 & SEALS t' CLOAK MI EAT , CHEAP "TILE !IA 'STOCIC OF ~~®~~ .T. 3 I?. G iIT el: EVER file, o , • ==4 iiirE es et Children's Ladies!,Mis o,fired his sids -of-Nsitlork. & sicovLs; 'cLOA 6.IiN AL L `An -.exatllent I, task, sad ,fiery skim, 11111 Also, isiLod ae I . 1 - CARPE'S, 0 ortrueno. of 1 L cLo-rns,auG e n.lllyought ;hue: fr*m, r the-ca se. talc tnapicit, u tarl! nt •TC7C pried f w ulesale and :zeta): 141 . lue p toak. j• anti:ll: tantin;ta. Thett:ged T;C: 7lf uUfact urers, b which enable-1 us • ,TIO atteition ers is ,direct ed to Str Give us, a: CO..' 11°°r1 Ms;kst•Letii, , EGqIEY-C4TY. DUNE lit: Federal ei, dec6!Gra] AL •—• '‘.B HU RST hrrd 13rohar, D OICALF.R. J& . • • CHA'' . 13 A. Real :Es t ate, Stocks, Goverl.meni othei S l ecuri*ik , ! & CLAIM AGO :Bonds, an. INSIIIViNe coraislafic er &. tienerai Aged- r l acing opened in AO n the recmcaPiel yespect fully sifici:tthe nds and. the publicly gts• p lIE oubscrib - -1=• ItocilOter, by F. A. Fortune trounge of.his fri eral. • - i - • , . * t ion given to the sheaf , te, and. Ai.L elates Oil 1 E 'l l r in ; t!e u r -ell A 4 rr s e • of PQ : mooy. 4-... 4 . c.- '' the Alt-na Insurantt Cl:et North fAmeties of rot finlifactprers* S: Merebgg I its,ue policies in titter it ed. nd lofs for,eile• lands of the celabriiitili-, r sale; where erery OA I ' Alto ehires in fell t rt 7, and leases. * I, my residence in Dete,'" and within e felt miD!" l. ivet lend' Railway stOit ' Parttetitar affe, of Officers'lae - cbut out of the irresk Pensions, P i atents, - - : ',Tize • BeingAtient fo liat,tford, Ct. , 6 1100 ia, and the e.i of Pittsbnig,. I Ni Abe - companies no Fermi. hOusei Sbares in the oil and Run regifitn.f proved . . a ' suocess duping or under, - I ' will also sell beautifully "situnt walk of the Ohio Terms liberal, Deeds draWie u Fire risks 64401 Companies. Revenue :stamp! Refers to 4Obn Wm. It Smith & • and-s*scknowle d g ed. 0110 /141/r!igi , • slims on bind. . ' ._, Cytgbey, Jos. P ly 1n..; Pittsburg. ..,,- it - ' I. CHAS: B. 2;2 2;2 '65- i__, 1 11 AL i , Ito aelirer Coil if th e t ort est • notice. Orden;, thing Store, Deste4:ll rt redecir, tridgewster Goo(' Attire, itocheigW,t- ' ' • ird r o'llll . 1 Rochester; N6*. C I . , I' AV ;Prepared' quality on, s at I. DI Atkins' CI. Sr. §ball'enbergee's Croaa; A; Co.'s Dry, renitre prolipt it . 4 , 41 '1 4,'0344 11 7 ' r - a El MI Auditors 1 cf 411 I , a- P.E i 1 MI ' 244 411 8 44 16i p cut :I 11 --,-. • 1441 IMEMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers