i W*ins4Sto • laJkdvanoe T"' it $2 00 per annul -Letter* and eontri 3nti6m,' by promptat^entiol. ■ , • r-1;; J.'s. RUTAN &Co. E di. &.Pro’r«^J PO3CTICA.Hi. . ~T. •••' i 1 ; ; ■ [from, thrßonnd Table.] i THE ! AT&ir 3 DB • Vpirr, hundred thousand nedr 'i V The brare, the good, the Iruhij HB V»ngicd wo6d,,in. moiijp taini gli ' 'on battlo'pfain, in'prison pen, ■ r doadfor ina and yoi, I , thousand oj pie hr ’ jjare .made our ; ransotn«d, loil tbei 'forlme and you 3 •. ; ’ GooS friejni, fornni an 1; ... i •' tnmany a fevered" ' l ßym an y ■* blaek.bayog i,j n mas; a cold andfroien iTbe weary sentinel ceased I’ And died for me and yoii ,j Freni Western plain to occi SjUe stretched the graves .c: .■( for.'me apd yoi!. “ f, - : ! Good friend, for me and., -1 . 1. 1 ' - L'\ . iOn mnyahloody plain : Ih«ir^rca3jßßords t thej I And -poured t heir life-blop 1A home, a heritage to gait J, To gap for me and you I fOejr brothers mustered, by ~ j They marched and fought j formeand you 1' • j |Qok friend, for me and : [ li j, star a' fortress wall.'' j i lies chargcd-j-lhbßO bo' <;'J/c charging smoke and'to •Tie bravest, were She first I \ To fallfor me and you ! those coble men,—(|be nat four hundred thousand fn i For me and yon ! i'Oood friend, for mo and lii treason's {irlson-hold . i -'' - j Their martyr spirits grew : Tij stature, like, the .saints if old, ffjiile, amid ag ojiiea untold, • (They starved for ifae nm you 1; The gooil. lhe patient/and the tried, Fear hundred thousand men have, didd r Fprme,and you 1- • ■ J faood friend, for me and you! Jkfdebt we ne’er can pa; ....n'j; J’othomia justlydue; d to the nation'* latest Oar children's childrens! {“They died (or lire' and ; tjour hundred thousand Of ( Made this <tur ransomed st ; [ (for me and you ! . ' | CdSif icnd, for ,ihe ‘*h' ■.H i I ot'jlhc _ i . : ■ J L f Noyv.lirigh, ®n Sou vicinity we to favored with a lecture (rom ilho iiistiWguisiied- Eng lishniiri- (oriillor,' traveler cmipliilan tluV/jiKi), George Thompson, 1 ■who'-for a pe *iod..of six 3 ears r< pcooujed one '•* 'H‘. c largot constiiueneic-H* of Great Britt.m in" llib English Parliament, jino tyvhoso labors for up wards of thir (y years in behalf of 110 downtrod-- den, despised and frien floss ; African,- 1 lihfrojKo.D zealous; unremitting unliri mg ai;.d eminently ■ " - T% title of bis ieef lire was ‘-The dlifto y of My Life from jYcarto Year.'’ Hifl vj tie, however, was! not,liidicati.ve: -yl the real subjects discussed by the jeciiujir; it formed buttb 9 background of Ihe canvass pn which, were portray 'd m language,’ chaste, eloquent and' . hrcibp. atromline ofUf migiiTy r( j e . f'iatiohs in public sentiWioni,(the vast toward; b largei* liberty that t.arc, tiakd, place in the Anglo, Saxon '•Qrjdjin the space of a single geneva, '""'i' .'iP 'vliich.. be bad b Jen an‘actor. Jle jKus. the chosen clianjpifjn bf vho t{ina’ii|ipatioii Society of ,»in, a id. iuet jin public!discussion in nearly | every towrf au‘d city : of that wustih- tbp hired traffic-era in human «esh, i professional and accomplished disputant. . ;i *■ , 69 visited the United States, at the U T k‘u?r U Mr - Garri ion,: to labor ®ebalfof.thd cause to which he had constated; his fife, in 110 y«tr !834 , 711 Sat [such cohlrol had the ■ sentiment, at thiat .time,' 1 public mind, that in tbhty-aix ..“rs tiler ho landed in* tho city of - ork be jf a * ordered to quit llid llij. ll w hich:bo haci taken-lodging. ...m 0 * 1 front to Ndw England and, cih ,n [? „ . lt) deliver a lie turd in the Jot 1 Boston;- buf.thd puritarf »i'y Mras deeply infected with pro si a ul y r T rl UBaB lhe Commercial Bmpori »n p T° l cry was rf ‘i* et that be was i!irti»T S '• em l Bsa ? y ’ seeking jto over fclea 1 J? r i! nB l’ lul i? n ‘l inob assenrv hWsoJf ake bi» lifei - H«-ih<H»oit»led wus ih^n ■ -haiSbii.: d c — 8 PT™? 6 to the •Silrmdh I?® 1 hnJt wdKch twlin • k ,n ? k,ack iw Albion, and: ■ fi^tiLt"f omirii£,Uir ?'BF‘o^etfita visit l Rn^i lh cl )ange-at,hiB prhsetit Oltl p.L ul lb j h * ' v «B ;W-elcM»ed to the' Ofirern ' .' her distinguished. *« bot hy a Ameril *SW lhe Fede’rfii n . BU , e 3 u S r > l )S . veiled dtlivefi p r o? ; ,f 8( v l r ti '4' r befope oun • £ l' b T o,n > f H ° th - bollownw > a v*-* on - [ * T| IAD.i- irgrarra. yon! eamp, ii» tra imp; an tidd V f thoaewho jrntt r ltdretf, .. )d,.Hltetiie train, i iur side. md bravely, die,: " ‘I. >« in blue— Ueyedball; to ■fill'— I iou’a pride,— ■ > j ion bare died <_■ : f ’ v rl you 1 day :,1 ill ahallfcaj, ron!": the brave til their grave j-8' Jon,!'; ; feous, I n the izeng I'So f-b<js..j»q; „ IT' i '-“v* v, •• > ■ ■•X ,i >| 7 -i-\ i iH- ft* LEM . j i ! .ri "t i 4|-‘ r 0 1 1 • tupitivol— ttt dj lecturer iy tW l if’co'nira iDnbretf'gdwJtTt ... iry (6 tbe : ik«lf. : satisfied; self-sufficient “Jobtj Bull”; in generii. hadj kept fiiiself informed of thd r»ftturd fi|nd progress of Ameiri c^ c ' Society, «dd displaced a knoWl edge of oar theory ofgovernnWnt,bnp lOStituriohs.parfiesj aird pollute,Whibh ■would' bocreditable lofiiDO' J‘to the' mbmir born.":T i. flo also Spot a oftbe Mtitntleoftbe Engliskpeople inottr date ilkggJeU that, tbfcttrisiecrttc^.v^itjiafewhanOr, |bl6 exceptions, ■ and son 6 commercial wLose p jcuniary ntereiU were identified will Cotton and Slavery, hoped ;and so far as they could [worked' ♦or Southern ndeoendence; but the honeßt . the heart off the ha tiohr beat in at isou With Lite rty .-amt tbeUnionV *i- ■;■-•■.,■■ . 1 R owing l tribute to the progress and prosperity of Out cbuh> try, and'nOjv that We bid'got rid Kf| | B |“f ■ cr y l , acedrt ed the j redd' pro mi- j rnence,' which bits heretofore been the rain t boast 6fAmericanj-'‘The bebt | country, the be it government, and the largest Ijbcrty’ in the woi id,’*- f - M . '’[fbe pr^jUdi'ct;agkin6t t eolor i i Ame'r ira was sn exci-csence of slavery; uii ;^ aa _ o n tM>ly- r irkuown ir. that'il Was art insult loihreefourtbs |of the ipa’pbfat on of ..tin i world; that the abodes of a icient science and art h*cii,of‘dhrk cbinplexipug, and it , whs' j a'j duty Arh itloA'i)wed to berseltj in view- of her profissions, her itspired De da'ration it Inrlepehcl dice, la plate jllinen on an equality | before tlie.-laiwj regardlesaoicolor. J r j iTho lecturer, also gave! a rapid, arid | exceedinglyjintlereatiug aceounjt of in j overland journey iho; once mkdo io jibe fabled vratei-s of Gangbs. the I land, of Jugerhiut and Ji nglesl of iblo fiercest and ! wisest of tin animal cre ation.: j.-...i - - J:-; .,■ __. I! ■ Y !As ait the vnsticbangis effected l by time, ho said that two bub drod years ago Queen Elisabeth, bf England, tent an Embassy to the Jib* gal of lhativatt countrj, humbly be seeching'His Majesty o nlloV hbr subjects to bu y (or exuhangbj- thejir JbauufaotureS) for the jfipet articles, -the skill and workmans!: ip of Ihispeo- P)®- [Pb®. prin ’# graoiouiiy grunted; privilege, liftiej dreaming jthat in. less:'ban two centuries rho .successor of that bumble petition ir would bo n P. 8 < V re3B °f all Hu vast dominions, j i i-'More forl'jiu to than reformer* in igenleral, be has, lived to son almost it e |ful) fruition of, his hope* iud liberal first, the Enianeip'aiionJ Act .jofi .the :±.(iglisb Parliament, wblcb hbolishod Slavery ,lbrougho/nthp- British DrL millions; and .next bur jite sfruggll!, j wii!c!i culminated in the overthrow Jf American Slavery.- I' i The above,!* but a ( U l. itbp remaiksfd the liceoi: Juj - er, who, 11) ■,.wo hours ter. in a iyomc •einailkihl peifs a:nf| di-itinrtnesi bff and' greati eliiqu eiifi* pf‘'di lained and iifstiuticdj.ap delighted htidie icr- ’ , I iIDKIFICtENT D OSXxiO! Dp.-A. G j W|lio;rc! Jdes*LPeirine.Mercdp • ■Wp , y‘« • and wdt kiijwn-as a.'b«» j troleum niillibnWis willikl a Ipbilari. citizen. ' During a rewntyisik ! to Philadelphra, Dr. Egbert snbrniUcd' 1 | to: the .raanugbrs ofj the Northern Homo for Friendless Ctnl Irth tho f.d rliJ ln M '? al y. ,i ! )cral profiosiTirm, riz; n h ? y irt 'to r ; i l| donate n tract of the best lifnjl In Meieor ecu nty, of 200 acres, Jrbr’h j 830,000, arc will 'erect to cost lot lessthah i SIOP.MO, capable of accommodating from four to firfe hundred chililron.-S Jfr. Watson, another p jilanthropib cilizeriJ (»f 'Mjercer counly,.,wil'' .cor.U’- tribute- an additional -£50,0000.7 The?' orphans of Soldier* and Bailors will fiijid in jtliffp ihmiJation nil theepmforts .^.?. h^ rae >* ,d 80 wil ! »iy friendless children. ground ft r tbb edifice be broken early in tlbe spring,— The control of the iimtiliUion * to ha' nrider tho joint auspices df the North e 'P Homo of Puilad_.elpbia.and a Loan!' of|.officers to! be chosen from Wes.terif Pcnn«jjlraoia. ■ It is dcs gned to be * great Wpstern ifistitiitipn, °P.? n id friendless -children from all parts offthe Stiite. : > ,i v _ls\ .' Eli oft It“ was Hie -1 abii bl' Lbf{d Eldori. when attorney general to . doae^his ‘speeches with some re-, marks justifying-Ifii own 1 chsinetur - — Atgbeftriul of Hofho Tooke ;sj eaking t kM 9 ? w, .‘ *bpijtatioii, ho said: “It ii the e inheritance I .have t!o|eayb myeßraren,'|amf ’i'wilL IMVb itutiimi paired.” .lipro be shed teats, add; to the- astonishment‘of those present! Milford, , the solicitor general!, began to weep. “Jn»Vjook at ililfoi i d,’ , Baidi a by-standerl-to Horne TopfceJ ‘‘What on.parth is. ne • fop f* Tooke replied, “Hejls t eying ! to think what # 1 itt;e inkeri ta noo Eldon’s [child:'en are Jikelyytjp get."! j ; ; v ‘ f A ;NoT,jSuia a Had ■ Placb I -7-Benaregafd has come'« fgipri that jiiejrtj- aro, vyor i live than the United ; £ jj-ecent {letter! be says; ini jbrdw -to<eaokpo‘ tbd be npnbeijn fanatic s.d.tlmug '»«g a ; tefegoin Brazil, ifaa pa j'feti?f mentis expressed I ■Jotfn?6| .tb.wiptf‘'ihfe” Bob great ma af. other A«oij fed* sod soldiei s, j Ur remain I I prefer tp liyb here, poor tpff, po[ endowed ifba ricne# Vh |8 foreign ECM ),. -ic' b;Hfe.|ifer ". Ji I -. MI I 3 #■ ’ il safe - • ' jF ".. }'■ ‘ o; : ‘JijK. £pnaws«iU( . Ifb f pi aolicol part p! Mi! Seiia or- Snmnorfs article in jtbe D^iaber r kf/ fpSlpWa:. : for.Jibe indWii give* Jj is easy alßo for iJ tpijfb'o generous,/But J&rf otfatij esjmuiii'ijot bp a Ipilc iftust Kpt bp-.il 4®s i® C ala ancient tytpiirijy J»Sf« P®. R. Blirpondog's Tug There is a, (urniliar saying fia |r Rp« B ».j"!ft«cb; w addr 9W j‘iipju«t he fore you-a re ißplmii ti) all before you. ar lo 4Mje few. ißp just to ll only> bblfj rescued fromoppi forjl you* are generous to Op, not ini precious ; jliprauler iu thegf) Tnljemar i de fieaux, of ; wh said* (but be built.churcho paying h s debts, O ur for ticsnow are to pay our those.aro 'two-fold:—first, ;t tipfiftlj jneij; and, aeson national creditor. ... these ftbaious : prgtiitcaliy. Alehijd can t duty >f a amenfy can jnstiP Therefore, in exercising -ih power :.o ‘ paj4»o at this oati i.tpunjry, several cundii ' bo|kbiepded. • _ . ■"‘•"1 .■ AxSa general rule, traitors, Who have buttled i ponnt y, must not bo pe ° n ®®i without probation -o resu'ilic their ojd places of power. 1 Such a concession cl.es,idy against every sng con'ijiion irlenaojand .presided clete ri >r - sa|n> it so, wlicit,addr fellow ciiizens;t|f Tennessee, ISSjlj iC Jail* ; •*1 suy (Ijj' etiu'nld take a back scat in ; ofijijestOTiuion. 11 there bo thousand i nienl in Tcr.r.essci iion.loyab to free 00 ! true and fa shoiild control! tlie wiirk of r.ndrciorr nation abscl 4*. j Especially are ru bom lion jof justice, ant. 6en i:!!R°ui of honor,.to see : I i traitors wiio lia r against their country are ml to rkle tlin. constant loyalist i whiteor black; embracing tl freed men who, have been oi and allies. . " I ketlbelligorofttf raito slowly And captiously l * ie 1ft * t ‘ rt |g nt y of cjtizonsh belteji| that they shoiilcr wait hcl-nnty be impei ille sole,nt,|ob igationa. whether I tionul freest n or the naln •tor. d.j J '' ‘ 1 ‘ j 4 jjjLet jpardonij’ issnooiilj I #actOfiri*j ~BT u ri” 'eo that'.'the I who, ||ius been engaged for | murddpir.g., our follow ciliz s u fld|i llhc equal -rights,'eiri •iitical 1 ,! of all mop, accordii principles af tlso Beclaratioi -pendence; that he phall pkd f to lh| sup jori jof j the iiatio ajid, il! ho ho araortg tlio lurw MMfln set apa steads'lbr ill hisfbeedmen. ' I , “ T Mt true >Vay is easy. cominWhj sense, j Sacking to : P Hp not fash Lipanamtl aider how of . w honoir|isl bound; up %vith the securtl.v! and »ho haliona ft -that juritilj these are died • change BglricuUarfa, cornineir |,dus.ltj| p| ail kinds must stiff J oaii|:n6t jst:iy wljer ( ojustice Emigration must avoid a dan by thojj spiri t of Colt .iWill refuse to grow until lui siired Jits |usi, ire Ward’., By eoiisequonoc, . same b Which pas) drepbbed the land wiil,continue to Prevail,.wit outrage an'd the J uaurrec tion ruija; ,1(10 ) national 1 bo thouai'or will Weakened.i But th [d>laiii to ny'cld these ealumiti low common sensei and obta unties aoqihjenautate with th Bo this Without delay,,so thi ty and. ,'ee(|no!liatipii may uoi potied, 1 ; | Every day's'delay is the national wealth and ir.ju national trisdsuryvi But it;. guarantiesjeaniidt Jooblainec the'n at least po.npono ail prei render to ,lbe oltgai 'chy,trust! while tp.Prpyidenc a for prole 1 loj tint|j,fOr tbpi. awakened, ' justicejljlbtricjburpai jty which! the: eiid] jgMrjjil,, And, fini care hi t; lo .ra'sh from Cha: Scyli«Jfj!:| ■' \ _ ."J'." j Hi oujlL'no elf iplUncd juc-- ttmi si quaiS le- forji clear - anicdlutiot, JlionJ chUjit iUonVivo ami . ■ • m. • QtJARREtLtNa r-. world Ukfill make I except pilicjliing! hii of a dopiyjjt is dWi rel. 'Mi] -l man' evei of hi m'self kt(6p tli \ grades bim;?n the a ■'what l» jfofse, it i ties on the biie had •povrei- t : hof‘biner.i' 1 | TWp peaceably linU dnle betlerfdriOlii weigh man •eheoiss yon.lqnii .if he is' bait iif; he slarftldra roif It 'that'^hoi!'pjrie Will' 'matter WHa bii|i|4i 1 yp'd .the: fop ithepplB|iiDthini' pbol, calmj qdielj wa t the wrong*] we meet' .'■T .if 'll Atil Apt rfhe concjur *e,, place*'iio : latof ln* Lt on e timft, tred <ibf the b,t„oL«fce4t » ill 4 gejjrv toPreMderit, ■hern state* ‘her rate officers il/oiiitdnna. andjlfbrgoi withhorior niftf." > ith . }. ’ i ■J.jjfii.-i ;.p *- h’J < M| J ;.*:{• or' i'la-f.'iqa ■> - Um\ MEM Li-" i,'>> F■' iX ‘ > j--'" 1 .*; :.'si -• I: h 4 •” -’•tlSilc^oaß f anythin ft* i finder in nestionubl jrfails'tbt an - btilore fight of bt : ?lu ntf* liit* - (land incr |l» ; irrnthb |rnth : is, t etlyifrege ibors; It. Hiller Vifiiu t deaiing v l hfis'comfii taketWe: believ'd ti {iqw hi ib iftleHiji ; better tl ijl'of'dMli l-w.i •*: i.— ■•{.•jv'.-'? ,u I ■ = jjXcf! s . fj: .~~i iU ' ""■*' i.l f-f* * /i’ N* ft* poribhil ’. j-eM)lel6|o%^f the.foHo wing joxtrfetof i Utter frpto . ]i row tin* heeh bnCb -'mine. i tr iiA 01 -^^*W? 6 ®f«t iwjfetf the! tdiv n hie tragedy dccuAed.ahif;' of cbartb' e *l ,s ™;• t far Jnorap' llfiavfi itfig loving' aha &Af> tfd bf ftdehikaMJ ahrt my dear bdys tto besf sons ivoro over biased; ■ WtfntiJ agu.nf lHliali: bhajtnh j*aee,of Bl ,e™tio". ? f /"T £r|£ 'Knhwibg him as you did. I am Stfe yob ran pardon I 1 ?!* apprecia^;.A-ilf«^;great-Borrow j)ver so untiraely ■ ; ? : : i ' - ".* '■'■’■ ; ■■ '■),■/ !•• t v t-:'L ; ■;• ! rTj, . -.•■•, *. , ■_ ,!,.*}, ■ I wish, ym YM have Wt> witij my dear.busWd the last three, i-weekikof}- his life. arealizmg .ficrse jlia.t the bnnjipral rebollion was rear o most of I the time a«ay from Wm*hiugton where bo h&tfcpassed fhrjYffhJ' such veprtflictk of mind during tM.lak four years— feeling, so qncqurhg|4yhh freely' g ave r to ,hU qbqei:i||heW ’ Down & tlio Pole mac; be via* atjhost Ihoyis bin hia .f r roe of hia orrgi nal nature,; as 1 i#»eo.bered him -in our own borne, frejr froin care, sur rounded by those hVloved. :V v |. That tirKbiw ttoyefW him so supremely dh'eerful. His man ner wiisqvon jAv tblree o ol’k he drove out with (hO irt lhe open car riage. | In aibed him: ifany one should aeeorhpapyus? • He fmtne diately replied: ‘>J{o, lj prefqr to fide by ourselves, }o-day/’]% the drive he wail.so gaytbat lsiud to him, laugbingty: ‘‘Dear drbsband, you al most startle me byfyour'great cheer fulness.” Ho Well 1 may feel so, Mary, ft)r|l «,nsider'lhis day the way has edme )tO r B n*'isey’ aM>l then added ;.“Wq tnuslbnlhho nsc)re cheerful in the fuioje.hißetWcon the war and loss of oufdaflingWiJlie we have been very np?|efabre.’’:p Every word he then n uenjd Udeeply rngra yriwi on ray poor, bitten heart. In the evening his mind dHOT; hav ing iloipe relaxation;i?j- ** -. I:firm ly believe that if remained rn the White Hoqsc| ; «lh?tbiU ? night of darkness, when ifto&etnls prevailed. pieces;- Those fsd; loowhgcdn ’ lemplbled iliis to have allowed Into |o|b'scnpe.; Ittor. and MEM >» moral- of, nnderthe \vriiie t Is as (Lual to for., Ilepepubjic I Qf ! ’ p (license j le; rccogni-. ipditmuai ■atitude witHlte issed to us jjtenerong I e raiilions reunion, be* tb.eireraei litftte lbul tilery ot.oß ipm it wae ■ » wilbbat •smoardu iobts, and ;> ;the na— ily, to the principles o it. ; No rdpjiiatico.- ibuautjful nornent in (ions must >elligerent gainst tltp* 'milted: ut* •, trial, to trust ami • would bo g&uion .of l Johnson' efsinghis , Juris 10, • t traitors the work s but five is. loTaVj lb dom.loyal tlilul uion reorttahi lutely?J nj.br eVr ..by every, to it that ■obaalbd •t allowed >,,whe*,b|o‘r iv recoct ur. friends ‘B * t>o pe— 'back into lip. 'lt js .|,liian the e fl, op ou[r. ,o tho nu lioal crcd- > Take Care or Yo.t 4— A notorious New Y] who was lately seaf ti ; * :J : on palis‘ applicant,' ; years in (-■ns, shajl | and pn kj ' to liip of Indo ;e himself ial '■ debit o holders. rt‘ honioi | PoHow[ ivoid onei ijer. CoriJ or lb anq; [naiionatj’ rtli* anif ’beyond l : e and in ir. Oapi.. is denied j 1.. blasted’ fpi, ; ifself for 'is As- ; 4 natural' on fori bis misdeditfsj bis niArvciloffs adroit! lifting; was. requested j tret of iiis success, wl ing. among other dij made. | We publisli tli bo useful to those wfe tafko a.feint; .j ■, ...j jj ; “I nCvur,” skid the piok-pbeket,!* at tempt the pocket of ap old resident of the pity, hut uniformly stahgors and countrymen/’ But on being asked how he distinguished them, he replied' ; “very easily,” and gavh (the following list of persons who urp their victims. . - “Persons in on. omiyljas i who lake out lbe.il Jpocket-broka ufjef the Those’wlfo stop tqr ; .chiVerao'on the sidewalks’ ot thofuiigiifk 'es,;or to take out pocket*Hookf atltlio bo* or pit Of I fice of theater, offices. ■All those who stop ; shop- I windows, or: ePuilt./mpT»ey tor show pocket-books inline 'fueet, br’pull :in> At the Funk auction rduitjß. i'AIJ those arO| our common : 1 li I find a man eating oysters orifrnit, or carry *VB ap open knife ip tfeb slr»|»t,in nine *l ra onl of tcb he.irl jii ebnl and ;we victimize hifn. ; Peripns o-hd,stand op, in a theater or'island io'l cross walks.: [are generally coifn'ry. folks, and we make sure of. thetp. ;[ , i ; V -Thcs: shrewdnesa of these observa* tions of the pieje-ppeket must be ob» vh/as to all. city p4ople,|.and accounts, ■for the remarkable fact.l that the.’ city ’ presidents seldpra suffer by /the opera tions of theseJight* fingeVod gentry.. . Top M Vyafd gets off the followmg/in defence of the “old map-" ~ B v : 1 1,. “Our bhllad-writere'/put ,tcb much thoiber Jii Thus' Wo irbarism , in blood »1 wrong, i>f an op iiimu will oil power !!( way is is. 1 Fol» in guar* j danger, iti Becurv „bo post » loss to •y to the icjeqqale at once, ebt, imr igniean- :iioii,and sqnse of Iqiastjn illy, .take | y bdis ,lo I il , . *qtf ~, ... pave j'Deot mbtßer,' I’t< oomchome to di© * —“MOtlier, is -thjf ( - 3attl©Jovs? ?” I~ '‘M<jiher,. dear, t 6 pra ■ i for mfrff-' “Wriib ii Iftte# to niy jmdtbW/* ■atio.' pjher nii>tit «ii beardanathletic 3fhidpJah irthistrel dfabaily : bleit,, Mother, k|s6 thein mjr dt&ariis’jail, as though abo woald ! :di)| it i uiuil lio 'yashted the; ‘etjjfKrirtto ffns|We.A mottibr is agond -ihinir. Wit hoot moilierg, |n tact; 1 hi© would %6 nn^lbas. a nt - , Bur why aiihj; the |ijniaterHal p'i rcn t'srneri tssd • pdwts tonify ,1 and 1 in , ‘ ' WW>‘ : ‘npl .yaipy, M'f 1 ' ■ "8* diti ppca sionij|y prodtiiftfa |'i|hc^OrtU > o ■ ;-!lf w 6" rh 04 1 » itijf' about Parents, Ict us ((V ’allrinijan© give the-“old man” a:^han'<b.^ > | i ’ **• im ijie il {badly, lie crack ’ a quar nrtk lcs« ■ltdi leM.nnd, ifetiriibllf. ■aseK the iliiy '6ll >e|mofe t oh,'the iiifleca ilyjanU o liveao im’jf No' misusee n ilone; liitthiH Osfe atpijtr :»xoliiin>je«j fenhghtebWimreutl'ci ‘jhjr Miemibit^» 0>:-Jokpj| au i^?r ; °l * I tiitri;e wiot j ? n “ ; 6f| W or'cest ill MEM pit Pocket-book. br kpick-pocket. jo being noted for .nose Jn pocket,* 1 jto' reicitlihe sc ’jh'jiK the: follow tjsdosures, were akUkely 1° o nro'lwilling to from-the far* V hr inform jWoreoaler, dictionary ralnra j>aace, J II : j. : mcm e^.-.?15j3rn.5- r i !; Vi[ H'Uj; =AT 'l l * 4' 1 . !:.••• •, o . . • m - jirOl! i| : i L2_-'> 5> //ft ' LtE.lliL'li- v? .'f-'y-Ty i »^-lipopa, *f «?«.SW<&#?& of ,&f ,Coiftaer,i fa fll&r bs»elfj£, f njoalruci; j PH* •WBMjy.-fl® doubt coDHrdfln lift a l, 1 to^cjjwndiotir !?^, r Ps&d bw a%ps i.f, inito tif.o Ilfedate wanoan.she did Racked ell as a fooli.Hli tbnig and lh;o jpi<9 if.-ft yw;ppn»et punishment.l| ; , n id .JweFdes all this; We think it proper that not bnly Mr«. ; Col P V>aaU)i. Me#resj but Mr. ChlqUcl an Hearer, and. the tittle Means d M ot p work, and 'learn, bow I bread is (hat in proclired bv r -We do it. up.NoSh wd ifin’d lt : n P; hardships.- jls Mrs. Colonel Gaij ldn jMeares any better tban ihe tbdijs and]4 of Northern ladies, Who tebcli. i”. 1 ?! A* should | make .siiob, an edp oyer [i? Bba-, wen t dht' for • w6dl jind carije, back shorn—let her make the r e^;‘!f^ e r iflip/fUon: aiid iliank itiie f'°rjJ that her lather's niggers earned enoigh t°. K ivb her accomplishments, out tot wbjch she can/earn, even at tbi« late dayman lying. ji f bai ■|>«i m fToij M-j of; yer one Gv sH.o ayr A. INTERESTING' ; INCIDENT .~Con ncotjed with Ithejlrecont,loss! dt itfae schooner NowJersey.and > the Baying Of her crew of six persons and a dog, is 'an instanceaf canine sagacity which Julljf equals tfje olio relateddn relation & J he hooper’s ; bor&.; When the Hleainship Grenada touched the. wreck •or V-*. 0 RPrpojKf ©flaking offlhe crew, tlio Utter/who had been witiioui lood or Jwkiejt.; for oyer llmtyj-Six; bofirs. > }'»u n (jj!j|ing on the ldreifch. Uh water fond completely erliaust- Tiie dog,vr«aj the on the watch! fond 'fa» soon |as he ld the Grenada, he rushed for* |,bit the Captain’sfootand whined iusly—-evidently;' for the purpose ell * them rife approaching Thin he repeated' the second before the whistle of theßleam* aroused the trow to their danger. lent,: from; riwjfaot that thg craar i f ecided to kill the aoi|blar •Mowing morning,to sustain their a Utile longer. • " • |- j! I •• ■ r' . LLJ. j■ i “ T ETALiAriNG.-l-Horaco jilayn ird ’*»» ‘taodirg in one ot the Jhoiels, ftbe olber day, when -a tall, Tennessean approached him,' do Waldo, Colo jel Maynard I arai'delighted to see,jouloOking sojiwell-, air!” 5 I .“I ought tp recognize you, air*, I presume; but 1 don’t." ■ j , ;|; i “V r by, Colonel,! |ypa ought to Ire member me. You’ve metl meoften , enon ?h in Uasbvilltj, wlterejl live.f “Y e«; sir,” responded Maynard] in biaie )lde«t and snakiest manner. ij**l. lived in Nashville two yean. I was attached to the administration of Gov ernor Johnson. lpsssedftb<Jutthe street daily; but if: I.had beisn a Jew, covei cd with the nib&jt loathsome lep. rosy- froth the crown of. my bead Ito the i ole of 'my foot, I couldn't have bpen more studiously avoided and ab horred by you citisens of Nashville !” pardon seeker didn’t think advisable to ask Maynard lakoj.-hargo of his case 1 ANjjrnEB.NEW^IANKLoCK,— A,l[iv Zale, Jr; of Cincinnati, has its ■ cently invented and introduced [ai new jiatenjt double and | jungle' bank I (ot ic, which is a; triumph inf scientific! a id mechanical ingenuity. It combines two locks ic one; ench'of which of e ratosjtheVame boit.making it perfeqt- against mi'sing the cdmbtn atidnJ or getting out of order. It is absolutely , secure against picking! ar poWd ir, and proof against beingdrtv en off tbidoor. {Tlje^bre,drtorinight latch, drawer, and other locks.irith paten; flat keys,; are as, difficult to pick t k most bank locks, and'ttie‘key itself i'a a wonderful 1 contrivance, re commending iholockh.on thalaccount, to any ore is opposed to the did fashio aed cumbersome article.! , vv.'s ti'V'JT- •- v -i, •, Aj» La pi leranc admin dent) I h» BPI apeciit wornu jheafri" ail' hi# Butter hail di not an epecl than New<l (•_Vfiopl tftlrok Npamocs Sheet.—^Tbeinfamo Demwrai ijontinncs 'tjie Jt. ;p pfita diabolical senlirnentsrir. lit ion of the assassin of Presi-#' liineolnv and Of the ostise which i red- The follpwihgis a Idte iiao'r ::> i‘.T.Jj€fref.» not a mail ,j»r. i r whodne» notlrom ithe jin most respect John Wilkea Booth .with trime, mope than theydo Bein. .. the thief and renegade> who •graeedtho nation, Thbwt I*. hbiiest man who'dOes . ndt-rfer the people of- the;sSoutb' more! is dobs, theranting cowards of waning ante of. the. Iffest. People r ad rayery.hnd bapkod!by ; fcineiples freoly ' : v-»* .■ .' 14>^V. : 3PATCH tothoNew ‘Sork'Bernld the: number of rebel- prisoner* xf and -paroled faylbe-JNat tonal during the.,war* amounted; to 1 1. -The-immhereof Dnibii ilaptnredfaytbe jnbeU-during i tfiharafaefan l^jOOOi hones -A'di iwye’.'b t-aptnr : forces! 329.C01 on ere - ftfcfil’ JSiK: , '■ •' if:- - j ■ 1 *' -■— : i*-V - -ffij •■««?<l» t- ;i ‘r ; -j'r 1 ' H, ■•'*>£ ; ; f--,..< ••••: fv4jv‘4 ; ' '’i:' ■ |fr' , |*V •; -■■ ■■-■■>• ,■; -j ; ’^■■;- v.. ; V:« ••!.• -V ■■cj| !i-jf~ "’ll'' '• tjtUUiU-git 'U-r ,■■■, il> >A(V;\ ■ktf -i-i'.. 'nuii/'f l' 1 - "' > V'i ■ii'-l ibrf V..,i 14 sf!J , kastabliehea abSis Beautiful and True —la a lata article in Frazer’s 3Taqa*ine, this brief,; , j beautiful pasasgeoceurs: ‘‘BducaUoo ,[does not commence with the Alpha • bet. It begins with a mother's look —with a father's smile of approbation, |or sign of: reproof—with ; a sister’s ■ge.ttle; pressure of the hand,,,"or a brother's noble act of forbearance—• | with a Landfall of beautiful flaw* ora in; grepn and ‘ dafay. meadows— t with bird’s) neats' admired but pot ■ touched — ; w|tb creeping ants, and al j mostimporc|eptibleihaecta—with hum [mmg bees and glass bee‘■hives—with j pleawinVwalksin ahady. lanes, and j with tbpßghls. 4‘rected in sweet and kindly tones; and words tojnature to, acts of benevolence, 10 doedsof vir tue, to the source of all good to God 'himself,”: i ■ •-.-h ~i : Reynolds, and the Orphan.—A lady.applied to !the eminent philan thropist of Bristol. Richard Reynolds, on behalf Of; a- )little“ orphan After be'badgiven liberally,‘she said* “ Wjien he iS.old. enough, I .will, teach himvto. name, and:tbapk bisjbeuefac* tor.” “Stop,’’ said the. good man “Thou art inistaker,. We do not thank the clouds ror rain. Teach • hifa•; io‘ look higher,' and: thank Him wlio giv eth both the clouds andtbe raiti” -U Johij Quinct Adasls has boouolect. •**J to the -Legislature from,: Qalrtcvl Massachusetts. He is an Adams of the fourth generation, Infellectyefy rarely descends as in tbis stock. John Adams'| was [President; John QuiOcy hen, was President;''Charles Prancis Adams, bis son, is MinlaVer tO 'b*.Court of [St. James, and' John Q. AJnfas,| bis sOn, 1 comes pp to shour that the original qnalilies haye not ran but yeti • .Jr J _ ;T : : . .Military jf attcbb .isi' Bpssia.— Great acliviiy bat .been observable©! lace in the military and 1 navildepsrt merits at St;'Petersburg. The Xnape- have lately b«bn travel ling from oae of thecountryto .anot^ei 1 .,f0t thp.purpose of reviewing troops and,' examihing fortificaticbs, and the array'iskepl- ’constantly In moVenn mt at | a very great expense. ■ -: A cibculaßv signed Wm..P, Craig. hilt r CapteUipf Engineer*,, Baltimore, Md, announces a movement :wbi(jb [ baajuat bfcen inaugurated to at W«ist Poirt;a monument to tbe tnem. oryjot Major GenetalM^PbeTeott;:Jl£i i" proposed -tw deposit, the remains' of this lamented ;and gallan tfWSoft at West. Pitot, if bia,fneudswilt permit • jUpon a iiinb an 'irifFman and a wbtfccrfb ♦x'claiiued; f frybh black; ra*bal! cry Ii «id tbs i; „»i !. „ RIM ’ -Eiiauga PBraiDtfrd Johk«ok .*—ThefingHsb.pnpera are jb«* fbipk* that bivdOTfl ibW : Biiyffi ind' tK*'libld'lifcertkiJty 'ofhi*poSrcy, ! art not libalytobo invain. ThaNeus W.9W-SM ||l#4mtfrl JTbft, Xdeafaph Baja it torching rsßaKd to thobehOversinati outworn'diplo.? Whcyat®-* a r >spledilid Octonragomebl tatboae .WfaObelieTe.intbe. capacity of, #, free. pohpie t 0,.; select ,4t. rpteraj when. One aeopktjM* :wljf tanght tailor of £e«neiirsi; W 6t his s dirett ffnceriiy Of tforpose and ! hishotOely mother.' wit, oidsfairto aacoehd in a laakwhichmighthave, acirelyjtried the |>f a,,Riahelien. TKi imp, Henld tiy* ! that the Fretideiß hka ag-ecablj disappoiritha" atrilwafe ijfi-Yhs world" by'.'*; wiaeatid •tateamahliko policy, that -will i gieo him a high the pantbebn of American worthies: , ••I'IVW. Br THf. REBEttIOK —- The W&r Department compotes the number of. deaths in the Union ar mies si nee the^commeDce’ineet 1 of: the **f .3So,()pi),j kiidj 61 'the Southern soldiers at ?25iOQO,faking at Jeaei .57 UvesVthat Hayobeen loßt.'W pai t or the costly price paid for the nation’ll life. At Get tyaburg, .23,000 Union soldiers were killed; wounded or taken prjsondrs-- °nr greatest loss daring onecarrpaign crossed the ‘As{>idan ! until Lee’s ear* render, were about 90,000, Great sb were our losses, they were far below thoap iiiourred in European wars, ow« ing to oiir aaperior mejdical and sanl* tarj arrangements, and the care of the Government for its troops, ii, A Second Mows.—When. General SullylUtst summer, on hia, expedition to th<j Devil’a lake, passed Fort Bert held; quite | ;a number 1 of Indians had gathered'there to' see him aed make, peac-iei - They complained a great deal I of dry weather., and wished the Geri-. eral Would: make, rain the sarnie, as Father de Smet, the, missionary 'Who used to'see them, hadjdone. The (3ehi eral promised them his would 1 doi the beat he could. ;It . hsppened-dbat shortly afterwards a bertyy; thunder shower passed' flooding 'eyerytlijngi The Indians were Weased. End called the* General W- great/- medicine manßut they saidit waS a little too much at once, ‘/9 r ell,”7said’itVe helplhethingtpler it'smarted'!? ■ ; M=IIN WIZ= I *lfl it u g r~ r if<n' : tarn ’ ® nBin «J «i^^lll^Sk|.'i^^«r -iSdMlt' : *-lh U 4,-i RIM ...“•A i ■-■ijiviiigy b!7 . -:|-n ■*■. «< rtttno- •: Btouwji-flotflw talß»dty )*gfltt»N> teod-froattiew. ||t • # oEjr J suunal' i;ld so*l*, hohSßaJiarifd* in;wb mh-horees-ihcttst thrives srfidr* w*^:amp^ wßiWii racks u the akin juuk to sotteabsorbed byldi# baj--; an addition neither healthful nbMit* ,Tbd feed ?box ■ may .lbe.mtde equally convenient jwith iho riwk.'an’d is 6pln tolftbriedf tlieaticlftfbbjeSndna. It need Hptbe large,acdi irlhe bottom ~ made of slate allthorejectedfoddec cao beeasjly (>; U’- should. be|alioived to gaBsaniinprav;ad irhich «#ds i lscjjit\e i s J tyNg fJHgm&Mnft rtTbeWlfe' , many of g?eatvildtf?dftleh may-be kbettriUihrtod!- wltb-reriyilliiUa troable acd expense, wbiQO-willqMM* . decs rao*Ma'tprable effects.when,ctyAr. posted ana spoiled to’the ,?bjl dung. deciyed eaw.duot, bone*' 1 b«fc bristles, refine ’ leivea, straw: biota ofdifferant kJnds, i chfpe from the ahoo raaqo(aet.9ry a tire refuse from tbocouib shop, tpue tbsr vrilb numberless other - be appfied forthisplirposo; 1 &6' 7< faM mer-should manure them caO'Jje musiHicaiiiin ;nl ja-JUi]:*: ■■'. V thatrwould kick’’everythriigrtn piaiAi 4o the stable -that be l could * having ipopda jrt wfifppl n|,!aa^-haTng!i^ : cS«tnS tfelnfrd s ! hiid for^fkiek 'i liib it tori fuebsaelLt coTdjar; : sSb*iPj abont|two foeiilonff, by a strap. , oWh‘ wj&Tfjbtng-if lie £aKuot n*ittewe;aKAs> a! ,AShd^^^.t^ a mere’ Glnbi tbe^dftoasslonTit^iß®ijpnv the caropaiatlve Sweetness tion of the; different varieties ofdiotn,’ J).r, Isham said, that Ven6w - rpeal/iSben old, wainfof; tb^fiimVbilt^r'tai^b.—■ wh i an ji when injwjal; swat a kept sometime, [the abnndanea ol.ol|,badt» teodcncy.to bepome rapcidp-betce lha bitter 'taster of‘meat.' I 'f «a BEE ~ :i~ Onions ‘'Scarcely, loqmagh.caii be said in praise of quione (or fowls; They seem qdytor which do, mpstief fowje-g(e arid: inflanijatiOrt foF rthe Ahroalt.ejWß and head., onions are . They flhogld s !^#wly:ipfcW^ a viA. email,audition,.of corn mbai'ls iriTgE»“ i ■ r ' ■] &attf ‘ andUo/ikinfer .f »M.r jn.lake till It. I* u thin il fatter,.pad beat £ddft?g | rieritly; £n|d?«n V^l< Add a emgH t tijaerip jnbtl, ftf twP o£ dfefcllewr | °£!hj?99&flpaybrewed,- I say half » teacapfrii; Set !' will keep kirrri all ' j mdrhlugadd ateaspobofilof iaato'rat naj Bifted.oTer ; tbe top,and weßjlttoad in; If.aqnrj addmop* yhie to the be& lin'd of bttckwheat cikee^r vm.:r<u ~ r c: vf ■ J . .-■■■ b pis jfcjj r ‘.iPtOATikb , ;qourt£*)f j '/ wine. to.the taste,"kalf-, a 'oo'nno^of .* :■ puiVetfod' ".*&s£ littJa’ • currait' * Bbat i 4t&’eggs, , ' andadd itye batfpOnndotof tsdgariby ; j ■ njilk in a K6wl,\yTih,a place the' i^fi itfd-bn it • itt 1 • j i tolly arraMßdtf > . ■, ’ '‘."il ••■■> sAifei-.JS^s-rtS-ilopi ' I '■ :Mop?j> wgaw 2 IMalto-:■. ■.i fori every -10 tbs. of. tal|o# ■ dissolve it -i;. in" water be/ore ;ltiTloW:i<r*f jpiS’fnly ■■' [ j abd ! tbeji melt tbe:tairi> l # v !niw& atom 1 • With frequent atirnnaC; SSfriji' { 1 will -darify. and « ..*ftP«*®v*cmoat either faym. imper,. 1 op, .winter use, ali i f most aS goOTsA‘siiem tl( • ;!•. (Vi jjj. *...« ia[v.;.4 6i ..ixtlocfsi I- f Certain’ ior# in- J hofiee. i. I Kiieb'Been ft triea dcMibeM f 1 [■ tiniioa,eland l l rlwiys • ißiniio/ aalit ,yi> ;PJ&t &W3otoSrk *hefi #><& tfmsf «4, Wall, jp half jinvbqpf. igixo jiwdblre raatnder, *opr.- fihd, htis w&mwmsm ~, e :.:~? '!} '} 4 ,0,, V^V-V-J RI :L ■rr A 1 r ■■■' IS* MO IMM . }
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers