N I > Il 1 '4 K BEAVER ' o -■• ;K ■- - --&■■■•'; -■'• - • Beaver, AijEit 25th, 1864. fiEi ' a«J- 4* iftfti ! ” Republican Convention Mndflday, Apm 27» w®*- pursuant to call, in the Court Hon^e, and nominated Mdses B. Welslu Esq., as Preside lit. AgncW DimhndJoun. Slentzafi Vico Presidents, and: Thos. McCotid and IS. I X.. Power, Secreta ries. ■ "• ■■ ■, ■ ' . s;, V"f‘ j • ’ . • . D SLKQATES. m j’ i Beaver borough; M B. Welsh, sno. Canglicy, Sami. Davehport and. Jos. Ledlio. i? I BriJgewojtcrj .Gbas. Stone and wm; Barns!.. . '-i_ - , [’- ■ ll ... '■ r GlSppowa r John B. Herron, Wm. Tirornjas and Wm. Lindsey: i 1 i ! Economy; Mioses Hottnrick||on, Geo. (Neely, J. S. BVazier anfl ■J. fi. Bcigh -1 | ',[-39loses Baldwin, iThdftAs i Campbell ahd Socrates DicWy. ■ i Moon; D. B. Stor* J. R-Mohlorftrtd -J. Mi Elliott. •_ ! ! , : New Brighton: Agnew Duff, Mile ton Townsend, Thos. 0. Waddle and T. M. McCord, i h > .. . !.i” i' . i Ohio: Jno. Slentz, Jno. Johnston, Noble Urabara, abd James Braden, ; Patterson; JC Patterson and Arch. Robinson; il •"! ■ ' ;’.i I ‘ Pfil&sfc: Simp. jputhbertsdn and B. Raccoon; Jno. B. Christy, John K- Potter, P. L. Crail attd David Ewing. I Rochester boro: J. S. Darragh, S. S, Cross, Geo%. Hines aud S. A. Power WltsotC Jacob Smith and Samuel 1 ™ renco. j‘ ■il '■ • , i MarionSalmi McDaniels and Wm. Phillis.: Ii -• .■;_ - - ■ • ■ ,jr • Freedom diet: J. I Paul and ; Jdtti.es Maijltsj ■ ' [.LU ■ New SovietJ3 : Jno. HessOn, -t!. Black, Geo Rauscbor and Henry Goehring. | _ rj ; Committee ,o.v Resoi-WIo-s-S. J as. Patterson, Chris ty, | Samuel' Lawrence and Jno. S, Herron. .On motion, adjourned to merit again at'l o'clock, p. ip. 1 I _ , ADJOURNED! SESSION:’ :V, ■ On motion, the committee -on! res olutions reported as follows: J. , [The resolutions were handed to us, been mislaid • Wo under* stapd they indorse tpe Nationalj ad j ministratioii In the strongest trirhls, arid instruct the delegate elect to vote for| the re-nomination ;of President Lincoln,t-Ed. , ;t)a motion, tbcj Convention piocoed «d to nomii ate DelejM&s td the State,, 1 Convention . Jus. S. llutau was, on j.uo en I ,notion | elected Representative Dele ■nee ' gate by acclamation, and Samuel A. Power * was elected Senatorial Dele gate in connection with Butler county, t (pin motion, proceeded t 6 nominate mid elect a Delegate loathe National Convention. Gon. W/Wt Irwin and l 'a ,4 » ,♦ 1 * ' ' B. t.R. Bradford, Esq'. were placed in nomination. The- ballot resulted ip tbo electioii of ho-i-Wii e D'. L. Imbrie, James Pu|‘ers«j» apd'lS. A. Power, Conferees. 0r - motjdtr, the Cohvintiori act: j orfrned. / ' if ' i i V- ■ ■' i : 1 ‘ casSei L. IMBRIE, Editor 2 Proprietor. :» . ,T 4; For President ini ]1864,. J BRAHAM LINCOLN, r“ - ■• OP iLi-isois, , / ’ - • * •; f—-s 4 . > , For Vice President, 1 ®' CU R T lT» } OF BKSNiTLVASX.V., % notice. AVING sold to! D L. Imbrie, present I Editor & Proprietor ofthe Beaver./! ryur, Accounts for Subscription, Advertising,&o., All those indebted will please call andaet , |le with him. ; . j T. C. NICHOLSON. '■i: / -—— • I -REMOVAL«»Ihe Aequs Office Ihas been removed to the room over |Dr. Cummins’ Drug Store, nearly Jopposi to out old office, where we may Ibo lpattd nt'all times; ready to attend fto wants of our friends and pa ‘ I iron#. Entiahco at the North* side |of the building. ; ' | Ito the absence of- I bo.editor, who was | compelled to leave oh account of. the I illness of j bis father. J. I I," ' V t« the Constitution. j— Both branches lof the Pennsylvania iLegislatnre ha ve'.passed the bill pro. voting for a special election throughout the State on thoyirst Tuesday in Au gust next, at which the people shall decide whether the proposed amend ment to. the Constitution, permitting soldiers to vote shall be adopted. The legislature is to meet on the 23d day of , August to retieve the returns. Franklin ■ Railroad.— The Mercer fTAij says: Tholcngineera have corn pteted the preliminary survey of the I the Now Castle! & Franklin railroad from Now.:Gastlo to Mercer. T : his route is entirely! practicable, and:/the cost of constrnction\will not bo great er than that ofj any other roads in this section of the country. The en 'ineera will proceed at o’- withlib* gi ,i .ith.ibe survey of the robd to Brownsville* Jvpd probably 10 FrapkiW. > i i- I George O. Bradshaw, Esq. It is our painful doty to record the death of our esteemed i George C- Bradshaw, Esq., lute Treas urer of Beaver county, Which occur* hoaltli for nl ntimber of j : cai4; suffering : from j. bronchial affection! |Whicb, owipg'lto.a severe coulil cangiit ’ n '*' u t * Sr b’, part of the winter.hcdomo greatly mitate'd and fianlly eommu iileatyd theinflamation to the lungs, taUfcipg his death- Mt. Bradshaw was Jmrn i.n this comity, in the. township in which his father now resides, and' ; was at ihar time of about thirty-four years of age. The early part of bm life was spent on a fafin, until about ten years since, when ho removed V Pali and enter odflhe mercantile business, which lie follow od until ho was elected Treasurer of Boavct county, in the fall of ,He filled office to-which be was elected for two years,displayijig great Bgslnoss energy and prompt-ii 1 P®** - As itn. 'officer, ha was- always ( pleasant and ohlijeing in bis manner, aceommodating io aianlt, and stricl ■ honest. .As a tfiap| wo caunqt say £“° in bis;praise, 'for everybody V? V6<l &«» It has been (our ]pleasure' [ to roes* but few men s so uniformly 1 c obliging and engaging in man- ! / ner, that, had sol few faults and so . many virtues. I Hot quite one year ago. his wife, who was in every way i ' worthy of bis love, and whoin he lev ;ed 1 dearly, j summoned away by dea,b rery pafnful oironmatan. , dea. and in ihoj absence of her huss b&nd - The afflicted husband was hi most heart-broken, and we remember : f fccompanyiag him to her grave short her death- and his telling us |- that be bad no lpnger to live, tbit|ife bad *0 eharm.4, tor Him, sad ; A® shohld booh follow her be 1 ‘OVod. Bat a few abort monthe-elapß I “ d h “ ******* hie summon* to join her His wish has been reAF- M died. In th.e enjoyment “ Shnshan reh’gion, refyingjupon a i , V !f, nr ' B love - “ d with IbrighUhopes °f life and immortality beyold the thoir lives, happy »B tbe,r death, their future shall like ' 3J° for thd J->™ with their 1 S*u 1 ' b ‘ C ! w * ■}?**•■■ po regrets : j except that we are depriv. 1 r 6ir 80 - iet y>/ w o do sympathise tboir four orphan children who i ,wjU> move*! know a father's care or imojhsr> love. What a e»d bereaVe mentirtheirs? | --1 Militia to be. Paid. ' r The members of Company F'Capt. l4 th Regiment Pennsylvania Militia, will please call at my Office on Saturday, April 80th. foe the purpose oT swing the Pay Rolls preparatory {their pay in a short time. ThVparonts pr friends of those who cannptf be here to sign the Rolisi and receive then: pay can call at my office any time after the 28lh inst.. and got blank powetn oP attorney which they can send toraembtrfrofthe Company to wgned knthoming some one to ®° j aII! * draw their pay ’for PhwerH of. Attorney, mnfci be aeJ knowlodgod {before a Justice of the Peace or Colonel Cotomandfng tfie! regiment. The be taken at once t or they cannot be liriieiUtd! Bf ° r ® 2 1 ® Wment will lw ***** 8 Roiair. Captain, n . . . ~ ■■■ • - tr. a. Having to be absent for some „ AM* J “ reported that' Governor members oftha Companv nan enll taWlcOmmaiiir} .'S»Wi Indiana I / .[["• ' r lb '.: -T; -; v J ftft Ti:-- ■■ 'l' r-. I'r . I ■j,. . i -■"-Vf '• =I of Beaver County! v ving is the quotas nasign veral Bub difilricta of Bea >n the calls .of tho '■ Presj- men, with «iredils to 1864 (not including ivoter ’g tlio balance of rfnbfaa' ich: I’. , ij ' Quota *' Tire folio ed to the sc cor 1 county ( ['''dent for 70 I Aoiil 25th,i ! arts), slio-rfij duo from e; [ Bo.tti. c.ratty.vd Crtdia to Bat of 1 rol'td. on 700-.000 Apr. 25. i i Quota , Pulaski s.j 67-.-> I 22' 'fa) ■ .«* Aori Sewickljl27 42 H jY Freedom her.. GO 23 IS '» 5‘ do , l2 11- :! l'! Moon- .. 88 20 M i i«- I’hillipshurg.. JGO is, . 14 1 surplus Rig Beaver... 114 88 36 a Chippewa....;. 79 26 21* & Bridgewiiter „6C 22 ■ ' 1? 1 9 125 , 42 21 13 Patterson 25 8 7 1 Franklin. 72 24 IS F, Marion-......... 45 . 16 ‘ 17 Jg j ‘6s 47 8! Eobffoniy...u.)jr,:t 84 34 full] Harmony.......|« 4 4 fuii.l - 55 V 54,, , j Independeceb, 84 28 21 k 7 I Rochester borlp2 61 44 7 i Rochester tp.. 36 12 10 1 'oj Hope we 11... ".'-W ; <J O ,33 Seurplfi] Brighton -SO- 27 17 'l6 Industry 67 , ? 3d 17 'I /a .* 57 49 ' tg Greene ...172 , 67 3® Hi Raccoon 106 35 80 % Beavbr b0r..._126-' 42' r 3$ A rg. South Beaver lO? 86- 28- ’ « Newßrigiton‘224 74 - &1 -in Fa115t0n....... 67 ,Ist /10- i 3 . T0ta1........ 2861 .952 , fn jgj | JXO. CUTHfiERTSONI I Captain * Provost Marshal,24thil>iai. iNpw-Brighton, April 25-/64; ’1 • \ ' \ t "-r •j r. f CINEMINMS 1 gTittm i'follow! w'rfrijadi al - Dam* visited th; Lhifs ite membfebbip DniSnkUb Cunning ham aftdiwearge W;jAl|ifl|<>D. j _, Dr. euWhilgUmjfM bora|jn _L»n caster 4U|rPa.. on tbe loth of Jan -1&04, butjWi his tathor removed to 4813. Ho lleft Uta home early in itolnd by his own energy, acquired la liberal edu cation, aW after a thorough (medical Rudies, commenced theorac -1 lice of hid profession in Ohio In (1829■ lb ,w 5 fall ofjthil .year ’hejchaTgcd his loCalion to Sea* ver ta.r«bpro hetbltolwod his profea- j mon ibo i'mbafof the timeiri partner tiihip wub|the|late Or. (Oliver [Cunnimg hara—hßll tiro Uisefese \bal,fina!j terminated his earthly career, ybt a Stop to hik ’i Vduofts labors. Dr. Cpn hingham tmd *n extensive practice, and waV4» tiUful and, successful phy sician; Wasa manof sterling inlegn ty'andlet&yed the full confidence of the community, but especially of the class that Received his prcfessional serviced. t'He twice repio«ented this Society in the State Medical Society, «tr one oLwhich to pres.d ing officer! He diedOciober 25th, 1863, i j .tho 60th year of bw agiS. Dr, Allison was the son vpf Horn j James OtßeaVer; was j 1003. During bis infancy his fathbf removed to Beaver, -'•where] be resided until! is death. In earlyfllfohe en*l joyed ,hc advantage of the hist schools in the west at that period,Jand gradu ated vdth noiVOr alwashington Col-? lege. He pudied nieldicine in the of fice hi/llia lute Dr. Milo Adams, of leaver, and after attending a-medical course, in the University ot Maryland,; ’cojnimenco|l the practice of l)is profes sion a th|isJhcfroe inßeaveniin the year 1828. The Doctor wds/n close stu dent, and kept op; witli tfi® progress made’ in tlje choice, and byeaijnehtapplicdiiontoecanieetfi ineptly, a at|| sfeillfdl cian. Helobtaihcd and niaijitained a large practice, enjoyed;the cohfidenfee j >f hie paijiertts, andof Uibdomniuni-.' ;y. in \irhidh/he lived. '4H.e|. twice i esen ted i,hc Beaver County M.edical j 'ocio ,y in the Pa. State Society, and j t on e'niceting was; dnijj fjf its Tide rcsidents. Dr; Allison died Dec. 7tb, !6d, in toe Gist year of flits age. Urn. Cunningliatp jand Allison wore | th-'tu embers hlj this society; when it j Is Sfat organized, ar.d wdfe among oldest, most, respected!and influcm j I nemietw. They were seldom ab- ( V t'rolnv its meetings, and weroal-i reac y to participate in its coun- ; and to fonlribut|e iplflio objects vrhicH ft was! organized; their fttli <i of j medical knowledge, which ■ ulnstrious and applied to tlrefr profession for a period of ecti thirty anti jfoity j'cars, ena hem to do. j They were always 'Ousjgntf honorable ih their inter- iaw- 'cal^spcWoD I ,’ wff^^a^Jone^inuch toWafd|sufiehut v and making cnthira j ble tne responsible and arduous duties conftcientous undoareworn phy sieiaij, in his intercourse With his pa 'tiouts. am) his professional hrelhern, wherpvec jassoeiation has made b'icm operative. While we, then 1 ' stiVvm'n R I bretbjerri, jnourn their .fosif ctad submit !to this addictive disponrtidon of l)i, vine ; Providence), Whfch .'him removed thetrrjfpoirriu's, itfa [becoming pud right th'afti wp - sfflolild express our approeiu f'°n bf' thdir rhany.vinucs and’ meri torious qualifications as professional brathern,citizens and gentlemen: there i fore bo it ,] . i Thrtl.wc rogm-d the death' |,of our rri-cuh estcoibpd'- abd venerable i brothers as a groat-lobs toi the pfofes, . Bioh. jto ’.liC coimhupitv in which they j resided; and who enjovedr the liUvaiu I ta S° tb f p mature j Judgments' diiti* j skillful professional p^r , times of sickness and trial, j»r riiofo than one third ot a ccntWy-' j anji especially to the members' oP tile I Beaver County Medical Sbciety, to’ ! whom they).had endeared themselves [by thoir'-gfi'rttl'crntfhliv conrteous jcondact; tLuwisdom: of their coun sels;! the fdellty land, abilitv with [Which they dischaVged thdir' duties as members ot the,sdcicfy. Resolved, Tbatlbcing fully sensible of the -niorjil, socittECritJ, professional worth of o lr deceased' dror'hers. and Of tho val table services they have rendered to the socibty and to' community, we do 1 now direct to- oe' ! entered on) record on the niinutes of‘ of this society tbis prjiimblo and res olutions, as evidence of thp hjgb eg* ti matron th dr associates have evsr held thorn,a id the dee > regrel we feel for their loss. . 1 • J&solved, i That wo deeply sympa-i thize wjth the bereavsd families arid fnenqsof oor deceased; irothersin their iii (J direct t lie Secretary of thiß Bociety to transmit to each of then* lanfilics- a' copy of these rosolu tiorts. •■ j , ■ ■ ■! ' l&stivM', jp'hat th;ose company the Sanitary Society {to life State j) for publication in the the Socijoty,|arid that" f ed in the county pdpr’ The Maryland C« Governor [Bradford 1 proclaihatfoh aiinodnc of the kteefectjon in Jl quESliorf- of calling.'a' g tional : Convention. | ' elates that the whole 51^1 17,i Of which 31,595 19,524 [ against a icon therefore, as • reqairod Assembly, -pyoolaiflM th tion authorised by! th oonrenpd jij the city o: Wndeoeday, the 27th de|egaiq4 legally « wtl! aHreiubija and eoi MIME ! N- M ' . -f; kg ! p^Wb|e Tfe»o^- opted oy ttio «&verCd. tv at thelast meeting, last half year, death has ici^y,and| removal from reflations ao report of the Society transactions of Jje/ be publish- tkllttmt nas. pdbllsbed a ing’ ;tbemWlt dryland on the' t#t«! Cooetitni ?he ; Governor vote cast. Vas wore for, and ivontion.: He by ad act of it the conveo e act will be * Annapoiw op, instaiit. Vrlieh lected thereto «r - .on ■j* : | - r • ' ‘ r '■ K’ » \ '• Member* • ■ o»ftheßar,iiid Officers of the county, met in the Treasurer's Office, -on Wednesday, April 20,1864; to take some action in relarih'h to the death of i George O, BradshaV, fisq-, late Tiefwurer Beaver -county: OnS moiion, John Canghey, Bsq., liras called to!the fihair, andufi. S. Rotan ap)»|nted Secretary. J. S. Rotan, John AJ| Frasier and S, Davehpdrt were appointed a Commits* teel td prepare resolutions, who report* ed- the following: j ! i WuasXs, We have learned of the death of George C. Bradshawi late Treasurer of Boavef! county; which occurred at the house of his lather in, tbistannty.oirtbe evening of the lath ofjAiJsi; Thertfdrti | i ; JttUved, -.That (in ■ his death the; the fonhty has losjt a worthy and ex ceiVqit citisen, who was ever faithful, hotel I and obliging |in the discharge. ot!h i duty as, an officer, society one who %aS an ornament to it, and we a ‘friei I we esteemed and loved on. ac cdni of his many manly virtues. ; \R etoed, That we sincerely synipa this with the friends of tlie deceased, his ;ed lather and jmother, andjfoar orbi ib children, so early.deprived pf both i father hhd ffidthet 1 ritre j and lovi .. . M dived, Tbit we attend thofanjei!- if in ,body,‘and>hal. thesi.resolutions bite&lisbod in; the County. papers. "R JOHN CAUGHKT, dh'h Sy. S.ojy News from the Front- j . * .siiiNOTCS, Thnrs Jay, April 21.-* j [al Giant loft l|er 3 for the front; r.and Generiljßi rnsido went by tl jboat to Fortress Monroe. It Lcratood that the recent develop [of the intentions;‘ot the rebels | ts an early laoverhent of ’the I of the probable. Vn event will ]be !ii aeebrdtwrtce l the- esptbSSejd.j tdesiresj dl, Mr. |)n aml dlliet hsadjiig irtcn here ; Out going into the details, it Jtic-ti to saj- that,the -Spring', has |en idled a way,and that prepara- /or tlia campaign havo boeri. ib.ihc inipoi-litnce of tv ’.eomplished. | There ,is ilorn equt be - i'cioubi that tbe n«st thirty, will' brinj about a great change of sdjiie kind n military ] !• Tb t recent order hi Goh. prant banic ling sutlctfi fro’m the armjyrids it of «er twqnfv, eight hundred S'uper numjrarics. ’.TpeTWar Department has jiven orders for. an addition ol 115.000 beds to! ,tile -present hoipital Ijaccommodatidns here. All patients [ able } to ibear removal, are to bp sent dt j once. I : gams IjCTtxhmcd ’here among )n>ilititfy'iiheii Umt Dee has sent part of his army in to UieSlienar.ilosth Yalley; *v?i h a view of compelling Grant to' dsvide his artfty by sending a ‘fo'rbe in J pur- j Western Governors’ j j A Washington 'dispatch of th'o‘22., saj's:; i Tho’ versions .of tho’ object o J tho ntto;in.f jTmois, Jo.wrf jinJ Wisconsin have-ten ; derod tO'jfhe Ctovernment'lOO.OoOrhoi i for «no htfcfdrcdduvH eerv.ce from lb dalo'..cn j rhusieiv-itb.is' torco' to ~ia k| f j? frruut Potomac campaign or to perform any othci service thd- Govern hient may reqhirc., The Gov . cniors.r propose t f oij havethose ; Rtat.il jtroops t rogulaly mustered into thV iLnitedf States service, /and. clothed Mibnistod and paid by the Government Q;f the’total ■number, Ohio ihdtobses to furnish' ;!0,000. Indiana o0;000, ll linma 20,000, and lowa o.'flpO. Tht Governors arc confident of bcingabk l )ut . "’hole jforcO; oiVl duty ir thirty days.- The GoVcrnrrtbnt hat h?.t yet accepted the proposition.— iUifthignn was hoi consulted in rth'hrd 10 'G bnt.jff expected to furnish 'Vo,- .OtjO additional men. • This movement :'V|ig inaugurated by Gov, Moktox. • I . II .... .. From the Potomac Army | f>iap*?c|i’es v fromWashington,'.W the ’ ?2d I Ml., gay*: The .ToWp is full of rumors'toil! ay 6f " J be y »*» iundbilbtcdly | ]iremature*so far any serious opera! ions are coWero ed; but tlijo'; of G-ViiVit’s cam paign is n*it.likely to bo mp'ch Jongor dcJay’ed.. Rebel deserters fhavo an whwl> re gaining wide! credence with ue, that then* is some;probability of| Lee's i anticipating' (front. and making aggressive [movements > him self. Counter reports co.tno via "re.’ u that the rebels are putting a ' second line of works around Richmond'; an i < j,P ltt(! = n g heavy'siege guns onr them' aad tliiet Lee.will not fight Grant on! topline the Rapidja'n; but will fall! b&fck'td Richmond where' it is intend-; ed[. W* mhke n desperate stru'-^le.— * RotftleiS ear. take all-stories thpy may think bhom wprth. The raJ [ports to the effe-t that the rebels are jin|forco ip Shenandoah galley, or else wherein the vidinityo* the Baltimofe apd Ohio Railroad/are without the slightest foundaliOh iff'tmth. ! -Pbom GaATTANoopAt—The Chat tanooga Gazette of Sunday says | ev erything fe very quietus t that dlaco mjthe military linoiwitFibe except |tipd.6f Jhe moving ofgirojdps and'fun' rations of war., Immense supplies of Subsistence are being accumulated in the;Government warehouses, and ov *‘w ro P ara ti°D being;made for a sue eealfnl campaign as soon es_ active op erations begin. Oaf Jrionds ht. the ?*] bjtft can rely npoh it that the ar- j this department will do f®hy. ' The soldiers are in com- enjoinggood health,, apd aye ready for the. fray. , They' •eg confident that the jensaing cam- P*ign is to be a decisive! one. j ‘ 1 . L or;' (.iENEIIAt# MEKErilTn^— 1 WBperiliMeredith. of lhrfilana, says a «»hvngton dispatch?of; the 22d, was Wlavfynt andtir arrest. fbr*lsitin K th*Bcuy; wUhout leave, and disobey- order ismed afoot a month .M*s>r Mm at Cairo. r ..L : - Butler and Smith’ :*V to'the Auxiliary‘, Socloljoß of'|lhe' 1 "vST^m ~^^iw¥ork ! Armr Committee of leaver! County; wn haV>g eopied from Yo^k. ‘tn.e ComroiWro desire td make a most World wh*t was to beau <u»rnest appeal dn'bebatf of iho Chris- extract from a letter from WvjW| - San Commission, which we hope Will ler, W r J® f M responded to With fdrmeriiberality of the appointment <Jf gngh to -li nrnrnhtnoßS “ - * the'Command of i the Peninsula,Jins i #b»Sanitary CoinmUoion.ihat [revived the^lolloyf ing dispatch froth, I simply to the 1 temporal bcccssitics of i thgGetiera!, 1 dated: i. l tiU>tdieriin iootffitorward tothe Fortress Moseoe, ApitvM pressing thEtimnWtibecimao- qhentnpon the Spring campaign, aret« called iXjting rtoBV, Vigorous and successfulibeaded “A Protest from ton.- i enbrtB||to increase,,the|r j funds to mil- wb ,c jV P U W* „ on , a iL,;i | lions of dollar*, their Zealand fore thi.Billy paragraph eieht reminds u 6 of tlid of 1 ! >ve written no suc.h Weeping our various organ ibrtipn«jlhat not th° kind of a letter La 1 i have becn in such successful operation tomed to wnie, j There has: -I- ! daring the last.year] coMtafifly: and of, for it,; and mro | ttfAwfeat work that we may be able than the consideration to which L am tb meet the demandb that-will con- entitled has been shown mo by the tinue to be mace upon uS ip dur f (K) . iGovcrnment in relation to my present UtKork, viz; ministering! to the 1 should not breah;: myl iiuai and temporal wants 6t the Sol- N>it of not diers.at the same time. Through tl»i<*J.wve,that fc i( not I it inay | hgcncy, us God’s instrumentality, ma-1 nffeel others than my . , ny have already been brought into the Ruined. n . B> f - Kingdom of God, ahil of thous ; ]' Ma|. Gen Com Dep. of ands have been relieved of pain and ! j— vTT i buffering and their wants supplied.; •»- PlymoutU, W , O , The Array Commuteo pif .Beaver Plymouth is, siluatcil on file right-j I'onrity iherefore hopb lhat eycfy Sol bank of the Roanokf, eight milc-4'j iUert’ |AiV/ Soiiety delay,, a bove its entrance iplo Albairinrlei .•oftinVonco with new izealiiand energy; ; It, was! !the. ■to prepare stores .and collect fund- for Union forcci ini February, -1862,1111-, Lhia ipuippso—Sending , the hioren; to Mediately after ihe b ll ptnro of Roaii fee. Jt C. Wilson, in Beaver, or to -Mr. oko Island by ,(jren .Burnside.,- -It was G. Ci Spbyeier; iniij Rochester, or if rio i then defondeded by any fortifictt tHohe!ip,onvenie|it,t:forjward them direct- .tjbn, but one . yras erected above the ly WJ P.. Weymnn, No. 76 to wn, commanding tj»c4 fivpr, Sdiitbncld st.j • Pittsburgh distinctly j an j named Fort; Gray. ; When the ru marked. All, mouieij, should bo sent- mor3 0 f a foray by the rebel iron to Drl Jtdin feurrayf. l Bridgewater,!or, i ' tPom above aasumed: a: form if by !mail, to Rochcsterj Beaver ed.— | «ffiiob'entitled them to ciedenco i:i ob feTe append the report of the Pitt».! Rtruftions were, placed iii river, Army Coihmission, ; :for Lj x mitds a.hoveith,e town, in i|fder to tion Of ail contributors, . -I prevent the deticebtpf liie roWjllboal* } . DA.N’L. AGNEWS Pres’t,. ..-jGeneral' Weasels,coinmahdef of the WG; Tatlor, Sfcc'y. ' L / f ■l, i post, is a Brigadier Goneral of vqliin -1 teers, and was. coiumistioncd as such, Aprjl 25th, 1862 :| *Ho is a Major in Iho/Goyenth Infaiifry, a gra«laulo of West;Point, aha /entered the service July 1. 1833: [ j-.: '■ Report of lr.| P. Wtymiin, -Receiver ,of [ Curistaik Commission; Storeroom. No. i 76 Sinitnfietd Street, Pittsburgh. i * I I #-« '<* • • 1* The. Army Comriritlee for ' the year : .. Hiding Af rit l,j lS(&,.have- -forwarded ! CINCiN‘NATI,,ApnI 24.—Gov.'Moirton to tchiltes nnd' rfistribuicii atliohip, pi-pelaiaatior. tp the peo | hospital sljores andUreading mailer to i p\e - of Indiana, jeiij'ing that: the Gov— i the amount/of- fully) .three-j ornors. of Ohio!. Illinois, IpWn] j fourths of {Which fags tWunsent tothe { cousin and Indians offered ip raise,f°' - I the Army fpl* the- ChinvhdrlundL which 1 ~|l e pprvice o,i the General Government ilia!* (been - | placed tihdcf|our j eighty thousand, men, fordivo .irtiriod | care, and looks td tis for jt chief- sup- of’one hundred <Jays, , to (WVfo rt ?i * n ! ply. !At Cafnp Howe we etitahlishedj military service as might bSiAe* ! a)sfatiwii during the fall of, 1868, and j quh-ed of their, in any State :The 1 also u.ne'nl Cdntp dopelar.d thodnsgih-1 (4 ( , V ernor calls for 20,000; volunteers, | tilhg of March, which is now in ihll | ip 0 that the jmporpincc hf :inalt i operation; ■ The U. S. General iios-j ;,,g’ii l(! coming ■ campaign successful pitaj has. been visited weekly-; and ) ulll j decisive is not to be overestimate 1 such stores as the mon’ needed, have, j e ,| < juut feels coiiSuent ; been given It) them/by the' ladiesof! Will he proinp|tlv atvd futljp respeyided 1 the Subsidence Oommnioo. l-Jt ■lar£f.;‘to’.V'-. 1 .; £ '} quit ittily ‘ of. .lumber, bedding “'id;- r . —; —- - ■»»"—£ .j • 1.) 'i clot)ung Was furnished .the' llnspi'tal; CinCinkati, jApr|l24.—,Cov. Brniignl. j • during the mouth of March, in order] ha* issued an tjrtler calling XiM -s<alton ! to erect quarters aiid make them coiii-i al Guard of Ohio into active service i! I torthtde, to aceonimodate: the large i for 100 days. | They* will lie clothed, f 1 nuiuber of sick;which : were reinoved 'Armed, eqaip||>ed and paid by* .the i ! from Camn Copeland. Preaching has ■ United States Govern incut.; .. They ■ prayer. iii6oifn&» cvein 1 evenin'* t.v i-g . > V 7' ‘'*‘ u ' -1 the) delegates of thefeomhiisshln if, ~!I! r s! l t‘ !r ne «*r a decisive blow, and .13,520 articled ol hospitidclothinir have- 1 ‘ " n s i oldler 3l|- Wlll sh&r l the j!-We beoW cut o/B St’S 0 ' the| c,pw,i „g_victorWs:ol 1 j through', the offortsnf Urn ladies bf the ' C ‘' m P a '" M ! %. relieving-- ourl vet jSuhdislence Coinndlteo. ' .*} nig (J a*dist-of storus ilistmh.Wwl. j, n • ■ w i “«P.w Aiem to engage in: .'. tT . * l ° os distributed: lho mo re ard.ipus duties of the Held n ?V. s^ n , ii * frtj’ff,’ 22^181! ' 1 - ■ Shiris.n.-mucl.. Xt«3-;Wincswliiskylyi -Sr. Louis. |April .23.—Exiwurd B' l.OnSH’fWn sia\i:L""'. uo ! v «?!y««w E«wt.-a r|sident of Slippers, prs... 'oTTiChoeolate] iSs.' ‘'-’Sj-i . ‘‘ l w|)» .WaU;-Ift thpi fort du- Dressinggowna . ,484jMilk, tbs.. ‘ r,27 I r .'“|{ tfas Format’s a'uac&, was evamln-' .- 4niSttgar.--15ba.-V.; • taw'! a t Geh. Edkecrans’ Head Ouar “nofc’.Z: «n TuesdaXlust, and fully] cor-' Pillow tfiWsi;." I : ’" : " i iss P rtv *^“ B reports of).rcb- Socks pairs 6,2s9ioingeri tb* '.! 40 i • barb “t'Hcs there, arid mhdp an Handkerchiefs. 4,314}5age,ib5........;., r| 30 i ajdditidnal, staiemenlX that .'blood- Toiveis.,...2,92liHoarhoa<l. Ihs.. 48 ’ Innuids wero used to discover llie Ind hS£: 5 |;»« of those who cacapeiij X Bandages....... T. 177 Oolongc, qts B5o : Me ears that reliable re 1 - Pads and Rings % 2,303 Bay rum.;;.....! , 110 1 l , °, I ' Ul that’ Miijor Bradford was 'i Rolls of mns’ni. 4.627 Vegetables,bus ' 1,046 ! shot and’ hung near Covington. I Arm) slink's...’.-." 1-.013 Egg.i, d0z1.;... Ivps! " Mosquitobanr.. 71 Chairs.) | Ljnt 1 , 1b5... . ...'.... ’ 1,?25 Fans 3,205 , BUtl,oii, gross... 260 Meals in cans.. ', 1410 needles -gross.. dip Oranges, dor... 205 Thread 1h5...... 14 Lemoun, dor... ■ 168 Papcrh tr's pi,oBl,279 Writ’gpa’rrms 221 Small. g’r books -03,511 Pcnsp d0r..:.;,, 1 839 ■ b’kjjlib’s 4iifio Lfend pencila.di 14 336 jHymntps'mbk. 11,800 EAVelopfs';;.,:; 37 7^o. Testatments.... 12.801 Ink, dfs.J. .. i - 46 -Magari’s* pam. 37.710,at0res ; - Cane of fruit.,., C,BSorTentu ) Also, 15,000 ft uflumbcr, nails, glass, sc, Report of Joseph Albree, Treasurer, ' The cash rccp’ts of tbeiArmy Cota, year ending Apr.'l3‘o4 have bfcns2B,o34 8G The expenses have been as follows: £«“-vv-v • ••• 16,088 Gil For publications... ■•••!■ 3 ggg 58 For equipm’ts a exjtii's 180 4s' For remittance to Cen tra office 1,803 55 ; cxpn’s, ineluding postage, i stationery, printing rep'tsjj renlof : , store room, wages of boy, etc„i '• Ter expenses of public meeting..;.!.' ihG’Til For relief of soldiers in city . ' 4 j For funeral expenses of a jdelegate;3o.oo Tpr counterfeit m0ney.;. ...1. j , yg gQ Reaving a balanceoti hand of $2,£80.88 ! oi a nhA nndinS aecon * 1 ‘ ts unsettled about i 81,000, reducing the amount actually hand to 5,1.680 88 Since December, 1863, the uvpiago expenditure tor stores- has been ■£lQ(]i-;’p(ir day. i For relifCioub publications $5OO per* month. During the months I of!February ' and ~ pur expenditures lor the neces sttioh, aa , we H as comforts of the sol <t"iara tfaiftp Copeland* have been *iSS b .£ boi ' t of S2-.000 One hundred f,”.’rc’Tiy 6»legetcs have beon sent to r°J el(i ! ?*-. T .hom thirty are rlow laboring ?n the armies The {average expenses of thpao delegates for a term or six paw heluV sixteeis dot *? Delegates seceivo no salary— expenaes Shly beiiig&orne ; y tho Committee,' . 1 [ l ‘ 1 The amount on hands Ibctntf suf flcient to meet the curr'ent expenses lor make , tin* slatement , p i the that,, hope the Christian public' may be induced to, contribute ÜberaUu jmd speedily to the funds of the Christian Commission, All donations may oe Bfln * to JoStPH At.BßßS.iTrcgs ■ I H \Todd aiieet, Pi|t*hnrgh. ■ > 'tj.: W •i =EI Washington, April 1 2*,--ifhcra ia *■■ genetiai jmpr? ssion' in'this- city, tliatil active movements in Virginia will not\ be mach longer delayed by I the "raief on both|.tides. Rumors prii- tctMiay in relation to Warren, ton, \a.‘. ButitHe one emitted-to ir.orej credit is that our troopfe - merely feU-i b:t"c!f a few milfes from, that place for* proper purposes. General Burnside - i is in Washington. j • [ | Little Rock. Ark., April ID;_G ov Murphy was inhugnra’ted' yesterday ’ Qvor ten thousand citizens and ;eol diels wore present, A grand probes ; sion of the military members ; of! the : officers, Citizens and Freedman preceded' thd derohio mcsl whieV were very iWpfessire, and elicited tlie, most enthusiastic cheering. Thc'cityi was brilliantly illuminated ht night. The Governor’s! Message was sent to the Legislature last Week. , ■ i! t y —L—, ii - ; SgUpdc ofj the .objects with which the ? rebels propose to undertake a grand invasion of the Iforth’ this Spring, is recruiting * The Mofltgom ory (Ala.)- Jjlail, in a recpnt.article on .the si|bject, says: “Let us invade them with Odr. whole force. Missouri, Eei)- tu.cky, llaryland, d)ii fAe ‘copperKtads' will swejl our ranks'!; The hepds aije exercising 'i themselves. Tits in Coles county, 111., for instance) pre paratory to'enlist when the stare and ban. make their appearance. ; i i not expected that the bill Status, for Militia called out to repel in'rar'ions/such ah John Morgan?* willl pose this session. Mon the Ohio-squirrel bmiters ai-p not anxious for pay for what_ labojp ol love, and the - at GiitKaAL Tottx:^—(jell s',, .“ on i ®hjef of Englneers.-diod on .rnday, in jhis eightieth' year.*— He was appointed Bfeyet Major Gon ff* i the reeqlki’ army just before his death. • ■ ' ■> ■ \ ■I r. . } !i 1 -■. ThoSutrender *f . PORTRfeIJS Moshoe Abril Baltimore, iiasjuat arrived from wl—X *lO Und, ihp%ll?winf'i2^ Weasels, surrende rod & , B- Wednesday, the ioX.in 3t J^, uth lV’ [days’ fighting., led, and 1 2.50(T prisoner* ti 0 fa loss was 100 kilUd. ’ ih * r *W : South some folks in th shaking* theii he tsnttrit' General (juninaign in Y ; jpark that ihoiig heretofore been wn‘■rebels «, .Grants apprife tetWs * 4 V I SelirA ■'tA'MS the rebelgcneral encountered, Ge true enough, .i ] ever thijik • thi Grant has net equally true lha Giant? '.f 'tiarA -Juirglar ’lnvented, in :wl two of the pi a' ball* about one iltely Ipdse. t 1 drilled through J one of 'tliene cat -proof vhjl t " cl ! « "We botl 'es js filfvd wufc ;!! 6 -'‘t* "diarneterjlf 1 W .caanotl r a I :. d^Wn,£ i ilk winch woald.^ . . with, tlie tool instead ol* boii,-Vf forated >y the process. Oi,, r /.r vault 8 has reethlly berni theCustdm Ilbuse in.Chica-h ■ r • j .•* m . ■■ i j 51 •' i ,! »®*Thc mbs; plausible. cnn] t L ;copcernimj Gen. Grant I *, plan o[& rfo.r tht spring carapaimk that which lores of fiftf,* sixty thousand' men,’ including Ba,* sidoVNinlli Army Corps, directly,agitbsl Richmond „lw n -.£ Peninsula, Gen \V..p, SmuiuW landing,; while I Gen. Meades ms, takes. Cjare of. Leo and ijqhgstr} rl" accotlnu ot t’iit lij;. buttles; nr ■Louisiana, Wa the fighting on the Rth _in*U «jn|le. ribly severe oij the lu.ioa were under i th of'Go'n. Hanks. On the .Gen. A. J., Smith, enmmivniiir 1 ;;;i 1 I Vickslfitrjj expedition, tuhelyi and; aliera seven; ed.Olir detyiit i ito a victory j 'j- . Scntt. w.ho hviilih 1 , hi? preparing an .iidto k'n, life tiiid tinics,' [which ui able mint* for f’Kijiv h[? pi’Oef—nl’CelHi huri :iln-ud •of.a ; .portion sl’irk, wlioitj iviil iiw«, iji Aumy Man (■pom' Wiikhinj' The tjiails'froi) are-ajl to be «t Hearns —I ndi soldiers in** lit* i>iSto?vo l pK ;t(in,/»l ihifiV.V iwi*.-? ii the ai mv 6t IjiVimti topped afici vo jwirru*. i ictcet : rtfveWviti lii i ety to make: f 1 I.'.- -j . 1 Doty o s I’ I tins' ilipnso con' ■ imported attic Ways and Me : _C 3.t|o J eer v i m u: . p Theyj cipiruss w|Jl ,bo able U t j' £®|*A icon I tiiarhie?.is to iti 'honor oi, t ■ mo ns. pisud be, it:is i.aid Jlt .mcniA irt ttV< . by *'l r,, iioir,., • 'tor at Koine. IUNTINO. PAPEi,.-j-'Sie es upraise’ ih'«; larilf?; .w», itu* liwmbi'rt yf| uir* will ;w;iri'ily si| Matin /. paper :pr the opinion" Carry U’ metii?]ot' pu be eret'rted hi ->i. Shim (,’oi maniifjicturor. >iie at the fiiie ’nlry, aii.yi.M •Viuer.it.- ,'^®7Thd : . aV lionizing even Rome]. Pomp bn every - side and Similar . i lerk'.in ivirf j i * tlijj (localitiGrt i 'uii in to Jay- -su by a [urge col ulanlutiuiis. oc. iVu f.ty m CsUfcl sa» :o days-iiow rciliin i ■is 10. tiifitvl- riujrai'i i lor 1563, ‘.l \ f«a* ■by.ilJe'lKt iiayj.-c'i I? ’ bd',. iid'M i( iWrjj 'penalties U . neigh bbrjiood: Sfflf'Only fiv payers, U 1 tax their incomes are not made.- fifty j|er oent-,’ besides oilier liie delay. 04. l)otKOiiur>..j Ji M iio. Laving lokW )] ceive: if extremity of •in place. ■ «Sr : l)r. Th Wollsville; Ol Beaver, will r» in the Souther tiohal-Hotel, M. >y Rev Joliirl). K® l ! )S (jRAItAM, 'pf PuiLiE Raw. 1 of Byj j■ ’ • ■ ''Vi. April, :19th, I Mr. WriiiiiA'Ms, water, to] Miss cliesto '] r Pa. ! 1 lin Qn thp 23d o( April, at the Hotel, Phillipiiburg, Miss Mb',*- da‘ughter of tG. .township, aged 16 years. S and B'days, - . pn the 21st i net, ati the Vo»i&n« { his uncle, John Farrell, Henry N elson ~ aged 19 years, ? rifj and 2 days;. T ie. deceased Was Blair cjpnnty-, P*. , In the. Army of the Pot-dth??, tl the ,14th .iiiat.,.cf Pneumonia, (jW? SI Bailey, Of Co. I, l4oth Eegi ? pled In! thp moniingiof life, ■- • , Haringflived bul s score of Died in the epap of thesrmy, With hiscomrsds. volunteer*, y i - Died away st thd. Itspidan river. A i ' . Many miles from the lored ones »* tOB*! . Died in h'is tent, surrounded ] , i By his! volunteer messmates alone- -, ands before hin», ,i i edom »nd right; ibnorenlitied, ,i, d-fell in the «ght- Diod,«& have thau ’■ Itf’defenoe of fr« tois much h At though h# bai Died, where no f»tl her or mother ~ ; i e»th-d»mp frefn hi* ' j Christ, : [ ‘ ’ : Couhtwipethe < Died * beliexer in Aytd rejoice* in tp.,Ap/.i lenTeonow ,'U '' I Itf; fn. QX g«at Bfe.J :t.ipliV L ' nf- ill ifTi'-iii.i. )J'h> :*n' i iliao i'i-’iie fi j bue: * i- I : ' -3a ;r.ot ar^n «• vfi IS iv§ Hnrihf i Itilrfi fiiri ■to l>f J in' hcJ Irwiii Jt.ta£ ‘l'Vjir is JURIED! ;' lED; •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers