' 1 . - . tiIENVER2 iiirtiOVlSH rig, lo tiiiifshimi Eiaill Wedn.kda l y - •,,. -- 1 1 IN M I NIS' BUILDINGS; THIItD Sl „, E t ItHAVER, PA., 1 ' ! ' s9,oolper annum in Ad • anoe Letters #nd contributions, by mail, or . 1 , , 4 .11 have prompt attention. - J:: SVTAN &Co. Edo: .i - llro'ro. .---------------------------------------- ag * . TER OA_DS . , . . , • - , I . s • W. C. R. . „„,ii : i , '• vit - - 'sc c A• 1/ i .- - , Nov.o 1865,Trains will leav el sn ° -ailler ' °Y.' Sundaysexcepted,_f le tatioos d . ily, . ,as 0.. VI: IgniatteSniiireitiOago at 5030 P. M. estei ll i'' ) - 1 - .. ;)., .----- RAINS CRIXICCI \t'X'"rg F f - I ,iii Exec : Mem. Exes. N.xp's.l it ;b ar ;.....l 2' *:1 t7OOAM I. 145 pm 2.iii;; oc t let t4r...). ', 400 " 880 4, 305 4. 425 .. I.l.Brighton. 1- ..... " 848 " 315 " 435 44 ryn ; ... .. .1 442 " 9g5 46 408 , 6 , 522 4. f l „ l l „,bi s 11 517 4. 1017!" 447 " 600 " T im - II" . !i•540 4 4 11048 " 515 44 63)0 " Agie l ... . . 1 630 44 1150'•4 615 " 730 44 Canton: 1 705 4 . 1242 Pm 703 " 8 9 0 " , .. . ... 730 102 t' 730. - gra r s T silloe --1 1 " • •1 •' 850 4. 39 3 .!, • 1 802 44 145' 44 810 " 920 44 Wposier ,••• • • II 830 4. 222 " i 845 " 957 44 WI nrille ..1 9 2 2 " 82S. 4. 945 " 1955 44 ODE/814•••••1,10/0 0 425 a;1 03, 5: 14 1145 a - ,....t .1 ,Ar111046 44,. 500.'•X11.16 4 , 12154 m r rest", ! IlDel 1115 "I ,1140 An 700 Am 1255 44 I p u e'yen . s ..... ..),1145 , 4 1 71 1 0 4. 768 4, 125 .4 11. Stindusk?, • J 224 l , 3l l 750 4. 1 8 23 4 4 207 .. Forest J r .... 1,1255 I l 82ti 4, 857 '4 240_" Lipati...7 ... ~1 213 4 , -943 4. 1020 „ 402 .. Delphos. . . .... II 253 " 1025 " jllO2 .136 SI l'atiltiekt ..,... 18''24 eillloo 4 , 1139 •,, 505 .. Fort %Tat . i 500 "' 1235pu 1145 pm! 645." Colinnbui ..1 . 1 545 '' 1 22 " i 236 " 728 4, iluntsville-i. 1 ..... " ..... 4. .. . ~ Piereet#ll- * •-•" •••••-" " ..... 44 %flier, .... 639 ~ 215 "1833 4 , 820 " BourlCl , -- r ---- 4 ` ' '' r , ....'.... .1 .. pi r ogth.... i 741 4. 322 i 440 a 920 4, Wimitil .. .. 4 . ..... " i... P.. " ...., " 4ilpie4iso 1 , 022 4 , 1 458 4, 630 " 1052 4. Ilohart I ..- " 4. .. i „ Clarke. .. .... 171C-1111.Crosi, " ..... ~ , 7. 1 „ RPt Intro f -3 - " ..... *, 1 1. „ (1/ ( 4 18 , 110 " Too .. 840 4 .11250 Pm r TRAPS 9 cots'a ss , As'ed 1 1 it 1 1 1 I I / c il L _ , FiliP 6 ,lo 2 -... j l l4 , *6, 0 ,-. ~ 1 ..... , --1 n+ , 7"l "'s - 11,4,___. / 1 t f / P 1 , for, New, Castle tiriA Ftie 0.40 a.... `A c tortimodatiou rains lenve :11Inglieny for 'Soli' . prigliton-0 or,l a. mi 11.50 a a: 2.05 p. m; 420 p.. nv-5.40 p. m.. For Economy, 10,30 p. on For New C'asile, Greenville and James town, 2 P.* I 3.50 pm. • ' I ;I'. 11 - MYERS, Gen. Ticket Ag't. ) CLEVE. , 64 PITTS* ' RR• • On and after DE I C. 114865, trains willleave sta tions daily, Sundays excepted, as follow,' . t cOntd- SOUTH. 1 I I ' Ili Ige ' M 4 i ~, .tIL. XP 13 . AIL. 1 . _CCOM Cleveland.:.. 11800 Am I 225 Pm I 340rxt Lelia street ! ! 811 "1 236 4. L.J„„, ! 353 .. Enason. J..... 1 915 46 , 333 t' l ! 500 ' 4 *on ,iii_ ' • „.; - i .. Online, • j l i .... .... ....,--; II Ifilerstairg... !,• - ..ltivenna l ,s,.... I ,1950 " 405 "I 53G " (Donee.- ;11049 " 450 " 1 635 " !Signed „.... . 1 11125 .. 520 "I • 46 Wellsville. .. 1 ;1251rmi 615 " 1 " " -- r ---- ir -- _ ' i 10u1110 NuRTH. f 11 , MAIL. lExP's. lAccoii Exr's . ---_7----___ i 1 __ - 'ellbville .... S4OAm 515 Pit Jiyird•;. .. ... 1012 " 653 "I 1611111 x1 - ' -ill 00 , 4 728 ~4 6 OAu 1 4`,lh . ui ... 111 50 4 . 817 " 723 4 4 Millersluirgw.ll Onvills ~.„. ic . i , , .. ... 411 011 . 1 ., ..... 1 1 ... . ''...- 1...- .... 1i z1'0a....... 1 1 ( 227pm 85/ ' ,4 400 !!!cil4 street II 132 " 940 " 916 " 4.: I. rteland. .. II 145 ,4 1000 4 . ,930 4 4 . ;Goma BAST.' lAIL, IEXP'S._ EXP'S.` ACCOM Welsi re ir,„, ~,,, 7 „-,------ -- XL, " ••• ••• r .,.. otivAll %von/ g. u getiOrt... 1050 4, 616 44 415 .6 I+ range .::.. 1,139 44 7 , 11 , 44 510 44 „,..benville. 11168 Pis 733 64 528 4 . N' , llle .:.. 1115 4 , 840 4. 715 ' 710 4, 4 l'prerry 137 "'905 " -s: 7, -A r ' ' 'lll ` 1 ,,tr....... 2u7 ." 940 " 835 44 14 7'pler J.. 215 4 1000 4.„ 816 Am 850 44 'i'" 10, 01111 .. 380 ! 'lll6 "/ 930 " 1000.." . :.----, 1 101 mi WEPT. • ---- • • -1 1 ' I EXPS. EXif • t. MAIL .. ACCOM hisbu r h 1 4 - --- --- ,---_. k othe 8 4. -80 PM 505 pm 600 Am 3 50 rx Iter, e : l i tr "• 3 10 " 620 •• 716 .. 610 14 1 , ttioth ., l l ,-s "'l ". .. •.. 728-4. 525 " I retilvin wr7 : 2 4 " ' - -755 4 , 605 " ilt ta i,_ e ,•••' .6 a .720 4. 830 4. 645 " 1 4 ..• . .v_ant1e.111626 46 819 .. 040 .. • k i r: l Be-- 11 , 643 .. 838 4, •1000 4 : Iter,P. °/1 -6,11 1 ,137 " 930 4 , 1105 4 , ... . . ... I ____L - "•••111 45 0 " 940 4, 1120 44 ~,, Ltic;, ,i'v- AWAN4IIIArXeIIi X % Ph 4 4 4 lid lC e l „h/ : -.' )&' h B A a r y r a i r v d es / 0.50 p • m. l -11 tcihb ic i e j,,2 . 2o pa l P, g . \t, T .„__ _ 41a%; ClirrnlTioket Agent. 1 NE 4 1 , 1 H_,arton, 1 - Dr. ITIST ' (yrlit§ His ,VINg op B ,SERVIOES TO TUB CIT* 141,:aj t ..v. •AVER Aryl) VICINITY. ik f. 114, . i siora eet,_2 l l . li n 4. ov r is e : a a t 0.. ' ll 11 A.' ° -Third itr ' :' ' f , ... u 1 il i I MAIL. Ems's. im P' 8 Ext.'s. _......:._—_.1 • . : 1 i Chicago: , • 44IJAN; 620 Am : 55opm. 1420 pm R.lal3lllnne , ss . s. :-: s.i ...... ad 1 1116.611(4 . os . . ''l " I s• 1! 1,1 Ciarkili... l , t . 441 ..- ' ta t,.. .. . .. , 1 .. 11bb5ri.. 1 .... : . 55i... 4 . 44 s, r.„ . :. 4 , Valliatamp.... ; 650 '' 8 05 '".•;741 ”; 124&'" i ramatihq... ' •" ! . "1: • "1 • ", Ilymonthi..... I 44 !''. 040 "i; 6140 ' M.IO. "1. 225 " ' - 'z t Bourbon,';' •ks sst: , 1 , „ 411 . 1 * - :,!.... 1002 `''' 1038 ` ' l i 035 .ssl 331. ss Piercetto: . ssl • ' 5., 1: „i. : 4 ,, Ilantaville—.. 11 ':: "I ..1: ! las Columbia);..., ,(1101 ",1125 ";1403 "I 432 " ' P ort, Wayite,:.l4.2Bssm I 1 . 230 . PM ii22SAM I 555 .' ri „ w e:r y:... 4t:.. - .2.11 -Al 143 .."11_140 "1 721 " Delpitoi '' '254 " 214 ''' l l Lima.....,c.... ! .335 "', 247 '.' I 214 . 4 'l 750 " I! 245 "1 830 " ;crest !': ! . 4.15 "•, 1 357 ' "ri 407 "I 950 ," landas:ky.; 1 ,525 "1 '428 .411,140 , esilig.i3 I ss Snnyrun 4.;'.. i 609 "1,5 ( 4 'f 1 , 1 ,526 ' 4 1112 " sl . 030 "I , 600 "11145 , "1 Creatlinell Ar 'I 640 • • 0 e', -730.im 60_0 " . 1640 "1124 . trat , hlAnstielsy......!;! 810 l• ' 833 -"I . 1 ,715 "I 11 "1 tssontor,tll....l, 922 ": 718 " : 800 .s, 201 ss ' Airlititelit:ig... ;1025 !..; 811 '•! 850'"1 -25 f. •" ! \i2iiit.gle.-,.... Apo, "! &18- '.! -.020 i'l 32$ " 11.4114-....d.ii .15 ''' 9. 14 -". . :056, '." 350 7 ' ! ' 4.4,r, lT lgpl,ptr - 1 .. - , - 1 neT - , - .1... 120 "11 4 020 . 1186 " k 625 " 'stem , - .4'.... -11 400 " 21155 ! -"tr ) osl.ht 600 si ohliisss... l ll 240 ",1.117 " F 123 - t' i 620 i" .c0n..L:.;_t..1. - 1! 320 "0152 , q 1112.. ~ 655!.. IC.lBriglMon.. l 410 J ~1225im 1 200." . 70 1 148.;." 735, \ (i:oshealer .... ii 43t1 "",121.0 "i ; ittsbstreC.: e i 600 !‘i - 15tr. ,, i. 810 ‘' 00.1 7- ;" -tn. IMRE lii Mil 1,, yi MEI L .42-- 02: the Philidilpititil UNDER i - 1 7:I ' 1 Under. the lash of pcwer l . - .linder.the lesh oi'habit i '' 'Under the lash of greed Miliien'a'ire'lcist to home' . i, .' -,. ]Slillpnsvire driven the - I , • '' Million are oinking loiii, I.Tp. r the lash - in then:l y , i.`Crti' de the lash at his co`." l 1411 ,ye long dal , my -nee.' 'llll t.:E e long-night in mill! J While for sore toils a NU, Wiiiie 'niid.his ptiweis,in,. l d' •: t,. , , ..:. \ I 1 tiider Ito-lash. of: fearz' o' Und:r the lash in r4y es : 1 Undpr the lash of passio l TOh liinay.l.niii beJorlle7 Oh Ijmay I not hope fou 1-- 01i:; 1 nay I not tread the •-r the lash flocs on r the kph of habit f , the lash of th' tem , hope and joys, all -'to stern . habit'—no 'calash thqe'sild Und Und Und: nom Und. ITndq- the lash, woud F. Und=r the lash her mend r i . rnsl'r the lash, -honor, c :-A,.11 I. Orsaliit that it'ne'er "All . that'vr she wears-as Cl All t 1 is I do,''mid trembl .1 Und4 -- The lash of greed at llnde'r 'the lash,_ no tear f l oi Cn4ler the lash I'll hoe - rd 1, No ntt )ster ow great the i No Inatte - t - if mine be ill-ic I'm title' ' r its power-z -I'm tit , ilti 4iscellaq Z r , MIORS CIE TUE ...LUG an ea j your wishell down,' a, few items t • miglni interest some of the Angus in regard to in Dit9e.• At Louisville a gon, boarct i l the boat for .New I had shippe' d some mule 1..L 1 (and AL L ... man who Lad t 'called "him General . Cant . E _a_garf....t.b...-- I bell, 'tile founder "of th Churci ' I understoodt '--.- his refurn.from Washing pardo4 in, his pocket. 11 I courts sly of -President , .. was v ry bitter and say l i the-Ca m binet , and Coop.* goveihera as. the 'rya I ! ! '. ment,' arid Congress as l f Gong L eis:" said he "hai' ge.'re b the emancipati i Lion, 'ut was'able to stiff t ; • gress Wild. only stool" ; the l it ger," ho 'bad ,' inm a out the nigl,,,i , er,j''. about him and of lii i Other.. bn the' beat. n. 6 dint, "Mr., Jeffer - son Da 1 the,priretit patriot's-till shonet pun and lames next t - Mr. Davis." was "tae only real gentl greatest General theiell J, ion ar, y; that it woul l d &civic and confer a life count' to hang . kie iz,; Wadoi nd w- Wilson; than , Iley, nesse to , driving the . ci desperation. ~,, , - ,He aidrit made hi mad to think what I ,' he Confederacy now was, and what ',''t ,might have bde , if they had not be n overpowered'("of whipped); ~,, they '. ere.- always -sire •essful where they, ad leas than lily ..to. one; .. , "one - Clonfe' orate was equal, o five Yanks," Mr. d',lmpbell 'vas a fa r 'tenresenta. live eless. of Socitherne *la that' I met, with. Ithis eXception, tl. at he was not. - • profane,.fbut smooth an eourtecits in e•mve, ation; all others, with but few,' except ono, were,reekte sly and offen sively`. 'rofttne,qiiitet and very insult ing to and the Yankee . , i heard it put in this manner: ‘ bite man -first, Indian next,; Nigger, extq and then come 1, anksr and, Ih' and that-wan.. , ner of tating it -' ender ed by i'num. bet thl,be cafe. - Welt resseCt females i df Oared their • latentio Of - transmit: l sing t r eir centempt'a 'detestation of, the Y l keel and the' ankee,Go,Verri mer.t'l to. theirthildren, and their chiP dniii'llbildren. This tnelingpsivadee l e the nt isseceot . those . Wlip iiyere - not - in the array;' the soldiers,,iirere- . more "re. speutfat and m uch..less I bitter. '_ They were very indignant b ' nose Congresi tefased .to id mit:their mmbets, They, 81,4'; rs','Youto beim : been. ri bting 'us this loaf, y a ' keep us lj , a ;the nidn, and no Iv e 3 - when we wan in, you , wont let, us.r I replied th t• it , did seem Aurci,jaS they - always - . ad their °Wit waY hethfore, to 'en tail 'that pritt lige floc. t ~• ' ' : --. • - - ,•, " el Brown, of 'Nt a hotel in snot, ii, zli. ,Ceta il, merle ,'.Kentucky:etc ,antfllre cpaietly'cons & vitat ted , atato of , th 'the bitrirochn• was some tY NVellOressed young . and V,eritinie tlidiri'lget kees in` no stinted' ter n i nei bOre .iE FiatioritiY l l6ll t3l - ttlei f)ew,rin to beratf , ,1, -V--- 4 L. , =-• ;., - - • - '''"r --- 1 '---- - -- - • .- -•- - - -'--- --- -- -, 4- - ----- ' , = , 7.7',:1: , • :--'-'-- -...---- 4:4-:--4,-- -----.,-±---- -%•';'-- I -I- -. ' •-..:-T.“'"----;---,-4--,.< .----, I- .7., - --:-.-----,..----......,;,----;-.:..•--, ,-----., - - ;.,-4 - ,- - - ----- " -- -'''' ''' 1- - ''' -- Z , -.-......./..... --- -- -I' - -- •--' '- ----,--...,----..-:-._-.......,,_:.,-,.,,,:;.„,. _,...----- -: , : ,....-1,. : , .. 1 , _,.., • 1 4-, i--: „ - it-. - ..',. - •--..'-- ~,,- • -,,, . 1 -.--,::: 4 -...., : ,wr,.. s :{ct-••7•: 4,, :. ••• , :.;. 1 .t 1 ,. --,-:-- :- 4— , -,.• ~ :,.. -,.• - :,• --, •., •,.. . • - • . ... , - ~.0 0 0 , . , i ! • ~ i , • t.• •• -- 1-• - , f 1 -... ..... ~, t • ..i i...: t. _,', f• - 1 - i - ..111,:i - ,:?...i ,r , 10 : 0 ." •.'t • Y ri ll ' . ' wiz , ' ,• ilr; 'l'! :! , • P ; 't , , I 11 ' ' l - i ' ~,' '• ' 11 1 . :i , ' . L = . :'' -,, •• 4 44 . .;g1, '' ' -t - : * •-% 4. '1" „, , 11 , ) ' '`,4 - ; , 1 1F: , ', ii• . I . I 1 • I ',I I,: ,',' 1 ~ , ' 1 .. ' . 1 .'; ,, c,:. - Wil_i.—.' . ' l";2 1, -, ' - , I . ~'. l' .1: .- :.... i 1..... , .1 !..,-,.: . 1 r>. 1 .„ :. , 1,- 7 . Aitrlir., '. ' < --, 3: - : '-1 •, . ' ' t • )1. :.,.z_ "' "-I k r- ! 1:: .- ~! ;... •.• •- .:-..;i:sti.,,z-,-;-, : ....:-.5 f .. - st,i ' ....'?" ' 7- . i , ' l ' ^ i .1 e e .',., - '",NP:•I - - .. ..•-a. 4 . 1 .- - - . 1 ' •.'" $ ( ~. !. .. r. ,, •••• , .._, ~,, ;• ,.. , t 1 ' i • --er -:- ",,' ~ , -,--,,,; -; ~,- :, 7- "• - -T t er3631 . 2. 03E - mf : 1114-1.1 7 ..., - ' ' ..-1. 1 , ~,,,,—; r . , ; • ' ... ,0- rri'' ' ' - ' ..-7 7 .. . 4 , ',,r l t r- ' IL, — , 'll h - . ..I . '"••• :re:r . : .' r 'r .' ', I , j ',..' '1 e. ...., 1, '. —, I„''... 4 , 1 . .; ' I 1 il . • .1 , . ME ISI Iy a nk : . .1,, , , , ,, in.,thati own iiitents i and 1 traitortf andl.,, ingi , every —..p.,..,i 1 them.t4at he [ha febeltion, bill!: bi of making ttry4 and het hop U Some oho . aaird 'for the tugge ~" f'or ty-tyed ni e Saintet t and ihe tbem With-, oo shoot -avery 1 -finch, lie told t 1 forty.tWo , nige 'hundred and Lfift . woundiOg some, fines and sent th • He 'wpd a tong and durog t i r e to th e cOmpaiiy -breast pocket, .r gency. , irAt tip. rather -menabing Ili,- "Novi; `"apt t ed . bottio it; let jack, alai! driik *:. n •From/silial 1 4 f that it; w,ould / not safe plade fo'r a sate in, ~ e t li ma ceptionlamongst of kindness (rom lifem e member 1 i tt n n s dj 1 1 feel ~ l ' Towards. the f expressionwas , 1 mitting - themlto re as k:they-, would no pulsion. 7 , 1116etin many Parts nf It sixty dollars and dard of *ag e for ( 1 who ref Used. !,0., a year on those tern. out," for`: they " .col The consequer.ce m were vranderencr al ~ ... and but poor ly cla , nice placbtor;objec find work, ac id the mount 'of d estitu among - ti the , railroad'; •we women and cbildri , . IF to set - aria hundri some waitin,i I for getting eg..11 1 talked with a litany nt ltbem are ed disapOintitid,th Would not dide t . or rebels am ongs t. I_.. imda,y • bisplitcai, LASH , • I.t . 'pasSion; ,r fashion, • I • and pelf, . and self; ng. year round; n the ground: ter's hand,. • and, eßiYing, rp sighing; . . nee he .gives, andeur he lives hatei, • te I'm driven, in forgiven.. :. - ,• asetion to eta ! 1 ,ure patkip.rt-•\ y 4J13k415• , '. r years, ' ting cup .• allow:ed up,4.- sointion— "etittition !• ion's sjare, Iles I crave; • ,dit, l and bread; I.;e last , year!" 4 g and fear: gain, the slain, y wealth; 'n and stealth, - ,tten cash, der the lash. Pius, Iu accord. have jotted to, I 'though( t J reader of rnatteli down man camp on A • .rl . O a _ll S. • • • • Ile Wellsburg, e care of them ,seM: He waft i • it Carnpbellite• int he WWI on ton, with his I , e spoke very J obi:lmin, but .astie toward :; spore of Liao eked govern the "yanlree loiit 100 nig n 1 proclArda— d thrzt if Con. " .b " —'n. *' I; five dollarapermOi They weft) *Ping ten i to' filteeh doll, the year 'round,. but clause inli thh: !Rai 'pay in caeo t ley di out.. Tli2;y. .cared not treathein w 1 3 :season was.. ver, a them ta leav and Same of Oo -"Lulu) illindA they 'wante feiture.claus!,,n4 to ' per . mon :. h, nd on see, whoidh: 4 i : tiiir that and ipl oter .1 i hands .v. L .ell could • they , regnit - re 1; at I. i Any•cf the free with . were.:rillin I the winter f r five 1 but not ile y eat r I . Ltallied..witli ii i ; in regard to the fry led to believo that ;t, woutd.p .every d: of givin ' ,free lab have set!l hem free I Bare of them," •id „among then I.- Byian .bechir. Of ing eachlfre i Fideitin i fore he e'§eld leave ion the riVell, curta .and i macle 'freed° that respecti t .! My impressions will nettle down ar !the time ,he Wprki ees; before that till vast dealt of . stifle 1 freedmen. . . -.. :I Using about ot•itired heap. 3 et he talked more than all honestly tho't -is was one of the sun t:ter adman stood' man;• and the as in the Un be doing 06d .sing upoh the sys. . Sumner, Gov. Brown, 'zone of Ten. 'Titer° iR . a-vast thropic to -ork fortheirj'y path Stan 0 to dressing tihel‘bone r0und. 4 . , 141y fele dei—l d rnij. . hien 3 ) ry of the!! d,loir tura' iii i r ste of well ma , I lovell fur I Was ; born a' ti days 'of ~ y yßc h it avocation" eof the I niay. belallowed expression,'Fy .fr was raisefl tweet • “Alpurnp in,-by ed an inebriiated of Abe stage. • ~ • 1 t _ Tuz . ; dies of fell at FOB Chu of the. yvarl are b broight t,'xi 4 4irlie: eiteneiveti mete former : place, is b the bailee 1 &the I , , • int" II:MIK but for. veholder. lie erring on the, I. country. Tri fteen or twee-, men, lfrinlitng" :ofFthe Yam- The Colo nonie time, imt :the "Snutharn IT is feri, under tliei tuse o false 'iti' mjil is had` hating, bieti - poti militat* t i comm • ton: r • • -VET; 111 1 4 e - tutu:led-upon the& ;L cursing thew to kitt 4 ses—eursed the - m as -.that deserved, Aug ,. ;g of them,: II m old ;bcea,in hi ed Aire bat the sat' tioe sf them . bite the dist, ' see the rest - bieged. ini if hehad , ofoight 6 replied.thpt h had :when they - fire on rmed every tine of - rifles and bid. hem , rebel they ould em that he .an ;his had ; - whipped one rebels, killio . and nd captured the bal zn.asprisonei looking ousto eke he kept his 'nd his.band- in ady •for any Q.. i'when he bec they. would -iius in, don't .get e "s have•soine ap od.' friends. ~ awe- I, felt antis e a very pleasan orthern man to some honorable hen?.,,receiving, .bouf that 1 *ill griteful for, w en i3t'y ). .rp be I admen, the gem InWillingness to ain amot.gst th work:without-a s had boon 'hel ississippi, adop boarding as a the year, and 1.11 tide for the wi s'were told to "1 to not stay that as, largo . numb! out without slid , without any if in view, except ore was :, great ion and suffer t the stations on I li e 'squads •of nip o, •varying from :d at esth stati: he oars and so umber: of them eryigneratitiae: t the Governm • 6 abandoned In horn.-Ae, - • atr-pricosi h was not orlon; :to 'work at fry ars liar montlio, WWI afraid of t 'le forfeiting.. b not stay tbe yl the planter qto ell after :the b e. thereby corn orteit aI l back p had bired.all'. , without the ft ' and filte;...nAoll • manfrem Tenn y hands,'tolfl. ho.would treat ; have all tho-b! w wages. •• men ;that' I tai I to :Work tiirOu . dollars per Mon Fund. _ 1 umber. I of ulant i difinen, and • ; in 31.isiiissippi.tti ' atac:e in .t,he • ea; fair trial. "- now you may t:. a. common eayl Dndley.toq to have a pass the State or tr• iled their libe onlq:homina are tbat.mat d look' better ng seueon corn o there With ring , Amongst eld for the -phi , and .calls. . lo A young",iirato 1.. laud w' said dm proud to see tt• the hat.dy yeoman:. i I love the agri td . the . sOuntry; nd em, fellow-eitiz,. ns, ' rmer—the happiest were spent in the on of the :soil: If Ito nee_ a figurative ends I. ,ntay y I two rows, of n." thunder!" B=l int .ehark- just , in4:frOnt: I nion soldiers h.in the .first ing taken up for burial. • oipor. 615 n, ng rapidly fill nior, dead. , roltirking. • to o; in egnsegtieni i c ed to appear b ;Wei' fir q, • =EU i:-.1714b„►:• • • .. . e.i., .i ‘: .,..... _ J I , „ r j ,• , • -4.... Y • ~i ~, . •,I The` .. , , tuff anebbh 3 ft ift,, t .G azie ..17 fl a ' a s .ohrta . arc:suntan. Cue ,rt - prineireeean, Rill .• ot . met , . • iecture - went• -• • • ~.,/ ,_:.,., , i . - 'the; • It. e tuelsian; the' Meissinirlanii the .well, notivithstatiditr, , , -:1 • • '- • /I ''''''' -j c ! rtillir . ~, 1 4,, , • Alainttniaa',syeithe Loti l is'iatilar.V. r ho 1. 7 _4 didn'tgO eft..scl. well: aarny door .-, f;' ) t,i;i: i iid'i:4 B ,;:to t,i,4-:,;*4-eißi'i ln d.UPOli kii,the , PldatiAg?. "'T1G17... gala *ill" i kelPer, ( Ifd, - 4 ‘ 4 ,' ° '-'t . .--qfj,'"wi.ff'„thr7 Sailors, 1,7•,,i• i i in ,,i ; ;01 av a ti t 4 ,.„.....,!_*,; ;c ,. , , i tint : lea fey Joielpg th e l atrify ,of 1 he, celpt6. , ' ';' 4 l . 1 . Vi t .- •" - "I' -0-"'' •-•'''' $. 1.- ,, ,A.. - I.rn" '''.7 :: U nited States. IDp the eoo,4rerY,theire f•I Ore' tWO . ,coneScirtir`eCleritiireir at ingtobiSeti ,tliler''jPT(4ooo;YesPket6 "Witi'eyerythini.7to - detSrlitigici!'frdin 4 . 1i1 (.;it.'e:i.•• At' the 4 temelluddr: of- die to Gen. Lee and Jeff.' Davia.ln•f•hla eldingfaci. - 'Nay joined ith i e:arniyr l ;ain eeehrid l'entur,e,oue of : the firet t' , AA 'izene • usual pptigeet r ... 4111 4 1:' I) . In disc ilexitigthe eaii3 . eneral Lee ' Pk!'" ,wit •h i T: w iiP!', Pk d drliivi 3'9',Y7 - 1..t1t010 - "d " thts'ir:eal;ne ' ihnt• ' i11'ai1.,..4,-• ._4 . c,rierlr _ r . 0 . ci, tc . .Tbii i ,2:.,.... r _ki l a . A e r a il ... thi l ltl t e ware to ~1 1U3 in gi..i ih t '...ii i gh tli t',: f if fi liglice , it i.h - e . m . `,, , rri , r. 3 'eri eti : s. i_. - e l r l e e: :u ii il li g il i . , t ,. ke:: i 4 it, pense,ef :the-chuntry-.4etl.t(remerput. saw L i.,,j •• •" _ ~. ca.g • , ang -. a• Y'a ! .em ' Alit t ' tr-Yed 1 611 ' 4611 ' ( '@ r ) moth their comrades exeCuted. • '',.-1 , , ? 'eitee'. - -ther.Tha -' "w -I ' ' .f. 1 sition 'Er it,p atr Of -the r ptittnineut,ithp ' ;lie t tin' siate • hereireadiitt4 actually added.: it i ti et - lit leae. t trS; reqeett . g 41re i confidanrol'6Tl.p4t . 'Mtdepoeifory 'took•pla 'e in theDepttme_nt of North ..mtditioeh'.. 3. ani.risse; • , al,sogetl* that 1 o t 114 et -, i , :iete..-Uie,dqe . ..oloOf his Coen. PrilalWil'ah,l A lir.latat • llc r i'1.0.. 1 1 41 " Celt Should' alley, another o nig ht. ', . he la'nd. try ', eanan an ann eptran ' l n .-r n Er ,i. i: . 6 olioians • enliste , And's% Rooki e dr, 13 Terkel the'ibit iillere'Etras `steppieg, . ; I v - 0 74 th e P e:0 1 .4 . 0m .... y r T re t k e inl nt ep .j t tiv 'w e aS aaptni4'd atTpyillioiiik, • iiiiihe:lribineWhitt - •beetily;land 'etated command in the rdn:tt !timer of. - thi3 l regiment that . l- ntioald,.elktistay :tutether ?eight -and;_hid fa • ilure. tptl'elhiv'tftis former Werii"tri d and hanged !by order of ! with Ineionless Ar t y bill,waelsedured. fellOW l -Offieerairlpidlioldleie, starving General Pick l ett, e.fOrreet , oftleer.743t Su-cil te,Stunetimee the encouragenient iiiii'tiiOn, ,under, lii3Olizir`je--iiid they United States 'army SiMplyr..'fie.: that geniea'receivea 'at the handa 'of then continued''... , . i., i' - 1, ; '' cause they • were inyall ir tnLhe flag i t 'fid the mercenary. 1i ' ' '- - •.! : - ''-' , _ 'l''What is - thb . pleetrebikinterposed "A.i.gl-hvlit do! yliiu:thinle•:weathe ah., .turned oat .we11...[ The principal occu-, in 'favor of , thig: tnen?",'The .. riglits Of evier Or ' ineral'Pielett,: to 'thei . gen,- 'pationof,th,e inhabitants, weal to, haul! l ifecessionf-tleat.:•iie , ', : iiisiteP with r Ti is etalibffichi who demanded 1 en. (=pia_ mi.., Thet ibejeg.,,the 1 1 117 4. Y h,Lall ifinii State.:: Bat; suppitine'llia6that . plea•iii inatiee."ttd Wrote to hint - thak retailr. had, I - lectttred la ' a grocery: , The -1 a 'false eiref!what 'SliiiilPvie•saFithen? tiee'efig Vbsftelien on . leffieers Of :the' people turned r out in the Most tine*. 1 1 1tolfiet'V''.K Lee ireingheid l Oa commis., ,Cei.feddr i ry? 1 The answer was: elf - pected manner; 'they• turned! out the !sidn on the 'l9th of: 7 ,471111;1861, :11, Alig' f oflic rs on Whoin' Yoke retaliate. lights-thee they tarnedouh,theleee. the same time that-tier ' neighbors itire l 4.ho'se, Who have! desert d from the- threr-because he wasn't. fat reneugh. 1 were murdered 'in- •=f p ' - 'lt'ortore. On UPI - -l ed States Serviee and en iste-djn the, They gave me tWeety - truhutesLteleai've: ! thell7th day cstttie - iir c anie - lAprfl, Vire - Cohfiiderittre Btatits, I think -Yoe Weald - town. I told therii if thdi'd ;'leaks It rginiakad paseed'en -, sratft ice of' se.. 'do right l ite hang tlietii,'• I We! hawse. twenty dolltirerci` go. --. j . ' 'cession,:which was ntit, itid;:take•effeet 46,1 7 --ICi tiiiielii ionr hands id ;Stibil r offi, At, the' termination a/M/twenty. until voted on bY:tlni •Ipeople owthe bersfat'thut !moment, bit! I though .mientes, felt tioninthiegoomSagainst thirifTliesday - of Mati'llve weeks itf- the' etlegestion" 'ttn exceedingly 'gond mizi• eery, ,rapidly from. behio. Xy. iii terward. On the, ,19th' : April,-I 'one 1 . eorring from. Mr; ,Piekett;. wuo first impreileign wia that it was an old Limy, Gen. Lee -resigned Ina' commis , . had ' !hitri elf deiertet: i the service or fashicined'leattiise "valise: SubSeqtiebt' Bien, or 4 "rather' it wit*. iCeepted on the 'United Stal es. and J gone:lnto the; reflection ' haw convinced rmcif' kittit7it that (14, after! it 'had :been through service of ~i, h eT(Yeirifederaby. I think wasa boot.- I 'hook handslwi l tli them ;the various offices ot 1 4.. department that lettSf of,: l (4drieral i PiCketilis r , ere.. all, mr.itti muck, feeling. 1. to f id..them' in Washiegmn; and oft,i , the ;22d of inentlfseggehiii•o'cif- Whit islour ilia_ they meet excuse me; for ' I; eltAliat -I,April he was appointed i . 4 Co,ittnander.; ty. ~ •.1 . -1 1•I •I, .l I had'io,gO! Leaving Somewhat : has. in-Chief of the rebel forces in Virgin= AS to thesatrue4nen. of the,Sontb, , l' tilY I eabght the sound of cherub ebb. 1 in: His State had ebt, then eoceded, •thiak they ' are' Worthy,Of a separate ces in - 'that 'grocery, singing eikt tones F Mit on the contrary, he, q the point resolution: Even if , some: of you' do'Of the most: pathetie inquiry: !l- , of the ay - onet, carried ter, out of the not agree with •me ift'the . idea of di r ik.. !•Shail we neTee 'lune behobi thee, . .-.. [ Union and forced the vote on the third ti Re:air:o l some; Southern l lend..aracmg ' Neverlhearl4 Niinning velpe again. 4 ' ' TueSday of May folletng.• 'Awl yet .Nottheru soldiers surely! no, person I [yelled back that theY'WoUldn'i-, there has not been akengt/Vineugh can stand up untl'aegeei.agaiust the not if I co u ld help it. That Winning in this ,-, •6l;etrimerft, sii i tarHa govern- proposition te- dietribrite a few actlesi voice didriit, win in that neighberbood. Merit th at b could! pat million - men in of the lands of the Southisinorig•thOse 'A frierdladOised me to go twice to the fielcrat once; and Ili t I'did in the loyal friends who'foughultlir.therreend the same place. He said relight °nix last campaign put Nth ;Ithe- field one fOught, for ;;lie, As a coiii")),e ticatieti; for (pay exposes the fi rst time ; ,. the next million` Fix hun fr ilied tb`husand inen--. the losses theyeuffered iiittanding hy f,' time i; Weald be' differint'.f . It!' Wag to to inink - that inari'.fOArialfand a - Bcer- the • Unici!rf, eo that hies riefter . every! be sure; 1 only'paideXlninsee the , first fain " 4 " I P ,1. 14. trt l 'Aet• Tit _ogialtis a crimp men in theconntry May ,fi l OW that! if time,bnCyet..the.Beeided time-1 did'nt and hug t to" „ ....0 - iti4pef , d. ' (Apr, he sted.s s by 1 ~he flag it !Will' prdteet 11. haeatried my . agents. .TheY,hirev,ed plause.)' I ' -... ! --',l , him and will !sootier or later, reward unsatisfaCtory with one exeeption.--L: , i 1- • .i. •e''''''l I Li • him for his devotion." • f• 1 He Hover askell for;cone Ile never S's ,put it :to,:yop, ipel,oweeoluiere, se , , I , •!!,- . i „, „, .., i t ! , ,•,..., - 11 . ( . 1 d t o ., .• • '„ .• - militurY , men'', ' ' teeth . caertine• the ' - - ', A 111 e . moneY . , bn i tconee. Sail h e e, 0 vim njw. • • ,,........,. , --.. fia t t of one - 114 ,t" LH .., . . . '' J ~ Aar.X.4.-.0., . 4 " f • '.. 411.1". " It ' '''' ' '' . s .. '• 1411 1 . ' 7llllllO- WMla t . 1 • rivto • -.,.... „ • feutary. ' - "I. thougnt red sato ne„ nevet l•••-.-- '- ''i 'r,.. .^--:e! -.,' crime, for whit:hi : 4 : lnm ,4i arne.nablo "taw yeti b aw d c e nt: , , to a military tribupW Ift4lnk H. there I' humor him l in these harmlessAight . . , can be no doubt junon Altai euesti66 - 7 - 1414441 f *it. You; May-, tkeia,r fe4 m I would like th see 41:1 tiled .for that me:agaira. •.- , - L ~„ • - 'Li .. _., . military. offenae.'„ 1, do •n4tlthink that Thinoly,., • 1,4. goNniullg 79 Li • any subiequent Parole, giltihur of too c m o u rn e e h e to red s u a l r i r i c y a tl e i i tt ) . h tli e e i ti c li l e l :th e i a r d n l ii l o r t 1 nty.pf, Virginia, WOuld Ite al good plea. I desire to seirthat -mars triad so that it may bounde,ratocid herpalter that it is death open' , , thd -gall owe for any man to desert, his 'and " I tale sm..' flag • . . II vice with tho enerriee of his.eountry • (Great epplause;'). I - , 1 ' . / . . • 1 , ' Of -Jeftcfson" Ek'ivis 'the , General, l . , , %.., - 1 said: t _ ..... 1 f ' 1 "Turn • we, -fe another [ m a n, for . whom therb are. other rensiilerations ,1 of excuse, ta7".Telferson'D'airl3, educat--, (unfortunate, .p t :e a d r t :ti tA i i i n t p s s v ' . , t o h tb s e u : r e l . : 11 11% 6 p ! teli;ttliihiont;,ll Who' .f.St . it` e sic _ ilt, u i n l d_ I to the military se vice iifl•bie .. aoriritry, where he• beha4ed.honortitily and "well, ; I do not know lint that h . might 'have to apply to - him; the saying of a rough., Whig to Arnold, in the, days iof the l Revolution, I Arnold'aSichd 'bin; 'what 1 would bo done to him if hh was caught by the Atlieridans: '-WhY,'l .said the Whig, lA' chink I we shouldlibury the leg that all t t c h f e ,s h w o o ti a ri a v O t ie7O 'll .g f n i ld w iyb le a d e r t, , , a t . ig i n .s d ul l e . h ,a b , a e i n e tfi g li' D t i li t a t e l' .. cis. - We Might - have' to 'l,dtiry, With the honors 'of, War, one, arnilhat . WaS _ `wo u nded, in , M ar and 'hang the! rest - ethic*. [Laught er and applause.] He. had. the . .. i plekkoWeveriwhich the soldier 1 hatl:nOit T e i tkat ; hia l ' . State seeeg--1 ed. ~ '.l, : '.. -:' ' ' ' U' '' ,. - `' Waitieg nniit,.lii imigippio Went' °tit, Jefferson Daviaqui s iheihalla,stcoa gress 'to tAke,l r offi e . 'of I Protlsional (/President iti-the (; efediirate.Statesi an Wife° created and mailk,ready * for. him aaseeti as tie inkoeld• be ready to, take it., •Xf.e.i'al, t I •Plaiv, erhil in i ' ro th n,,_wi - th. eCo P . federacyottith la rikl' of prayers sod proclamations to,thi%Dl4 ll vine tneiiy on his lips, stands - by and, seas oUr, comrades starredlacd Inter- .dered-day by day. I.think , it i_knO.: great Consequence W.Ettattfri f ,lV ea_._ ll b, 1 proved or not that tie,4l 4 jc,mitArcwit , ea it. , :f, Certein i li i 5 ,,,, ilittat,t ic0r 114 4 6 ,. 1 .• have been'dOne if :11'0 Mg H ot wuiftil- He seeir.the horrors of Anderionfiille• l and ii4es iiothieg t prevent,. thein.-.-, Whethei or not he had anY'edin liaie• ty in, ( l.he last Igr 't ,act of ief Tana guilt, the' tiierder.o the.iPresitle 44-tio man, may', yet fin . --,litt, Whether ; he had. or,not, I deeir to, le l C .. bina. : !trie4, by a xailitaif CotiitieSion ; ,as," the l trio o i ,burial,whiele.ftioaelputTOt _ttr:follr_ei that he .evolitiaLfoore - ,pittose ot rev 'eying the.--11.iitin..-2.1 ilhoill like - 1,0 504 1 - the crime of the•criril magistrate who ! deserts his post and livies,War agebikt 'his emlitty-net..iibi. 'mnder.,odious, but, .punished 'ow,: the , " uw,"4 io .:that ri.i) I represeetativelcie. ester . 'alien, ...12 , 00.,;,, after in theise-eimile i • plot' !treason and • ii f il execute . !t oittfule,"! f , ; 1 '1 ' ' - -I '- i, ' -Genes , 1' ißutleit:elso - toek occasion' to' ptit In a `plea In behaW. of ithie ,fi n aYill ivhites:of thceSeuthi=reriiarkine ; . 1 -•, ; ;,. 4 Wiiit t. Woild ' yet - l imy'. =tel.tbe. I, • ..1 . '. , --11 . .. 1. -- " - , .• • .• 1321 io dug n— ose ale iar Ir vet ty., in MI by on on tilt) an 1- , dly ad- H bo ear and his ee's by me, ,ion, Ye of . iforre Ili Idi i., , _4_,.. ---, . ' 1 i , .. i riirjhe - beciett of a a `rttrorrs - eta 1 .. , • ---g'', e..„.....-..... , -,t of arn e bi l tions men who aspireto been'm popular lecituters, I ; send ly,on a "fa* items, of imy experience. _it went io Souther u Illinois', tclget . et trted 'as la: lectuTer. 1 .I fold 'my .hoteil eeper`thut it was ; mY, first effort in the , lectui•(i line c i treat II did not care I fdr.trioney it I' could only.getzstartei.‘ Ft wee unfurl , tu nate on that occaiion . either i in mi•l subject, or my audie.uc6. . .lly subject ; wag 1 -The urgent neceer•itylfor.thc int , i mediate revival and ug,h' thorlo .re-r, r", 'ganizatioln ,ollthe Know No'thiiig l'ar;' 1 ty." ..N.5 1, audience were all Irish. 1.1: lot started:z ' ' , , .1 , got 1 1 , . i , 1 , e Being ad Vl3l' l I tied by Lb 'e ItO ni e. promo_ of the l'at Contributor, ' nay audiened is some, hues disrippoin Led Ii n the..-si i ze 1 of the. lecturer. Such. wits" the zuserin, i a town II visited.-in, Alinnesota I ht,t 1 summer. i My' audience! vas sraqW owing to ' the pub li c I , qtqg suthiffiyy and - severely iiidivoied,-- trey word indisposed to ; come 0, the lecture" 4- ,IS. nudienee, 4n fact, ctuisilsfed of but one Pe°i l . lo ' , _ ' lie ' "7 1 :g -il gpatieniall..; lii began my d iscours e, "Genitleinen,anth and Laklies," 111 . 5 t `changicli.ltinickly 14 I "ResPets,ted _Sir!". .Before I could.; proceed 'any furtheii znyi andience. a-- I rose indignantly tohis , fentasone man 1 I inquired the cause of the interruvl tion.' 1 1 , "Sir," he cried-, "the authence• is , I disappointed Imthalize cit't the lecturi, 'or."] -1 ', 11 i I. • "Well, my dear sir,'. ' Said I, allie 1 lecturer. is disappointed In' the size l'of 1 i 1 . 'the audience ; and if you: will , not l .say'l 'anything about size, I. won't. " , '. ' ' ..114 alloWed 'lie to preeed, arid at ' the s eonelusion was So welt pleased that , ho. tygbd 'dm to stay-anitber , night, when he promised • ine, al Much hik4er atiateticel *, He ionla noticomabiniself, bit_Wohld'aend'his'wifelwo weighed two hundred and sixty•five t pounde I .— I; diclte,i;stay.'i ll` 1 . • .1 - • hart hada good 'dos) of money] in iti , ,y ,hotaeit at one.time and anotter- , - itinerallY ] ' iii. , the ,pocirietls of some wealthy man in t,he audience. iI al, 'vtnys. come home with money, llOwever,; ; t hottra'' sonle eicdmii.henie with.? './ ittir';ihttl SOme larf4,ll° . 4es. ;The largest, *nee I b pi, was's tionisrille, SEV-I,,Tbiit, bouse must hive beettliwo hundred feet ; long,- nine 4 feet wide, while in heighj, it camd.pretty high,— toole al the receiptsjo pay the. rent. lionsOillei edito,eald illicial thing ' '..i4lxiEq.; taa•-•.. ae Rata ri ~1 9/ ,h,14, on.: triuute.Flectuted limit night„ion ill ,kotirie4 ; 'Mi.' etSlO 6,nel;e i lb ,P .6 4 - ,i. , 9 6 :' "Vrird,% but he ,hie`'apt i ttikt :saw a nd . l latsmaabefelre"Oitidiepea.", l i ii.f . pnOugh a 14ataier,could be iii ills' ettse.' l -b . drore ast audience, *beq 1 th 6 .4,idiepee would tuit4)44expeuse.., 14is gkitc* itoiodtPTuefi ,Iffitakiit And Ilkerq• wastot 'pirofit eladitgb, 1n 1 tt(ff.„' Oilni,', 0, 1 bd.); meat, Where'La your igitiei.r ..3 -'- , I •• He said, in _conclusion, tliitt t I edUld it 4Ffw4k frith . practice ad caO • tai i ornoughit9coati9oP:tlipp * ptip;n;Ai tbisliA4o faci O. 04 i!icTiedge4 fa* thl 4 tklid a oppi;olturo; , he,,filleit:hdiedN:l44 , eliive , hid t l was ! it i r, l'ithoie; PtY,tri t.he Oill'Re- t --giOnon Every loan, wate:o came in was , - . MEE C. =~ I~.}~`. . ..,•,..„ 186 o'-- REM -I'l - 17_1 1 1 ! • - !! - ?- t - I --- r 'I • 1.4 . I ' • r t • 1" ' ; • • . " • • i .r • • • • I • r • mgm „ a ;1,i,„r,... )41 ; , s. . e , • , [An Arab. Stozk. : • Ir. thotto,wn of itaigg r aradda ,thero bras fi, , fiorse whOee fame was spread far and rior..r, and, sciledonin of an 'ar,- Inient tribe named . Daher = desired' on: 1 I treinely Co possbasc3 t: .. Ravi ag , Offered• for it, in ,vain hie emp , aild,his whole. 1 ,wealth, he hit.at leogth upor. the fol-. lowing ii rice, by which' he Loped' to gain the' ki jeet, of' •11 4 stdesire . ." ' l H4Ore- ' ',Wolvnd :to etairOlin'faCe ., with this je_ice; Vof an bort', to elottOilmself I.raf:,gli';: tie his leg and neek'togeth'er, i , so as: I to ~ •ID nflpear. 1 ike,"i _tanier: begoinv.' ;Tlins. !pirliprieci, lie w r est'tc weit•far'N'illier,, the ovenvlorthe:torkie; w . ,Ile knew 1 Wsts. to i pasa that, way. -%'-'-‘ i'be . sasi i ab Ner•approneliing on :th `e,bee.u,tifnl• steeil,'he, pried . ont , in a weAlii . l voice, “I ant a.'poo.r.stranger;,for three, daY.s,i I' hare he,ts'n unablO to inor'e . I'illin Like . . ; spot to grek' loud: il.': Dag dyit-i, %help': me, and treaven - wilt- reward 'you - .! l _,' " , -The..l3edo:sm kindly ofrered Jto:takei himiuPon his horse,aud take,him home; but the vivo replied; "T esnmit ; I have no strength left." • liabc-r,totteb, ed with -pig.,r,dipmonnted, led his horse to the-spot; -eith , 'great "diffloolty got the seinung beggeron .his haelt • >470 ,sooner did Daher feel . himselfi in - , the, saddle, than h 0 pa spurs fo'hishorse landJ : gallopad off, calling as hcldid SO, iclt, is I, Daheri I have' , goe.t,hehOrse, and am off,with it" , Nebel. ealted out to him 'to Stop and listen-, Certain of not beir.g pursued, "ho' tumid and. batted' al Shart,diatanee . from,lsTaber, who was armed mitt'• a spear."' "You 'hire taken My: horse,'!anid.thelatter, "and,ainOe ,heavet' kaa,so willed ti, I' tyisb:yo,,n!much joy., vfith lt,; but I ,poa, ' ' t to t 11' any oiaelitl* -I you Jure Yoa- a° _, P . , 1 obteitied, it." "And-iohy nCot,l7Jtisked Difier. .ioßecause,? 4, said- the',.'noble' Ar'ab, '"inother_ Mitt' : Might.. he really': ill, and. won might'..fear•t.o hefp.hitit .. .You wpitldj be cause, of t'retiimAlita,PeZ•4 form . aniacW - ohnikt,ferleiiitoeiimog ditplA - 4 i 'fiaiilSiien. o 'l3tritOk 4 with' shame at 'these , : trordel,: - Daher was sileot_fOr, a -. Moment, then ,sspitaging ,from hie bora°, ictartt , cd . „ i+:• :to. hie. owner, embracing,'him, inviting' . him 'to his tent;,'where they event'. a- few days,-itha beeiime.fast friende for life. A. ?LIN . bolistect• rvoentlk ofi'havifie: eaten , •twitity-ninii , hard • boiled, ea& "Whi, did:you nob .eat . obe•were, and maker an ever' thirty,?'_' ankeil Zonnda„ '"Tfurnphi ,you want a man tO,makt :boglifblinaeltinst - 'for Thileallitz-dateei tb02341 s ato , that ttio'llottics4.lldiinstilsrviis;been fro'. seri:Wit, have, ilindtiaz:jr.relity itp keep .4 1 4 r r i aanasi a" ' 1. '4 10 a nd atQc k.. , : . "••• trappetilf''when.ier•bitegiadi fajta to be - home. to bile; dintieri..that,it 4one isCihis folBt , • . : lik Pet v , 60 le oaf/ ' &tit! -.,17. -..1i g, . .Aeb, "43 dbi Ciio'6 - I • tike itoputatio, I\vo YgiftiorTM, 'this tioh; hi,..014ii a6f •;A.•. raj 1 ) 441 0' Prisf t ytert pbia.eyery 34,1 tPorn% 0 1;44,0. • '1 ;It-44 Mated 0f,.• he.- fe'n . i antri'vritif 'r• (id 'you ngjad i notinced;•an34' than reverent to'6iflithe ed girl Church." TheY4 risnd contributed 81: it t itiftiiiiLifiat4 T iiskiel huttitt 'imminwiaikl4. , The "Free W land - diatomite 'and; at' ,tlteii once, recontrow, ink' cegclual*el ._ ~,, , t, : - .ti.kix)Y. I r i 'lt is-said "fikar4 won•ti-ite,' , ..- s e t 'aeetraf•ateoidt to" , the'stuiiities•orotA ;*piiiiiotiffirrt-rel nd',..-iliet4 iiaie 44 -1845; of 13.olnani- Oa ifolie*.ittiaan'erti,Jr.r4v,. 'snit Only , , If 2- Petfteatast:t l . shii itofe, lithyreomniittal 'of'-' thectitorbfirs , ot the itatiblishetT • C lir& 1 - were . : ttiatt‘pac feeni.-!ot• the w t ale; =those oti ttite.:2! byteriana tar , per tent.p " &the IW . - , initt!' Cal i tuelies 'sigh tpeigh pot cent.' 'We - finif 'in t he Bil*e - r1 a - VTIO 17,41. Count o . th'e:,:aan t .,o3 ef - tiliti'§titittioiri - Bit4i . , 4,S* Oiety:iit i the - sa:eatt!,d- pol'itell-4 1 rat.Al - .'s iiie.N . i ' .. w lißji. 4 i.,e. l ..A T O"o.l_,_Ole mganization a 'tormeaHailr.lligJA4,l7- telhon . bill: be' ontinued.ineitihriAn- i anal 'tr. ttitl:g*ei.the ~ ,Sotiet,y,. apirfiltr - - 'bd to 'l' eet, - 'tier A hguis fl'i'iiii o I tlk..;:iii ' Ainit - ~.Iv ii(Al trinli...tlie .7 44 1 01/4 ° f ii,.. its kt. 'nem ' , estabi;Obloh*t c -JO4; ab, -Lewrll:t O;:vriii he deeikleiLtd,ifitecdtwit4 _ -the fire onto' rci twill •ftet ! in lioiltel- ItVir 'flit: dies` d liefi iNtk i C - Siitttk °ll o n _Tilt - 611tariti s De-I.' stideta;eihillvo con ti i (1 , 4 r 4: ffirri:y -"a iii:. tVeas Itt --- o I - bire. fo'rs the - e - litii•a s e'cl:eii4trOileilt of .., ,- --.4. ,--,:t--4-6---,• st ,3-, • • . - :1-' .. - . T. ..tr , )14 tbeltaiitiC uteulie at e ~...... t iCZ -L4 -- itit;: i a , l24 . i tithi - iiiitil i1 ...1 ,6kie 11' : 4Wiin a . -- fialitistn.4 aro rerrittOttiPti,thisirstqldlar: . ...4. -1.-.., ..: ..--4 J. -- 7- • -:.)lii , , . - -I- tiiiizse, ":';Alio7 - '-' ll q 4 ~i;rl ; .., 1.4 LI .4. I EIN '3o4lr4 .' lltrtrNO TTIEIR CIPI4-411k 1 Und -r rites aia_ that be 4 bIWWII Iffirodwies whel.e.i't wee- id-the..,,cOmpli-bAlloat, tbeir cud In oth . bne - es ftke . ntbAals were nearly 'do tore4V 'tl elitti P belbre I the Character f Abe ~ distiee'zltak'Jali eertained.; . (Ili •:icin-41y. tien-artfilied ras,'Ad?sdnainiii4l - ,6,,f4fA ..c.44%eoiTd is folloqi::§alt.1 oik clib i med g floe pix ed -iitli'd 6u itl , g lit,tle 4 - , di, r . i111 . 3 9 i100t, iina ` C''''g4'. ' ' -I)glifa i l iatiAlisittiose. , 'erp,telmsti-iit,rii-'eh • tc.tydirdet ITIA-....cat. tie ~ rbcov,ereder '7 C:to'! " I V 4 • pi+ 1 .),YeAln not b liave..`losiki of. cu,d' to Ce,a,,llitieaSe_Of tse.ll; tiut i olCreikf,t of aiqoa., tor i'.ie fiiii , !TTllV'itiedi6no ' udiiiluisiored j i ' tfil i daiihfito,W an , 1 , [ tilteitati , ie; end -ttint.,l , togatibie . - etith cessation of , do. ioi,irebAvare(4 444 in '. ' ipaals. 7 -HRural; . Bk. i r tiCer. • s qir, Elm. tliF.: mric---Vii,Tipsiditiotti .fact that veil! ,/ 1?/.1}:41.1)4,..xilikilly,194 ur ed InincU has raTeir prOdycep.ll a Main) . iftl Ili 'woul . d . 3-il d, a ,b,le„ qoatitt of '''.' wine.'.' The gr,lSe . that- egiftaiheithe "'TIIO9 sacchariii nitifteie- vritt3mAltelthe . beat wine, and'. hliffevoioltolltaitiVit c ie diffar ,yiidciy,- 1 r A t b,a,l p ect,p9Etipp of - sugpr. ~I n . • ltly and in Stcily %'. Is - y` e - ry finest 'ohd-ssieetok - Oiitiles. broke --. ' en 'the -rocky•faribliihlL of *eremites( and tboso4thti 3eroottion;itioss.isseky 6olld, or al,ottg,s rilisAlee,ee . y.V.V/4.vitik rocks aro, often tbeb_stt, 4110'841 - acts. - °°Abt;• 0 , tea,c I ua • nOc,,to'Be ledt tho, iictie t soils, atid'iroii' to stifft'iti cm • with organic In suii46,llo.ltheigi*pe. ~ 1 . 1,. . , . • .. •zi 1 , . 1,,,..i, 4 i A NEEDED Rr.3lsToit.-49/ql - ,lloing , -,-: ,Li to., i 6 said to be si eittliin . fure . :i t z oil ~ evil, fi stula, 'wartii and I.cerns, with - 1 ..... .... sl ' , A , ,L .Z....; t . . I which the koree 3 at f11 ,. .i1 - pt7leted `-' Three gills talcbtial,lone dulleeltqua l l * 3 - brtis, one oitre`4'sliirit l ct•titipi'hitino,t; One ounce cores/go 1 sublimate, J.one l z. • Ot / hee).gsriv estitiphor,one.Ptinne ‘ail of . - , , , 0Pi 1 4 4 4 , iindioP 3 ' loilKe e,ft e . i ttelPiN l P ;• m/s. togetber -ity attrosns.l)ot Ip . with. glass Bt,tapr . /f F zeiltiegitb 'Ail tte fort k using: , , Vi as 'l,hk iffreOP fietlT 4'M.! niwith solip is .10, .c.N3-61tisyqatictrzipply, the alme.pt4*.iitioh utit/lit.i6s.ured. _ ' t..t 1 . ' E = To' bsen/Am 554/tit.- 7 .4_iiibto 'km. s i tontlent* to: ii etroj , tic/reel on - - some .. soli, bute•Aci, Ulei ,it ,1i661 but. littlp efz• t i feet , ,. ,113 eP . F 4 tivation J.iSa Pn w ' n g t • I, i clover, 1 bueklmbciat,,. er; .cgrr. sow Voider/ft, esist lit] IT r*thel,tvio 4 tatter - .- Iropsi'will;'ln Ine*titii`s , - 6tititf ten, destroy E it: Iti r 3s :not itlet,. salsonva, 66sert r thit so,...rol:ltkeiMisil. J iAL.steny land ohly, It 5 !,.c. • 1 ?,0 , I,k;V4l l llretLY punt/ in ever ; ± 13calitv,) ii ,. aVe,_lt t Ili l obi illiirli, nl,* tWil•or 'tliti3; years ri t i t i de l:‘.; ,v. ..• :i -1. t ...: , ./1 . , • &/66:1tps ip, letpsT * i b i s pi,red by t ill ,tin''ointment. Tilde ofetnisoilened s r with batter, nrifittrwittiPViitite sul— phi3r.4. '1 •• 1 . ' .1 41 ' ill. said i ii, t ,Y . I r o P 1 , o f, "Tall Pi it have doubie ,the ihntritiO9s matter f'il large ones . - - ' •['' • '‘' OE , • I I - -ii .7. , j'A.3 .. • 9 tb; Irit elVinatf.4-,.-7; oliltrOkpOSajWl4436o 7 yiiiii lie , Nr6iV TVEPIE git 'OM fi . e.itifr i t field** .. o f . t. hi ' Sl, 4 f 137 vriell ar fitio e it) tql'ai ; :,p riikrk Id Vriair i lrepta i l `Mtifti 4 Phifair fi4 - 'OVIAL .- ll'eti lief" 1.4'611:174114 1 -• ~tq : 7 1 .t. :',f-I:7t. a P W.44. , utt . .. . it ., 1).. 1 :471 7 .t n loPfVolki'e l tdo " , dft 4nf;P., , it' 6.4 1 :44/ I ?i,l4it' Y: 4 10 14 0 4;%; i t<4l4'. 1104 Fi } .9f1P 11 18. 1 1/ 4 35 . p3l. :• ((bid tWidatriiiitWont: i: , ': Nieia4pati ,ehiridiv !l• , , . , ~.. •Niv YOkFtstlootett. ! ., f6li-titAtOnSil]arecou*4, ,a, The raciototwidolL bsiii*dblifOrsiori3*ll,kit: ,i al, :ha loPktimaital:fisaki .. ii.oo4it iltithity. Tauter. • ''• • i '1 : :4-7. , , , ,.& , , ..(titigt a;e: t :t .i ... „ , s n i , s,6oviiirat ti in, itfrail4ialor"alt?;. -.4 filiktiald ictibalk ae • , 4 . ' 11 HapiritircoprdwißW a no e . 1 Si 3 t*or.f'riajilink t itOOn.- . ooniOr4dOcaii,tft , ' cled eactetriOriq . 7. - ' 'aria. \ P.Oi 1
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