'I •I- *■ * BRAVER are Ctn Wednesday, Agril 27?4§Q& I), l. IMBRIE, Editor & Proprietor. ! TERMS- o** 0 ** and PiPn OMTa i>' adva.\c£; otherwise Two Dot- ? ;il be charged. No paper dinoontinaed JDt il |;i urrciinigcs are settled. - j ££p*iLtMiera’ communications, By mail, LET IT I,o: former £ rad yes-j. 3 ssj— Shahspeare. lit : -iii’V- f;v iu-u> take ' ! i ’ || Eet'it pass. \ .\sfiry i» ufoe to k-iijsejK; '■. ' ■.. J ; Lilt it pass. *;. .1! o'cp’.a’Vvoi.jf?' ■••• : etc lohir; sir.g'Uii-. '-•iievry, £>>n>f •' . . - : Lei,,it pas's; .1 Lef it pass. pilrost wind; 1 liLei'it .pass . I I Mr V . •- |i-Iye*. il pass.- Ar.V p:-i.r>y-I>-'t!iai ( T ,]iye, • • .r.-rJem:) reprieve; V ’T't ■tSif'wbo.frffdrfe • , [iJjot -it / . ! J t . *i t»t, U'l j - ■ | ~; jjass).'i : •fien,yc"!j.fh4ve "rreit; ■ i)ass ‘<rivrvir j‘ n'tt:pais ;:uray,. Li’.:i* t!i.’-■lo’V’d. - tbe- <jiray. Wacrofor-j sii-ju! i f-i'r *grr6wi> star? Li't i l . pass,- *, f, M‘l it pasN. I Think luW IT U-r _:nk-n ,ii!;v- • •- • i.ft it pas«. o';,'b(* kin i anil,«eri'lt'.. ‘ . , ! 'f: ■ ’ '"j . iLvi. it.pass. | Ti"il< v at !#<t {ftafti;- - lUf straight;*: i;i'l"'n.s i.-.if ri's'pfif. Out (ivn.it, ' J O.n.i our (ri«iffljj>i -sliiilijbo tcri’at; ',i ’ ■ ' ■' Ust '• pur*'^,‘, ;! ■ 1 i<v;T ■ ‘ Lot itlpiixs. , Sj, I * / 1 : '■ ■ . ;i : 1 0, Ti|’' r x r*; • i ' - ■ ’J.rt jl. Tl;c,s P■' ‘ >t ■ ■ Vi;.-*- 1 j ’1 ■ I --I I;, t:l -on-; . ■ J '■■o' ” '-’i l T r-Ki [p'i ‘TI; i 'VVurijx'f '* , J.i’t it pa <s, •, ILlt ft pa*«. ■ • ■ ' ,c - , X '•<> ii 31 « f iui Tr ■: • ,• i .. •• ■s- .IV-tSIIALT AXjV. 07 TUIT c. .' , I " ' ; < v PITTSBURGH SANITARY FAIR.”; I - ■i • • . | , i . •’ n, - - ' * ■ fi 'J J j;t V it) ri- r^qn.'S-t. r- •V: s V.Miin;.» ConiriiiUnVof c ‘ rctiijonsiulij k , ho (jli 'ilw v.t-.crmi ilicoilkojls” ’■ !jo s i (..til'.'j, iOl'i.'ln, r<l.vj V fr ( N Yt ’nb Fafv. w '.‘•'Sn r»n,*-«viv .'r. 1 ■■:!.■ '-■T'7 !V ;v-'V. =>. 7?' V - f - ‘-tH-PtV t:<• ii-j 4 i’! _- 1 —| “ 1 • i . -fji '»C> VVV ( ’* . *■ =I I-'i;Sa:*;[ r ; ;'|;p ,m;, ilio F .• -• V.p W’U ! - <■ Is; ij:iv of Jll ■’ a l' i . •:»t V -;i.* li 1 V- * • I 11;t : »u r.! v •t ; • I'll. ■ Ul-J •Vi‘‘ virn*. i-.n m: 7 1 ■" 00 •' • r: '!' ‘■:;:K:i- V i'W-t P - • v :t \ -; ■ I :*» ! i'}.' ui«- 1.,..’* r* ti v/cok'v lo '' in!! turn .out on the _ t-it>« -liMuijh _ ptyne up wish hu zbai'ns, patriotic and' liberal H‘ assist ui comfort! pa:,' eoh :|'k and . euecnraixiu!; pur bravo. vrh.o -left■ the comforts and of homo ( to .defend the "'idl on’ own lives, our ‘ t[, nv, our property, our firesides, ';i all.Uiai is dear and sacred to hu* »«esistontn; v | ' THO-MAS PUNIiISGHA.II’ EDWARDiHOUPS, W.M P. TOWNSEND,. . , ■‘l’" l ‘‘s. V3di. j Cpminittcc. 5* *.T i.! Statement-—Yon..'can i f /-'-iue oi <;ny drhggist in this city Re. Td&iaa Venetian Lin -1e > nt ■ K ! * a , <u'-e.a|nd ispee.dy cdrclor. ■. headache, toothache, chf()« 4 , » . * • ' ‘"ctiinaiisin coiio, croups land .. li | •Uie-l;mbs. Wo advise ei'-epy (five it a trial. The expense is lr ' , ie—2;") cents-—and wo are out'-' int ,ln person'will ever be with-’ ver y familyi should haven H<;, 6<n t *'° kp ns :® ifl case of sudden I: ?uc f> in cuts, burns, scalds,&c ~)J 0 l ’t ,n ' r ® , ! eve !«g|qai , itle« are tnira- f f er°up. it hits saved p P , n . . ’ the certificates to' > , 10 °. 56 Conlandt Street, , ') PASSi " Tb<| ini ag Jrattou; expr6isds' 01 groai.,fuir, a£ Maryland Instituto' tirporo, oji Monday night., of week, worb very imposing. The appearance in the hall grMei! w th tickendous applun Alter the aid dress of . Bradford, theblq-esident was lo i culled |or, and j in rcanonse, procc to , make brief refb ,1° p ie great-change Whicth ; has t! in Baltimore in the last'd \ The world, Jib. said, has |l I beejn Avanijing jtijl correct the dofinj |,of the word freedom.- Whilst all ieswd to advocate liberty there j;n the minds o : many, very ppp: :'vie|v3, of what liberty, is, With J map liberty implied \yorking for ■j self and doing IJS he : pleased with of hie labor. With ol i liberty meant to. do as youjpjo | wlt.l» other men and theii labor. ~ iof these t|wo ; conflicting ideas w to giyo way to the other” I thopght from ijome oeetii-ences ihadjlately taken/plaee in Maryl her people L wcro nlAuil determb ! whh;h of 4dic.se- views of free] fiiioiild cfif irol her destiny. Ho t alluded to the occurrence reported have takeb place at Port Billow, of several . hundred cc by the Coiifecicralob.j M the Government did ■ drt its dntvt iu .regard to of oiir colored ’ soldier; dto y to such Illicit laker,. ■ W lio n the qucs I mg evinced rnen as sold ci liietlovornieiu. it rw ’ with himself to say'wln 'lid make ..soldiers qf t. e i.phdeivd the matter care tvhbn he became, cohviijced tv M- employ-them jin that .* oitl jhpt hesitate loj do so. 1 "-■tbrojtlic.i American j per pie } ; fpr,ijlre ai;!, responsible he | hristianWvorld, responsible) land in the eyes of .the Uis j ironside i lie stood i before TTZttl' 1 Ik:— t. Bnt.ivh.cn the goi-edn mcced tojmake .soldier pic, I e lljfugbtiU bi|,i y j hnuld have the same, j white soldiers, (applau ;n-;[?.c 'hekitiifed ‘not to dcc-la'-iv t , thelrororniuenl would so firoteet-tl ; r- * 4 » 1 to t|ie utmost of ii si lower - .When ■ and authenticated case rot vitiation would follov [has he bn, difficult tp «r. -u.riaiivtv whirl should c icrnia deed.-on In a matti-r so peri ; I-.Vt in th > aiia’ir at iMi-t 'PilUiw i ‘.'h- - uchi were likely do limj a < ;; Tii’i govt>rnriTeiit,hud no di |evidence to eorilinn the reports I: •;'-»t(|nee relative: lo the massacre, •, Vc ilonvil the iketK related v/ere I i W!>.i c. :,he govciriMi'.eiU docs know : facts' iron oiueiai' sources, -and 1 i .nlialc .u’d'o' reports, rfct-ribu ■ wr,l ho srireiVl given. [Great 1 phutse ] I -it Ivicv is the •reTrionin;, 1 bo[ udniini'stertcK is ca question ; to'j’c*.acltied.- Would It be righ ■ rnke.the-hv'es of prisoners in W iivrinn, Ford Delaware, or^olsenl >in retaliation for aets’in which ; flap not s lured, and which will p ablv be fe una. the ordering of on lew indiv duals,or jioJsibly.of only man? i f ' (The President reiterated - that tin Govcrnm not ail'to yisii. ret ribution, when the facts wore clc arly obtained. Throughout his remarks hoi was warmly applauded, especially for his determination to visit rctnbii lion for, the barbarous deeds of tb\ rebels, -i . ■ / masss'-re" o«J spldre?, > 1 supposed 1 biU-inl to < -protetTion ■ '•' H e k(esirb< wrw«k|i>ist i>i' <iinp!oy hva«j U-n i v.-rv, riv.u-i •-■r; he .‘ill. '1 i’nily, uikl il Was a t(i <'nn;.i_-ity Ji. i{>* *rtO'l<l b 1,0 ‘f/’flTI ji j 'isj'-’' •'"* ..li;; v| ;l * riir’r O'- Avfsl, ttv'ii' drti'r ■*' I ;■ 01 i;: x r;-K-Vo^ ■ ■ ■ rV • * i ) hiitl tU>y .*iw min rtv'U \ r J t‘i* I . l> SIMI -jti.llV;: :.«*■ '•\‘V li ; ; ]o;;r 1 rtTa'jt 4 1 ’’ li‘ oi i r • ; ’ ■ i r\ m ‘V r. r. :|t. ;>sr h [■>' !>o li'-lrK tain to a A tA-liV ;, iiv we n IZf-li't.. <■■! ’lhl •ji'-lVi ffr.V.l, t'.~. i'ri> ii'vord 'i . \ ■■■;i n;i:i vr. ■iij'i.l, :-r. on ' no. 11 , 1 0- ,0 ■ < V»-i;r>o 1 >T'\j ■TO ll> ■UU Sllhll-.TS j •.(' lilt' pVr irumy tli shef**'!' tn'bo ’{oil nd \Vp ask that ISE The Coles County! Rebellio/—? Ii the tuples coabty (Til.)-.Rebellion eight lives were lost sft the affray, and twenty-fire prisoners imre in custody. These, it is said, yvill be turned over to the" eif.il he tried for, riot and murder,'the ]npt being regarded as such as to justi fy a military triad,'or a trial for (trea son in tbs.U. S. jjourts; The slth Re giment, whose members \yero the ob jects of attack, arid five of whom Vere filled,. h'a vo offered a reward of §l,OOO for.. I hose at, large who woro'engaged: in the affair, ‘'dead or alive. ,f The citizens pf (Charleston have also offer; cd 8100 bach for about a dozen. Delu ding O’Hair, the-Sher.i|f of the ooun ty. Many bavcyescpped , Slate. The rebellion yas a sysCaniat; IjcaUy planned: thing, the soldiers sta t>ned in detatshed places throughout e- coantH, were to be dispatched ' j: MEE "?4 ~VrlfiSi ME MINIM lIMMI ’V-01l The Po: iow 'Massacre .verged. first ‘7, mmammm No. 1.7, ~"" "' " tarnation of Freedom' Prbph ' ■ final drafi of the ,propia- In a Vt’ -presented by the! Pres!- Bepff iCwik' Cabinet, it closed with the j ww. : i fa stating t|ia!t the slaves it hi tin' ' :■ ; r !• ?ould ,be received into the V ' | iec of the. United States, «a' ■ u . ibjceted to the appfcyrancei m f ( i ent 9f sneh fiioinentous ini-')■} ; j~ itjrfoiit ; one word beyond! f fa I rases necessary toconVcy-| f 1 ri-and finally proposed,'that l ! u Lj,. dod to the President’s draft p ug sentence: ' ' . / . . j , foijL,, ion this act w sineerely h, . J | be an act ef justide,.in iierato of m lie griieiousi favor of 'Aim |j| ■J!. '*°i% C T Ul^ k idier wnrfn ,)°n military rjcpeswt hJj k*ia !^ors. J v' 'j " mi the proclamation id 1 * i and history! |. adM resident origiUliy 'jjJE lK a policy .of.tsahifig t mOM [in (ho summer of xpressod it liiir * s going' wrong; bISCI ul. forth om ji i.-OmU ally didn’t kno ! ll?£ . less he did thi ,-ISC ■ . . itKfloc pared tkc'prr sag • neuron tlo , e W th unity appe . ffa. . •’gether. aijf The i^ of Preeflom. of en ! of fbe ,prop7a- In a jxcJnt speffcb-'in thie; I tha |” ,nl ' ,< ' n t’.®?-presented by the! Pres!- BepfosenlJti4eßif jifr.- A'iinoft dent to.j.he Cabinet, it closed with the j how,'--mttdlrte&l ! fnlcrbgU?' 'jast paragraph stating tiiat tJio eli.vob it hicihts: would ,he received into.(ho iftro!•l' 1 willi-*pju, Bo .''a. -itii W V ;anne-l service of the. United States, state a most ronUrkuhlo. ’ Mr.. objected to the made by D&nglaain Jamyin?; of a document 9f such fnomentojjs im- Tbo statement is fartrialiod porta|ieo one word beyond! Geh eral : 'C. of the dyy phrases neeesfary to convoy.j » goiiUoinjif *>fliighesC i ,t 8 filially proposed,' Hoiifilas was asked there he added to tiro Prosidcnt’s draft' Siew.art(w)io. Wis. ; hmkiiitff' fhe fo lowing sentence: ' ’ -/ ! iTeai’s' cal!.|oi| | , Dongfcw'i . Ami upon this act,* sincerely he-,j' v dl .ho Oie;,W>iujt-<ff'the e liovedj tO; be an act of justide,. war-j-Tvffvrsoh Davis add his nsao} ranted by the ConstMition, I invoke ! divido the Übiofi?’’ Douglas the; considerate of Cuttciji States are”W kimd and the graej ousj favor of to draw in She border U' tt. d.” . . i j. , i;th'eir Lincoln adopte<ji the sentence >i*<»o fearful'thjjy WiH succeed; as. Mr. Chase wfiote! ft,! only ipteulin-! dtj succeed tlle'rd will be tiio ing after the Word “Com, million’’ the ijrihle, civil wu|- tbe-world bus. “upon military rjgeessity,’’ and dor year*. : ,Mdll :i in that form the proclaniation Wont to irnol housd; •bnf;.,i&> len; thd wprld and history. | fth tiiitmph t/tiiot-i <;« l.he President resolved,!-°I lhci|*. first efforts,.will b«| npdh 'lie policy of Issuing this proe- possession.pJF tLis capital to lanj:.tK!si.;n the summer of 1?Q3..- As-prjstige abroad, huff they-v he iuia i .vpressod it ijimsolf, every-li-succecd in .'taking it} jtb’tii-fi thing; wa s going 'wrong; we st ended jirisju en mnssedfe dbfend j it; to nave pul , forth out almost effort; iihejmmu a city of haspitais; tbi and he rt ally didn’t knojW what more | es-will he used lot life bit-k atK to dp unless he did this. According-Ipdj and pvenj tle Minnos'oi )y, po prepared tlie'preii miliary proc- 'fnow chc botlkfes Hospital lamijlion, nearly‘in the torrii'in which 'b'Voled' tb-thlft-i purpose hi it sn|bspq|onily appeau-d, failed theied of the wak;f G'cn.. Caijuipt l igether. and road it to them, j haired, “Whatl justification 51,;-. Bh ir was startled. If yo’ii is-Tor all this?" Lougias rdniied; MiCjJiliat j reclamation. M'r'President," j,is no^jaatificat}-c|n, lie egti|laiijietl.. "you .will losepvery one finy.'- If t! wi!l,i!-pio" : -' ‘ * q be se.— i Gov,! lldlv »fled ilTOd ;al:en. ;hruc (long ition ■pro- was losite one. j»?g pom ben 3.— e- Lliey [ion lliol .Air. ; J a r*i as ft icrs 'U v (l eth. u in eijilo, -.sii m«j ;r* Send i lain dhie as I lie bein' mm iria you B|l viciorv ■pree|«' uno*Tl» '-v!i -x - 0. - .'/f(i iiii; tilamalio.ii Ist ( I Jin just i ru- bai : '!> tfiiye (}a.!!o iV.iN ; U !ii ' l IV a/- ecr- V)V* tjr.ii ■'(!' I ilfe'iiidi lc;n mi tbe-C arty ''pi’ Jj-Ar.-b j ox- bill tne- in tk pri: : ,ej l \y *rtf' ts',»tn.SlVS rue. tlio n ey turn "P* I. I*, still t to SUI lil-j sub ere, -icy rob !y- a one g'-; 1 cip bre eieeiiin*. j i'i Wiil, on- tlie otljcr hand, ivi!l jii “«t it, Mr. President, jiwt i and 1 Is.. I approve iqf it in prin- j Cong/ 1 a I’provc the jin!icy- of, i»-f iaid-di T to the time!— j ini; h. t note, on llio heels of ouriattonr s, and it vitl -he construed ; njthoi uisive struinrl’e ot a drown- ■ of ilici lo give it proper v,-eight, and j> 1 reserve jft till' after. sorWo'khey*.- .j / e *. I r ' J . v (an in*] it cm uient !iE.-*(|ul,o'l t(> ilr. Sew- f originally prcpTro7T7 'TtTt r ‘^iJ!u - .ie i:U Mi*} Oh'am.-siipplfcd- the" a -shirt - n . sentence [was the’ final, Pro ' Liont. Gen, <Trant: ; , '*• ji on lh« subsequent' .' Genc-yah Grant |s’, as', you ,knp|w, • ary —Cok'Oin. Gaz. 'j-ihivhead of al’l armies. (Kjlth • o ias.Uc applause ) 1 It might 1 seem | pertlnons for " me 1 to attempt tr g|r mv opinion to th-c j people r i;bdu; t! merits and success rd'-Geii. (Jrani, hi nevertheless 1 Wild; ilu #•>}'.- ■ -I.'jjmc Itnown him for t great n)Unljer "i years, General lirantl pqssesses-'qnii ities which lit liifil it tlirs position lie nh|iv' lipid* TT,e,ik di tingnjslioiVfor iKs>!!jtujsni»tj* hajisol Oi'llie inor! niugUjiiduiDus myn L cvi knew; he is entiisjly unambitious rii uuGdlish; lie is a’cppiital jndgtf df jrfc iMi'il he possesses vi -ft reniiiSrkabie cl gul-e the'quality of. good • Wflinic. setjsc; pL.oucl ■ ' ■ I ’ , Plie‘-e qualities’l tliiiik, vvill : •mall a good I'xeueiitia])Ai ticnliirlv witen 1 lius'goo.l Gjetierals to deal wiiliyb ■ehuse if U6' is imigiianimqns fie w give everybody credit for wjiajt tb have doi«vand a|ft seek to rqi) ■ t!)t of file fame which tbcy'htivel bimost '•a "nod. If ho i| dniiiijiiifiuus;bo wj inntseek tci undermine iunoeobt 1 m • { (I ; { 1 iso .is’ who- may iscem lo be in the iyr : and if he has; goc d eo|tnmon sense a j good jiVlgnietit, he \vill kpt|p-e|:telrin i below hqn tel tliii sjieeilie j4fUV ; 1 width he'i%best; litletjl; so ;thlft tjoh’ al Grant,-wlro co|nbiiies|ull ,iiie qnt ficalions.is viry.aijt to| sUcCejol.li ,;A GT-ant/tluts tati lias been »'u cojhstul, and llio [chillies irepthit I w*Jl succeed, in the future! (Thuude ol| appease.) "'ivy p * ; 'a j | He iaefo leaVo the West jlor i,t| present [ ahd- take temporary cq mand of tho\Eastefii army, (oheei and without is thing to j disgrace! of tf tsf. who bs I ° I ' ' ' * ’ 1 ' J heretofore' 4:01 the Eastd jaymy; I think Rifle jib to if army a.degree Qfli'onfidecjee wliicl| has |\ot fel tf for. some U s cqsc|alwayH carnes with it cqnfidcn ahdsjtbat is what; they wank |ij ninth aS ho has;; beeq snceessTulNhe tiforo he will Lrye the .confluence army, and jj osacssing the |qua cations which I think he has', il sei to me wo can ill 5 go home toi-ni feeling that will attend; efforts of General Grant in the di silion c 5 th ' in armies dii this ca ration of i Union Man- ; .'ids villa Jwri>;}i t-ayv.'-r «;■ shown aiprivale leister I coni’ cm va ntv, : E.o n i u<• ky. which trill- of l!io !VS ! “’- l iur)•!' . o,f -n li;,' tnuh iiln-in ilial-i-fsa-H - Stale/ -J’nc hands swand wav the counties and deprecate i;cens without merlin':; with si;inn. lirilio latter part of .vr fifteen | of the' citizens of ■ were cauirlit and linny by lor i'drns'r.:; to tdl Where .real or ,iriia_tiuury,. was sc Tiu! object ol the gueriihis n haye hen a to - torture them a cohfc.ssjyn. fen;, in eacdi - in-! : e victims wore eii'. down before.] retinol, Ono man refused td : lie tor In rot and they delibor-j ot him dhad. - /-.The ’ e heemne [jjlcifrned' for., their, ,nd are.,almost! ii.iivorsiillyj he coun.lry/a.nd; seek inn rej other parts of ••the Stale. — 1 ateraents may b|o considered •ll.y. fur tliey are ina.riy by a in of tinniliohing Unioir\pi in : - w\holo : of bis loiter a spiral oj"despair* : • \ IKfO.t was m i t- ’ iyi *' [l iVi ring ■e i n use si I j, is two ill chi lies, : rathe; i folio Examinations following' 'appointßiant? arc r. the undersigned for the esj . J ° » i ’]• jn of applicant'sj for teaching' n Schools, in-Beaver county, „ - ' ,I; yer District— Apt »1 27th, ah School House. ' : District—|April |29l h, at Davis’ Douse: ■ j j: 1 1 Beaver District—May 3d, at nny’s School House. • .1J Brighton District—May 12th, ; Brighton |School House. | lom District —May tilth, Free bool House. j ■’ ! xainioations will bogiu at 10 v l- .' ■' ' I- j, a m. -v ■ - ' ' f, hers will procure their and revenue Stamps. . i ! pi directors are particularly re -1 to be present at the examioa E'armts, also, sjhould he present to s 11l ©' qualifications of those., .who )to inslbaqt their children, v : t , X - r j*. iL REBDy Co.tSapi' Bno i Station,, tpr. 15, ’M. " I . ✓ ! dl'iUt, { plctl to maki. ly-fbt , owr. baeioeM is much ossded: j; ! . ' 1 -■• -. ■ .;■■■ 1 ’ I|i[eiH.a|nj ir. lt) bcy’jtfi 'oi |^ S^y^'them«rkswhleha(-olaB- - tonecj on the blankets, shirts &e sent, Lifef kowesjjoir blanfcet’worn, yS£i?K as n™r*** pin': If : isns ! H vf : papef,;wl,re|) £&*;*xiilB Mo 18 ;nmety throe years old,) down ! ai °Wandla,:halifmiles i '-•HI;-. ;! | ■3 l .On iuicither. blanket wlut this:- ‘-This J k", blanket y-as used by a soldier in the! •• liWar of it keep'some sol | ii»!,dier in j this avtors/* - : ,' ‘ ■=' • - j t -"-I* ‘;’ }, ■. •- 7 * 7 - ! i- ..• . ■ ; e j- P»- a ipiU'ojyr \tas written:; l-This e !.piUow belonged lo iny little boy, 3 | died resting ion it. • It'is a pro n [lfiitbs treasure to me, but I. give to r UJ spldii'hs.” ■■ •" : 1 ,j- On a. pair socks was written! These* I ;; wokB were knjt by a j little girl five -■r jj'efu’ 8 6jd|, and ’ she Ms going ! to' knit ! * 'forr.e more, for mcithorsays it will.Ueip r some poor soldier.” ' i s ji 0n » box of beautiful lint was this murk ; * 1 kind Cj in ta siok> room, where : j jhc sunlight ha- not entered for nine, yearii, but wljpro God has, arid whore two. sons have bid (their mother good bye as they have gone lo.the iwar.”- 1 Oil a j bundle',containing [bandages a poor gift, but 0 -given iniyhus id -on jj- wish I ■ I hpvn’t.” is were marked; Mind. Qh I how tld Fitig that you ' , |onl .was ; C|er “ L |g ac .' on jl’husbtilhd, Mr. MiiUiews, | wbaj caper : rrom.;in« Kw., r .. all the as r c now;a:paift of. Mr. Coffox.Vfiinii|y | reaching opr lines, in TervntrijiJee, being im-enocs oT life, i i n . Mr. Ct>l|uxbas. lived , as j- ec i jf the conscription! w 44 rigid, ,-o«f' •q'tyl'lt? tliojUit l ; u»gii;igo( of tj.ji BibJ«V : ;;lWbpt \' was $ wi ? They man who v better., liijxvcvm the exenipluiy nian e .-j■tbe'7/«vp4fek .‘at Spall Bend. which Daim’tbeen dead more than two days. ’ always made "fiijs quotations ,t best an : 110 ■ publishes.' jAt .the is till of; 5 " — 1 1 - " dard (if (])no iiiQt.'day,. he^yqas! the first ypar lijb. yrjas ;in cii<fajc?j |in nu'wing, with bis hired j debt, but in a few years it became. a»i man, who was the deacon j proiueiß o t 0 T ‘ l *lJ t ;*® n „' . i. , !.- J , . v ~ . I burned ont. whth but little insurance tojlowing ;ui ‘ hii» ''wkinty comiu>g..his | Colfax anew, and wajj.more quotation. when' film roan suddenly-; successful-. '■ Hia f .political . course is sprang* 'from Ids 'piace;'leaving his j known to all,| anti I heo’d:not refer. t»_j h\vJrll»:just in ,tiniie-„U) avoid a wasps’*!' ftfat nu^i.nat'cd,|t(i the! II i : -: -i , • ;• l ■ I State Somite lot 'lndiana, he declined, nosu -(j. I / ; j .] ! I .ewiuso' he con Id no t iaiiq:id tq leave I ,'is j ■ ‘‘,\i lihtqs t,ie|niattcr?”; ( ;i/i,q|iircd the p |D> was; novi;r.^a- plaintiff I deacon. ■ : "" ,i •; ,d ' 'or, defendant - in*a. justice, “Wdsps I" .was the lyepm'dreply. never drank liquor qr jwiije, hnMs an. ‘ Puli said .the deaeoti; -lihe wick- exclusive smoker lie ..^bapisliw. ■ , , i i,-’ 1 i 1 i ’ l J.i ■■ litiuor .Irom the'House w.ng ot-the . 0.-l flee whom no man piirsiioth, but the | e y pHo , j n , g it i tc of .-mahy protests 1 IrightcouS'.aiq as bold a[ lion ’’’ ‘and i’ as , a in S t iti 1 Since the war broke cut 1 lakiiig 1 Pic Kvoiilttn.aii'is. Tswartb.' hiol hc has given, though' a pnoic man, i ‘ In owed -but a stl-p w!,e\ aswkrm 'of | nearly ,53.000 I to siek and : , i . V. , • )■ , . ir. soldiers, bnd to ■enconrago; voluteers ■ (ipe brisk insects tjoul.ed his-car.s,j,y^“ l >‘ - -' f ■ i : apd ho was forced ;to fetreat. with ; 'Mr.dCoifax 'has ; a blight figure. ; niaiiv a'piiintul sting, aiid in great dis-.l ra l. |o\ J cs,.; and ' brown- hair,; and ! 4mfiUii|e. I. 'Vi*'. '] : ithobg!,| 4 hashes in Congress; many | •‘.All i" shouted il’iol other, with a I yeifc lie Uill looks young/.. Uw - •i 1 1 . I ■> i, i 1 l irict-lia» ; iutimalcd to him-utbat. they • .chue.do, “the praaentr;mail! {org^etbm no( p(irr j,j t - i,| m to rQUre at-thpi the evil.| and butPhc, 1 s 0 oPthe ipresent .Congress.; - 1 slmjilq pass on, diid ahuiiiunilslipd .” • 1 jf!,lTlV« Speaker is iv. cdf-made! inan,, The dcaetin ihiid loutid his .equal in’ tuid .so is the Clerk of ilhc. Honwe, j; . ■ ,r. . :i , - i-’, ',- . Lv> ,«L iA ' ,i-ijEdwaijd McPherson, who ; was born Johnson, of Xenn!.,-made a, making applications ot the saciea.jr ■ «... tceri. a> ! e ] ercn - \ * l,!, ■ Jri’ i v ,„ ,u„b ,»ril>u,™ in i, moWingfi.o.. g“"i„g Tf„a„e,.g3ll«™iui.>* .* f ■ ••rl ■ ... r.■ ~ -I. I I tweeh Jcliool and..thy printing-office,(and,took radicaj ground pq tli.b. quo&.-, Ild' w’asjti good practical prihteif and a | libuj of emancipation ini |hat clover scholar; graduated at Pennsyl- vyas, erected yania College, Gettysburg, ;ip r,j n . t^e -; R? J t . w i,^ c .Hi e reiofs with the hoclors of bis class, and ypent, . Jki ... ■ r Jg-*; j the winter in Harribhuig in j«L the liberty pole in 18,61. ind writing for tbo netyspapere^— 1 During the gubernatorial c|tinpaignjot he edited the JDaitjj. American. Harrisburg, knd subseqnentlyj edited other papers in .Pennsylvania. In 1857-8 lib . first attracted; attention tbronghdut the State' by sir, able, sec. ries of articles upon ;tbo: proposed sale of tho Public Improveraentß of the State., No attempt wag mdde to reply to'his arguments, or to' over lb row his facts and (the* Democracy reluctantly consented to*, the medsdre. McPherson by this tiijaei bad secured bjs State reputation, and in the.fall of 1856 he was elected to Congress. He was ro- elected in T 6O, at d defeated in 62, owing to Slhart’s rcid, which pre vented afiill ivote from being polled. My. Chase appointed him . Deputy, Commissionor yifj Internal;;- J|eveuue., and; last December ( lie , was> elected Clhrk .'of jtho House, i , f:>. . Mr, McPherson,like Mr. Colfax, has a slight figure; and as;hf moves quiet }y oyer tho I House, intent upon the duties of- ids office,- lie baa thaappear.- attoetfif a young student' ththotr.ibtfp of a public man .with. aJiatipnal •.* repu tation. -/.HelfiMP clear; bluei ejyes ilghtfiaif.. (No one /cam look him i-f tho.faoo iand] doubt Lis iniegrily of ( ■/‘iimt'rej. ue is export ip basinau, !-'• - ■. ■ i ; ;i■;, ■ ."ci i, Gen. Sigel’s Recent Order. |. 1,, i General Sigcl has kt; last come. j ilcr Ibeiinfluence!of rales wliicli liayei {lo long]been (maintained with strict \ ! ness 'hy| : Gen .Butler. f i His rccoirt order to all .persons re siding'in his dcpartra|nt, in relation td the carrying br conedaling arms can not fail to have a go|d effect on the' people.; The order amounts to about this; :>ij> person residing within the Dcpaiiment, on or south of the _ Haiti more and Ohio Railroad, and not be longing to l|j6 army |6f the United States,WHl bb allowed |o kebp'or bogr. arms, except those belonging lb the State militia.’. All oilipf persons, loyal qr disloyal, will deliver their arras to the- nearest. comniaiifliiig o®eep or railitary Proyosl Marshal, with their ,names! affixed thereto, that they limy bo properly cared for, and re# turned \vbon the public "safety may permit. All such arms will bo sent either, to Harper’s Ferry, Comber land or Charlestown, and tuinfed’Qvbr tbb the proper pfijeer; ; 0-J lio.j ira as- 1 sfe*,| !,of : j people j&feir nous, ijit tHls'wwrld/ aiT [habit of keeping company wit* ;» I better obe. . \ '■<. '■ t iter icif I* i tract from thc VVaphington Corlspon- a -.Sl )e ‘ lke r or Clerk ,so rfadv, J deueo of The Independent. . tf £‘ d MkI .;.!. MeantfmC. lasj there iq fitiin- t • - •• IJoPnotspn; Yet they! brew on there,! prbpS “SS. h" 2 rompoveru-by ipdusiMaoda.coa^ ; lbi9 week rejecting |p.— 1 °^ de P c Pv^,lbeftiisi6lv9» l to i imrtreuiarly tjns Hpase of i•• ■-'■ 'V '*■ ' I ■ • i ; 'Ocejipy.){,jp o j.f an^ ppgttiojjg jjj I r : -4, ; :■ I trover are personpllr ■- .-r^SwShw,-:; r I I dp pot propose La, bore the reader hbrlqafcf-wa* observed aqi-i -jwitl) biographical sketches, but will forth, . while ghthering'mafbriais' for ' tW»? n li.r yB J- a\ thUbVposb. l HeKhomA s^fio*' *£■''' ] tacts, pernapfc.not ffonorullv 'knbwn i«u* » j • -v ..• 'X ».v i 1 1 ! respecting Meksra blplfaiand MePher ![!?**? o M^ rl P’ an 4 J son. 1 , ,’c- j i •h dub time she. will;sbn<|l f bipod*- ‘ f | Mr. Colfax is about forty years of >hga forth from tberice-iiitdthe \forl3. age, and bprii in the city of '^it-iMt;an^bettble>ln^!i!e^'r ,: >• ! York.; Gen. | Wm, Colfax, of Kew -I 5 Jersey;, commanded ;'Washington's I Juifo Gaards through the Revolntior*. [ ary’ ; War, and wad an intimate com> puniou'of the Author of his Country j during, the closing years ,of the war* i sitting [daily at bis table. Miss fax whose pleasant face :*ind manners are familiar toallwho have frequent' [ fed the Colfax receptions this ;wi atop, ! frequently wears a ; begemmed' ‘ bell I buckle, worn by Washington during the Ilevoluiton and presented by him to Mr Colfax's grandfather. 1 After the war; was peer, General Colfax mar ried Miss Hester Schuyler, Gen. Philip Schuyler, ? and from this source comes the given name of Spbuyloi... In 1812 ;Gen.| , GollaK Icpm— munded‘at Sandy Hook, and had the’, rank- of brigadier-goneral. Schuyler | Colfax's father was a teljerih the Me ehanics’ Bank! ot' Kew-Yorlc at’ the age, of thirtyj and about 'that!; time married, the: pr’esent Mrs. Mathews, who wnVbut "tifledp year.fpld.' jPoiib. mouths after the death of'his father, Schuyler Colfax was born, inheriting nothing ftoin his-falhef but his name: ,HC,obtained all hhyddubatioa in the commoq schools lof New Yort.- i THE WasW}—A . , , T , **, »M, tjp# ,nfW)(ei,H.».^ lM ; J :. v :r ™ •’ fif'-ytu, '■ Touted ofV» ,V |*• •'-'*•■ ,-'-f ---V -C* • A Tuue . Test.—3? owspapersabscn- r tors are ta(ailkJUe ; usts.4£^ isfdishpDeei be;4|li : cheat the pViutef' in ..soijne : way-—saj^ that lie has paid when he-baa ootH-or • j sent; money and it was lost by mail er will take th e jjaper and w ill net" | pay f<»r it, pr Wi.Ujjipye -%S. Icaring it to'como to the office ho Thdu*» lire dishonest,and 't be; printer’s book will tell fearfully .on, the final-set- tlement at the judgment day; ' \\ s©“'i’hp hat wasipassod rotind in 4 j certain congregation for the par peso of . I taking up a collection. -I After it had i mage the: circuit of liie churebVft wife. I handed to the minister, who’: by the way, bad puipita >iib the . ! regular pfoacher; atid hi icrjnd hoVa | penny in it. He inverted the Bat oyef S ] the pulpit ciValiiu and j ■Hs emplins.fe" mjgfit be j raising his eyes toward 'time 3] ling! ha | exclaimed; j‘ I Tliarik God, I save g^ ‘ : , osrA reporter of the Poughkeepsie Sanitarv'jFair sforvi: fPns-- .■ing.tl'fwiigh -and' oi tiic-i halls, a.,pf£t- : .fettrd".caught my eye; cFhpxcscidatio'n of a,b,ot!iV fioi* : HistoneaKcl.'enti per- ■ sons'taken ip forfeit een.lsf; |P bailed . I.in. A jvroriivglady - pqlledj a;bpiio • |- •• C> ' •-| J _ U- •, j, • ! was pleased to inform mo represented Bonap dr to, crossing, the Rhi;pe/ [ Irishman who was .at thlei;, cerebrated: battle* of'-801l - itiin,' was > sorno.what startled’.when" this? head;of. his companion on the left was taken off by a cafihbn bail-. lanfovr tnin-. utes,-however, a spent bu! ; lhn>ko,:off th-oi jfihgeryof his companion .on tho pilier riß'he latter threjw down; hisigjuh and. bowled ' with ;-p:tir. when') the Irishman rushed uppdrhini, ex- 1 claiming, “Yen odld woman stop cry-, in’ i. .Youro raakipl v more abt»ut it than ihp-.rpau; whp-has just lost hia head.”- 1- I - 'f ' . : e®*A . genticmar. was pfotobnadinjf, on a fashionable street with ;a bright; little boy by his side, when the little fellow,cried opt; “Ob -ps, ItSbk 1 goes an pd itor 1” \t3insb, - hushj yiriy son, don’t make sport ot v tho poor * manj God only knoiws :bat. you may boi reduced to, the same condition* .veil;”'"' ■i: • fiSfl’l o estimation put iipon Jeff.' Davis ih North Carolina byi ; ;ihist, ohscrvitlpn-in the Alai oTspeech p£> , GovcrnorYanc-e. He said; [ "If every,, roan in this county (VTUkys) who badT ; used alius ve toward; jeff.' Davis and the Confederate Govern-; ment wore to h.o put in.'jail, .be wouldi huv.e-vto; address his enti'eaudienep,; tbrbnghj the prison harp.” j \ discribin" the dii&reftte fefes arisllpcca'ey;and demooraoy,lti I*' ‘wittily; crapy arP who " kill' hpgB,far;[v n the aristocracy tpdse whose JUlherß kjllWlbogsr ■ ■ i a •i Ji- -p-;j ..*ar-.,.y. : ia.Chief Justice Taney, .resumed - ' his seat -oni the bench o t|e Supreme , f C'lti-t on Fjridayihaving or . covered from! bis sickness of throe' or | lour months’ duration i r. J t „. J , MEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers