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V.0. -4 4 4* „ ..;1t , , ,. • i';' , : 4, lr - .. , -....i. 1 ,* .'. i,.... ,- f l', ,c:, ‘; ... ~ - r ',./ ~,it rl I , ' ST., BAAVER; Ritt; '' -'• :. •• : •-..:*7 , , • ,-- +, • . - 1' 1 :V. 2, " .111 V I 1 1^ .: ir , .... ^ i.. 1•4; .. 1.,,,, , ,,t , -',.; Z.1.0,J ' --1 1 • I Thp..•'` - Ll' Iv ~ 1 tr,A, 9 a.,4! ~ ,1 , , e /2,.' ~,' - 1 - r. -- 1 1'. -f ' . - '...f .!:: •-_,.. , , -• ' , ~,-,-, ~:-. , ~ Irv: -.); , ; •.-,:„-; ?IN -. __ . , ; . ...,-.,.. .„ 1 - t *,..,4?„,, : it51 i --4 . 4., :1, ~ „,,:. : ~:; ?4 1 ~.„ 1 ,, ,titto. In Aivtrics , , . ~ ~ , ~, ~. ,f, ; P,.: 4 :::-.1 Nit ')tips :^ Ft ,7 .Iritrr: --'-' „, s. b .1, i I ''' '',,.. _--- ' v.. ; -,.. ,:.. a ~,,, 11. I r,li , ~.:4'7.41 •,-;.'tP ,'!-:, Crt .T • r - •• ' . •. - '- .",. .- -.1 rj,, ' .. -'' ''- ' ' '' • - - ;srri , =,;! -,` ,-,,,:-'- ~, ... 1 1 1 , , .-,,...;.,,,,- , --. r. 4 11 , .-- 4 .7 ~ , ~,,.. :, •- f- ~1 ~ •!..• '-. -, Ezman &m r ..t. '' ..... ...... , 1 .?..f., ...,. ~.- 4, , , ..,... ~ .1 1 ..c. . ;q r . ,- .. , :ri• ,- , ~• and contributJoss o by *a!, ,' . f.. - ---. - - -. ; _17.. - i. - ;:z. - ::7.." - ..-•''-*. L r Pzi - 4 , - - -..(: -•,: 1. . ;ll' .•- 1 ..:1 ,• , - l'• I -t; , i . 1 , ; i:•• - - 4 t'''' '' ''' 4 ' ' Nan o - ..„ -,,, , ve.r-, , ,, Al,l, f. _ -,, , J.; • ''Lli - -, I. -••'f•" , . . , , - prttention. 1 1, I, ~ ,, l c: t . , ', 1••- , -1 ~,, L , ~,.. -, - . , r ...-i — .1f., --- . ---- i --- , , • 1 ,-1 . --'l„' • "••• :- . .1 C"• ''' '-"A.- '-1 r " l' '. _.: ,' . 4 ~i,i. Z ..,:i i.,'-'.4 Vol. 4_9,,,. N r .,...Q •.. , . ~.1 j ; -1-, , ; t IN. ~,,• ~,•• ..„•.- ~..‘ ~ ..1 - -4r E7 ..„,, . . .._ • . ~. ~.3, ,p.• - ' - .l' ; - ..": •---:#' 11 ' --- ' - , 1 '6 404 0 ' r .' ed-i4,6ts -' " 1- :.'" ".A.- " . I N &Co ' ti l' l ' l 114)11 - • I ": 1,., , ..."7. ~. _s . ' . '..,,, . ' ' ~,,, i. . 1. ) 9' 11114 .'Y e 4.73 4a, ~.0 . . b.. . 4 4-..) I: r" i r .• _ .... 8;66 - ..-1 - isr- -'7 -- --.., ---- , • 4. rt , f" ~ " th, e , r E ~' " fittiata - 7 ~, _ - - rs-,,. VI kill : 14 1 -..., V.- ` 4.;. — . it': Ai, .ey* 4 ',; .. -„..-ta iti kilitOltn . -1, : ' y e ci, ' -'t, • i - '....;* 4 'a - , -fir bra t •.' tfi4l ,t e -'r .., . ...r--; tri . : •- .1. ‘ I 11; ;': ii 3:' ' ' • ' ;:, it- T _ r . • .' • " ' • ..• , , v' II THE .B 10,0 Pupil IN MI: its2,oope: II II I ;far Letters .1411 have, prom iiA iITTS. FT., Ilitd After Nov. [ 44.• lekres dally:) - W. • _1t 6 :5,; qiidiy .. le , ; C`4.ib4- IM 001.1% 9IE .TA,IR ME gittsburg Boakester..„..l 406' N. Niigliton.' l , ; 5 0, 1 A- 1 ' 442 C9i;l 517 &it e m . 540 1 jariance "630•1 ' Ca t nytt 705 • Ilittaillon I.•.• r. 73 4 .) 01#111e - if 802 I Fticiter • • 830 Lott4onville . ,ll 022 11i1li5e11.1. 1.1.010 Crestlinc De 111 u • ,,1 BaL.,*us ;,1145 Bo,ndusky 11224 i F o ot,. 1 .1255 no._ - 213 Delpos ' VaiilVert. tl 324 .. FoikiVaync.. • 500 Golitinbia 1: . 545.. :4‘ 140eton Yik!avr. . ... 630 t Botrbon...— .1 741 1 1‘ ;---- Yetiraiso... 1i 022 111. 458 sc 11#11.t..: Ciiirke 4 I,o.llli.fros - • R , f , 111120 41-700 ni 825 943 , 4 '1025 1100.'4 1285ras r JUST. N.r. 8 . . . '• 11:c4gn I ; 440.t . m,i• 62,0,0t1 r ; 5,30,! , ak P.J.illl,ltlunc i --``•,,•••-•- f:14.... 11164titcrosl.... ',. 1 -- " 1 , .• • Clarkii: ~ 1 4 ~:- . ! . ~ .;,,, ilabilt. ' - 1 •-' ' _ 1.4.: . .1 . ...it. • , t• lf Villifiii , so , ...l: 650 -.!.` :SIM'" ! 7 "` ~! i-T.: , fata11y..:1.12. .. ... : - "LI: "I 1 ii. ! .'lyibutli ..1:. „ 844...,' 940 "1 p 1 - ia,. l ..... ~..";,' lyariaW .....1.1002 i , i'lliou.:_•..iillari . ;,,l - leregptt • 'I: "1 -d,... i.- ! , .... 7, cui.,........ vllOl , ; 1i1. F 5 "I 1 . 23 "I int - lynyne,. !,1236r34-12,39rAi1,. 2,5A. - .lt I tp 11-ert ..... i - :211 , 11 , .14 3 • "1 146 "I 1)6114r 1:12.53 '`Si 214 !,- k)l4 4, ! 1 -. Lima. f • r 335 gl' 247 "i 245 " Y0reg,04_44. 4 ,i,445 , r , jl . an - ~ :407 6 , 4 e tittulu . 3k3 , .. :,.1525 , !qj.:- . 42. - i• yi ' 440 r i I.lnoyils_ - : :609 ty6o3 `;I -42 r," • '1 ',Az. r• '649 4. 530 ~ .i 000 , "! Cl-eiilFria lle , Ts--(km 00'"I. 040 PI '.11an501 , 1...,.. -: 810 "I 603, ~i Tar , ~ • toda4niAl q , .. ~. ,p..g. ~.i . 718 "I g,OO 5 , ' , :5, , ,0qt . t ...,;.., L;: " , •,,. 81,1 " B i -50 .'" I . flrr7)llle'. ..... .-: ' 11)0 '1 838 " b r ?.o, I: Mi.spillon..... i 114;5 ", 914 -‘.` • 969.Ne,‘1 Ceat t pii ............ 12 6 0311 932 "10;1:7- "1 . - Alhal , , c0......' f 1: - .17 •,,' 020 .",1120 ' , I ; Wen). ' 2f9' " 95 5 11°051 , m1 - coluelpinnp,..!. 213 u "111117 "11231 r•ti .4.--. 1 11 - ' 7 '3, . LaCin...: -........ii- 9,100; :' . " .. .rrt olf:„ . , ~, IC. BElihton.. ! 41/.)' ~1 225An1 148 ftgehefer .... Ii 440 - , fr;:1240 ~j 2;00 ~I IliteliOrgh'... 11 611 •" 'l5O "I :110 " . . . FPrNew Castle no4:trie„6.4o a. m. Ac ecitntriOation -train's leave Alleglieay for New .ITriol.,'orn-9 00 rn;11.50 a ra;, p. ni; 4.2 U p4in; 5.40 p. m. For EconOmy. 10,30 p. Fiit. - New Castle, Creenvilie and James tpwn, ; :1.50 p ra. • . F. R. MYERS, Geri. Ti l Fket. Ag't 1=!!M CLEVE• & PITTS• RR• ,On andjafter Dec: 11,189, Trains will leave sta tions daily, Sundays excepted, as follows. Gt)l24d.Eiorrit MAIL I :I MAIL .LAceOAr .. . _ Cleve Cleve! rid i..-- ! d ...: . 600A.N.t.i 22,54.3:, Euclid . I‘treet ~ 811 •'t i s 231; ‘.l Hridsuti... .' (.)I 5 ‘• 'ti 323 Akron I' , . ' ' • II .i ~ Arri1)1c.i.,...,'.... •' i .. .! i . lildiCrstittrg t .. 4 %. . Ils,i•onnit '.- .- 4 ;% . ± 1 .940 AManct ; ;1049 Dayirriti r ..l:...;.. 1125 `:f ti 405' , ..1 1.. 4'50 - ... 3•20 - ~. 655 -, .., GEED =QM r MAIL., Ext.'s:l.l7o3l 415 rm! l• • 1416111. e RVIA l iltpl . ... :1012 ,1100 -‘4 EATAtutii}. ............ " ; Oirsi ion .... '227rm il , clil l ifreetH 122 t , 145 ,Gs3' ..1 ; 7 2P,' 817 ,•!. 723- ". 1351 " 1 1 /8.00 , 4 940:"1 tip IQOO "I'o3o ••. , e OWN' 133: El !! j 1 : 0 4 0 - 01 1 r- 64°15.4 051) " ' 1139 ~! 711: " tylyille. 1158rmi 733 "1 9 : ::411 0 , 4.: . 4 , Liz ‘,. a jot C' 4 ' 4 l.,lFerrYli 137: 1905..:i! 1 ..... I -. 2v7 0, 940 "- Rztheittr .•• 21,1i` 01 000 " Pittsbi lrg h II ;.' ' 7 Fi Exrs. . • 23Orm . • - cuter`.. . 340 ..1 ** 9 7 7 i, 426 .4d; e i! 52Q ‘,l 626 "1 !11 4 13ep0rt..."1 737 j 75 0 „ ' ' lljBe Lear , ph !itme7l4lllo . lll- 7 W4111.4gym,. I %es; Mem 1.. 15051411.000 Am 620 tf, 715 " 723 ." 755 r 004.0 .„ ‘: iME •19 g‘ i 838 "' NO ‘ , l 940 •i S nn;tivrif. Arrives lbayard; ;9.50 p m N:Philadel.242Ci P.ll- .1 • !.'t. MYERS, Ge ieral -±ftWet Agen Y . AI" • a DENT' T: . , , • VititO SERVICES , ' ,_ 1 J48.0F/BEAVE:II, Aril) 74114kt/4 TiliitifAtTe6t, 2d dour ea'eto, i thrrOi [1:016:2711 111 7~:5= Igibil • ir itticwiA,l4ye ctirl.,e'd, tol. o 's,p' I', rtri' MilM MI Ear.!a. 7oakm 84a, i9B# ill5O ..; 102 - • 145 1" 222 1 " -'B2B " . 425 500 " 640 AM 7.14 750 •146P1a 806 408 447 " 246 pm 40 'ie 522 di 80$15 :t• 515." • 615 44 703 - 4 4 „730 44 80'" 1 845 " f 946 4085 " "i I 7 0 0A111 j 783 4. 828... I 680:“. i • 180 it 820 6 ! 850 f 9261.. 9457 A • 1055 1146 y, 1215 Ax 1256 207 a 402" 4361" 606 id 645 1.1 728 -"I i ' .8 1 .17 Met d , 1.102 1139 ' 14b 286 ...1. 4, .21,1: 64 I tut friendship is' the I i ) : sweets n everyfold: i •I I 1 Titer is mo.,love,liltp, I cpuited iii 'put prile Tlieiib. ol.ir lenves are 1, W,e t ,ket:iding,siile by There i are , blossoms all colors of mai. dawn, . And we live in boyrowed 1 . light of day is gone. f ' • 7 :tero i are.; no tunes like ;shall Over be forgot. ere i is ..no place like 1 gteen the dear old tp, T ere tare no friends li xa r y Heaven prolong T Acre I ate he loves" like bl i esa out'. loving wive 0 ....... Aii 820vgs 3:18 NC. ..4 4t 920 %. 440 F. 430 .. :4 10521" • 1,, 4~ 1260 pm 1810 s, EMU MI 102brm ~, 14 •i• • • ; f 4: 3'42 a , 225 44 337 482 ~ 555 ~ . . I ! . . t - i . Napole tlic4regeifmin 1 ,•-• 1 r - la land 'tiel,experience . .4 .. 'I litla favoite - schemi trit..t he I Latin race' i Alio up'. - Mexico aril I icirs; unlessiiiat '6tl •Eipper i or Maximilian, efficient - help th4n h hi 4 id.tl v44nbjoin a folk liis speech before. the ' latiro at: It opening , 6 iihOwii4 tile lightinl, • hiaiehition to AdaPrit, l lit/ tin vF tug"( 1. - WI ' il(:ign4tion produPed " pa .ion of. President i cecilythe death of t Bdigia s has - cattSed• I grt Li. n Mexico, the Gov Cdcupon the will of the Corse < lidated. The o , ilti i'.ed 1 and dispersed„ a chief - The Nation: iiisi# - eil valor, and ti iou'nil guarantees of or lyiwhitih.l.ave develop and . ra*d itikethilmert, aldpe from twenty o seven tilillions.. • . • EC 751; , 6 830 ~ ~. 1150.5. 1023 i• 1112 '. 1145 ~ 1245r3r 118 <" • 201 ~ I 2» 323 359 .. 420 .; 52 5 c 600 .. 630 . • I.'; 735 • 750 ,- -- . _., .4s i , k eXM-essed the' I : ? :140 R31 , that inl i eXpeBition w. :353 " its:itertninntion, I n 5 " `' understanding with the - imiiiin to fix tho epo . ~, ' call of! onr troops,..b: 53c t. turn •is 2ffe6ted,withou 635 4 ,: Lthei French interests I.been defending in that try . - 1 . . . L '2 / : 4 .T0rj.1 .America; iSsqi ly f;:orn a formidable st estahlis eti" the Union atmet • I 1 pro , the 0)0114913 Fr - n which forgets her .. fst i•y, offers, up .si) the_ ros erity..of the. gro , j m pleb) ic,a ul for.the, aile alit a 6 'relations :Mich, lead a ,ce itury's duration. ho emOtiori.'prodtic: ted.:StsteS .by..,hn- pr: troops on the Mexican .pacrpod t - y the. frankno clarbtions. The Ameri. cOmplebond thail our whiCb .w i c, ipyited.....thep EMI Exr's Accom 405 PM 415 J5lO 528 715 posed'-tii t cur triteres tionS equally jealous c peuderrob*, ouht .to asoi •whielvdight affeot their tbetr. 'honor.. I ,Tbo gpverunient of N. tiTiou the - will of di his sincere wishes for - of tile' great Atnerica'n. fine kpeoirnens of the this rain' matt, t'isTapol way "dotis -any-body k the Cohfederate State has teca led John Slidel tO.the:nourt =EI 710 An 755 ~ KM= 835 " MO ‘a NO .•t 815A31 Accox .1 5 0 14, 1 510 4 4 525 4. (I'os •. 645 4. 1120 " ,P: ofzefNri.R 1 L say ind.o,ther things 'too; w: he toiderSrom water a 1 1 f4: then lab_ tho compo water are in thoir one The Professor disappre% tea ; aticl I -black tea bein ohm] d ni) t be habitiiall Mot' 'in g Poffeii says, or t 015, ditkfast, I able, Mc:lst iile stint in : flavor i ounces of Rio, Mocha, o• tol'afpouinti of Java. • greatly disapproves of Dievaien JO' AlTiPliqta at , tieimrt ~ .tf' eaten at • they. 'oho ild folio* . the si I.‘ '''. . .1 . , .----i I OHM p • .. TIBI;rh %Ina :WI O no.fime and I;37:re . -n the bwiti of Ap ir4s pf 4p iug 4i garden's, b.riglApPk annp.are nurppd,: br lie" sweet; w • thit opened: tree. Th• Et PE re is ;no ,place lik 7 ° y an Ck4 w ere•:b 6 T re we - lifted:prat C. . ri i ovt of tli4Puro j rn , . .., I , the rank-White br From tho. dining. a . I ell.ha , , dear_ eyes ill ioolr oh :as no' • , BE cm CEI Whe he is n 9, frlond .likP e4iareci our morfting, o ting his wolo d_ {. ? jag prAiie; r i • Ramo ip ttio 'scentless (MOrd•of J gold,. iiscella CAL. rr, ,Z;Ei, C46:Ti s i iciunati ilro/IA .. 11..1' 1 l'iwtiHctrwlt rale t ,dati:' 0,41 7 1 7 n0 po-psi4i,i4l''' ,•• Iff . RiIPPIISc to all , arenta -1 I F - i ' ' weldtvn*ink lat;i4ititiliyini # l l ivr-1 / ,t : 4l,kitir : l !?e ~top,l Plirli -ilia Un io n, ti t " i ,,,. will co'ctioAti .. ,1 %,w40•4he • a 4.ed[Ocd,- jib piy,it.d..4 . ... 3 irri,1 ! .E4,1. 4 ,4 'vig T •lintO that Ila all'iii under thel ene devOliairti of I / Eranctaii at fl -a all:RO i nia: t 4 Itagionali les ,i I ) • i qtletif ; bl he ft, 'rtatq atl.i*bo or i trug lea I. I countnev• *tit ; i fOsciata to -Gail . ..:Thajiizeti little eie ihi _ .The laag age I , bongOba ds,' i h ivtte34iii 3 O n &o.; was iat k mo , .I..he ctilil)iv.l Englit'n'il i eFte p cnontilea ;Lb I dredge ar.d m )1 6) i life and hews a was alwani ,otl Northetalinyai3i land.. Saa-Ona- Jo I other GairnaH tile who'd li , ngt - .Europoitil, part ions, and even c - where, in / the e 1 disapPeitred aro The•Etea:tt l eri:p the whole i ii i l, 2 ease& to j this 1 d wander, lwlilto whereVbr Ithey; ' -find thetii in 1 Coriatantinople inr, raiil, .1 and t.thould,not be s 1'10[4;4 of n'i•GetJ German illfennec or th 6 Ba,ridwit; I tort' Of/ thp 1.79 i extent:it3 hardly 1 old llonian'Esniph • 1 • ttabltetl,: by "IGei r tll'aiiittlciirreth • ana land in Mil 0 - notnekobs tbar. in bywiiih _fie h r t lying between t'? North t i arohnit western lithita ot they tiro ;onjoy i l litieal and 'social inhabit a 'cliina c their nata're ot I tare •torlll . ,irl nal t But it r• u_sati them . kiway l , • ftw t '. (lapt d to di ' i constiptl ion, an ti ;ordir, to - re,l;cri. tsocidtY and frtut le azu#i atten4A,e rers, Or, manure, t pin'. They ai.e It' d ' o?.rttcy ,hat , ~ a 110 in fhp pouh ; •ar ItcrtiOn that.titO nnlefisi he is I 'll , Union' , tieki3t. whiite., hi . a& - o} Germans War c'alrel to dra•Sputh. i l T fi • . OLD TERF,4 r•jj PlLi f fti*aa.m; ~b? 1 gI timed W 1 U)yoq . blows - arced a'afjtklur -Voriovi ,einr ' te - viol§tC,the , fioreral MEE r the old iiherO iMINI S TR I I4I =1 r:- ,:i•Ji:La - , J:1:: IPt4lul4 1.1141121, at al Rif. h ore, , :..i I . ' 1 ! us ~. iskenact'o'ir !us that i ' cl .l 4 endive . . 1 ol4f 78, =nt, e "we dame ] ~. ~ %dth' mi roatr 4ith r• • g rose; ir op, I I love th f • lial tcle, • round, r wnshi falling, and us siAtli ne ,wlaen hd of times— COI old pinee4lSep I e our ord friends— , their lives ! our old loves=Grod. • ' I I I i I Iribous 4 , j • ,spoken at last; ienso relief. . '.of America," has lie left to bie r x. er lore of an .1.. securSs ,moro I s yet l t . o I ragraphs from' Preabh Legts. Sanatiry 22'cl; hieh he vie* n r. , rno t. general 3' the assassi,, e King of tie I anamniOluS r• - " rrrnerit found people is beir.g con. ;lave-no longer troo'pe have o country _has per and securi d its resources o with Fran6e lc to seventy- hope 1:1Et year s approaching I eemint.to an Emperor Max ,h•-for - the* re. More, their to.. compromitiitill :hich we hare I remote eoun. g .vietotmus , ug,gle.ku re. 1114 solemnly noble page of ceie fishes for ....4merican enance of the oon.wilt ,Adv nei,s•ll . 6nrhood. ofl N I • gi Ti!a, ii Iwliole Carg o 4 a9 aFfealy 'been huts of(a - I;lantatii i And itibe.wit bad] , 1 • eftetiti! and. the r -tract ' rt) . }: which t .‘ .• . -! reeetve en - Aralll4l above' oarned Ilo; y (o°ol hekei3 hike 9 i - I.s,sea), ;rind alter cma'acrii of lentil': iietne„.elso we . fiiia A . tritnhOrt i with G Generitt Pillow will : to - try theeysteilt , I White ! lab 'orer'sl Sonth l l,bey . , witnt pr . ; Brotininw - eitye 10 thefere the Ain nak 1 Perintirie tofthiiti., Ent , ',hi,l6lh,ii erect I not I, hate 1 ascts It 1 ex•elni , eholtlere; En I own . tibeoulpt,._ 1 GP • I reVenti,,the 91/gp; . e . fact . 74 ,4 large 13 I 014: re p i repitrip ! . the -Sunny Sonth', s::, froin..Xew Orleerie bor. ; cif G rnienei 60,rn h'itrO . eanci . the m l oking . lf , of sWis.e And Gei': `llotil,:".eli . ''ibis;i I: dbes tiot:at)it tin a,t, r mbciniq et: ic i est letli:1 ealco „of their 6 ri their tiforiutehei wiii intereete•Of' , .theiri fdr the - eggranciite , Therliehotilo : onde: into - , their Imigtiitii .dignity and plan, , II countries and Bta(.4! and. "social' con i ditt. poiiclith ',heir, nit , tiley..c,iiincit laic heir latiltiildnd 11 ve,i•• : i .. n tne Un— t :senee lof our I• soil ' ,will, be :-s of, our ded an people vrili xpedition to ,w4B _ 4 1:10t, qp7t: S: ' TWo ''iia if their .inde -1 every: ptei dignity. and i exico found— a people, and he prosperity.. Republic, are impudence of on., I:t3 the ow. whethett, of America ~ i ts. minister -;French .Em= ! that. coffee-,--' , infii, stipnid 1 ' its first boil; • out t arts of,. !prop° tion.=-1 les oft greens a stimulant; !used; in the d thish autocrat 1 1 ray. be made ,1 I,y adding two Mattinique, he Trotessor I the' custom; :atinginereas I Jailor:lit till, n? ' I 1 ti yinitiiiiia ittli.. - ' I , „, •:-..0 0; ;•T,' •1 1 , ;o. .41 . -tier atra tilritioniftr , t toilebteditolt oelCiii'Cit l 2., ' 11,', .:,; , ..-4 itar) %11: 1 -14' hi 'the it'rettt , •• • - ....,(. 1 , o:,o.o ~• ' .to ito • i • ' 4 11 1 11 . t ~1 v • i .. 4 . 1 4,01i!kl - 9„,a4apt tb"e, - 4 le. - -,At _.. %air lacifiiii b. kwardin't tin l y - titttrdy,l . o'ditittfoiiil { rcinea.oris - m • a filld'their 1 late . .lrand : xv,t ( riecdient . l lai'. Whether bay ftvotel et" at' once ;1 all•tlytt'l Io e OtfietS.--0: ' . 'orcitcradt, ll fertnaus , that enovatecli o an wotior!il: •: I lopy,iono.. - 6/ 'r ) .94 , 4!5d..n wj. l ;srcta.iti 1 tbe l penplet o .41lur9pei.i I. iihnoct_and self-respeetl vatin,g,and I eLorriding I .one; Engle d; Italy,; in i Spairiltio t 4, ti me ' inces t beeeta. .distinet, aly•'.through. tho,ooo-.• .fectlied:Ge,.,, iharbri; over of 'libel is:vsta; or 2 existeneo in ilicia tame - forth Linn: the ars. , •-r , ~., : i`. l ,: . ,71 Ft theitselve& aireiwoni by all these e , niittesti. 'nd titticlealit •- !bribe, I :•Osfingottes. • n4tVisi ruliitint,' the Franks,' . wholly_ absorbeit by lat eivilived }nations, 1 ed,"-etiti in • olt 1 these 10. ernians. bite *iloie: the are for;inew;atitional ern§ of States. There ethod, in the.e't groat es, While tit- 'Angles' monied Eit,v,l. nil, the tribes seatter•d over and brektil't ,nt the f 'the- limnan demins eased over fo 4.frica,. . - it•se of centur es,they ng the native- 1 '''' '. d!if thet : Gerrn.otts over ied world 1 •„1 ail net loy. .Heedless y'they-' t, plan or:, 3 -i sterri.,' re .asked toi g o.t We ussia, Jlunga ..y andi n - Australia, i Chili, n Canada,,n 4. we prised 'to hiiar b efore an an brewery, ad a heir,in New Z ‘alang Islands:.;.The, tierri. ed States, ci ich in nPLrifrt.lt, 9.r. AO eos every* n.t ams: ori l f- 7 14ou t r nern in Td.*as, in ouisil , but no Weer ther e the slliddle - . tatos, e mean the :tatesj New Englan 1 ar.d i_ order and the (ludo .l issouri. .10 &only , g an importa *it po nfluence; Cher they co frespondin vi th y here is the*re a fa tonality. . 1 i attempted to these latitude: physical and. n their prospec rate the distt cs of the Soutl I to'ure them e set_up a faller 0 prove to the Juite man can to illustrate tl 4orio iVill . not . 14, Iged, and—vo !hire eintal ak,ted .1 Ic s lon yeo- 11 ern- I work e, as. viiork 1 , ties° - experii ental dy been dispa ebed,' n .the imm di:ite l' asbingtim, 118, "Stir. • 'of' thoe.,Geripaii` . - towed in Ilio iie'•••ro I- • • -- • • s'. • 1 - - I n, 'after thektones lieen iiiirro*.ly, lin-. bad_ signed .aeon.' 0 laborers are'.-to: ..allir'Y,of . $66; Akio . (ing, - and boarding Oubliago..an - 'Mo.. three years' abOr From . gobile, Ala- I . of - the . arriy 1! of i irotan laberer ,' yid, tea . thal. bele b -ut f :free iabOr, ; Rh 1 vorywiiete i : the, !•,rinans".'.,Q:oyerOOr d ic, i r is . - triessage ' thOti be iii - ,e(tb_r - e 4i illy if any other lass: I tbe it s'aid,..tv hid } I e itiborers . . fo ' the' It . as farmers 'o • our -. r Aiiderson',i - Ibis led attention t !be tuber of elcize in - • - * . Tel' to imiiiigra ,_ to / land - nciiv've beal that a' largo /Um . ad arrived '- ere ; Itbat in IllqsiS iPpi' r .an• immigi tion 6 ans frOm 11 • e : friin HY a Mit, 411.'' . , Th'e tier ti.n.o 'e; if' onik; fcy ibe' .onal .'welfaro 14d , . out Tepid: teie. tionality, to fit ,or , tent - jai otherai-='- r • icir , to - 110odUe • I ', '•ns some degree! oil I ndr not :Move {to ONE night' , a judge, a cer, and a minister; all, lodgings, , at in. inn vihert, but lodgings . , ,bed : and wai apOn to decide. the best - elaini of• the, thred. "lhaye l ain fi ft een years ii -risen at A," said the officer, "I have sat as; judge tweril 'at R.;fsaid tbit jitclgo. ",With yotir- gently have stood •in the ministry five years at N. quid - the mini! - .','That settles Abe dispittee.' landlord., V o l %lain, have teen Yenrs, sod Mr. Judge, twenty years, bi4t the aged p stood., 4ve., and . ffAventy year bits best nigh! bed." . whoso oitmaio Els do not corrT3 7 bro. ostigrously. . t obo Iciolad rid 4iit2 febi ft* txtette Stlit44 Ink! lr • 11 ;f ir „f 4e Pt The Oh)ci . ,, eel tiorklrecotetnitnd etingtehe be ( prof of,encettragte i g tht, Ettuett:its•it.dhell a the, t 11,4 article ; ; er fereneedn'aurlarif litanaftictut:etCeloti so tnueh eelthat' t complaint tbatat, iveßt tnani hoed., opal the datyis not - the. foreigivi,.. ; attio Anseglean, ,, we,ol . , 4 TOO it , Pim impoTtanco, us:,the, servos- the full-supi mentAtii•of4he. ; /' Thesattle,Conet that , , a heavy. tax sJ "Govern me tpt, ,on .51( enemies at thesttei They Ictlitt Ist*e uttally, artd.t,lie deal 0991 raisers and baye deg laws ' down the : .breed,.,i there is nathitlgi ,Blanche and-Syeel Selves in idleness taticns; doi-N:tring tho ogneulturi6t. vaiuuble, - 4nd in rate. The impose upon tine luxury and placing-0o an equality midi the co q the tax Wt a bantispme Udditk revenues or : .ine,llo stroy race l of 'either dispoiiition of I will eone. II there ihere will be mere there merit, au& mono duced . prices. Ho W the • , )wing is los . ctu i(y, cull .p.orsonr Thelon.° lost. We clip it r ,, . .espect! o n and aper, e. ir;iff.cerfaii .to . 8 , ispo fue &RI sp. , e tt- ft, weilth, -wat,,Awe. , AtliJr.‘,,, -3...:4,,.. ~,I to ipropose his soul fork.terility- it hu could. he N Supplied with all the meni3Y• he could te use. .The bargain,v4s eoneluded; the .wi devil was • to, supply the Money, and t h was at last to have the i i ettl,itn,lesstbe th young mai 'could, iipen more' money a than. the devil could ftirnish. 'Years co passed• away, the man mitt ried, wasi tb extravagni.t. in his living! built pain- h i ces, speculated widely,os I and gave t (. away fortunes, anti, l y t his coffers wore always'; full. He u ed poilti. chin and k rifled his way Ito ower and fame, wirhent redneinro iis , pile .'of , gold. Ho:became a filihlist;er and fi t- a , ted, out ships and armie s his•banlF- w , er, hopored all ' his drafiii.[ He went j a to'St.''Paul: • to liVe, andplaid the usual a, rides of in terest for tall le' mbney he en child .. borrowi but tDoil IT the devil i n made • a face, when heicalme to* pay the w i bilis, yet they %Verd i -MC - 4K One ex - - af pedient aft'er'i l nother failed, the devil .0 ( counted' thelinie,,only two rears.tbat,,,,, he must wait for the,soul; and 'mock ed the' efforts of the despairing man. f, One more effort was resolved upon; t the man started a rietp per. The . 1 Devil growled at the bill t. he end of the first quarter,:•as A 'VCCFe in six months, melancholY in 'ni e,nd broke;' dead breke, 'at , the end o - the: year.--, So the.newspaper went d win, but the Soul was saved.' ' I , , . --. .i... ' - ' - 'l - -i—'4 I , ~.f.7ioaraS.lib,i' CA,PiTALisT , with-their Usual lieen! apprehiation f Pecuniary profit, have . not been.slo .to seize ups pp . on the..oortitnities offer i edl them for making money,lin, the' rich ,bottom Linda of 3fississippi,, and have rented plantations at apparently' rinreasona= 'hike prices. Thiel? plantations on the river, adjoining those of ix-q.F.'res ident" Davis and his brotheruto, bring an iggreg4e rental far 1 tlfe..present of; ihirtyssix thOusand, diellars; and.a plantation= Of,eighb hand ea acres .of t, cleared landi on [Deer Cr 014 rents for ye ten dollars ,pet•Lacre,, leap con ; eta tracting to repair ‘ the ne te quarters thi and rebuild all the neeess ry Teneirig wo It may be estimated that ottorn land chi will gentitally sell , for a t;twenti l cot dollars per acre; and the, will rent not forabout ono haft the Rollin price.: 1 #ll- '' ''- tiitria - 1 ' II ' iglitia - 11 -441_ —...8:.. 1 . . 010•.„ 41. ....'; -• ft4 . iii4 •:41/13. 0 -iir, 411 . Pno' i . t.b, Orithf/10b: ,ir-1 ' pkttiriety_iolllittelott;halOceitfld ' . -10 ttier:from ,, Ilcini•siti4ifult i*.?&Prftll ir ft - t4e Cpwl P".rie,OLL o lAWYl4teci .1 tea li 'Frankfort di; thi'lfaiif, Ander' illtir pd l .of . :liii;iiiiiy,;!fiqin 4,131dg ..Vitoltpbgiire l egt l .,4:acifa.'vlst! 7 , t 'I I"' ..V it nidobi plitamittrirllUkraz , 0 0 ,00)0 An -C Pngre,!f!oll4VOlig: 7:ol,otr' I ,04, pFintb!..tipw3ll,3,iiiit.Fod9etio7 relgn, cat e. I ' 111 -1'• '." ' l ' I.) 4 . ''We' 'lade' a_ ifitseltiiiiiii art dn t gs that -creates greitieoliitoteteatitini ; hick the,'' Gergriansileili*Try bailie'. 'li i si a -littfai nbe kit , ' WhiCh: ill,' ;plerbetkli is allossid:l4' Ihe hogsiiaritt ,- garslit#o 4 keitt , sta i maelis i - 'and• qoirns.totpicipa.' 'IOW titers by - - : millions.' , •it , follOsTrs' - thentanaelea, of ",:the animals:: art cu= d 'lly.l' lt,,int 'iii!enialllituto ha lyrba. . e n ox,the naked•eye;idiptl . a 11/val 6t atitextithifeci anderl i eros pit of al r!si I , ,titirlre4 niagnifying other.' There o af tiall. ;fleets or tanier Inf.ii athrtol ; p rsWis eating ; pork. , :.; , _ he ti,ise se inzal i I.n t;as yet eemle . within lone •111 nctie r di ;miles of us.. .iThe 1iti1..4-hire r tii . re 'reported by Some _to exist in'th -to _Ur. I ,: t 'part , of thw sugar , beet *Meth it fe 'it) :tbp.boga.-; iSome 6f ttreseinsec s bevel 4eler, , ,thrown into all sorts of !styling ch' tnipals, anti liredin them. A3nilirig ! :he t of 212 degreca,WilEklll--thet*-1-1 .T ay c , have,tteert ;found ilillie in,ll)laoi44l-.1. i j ha where r :t. h&b pi Ant ter did n' t; sp'f-i fi ently perietratel- In Orertnatt l Y, ea ari, aware Oat hain is eaten quittaraw" baatti.is:repoyted to have-been, I .auiled. byl .pattng .. sausage when the, in, et'l waft I lyit - ,g, the pork not! ttavin een ' ~ .b... intfieteptly I smokad.. ;..11The diseasol coirrnenccs rtle bei in the hung' with., 1 a &core cholera,marbu s which I .sOcin: results in. death. Same snip , that tilte eholern thilt has, ben reported 1 ''fi4!? t.lyeret4tllt:of .this dig tu3e. At' . any rat t y, pork 41:pow . very efieap and , only I eat n by poor peoider,All other meats' ha, e risen litigelyl iti-coesequencel-17: 3u , city Authorities .I)o4,appinatql i t oi. mate° of a dozen_' tlientifio:get/H le c.n to inveitigate- it., Prefestie,r.' ri her, of , Berlin - , the ' ,celetirated, eh lar, has matie'rriany axperiate4tt l i nd so haVe other Nei ritifi•i- men:l 'h ,y differ lunch in !their con.clnA . Ons.ll t o . i , ruinonb.thfag tette farthertid th -raiselpork in that*ightiorhOofbi er extensively': I think- the , di/tat/sell •, : 1 - first' .known; , lust' inter,f n i ertril la tgeburg, in Bremen b at dai Pol.' x t cd any distance. II 04-d thit;42on , in, ing'you•sorue of thhilittli i..0,:4-14.,, tr- nspeetioiLwitti, a mioroseopa,i4l ••• ' • ... • . ..11._.1,1... , ." , , I«, a . oy ng, a rftwetiractett4i S . me thirty years'ago; ir, a totyn{iti' roN Ybrk, long since n!otect for I"tifit.- id reaching," old ,Deacon Borriont 'as conducting -a ..prayUi-Sieetink in te eliareh ilict seat Wits in front of ...... , • ; to- pulrut,_ where a dooiti opened;int4 s all closet.. The worthy old4leal , . e [f.,. in leaning his chair against tu m oor ta l l openedinward,rhapperted ito ; 1 tip ! is hair beyond its 1)&1/nee, trusting 1 o ho' treaeherous door. ivbert i dawn Lie ent; heels up,inte the dark elo,set v to. t e no small consteeriation oil the sad once. The poor deacon had t o be dja r. opt by his legs, !Chair and 'till, end stared about hint in Profound be,. . ilderntent at'-the ill containeti r.titter. g that .greeted his advent. , 'Some me after this episode, .0 I noted ruvi. ill t was holding, a ser i es of mebtu . igs 1 l t same church, i'd%l ii,h - conveeit . tn_g 1 i l l ith • the young people ph the sh.liject ' I p rsonal piitty,among.t other ques-,, in he asked a young hidy whoni he ' is - nxiouti to interest' en the Subject, ' ,/id . you ever,enjOy prayer and con re meetings ?" She, repliedtte .hOught she did:-'onee !enjoy suc h 'a - season... "iii hen and I where 'did 'You expeilence this sonsation'r . ' Slitr,rei! Pliati, with perfect- sinearitY, "It , ,'N'as when' old deacol Bement' . fell into'lthe closet, and was dragged ont,uninjared byth l e-heels." The minister appeared so w 11 satisfied Witlithis,ipversation, that e asked no more•iquOltiOnal in that garter. . 1„ , . I' 1.,„' ---- „_ ---- ,7 7-7 •7,. ...: • nil TUBE B E T WEEN ..oir ' I t' ' .6 [ B : Snzi .4 4,Sl) 4 Joim RA itoormi. --Randolph ; ,being. 4: ( 3, sake to play chess 'on . otta a l bett,loll refas d, and gaye the folling,r,ea. 7 , son: , 'I haVe. not played , at chess fey the 1 St, seventeen yeaks; :t.be ;. very sight f the board and men gives rise to painful reminiseollfts, for the last game I played , losVine - -.6 perSOnal frimid forever. rwas on .tlin moat: in'. ti ma t "terms with .31r. .refferson; ias -aay ;have' beard, it being rio*: xtt r of history, and :soon ' found ;out ( In at loliticianl and philoisopher fill he as, Ile took more pride in ',,bia skill at iess than . in 'anythi ng else. - Very' low aid beat him, and at last, he e oald . it endure defeat. ..Knoiving this, Rad sliej,P that l' *as hid Imateh,‘l had wa 4 - declined playing; as - I did !not ant to quarrel with hire,. anti' . one 'for unato evening, *hen'he -lartab in 'Virittiail l pride in 46 poineed 7sy. that I' could no longer•ruioi3 th onor , - and we satl , doWe. to the me. It was a :warm.• . contest f.-- .ee met ' - Oreek. 1. - at : length etfied tee matti- and he never forgave me ii - r i ;' ' A ' ' 14:1:1 0 11 11 1"Id f..' :. 'I. ,Z .1 ' ', l. . '[' - '-* , ..., 1 ' '.etili;p l ,4 11 n ovsttx t ,, weroollit A ii4i iot. , At:ditC44 ®4,• 119} li - 1 14 &7. -, . F al, ft,,,,she sniliin**' have,Auni.l . l ift '0r...*04 .9 keep,oui J e;xabli ith ,ei 1 ` loo ,lli,Poil 1 494,,mtieb i rivit.l4e-i. tosTove,rqj 4 , tlie9ded, set 10 .tti,4 later,4l,t4 - . s flecks!. t AbeeP ail i ' is 7, 4 100 ki 4.9: tblic, _1F,41 'bid' keep coaiitri and Tayi 19,y - the,tn;i d:ple111 , latanee, of :. mpthlo/ a MO, egirjr. tax . iforskipL 'est Apori 4d tol?ae,L ' r,proeure 'latices, c , to tieL tl From ,rs tion qood rzn wopl, at re- I MOE tary eh gni a 'plied 'for u h store Avai l e d e landlord! a * wii • gal the gar.-- Gr =ft 11 I ir 4 ' llorziEe evs:ll; l oiir -li - oails i3il4r, fyear • cloijkg:: I - The Atik el ~ ',rinds. tbemip ()rico for all alid ~ 1 4tB the key 411 into 0,: b.atil= 4 ;' , f ..gel . of :Resuiiictici!i.".i • , 1 • eaten, t%Fenty,- are ter. of lesitt the thl lain: E 011 ' want men that will ntiange t c vanes *of our steepleS, :with CO i•se 'Of 'every breeie;..brit . Mein 0 1 ke mountains wilt, cliiinge ilia tree of tha svin.l. 1 : 1' 1 avo int ztpi'hatE like ; so he tbb to the id • co 11111 =I • -111 . 1 1 ; .1; ,1 iiive'iie - k iii - 'cifir' _,/ ; - f .,,,.. ~_ E. k .„ . ,14 e;11,. .9e.„ ; , riAt•c°rT,l9l)on.o9l?t-PS:th9ißint°9,eBal: iiintai Evening.oa;ettti, silys: 94( 14;6 Vilid loitt.riiiiiffee le ' li , for tfi 6 L 06.165010 !of i t Wi Th ingtlii':'to - '': thet st..iinigbr,iltittt‘tit. , . , those enkaged In it,- iki i kterrilleAlllViEhl6r.Y.F.,-.4 1 4_8', 011cIlizigt, (e-Wainiflg.AlKU- agqiiWoc9r-, fßpOtoe.p, th,puil s ti s d, Ole, 'linidiecl lettetif Oveo Six' fiourS; l'hYol!ii'lin ihithii I kid rabbi;( l'hyli'' If Vuti,st , l l : 47 46n6;irthorik-Atis !dm: aiti;k4l::balli'-utillioilf, s o , t - dead: _, let :tos'a come to:Abu...oft:leo :eyorz , ,year l , All4ha,t, are, ,signed at l 6. returned . „to' We writers; - but,r iio"roanYE'ltte litiiti`,l teti'''by t 'i r o ' lii••isffectiebs;tel, Adle l , 4 dr' i4Yinic lo6ing"SUliie,",:tbat-31t,;61erk.1 'has , a , b4,goit4Ott l ushel . .biskot.-;hy,,hlln c *'112,0?,;Wt11(.111'411i le t ttgr,s.rinligned by the, 'All lianio ar e dropped 2.Fioni'ffiatrie: .oFE3`tt,i;l6:thbyt Amid ., to' thil - 611oliiiing • ' th il4,Wheie - 'they" - eat-:inio7Antelt ' h i phipesi BO:'.ito afrcit i `uo t- Y/may.inever. , : be, I re.,41,„ unit:from! Abe . choppiog• knife_ Ithey, go t i o.the,p,rer-mill t L.Thegreat rm i aij i oPii3- oi`,'LltatiO lettire are jObt tiro' l, l , 64, , rarelisan'ess'..of 'the. Writersland• it sltrp6seei'miy pOsiet 'of iniagi,Ratiort , I to ' kn o w ••• 40,1 i'll ) 9(4) 1 4 - are:sq-.covetsst I especially When. thpy '1394(1 iirg4'Riiins ot. money.. Nearly fifty-eight . hogs: 'andi. letteii canie ' , to_' this OilleiClait y 6,l .inelosrig-billS, che'dkii or bonde. l :-. ,A.i;dlow , tatieb.do you. euppose .114 so i iiektOta. con ' tuill&O,-:Pvar, ,three .4,, F1i0n4,b,,n11,!54 half ;of dollars'. . a lat. .Irter contained,, 6:476;0ne- 1110114 in '- .. (160:: Taiqiitiii; it' was te i tni•ned ‘t o ! th w.t4.: ter. !'Another. had - two 'hantir d.41.r.d. fiftfrioliare in it ` i but nothin to show rthu eame of the writer„ POrtunateLy . the ,6ost niarli,tliongh pa,rtly °bitter's.. ii, could! still be read. ' The letter Viiii6 'from -Ch Ica o•o, ,- _ was' [retrial d ' l e there . and adverti4,eil; 'and ' tI1• ow er 1 . 601110 'foard, _ saying that: 'when 'he 'seat he h oney he, was .in: so rritichl of 1:a huTry ho forgotito add,ll,?q name.-:_ 1 The : I most 'valualile letter, or rattler ' package thio turned; up :!dead;' .con trained worth over, 826,00,0. ,11 "All sorlkOf curious artic le's-notne, r here., I w,as standing, by 'the. other day, When'-the first l / 2 •=letter Contained twenty-five dollaiA ;' soon after two , packages of medicine Came !'itiong.-7- Sometimes guns, dagtierrootypos, pos._ - !'cage Istamps, bead bags, ever snakes, i bottles, &C. , , came through this gene; , al rePository. It• is in, NitniiA 'gath= lerum of . all small things." ' i ; f, TuS United States Christian-Com mission telelntted itii 4th and I, last an. 4niversavyjn Waehington . I . fnbraary , 11th,, i, Speaker • Colfax pres ided and - Rll37,r,varrrtinutfift.bp.-.IRY-441. sion, mado' a very, interesting roport of Lilo work that, has beon' aCcorri.. plishpd by the' Society since its organ j isation.' In addittOn i to this , statistics which are Contained n the telegraph id sumMary , ..of hi! speech. ''The fol., louring table may ,:not provinniuter esting, fn which tho -.progreSs of• the 'work •• since- the organization' of the Society, :1'46c -ember 15th 1861, is shown: < . , ' I . ' (ni.062: . , ' 7 i ' $231,256 29:, a 1868 '',' 910,837 65 . 1 . In 188-1 r - ' ~..,.; 2.88,1;347 85' In IEOB ' . .2,284,166 88 1 ;• 1 ' I Total' 3 .... --$6 ,26 06 7 69 . . l ' Reniembeimgthat t6 4 e figores foe 11 1865 are the results of only la little !lover four mnnths -of work, it, will b 6 l iseen that, theie hai been a steady in. ,;crease ;of public i confidence; and there fore of the:posibilities of . doing good, 1 ---Cincinnati qazettk. • ' ' I A SINGULAR queritton has arisen l in lllfassachusetta. Ti_.e General .Stat--' l utes' provide that- "marriage . May be I sotinemnized ,hy any ,Mintster. of the Gespel,ordainee according to, . the usage of his denomination, and eon.- untidily makes use of . the p,ronoun' I he wucnevor anylreference is made ;to the; word "minister." 14188.10157 m. pia.BrOwn is settled, over a church at Vi r eyrnoath,,Landing having,been reg [ alarly ordained as .1a minister 'of the Gospel, 'and has ..sele.mized marriage orr ono or - two oecaisions. The ques. Lion has arisen whether thetto mar.; riages are ittgal, yisw of Ota ,con tinned use ortlie mastuline 'pronoun above:allnded Order =was ac-- eor4i ngly introduced into thelJlouse of 'lRepresentativeai; last week, by Which-the Committee on the Jediciaw ry'lrere instructecit i o considei• wheth-. er any legisfation Is 'necessary upon the. subject:. That'; Committee have non , reported" that: noi legislation 'is. r.ecessary, being unrininionely of opin iOn that a woman regularly ordained can; 'under the statutes, legallyleolern nize maFriagep 1 , , AT- the Dead Letter Often inlyr' ingien,. a letter"tilis repently reChiv.ed, containing check Airented to ,a lady in New York. rot, tiuestingher,"to accept the. inclosed as 4 return for the kindnesss ihroWn my father 'aril mottier,"l and, datod'at the Astor Rouse And signed "John," whO was, to start immediately for Europe. .Thel Postmaster General directed a thor,ouo search; for the lady, l and at last found her. Arr elrchange says!: "A, gentleman in traveling along - the eitait of Florida and. Georgialfound# woman Who did not, knoW what a' newspaper was. - She haft seiren''phildr'en and is kte in her mouth " She niust have Ihid a cripaaidus mouth:: 1 - 1 0 5 • PLAN Stnir'once) said that Provi• donee shOwod 11 tie it thought of riches by the;fiola wkrti oit riermitted t() possess weatth', =I El 'C- ~ 1° ". l'f;t ri d e ' ,..; - i -: 1 .4 • ',.., - tf %,w • ''!l,:= i - : 7*/ I , 1 I:Ts. ! ili T',?,:; .. _ -%; 71.!:1 11 , 1 , 1 1 1 ' ' I,' . f, • El , =EI WM SiiMli ENO 4 Oil NE . „ .. Stir 60 cents. advertbasi ..0 .. :k A 'Mae% ltfcd llttilness EMMA and"o l' er I IV 1 i] J - - R, ep olts - ;itelligenoe. ,„,,.• --- f:)!Jrl9 , rua....-e' . 1144. •Al'az i# ; i 1 , i 'Mcf,i ' *la* thip_4t4ai r , „tAse ' off;111-1p4.0 . 41 ...—Bilit.linfl tAnaPinxigj = t4e : ,r4iiFi!' yvYlle's nieb4tityr.4oATirlept 4 lifalg, 3 8 1 P Pf'r , - klit Ilfkr ISkifo.lll4 , ea PPee. B Ai l . VI organi st , 4:-104reTtlyt,, be f ier -i ''' vv9:sl4ip-‘l, Orclt44.fe.4lteiW4k44to c'f's9 igs-t. .. 0118Se#1-141,4k-APPAPATAlw.ibit aid inetinshigieselnteriadd bef*apktfilv. n' u r e .f4,4 l , *OP-, Pr. !%I , . ll l.e.f4rittiglit' . Orl tilf, l6 A 94 .-.fP liWltt,ongtio4lsl6l b reiONF.Vg t I l ifl.i?. 041 *PgthAfflAMlrt' alt rAgar: 4l ,* Puri* tI 3 Y-V..i.es eVg 11 .404 . ' %lit en_ f 1..11,01111*PS PPAB 44 , ) , W i t, ll • l lit n;a tI/OtT . ' -,. 1, 7,' -Theikiest" elittehtittkelattgo6lVl - ath &bent:le liriaiA,M6%i' darting th e as t-settf-?bitis'Esee'orkjitirj, tfiit axial! ' iittelidatiei'vkat-'ddiliiel 1 the +nee WS ;t:i'i-it.::oucenett ati:::efs:;:iiibal::: °Ware•ode on of, of - tb#l.l - 6/iefifitttifieWP l alfiblei to" be 'Seiseilnietidefign,S7 7. ss;erie (reti e til Pi r deritq,2o6 l tai I=, . 5 copies of eh idreri'e_pepers ii - 11:2 1 ,611.312' ) le t t ' lated every oh - day- to theeitssbbii , 4c, ' e Progressive party wit;l4" te Murtsit -fadttews,.izikb .. ' Is 9f" a Psoseixieteidelltint-- 41 urzh,,tiirstaboi.. 1 , -, 11 th'lvr,av 9t- A e il lis-411 0 -- a hasidensleii t "Of t `itikcbp,., -ihe libersl4,Skiiiitelid'' r, btit 'mould ,beiiatisiffektil• Mallon of the Cau'reb ilielu4 / hiin the' ditsfslin j,4ftlid= f r ' Ilsisslifstte 611 tbesseAtlVeo947 Iles for the Udited IP j rtrer-' = _ ch,; IFQ htheriee.skrell,, IT,. great :work, and;N9l.: MIL tO t Is e 'iireili, iirty-tsr,o - ' i 1 . 31-lase' exanilnatien :of :, , abowa thtit piesaOslfiect, nothinit. tsJiment of" irtifieltild ,gatquitelol ”a-mefu We learn tor thittilE3 . sion of the Ts by ,C 4 gaged_ Oa about to einii thi”chnrchts A Oti 4 espo , per. wrlting th.o Jews are Clgiotianity, 'make p'rosel:y 'nation; 1 r- Ttiejy stronk in 'San two splendid i $75,090; and tl 'The •:Cent r delphia han - d, 00.- tor the . tiaßreh, 'tt God, for the j_ the' oreserriit' th© Un,Toti. • D r. . HuritiO the cleegkrno Bishop .of rf:y inations. , Farm .' - .Room Asi3 STOCK It:List/Ml=li- 5 . 21 . betiousible to, C . el3 stock adrantago... °ugly without roots. This fem., l aud - the fact, a1., , c,' hat roots . 'play - i stzclaii, 1 .rimpeirtant pat .-in die .IPlicioli B r?titi .l i Om, of 'crops, might to induce gioPf -- !attention to thyrri„Turnip cultfitaliski been pronouneltd::the sheet oneboi.. of I British agricul l ture.'• It as wrought.; little short Off - rev;oluilon in farming'', matters in th 6 old contitry, and.it, WM . ,. do tikt earrict ere, it It' can' be -made I general.,- Turf ips an not . require tabu sawn until the harry otepringis over, ',. ,it. laud thus a. sea on .of icomparativirle.l-;[ sure may be a 7proptiated, to. this. ini.l ,- ,: portentcrop. , Theyar'e a pretty...sure v cround, on. goOd.land,[bighlkopro." ductive and mufierative. ,I.n'Allig: country they e nnotots in Englansl,[ibe fed on the ground, butirequitestprage;: i They, 'however, stand a ,colyiiderablB degree of cold, and keep weir d3it,lti j .n.: in. pits or moderately well. prOteot:cd cellars:C,ianada Farmer. - I' 1' ~,;, - _ .. l, V CNTILATION,.—T.ii•M'y .ee to . it,h:liiußilf, l lettir - - , ._.,,.. y may be . ilia' lic4 , a :-.!l'. :' ;it hat, hti eattli);,1,116(1;.; . are [.well bedded4B ' I 'mid Watered. ..Als,p,; . here • his steek is"keliff . entilated., Doineati-,.• m i well as an. hitnself,, 1 i :d when compelled! te ir . and therefore claii? . .." .; ! ..here, le iti f at ,thii' e!x.".. t health, and[thologk ich one hcla'iti ;et.otiEr , epic g.' , A'cly, obilei,vlV -11 on,openi his bairt •fiether the , ientqatia'd. L-Bostok ett/iivat.4::r.'' •.[ ' . ,- -. ..,:[.! .-... ''..-,-(7 1 ...,12t. up. your ati . n d i soak in warm Wa-, Pate 'and . boil 'Sonic r nei take tW.bairtia : f potatoes, and:Mix-_, ason with pepper,4lill4 ; eke them in 'balls, boll `; ; . fr;7 la,hufter [until" will nave'sdisci' that' .. sh' will call. deftiatis:'- [• ' 4 ..- ' [yr: ,I Ce*. 4 -7 rbe IlVesiO ~ r: '. t the. cow be -millted:' /cal take loaf ounces Of - [:, .tei, pf biesivai, ball !cl.'. [; • hit ottfices spiritslOc,i half a Pint of f'ar tt . lei - ;tor, tifieoeitainatipii .. k k thel mixturii[coog Idei ,a 0 - milk"yeias ,[ it and! She Will: bc.--, [ ,•[.[/: —X - correttoondent[[ h Itleinun :prgrere'ilinie kling `On tiftS.. :TWO Iked .11,iiVe i-I,.ettflipienV Itoa Said [tA) itbsoio prevent mouldfileili... [e "hay thiid Pittifiiedili .farmer Stipald • ever trizetwortb otht r asli is ta n t.l L9rses and'hog well as well fed that his barn,' it and fed, - is well cated need-freskair ' 'breathe a tisintel respirable:kin:ails' pens a or- - riSk est' patpdietr breedingland ing far met , can In.tba morning theretg. is' ample ,Conrisn. Both , in small pieces tor with 'fresh. potatoes,. mash fish,. _one- th ird well. together;.. ft-little putter; ;ri flour . Ignel the brown, find yo _every lover.of Ito* Tic tlat Rural says:,' ti perfectlydry; I. Utile*, two p.an . pu.t of ,vi negar, turpeniin6, and. Boil these toga' over a slow fire; then rub the n of the cow wit cola° day,7 A 'l4En - 71i-enA.' the Conn tilt : , Pe I, 'te toi: quarti.of for ton Of: jhity. l the, moist tire an nnd stock 1 - Mill T()A Al ) ViitVihi T , - 2-r--_—' 4w* omiorsottoP,Ainilkaftmo 'l4oeitok; italice4fistift 11 Iberia 41,itifts-,4Af4 7401 4 ' 61 04 advertisartinic" C ; Ka t0:1ie5#711144*74111,1-#. ,fisillilaa ^ .-4,;--,- "'"••=" 4 "1117 *III 2,4'-kg:Saltild'44,t i brArrit, _ . ,ard iClViiiit*iine,; PO 1W tu,..Jleb i lig r ri l Artili., .. ' MVO does ors public aatora,fres. t f (ten't' of Cbiekro: pis 4 rim San: Prii)eis6iti:Strya.' de s perately•opposa't6_ , !.. , -do.; not cA ontside of , therroli i , are; :pei•GaPs; =100,00,0' Pranciseo. • •Th fr oy.liifi:' •ynitgogues. 4 :one.-4ort@, p other 8 1 / 5 ,4:100:r 1. 'PfesbS•tery t&-'l 3 "l”ctiw_ etermined'ito raise , 50 - ,t'.. erection-••,t a , riul token .of.gratitiide estoratfoli on of thelntegritY* ton;; vi , (;' b'eli - io ):90' of • - Who "'was' 'r4ed...letii - : i 'El) * igcopal .Dioive4 '-'IIE. '— I .imyge -ttrovicruttr7 ''l t sHaute, IS; 3 I 1 . • ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers