- •• 1 •,L' l - ' 1 1 l .1 I I" I . ' -- - 1 I ,Ta t i l 1 kx,FrAivr p.ll. 743..g7r... - . ,f , .. : 5 .. 1111. r !ask . —, < 11 , i.;:.; i•i '.. 1 " .11. :( 4 !.1 " 1 , 7 i' 1 • ' - ' .. -xrr'.4.' -40 .2.2....... na . .. -, 5, 4 31, .t.,!!.... ' 7 . .ti5J5a• - 1 1 .• " I.' .e.ee I .I‘ ' • • --t(rm•r9t , :* - , I I.2ir'' , :..- •12 . ,,'.1.*?7 0 1611:S;:: 0;. 1141 7 1 runge.,4... ,-,-..--, ..,r 4 - I^t 7 , 1 * vs.,. sst . :1 ,waa bar ti - r_al. ; ~ ',' ' , ; 'i - • '-' .. 111 ' • . . 111141 ~11 ~. ..,.11 s , . 1 .....„. pt:rvs , 0 44.3 .1 1-Ss7l 4. .. , s.. ...s , Sr!. ..., :,,.... 1- • J a . r , VIP 1;4 lures,- .,„ kl. 1.111•.. t. -,. ;;;,..i r 0.,. n i ! , l :, t. ...,) 40r , uni rt. ...,.„1- t; ! l i I's - i , 1 ' ii VS iPlikeo ')di r, i''T c- ...: . ‘) 4 - g '- . -n ' 1 -.:''. '" 'l l. ' l ' lll . ' 11;1 ! I ,- 1,1 ' t lift, . n. 4,7 , 0:,,,g,,,i1 , 1 .1. , , , i i :: zi 1,. t .: :, 7 . r. ii t, ,... .,.0, ,, ~.., ,i . 18 ... .. , .;;! .. z : , i .. :1, . .9 i'r.. r e' r ^f 7 .1 :., 1 ~..,41,11 ~, .1 1.; t I i Li , -, Irki ---4. n_fte ~ 'r • • 3; ' -" t. ' t ; - i ~ •?,.--,... • (4 ) 4 M 4 . * -" ~, ...11.., -- c^ ...1, - ..--- , )•,,,, ,' a '' ' J ‘' t • • .. 4. ' -1 " . ' •-k , % ,4 1 - . ' ' ,, ii 16 i 471 . 131.'' -' s - .1 7* C '. ' i ..p ..• • • • . •., - 1- 1. 91.1 11114 7'l - '1 • , - 1. 1 ~ • C •rTtl , Ifee tiff i I , trt ,, . I „ tejf, ,tzil ~~- ..... ~,, • • •.,.•• rtl .rti, trpt , , t, ,, ,11 ~ t;1 - 1,;141 . 1. t 4 •tfli'Ll l't 1, / ,. .... ' i. 7.1 t . .'.l'. • - r - .7 %. . , 1' i , ..: 7 5 'T •,, , - 'if: ' , b.* •`!,-.... •lintt 1.11 - . ;,‘1%. i: - . • I - •,:li r.5.,„, , i., .1;..,1 •rti tI . I, t ; ‘ ) 311 . 1: - .Vrik 1:I: lci ' I NTAI )73 A.:0 1 ..;;;.•,..'`11 --- ''.' - - 'O7 :;;;J I,t, i,lllollki"h'...-k41,--:17Vvri„.,144%,ir1,„, Edg,A - Pro e lir;7. - I, "''' *-1-- ' l ' , " " , a- :" 4 ' "-",'-'''' '-''' L •,• I • =.• , ' !-A*r' ,, Y 1191 1 - Oi ' I P•--Iyatli9 •fss , , • 1 , - - --- - ti•: ,. ' , 4 4,07 . ...": 0.,...,•re,f, offl:f ~,,..,,:, 0,-- t , t ., „.-i . ;.J'•' ' ~. • '.• '1 ' ,• - •.,,,, ~.., i . , . . zr,.= .• : _.- . .1; .. •.., ~, 1. • f . II 0 II liguist, _ M ~,,, WiltbillUbr iiiiEvi at:.147.7: C i f t 111111) SI ; .7Ski :1 ,•• I ..' •4 E . i 4 0 S2O 'per annul ic .„,r,Fi i• "1: .., , 11 il W..' :,", .i ft ; .1.3. , • ::-7 i rti tit" , sik. ku_ pats, . 1.. ...,- 1 , ~ r p - : ..e, , o.ti '..:.-, • . Ji S. litiTAN*Ciir :~~~~~~: o' Ml= T ' -: U' 4 ; , ,- ----,.7 1. 7 ' - ', I. ' ,•;,.: ,, s't ,pi To i/jelii tioiia . 4iii illA ipi i ,l4teti 1 g it ide i rw k, a cottielt poet b t littie known iiitiar:6llli4l Itclllla - f ages blaii er* sister could read: tfiese - : 'tialititih - roiltrjt ?iltirhiTt. 'yotde f ieteir in Wefll '.. I l r:, 4 g , ~, . .11 -. , ' - '-, - :/.11,....*1 ii k ey Oleic mot , tioi'd,,arl 1 . iiflig '''' :II". t 'l, '.11 61 r 11 ; 11 ; t1LI IAi l jk i lk ii ' l i .I .L ''' ' ' 1 1 ' : •... ''] 5: . tut. iIie,4 I OFVFY c`f 4100.inFAC...41rOlOngraff:,.t • ,To themore lasting seem Ai'' •- t . vi..l. 74ie.ga ief Z.kit makft Othill.Wnlaigt yc l outh . ''lTo Minfotf.'ivir - clifin P. 1 " 1 .- -/ l. 1 dr o r till„watt dflj t ill.q a :7,4 1 3: 8 - ry- t ie: , ,f .1 ,4 1 bep t aovAjow : .., 0. , . t , t. ~,..." 'l . t . .•.• i -_,, 1-;-' ! hour , % na,Y Xdrici retooll4 , .: . t r t ~, 4 hen - tu fay. fatheries fro •')..". ' Desitli came Itll iltilnileporgd . coit -'• ,' .- t ~ 1 . 1., . from his dyfelyngth_kine comb. - I ok.W 11 # 0 14 0 0) oe e: ,- .! !i ' hderell' it . tie V Iglit; * ' ' huddor : 3;44,,u. Plink ut i pon aguish of that nigr. ful brow and rucid; me all -ate,' indi vop grew dim in which i diiiitNie-1114c1;-- 1•111 f. .60' 1 NM ' ir:Yont ME AP, eYe ' 19Is I I The 1.314 ,1} iTho E the cheer-m.141,de Pt '" 11"1 1 fit; '41 41 / - '44W, :. . . eFe 1 ruined nkratlaer,4eati; t ; =; iniuld.bayerdied"for 'im!. ' ' k ' .. .: ...•rt ' ":':•[ i• ......, ',. - . i •. of If 'twas entameti -tlion;' 't I : noCif'tvfas siirink'''' ':'-' '. e birds ming.iti Clitiiiees -1.3 ' not beai them,eing : -., .1.;l' 2 ,' . 1 If flov,t ; 4l, cam lor t h to deck tke•earthj ,iTlteiriblom ;lia. 40t. Be l i i; ....., . , - .111cioltinfopoti one withers iiinsser: 1 ' -1 -.:. ~ i • . • ; - -1. -7 , ' ,-.), ,-, 1411citte else blow:nea r :l ',1',•4 1 ,:i ; ; i ~ ; • 1 . .' • -.`.'l •: . .: . ..1 - . 'Alva sad silent tuneit ;vs r ,-• ',Within the . hense of. woci .•. •• 1 A , 11.16,;yee were dim' and tiveij,das . t, • • ' '" And eit . erv . ' voice Wii'ilowl. 'r '' . . 1 A4O. 09* 'f4!a!k elle:ect'st I t'brrtile "•.; T3te l btiod appeaied'to i 51rt . ,..; ie __• :114:ildiiidden la -I !t'e :' •:' ito at. : 1 4 - 4 4/ji A ili i n i bees; : ' ' 1 ~1 : ' .•-.; .- -: • - - ll,' -. et ..' I BOltly w trod, ii irafraitl ' 1 i to mai., th e elee per' a _ iiic ,•1- ~, :', ind stol/ last looksof -hit ni Yin . mory to,icet3p. EIII bow Ikno I Ildid :,,iiitt him the agonily,te,ci ~ _ Ana. ow. the pain sues Q.' . ris ( qiot: las of his sweet•e l ---,. - 7 ;Vireo l or. from 4eact." 4 : l' And Iv e.n.at lint.--h.ewas ' Fromll ' - 4. t areai 1 'r '1 e werl 7l ~ I flow oft in theuglit i did y e . 1 1 4 , ,tro „,,,- rhisJittle life. 1 llie ever] look, his every 10 .Hisve y 6ime birk to us like thin l • • ont irized when go. The grief fle passed with AUdjor has been my lo • But one le long remember,. • 'And the other soon forg The, gayebt hzurs ,trip lig And jettve the faintest t But tho ileep trackAlitit'd. , No time can e'er efface. ' .104 ma, . • , .yl..rept;l forc,.e.b3 i foree , , didence of :Four person, h i abitation, or property, against any o te l who ron ifsltly Intonds or _enden ors- b 3' yip. 'duce" or, surprise to Coin'it a ktci,wn ,fi', , lony; sue 4 as,rape ,?, ,J 0 1 ? , r): 3 , ars9s kurglary, tifitl,llie;like: - ur to justi ji IS your kill-111g . 11 - attn . , tler,e must be actual' danii:r; the biro fear of any of these'nfrentlea,,how we'll gtiminded, is ant auffieletit without'gomeoyort act; lf,'thereforie; yoti kill; Man *hti IA niarels lyin'g in ittaiL yot. ,will not ills exeutted. Tin" tistimi . .nOt, n fliet,.rnake ~ . anjutack.u l imn °theta:- u less you can justify' a ful • conviction, n' your own u4d,, that, lif you do fno do. so your Ow l n life Wiil be ,in more danger • I Pie enures! of saiidiin Pr IL you- may. protect your personi,Jiy::killin.g your i 1 attailtint, provided' .otrz '5O - tiO.otihcii probable cte possible:nap oB of os .. capi ing fem . 4:n. It you af '*alklt.,t A.,- , :k i ng it dark lane, and tictliitlitiae)Fed by ;;anglers.'t is your tty: "Ito -isake ,gr escape• from 'tlinni if, you can; ti slinuld'tetreat'as far tie you ,- eon vePiqt'q _int, Stifelf. ehll. 15eforer,yeb,t r liirli'l t pont ,them•„arid , if ' xoo, cAltuili 'iitreat,nrlpanno 2 t yita: ,iitep, With-, 4 itinatufSat "flange of your .life;.'or litlormous bodily harm, t et; -pa may 4boot the - ..illitiiitt4tkeef ;7•Au 'may . 'kin ttga,riotor'ittrhilplit t is committing,tbe ofTeb6e, bitt YoliiTtti: it,.. tic',4:_itboOt Ll t him after the fray isl (war, M• : when he it running away; for that is tieionge not stll.4,efetibe:' Aff.d 'itort' should • bear in mind that,iyou ' . etttio,t; kill '.a man for a l clime nniii,is itOt4-4060rn- P,Lied liy i forea , ,or ,vi I o nes; . you are t , l otjustififid, tor instate , itini killing' a • i r i tnin found in,the ti4'SE be”' Wittg , youil , i (),4.kt , -:if t a ,Jit'ati*l:. lt: r tipeA ~i•Rur ‘,. ttlltft at iight (tll4:..iii:, ItetWeef, nine nr. tindl tax. a: moof . .. t,'4‘;ifollOWiittg morning,) yoty7triayliilt hits butfra ,- Map breakS, opea t6tt 'if in the ,1_ ~. . .) ..1" ! lip_ tti3,ttte,,yott must-not . ill him unless • the offers ' is accomp. • leif :tty.' riot,- D!try also', and it Is not= :' - iii.iit;ial that iettialffel6liy'ili ilia: ' to be tom lttitted-la justify...Vic.:-.liilagss:..it--it ._ Ma 0 ,, 4 tchltiroir tlieso4bfr l 'i -.-,7 , 74 -# 1 i• i • =I !:::: :7' , 1) . 13,0h. torliks. IttAilt,' ll ,,z l ' , I rt --__-..: 9 F", , ..-_-•1 var.; i44 , l9l9riai=W:sehitvg.tii iolin 34 , _AWOL ernon.:On tbe litli. De :1ike:7,1'799, in thd;43BM , yeitt'oP fa' ge":,."-' ( Death rii. -- ',edifthinif iti:111 ''' ' ' ".4 Ititiaii that 10,1e,-mOing#,..pfl 4, e L, rn-980 1 ; ',40d bki :-' icifißousg .6imtat laeO tily;• l 3 3 aCh4 the halls. Oft:Conges*l.f.!-3- - 1..2u-l• •1•': .-'J'Ohn - • 4didis.'et rhi 'to'. 4..itheiend ,of Ilving h ,.. - ";at",hiir reildjk . nere.' iii' . . - 41FliiiiY ; , 3.1414:.i 04 •A llii ' :It gTOrqtilit -8 ... 26 . f .'6411. '" ming what d ay , _i •., %VI 8; aci rfijOl arl g 413 ---- iin -- 7 - 410 - 7glAfitifge3: - .-attdiltrietirlez. pirptia,t.,t....}-tajaairic.hatiage qf r iolr. i addrit-Ylidrivend ten. 11 ‘ ---1 • . 1 - 1 "--•r. Tt. °nine o jargrAK Viatlifittteortli. nary T episttiid4996,pr , 01 hie- litat i a k t l lontit . :elloami : he ame ay.that4iiji t venerahli‘eoib ; patri t-. Adams Choidied::i-:- Abillyp,of if_ip - or n 1, 4,1teci . 4e . 0ce .. , h id, senehe4 tag. ' r,e..0 ,i.54, - .Kears. Jatil'ed - kuaisbril, i t egiikiiii '-o - t • i the 1 Constitution'r.aud.'. a O .the wi s est stiAte B 74l. l . -,siur. P 9 UP t!ly , a 'prockqeed, peaeetntly elnse&liai4ant ti y.,eabeielt nt fliOntielien, srw. ; 'O' lie . 2 th.of Tune; ~ 1886, in hte Spth 'yeW.'" .. '-'•;', 1, 1 , .(.. , James. Minty() died in he ' eitk at New• joelibiOn E .,-the l etil! , ,of itiA41,31831, in: hte - 81)Chy4t. ge.' - w.i.i, a Pirtk i Vae: iris4,,,ti*l:,-the Wit, ~,c.k.',tl h p ;Pr'qiii,de+ who bouved. i i.th ,tho hozerAta 1 clay! .1 0t t the Revolution—hay; g',4: l- n. La Colo. net ; _in i ttee . I Conline "tellitnly: Ile partip,ujittly enjoyed t i e ecin fi der.en Of Washington, And', t h . peeted or - lfie . W.ihe an&peneetut ad, imieiration.,Wap. i i. ehaineterizedi - •gm .' . •th , 4 1 21-.00 -good., f ee tk . .n g 7; . •.., 4 , . ." : 'l. ,; ' ~,,,' • 1 . 9 , :f0 , ,‘ :I . 1 rohn .. Quin'ey...A.dan A ex fired in the capital at . Was,iiingto, op :the 23d of iv Febr nary, J 848; liter: lly . ying ip • the *e vice . p . t . , k tp : ,' eq,:liA`ty ;,i1 v :Alio' age:loll 81 1 . 1 1 To , EN: ,;,1#91.,,h0 is. i,..if l ' the eials' of • 'tie's. btrgy.rrna.n;,ar el , identirteii ,nal rre had ;been - It6in •to hoock . with' nisi L r•-). grn EWA cheek he ligkt - • I' e public oer iiep.:it:vvltcr 8 ap*/#li,r,tipti`ate that usaunal shic; inwyrurtia Fts.e. in hi'eettt ..!Cepreitinttttives,' dre,n, •• japip , on • toltngo.near June,. 1845,in hie 79t1 ltiTe.fbeen a great 'n could c-InAter thc.ittre .. pedplo'ar6und . hint as j ed ,patriot aka, s'ordier I Ularity ,had no pars [Washinv i ori:!.l ~- , •,' -I 1 . Mart4u..l4iuk,flurer. ied at his birth -I.Plzeo, Wilire6q9;;:er s iiimtio. : ',e4unty, N. V., as ;Ttli.u.: ' g•ith clikt„-,.03.2, in ihr!3 80th :year' t ~„‘• His. adm)iiistration, from 1087 :t0r.1041-,wa ' ti ; p t•iod- mark ed 'by - peat finitueittl . istre i ts' thrOugf,t- On t the. country, whi li ' w 5!...,c.h. , : , - --- ' by . .hi f , kf ..1,,.: , ....., ..0 r.r . ents , ivon the ii poi fey- 1 h o3ipultsued i)4 miktiagi 'g • -WO public financtsthrouh the at ncy of the itidep;nderit tea, ury. , 11: failed - of,re-nercinntiory for; a re quid terns hOweve"r; on hdeolipt i pf hit. opposition to; the. annexation 'of ITextiz. - 1 William floury,lliarriso ' died on! I tho i 4th - of .`skit. 14 4 1,.e. aetly .•0130 1 I month itgerbiS l i iinitigtiratio), aged - 08.. I Ile: was the first Prerle.nt who- died I 'n office and in tile Ex'ecutiv • mansion. j Ile.,had ga_ingd_u deg], liold _Upon the peoplies'heArt,and -no iii, , ~ l ittng at ~ tho' time can ev . er furet t o;p:lofonnd and universal expres s ' tis p Sympathy and sorrow which his oath teeitsioned.' 'l,ithii Tklef,i ; iiedte [Vrid Pr,.3aident, 1 and who succeeded en I arrisOn for the remainder of his tet.ii , renounced'. his allegiance to the Unit 'd States' in 1801 1 . and 4ieti[tlio' f ipwi I ._i: year in RiehmOnd, Var.iri hi. 7 - 41.•'-ear; being al the time - a .senato • !from . Virginia in The Confederate songrOs, then in sessuiri.at Richmond. ..- e ,A 1. , i Jaynes Knox Polk' ied dt his honte in i.Wenxiesspe,Liii.,.'l z -..1,51,11 • uf- 43.111#, I:344; • SniY tiA•ee .nio6 110'3'444'i-tile ' , i , k'-; piration . 6f, hisi term' Of ', OfTee, , and in his' 54th Yeat-. •Ile. w a iii.ill" iif, - un.' questionable integrity' and talent, -and achieved the. highest horn) •Itisi count try . .tould. bestow? at a -nuch earlier iivOlian'ary of - his .rede esSors.. . - ..Zhchaiy Taj . lorls death on -the'9th. of)Tuly, 1850, when 'a ,lid b.oenri,iq, SiXtcenltopths'in o''ee, tailed forth , i -the-deepest- expressi ns o a patron's grieV r Arni :_ov : epy.w.);ko 0.„...1 eAult,beart of ''fblrta'nlsld7:Tratr - torsi, *it 'beyond what 'intittequate - Wor as ''''C' it - -- trttar.-- Ete - die 4 it thePrits i iden ial man'sinn : . in ids 69th 'year.,.. ‘, APriihauff:lnneblif 14.(11 of April, ' 1805 I . _, -. top crny,i alto; ki . ssoco, *as - onti - that' slniel 2.:•., J.. td-fitce' `i; . . . I. 1. • ii4hoird .rasp; - et ,dtne afar stiiff, • -; ord, • ' s whose worth er l • ' years:* w ay, ; ; tly by. abe, . rrow wears U ' S. IN MIEI beyond anything 'tb -4 1 03 , 45 vi an (Lev ror tbroughoin the predeaeasora had' tosAb in the; rdihir Utit• it( was rPßeried ‘.,fse foul. 41 a 'Of iirkW ! tek fietip in ppbkie, re . auyt me nt. :Hek, year. ; • , Washington, Jeiersoc, Madison, Monroe Jackaon a the -oal:y.7.elo'd L ncoln were iiiiicialoson liifffse.' 7 • 0 , !:•!. The present Chief Mii,.,a;trate of the UnikfdAlig calls auccessißn. tAie-aixtesia•fiiru i rr, on g, tfiree now snrviveilla d Fill noieloraniri lin Pierce andaii6iii-iliiehanan. • • • , '9f ,t l l,O sin biontly'xitelbtithdt . .4, - .datitutts-- made th atthe Rith=fiaidicilltat Ad "jr : alliOitmougt, WI a' tittle '"les's' rtif ii:3 . 100360, tV a': • trees piitd iiiiin'BBBooo49.o) 000' • nctOne oaip taid - on the list has ecei•'ed the hand some sum of-34 MB, and Coro mauder l'htqßlA:itir6 if',b,fic, ' $1 ; iiiAo l . { ...p.,--.1_ , 1it,"; .. t . l -.,.!, 1., % T :.., ~..4 . , . ;., ,:, .-_,•, IT, 1t'V.1 4 4 8 ,t,,, 0 iKinlf3r?lfi lip, bftt.ax.q. Siiii9go44 8 94- 7 .._ her- -%w€},fl Are' tfl,waTS !,t,s sx.?pga.„; , ..;4ifu ~ t orc.)PgPl4.lt, ti,;Miski, 0PFP. , 11P.4i,-,-bnatql 4 11 -b.jro .R 1 ,4 1 k44 ilia4n4 t ‘ 79. PP'M.'.[i ti k , f. 9P4d , lrAt4rn! Itr.V!iOg' f t o , 3 ,:4r•cPY?g , 'Wz 11134,1404 gri9Alt ii,.pours il,torthi ta . chf:!,icat,r.,s, . stiaft .51f 6.3 P i cio.ll4 l in file . ..si, •• •j"2”. , --)'; : t I '.; ..I', 0 S _,,r . Xe•. i !''i I I ?„ % i dle 4.: w. 4.11 ',thii•fb 5t,744r... 1 4PFeC'C r att.'"gf‘Pe: AnnßltfiN It r Anl!er• feßnaoo , ti.tO.es tp ii,Kpll .scidr,es, .o Washingt .n : ,Tbo" gcliO, 1 .'441;60 ,, Alan , 44 4 1 1,0!c) ME** Kro., itlYtF°Ro iPICif.9,A; 0 * 59aarYi i 4,:kil his Einneeit. nerVieeS for America, In , the field au .4.tlita-State,f-kind en deured - h . i,14 to t e howl* of,' hi ,cottn tiYmeti glut to Itiiii.loSii i liber s? tit .thronitltiat-1 o 'ersitllga'i,t l orld.- 4 : Aut thereor, an thing.inlth6;part..! ing w 1044 ~, of, plum! , that : .,ttomes' 4, Ana., W4h ll .Peen lltr..foree Witt isignia, canes •Lej,P l P,t_!; Bool)- of ; : er t er , -,tru e 4rnerieak.r. ---.W " - i-eite;• eaVerd- ferg'et their, I,!Tbeir. f in uener , ,,has, b en• felt. in..4pette.ti over eince i theii , utt rigms, land. will,4ontin p - to',.b,ei felt, Or , ;all geoeratiena. .., , , ~.. ~. . „,.....„. It a rnrrtarli bleb oirgameta ce (in 1 our- le,story*, that the ,la t..9 1 44 0 1-APTi PgAref ,I:i4cola. Was \ ma ewith,l,refpr i eoce..to,t 'c tienelopme t,-ef It e re, sOpEees of the • ; rifted. - States. • Sqr. .rnitnifed, a he: new . ", rase.f. 0 • be, bi ill. by ifutnitte)le. da tors, ware) that at , any unfoznpeo n omentr.lho align., ;be r e.i li etl.to,, ; lay, 4.1 wn: • his!, ilfo , :for. - hi* 1 country, , tila last, ord - A in this.tegard 1 , pbssess atijestrtn rdisnary interet and • - paratnountompo•tance.;. Lincota lov6l ed 'his country a few en have:ever , loved ,it, and wh , n.' hO had btr.en icarri ed, Wong aa, on , i.of theloltief ietpo. I nests of • her ,de: tiny .4., ,:that•ertod i when thelwicke attempt of s lavery to destrovAlle n. , tion Wr: effectually I put downy Us whole • Heart: turned , with: all, it; loud eta anti with ail its jstrptigth, o ,th , • noble! Ana patriot., iit;purposull of p. opargig to rneet the eubaueed liabili ies of .i.he , na4on.-;• Ile ti4ed li 8 pat loth; eye; oni the no r 1 , Lion's resel l tees, and firmly , reolv\ - 3d that he *4uld d all that twasi laWful- ; -1 I idly; in, his, Bowe ;to .br ng t , i en' out. , and appiy i 'them eVerull•• to the grad -1 Ual and ce rtain I quidation ot, the n 4-: 1 1 w qo it n i :s .,,s qeb pou d i.. er. In a C( fasep, a j r a tgln •l:r.bu i f he. w o t re r t i h e at - 1 : gentlenaan4ett , nektiing 4n,niii. tour fi g? 1 of; personal!, ins') etior. • if .thrtl, est ; ., i eyn Irnindsi land Test :b' ore ' his 1 "-?%ir , !auckfiendeatt,,..l3 -,seidi'.-r. , : " 1 • ' 3 4- col'ilxf . ► N . tutti your:to Cali-4 i -ierfn'esosgei'trowt. Re to- t a -!nine, rli Pk - f the Wes t. .'. 1 1 1.,. Ile. ..6've - 7 .'; tin .. F-1-,-',t,' 2 .1.--:•-•::'".'T un.,_..,,,, i.„.bre' 1 beiteve, :it, prp t...a 3 , 1 • ez,t itte- 1 - We shall prove a a ver • few years, ttn.t=we are-,lnde ‘d the ir as lir g. c ! f: Ile i tcorld.v ' ' .. , • 1 ! riIOSO ar the wise w,irds ~oft, c on d o, i set uttered by depart • d patriot,--- They are espeutilly aPplicable, and instructive tit the -present, ,moment. 7 -: 1 A_l l t eyes Alie , li, ginbal i ng .turned , • tO I Washingtn; no to hear news ,from 1 the War anti N vy .11epartmenta; not i t receive ti:legt erns frem Congress as it, new measiir . for the overtbrdw of a•01”-an tic t,eVol against the verY ex- i i 1.7 ~..,- Lenge (It . lite ation.j Those, hours -, tit ,p'erii anti sa rtfiee are _pissed; we ; have good trea. on td i -believe -passed I I tOrever. But w look. to • Washington I I riow, that.ille m astfre'z.o patriotically.f plead for bi the martyr Lincoln ; ',may I I neither be f forg tton nor overlooked. It is, hoWeVer, t r the people, to. Ibear in mind that i , th development of their own tlisourees ,i in their own hands. The Govern "m en of the , United 'State - a is but the servo t of , the people;i and In this reiippet,: sin • every otheti, the: people shou ld i re temberjthat- the ; ter • - vant is not ahoy lii- master' 'lt tire country dpea n.,t• ! show -L I'll • ill. ' t rest. in de •elo ing its own resources; i eannot'cipeet its' Goverr.mentl will i - .) shim- any. tit i beyor.t.C . 6 . qpntelthat ar, elnartz ledge of NeS l ida arecriet.- er thaa those,af Ural, and More 4ndu rir.g in tbdi,rich tilhatithose l ot OPhlr'.' In . r.tie 'of 104 essages I to. Congress . Is I • j fr, ijVaits ICC JAI rue. by purely in o louse of inc{ on yen aB, •tion • thg-, Sth fif t. lie must d_eed, who ; :'Of a' whole this aid.; 'rEfiß popp lel fat that .of litved that iireetotti during the necteded, Onit" • :in ibesejnbui *lent ibukint inAU. •fe , of-our IfUtlesiial`c ' , Tn . to worik: ani t ."Phitadelp t ltidi'lM , . - 1 th, pn:the month and g d ono r ed . !t, ev. • uguruton) le country r occurred ,rilEof liQ~r• EC . , , . Faroliztavirr Is Ota.-4lti now morn thin /. a ; ''c - rat ryl since Illenjatuin 'Franklin,- PoStr;iiiitet' ,dip tt '4ral :, of ' . ilt a knierlitati ',Cele les: hyl apytnintniiirit Of the Crern, iit 'out in' his liilit vi 'l, •-- ti - • 6 tu t . " r. 'l; t . ii . 'l' 1 o ma P an ins ec to o the principal rOitte '.*:'l . t. lit i atiant ilnety iyedet Istriori'ltO 1361 d, ibii settle , 'office ; 1 'lender' the ituth rity of ecinWess i iylien la small fol i to:( ill : lir.§ . lis:iyod'ri, .thts department i t*, * . # l + i,9gfCl ii 0 . e 0 . 141 n, lug bet'lli'reO: sires - "cif pape r, Nttea Vi his accs,:ant, ook,„fil." twp,,,y4rs..- 7 If a Po4nlcuit,, ','Oilie,kiti how . iyig:l:„ ,to t urideilaks to . p ?.14, over 'ail' ,I t tre. eltab, *shed routes, te would rettprire six l it yeas ; of ince. π ralyoudilrapol ; - at i thp ;ate , of .1..5 raileS, '.# , ticts: whilg,ll, v l ;lie weie to.on ertake d i o job_ii ! :i an einld`;4lg;"',lity , Vold ititaire a life time , for' . tit? perfqr ' afiecie' , ! . -- Instead - I . of ii' small 4 folin, ttvi -rite, ithree Anil - 01 1_4' paper, ifin i rsl t 36ffles :accoents eon. , same' ever t ot years, 8,0904 alit largest riize - d ;1' "'trs; keeping a Ovirdis cif„ ! / ber4rfilb• lerks• J tara,artrtl,t, , ,etn- P.95TAin Ifet;o - die4,,,,trs9Astio l, ' —0 _. .., s, woildL. All'lle _eincir ded to 'the :cod''elof nature, or if in to fall - by ''f? 4siit", Ais, i3cr . 1,4;p: are .too Oleo ton-to, need ileaa• in his 's7tli it' or pert:rani, Ito eho toot yea ie ii iln saye:-,—"lt ie product! bt the n tli in that region r 1863, reached i Inmita millio n s :of 1 : 1 • tains lie tit I:tbis eans!Tor tnnrej ‘i . Sears l etery , ebt. 'Will the p bringlthein, of eirOr.l i' : . ' 'I tri it ' tea'dto', tcl NM I . Is * *- :, _.. , :...I'..,WSi•T•'•'• • ; . - • -. ',:. ,'-,1: . i *'•'-': ~!-I' ill': -* ' °:. ,-- . , ~0.,'- --. '' 3 -:• • •7 :. • - ;:,:' • . . ~, . ;', - :': 1 1 " .• ‘ 9 11P !' 1 4 1 P k r'M i .•V3 l" ' :, = .. 4, ? - :,,:. iiii.ol',.3fti •,:i4,tlr'll'i4ripii. ec. ,;.'•.4 - ii 4 c i..„•,7:' 41: •., . .2., .::: " • ._, , ' 1i,e,...,./: ,y,, ' i:: ii ' c•pd-•::tt ft . =t lk .01. t, 41-•, j -- IT • 4 7 , :"`. 40' ... ,- 7 II! ir t. "tfil 43w• '.• *ioi ( 1 4 I ip 47 4.1 4,. - r . .-iie s .A- - • - •-•-;•:‘ _:: •,*. -•?'" I '. 1-.1 - 7 1 . f . i . " .i. ""i. - f,l.ir -....4,, : ;. ‘ •1•• -.; .:', ..A •.. '3;l. ' 1, - i l ll.l Tt - ' .. • '- , . 1 .?:ir . .:4 42- :i i - ta .l i tt , , . --,: 1.,, • la) 1 1.1 21' .: ..t •' ' ' .:l . l . l * .' :.1 '44 . "4' lii - : 4, •' l' : fi '' 't•*.i,•.; • *,.q 0; ,!.t.',13-111**Al• i..) , :iv loge: - , ; -1; •. •, •, , ~ , * ; -.--• 1 7: ; 7 dliA lA, . - .1 . - --7-1-.-- -.-------- ---- - i• ~ , i. --. , - ..i< 1 .. ot l. l 'lf, 1 , kli 111 i i . . . Truth STI 3 M t ili , .., . . 1:, i: T hi 14 , i at AY Irlit / i . `. #04 01L 4 Fli , . 0 ,7 1 pi , mig4 scir.o! iprp 141 ablr4as e Jv h . , 1 rheNel l twp mono; . iri 49.1 V,R 1 144 s iXAO. KevAP,MT I 4.4P-..0 40inttqlzrovre,iFf N 4! A or..*.itritgo„ii iiraA f ri pp,,a 5 1. - , th . orp; , l 4 1e, . ' 1 4c.§ - ti s Tt ! Xl' l pig' A l priNp4,l7l. , Itiprigh re tc , Tliey were 9 . Prencl * 11 ' 4 1 . . OA fl e' 104, 1 1 1 14i;YP!!IT : t i l94,Tnac filrvio/k PI k"Uow,R.. i , pun sl , ent, iptiiiic , d ; :i to g., 4,4 viQp.fiAlpdip99 - il aughtPri 14 - 0 11? : tilie 11'310: f4istau' *.P..m4rei, 'Ar,tii to 0 - 14 PeA 1 3 11 3A - 07 foil-i t fF.,;4Prthf! olds ,'.44apepar!p,, lanai !fick At' rk. - fq .e q#,V4r.,l 4n l '1: 11 4 -, P0 154 .? I , ip .- fliACt . p, 0 o.(3! ' s: 141 tea' , (the 1 iiTital!, .."o.k itt tiql6 be9k,elii.iii (0: 04, wAs.c,a!'73 . ) g 1 " 1 :: atacked' anFL! . 4€R sAirs,.. ani : , tne, r,ey . niad,e,,pr”ipnir's,,: . l4 vraZMn ..toi'fli,jat -ci tumainciite, ,„a. d i; OT? •t! ) Pn ) t 9:, 91 381 faTe f6i. sala;as ai a, f ordit,Ury'bOq 'nil . , f'4Und bar' ajr,pu. cdol tumself, and "rile,. 44' Iti:ly iu ' ' Turkey Abdul criu . :lll AZ k E.k a, mnud, 11,4,us py lac! Ve,r are epri Cr. tier 114; bea f9r Woes.,., hoheit., thp lrtett 3faufpf left. ,the Ar/fr*:ll 6 r&A-404., !'r4fi_p ? r press 7 oi IV HAT To : Socir.TY.4lV an ;,exchange , wit tql4l.'art.lim,ll It p i of the liquor de ib trast with t I ideil honoTabrle: , , Every - ' l ind!vidnal inl society petted to contribute' sorriethin' u(ll7ani:eirieni." 'ra'n,4 1, intrrel.. 7 ;11 ,, member to Vave t ,reitd;,yeara ag , of a' cornpapf; of tritOetitnen lb . °, ha s unl-- tet,i thenlseles :together ir - A ' lonia'. benefit So l efety, n 1 eaph one to relate what 143 could •cOntr,iiintel to ,it 'sup port. 1. d' I 1,:,J j*l - ' 1 , Eire. :tLe black s arniql Om° f 9 Ward and said:HO'er.tieliken,i! I Iwisli . n, be i. Come a inemb'er l'ot Yonr iF.sOci tion.' '." Well, .wfillt tan 'ybd dOr? L : ' ' • .. "Oh, I iratillroriloniles - criagef!,4lloe li yoar or`sesvi " and ~ m ake 'all kinde of imPlonerits.'", •',A . 1 1 11 • .", 1 1',i317,*e11; coin io,g.ro:llack's,mitit.: i , , The mason an iedl for ad melon: in'to• 'the' iwcietyJ, ,•11 t I ' . ! ' ' a "AnceWhat ei n on do•sir?"i'l 1 - "1.,e4n i buifillySm Barn iind houses,' stableb'add bridzes." 1 - • . -" ...' ' ( Irfiry :Well,. cdini) in , el' 6tunet do ..a t Wit - bin:lt Yoh."' 11. '; .1 I•., '. I ':khin'the - II l' d - • g come, s bema e ,an -says. • l'l w ish",to VellOnie a ' rribin ber or your scicity.f.:'; 1 _1 cl' '' •*. :: ' ••• '•'Welr*hat Can - ydal - do i r;" '• • - ' - . "1. oat ' tide boots and sbOesfor`yob."' i‘Cotrie iii,11.141. / Sbohrnaker, wed, must. in baye yb ." ii- `! ', ' 'I- .' 1" '- I In turf)" alb thietlifferlailt';tradca anl prOfeilsiobs .applied; - . -lastly an; indL: sidlial eaMel in i " Who 11 Wanted to he'. icciinir a!ne*ltte, !,, '• • ;.). 4 And• What lire-you" r '',- i' it - , • I'l ain• ram-Solloir." 1 { - '1... - '"li. iiimtilellliill-''And what can' yi?2 do ?I' . - 1--I'' - I ' 'II tan I rbuilitjaili tint' p4orifouielq? ;1 E ' 1 1. - ' •1 '.A.nd la tbat all 9 ." 1' • ' "No; I eg i n- fi ll-th - em;,- tat fl i jaihrwith ekirninals..y}nurprisori co:,aiites;land' Your, , pout-housei 1 pa i ripers.r 11 • . 1 . i i • ' ..: : 1 1 1 . ' "A a d *hitt' el.se ettelyda'do?"! - ~ L.- "1 ea 4 bringl the gliay-hairs Of tile, 1 a edlt'd the •;a,r:v.e: with sorrow; I'l .can bz ellk' %hi', 1/lqi . .of tbe Wife, 'and-blast tkeTio r speetugif tie riPads of italent; 1 , , • an -d' 'fill - - ,ttelanli• - wi h 'More tlaiati the te i tiplaghei oflEgY,l) ." 1.• . 1 -'':' •i ' "' •- ' I. thalt I<yoatitn‘doll u r:i i •• ,- -- IfiGliotli. b l aviint4?_ otlre.i 4h . m- i seller; ..ts ii t that e ough ?"- .:,, he. Imes hus, not dol- than Mint eonte at z-- 1 1 fr.. , 1 i r 2 •s 1004 . tratl, tiinixiAit' -'77- iil l- "1 511 7 - ''t:it a' Intter in 100 (10 . io*.i. Y rk . NOida '' fi'nfri General IgiO• y,felintridietingl,he trrit-- tied 'Sta t e s lidientl'repiort's 'of - the rebel &tete - e,nd'ljidg i seif in 'lthe' 'ghtihilidosti vidloylphblietted :nlettei ' in' ' the liciii Orleans- ti , Olt, i ehowinkl thit': 4 he kiputped tit pcidoliqrojiotelintin *tin Ilarfratille 14 1 1ite fr eAbetg hill)4ntliii force. 1 :.4 :3 . i „s.e t at I IP -,0 7 j . 1 .9.1 1 .1 1 4 .pa,i , i "e t :.eft ~iept I Art rims rT77-. , ; ,I , iroeq . o3., '9 Pt 4 tar!' t o t;lilef r(llholfiittocling iir cn imiy;uid tcution brt in' Ahieh ettx) use) Bcm ' non— ,nl and ei ex— to • re— rliso e, and your. s with. • • with za:: .iCitUde •Aif Fiaiiriii i.i i ti• • . - fip.i,•., , i 1,.1 71., -."!•*0 *adorn /; look? isteit 1 shifinigh , iir AIWA 010,01'.. ; Wco . 414016: k i n k g *: b 1441 Wi-')lff Aura e ,CK n Af gj# 4 .10 1 503 4 ? :e ! &pip commedee al; ther,..ppipi %lie 'he itiiiiiii le. ' lei; f'dabgl'lWnit lielied Irdha Thlfib 444fd6Ilitisitiiiiiiikb ii itallid 'ouaritrigesl 'till', hid JC IMita4er. *; 1 1 91* iRg4.,, , F Pribyi 4'70-41440 A' • by.n ' pe r sfc„, - ecklnAr,!'iTt, 9 ,9?h, pi g 'ci. - auerS.isipeeesure dta leffl eakT it'll: Wee, any - tiiiiVeW iinlig i .,0111 fir imVlnany tend;)astr:licr/iiiiiiiA i'sqlki korxiso gaanji bdt takes pies. 3,-44i 1 P A r ith'4o/I! ,l ?Pe_ _,,n , e* / %4 1 .,_% 1 __t by , ri l f • t,!' or 'worEns l , enn,..kti tromps di) n ; arid r die' Menient ' i illikTialeii te A iiredietifa.ikUNreiitY-fivit"llii4 1 itr4isain 1 ..ir ziti 4 firgiailiy*ltases*here I 1- * , n .b 41k. OItPWAI t. 4o ,_ruketoo w ll' the' b k#,4. id. 4 1 0, :. 03 . - 4 - Ar9.,lecmr eatea., ; Triers are 'tfii•usanda,p ~meri that - ii -- doeeired 'lit . 'baiiiitnif• Ai' would not •be if they had the headthl ' h r t i test : and - Morality, gives. -Titer' la* / tg ''`salsde - :0? iiiiiith - ffejsliVelt*, 1 treat- . n I thinio - *hatlare tAntioltie l : ; ; lie , * 0 T4..4mirpthit. Are : (Tuthill, di) 1 - sttinik I rig, wbo would iip.yell i ,dnomg iif - t.oii users nonerienti'oikandi dpright goitio . Are /' weiiii:miiided; ::' 80 . 14 ar' sticirt . ighted,' seine. goi - -iiitcif . ,bitein'ei furl ArliktiVitlioy aro, pot :aflatited; r i soin '- ondertake . more Visa -.t.boy, have : -tp dap'Aci, y .to de, , Aid! there,are man , failuresfrom: thee 'causes; but Ide l' ela/I ,ip.. e't you plakt ore lara'iipre l fail! 'iir - a ng , men from • Moral Ideliti qtion.ei ':113 from ' - ten ' - thousand littl Barre.' liat-tnlxe away/the staminaith ' rafinst • ' es of character and•the seund, riot t o .3scigmtn% Whioh 'ire indhipeni 'stb t ;suedess' it!nd it is , veiy:diisii, atilo f atiiypirn,e,-• men-: should' now I these t ing4.— R. IV, lieeekerf 1. , ::' '":- - " .4- .-I . ;i1 :•• • :; lii greato t henefitair m benefit . a an derives, from OiO 1. / wn' 's is• that' he is,bound -'to . . be sp6etfa,l,' 'Tile habit.,is of rgreat , „go ' to, iyoar,•moral nlan depend upon_it 1 Od T r •e' neation makes of us the inolti elline tly•se! fi sh.rtien in—tile world.-, II Viro fi h t 'for durselves4 we push .17 oursel es,- we light our pipes, and ea r . we( -pro 't go odt; we prefer. ourselv . ek and. . r ease, and the , greatesOgoo, tit sit c txte. to a manlfrOm: a' iceman' 8 6 ° o l y et' t I :;h h o ft Wi t. h b e e ll is as .b t e . t ?id n t k o °r h N e ° c m o e n- II i st ntl .attentive•and.respeetfal. 1, ~ ' • . r thIP • OVED B.IIIOIC. MACHINE. -;--A:igen tle man 4:lf Cincinnati has' finishcd 1 an i seilut . re l' a patent feel an iinpirre:;• •ti rlck ,: akierg machine: -.:Thtwerl r i . 4 to en:, rom the ground , byl means'• o cleFati ig etips attached to—lndia:rub Nit b Ita,"stlid la errptiodr itrucv• tir fo targe s oodan tanks at the .tiopLot. th L ti n waelii e,Ariere it ie.groupd !: and r tem foolleo by e meads of,staain,. . t iwhtch • let t in' hrough small, ipertuio,l n t -4 cs-116 i d' r,',' . I t then passes,lntO',:triotitili on!the lege 'Cylinders, * . herii,l'afte. reCervi gl . a' "'presaitriil: eet4tiatair,' a, eight lons,.the . hriCka Jipii - dtii into ani.tud'ai•rubtitir, beitiiii;and iiie, ear , fier,Vitak.'io dry and be burnt Ilb larlie Cyfinder . s,inake t;iirenty!five rev OlUtiiiifs ,a minas. o, i 4:, each : Una i die ehargl l eight beicks,or".two hundret Or Mi lite. The Cape.pity..ot tha to. chine,. t *ill he seen, isi*elire'thoas and p r ; hour; Vi 4., ene tiiir l if Fed I an? tweet thOwiand_fier 4,4 of -ten . hatir. *ork; - The _brick, 'icut,; Wi l l:P . lElg ' th,:, mould reqitire:dei7 li ttle ,d,ryin,g,frOta thii fact that, the iiiitninee pressure pint ii i'On thetalx : iv:ea Aiindst the et:l l ,. tire ii.iitutii,d4t. L. ,, . L 1* [ i i IN A PRINTING ' :OFFICE. 'of a village . oevrspapiii', One' . ":,.'a publisher' :' .! - : • • • "Printer„ who is; it tbitLy a ever ; called' on-tae for, ttiolt r,paper?'. - 2•1 •,-;• if ~.4 , . !.i• said the , mari . - trf.' ty pes, " I • sk -a grlntlemrm ; tor raoney.' , ,i• - ; eed," replied ._ his Patroti::l"th o' l' you mansigp t,ogetttlontwb n on't pay ?",. 1• '1 .: •-,[ I- - I ' y," • - riald ' , the . .-.eclitor,'"ifter, ii r length - ,of time r siii-coriola matt , :who fail' 'to' pays for, 'a ~re •. not a•getttlemitootorlith 11 , - 13 i MO ' f ~I+, II ' .i:, ..` i.•.f I. I :ahilyes!,:l, eds'Airi';;Printe 1 11 givr; me a•lreceipt,; , ; (bmid iv him lista) and please make .6 . 1, na ri ,h't ors your -book s",. . ' • .. ... I. .. ~ .. • - At !said - that GiNertta,r Ple,:p . 6' (i . 1 I.iiirt: iiiteiridti Ao'sicsigil 'ititi' ii, . of' giftletiltioa * .. tti Alit - 1714 7 - ..,., • •-• !., ..,,- : • n , •'ILI.' :;,-.1:, r,l 1 ~,.; CE tro said is have I,ipti never ll 1.4.1 bows tivey. • tt big er`llTl'' ea° Hive*: ieei tits 441‘.'' • Oi l 9i , t Wit a til.-- 1 0 a linV dreelibdt tWbhdy,tillekettleiiiitit hifi beenl fi r , 'nat ttAti er* nungteirod POOPLoir tbil Mrtictit 4:OA ThliteOt Blot?* ily IP gS d gi PPIXF 4 kriPMfg fr r i e ß l a §RA iik9r il eerie - to gife an idea elni ink dole; tioriiininde4Wt lige beers ti tug thii •ktigati waf"t?itiiugh which ITlOarave-pa, end. el Them!, ars I . 3 AP 01449 1 44 (1P906h ihitbefiet*CO•ti> CRP I TO 4 i i iie l iTlFlPY , ttn4 Adou oritii 4fic t b 0' amoßn orpgliting . if it t i i, tr ie ~ t h„ ,t . ~,,..,, , i ,.. t .V,. I,r r i,t Id .-:„ ff „,. !..4,.m.. , . t' ''''in f t ' l,' I ' I i e - ot. r ' iN lanilefitrfi -Cal:mm: 44 -Th* I . ElithAq7 4 l:•.e4l l nlpAlpiyal :. i i, 0+ ~.``, .e I t iNfq? PeFi?irtroLtaPil 1 LIV4:CF I E tai'd ia tie& i ini'vef - lealied;: the term I'ot lelsit i i ilt - 'lfE,Vie W,eiltrikini s itiit igvinab, p.' About Ithr/ktiiiitiAllirtieF dile plseei kir,. ther.purpNow,xdr diggaiejoci goidit 1 i 94 01 quAn,ttitjelli of- be Paleici9Rik Il l e t aL PPI I I I I 4I - 4 7APPik n f : 1410 , & nc l ilierii'fe4iver prespeci "of it ' ,, y ield - i.it, the yellOit lane" 1 'lnt 'B' ,l -. - t .: I ` THAl'ail tat' t I 'idea- in ,th it beitn ifit ' if inind-of ki,littlegirl.w hi) ibit beholding: & rem ih, Wberf3/. en the itoptneet , stem t e old rose, was fadtcg,rxhilst below nd around' it three beatitibit eiirnioni Vaal Were 'Piet iinfolaiiii awl! , tehartne.. at.'ciniee 'and 'aftleisty ni i exolan ed., to, bet , :brotbpr: leer Wile lie., %be o . , ,lictlq buds have r jnitt awak,- &ted 'in t ime t? !cieb! their mother be fore man,• • ing ro of. sal and of ibis wl kg -la' IE '. A - diii 1 - ...: Y tla MAN named„Ga rrett wee ' lb ''' '' " DaltonV - - ataqbeci y,youag , aneey,pop Of Lbe i'n'otorio r tia •,:..vvfil. 'IL' raneey, a' abort iitir aia;ce, at it' daaciagleade• piy..ia ' l l ontgorniry, Alabatha: Gar rett liae siara 4,ieo. ' Yaeoeyi,, has .filer livered! 1 imeelf to ` the civil authoptiea. 04,,i 1 Tile, ealtt was of atorivs4n - staro;- i •-- -. '-' ' - ..-t' It ' ' I 1 A cr7 reeentl • fiftyl doi one 1,6 negro •w p, • sentenc tleetien the-law. , f . , .fileit r . ..ion over ..., preach, :l"Our , inireestci lite ii naked' and ba •; 1 ! our progreia thrangli tlin( life. it'-troubbfar.d - j Care. otiiiiireati+int of it . we . cknavii . tit 'lohere; butldoing e 4 well h_ 1' we "shallde :well I F Ooald ,n t tell. nOrst, by ; prespillag.a. year''] : Tii . i4,esiiingto'n tifei*" : l§lF - giiiijr: of ''WiJihrngion.- , 'Oe'lligki, '4.4rin . gton, the'oldett'oollegedin: , :Virginit tn tiela-,' meeting J thOose,..of letter fie , _Gem. Vi r ..4 l o i ng .t.o'n Jo. , 0 03 - hr#1449&.• 4 the cellegp„taimON away during .t - O war ana'never'ieinitned • '' - ',::- .„....... ~,,„ •,„ • ~-.•:: :,.. 1. _•;,•••v•-•, - ~ ,1 1. • 'lltir4iitE with stelisiti`."llB*lfivit that' in leoine, con ntrieeg, i king is idki ed , tol talo3.hie Iphici,orit Ai th r one: fear. teen ,yeare,ef e i f i eitakt -may g o t Anat.-. r'y nntti lee: to olOteent"‘ , 'pecienee,'!. said t h h . ool3l,'"ltie iasiez fa goyein' a kin gd bin' tlie n , a' °tan. PP' I' - "I . '-' :- Gail% BARNES , ho won Ib is ' ' er by hie -bravery inot entk.pitabed. attlee , . Ad Pi;e4P ,ll , , bes.'.. gifted As .a jo ' gey— ... ciao Prli9t9;:' B4l P ,lii, rPAYrf. ) 1., 4(1 1 7 1 Ann ; ~ '; P A;Fert.9,3'; . PWlevery . 111 , M..been given. 4,,pliecrijn tkiellniyin q fitsinii. 149 P f01, .i ',,`- ... ; 4i. •• ~ LI • , i,,-,L -• , , - 1 IT if LefitiP4, t h at, ,t#.° million delimit; Will i hei.r . eiied,te.relii.iihroikk the light Voll6Bs on the eoat t be.rn coast deetrOyid by. t 'CM . iiledlia* forces , du'ring tfie-wii:C y" -• ...2 1 11'1 11 1 17 '.' , ' ' • -... 1 , ~ ,,,,i . .t - ,.,4., ;, ~± .• . 7 i - .1. , .. i . '.''''llinisteifiillic;he 'rei ;I:ii•reks4f i ti teijultoLl id let ihe tioir '. tiffottie,at-thouldiet ii.MOi 4 .lK - entuo,4, Arid , l'Ailacco iwAl - aut . I egOlithe'til,iiita , b9 AttaigTke4*Wi4 :_,r-rit Oft !M , . chair. .ha ' in; o43 6.l ?firle - 'l 9 fea few years. •Otifingtiitit -Itipubtot. says thanin ilia inntot of 1865 ' ' ibe t' ivere t htl,,CarTlo.3nqs emP lO .l4 tribitte thot1).91 1 ! P.f i • ngF iel dq 1 4 610:6fItese aie-noti aObte of Inthis fit or near SpringfieldP t l I ".tioldp his! hal iVit . l(l4 Elul, 14)iT 't tit:A - 1141;0 Vdl.lopod I== woo: . i l _ x;il•;t,t.Yri 3 I 1ii . ,3 I:if - 11, ',. Ili .1 ,it L• -.)40.r. , 1ntt• ,, ,, 1.:-.); 't. 1 ..12:1 :II 01!.r.lti - cl4: ' I.;:ii i• :1 i -1„ ta , 4i t)elt bn ~.Irl.. ... :,, . ..• pious ,lsitrAN, who' Is trulyll a ' ,' t • '• r . i , ~. as apt:laming ; in : a pray ,r ; moat:' I.i antly; of.' iopreaOng : 1 09 - idea, ation.' , up4'. t'. 11 4 4 4 . , Fleaf ,, dPath, iphisicianla npportuliities in, f. and 'nada' tii!ct Of 'ih i tilflindite insige: "For 'itnp cirn: part,' I trailed .ii pin ;to . 'aciai l l patient. wling ,d i eliglited-.,id: 16ani. OFPar-ed , l o -4-ie.,7 l'. - .1 ~.. .. • Y 606 XEN.:-tWO Yb:Unk. :enced this sail4aking Vet= biladeiOna: They: bippght: irk, fro irLi S tephen, Grjrirli• a, friep4 had,envigfid c o_ lqx satiglit was c4!,••ying .-•- • • la not better get Amy r is-not fir, , a c i d ; We ban carri • • 1 1 0 • ' ' t tir 'friend he I,p;ieilrA,Ap4orse el'aftoWe'd 'at aelilErai ii4e-eaiket•lianstar•Cityl,rti.' .bualreihacketi s •Lbeettune the hcorieil. the national .flag, tht's ,inettu?,se,,they 4r,Atlvf) ly veifted their aVtilupon iB,l-to the 'gteat, - aelkyinea I geri. • •..1 . 7 i ' ''eourt...in( - Rnasten,esns, fined- a -- ientanrant ; keeper liars and bound him over in isnand ciellars, for. flogging. a. ' iter. Tbe ju'dge, in ,pw)sing 6alo be could ' make no die• on abconnt'ot 'enlcir,(and 'that' • ' before In - - -117p0 ' -. - 1) 'O! 80,-jr. Itt '1,.) i•L:1•....i1l .HI - ...:1 , 41c144 oti l leLl ..'im ' ' ' - • } • I fornej cd: . AiWitimi g4filifti4V44 l clisfklike taitoti 64tre.,er1471fWit ' Artaltevilrqdwweifitkikk4ai be. eIR'I II 7. 4I Y :#eckPilltitfOltikraltoirtifft be %mil (he Ma.. . • F.=ff l 4 th 4494 1 01YR0 WW 'iair whcithe t itliviv , stiiPAY4o I P4rBlit - bet/31.1-.0 i. , .=-, J i i.l +' ' IP.: iiitifil' 4 - l ellf i ji2 ..The.!'brirn -, _aliondd...bs 3 ktiOlkililitlrls every4espectLr-solthall the thittleamar - lie ppot . cfeadl.littetr i anit.:breatbd psi p; air: 1= Elee,thatno sir:Ackert let i'W.a etraamit' of told -..aLtherectlympon. a conrsordi 1 ox.Wlaileilt in. tied spat:ill _cannot - 44ga o i ILWarfroinlt• ...:L, 0.,' i-•=f-I,,•sfq...rt -4,14 - , • "I ' - . , "..[ Orbs! neltaid beuhPbePso'Jtightiisaalio ''' prevent 09 . 14 drafts frorrilVattar_as triefiii tilOst iv asT it ii lyfrrgictewVar., night, _and also tt9pito:Kent:4 tnahhtli fro,4raiiiii' s .ileitritt it /iiPhe ever.; . hauled or; carted Out during the:levity/a :I ter. I ..1 fl i .••=1 - : 1.1 - •..,:rll. l . - 71 ~..",../ 0 ~ Giv% ; „, fs .• e the I ors ' trfer carlbteat ntio - n, iinscr-:' th rititt Isorier - ilitrir — Mlr , itre`ek zdit, , (l' civrei , tiveOktitirlflelftillteri fhr aa:krotre ,o Atio.w.lien'tlm-rattairls ' *Peil l -Fet4s.. IP ~sweat. v;.:..tw, i - • .Let, ;he , hp .ansl store pig i gbay,i warm and 4 0 5 .41,9 1 44 rp.on# if ~ y,linti moat{ t - ci - Ond 4., , profit,inthem. ' 1 ,l':: Feed he 3 potifirfwitif iig44o V. fciod;'. 7 ' Veile d . r phiateni e 6 tiiiiisbaDrititf mikeiti4With-ceh inealltarrionti;bll36lto ter.'. aeraPa. or i biti 'of; 4rfithi:fo4l,g4lob" el ~ or ,ptiun d eck nyet.,c4r. be, e4arnAbrll4T('• these, with a' warm, aunny ,s 61 ter' please' tilVrit ii:e highly 'that' itiliiiiill: yield -, Yon "\a`n briodopeet• of bit e ,jihri4 .- eggs. • .... I'. ; •:1 • :4 1 -•., •,_ I. I . l_, ••••::•:siNT: ...Feed out i ihe'rcilp diiitifti -tip feha ) stodir4 -tot militLlo' 1 *I rablediat elyititeiri being milked:ill:ll,hp r_hogo?'ngi To yoi;Bg i , cattle, dry ecTp J".ll?r's.9BAl/42"Ltsgt: 'ilienerer it is ton'yeniede ' • 'But "ff ye liiiviii - 'ns"rd t . tit'itke=. l 6Pl'`Yritir' Alia that. {yon-w fl have tlientrahxybari lc, Th, i. (.4 1 y a i . kiii aie 10:3illifivi4tA f . i 3O 'p 143 ii t12.1:43 t ,..r *ll, 'and" ei fi ,ertjoSrOt tug luxe 17y, fpf ' os,l,leheetilii D"4 ACM ' fi , fllettglie V 4l YCld e )omirPl l o4 3 4 gksms it hi ,isi ruddy ight into th . 4 ;10' times, Orypiii healthy gky,irrlip - ' l child i ,ifo', - will `iiied. lie 'airgeSichri" 7 tiu.4 . .. $Ol T - ha , t!:-I. polio i.e it in. sea on;,•*.tid.-4nenn (14' , :t0 IP,Ak4 ‘ l,ll Ti r fe. t/ 31 4 1 4f4f4lllikUlkt 11 . • to : pp . ny AtittOptitig to, urn it. in, an 4,, ,, y unseasoned itate. -1 - 24ete ' 4:lrstrmer:' , - - ..., ..., j 0 f f , . • _ A :"Ntil %174,7- - To ..X:ext utftte.*-'-40 :B ..,. erth) : p pertAirea =sal °hunt .ilk* _ new.l l 'veYl Pt OreitOrieg..b Itt:Pr, - itiiiPii ' the! t hag, and ' , buried'in'the• gxband tot the! t , &opt!' - of.. ahoh t• a IfoOt, slid .14, b alf o i i , -At; -, the, fled 'Pr : t r l7ol4' # o erilTr. it'ill, PI? ' ken out , an d to a, tcibe - quite firm.-- If ii tiler' (Ali ii's'etssisary t i n beat,: fillit . i l t with a :glass Ipf *Ater to' gat - - Ti4lsl‘ - the. uttermilc.•" To prevent:stip - add mixture of earth it is better to en9tqw 1 the t ifirst b.sg:,:ip Is ,seeond...,# ) opc 7 i I lat;o: quantity ot,cieam. re q uires a I rather longor .time: ' - Thieltivith6e:is' . ; said•pe*er-tO t ifail,l•ar i d the ) . .katttiii tribe 1 of a' particul a rly erne tinality„:.. 'l=o • •,/.. .;.,...=1 ' - , 1i..., - , . .. •I ,T .. : ;7r %) LIVIL IN .141.RN5.- 7 4 pgrre.frill.tt ent of the '9 io.,'Srtiier Sayi:'” haver been ptiikii -'.with 'N'reiskil,ltiore: fee_ les% for lftfite ' 'yearit,in.nol rgiai ni bins.," and have tri 4 : 4NrecYJeAIAckY ,I (P O III4I ,-,--- hear. ,of- 7 lim ~ whiiewash,,philerber. . : 1 ries, 'ete . . ? 64t. ; all! to no' puf•postr l dis !r t e determined' t ItiY'et , tricitsthg . .-41136. 41 g , In JulY 1664 iMy 'sbarni-oeing e 4 lirttr 1 1 j lrdird of ot grain,:but ocoupieik_hy, i t site I, weevils; I too almcketful lot pajt sad! sowed in the hero as.l --- irier woollij = sow grain biondEast, alkath, ilia' I gia:.iL.. , narini, 'inciirs I 'rktni . every l-nholiu.abd: , l l oonier which "bad! hricL t grain:. in ! ... i.tl-± 1 'Fiver sinstahreabifig• - tilfisi - 11044 ye x,. ' ll-11*4 1 / 2 0 g r .f i ll- 0:: itit.ibttßtil. at ,,9 % .). i i oil. "WOOVII as been seen.- , -- -,„ s , -, ;,i . 1 ~m • .......-1;,,,, -, . , -= ' ..1. , ....'„,-, , ,,, - ' A- New It i L. -..A' bitrt4Yerftlolti has:-been r-. in rodudedi ()into Z. :8000104, from. central ; Ic4ia, catl4,4 AO o,,ll3egnne r . . OfteYear, e# e.i tt-"Rf "which. 4* g'Ve-lfilt I the .4.meiicair tA " curilkrise :The iiiila is thirty inehee high; itiidiv feiiiii mill. ca tbelSbirngbre,l l ,t apt that[ ntheibeite 1 . 1 twemainnta- horns, rise 4 YiSe,•tartdr?trfqi comb, from ;; e, heavy _ base T.r..hieNPNi jePtB some dlitance a!opg ,:iipi , ,taPper , ' side ; of ilit'bill. I The . - waitlia are 1'4.! I 86 larigerlirit'lt faller. - The tifitelintilly or ' this kind of facre,itin relloftsdil grplirt ' to the weigbof eightruA i i4 OftivAn: t i 41,4,9ig 1 iit , ,,n0 94,r RA ! , kilo . At i spha t i! ii 1 included. .! ~, , i -.- . . - „ . Rpiakt* ' iiilitott-Onisu l iltg:-;-Tsitt# i &prick of is es,loairlpaNmliss'efrult2 care i of black ai.tita,ony, seT.e4:c‘Pßiii444, of qopoe*, one . pound of ; , v h, . 1 one=f6urth' . ouhd ~- a iltnetrcs oun - the ingfedietiti . ilni3, old , thilitikorvict ' gettrer, lied' lieep‘it' terret4thiljtoiti.llt l 1 trough : by .'itself: .If ,tbtel liogilgeb low, PPer dow theLeNP,r•ltOineft.lthe. ,f in- such. ells .19 ,eirrelktr. l ,f, lo ,Pet9 l2 i gill tif., the c el'oil liar ilay,inntit the,' die litg,e 6 criei, ;614 tikei.ot ' eli , 1 i Astie , rpoopfuyxliolsolvtiqn , sii, grew isims A onckponrido Ilithsmw.;; 13ii,il;i1.1ii s 4 -', 14 -;.- f lt r. . ..Ti l Pl l l., .C.P Mr..4,q2CM 01 _.. -- rith3f6Ti.. ; ieqieiant'itsklii. I." Icor a lgopa men; c6ir;ich'ooeiilaiiii * Wilia'hitlpect '' hiibt I, she'"-wilt men* &Pi% .A.:0010e With .daiii , s hoof 'toy: t!elgood ,fotis.:„4,4ftlesintikr coirilliljr o 4l.lol P'',-vyil i tln?h..btlriqt",,..\-19. 0 , meatlE[l.l.4ow ~ , eiipgis, opt. vital) .ri l 9104' tic 4 Wiped', bit 4 ady ettAiV,lo 6 except ifatir , 1 . , , - --- , ..-1) -1. , - Tes:,„, -,,, , ,-,. ~-,,. 1 ‘ r.,,..,-: :1-_,,,..,,,,!;-:1,;i...4, / !MEE '• A is . atn9PS Ake: °l l k9 l 99 ll fig; gipit i, i g i 444 c: bpi 4ixolco*A4 !liomitri t '. 1, A0 1 :444. , ;, 1 4414. L. tprp AoF zi ft 'ate t ( ere n. • il..vitifl•c *Nine MORS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers