Tps»#SAipß3 JT. 8. v -'• ißrioM^i^jwraawoM- DECEMBI Liberal Inducements to Amenta i , v jAtt|rArgus. j ... ,' *..., ~ ~tfr j 'J . . .• . ! The ytar U drawing to aolote, end Mudou to InetfMNi rar Hot of enbecribere far next year. lA.prdpr to !do this that mu newpahtCribert mb# paying for I 860) thall rtcilVetho papP* forjAo balance of the; thieiPir frit if charge We will alep send the ■ AfsSk fir Sh a club of Are of more •dTtuet. raising * ijhrt ofteA fe *‘U «h tddition giro hiii thdhihtt free.l Any' eendlngus.a elaVtf twenty how tttbtcHbert, with payin adtMWe, iftiwill gbreithem, in tdditiOn ton Oopy of th* Aflrw’for |pne year,; “Bayiond’t lilS of Lihooln,” containing or;r 800 pagee, „ tod weU hPnnd. j A dollar and etTenty-ftre tents for oar paper girle ut arery email profit, yet wt art anxfou* tpextendour circulation, and will fttrtUh it ejtiithat ’price to .eluht of , fire or more new tube?ribert. ■.' V. ■ ; Etery person ahoiild take m county] paper ! and there art hundrfda in the eonnly who will is- tnbteribo if eplieltodS " We hope Agents will i go to work in ewyitownthip. We jwiU do pur best to make the Ary w a good paper, and - only ask ln : return a| liberal tupporti | 1 Oldanbterlbere who hart not paid up, must . do eo otforttbeendlof the year, or fifty eente additional will he charged. It tie about Oho Hundred and [Fifty Dollar* a nlpnth to ! conduct the paper, laid that amount hat to be i paid' in oath pnnotaielly We' dUUke to refer I to this matter to aften, but neeeesity re wi ■ v mLi - I ■[■, . . ; I jj ; ~'■ “ :■ _ ] J ' Tfi* statements of the Local ate so utterly. unrellable| that we mus . here* •after decline controvertingthem. 'lt : is nseless-to answer the.untruths and mistatements that;appear in' | tliat pa jer weekly, Talico.for inßtapcv’sotno /■%eeka since ttip controversy about jcextaiu illegal vptes said to hare been polled .in Beaver.! We proved conclu jiivoly that every material pari, of the statement madelin lhe Local vasnp ' true, and jyet time and again they re : peated the samp! fialHeh'doda.j It is : so on the Question of a new * udieial District, paving ohco answered the arguments and jeferied to the records in proof of our |allegatiode ) i wei have them repeated last week, [ Th > editor Coldly asserts that twenty-onn weeks Is all a judge in! this District devotes to regular and argumeut 9purLB,wb‘en there are twenty weeks ojf regular and at least twelve largumbnt or ad l jonrned Courts ‘every year; rr just so many;weeks. Now wh ry ■ lawyer and well informed i knows this toi be true; yet .this | gent editor denies it.‘ | A ..saye criminal business has bee i ily falling off'for two or threi fen minutes spout in examir . dockets would be sufficient | to trim of the falsity of his sit but the truth is not what he u In 1865 there was nearly> ,dou amount of criminal business, do in 1860 and 1861- | [ ' We wilt not pursue tbis paa| Iber, and our [readers will n not expect us to expose all I statements of the Local, as Ith a lie impossible, aid would re<pi less The writer jl paper seems to have no sente | acooubtabilityljand believes it! W as good as tbe truth. Ifl* murder| of Abraham -was the fetnltj pf the teachings of the Democratic-parly, or ofsuch men in that jthe writer in the Beaver Local of last Vveek. Not only does be . peek to blacken the memory of I the •ftihrtyred Savior of hie countryi bat be insaiu UW bereaved widow. 1 Be-. <ause Congress saw fit to appropriate tx> lire. I: Lincoln her'hasband's salary I (or the'wboleof the year, (.he having • been, ninrderjed by a Democrat isocnf after he entered upon his second term,) ' tbit shameless scribbler makes a ter rible ado. Had it come from any of Booth's companions and secret ac «ompHcos, we would not nave been Surprised, bu(| to corns from the source it did dpes sjjrprises ns. j Wp are cer tain every ioyal mac j every right. 'Ceding (nan, bvety gentleman wjtl ap prove wbat Congress did. ,As Jor the l rest of the inhabitants of this country, it .mdses no difference | wl it vulgar Opinions they may entertain. ! Mr. ■ Lincoln died; Compkratirely poor, and aa be. gave bis life for the cause of the nation be served, common j uetice re quires that bis family sh|oul i be taken bars of by [ our Oovetnn ent. The men paying the balance of the eala \ ry that would have' been lae bim at die end of this year, is so iniSing, so ; Customary, sbpropef r tbati re venture Almost there; wifl not bejfon ad another johrnal in tfab united.. Elates low enough to speak ot it as improper. Amemberof Congrets brotig pro ptaed to calliope of tbel saw ferrite' riee Xtiocoln.tbe editor of the Local fnakeathai jibe oecaaion of a dirty, cooteraptabl* fling at tbe' memory of afcei martyred patriot and etatesmab. 'A min' who would epeakjdiereepeot fnlly 611 Abraham Lincoln [now, ie be neath contempt, and wetnrn'ftointhe jtmngnpb and tbe writer'jin disgust i ■ ■4 ' l ■' r ; i — T Thi Cincinnati Snmdreti annonncea In ’ big, blaok head/letier] that j “371« . Ikmetfatic Party ii not dead” That anil ba| naw4 to a great, many people, l • are wder the improeeion tbey, 4 afteaded iikftioeral last flit!. I I ; -- [> ! ...-I . .'"i* '.( 1 .. j. --j •» - ---J Last wtEK wo published the p clamatlon of ISecrellary Seward, nouncicg the ap'optioii it the Cor iutional Amendjnent abolishing ela ry. Twentylsevjen States the rtqui number, hayjug .Atifiejd the ame ment,‘slavery:Wo longer exists nr United St&tesi | Othpr States will i ify the amendment thisjwinter, an a year or two alt moat jeyery Slat»v the Union willjbyjmt of their Lejis laturoß, place thCiuselvjjS right oh the record. In; looking! pack over the history of the, ami-slavery movement in this country, Ve sep most viv idly the workings of Providence, and can only eay,. What| has God wroogbil A tew years since, the inert presenting of a petition ip Congress praying fop the abolition of slavery, was reg ird* ed aa a gross violation of persmaf rights, and the distinguished ipember who prest nted the same came near losing his scat and his -ilifp. • A lew yeata,. ago the abortion party were numbered [by tens, anjd were rega; ded as a crazy, tanatical, despicable of iaen. Haying right, justice and Providence oh their side, bow Iyer, fcey patiently! and' fearlessly wu>ted and labored, and Ip t!ho result! ‘ The most sanguine abolitionist never an* ticipated such speedy and overwhelm* ing triumph. No reformation so rad ical and complete was over'effect* d so speedily, j The*grow th ot|the aboli tion party, as it was called? arid its npl triumph at the “polls in| 1860, was marvelous; but wbep Abrahamy>Lip coin was eleortd Presidontjofthe U pi led States, tbs party had tmeontpfish ed all that Walslhoped’for. ; T-oproytjnt the admission of any more jslave £ tales was the only result anticipated.' T|he barriers thrown around slavery n the i States where it; was thought, 1 were too strong, to be thrown down. 6 To all human appearance,slavery [must \ !<>•* 27th, 1868. qainhg [lie eve* citizen iiitellif gain he a stcad« i years, ing the satisfy temenl, jeeke!— ble the id* than liter &FJ ereafter the toi«‘ itrWQuld ire end* for that, of mhral bat a He exist in thebe States for 'j Man having - accomplish^ God look' j the matter ip bands. He led us by aw, not. Though that way v\ it was necessary to putg«J t awa stain, and atone " for. the now, strange as it may'pcem, Carolina is one, of the twenty State's.! a»ifying the' a meiil could have foretold such a chi Nothing bat the special Pjrovii of the Great'Ruler of N* lions have brought it tol pass. Thu reformation ist ab accomplished Slavery is abolished, and thro : the length and breadth ot the 1 men are free. Those who stooc Way have been crashed by bl the car of Progress. A few iaed Democrats would still cl their old idol, but now the sul is gone, they soon cease ship the shadow. Let the w< forth to all lands and people : ol kindred, tongueiand race,| that 'United Estates’of America all r equal.; . j (I DiaiS;, op Hps. .Thomas Co Last week we (published :ja brS (patch announcing the death! Hon. Thomas Corwin, of j Obi took place in Washington Monday the 18th inst. ibis sad event we.cannot| there lias been severed those links in the chain s us t« those grand old tin tellectnal giants (Or | our country, and the ulteran If states men taught oply veneraj ior insj-ij tntions which had won tl i miration 4 1 T~ • • • ) i 'of the world. A thorn i pleasant memories and japaVkling witticisms are associated with bi's, and those jwho enjoyed his | per sonai ac quaintance will by this anno ince nent have many agreeable incident s brought vividly to mind. Trt the 'earlier part of hip political career Corwin was regarded as the (host brilliant stump oj-alor of the West, and his long pub lic life gave many evidences'of hip su perior judgment. He was ‘.oterapor ary |with statesmen ofj suit ability that itltsi no srSall meed of j>rai>eto saylhathe.was their equal in.many things, and that in few j thii g« d d he find a superior. For nearly half a century be has been known us a pub. lie man, and few men in- eii ier public or private life, wilt be afore ileasiintiy remembered.. ■ . . ’| ' - As we predicted, the Xc pleased with the President’) or rather the lights ofjthel are not, and of coarse. Ihe J not be otherwise. After wi the I Harrisburg Patriot a spoke, we learn what the Li are. Even then the write: iras't himself ’to express t lest he might go wjrongj, am ole of the Patriot and Unior xir fall I ; When wo wart j. to the IkSeal . stands political! refer ib the organ of uhe !,Harrisburg. Cot. Wm. B. Thoma the pore of Fhiladelphi a letter from Governor at Havaoa, Dec. 12lb. arrived there tbe previ proved health: attd spir ip fata letter, of the kit experienced at Che ha eaSre of the It* CoHortr I i 1 • 1 .Lee'sj Surr©nde4 'p^^editated. The (following pjwsago; is| from the forthcoming yol imebf Polli|rd’s*oqth i erb history of ' lf cay o: : the w»r.” j ' v*; ' ‘‘Thbre caa'his bej dpubtin history (that iyjpneijal'ijie (th taking bis army awajj from (ifiebmbn J.ind i|eleuburg > bad decided, in his own mind,upon the! hopelessness of I the; war, and bad pre.i determined its sniif|euder, Thej' tnosi; striking proof of t&ts is that on his re Ltreaf (there- Wastdb border pufilishct against thing unprece dented in nil deliberate abdslragetm retreat—and nothing whafcyeirjdone to mbintiin discipline. Thal-inon wer< i not animated bV the styje| of genera 1 i orders usual tin such occasions. The;' ' straggiedli&nd dented almost at,Will. An ,idea ran (through the Jirginiu trobps that with the abandonment ol JRicbnjbnd the Wafcjwas hopeless, ami that they wohld |be justified in refus* -ing'lOjfight outside:the I'mits of tbei ■ own State. KbtW|g was done tochcc i the notorious cii eolation of this notio i in the drmjv] The' Virginia. troops scattered off to tneir homes at almost every!mile of, (the 1 route (We have seen that Pickett Was left] (vith ohly i handful of meri. Some of lh£ brigade commanders had ript hesitated to aovis e their (men that the war was virtually over,andi that theiLhad better go 1 bomb and ‘make crops, 1. '■ But there Ure other proofs, besidi a the omispion ot the meiUares agaibit stragglibg usulal o'n is, that Ge i, Lee had! prevised] a sqrrsnder of hie armyl Hecairied off Iron Petersburg and Richmond)all jlhb transportation pi his arni|y, suflicifenc. perhaps, for put bund,pied thousand mCn.ceidainly larg b- of the actual needs of tic rejtrejst. ! 'The [ excessive (number ol Virginia . troops (,who jwere permit! s«l toj drop (put pf the ■ ranks I and relu pc to their hoines.Tihows well thal there Was no', fifnm par ipsa to car •)■ }he War out-of the limits of that (State Prisoners taken bn the r *t roat mvajri bbly reported'my ' was sopr '.P bo halted for a surrender; and Gem fail Curtis' .Leo, When] ca ptui|ed by chi Tiemy. jis alleged’ to hbve made th ime revelation ipi bisj lather’s d m|i.” | i I T\- ! Iro-- an jati ive fa- jtbe rat- t Direct Vote for President 0 j j '■ c- Mr. Jenckes of R I. submitted op = i the illb; last, totheiHouaola propo . —rj Hr* - I —X . sal to amend the Federal Constitution Goijjwin had written a lot ;or 1.1, I •••■ I (1.. . c . *3 follows: ; I - ■/-- ■ i this conn try on the subject, of he ..'■■! . ‘-ri araaica-t.roj hleL,.in which be.says;. „ ?<f r aESOLtmo*, , •‘As itlie casepresent stands,th ‘re Resolved by the i ; Senate and JRoyse oj nothing whatsoever to prove panu- Representatives of .the L uifed ola es .oj ar. mil eh Hess 1 indelible ferocity in America tn [Congress assemb.ed (two -10 nedrb rate.] Rather the rereiso thirds of both .'Houses copearring), ut Whitts dflholwland. the Eirg- That in lie IT of the clause Hollowing sb officers whoQhiive been cor rup ed the wora “States; in the first para* Tithe blandishment ofjtbat depraved graph of Section! two, article; nre, o iodetv r (ibriil isdeeply depraved,)n :id, the ConstUption of, the United States,, sat! to"! say. the Governor himself, luve and of so much otjurliclo l.wo|as pro.; committed sichiairpcines, that if he vides foj electors? of pe- . ,^ 1 hftnto goverrimeht wcjrt to fail in its Vipo* President of ■ the .United States, duty of vin.l caiing the character lot and the niode of their election, ana, ithisl country, ili will- bli lime for an also in lieu of amendment twelve UT iEnglisiiman who carei for the honor said ednslitution, the fol article, jof his iiai'on toj lorik lout for anot *erj be proposed os an amendment; to sui horrie. I trustil that! ta'e negro r Lcei Coiisfitution, which, when ratified by iwillj not b;e [aUirMEed jloi suffer if. fheftho Legislature*, of three-fourths o judgment ;of .potions Wndv states for the several States, shah be valid to a the alleged fdnils of thineiiVdes in Ja- intents and purposes as, parti ot said ’ijiaif-a,; ijaniif' judicial)] investigation Constitution, to wit: > .'shall have plucetl (b 1 * ' ,a se .of the r Article--. ! ’ ! ■negroes in, Jamaic heir Cnc‘. Jr •,t .'U « ... , ft his Tocatvpnj v,^proas|y r -Jnsload; of inf , tho highest number ot votes for accepting jibe issues joJT the war, tnd oae h office jshall be declared elected to devising imainji do-produce, harm my such office.'' : bet Ween the section* NWlh and So ,th. .In the ejection of President . L-'.l, I. f. , i | and \!ijhe- President, and i\f members he Hphcs lyrl.h U ‘ flamo and 1. r> of . of Representatives, tho as fellows, through the ; Metropolitan f () n ow ,hg j .dfescribed persons, , and Record; ■ ofj 'N*jWl‘ ; York: ■ those drlv, shall have thocrigLt.tb vote, r.Letj the So|utlieFii, people,, ha"ing to wit-: Male citiaens qf the. United paid the pnee'demanc ed for rest ira- Stales of ihe|agn of twenty -one years,- tj’pln, (jlsiih ill their rights and pri'rite- not Pncler .conviction fpjf i’nfam'ous ill ifdll, arid,' submit to no übito- crime, who, can rcad,, ( an(| who Thall mejnl Willinglyjor evim silently. |Let have resided forono year in flic Stale thorn Jiotjrecede',one inch, belore J the and ' for six-jmonths in district 'tide of trndieaii.eni,, put hold ;hcir in which they shall offer ip vote., . ground as sle«Ul|a.stly- as. they did up Sec. 3. Congress shall have.power on I the field ofjlbattle. , * Lot them to pass laws providing for the rogis- Lhander at ihejdbors of'Congress, and tration of !yoters, for ascenaihg their cease not until ever}!' vacant seal is qualifications, for the times and man* filled. The Republic is in straits )anJ ner .of conductingisuch eieelipns and canjspare do Jinan, least of all those preventing.(rauds thereipiur.fl for de* wbosd. councils have Rinded her thro’ daring their result. m(iiiy[a dangorth thojdays gone by. : ■ |!; |r- 1 . L-jf. tt *|. r ~ : The War of the Ajmerlcan Ee ro tibii closed eighty-throe years ia; add id id announced |that, of all! t many) thousands that once figun d RevolHtionlsryrsdldiei» on the peiisi roills |ofj fine jGdvernment, barely ti remain: I Wltlliam Hutchins of Pone edbt, Maine, and Samuel Cook, of Dlt etjdon. Orleans courity.H. Y. Se rei have died Within ihejlast year, that 1866 will witness the jcl. ing of the jbortks. We trust that G vornment wilj promptly annonnc 1 1 fact by 1 a proclamation or mitjila gencral ori!er, and tiiat the death the last! Revolutionary, -soldier wilt fitly and .generally cbtnmetnoraied i I ■ . 'Li' ‘benturi ed his s ito hii ly we 1 las iian work, 1 foL, ! knew lf d,yot •*' y iho , -Ld |? South tl] seven B 1" ange ? * deices cc uld i groat I fact, igfajont *nd all I injlhe (Thesis ine to islance .wor-' eveiyf in the itn are tWIN. — ief dis of the , which; 'l , *• •• • v«»»; 3ity, on cording feel that tjherj of i jhountj rhdn ini .a n bat anc : hic nes vi led ices c lieni be ad iland A MXOBO was killed in Loaiivil Ky.last Sunday, hy white boy jabo sixteen ylsars old; oh* of a party x boys Who threw stones at several’n groes who Were quietly going [by churchL - The deceased turned-hack expostulate With them for euch_co d|act,j when one of them named Kin deliberate y~ I drew! a I pistol and; ah h!im ojn| the spot The Journal tells that the d|eed was witnessed by non hut the parlies,except a little g five year» nlil; and as neg&ea cam tesiifyiin Kijptdckyj the murderer likely to go, freer, i |No- arrest*! Ire been jrnado,”- the Journal adds!'as matter of .course. . | j is not ii Message; Deraoiracy . Local dare uitingnhtil rid Union ucafayiews : ■ could not nti opinion id the srti . i i. .■ r is copied knowhow \ we will parly at ,i' Mi ■ i - A RPEOiAt to the M. Montilolon aakn that :fce Pijonch ti Mexico if bd would ttence,' Helmay h kbe triable it that r goon /..and many gt amne t>mjs tp.accom tioc a i th»t rate. 14 'ladjoarn the'Slat ir.atiHo Pri; ■ : j l 1 ir I ■. . i f\ C Elector of |a, h u'recbved Curtin. dated Thi# Governor Ue'iiiy, irtim. ita. l He speaka id treatment be ndafof tbb offi- A New Jtidiolal Dlatriot. , The people of Washington County tried bard, last wfcterj to get them selves attached-to ibis judicial; dis tribt, and nn'act was passed fori that purpose by both Houses of the liegis ! lain re| but the Governor vetoed lit jon acqottnl'ofLsome defeat in it, and an* other bill was .not arranged, in tinle. to I Obviate the Governor’s Cdnhtiius tio'nal objections. ■ j [- i At the neat sessiori a bill will jbe proposed to create.a new judicial dis trict out of the counties of Washing ton and .Beaybc-4nd itbia we regard as preferable to.'the bill of .last win ter,and'free from all constitutional objections. This would laavej Fayejtte and Greene in a district on one, side, jand Lawrence, Mercer and Butler in another on the other side. - K Washington and Beaver are i both large and populous countries, and ■there is abundant legal business' m ; them for a judicial district. ■ There is a sufficient reason in nhat, therefore, i for its creation, and nh other: need be i .giyon. The, State,' forms her judicial. > districts for the accb.mmodatipn of the < people; and 'as the State grows in > population, the nnipber of'districts i must increase. Wo tryisf, therefore,, > that the legislature, will pass the bill' > promptly, and the .more especia'ly J that there is no serious objection, to ii, J on the partot the districts from which Washington and Beaver will reSpect i ively be detached. \ | ! ! t The point widths made that lit; - will i. add to the expenses of lhe : Sta|.fc; but s we do not eonaidei that as having any J weight'whatever. 1 The,additional ex it pense |l« but. a-trifle, and Svi!l|ndt be d felt ; and ad. the .irachindry -pfj. the; • governmehtia framed with a vjjew to o vlie accommodation of the public, the •f simple question i*f whether tljie| now d district is necessary (of the conven n ienl-e of U.e people and the apiininis ■t t rati on of. justice.' Believing that, it Y is wc join with our friends in jWash !• ihgton and Beaver in utging tho prop - okiti.on upon; the early attention of the Legislature— -Pittsburg Gazette, j,.- • New York, Dec. 23. — A defogatiop f !u-' of Mississippians, being ' lie o.nninit ;o; lee appointed by tUe Legislature' Of lie their State ; to petition the President an for the pardon of Jeff. Davis; called'at, in the Excbui.i've mansion yesterday , and i vo the petition presented,;but n.o,foiroal{ b- reply -.wan given by President. | ir- The Heralds Washington special •al The President has sent, ti) the Senate it thenarue of Gou. Yon.fYulkonburg, 38* of New York, as Minister to Japan., : o- The aggregate force recently order he ed\to be mustered out t.he military iry service is 30,000 men. ' j' • nf General Fitz Henry Warrenhas be been beevetted Major General. ■> He will not-go ltd Guatemala;; if at aft until after the close of the lowa Leg- islaturej beldre| which is! a promt•> ■!*»■ nehl candidate for. United Slates Son< | >«t ator. ' ' i ; ’■ !, j of The Herald special siys there is no-i >e- official information from the Frenchil to Government that the. Emperor in to tends to withdraw the French j trcops j » n * from Mexico, yet it is vaguely given ile* out by the;french Minister! in diplo >ot circles, thiit such is the; iiUeniibn.- 08 Maximilian expects to supply t|he er "e my with Austrian troops, numbers of ' whom are said to be on their way lb Mexico. : .... ■ ■ '[-i ■ ‘ - "The-Paris papers are strictly : for bidden to speak of Mexican affsirs.r— Therb were only six, news! cases of cholera"'and four deaths iii Paris on the 30lb of November, and on the first of December four hew cases and seven deaths. The tdtal number iof deaths from the cholera-in Paris ft Om >a- the first outbreak to the 30t|i of No« >nt vomber was 6,077 • -{:-j , '’ | »ps , j ike A Washington specml dispatch !to is- the New : York Post says that Secreta ry ,6,1 an tor.! has agai n tepdeied his ias ■ ignatiou ; to ths President,; and.- this ay, time, it is said, iiisis'tV upon; its liccepl -166-' ance. \ , •:. j" > •" ! i • , K Y. Pd*M red Mr. S>wv oop« Woolc 1 qi have a lit) le f ive Raid ail; t 6 French jroc >jh. It wi Ita xisb lhe afacc lays ard .jed on Thnrac day, Jan. &tl i,l: I’ '■ JwT.-DaVIS HjtCEIVINQ CONSOLATION —A Fortress Monroe loltprSayk that Jeff Davis appears to be preparing for his fate:>iiiyr tha ‘writiir s( /‘•Hl*' old clergymen jrif Bt Paul's- church!, In. Richmond—thp cliurC.hwhieh ho |»t tended ddHng the War.and from'which be made thatmarvelously rapid eii.t oa tne last Buoday . br bis attendance •.here—has been allowed to spend the day With him. h No chitunal about to be led. to the gallows btte receivomore sedulous attention-, or probably; wiser religious cbumjelhbg. if he sacrament Was administered to him, and, every* thing done that' could be* by h|s bid religious teacher land adviser, through scriptural reading and-ptWyor, to give’ him peace of mind and that cheerful content and resignation following the right.hind.of teaching land faith. •- _ i During his iraprisontnent llr.}Davis’ only religious attendant and adviser has been thb post chaplain, jfiey- Mr. Chivis, a |mo&; amiable and excellent man,a woithf rPnd devout clergyman. It y?as natttial ho ehdtild.Jli|tp to, be Attended by h S ownpastor.and no one Will be.inclined, I am sure,! tojblame him for Bakin f "the privilege of)bis ! at tendance uppii ; him,'or find fault with the request bt ing complied with. 1 Three ’Ch ldrsW Murdered.— A horrible murder waft committed on Sunday helonijlast, Bt-Hnrlipgtbn,Wis consin. The [victims - belonged to a family named Cook, living abbot one mile put, of the village, and: three quarters of i[..mile trojn thej.Racine and Mississip )i railroad depot.' While Mr. and Mrs [Cobk were- at';Church some Wretch entered theirhouse and murdered incold blood their children, all under 1-1 years of age;|ib|» oldest I a ■ girl, of thirteen,; named'j'Arnoiia Wipg. a ciec?; a son Bgedi'nine,;anp a daughter ag«d three, 1 of MrJ f apd Cook. The murderer or murderers then Broke o ien the; 'bureau drawers and ransncke.d the jhouse generally, gelling in their search but .three or tolar dollais in mr.'pney, Two 1 arrests hava'been'made; pniej a nad Who was living with the family,land whom circumstances seem to, indicate as the murderer; ai m, a com panion of th i| firstV , ■ BuaoiciL Opera [ ronton State Gfiefte,** ys: ult surgical operation was jioOj a Mr. Charles Huff g hear Cherryivnie. iH.jn ty, by Dr Field 1 o( Eas uys since. Mr. Huffman for several mbiillis, and : | pronounced him. in jibe, if. consumption. r'Al. phis iffm&n expressed -a desire; [body 1 oponed4-belieying |s Wei o [not affected, but [was an abcess ) forming body. -Accordingly thd; il physician was [called in was opened and ii latgeij sack of-nmiter, pveighingj i [and. eleven ounces, was; : m ; one[ of iiisi lungs, and: :to through' the . incision a body. At last accounts;, l though ivory [weak, was sitlr strong hopes of his ;ovsry. |, | :■( i [.■_[ A WoSDE trow,—yh'o.l A verj’ [iiffiei performed u main, re»idif.j terdon coun 10D,.a le'.v di had beer- ijt his physiciai last stage fi cnais, Mr. -II to -i have his thabbis lun that-' there within bis ■ abovjh name —hiS body bladder like fdiar pounds [ detached frc brought ou madeinto.h the* ipatient; j dbing well, ultimate ret as if Is.—There is no hat ono half,. perhaps two l[ the laml> in 'Missouri ii ihle. Slavery J s no more, pai t of the. fo -nier slaves tv« State: ; The (arms arje Missouri doubt but; t thirdh of al to-day for ' ain l a large have lh(t » from 200 to 1000 acre's in s : zo,and ibb owners. many of them, are : unaqeus.- 1 turned to labqr themselves,/cannot liirjfc [freo labor, for it is scares;': have no ilvlaves,- for I liey aro fre&. and aro bbli | ged to Vet I aeir;farms 'remain unfilled j or sell them. ■ JWltih So machfou jkei, land, of bourse. Is cheap. lin ' Northern snd Eastern Missouri, thtil i portion Wb irfc ha»iSuffered-jeast flora j tbo'rarago!! of civil, war, jand where th.p pepplehave now settled; down‘to peaceful It duilry,' unimproved lands can be bought 1 at from ss|[tb. $l2 ,per acre: , impiove'd "fa'rnrts at from $lO |to'S3p:; ■ This %a- "ttE Eondori Times sayil “The ravagpplqf the cat tle plague ire oven exceeding bur rei cbnl anticißations. Thekjciualreturn: for the lai t Week, ,we regret to say,; instead of being ' 3000 is ne&fef 40W. The four i reeks Of last month show 'a succession'of figures which; speak forj themselvei. In, tflk.first week the ca sbs were'll6s; in the second; 2580| in the third,2669; and in the fourth, 3619 J At this rate bf progress, w.liich is only likely to bs decelerated,we may easily] brave a return of 7000 a ijreek by Christmas This is an alar ming pros-] pect. iNospecific has boen discovered for the treatment of the disease.” i The Eo,r|al Agricultural! Society has resolved that its.usual annual meeting shall not take place until [ next year; on aocounjtfof the cattle disease. 1 ;j ■ Heavy Robbery- j i toPHiX, j Dec. 22! jlitary Commission was found j six thousand four hundred a United Slates { bonds, the jot John Chilsonj chief clerk;. Jwing afe-lho; numbers :of the l«| ot $5OO each: N0r.23,960, -59, 5;560; 3.561. 3,562. 3,564. 4; of one thousand dollars!, A, 86.771'. 56 818, and 56 819; ftyjdollars, Noi. 8.689 7 30», j Brio!%Ufidred ['dollars; Noi. 165,433 and 127,476* 1 Philab of the Sai robbed of dollars ii property The ; follo 5-20 pond 3.558. 4,5 and 3.56 Nos. 6.91 and of fi jeach *or 35,903, 31 ... i i ■ wabd, lam week; by order of denC«ent dispatcher to the al. Governor and’: Governor South Garolinaji similar to dressed to' the same officials in a Hid Georgin, directing •j Perry; to retire from, and rnor, elect to aexnmo tbe du te gubernatorial office^ Sec. Se the Presi Provisior [elect of [I those ad |;in Aiaba I Goyernui | the Gove ties of, t ! ThbG * bill, w iorgia-Legislalnro bits passed ’ hereby colored persons are Is to testify in case* where their own coloe.are concern iite n\en tbay still . commit igainst the negro, as in/the i patriarchal days, if none hot re witnesses 10, the outrage, • it may be, i perroitte those of, ed. Wh crimes » good bid blackaa whatevd kuie* for th« P* : J - Claims. iTlje ereftt number 61 submitted] claims daily received by the Govern* rtienl, have rendered it necessary, in»t the following rules should estab llihbll for the information and gnid. afibefof persorjs; presenting them.— 'fhoy will in no case,I whatever, bode parted; from. It the; applicanlclaims bounty, if' should -be Stated under what act the claim is! made.: I. If nn det fact of Jqty 22. 1861, the man sbbuld state, under oath, whether ho ; has feCeived the *26 advance bounty, Or' whether he claims thp-wbcle of .the MOO bounty.j .2. II under any. other act mthorizing. the payment o'fi Uni ted' . States bounties,! be. should | name each anti every inatal moot claimed as due and: unpaid. '3. No! claim for; veteran bounty will be entertained uh* less tho : claimant has heretofore been, recc gnized and borne on his compa ny u [oils as suchveterap..; , 4.. .Color • «sd Bpldiers.applyingfor boantyshould state wbAher they were mustered as ‘ffreie on or before April.l9, 1801 .’’ or were ‘‘enrolled and aubjectlo drnft”at the I date "of I enlistmepf.. 5.' If the’ ckim its for back pay, the ijnan must name tbe months tojr,whicit bo claims, and state where and on what roll* (hospital or other) ho has; been mus tered,: or where he was on each mus ter |day, from] the time be first claims pay to date of discharge. 6. In cas es of 6)aiip» for unsettled clotjlihg.lbe] sWdrrt etateulent of /ai commanding bmper of the I company ito wbiib tbq clairaant ' belonged, sustaining the claim must be filed with; it 1 .; 7. It the claimant be an officer. ho must state when last paid, andj if .possible, the inniue of Ihe paymaster (who paid him g. in all cases send] duplicate copies of iforpi 5 in enlisted/men's cases, duly signed and iwitnesrfeif. . In cases of Officers form 3, to besggried and sworn N ! I; President Lincoln's Remains , St. Lotus, Dec. 22". v The remains ot • President Lincoln wore I- removed . yesterday from the vaW at Oak Ridge Cemetery, Spring field, to the, ;vauit| erected near th!|e site proposed for tlie. monumonl- TW remains ot Sir. Linfii/ln’a 'two cllildren wore placed in the same ■ vtjhlt; Robprt Lincoln and the directors pf the National ! Mohumorit| Association w ire present at the 1 removal; I SGov. James L. Obb bt South Caro-, i linn hns seitt a dispatch to Secretary ( Sdtward iu to ..that of. the : falter, announcing tho President's su p«|rcedure of the Provisional Cibyern tiipnl iu that Stale, (rcvpQrr stales 1 llikc this announcement yrtll be most giaiifyi'ng lb the South ! Carolinians, rbiurns Jhauks in their; tiame, and de clares tils “Uniiltnrablelipurpose to aid idf upholding the supremacy of the iajivs of the United Stales.’-’ fOME time ago a* sum ofl money was found in the Rcchuster DepotJfwhich, by dc.eri g property, v can bo liaa ! by calling at lie ■aiiyut office. ! . r i'!■ ' - A -if | ■ GREENWOOD INSTITUTE i I 1 ' Vob'iK. •]’ •■I .... . i ■ * • i YOUNG L.ADIES. ME npHK WINTER' TEEMI.OF 12 WEEKS, ‘I will commence on + - [‘l 'ednesdoy the 3 d diy of lBtiG;i ‘’il*•„ i ■ r, ■ . i fear for particulars enquire of Mrs. C. F. GANTZ, Frinciput, 1 ' j New "Brighton, P*. V 3 ir. la.' P ! d;e027’65 6 ORPHANS’ COURT SARK. \y virtue of an order issued of the Orphans’ , Couftithe cbilnty of Bearer, theunder- | signed Executor of the Vast will and testament ,| , __ of Matthew Elder, dee’d, late of .Beaver coun-1 Wellsrille .... ty, will expose, to 'sale by pubiio vendue or B a j. al .(j; OUt-«y, on the premises, on : ■ > Alliance j/T' Saturday, Jan. j27fA,' 18G& Ravanda following ;described piece of jf l^ e ” burg '-,. pfcretl of land, situate in Dar)mg(oii tjj,, Bet* ’*’T Ter county, bounded on*S|fce west-by land of „ ** fnC Harvey Knight, on the.north by land of Selah Chamberlin/ on the [east by other lands Ejwlidjtreel Of said iTestater, and on the south by the tail, wevpiana.... race of Manufactory or other lands I •f said' Testator; containing about 150 acres, more or less, about 80. acres cleared and un derlaid with * good vein Of coal; on which is greeted a hewed log barn!,'with framdjaheds; fruit trees on the premises. The farm is well watered, and public schools, mills and church esl convenient; about four miles from Darling, lon. I Txbms.—One-third of the purchase money pn the confirmation of the sale by the court, balance in two. equal, annual payments, 1 rom the’ date of the confirmation of the sale by the Court; back payments to!he secured by’ bond snd mortgage. |, ; I. For further particulars inquire of the un dersigned at Elder’s Mills, Heaver Co., Pa. “ 6 , ; ,■ I REUBEN WATT, , : ' deo27*», : Jk’r, Mfitktm BUtr, 4t:’d. ZSTe'vv Slide Store ; IM BjEAfVERI fT) OBRRT TALLOS WOULD RESEECTr i XV FUl'i'T announce ft hie CUBtomers and friends generally, that he has just opened a jit ' ! Vi- ' ' ' ''hi' New Shoe Store in Beaver, and is now ready to supply the public.with lithe best,assortment of i , ;. - '' ' f MEN’S. b6ys*. , I 1 LADIES’ andl a . CHILDREN’S WEAR rrSHE Winter ‘Term, of Ai» j IM ; 1 comment!. * ■ 1 ; 'Tuesday) January 2a, % underthe charge of , , It is thodefire, * nd , w i U £UMic» .ibis & thorough English,>*»^ e —-= 5- —— .■ ■ mercial School, and to BU3 . : ne j ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. acterit hasherol&fore LETTERS 1 of •dmintatrafion on the estate GoodopWtumties of Samcii M’CoH!»iii,late of South Bearer ! ®en and w» ,P* ■ E( j u cation, township, Beaver county, deo’d., haring been f English pi-ggicsl Xduci panted to the undersigned, all peMona Jn r '‘who may desirtja hig debted to said estate ar? Requested |to make themselres for entering J mmediate payment, and those hating claims closes . \ » # send ft against ..ileatale will present them* the *( H wMtop.p«l r authenticated for seV •’ PETER ORpWl, l Adm’r. ■ ,|' . deeSO’Ao. • BWh Beater tp. jJ./r, ever brought to this county. Ladies shoes of all kinds and i : best’, qualities. They, were bought, on advantageous, terms, and will be sold at reduced rates, 7 • and see, one andall. We cannot be undersold. , , VI , ■ ' one doer East ef I. N, Atkins' 'Clothing Store.' , , *ot4 "-■'N/i: RA.ILItOAj7S: PITTS* PT. W. ?vi w .; f , On and after Not, 19, 1865; Traini* ?• Si* ■' Station., daily, * 11 U»t» :• teas',*"* . • • ~ :L - lenting of Pittsburg ..._ 260 am 700ajI T 4511 Rochester-... 400 •• 830 * ios 1! SN ,r N. Brighton- -... “ 843 V ' gig. „ 4 « “ En0n........... 442 “ 935 *. 408 .. -tC! “ 1 Columbian* - 617 “ 1017 v -*447 „ 5*2 " Salem ......... 640 “ iO4B “ 515 „ w “ ■' Alliance ...... 630 “ 16Q “ 615;,. u Cant*n-.,.|.. 705 “ J242r« 703(« IS "- Massillon-L «730 •<; 102 “ 730 U S® " 0rrTi11e....... 'BO2 •< 145 “ 810 .. ■ 'Wooster ...... .830'“ 222 “ 845 .. S?" • Loudontille - 922 ‘i 828 “ ‘946 ~“ • Mansfield--. 1010 * 425 » 1085 r«.*tlmell Ar 1046 1 500 “ lilO .. i,u “ Crestline |j De 1U5 ..j M q a , 700*, ■ 8u0yrua...... 1145 m 710 “ 733 “ S. 1 C. Sandusky 1224 ml 760 “ 823.. i? 5 " 1 F0re5t......... 1256 826 “ 857 .. f" " Lima-..-. 218 “ 943 “ itefl .. S"' / De1ph05....... 268 “ 1025.“ j’lOj ~ ?£.“ ” Van Wert -... 824 ' • 1100 “ flag .. ' Port Wsyhe- '5OO M 1285 V, 145,- JJf ” Columbia-..., 545 • 122 “ 236 2™ ‘‘ HunUTiUe.... ... r |>* -... “ .. r 8 “ ’ Fieroeton . m ..1,,. r- " Warsaw....... 689 215 “ '333 .. " Bourbon ._... ...- | ~.. « Plymouth—.., 741 “ 8112 “ 440 ■. i: “ WanstiU.i.:;: '...u “ Valparaiso- 922 “ 458 “ 630 Hobart - » i. ...... .. ™ C1arke......... ' ■IUO.BR.Cros “ „u. •■ .... R IsI.RR J’n. .....; » “ Chicago.,— 1120 “| 700 840 “l ljjo^ tba»i obtso Vast. r )■■'* Ij Msii. Ear's. Es^T*' Chicago....... 440 i, 62Qa, 650tx K.lslßßJune;...... “ “ " „ 111 C.BBCros ...... 44 T: „ Clarkei 44 Hpbart..;.'... |i...... ■• ; TJ „ Valparaso.... .• 650 ‘ 808 ‘“’'74l .. Wanatah ..... ‘ Plymouth, i| 844 • 940 “ ' 940 .;. "225 ~ 801irb0n....;. •■ , “ .. (Warsaw I;1Q02 “ 1038 “ i 035 •* 337 .. IPierceton..... ....... “ .. „ Huntsrille ‘ 1 ;..... 1, ] „ Columbia-... : 1101 •> 1125 “ 1123 5 * 432 » Fort Wayne- |'i2B3p« 1230 p, 1225 am 555 .. Van Wert ..... li 2111143 “ 140 •• Delphos .....: (I 253 “ 214 " 214 '.■] 754 „ > Lima..=.. ,;j 835 “" 247 “ ' 245 - ; ‘j 830.. Ff0i!e5t....,.J... !• ■446 V 357 .“ 407.. 950 .. C.Sandusky., d 525 “ , .425 “ 440 .. 7023 ... Bucyrus 609. f 503 “ ~520 [lll2 <■ Crestline l? Ar 1 ' 6411i -T '® 3 S “ '6OO “ 1145 ■■ Crestline {, De - ? 600 , 540 .. ,^ Mansfield;.... ,; 810“ 633 “ 713[" • 118 .. LoudonviUe.. i; 922 v TlB “ goo -. 204 " W005ter..;.... i 1025 "f, 811 •;( gBo>> 255 " 0rryi11e...;.... ijllOO M’.838 &26 ! “; 823 " Massillon I 1145 4 914' r “ • 953UJ ' Canton ...i.1205™ 982 “ 1017 “ Alliance 'j 120 ?{ 1020 •• HBO M Salem : [i 200 f j 1055®“ 1203 pm Columbiana _ll 230 M 1117 “|123,P , ‘ Euon- 1-820 “iUS2 “1.112 ‘1 N. Brighton..V; 410 |<Mi22ssml t« “( Rochester .... (1 430(1*11240 “f 200 4 1 Pittsburgh 600|M. 106 “j. 3XO •/ . For New O&stle at commodation trainj Brighton—9 00 a. i 4.2 Up. m: 6.40 p. n m. For New Castlj town, Pa.,i 3.50 p in .) •••ClilSTTSfi Oo aud after Not. 1;! tiona daily, Sundi i Cleveland ;) 80ft/ | Euclid street !j Bl|l 1 Hudson. ii 915 j Akron I Orrville.-. Millcraburg... ; Ravenna....:, i 9ao 418 Alliance .....’.’11049 “ 509 “ Bayard .-. j 1125 “| 544 “ Wellsville .... 730 FEE 8e1aire........ Bridgeport.-.. Lagrange Steubenville. Wellsville.... Smith’ eFerry Beaver.s..... Rochester i.. Pittsburgh .. Pittsburgh ~ Rochester ... Beaver Smith's Ferry j.. Steubenville. Lagrange...... Bridgeport... bellaire. TUSCARAW .•f , . , Leaves N, Philadelphia 7.10 a Bayard,’ 11.4 d - ’ e . . , _-r 7; ", ;1 iI|HQ »ut. Jikl Erie, 6.40 s - \ t . • S leave Allegheny ■ it: ll>so am: £.15 m;< si.. • For-EcoDoin/,-. f. Greenville'and /hum- IBS, Gen. Ticket. Ar’i. F. B. M X. PITTS- RR- 1865, trains will 1 j«|ys excepted, &9 f(|Uow*. SipTd dotitt. - ? J !ji ’II ■ [ s ' .'1 ' ij Mj it. Exp's: m '23spm “ 246 “ - 343 “ sonrn. I Exp’s. *Vcoom 615 pm . €js3 f ' 728 630.0 t 817 "I 7 A ‘ lotisT llOQ" 1150 3;E 1227 pm 132 “ &i" :: M•] 11-949 ‘‘ 916, 1000 " j 030 .“ bttl-NO bast; Exp’s. Mall, j llli “ 1203 pm life “ 137 •• ?gS “ 2l|, 600 am 615 “ 711 " 733 “ 840 •> 905 “ ■ 940 “ 1000 1115 “ .001*0 ws,r 1' I j leT*. I 230p* i#“: 426‘‘ M “{ jf “ ! Exp’s 505 pm 620 •’ 750 " 850 “ .910 “ •957 “ 1010 " A^BBA »■ 'U..PHU® 1 F R. JIVER3, General. Tick* V- Ai. L' D® En’i i 369 « 426- ' 625 “ ®»«-' | 63" . ■l'3s'i- I ’»• !*»» ■ , Mail;- Acoox "J .340 M ::3.a: 'l'. : 536 Exp’». A. ACM* Exp's AlOf 322 603,- Offl. 714 few ! 755 A* 835 f •i 1000 ‘ v ■ *■ SCH- |9;SO> UiO I ItiAllH it ati«» 86V j I. Z. wb* \ higl> 8 led W. *tb«> iad' 1 llioo. ;h«r C< &
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers