HE*--BEAVER.I . ARTOS; Eii i. s 1 lIVTA I — • a. L. Litsmiselt. ? zor ; FEBRUARY 215t,, 66. • Vpion State y •T - • I ___ liState Onovention will - held in the Jtitlf ;of the lannae of Representatives, in;:ilierriabthic, 'Pc. on ' Wednesday faktsieventh 'tier of- Mari,b, A D. 1866, it -12.- ,41)teinelr,.,._ m:, ifir I the .. purpose of .nt;mniting a andidgtelgr Geyer ner,i'to tib eilipported• t bry 'the friends of .':UniOn4 .- • . * fie ordo.l 'Of war haTi tried, the isiiiifigth , ,of onr Government.- Its , lre bas, putified the nation. The 'lO-: Ifesee of thitimstion's life has demonstra ; 'I tail :i i , ho' yr/4'e its friends The prin— '-iiii)les 'nested in thelfiebil must be frosetied in the . councils '.ot the na.• 41012. ' Thel:. arch enemy of freedom :must be sta ck once more. All , the q ri ends of.l- our. Government', end all who, were )(oral to . the cause of the Union, to Or' late #trugglei are earn -1 estii. requsted I to' uni e. in sending delegates* to ° represent them in said Conventfo.o, I ' , . •By °Mei. of the Vraol Val Committee. - 1 -- '''_ 1011. N CESSNA Attest: ,_:` , l__ - ' Ora. Wi, VABtifteLIT I 1 - A:W. BiNIDICT - Crnio*County Convention. „.„, _ • this weioelrotoro of •Deavlr F ounty are re -41101014 to ittisemble at thei!iisUal places for holding elecoons, in the Bovril districts ; on patillialtY 24th, 866, and choose delegates to meet - in County Convention,' on MOirniv, Ficattasx 26th, 1866, at 1 o'clock P; ;Id., at the Coin? Etimiss;fOr the purpose of esilecting dileg4es to the State Convention : to Ilaitaisninio, on the 7th day of !favelh next' to place In nom i nation a candi date for tlovCntor. The election 'for delegates TowMildpi shall beheld between the 'Mimi of 8 and , .6 'o'clock P M., and - in the 1 BOvoughtlii:Stween the hours of 6 and 8 P. M. By i ordoi of ;County Committee. D. L. Inuits, Ch'n. • The *vete' election d tracts are entitled to 4elegateir u follows, to int: • I -is, I Borough 4 Industry t .B Bridgewatof • 2 Independence .:.. :.«. 2 Big Beaver,' 4 Maribn 2 Bngliton , 8 Moon 4 ' Cliippewa 4 New Brighton... , .....4 -Darlingtmut . 4 New Sewiclkly , • 4 Bionomy ..... . . North Bewickly 3 "Trallston 8 Ohio 4 Franklin' 2 Freedom tier: - 8 Freedom djet 2 Greene— - 4 ,Frenkfort.i 4 -Menne.:.:....:..4 Ropewell.4 * 4 ' • . !Tam - hill introduced by Ml.l•ltuay for the repeal of _State tax - on real es. t'pte, stilitaxing of, the ‘ stock of }Th.', tioual banks and railroads, meets with comet Too much of the burden of taxatihn has to be borne bLtbe .11 owners: I real estate Capitalists invest th eir money in , N ational bank • stock, dtivernment bonds and railroad , iitoake, and thus escape taxation al— 'moat aliogether, while they ' receive . in, dividends ten, fifteen, and even - . twenty per cent. for I their _money,— • Governinint bonds of• course .cannot be Aiixed, but there is po reason why • Xidional hank stock i should riot be . taxed, and it has been decided there is no.latv to prevent the Legislature ot boot d ttgio.• , h is simply.a loan of money aging a high interest, and if those w o ban at six per cent. • have 1 to pay tuck why not those who loan , at le'et-itici fifteen? Again, the. Tail—, , roade of the State have grown nelt, 'and have as !yet borne Very little of the burden ,of. taxation. Mr. Quay, ! in this+easure p, r o poses to make the railroad ; compunies' pay their share of the exprises of the Stale Goverument.'i Farmers will hereafter be relieved from paYini , State taxes and the rich monopolies will have to foot the billd As amy l control the legislation of the `State, it), is said if the funds of the 4 I .1 , Stalt4l 111 sqoandered,lthey, and• not the farmers' and laboring , classes, will. have tOftuffer. If Ake Quay iiireceeds to carrying this measure through, as have no doubt he - ivill, he will , deservethe thanks lot the citizens of i -' the State,andliave accomplished what ' .11,114 deemed an impossibility in the . past, viz: measure against 'Abe intirest of State monopolies. c I -. ..,,sinceabove was written we learn that, tho bill tiiitPassed both Hoabes of the Idegialature, and v ,is n o . in the handsthe Governor. 'lt will be signed, f:ty bim at once. An 'editorie[. in thy . Pittsburg Conwieniali r.eferring to its pabsage,osys "its success in the , tegielature is in o great measure due to .4ho ~persevering efforts! of H. S. Qnsy, (Thairman-of the 4:loiisiniitee of =Ways }Leans, - assisted; by State l i rsitiarstlrembil." The tax in Bea cointy will lie rediteekin conse gasO,oo.?or this law, $9,998 'per year. So math' for havirz an able and faith. fhl/temesentotive. Notpcly Beaver, 1111'06 Agricultural countiet of the 1 State shlarthe benefit Of Mr. Quay's bill; iff:4 l iiavi; cease to.. remember his I 04ria•!'n•tbeit behalf. - Tim ;Presidt*.t et: Monday vetoed tho Freedmen's . Bureau Bifil. -It is iot likely pion g ress pa4s it over freto: I , liirt.:trunicielialroirr,' hellistck4l , 1 rian, delivered the address , eftirisCon..l grew, oni \I Monday, 12th:te , stthey _ -- ; birth day of Abraham I. flefti, on; hip life trid' services. Ht. 'audience , consisted of t h e : President nd • Cabi.7 l / • net, both ; Houses of Congr.- ~,Tedgeal of the Sq , preme Court, -Fo ign Minis. tern, Gen 4 'Grant and oth.r officers, ; and invited ' spectators. _ lt- -- iv' as a; great aeseMblage, and the .ration was equal to Ithe occasion.- ' II : PfinaroftJ bad about two weeks I , Which tri , ` ; 7 prepare,yet theaddress_co , Id scarcely; haie heen more -comp! -te,; '• The; British, *encb and Anew in Minis.4 l tee• . c . I nant rs said, are quite 1 , . . nant at Me.:Batic.. ofi's reference their Gov ernmente4 Dealing with the fact connected with the rebellie.,•and the ; difflealties under which i Piesiden • linooln bad to labor, the . intim ecAd - • , not ;refrain from speakin! of thole ; • Governments, ancl having o speak i f them at rill,he could not re rain - doing Win the "way he didt 'Th. compari 7 l. , o son of ibartyred Pt e-I dent. with 1 .Lrd Parmerston,:EnglanB departed statesman, who cootrolle l her policy during the; rebellion„is• j et, and yet, We 'apprehend ' will , not b much ral ; - ished tai aristocratic, En Barnum --; -; As the addreas is too len thy,for our cOlurrinsPive give here the onqUirison l• referred to; ~ • • • Eirirdli bad the late Pi, consigned to the grave,wh; ministeriof England died,! and I honors. Palmerston lineage to the time of 'the • • Lincoln; went back only. 1.4 father. IPalmerston recel , cation, from the best schol row, Edinbuig, and Camb col.n's early teachers aver; forest, the prairietriver, a , Palmer4on was in publ: Yeara; Lincoln bat for a I time. Palmerston wasai 1 of an edtablished mistocr a leaden or rather a comp lpeople. I ,Palmerston wax an Englishman, and mad. the liciase of COMn.ons tenet of England 'was hi Lincoln thought always ras well as his own count I human ' nature' 'itself. I from his narrowness a 1 - man, licl not endear hi any -.3iiii court or to an but rather. caused uneasi like!: Lincoln _left Arne 1 loied than ever by all ' t Europe. Palmerston 1-ses'aed ,and•-,adroit in re conflictiog . !•clairns of th the aristocracy; Lincol ingenious, knew how to ;on the cOnflicting opinioi pie..:' fi'aimerston was ea I lencetOirards the weak, 1 sense (1.6 . honor, not heed Lirit:oln rejected counse Ainuittar nL rusliot- Alk . merstoa, essentially su lighted_in banter' and k divert 'grave :Opposition levity.; - Lincoln was a jest on his lips, with sad ness'at his heart. palm [fair rekesentatirc of th 1 liberality of the•day,""ch'. 1 tribrinal,not the ewoleiei ity, but the House of Col ' cola took to heart the • lof , • liberty, obeyed theni • !-mandi of Providence,' • 1 the 1 human race as th fidelity. Palmerston di. will, endure ; his great the Separation of Belgiu little kingdom where it , to. France ; Lincoln . fin I which time; eann:it oce nieiet,On i s shining c 'tnblest, of a c.:ultivated• Lint:oln shows the gen institutions where the share* and; assists to f 4 idea and d e signs of b Palmeraton was buried ster Abbey by the order and vial followed by th istocracy to his grave, few: years will .hat dlt the .rii'do of the graves Chatham ; Lincoln wa the sorrow of, his cowl continent. to inh - fehtin ... hearecf the Mississippi remebib . rerSfi• -- tough al countrymen, and by al the iTorld.-• • 'll State Ceti— Chairman. IBoo's. Patterson 2 Phillipsburg; 2 Pulaski ....... . . 2 Rochester boil 4 'Rochester tp 2 Raccoon'4 Southl3earer -- 4 ME ImpOrtantOrder fro WASHINGTON, Fob. 18 ing circular letter- to military departments w terday_by,Gen. Grant,: iIiNADVARTERS ARMIE UNITED STATES, WAS February, 17; Yon will please send gnarlier§ as soon as p Ironi-tinie to time titer ief(4f , newspapers publ department. as contain disloyalty and hostilit primient in any of its, state ( w hether such Fa l ' in its'utterat.ce of such .The, persistent public s calculated to keep ap feeling between the p fereet sections'of the c be tolerated. This inf i led ( for with a view to sior, which will be dO headquarters' only. 13 Lieht. Gen : Grant. _ Mgned.) . I ' T. 1 ' ' Assistant Adjet N ~ . TEE celebrated paciri : tierce Kinney Sr died at New Orlea a a.- few days ago. He Wee valued $45-,000, and bicownera once offere to bet that amount that he could p ee lii4 mile in 2:19. Kinney wu ala ge, roan, and one of the - meet itinitu able helmet of F. IthOttge. ' . ' . 1 , , '•••••i , '4 4 'Tits 'following iiii . rtal --- froin this Washingtoz ;Report. * R igria t i g i l e, d Way betbile the ;• ': • orthe itie lief bill, =O le . ; Zeinittne:ute so well, we pubi e iC Mi •ti The bill just passed' 'gild emu -ally just - that J, I .. not a-singh l ) paper lit l, e State ef any politics bare 'l'd rid st It with . it.] -; 1 . RNLIEP - - TO', 811 I 111A3113ERSBUItatt Surrzszas, —,We are ; ratified to c.ls,- serve that q . nitel a. nun ber of the !lost' 'prominent! yciiirhalsio the Btate aro. disposeirto favcir ai4appropriatioe by the Legislituies in aid of the people of Chamberstottigh; whis bad their beauti ful" town I laid lin ashes by thelebel_ horde under * 6 4Causland in the latter pint of .Ttily,r Wheartily concur ii with them in!the opi ion' that some thing should be done r the relief' of the citizens ~ o f tbatnfortunate and, ill-fated plictf. W 1) t ! a e aware that a measure wits befor last •Legisla ture, designed riot gni to aid the peo g pie of Obambetsburg , but to indein -; ' iii uity citizenetboti6 ut the counties composing our sot eastern - border for loss susiai ed by the rebellion I I; This measure. was Id tented, and we think rightfrillyi, for he reason that. its provisiorsis !were too sweeping.— Bad it been ridimted eliet woald have been granted .to ina iy whose claims.; were not a wlsiit sir tiger than those of hundreds I:and f.h usands 7 relliding, in-other par of the onimobwealtb, ivho wore wholly o erlooked. But aside from th i in u tics that would i have beeneloini by gr nting the relief asked for, tbere remamid another fact to be takeim vi w. When into i that 1 elsim for indemnitY -as preferred,th 1 rebellion waS , not , o ly -net subtlued but continued [ranip nt kind defian t and it - remained ti, est on whether li 's the'resourcei.dt of ii; tal e would not L be still moielholivilY axe ,to providd 1 the means for kale orthrow. Now, however, the easel's whc4ly differer.t+ The militarlower 1 the insurgentS has been &sit Oyed, and saving the troops necesiaty tca L rrisou the sou thr ern itortsj,anciliolda prostrate foe in, proper subjection, th vast army we. ,then Lad)o4liii;field and were seeking to strengthen iby civ.ry means in our; power, has been disbanded. hetes. d of'exerting ouieel l ves to swell Oh, I ranks of our brac e defenders in the , field, it now, devolve upon us, in obe I I dience to the injun ; c ioneef our mai ty'r, President net:* only' "to bind up ihe nation's wonnds, to are ler hid ;'whlD ;shall have; h i pline : lt se battle, ',Ed fir his, widow and orph us,"but to shelter' those who hi4;e bee h rendered house;.; less and-honsh i less is yt the torch which Infuriated . ;traitors applied to their., dwellings I The appeal snow comes; from the pehple is! Chambersburgh alone: TheYask,inet for indemnity, As 2 1 -Lot for an . ppr4iiriation from thlc ,State amount ng to not over one-flit:n-0 ; of their actu I lose r i i.hat they may be; in some Me; sure elieeed lc from t 0 distress ineiti sit to that helpless sit. 1.• akion. We rust! that their appez I will not bd suffered to go unheeded. ; Common. hainrinityl requires, that we should lend theirn a wiping hand, ard asseinteesritt tl ittria - hurgb win ie no no ,time in granting the relief prayed fen-. To satisfydourstilves of the , rigiii, fulness of this measure ; we have only to 'reflect ifiii, a rit merit - upon whit might hayeleen . l or ecru conditi o n i ) I bed we heed less ; ii-orably, sit tint ad But, fur loyd/DWe4 ,Vi r i fpi a, which stood as a whit of 0 '6 h etWAten us and ; danger, we 40, mil,lst hav l e been • gull) , I joeted to thei r Iraidsiodd forhys, of; the en imy. Eve-ii, us l i t wies,we were nitre than 3tic throali into eonstenneeli n Iby the iluinor the•A the rebels were ' about to make u d' 'scent upon us. ;If upon any 'of !tlsese 'cessions our town bad been 'redked e ashes w e would I have thought k eX r remeiy 1 hard if a great and, pi-impels s Collin's:sr wealth like; our ow allied a 00 . 1 oiu and reins ', Od to do anything' whatever to afferd i us relief..' Lel, us i en not hesitate, to apply 60 ° 'Guide Rule, and do; to I others as l tvoliVouli have had . thonnklo Ito us underlsunil r eircumstancesH: ; This is a subject u on which we o.n speak froni; ; exile lance, Wa- have Iknown whatlit w , . to see. within the ; space of 4 law mi n utes;oue little ; all swallowed up iii devouring flames kkelled by the incendiatly - . .We Icr4iw something oil the fiseling of utter d es.. sn• lent been 1 - n tbo prime nll of years ,traced Lis conqueror; .his grand ' ed hin (Ida • rs of liar ridge; Litt— the silent Id the stirs. is life sixty tenth of that bkillful guide acy; Lincoln . Anion '4l .the exclusively his boast in ,hat the in— Shibbaletb; of mankind y,ur.d served Palmerston, 'An English- country to' ore'poople, edS and dis ica y.ore *be '6 people of l as self pos. onciliag - the i • factions of 1, frank-and • i oisc himself a of the peo able of insoJ. , nick to the ul of . right; given 6nly Iyr.autsurst. )er et eia7, -hog 'to - into playful an of inOinto est arnest- NU) • was a 1 • ari tucratic osin •forliis . ce of Iman. mon . ; . Lin- 1 ternal truths i s- the: corn- , nd accepted judge of his_ . ilothingthat achievement, . , placed j tbat IRA gravitate shed a work throw!' Pal. ample of the aristocracy ; 'mite friitS of. Laboring inan irm- the great .s eountr.— in Westinin of hiS Qtieen, . , i l British' ar-: - , 1 hich after a. .be noticed by .of 'Foxrund 1 followel by ty aeruss7the ~place in the vatiey' to be time by his the people of , olatiOn thit,onme , Chani hers r'g aS smoking mind of We knoW, tclo, ho kindness of i fricnds hand in I l sneh, u tib. forbid that wo she jections Co aileviata,thel raffer Without any iault been - ov,orialen by I . Gen Gzant. IThe follow sinmandrs of fumed yes. - . IN the debate of for r chin i s'lo thG Mr. Stevenssaid of Mr. 1,,i - neol . n, article of fuOitar! including . the: :g when . Van 'l3nrea There Was not fur for the' 6omfort of} he came in. Mr.- this ritrieuntiwoal dition tolhOi appr lately thadeiJby Ci ,OF Tut,) ; INOT.ON, 1866. j .• these' "head racticable: and fter, such cop • shed in !..yOur sentiments of to the I Gov- I brancheis ' and :r is - lrtbitual sentinioote.— . - 'ion of . articles I , !hostility . of 4916-,of the dif.• iuritry cannot cal 4 their etiOpres .e fromi-theee ~..i c ommacd of „ I I•ONSIDEBArr, co went ocburr d in ti of I,lepresentativ , over a diecniion }lard worcia l ase er and Mr. threw lila majtet., JAMES Gottaett ly invited a literary assoeia Heicleelsed, Was to , valuable only . a . basuiese ti • . BoVET', ; rikGenpral. " 1 - 'Tim English ii.l t:9 , teinforoei thel lierind. The •ti.l it eipecteil on !jsitij green of thel for I ing•Po 6 ni Oa no I- I ter the . neon, of .to exempt t. u'etVaburg - A s they gazed r- .on th-- sociationsfrom taxes k i vai inti•odneed heir happy ho es. i a d d , the d referred. A resold! ial was dap wto appreciate the. directing an Ini i iiirk into to aB th a e ex t . t• who lend inedienev of rePealin t ielamend d -.-- of trial' and a bet bi glact to iieorporate the it cal of Wash , ' ITTSBURG MAP TS. , ."gtresokY, Febius t ri 20 1 , 18d6:1 ' " d ington and Alexandrit. '4.3orrespOntl- . uld interpose ab- • 1 asurb desitme - ,to once in relation Mr.l ll l3,antrofetiad- • , .E..4pox—We continue Ito -notice in - r. I . I- I 1 i n ,„ B of ,C_ 1,,,i,„ dress was presentlid, a 4. iesolution steady market 'With a good jobbing It. ti - """" h r: to nrint 20,000'-eopies lof ]hit address r dema t kat Tor , liana purpotes, , Whilat o . reirown live 1 . , sh . , 5 _,.._,,1 ; , was offered and re f er call -.A retrofit the A , pply to notilarge, there sppearts' " u ' " """""" • tion was reperted fro -b e ['tinting{ of i to be sufficient offering 'F; teeeti the Committee to. print ' ,0 0 leopies I. immediata - Wantikifeouau ere: Shotil a theldeincii ial Reaord;t ' raham Lin ci, l k ders—Sales 6,0 lba in Ito at 144 e; Ari , nza—Sales of 60 blils ats6 5057, e, coin at the expense of e hers,which sides. 4 - 00 lbs t '1711).18e ; „ender- was a' disagreed to. • Are action was , de " adopted to' inquire into t e pxpedien-!,enredi.hame. 5,00 Ihs at 23fa24e. 1 i , Ti, icy lf payirg non•eorumi atoned Ofll. I t I cent and privates for ,ca all y horses 1 . 5° - P,t . b lost inJ the war withant,fault of the 1 -r - rross—lop bbis IpeachbloWs, soldier. Bills to permit tlhel throwingarrel. , , 1' depot, at $3 50113,60 per bbl, andlls,o, pad _ . bus, spot, at sllloal 12,1 sales o' l 2oo bus, store, at $1:- 1 4120.1 „., * l l of cars from railway rti6lcs; to.. , ish larenney of United Sihtes securi , PRAD ' APPLES---811013 l of -15 bit 8 ties, and to establish United States York State at 16 per lb; inferior sold 10 Revenue Courts, were introdueettacd referred. The Pennsylvania contest- ' aw l . ' ' I 1" 1 r,, ed election - case 'wail tio adored , and .Fous—Extr fastily,winter wheat M. postponed: tesollitiol fan• an a _ ettslo, 1025a10 50; spring wheat-flair A. -wit ... A d -at sB'2saB 50 par:bbl. 1 ll [se mendment to the Constitution pro. , • package's at !Ns 40c, and 6do tertus.withbeld.' 1 ' 1 it„ tabiting office-lialders ander the bon. B ' " Ea—Sal°4 3 " iii, federaey from election to office under Letirales 15,' kegs conntry,l6al7 , dr. the United States GrOVOnpa" entrwas and 10 paekagesieity ati, 18e. ,11 ler offered but objected to; p,etitionOsere L ' Oin--Saes 25 barreis No. 1,, sd. presented - for .a modificatiOn lif the at $ 85 V dation. . 1,.! ' - I'• petroleum tax; and from Assistant As_ at 08--Sales 20 Ithls 86,48,c. ,: I, at• senors of Internal its ,imps fttr -in, , W . i sx 4 y—Smsll sales City rectal(' crease 40* par. - The -Senate bill , pro mo . 1 ., , at 9 Att.. 20 V gallon. - 1 ' 1. ' g. vidirig =for the' exhibition of mineral V bush.. •, . ..1 1 11. 1 1, Ti. OTRY-Ssai4—Biles L. bush ati specimens in the Patent pffi,ce was re. • 28 ferred, and the House.linijournad. '• 83 as- Glars--rOata-Arere cillcsaletil 500 , 1 ~ , . ~ , • Fi rm , 17,._.0rti0 Senate Was not ,in bush from s t ore,' at. 4o; I cati, On session to-dad'., ' 111 , - track, 41t)." t o rn—Dull;, sales 1600 s The House =was ;in sessicin as usual bushl. at' 66c Wheat r inter "antis 1 for purpose .of debate: Only some to hii, - wanted; prices Ore too uncertain twenty members viertir I;?reseut. with to qtioteotaireetlY • Ryl3L-Dennoylia abc.nt one Mindrod spectittorri. Three nut is held at 750' bushel. - 1 1 , 1 , , speeches were niade byeseri. Cook , &ROOM M.o46szti.—Sales 30 bt;t e , ;11. ot -I ll inOiei, - Liw • 1 rence, 1 '9hita,' and at 7011756. ; I - Itl • I , '- .., 1 t . ' ; i r '! i , il 1 the appropri. !hat h !hat after the dia rly every vain ~b bad been - stole! d spoons bo , gl was Preside L— iture.enough yen Johdscn that • Levens added be requiced i a litiation of $31),0! gress, fusion . and 0 Tennessee.. on the 16th the Franebis ; between the S iea s, when .the firm t the latter's smart was r. , i 3 /r a lecture 'et n at Primate, , yiug tbat"hi tii i i and leottirin literary fait nt -einnient con its , troops stationed Oreak which -; :1, during the. pz Lieutenant's Dri take place. tONGMEISEI, - 1 1 Fla. 15. ' The, bill Aci r 1. , bar s e MI& , toed for 'moneys- - 4perld ' l deneg the 1.11 4_ war j Wits roportiiti fr o ", minittee , with sh_appropOittion t - :775;0 4 30. i A - bill was introditeed ar. ; erred,e.t, lending for 10 _ years an !granting, land to Arkknsaa ' and , itsoeri for railroad . purpn s ea.. A. jo nt i ;leant titian of, the Ohio Legislate Oaidst' the 1 assumption of the State w r debt by tbe - General, Goverime t, .tvap pre sented'and-referred. lit' Mos were presented _.from tbei Col re ipOpla of Arkansas for political tiqialtty with the whiti3s; for equal Agile and the of color distieetipes in 'the 844 army; and for an inorbase'd of ,pay. A protest ;was pile' rated from the coloredAsiegation b tl . reeently addressed ; tLe Preelden ,'against 'the A il pending Constitetion• moadment.-.-, A bill was reportedfor , bridge over, the Mississippi at St. Lo is 1 Mr. Wil son wished to call up t e AiniY bill,' and Sit . $ t lewart the bi l Or the ad mission of Colorado; a di after eon ,l. siderable - discussion ; th fimer was' taken up, but. the morn ng hour oxm pired, and; the ,debate n,i,he pnesti4 tutional Arnenditent w sieSurued by Messrs. WilliamS,Stewa t; t acd}, Guth rie. Thp,St . tbject was postPoned and the bill fo.ner.iah kidnapP If Iby tne ar.cl imprisonment, and Lb'k ilt •to re liuquish title ~to _certain 1 ' Gdg in . Sao Francisco, were passed. flee an ex 4 eeutive session Abe Senateladjoarncd: I Mil 1 , -,ll9trst. ; i. i The Post-Office Appc 4 oPriation . bill' I was reported from co i llut`ttee, and 'm i t ade the special order foe, xtqhurs! (by.. PetitiOnS. were Pre nt‘ed Arotri' , the photographers , ' for an' i t nicndment ;of the revetige laws, and rlonni . James I Hamilton •alfd .others orj protectioni to American industry . . Tie i hill to permit the, Inkip . of st p5,.,1&c., on cominission - was dobat d isaid post poned for tfwo weeks. d bill to al low the Bali) of stamped e IvelUpes at the value of the stamp , iid - :making i widens., other changes inj I thn postal itIWP; - wati also post.p n' d for two weeks.. The House. thi3nti ) went into Committee of the Wiioli.. , 'n the Xis-, collaneour Appro riatii.V.l,bill .which . tailed at; the last sthision I f.r.'Ste i . • . 1 vens; explained w • y unia6prO,priutien forAhe White HoLseiwaS dbee'ssary.-,- Amen d meots wern adoptelto remove the hucksters stands in t ' f a . lialls and corridors' of the Capitol. ft h i directing American - eari>et t to be Ibonght fcr qovbrr.ment use., 'TI e Committee I - rose, the Rouse tot) teceSs till 71. In the dvening sos to 1s speeches were Aepvered h , y ,II sETs.iNewol, Straus°, and Defrees, ail& thu 'House adjuurned. ;', • 1 .-6ENATEf . . FEB bill wee, authorize the non-deliye to traudident and fietitr intended to interrupt, 4' pride.and lottery businer were :proser i tted from Pi -Atoierartatin.T. 'rvirfittni citizens lot Jefferson , - testing against, the trains ....co a n ty, to IVe3t. i !reported and lahLorer '.sail ut Bithila 8.1,500 fur rporsc.nal property, by u tra eapture'or tile:Florida, • lotion of ttiati sjto •o men - who- helpedsat4 *reeked M the' Suit • int!oduced\and raerrek. The bill; to the bedefit of tha t palls on , lags _to: ar tificers tn inilitarj , .servicei i .was passed. -The per.dtng Coilstitational, Amend. merit was then_ i taken - 41. and Mr. liendlicks sloe utlengih lin opp,o. sition to it. and wail uoilsideraly questioned in thecourse o 1 ) . 0s speecih At italcOnclitsion Mr. Olninoler refili cd to-an attack Upon hinkself, in ref erecce to a ;letter Writt'en I t pi 1664'11nd the scene in the 4>enatbecantef.Gin 4, what exciting., - An 4xil i t:ut l j , ;:ve . , ' Fie; ' !- eon was beld' i and-the . enitte adjourn'. i - , ' - ‘,41 till MOriclay;Y_ . 1-1 1 tIOUSE bill was jcporte( ;reimburse the lOyal Su expenses, Which was . the Select. Committee A. bill t.to, Onlloni, . -Illinois, on NkOnstrinition' el f 'All thr Oppcsed the preseot, re-ad : mission §ontauira mscriberS. -, - - 1 ," '‘, 1 ~• - -,_ simArs. • , . - F i 3I W a d e raiiited li • EB. • er-_. Y. g 0 t crodentailk of Mr. Sherman of = ()hie,' 1 1 -.Mr- El miler presented a meniorial from 'the officera of a-o rk olored'ooniei , ion in 4orida, praying far tlie fleet tifre i fnin Aloe. I - I - Mr: i Cowin , ' , preeent,e4 a memorial for a red action *en the tai , on `,P,titroi, team: - • '- : i ' I Mr. *Lifson seed letters tram Gene. Tlomas liart.rant and others in charge of the ireedinen 'in the Gulf Statee, - which • TpreSerited that there '"w I ' af 3 danger. f . the extermination of , tb ni‘gro ce,Cand the expulsion of tb Norther men, if the • Enilitie: ehonld re, not be dnperctded , by 'United Statee forme..• , , ' i ,_ , r, Mr. nward introduced ' an attiend .1 went to therepresentation.i bill; giv. in the right of suffrage= to 1 all citi• - zone of African descent'', wbn 1 lori i e j been en l olled.in the armyl and' Aavy, wbo can re a d and write; and to all' I possessed of property" of the: value of two hundred and fifty dollats. ,- 1 , .M.r, .4 a n e 'presented- 8 tveral intl. tions tor railroads connecting Ic.abeis with. Texas. ~ 1 Mr. B ierman, presented a petition for the I eduction of the , tax o nr agri. cultural implements. , : 1 i ' HOUSE. I 1 • H 1 fir. - ogers, among oiher, bills, inl r frOduci g one constituting eight hours u"day's , • work.* for all l l laborers, l wollf: men or necliSinics , enipleyed by or on , behalf f the F, ederal Government.,l I. i lt Mr cKee introduced a reeolu,ttOn to lame d the Constitution of the Utiil ; ted St , cs so as to excliide frem ill l a pfllcee f the Government these w,o lave or whO may hereafter engage in rebolliO or conspiracy against the Govern ecit. , ,; . 1 ' Mr. tiger soli ,introduced a bill t o I reduce 1 he dufietS en paper fori.booyi3 and ne 4 vspapers. I I 1 Mr.l lienderion. of Oregon, offered a series of rese,ilutionsi, declaring t4at i the Goveriiinent was organized. : Ito . confer pleat rights and privileges On every individual,lei.d _that While the liotite sanctions the t i liresideak lif e . x-J i ffi •ecuting the laws, they desire the a sucient number •of the leidersqof l i the reliellion_shall be punished, in fir; Eder to , ustain the Nistsanlil character, I end p eve a wdrning in all' time to !come.' ~„ 1 - -1 , 1 131118 weritintroducted to pay; binin ties to tho soldiers of 1861 abd 1862 lto, repeal all biws ekeniptir.g I Govern meat bonds and securities from. I,axa, Lion, empowering States to, tax -them, and insposing , a Governnient'tax rot' " one fourth of one per cent. upon them, gi'vinglbclieties. to. the hundred dairel men, andlor the pioteshinWof persons r fromiillegitimitte prosecution , for so* - iiig ;under military authority. _ll I l Mr. llawee, , froirilthe Committee pull Elections, reported• that 'Mr.. .Vfesh i buynedand slot. Mi. Voorhees, wisli4- titled (o seat ; from the , ninth distriet jut Indliena.l II 1 l • Lion o , a rosolutior. inquiring i)flthe President relative to the introduction of , a loan' in this country by the fte'. publican Goverranent of Mexico.. 11 . ,Thla Ilonse considere . d the 'Pennsyl vania 3ohtested 'election , ceste ofo. , froth. v.'s. IcoorAz, and'' u s e r tb, a w is_r____ ~,, . . t roil aced, to y of:letierP 4 silcireis'eti . ; , I gift et l ite'rs [1 liiemnilsils • , .(ii,tizens. of - e - ti#ll'"irtini ; Va.,' prO— ferll or that 11 Al bill wits sly the . Coh• ia.1.,;).i to. his !ii after the ~, jOint hi:io— n:ounit Teal. tjA'sohlierig a iiii . sco. Was ,Irpo- • •-- Nelt tAdj Pr* nj)wk ; g ' uttin t hem, ___,_ - . • . BEAVER !MARNET3.! L e • = coliascriii BY ii uo B. . i Flour r bbl Dried . pples per bus' - - , 'o 'ea •• l ' .f ' S 1 ' irheat' ••' " 1 I 1 •Cctin •.‘ - - i t Fla: S '[Beane,l iPotatol f Union_. Corn 3' Eggs ' t Butter Hams,l Should ISides, Lard,•l ;, l Caiidlels . Alelasties,... Carbon oil,'. ypsi;erdat to etc t hd *tar 4 eitrnimitt4llq 114 t Suliopt bur_. =IS ' , He Irll9 'sivel , - t) ii • *s. R.f OAKS ; ()f BiuEi sville;‘7) if(ht of 60 / sheep lasi, iv i eek,h3'• d ittto tike.eilerustiTe and kill 1 freoth. .es, MIII per dos: per ENE M • r • • ..... . ... . • 111111 per gait. •• Oiosolutio' n 9 N44xtuerlhitk. rir., af;•Datraihili V.;:a Ls dis- 1 idiedrbrinership ihe let day pflOst4 ,4,l*ll_persons indsbtid His late axip sbef l , ted to lOU and *lttle their soo‘ l6lol urthardelay. :fs 1;'66. DARiAGHI9 & SCOFF. MINISTRATUR'S4 NOTICE. = , TITUS or edithnistretion on she' east • f Jamas Pros;' late of 'Patterson town- Beaver an, itoe'd„'havina been lissn- I the unilenigasd, all; persons. indebted quired t 4 make inimdiste payment, sad haring olatinsi *ill present them, :prop nthenticated far 'settlement. ' ' • THOMAS M'OHESNEY,. Admr, , 21'66. .Biy, Seaver tp., Lawrenonoo. 1 , 1„t4; i 1 ! H: ' I 131..+ _SA L E IC ALE A.T TIi.'3U,MMER .13.1ASORT OF Fl. liv; . ciralorri, 1 -, •"1 • , • Philipai,burir„ • Beave r County, On ttielilayi' igaioh- 6, 1866, • , 'l' .At 10 O'eldek•A:',V. • . ' 1. , • , . HERE will' , be held! a 'radio - .sale it the I] above-nathed ißesort; all the following named - goods! i - . - cisP,F,Ts, SEDSTEADH, BEHDING, QUEENSHARE,LOOIOG GLAS SE -, SOFAS, !C HAIIS,,STOVES, and General rf10 ,.1 hold Goode too numerous to mention. ; - Terme made known on day of este. ' f b21,'4.36 ,a _. •! H. W. C1:11I9T;I: • , p 1 sr rini 9111 7 c 1 I+1.4! LIES' 1 1 1 , 1 -R if. ARC II TERM, 1,866, 18T ViENK.--411.1RD MONDAY. 1 ;, . • Jan Swick i .Irll Ricit'd Barton; . • William Ilaya_i• ;• Ts . Q. Sill; • F ! Nisi& bars I • vs et, al; John Stewart J .:j ,vs ".1 Little and wife,et al; Ahab Nye ' J I .! .ye James Wood, --. DaVid Serott'al,Jheiii se. Arch'd Roberttion; • - 1 . do l' -j 'TS j. same, et al; J 1 Samuel Morroir- 1 , vs Thomas Greenlee; Hamilton Kinitep&-w vs Thos Poe & wife: fatharinehlarker,etal vs Cleve & Pitts R co; • 'Michael Main ; J vil Abraham -1 , 1 ter. 4t • J- ' 21YIVEK--;FOUB:1 1 11 3101 4 1DA.Y. - •.1 1 , W rtz,Austiol.t. 319- • - - I , vs Sharer & Osborn; • 4 elgb; use;.• . , . P iterson & Davidson VS •Martha j Houdel'a: V i nt Ealkin's Ez'r . EArs Henry Jordan' t wife. Ilbre' of BeaVer 1 J vs Win G Wolff . : ' J. • dunes Collins, et al - vp,,Ve M Shirts, et al: Charles Thorn- J, vs ' Margaret Iligby, , JOhn Tintsman ' vi Amos 13. ind. , ID ' wden's heirsj - vi John T Hohnes; - ill ee ry -Barr j vs (ho W. Barclay.: henry 1 , -1,feb20'66,. 1 ; _ j , LIM: WEI'AND, Pro.{" 1 T .- NiitiCß. it Partition T .i • , . N the Orpitauti t O j ejurt, in and foi this e.hin. t : ty of Beayer;and j State of Pennsylanis. : 1 , the :matter of ,i,hti partil io n of the real es- i. ate of 'Hugh ;Young; litta of 'Economy tp. in j ( said county, deed., And ;now;. to wit. Jann-j1 I, ary 9th;1866, the court grant a rule upon Jnd. I roung, James Young. Jane,hitermarried with 1 1, J m's J. Conway, Jeanette, widow Of Wm. onng,deo'd.. and John,Young, Mary I,Young,i, 1 ildjJane Young,. Minor children-of said Wm. f loung,' and all ot t ers interested, to . appea r at it- Orphans',Court to be he d in and for said i county, on the :third , - ,111 ndayq of :: Mai-oh nest, and then and there addddddeept or refuse ths• saly tp. , estate .,cou o n f ty sa g l u d alit ta te dec'd., l'asfiotrusestaeid,t'tßocwonit— • 1o: 115 acres and 13 !perches of laud) acthe val. nation thereof, ((tp wit: $BB per acre), by the ',inquest awarded by said 'court, under the 'pro !' ceedings in partition theteof, or in the 'event 1 of non-acceptance to show cause why, the Boma il , should not. be sold; of which rule the parties .Jabove named, and all . others interested, are required to takeinotiCs. I . I. • 7 ' j li I JOS. LEDLIE , . Susairt'o Orpacs, ;Ij ' .. -- •T 'Stiff . • , Beaver, feb2l,`66.- Ijj . . •.RVII.ISTFR'C: nTII".VI i• A LL persons • interested in the following ' • Administktion aitiUGuartianAccounts, "which bak been, passed and filed In the Bele:AEI? Office,! of Beater county,' r., . will take, notice that the Slime will be pre ented to the.Orphanzi . ' CoUrt, to. be held at Beaver, in and for he County of Beaver, on We'dziesday,' the 2lstay of, March, A. D., IBA; for con /d firmatioz and allowance: - • _ • 1 : ' 1 The first and final account of Jiickpb Caler, executor of the last will of Andrew f_laler,decd. The first:And' firial'lleal Estate a'ecourit- of Agnew. Duff,: Administlator Of the estate- of James Stieup, d9ed. • ! •• ! I ''' The fial Real T.et ate account of• Thomas J. l' Power, idin's of•Jaines M. Porter, deed. I First and final aticoune of Maitheiv Laugh lin, execu Or of theilist will of Nicholas Dasr Sou, dec . . - • '.• ' ; •;, ,- • ; . The fir t and flai account of B . arati M'Cray, a adx of the estate l ot Daniel .Ikltray, deeird. i ; - The supplemeatal and finaliscCoune (Person i al estate) of Thastuss J.lPovrer, administristor 1 Of the estate of James M. Power, deed. .•• 075 2 50. 2 8 Ig The first and final account of Benj. Feb, cht, adairof the estate of David Ganss, dec'd. firsttind _final account of Win. Fox;ad m'r estate George Fox, dec'd. • e'first and•final, account of , George Mo ors, adthinistrator of the estate of Miry Eaton, deed. • • . iThe accOunt'of -Samuel J. Cro s s.' tadminis rator of thelestate &Ann dec'd. IlThe first and-partial i account.or John Ket ewoOdc executor of, the last will of , Williant Gardner, decd. The 'first' and 'final account of Denry Noss, tidministratarja , the estate of Jaclib Noss, •dec'd. • . i The first and final acoount of Henry Grcehr ingj and j Geoige Gardner,"exeoupt4s of, the bask-will Of George Metz, dec'd. I ' TiltO frit L and final , 'account of. Anna Bock, adminhitritrix of the estate of John 'Gott lieb Boalt,' deed. • 1 The first a'nd final 'atcount Dlisabeth Booth amt Simnel Moorhead,' administrators' Of the ,estate of Levi Booth, dec'd.' '; First a v id final: account of Mary Lukens, ad rainistratrix of the estate of John M. Lukens, deo'd. i Thigh and ,final account of Robert - M'Cresi adininistrator or the estate - of James L. ItleCresry,' dec'd., • '.l • 'First and final account of John" geed and Oliver Tennis, aditinistratori of thelestate of Jihnes Tennis,. dec'd.• ' First and final account of James Diltati, - ad- Ministratoi of geed pillan, dec'd. " • • First and,final account of Robt. and Joieph Whitehill, : executors of tho last will of David B. dec'd. First and final :account •of 'William flood; administrator of the estate of William Sea right, deed. First ,and final account of Thos. J. Power, iurviving administrator of the estate' of Col. David Beies„dec'd. _ • , _ First end final account of 'll,Corge Harker, adminiattitot of the estate of James Moore, dee'd. , • 1! i bb To First;and final account of John 81414, id i*nistrator of .'the •estate of Robert &tool*, dee'd.• ' 4r. • . Account of James Allison, surititing exec ittor (di the last will of -Mary Thornily, deed, - The.fitet and partial 'coon* of B. R. Brad ford and W B. Foster, itimistrators of the es tatiofWilliam Foster, devil. . „ _ ~ The guardian aceount Of Joseph 8. -- Wilssirt, vitalism of Joseph : Scott, minor son of Jamea'Scott, dec'd.. 1 .. `J0 . 1 .. iii The account of n Boyd, guardian of arijoet Torrence, minor heir 1 oi. Albert Trifronee. deo'd. ' 'I I The.secount of Joseph Britten, guardian of Giusti:inks A...ltrittaid, idner soul of John Wilted* doted. 4, . . The: net:mints of Thes.:Burns,. guardian of ~Elisabeth end Simon M'Cullough, minor heirs of. Sarah; M'Cullough, decd. • , ; . The accounts of. James Allison, guardian of :Nancy and Margaret Baxter, minor heirs and grand children of:William Powell, tiec'd. -.1 • j• I ;- A. R. MOORE, !Bearer, Feb. 21; 136.; ' Register. =I Le , f :1, • 7V. 1•11 Mil .11 , S; TO TEI PRI; G p- y: LLIN f l- $1 I far' irmzi., 4. AID -1 n • KM it Crner of litfidge Bridi ' fid . filar etoater, Mil I I Ar` D ; EX MI n 'PUB -GOODS' B GO IV LATES Silkbonsiota. w. . do' • i d° " do. i'do Velvet' s bonnoti 1 , 1 0 •' o do. • 1 HAG tio Moninfog bon'Ai Ido 'Full orossisto4'fo do 'h eelN Pik 10,00 " 12,00 . ft. /11 12,00 1,% • 113,00- 1?-44 41 1,4 11,00 E 2 1.2 orals;.:' „,, ` $2,75 Ise $1;4; 3,75 2,7 i • 010 3,01 • 4;50 •!! • IA 8,00 8 IN 1'11.0285110Nr BiWoes's, do wort do , do (to I do I t Sao HOOPED do do MIR , TRI~ZMITG3S, KINDS, ar v'E cask? " ALL alizives` ilosie /2 • e d e i; cl F .Pla r u n e iy iess I e rs t i t o aIL 1121 S!:kntsgel, Zephyr 144 , Corsets, Pies Ditto& iris and Dratconi;ll l . 'dollar. Oki Ladies %. boni, Flower* Emtiroideries.l Collars, Hoods Shairls, • It ' I 's.Uridn :Taps, Ruei l tall kil i, Nub kUti, & • *. Sh ono s 4 . MEL g at LESS 111ANCOii = , iloistoo my ! lorL7 *le .15i . "11 boon cxkdiod igerWishitig tq Cl stoat; these goods vasi Loti: • I 'MI 11illitei7 workTo , Stimpiag, pink' 'aiiismikia • 'TANURY. sU kinds, to sides, crop. ng u 4 , Cloak Maths on sbott oaths. I.§..Cl9,alcing C hand. • Machine* . 'Remember occdpiect by. IMII4. of A. G. Ilurst), Idling t 4 orde. br plsoc—rood. bumf BEES' (i'lpoaito them ridgewstsr. • j ,WAT FERIty4I)I) ) • 1 13E41 , 7111?: . . it:COMPANY) SMITII 7 ..itttft pETR i bIiE 1 • 1- rar Value o' CAPITAL STOC 80,000 Share of WORKING CAL' AT ft • meeting above comp the borough of R the following pqrs for, the ensuingte , , 1 ~ . of the otockbolderii of tit iny, held at their ofictlh .ocheater, Aptil 291104 iolls wore elected . itiolo o te: A' , • •... ' I RE.4II4ST: e N DA RitAtill. - - • P. 114 SECRECART: , S .1.8.-;.1.11: RS r Effsz . - TEMA SU 011ARL ttECTORS Mito U. Adios% -, Alfred C. Johu Bigger; Roht..A. CdcbrW e• F. -Kendall. IR Mattison Darr's! Charles Stone; James,Darragh, Levi Brennarna. Char ~ wither •of pastes 0. • tsl • 11)anY ma y be had by ii# • , : •of the company. .. •,. l e" Dietnond, Rocheste,", 1 S. 8.. H U RST:See' - - S- - • _.--- - -t. 13,1 4 E4e - 17r 4kber -.Shop.., ' 1 .. 1 - SHAViIiG --.-: •II littillt -CVO I:. • iserA limited . 1 s`f the 'abOie Co cation *Late office itigl 6 ,office my 3 :et ni 42 SHA :1 3 00ING1p . I , - • ,- , , •-. 0 . .01iN B. IWILtIA3IS having justrttal, from the armY . where' Le haiserle al ' almost three ireard, wishes - to intorno hil !tie . o. , , er arstomernand geriewilili-P,,; he h a - opened' hie S ho pin ti the mortiresd of IP - MABSET HOI,TBB, BRIDGEWATEI4ro where Eili" - .Will cirri on in hislorwe r ti sed.tialtiiiitable st yle. By‘close attest t ti buidnen, he hopes o merit laid receive s _alabareof -üblic istronage. 'Dose 4 01 41 . 'germ. smo p oth 'eh ve, or hair cut is sin , ioiable styli, jest stop in Ind 0 14 ' 1 °, 1 1,. 1 i., 111 4. and he feels istiefted that hi vin ,P O 7 t .Wiites and - 1,14' um' "irhol msl -- e ' Groceries at .[Re cril or by ROW . - FLOUR ' . GRAIN' - FEED , .; ° ' ~ P. At. Peter. Aegere, BridgewSe r :' • 1 -- i • an t ItUTTER, Egge, said alt-,ltinds of 9 3 ,,,. 4 i producie inkeit in ex`change , for.r-71, t e ,highese: market price} will -be paw: f __. Connection with the. Grocer y end Liquor tin the Bakery and Cinfectioniuy in still 07 1 , on, where •ma i :li 'found& Brit elit s i, i r o iu, meat of cakes, corifectionafiei, canne d picitlea,. - spited Tm a," &c.•-"A 5' tobacco and cip of all fsney,brin4 , M' . 14. B : A Ipure ( article o , wines. . 4 1. medicinekand ascramental iturPo.ses °°-. ly en hand.- _, I._ i - ' ~,kr• Birtrio-not, forget the place, . Peto,.ras old atand l icridge st, BrVlgeletor. • l!. 91 " I: •' • I 1- 1 _ - • gm 2- 11 LE THIN NM :A it Eilli ,111 STY LES. &MALI% $13, 00 E ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers