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' '- - - - ,•• ...l- ..111.,:• .: i-- _; . 1 .4. . o*/ 'term sad 1 cloatrilkatlps, by...audr.t . r.t • -,1.: i'• ; ~ • .1 .. -• • .- I I, 1,.. ~, -1 ,• . - .1; -. i -- -. - .- ' ~ , • ;• -r '-7'-,. • • • ..,.. 1 : ..,_ • • ''''i ~ .' . - -if ~,,_,__L •:. - ••- •\• • . 1 ,• . • -• ~ -e.Li • . - . A ~.:.....,1,- • - 'l, - "• ~.i ' , .:, rc ' . .11.:' ..•-• .,': 1 , .1, : - !, ,'-: . C, .'I ',.:1 .':' ' • .-' : ' H.-• ' -F '•'• '''' 1 . 'il ''.-' •-: •'' • at 4 4 Pcm°P- •• . ..- ••" _. ..... 7.1 X - 7.: -.11 •', la ...P..; ..-66.-4.. . 1 . -1..--. - i. ' 1 '"- -' -,.! v '')'' , '.. ,;:;,,...' • _ ilei .I , ' '.' - Thli • f,. 1., , .., ,:, iL-.•• -‘ • ''' - 1 7-77-1-4, -- ' : t- ,- j, • . ' tit . ' - A tp - '' , - I . V 01 • . --a-`4•-.L‘t 6 ••6• - • •-• -'1 ,' ''-:;-‘.0f11 J . i. . .., , ... ,•, f :-. •1 •. : :::, '.' I. ii I, '''••. ' .1 4 7 :.- ' '.., f ; • .1 • l' 11 .I Vei % 1 rr -Vr • e " ail :- d "'y'' - - - '::' ';•81 . , , . 1-uazy • l i 7t • 188t,..- - ..,.. -'• H. -.',• ... AtabliQ' h-el. 4,, o. s. Pro rs.. . , . '. . , •-: - . .., , ... . . !.. 1 .... -.,,, ;. •••••, d -.-- ••• ,1.- r• - 11^111 . /.'";.` ' -',.;,..1:]. -•' '7 ' • '2*-• ' •-' ' ' • 7' -• " ll ' ', l l ..• .1 ": - : I ' j - . 71, 1 • .. - r `r -H . '''''-': 77. '' t ' rzssAGE Pit 9 0 : 7 - cult:rift , ..,..! I /ABBEllitoo l, l eO, 38C& s i- /I n, fe Mt finale and , I 'louse Of Represen. fi t v o of the ijommonwealth of rentA. s yfrirriti: 7 - 1 Grffri re , :. We have cause to be 01040 t , Divine Providence for the b i s ,,laksi .. f peace• within our ()orders, A bundlif it °Pk unanimity among our • w o e , 0 (1 • that thus this Common. r wes i t l4 been enabled to a. hell toll bit ocft e country, to betself au4 to , Try)0101 3 . 3 ' I o pirl you in thy message of the27lll' t November, "1865. and de l i ver ed to you at the h.v,inning of your se dies. of the necessity ut:der the prePFure of wive') I was co n ip e i. led, tort le restoration of my health, i d “,joure for a time in a warmer cli— p. i !returned from- Cuba refrw.h. et i at ;dileigorated. and hare resit mei' the dirge of 'lir paifilillic d ut i es. I 1. 1 (Intuit , a it to aoktmwledie,with pro. ..fpnndO tltude,, the kind, considerate and ti ff icoonate cont-su which you pnrAtnOlaring my ermstrained o b. „ nee ,i ,i, heavy addition has been thuP ranpe tto the , d.eht which I al. 01 rendr (0 toihe perine'of the Com. r0t ,„,.„1 h gild their Reiresenktires. si.ll.6ytanir in die Treasury,No- Teatar i1.'1844 $1,912,203 G 8 tetniis , ring &cal year, end mos 20,1814 6.21 , 3.089 G 7 XJ9ller-thesef elrentilien bilk:ol4d ble,•.wit li !entire fittati l / 4 eett to..rodul.le 'or, ev ordi4mrk,taielttik of i. ' Mill/4! On reel estate. ' 'l' ,lialf .mill '10.111)Y . • the 10.6 I: wits by thittrttet'ei ed'fiirt ho Payineht of (I 0f:1,0,900 .i tliereq, atitlio . cout'so.eatinot be repeal until! that reptisynnent id tited4.. I . recommend . .t the . Careful at;4 : deliher: tin and Judgment of, .tli and lit should ;'he found • c . 91.141,-. bo. repe'.iled, ' l rv . . all: Iti*a.atithr.ili ; ing thei leai taxed on thills. inn at tilt PropertY, i)f . that He;ioiiled',. Suelii a repeal Iyeaeourage .tbe:inyesti ; i tit] 'r.- this lase t liOrities! lase Yery • ti tt le r lion4. that Tretri the diffil I eifsinee i ' ?liyieeeive ve here ,;3. Mt1q1•0(41., il. ' '. • ' 1 1 1 ' 111.1 . f:a136 a SUOh ' i ePep . h 6 Adoption of 'ltome etre, ln.."4nftireing vOrreet, t-'el iohjeets of taxation 'with, ---- ni . 0 • . • • t - ~ r peialtioi for the tiegyet i - .."1,373,118 ljt milltit. them: I , ; ; 4 ; ;': i• .• 2 , . • • - -- - - ----- - ' 4l 14 .fri t ti ll It. ' i• - • tile — se k !;reed ' in"id . Toe r j ,ite aoorts 0,. ! , tee staktpg- fund. du.' .: ~, , . iat i .„* the ;if ending on the itri3t Monday. of hot l'-• `I • 't ; ' Aj iii - leadT` , s e pt e talltir 44, as lento is my proclamation, i tit Jle Incal..taxatrn,l uni were at fo.:twe: Ampnt-•of debt retired, :en Army in their dimbur4; /71r , 1'• • • • ' . .. -I i • f i nny ;i7lfi aro n our • Thediterltraney between the reanctiim of i near tratin.r. 'e . ornpanie .thepliiiic (lett( as F,hotru by the statemnt at '. ,, .". ..' , :he c10t., , o ' title Estee year, and that in .my .P r reset.: wtmil c° 111 1 ,311 , welarativica attire close of the : sinking 'fund ov been or i r ! or , .......0, 'tart littie , ' from the fact, - fbat the e-n, closes ' I i?n' I.leeninmenil that , the tivrffar...lrty" of Septeruter, the other i b e, r i e p ea t ia l.b v , a a un b ra i crths TM) day of .."ovetnber..l - • r _ - - 1 I pttoiihion be inade that . kneel-U.lz the public debt or Penosyl!ittniao 1, 1 , • , ]_.... Itt-it stoaciditilte first 'thy of December,ilK4, les? l net. 'AU tll9r . 12.3 rig . a f3:1.::79,61 - ;4 5 ,. 1 . -:. . I shall beerona v !pill, tittles. , ~. 1 • ~,. • 1 ''amount iredeented at the State Treasury, ti t )tti shall 9r1:0,11: izc and ti ,riuring tiieifliteal .:,. ear . endin g with . NotPruber , se ', 4 x •• i ; h'i li a thillted.-t:iin 1.3.3. - lreN•31,;;,13.:;14::;' Bie. . j • ' jSince r - rl v• i wit I,iiii!itif - l'ohlm, r oiebt, December 1, 1865. Sgto7o,- I I. r T ',.i.• .-. ... - :::1 `• -: • ' 11 wqr ! 1 , ite-'iitrat armed . treat •Msei: lint he Treesnry,.sl3o;:2:3,i,:e,s 14, i brPilf-toc L ; to a . ( 4 080. , 'Of . . I...bsti,lii, in excesson assets $2'4552,1050,- ! trtiiettittitn made by ; , Poi ; ,• .., I• ' i the Nationn.l army:hat . , Liahilili . oll'6 excess '-' 1 "Setg; . i i ..1 men' remain in the' . liei , .4.lKli ' . $4 4 3,08,1.G8 . 91 ;.1 ', i ,Pliabilitie* 21 .-----" "0 , -'•' , -- .' 1- . tilialTja v i3 ONl•ft l l 4,' ' „ t rwif ao; it , egi - ~..: . - -23 , ,02;,,Em 921 11 - , . .. - , . : lini4;qqineLf id con:aition of r - , ! flagt4e(l;and wep.anlook b. Natitry,,since Nov. 30, , 't, t) 1•' ; afirljeatisfactiOrt, to tiitt in li3V..j , '' 2551,572 02 i It tl i tii l ls .3tat e, in 'aiding! to " ---- . linit of the, Onverainen defense agiinsi the assat •I - • 611' ii i R. 1 • ' .1 - ..' In , my '.ficet traitg,;erpl tonli'oeiaititi- ;to dfe eel-e. ; ; sylklkoia, would. witifel: '-: P't,a4ces.lretnleii a full itn!, ; o, l!pjlort l p t the ifree i in'stit Unino. ' The: pledge . 1(', . ba,,l i i a t om . my linowVetik. id airioti.ou lof nor 1.) ' tilia ' time dattiter three .)ne , utiti6pa I ril . thit it .1'441h tie siidllenly..nor , 1 gror t o'sindi fearfit(pe in brief ihnoiasslimell ! • ~iy• vonfidenee'in .: Per licr' i even, yet Stubb9ro 1 in . ) , land reltoureea.lo4bet ; fied.by the manner in ti One . her duty during. it fill period:. ; t ,9n The request of 'the Pre4dent of thilljaited. State!, I ma it; 4 e9l4l!in 7 I,iiieinion to -the ..hegiSlatare. on the ! [ 9illiday of .A pi il, VB6l, settir,g forth 0 1 14 :military. urganhatioti.4' of -a' for i .nlidahle chain ter, \Whilell dill not ; swan Loge demanded:;' o iY ne existing ipahlie -igeney, !Ma • been formed in !eerkin Of 'the States ; aid that, while l l i .iintisylVallitt yjiebled to tiolitatte, in het', respect forJand Williattlit* to pro ieet,; by fall gM,iranteeA,•' the, cori-titti= tional light.: acid eon tit 106n:a . iittle• perofenee,s)l per Rioter;. tatelt no corktivmplated }attempt .0' rtsiist, the enfoream.ent Ok the - Natinnail... la* ,_,_ eutiltr•nieet With sparal,llY or en ! , . , couragement lom the people of tits' Pennimonwealtl • and tasked for author-' i.t . Y'4ind ineanit:ll9' orgatizo 't.t 4nili tary I Ibitrettn. mt.-Abel Capitid,'S and . :to sii." . ll mend and -modify. rho ili tie laws tta I in give viialityland one ay in the mil.! itary organisations of the • 5th . ..0.= , 1 Ow lliefi 120, Itif . the . Ilie i montlt,,il I sil.tne 11-a,hili.prOvidi ng f !t. the arposes I 1144 , 04 d in . m , mosang , . . 1 It, will ho renteinhere'L "tit' . this pa-1 jp I tt'iotie action ;of the L g ;bituro .no.. copied befor e it wits kt. wn. that Tula- I I L iiiipes had' aetnaly enqineneetlandl ,-It.l ii believed tb bo the fit,litioffleial , ac .1 !liiih of .the authorities )f _any State,! 'or by the ISiattottid Let; - .l.l . aiure. . 1 !the 081., I, I 111.ade...y It WS Presi- I dent for, t r.OOp H "to aid '. ti; suppressing itlio rebellion,! - . was oni the 'lsth (XI 461,1861. foi"sevetiey•fiv,e thousand, , ; men; end that tif -t hi. nitinher. the quota •of Penasylyania Vag, - Nett lett Ati lon - rteett regitnentS,-to -'.'Serve- three ' minitlis; unless otroner• diseharged.r.;--1 With' - unsforpassed -else ityland 'earn- ! sA inesa; colunteets ant;: ered to :this.' call, in isneh !numberoi qtr ~Manifested i the in t ttitive ti9rivietiati '' the 'periple . ! that the monatrous wte • etineas, whiek had; conceived 'an ',firm id.riebellion n. gitinat the Constitution and . the laws, could not teihtiptiroase ' by! a cottontail . foil:o4H ,-.-• ! i i : • ' •' - ;Itiajoi.-- Genithili . ll,oij %rat :assigned . b.l the:Ge trient ' to a emyttnall4; 1 .h'e •loreinit raised in. P. , 'titbit f's weekr ' aft* . , 1 . rei.,ary for fimeal year, 1 OF. 39. I 563. ... : ... . :.. 8;162,193 30 as for tlie same pe- ' • ' I been . ••' 5,788:525 16 Totni enllng The pA . in . riok fair Teasury,LN4v . emher rem 3n. T" .1 . . . Ey i'o, report- cif, filo Stoto Tryass , Awl' .iii .s - ill I,e ob - wervel,l I hht the ex 7 .., u - nordi!Osiry expen•lit - ares gro .-.; in g out • ,:fille'W . :Str, not refunded by the cien-,! ~.tal Gnv,ernment have been $4;025,-! 02 21 , , 'This ineludes..t.he dircyttax p M 4 al to . tile:.yd States by the:4ot° ' %idyls' (. now reimbursable. Inj't he bs i ltince 3S, included. the $671 47) 43 r : isid to' the tillllll3. Vd.1(11, with a good; ['tattoo cif 'the rem:l . :llin cr 0 x rer 4i., li p., . , 'cle - ......03! dais the State Fri;.m . :thlo qens ' ral Cio l l- ' rn me nt. •. i ' • The,p'yeasity for.extraorainfiry i‘X , ' .t•aidieur s having , ceased . ' with tne si , 7 1 •Iireis un of the liste•• rebellion,; cisy - F, ,, a&i. - sisossld he taken. to exarn l -• ! .'.'ne`onr, resoiireys, - aioi . retieve, as far • is pn.Ssible, the "heave bordens.to l % . liich,•6o people are aubjeeted . I • • ' - It liskibeen the habit, of lete,yesrs, to spft,r4orittle. 'freely, annual: sums tor the. , lipport of local Charities; 'and iiith . KOropriatiors f are• almost ecery .year ha:Teased in number atiii.stmOunt.! llouseii;. - !of "Refuge,- Ir.stitetiota.l for' the Djat'and Dumb Had for the blind,' Lunailiii - Afiyizime,--tlicee iirrenri to he Proper.; qUjer• ts bf .St ate ' bon n ty.. be -- 7 - 01 01.oa-Ifew of them ate sufficient for, • ,tae w tO4'S tali. anti.. to leave them to De preV.iitledlist: by .0e local atithori-' ;lee wp,ii . id, in, fact - ,be to deprive of T.rrateti6n.the ii6forionaie classesll fisr . 7 lirge,.boefrt they are _designed. !But . Tr 'cl . ° 1 !;',.1(1 charities , LoWever merlin , rllivals ! ' effective, should, I think, be HAft,,to4; '.upport of the benevcdent mtieindfrtio est:A.l3l6'6d tham. h'ii tinittst that the people of . t itt . ;. Coninfqtlivralth shoUld - be-coerce I to PIY lii'ses in order that part of the . morifY-Ici raised sfiarbe given . to 1 the I)Portr of . loeal charities, conducted ''°Y .itiiVale..s.sAsoeiatior.is, . espeesally . !hen it , is. ienie . in tiered that hit hprtif ..I' , ll ifiitall proportion of the 'privtito "tdtjOs in the State have asked for . Ltli tiOroprintion. A qii reu mend ; therefore, that no t up ropria,!ion be -, made,- for - charities, - ,ecotAA,he institution's Which l' have; I .: ib4 e.iperitied." . . 1 , ....th il tax at preient laid op' eorpo-'1 e rgiiuti are unequal, and tO:a cafftsiiiisi ~ .. x ten'tthereby . unjust. 4 reebmurnd:i Leis qbjeet to the -attention 'of the! • Legislifur e with si view -.'to 'a revi-; • ior ) it[' ti - ' - ' ~, )e, system. ' R ) Withi f ' . n a fen years , act have been le p e atecily. passeil Ai , '' h ! reeting t..el ex. , ' e nitore.of as much moliV,Y as tray' .°' n e.efltti . ly lo effvet !irtied 'potpie ",4loMet.imes wittimit Clearly dAii ~ l ' a ""( _g bY, whont - lh - • T k .expel i did,,,,, h . 44. e mrpmay,im-p- e • to .b4 rt i tn . in d G i ' the' :IClffilifitill are re ,,,,, p t., __ e 'This . ertstoin is e ery . 17 1 _ 1 ! bus oready le&to:Ab(lsed i o i r t7 t c .")mon't 'that . tit e l ' - prat. tiei. ~be .i,_ , : Tx nd - , that.,m - Ippi viiiitiOW " 0.4- without liamiti4. !the.. exact ittmlappr!, - 1 , 04 . Mated, the' apecifiei iitir .o whl&h-i t -. eieiii . 1• - 14 to ba!aPplied, and'l 4,!htinx officer • to , 4, x - the ...y. whoni it is n 1 .4 .1.. o Pll.ded, 80 'yptyidirq : 010 )4,e , idiAl .. un is, shall tie settliil . )n 'the= -7 44 ,; 14, .F.Gitua ila tf l i ... :41 ,2_ L. ...., - ^ 'MON% a' o> LI WO 'l t .±, - • . ' ' .1 ' • '* '''.. 1 , _ •,- -, • i''''f;tigttherntifiog itures :hy the - Siete . fo I)eici. Abe rebellion; the ritate`flitili f to; Ithitt• rether, 1805. the', $t $492.938 fi6 lerl4l*n - it of: - Jato ,1 18431: 1 •Teso al" factei Q ,1:__I,! '.,.. ,i - ~.. .41! ' ri;..,..,_,--1.2.,,,,, 1 :;..) j A ir J. a ... :ic, , , . „.. e n . : .- , - -'. .---- -';'7 - - A, • • - ..„, ~ .it l i—; A t ii . • Barre . lathlbrit ' ; taro. exßatt A pestever rt ...1 ..A,lepto w.i r ! . i , 314_ay, nnl.9 , t ~,e,•. , st „. ..,tes., • in : fit faqu'aity•iplll4. itriitql!''-:1141±4 tti tn..* ,7iiiiii,hil,f eut tifr......,-lip fv ,regeitti l ii.OPs tes.el2ary t,•• ; .iftadti,' u n i l gl'edi z lif - I, lia ' ltittf . ;. ral-lwelft.istflN, - ;!. pita! i it' l'. lifY,-ihti''oer'l,lllo;aofoi.oti,p4l,,,p7,lc„, 1.1:,..1:.;:;;;•:;•;;,. i i i ff. the fA rcfiail i . iposiolt hie ?fr tha i rftittlitilorii iiiitiltii'filt I,- ii rtil' ' eni lie ri*Ssiiien lif ••"eriftkost, -- froni • .2 . .bettiir Iliaittliel - - - • 2fitle .. ' rA•P I,,••;rtrgtits4ro l. •:upoft I tot Cori .. it. or,,auttior t ;,„.,. ame. alt 4 4 1 4 tki ' liet ilta*;in , 6l' , ";Or" , :ii,4e nis.- If: , *tint liffisi,i' itiii= Ititi•gigll'hir tie:fit/A ,tlot*.l„.iT_ltif;;tfifirf:trttifiH, 1 ;n' the "I:4l.;'.iir Merits of. i n all tr 37. I i 1 'lfni, of neitlik; f-if ti s t't?:eiil I , the atte - 0ti,049-,qr! Ake -.. Prefe r ., • ti 'xititli • •wii4 1 ,•,0 he fortht*',itfi .4,3 e. ...Onto , lie oer• ; dent: - aOd Secreiniy . ',i ~ 1- i t.'"4;411 rile to, thio' aton the let i vice of.'froc c l4 .. r ' - lite 4.•-• :. Under ; foiti,Vc,' ff . . ...hi 'ill ettintaiir.l • iiini,',4littd. • 't rely ' grab.. 1 , this' reqiirsitliihq , -Here I; P l um e- : the 14, of - AiEensi. 1,84 ~,41: on' th l i 1!- -- ' . i .shirthe s lmiiir ' "asin.. - ti he 0 5i1iYfir clepteuiliteriallO - iii,k an orde4 : , lto . , , . 1. ~ - ...•• , ~.. -- - • • . ... .. - - : !drew, it .may ; teal I.iti tirtlfeiteriet ;- it 'minim I. • . ,t.ti tri'-' traits ; iskied requiring : in . sO"ridepenif s . safety to:nur. I berliFff ~ ,rt ins panfes;,,,i i fi ll it. ea .' bciop :en t . re'r.,gitricata . 4 ,1,p . 1 . - 1 .110 ! *. ii!i-mise,Gi t y' ~.. ~ vii - repeal the i talt}:!t• 4 , 01. all Ow. ~••, t i each . -coati v, - .tii4 1 ertirii„aint piiicime litho:Mt ratider his . vo . ;rintl it: half' neavfy.afti tantsihip, .11•-••• fair rifiortat in... 1 an t h'..tir ;i .,y and itintrtil.'.,4tn . g.. antler I 'he inx of - one; b i n s ; ':Only eleven tgitrients' i liOWe'ver,' . this 'ortler,,inaKi. - 9 - I.',:tho.` :iliirlepciftlent :tr r:f- Mac .10,1 in adni i ten to the fourtee n eul t i lell ir i 161,04164'i 'tivery „Riled up i.ifilie . rS eon.: fressly'pledg . 1 hy...t he: Presidet4, ere org,ttflized• an , . • month:ooolnd ietteift:3lsttipitttegitnent.s i t I e' loan of $3 ' r • int:stored into t he:lst:tit. ire, .bet ft e the 1 , jiff an ..aggre;gatt: e,t, - rellgtli.; : l Of , 89.048 , izoit. nod '.of order of 'General-Pitt i arson 'era!'s -enit rt.! Ici itt 4 were . tirP,triptly .Settt; firwerd: •-• (1' (Ir, retlo..l,?';il....i`erlivi tided' hyliim. antler i natrifetiune f i ".' , tiring tbe - ,'l.tar...lf3qt.'t . s . .. 4 Araft wee': all: :have been ' ';'f rem • the . Witt Depart thetit.• ; • ••1•• . ,i, . ! 'orde.' 'if • 63: the 'Generitl, l ;doYerpf,iiife . t . : 04; ,infj e t 'tif . l r . 'Oft . the . .) : 4•tli du3 •br. p , iy.yifi,6 . l.. tile i whigh: ~,a: - p.r,:utott under tl!f3 State te' Con..ide,r.i- ~Socrerstry;:tif_Virar,• li a fetter effniffilt ' atitlinrit ts. :1 . ,: :': ..,•i'l - • , - . - Legislature. I.oicating. tiik. p a w iff orgardist ion; flu. . Of. i he. . trOia, nt,,04. -I ,Siateunder i that the tii . x . l three•year:V reeiments, confirmed tin,- 1 the :Cid' of: • ' Ayr - -tl e :l6l,l,lhrty-titiee . . • , . . • I fio mend that • rev•Oeutiosnot ;Vit...o der in (he T01145W- triiii i !ments o `iplittitesirit: it,ggregatink, , , evying of to -''``; leg 1 - I.irtfill:fP:'''• ' T tit- regiments' are ..42, : 03,0te . 04; _we` e i'm I.l. o ;iteri . ie,c,s,n4 tgagesi, limns : a:mid:pout fr.', Penns3 Ivaniii; raikitiii.' in.', •u nder ihe clra:it; . rclims4: ittiktivit .tilt kind be 'alitin : addition te::the p hi teentit regliments lof the - same ea fill'ettri . 'iregitrittitts,• '1 I . Vt ()Ult.' large: 1 of three months mi ithr,iflreat:y ealrefi, containiog an Aggr . - ritta t. fifree "cif Ifi. , "• ' 'i - 1— I ' regiments• ' r; ' tent of' t•aii-1, for, 1 :weir • t oceet i It .1011 OOP ; mese., organized andlotjfoKward ,the Inca! au - i iroportitti • 6.redu e, rather than en. l Daring th'' .t.' itip liierti: ~ fittiti itide.- l i ttiit is' ioto- ; large 141-a.l . 'n i nv it er rid in nn eV.ent to:,!, pendent h Ll' rit44: 'Of ..pirilfilry were tliiest' of nix- ' exceed it ilia -ma ' - earnesilv r recions 1 orga'uizeil - in t ci , state.,lii ; J:tli airaggre - 1 ' • • ,-• 'y little from mend to y l ot . theref 'r'e.'to - call ifor no rgittel stren4t ''' , 6f ► ..1.4 1 5 4 $*Icer • s * ".'ini..l .. , . , More than It:teetity • ;lire° regitrter.ts.'ori,m.rli4 ' 1 - •,,i-. 1 I l .,r; 1 'l, which tinlY 'ten ar - to 'Serve Ouriirg r, .If, !will lici. rita,e,mbi4 - 41 . tat the' ar- I O l e • 'War, 'and If tan ! elite. alr.eady• cal : I tlor .;aiffl pro titt . tituts', . i ,oar . peop e, sled for, tolreduce WO' number ' hy dis• :', ;under' sucli _triy'rrig ,Cirtititiiiitincek . , , in ,) 'charge." 1.,' ' '---',:: - - - preaeing the tinOps.file . ,i!,,sitl . Was each 1 Thu twenty-five reeirtierite 1 raked ' a'4 tO I , call from hits .- Prealti,Snt especial' i as, 10., , nye sin tcq...,con prised 20,a70 men..; ihanics,..and to' Irtiquest...MS te 'etpross : !Tire ardor of' one p ',;'lo was unabfts.. thfoU to the people otllliliiStaff.. ed. ',11:i. - ait 'of, the .tinpantes.. under) Durant . the year 1803fot i l oy-three t 1 .• , . my irr fler, ; . . had ,'arri,votl in snip at :. thotiSand and iforty Pii A 4,3 046) I . en. 11arriSitur,: :6'1;1 -others maititaittei i %vitro! flirnished for . filtiVseiltice. 'pH, 'el; - , ~ i ll:be:it. org•inizslintis'at trome, at. their i p a lly, 'f.. o fill; regienentS 4 l in ;ilia ti,..141- *; t : 11 exiieMte,' and • hy ' ettotrilfutions! . whi c h ifad - heitr' reduced' hi ,thti .exi ': froth their 'llei.riltors ;nal jlt:rids: it• .t elet' fif ti - W"ar I '' -'• II• i ' , -, ls",. -," ! i ~ • • 14- '• 1: - ' 1 r ; lit . t liti, •di it s fea! cotnii t ion • I'tf - the ' Duri . fig r th e lyetir,i, tfif!,44.l r ; under the 1 count ry, .if WI atl tiei ,yati ng.',.. Is at, ir. case ! cation 4,e:ills. tif ~'the pew) itllt4neerr.•-• 'of reverse to our arms. the. hardertiof : mene r , thir y I WO , reaiMen e.:,' f tin bat.; • ; -. , Pennsylvania woul I he the portals ,t.) I talion.i.atiditig'rLi(nnatjaelf-4cp.ippilibles 1 t lie . rielt granaries, nitinfaetoriesatill i or-difroi•knt , :i n trig. of thti;': iry.Ao3 ATM ittovedioui l es of . th Nino I:), 1 , .lerinTi. ; ifir 4 '3 : l:ll.r:ii, - ,us ii,erintlit,,,..siter, l'' fitiginized I it tttS , duty to convene . the • 'Legislature, ! ' . 4 - t i 4 'Fi rt ii,... t 0 tho &dd. it ,iopfizkiii,t, i i t lint', attept ate provisio . n Might be : ee,' !enlist:menta' in, the'fitflikiatitat nt kg. , .Pmessage the! made to en; tde me in render - the -mi.ls i t to 17'1:876. an'Aigiregrifiitc*ef...6'l,7o4:, ri', has Ireen•lititrY powet o f he State as; , .avitiltthle•l i men,lftiridshed for i 4;0:1 , , 'i . r ' ,.• .. .1 he :large. eon- i undleffi . ciert 4 its '.it Kli Malt 110, t"! 4, . the I' Ow si i• v . „ Kil k i i rsi i„i,-4 , ..... / ' - - , - . ;; ; -„i m p er „, r neylvania tolenrnntor: defense 01 . the State and Ihe 1 cons - Intatim:, ha r.re . ~,2.-?. i; u' if: flat ,. r. of ,the- General Oovernmei t; -and. tteet.itlifig-1 atilt Milli,: a lso l. ' 4i ''', ';‘-., itoFilgninerit, ervico Th,ti'.l3-:, on tile: 20111 Of' . April, 1-361, issued.ii%t i'evit' . .`etinVi ' .. s' . . - '' ' '''''' ' 'i ' ;'''''araill' 1 1 W. -- , -11 NW 9 AgyffTrri - Ifl'TikaYTh 1041- -X4ill'ir'fb ,y,'. - - - Crc ;with' pride ',llotir or ibe same month. • firt taken by t Ila m'y Messiore n t'he 1 1..egislature trteintain the :,.at, its opening. I reor:intended imme t and 'in its - ...jiate organization, discipliuiig and' 'td! of i t s eii; naming Of - :It I.iast. fifteen regiments. eielitsive ittillin'Sc t.. Iled into the ser•'-', - ' vice, of the 'United .' ta t es. ' 'Ti..' L'o'izil., Int tiro . :, mod pronisitly tip - , c, on ; this pagge - .tion. land .nadir full pro • ; vki.ins fnt• I its ' tiff ettial aticriMplittlt i in,eni. Tile', retail t . vas the early alai ' eomplt•te '!, organize inn, clothing -and equipmert of the •Pe rafav Iva Ilia, Rl - Vl:lit:liner et rps with .. .its thir teen ri...n_Ottierits o •infantry; nate of i.tillery . . "art' . 01 - .0 of . eI:VZIII'y ,ittaier . th e mper,t,ot t it ti nf, ieorge A. 51. 1 _7:tif Wlin wes•!p - olected p commattil . it; wit h . ;the ' corinaii4tiour ,it '1 rank {o f 'Major' `Oeneral.-i, The env; s taint:ailed. 14 853 i rtien . . - and :'the whale expense Of taking,' ',•t•loth:tut,-;eti.i.ii.piti. •MI bsititig. is nit rpaYing thern, until their e,ntry into; ribEt..ijoitt.tl rStattai erase, was $3.55. 1 , 444 - , 5 T .'f he 3 tier_ eotiimped lie slit. l 1 furerit., pit'rtlt of rli‘ Stel.V..a•xeeliting' I ro eit fire regiments, conintanded by 1 Ctointleis Close, J. Middle arid S4,:nitea 1 ", G. Strii.tratsi; and t'vti batierie's- of ar- ; :.filler.tn under' the loinan I _},*!,J p..i.. I chailes .v. Camnlic I. which et, the re-; : quest of ii the War Departmek,. Were I 'sent' nit the 22d n Jittie,.lB . 6l. to the. I relief of ;Colonel %V allitee, tit4;umber- 1 I la n d,- ',lferyler t d,. • tol .reelfained. for; 1 ahotit sifil wi.eks ti ere, aril in- West . s. ; 1 ern Virginia. 'lo:ivy Min active ove r ; atitipns. I ToWards, thc, close of - ,Titly . „ , i the whole Corps'. as. caged 'for and ', takett, on it 'regain inn. ititti • the ser f Vice sit !!tad , ; Utti , d Staten: Within 1 four - d'ay's” liter. tI c' disaster• at Bull t Run. --- elcVen l regim:nts, in all, reYpects 1 reariv f.n . . , ,actiro service, were in ! Wasitie.gtonl, anti B Itimore. ' ; 1 Thu;.i Ops Kent f Wettiern tirgiit.- tt,., , i , ;la were ;revisited and with the'nther ' two regietetits of 'the corns f.,rwurd ! ed to Witshington. .; On .the 26th of.. retary,•9l, .Wer exp: lion and tli t atikaf spouse frottal Pen /is l ' Thu !wisdom of - iirovitlitig ft;:r the Corp ,Isls. fur the int, 1 Lind tlie•'a ion, w .. ; ; subsequent.!vents., iwho,fill:i its rabic; t hy me If ,ide;.• that l'regitnetit* which :tieiridett ' , ire,con:iniend caul measiure tii•it.4 of much 'appropriate ir 'refusal to n4tions be. ova 'grease: •ffient. MEM= 'Or Varnalt.: have 'A i I IIIC operW-, all' Kuck' iset . k li 'ttiture cam. Crirp;n the coepora• e itm franelii f • in dil ress: I 31, Pe rkt,i— la ny re ti rti d''.CP~~tt+nrd ti ,TI of the 16:1.1e wits ,if the 401,6 itii!•ni. 'At, Attititl, but no - would break batit, would portions as it , i n r her • -ok i . n lv1i— ! high bliol.hitit ,e lute et-ont— "They! , ' had left I lhomea* itsidr a de • irthcir enuntry; and il haek imaecipted ,oerions illtilCult4- I ,!liottnehSer: F • Ity • Relit tif Cif 125th qt.thly." 1861 1 ;ant liari etl to eel Sitstei i,ltr r dame'. I tear+. i i Un ier tI4 !liana Ward mricio four:eeit ; f. gimon .lorniAh:AU. i llrt th iet i 4 had 1,6 n , gen dent 140 the W neknbei t bf indiiii menim tr. different whiob* •i riduilly ft liPatterson ieral dovern• ipelnded e of Slit o gs „loot nien Seventy Pee blimp - 6)lles wellej as's'igned to recliteed regill'ents, by Iwhiel l th e y 1 were iagain 611 ed AO the yegiinentell Tbei i 4c) titt'se reg!me n t s .l end ~4.ctinty.6ye entnilieliee i with ved reertlitk!feokr • revn l ei.L. :its the t.eported .tll4 Mperiintendoets of tlf ! nt. serviit'o..ltinilliiiited itti 'k i p • 4 / 0,1 1 %1i% e; to 24783 . met, f thisjYeur.l In',thci motith t.f 1862,=1 4ltei d 801 RO t.)ieame evifrOnt had ; ! o.l!ua aggressiVepi.lie Lind was! ithie4, t 0 iiirtoe the :si l rtiitirt o t'Stsite,... l throughltler3`llriek. o enl 'the Sontilern btu of; l'cir.nsylvniej Under the, roni.t ion of Ili° Oresi , etii of .i . ho fit , l l Stattes; on :the. 11t Icielw of fist my o l)nof.sriiltiion!. eal• -ling immediaterefiee end of the ti:lorinen: . e. .4hiS Utel)r this enll ! : : twetit l 6y . , l regiments; And fop)* elini i pnnies.otinf ti ferLi te en . i; let t tuelled e i tnptmi e *of Hav'sir.v.; well four batteries Of'so l itilf)tk,werel imme'diately hrg-tnize:land i4eF.t to the! borderolie grouter jolicoli, l ifdrenein g beyond. the Sate lineeto Ilasryl6)el., l G eo . inliti-+'Jlteylio's, et emennitteling fire Pinsylesinie 'Re. potve Corps, :Was temieerifyles.gr,. 6:,t; 'the Seeretur3o. %rue,. to the elonetit o d of.:lltese te l e4,lli .vor w h ose order'they tv,'ore returned to'lEtotite.il • forthi,land by It.y balideii,on the 24th ;tithe ; In ttelinntelolgneent: of .1) ser r eie oe s ran det'c.i the! - men 'o,,l'ent)SYleartia.l l Major t o 4eneril the Arnly ,eft, the Ponmej li letteo doted 'r l 7th of pteMbir, 1862. ark - nOwleilkit.g. the Aetcj. tj it itiik• tug the'§tutel uses tlitillottini; hitt. . • gunge: l 1. ri.nunee' in tiell he people, of Peitit o sylvrinin rosihled i.i)l :•your cull. and lisetietl tsitte. defeneo of their, frOntier, tvi dot eic•r ! eis L ed influmieemennio eti l eniY;" an d: the Goyerrior of .Ex velleneY A; 1 0 . Bradt!. in' .order sopteinber 2 1 1862;' ',es' es kbe 1: - .110Win!g o lurgetigo o these irGriPs !.; -The Itenditi with; whielt they .ercshetilthe bori anitnok o thAr steel.] beside-the ,i brigade, tili46 . that Lime biirtle..,in en. r04 1 e . 71,1t, lett. itn Weal peel) a cult t' as now unitesl Osiii*taida end ISlsryletkl,no H . . b . In.!tho mo,tth .4 lpt6:rl o t rognin o beeuniu'evidencthntie tray advanci o ngj w.eStern' hot of I l iin.dylve nia. end link he 261.thosti.iiii.nili - ulr, 1861, the'Se..- esseti, his gratitieA 'r the . prutoßt..re ,•IvaniLi. ' the Legklature in formylinn of :restpl i of. tite,tutgi us-fully gliOwn7 by k r o, of •the moo • lied been uteeitted ull ior twenty fire us ulterwuribi tieir:fttm;liea and Petitl6 f•frii . uty linc.e Resit diem 0.11.1; have eou4eil mAkilng itituro gremv of. and tho firemident, upf.n the aever3l rA to Pei Ve fur i hreei aullinrit V. regniAi t on , 614 Stu:a. anti -„were • promptik -meantime rut hoer. led by the Pre4i:- r Departmett,t to'tt ilele to "refie' red: 'oartal of the State. , erfiaired with tb - I .1 $.l attain. I;o4Ord; ; owy•pronettfool l ealling the thilo.iis othoSt4nio Ooinedjato servicO: To die Dioom4tit,l l .l4.- itto Illonongitioei - live rikonts of:infant. ry._obO;coony otbilry naiad o" ld on bottelry, of :artilleryt moot i chxytib rv_iitto, u:ndlorie baton of i!ifaittry.. ooe.battannii Of en f; aisdr,(iim 4. bat.: ~, tort of ; On lety. to! n1'!9" 1. ri .. ..t ) L'l" ted - States ti rviee, i negriletea. 'ln th e Der t rt ant .41 5111110112114 a, i ifrriik:ihtil6 1 egi : . iiroli five dn.' nitutltied* coniptipiti inf antry, anti, two'nnettuhett 'eniiiei of ,eAvultv . inr ninety dtryi; mittaliqn:i of in. fantii,i oue iblettala tafilhiliy, and .1 4 •4, . , , . 4 t;~_~ . , .lour indi.pendent batterieit of art illetr, for titre tt . ntoctiAlti,,threti - !reginteitteldf leavairy,l two battilioni '-'6f infantry, and tht lie i ilgiepiitla i•Yit; tvitterielt :Of, ar: itillers., for six tritintlisqlttited Stat.& herrii r ee,literelirg:tnizea . - ' •,'' '' l''; .: Thire-weraltalito • organized , fp -thill , d tipii . rt nient,,for A he "entel getiey germ,'-'' !'eliclit'raitfntents, dile intititliot t .. and: ft i n tt nt her of . 00,ttitetiffir companies ),of 1 Atifitiiiry, two'l fnifelitiilent • baitertti I 1 i , , . . , of 'artillery and' tWO , roitipanies. 'of ;. , :- . : , ~ : .1 cavalry .., ; ; - ; 1 i Its the D epartment :of the Monort-1 , i gather's,the troops under this 'f - ...a1l Were lisiinnisnileff by -.ll,ajhr i Generiti .W, 7.1 III: lir3ek4, nail in the Deparkirleilt fit; !the Sinottielienna, by I Major (*remit; I) N! Couch ; oe'verally ainiti led by the I War llle,parttytent, • ' • , ' - k The details of the aerriees. - or the militia do those oceu-ionC, as Well' 'as 1 the generoti t s aKeistanee .-Tendered ,'"1 the 14,11iiiii Of the States of N ew ;York and NeW Jerse - y, hare been fully reep.. ; oinixiillin preri9us infesn,ges. ' • i .'Acting Cinder nrilerii ; ths3,? : did - npt.i lirsitate Ito Croib4 the• State line Una en.; ter Ohici r and - Western Virginia - In - tbo I WeetOtrie. in the Etat they defentledl ilie line Id 'the Susquelitina, ivere - at Gettyi , bifrk_before the itA - r - 4 - ;.t.fif eunce 44 ,;the f strengthered in the field by tlie 'pawl -4 Army cif' the Potomac,' defended . oer. I tricdevotioli• of their!iriends at home; lisle aneeviostuily i wive - Stacked by, la' tlpd, we eatt never render full jastiee superiorl.. force, made WI marches; to theheavon.:direetedpstriotie,chrile tattier:oy,, .tinffertng i grest - . privations Tian benevOloecit of the women . .of the ladr Age 'want- of eaffivient means of S tate .. • • -•it - '•'; - t•- trati.SPo' tsa - tlisis i CrOsse4 ,r.)l.6 . M.drylaritl 1, During . t he War. I 44accasiciti;fr4 1 wher,,ordered. and' ittaekei• the'ene f . It r m e . to time, to comtnirnicatt, dreely {my sn'ocessfullv.; and saved the citeittill Vrith the 'j Legislature ..on - sithjects - . of their State from - destrtiction. When I,bearing upon the' interests of tbe men the 14stOr3'- of the • rebellioo is' ttiulv 1 rlepresenting the State .to the 'itrmis . wt.; tte k , Ino • part Which --relates,, to lof the Republiv,.- II i .. . !r. - r r Pittingj•Watija . will rtllect! ore precht I ' it 11 with it 61 . .00 rif i Hanfrignegrl4- -1 on tile Ratriotisio, courage and fidelityl i ride. that - I,4tpknowledge how ;cheer of her - people, than , their, prompt stn.' fully, and promptly, I, the Legislative ewer. 10 the .call made for s nolitary rd,iye.ptionle acted upon! •nly•Lseg-,-* service fcr domestic protectipn:....lt is• _ estions„l4rhether ibrl. the seppOrt of arecOtillof which. the great • hods; ns i t e- Government, theenliettnetst ~sind the reiople are .a flirty, and, of which i tirgenitation . • of troops or. fOr-Alse.% l k thi.,. `forly all he prold„ 1 a' .1 leo - Enron of our , peoplo already-in the! 21 1 .In -July, 1864, a r ebel ;, army again.l.fleld.. :, 1 . - , crossed the Puternae, •th reatentitg the 4 , l Without -thisgeneral ernfidettea an southern!'• 'border,' and mareted ' to I liberal support; the fut.:mm.of tliOEs.L, AVvaillitviii,. - • ' r . - : , - ..1 4,,u1k, would have been in vain; - the •-,. linaeri the pressing (lonia nds of the; ; treasure that has beenexpended,Voald ; li'atiobil,authOrities,all the organized' lave been , wasted. preciouss lives ' knit troops in_ Pennsylvania Were ins medi.l +(told hiv ebeen An , empty sacrifice, ittely' sont for Ward.. The rebel . arrayiii O l e hillised .hearts (`,...!•• kindred 'and was, • defeated iiia ,drien back, .: ktifrienrie:-wouid have b e en ; , F ii4iit. 8 4- - rebel 'Col ;nu. of three thouSantl,tnar,l,c4s, the strong Men, whose health bitiveeter 1 had crossed the border; and, i lot& , been' broken and whose . , bodie,s •orr,the3 th,of ,July burned .therOlvtdboe been maimed, 'Would have. been oPtlitintbershurg. ~ 111 My mosSiige bf: . Mienumenta of berolsitt Wasted,. and It mnrtrva -, nie - e , t,xrhitj.r44,fa' v .Lhis._, L aaee„thefsotroref this greaticommoniveajth. stances attending :the ` , lta:reeetion; Of ' r .riail-iiiiii.-146:4,taintd*t t.... 1 ). that ii?r(vipm. Although -the pesople i Zepublia. • , • aillettlvnni P.' 'II' ' 1 ••• -•I a if Alf; tVe 'Slutliern border,. fieffered.l il .The report of theilon. • Tho Mas il 4 ! mach more from .anntial ineartiotia of, liurrowes shows the 0 atiryink;rosuO, I 019 sno o ty! 'Ch . t . 61 tiiiheridinrg the leiijy; tinder his .activg Itiltakeirtent„rif ' the tottli esiltirely „destroyed .within' ouri system adopted,Pt . titr' State for the 1.6 infer, ard, it it believed, in'any lay 1; ihaintenaneu and education of t'lle orL, St ? to : 1 J 1- ' ...c. . I -, -'! .• 1 ...i Pliant_ of our soldiers /1 His reciirt exlz The, Citizens of the town vrere end. i Iphits the tact that. 1,i3-12; orphans are I denly rud.rccd to Ipnvertly, and, for, 'a n ow actually admitted to the sehooa It time; were sustained; by the active Ve.,i and thav 1,846 applications inure have .nevoletirtisof the people ofother parts . ; been allowed, and orders 'r issued for I6r I hielState, aided by an • appropria- i• their admission, many - of , Whoiti' . hare t!ren.. admitted sinceLliis . ..reppr L ,It (ion of fate' lionsfred•th•onta T it i ddollare•!: l itte rwill also be seen that the largest apl--. froin, the 'Com Mori weal th:l -Thep !titre}Ailed energeticaily:tO.revive from P l ropriation that eveild'will bar equired . i thhi calamity:but it is new .feared that I .iill .be for this . •.iind, the twoetisaing 1 few of thl.m• will be .a b le. to 'suSceed.'l years, antrthat %hen t he atiiolliiir . Cr ! I 84bmit ' ;therefore. tont the, wisdon; fir: h' gradaslly teclueetLi .I bare hereto 1 1 the Le l a -late, whetberlit. would ;Mt ;' ft re !Ilse pri pe r to eit t end..to I that ;• pe.iple I.4nd S l i g ee n i l l i t n i e t n i d i 6d d l lei nneichedirrlYalleitY,ltdt4 you r . 4 :an o- ;seine additional relief. ~. - •••,1 i tht-r viol d, in askingalcentinusitior'.•ol I Thu number Of -I ro.oP s ierniahed t !Sella appropriation, tulip is to pen-ride service o , ,frorn Pens3,lvenia, during Irb and erincate the bromt hloot at the [th e g• s i ) ,,dii t m m a r . b e stated as follows , IS te,. and tippOrt the living le,..escies l I Viz : ; :,' .1 • . . -J : .'I iW' it.h..have been beglie:abed us'bv the! ii c : , ~i, . 1 Derillgthelear 1841. 1 130 591 , la' n wOw lam down 'their lives ter the • - ...... . : .. I do [ do' 1862 ; • 7 1 . .... • 71,100. el entry .- - When • .vre j remember'that i • -do ', do 1863 •I '. ' - • - ' 43;046 : where sort ofpu bile and private pled . ge, • i. I d ' ' 4° 180 ' . ...' .. 9 / ,7 ° 4 i Oita the Waive:we Of man could devise -' " ' 20, 1. 1 ` ) . , : ori utter, Wail given' to! loar.'snidiers as 1 . do , do ,18.65 . i • . r , 1 8 6 4 , _4 8 ' tt:py wont forward, thit. if theft' fell, tkir orphans should lieenme.,thechil .l 1, - ,.i • 1 1,- ' This statement' is exelusito of inilis I i oa t ,. and r i!iilistilie . 661 'for the Uniail :d i ed of theStsete, I - et+not 14. : an in. si are i,, N a , 3 „ . . . • .1 i ; -1. ! !stunt snopose that'yeu [will liesitte to of ce , titinue . .ati . app.roprial r ion Whict. is to. ' I I refer, for mere perfect' detaild bless their little (meg, roviding rom 7 ; all - the Mil tory operations of 1 1 ,11 e Siate,ll i f l 4 . ,:r ‘ i4l : : l a s o r,t lie d s ti , a i i t l i s tu te t a i d (?:n o , f n leaving r. ! to tlie rep , rtsi of the A•ijutatit Gener - !,' i . i th he arn m !al, of the • stlier- military deriartineritsi Of the State,• and - to- my • Previous air!-: a l t ‘ i ' a f4 r i t l .a s t i" .i k ti f i t it t i 9 ,:c; .Fic h e a, nbtecnri7do(;),e,.. to ! neat messages. This brief railiti,ry l l d - soldiers, who Went into service l'recerd. irotild be insperfeci if it p ri vate 'failadb i to, cononend the ti,hd;ty, t il i t i i: l tg ai O e f , li n ke d. ii i lil e it ic a p rj r - e . as depa ni ; tieineers4irt)sii-',1611 Congress ,b v retasing Or . pay 'Sam zeal land in , lten, er the provisionl of the act - of, 1 boiinties offered . by the terms 6:(that i !ohlii-tatiOnitl.'fOi the ready .obedientle !liet:. • The following letter. wltre.h I achlresseil . to the Secietary 'of •War, and iiiMst ant.shippert I have uraftiroifyi ,mafficiently explains % the •peeiticin Of, receiver frnm .t he idoefs of Ithe'ihpart:- 1 1 1 I. this affair • • ' nen " 11" unic '" 6f 11 .7 Pur' .. s 'f 4 3 ll l* . Mc ' EctriVidii : mitett, . 'i i} I ~, . ' 1 '- staff. , . ian Approximate' judgment of the A4KI 4 I3UAG, e.i.,Jizne 5:186k l . amount; Of ilabor• performed _by Giese i Sfti.::•-r-There .are two subjects ''% on= departments, arid tha t; office of the Sec . J i neeted iiiiitithe discharge Of. ~Volun- 'rotary 'of - the Ceinisionwlealth May tie leers which; are at so much ! n ip", made,..Wile i it is stated; that Over tier. tanceth'at I feel justified in calling ty three, t sousand (43'000) . ' Military ymir attention to.qtent: . - conttaiscicn 5 were issued during the First—The men are' bei ag aid,, on.:. war. I ~, , 1 ... • • . L - - 1:i ly teethe day :of theiri- arrival at..the • The first , reipiest•••for tfrid'is front place they are - to be 'discharged. ,Th. is this State 4eus - i;sated at W4d: iegtrits will' cause theta ' to lobo a few ilayik , no the 15th' of • 4 1 1pril,•1861, 4,1, .011 the pay„depending principally Upon! the i 16; ii, the . telegraph all:nuanced 'to , tfrtt• promptness and dispedition of theofft•.j War Depaiiiment that over 4.000 weit, viers of the United States haring ; our, roud Used at. H g arrisburg, awaitinmarchiegHer.. n •ar i in eharg Charge It. is , a ''intittar lof I den ..r - l lp ,-. . • , . -„. H 1 i 1., a moment to the Gfsverninentbut Itis privilege to 1 . hail ;it: t iiiluten feel it to be an injnetia,:ead, 44 414 '-orbr , tett if i ' it;.,.• ir" rememberei s. tii~ißfram th e ird WitsOng 'P:tnnsyttrstii the 181 litcht !be Caspi,tol hrirl„titisii 'At! iit' Bitil 1 Po 11.6.117nti first tii,o))o rdn't t 114 ith iti i tat pitippi the rtioViibi .1 • I i'l, that the diat'iniiititi+ if under the setel ofCo - iigrees, they i l a loyal Statekwinu rime tr epai r : n ~ i ise arge , , „ink •h' ' ir c act i b u iiiiT h -a 'V t hi nk g ; ton, ivaii Ole tone of 491y0n will agree . wipi them. iiiiiii; who arrireA there On Secondin eirpulir Ne. 20 1,- of 'April ; and that, when t lirerost ilapilialli Office, dated July cif Ili'li -.NationWAY the Kee"' 19,1864, "under . whieh,the volunteer* nreittened, after the ladle fio4 to be'diselarixed krete rained;' it in, the reuimenti!i- of the to stated iriiii t he tiotiiiiy iii•ovided:by da li,i.orre'Corps irate the la* is pit folli•NA : I ,. ' :,, sent forward. ',., 1 - . 1 . "F . or . Oetilita inrluding . represent f' e begliining , of the livar!in ,atire fierinta, $160:.' o .. State had never falteied , •And: . .it further ad . , thit' !he' ilia fi l art of the ,G went Mont. ~- r instillment of the bininty. vntl,ke,..paid 4, in,the e.riet lin to" Of 4u6..„ when the' Teetift ii litithitill'elt Ilh act ,ot Petiailifvaiiia,whath: foiloViiii - • ::- ! I' S i .•• , li r in man O ! inoneritava_,Oeiiiier.l;e . l 1 ' loi4VtdiJi iipassifereti.,' Pie iiiistAi t 4 t 'tii`er i•e't'wnet of' x,iiar ',peojwie in Li leid: hi i IN iui natnd. ' i Fejt!' .1 neitteritti • It ieroiain asiorthi of 'ebiispietuati. tiotie tut it would;he impeasible taltainti hem in t hqyr u ttarki; 4* 42 t a l i)ii r am laithOut ~ din,tt. iiijus iee, or, perha pinking ir ait hridious 1, istinetionc , fAeinerit'are in 'prokreins tii Fliaire il. ontplete, !history et: ; out tagitneit net: al`lias..been c..bnieinplatedil,end a I ' e n ir m ev t ai n dd ei i d d P a t i 8 : kr e ; d r i ;i a l 7. ;o n r n' t :-1) o il: i . t it h b4 a i fil b i ll.. s x 9ii is mi:i lt I nle t ibt' yet f Hilary Department to your faro s' • le consideration.: .It',l'would be 'ali e utposaitile to,furniska: history i l uf the asociated, fieneriiiecee',and pith ' ,] Nuke, dividitelpo'hiri4etions to thp;!`pqrat girt' of utir'peopliis lir tfie geld arid lids. pitai, or of the nainia.'sitid:eirr s ieeni, t . , ,till time*, of out, .voinnteer aurp,aona„ ; When culled ,to assist, ;in Ole b l uspit i al iir the bsttfit 'field; nor fill' it piessib fl . to do julaiee 'to e , the.'tnany patriot c ehritiatii men who•werralwaye rea v tO respond when• suiniouneil to 4.he ereise.- ot uctel.of humanity aiWf ii , --• '' '' pevolenee. ; I • Our 'armies we're; L anStiiped ,'and .1, Ai - thr -- 4, irobt,- , • septa. A , 111:411-4sitatittl6edits year) adv•Oicisi anttiiailgitdc - ! A spaeoqiii . ciiiisiivi aaastoemi.uisqii ular rates' 8U1P, 03 and ,o,t.ci,l4le,iqc!!) 1 ,- 1! II- . 4 • , TO I a reteiti4 , WI/0) . eikb: 011:itt ribin r Arms: f0r.. 0 4.,i4 yr 633:41', f, , i r,:1:1vil t',. On these, a tekta the 'tnen enleqedo. '' end t hey-,erti ii ; 1 4,4,iniork, thak they irre • entitled. ; , tW.4I - -relnailjdor 0f 3 ,:tiit...1 n bounty !r he ..'!''"?b' ed from. serNice.ll - L IP 4:pkoritie ., ;-. , ii . sv*ActipaiithoM i : ' bat* IPlPlici . ... l. riVIVV I 4 I O,„h` I O4II9OO-; the Gorerrirnan-:-, osainalseqiiidetbei._. set-vice tnr,,thicru 1, terakioftithsk-044 1 1 ,3 ~, listtnent i art 4 I p arcs fa *i, ,, ilk;:i?Feau :' r /! • ot the,e9ntracti . • tw,elalLthe- ATA.We.ratil Intent end the nt n.. The4oity,nseitail L Ink out by the *v. i.ripi4at.al , eo3' . tinistrteukto .' li C' t !"" 4l ' °(.l lti is, sciditio.pol x pay for eervietet i. to 'be re derati.;;;vo, men became enticed t toll. l by thei : lti*k j iif enhatment, and could 0n1y444014 , ::, *has -I einaineo nupnid. l it3l. - 9einfilit . . Contiet,cd which such fOtteitartaktieki be.elklegal.,,pe*ty:,- , --Thtoa. mitten, are ,creating finn i th nn-Plettanntleelibik ttniar.g. the mpW!!, 1 . ii r l:ll 111 tt - - ti . you, t - itey -at o a%_el ,gl l It_f . yi ala the country al s theln _urriy7tiepri i ; atitOf it, eat possibly-tui tOruided thaly-- ougbtialOtto - t.iwkat;.l4(mgo-utgitigi6o, tooling ;hut,t,i2.;-_Govut•ntuent i ,-_w_bek qic - 410 their iierilees ui :no ; longer aegnire4, : , takes tbe,.firt4 oppo4.l.nity . .toltogg-,i tEcin tinjuitly i a d, Vrolittr its . e?ti4stst.,: - : wall them. ! I 'l --1 I essure'yO ' ,-that anlessAlie,,, Al. ! • culties are rel evied i •theFo, wl.ll, be ,o 1 r;•ii-L-, ated a general diseconiept ,Which"., ittrt,, lie 'injuriOuS ,: er6afterj 1 494,.74 . . 1i;,44, ; fervent desire foj• the snteei # 'of •- ,yilOF adtni.niAnatibn , : - 'hichleride . ine to'bring, them dkrectly, to yotit. noti ce' * ;; ' • ' 1 Very . 'peetfarY; - -4 Your l obodierit servitol 4 :-4 . ~ • - 1 A. 4. CtritTlN: To 211 E• & le Mtn arEXT. . '.. , f 1- - , I i ' r •• ' , •. '. The, refubal has been , persisted_ in, under tin opinion of ;the Attorney I General or thc i nited stateS,- es.copy. t 'of „Avhich W W Was sent . tir i 'd. l' invite yourattention 'to the- re-•r ports of the Apl tar y D.ePartruents.of, I the'§tate. t 6 th report of _the Super. inienticnt, 3, CO 111011 School s ilr kith b / exhibits the Pr Isperorri; con mon ~?f . our itYptem off public edu c ptition„ and te the ref,iiit -it- he Suriekor Genetai ) ; „ And .reeomnien to yUdr ••fstii•o‘mbisi!- conside.iiktign the thanYiexcellent l etrit.:t . gestioive .. made bk'fhat oiliest: - ,-',•,, ..`, I ci.tirprnend tof your "Juni , st const4: j r o 1 '• ~ - J leration the litiut&restion made oy:.4110: , "Surgeon General in hAsi report,„„berit- - , with r, irtin - sinitte , on the propriety of ,with for j he pro tection' or ofir--„- i people, by proper•samtary matilluilisc trout' tsherravriae of thelchslera wiiioh-. ~ is now aaprose ing,oni•lshores. - 2 - _..i,•,,, ,I. commend to he wisdom of tliel.f 4al 6; • . • % ' ' - r.L.,;t:„4.-.;;..ratred4 the rellei:Zi",thter• many minted - mad - , wounded ficildi9re• Possibly! , 7c.blit I might be done by eontinujug and efrl T ; 1 largi ng,- the acts providing forlioat dt : ' 1 :of relief . in -the several countieS: jI Irecomtnind- theadoption bylbe'Leiti: tslatirreof this 't tome 'uther plan-4mr , doing justice to 'he class of men ',ill , - question.' • ,j . .-" ..-- L. , Ey thqjniot resolution of May i6' , 1-1861,.,aukborizineR 0 t i zil f il vo Hai n ' t o :. Our - regiments, Itr was matte 'the duty .- lof the Executive. to.reeeive . the raga:. , when j the , 'regin ents.tUi.unied.,, ,i ,Llbla: has not been bit herto dune,: inasmuch, ' as theY baie not yet l alkbe s eli rrosq)o4' 1 out.: As soon as thiti shall have take,• i place, tl.e 'flags Will ber r e ceived With - I-- appropriate- erre Onies;iaiid I ineom.;:•l mend that the L gislature inatie ; Pro•:- - 1 vision tor itusil4, - theti - io be hung,iti., the new4.4ibrarye ' l'.. r ' -,•"'" =_, : ' ' • I refer- to the Luiggesi-ierr of lirigia•' i dier 'enerai Tod ,•Itilicetior Giberal,..- I mi- Aber subject of he militiii t I obserycs . with ; great . pleat., re,' ` that CongFeaF•is, i pripesing• to ~ esta hoz a I,unitortn_ . 'lel E - 11 tent throughout the list . Siefes, - '. The_ arsenal at Ilarrisburgh is•de•••• caying and 'uniusie, — ...... fh l e•-• grins' i. ind: 1 , . munitions of itlie.Statiii„there. ocpctsi, tod are of the value' ptobablS- of intitE 4 a million of t.lollairs. Il', recomniiipld, that provision belriade for / repairing it, or; that anew aYsenal be coniVeut, ed, in: this vicinity", feri thc. , purpose !jot 7aecuring . their pioaeivation.- . 1.. Sincemy last v neal ;Message:lSe , i - li . latu IPrefiiden j ,t,,,,0 !tile -1 0:04tect , Statett 'has fallen a rinti n 7 to,. ilie;.most t foal , I,and base Ussassina ion, iecor4ed r in b!,.a /t - , , I i ltory. l It.will. aff nf me I.ole4stilii Dad 111 will heartily unilte t wiffi.!lyoir inlatil ljexhression of tudiOation, !, at J . - Able , Ikulime, ifna pf.apprecialfetirlf : Abe Vitt 1 lig virtliei. and. 8 erriPet,t,ol 141.71p0p.,. • A bral!atil,' Liget:dn. ,My unifurrn, course during „the lafe. war was to . avoidi i l: e ClieCifsitiOn "ht - lhe' •phlicy oF the PO efill' oreitnietit . ,' . Whitt giving , a l hi•art leripert to lbw' i Nitional eethorities n "If ? t'NeiFniee4.. urea' . j c os' to PE tit Febellioce. ; .... k, /shall. continue ;to puratie s .410_,,,sniiie, l , iJ i churse during . t he .einbarra'asments'. neeeeearily enna_e .ted•With fhe-eliffre:' j , . , restoration of- t e country: . I'l4 - 'principles e xpre s s } in ,t,h l 4, tressege of he President, at; lie: CoTrrieneentent t , of the seiliion '.OVCOrigr i csi, 714 ' i .,, ,, , , I/ °afro my cordial' tiletfrt. 1 During'' - lent' 'C . years -' - the_ fi al l ` i dle : ; ; f!Plei j of thiii. - IS`6ttei hire - suffered.- lenply j fmot the : .. ie t tni It/es of Imaer z ..., ) Thousandaotbar.en t heri t been slat . .l --- an's} oihenc are 'ainied and broken,; 'Ahead every ' - - his kin 'ittriok ,:i n,. and 'tris . ry 11 -key "thOre [it e: w isfowe' nil eiphlne, fini s , •-ipf. thetn.hejeleas.'j and in - . ppyerty • tt,„,iii-.4; - oullivot.A tricerq , ,,congret tile lop, tp4 . ,14!1e#,N4i,. . t last'vru . rned. ~, ' i:., :., :,,,,,, - 1 am : I .t a orsil . EV i Oli . ,..fltivieg , nv 4 lttliill i tY'' wi ii,'"Qtlicti'''iiiiiotiik oriiii6iney not he aiiieehiyAthelegli. 1 and therefore 'Yeßnte '-it . .., ruPw 4 a. l q it:ee ,9?At , I , ng 3" , 11 :Mil . ''.' 4 .0%; *natuktigb 6 ii:art O't- ', * - :7 —.-. 1 .-- .: - ': , , - - Ak* I , . •: n . - '. 2-i.' ="' L _Wass sip. :4* *PtCfosiktieliret • 'q • tt: 751 ;4fi PiathN - ,Ret!einii4lrOlvoig :i of* 1104,6;13'ac,,ri t 1 k 4 t' EU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers