kai Hay 4, 1864. Editor * Proprietor." TERMS r° n Doi**«MidFMrt» 3«HM gniioic, in aoWKse; otherwise Two'Dot- .■ ue *c£arg e d. No paper discontinued ' a ,u arrearages are sefUed, Letters and communications, 67 mail, 4 .11 have prompt attention. ' 1 ’ .* * ‘ ’ : !•_ .a Separation or Submission. G en ,, Sickles made a denjjjtby add 4b le s p c eeh while I passing ‘tl-rjugb that'City, a few days since, Mje make>tbe following j'cqaen!. and sjtrikiiig quotation: ' .wr.uTaliou: my country rac'd, sep is war—endless .war. and the j’tiine and lull of tiiCi.Ecpublici— i, - t .j uh.irai is peace; | linioii is the riinieiiiation ‘..four free institutions; makes us ono.-as a Republic,one • Americans. 'This peace., this union, huiied iii the earlier days of the ifc iiit WiU . V.oukl be possibly through the ot'm:son to the Sooth,through’ : a •perception of the impopibilty and , c ,.k)c.-Micss of eesUtlrigftho- tjnited j 1 would compel Submission in dm lawful authority of the U government.’ These . hopes, '’i lllusive] .This peace!' SViiat is h? T. are exacts 'n.- submission. to 'vhat? Tu ihe'.'ConMitifiiou’ of the TJnitTed t(*. the constitu te •v.aViv4xpri;«'«i- , l will of-the rnajori ukij’ile ot th‘e United States • • —;,i;.iml:iieu to eminent that iij/ co fiie- .Moment viMiCii this rebellion drew su-oVif and tired -its first .glut, ; hsd never ir/li'-u-.i a grievance upon ' # i,y man SVutfc of .VTasoirand Dixon’s aai‘. r [i. ii<-rTiiifg.] Submission? Yes. io what? * To a Government.that the. w)utli of Mason and Dix (r.‘!ine were conspicuous in influcnc n,d in ana conducting 3: ruling down toj llio Lour of life . . , I-■ ' ' . .'I 111 <•) p When do tv'e hear 'from the South ,1 word about peace except it is ac ,"-,';ipaiifotl‘hy -thfe condition of sepat - - t To the honor of the No'rfb ho 'it said. that few, v.efy few, are sotlost in -Vruil is duoTotheir eountryti& to ; ..:ra!,i. mo fiiea of . sopiiralTajn ; aiitl [yVpplaiise.i]., The armies of liiir Vuion tiiat lii the front ; 10-dliy w'w.iu'h siiiv.hioiiC'/J to the field for jisy*•••.• \i '\p.r!':-' , :Uron.s as that, ‘j [Loud h.aTiiii; j ' I vt-raid not .envy the fate-; •f Unit s':y•■■Jihan, the loader oi ' lha’ti tty -who w-.uli,-.f they. :had_ the j over, mas?-a. I -e '•!ra ‘; -.'i i-'i iiiyso l_ ytie.i Spates, j , fon that r.,rn»y c ! su»C| bo«te to! comionl a’liij tiWiiors. ‘ ! ' j • X'mv and tor live-future. the only ! peace that, ;s poWibie, is |bo peace ilistit.'* Lo be cotujuerod. (Cb bence.) a peace th bejwnn.aiid priiscrdcd \v 1 iuaiibjiis; by sidlil’nl generals, ly Mate/moii. by -the^epustant,.trteaf f»si. lyv.al-people;’’that .peace will- be' iioii..riiV'l.?, il edit I>»; pyrmanoHljlML p-iir'>vi!l give. u~ a • t'eSpiiblie which nur i’adhjt> iuternled we sbouUi have, -.a r.-n-.ibHe ailogethe? wliptly and fopJ . CVCi ft V --, -r *5- _!' | 1 Ki.’iv ’'.lu/'.t.ahv bill,C‘|».m* j ■iy <ro-or i'&tffoirig the milifiir..o! j t making jliefn | e. «;r\ieci*h!«* ; for resisting raids] nAhe enemy. (been piep'nred j. Liiv-fliisiTiriali of IheiCommiUeejon j' Militia hv r-tem, anti read in- | :hV House. 11 is built mainly Up- j .•’n* Massachusetts and j ■’ti iln- approval of Vue Adjutant j mler Ibe hill, the State is' i<K*ii into regiinenls A.nd brigades,! 1 it manner of c-hoos- j all ihfij officers of theisfbinor or-! iiza;ions',|cleetive., jl t gives" Pijila- j pliia fomj brigades, Allegheny one C.na'yof icteh. officer, non-commis oiiicar",ir.u and' private is the. no as that of the regular service, Owing,- however, thirty cents for hens t,oloach iganl A fine. of;sev-l ty- : five dollars is ! imposed for I non- till Go div tendance: . i• ■. . ■ - j IX eV Yoik §ays that J ori'Lai.-ij'-ctto is overrun by rats,and j iit arebel prisoner was awaked the j •iicr. night by the nibbling of one at i is toe., ' How glad our. poor, tellowar iXibKy ■ vvoultl bo to get half a chance t » tew': rats. ,The r’pdenl quadra s would be more nibbled than nib- mug-. . Foprt 6'p Emphasis — The force of). ompliasi»iin.giving meaning to |a son-j ehc;e, isjwoll illustrated by a. brief overheard' between. tiyo persons:jine other day:, “Do you im tgipflne to be-a fool,” said one indig nantly. w|as the-reply; “1 do n °l ihiayins ybu to bo one.” t - Xhc Dnlgrebn orders have V ut nTypurtiated by Geneaials Meade ana Kilpatrick,' and notice to that ef» R<mt ' to M 36 rebel Government, “era flag of truce. These officers , *|y that no such orders were ever.au onzed Jo be issued. S . o, 'a Rhode Island regiment V;„ , toen brnthere named Postley. »ji twins. Their aver a,i|* ten two inch*. - . 1 i , >. - lu a tabic. • of 1 “Remarkable; eveiits that transpired in connection with organization of the Southern Confed eiacy”'ibis' Almanae has the fpl jto'wihj;: ■ • ; • i i. December 20, 1800—Sbddon evacu 7 atiojn of Fort Moultrie by Major-An- United Slates army. Ho spilios the guns, burns, the guh earfia (g°s,! and retreats to Ft Suniter, yirbich lie ioctunies.- ■ o ! ;•, , | ! -- December. of Ft. Moul trie' and (^ast!o : Pinckney by* South Carjolim.i troops. Capt. Coste surren ders! th-> revenue cutter Aikenlj "January ii;,iHGl I—Capture1 —Capture of Fort Tuljiski. ijj ; Savannah troops.. ; jpnuary 8 —’.phol arsenal at‘j Mount Votjnon, AJa , with 20,000 stand of anrjs, seized by the Alabama troops." ! •Jpnuary 4—Fort Morgan, in Mobile Bay, taken by the Alabama troops. ■ Jpnuary l!—The stca-insliip Star of ihcj West tired into and driven off by tiiejSou'tii Carolina balteries, off Mor | risJl.siahd Fail arc off the attempt to jrcibforcei Sumter. , » j, January 0 —Mississippi seccdpdjvotc P|>f jtliM convention, 84 to 3ft. f Jjanuary 10—-Forla.Jackson, St. Phil iipjand Pike, near Xew Orleans'cap ; •tured'by the Louisiana’troops. 1 Jjancary 11—-Alabama seceded; vote 'Jf 'Convention. it'd to 20. - j Jkhiiary FiWCaptu-rfj of, Pensacola', .NTayy l.ard and. Forts Jlarrancas and j Me (tea. Major iCtfase.' sliortlj- after-*! ;-.January Surrender of Bato|v T*" k'ulgo Ahenul to Louisiana troops. J •IP'"S ifM*' jlimuiry I&—(iuorgia;secedeJ; vote /that oilier , ..l 4onvenlio:i, 203 to 87. ,/ j itffa |:¥ i jiaiiuary 21—Now O rleana M.iul anil ~l° sa "j -1 '[Custom House taken., ’ t'• ■ ';i sduvlowiji I . IJeW.uajy'Nl—Texas seceded: vote’! M iem ]j of b>iiven[tio.i|, 16(5"jo 7; submitted to| a vbtt} of pbo people, Feb. 24; the act i at Vf tbo|k‘elfecf. Marchi 2, . jmeiey.. i =I I * I i - '.'-i ■*rf ♦ Y' 1 El Vol. 4Q-3STO. 3:8. i„ , A^eoeshAlmanao—Who ■ :. & 0 War ? ■ A friend in tljo South, says change, has Had the kindness a sccesh almanac, for 1862 j pi' Na;bville, at the Southern Sf Bock Concern, 'Re v, Tl O. Si P- I)., Editor. The second pt taitjs.a wishy-waaliy.secesh boi tlodj the ■“Stars add Bara." - \V( the opening verse: f ■•” is sixfy-'tyoj!—and sixty-onej With the old Union, now is gone) Ileeking wlth bloody wars; ' , Gene with; that ensign, once so priz . _ The Stars r and Stripes', now so dear - [Struck for thle Stars and Bars.”; [' ‘‘V t>„ i; i.listcn; to tlieir sepulchral voice, thel emotian'lie could not con 4 1 r br ; l !I y *f L ! 1 - 10 Under lUir drnoplngUv?*^and yon j ta / nsl , g t 0 Ai fheniM said: ! / \ V JiT\ difr of the vev will* read plainly a story of .gnawing j., ~ria ng -it,' bo’d, lalie'a ‘ray’iiioi telwruttTv 3— f>urrondcr ot the rev-,. , • « , 1 ' ? ’ *1 : - , enle cutler Cut*] lo I UvJ Alabama-fta,! 9 pmeamg pold.of you know . . \ ' " y.. u 1 ■, s f U . , r . -; fovefj, of days ot weariness and nights ThevelT felt, will bo a brayoi '‘lpUfoary. &[—Soailiorii , ' 0 I W af * d “H?* 1 *? * "> the fifldV } .noble,_ a tnij. •'f ' .i 1 , <, V) 1 1 • ' ‘ r-spair'. T.hev are our. friends ana [ ow . -Mien who 1 have a rignt.and met iu M.jnigomorv, Ala. • 1 1 * - -,, -i- - .■ . .1. • kbru-it-r ?-Tho Provisional'Con- ' brothers.. .They were facing the thick- a ,, pro , latl()n ot their country c, I. .. :... ~, ' ' 1 ! Iv-lirirl JiiT missiles of death in defence ; are . j oV erg of their home and; of I slit 11 tion adopted- , ! J ■ jA • ,” ,i ,! • * !- • • Fobruary-p—Jefforaorl Davia. of-Mie-| * w<> ' wer *: 9, “ ,n S bj i -°“ r m ■ i. ■siXinpi, Lnd Alexander H. Stephens,, firesides They were suffering eveiy jj owl T 6m- Him of Georgia, elected President and Vico i P a .''fij aid every pirivution, while we o]d Farmer fc, senfhin President." • ‘ • - . ' 1 j comfortable they were sick Tom to Memphis Uitb a flock of a February Id -.Gen.Twiggs transfers : idlin' p -won, while: we were well apd | Tom . the shec'p an public prophnv in Texas to thb Slfctc‘ fr *« And what at® wo <* b«P thc moliey , but; falling in icom; kthorftieil-.- ' , i the |nca mate fiends , who thus brave 30rne i, HporU; -. w h„ hud tliel I February 1(5— Col. Waite, U.S. Ar-' l he icor ii of mankind, flonnt thep- 1- ofmir- .j to [hold better h my, surrenders San Antonia to Col-; abolUm tit,, tholaco pf civilization do- than . !, e ho wtus •‘elcuned 01. o/el Ben McCullough and bis Texas; f - v l hu plainest teachings o ipsli- Tom wont home, but avoided tl Ringers; i - Unify; dourt thc execration of; the T lold , naUier J h(j 1 Februiry 10, —Inauguration of Pres- \ a « e ; s eptnc,- and display a degjjo & of ha T ha d bcfillW idjsnt ,I)tivU at Montgomery. Ala. .1 iWH ~ahg«uv that_wovt dd« tfa ne , w aS^ assbol February 27 —Peace Congress, ad-; ama, ) c U ' H , ' to the master of Aba minor and llisbod cotbin- : ' I I II ltarrh 2— TbeVevenueculler Dodgeb r^ ho ot a l’ as l 0 keep out of Ole way. Onodi, ee lied by tbo Texas antboiUies; »»J fafmor Ih.d aft odd to iiaaej lw,!ob.c,v:w ever.* oao •i>ltHuob. Vo.atioad lj ? i LoiS-trowonaad war occurred Üb-; 0 ? a!’S l.odaocd, thoj.beoa T .o ,»>(« mo! < b Janies Bueliafiab'Badministration, (Jiabolical TUb *“ end Bofor. Mr. l.i&olniwdni to Wash- ~kM 1 l»lo tboj room 1.01d.n ingloii;fydL fools and tractors saji Mr :^ or J ,i“ n . i his 1” c 'VVwiU,,,.. ' d internal | “Father, would iou bet anytbi Lincoln the war. very one of these feeble and i , j . A. v , j ilr-j ? tin niimiiaandthGr bfttfih of fftCtB< • ■ *■. i*— » »J«» 1 such &‘hAnd.U9 tbflt ? j BGt * no oai«n Vi mn wc have returned a healthy i T . ,-l . G t ‘ b^'CeSh alrP i n r aC ’ l^ e n ! bo has be^ii. well fed and T ell j “Well’fsaid a sigh, ginning with the .day. after lolri's inauguration: ''S March s—Gen. ojnmand of the troops besiogioffPort Sifm'.lcr. ' ;• ’ March 12-i-Pott Brown, Texas, sur?i rendered by'Captain Hill to the Tex- 1 as Commissioners. March f 12—Alabama .ratified the [Constii.ution ol the ConfcderatcStates, by a vote of the Convention, 87 to if. I i March 16—Georgia ratified the Gon> - sgjntio: i of the Confedoi ate States; vote of the convention, 96 td 5. [' Marsh i2l—Louisiana ratified the Constitution of the Confederate States; [vote oil the Convention, 101 to 7. I: March 26—Texas ratified! the Con- Btitutipn. Confederate States; , yot&of Convention, 68 to 2. f March JTO -Mississippi ratified th* V • •■ *& : ' o-43tj- -■ .. >• yi • •- tigpoio^wt joqof the Confederate Stales; pnyeritijooj 78 to ?. •-South Dprolina ratified the ion bflheConfederate States; ■ invention, 149 to 29. 11, t f ‘Fort Suih uf thirty .four hoars boms , the fort surrenders to th o ■ tc States. I —Evacuation’jf Fort Sura i jor Anderson. . , I—Lincoln, President ofthe ■ ;ato«, issues a proclamation ir 75,)00 volunteers.to put “Sou ihern Rebellion.” lorVe again: All these acts of ; d war occurred before April. • j'aha.m Lincoln tool? tUefiest :rd the defensAof the Gov :e lull sworn 'ko protect.— ■ certainly slow, ejr.ough in be* ir Hoc id not issue a call, fori e until the rebels I were .march - j iug on Washington itself; and yet, j meticallirg thcursclves Democrats, go, abog-t;tiic county j'eiling themselves; hoarse >vti,h the lie that ibis is Lin* coin'sj The miserable traitors kno w ibettor. .The rebels in the south don’t prjel md that it is ISncolnV war; Tt is i/ikv war.. They gipry in it, ;uid they despise their lory tools in thcXortb who go uroun'd deceiving the ignorant masses! with the jnonstrous lie. that this is; liiiicolii'si war. — Western, Meth \ odist ’ .t. V ! rThefbii I ,tWe : tia | more . 'Aur j hundred : ■ oner fj-opi i briefly [Up ! pitiable i never jfhe jI . , < 1 j CIAIIOH'W. i wtiH^almo: I icctioii ; !w I;. . i j thru* sqn ; Wei’e star j find \v|idt j devoured j from 11 <;,]■( Consli ' I vats d Began f ' ■ i:an ex-4 i to'lsend : tiled fn ’ithodist urn mors, r■ * 7 iige./cob ngjonti- .. Const' vote , Apr -ner.i bardpi Confer . ,-ApnTl tor Bjrj'Mii April 1- United S calling fo downltbe Now, job? treason ar 14, wlitln i e[ quote' ;ed, -I, liscd— step t ernmei He win gimnn soldier mkri tin For < dying I rebel,'/i .cared t iliir stv i ' *\ would i. ilig c'o.t offendi liljbr is IN Befevqt. W •M; tuii 'iL 3 ituti -il .1; lift. dition of oui; Prisoners-; ve noticed; says the ! Biilii-| erican,, the arrival of > live i md sixty-dive released pris» ! ■Richmond,- and commented ; oii Ihcfr condition. Such a! set of ’ poor Wretches was i ii in .this city. ; Their erna- • is'extreme, their feebleness j j : id at the last de : , | fas' painful to behold, and j lalor Was frightful. 1 They! fed to the verge fof the grave,! 'vas left of them was nearly J by wrraiiK Some of them, j top lonirj deferred, had lal:! i chh dnl er ed~ upon id i • “Oh, ening pallor, the drop gco u • poor- ?fn ~ the told ypn. thiit mi I I* or.ly coinqlortip —that! Jack', suji’ 1 didn’t conic out tor (outstretched arms i y O —J hilvo conic oiit td say, ‘God tj ,tc to e|ispol the evening iy 0> blessKjc And wore gathering nrt>un 4 j ing the 1 thin shawl! over; her bo? 1 I she wenjt away. f The biV fello w drew' a . bio,eye. < his lace., and Urirging do win his with a sort of ve:f!prt cmphasijj, as - ! .• .. -V * f-'V 11 deoj uml 1 had late on la 1 hat v •0(1 with thN. the mussiere 'i 1 !o\V was a blcssiujj; nnd a Look at their holiow-clfeoks, ,r. In individual cases; a sira le of returning good, for evil •e-act oh the principle of |i oi fire on the , head of the \ * . ‘ 1 -.r ' ' , r; but in this instance magna is thrown away and love’s la*' ost. i i I . - \ojtaoe or Punctuation. lalW, that in, the Iputtrng the n the'kght plaees, cannot he too isly studied. Wo lately read, country pn^r,' the following ig.accountof Ldrd Palmerston’s i ance-in the HonseSsC Commons: I Palmerston then entered on his i while hat upon bU feetjslarge jll polisheci boota upon bis brow, i: cloud in ilia hdndj'diis faithful ig stick ill bis eye, a menacing ' siyihg nothing. *>lTe *it ddim. An' PanSti stgps i pcdulo in -a Starlit appeal “Loid bead, but \v a dail walk! ‘; TheSpldJejr i At a grand tian: Commission tljr at ,Washipgton.inj the Halbaftho House of: Jtopros«niative«,,oneyxf the apeak* ew related the ■* following thuching incident, one ’ among tyg l thousands that could be lofd illnstrttibg 1 tbef pa triotism of the. loyal’ i&hjen ofl tße North: Vi; ' ; i;'-q> : ' l j I saWp’ih the city of I pany of men d raw n ; u p iifiiihd 1 : an old woman whowaajaifliifgu -shawl around her. : oj the ,poor of the earth; *Shtf : Nhf I on, eagerly, faces of the men as she stood f bcforer-a" boncdfellbw wtio adtf companions* -‘h ■’. VjfV/ - -‘ i “Well, boys.” hesmd,' < ||)9 < jrp:a'gi off, lirn’t we V\- ; ! i And they said,, , ‘reg|.w‘a|je.' rt '" He had a l iUlo' b ind I3sied up i red handkerchief, :\- “When wo got tut wo - won’t giro them They said, ‘‘Maybe wa'i&pn’t.’’ They seemed to beipakiug same misiukejwith agreairaapy < just about' that time, ftfr/fiono bt baa ail idea that saclv a i olating shadpw up in midst. > :, j". ■ . 1 ' j ■ J nst then the ofd wotosfc-pushed wayi through the ci Wd‘,dird.Sto6c fore this man. ■, Jlii ; moment, and bisfacoj i a fltsh,i and as hetirnodjbis head lifted his finger to his eyte and sh it withla twirlj*-;,' 1 ■ -isi “Now, mother, mother! You; pt mod me that you! vouldh’t come didn’t ye ? .’.Nowi you promised When I said ,‘good-hye’ jt<vyou, in or, I told ye that 1 want y come out hero ah’ jin man me, andd you’ve-ldone ill, Now ijjt' wish hadn’t!!’ v.Si,,;'• |f- The o;ld woman jifttfi! 'V hands uud putting tliein pri tl treat b sboul'Jeis of Her 'in,. *h« ti )i, T( 1 j , ~ what became of !thbj sheep . T cr feller had four ,aces T man was speech less. - - ■ ft®,A. dißb-wasbing fi|(ichinej is! the last invention. |lt will,, among cither things] wash knives and forks wit bout wetting the handles. There] at 0 so many inventions being introduced into the kitchen for saving labor, that, by and by, Bridget Will have nothing jtoi do bat to Keep the machine from go ing to dossmetidri bd neglect, and re ceiving her wages., , , . , , j-- | • *er»yoa bachelors oughttoi be Ux ed," said a' iady to a resolute evader ol the noose matrimonial. | .'J*.- , “jl agree with yod mad waatbe freply, “baoheldriem iaa grdht luxury.* '' ' j Y' - ':`!?e r .1" 1 i MadiMon nnd Marshall ; MisarMikifjkfnttM: U lie)plug to cor in [England, and Wrn ifr- to fayo* of the Noftbvby giv. ilrig'femioltieeriseaot bail |visittOAmer fc# then spoke with frankness of orfslaveryiand looked witbiorbodlngs to :thei ifatuto. ,She of J'udge Marshall: i 4 - ■ .il n |•• I, • I i | • i ■ ■■ j fle Was! > bright '^3eni warm hearted ikeVer'while ■ft Signified a judges as W* filled tho highest seat in the bigllost court of eountry. ivHe said ho; had seen leading StatjeforhalfhU ood, and slbh to hie/ tbß fiftb. Jag her. decline, if her citizens did i not at an epd to slavery; : and he saw no ighs intention to do so, east of Ihc mbnn’tains. dt lea Lt. He bad ißjeeh whole groups of e states, pdpu- Ipus in ' his time, lapse I into waste.— Ho had seen agriculture exchanged for hu map stock-breeding, and. keenly ;feli the degrodation. The forest wa? I tfeturning pver the fine jold estate-,and.! wiul- creatures I ;which had not beeh seen for generations were re-appear ing; numbers and de eliding, and education} Snd'’manners were degenerating. It wodld not' have surprised him to be told that on that soil would the mr in battle bo when this critical [day should come which he foresaw- ■!•• Of Madison-she say's: Mfi Madison had a ci sdnguino tomper.nnd if tl thing rather than anothi hajdj learned 10 consider si thb Constitution which be a share in making. Yet that, be was nearly {n that bo had been quite sj> onizatiqn Society arose. [ admit to himself that thlo ii, ~,i :. i i i i =vn .bejlaid waste by a 1 sdaWiio whole cr strove toibelicye that- ir i gr[oes could be vcairied 1,0 ■ toj it morning,; noon a t?ci said that the clergy perv bio. [because ii was altogo slavery; that thd : color©, was increasing fabler tna'i and that the siatij of ri«m as barely permitted socic Of the issue of the cp.nl eril'sholild occur,ih'et'ee be no doubt.} A. sociej with a.slave system, cot ■pprmaucia resistance >tb I hero.c 1 ertemy; and he iwi at the funaticism'whicb 1 Southern rrien ip tlear.a pom aaw LLin eof ried W-: En ybo the fos ' US !ea-; Qiitj 1 bet' i be lt* a iritb I, he >ook oln- QUt, toe. jlh* > to* iero tip,* «gh iars ilvH,, ivei nan less om,' ivei 1 ■ arm j if Jo ’ irul, j -y y y'W/j,necessity; VjTlieii iv little laljivjGpn- j Dvos&rsleni and’ steadfast men- who •Id <makq no|J erftl Cameron, then Seeretaty ofj.W ar -' i s ’ ( 7 o iilBered ihb m.Uskol and the knap-' ,ho UDGUCunirli.fcuggesled the arming of |hlacks, l I no- *■ Uack’ola lew of.-. IhjoWs who- .witnessed w astonishcdi!'i 0( - ,te . d ’] because Id id not; ryet it\ thc jp a c paKuN f-»r Ui,o camp and the L,M' JOwi indispensable necessity. ->> hen, > Hattie, , lovv j- C n', a in to Fee the dangers: i 1 . d J /Utill lateivCGeneral lh : at the, iiist'itulioi.s for .certainty.- military omiincipnlitin,: Bdid not Vot| they periled- j-hcdl*' lives’. That 1 i —~r r-j > “ [Ubink the indispensaljle.|Ueccssily bad j ■ g. uu ;lii.'mellingawaV, arid ( A UMart THAT can Fbi^.FOß|ANr.Vconie'. ’ ; I t ; ’V• •; ■“ ‘ [ none may everjagaiu bebpld- tiie tmn* oVil.eii.4‘l give and beqr.eath to Maryj “When,- In March 1 , and and i- B hjne ; of.-National jpeace; Their com iinvwifoi the sdnV of £100; ft'year,’! 4 I^62 > . ma^c , c “ r V,l 9 \\< n a/ e . UC ’i-T anionB AaVb gone on a; returnles* il' -T ■j. j. i.-- ir. *i -Jr tiJ'ccssiye appealsto,the .BbrdMs. States ,* n .- . ; - , - an -I ^ p ? “ n , rmy 1., ’,- AP down, meaotcr/| ! Mi- ■-, ! 1 believed, the 'indispensable necessity - ■, ,, „■ ' !i Yc-s,’’-replied tbe jifoivniilitarybrnancipation, *? . - ey i , > ;■ iusep IL n0 f so old she may! marry agaiifi-A llhe blacks! would,cbme, iuiless averted Thp generals and the- witH- I. iii 1 V i ’ . IV■v w, ,u i-bv that measure. \ TheM declined thb *We rank and flic,, who, fiifet i, allied a- t ypu.make any.icl angP in that >- .J r al| : j my best, i-ogtid tboistkrry flag tJn»), stdl j waves P a P> case? Most people do. li ■• I jud-TmentJ-drivcd iofthe:altcrnative, of in'tri.umph over the armies of fbo rp pres- -Do they?” ’saidlthe u.rfner;’ ‘well;, .ejilTer sui-rpndprinj| the Union, and Ipubliy, bap gone beyond tbe; reach lands! Write again, and say,’-l and it mv wife with it, or of laying jot Avar's alarms ;Tho pjateoo. l ”-n marries again I will give' and upon clement, as f still on he, - ,1 marncs again, x wpi give a u oc, » ~ , t I eli'oosin*»; it, shore, have also received ‘-marching I i° ®K quealb to berilbo suin c f£i:oO a year- d A !greater!gain- tbnn°losß; i orders’ 1 bave-sl-uhg thdir . ' u y cr < That’ll do, .wpn’tTt, jmenstor ?” -j b u t of this t was hoi! eidirely;'confi-y! and Jaro skwly- down -the ~" . I slio “Why, its double llie sum she .would den.t: ! Mori than a yfieai of trial’ now j slope,; to, the solemn m.uslic ol the toll- yy-.^ ’°ul|J, have if she i remained qnmarried ” shews no by itoijir foi fcign rcla-: ing .bglU.l . fo.on- ' they; •x*a| _ . • . •t. ••! i»„ it - none in'orn 1 Dopulup fecnli- swell the final cull.ol, too . >fth ,® said the lawyer; “it i B| generally the, L fierce term’ into lU,*’ with .tjio advanced ; ; ed »- oilier legacy |is,lossed if tWe £»j C( K ,1 it ar^ oC iiny wliero. | guid'd, that lijas, gone before, “Beadi' inued widow nfanips again.”i; ■ • | Qf| the .contrary;' i'tJsbows a gaiifi of j Will soon 6e[ wriileh bn , the Isalional y / y the J “Ave.” Said .the farmer, ‘‘but him as qtiite a llundrdd and record-.-i;dbad," the brief word that ■; r, and ffet , ntjr’ii desnrye it;” 1 soldiers, seirnen and labmefs. i iThcse closes the, aejebaflt, and tells .that the l v<; in- gots Uor u de6nr T : :_Ji - arc. jiapabl) facts, [about which, aft Jkst revolutionary pension hds beoit ■ „ „ r:~ -1_ i facts, there can be ho icavilingi ' WitffpaicL —State Jourlial. .' \ r f TheShacki.es Struck,orrat I.ast.- o’lfioL3P)!anil 0 ’ lfio L 3P) ! anil ;ve c0 „ld not have) 1 ' * ' ' . ;Ho J_One of ytbq victims <j>f tbe “mstitm ha 4 them vdthQut the,measure. , I four tion,’’ Rev. iCalvir .who- -1 •<And lioiv, let aMy Union miin,.who limed; was iimplic-atod with, Delia-Webster complains M the measure, -test him-i Guess ny years since, and who forc o| f f arrn9( aa 3 in the next, bad.’b of,the sentence ,of fiftee n years jn the t^at |h o [ or ! tajiing these diilndred ‘that’s ponjtcnliary;waspar-; apt i [thirty; thousand ; men from tbe leolU- doned by Lieut. GtivJ Japobs, while/ Union side, and pMcingj tbem[ whore he old Performing the execubivt ! duties dur- they would be butforthc measurc-bc ue pig vuo k „ condomtis. if he: cannot face his, cause I ing Gov. Bramlcttps absence from the 8Q atated, 11. is only bJcause he citnnot State. -j ' - . ■ face the truth. • A-//--, ; ’j. i/ “I” add *. word ? whiih was not in the verbal conv|irBalibn. In , tolling this tale; I’attempt rio compliriient j'to, my ownisa ;aeity, 1 claim not to have! controlled [(ovents, but confess plainly 1 that evontii have controlled nie. Nqw,- at the"cod of tbiee struggle, the nation’s condition's not wliiil ajny,' party or any man devjscd or expect-* ed. God alone can clajm it Whither il ls,tending eceins |ilaim. If God now Wills the removal ta! a great wrong, and [willsfi Unit Aye of the. North, us well pa ytili id the South, shall pay fairly &ij| oiir complicity in that wrong, impartial history .will fin 1 therein new cause to K attest and rit 4 ver« the. justice nhd goodneas*bf, God. T«ar4 A iUMW-* >-*■' j: i hcr,i 1 I man ; ,fcl- \ trie I ,nse, .heir “A h Attorney.” said Sterrio, “is the same thing to- a barrator, that ah' apothecary is to a physician— this diffeienco. that iyodr attorney does hot deal in scruples.” | ' i •t —- ■■ , . '-r: ~ !;:• Richmond Examiner propo ses that all fat jpefl bo put in the reb el arihy to show the Yankees tliere| is no rehfel starvation. But fat/ can’t stand fire'. i ; ’ ' - , _ ■ ' f .fSr’Gol. Goivan, an American, has leased 50,000, acres vjf la'hft in Eussia, to carry on; tpr similar to ikt o» Pennsylvania. • ’ ' 1 :• - f i ’ • 3-SstabHsbecl . L - I >:.iu -j .it letter ftp. ; The corr e*pondence between Preai- I jlent Lined n/Governorßramlette and others, growing out ol the late en- IroUment. .controversy] in j Kentucky. I has. been' published. j The' following ' letter, bythp President, is one of the ablest .prod actions of his pen;— ;| > ‘‘Execuxivs Mansion, :V,:i ; ) ; i V April4.| 1 \ ‘i4}r/G-&odJes, ankfort, J Kjj. ‘'.Sty Beks Sia—-You asked me .to P*4 in writing thosubstance pf what 4 Verbally said, the other: day, in your [ t|» ; woy, Bramiette fJeni. ; ..'fqlf. slavery is hptjwcong. nothing is wrong I I pan not retpomber when I did not jsoj think;:. ipd; fecL,* Andr yet, l’ have never underapood that .thcj Presidency jconferred,. Upon me an unrestricted j right to actj ofiSdally 1 upojd thisjudg jjment and feehug. _ It wa4 in the Oath took; that ! would to ithe. best of | my ability, prjeserve, protect, and de fend the Constitution ofiithe Boiled States. I could 'not take the office j without .taking the oathl Nor was it hi my view, that I might take an joath to got Ipojvver, and break,the oatli iin .using tpo| power. ‘ I j understood; 1 too, that, in ordinary civil admlnistra. lion, this Oath even forbade mi, to practically j indulge my prilnary ah • Struct judgment Lon the -moral, ques tions,of slavery. 1 I had 'publicly IIL , dared this malny limes, and "in many ' ways. And If aver that, to this day, ;I have, done no official net in. mor s de ' fertsneo to my abstract judgment iLand. feeling on slavery.* ’ j f. ‘‘l did understand however, that ijftiy oath tOpclserveCheConslilnticn jto the best pf my posed up-! jpn mo the duty of preserving, by j Levery indispensable means, that Gov- I jernmoh; —that Nation-, Of which! that 1 was the; joi-ganic ialw —■ {Was it’-ppsHibllc' tolose the Nation, I ynd yet preserve the Cor.kLtntionV : ! |l , '.‘-By general law, life and limb must 1, protected; yetiotten a limb must be j laiapuyated jtol save a life; but a life is’ |iidver wisely j-iven UVsave a limb. I; ihpasuref othetvvise wise and t Jl \$ I ♦•QP1u tiQi?^lim j ghtr- Loeoifio law'fu 1. by I nigii.t.j IHefbr wrong, I ■ irted the -Bi- ["now avow it. 1 could' not feel that. iberiasratfet w ll,c bo?t l of 1 bad ipvcn : , . f.tried to preserve tUoi Constitution, it-;. 1- population r havo s i u yeryor ■■any. minor, matter ! ,n the . white; U H | loQ i ( j pcjrniit the wreck of-■■.Govern-‘j als were pupil Mmdnf. Country, and .ConsjiitfttionJ, .all j ty to exist; ,: together. When early |in the! warj Freniont ntlompted military .I i emancipation, I foibadcr it bueause I !ould,,hc said,!' no £ t i,„ n think it|an indispensable iburdencd|i i —■ Utile Is' ■■ !0 ri; ! liecrful and j iero was ono-j ir w\iichj*ho| ecare, it was j i had k> lie ttld finei despair, 'and till ihe Col- Bather than Sou’th must war, or the ; vil war,; hcl lions iofUc*- Africa, and ’U; ±BlB President lilngoln. i - ( 'Wttewttat : ma 4« t o 7**ri/ ' v a ¥ f a a4Hn; •. Special noticeV 25ijer c«ni. kdditio* lorai klkf rdtefc! ; j; j^- r , MarfUgM and l)e«.tlii, ttcUgioiu, Polittal oiffi 'pubUo-\aW'i,'li*&- ■ „ t The ValloyoflehosaphatT'' • Toe efforiji the ’Jewshave made, ' anil the sufferings, lessee and bdritilfa tidds they, have born-for tho- of obtaining sopultuie in ’. of JebOaaph at. form' a singular! fe£- J ture in lit.man b.isiory.'’ fib other nation td live in their thVn land.biit’t'o besuflfcred* i,i to lay their dust therein. i ecripti 6ns liftvp >bieen made of - this marvellous place; bat 1 confess • npne of them ever afforded me 6 notion of its' attunl ’{ appearance. 'Pandering • alone past the tbuntafn of Siloam and by ti\e arid bed of KedrOH. it sadden-. ly opened on me n perfect mountain , of graves—a bill-side'paved with ; 6ep- Jibe 1 bodies must perocridiea • multitudes . therejiqterred. were simaltanWiibslytd ari so',' they,; w|ouid form a crowd as i dense - and’ cbmpact as if- would be I enormous'. :Short Hebrew insci iptions -. i r (sorae evidently; of great age) are on all thestoneSjj and these are" laid t6*4 ? • gethor with ' intervals pr.ly of a few ; inches,; as in djttr oldcitj'qhurchyards. The slabs aresaliriost . on , the.iqyel otf . r the ground and of equal .height, ad that it is ilten.tly one largo pavement of , death—an appalling,, almost an ■ overwhelming sight.— Fraser'* Maga* sine. L ■' -i i NeW* Hainpshice Copperherdlsni.. 1 j Theikind of Copperhendism wfu|»h - | was squelched injlfew Hampshire aft tRo recept election, may b'o inferred : j frdni the folk iwing,doli voted by. one '■;* lof jtho j loading; “Democratic’' politic J-. DJ Murphy; at_ Ncilv-ingtopi. January ,22d. -- !! Democrats; have submitted idj [ the despotie sway of Abe Lincoln fdrj ' L three years, thinking it better 16 da- 1 . dure Wrung lor ji short time than tb risk alj by a| last appeal to armsi'—,’ But now the [timo ,is* d ; >miiig ; \vlieii wo'can ciuii.gofeour .rulers.' Rather than submit fdur y.ear»! r 'longvir to AbW i s ,-* Linholn, ami lib overrup fay the hordesr- 1 ,-- Ais hiretityioidkry, .jet'us ring oas(p.t the cry of Cld.f To.iidur tents,. O' Israeli* j‘ V| j' ’P.Miocmts fifyiU'l itrm ;|; j ;; fo dylitdubf ! '--7i / nri)anii*s, 1 dttbaliSiut} rM,r ■imenls,\a nd bnjade.s, i'pt ifesc . blbod- 1 ’ ; thirsty aholi iomsts -and bfadddyita thieves and tmiiorpVare a wyihd-hroics ' en, ,'spaviig -ij-speptio race, and one '[ regiment of.-Democrats'cm; la wbiij c ‘catlU^jnp.'UlU and cf>inii)g hbnie'to vole, dotyn the j■■ liberties of-the people) and render our elections a-|as(ce and mockery to thdj,,’ worldi” V : r ' 1. ‘ , Rtvol utionary Soldi-eys. ... Orly. tWelvC of the old , veterans of ‘ the ruvhiutiomu-y hvar., survive to see , hStUilge Df JlUedom: ; But iVw. of WjjiAT |.is| the Matter mxii B$N- - ■ Nfirl? ?—James Gordon Bennett, thd proprietor %f I Vic Kew York Tins iicen Quo of Uro tnopt earnest sup- , ; I porters of General Gippt’for ■ j Kioiicy ,ini 1864, andi yet finals great • i fault with the loyal people of.the oun-/~N .itary Fair for ' presenting ’a s\Vora to hirn in preference to General ebjK»o B. M’Clellati. What is the ; matter with Gordon ?, Why does lie tiot rew qnefl McClellan to nee the sword af-., ready-" in ’ liJjgtTpossession ? , Cai; ;any tell |f— 'tyicei ' I' ' ISSf*A;Octroi i tblls off'ah athi-, able man tind wilt jp Jj hat'city-jybd :> hiiVe just,. beeomil reconciled aflerjliv ing tcgetherfive years!without iiiga word to, one another; Thewifo mode the rash vow thatsho, would no® •, speak to her husband until die upo|o> i gized fop -having her qnitS, harshly for giving an Expensive party in liisaljsence,- anil'sbe-kept iso for the length ofliyne named. v liar tU ago of a | young lad how expressed, * hecording ' ~t« •orient-;' stylo 'of 6 '.sKlW^ 'f'ta liiait eigbteeu spring* h'«f b«M> _■ . j :t. MEM • y s' .• • ITIBERS. ~5.:7 ■ thg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers