i , id - t hi have heard of o- r.seen 1 agN. tp :1 ,,wr0 a1:1Int of new clothes :.. oia"_ eve ' d a ainstorit out 4- yeteran p- ok i ov orig to 'purchase front h.e.fo!lies taierof tl l ie Je‘ciisti,port'uasi9n, The ti„vrasiolicil3- eict6iilltg the strength n d,f, rr i b h erri,..5t,i.. , ...1(1. 3 -. , ,in : Apflir of :urne'aiionithlesiotiy,n-the 'tight; fitting tPs-ot..teplreara trgo, and w Wilt int, , i i,. ; playol the elegant protiOetiorts /hi, warlike custpmet's locr)inotiye . rpir:tus,l.l kit tiefot t. the - hhrtea in •- ii c okitleii, hut. 115 the soldiqr baa • T id en dy ifiAt arrive. 77 fronti'tito so4tti, . 1.,1 tilers bra v f, ° '! ld ,,.. b,f.,i.111,5. ht:.' are : Kiss hint once for "Sc abody . ,c;500,4 W,itil re. ( .'t 9 il••" l ,'''ll r ilbs, I Lit law • :iltygniur . a prayer sular:(1.1:4; s k' 3 m ,vp''.ll•7tt. ~7e wi : . I . - , a B . to ni , ',. il hi , One. iirigiq. eiurl koni,itg fiiir i t. t':e.r, ,l : , : AO ftlati vc a at 111 early day i , Thal; aro ,souilli?(1:C1.4 pride, you . ' ./.) , , . i•-...;.• l i t . " 6 . { . 1 , 1 ,•e L d, 311 - , I= v i• i . Sunieb6dy's" li , iiii*L-tv l7li . ' :‘ a :, c; ' • - ~- •, J J• .:'• j - • • • • mother; .' . 1 . hcs . e . lei • Was 7t..a s. so!fftind siihit '''') la rs,Nits.',l salq;7)l t• : .', . ' • • "'And bare - the : 1it.)5 . : , 9 , 9.‘sitrer fair '. t 's. our auifer. taus' far..lnia boon - very i, '13 0 „. haptr i e d, in tloso wa1 , 0340 .. ii iild :I; , i 7 iiiptired • will . ' 1 tli.e -weather 1. 1 , . - - - '. . I • . 'i,/; . ft, - Th , lay on eantitit-resist ''he id e • I ' l/nnwsbzst . .. ' ,11e,was.aorneb,0 : ;,*•*) ~,7 ), ,pzi1 , :7 ,..}: : Ill) OW d t pe t n 11)6 %1 11 :1T _ '7l.3oni t .7.beily . '4" heaht ens'itign'elr ii ors sns.l..ii:‘•ir t1e.v.....,.,,a1 .to i tj .,..a., '',ol . nebotlY" wafted liis I/nine atii . e. r:: :ll±7,nr.fiCitiet(rellte - r ituint . eurri r iACd ' I "c ; 'N'-ghi ' and - 9 16rn 9rf 11ew{n : 13 Of - PI I s . s'le.r.li't.t.,lemet?,t•d!.," wept when ha 'lnar9heil ih; . i . t . I , 4itt i lutf tih , 4 lie -: 1, .. , Looking. SO 1-0111 4SC/Te- I ) re , Vt. -l i :me la Is i 'iii it ! ti . 8 inut4itieli t Is . ;71,1.:I the:: '';ionit , ody's'.' kiss.on Ei - i ftrehe..m lit '4l',lio! h7.th 5t.1:06 ii l ',. l itl , t(l . l a ri;ilitil i 1j "SouieboTy . r'"eliiiii; ti',"l " ll.4arlin 17 :oier. le . ? Is dl, be I:7•7 l. pi'd Aliiitltids ' ‘ ,. 1 --„' - I - 1 '. • \ • ",.:9-e,,0,,y.'-s" watelling anti waiti Ig ,:iwbal.:111:f(loal.t lifli ani IL: erri eii . t'nite v ' ~. w :il . 1, ~, ,Icr ~...-, ~ H . ~, . , ..,,... Aearnis74-tn-hoiti-1ti.71, ap7,ain I.) i lei I: i r , v 7 i. ~ 1.13.1 L l ,lt r , !do iLs, %,. P 0 ! -Anfl •tilere he, lieti, with bitty yes it toot, bil l : tf.'r. iia ti i1,a1.1 i.'. is a mo•,*e 1. , •:1.7“1 . .the smilittp.dilldlike, li ; p4,aiar I;rteatile 7:11,1 e ',lv. t ix il .tit'aLt ti ft i; r C,-...n ; ~ Tenderly .i.raty7 the ilitir .3- on ag . day ..ge I , :ni i 1::!.1, kilitleed ..(; ; L i o i' , , ,ne : t i es, ~, ,s. ..ft h i- [ .raugiOg.,to„ar'op'O'n :insiraVi, , a' ea r,: l e n i i , , E; . :‘ , : ‘ !•, c 77 . i b l . i e .7: :.ca t c : l 7 r e l o a t : l ii : l 6 se ei x t. ' a c t ti o 4.l ;t i n a b l .t 1 - ti ;- , • . Ca , r i ve t.ti Ito , 'i . ciotie . n . iaiptit his h a: .67netiody's" darling iltisaber:. hi ' ; ' :i- J. W el iroFs. I; • • ... _ . . -lru - tller rilieer'ing tvi -dr.eiii•-of . social I 1 - .. ~.. , gtest :link: be'-found the. gritaily iRECOLI 4 ECTION - 4 OP tea- , ..1 hiugt-ii. •t -:! of (..."04 .. .Week' . i :i ... ... r.r . ). al. ; l 1• ", HAIYI - LINCOLY , . yriat:o.lifil,Aitice tlto I.4.wminatft..4l--5tn... 7 ....1_ , )... _ _ ".,.:•,•;! triiiiiiit6- ea . e? the male par- i i r'. • iiirak bii!ii,g• a I:id I,i hu ' , -,1 . . , ...__ :1-!•4)::li'-':: .' o.el f o- 'l 3, '' .l - 1(.1 : • , day, Wallace Linetan'tlie, :,...01'12,i-Ji.i.ly Itiro ug h i day, Fcli; , tiary 20, )66:1..... Al t k)at',.e.:i. r.q•urlt to Jai . / by } • funeral the PresitlentLre?.atr* ifor Cl:Piiiit r ince II ( ' svi/( 1 e 'lea! fkiu.l 'citlties.but, rilechiitiis4 . it ::e.);ide.teension to lii .-•-. • ' t i t .' 1 -.i v , i,',.lit at hie •. , , ,i.. 11 a t ,IU e L . . i.Lti.iral,•l•-nt ,ion it ;igot , T,h e -1 - 0 4i 0 ,-,..-i fru. •Ttoyt•tilay he et • 'I L " ''''''. l . lil' e _e , LiL'i'4 3 ;L`Lt'lliii to, 1 to Iris feelings, and.glirit., Lii ring. I .`e'Alli3' l , ntliii . ,'l." ll ' i all"-iii.Oefety:'. The. second . "1 i .iFftty inuiit.! f-al'i... - •e•"L'i.irs" e., was-the aant..•;„ be, '‘Vi/Lqd Ef , 'l!t' 'i' 4 OC/ 111 : 11 )';; ttild. ' ,( - .1 : . •i, and 'see;ileti 'zi. tireL.; ' 16: th kr.eieg,ltittl• !E.l.l•)eCC ' i.::il.,i ti' l 'raelaiielibli' •' -Abont • tiiia''• jp . ..neviti',t ear llei:'.friiin:lleilit:e,4lyi.l.-it'ilt-dil,:'6f pi -4A , • etthan •tv heir . sire TreitlO- giiir,i'Mreir-iitiiiiti•••;"ne;asin ~ ~...., . • . ..-':-i" ~,. • ,; fe..days : in'.lVasionotin. t 'cte,t the t .k,_ w exce , ..iti.on oi . •• ( 1 „,.6_,,,.4.., , , nec ..,..,..f.., _?i,*.t;L t r. •I intiolr intlef:o - tin Intrii.at et,s,y; lin . :. .,,, , .. T4 , 1 ,. „ _,,, ir ,, , , E , ll ,,. arck. ,- , , f . ...., y -0.. :.liliittif f '‘,ol to i ision - I„, ...,•, s 1 .,..( 1 '!„, - ,.,:i c ,,i'1„,.. 0..,..„, 1 1 , •alfer•tht., (t.lorin•‘:f:al ot tht• :16 ~..,:0 0., . .t - i . . ,,,,-Ri . ,,,i . i ii : , ; .. , 7 0 i ..t r2.1.1.'nz..:..110 h.:lli'lng ",. G."", 'rl - pltrt'oi '1 i!.-irs la . t. ;r ,ti • i tencl•c , l kei" 1 0Liiien3 - L1 lii'Ll' ^l-!'ls Il'i*l4 1;11i/ I , *,lnt on f Irbil 11 Pori "Y lei"' V re'''.: -- wr..eiz e i'.•ami .. M.ii4: fi,i.e:tiil tat.ter orders. ii..t o be ear- . ~,,. „ 0 „.i,,,,,. ! ,.. 1 .,,,,..„.„, i f„.„ . t. k, ::::::-. llL l e l:' rai, :i' a i t ril . e il la i.6 l6 e, l t i y rc' ... ' . .',..1. 111:- , 1) . p.:'“1. of :sehit;h•f:to•t . ivri;) Y . ; 11; : Wc 9 q'el'iPloYed , tc,r, -. was ap7:pit: , .l. • '!•1:- ' L . , ee:rt•ii•:., o i i'r , .' o; i .v...• pi.ir:crr, .. ticf. an •op , !,.' i 'iii-- l eti itel"'em-ir's'al it . i irvi.,,,bi,..y• ~,,, :,“0, 00-14,,N.,,i .4 ki,k - •4 1,..in• r..illiti On tLi thOii•-irtit.; ei, , ,.( 4 . 3 . 1 „,, 1 ,•t . ,-,,i,i11 e him 1 . 01'• hhbwing 4-i •:./. • : 11. „il l efin:l': 1 ):: ' .- : 1 130 iehelliC.,ti,i • a Lii , j.rizilt,i , •+o I 0 .00 de •i :i••L:Led c!eliz ,- -Ni• LyliN i r-l Ai l i -. ..ieixt43 : of . Providence. .11.c•Jcli. him ';iiLiar - 1 • 11 P -. t'u,burb 6 -0(.- Ll'e l pi•airilvo that ttle , intlUlgeit•co - ).i , ,saeil •• ellisr e""t'L "'ld I " iird ';!"' ' . feelings, thiiii.fali iftstut•al•otl;!•.,;. hiMfill.-- 14 ,1 Lvf.il'en't!''0).. dt"r.elia hit: o 7 . 4 It.Wl•t-111401.1114- One kt'llO I .olie L el in • , g.:7-I , ,tiolerit prerion,ly tlio — ..ol,iipci,: i ii• re; : i g • wn . .1"1.- . liajl tin he'e""f.l,niLY . 2 irici -6•ll'''.4:l'"r: • ties to tlitt . livifl - 4,• greet er Qmti'lthosi; 4", this' o le'''':r!Plicen,. re in s - oti - eity,6;lle i r,rfuta, AA tile . eh' senlial 4 'ill. notrhadi.llayeiF until the , L,l"tt.,ol' ,leatiei• of I t lie iieore e, a 01-- he 'ietr ( ul (11 ° h - nw i 5 v l i 'l l ' e d : i.L::as arif,tfl.o" Wirtiselnor .II a - i.:( Too l) - • iti.!n itdes 1,3 _taus git ing wty L . illii • I :frOril 1 1 % 1 Ve never, - ,tee.n, gri10f..... To iii, - .int 14 'the clever 'e , 1L1,.!" int :hire, to des - elope the irran• ,b:.. , 1011gi ten , lietttlenitu-,-no ClriAti- . ..ik miningin'terests of.thiiLitiity.! • "Your- eon;,' said D . ..Vlr.tori,• are .Lee. Sine e - - e "the. close ,- itig, aline in , f)a'riilise,, Do yoi-.retnernf. !apitalist:,l:hiiye boA•en fn ` - he'r'.:that pa,sage: "r3ii ft is no . tit! God ttwitioti.to thrg iitt 4 :(7o. ancf of .tho dra e• hif.t of- the itiviiig tor all' oiations have , .neen otgani; li•v(!, unto I l lita."•'',.r.r.j.in,co . ll - 1 had .1.47 ' j,:ry prospc - r.tt, cf see,aring tened•an:oneita 0 stuportiuti id hisears • retuyie:: . 1. - "rorn.leciit .a• i eaulTiht . the ',lv.oif s d-i', "Yout!ro • - is.,iiii-a,."" '''s•the • : 3:onnej,ss.ee std Al•;•"-.St:tyting . from the solit', - lie elsin4, r nfactering • emit . ,- finiht.; , ii..klit l ie'. • 011.14' ' Surelrytitt oelt e i•ine,"" -11 esided over by' -eneral !_ci-liMW;ir„ heliqc rug)," trnplied Dil .! ';Vire, i qile, - and• etnirre.ein;., , itinong i tpn,. •It is ti.iliost eornfortiii Di4trifie• A great r.iiraher.of • - irtn!tif-e of"-tide Clittreh, founded .. ipo' ! the . ,fi and in.titiefiree:', The ill. l " , ..t.vdr•tia'af Christ . .ll.i.maelf'.".•-• Atr. Lin-,, tr i aitit,t- te the, derelolie i colts. rooked at . hiin •a' . 106 uen , anti., ii• mineral wealth •• of tho '. then, insi . -pping forward, lie-, the cp his • tee; formerly* svtrieed by iat in areund•thealorgYmitu's nee c . , and . s i lias •paLtßect away. With ''laying 14" is head- upcti his hi ast,sob 7 , !'bale ea ize. - -,_slarery;iand ft broad ', bed :Jan(); e iLi4li:re - '4kraliver e r peat 1 '-' eiL to. i tlered to ''cibterprisiOg' . ed, : "$l3- detia' itir . ,.'' . .rtid I) ,' Vii ton. i ~,.,:li.:al E i., from all str:liens ! , . i ._l,gteatly 'mitred, as . ,li,e : tw'itfcit hia °WU , 'Pr t., knezal .3)onaldsetii, l',Clitef . twin around the -weeping fa bor ,"b,cH' i terirfainiir.,* .Milititr,y ..Div.• Of the' hove this, for it is. (-iod's,•ll . oat rett3-,!, 3 `!?Stlee, iet'elittly honed A' call to all ous 'truth. Seek: ri0t .. 3 4 0n-e sin , dinong !)...l i'•• 42°4T ' cHers i • - ' 6li liell.l.'arßJ - btlie.i6;; the (lead, for"-hela . not' tiler ;' II:14w! rig Lu.s..lii;owleilg• orc i eriipteries,i,te•ditY in - Parild . iie'. Thin '. o . , th . C.l Ye " i'eal., er..- of the..seallerini.rwords .1.-• have. quoted. - 'j'lt ..8 'cide r ' ii.l 01 ti..,brare 'soldier,," in the eeeoK, when they questioned eau ~ had.] ' l' It IT•tt : , T•• ' Al' '''T. • " • •than' • fit.lc 3, ennessee, ii 14,.; noi 0t,,0r conception ,t at . , brt,l ~ ,f .A ,iiii?l.lAnd .10:4'or t •ja,. ,lotit,••,l it am; Asaat 'arid Jaciab; - Werotdea ' anii,, 4"W t ,On,lagiieli'.ititor-nilttfoit ..i,ii.J.lioritid.• 31 - " I', !1 ‘1.01••. leplS . :, !! o: t4fit .i l , \v, ,, , • t - - • • '-' - min. Murfretiboi(YesTerin '-tite lea& !'ere fiti.4lll, ev r) icficS ! it ' lil t d ' ' l4-- tele de't - tirtimint t o ".1 , bush when he; call, d tbe '!" int] t i c , - -.• • • - . !.. , 1 1 . 1, •. 1,1 b i t !I/ ' N at 3 Ontii , Cettitt-'• - 14ctrd 'the - God. of• 'A s'tithe ,Lb Gi24 : e l.r.e qiti4 of th --th: d' - "f' - ' f i ''' ' and it' ' God' of J, i . .itY 7r ' riow ti . - 1 , the otisar 9 9 -i0.., is, . .p ._ o „ • - o, , 1 4 ~, n iil ~ . ;;•z,, ,r 1 , 1,, g 7, .. net is riot the - God - Of the 'd ad'.' ut Of ; , ki ni d , L i till)ep tar".'frphi home ; the hying: for alllire unto -.a iff. l ". Did 1 ~ .., 3 • j , ttt.l;,,„ :idsl., fiords .ai 43 buried loni. j ,qot „itie,aTil ut ilisep , ki ;O'uti ril t i! .r . pd .es , 7...enin:e , biy fell; otti ,. ' asrdeticd; raelph is rrof, tint 'Sim on ta,. :13lriin. .b h .ciltnites 1 4 "the, :rude i not, iind e.,wit . k a t4tle .Benja in tad.'' the 'i';.' - te - h fl ',s ; .Y.. l 2r L eatlte i d . th . eir l'But .P soph and - Simeon . et;o 1 . iidtif' t401111.. 1 . ex our ari lneit , itit.rehed;lll-ciiii tEioiigh. he belleteiliit boL 'ln'. 1 l 90i ear • . t... 0 ,10 nu th tumuli) . te-ppeak I'det'd, oseph being taken 'rout fip:i" e f:jo ~. .5' than - tongue' or pen. wait't 7 fiftrulate;bieantedf . ' e p lill9r ..,„Arj rart .. ebt, in 1 t lr , ,ijoeli but; insti , . , . .„. taking. ebark_3tivaijon• Of the 3vhollfsn'illy. "\.11,. d'• itib ee' to. iral4l, - A4ini'Litiireati'l23 i "iik'-- ! tin. !read ilia' itt' 1 . I .'• ' ' e° 1P.f0ff..4/er ki . 4 r49WitTLikn i s,i n gclPlN 11)4 a 0: • . i . -e6 I • I . . 1 . ' r . Jo) 1`);• et.. licsed tza ' Ara - hrrov , . 4 Arajoii' wrs• PI! rr , .111 - e ip •nn }tit ,ous C. K,'e ucitclet ,Wi" . :r cf the. ere tri,(l utlio hiia 'Ur ty li 4 :Pen t,.t• _t•vti i I.( r•. -• • Itro I r ,111 the‘ • .1 ,! Pit` 2 1 ed .racy r; 1:1 " pn .r II.: NT Le. Lerch 14 1,..,iz t o , eir MEE will r: ttgie a,. ;L:1 ri• '[°7eal h t , tb,l istl piante: rspliciavoo'Z'f 01 , ts, ' ;21 '‘•l. l . • . - =ME 14.!1 , : • 4 : of the 'jiving. How 'many , fathilibf(ther o bre ti-day' whl t i nitil' . even 'tiff) - ri iwi tair :cso _ knowing tro spot where cis once aft: laid.! - Il'iiirrinAri - ti sii.l.lieart - would lye t i-eliei4 , tl ffilid .to reciciy - e'llin toiMifone 40iitift 4 ,-ftit which !her b'n3' I his life;d6mS;reretqntiy for i This but:iect rei:alls the tou'obing ttnd:nititsietti rines;''f iibbed in -the , y ~ 1 3ultinpre knt:cri peel:re.* 'iiiti • h a iiii f 054nelitit thoite of y9u,r . rep.tte'r6 'lO wI, are new:,;;:!, 7 1.7•-• t.,,,, ~., " , 7 soxi'sonays lieltLlS into u ward ofj the wititeAvailetir* Where,the dead and Iheidy;tng lei iyciunded,by. bajouets, ells,„and. n . was borne Sortiebodfs-thtlqing-nti }ton n g nnd • iWearink Tet en his pale ; sWeet Sohn 'to be hid: by . thelnist 'of 3 1 'e • The liesre4ng light of, his ,boyho .Slatieti and danip nie the enrls of the ?sun that' Pale ale t ielips-ot lelleate "mon] S4ruebod3:l dirlinv is dying no Bnck;from . e b eau td ful 4 . 1 , 1 ,nc join' Brush all the wandering waves, Cross his liana's on 4Li . .4 b6A6af.uow„ Somelyody's,litrlit4 is still and' car.?rNis,, MENIEEIII t- T • . • ~v 1 r rt, 1 . I no /?1,a2.11'..; li. .:,0 ::'?. , .4 E: S :7,1 . .. 2 .. ~. . r ___.,..... ,: i , "• - '164...i t :,-' - -'";.• ;I. 1 ".1 f•. . " j " ~4 '- :I 4. " ' ‘' 4 .e .. -:,* r:::: "17. j ' `- - 4 ,,,,; ,1" • .1 I .. . . '' `! . 1')40 '.... ; 1 • t ''' ''''' 41 ' . 1,.. '.. "' :.-%..; 'l7i ci - - 1 ' ' ' I. ' '. I ' " ..;;.i. li. , # • ..1" .. ;15:7P- 1- :.: -' ' ...' , .•;I. .91' ,r ii n , ' f • ii '..., ; • : :1 i .I'. ' , •••• ~.. , f •e ;,..!.. . ' .`‘ , 'Li 4,' .:' it , I.lf. I'' ' ' ': '' l P. •$. .r,.--. , • I -1 . - ~r -s -e, .. ~,,s, 1..1.1 Z .: *lf . :•. I . 1 4 '.)., T .. 4 ~717!:- . .i , ..._7,,, i .. I ;• l i ,:.....(t.„r : .. . q: , .?,1 - 4,...- - --k .., rw.,,,_.dirt. ... • .....:.-a-7- ~1111 • ..?'1::- ~ ) r'l 1ii4. 1 11. , 11' . a =•,11 , ---- r7../7, 41 ,li1141: 1 ' tt'll 27 f f!, , cd ,-a:,.: l i. I l ' -- -- fi/ititlik' •,'. 411, e AlVlfili, .-:: Z 7.4 1 5176• c , i iB: , ' :i . '-'ll ti . 4 ri A• .1 ti l l 7.ii -, . a ti i , fr, .-itei, ; ...:i. -, ....,1. • li_lt - • ••_,•••• !OM OM IN . i ~ er ett ved 1 is tetit e l ie f r , e,, ' i er i to i i • ,' re-do-. o'iip 7l 'lt - nity'b Ititt ion''of i sdpi, Ln;3 0,Pe; . 1 Gia i•ilo:ed , deiie t ; btth7 ali:ti.) hr,9erhonebido.t,ie.lgrit.lilld,spiai.irll,u 1 - at the ; iit;iss of -you I ttfl,l 'Youils.' ;reit' lip: f.' biro B , !gerriloil'Le'cinti I. Mattes:. tiin:' ‘flipti'l,4iiii qtti l ject, ri otving ! rrifgr?t ttitc!rtlat' y cif! " . r t pot,. i beggdlirit46 Betid 'W . : , j i ;th - ey : tlaiikirig'li fin repeitteal lV ost, for iri , g l mid.iirliefirl 1 irotjd o '"they tilenfiet-iit ttilo.fit'litils-1 'l'• '7 tit it' . tql it 4,4iM-51.4 viii- tiver . ti oc'i,roiy Ili' ei (4sitsfichi.poo:l-fo tre mai pri±Ato •iike•.':liefut it R . ' Upon ttile kliitn6.filithori info'rnied tiiht' t 4. 1 ' Lin , ißati onl' t 0 1' 01)1r i Its: 't iiiiiiigOcil fro'iri.'tiii ' ' boo iA'iliat the4t.fhi•tilf . 'he ' nervanc of Ilive dtty of Dr. whic h htil sorritlied,l re:limed; 11116 iaectistor ~~ • Vi e.. ; o tore, ike .... , r o a i I , e. 1.4'. !grape, , ng 13*, , Id• ow. ! .• . golit.l4. ow l i -i . '-* , '. 31y fi•ienj,.`Gdol yo• Seward'i3 prjvate ISeer e re thst lidiwas'mieh i ' teteitec• in''a phAAi*t , f ; . cira i.: r, whi lliCltle. - obSeri - atiliint: ''''.lAP wa,ii ,po:iiiciii.tbt t ii.lfolo the fpulina ti'Ottliniq,Cii frPni frittrtriiept • i'iailtir tig I' r i Dt;rin . the. 'frrst few ins coin. ir'oliitlidiicl - chefi • i•throuoir - alimPte -i'elniti 1 ~.. , b c , , ~ ~. ii . have sign a openment I.' As I: is e',ii re i'ncn'lsed I,:ti-tecl• frciiii•liis`,ll.l6ii,: to,•the' linc4:6nge, ;''' " ', theitia"friptiii. to 'e?" .' f toi• a ft.+ ' In i - )nt'ils, a•i* 1 ecl: this :pr4t-,tibe 1) ro4t 1 i.os'i'''t*if"tl‘ t e cor - ttent.= ' eio t ie !Tiortiiizir;d %nor° . .orl theln."o.l:tioar 'his . • wag; "5;i6v . 7 ,, ,,nie where 1: r . : • . , It i 3 not rtnerriiy •. etie4 , ell,ni%vl , 3;ti In , de b op,ip 9ip• p,t . .Ro;iltatior miiiiiitif 7 i:,:,.;sltpilr'titiffly . :0: . ..i - thalltip•4l',tiry . ,l7 St I) -•'i.tio Depv.K(ipprit, - . - grko , toin,.ytr pop dint , .. ~ FlQuie y 3.cr. Se,l-a'rif, • • ii,c),bp ai.iiiveil'i.l . 4 'Oft et : J.i . ..l.Aiiic4)in': •: , as i.- . l.it:i ' [ill :. rs.! as . rite ~ e ieplci cot red,: I?e'pi:s.seii it r , .the qui'at67, an4' ,aiitli chhi *I i . R . of. nag the, spilt " Illt i - firici 4 d lYs'gui'l74fe'e;Jing'9 l ' ~, , 1 ,--. „isetiai re of'. 416 '. i ,itart.---- -, . 7 ... :-.,.. ~ ga - i , e ~, : a , r , 1 ., y0u /kgirip, 4ip i ) !tol, ell e isul fro tii '''q..lP i l' . f-6 the, . Piri'da Tin lid ay f i.YrYNV,i 1 ,). 1 i 8 , -.0 ,"... 'te ',l), ~,.r,r) 'tine 1' make Al.k43l'Y'ill,l'''l'il Q • d epeEiv , M.): Ltr,5..9.:r., I,lid dp.A . Nt '1 'tilll I A, b.er ..'1;,..1; ..7 1 ,1144t?fa . th, -, i.t1: . t,,a1t grelt,f!lN: . g3 i i , ( 8 , ,, r. .44(;1C,, : ,0! ) . .'-,V i.ed ME Elill ~~ IKE EOMII DM vay, r'!nci; EMBEI MIENI ABRA- Tl,e - A , , re.. , ki ts i ~ L utore',lll , i4i gcok al ci ii er 1..1% , : 'it. ~ n , " .is.:. T ictr , pli i . i „,, 4fiei , i, 1 eu to 1: 1 i2a. , .1 j ... t.. in a• wil co , r ,., „ iv re.n - lar.;?ng. to I t 'll PO - -.1, si:v tittnlor; ";:rile i t:: Tii the in'pllit elf I beinlf -ori ! . ' - • 1 7 - - 4- -- -1.5...- .7,- , • 7.- A iJpe , ?eia' of; ladr• 1;',11a ' Yozik, on the Prop rhe-.t . tath e ',oat <, .. '...Nir. Spezilii.re: ... -iterrCsei.inti‘'es ni (lir uppo...ti.Die..l iniicing ti.e. so may b iirlilerecl.witilii i itii To ii.ieli: . re.ii....ctli-e . lto:thl.el- ; cleteFriiiiio I..'ittl.iing. will. ' frt€, persons,i6l4oi4g t hGs for ii, *E.lrin .of f eeT5.l uad fi. i.t ta.'zet thTee-fiftli ..f all • ?' ' , C } pilptutr.`n, P.rf, r ,t. sez. ::. i r r nii9 ":i:3't',li preirit.ip iVort.innalent . ttlitil rep'', ..1 1 L ili now ()very reg,!,111;11...:i , States. L r I It iioild.of 0 of t!,c, Qrmstittr)i F ri. i, Stranige an.it n) ‘ll &,,y. se ! tlenian I r...in,1 - ... , "Zti w I , rse t it . oweslits,(;:r.istrencoti, i.ciinlq,ai•ei•te4 ty,ll.ll:c l 'p liner,C, tWii"4l, , is that p 1 poll ijea l .represe"p.talio 1 .10n.).' tol tno.ri 9:110 heF..uq te„. . I 71,..,iie_i t ioverpraent or I sool7y--',6piologsto it doe's no beltni .e, ~ to 'oil 1 i are. , ail; weti-; to ithiii.o i . 03 ey i tioi.iftl by - )ress . I by r:glitl..•! ii.x * ' . ..,. , It was tkT). I)riviciple pd nebe.4tarftindli ty . Tird ...rsca*il. it was 'this pt . brougli-tkht tivoNhslon i'.0.1 eaartler. 1 - I . I The alavos - ,1:81" tin S nth were 1 . rneinbari - of '', 'that plineal' c)e i'liici,hl4.?im'ed ! Chtf Oen.l tifutionr bt 'United Statitt' ' I Ttiev wete %Vitt .1 , personal lil)ertr and therein ! Were ..wi, theta' ! a ;natural 'right,' n !,peil.:tfeal:! . riglit; ihut", lhey wer i e' : - ,Witn .. iint politiCa'%! - Ightl, and the , iley , verd-inotrinc.thbel4 of ! the 1* entiiiii'n'n ay.' 1 ! Tr'§ai, thiArl, It folic; i, Wet, e l het 'Co h,ozi'iTre's; ; -J lProfil- . ''olB 'if' lio*i i.ip''o . iiei.sai4'n'ot,' t . .be • i'freatip,;%:thetit 'lrl ji:Oii t] . : : 'siittila . l i)drilo Is clic rioeFtiiliy"kviii•e, Arid i their 7abOi'vir4s tier pr 1 taxation. • ',, 1 ;-- ' , Slit difeerfilx:cfe.tind F iiilgAt. in - .bei ctietilute ftiong the "tniWint:, of " fite'rit.'' IMF' a:ilieS ellonl liniik';' al'atik4 oieiges itti: • ~• i •,, t. . 1 41 , —l.. -- - . ;',16.1 1 0 , 01 - 4 ii a,61 - sikr lir; likhf,' . tind:e.id : 7' . iiitid &o ltitnatioit ,' It tipplitid'itis *Eitf - itii*ereslls4,- - ith,' ~;;••' 9,,,-, );• it.' , - - 1 , I ®EM Eiill=l Emma :re: I.'. c, DEEM or a=l,l MEE DEO i•• .i 1;;, Av .lS~v ' , i „ r 1 .i' ` tOtin l e -rt• , too;114 le n 'of ',his'.] . :liiti;ii a tiniatik . b ''D•3o' i bf 1 , fitiecti Dr' %villain s it' rr t : - L 'tin'earlj I I - fo'r I.i's & lirdql lia . fe'll - i• eilt atid• i - etiqeilit, I e' for I'l le Tottit h k'l have collet% h:P hr - ITS e r.:' 04.4. eisseal h' lie''we . • 1',;() gria t3t4c I milfilitt at under Is • • e the 191 . r.t.. .6"gigiol4 I nths.,F r. 1- • apes f . car d king not'ffst. tell -6 fld• & t ‘rot Tii4 !‘/e I ie .1 , 313ting' - •‘:„ His irn !ipurtnihA 'eOro vir,t itliv it -41.1:11 th 3 Pres Of: IL :fo 'vriten fcal tel. A 'elej hrii, nf 'tliitil 1 . t, t.i . l V iwith tI?A - 13. 1:c:1, i 11 an o .i... ig - , at" 18 I .: li4ii .. di q'Ci‘'es ' s;c: S-•' Tlnlibt' relienei--; in •. - .ici'd iii' ; 11,t; , '' 1.110 . pi•ii you. a. ks'liiil ititil iti . l . e'ri,'.' l'il il - "it lii, 'd ' t•::'B,dtvzi ;d fern:ri an! ,on lie I,ri - c. I')( ' ?h .1719 ! 1 11 . 141 ktc• kial." lirig, of strd• Anie „itOtion. ta:tes s'ita era I St ?it e's actor Shit whole, mina) ixiun3'y o; se xclu.l:iug in other.perk.in .• sentquop 1 iii i.f,Jo Lin o colopont in, to th'p E:tir• R9S s;:itr k e n't; akr. ibbii4e? } l 'd6es riot ESE ' fier Inni be If in • ifs c. on dessi". rs ie~oa t in ctpte n to out-itrtil • c:il ;11.hart.p. I•iipoitio 'l6 .cat'peroori• - crer - e;ir •he pAict .per mph e: rOpresin iinifor (4 'a 'bear: th krt . , Ne t'ipe;pittPatpy 'ice hp If. -Trapp eii =a ; I ed OW 6 ifathll w hot i ME or iktiNCifit the'lsOW% locution wa to#oc eni"co lithbe `id • I . 611 f Otti4srak; fdt . s i te i!ilisattißq*Cri r iia 1211 Core r.artel tot: VIVA lifnt cohl ; beerF , I.ll' a tali° °yeti. aliepi Til, thiS;atet;iiiiii, l o)#olo ti ciltikllo4. poir l er Id l'othe'.4 fbretti r *Wilkfati political rights as fait at Yli!inali be Pl . - e P i r , t kiFOly n -t l 4‘ Wht ei onlf liu'e iott u liNtftS lig' , as to ,thein,'irit - ellkr* : upsytt huiditbi tr einEed Aoki ii`g ti it In Elf f - li'tit iimi ' iliiiritri‘;hr taikl'tbelt: ri it iiition , aurtriiir, theiio politiOtt flee' +t.,,i, •,, if i i This question was disposell bliiicc do liher!ilitf in whieb trie'saciv,eritaien , wusleondeirech.--,Mtes'p , . . lildisibiliJ ty , o - t'alierni" wtii'llof4•6r' '',. Itium-,, 0 , 1 counted at,..an agsfast .t." ~libe Laus it 1, w us 'ctetain , toaie Lam -, rigiy4 an : tb°3-wereltdi/iftt,itd tat, o , luta rth I , I bilais off''apportionirrentn aii r 11. I [o ., 1 1 The slitye.alon*lwaii•itlealanoaml add Ith tvriesideserOpt: 4 I 0-# -. ' ••, A roan, Wild' net ilar-rol*c•in ,fies I and W0°4;404'1,0 itpolitieraedetid. ; ,' A natlve,om ibliabitaal prod fleet" but wiihnue recognised , t *ltticai air-• l•tribut dr 4etotire:t*cprisentlga; lr ntire la the systAre-ot.eztiin bit, te a lue„ , o.): i - ,t., ~..1 4 , ), -1,9` i ;• 0 I.„ 1 W hat could be.done witiiiihim I . wee nowhere.- . :, :city. 1 It 'Could apt; he maintain•bT th. e 4 slov:riding Stotts? that- ' es we I I perlms id` i3W kmproasonteckiL It e pea aig k„,,vibe ihaititaincilf 13Y - ithetir State . 4 I t h at ! simile weruopersonthjoetax,ed 1 1 For ttkiese , purpostis , elarrill l er° •cot I I ,:,ehnletit • altogetb er•• by it. LT* tali iimi p le. la 'which the Government. -miss Wilt • 1 4ytie_y nvere • 'not eMbrained .within i I i thAriin§o they hind tici politinal,s*.ding 1 lin the Suites wherein the. ty ./ ert held.l i W;tlmui same sPeeldl. to tah ,tiere ii tore they would lalviite ii4Ntetil 1 , igoored. ~ ,,1 , , 1 ,1 } , ~ ,Tares, hewever, were desi i rable 0. ;the :ono side ; and representatinn i .o the other, ; end for - nacre , celztvenierie . In‘ comprornise,iwne , invented fel' th !lst-the co 'both. ;' 1,, .n,•i 1 :r, .!A purely arbitraty tigqiernent We made and• insertecl , in.tiseiatpsitutien an sgreernerti with;onotipq- 1 lio, sup - port it but the , ennsent‘ t ilia parties based upon '• the i feet°,•at'Ottei r the , stood. It was- agreedetisphstane l that the free people of i 'ittllTlA.o Slate pshotild be , enutited olikemtut.l shoal call have thole ftir.share tpow i er ,a the a- use° r tai ried,ttadt-41 ' r.theftitoth .., free people ol the' slattschri4ig State 4 i. I I.s iould have-as mud:ape , et-ballade a •wneld be measured btito, ' l i ag,lever . ‘ettiOVe Rd 1111•Votifr4810 . .,.ir % ' tflitli riebit , taxes-te4ol.lb' = '''." .i iia* Tile • power 'thus agreed 4tptcill•L'Orti • Bever not be exercised bP.tlia l ifradtiota 1 versos themselves, hut as. c aomenod l ' ohae owned then), it was no arrange i i lint that somebody else should ow l i tit' politic-el powecalso 1 T t re covenant,..w ft otilo. , wise or not was opera:ive as tor.g as there w Anything for it to-ope'rale upon.] •' ,That time Ls past. Tne,provisio has become, impotent The tall o slavery has supersotieti l it. I,Ve I have notion ! ! now to) rely uptui ia• ltil place lint the lasitiud ofi the eedond sletiot of the first article; of the L'oristitetion, / 'l . 'l:A 2 , w:two, o x wing to the rupture of !the technical) tib of sitivilry, ireald, as I it , stands,4oric out results now tillich, r«-hen the,. Coystitution l , wits, made, i wets condemned by the l jud4ment of `'.Free persons" was the term em. '1 !'keyed to deseribc 11. who 11' political I rights stud ;standing, beta g ee I only 1 - hnives had neither. , 1 - • 1 , ' 1, , -, , . , nut now a. new' anomaly ioxisi.s.- IFear million peoplet•faie teddiiiilY aT ) Meng uR -not bound to anyone; and yet not clothed -with any Ipolitical right. They are not slaveti i hut tkey i are vol. in a political sense, !persoes. l I No fisment of alavervlrenTaiiis rill I which to spelt out arigilt r in somehod el , -e to wielif for. them a power which they mast not - ivield - theOse'oies..Thi ' WEN one of the appfiryinenees of ,pro, srtyliwinan. and has.been extinguish led by constii:utionailinuladment(it i I.4as not destroyed betbre.. . - • I This - eman c ipated multitude, has n i pnlitietlotato. , . ..1 1 ••f l ' , I Emaheipntion vit.aliseaoill)f natura ti•ightizi, not political" rights-- • 1 , I, Enfranchisement albne carries witb 1, it political rights, ar;d those enteneir!li: 1 ted 'milliors are riff fiord enfranchise prow, than-when they. wer i tt 4m-ell '1 1 , ', They never had Pollticalponter , -- Their masters had a fraction of ponve , I, as masters. jliut there sre no Master Ihow. .' .1 ' -fi • There are •no . slaves, now. - 1 Th whwe relationshipitt,.atieti the,pewe , oriel Anted and eristed is Bon :4,159c thi''s Weer' tion 'of , ptivier 'atil4i urtiiye. If it dcesVwMat e -slirdt beouil. fit.' f 'Where Rit ri , f . AhO'-'/ - 1 1 No' are are told' the . ' Week! are unfit to wield even di r ritditoii! or, 17 0 %! . 0 1 1 , and, must net ha+e it'i - frclat toter-ere the whole s , qp4stion„TlP' tee • ttiiiiwier , be i true, it is'' el l e Wod'oPeentinveray.4 I There fa nti,'' place • leigiCfitiy Ifoi 01 I Rower to 'go 'Beret° the bhankspifittlie are unfit to Irerve it, the pow?' F(11 . 1" not exist. It is A pa!ver-ahVOYMIS6, oat a rightful otynilr.r , It i 4 1 1 1 41 11 cl.P.: , i rearmed by - the-whoie •nat,iouiliVon° • r; should...lldt exist ; ii.4901:•i1t.t.141 ist, - Thia l fractiorialipower i As txtlitn,t : A` moral f earthquake s 1,1 04 . turP,c l tractions into unitsicaud r uaitl illta Ciphers .- If it bfack loan *wilts Ati 41 i . 1 tfa 1— the dent ci.Ln hint k in I cech don. 1 1 usit•l 4 zen llpy- the the, MEM ED re, 120 MI Ane:- ht 49 SeA Ivill) ilna Iffil I iSC .r of s:Ce ians nps L to or)— rq.] 1 at be ictal ,lera not taro . *1 icb" 46n- npt ety thc E, I l ora key 1 rn - t cFLI d h 7. 111 - _. • ,j• • , •nor` f;t-ti-fh. 1! i•d r eilllW4t4:l I,' 1 ‘'horsis lcr 4-2.,111:013.14::,Z7 stvah imtligu at, 4v_ ,4-fit,t10,96,1 „", not 0 too-liqb§, ;1•140.17/444911POlkft I ettehT : it . oo/4908...09 44iLlier . . %IQ i. 1,7 M "c 1 ; 1 1 1 1/ 4PinAkiPilk:Ak :44 tkiempari.:Ti 0I f -..... (11'eaui , td 7i.,a4t 11:.#0.111* in c-401,icint,rill4hitrAttitUtva-ifiq „P 941. thrn,e 4 f;til ftt:oo4l,ll: o t 6 ,' Pre ~ 1•9144 . ‘ 1 • reauentdttiti.ht7o,s-ttew,, ) acti, e lk i phrej 1 fou 'elailliOna:aterAnd...Stegiti 59.4irt,e1 i told,;ut.flil44:l4l4.ifilt'64/te,.//Pe„,,1,1 I , Di& 6heiftiamerA;tif,,We,C,a4iital l i4, evert,Ogeamitiofil,4ll4:7 ;4.4tv,#.raitef lleltattlyi; ictiFirstAgra,truetes kn. ~ -- 11 aaVancl;vatiitp4FßlAniPV9Fk;vs?t9., i 't would :01W.04 : i.a.fohni, 3v . ith. ,e,aRt.1, 17 ; 1 tiod „ atrienfkannbialnlegt . 4t o 7.l.neYit I. er; prred.initt.the, hlOodk T ,e FI T , 1,1 s at* 1 felacrailli °fetters ygiouitl ,ip 444;4 . 00 'l l 14°1 1 4c1' " P t* ficßB:Pif,'Yifr.,,. TiKr; , dosi.roa. luehatt l l'yjeton j as l we, eee".-- : - Fogr , - 41 441/0; 1 14Vh .a qoptts.,ll,auster, totisehutilula //Ark n 44,:anti nii4dn'd il leaki3Oatit,oo:ittbe fuliji3. B b , t4f:y9c4f 1 lan ...-.#4lAli likfa,r.eki t914194,-)3,119110A i Wilk" 410 kir/O T T: .. , bTAti , 9 l ?tf , F.PIZMW. 6 aoh ad:,, vll/444/11191.110;11r9VPa9 'sr aiedia:Xer ) - 4 t. , - `ll,lllza, I,arpe r 4l4a ri4gtxxeli he , 81 avp..ii. old.iPtgFAN ,_l ll l . ll# -1 ..4,atiogliiik I, t h errjuM'lleprensltob . Itistb'tesiii'V. ,rell T eß4/tiv.ge geat.9et.,..Tll ,tite cnbrair fi94,Of J 056. A l 1 •--- ' . / I The near , ipitition.voilk.iaaableitinfip St ni,esmirhien retationihipi . aretimi In - :edttoielateriturentyle4bit titepreeenta:' tires:beside itheir Just..proportion: ~. ' ,l 1') fiveneirieightx:vote/MAY , I/fLesst ;..b vire antl.ir. :Ike Bleetotel:Oottego forptigoan , helatot . t , .ze6 eitaii.4e t rore, notn Ai.4 6 'i be:plainti ff' in a - suit mtiot ilt to Ilip• rprOaelf the. b l iglotz /Tsai i• Tweuty-eight votat, to litein.4.l'6 or-leis enntrelle4, by irtlioee 'wilzhewbetrayeit the Geyeta- Mentvalt. (ifTi.i.l.theaeiv:•tiestit c ktulti e we are weitariitfoapstelliger.t ‘ieatiftet4§ not to theitg+ierfreetagenn' ' 4b3*10 el ' l OO • doe *of l' 9llo " ll, 4 l is'bie;r. for.million hehalnktbkiti4 o 4 77 4liiitaUt --- 74);49,71414 7-T ieg the afaitriitliie nit:tih, who are pronqund:ediboy tii iir . ffilloWptiggg un titoto: participate trhetliliio: 43 IiPg4PF ornyn't!nt'inlibeSta,leaLWhpre,:thoy hv,o, of in" theinl o eduntiee,,towne, or ,..pre. vinous; who are:Pronouneed,',4kworthy f 443 irleittet Fanpl .:mokt paltry --part in local Ooliitioal.affabie • • Shall one,:bundr i ea and tw.iiatk.,:so!c-r len * thori eland 7 white , -pePPle..:vf York oast 'Vat one Vote in Ale - and IsTvci •, but. one voice,. diere .tho,aanaeina ,ber of- white,Lptople -bare. thilie .dot e s a and n d cite. 4 tJkohit!Ratli , i4• slavery :add two ;fifths ,to -..tbo,erttire power 'silica ilavery,,,bad Nihon sla. I very wasili.v ug?. Shallow/ whiteankn' lj have • as, Introli &lire An the proTerni!' itnent-aa4bree.Otber white ir.en , merel, .g.,- ibeeause..)Le j'Aves where , Woks, out. tlurilherecLbibUes..twoGctsknOtti, 1 . Shall this Itn9quality and:,oxN Hist , only in dartir of. 04, - ./e - who N,TithOgt, 4 j Util dr - hod t , , :. .ease ~.ranched too .landl.Nvitn hhebd: : •` ? :' ,l 'I? ..--,litria wno 1 art• and at ist n ll:eoveileciiit4 i 1,, ma arein g ? . . sb c :u. waits have been,!! 'repVtin red' i '''''ll, t inieb r ibabr gkp d l yt t o ivao w i citi did , Lwo rti l a -16 : 6 - fihrth,t l thif taaisf`of :taxa-, , ;the ,, fourast ,and. , guiltiest' act .whieb !iii 4 n ' 4l fid -1 : 11 atimettatelcitititinuffSaff;,...', l l k;rinisons!the r. annals of recorded .time?' l " .1 1- /43 : 4 Ce ( gid. }I/ill •mentiOnod, iiii • el llsln sir; :notpf I can lielpit; : • C,'•'r ° B itio,? , -, tO jiTobibit f.States , fißm.l 1 1 ng ` c l; v er il S r° o r tvi ll e i b itial rig- il11.ti:). 4133. This. i's vile, class. arietecraey, i 9e ? in its.most hateful form.. it-is-not de- 1 ,1 . 1 ,' 1 . 3 'fit t Colih!tot 8 -4 a" kr44 Clit. 6011 on the h • 'ld t , moerae:,- ,ki - r republicanism of,:freego,v• , ;l° • t i rO/ 9 ' It ' •treBiili on the, principle of eXisting 'veal ;erlanent , at ail ~I .talco issue - With the ';°'' r., • Itlden iea - 16 J the peOPle , Igen tlenian irony Ne w Je rsey ' , [NIL.: R,0,.1 13 °`:' " 1 11,a ' , ( , 1 , I tes-the a, right to', reg-t i ars] at 'this point, as I. mans - e t h l e ; I of. I,le several S..„'a oints. .r say it, is:monstrouri and not I n '" t . th !' i r' n'vri 1 i . tfliiirl, 'fin their': own •,-cay; . It, ta - te,3 'ar:ay a riiitit which, !lit to be. If deny that the lacy Witt: a,y , suppoied . o,inhere tri . invest air,c• man, though the' blood of , rns --en ni • tall • the "Iliowlards were running in ~h is jvh° sates and Iriaa,sfers it tt) the Gen /ix-eine, v. , tli one, political,,right, • _. e'al6°Y.ernmentl.' U. TT' 6 (idl•s' witb 5 ' i;ono-honfcor.fitiesicle int inctnity,not giv. t rAkii! • °'-' : °. l 'i - L'!- 1 "1 thc St',flto:Wii en tilt) !cr. ttiAliehurnblest, amf the.l pooreet pa- - '""r' t ' thuu . r .' was : sl6 P tea, l l f id f° wlili c i * they will 16ng 'cling,'heford . they ':sin*--, i I.triot 1 alit peioniuted to represer.t. , • . 11 To level 1., 'tie, favoritism 1 1 ‘ I yhjell has TOrlor i it.. Nn - in i atter whether the-in - 4 i ' f eoirie °At lof .the , reitilts of 'the war. In° 4 l. l joe he,atteinpt•ed in behalf ,of the: t.three m des' aye been propoßed, - eael; I . '"g l i re or anY ; otlicr racicAltis cell (1. lib !Of course l ibly way:amendment .to the 1 / F9Pi o ;] UV th° .gen.i's °f 0 1 4 .1 ' 1 : 05- 0tu' i r Constitution. • ... ~ - . ~ . , i i t:on ~ nut, •' more . .ithaty' this.' ' The I First. .i.Toi.mail4 basis o t represen. ! nor . hern ..S.,t it negroe,s•tO ates,lmiist , ot tliem,:do riot.. vote, . ~Some of them I tation in Congress arid ir. the Electo-fp, Par Aately l lprOnettne• lir i al College consistofeufficiently gozili...;P 4 .v - r°l"tedl.Y a , t i e d vo t er „„ s s,„. ne . , . ;:, • r .;; ,,_ , .! ed. .gainst it.. i 'Aerefore, even, , it' oefensi We as. al prlnciPle ror; aim ; . Seco ri:11 To deprive the §tittes' Of. the P ' er ' eneral Goveim,rtient •• to ab.46,ibi by - ! . ~, p ower,..tol dig,gnality - or, . iliieriminate .. ' 7 ,ipolitididl dr ticeouilt ol fate or color. ' nine lidinent the power to control ti actiln.Of Ilie StateS in such a 414.4,te, ; Thir4:,l To-lettve, every State t ier'' ttiven d.i t - not. be ,futilp ; to.ask I tliroel I feetly foli , toidetiide ler itself; riot on. lyi w liliOa II Vote but 'Who k han . b . e ... l quariera OT the Stales to dO for i theyri.. 'i; ! long tO_it.e. pc.litleal cornrouniy s in any I ',...e . _ 1 ‘_,;1 !.inf 3 ail' Others, b'S-Z, rant' in :r.)',, an ii; th Ls too ,say who shall eater, j ru .c u r a. 1 1" Itniend rn,i - rit, l the_ V 4,617 l ' thing Onto its ,basi4 of . ,re pt esentation mid, "l' i il-nl6lr°f •• tir'em have already re rsvlio slittli be' shut ''''Oirt• - iWlii!t" tb d I ft l S 6 .1.0 not. in their,. owpi, eases? .. Lira betaken, tf,ta,keniat allias it' 'States riidideJ .for (themselves in their i s '4 ) w i l; 1 1 affairs 1 • . own they decide far the4elves j lastresort in ihnea;ttainal l - -aat . 9f 'kg f ine u i . t h en . , .„ , *i p i p. :4 a ff a i rs ,.. It 21un ,,g tate ! p?.je t too Fi9e ina craiirfitile iti l lie Op ' • i unfit '' - '•cl t ' • rgEs ' '' - . '. '-'' i' contatus a - .c ass or ouppor l e o l -., , ~ -, , • . - be ; atilt t.l,Yorl poli t ticar.rigfity; unlvor..l 1 T e'third - PrOposition its belleVell 4,41 thy.. to - do: pOlitialis,,,in '. the ; ;State's . , 1 th'e ninnlitet! ‘ , t,b avoid! OA, far as IThe - t.his., elites ,sltall not. bo pnt ,aPon the:, c4l. 4 eind.ntit r e . of; i all the; objeetions 'or m .natiotl-d fit worthy tg,tt rcipre4 the other,tlvo . ,, , i ~ ~ Rented in /:tli'rjatiOil's 00,?.upili;,. ~ v , ..t t, me rea4 4.. as it will" stand iir I, 521,9 lain Orpp,ppitVon. ,ii ik s . ~roet, thel, Oe ,dnil.tittfliorl if.iiiibrit6d 'by . c o t k .' 1 iwprovß.l. 'of . . , ,iae codurlit,Cp_pti ,and,. OA I! re., 'kind' three tinitri,ers of the', tat ', ?titers ,haFo',not, To thfr fi rs .prorto*l`ite relientllk4`and' dirid , taxes - 'l'Y;l,l II i sition .scTfT•il ' obierti6o,' .have, been;; f.ppoiiione(hinsitdthe , saveral States iwhie: 4 rgpcl„ spine., 61,' , w),,ich „will, ave . . ptekallly / 1 all e itiFluslein tine, Unioti accaorllingl(6 .1. tmfourettii c:4 1; ,14 . r.ate4, irc. pot, w it en4ni lleir espctiventinitiers, whieli,klialld lit ;de teribi ed . -br boirntingi thb:l7hole-iiteulier; of , -hie, yet AlitprorartiAntiouaobje6tione: : F 1 If rce ors alone eliquld ho 1 rphde fli6 •P e F s l u ;"- e -S4, 8 W_ 9 i:' P l '4ldee,, T,ltat.'/Fli*. .. , ~ .. ~. • , 1 i evert e elective frattelii k e shall be denie d fottodhtion,qCF,Fer{rfsgbtittion,t,u4 no r : , itukict '6l i n tiny scatif N... :cei,u,,i.. , .00rt4ce' , 414 F , tual ,ra.tip„.W - Onl4.yary infictital):, among 4.0t0r. 1 A11 1 inclificlualit ot . such e tace ,o;• cOlt / t• alight . I,e ( vi , III i , ? I ticild ., e , l . lFeithe tit sis Cr represent-, diOreo. Btsioi,, , , Out. Slate wirn6ii and I.mir.tiri veto. Ank,ther . 7 11. . jn • ~-'1 3 , ~' "•"' f'-'l l ' •,,,' :-,_ nirktit-lizs6nifi'"or- tht.tyr , 'cloz-r-give the 11.'t 'titttins' bittliYiit;:denditio, tit .. , , t t r itium , to those othermiselistati4ed.*Kafl•ibat) .is opokitipiiiiiiiiiioilready . inii, h ire •beeti,r434idot.tft f9rpfirily[tqp:dayird bed daii.the Constitutien,anci,es 6)4, notieer,. `iii l i ,"extenA AnfTr ; hge to atimi Rs, fr. e,gayfirpritqcip .ititel f. ,; !That prkn. , i pri i . , „ T h t 5. „ c. 0 ., .tp ac t0 , ,A{0 1.. ..;5 4 0f4 . eip10 .1 siTiunfdini,th,Obeginniiig - :name: .u.fi h r i c u e! sm a g . ag . 9 ., , , ; ' ! . : 1 ..; ' d i,l 1., Iv ipay_.l 3 4 'tyytwere.'cl.'t'h4t;festire-1 tang l ito fho3b‘it9lco'•lniei tilt. 'petttiOnt 1 pl.ins wptild tepot7tt Alt . :4,jllri I v o ,onci l oxis t lence, but to thnio vhci, 1niv,6 1 4 ni t o , r i ff .. the , t4t io c t.:: , 9 .l B .l7 ili n ;l i ::: : :o . .. o e ' l a til is et , A r corn -95.1 1 si; , : h j . e e t o :) 43.. f r. t :o h r ;anier .,snit lid e m , fi e: 4 a s ik li t i o 6. : l n in for; eB o ., ,4 11 : 1 1 4 tt , , e ,.. 6 p - : 4,r f's 4 - , ic:' T . 7::,, e ,.. ... , .,,, , : :1 1 :ii '' : .. " , . 1 i, 8 4 - 3 : 4 11 : 11 141 : s tiii : 11: e. 44.' ri:c i e of rtie9lifZe:nr::t:l:ifliest !hiss., Chi nese Anci : Of-Jireeiitt • , ii - ffF,,l, ) ,(lxego4 .rhea . a,lftpFyi,psat,o, I le Q•pveti,D.,l I)ciji l t be In ft r iree, to. Ai`ex, ;I(lj!thNlart4 at?y, Kt to As ,nlinirit; l ,p , te cl.,cir k,v,iOAlC•lO the .eloktive - filf 1 -, . I. . • . „.,...J •—:! dl i nteiiiii ,i i avti.tit i ;e.!eeno.tireg..;,rx i n9l9.l,:.i tz ,g,,, r !p o r i l w liell inge . _ T rep itt , B,, O lt h ih4 . :i ilt eici ot t h il e illi ,v 7 aci lt ra 'ghait iioVb6 ; 7'4.0'. "" -- .4' f.Y 1 ‘" — r' 1 ' .;: 1 1:;i 1' ' f"" ; •. ',, , r " ;4 . 1 n!7 tjt. sei. , .2 f 0.: 3:s itir: ,:, V Il L i 41i .": , 1 . %) . Cl' 11 i 1 !i`ll 'i; : ". -*" • tz• t 'C . 'e f f: , fih-TO4--1:1 1 41 ••• ••• • •• t ' • •••'•' MEE ,• • , r1;111: d't -t) H &.• 1' egi Teic.o .J' to, ~„. ~d : j3,10k44 ,iilhiCntl34io.iegArt - oilich-41 iitor *iota. i itrt?rk 'ifia tett:±J, , ifleiti ale rot a iik.tel!ll,illfrtiotriffolitli*4 i k ILiee• ward% II sStarteft)l4 Vi . 4 1 P ., i i v '..ri .icy -' if' . .PM%,SlVii!qt4 ) ,a. L'N u i n, TO..-. 8 .111. 4 itn . towardAboae - z te? from'ach my 116 I iii:e4Xoet P 0 .8" at la' :iiileat f caid !' El,d, f - B f ttoy !ilk teettvitieti:altd:moto - aboi ' - fielda' '-i - c•hite,fiesitittapp ,6"god4fifillii9. IA Re: ice ,w 04141 4 . 0- 1 - Pril 2 l ,l 9aPris l 4. ALA i i . t41 313 ' t neivv.po. Pw !Yid . .417tbr liasit!'inproved gratefi',"'weVtlYeAiitit: V ;gab l e: l ii I by iv.' . 1 - .1"4. hie' &all. LAbat tifittlT e tr: '.g aglan of , onld:lotee ;very. largeyaboola azenl,ba , : sandq,llloaale, 9kAP C/1 8 . 6 A4t10 .4 1 4419,t of. 'l' o ,'?allig, '4"i c ouf liF4 cpilldien: - 4 ' has ' been' said " that: tti - i3' eat'' Ottieetioti'llOt4 ittia:4! sufretigiSlY . sid bill wo th* fro takiog clammy:: power: licirllr.thillitietaL vs,:, 1 Sewl EiiWancl. It • , . ! .:' : ~' 11 4.1 'Obi ha 4 be foia:ndatioa. I ev'peitic; I from 'tables., eiAltilly' prqliitear,',.'atitt khn ` l ll`k- feitilt : On110:-1111 t'atc , plattli twop 4edJ with- %lam .. .lst: ti:btiolota , age,up ?may i.atial I,w it 4. ii:lo:illAtiinst - nepuk4 l 4W., faPar-liA„fr,i .4... : - , ro1::1,!..cor. .041 , I.l= 1,- ~ji ~- ',' .1:. 4 ps ap,d, State vrouid ;Oa .p:' '44.1e - Citepreeen6trio''ctl.ei"lis , iliaki*g. trlAltirti6ii.4svet,,w-eat wind, Wrs all pervoverl' trwenW. one, tlfe . ie , Or_ ittportiotane nt, , Qu.,#e Coqtrfkra, I talgiog.,wbite,taen.ecovAt:.l:‘enty-,Vil,tifs 1 ,1,114 basie;',lllassaciieeitti i4litil'ill'a)if 1,k%, 4na Cdoneetrent' aidltitiii6:6b 'iliacts : 4 -isi - eAtilt . pirli:ltioald , gtt,in fou' .r . Pthe r eme . s.wohld , r.oi lkOn tbie.tast, oi i it . p ,. a, .45,1,4!, oC ,FrOo_.;.yot,erfti ;bti`e4t. 1144, white, 0.4jr. , , A`nd illiriels y roeld 'IOU) . 060 . . Reiye - senfiitiVe'' blrh, r -.atid • ilmi ..- yivinia.ttirti.o' ealfrornia; attitoit, 1 1 1 iiion" 'r of the , Ilitapari hitiretoloie- free, .Icrou d - ,gaia. , ...- ger ',axtraordibary, i i p. limn aoce, eft . l4le, pontatiop .:yottta doe 'le her repieseplittic - . It i tlir.4- it, 11,'6uld 6e Atr.' I,: Tile argritnebe VA ed:'- Oa . differeneee iidtUrr_the'ol4lBtatus-atlri tiluiTineirlAti ieFp et, pf,tge tend sex, yp tbrtulatio,p . , is.o creme by. ,!be,..feet pataltberi,gb tlieg irreqnalities aria large, the rlato tos of r presentation i !riper thtisi I ii 1 • - a , to , . ,say,l that. the w'bole number of R•epre ikentutivelk being only, .tAttr, Itiikuyired` ',.',antilfor_ty,one, it. takes so marry "per- I l esti.4' or ,"voter" to make Upthe re iqtrii'‘d conititrituiep for' a •sirrgliiiii',:,,, Ititt the . kroptir iteratee I of ;mew &var., vitt) , en r except in ':California, ; , i5.,,t00 Ma I- la. ,st4te apTio_pply-, l i tg 4r)s'io,,t, , the'' l c result... , • . ' 1 . I I 1 , • % - ~' : 10 bas been -saictii - i aid . 61 - it voting, big .iti.it PIRO)* 00 .1.i, , itin - el to*iiici it Ni ttki I:tt 'lrable.tortld.be.preventerl byi. , 'estyletung :1 Mist I .4)iitimepttbmtv to' mal eitirens,. of . the guited.Statiul' t. ye ~ ,y one ytai:s ' dhli ' atilt Op, 'This 'sftuld pra'vent`.7 Mitch e• brit '"shim' ou 49tti . tiloomiti2s4oo.of 1 4 tliei Q -0 1 9.4-: : wiw,:are am land who 4,1•41. `usl, war abui Etft wp9 111311 1,11 di'l, l :MiPi .11 :" - 3 1 fraiiitSfitt?, 11 ,. !lift &IA ic`ii•f6l rhise.on,A4o,lowl.%•Mgit lielPtit 6 ,, i ; ' I ' 4 * ihiii.withytodwow le.x4 , 1 IA-‘se II - I. .- .: - se:06000-1f . 4 AormiAtill !pawlimn - - ---: . to.sii, l , ,Q*ll cAtionev f-lliPtic.FA, Ai% : -- be-nap/10i oft. AnY i 4, ,-4119Adtr:4711Piiiith a ci.--, wls :t . :44,0 igaV9,4iJilf#47". f '`,- anyroort!wh tevP) - 4441Y.t,I.JsPwit9)1 8 4"`: .- i 'reirirAtkostatift -;4lkilyilkw943l ll 9l ll . 1 - Of .piiitth : A . , h „neyqr...taisn ‘ it„ t'atl,,,.t.p .,-, s_ aa /o'l •ii as a eqq9:RPf49i qt_ l ll4lfl 4 lß. !- .., 413 01 .1 0WV.0;3?44:4q. 4; 1 2, Iftfk_Atf - ; • , - (11 trist,-ftos ,deelino .s.eg, Vx.Y - tylPtliTr '!, . --. Adds:sign-4(i% 4.40 f ghlr: ? SKPAIIKI L::. : -' is, ealuoe;tkay Pa:R 4 g7tPrthrlVN %er...: .1- - -' - . ouc 1, tm*,114 , 47 irficg 4 6 4414 Artfit, --;-....,...--, exo tultlii friril" 1 11 51 , ‘-W ll l l- :n ( frt;e4/2 4 r i "i.. , ' . l as poivV .- • - to ,,, whlL-9tikc , §4l4wkiitit„ . _ - -:Y -.-, ' , lf .'fi,rti4o;ifreurvilieyr y i gliada oBl 4+ l l l k..:s4-': . t'd croloilito it:is ;ellfelisstieof434lll4** ad . , --; 'aiaittafrarrylialitiralt . 4afipthgtorsri',,-.. ititts.iotintedilh ro4ilf,44sAggrAsisA--,-,;;-*' -, i tt, That is - 511,1-and this kentliraftA l ffnigk , T ._ :',,,.-„, „ aq.gliW9L' ;lid a 6 -itac b°l l, l l.>„,:'.' al-'MVltTed,t.4 ll ' ~.: 1 40 -a '." 1 , .... --- - Teliteviri -* . , of a ce g rl al a - "'ra shati -- rilf' - 0 ''' • 4r,p. - - -....5" '4'l . VatilsUc'-a irdarrirtiL i ' • _,.. - - - i's" 4.' " - - 4 ' of di11:4 , 44%r ( ie 4 .4 1 4. , .1414#40 'l l - 't - ii:''': ant ma.y.s.ale.-ths_e?c_a - i.. ata - sl* . ii-. P , ; `mow , count og n .,,p l ;i i r e. 1iii t ,,., 01 ,4 ', 441*- t - 1 , ,,..7..,1 : mr 4 „.§,01, 412 7,eil o ; r Llitilitn`7l --earirtftl- , : .Ed ill) * -**' ''' .- n ',A " " _ ' . . t-;1:` VILE! 'Ci.Ltil ; ..N1..,„„' ii , ,, .„` . :Z. , ,l:r''' ~Tlial i tetAinVr9p sit ioci, 'clipllJllertr- ..!.c . -: it.fit; . A . ,lt i, l f thoviff o i r Intin'ifirus t: ,, ,.. ...,- TILE! I irpt: 4 10101449 i.'3i . ftii , lrept6, 7 6l, '' ii6ii tqcikxtenti* , irt!iit taaukkiair.-.., , 04 _.4 14' say iv poviti.levicom4lit fi...ii.Rt- 2- - ?* A . la.ritaWy_se s We :bt, r 1,14: i, i , 0 A - y i •4 ,er.o.! St to p) semi e It.,: et e. rail' '', 1 ebefdaia, ts i t ti i • Aittre' .froift' - .I izai4 iri44l.o.4ltibitli. it 40tiletkitt re* riailitt.aiiovultl a , 'ii Orw s iktiai "-, ,•4'''.iat 1 I .q:kS,)*. t- l 4t fit -to d rvka, 4' t tq tiltotP. a,n.- -.--- ?;...r , i 4 Ept,e o eilifli ei.,Atti - d', by : I 'w6ra 6 i dir tkevi :. • -,:. rvn .- a tiii3sii'Wfi& , prOfit: brgliub , LatMoo" Or OdelP.a.rPoniti‘ .. 0 -, takimgl. 3 .S.PU. t ... . , e k to tbft i ztacTi 3 4iifPY- 4 - - , V€4 , . -l i bel. 1 1 i d toi l FlViriq °S a'?s. l - t s:-eli° o -Uonserisii"./ f .f id i n oityfia f) Oki. as isibir ' 2 'i'Srit *II St likr• i Sliiite 4 1 Mir o liiHre 4 -sti ii ; 1 echreatet4eir - poop - 1'03 , 111E thoy;llia Si pl , v4e.f, t:ln i n I 'a nii-i'' f)lit:i 4 :rh'iA urii r'' i fES - ` 14114 . 1 4"e" t for 6t-fair day',! 7vi i kirir;::!>qi •,00%0441fAct - - Ipro,'-',--rthmitktfaint:rlT4 if litazflq p s yfr . ,osFir,tl - & e.jsetitptiong p r f_ a Sr . ..i.e. wilt ip'sure i itAairi4 he ;"ig. bit ar i.e. ''C'if tittle- 01 , 1 31 - 9Whlsirpitifitiits*o , worth - logs that b .003 Par,eiifitito:47,7frir ,bri4its :of. tturlden t o 0. .' ~, • 1;• l'i i': - ".Z:' '.- ' -- ... t 7.4 hay 0..5ai , 1_741)4 s i . 1.1)0., • 4440-mirii -- •prgridea ; jpr-, ;: fcli sepl- . Ditipi. .. pag immi in hp,pd with talattqiit Thut:is -- Its'-first fcAthlh. l '' '''' -'-"'"' -41. i 5; , •zsesc6n-f.ii , It, , tyiir, g , - •1 4: to !lilt:. brt..' borteg..lcog ar. ci . ull. Ale rea 5 hi - t4,7areltd s,i . j.114..c . •:,t5u - al.and - Lcepll Iztica. of rbrinlatir4;..: -- ,Tiqd. 1, , .. 'pub: eiithil I.iatiiibr i tif.ib . I '§ttit.i&l:!''s2 - 15!:. , i , ..'... - 3 1 Fourtl l't. , lt - inc< t 1 fat:tared •-to• •aßiu'.3.. fog, n . :_ t prepsiitatii. , Tl .Is 6 pleases. ,:, ~ . -, Tilus ciicr3 . St.tift llis , til;4:,. on•-, trot, rie3 from all interfferehca:'Ztits *n iritorest§ ari;l eonce.rnAlt , Xo t , 6"th. or Statol.nor kiletioi.eral .G.ai l .eiiinitent i Clan niolt -, sl Owl) , ol e pf , ,AVlS'Attigion tho au i . '„-:c : t, ,0r . .e,v.'::, - Inpik . o,i . l . lp .I.b eir ae 1,3 or tili.t.i .,,h r coason , bii tr . all 'rho B'tates have' eirial iqts. t• ' -- --11 :; i-"1A 1 • If Ye w" "York eli.Sdie.s•''i6 e_bti..:iebor 'black pophlatiotr; li • Pblttikia i t•Ter'stine, 1 iihe tan- da se..- 11 he alums pet-Au:wee Li). , ,dci eqll,ific - -tiltte , i 4 .beie-.8 05 1;a:1-.1and bat. lizlrt..painso!,, r be 71ta11ppg9ci . .„..„„,- •Sol,ot ,I•lant4 Par lipa; ; .13,a,t . •, ; ' . s - puth. Carqlin fl -Sh i n '-' iiat ..6 AV !' . 71i1. 4 :. We 1 1 have . le:is- i s t , To:rt.hr a hunl,% - cl'ifitine and 153r§oaa' inithi ,i b:Eteiei,rtYottitteally Speittc in g., - iy et syn.:iv:di !ha l ve( in ig.ti;ern ling ; the , miXiirY. 44 -Pa i sv4 ,l '., Oti.aVen liunlis s e t il thiittspnl,pereAtVi r ",..!-: ... ... . • , _r4...i .:if A . t., :•,•.) :- i The, graonsjinnnt", is col man, A l A lt stat.E.:s anCl'ieiiiaT. f9i. %Ali iti"cpt4itio,i2 ' will 'ot 'ciiVrlBe" bel: ifiCtriiiirotilY in t I tlid Sentit. =l4 - 6 - 14% rilberni= t.ntelarmill. {bee - by itOvhether t; e.seutitter ~fatipit ea extend e4frag.e4a, 4 4 - Ei, 01 :: 4 9.,,, ,. V 7 en. .New,:Yotf, _in like.T g;t9:ll.pizTulationi has so' fk si _,l;lic kir li - Lt idie * dotild' ex— kt;lcal'o'iltiiim 'air t ! `"Xitil eiitiiiiesal6ii" end It w'antil',4riake Ina diNninbe'xiir ber , r,opreaoaation..:. ••,. .1.T.-t i ,i_.i,a: , -4 :IP the airienciinent.ie Vollikedi- awl . .eaffragerpniaina ,itonfined pei i i : tivikow,. 1:11,44,,g .the, (AIIIE..US 91 - WC) ,a,s4heiour, dittibn Of the'eato.tit tiqiii,iiiio'.elie pinn ,Ltie'i'' of . Rp . l l'? . §ent irilVu'ller itiAben, , Anod the gainakari ioaf.er ,-, reilid be. ~ . . .the'io:, ~ /Vireo men, Indinnal . ,-, Rilyiois,' .4 1 4Wg.lin: Ohio,', P Rayl.v4ale,: ~ ' sea. cliapetts_ ...Nreml -,, ~- l _el•sev aw, ~ aine, ci - ,ffar'''': ' ' rziFirirglifi-Wevii - ± - Ca • o gain on .i ep s i c.,,h, I'li rid, Neiv'''Yoilr'iAinidniatitiAVlT:el A 14.. abarha,'Kentukkyi i „ , :porel, Carolina, 13:! Carolina, and Tefinessep . ,4_,:each lose one ; Georgia Louisiana , . and illiri4latiot2twoditioisAftimiNithoe;N• and , MioiiPßlP,Pov.o4 l d,..l4.e4,t9Efß:.:T , ` . . • .., ,It-;4_,1. ,INcs. josistoi,Atkatl . .FAmzeTit3 ID.I the United Siiit.o7 anki — zuitllptsi - -:- -- 'boti'C' e Vh odd' Wilie 'tiiigii 4 4.ift +iSpre-, bentlitic.h.rsildiappokibOnt4Elrnirhese ',. motrbk.wore - io , itre,:arOttlF 1 . 611 11 SS 1 ' qihr ini l4Y; tl ,ll l 7t it ":4 [ P4 04041444 at ,but !my . Pwil, .i!l,d;rAellt.,,, 71 t!'at it . - - .. sOlitd likpe7rtioila,r'siiitr`t • 114- the, bi . .ini Mitt &) ntt'Sniid '''','''''' - 1 ' - k•'• •.. tlkaii e gel za, ra' t weveilit; uniglreft lb the. argon:tout, Id ilycir, t.lia‘iitensi' all,' o , 9rOtkian. ,fIR9EIPf). 170 j • , ..Pgi orYsent• "04nstitution' is, an, Ulit -,always;3sras, op-. 0640"tettA a te ,'?'1 5 81:0614`s; -; ~.) tli!. not !it Rimer/ 'wine ni4vikfi con- Istniqed • tbettbiiiis, , L.r.. tb,:z .-.?,:i ihnt -, A ,r• 4knaniktugk ug t.ia PlCirtlPabasi 4 . or - h44OO9PVd ,e use; 'pgypkigrawq , iieollitii , tLiiciiiect beeaus. , '',•is.*? to.: %.- '10 6 4 ' l ei 7 : 26 e g g I S? . 117' 4 r 2 .4 . 1 44! r° .p ancifroji,gpApti _,v-g iarAs plc ;rapt) it 13 11p, srri.u44. .Btatit inn— , it; ?J ti d
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers