iii ' - itriEß 'A ill L T - .-' 'S i i . , Pug ' i ' iiii Eiiiiiy Willi4l i. , vi grb... ----# , . $ ay . 11 , gisr, - ,... I PTAA•„. ;.f,PS. • - --- '• ~ , . . - I , , 010 13T.„ BEAVit,I Aii , it 'ZOO per annum in I dvino4i sor Lattots 41tir oorttributio3 on tots prompt 4ttontion. t. RUTAN 0 0: ., E d , : I • - rcT - tc en and the 110 hind .. • 4 . 11, - 1 D .F 4 A , ST Out. Cr. BASE. ,1 11.rde of Indoostati, To-leineMnah :inclined; .AThougl;ol: ol .4terrr.wexe,. 'Might satisfy hIS mind, • '' - The Ems' t t 'aitivached - the Me) J tadhartpefroigici fall ggaiast his *OA and: sturdy •_ At once-Deihl to bawl; "sod bless M'e'.—but the Xlep l Is reri like j a wall !"' • • The Beeind, reefing of the tin C r ied,'Plici t '::--what have ivel rery - Tonnand emoothe To o' stir mighty Tido wonder bf an Elephant In Teryljke a spear' The Third approached the sail 4tnd happening to take The equirroing Brunk within I thus boidli up and spake: he, "the Eleph •i f yvy likes snake!" • The Foch); r ached out his es Asti felt sh out the knee; rac , A it his , wondelons t i r s 'siighty l qulth he; • "Tiselear'en t i ough . thaTlephat 're very liko a treel" • , The Fifth Whin.ehanced.to tou Said, "E'stilhe blindest mm t'sn tell , whitthis resemblii Deny the with ean,'L his marvel. an Elephant, r la very like a ••' - i The Sixth noll k ssotier had beim ibout ihebeastl6 grope, Then, seizing on the swingin That fell ifithin hid scope; ••I see," gttOt c h he, "the Etep - le very .tilciAirlpe!" •- -- 1 And Co these men 'of Indoohts . DisititidlOd and long, Each in Rwn Exceeding 'tiff and strong, Though ea'cli 111119 partly indite ' And all wire in ther'wrong • • - .Hit • -, ' Tln.diedf ants; I ween, `• .• Ro ll or 'in, M i ter ignorance Of what.eitch other mean, lad prat,'4out an Elephant Set ona pf them-hat seen! MisOellaneous, he Child'is T ropket tlquette. 1.1( .TE COMMADMENTS: ..) .' .i [ • - I i. M tray s, flay_ , YOB, sir. f ee , papa. :No,. papa. ' Th. 1 , ),t hank 3, ti. GOod, nigl 'ming., N ver say . 1 - I.ow, 1 'Or What... r e..tio alang ter iember that ood , , ;4)(4 1 11111g' . ;Ming, and: isinnier are tl ill true eduea ion: 11. Cie/1w( ce . B_, bleep' clot Ges unit (..leSd 'fi'mfor roeili ;091 - breeding. Never 'lea ...!olliesVcitit rue rooin..! Hal' i - I for everything, and every t Mete.- 1 .• •• - :'( 111. Rap .a e it with yor becore entering . nal never le 11 1 e-company. Never . ea ter oorci or publi .. place' with IV. Alwriy offer your sea ecild gentle ar.. Let y1)61. r l . ens enter Me earria,ge or ri V. At tabl eat- with 31 lit up rtraigh c never usetyq tiiek - (altboug Europeans Then leavibg oak L-3 be eseut VI Never.lput your feet Ja• ebaire or table. 1 . VII. Never overlook any, 1 reedin g or Wy ling, nor tall; 'kind Irb ile , o ii? era are re all i r, i 9i neeesing lisTen a tte ntivelj "ot ltiolud.interrupt 'or reply tilt du' Ili. Neter talk or whis I t die opla t , liheatro or publl Ind tapeciallitl `in-a, p rival 14 eru ally one' I. : singing .07 the Piano. ' ' • 11. ' Is: I(i * 4 . mthir 0. haWking, .1 ,ua i po z , . i .„ .1 Ulna& sneezing and blowing are ill ',lnLered. le every case etiv,er'your lo ath.with - Your, ban!ikerobif (which tver examine+ nothing is more vulgar, ',eyt spitting;i)n the, loor.) E. Treat alliwath respect, especial , th epoor.' Te earetal to injure no l es feeliuge Ily unkind_ remarkf•—; 41 'er tell„ tales, make ''faee.s: call 'Mee, ridicule : . the lame, raimia the tnfor tunate"; norbeTeruell t 4 'wale, irdl or - ' -- • • ; Reath. The nog )lice of 1 ea r atm lousabd. 'en ;bout .....four yearti, pith the4reats uncle in GE N 1 - 144 12 1 ti 1 l rotec t i ou. 10 4ttis apiary,by. coinm - tined "an oriler arty mina for ' hie action' lar 'tbe great pre, that place. I • gFr INWMAI I= =1 ": b 7 EN= • ._ TEN MOM T c. Mite ~ Atilutria -- - - -:Erigitit kttif iitirtia‘nta . rgl•af l -I.ii befrof },be Adanal. Ex! are given the ~14ew• ... is follows: 1 ‘ floe .l , . • . ..- ••• oti ) t,!te ineebtle and excess:. ifitiTiVnbliert Cs WVtiay . e• 6 - en .01: led upon ', p . .),..;et;rnfniele;ticeerred ti ; Situ' rd 4y.ei , c - -, I, rlii -Pt t! g;60;91464, iilF"prese , rain fr.. - n:l%.Tel,4'' Ynrit . '.lo.,,Bnatno, ,wliiehlleav I the for - -1. irairvitr-itt 83 tend artliveti b re , at 'll i i , '<eoloek.r.. In 'the itrisie. c ' e was an I iron ear be6rig.ind'flit e-E 'via Co.; I r. I n 1. the .Inlynne on the roa . '6 i Ilia onl i calien;..tlt.ere. -- wate-thieei r all iron eafpa i weighing about .itid 1 er each,, one 'of . belo n ged to tiiiiiiar .den Ex `.. .prerts:Co ; the other tw4 to-t tiit'iletns) Co:,-itil .'66ntaining, a large atriount of Areatittre: ' ' :*.' ', ''- 1. ' I . • :The gar - has two door! Bide, irhieb, after? the': placed, in, it., ~ if;e'i•,,i, 10(d I°o6. The ear was the 'the de - iipi, 4.-f)6.0 Itiretn, Eleph's)it: 111 ISE MI =tl .skii, EMI hero I d, sharp? minutes, when it Ayaß passage to Bollt3n. 1 Oi this city, conductor'Pat ed ;one of the doers of t' opened, and in •insta 1 something was. wrong, of the compaNt . opt to at 10 1 until' its afrivat where it ia, opened and geS pit aboard' and t ear, is also dinned at-SI Worcester, and at no on its n 1 its tone' Iron . ' N n, Boston . I - - E 1 ; xamination was imm dint ly made, when it wasloundthe nor had 'teen . qpenod with in iroki,bai tne,lock bro-' Wien off; tin ! -I that thci r, hers had, en. tered the car, and by . m tans of an iron bat forced open the doo s of .the !two 'Safes belOqging to the,A ams Exp.:Co and taken but' all their contents. Thev had torn open allithe pa kagos, approHl priating 'all the coatent- , except those of two -pac ages, leavi .g the envels opes and, way-bills str.wn -about ei.l the floor, - Of-Abe two uackages, the; I contents' of which the did not take, I one' contained.eighty,' 'ills orsl,ooli 19ach, nn. greenbacks; ,th oti or was a l roll abont- two inthes in dia eter,eon : l taming $50,009 in 5 211 lion soithich' they • left behind- ' The g noir/backs,' were evidently lost am ng t e papers' orilithelkter;sS'3lrmick ge as small; bqtAket . o l 74o: - ;iclaq . ,„ , p. ,di -not suit :411 41 ',;iJP114. r Anc*,....l+!;' -144 P C , tt ITtl! :k t !.. ,'* •j.,.:t. • I;:. l 6 llol"ttii%eliitliro : i t o le itairiden , 1 Company was - undisti rlietL %Viten and where the robbers go into, the , car is unknown, i but it seem mpossi 1 tile that it shbuld hitve bee , entered let any other place than Nev York; as 1 1 the train stops but' a him m monts at' I any- station until' its 'arrival ihete. It is thought probable] the the got into 1 the , c,,'Fai -while it was :thing on tho l l I track to be bitched n a d taken ' dom . , to the tunnel; - - The earls .built •With work; sheathed 'over iv lien plates riveted iJoge; 1 clOsely made that a ligh Inct. he seen.• A nressen 1 companies the earl bu in the baggage car! It }'to keep watch over th jock and" unlock ~ it at where the car is opened I probably gut aboard q York, provided with dar nll ; necessaly tools, and rules in regard to this t helped themselves' t:o al then quietly effected a I tg. • The, floor of the ca walp ' strewn with Valuables, which the thieves had rejected or overlooked. 111 S. bards, in considerable number la around loose; al hag of pennies was joked up, ' and the envelopes and wrap era °hit° valuable -packages e wer ti $e tiered ,a. bout. ,Seeing stimethireg aPparent y more substantial than tle o t her oin -. ty wraPpers, a gentleman as ed, 'ls 't that Toney r and picked up 80,000 in 'in .one handful.. It. is.tpo ted that $58,000 of the treasure, ke was in 4 ) gold. The way-bills fo the missing i treasure sent. Saturday ni lit, wet() 1 brbught up and ! exam red and Mr. Sanfoid subsequently - t leg a r phed to the Associated" Press tha 0 loss, was ,not less thanssoo,o_oo inlbills, onds,etc. We presume the preciae iim ,ant is not yet known, but a half tt; mi lion to a pretty large sum for ona ;night's work,. ' \s: . 1 The thieves, must have job pretty thoroughly: , • get ;who catne with th have, examined its fasten station; but We believe I he-neglected to do so, ex( pout, and then only, exam nearest the depot. INo that.at all the stations New' York,:tbe platferm hand. side, while the thh the right - band door; atiA bery was not 'discoverE train reached this 'liky thieves left the train is n j but-with the telegraPh, operation, it would kid must sooner or later the' I , I -- he conipanylhave pr ed all the shippers, of} i i sent their reeeipta rot pe (Mee lof the Cp., No. 59_, Effprta fire Pinking: thieves, and no expense till to: iiiiecinipliib' tiattictbj at;, soinewhist singular fact h* berg thit has bean:pem• ref ti COoipetty . ever aseaped= itet pittiehineit - 1 is hunds, ger hang, MEM LEE it, the ear; IM2EI 1212 MOE No, sq..— . Good - r Which, rms. Re reading, to base of, 'hes, dean indicate ve your No a place, ing in its • a room; r back to a private your cap 4 to a lady r...ompan. porn first. pur fiirkc lur tooth. do), 'and nn cush. no when Or read Wheli ,-and do other is .dr . aload is places, I,c . room playing itr by the the pas t of forty thir— ;compl,r 1861. IRE nditg at allnwiag - ereodal rendered lenee Of • -• - • - ••- 1 ' ' - i - ' • . - ''':, : 1,47- 3 ;:::••• - 17 ,1.,-t -......--____..-......,. -.............6...-~- 4••• '• 4.. •1.4•••••••••••••••• . • ... 17:_r. ; I' ___e_.....l. , its. ........."__",_- - .. .., . --- - " --;-: r!... , '',..;, 'i - ir.: ' ..* , . ' , f 7- " s: ' '''' •- ',- '' '.." • ,'' •T ! _::,;', :KO •V " ' ' .71 '' . '. , : tl , ! r - ii: '...? • - t'! ..:• .11 . - --- . 4 ?,--.'!- i ',`:- ';;,.. 10 , :i* 1 - '.-- ' ... ~--. - 1 -.. .; 11-3 , ?;?' - :'•:, ri,.. - : .. q; - .'::: ..":* "i! ; ~. ; .' • ' ''.: ' .. , ' ';': -' . i )---•• '-;• l':' . 1-1 • . ,g , .. -.;<...--`'- 7 4 ' : •-:•i• :-...t . 1....• ,i - '-:: <1 . !-• ', < :;.... ,•-!? 'ai<•• • •• • • ..; • , - • ..- ... • I - „ 1 r . ., .21 05 : Zit' • . :. . • ' :I •:_''z' --f• - 1:1; •.; 7-t; i • .! ',.. , 1 , . • r , 1 ~, 1 . .. ,1.,‘ _... .% ~ . t f: , ~,,,._. -, ...-.- _ -- --•i- .• 5k , :,.. „pi.. :-.., . - • 6 .... -...- i: '7, F-: -. i.i..- , : :' :.-..-"' . • ..-'. 1--- ' .- - . '; • .1 -;,- — , c- - 1,- -A•i____ i -ai.anem.:3 7 -1:, -- -,.., -, . , 1 " • ; MIII • • • • )., re , g 1 .reas , if.auxe. on'eneh sroprt3r.was , ed pud e rulkotit from attOn. d on its arrival at pp observ hi- a little loiv that rifts rulo ' the oar ariford,, y paoka• off The' ;field and ri r .ir plae# ork to i 1 I tart its fin frarne.! icit o! iamb do would, lukays ac ,ally stays business r. ti her, i nap RIZ! stations e robbers at Nenli • ternk and wing the" 10Aurcly ne e and! kris RITZ, for loth- . led them *mien r bhOuld at every men that at Bridg,, the door happens ink from n the left broke in arm therob =d s tinta the Vfrhere the /. t,..Vet known, irea to active ,that they FippYeberided. 11) , in ,tly advia a "les to pre y m nVat the ro , dway. 1 ° Tregt be spared ie I no rob- Lion in. 1111 Mil I= obbpry • • - c eat,ro b• • mane , • The'ititeni. of!, 'tb e: ro it ea, ;Lary...of 'pit,atcili haviug bean A titre ..f1 or i .- - We Jsaye„lo 1 iliefadoplioh 1 1 for .the form 0 • nMineernerit, .1 pears,th.b.iy i n it ,t the Asar#,slice , PI ,Thepi.,ciiiii lib 1 1 1inkr three aii i ce the 9oostitu slot many l attera e ts i through,C6il skeo ' There hali . it tnenta,adopteid; b submitted t_ eth gress.' The ,wei the 'original • _fikli in,,compliane, , as yi ,,, , frestinble, wi l thi by conventions o 1 • Suttee in theix ad • mitution as “ i furth restrietire clhses ivent Misconei ueti. Ipowep." Th y • ides in addiii:n to 1 i the cOnstituti • Cs o lof Ainerical ~ 1 - Twelve Istn lidni ;1 y. t• Ili i um - tier one and i original' series Wer bers three t 6 , Lir •1 . stiinte the lartiil numb ' red frot 0; sire. • -. I , . Th . 'two ~artiell i approval made ecni the u `a men pportiu reprcfentatioK an ; compeneationel: ; ; 1 BY the firs it, 40 praTided t, the rule of pres ntatton 'should ~ one tnemberkfoi every 30, 00, nail that ahould create a House ex eedi • Ono 4undrec me nbers. .T.h ra should then i 40, 00,untirthe ' b l reached two btind d membilrs. Af 'warda• there ihoul never be lout th , two, Iburidreiit members, 414 th . should never be nore than ono reseatative t eveiy 40,000, 1 ' , The` secon, pr o vided th; varyin . g the c nap :motion ; sentattres an , :p nators, valid ',until anlielect on for ii ti tires shall br i \in rveued. •el., " OM they' failed bjtra pi States, enough, vot to reject theti l tLor 'ure toittet o n Itbco cariol i ts subjept to any tame rune sgei an amebdiperitiatte ted. Th flittcler tiu ;Congresspasse S aid n receme_,t fourths until IpFee montlbad the:n bee bar of Striteal ma those',eleven Nras the tbree•fourfhs.' giver i ,by Vir b inia cember. ¢ I , _ 1 kaur: reaettrebes 1 to find Iron: lye file, 1-IYe.oly find that .: 1 itwation 'by' yir g in ii date of comlilining i tional nnin.kerand I m tEon of the amle . nd. , ' - .L. , 1 .1. 1113 'elev o tt,ii, an at the ;Third iip l ongrl March' 501, .Iro ?-1.. ' 1 which ..provici i ea tha 4;,r of !the United .. eaustrhed tolorten6 or eoinity 'evinme, against one 90 the 'ci.tizens of & p other zena pt subjets of , aaaniendmeritproni regat4 with which ! government watehe rtghtialof th 4 Statel Th6'.!amendtitetit 1 - 1 i arid aanoaneed, to • i dent Adams, in al [ houses!, dated ' ;inn: - - ~ • - 9'i .1 [ • Tbe twelfqh , arm, 11changed tbEk man! 1 . PresidenL,O,rigin I were 'voted ['for .. Preeident; 'tlie p: higheit numher of 'dent, and•the iierso ibigliefit Yietil[ f redl .1 litn -180 .iisil,3 'cr .ort , l 1 votes tioisi,e . er .J'effe 'lto tiiischdngell...l l , December; 103,, a,' the State Legqqattt idity ' that the. ra I pleted'Septeiiiher 2. ; ification was [Fol i .:om . . .nOticie from theee, TliettelfashOil nil until : tbs . ,' ,pfeeent sixty, one yea := A ytme.l and to • • Tha l Uniop - tat tee • of ; Pennisylvant of 'the room mf 40E11.4 61' Reptesentativee. FridaY,'tbe tpih,da l st 3 o'clocii;.p; tuang'the timel . fbr State• ConyOtioo, deb otheibusibeas Ott for coTsider4inn, A man °Outer the tuomentlni i 'ref what other geoplo 'VB~' Sal 1 • ... mentiv to i . it , , tut i .° ll . • i 1 to the pinekitutr i on es whie.tfis Seers. just tuatara:iced ins s ratified, form pe r , txtents.l , for the histolyjnf or nee tirnefidinentii inaiingl public 412 1.. 8 leatiit4 rhere iip`• "P ll -0 13 :gbieetra i na ot been nifor ip . 1 -u, previous 'to tidal ris Jul cifor .td amen There have be, unt no others goi 1 ; ve amend-' , se Len were, fkist,COnei Stro:ntal ILJ stfbmit Secte in 0 • I • expressedl ibei• of tie Co)n rsiory' l r "to. p of led '4lr pdatory i f of cited Sta es en . twe It of .tbe r by til l ! • suppl! itutior. ab ree • desire ya nun . ption of 1-r decla in ord LI or a. ere enti the ame 1 the Ur ate Were su b mitted, n were ratified, l — wo. Olte• 1:-notratiOd. Nu - lye, inolue, con— s wbieb are. tidw 0 t twelve, inch. • L • 1 ..‘ ea-which failed of wielubera respeet . to -11, to If Rep l hottld presee • 1 _ Jo% slave rejiction, in in .t.l negati -imply b '.'the fai .. It mibt 'be inqut. whotbe ~ i , ..st the a - option o it is once subrri t , • " ' bet' I to chi li ptember2s, 17 9, o • requisile three mber,r79l. -IV r.. added . to tho nu - ..ing fourteen, .f ece - ssary'j .. to ma cc The elev •nth' as e .n thl,3th of D. vi. II • ' have hOt iieen a. le was pr..mulgitt d. .be date of the r t a is given a, t e -of the constit 1- the formaliatifi a t. tide was propos d ; esi, and bears d to I t . is that •arti le I "the juditfial po v.. aces shall not e to any snit in 1 , ! ced, or . proseeut l 'United Suttee,' I Btat.6 ' or • by 'ci ny foreign 'Stet pied by the jett;o he .founders of.t, • over the resets'', h as ratified ,in 17' , ongress by Pi.e: message it - 0 be 17 8 , 1798, le' is that whi . I or, of voting f l . two:-'persoj `a each .fiCket , rsoti havit.it; tl votes to be Pre: , haying the ne mit• .`l l ,,heri,eonfh! of an eq uality, 'son and Burr I I was .propOnd . went ~throu: , s. with snob ra. ,fication was -co ~1804.. That r: gated by a!alm etary ,of State, iiinendrnept tuna, time, a period ew:Orlemie PI P.l Central Comm a will naeeitin ma of the).ll.oti In Harrisburg:, i n yof January. iris , or-the purpose i f bolding' the ne t -and transatti g may be Kellen - b 6 a good fello Oe•to'do wedge fah him to do. , tt. , i dues -; = ry • cr 4avtlgB4i *at :. i' . - eittet 1-frOlttt*orki II • 9pinfilin,l- - =44.ttkiOtey: ipeed. .1.:240.P.1iil <,-.4 • _ - i j- --T---. i`iiifrif , !• '' i ,' WAsimierrot<olao•-.l**T . ,, he; Presto, ident to••day transmitto4.l4 ,the 'Sea- , ,ate a rantisasia inlntiply.:*:i. -AO rii olmr , Mon calling i - Pcia him.; ' , Atiforiili hat body, L uponi.wriat 4liii ' ,Tjefir. Davis i!" . is confined, and why:titi. Wit: bronght to- tria l . Tholteretidea ,:eeclosesl re-' portslrom 'thel Kedretai - .. - . lfit Wailiirnd f the. Attorney claneral, alr,sitt the ac me' time :invites . jibe:: atAe ill:MIof i the Senate to thatlportiOlCef' , 4 ibe anmil: message whivii i. r l tifere tot.oofigretaiii the question of iwithloldift4ir- the<lpir cult Courts of thb-Utiriitd!, 'idea wit ti le the districtsj-,: Wis. thitutautheirity has been intOrra - ted.h i'-_4' , iik tEN Welt DzART i n. 14, 18;6.. I, - . . .- , sill:. In th eannex nate re oho! Ition, passed NOVamber iii •186 n, re:. ferred to me by Sony '9r , I have the honor to Statei -4 Pir*,-- 1- 4That4ef- 4 ferson Davis captured bk. the United' States troops in the:St:no of Georgia,' on or , about bc 18tIfeltiY,Ibt Muy,' . 1,865, and by orde of th*Dffarttfithiq has .l been and now lia . contiii, iii For;ress Monroe, to 'tide sabb II tiOri as may.; cont ii taken by be firdpet • uthorities of I the United tates• Go - I 'abet:- Secs 'Ord—That e bas "hot Olarriagnod i upon Any inclictraeaVoirformal charge II of crime, bu indiet*llttf_theeriitre,of I !ling!, •treaeon by the Grdn'elJury of the ,I IlDistriet of sColinbis i y, , hioti in, ici- i Onentii now pending . m i the Supreme Court of 'said ' Distriet.:l . lI C is I also' (charged wit() the crime:of Mcitingtbe assassination: t or Abrithawiltineoln,and" I with Ithamurder of , Iriffen prisoners lot% war • by staradion ;'< iiiact oilier bar 'barous and ii i 3ruel treatnientitonArds them. Thir -The -President Own ,ind it expedient that — Jisfferebn Davis 'should first be put upo)e, his triall be fore a competent coat,' Ind :J,jr . ) , J.'for I the crime off treusmi4iil iwa l s4 d i ised by the law Officer 0144 G,rerrnent, (that the most froperiil "be 1 ra , such ltriai,was in the 'State4if itginia,= -, That State' was *id:dui. ju dicial cit. % euit assigned to tbili- - ' estice. of the &trireme/ Court,' til Keld no I , • lc( urt since , tt.he %lip 'i n .of ,i Dam . ria, and w' • &Olt ' , 6-- nice 'period tr . The mat', as I am i 'lag Day' Why ;jog. Stenfeti-• General 1 I 1 persors,. , uo, .gas a 0 Rebel Gevernment, are • .' t ifuprison-! a ed, Xwit: U t leibent C. Clay,lat I.For -6.esritlllotiroe, abarged, semeng Other things; with [ treason, with ''coin in the murk! et 'of Mr. .Li coin 'and with Organiiing bands'of pir4tes, rob. tiers and mulrdert.re in Canada to burr.. Cities, and r vage 'the ico t inreerce I and coasts of .th loyal States ] on the 'Brit. islilipatier; 1:30.1 L. Yuleett Port: Pe: laiiti,l char b edl With ' tro,.'soa 'N'yhile ,). hlildilig a sat : in the: Si.snte , or the United Stu s, - and: with l tJtin , the .11 ) i • capture of fnrtal and arsenails o the united Strit i, s, and with Incilling' 7ar against the Goyernment; SHR, • lor,y, 'at Fort Lafayette,-charged; - vith treason, and organizing lan se ting on font Oiratiotil e4editionis ag, mat the United State comnieree tind,l ma dl it ribe do the high seas. The ether off.- ears of the! ao-called. Confederatepov• .erninent, 'arreSt - ed and.!, imprisoned, halve been released on parol,l4b abide the action o . the „Tore' ament t in ref ' ' • cll c „ , erpee to thilir position andl itril for alleged effefases, en their a plie . tion ferl .amnesty and pa l mtop. 'Ai ong theltn are G A. Trenholin, ecr; tary L of! the Tree u'ry;,Jchn A. Cirri bell, Assistant ,S cretary of Tar; 4s. A. Se l ddea, Secietary of Ward!ohn, H. . i , Reagan, P,ostmaster Genera • ft M. T.I Hunter Senator; Alex . HI. i Ste l vens, Vice [ President, and sundry ~, i,t . her per sons of lessinoto.• • • '1 cSigned,] i EDWARD M. ST I L ---- 1 Secretary 61 . 17.GENErtirfi's thfi. i 1 January 4,1866. , • i , I MF Presient :'. - 'II 1 ; Sia . —l babe the honor 'to *now'• edge the reelipt from' yea' of at 'copy. of la resolationl of the Senat of the United States,bf the 21st of D ceMber, ; 1865.. In bat resOlution'the 8.9/Intel re4peetfully request to be dihfo hied upon whatatgfis.' and reaSOne Jeff. ( 1 . Davis is tailheht in confinernnt„find by •• he has not ,been put upon, hid; :ri I.„f Whei. the. war was at liis ciisis, Je .Davtia._,he - Commander ii Chief of, i ! th army of Insurgents, Was taken • • • alas taken , prilsoner with ,other prominuat rebels' by the military forces of ; the I 'United' te Stas. It was, the duty .of he, iniln. tair,o so to tae them. Thy;bare be:ri heyetlarci,, and aro ynti, hold 'as .t ..4 1 LTTORS , prisoners of tvar. Thoug4 arive hostilities have'_ceased, a st ag of war still exitits Over t ake , territory in 'rebel. lion. Until peace shall come in fact and, in law, they. can rightfoll be held' as ,krisonere of. war. .11vci ever thought that trials for the c rime e of tif, high treason cannot be bad leinre , a military tribunal. , The ',,nl i comics aloe_ litaV'e jurisdiction of, th l t cKiitte. j Th .queition then arises', were and When, mus L -the d trials there e held? w In . 'Oat cla of . the Co stitntion i t, :, mentioned- in . the resolatia I of. the Senate; it ie plainly written,ihat they most be held ip , the State Rea district wt, rein the crime shallve been conigtted. : L know man yeiso sof learning and ability ent6riliti the . . optmon , tbat, the Commander-1n- hief of the. rebel armies should be i garded as egestitutionally present — with all the =I 1 INI it ,criminal befori) the at pipper ,who wor ling, ,and icy; the 1• gar' it it whcni tit ft h 0 11 l i ' d 6 p it a more acceiltfra tntio 5:1 al at ROOS liefo s e4-4oi Oe!:11.laiu 'or spi .have . fully,' TON 1 ar. A lit: correspondent Of is istew Orleans pu er says : would like to say to' pcisons who think cf corning here 'from. ilia States that at present I would; stfctigly adviSe then to •the contrary, especially persons'of linitted means. Everything is ncisettled. No cOnfi:lence is placed in any one; a 'general 'distTust prityaila and:' busi— Diff3B ie paralyaed." ; ' ' big; NoiTistovra Herald says that. Col. W. W.. 11- Davis, of the D . Oyles. town) Remficrat, - having failed I n . the canvass fori.A.nditor Generil, hill had his name mated on . the stern of .a Delaware nil boat ! , _ ' , 1 ME 18 0 6 i. ~,, t;* : rosecut :the hontin- r ticV . -'' 'ed' -'". . - 1 - *de .raidef*pci - ii.thelftfrikerul i kern : 1 1Serbetifi of .' tke 'loy l at I hiSidontritWof*,istraetive, carried: 'eat' . tol . :itß.'l43.ol', ees."'sveillif - makeialt.Viho'haff ti t • . , .' • 1, , fleeted :'‘,olth th e " rebel:o4n iea , trt- • - ! ! ial in-any State ; nd d i strict -4 1 h -any port ion , Ofthose' at..t ! Insaile thenlightestinenrisiNk'ii 4iurauaded of liiilcoiiect-: .hit opinion; bat regari,ling ]: ne mentioned im .: lof doe:4in! - • nality; l l - hav e" T-thOUght ie.l l 1 :i. ,th..adirise' ••yoi to -ca l use il: , • : - - i ! : Nroceedinlgii-to be. instituted 1 1 ;•ffersOn Davis l-• or{ any-othet .! '-'iri !States 'or districts: in 1: . , -y were-not =tile. t ily present , ptkoseciitimi .01 1 hontilities. I : , imineet ,rebelsi- I NVere. person- I . 1 :nt at the invanieb !Of-. .3fary, r. Pennsylvania,' but all; or ,l i' , I; of .them . received milit4Tl on tbe'snrrenderbf the rehell Vhile I.think theOliose:pitiS-J no ultimate protection : from!: 0 ng for ,high . treaiton,ll. ITaVe, hat it..7ould ,bela Violation . . otes to.:prosecutel t hose per. , ' Hulas '. before' the' political ' thb, Government has been cl, and that . Ihe.reliellion has I restied: ,It follow froo4 what d, ' that 1 'um .of the opiidop Davis and' other's - lit:the in-. • ught to be tiled ini t eome on,e, tea or ', districts' in which I,erson °Specially eammitted, -, svath ; which they', may be' .''hough ' aCtive hostilitir act wa,r hive nob fel' simile • ted . between - the 'United d ..the losurgenis, peaceful between the Government eople in. 'the States_ and Dis rtebellion have not yet been d.. 1 None of the Justices t preinnrCeurt belie held . Cif..• I .ts in '„those Stites and Die !' 1 aC;tilal• hostilities ceased. court are open, and all 4 the be peacefully_tidniinistered reed in those §tates whose e belled, against. the Govern ! . hen thus peacts Ishii!! , ,haVe act and in Jaw, 'the 'persons in military'custedy -as priS- Nar, and 'who may not have I ah d convicted for, offences ie laws of *ar,!. should be id to the ,eustody; of the civil si. Of_the,..prcper I district; to fifie,, .saOli,lrhigb :mimed awl.' •Titiliy,tiall,ged iti f4LitiSSia r ba:tlie * eildWnt to viiSse roseentions to ha instituted ?Proper tribunSlo, unit tiall times against some or tlioie i ratruinental i i 'tau g era' - 1 st conspieunui in Conduct ) hostilities. - II should re. i direful ealamit3-, it , man, word has spared, "the law i also; but 1,: would deem , ..ceful; calamity !still, if the in perfOrming, I ibia eonsti.; uty of bringingi . those per. 'e the bar of justice . to their eriines, shoulif violieth meaning of - the ennstitution, ;e ip the leaiu pa;rtieular the rit I of that imitrz#nent; ..;he honor; to be,Mo.4,t respee(- i JA.s. SPEED, Attly Gen. , H----.1.••••-•.--,---t, , ' inatox 13EATENI—Old Sam of Texas, sayEi the . Caire • to make ji a Oint to stop 1 , '. , :. ometimes for three foursh ? - 1 way 'to o land from' Wash. a i usually employed his time rom the-stern guards of the , ' - On aii•--oe'easiim of this lad a "set..to" with a Cairo ;eh! %Tint bear telling about. l'i,b; like' hirnsel; *as l 'fishing 1 on thq wharf boat,_Ur.d the vood lioUt just 'below. - .At .tiq l fr junetUre of: "a'bite" at salt, Houston threw ont_his b l ecame Vopelessly 'entan.. that oft' tLe boy. 1 There te. I: Neither seemed to tiave tt d for:tile °tension. At • fil broke the silence: - 11 o I elsewhere . ' land•- • fishs, and . avrd ‘ttinfie entangling al i. . blowed,,,pldi Shori. Coat?' ei bud of premise; "go else i self and 'flab ''' - he e bd you Urn a very satiny n i d the Seriator,"fix whom . y no means enough rods in I 41t here, old Skeeticks," 1, •k fully agitate'd,"l. don't luarrel with you nor any you! Your natiici e ls Sam I dlyou live in Tekas, and, ody else, you stole a bomb. gol there, and, noir you are a big shine, .fou old thief; ourself Samuel HOW3fon;" ch, this very, amiable young [ye a sadden lurch, and honoraW gentleman's rod i nd into the river, ' ' A _ 1 i • I=',„7„, - - - r.'•:- ' . 'l' .!'.' - - '4'. '-'. • —:- ''''-'- - 4 - 1 '•' ' ' -- 2.• -: I i .: . ' "'' -... 1i IC 4• '• ' 1 I - Vt . 4 7 ' ! 1r \ , , !' il 1 -i .. • : ..r.- - •** , ...r . 1-P - - --, ~ -. .", . ......a ...-.41..--,:-:64, - ....,.... . ' . atnarymikiriffii.... ' • 'l• 1 ' '-' ' l '.!• VT ' ' • ---- - - 7 7 .-- _,,tr 7 _ var - ,.... .i- - • _.- 7.4.-14 , -.0 1 I % 2 .... . • • ~..•. , i zf . .....5z,„-..; ;-,. , .:, ..,•1 ~... v .... •-. _-_,_, .. i. - . .,, -• i . ,:--. •,- - - --., +l. u- ,ii . -.: . 4 . ..-. , - ','"' 1 - ~,,r ;-AS---- - ~ t .1:..:L.:.] : •"-. ... * ... t . .`;`:- •' , ..'-.,..'..-:-.. i'.4 - • ,:it:, i. t • ~ ' 4 . ''.,'l! l ; -. '1 ' - -,' - .' : ,-r-. :, .` r .:- ••;'' ' , •-' (_' '''' 1 - - - ~. 'II •'. • 1 1 - - •:- - " .'''' -r , -- - , , ,,---- , .-7- i rr • .., 1 , ; :i . ,-;,,,,,.:;,-:::,• , ;•, .;,, i? : ,- ; H Icr.if:`":" : 1 - ; t ;,:,71 .." • '...; Z' tf: it .-r: : " .., - ,!1. - ~ ~.. 1 5.' .jam. • .i . ' ''/ .. ~ * - -_ -;.f:. . .1,:{. . .,..., . :- 2 4. J :. . i.,..k, , .,,c. ., ~,..._..,.._,0444.,,,ii.L.-.....i.e t . ~.... t.._ ..,........•- T - r I . want -'. 1 1 , ,,,: : ..:,,, ... ~,,,,.. /,;, . , 1 1.., -, o•1, i' l ,'. .r t 1I .. i , ~.. r.. ... i.„. 1 ~..,;;;:, iiiiii ,, !-.': •• • ' , ; i• . ,• i l . ad* -- ,r' t 4 Iflri .I, 1 - i.::-.. - .• ‘. ,.. _:!P • . •.•. ;-...: ,: • 1., , - 17: ' .. 11 E.L- : . .A ip 1 V :.:, -.. il ~.- 0 • ~........, . - ....,-,, • ~, . „„i i .:-. ; ..,,. ~,e...,.....t . , i ...,,,..,....... .;,,,,!„..... 1: .•••.: rt ', , '''-P , , 0 , 1 i . :-....., 11%!:4 1 I.t! EU y.t., .. StQ,~ =I Threi3i :91 ' l'l o4 bi V t - 01:;13 ° bode , thei! tte ' ,amend reel pt . :: the Pc o!tee efl I jpeiihrelie All Hite ; triereh:, Ibis serval Imeeny 'uv tatiens. le the .ed 110, - andeS 7 ittiYalrh s ed their ketes on and hoif btitiellts„l-siitiet Ithe7 . thust •-, ev healthe• Miws. 1.:-The eld gentle= .stia an expl ined the situation tollem. o a ir ;:) 1 ' live he, e i g el e t t a .".. : . i n s d a Ye • to w ci" o , h r i i:h . k l ..e ' o as r r i e l i 01 4 1 z u z s e Y , I 6.4 l o i w n u i tY t i h b n° e n , a i e r r- Iluz dim! ', . •- 1 ' - .-, 1. 1 ' . 4 markab e unanimity rernarkt ,that bf 'they .IA ' ever tin introdCestLto !lieirselve iha thot they Woo„ilea- 7 I; , In .fuct ey ..ed •congreated at that ! i Pmalfort e purpose, fly starting life en theit wn hook. '`,.--: • • i . • 1 , .4._par yarn. nv Pain And anguish_ 'shot over the old matVrii fade. If- Near, it tO hi stood it oetorotitf,f Who, had he:r.ot b n. tainteVwith the aCcuised 1 food of anr; ivoutd-hev-tnn" , konsi ci. ! I , resl , ,buti, ciL z /Vallin lon-..-ber! neck tlie• Id petri de with tears streamin down is facto ed. cheeks, ejackilated: i . -"rare ell, ..LOoizer . • kny !daiighter, t k arewell I luved'yei. nitittirr tz ,nevl c_rnan ' uved nigger: Sh I was. the obiee of ly leisure ours-:-t e eOmpuo ono,v in yooth. •Stio . I 13 - fd Ito , pay rf 'it' L ino triage on the plate--he, and four tilde ' sifters:. Farewell! 1 I bed hoped to ,) end bought ou Jenkins, old you this winte, (yeo hre ( 4till!yloun hilt, wo i ine?l Curses on I ' he tirent let lieve s all - the tender ,tifie I l i - iv ne ther:l 0 it is bard: for fathir i.o part ith chil , even when thel.markers 'gb, 'but 11 Gott! to part .I.httf4-" 1! Ind th v greef, His sot wil little biter th 1 , train his ermined 1 b2 Fa 6:' rew ' y bhildr eb j and it , oor iner 'I sold 'on 1 ou died when dea putto se ;$2OOO 'in And h ILl iun." "NVlo'l • ease?" s , n w d a.l f . al , l a i n ii ; h i : " l e l. e Y k h i ° -t i My -6is s l r e ole. Y r gnr s i oat, ~ e ori . a b i ni f wz u t a r t; 'lloatito he thorn -,Vun, by at they inns w ,arryingl, . IL 1 ums. ;Wood, ( hew seen' 4oeti Ah, olich horre I) i m kyatii reason . rd ansdrs w' . _ 111 Ts 'LI A' REIIARKABLE' ROBBERY.—"i"pur• eigh" w ites to • the Boston .'4' / olzrnal and tells Of a remaikahle ,robbery in .I; 4 •Tew - Yo';'lc.. He says: "The llrciker was insiLe the counter, near the safe. A. man' tame In 'without a hai, and With a pun buhind his ear. H.:l walk-. il 'sm !found toI the spot where thelbank 7 er stood--who was talking withra ger.'- - ; tleman-- nc) said ' to him. "Pluise to Mote, sir ". and the Winker' didlll The 1 fellow.eu lly took out of the Bate 'elev. bra thousand U.S. bonds, and Walked aural and has never been , seen l. from 8 1 i a lg t h t t i , m fe o_ to l t d h c is o . ull 7 l,n e o a t r. b t e he f : n oa d i . nl, o b li e rs b, o , f 'business ., the bdsik were, e g rk b s ti l l t t. e e a d u rl i as abl a pare! :teyurirntheuidnan'.4: [ totieotyro:ocatt then!;, 1 .. n: l3 , if; clerk, eitarhtke. • v• vr him remove theM trona •UVe aik'criabi, and then of the' thief was' made 1. - . - ,- - , BOOT . boy to returneiriddier ''--" i Blat It , boots ir?' 'make ',pm shine!" x.. ..Ang at his • unpolished l'f r ''' umbout l e" in a contemplative irny,the ' ar-wor ; veteran replied, "We ll , Ii on't car if, you: 40--4411. in prnmpt4' , thou br' The urehing' gaacd a omcnt nt 'the eo!dier, and ihen Aur a . iiig to a e''rniade near'by, ebontedsit: "II say, B f 11, lend ue a band, won't yell li've'got n army Contract." • d 1;. 1 ,• .1 I tt , \ It' AL cob) ,y of fifty Famdiee la g. in M. jr.e to embark for Pa toteuding to tattle' in' emblem 4" ; ' . liisiou! raati i r 7,0 m i .V': l4n lY , :.,r lll l,ni es' Edsfixpprince, irf Kantanky , of th 'ls - ward's proelain )n, or , the Consti A,. Nnalir learns; ti se office, and going; is eutar4ipar, t3:a4 , die tiewa Co , heieayeti; io bed alluz bin . a fti iraddrai em).poureo ontltisl writ' Lthe niggers , old gentleman,- ina textess wooned, away gen eelly., Tom bed !bin esii,•elieih hi 4, children; who seliz a 'half In alict was: Unahlo l to re self he fell lon her, Xi elcAnti his fate With iktebin '• pa ri' • 1 : 11 .- ell ! ParSteell I meither ny u! Farewell Faro and KO 7 entwine, -te r long fiatteerell -- ! ease wuz my percinisites, and to supply ,my neediil. 'He'd II rood bee bin tes4ed, tor' yon ain't *nth it copper,, you turn away livin, & wuth ny market!---it s tool!mue4:" fainted,.fidlin acroti,kltheld do Abe ~,work ab tit do reeky the 1 old - ,ladYi!faintin across Tarn. t •,. i dies.:us ttad - whit !on _us?" e three danghtera,;sWoonin. fulfill across the I,Oldvci . • - 1 i impulso wuz to fairit away falltierose the threi9laugh restralnedLtnyaelf and wuz with strikiirg a attiioOd and a table flustlin the nig with'a burnin cuss 16r - their d, I :spent. the balaLee.r& ui on it y bringin on•i34 too.— wan -they became etinshus, wnz 'riot theirselvea.l Their z not 'sliattered-they wux as beairy heart in thOr buz , oh' weed that Seward eood that groop! • Such ,` , Tnivery ishinism bring in its tane— bra follers al departur e . from in; teeehin ge. , Wher.. will tarn to the people? i; Eko ! I°n? i f: 's - 1 , Ili matte up 50,000 the het Swq 1110c4b11. b iz e AC Ana ni` it , ftiediektiotlies' alir-rstee • . 'Busineee , and alter :tette Sit, = - 7;1 -- . tteWlA° itt' •"' , 1 , ' r•mstr,i. nitelilienos: ' ,- , . ~,........ 41 , r; t i f f r. ~:.,:: 1 • A - Acne - inch ''hat been-se ditldet-in..s Eng IA in di: by s me 'et the i lin db.) , " Of tliti, ',,-. **angelica& arty-in! sbe 7‘Chtir.o tet•-• obtain a reversal,.,,Ety.legislatiys,4o,, , other , rieaburs Of . the,. ',rtioali,aticr mCo v elit i st) t in It; Picitest,kil l Mitts b- . ' , liehrnint: , Thr - -lamfine • l i ti:tioiatiOnu ~; sought :to .be re.tnofieti.dre fonrilfber ;lights. Ow-ere/19 :an,.fl)a: tilitile.a))ll in ~., Pn ) 99. 1 :9i9! 25 1.-. i!t , e' ) 99 , . and,. l es, i l 93 6tff • The PsousyltanAtaYnod,otthelcurn-... berland i - Preshiterian, Church ~- , at, its ?ate_ Meeting 'theft ' strong gtBbed ',I ; - 'gaiiplit't t he usettise•ef'tobacco, , tiebtuna , -_, cif- itslinplinti, et penee s - tandftaelbeinA-J a gratificatio n of :Helot:et ltOlttilbt" and tb,eratora :PEP9 4 9ci5.9.14, 9 -krie -- -. •tiar, rule of: duty. - • . :., . , • „,, ... ; ill. ii ' ,It Is r epprted e 'llak thp:reatii - mor-,, Sans ,of the,'Baptist Ohiiroli . , In , t - h 8 - , outh; are' di6OtlssinOt aillrWitOvery l tbs question - ofl pa tronniing as aPticinoint hiltion'tbe.Amlricati.Bible SOcielys_ . Since - the; notion- of the - .Metbodist Preaehers'pecting- iG : .r.b.itadelphiai den out.cing thi publicatton -o f Sunilay , . newspapers,,th . Phi la4elphia Rieeby- terian Presby i' ' ry hes alsCA4nntlactidl_ it as ti•desecra on onthi-Sahhatli,4nd calla upon:the nation 'ptiblic•ttfab-; stain from ; 'th . reading ,or<hoying.of iti them.' It • :i=;.---,.. , : It :is stated thetNe Reformed Chor4h in B.engary number itwalpil,.. lione - and a' ; ball of souls, aid slat -every : adult eonnected '-Wit - ii,'Aeas '. read or write. ' - , `'s .',. . `- The Catholic, bishop _Of' altirtiore has ihrected that contribiitidentlettli• ken io' all the•c,:h ti reben, to; ra f inp. , ,funds 11 1 to tippl., the Wan'is:•iet}?o , ,,iwpd.wri . at the _South, and., d. , especially "to pro- . vide for their iristian edlication.!-. 'Recent intelhgetiet from 24cmittgas- Car indicates.' a_ steady advancer of Christianity. Three years ago lifers- were only, three congregatiene, now there seven larc4churalibßiat the tip. itol, or • nr i aid about Thirteen thousand churc h•tneinberst ' , The Pres.byt ilea .Bnancr. reftwring , to theippeal of Rev. John: it TreSalY tar funds tearen, A buitdiagg.colo:lloo- lion, with the. , betalogical .SetniosrY of the United rektyterian Cltutpla in, • Allegheny, say Vven.Ofrifie illotiiish" I: J r ing chtirettet- . 4l 4 ittsber4: - end Allo. gbeciy are ; riditbitiNto• ttaa Eistnitlary ' for their pleterp., - : :7 Zeii . ;-,_ .•.. ation. Toledo scplan• effeeti tion of i ntional 'e Maws to the er sup- ,old pa thortil ther . to hnen,. 11Z ICat. Amo t i g .th e items of genai in tbe . Advocate etaiTowintil is• ,that about 8001idditiona tl. , M. B. CbutO, bare recently ; bEcart , ia•tbe Knoxville (Tenn.) - I, I Farm, CARE ,or kilo, especially - to have warm• daring Cold we: tection of bait warmth, .14 . ficci. the importencer: of warm pig atlas! welliittered-4ith dry ' straw, and se tight that col4 , ,winds liiii not blow directly on! ; them: - It is . far .more economical to)retiephe'seot._ male warm in alsnug,'welf v . tilitted piggery than by extra, reed, and r this will promoter f • alter gro L ettbi•Lir.they are kept cornfortably-waimiby s good building. When a piggefly is spacious, frith one end' epee , to the.Weithitso that ,winds make tLeir sleeping:place uiteo in for t ably eld, a litortitfir , sheild be Partitioned n'if -with boarde:baming their edges Feljointed, and a'neirirow' entrants mtge . t the point' leiketex i posed.' 'Then n il a board , eix orl•eighs inches high • across the 'bottom `of.the entrance to keep theiitrais fronkbiing Worked out.- Letie ' liberal sijiplyi, of straw alWays be "priwtried.', - ,flOututitor,rtmsetrass • , ,r 7 I 14. , ,the *it il. Bence of scales end weights,, the.fol-. loWing may:be of some ,service ttqar lady readers. '' - . : ' ' "-''' Li-'.. - . wawa:ZS `,AND, irsAsynktr. ' t• - •Wheatflonr—o, nal pound - ", 111 COO . lit:, ITadifiti meal,--kine unfl po .:two , :ean• ace is'one quart.': - • • , 1 . , ...7 1 .-1',...•- Buper, when soft—one; pound tin c eli is one q, art.: i . ~ - =: .. , - ;oaf sugar b oireii.4-oue.pound 'is one qiiart. - --- 1 .' ' •' 1.- ' White sager pawderedine pound one ounceis onelquarV ; ..•: , : , - ;•„:"•:?s , • -Best brown sugar—one ~ imund: wo ounces is one 'quart.*,i 41,,., ~ I.l9cir'-liti.AeuttE; ' Li( -I 'S Bodeen large tabletipeonfulearei Vail' a pint: .• ... ' -'...-- ': 4: ' l ;' . ' 'Bight ,tablesp ,l,s:-. nfuls are One • IZ. - Your large tal4isPoOnfula are .f OW' Aeon - mon sized-tunibleiheldif t l pint. 'A cemmor. sired wine-giasi . Old, :it half , a, gill. ? - -• i ... , . ~- _ .. FUMING STOCIi. - .--.Lattle., - ,4l , ofted is the rule:, SOW:tittle and. tivw , often.. may be &eked..,l:i` tittle that :the sack will---estps ucleat What'll', giret theiti morning, noon and iligti4 sand' inArbli , long, 0014 nigbtSOf WillieTi.tillEit ° before bed , tirse.esyaboit pine o'c lock; , - is advisable : TMs, we ' 'al. Otte*, tliat ie,j four timed_ a diliyi.. 'Theatti :US 'quantity should :#e stellitiiur,boreicitid up' clean, yet it: thonlot:lie '. ugh to keep the stunk in.good, Oil; :0 9 1141 , - Lion. -No starving or bpi_ , feed o theft: Tbiedoie notpity:, . -• • , .'. .., _ . ~., ~... tAiiiilti .35. As [ its. -Sett • that no feiid tilizing ,materia ' is- - *Sited. 7 Dei , ieet the beet mein for iporeieint that quantity of ! rainure. Verytiffai that will groiii ortn blur grown -Onfi, Season, will rot oefbri the mita *ell composted . ; . • 1 , opat -Otano IPPa• ittittil4 - 0 - immequant amoral* • 1 • tv ii . • g l ir i mo ri yili piiiii:l"- - ''''''''..-- . • :. 126,p'er:inallrilat a 141 I . • . „ „ , , . ...r , _ . 78 ._144ki11. S.. 1 1 #4 4 0;, PAr s AT liar beatha - eliicitr: . PoVgill - .4 , 1-vif. i):::. 7.•...1,, , ;:,_111.:::•.. ' - . House, _ lIN CS IN Wurrite.- 7 goine shoats, reallY.cmght . end dry" apettinkeig - titer: Th'eir :th'inproz affords them linVittAle NM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers