- FNEIBELvgaf . s , . , ~ 1 4 1 U - wo aii fiddrhad Etser eedatif :IN 3fINIS'_ l i 81111.1 DINGS;‘. , '; - virrip SliT — BEAVitt,'PA:, . ' ' . . _. A 012,00: per 1911.111,1114Tk . ,d' vanee -.......,•,' =I: ~4,1.• '',:‘-. - -......-, . - , ,• t OLetress and ;Contributions , by mail, \ i .I '' - . • - . ' .' Ow prompt ottantiOn. ! , , .; .., ' 0 4 14 f. -. t - , -;,d - -' 1 ", Ir . : - I. 0- : • -'. ' ' ' i i ''s, r 'OUTAN Ati, ask Edsak-fro're. 1 t 1 - riTTS. FT: INV: , ft C. R..' R. , 0 ,,, sad after Nov. 19 1865, Trains will leave 1 . - sti o fut .datiy,..aim%yalionoced,. as fol.l AA': i(Titiii-lesitilg hiesrit , * so, .H. 1 ' * loins d ait r ) J '; ;. 3 ! • -• ; , , --,..---, - • 'AWES , ei OLEG WEST. t l ' --- 1 : ::, IIZAP!.S. i 244rL:l SEAS lEZP'S./ r 'f ' ' 5 I .... ... 1 ..-,..........- , , ~., , ~.—.-.. -....-.. • pittOttrg -......' aOAm / 00Ast 145ps , .3 ,atlieste.,.... 400 , 830 4 ‘ 305 4 11 '44'4 iightoult ..... " ma ,4 313 4 A 5 Bilatt;;;;01.4 1 , 1112. , ”1 045c1eft 408' , N 4.12 , Colu.tabialli.. il . 517 I+'lol7. _ ",447 "1 GOO 1 '. 'Ssl-01;...'. .. .. 4 -540;0,1048- ", '515.4.) 630 i ,Allia,pce ' !I 63 2 0 " 1150 " 61 5 " 730 Elititon _1.....'i705 f' 12421 703 .4.- 820 • Aisaiilloi ..... 11;730' ". 162 .4 1 - 7-30 LL ~ 85 , , Drr;P,. ri - 502..i , . 1 as -.. [ 810 ." 92 -li-oafter., ..... Ji ,. 830 I , 222 .0 , 846 ‘ 4 of Lis °drilla ...0 922 -, c ;*328.,:", , 945'4 , 10 •Nlariti e1d..,, ,1 1010"" - 425, .i , " 1035 ,, 1 • • ..1,,„ iikrjhoctv 42 ' 600 ", 1110 LL I ',,erc,r-e, igh -, !111 - 6, " .640 ms 700 s -n 1 • s tr okras ...... q 1 145 ‘, 1 710 " 733 .. '`3,.Bandlisky 11,:224rmi 750 " 823 0. Itirest .:: ... :.. 01255 ‘‘' i _825 . ~ ,A 857 •• • Limit.. .. '.'. .. -.: . 11, 213 , 1 943 " 1 1020 0 ' Deliihoe. ..... J 253 t. 10 2 .5 "11102 .. vu x er t,.... IVS2I “:1100 “11139 ..i Fort : wipe_ l. 500 ,"'l2asPst. 145pst ' 1 C011imbi0.......i 545 : ~ i 122 4- , , , 236 61 , 4 ' Iluntsyille.... , ..... ", ..... " •• . .... pie4etes..... "1 ••-•: !`' r "1,, ...... ~ • Witskit'.4.?" :I ' " 3 ' " ,: 2-I 'l - :t 2 33 .7 - 1. 82 g " MnfitiPu ••• ; :i .ii 7,1.822 • ,.1 ' ' ''' l .7- -ii ' ‘l;ithh.":-.1 1 .... „I . _: . „1 ' 440. - `„`i ' 320- " ~ NalintsisoL i, 922 "I 458 ~i 630 ' , 11052 " .11-oSti.... .... 9 :.,.. "1.... : .. 4 fi: 46 „ 'Ci4rke.-..,,•• . ' r , "I ~...,..: " I • " lI:O.RR.Cr,i:i ~ ......,,, ,: , ~.., ;;,.... ~ 11 i f Limp,. ~ • ~, id it i ~ Ctriaga ......... i ll 20 4, 700 "' 840 " 1 1'"0 ,, , , • . • ' 1.. ,j• -•) +3l i • Tr..tfss GOING EAST. ' ~L...:......_._,1 .11c.1' 'S. I Ex Vs } Exr:,s. , . - t t' . • i--..... 1 • -__;__- - . 4 .....__ l ,„ i (Midge _ ,i 440/01; 9 . 20A311 55Orn1102Orm " :: " / 1 ; - •L.l .... . .. 1.. ,L 1 • 044 ," 4 949 - 1' . 1.002. 4411038 . " 1 1035 !,,i. Ba. it t. •:, "I . 4 . .. i „I . „ . .. !, 1 ..". .. " I " r... 4 101 ~, 1120.,41123 "i• 432 ~ ae.:lll.2:3sPiii NV .I . .ict:2sAm; 555 ~ '.....1,il 211, " 143, ~ t1.146L.i 721 ~ • ..1:. 253 ." '214. ": 214 ~ - 756 L• i ! 335 , 1,247 " t 215'" 830 ~ A, • 11 445 "I 247 •,, '40741.950" " 4. Wally.. I:I 625 " es ‘.1, 446 i l , 1'023-" us -'; 609 ~5 03 "j s n i7 - ‘ 4 11.1.12, i• qt . h Ar I.• 640 ,•_. 530 Pj 600 " 1145 " ' fiDe I! 739,:0t 000_ 0t 640 "1124. - d.i.4 1 I 1!ii 1 1d...... 810 " 6 1- 3 " j 7t5 ‘ ,l 112 ~ 1 liontillc;il 922 "j .71-13,-""i i 890 . ,.,L 1 ,-.205.,,,,1 4ter.r...-; 1025 "1 I t11 7': 4 1 'tr)or ,i f 2 . 56 "'! :ivki# , ..........110 a. B.Bw 1.1 , 51)0'. tct _303 .1 • ‘ i. :i s silloill:11 .. 4 1 056 •4. - 1 3 0 4 , 41 ' • (4.020,-, ''''''' I 411055' 11117 11152 "122: 121 "1: - ; • Pot' Nevi Castle and L u rie. -6.40' R. in - . - Ae.., comModation trails leave Allegheny for New 3riglit.op-9 00 a. - in; 11.50 n `p.; 2.65 p. m; 4:20 la:irn, 5,40 p., tn. F.or i Economy. , 10,30 p. wi..... Fix( New Castle, Gr,etuTilie at. 4. - Janics town,lPii-7 3.501) D. , - " " , F. R. 1111E.118; Oen. Ticket AB't. ' i nr I „ . n RAT A LA ., EWSP i aI , EIC DOES Folt i Ninfil:klG. The Hawing I article should be read and pondered' well by i ev i ery man who t ke a newspaper without paying for i . 1 Irtf 1 ' i -y observation•d ables:me to state, aria faet, that the p blisters Cf news papers ;are more early rewarded 111011. Juno ,' thpn any other CI 8R of m'en in the 111C i ER , Gros, ..-.. " ' I:Miited States whoa vest an equal a , mount: bf labor,ica ital amt thought. /1 " bl&t .... 1 1 1 " Tir , v are expected o do t more service liolpsraso.... ,; 650 " 1 805 "i 741 "11243 " l'- , iraustall ' ~ , i, ‘,l ~' for less pay, tc Aut d more irponglng '..--. i..-. 1 ' rid - d I d• , ff Plymouth .....' 844 ", 9 4 0 ".1,940..-1 225 , s 4 a "flea • lea ing to pu . jand de- Dauber' • ; ol , , ••' ," ' fend more 'pimple *1 bout fee 'Oi• bop° Wsrsql+ -..... 1002 • 44,1088 ~,1035 tii 337 ~ of•r w^rd, than any other class, , Tleroetw. , " i •., "! " ITFley " credit wide •• and, longer, get Huntsville ... ' Columbia__ 410 i ::11 - 1 " 2 . 5 . ...; 1 112; , 3 Ili 43.2 ::1011,ener chested, suif r more pecuniary Fort Wayne.1112:354 - 14 9, *11,1:225Am: 5.35 ~ ,100; . ,Ette cften6 th victims of rills. VaaVi r erv....ii 211 ot 143 tti 140..1 121 .. Vpl'aced confidence film! any other, cal- Delphos • I. 253 ~ '214 "' 214 "1 756 ‘O, I l ii i l lg i n a . tile- e e mmnity peepfeliay a Limn' 11 335 "t 247 "t 245 ''' • 830 "1 ' l inter's bill with i•uteh mutt) relue, fo4est...,t . . ... 11 445 “I 241 "1-407 ‘,l - 050 - ,. li t-ficep.Tn any othe . It goes ha.rder II Sandusky.. I 625 , •1 425 ok-440 is mos,. 3ueyrus • , 609 ‘, sos ~i z,,, G .,,1242,2 ~ with thedi IV expo id . a• dollar on a tie Or :, ...640 ~_ ~.A6 8‘ .0 "i i 600 " 114 ii ~ 1 rluatqo newspapOr than tea on a creltli li ne. 43(ttsi ‘,.,,, ".) 640 ‘ , 1124.,rm 1 ,2 0 di, 2 , 13 gewgewr . , , . - et every boay i 11an55615-- 8 1 0 " 633 " 715 "1 118 ‘.!av of i e tee of the ea. ..1,02siotoll1e.; 1 9.12 "1 .718,. , -..i i 800..., 1 .201 . .„ l , ils hiMself v „, 04e . c... •,(,..1, ~ Itre.,l sai _ , I. - 2. - ,v,, ) „ toi - a pen and tVuter's ink: ••: 1 qtra#........ 110 ", 838' 011.20' "r 323 " . 1 now muty 1 fe sional and politi 'lsll 5m0zi,L w.. ...1 7 ?L/ ,..,.. tui 956 . 4 1 - 859 " , Cal e• 3 As ....ri , Id • • •• '* ' ,. f'- e graßtfl)faj , l 'nii)h*tiCe...... 120 '•,4.1120-•215 .1 ~, , , 4 , rr • •• .• • . - • ) +. * p 1 1 1\ 6 ,i1 e *,......... „ 2(0 „ :1055 ,„ ‘, ospm 600 i , It tgu marequited oript the edtpr r Coluirbiano:. l 264 "am ir..3 - 1 - EA . 1 131 w embryo towoe anal cities have friar;,..;' • 320 "1152 ~ 112 ~ 1 t,:it) , d i Ler.; brought into ttiee an& puffl I .5 Llighton, • 410 ‘ 0 ,1225An, 14$ ,- 7',..',5 ••i i intc, prospoily by be pre& Ho • t Inxbpsthr ..11 74"14 ;! 1 - 1‘1 :Y, 266 i ` lb 1 many railroads nov; in snecessful op 3 P ` tte ? t tg L ••• 1 "AI '' i ' - ' " ' 310.-. n' ' " criblwould have oundned'hut for om, ~, \ i th , nr e "lever that oes the wo l tld?"-- i Iri r short what bran h/ot in,:ustry Or 1 iltVivity - has not bee promoted, stitu ulateci and defended. )y the press? r k I rid Who Lab tend • red it more t ran 1 a l ilt\s . erable pittane tor its.mighty' 1 Servi •as? The baiara elfashion and 1110 hannts of disci )alien sol i d appe• tit are thron,ged wit an eager crowd, bearing gold in, thei palms and the cofnmodities there n e4daresold at enbrrnous profits tb ugh intrinbical lyiworthleEs: and •pa d for witla sem p 'taus punctuality; bile the , count in room of the new paper is the suit Of Jewir,g, Cheapen; g, trade,: o . era a,v an pennies. It is made a p , . .. .1 1 u t, honor th liquidate a .grog bill, .I ° .t 1 of i dishonor to' repudiate a p'rittarti! bill. 3- ,1 _ ii 111 TUE REI3ELS Cliag N N ITI —The fac thq insurgents, alder tra,itors, terreted out the war, is shown ft) olAt. made by Celle ersl ptkrsons in Gin 1 • oreasimr claims for t i e• (fendjnt', the city who ed early in 'Abe war. ' commanding the reb. ocimpied the . Coving OA Cincirmiti Com tot4C-i' day, and cm eu ,w e thrown. iobity to examine up, ov 1 ch ck his progreii. e talked freely to in 'tie knew, when • ho tile forces in the acts sitOation of his had thelforCed to tak wail fully aware of ,veterans, and kne •• Granger came in wi d from Corinth. Ho to from Smith, at he !could -take_ Cinc los of perbnps one h ased fo natruction to take tit' town, i , ii ina s his force and 13 red and imporiedqnci. aud, place ,O do so,ve egrain from Smith, st ling him tat fluelra ii it necessa for Brat,,r) Ills "whole arms ``= that , notibe spared everi.tc Ltr,,and that Allier .2u( in Kentucky, I the ci [ wotild fall fen otir ha `tli'vtl' fighting.': Upon , to.AdvancO_ upon our PAermaiided :and. the: •1 rap illy to the centre Virb. ii ;, gin . - histoty p i 'to - 6 - Nil-it - ten, it nil ICorithern allies and al bakt • coiumunication leaders,: and•hy mean! ery i l:itiati4bated mnci getiblifizif the unbar? 'OLE Vg• &:-PITTS• Qa and'efier Dec. 11,1865, trains . willies;?e gone daily, Sundays excepted, as follow'. GOING f.ol:Tlf IMMO . _ '' MA/L. S3OA,iI 223r)i lueli4 'aireet 811; - 4 4 236 * 4 915''4 .333. " Airon ' • ' .1" Otreiliel4 • ; ‘lllleilsbilrg..i 11 • ,i 950 t'' 405 !.11if,;.1cai;1641) 4, 1 450 •*1 !Ityaid . 1125 5;10: , 4 1 :• '.!12551-31.; 655 •• i .„. ELEM MAIL 7;t11 title S4O • ;1012 •• "neellOo 113 V " , dilleisburg:::i '' .. ---- itatt 13'2 " C1ete4111.1....11 14'5 OOING Wan 'MAIL lE X S. _„i 1 7 1 .;10.10Aot 600 Am I,, tidgepart...llloso.ll4 .Gl5 ill'aft;i4 183 . 1 I 115 " SIO " u ziliteFerry 1- 137 905 " 2v7 1)-10 " te l litnier ' 3 ls' “1000 4, 4 111 Fgh 330.'!11115 OOLN& WET - ' I : Eii , , - tip's. 1 :tuft: .....-: ___...._ __...... . t.it hbiigh,.ll . 23ol;sl 605pid i ' 6001tx 4 elaiker . • P 340 a „,. 020 .1 116 7deoill: .. .... ii • ' .•"‘ •1 728 -!` t 4 tirperry'll 428 a. ' 756'," ' n'ellis lle ...II 52Q a 720 - a 680 'a tentie,evite. ;!:(316-H 819 "' 940 a 1 .1 k 4 ,t r itige . : ... ii G 4.3 ,‘,l 828. a 100 - g: • 11 . 4 4 1P °11 ;•: ! 787 'a .9.°oa T ei•os . -e re. tiGO «•940 a . 11.20 t'l t O s Cixtxw a • - x.slikAtretX' • Arr:i4e'e I .I.o.l:llidepin 7,104 ilk, Bayar4 ; ,9.350 as //.. 4 • N.P.4114d0),;2-t0 11.41 - A:MERE, Gtriersi-Ticket . • ? ~! • s; ..r! PETrIsTe cir l ial3 'HIE SERVICES ... ra •THlgtill 4 4 7.E.Nfa OF BEAVER AzD IMP* et. strestr 3 ' • ' tstreiirr:B6 • ~J ~` - • - - ;1'; Vvi• M:761 1 0111 I~ i o~netd,we.soam~ tab; Thollgh . row , there be.l We s eek -too. high f . orth9 ; what nature' 425 p -Fx"life httlt hore'siweli 435 69° o ft deitioyllie Prose 680 ' 4, 730 " .aid •• • 1"), le§ 820 ,"`While flowers lug sweet 850 if BtOopAck r 9 5 26 I..FOr.thingti, so fair - still, 9 7.655' "I I When. youth's bright • • 115 Mt soon we're taught. t 1210 en Ile home an friend 1155' " • ' • • .1 The friends at speed i I *hen h4p'e's last ree -4 02; Dai, shoW that, cc '436," 4 l / 4yos.renol.,.quiteforsH 505 . " I Though all vore night, 7~8; From iriefidshises alto - 6 • -ould prov )th b liss ' I)ur home end/rends y.l / MiSCel 51AIL:' 1 Aceow 341,irm 353 s'oo " 1 ~..f 41 'I 435 NOUTR ACCOn I CM 515v,31 • 653 , k . 7 4 8 ~ 6 OAITI 1 851 SOO :949 s!1 .916 1009. 930',•1 Acoom MID 405Px 415 ‘! ..... 628 713 4 710 Am 835; 4 . 850 .. 1000 4. 810 AM MO-, .kcco;4 350 em 510 44 525 4 ' 646;" wpm E '''''••l7;••••••t , ;:js....l ~ • ' ; h' • . - • -t L.' •••••• • - • , : 1 1 i •, - • i ‘. • I 4 • ,-- 4 .- .. • 4 . •,, .. . :••,_ I: 1 , . 4 1 • , I: ' i_._ • :. •„ . • A- . • - •:•-::• , ' • A--• 1 '•1-. • .. 1 . ••.• -, .. r . 0 . a .., .' , L as?... ,- • 'vs- ••• -•-• • ••• ----• • • ` ; '•:+ 4• •• ,,-, ..--..^i.k . 477..-:: 7 7. „ ' :^•* • 77 -P ;---s •: -- ' 4 - - .. L. :,. '.,""' h'. .....::-..2..z......4-..... 4 .:- , ..:..., _:..„........ -..:-... ._ . .' ^ "f"'_.... - i . ,iilPML , a* . ..____ ..„ .--- • . , - I cii.mi t izeia. . ? rf0....a5r.i..08itt - i-;i1 c 4: ,‘'i-•):Iilti 'lO ,i 4 4 ,. :fi , n ' . • ~ ~ ..z.va-5.,"#;4.4- 4 ....4i,.. ti(' • ..,.. , ~.„,„ r...,:e1 -- - - ,7:-.-....-7.7,.,.. .....„,. g• ._ •.„.. .- 1 ,.... / T : -..- .... . r .... .. , .. 1 - -,-. i„....;i4;:c - ci-K-, 4 —b - ii-5-4 . .1` , .=i , ',-;i1. - =:..3 'I , -.:-.ic, , i .! , r . ..- 'i:l if L.; '4 , • .' 'il" 1.1 1,-.A.K' - ' ~.0 :72 --'l7- - . 7 ti'i-: -. .?. L:: ::: *'•'`.' '' ' • l' • - -7 •'''''''-'- • 'l.-.-- •• • ' --):::: .. 1r '•• •'; • '' ' ' 'l4 . 1 -1-•. '. l': "1 ~, -,. : 1 i• .. .,, , ,-0 , h ,; „ 1,...„ ,!,,, •- .4 • t,,i,..,;-• ..-, ~ • , I , ' :,• - ' fi , , ,. .;.,i ~'••••,....•-!, ~.,.,,: • ; :•...;:4--; ',.:'-t :*;,, ,-• ”.•••:,q" ifi ~ - 7, 7, 1-.3, , 'l ,, ' • •I' • • ,:,`-'-' I.• i '• „it' ;3 ', • ;,1, 4 4 - 41, ,I. i'..?... •••• .i I l ir ' - ' ,,,... ; 12 1-1 : ' .. ' l ": ). .... ;•* ... .f 4 1,. ._.,,,, i' 1*. , - ,41 . •:-... 1 `:.ji , A i ....Ai. ', 5 ) ,I', : 1 ,, ., L. 1 , ........, tik • I.V} i 11 .1 iirr.:;' .<1 . 1. 1. 14 ~ -`1 'l'l ,1 ...',' .1'4 , 1 -1;1; , i. , " tJJ .• . - I.r. :I.il .; - i - rt; {IV:Z:1. e A _4,4. "e* -. ' i ' - 7•`! J ,l •.*A. -0" t ' '' ,S; i 1:' ..; f ri '','' ; ' '''''' fe I'.; ‘. .I.ti'!.: : . : .' ''''. . `r i h :,.;• •.I .... h .. Iri .-• i , Ji - ei •1 - •D,FIT . A ar rt's ' v —l j '• ~. ..1'- '••• : 1 - •:„•••, I,f, : - 1.. 141: ! i f.1: . 'i1..1 1 , 1 19; 41,.., id. .-,.. --,•• -.:-- "., i - ~...i ... •- , •:. k i .„,,-_ -, it,:: 1. 4 1 ..... c; ~ 11 :2 f. t ',l :1 1' ' ',• 1 , :1 ' •.• .' ^: t•' :* 'la • , , 1* •.' 5... !' :- ' .1: • - .7. .2; '.- ''' -1 • (6 (- :s, .......1:111121 1 .--,••••.; • i_:- -1 2- '• • -:•;'•' 1 .: •• .. ' -*' . l i '''' ;... ,;„ - ~ . --li ..• ~., , i.,,-:l;fi:.s ; cliii.; -,. ".*;';:y:' ,•_•,:•r1 , - . . 1 V,, ': -;. .1 ' r , , :; 1 ' WATUt 1. '—. 4-477 7 . ... , ;, ~: . , , , ‘ .. ..,A 4,. , .:' , ,-,' • .i , ! ,. .• • 7:I - -,E "H . -. '',, 1 • - ~.. tV, . ~ j, - ' 1 `r,• ...),.; ~t;ii: I:r:'lj..l. :,.,-/;:;,'''-.‘ - '''';'''• ?" ' Ik".. '.:- ' - '‘l • • • •_.,. 1 I ' ,•, I* . . 1- !: • i ..:, '' -*: . ' ' -.. : !." : Ml,* ol •'..t 4• , ,C-1::::: •• .&:::-•_,, .7; 5.... •:• . ' , •...;.:-.• 1....7-...... :: -. , .4 . :-• , ... , .. :,.., ,, ;: .. ,...,. _.. : i :,., . J i,.:,, .. , qO. , 8 - - - r , --=" ' ' i . l- a: ANT6r, , „e'djaesdair 3 ,l 4ibrziar , 21; 4 118. 6.. ',I. • 1 - • ii , • .. •,, 1.. .. , 4 , ..,;i_ t , r,• i " r c r• - " ' • ;.....-- '... ' 0 : ,:tp, r - tilkil . N4" - 1 1;-..2 : ,• - „:1 • t: , „,,, i T .- - ;•..• ai:'... '. •••• • , A... 1• 1- '1 , •.. - - . Aci'' 'it.•.i.in."'-i.7:f 1*11.;,•,,,,:,-, T , - I , l,vimp *hit, , • ftiiivau,, ''. tto t-- vv. .._,t,liall, , .'.zviw 'vat ~ , tl e .• 7ir I-OZ:•:ott , 11:1: 4 1 .. , to -, 1,. ...: CJ m: ~~~.~ ~: J'l, ~ t~ : t' r, " • - OVIT C ti;ii)itiiii'''f-- #foie -'a~ic =CM • • e seed ket t x tes , 4 home; ,hst ,find it. ngs ; close by, gave u 6; - I ma= dear, gpi; ..] , . ,", praisetlieli,( 2 .l bout at our-feet, I==ll ! eater are 1 - • • ...:, • pelt hat bound us; .at earth his naught aroundjut.i - .: : ' : time'of need, is elLaken; whit"w4l, I en.- : -. i if. -but thelight • • r erew'ne4 ns,:'.. f earthwas this-"-- , round us. I.' E ) 1 1 • • . 1, -. •.,-; • ; ti ttle . 14 . !k 6: 41 4 4,411 the vcenci9am t - , 4 1 11ei' , i:1 Vi ise,tdoni..ncil it* *wie 13 lb" ft ti ke trnmarked i .l `Which ; ha4di l at la,sat f ihn aohiin , ige,m,gplalp iii I early aP l pi.. onilbejqgjeleim .titY:o9l4 - Wlc suhs,qque . rit ht atiencls.ll e e ' - afproill' cy f of a grca . n t 1 gianieg I f al i 1/ beekeqnlid e I/ gross,bf,fr lel b, mustard-li cif, I' lific and e . übe , ed fo'r thii.A.i g' dom Of Cddiiiei this is tiVelidei liiiiest - etii gri • .Tbti ad ' 411 il Abbe iiii "si . r 'lei 'early t. 0,1 gli s stenin,' mini and.hope 71 i ba , glancd bdheld la,"despOtife - En 'that - ere ii fel' they loal, had strugglb h li 64 b6OIYB . f bat . .for milhcla ie Of Orabge too . 'Stuart;"fh ,; P a , . cations of ithel against . .ri,rpj ad I I gairiatlipgl; . grewagainit I Ireiitbd W4s a I!..he'coditd4. wh power ofr "1 eqiiy i deotiant of 11.1 . 1( I .of - B ritain • - +ld , 1 Jarues wfisvliii i I ,,hapilet arid: e6O loo; wheitdr . new glc7e 'flirt was . s . een pr j :in i communit ..r . Tbe pe 1i:0 rtondonde ri:h Etthiskitli Nadi a, f , a . meager ban tritli9ol tnerciles (piiltr. rout; of . : ti blefidod do 'flotit.d fro battle df FrOliaree ItlirdiiilitfroP . . . Stuart's "T . a cent ury. yigo.rolt Uhl prosperi literattrre - , a acid abkoit4,. corrupt c.'ottri bling Daryl, erature, a I se nip& `IN i .IO e, bad preSer ,e were quitrk Co evil she had lc) existence, . 4 .4 - ,- ..nit ,ir 1 '`. .., • neo us, I. .....,f.he) ..e equuily to peirpettialt. Ilt healer in league wi# :.flir ign,,courts, or ing the r•ati4# . exchequer, or] g s eratinth hig office' of the or min inet the peevish all of imbeeittp dOtt L tiers, - or insulin. clergs---thip ~f fe:t. of every act last do St i utirt.kings w'a9 to, di liiiiisit. .eieutt, to- dishonor ] famo,.and4c; ile rtoralize Bride] its. Giiir ads or .11istory. - . e 1 j _ , ~..,.. 1- DriAlliriAtil) I L, lONISTEi TIIREAyFiED. I—The Frettjric (Mil )Examin t r says: I)=•.r.h contest, IpleCe of effronte t ry we 1 have' been elide upon to record since I the rebel attel ipted to take Mary., hind i nk! °lithe Union . in 18. q, was , per petri4el in his city last 5 ek by ,tire rorntl cf l i e ppeinted a 17 'ck or I ten dayel; .to eanass • the different t3l I ward - toe 1 1,5..1, atures to - thn' ' emos I nal liskingitin• t e repeal of th 'regis try inw... flii: canvassers it a pears became quitto t , i dignant when Unipn Men refused Ito s f ign the memorial, and' were- T gis•on Ito understand. tna they would be, 'Mark.ed, 7 Now, Ole kind of --talk ia thilliceptible of morel coa— -1 atructions 11;an one, and may e ta—• ken as ri.-r iteration of the son,innent of - Enocl) - oUis owe in the earl Part -of -th l e waq'ltha 'the day woul come when a ,Uninn an Gould not ive in Maryland:l 1 If the patriotic name gatherers think, that time, has a rived, we beg ihnen no to bndeeeired.' Loy alty still bag' the away in Idar land. If, on the Other band, they wis us to infer d that linko ne men are to b • pro— s in a - .1 I . r :nl i of v • gribed 1 1.1 s ss poi w, we wnj,here,rh in them quit it is poor w rule that .vii - n i work both w ys.--,- ri Will tho oix ns f .the rebel par y.tel) the people,; -4;ta their, .hireling „who sre :lbw zoig a mind for, nAmea, mean by, the ;t or=' ---,Tire Any,: marl; wouli be p: ie to that- we r),..by trnit:Orsi!. DID NOT 'TAIiE > 1 1 i ility with, which -I by Northern., our, plant: during .1, 'recent 'state. lel Jiontli. Sev• 1 innuti aro now elf labm in ste. it was hesicr -IG,e, ei , eral Health, :1 division which , on Bills ; was in e e d r c ' i e s ol nostlcerali office the he works which -r the Wil# to -- • • i the editor, say., ommanumg ;the vicinity the ex-, opponents, and the' town. He he 'able' co of when ciuneral sh his . regiments telegraphed to Lexington, - that nuati, with the ndied men; and Strith replied sud prepared to s eak our extend -, fixing the time ...enra secohdlel -as receiv4d, tel ovements. made : to concentrate ii,:diVisioi l i could ".-hold ciucinni -1- was Whipped i ietii on , the Ohio ndii Witilbilt fur tlkiki the iutcliii 0.14 Waß'CoUht ohels . moved off s di Sentuekta: ' the'-witr- °miles: lie` foudd, 'that i t i i,e,s were' i h CO , With` SOOOG /iPil, 111 Of Ms diii-t ..: Act the r ot colitsillV -'" ''t A HAiPx. .--A r nian soak into 4ourt 'oi .I:largeof tinvir?, .lenLiOni4:dtuef , rn - n'fariter. ; !'t do yon kn o w; ey . '.:nreiy,eor dp Wske'd".tfiel i f de& Gist's .nouii4el: it 1. lheuld to e 1 k own tbeitr nny ' reOl le'd tb rdnii ;:wilti p,rOcee 'dbeeillid, iiiirr eculialitieal' *" 4did 166 iiriiiia erii;douneei,- ' 1 IVOliii . cinii't ',1143 i ch 'a veiriafe.- ' 1 liii 44 . B i ) . akir yi.inneh like th c in'i..:Wiiid:"l - fr at's not sad ,tbefargtei; ' they dr/ Oat tli litreletifr4ihti,ll" ibitiw"lateti." . i the nett W i itOed ."_ • 1 - , .-. ' I - ‘ 1 1.8 hitt/ Anally i est ' Wished 0) AboLFrotestant par- Mike ',ofOrange,_ ia ~. - ! cope of thel.ov.ents, 0 tbe , Cata•of atatione. at -striking scaentior, gyisbeitotbet_deennve, d i by. , no. consummate .either aide, apparently d in the strengtl! of its 0 gl 'eta.; gatiCiy i , th •Ai 60- 0 ait:the preparatory and sae i .l4 , ,lkich, (generally nniCts.ii:Spoke!io tones r tho later() ; ha places ,n era It inaritenl. he. be. ,'n era which ha never for the aatonishi gpro 11man rite°. :It as the which produee4 a pro ant growth. Itrl,achiev o-§axon perpotnal ,freo inee'lir El politleatretioni 'te amplestancl its sub, i . . ttiii - lot of Inlk, 16'90, ear ilfith upon`lrOland. .. . if morning felt" ipcitl a inept nt two r gorous i dst;l theiHaSt lingering , ho retreating tlrmy "'of dying. Canis); ' nring sy, iha bretv'e,th . good, fallen; 'bill ', i that s3 . tt IschieVedtliel great. 'pre and enlight4 merit, I for'centurtOs. Villian - i Prpteitant, and Jatnes iiit, 'Were 'fit pefsonif struggl. ',of lilieralierh ce, popular liberty 'a-- idvv,er, intellecia'al pro's Banana! -IndalgUnce.—, it spot where tui decide leti was -to br 'A tho ,r3' , .,:oth 'Consign to the 1 le hierarch the d 'stintes it there the tyr t nny 'Of ible in the esolate rte;l :city; and there, the ' , 'pr:otection of the ;'nt estetidet, aciir life ing up throughput th'e 1- theyietoriousnna of lad hardly ceased, and 1,,1 i)ntjuit achrove,d,With 1 ,or sterling 'fibula,. a 45k-pc !.he o rurie, and i when,to conitt.the ideposed menar b; the lot England and Orange Dublin Castle. ' :y the lijyne, of `whi .h . the ,t 3 ,terieTtiOrp : 1., 0 i n 4 -1 the 'dfila:sty .t the had ruled for nearly y late found a strong 1 ireroao.tiFe, a sn i txstan.l a ,r1":11 and higb-toned ,tii.kin re:pected at_home Ilhey left a weak ar.d r.) 4,.. a aluviab and e'rdin— I w anti, ocuriil us llt— d rate power n Eu. ; r ok - good 'Eli abeth di an acqUired , they raditate; what ver , of tinned .or call d into were - mall' lo• QM h n) tii e sea era , a•ou •1 i. , nags are neat enough: now ..' - I tt;f4 •.;- I:, ' • ' •Ttle,re is no debt,. iii:L" breakfast for; sleepy. folks ; •. thee° 1.,, 'licl longer . ink . titsk heforelyott`-lio ! : 1 ' lit . of looking 1 afq , r any,body,.ati• il , -, king tip the , ben clothes. ~ T tior ' sitet. -no dispntes tof settle, nobody . to of I,off .to: Reboot, no ,!eornplaints, ati- iiitartuttitios for t. impossible; thinga,n. ~ pato mend., no' fingers to do up, n • ,lliblili. to bo wasll.l ed, or :collars-to:be t Atit"eilid f I There 1 wateverisnch pea a r iti-Jthe- *wise T. It ouldu aoundili qtnisits• tolattyei sense feet clatter do t,. ti3 e -Nob t stairs! Olor some children - noi,! • I , 'II What tided to ail ti *.t, we werel hushing:lll6'r iota iituF,h, ehticlOng 1 their holt4 , lTrolic . , a leptovitig tb - eir 4 1 slamming'and bang -the-:doors ? We wish our neig • tittra l would' only lend us an Urchin i)...'...tw0 to - make a..i I little noisain those • ilcitiaisert. = A,home Witbotit children! It fa like a- Lantern and OP candle; a g risen and no flow. eis; a vine and n [ gr apes; a brook' and no water gurge \ -and rushing in its channel. 'We NV at fo be tried , - ,to bo vexed, to be r 4:- . ov'er, to boar -child-lifeat work w tfiall its varieties. During the - sec 14.1,dayi, this is enough me.rked. - tit It is Sunday that puts on/. hoot on/.to proof.— Thatis the Christie. Family day. The intervals of public wore hip are long spares .of peace. Ti family' seems made up on that daThe children 'are at home... You ail VI; lay . yonr . hands on their heads. Th i7iieem Co recog l • - • nize the grcater slid lesser 10ve. , --to God -find - :tt) - friend : l'l'ho , 'house is peaceful, but not stil. 1 There isnlow and melodious thril of . e'bi)dren in its .But Sunday at Sunday come Ito. ii° etill,now----1 There 16 a silence t ati- aebeS in the -ear. -;..There is too', di room t,the table,.totimuch at ' h he'artb.l . ..The bedrooms are a Wing . "titt .. -prittetly.. There- is top 'mu ' slifkAtitlt4t little 4 r ,. e ._..,,,,___ . ~ --iisto-, 0 ionloithOy :-grditib ~,i * signi and tnlien's,?; l.f 1 • : •HENATI TEC/ POLITICAL M E RDERSIiii ARICA'S SAS —The telegrap. tannounees that the county clerk, ege,rifft and depaty sheriff of Pope c'unty, Arkansaa,l were all recently 'a ssassinated, and briefly added, by .w itfexplanation, I t i that,' 'the clerk, the litkv lA. 31 Stout, ,' was ;a merikber of t eFree*State con-I vention two years a ot" This is only one of the many evidences constantly being reported of the Icontinuance of 1 the old spirit of diatioliszn at the South t For a tune it was loVerksured by the rarnernbtance • of '4 ernihin g defeat I - and the presence iof f i rkrAo armies. i ready to nflict speady, punishment for dosperate ofTeribes. ißut as our troops are , witbdrarn and restraints . ' are gradually rombvad, the ancient VOling of which ouT nation has seeks 'no many painful edentea . revives !While on the one l e nd the mo- - 4 pit eous appeals for fede's; and fir a complete rebtaratio'i ol former power in the control of o i'B - , 44 ,erarpent are betaid, on tlie other tha determination to pnrsue with oar lentnig malignity and to punish wit 'fiendish Vielente every man inthe 'r m, idatlwbo - Was faithful to_ the can a Elif )141 country, is m'anifested, .W are 'expected to freely forgive traitOrl ,: who prove themselver unforgi , • rig, and to Avinoe unparalle ei 1 mag i uinqty tower& these wh re mul lilylng proofs of their re don to ..tura evil for good —Phil. iess. 1 , ealous secret rain dese- ibench, vings tho of t,he. hab— AIV bold an' behalf pf the right tify in the coiirtii: . the Tedllesaai)? Mr. Iliebards of hie argcnasat: • "Why, 111.1 captiously u ogy_;lin *hi( is it - not nfai byteiians; -ions denotiti professed 'fel izeci canititi made theta these good that a aian or a Baptist lieved on; worthy tp atvOrthr That h o raw . ty ai Bain; before 'a Jas , LO tlrrilftgaff i Which tetbr or ehttsn jti :'-.111.r...i3p eolith ion ssihiotilt . AWE! h ave ;Q! tnoi4lity,4" i• bro't g bto t'llow ,ks tert;" ed to those reed m to air," p,nly tukob' died I?.bsbelit 1-i SiaNDEA4-4. hare known a .4:ta , try si Well , whiehn withered 'uvray all" Ito nothing. uncle* ,'..the dry rot o! goSaip lardy. Friendships once ! .as' :granite " Aissolved .to: jelly :and then ran. :to w ar. 4t, only .because of n tiiis;'.. 'love that_ In,p,romiagd ti.l!, fatal%) • ás ' endOii:igits 101;e0Yeni and..Pir stable as truth',,e,vti a rated into Mcwning mist 'that tuined .tb a day,'3 _long teats, only ',boestuae of, this;„a latheti .ttild, son. were ,I set Ifuot `• ~,tp •tont,-,w,ifh the fiery , breath, Of la‘liger 1 that would never eoolsagain hetw en 1 them poly because of this; and; a , us- f nd and his young wile eacii air' in- :I i ha , ~, ling at .110.110,t0d itish ,which in; the ,he 1 tan o cen had been the golden benditge 1 0f a God-blessed,love,'sat -m'ehrttftilly,' 't b' . the, n aide of the grave where? ,Iall; •I cit. joy , lay buried, also ,- beeaitee,l l o I ,t in. .1 h ave seen faith transformer t . 'meat 1 dthrht, hope , give Olica :to; grim desimir, a.id charity take, On`lif-, self the feature* oil black maleVOlenoel 1 .41 i because of the spell words oflsCa l n- 1 , 14 . 4, and the magic,mutterinislcif• 'ios4 I 6143- Great crimes work great wraal land the deeper tragedies cf ..hutnari ! li e s'pring lroin iis .. large; passipitsi , h t - wolul and most nielalehaly lire , 1 1 t kuncatslogtked.tragediee :that issue I from gossip and I ;detraction ; , nthsi n:19111%1a] the ship Wreck made of i ao•l, I • I i b e natures and' lovely•life by-the birt.4il , r -winds and dead salt waters 'pil l I.En ptlilat -SQ. ets3r - I to B a3'2 Tt.'s eolilra c 1 t 1 -- • dispuove throwing: onn the inne4 1 - 1 'tat all the , Ai i irdea ' ; and the straif a lof i l I cl,'monstrating theii 9 - nnOcence, ar.cli' I p tiehing i them as l guilty if, unable to' 1 ;13 ttek 'pug, tho• s tings tucy ncler sitip , 1 { i I.a d to .ellenet wdrds they never ;her i I - , gossip and slittider are the t.l l tadlil,rnsi, i aryl cruelest We.apoes m2in Liefoig ,cti 1•0i..4is bratlice.i hart. I nn' ' 1 ` 1 I , i : , . ISADNE,i i t %) .I.,,irznaTunal-- . - -- One ,anOtnaly of: literary history is' thatl it. ' :has often been o.e lut of thc , ,s( roan vrholave-tan::ributed.,largely,' to..tise tniirtl: or.rei2 - t , atinn9f JE11,e.C.64 . ondur y ti , a I nw nre tha nedmary share on l anier, • . • and( want in tr.eir uwo I;iylii.-,. I The roost entorlaiNing,portionh' 11. litern4 I lain) have b:.•en wri!iteltby.reen.wkieeti heaks , have 'been "boted dorm ' hyl i scirrow; and at rnothenes, when tliti il2lrrow,' has beenLtbe beasieft. ILL I was in ;he •Tloornt of a txtet,tier:s cleat r, 1 , r , , . , 1 1• ' 'deepened by , his own poverty}, th t '4131189n penned the charming tale f i , ' Itasael, o li"l. it , Fall" 11 . 1 . the 0 b4t.i4s?4 . jati9A.' pp so tkargi, '144, 1 fire ose gaTtpt. At ekKir:0 01 4.1 1 t1 . 00104 Wilefett',Y4, , ;! i,. '- er - Illtri#9ll4ll44 o 4l.o,liAtk'' ilt P,. ). , • „ .-.. ry An!, t 'waning ? jai! BIECITER. ~....7 , - -41, 3 r.t0mr.1 . 7 5 -mr, j mnz - rts, i 4 a neuessitnita ext e, .t %at o • 100 shook till England with lau,g4ter.. 2 r T6e enchantment of S3ott, the satire 04 . Jerrold, half the g*.tup of Engliiti ult and humor, have be9p thrown olit 1:•3 4 genius in -its most aorrovriul nea-7 ments.—Dublin Ake. I i, 1 ---- , ---- •.r.- --- ' --8 , ' 1 , 1 ,'., 4 NEW You correspondont- te, s the. foltoWing. stories or .C,091.w , 0d0 ' 1 Vanderkilt: "lie has wql andan,o . ': stinscy, that, cannot' be equal:3th TO gOt mad with Collins and sWore,lin ,wbuld run his line off thol oceari,'and hO did it. Fifteen years ago he hold, 0 some of the toffus stock Of th . - N e• ew 1 • Haven Railroad, issued bp' Schuyler: III? demanded pay' of- .the, Company. fits 'demand was refus d• I 'i fle tot ith'n Railroad Company he ',would hav it,lif .h 6 spent all that he ;boas worth. 'So hO'' Las followed the coMPanr ticiough all the courts for fifteen:Tearik, and at, thb close of . thechxst terra.of 04 Court,?f A.ppeals;the Pourtioi last • re l ort g.ivo him 'a decisioh l tiyilvhicti her gains 8750,000 and Costs. 1 Vanl i r 1 do hilt is a "big gun," but he will nelver.be translated on account bf hia anliability. 1• I r , j -.... 11k... .... • - IA u . • NHEAtTHY 110115;!.--.A dar ho!tise is aluilysl,an unhealthy house t al witys an ill-hired house, alpfsys a dirt) house. ThWant of light stops growth l and promateis serofula. i4elcets eteil [among 'children. PeoPlo' loie thdi Ihealth in abon9e; and if t t fie get it tbby • cannot get_, well 'akiirm in if. Vireo out of many negligenebS an ig oranees in managing the health- Wises geierully, I will here meintio It - iiipecitnens. First, that! he d in charge of any bnilding dossl nn i t .think it necessary. tol visit every hole' and corner of it every Sc.ol oral,' that it is not considered essenbill to -air : ,to. sun. and to cleaootrisl while unhalite;.l. Third ,'one window is loonsidered enough to aui a xbOm Fl retie Nightingale.: , 11, , r I t 4 l l 4 ti g ; .3 Pennti in i- , Amegrops to tea, l atl-rOcently mail° 4 1:1iigisiature by a , , id la he .coursa ,r.,1 • ... ' ril-- b u o e fh t y eot ery . le ve•sed, nab have Ihriatian. Toes - and And• will believe lietbothet bn . • Flay .bo ,mect and tress box? , Alrnigh— ciAtiriot go, .1,0-tmOar for I work 'orkebop's Troligion, the feOs for public, - , ovie'bun r iillibhe-' .0 Millions .4intidisil *Antonio( 1 NI TEUS WARD has , been in, Por. , i k... la d,-arid iri ih i oldinp,o for,iii, at..Deer in Ball,, he rsferreci4o ths .priokress rent's , our Iria7.ion during : the tall : fittyl rent'; and , iiiiistratedi thel progress of Our dpr,etspnrent. in trailroail, steam- 1 bp' ts, telegraphs.jand women. I- NO '',i3t er'nation' had such an jarrai.“ l . Wel 'ha n't suCh women fifty:years .ako.- 7 - 1 i t t ok at , illustrinue examples:lo4le,,St 1.4, cy Stone; look "at Wes Dickisoti; fook'at litisePartinglim• look, it .raines Nehangn.' " , ' . - 1-i . 'l . L 1 d , , 'Do you props .e to put ; Ike' ;into . it re,: Xis.. .PaTtitigtottrf .asked it 3nd. ~Y#s r4plied , :ihe :olcli! litdsF,' . rip peseteroustto know,-iwitich".44- Tie - toll ,tue . : i.the wbOlesorits. tattle. te best; but ..I bOleve . the.tingtail>will the .most hiti.A.' •,•!:,$) • A LEADING secession Oren,. ini.A.lii7 - bit ini:itays: "It is'prifitent fi? iiii,ko di plomacy;what",ice have tostlittlie itp'orelir Mist is; he rebels tited't effoCi:' dii r union by,al:ms, - .Eott bi;:irtg4Oiticl" io tliti.ise of that ,nei:Oss,,tbey. in'e a gsin th e ir orig inal point by diplomacy _ 1 , . ME 1.-21; : i 4 1 r • ' I. . 1 4 " •1‘ I I - ) I i' .~ S r 4= !ME ■ 1, NM blished. , , 18. 4_ --,..,, ~,,. :' ' l'.. ' 2 : . 84 .. ~,.,,. .; 1 - M ' f Coakiiirr ,- .Tia464l6lllPTlkk r .-17fft ,' SE* r „., . _i • . , TEscs qv ;uILiT.O 0 Omotir!ioXD AGAINsr. liiiiiie; . citaps . l7.L.', - .loltoAni-•-:iis:e, T i e 'COpyi'oo il*T4t , it(i - ticilietflik jtitlipild sea tenrk . which has 04 , 417b3eii ilk,- I - notinced;.in;tte ' unrutit of the irotid-- - -.Lemely..thial,' , ,, , of : death• - .agaihst . : - :t11-6 . •Saviouri' wktti-tknii - Temnitlrel'i:isitileli;the I journail.Le:torcitte 4esi'jetiliectiedi,stid the' k - ni:)viedge ~O f w4jeb • rliustribe , .in— .. teresting ; in Op b!ghesf. degree to - eV— cry.' Oiristien. ' Until-; now. vr : e :were 1 _not awaVel. that ivi-3,4.i,v,,n+be6n.,,p.b. 1: • - - 1 .: ' fished, i l fk i.thE.•Griliinan....Opers. l . , :lV.is. ." w Qrck , roc word -114 .. fd4ciWti: .1 !.,.‘ 7 . i: : ".. 4 ; : Sentence .prorsauneed , Sy..‘ - Ppniiu4' Pilate tetendnnt of the r •- scoar, Prue: ince of i.GPliti34N fhio,.'reepig, Pr.'",..Npist„- . rats Ahn3l suffer death hy.tho illi r .Osk • , , • In the nitryear of the reign:Cif - the Snlperor . Tiho ins, and , on the 24ili, day of . ',the .:filontlrof-- Aturch,..' in , Ihe most hcky,'....eity• cf Jernsitlein,L'during the. pti4ificate 'of, Aimpi•Lppci 'Pillar.. Poiflips . .Pilate, int`Ciident of: the .Proiri,P l SP 6E Lower. 04filp!' sitting. to ijudgniefit in f,h'e'i -l 'presiatk44l:pept,:of 1 the • Peiofer,,ppte*a - :,,T4otiti of -- Nilat• I:rel.h 'tot 'death ' . .'op ,6...' . 00* Voti'keiin 1 rabbets ,+, as' the nuinerikS'anct. 'T'otoii ra ~ ; ~ : , ), , ; . ..Ppa . ..tegtimoilioo'of, thP • ippl4,koi? :.' 1.; Sesus'i,s a :iiiileitder . i.,:, . ,' '.. .• ~ 1 fl.: ; lie l - has' excited 7 dig ' pecipte',lo se 'dition'. • 1 -- : ...f . '.l ' . l -- .• ..- I `r ,_ . 3 " tie,3B: - ab,i'ea,eiay, T to tli•i:Jawii . . 2: :,.:. ' • .4'...:1 - e , l eallslhieriaeW the' spil o f ..thid. , • IX lie !cnilglifinSeif falsely bie - Kin'g of Israel.;. L 1 1 ,".. - ....' ' I • ,' -. • ; -6; -- ne. ivrent l , 10.4 the t emplelfotiOvitb e' cttl) ; ai inaTt,iiude carrying paAril .. e - 'fri iLeirrlaPds. LI .-, : !'-- I ' . • - :;; I . , . Ordere front , the first, , eentarion, quirrillie: Cornelltii; t.?' hrtlV, him 'lk't the p'ae4 of eseen i tion. . I' .- ': Porbids.all Persons, rich er•Pooi,'Co prei-ent 'the exenutopn of bare The'zitnesSeelvi,bo hare stil,npd; the exeeutioh or , fesusttr'e=-- 1, • i', - .1, Da. iel ItobUni:P,llarisee ' .. 2.. Jul - n Zorabhhe.t. ' ' -. ~ 3. :Fla baerft-ibuni il . - 4. ,papet. ' 4 ; 1 , ' 1 .„ ~, ^ - ' . ..Teus to be-tatFen.out„ ot .14.1,ruatt.1eip tlitotigh,the gut.q of Tournef.. 1, .... , This" sentonee b en'graced on 'a,pl:‘t* of ' braes, in the Iletrevr,•l;lii,guage, and on its eidee are tbe".followist %verde: .' 4:ei:niter plate hue been "Rent io.ckeh.tribe," . 'lt Ivas 'diseevred3o 'the '.year ;1480 in the, city of , # Squills; Jo tbo itinl4p ' id. Vc of ' a ilas,b l y it . .t3it, , 4, - . tt *; , • -• I - , .k .4., , , e .• Army "of to y: 0 - CO • e the campaign ii< southern f.taly it was ted, has gilt. pre"seyied in, the sicristy, •of the Cary Oinfirene.o thusians, near . 1 -qapies, vrh•re it •was thel s u • Dept in. be.— of •ebony. ttike t e ' then • the retie has bein kept, iri ;tile chapel of CEICeI tai '.l`4 Cartbusinus obtain ed bs their 'petitions that the plate I 11 13e ket theta, which wits an i; acknowledgm p ent by Of tbe.saeriftces they j made „fur , the Freack army. The Picnch tranglatiap was made literally, l'by members of the Conamtsslan'of Arts. j Dorton; had.: a' fin: imile of Cho plate I engraved, wait botiglit by 'Lord I ,tioward, on the sale of hie Cabinet, for 290 it - klieg There seem to be no historical dantotsas to the anthentick— ' of' this+. Tbe, reasons q, the son— tencei `correlpond exaetly With. those We' gospel — 4 Translate4r, from .tlici Soli*he Zelt4nqr. Gooi 'rem Bt . aNs.—The best tLing for burns is the folloWipg, and every family plight to lino* it "As Goan-.as;Pr!ssible after the hum, throw a little ,tea; in hot wafer, and let i it: steep,. Stir uri o an Indian lnkal pout!: tiee,sOehd the tea leaves• an the patit, tied, and pat It on the burti or seilq whietiarer it may .be.. If li . iirtrt with: powder, it ;will :take it out and the skin f?-44, as clean as ever." . 1 "1. I. NtPORTANCIC OP NCT TjA . TI ON, - iii r , anyd—A y4ourig man to take•charge or a pair Of hordes of a relig,ions turn of mina. _ •! • 11. — tiesitipaper ' ; saysi—L'CA. child was ruts OvC4b.y.a Wagon three !Years` old and croisloyed'wit.l3 - pantaleta on which never: spoke afterwards ; .'.' . .Another, ,cleacribmg _a celebration, says:-'The, procession Was . very fine and n'erirlitivoLniiles,in lertgthits wits th o priCer of Dr. Perry, the 'Chaplain." Tait .Riebuiond - Tana has a bitter artielii.denounong (he formation:of a Union party in Vieginia._ whom it, de. trounces as "spietir rots" . and "tbuga," , and . bY Incendiary languaie &temp to be beat 'upon eacita ing viOlenco' ag6inet The members of tbe .your.g party : . . . •Ax .1.11111 ern?grlant l hearing,tbe,sup bet.gut. at PortipuQut,b, asked,4 skit -.,"Whit'4lthat ?" !,14rhy, thatls Sunset, was , i th,e, i'Supset.A 9 eiPleinicta Pat "and does .thp sun bang dorn .tizikepantry with stich's. bang as thqr.: . ME "1161414ing' ,1 Adam r,emain inA*. !Wise. before, b - sinned?" said an amia ble tifii•dip? to , ,bgabarld. "Til l got'a *rife," . w - aeLitid:Calm , „ r lino " yEl • Njoii,-nerai,Trad,r t remarked, tbii ; Oat r tliereyte tban, iii}dihbi. &site is , the Soatti; 11, kriiiNctidtieivepaper ":taya `o* thine of ftw'alkiiiicsribera aralbaid, and they ail) in arrears for subsdiiption. = • • M ■ Elll TO 41) a T ib eil it . Adirrifign ta piorled .. 1 4S6r f .viusier— ' r etail Vitaillei) so isente.44• * ' "liiiiteine i stlyeititarr, tronTo4W It - ertimerA4l,l4 - iiiiii' tALM,H 4I -, aill.._squi.,. - ` 8 1** 111 9ti9e,a 2 4 P I YAIA dit Ails: il ' SP I ~-, • 1647.14ge4 ,a u ti othir. ;i7;01A44.4: fl_lOsthit e lt,/ ion filf.;;kikilta . • lAA itit -ael - t;tir.'4f . pieson„ wti ft:eh COM ttie d it will *be ittat;t Ito% Siata,T rho i '•Proindel MititurriG)Vernoi,4- 1 new, Found - y'1f...:11. el ton, , .D, C., i ceritry 4 ,,:aiti •for thet ctno latiotilofit isiongli i if. h ererserai lon.-!?..Whe ' , the Neon ,tiikerti uli• the Frog facket boolf--abont gregation,nfterwardi 1 , Jinneraryo life , met_ ety, by we ntribution 1 .. • f Lord Slm tesbury rec. a , publm m eting in ton persoual .. oh ectratious; " tallied itikit' 'f - ddtiftrtial that city, pearly all ba churscafttlim6 '66_tin#4. eight and 'initteen Yers; ypung Imam l ived an.ho t*9ALY.l.'"a• a. of Oligeo 4 4 niee•cbance in _favor, ; against `'. ii idip.' . 'thereafter; Let ',ever' Mother so t ninly 'row help;.l. l llfi " illy 4arlln "gond, - by"rilikiiii lbw:it Alit , thiiiill+ the-street rt , . i -,1 -, I', -,,,•• 1. - - :, 1 : ,Tho.l4l i ish- •oorresp Westernr Cliristi?n4dtkg there ik, a. 1 re4t.resi m0n... - . tha B ptistst)pot • . - , - - - • -1 . •.: 1 , a 4 %‘//Be 0 / spin ,er..P4-qP.ta 4§l)-chs;.i!•,l',.Pita.-PpP,tat yet t...111k nu . ner,pf . !n,vt. converts gra rutnurkunle, • of Mr . Spare ?eon's alai 1 years,lnuMh ra 3.c,k,in, i ihereaetinfj - oe_kity:l•f:': . I- . _ ,- I '' ~/ •••,..1 1 , 1•r:... Recent re nets frpin 1.. inany.'giv'e . enanuragik s } the pr?greg of, Suiiilii lit ri - bitlee -. : ;.he iiiiii i ti , it ara,inentlys tut& t 0... • irti•ermany. '. n , Italy -.1.• ( thirty "'si:liiii Is hav i a' ton the Anieric;in pled: rthii Vik:ll4,i4 ;begun ..ill: I•pro . p . ,cats . ..' ._ :,, ,_ 1 yariu 1444- §OO l wilt hoticeto if enn~t• -la tAgOgia a • kfitniorrh tpt d ; Ar'b 1 4 P l ' 4 t.k i t 104 ranitio4*. 4".'• I 'l3 bto th Pr fia of. 73',0 House i • 1. ze , 1 E I - -11 0 I B 'S il • ITECc AD ZZI 1 thin l.':iCill Parnetfrael e i freetiEFey initiried; `t, pares alarge field Ifor vigil bad ; seed, lazi- i. 4 - of the label; le 6.1 . 1 - fet boti , to. plant, over, and then' 1 lite crop; P ll 9,:4rotigh!. 1 , and very gil4.th° troill Iplan tind ' is: ' ece`seay a 1 the ease,ith Initlie,ik i IW.ith-v!hegli nikOeloti 1 • 6rop gi.,.gope ally al - fal ikt,the.rliht tinie,-ii re - bo tao la.te,a d 'elins i de crop. iFfith a little. o 1 .13 - ; he Wed , rind:.' {l i t dill be l avoided... , le it 1 leeei.o6§?. ISt° cannot l in _gettin ,r pa, ioun,l, Tnionalie.—"l'ir-hr• di itgi m°Liv l 7,i1.l- Oik , M!Pv 11. intenitto b• - iiik tql-tli I years aiul SO V._WilE4it; theory [that: tn tiothl) Y, iriab's the lan .of . those-, needed f'or wheat.l `.l ea" wit.eldver Pe, l as: guniinons drops . o laid; and •Tivhen the, he ' iedN 'tialw`aye-ei, ~ humeri 'i; sa- 1, farm - thin i more clover li i Clover impo timothy and' , ,STIIFYID . 1 :frelli cabba r l 'Fill the,plic •cook-ed chin finaibd . :".'hig balle;mith ths tie the nahbal 'filial in a oo's4 It Malteara Vc often • fusifit i l eold. meat: ;. .• •. , k Cs?Rx:Oitc. -rein: a it:might onle quart:Of. , Yklater awing “tk.'malca ( 1 .410 g 41t 8 V 8 1P 0 0 1 , PA aatt;tc., puit_tne taate,;_ liiir in : tw'o'ibdrielkti'd taste,_ , , - ftd or todii;; Itid wit f e long latid4 luirkvl - 150, PCRIT • XttUreI . . ) 1 Eal r e s l 44 o s r. PO l4 bal noOsilitlii elfri , ed ;iv° , ,ii.3l/),B* julep* . 0.. 8 4g 5 Thon .4 111 4 t*ipoptiftil:` 'esstinbiv . gaapbdnta ' f abditi . • ' :ta f Oi Sio GE 04i. sugar, one d toil ' egg , iPleg v ot!e tiai tmeoltm. !bake 10 810 08 9 04. it , ; ' , Most, of, i New s 1 ,"tories ire fro ' 24 to to V* pound of chic l' • ,i ' . I .Yft. 4 ...l e tba ( ; le' : timotll'aegij 'A gatfAc.r ird 0 444:44tt 4 Cr#, 1., 'eriallea th spil l le) . ;l,oap makeeiliii: i tnack,gi.e.,, , •. 1 :;:.: ~ ....:4,t:, ... ABPAGE... Take_;-* IPerge and. pi/ -.cu tkl . pjrn % - with a i tiffl4,l:p _i*.itf e*ol , ,;irbeil - 'eteoplil . 'Aiy Irtesittwed; -rotted a yolk ot i ltn..egigi,i Thial, L ,0,,,,,7,,,y.tpgathez3-, slgi red li.Otr lot liio4o.Sr!. 4itfle'iii:i iiii - ",diatc, - aiiir`is `for miiiik siialL'i)tail'alf ..1.;,,i!, t , i. 7A131 ; 'taill lornikiiif I/4 • st-.thin, bail*, , i 0-ria. !N - :II j[lit ilti_rnoturig AkilitealOW,,, lirkiiiiii--litlit'll t . I. er - lA-tiro an, toA,al4,l* p .kva., ilukibP*F , ,tiPAl ' 1 : 4 ::.:,.• ::•-i.c4l: rift .. I 1- , -Ttr.490 4, . .iid v..oer i WC ' legnoli t " - oil'e :-.,..•.!. -.,•: •,,,4,1 ~ , ' , .•`-,' .) , ove - -half nr.ii tilbs.'o-41.60r-- .., i. ..y..-: - .•••311-4 15i . , 4 ottlF , ehoemithlo--, 4oin.de o'r*filt ;11. II 141 NI ON REM II V:3 e.*ri4 .4 .14:7 , 1440 . 5p1419. I WO ty#l r'_ ,, .,:' , ..",t- , :, IPlicti°74lri. i#11 1 ; , ,IV*110 ti4uait ihilttel: ti.“frJ*l. itethoirdt ortinibef l A Ws), VOW _ . ity:axie: . .16thitg; *4.04 i;3d'ltets, i 0 421 4 tiff 1 , Mill i,l ~ ~ ; .. 3 . _A:0144 la,— • tt:tr' 'ItASVT i 4, , , , 6 .443 'iddit 3 / 4 , - en rit,140, 4 pr jallite imp's . tb6-iik4 ot . 'slid :tint II it astaito), WOl'ectirtY 4 ' • nod pyly z 9n .. a , ,,Y 11- o.rii l 4l9,)i#: :faklir4 ll li .4- debithylot: -, 'iliciralatite: ' it, . , ,-, :r 1 n0, 4 , riddcof -, 144 • M. 14 Mai 41i11 . . ' fcggicig guL,se :reviclakibilita' i tuAl*Tii.4eiF' 0:3 1 /14,) 4W - 113; • (44 1 Ye11p.:,4A14 1 ' •TteArow,o ti' is tuttiteM tuber s, s od is • ..-- .aly alld Ger.; • ' acc i cniiitf'oll !iitiod.;•4lll:4l —new:life _ln • emtpillvfiv'e; er o n4 q l wepwil f t "es)4lfisitickg, . b° o f rod=44l trebrditl°l% i : ' tiPi4 ' . - 9 1° 11) * 9 W °la - ; = !viiicideti - KIIL. tt rit - • 1 t, - ~orn, p ,an s dr.n4s;: and . . 1. - Ite,-.Lieis • lie .ty,t e it • Oki rid . iwttrisr.:=4l t grainth4oo ;qrs. gin u.ke.. sowag k~ iita all ; .. /Ais ba.top. ez.l .3.-4r,n(41 • haliill7i k eeii. • • • r .13.4tA1.00 I ping, ipateal - ibi4 l .4t'iib4 I. cid ot;i,e;, ha • be fOn:.. . bo'.'on;:iii6l 1 r I :~ ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers