/‘s i' * Wtfliie« ;! l>€S4.; i'- ’■ ■_ : -f? - IMBRIE, Editor &; Proprietor, X rx|?- --»4 .!-■ ■ ’)SSa!ha|i iipoiß; ’ "’op ILLINOIS, ! > V;' (j’.;;, ', f.. u •'For, Vice iPpesidenf, % OtJ RTI N i^'Or'rPEreiTLTASlxv notice. ,yv BATING' sold to I).. L. Imbrie; present Editor & Proprictorof tho. Beaver Argut, rcOunts for Subscription, Advertising, &c., lose’ indebted will please call and ;set ' fle wSth biin. ' ' t. c. Nicholson. ;rpMOVAt.. --The Abo us Office '/jiasj been retnoved to the room over ; !|)rJ Cummijis’ -Drug Store, nearly ' 4PP9 B't® 8 't® ® ur °ld office,, where we niaj ’ at all times, ready to atleild '^6-the bLgar friends,and pa-. _ ■ Entfairtio.at' the jforth side , : ;cd:iho building EM!=tll 'lpbe Perpetuity of the tJnlon “I In lSTprfcJi;vyo. have ‘ been. Jn: the s i|abit of thinking thattheperpotuity jl qf this Union ia.to Be decided by the .- c isiisiers of battles that is, that dqfeht (f our armies by the rebels is to de x idv the whole matter >a’ tiieir! favor. ‘ . 'Phis is certainly:a gfeat'mistake. It j y i' ; ne that„great defeats, such as that pf} Banks in "Western Louisiana, of }■■ T’o'rt Pillow,with its cruel and ploody ! .fnissacrc loyal men, and the ; i .j&u rrender of Plymouth, in /North i , rolina, saddens the-heart for a time | Jind disceurages; men both in and out J |)f theiifmy; bik i\V siicb: a cause ,as j 'hr rs,when wo hiive to contend against ,'ihe rebellion which Ifieyvbrld has-cVer witnessed, wo can- .expert- to overcome <t,.without the ; jncst fuatful reverses. All are ‘cor '.|aiply a nxious for peace upon proper ■ 'lbums, that is I lio submission to the ■ 'f iV f 4 / ‘ : ' |aws on ..the part of those dow in arms ‘the '.ddslriiction of this govern . Went. We often hear those. who . mourn Over the loss o£ friends and the ' bread ful disasters of ike war oxclitirtf, flkv'otild' that;this terrible -war was ipyor. .Wby'cahn’ot it be O'hc, ansiVer is > plain and simple, ffihe' br«l|y way to 'a'Jlrue- an.l, lasting . ’pence, is by the road made by;fiuoeess :|jir war ..against’,t!io rebellion. 'Wo prust war oh. through scenes .of bloody ■ |(rife.and desolation until every rebel I v arms is compelled to lay down his -|r ernsbcdVaiii the mdst'-ilipid who !’ frays for (be -tj-ar lo cfid, must, when boy ibtclHgently examine the whole jKttlnr, eom'ojto this cooclasion. If P" 1 ' *bnld loir the sake ot 'peace bv ■ rfcognizing tho Southern Confederacy, is many .of the malignant. and cow rdly Copper heads desire, it would ! )0 h iinm&drata breaking up - ’of the America n Union. : The von offm- on i|io part of-the government of such a raC^ hud treaty.- bo|simply the commencement cjf a longer and bloodier war. -Sip nP.-ot ec eniiifciy -(•oiiqucrod by % co °f hiayory will jeoiiqaor jN >V.h’olofUhio!i',-]and bring ns, under £|o despotism of A military" slave pow ce. fhen, under; no ciVcbnr.-ianc.es', ‘*P. tho!r >o'stk-h ja thing sip'peaceful disunion. , 'To ontertiiin sycii-a liioughi a rnolne,lt ts treason!,. Who, ° in consent to ackuoWl »|go that we are inferior ' beings. -Milch, wo do if wo .yield onri" to the, haughty Democrats of ■ ,S|ulhern bullied \ and ti-liUor*, we -wpiild consent to our .own personal: • oTadation, to tho most mortifving ; pifrsooai outrage, feeling of shame ■ajid degradation.; Nothing is so tor- I U )to to a man its to loojse his good lf “a soldier is dishonorably di imissed. even if he is ever, so low. mhkes every struggle in his power to, 1 and if he fails, sinks into a ic||vor condition; Thgi very viledt and ! abandonedyiner.ibep of society I ics .the virtuous and, the good.—•! tnen ’ ' TOU 'd *t lio'wiLbin a na ] tijqnj whoso cause is righteous and , Whose.position among the nations off thr| earth, driven to.a, base and dis I hoporalde surrender? It would be a j .nn|ion Consenting to jls own. l;*£|h ; a conlt;hsi o a of pur inferiority to' nn| unprincipled’ and despofafo aris^ , tojlracy. It jiritb nations as it is ; wf|h indivtduals.| If cannot conwi honorable peace in the pres cti| generation; wo must -iu the next on;|. ilany of the worst' and most bl^ r o PFnontB war, now op.- suchj a peace as might be-made 0^ r S c ' o b"'tion and sepl aimjoa. Jt is only left for such men as Vpilandighani, 'Woodward, arid o* c f?l, o^. tbp -ho same kind, and their misguided followers, lo cry for peace uppli any temp. We mnst remember tha|. (ho leaders of. the rebellion are n °Y ®?htir.g fbr tbeir lives,and* we mu|f remember, tipo, that their hold ifpop ybe ignorant massw. of peopleijn is idi It e jh«. i, nid '! i ' J . (/ • 1 W3*B their tpllo.werBr.with despotic swny.-j -IThdy Thill have hope of aid jroirf 100 rotten po wore/ of Europe,. zdhlods of the growing power artjd liberty of I the j eople of this Rjptfp* iic.” Frarico isibbnt toestablislP'hpon the sdfl of Rejlubficon add England id a.very uncertain Mid ftodin* fal friendj compelled to a cer tain extcnt,byher proud aristocracy .to-make' Jo the jSopthsrnf SJpvoTyvrr- j Russia is ! that is friendly, and.the only only one fhat does [not entertain the most bit ter hatred and envy against the pro gress arid prosperity of the United Spites. ; 6urV B|ole dependence then must be in bui'selvcs—in our unity; and patriotism.";, Iso; natiori of the earth is so biessed as .oars', arid the bloody rind ■ r ■ . *•' 11 , ■ ■, • • • , • • • terrible thift is now upon u's must .be corilinjiod'to secure a coutiPnanceof bur liberty and cjur National existence. We must consent cheerfully to be tax ed to enable our Government to. carry on the. war. Wo must make personal sacrifices) for on)' liberties and rights.- We rnusti sustain, by every means in oar, power, the brave, men who are fighting for.the perpetuity of ihpUn iou. Scarcely n loyal Stata pf the Nprth'bas ybt'fjilt the bloody and des*. olatinghpead of the slave rebellion.— Tho people of the North are yet safer and in the Cnjoyrifont of more conn forts, with pU tpat lias been lost, than any other portion of the earth. All that is asked of ns .is comparatively so little and fhd loss Sb grea£ if they . 1 icfuse tjp give, that we cannot doubt jeveiy necessary sacrifice will bo made I to preserve thei perpetuity of our gib- j | rions Republic, one arid,indivieable,-lo ] . ibo; latent periol of lime.; t * “ * i President, Li popin’ s Popularity | j * with the! Loyal People-. I The .universal popularity of Jlr. | Lincoln' aniet.gl loyal, men, while de served,yet riarvol-ous and unprece ; dented.j Neve:* in history of the| country did a by man have such a hold upon thetlrteolions of the people; —never was tlioie.in arty party, such j concentration,: anity and harmony ofj feeling foiytbe jiotoinalionj of~any mao'as there is in the Union' party to day for the renbminatipn aud ] ic election of llreaiderit Lincoln." Atj the lato Slafo Gonventfoii, in Harris-! burg, hot a s viriee was . raised j againstfbiin; nc|t! a dingle delegate who r did not prefer liirato,uil others, and | when bis mVntioneUit : received with.lrapitTrons outbursts ofj ujg»c trrstfnrt Tepre 7 ~rr w 1 r ,- CSenv Avi.ose delegate; did' not-only for him. self, bn; also for his constituents de clare pir. Lincoln their first and only. choice for Magistrate. There wore dplegstss in the (j,’;|iivcntioh : ovho, had appliqd iffd' failed tofhbtain ap p'oinUnpntjj under the,[Govern merit, many, p-hp. four years ago. strenuous j ly opposed the nomination ol Mr., Lin ! toln, ]ireiVrrinp a number of others in the parjty, and many who,' in the last f icsidjehtial ce npaign, belonged tor the-Deijionraticr party and who ridi eu.ed his nomination; jlfis ■and his j capacity. Yet all these-ele uients 6f oppo.i tioiK jVcro now coni bmedJPhis suj pbrt in admiratior.. for the niap.i support of his policy, fecog. j nition o£ his integrity and supeHor' ability, and in tie belief that be alone can guide. sustain and deliver us as a I hation. ; This jndonenipnt a of Mr.-I Lincoln [was the spontaneous expres sion of the -confidence- all loyal men | have iu tliis ability,, honesty of purn i pose requirements, of the people'and the' iialioti- ih these |<oriloa s limes. Kqw -well he if entitled 'to ;feis confidence ,we have often ibid. an 1 will hot nowj j I'cepunl, ■ Who us been more patriot- i ic, more, .abundant in labors, ~ ijiorol faithful ip duly, more c isihtorcsted' in purpose, j or] mors zealous in execu tion ? Who has over been thrown upon such a tenpestuouEl sea, driven by such violent wind's, i-oc-ked By such’ braves, apd yet palm and collected amid the [storm, anmoved by danger, j more enduring i i sevord trial/ mpro determined w.hilb suWing, becoming, greater ad the ccnfliet progressed and! [ danger;]nteease d, has steCred the ship -60 ' ve! ‘md 1- shop-a more conclusively , his ability: to cdiinmanti ?' Tholoyal | l*°P le of this'Spate, and of the! whole i country, Ipve Mrj Xiineoln because ofi bis greatness, bja goodpess. his hones- I Jy and true manly virtuosi; because he, lias suffered more and labeled more) than any piarij cvpr did to presehm us a nation for ourselves, and those who shall . eorao after jilts, and because believe.be vvilt yet : accomplish I whati bas’heen tMmraUwd to his hands—the ! restoration of this! Government! We i believe that- for this very [ pose, God haayaised him up, and we] intend te re-elect and support' him un- j til the work is accomplished,’the ju» i .Von saved, and freedom restored to utff 1 t®. For Dry Gci Clothing, go to gti !*'♦ Kefttoaf Hot: pda, Bools, Shoes or ?M’, next : dooi to i!.K.Brighton. ' !• ji '-"f |Tqviuhlp. ... ■ “An Act ' jjeiJtivp to the payment of Sonnies I fajlft'OTj I*y ||*' Hjoweted Jpy, the t.iaui General Assembly riret, aridit is hereby enacted "by the authority of the Brt me, tbaftllc l)irectorß of Bor ough Township.'and crf'ttia indepen dent EchoollH driotof Borongh-Tp~ in Bearerooun ty, riaii Tbwrphip be ing one ,|of jfno subdlstricls ift‘ the Twentyr-Fourt tj | Military District of Pennsylvanih; are hereby And; requi]red|,. j rintiy; to,levyiandvcdl .lcctatoxauffieientio relmbprsetbose persons - <>t said Borough-. Township, who , hau©; Jjei etoforo adyancodi-iand peid money foi tho;pr r pcse^praising• volunteers tmde’i* thejivle'tiails of the President; Stales,; sub- seventeenth day of Oc tober; one jth jusand eigto hundred acdsixty-th re )j the assessment, col lections, 1 paj m arits aud settlements to be thade ini iciordanoew: th‘ the pro provisionso ! .(. toGenpral Bounty Law, approved,' ;t m twenty-fifth v day; ol March,, one t lorisabdeight hundred andsixty-foar, i -ti'■ ■■<'. v JOHNSON, I • i • j J b • - •- t * Speaker oft House of Representatives. '<■ .. 1 'JOHN P. PENNEY* < : t 1, Speaker of the- Senate. ArnaoVEi i i pain 20,1804. •i o A Deser red ComplinieSt; j Hon.’.Thom is Cannjjpgbam, .of tkiis* county, was elected by’ the Jlatb State Convention, ai an Elcptbr at Large, by slcclaraatio i. This was a deserved compliment t( our distinguished fol low-citizen. rim position bf Elector at Large i's both, honorable and re sponsible, ajnd while it was entirely unsought Try fudge Cunningham,, the Convention him .worthy of the honor, and .no man js more capa ble of discharging the .duties and as Burning the-responsibilities bt the po sition. On b< half oLßeaver county, wo than'c the. Contention for this rjoinination. tit is not only a compli 7paont;to- tljo Judge andtho county j but adjust rocognitio t of ttfd services (and loyall|y4 of|itbiCt largo .class of j jurats* iow acting with us, \vho*pretc-|ct! cpiifitry to parfy. 'John W; BI apchard, i- E?qof Litw reriee cbunlly, was seated District Ejector. Mr. filancliard' was repre sentative id tl eLegjslature from Lau rence county for and if an iwwiftcm j Gen, W.. W I tv. and X A .Greeni* count ' “iS'i ' • I. ;Jselegatc3 fro ' in lids Disfrii t in, of Heaver coun-1 Bnchiiaan. TJs.-,. of _ the n/the several counties, t. iis .Delegates to the at: iiiiltimoro.—- i could have been select are assured they will i• i . 1 .•r l . • 7 - ftbly represent the Dis.. rwin .needs' ho rccom >m us, as bo .ia well our readers Mr. Ba lding lawyer of Greene »pnest, and sound on all | National Coni i better mei ed'.' and we ,! faithfully, ahil- i tiict. Gen.'li mcndatio.n j fr, known to all cjiatiart is. a Jei viimity—ahke la rXational . . i otis! .ural- Meeting, - adjournment. tbo'Bmflid r. April, 30th, 1804, on motion, Was dotted tem., in' the absence' of lect. , On'motion, John Baxter, S. B. Briggs, D. B. Shorl| and Capt. veroiappqiiited a Coin re a Premium List, to o the Board, at their reeling for approval.■" adjourned to moot at ie', on the last Saturday ’c}oc!r, P. M. a I'full ted.i‘‘ t ’ ■ •[ ■ • Agrlbi|ll : rnef at k ßcavc John Garrard, President, pro; the President!: GarrardC John James Braden, John Sbroada rnitteo to'.pvept bo submitted next regular m On motion, the-Court Houii of May. ,a't 1 c 1 Bodrd is requei JXO (SAKE J. 'C. Wilson Prea’t. tern. ' Soc’y. ' | • CoxuKESSIOIJ. Lawrence' eou —Wo see tbiit our 1 l yJc°t&nipo i, anes! are s'ilato the questing of } Union candidate in :t. They probably go that he who-speaks it served, i \Vo think irematu.ro, and decline beginning to--a, who shall bo th the'24th ’Distih on the principle 1 first trill bo fir i. this agitation { Ucontroverij' 0:1 irehco .will not b( and\vill .wait til rives for sbt'llinl tiot., Graeno find counties (B|eav( Will meet he.r over, and seltlo —.Greene do\mfi i the, subject. Ii Law.- p ir.l such hot ha'slc, II the proper time !ar- this important cpies n the btlier tWo 'sister <T and , /ind talk the matter it amicably with] I»er. • RtytUicah: • ' i’ ; • \NK OFjBEi >ribscri >tio sirens named instHku G. W. Uaiambi Oyet- one-hu)f b; already subsbrjbi have to be lk a ! to the i'lasy Nation * persons de i bier stock to the above i *i. will please call 'on L, or Jos. O. 1 amount hasbcon I; idj BbsOur- friends will 1 inrry. rellas, Balmoral and lioa’ Misses'aDd'Wil. GAttisw, .at . Oatf*aMl-»««mtiM. ! • :-j 1 i'< lit..-} -if,l HSrSun. Unib Hopp-Rklrts,' I»< tfrenV Congi&i Bright* d, I r. ri+'f ari*--. ' ■ A*«g,l ■■ -g-T=r ~.-n:.. -.4^--n.-■ aw-!-r- . ■ 11 , ■ ■■-—.. —|, , p ■ - ——■ .. . . ~. , . _ •>V ' PromVthe " • ff ; ■. % *&•* ,v,; ■. - • './;,- ■ Isj,A»mN:G. I •■! ° n b^in|sl|r; f t l D T y t>' pril 2 ? th> l^ 64 ‘ !i *- 't^cntr^pa^S o^^l^ ” nHon W ‘ AfUl Xahoit time [that »J»S mecijig and .im^ftnaSr jgifflf o !*■ * nd b .“' & s , o!U •- ? Having"?!,Hi i‘»w df the particnlar*, I; will bEtilJ-. toe GounTy wae elecWd pcnnanen i Cbairi to give you what -I have learned-4- appeaH-tnat our lows w last day.with. McClellan a Utile ahead- man. • Tbo speeches Ofboth Chair-! It appear* from the bestaoconuts that while tfe®i rebels’ wa 9^' f * e ' lr ai Theidjnirer»pf^n-^nV;j>oW^r r nmnWere w'ell .received. When the k l landed '3 *oM«dl<^to i»6|loat, Luicolp s ror >b gkatipplause iKani tbp;place c wbalJ jo: bo ours; bat|mbum thelidss pfV.J k followed! I* 1 ’ --STV;,/|V ; . .Vi* bn the death pt (jJapt Flu«9or,ilncoin> dred of theirmeii. : Tlfe .> V f ? ®? n W reversed.thedecision and put rant A (Jen. Cam dl'Ai'K. ijCcClufe, mand pt jiho gniippats, in whpm much in f.iimbers wa's eatin-ii bead 15,000 votes by tbe'demoiiteof Ketch *? 1 ?£ d# f ee T* 8 ! fo ‘ 1 ’ lho 1^ ■, Si jl-j ~ - rru II LtefeCif v. ■r, V. j i i!;;/ ii fill haojt and gave the-possession of through tbe rebel rani-- as maity dollars. • The n»wdH*wofd um weie elwM |arge.T- ; bw f^.to tb * %itl. tl,is in WItK ?"?** *{ vaa voted to Commodore Bowan; | jThe delegation is very strong in poinl their power thoyjcould attack the foils ! There is a.reporpp^ ■ '■ » ' : : I.— •- f" .of abinljr. Both wings of thp party on a weak and comparatively unpro: f rcbels.’Saftei:^"tauturV., .i,* 51 ’ 1 '^‘tL of are fairly :• ■**£ «« d the General yj»\ k John : Allison, As-■ U; '<{ (, ; nn ( fproed on ; Wednesday to surrender bis lohna soldier-, .lt.-w : h,* r'.V; C sr Wl.it tiyTO«r C,S. Ai who,ha. , A ,P M U »" «?« 00t0ta0.,4 L .idihirgiof th«p.j:»4rW.itio -• . 4 •?.■*. 1-J r j. i i the Convention asking that A; K. Me- Ramses', of Beaver, Wellty.of Gettys-i I the town, nu-i with ‘H i£ fof the past sbveu has i shall bp appniihQd -df burg, and Gcissephaitier. of Pjlttsbuifgi [Should there bo a •he State cy.mitleelon iac- fe'hc Writhe Wheeling, Va. .Major. Russell Brrett.il •-j .i* ,v 1 rTr ii " I detached (service .ordered: ;to m this ferreious . lrtr i. «.,i' . ‘ lsa ->, la I«ilg•dod■;far^d l Newhern dn-bJsiU Sf her, « sAt CJ this point as PavoiaSen Th 3 ordbf f W appmntmpnt mpnl) and a ybry lew. qf, should be dealt oul toab^n^ »ii, ■ « i - *j- . : i ’ . 1 ; ■* > will be made by lho permanent Prosi- svere away tor. tiro sapio good-reason. N .. jj.. V;i ~ , CouyoJori. i-'V . I - From whit wb can learn, ijicro svas bas> wpn the respect hntjvcrv few jell ed dr woupdtfd ondur aoa coufidenco of ouc dunnij J x 'v f 4 ;-; j , i,. , \ side, altboagb the rebels lost trery hwitorkSiog:.U Wo port tioM I f°: f*i i *»•! “I»« i <I«W mpf. j» - a. 1 * * . /» , liortor» ii McMicliael rof Philadulmuu. -O.MUU, charge-up to the rnoulU-sot the c .9*b End. we trust the exigencies .of the • un imous! chosen b y « c dumn- gu>>* hri-ga'-le., numbering sorvicp wlladmit of his rbtuvn here; t .- i j >! i * 4 ! T but . nbhut two thonsiind; and -five *. , . } linn ... b [ I i.i, / at nodifltAnt das’.— Pitts. .Com. t-’.! 1 . :• I > , i i limes were they repulsed with ierr:- A bsolution was adoped |l|!.at. thp! |,l e sluughiei, . jifitil bunian ! nature Elcctbrsj at ..Largo ;be Instrucleir lo -could do no more; anil 'hey only stir support? Abraham Lincyrri for Preki-i rendered ,a(fcr they had.killed njdre dent, iviitf to oppose-hll efforts to post-! I , , ?v* l ' - °f f be , encm .V tKat- tlhero ' wdsiin • 1 ,!*■ t, ii- . ‘■f p „ ! U , i\V cssels whole brigade!! Tims' the pone the Baltimore; Convention; and . ,t , . , P f 4} 'j ■ '•• i.. 5 • v:.p ; , ; , ; ? ■'. .•••| defeat that -we have expcrtencedi is that one .Of. .the hardest; blows that i moj-e honorable than.the prou<,lestvie eonl'Mie ihflilbtcd on thelllebe s would' . lory we. bnve yet svoii. r , ' ;>r ! cerlaipty of the.? ro-eb. cljou p.f;- '•fbe ;friorfds of ‘the. 'regiment halve Abraham Lincoln; - |, 'j np reu-oti to despair, ;for a|th^igh\th|ey ' .:'.■ ’• i i . , have cause p) inrinrn the, absoncefol -m V- 1 *i i I ”’■! VV •*. •, iu.s*bd ohesl there is every reason j,to , rdie,Convehtion held a ;nighij session.; hbpe and .helmvle that’ they 1 iviil [be A preamble and resolutions were sub- texchangcd bofpire many weeks.- pv iiiiUed', arid 1 adopted; proclaiming I 0 /J effort will he njade to indnccilibir strongly that A'braham liincoln isitho i c-sp'ors to Jiboi-ate them, and; if is be 6&t and'ohlv el. ' f P ’ iJvl- that an 4H,Lsoon would call especial attention I to the store of Jatnfes H. ■Stjjjles/al Brighton,' which, has undergone n complete renovation throughout. It is now| one of. the neatest.establishnients tn 1 town, and his 'shelves'are' filled with new and ,sea : j sonaSblfc"goods of all kinds, and; his will witlfthe cheapestv Giyo him a calf * ; . Jolm-Myto/'Bot. ts, igayo 1 a (lin-; mirat his'resiJonca, neaih Culpepper. Va., Inst Thursdayi^^i'vhiefi Gen’s.,' Grant; Sedgvyick, Js*pcock, Birney, j Humphreys, ln-1 galls, Rawlings, Mott, yCßrr,. Webb, S Gibbon, Gu-stis an<l Morris. 'vcro pres efit; The affair was of,the in tuouscharactcr. .! %.:< Y. Lawn ihanont Chfimau of- tlifej’TTn Convention, has appointed G( •Cameron Cbairnian of "Ui'c Si lra| Committee.; i ) r t e v i i i m i l - ; tlxTve.:ekfof-pHV uteg., amy to Ilf SiBa inonlb,[ and min-commiasiondd -offilecrH proper* f tidnatpiy. j ' ' 1 ! .; K 1 ■ i School Oi’Exixo.-p'l'lvw lioroiigli' SuLoo} opened on' iloddav l^,; witji Prof. Veon as Pririeipaij and | Missos Thorniloy, HuCroady aiutfllir! pin |as Assistants. J \[ |* ; ‘ . I: has; been appointed l I of! tlie P. >V W. & C. B 8., jvido The. j U, Slcs.-der,.resigned. : j S@-A. now ufouk of ; S[>ring jClotb ing/fashion;ible st3’ioB, together with CraVats, Gloves, Hosiery, Stokes’, iSTuw ’’ »V . - ""S' —l —, )■ 1 •.? The Pennsylvania ‘ Babbisboro; >riday> Apr. '2oV’64. ' • House oV. I thisevcmngv Mr. Bubgei made an iin-l portani statement' relative to the tits • lecn regiments of “PennsjlVania Ho ■ i serves.” . ; / • . N { v / ■. j Ho stated that they enfor'od thoser- j vice of Pennsylvania i fa’May, threef years ago, but were not mastered'in the national service dnlUflivb inonihi afterward. They were now greatly | dissatisfied, so much so that mdriyi' wore under arrest, the iiien claimingi that their time of service expired in f May, the National Government con tending that it extended ‘until July. ■ Mr. Burger read oxtracts bf a let- Act Irom Col Landless, com rfaand ing 1 : the Division, relative,- to the dissatis-!' faction, and fearing the:■ men Will re*! 1 , j fuse tpdb duty-alter .May,. €rov. Cur-H tin has, urged some action on thd partil 1 pt the Legislature to induce. theJSTa-i 1 ! t'oual -Government to comply with i ftne demands of the ydseryes, in’ an- 1 . | coiidianee with this siiggtsiiou.f ' i •! ,* I j Mr- Burger offered a resolution iir . 1 ■gently .solieitiiig the Pfbsident ;i to discharge the reserves. - To .add to 1 the dissatisfaction pf the men it is : 6 stated that some of .their'farmer] com- 1 who had lefti and joined the * ■Regulars, liad already been discharg- 1 jpd nUder orders of tlic ' War Deport- . ment, which fallowed soldiers, leaviu’g 1 .. yolnntecrs and joining/ flhe regulars, to amount their thret- iycai§r' from the date of their original enroUyd not irom l the date 1 ofactuaEff ““MpKiftto the national soryiep. hi : The ic§olulippi‘ whs unahtmouahHg adopted, , V' f- ■ • r . | , J }l Apoplexy.— On lust Sabbath, ,Mhs. ' Hunter, an old and highly respected ‘ lady from the “Four Mile," was. taken I I with a fit of /Apoplexy, while on her 6 I way from the Pioabyteriain Church, in Bridgewater, i. | the'' house.: bf her daughter, in Bbrobgh 'Township/ 1 where she was spending a fewt dajfc* 1 and at whose bouse eveiy attehlibif waa paid tehor; and, under the treat- i«oow recovering.—sfor CZ= ...iy ->'pe «i /ennsylvaina: !^, y . effected. - ■i. . "T ■-] . t . Every allusion to; Prtoi&mty Unjoin £l/Tbo«-avd |i gi-oat many. *k!es;.! Youk Muv wias l received- jv4s | loud, -f rojn J' fugitivef X^w -. 'jetfe r^rl^./!, Gov. Cut tin wa3‘ heartily uidorsed/[^ nl |*J os w “° from Plymouth pfter j eV ucnatio : uiof -* >lV !L \i '* anjlhis name rcceSvbd ,e HUrre " ,ler f , ir | lr f.< It!-also rJmHnS. „!&■ •' r- ; 'i!■••;••■ 1 •i« W tow l U’d^u^pr.h !cd . Ncw OrU „ ; i;iU ;i^'^ k . V ■ -n T : '■ ■ ; V;. o . ! ' , ? ,l ‘ ns a l' l capture.! Heroes- ,It c rtcnm!(< s ( i W.** j, Morrow B. Lmvry,, om» of .the, ,* s; ,ul that t *.qy were aiffildiei fmm 'jSlitv. at Large, made.i brief speech ' orliung as soon as 'they nulde ppQ * men', i.o. mar>' w upon tbo resolutions:. Mh AVI Ketch-Idiriebncrs; but las : regards (ife pmU- '■ ' ■■si-.,0'- tii J i l '■•,■ r ’’""V j j ers from onr 1 regiment. l tl ev were , o„ m .in-l .titn'inM. s * V e urn. another, islet-tor, at - Largd, made;.-! •.: .. . «. „■ .■• Lv ..a spo< tannspaicu I '..t; L ‘ .-.rTl •• mayc-bed off towards Uiduridrid. . : . , Goocii and/ Waic.'of ,lb-! fAuur.tc u terse,.smooth, aid pointed j speech . j n the absoniyi ot reliable; ne,W.s,-I |. on t j, t Wiw.cuT, «. Mr. McClure, also an Elector, spoke : have not ventured t|> s:iyjjime!i.,d>u-t it-'turned to day 1 'Fdrt'’ : l’ii\«<t.is'l with 'much spirit'and a sti joiglli of! ilPf-erhans relieve the minds of st'jnd; t . jl i] e ,j op the ! .this :-;cni»J statement and clearness of .-b vie lin 'd',' |H"‘ r ds kniev n oo oiil--1 'l’| as to ib.-bsrbasji V ’ iver-or-ma-ii m the lOlsi basdieen wound-1 and eimVihsHbcre arc v, v • usual .« public .speakers. ile« .one; ea j • Wtll6d th ey > ” ofj the first men in the ment.i!- vigors.' .i j I , ’ ' j" -j ■ T ' L. ■ ‘ power;) Wjn, r, :l>. Maun,-l>isiriei-.\t ; • I ;SjAMVtL S. Tavloh, .i [, jFatniCAL.—T’n« llntmi C^-enta The, most stiriijg one! '■ ) ~~ r"TI W»‘ r ‘V ", : ‘ ! FHdX : ' a .Gr^, ;{|ior. ‘ thk^tK^vl' hciat, was-tnade Uy ; a Tt.thuM sjays'thati..tK<i‘ plait! oi' :!i* p S e !> «‘ instructed 'to s>iippor: LV'’ : looking ipan named .MtrVeifgh from ' r-‘t Carnpai K n !' l i p9o l v^d UJP,°!» bV it Wod:|prftho - Prosideney, to • Lpo?fidiill tjhestor.-L I . i IN : ( ilbbknniaiidcr of the Army ol the Polo.- p ,J »’M j : ono:t ! l c; Haiti mere te! •; iiTlio coininittee on 1 1, . i.iiiiU t : '"SiV ! *" o . n ‘4, l-lnf with God’s jt«i ntio n, aiobthal ime of t!it liafu.i m T »;«'< Addp^as;niad? jyv!,id substantially qneil tbcjrebellion I'Wowa tbatlcoid be iddicteji •[ , f rL • sTI-e addrpss. sets forth that. a'fd end the wal;., Thp army is In the I lie re ( bo tW' the honor and giciry Rl. ti.c•gaoplo-jift . possible ednditiqn andj spiriti-j M’c ro-eleel;ton:ofXmeo n sufficient reasons fopiirgin<' the re elOc-i i— ( b- s iippeaifed. Kl-| 1 Is- said by niemb;rH thin of Mr Lincoln; - arjd lespurccs,, of >hfej|Govorninent in l w,t b the (head."of thd tfar i]q_i timoio. Cdiivcnudn.. their strongest J/giit. It isnicessarj- jl > . ai »^ nient '* -A- difference of opinion | T !, ;. _ lop'thosueccsßiuf pi'Oficcutiotil of- the ' T ? S ' “ ot i respeOliiig t|l,o! «B-Gen.;Grant. in jiii war that tllere shouid be no Icdianiro 1 J^ :,SUl ° n l , p * b t ° "‘ adcS °f d>e; d'riday nigfVt iii Washjr ntbd 'i ft-^ hWmonized By an I from Xinei A r Li-U- Ha t' ,n e ton -i KT a >f wn - Stanton lids the! *4r- (A quest>n w , , A rcboldtion of, thanks tp .the loyal i confidence in Gen, Grants Aa. | bothered !iy iu-i?esiio3. denatops and Members - ofithe| Legis.j in - I the. wisdom of Inrilfroui the adminisinuijm; aturc for the fulthfui porformhnee of -• • ' r fc l ‘ elall P' l B are entirety far from liiat.lhiMee be iii : 5:4 .■sas’BKj.i.“" rSS-S I'™’ 1 '™’ r' Vl|3 passed. ■ ,r| : tr j I tr ,Norj L{idiiT.' T 3hep-1 U was bis Id-.;. v;,it-to , A resolution waji. also, nnanimousiy January | last, wrote;a Vlett sf, until souietnii g tieeisive passed giving thanks to oat brave ? n Vj® anaconducl df’ihd war. i «d'in the fiki ‘t .. | lb "‘ °” ! 8 J comfoits of ho.m|o for thej main- i^To.those.who submit to ! the rightlf;TsviHo 2W£mft says-' | lorinneeof tho/pnnc-iplcs of »«I la.w - and authority, all gOnileiiess.i K ow Y„vk (l - br ■[ ■ r,, " ,ent ' .f’ ,:| 1 : ' , j* : ' ■ | a,nd| forbearance, jbnjt to the petula it jery S.OOOdiTliMahN Ar ; n?* 10 Convention .adjourned .amid is n , wh J^ for bvcry.lOQ. i’-' ’! ' ■! J fe^ usifcm- 1 seemed' deter- she is disposed’of; the 6 ffe? 1 * Sen'll ” h T° coun - foV lupeerto win v l ctory. Penns yvaniaiand! the siirS' of heavdn j r sure to indorse the. Baltim Jo nofrJ allowed a'continuaneo 'of ’ «aUpn by 4 Vgo majority,. .1’ ,- in hell merely their juSti l'-' ’ ■V.-! ’■. “ ,t , ..punishment. To'such as would »ebe! i ' - 1 .. ~ . ..“"’.t: : d~‘ * I b. I. ; . ’ a, : n? t a Government so^njild'.and I . "S 4 * . - J iWl“ Cr,a^' !; The Pennjalvarua MiUtfa. kl' lst as onrs-was Hin |p ea co, : a punish- , the Le " lsiaUt rufroni Allcgl ! v n A ßnis4p R a , ‘ 'aont equal would not be unjust. . has rectuyed authority to. . r ; P, 1 -G f BO4 - 1; ' i " • J ' 1 | moi)t of lioavy.-artilierve ,1 1S rt <>t-]j r 9balyJo tbat will ! ? -nt it us soon; ai.the fcessTdi e ., a loifllio iniltia of the alt limit'as to lime is. as yet- 1 ms lime. It is known that there is him. ' - jierfecl iiiidorsthndihg between the tate and National aulhoritesj dp this 1 ybject and wbenevorthe military tdrbe thp State is needed it will Ijci 'most rpmptly furnished 1 t : !■'. ir .?. D T militia hill will molt c'dr nn v' J’ass the Legislature,! ind as ion as the law is revised so as’td matte ,e i hi'litia effective, the Governpr Vvill dee immediate slept to lorghr.ize it lOPqnghly, to bd for Any service by the State or nation. ! inmit- '.lf:-'I j' A ip* o ™ l . ORDKa —ArT order! just Jsned frcm th<i War pro ijb'ts the use, !by Generals arid other tticers, m the comibg campaign of iie riuraet-ciua four-hbrse lieldlcarria- Tp’l lumisbech'by the Quartermaster’s apartment at the . expense! bf tho pvet-nment. Goh. Grant HvKile rid- Ig in the rain to the front the other v-* met C.en. Ingiillb coming into <>,ne those equipages. I It is id they were mutually surprised. .SChild'Scalded.-OW Thursday, of a !*t^ e son of J. W. OW. ,W°Mh township, pulled a - a .ler over r at ’•oailtledi it U'ui'tsjifo wks dospuirOd of.J glgd to know that the child iw luf' H 'Hi- '■ I ; lU'f.' ’ .r •- 1 *' •a)d if' w;r W%-A. Ihdy who left Georgia' kbout three weeks sincei has. gust arrived in . -Ncwr York- 1 She giresj the fallowing ! quotations of the mmrWel prices. for a _fe\v articles:- Gold,; thirty .dollars' far one: corn meal, [twenty-five dollars bushel; meats,! fonij dollars- per pound; butter, far. dollars peri pound; milk[ , two. dollars per quart' flouri three hnnm-cd dollars per barrel;' Gpfi fee, liwenty.fivo dollars :jdt pound Np ariicibs of any kiiuj tyfo sold for less than five or; Inn dpllars. ‘jUf the pmchaser has a ncjto of cither,-he can btiy;| if not,- he must | do wiihout —- Artioles libeknivos, forks, spoons, cupd of: all .Winds, the lady iii question-says are not to be ,hadi . i ll '■'.■•'l ! :l i- ■r. iii j afflLThe CongessionaJ Republican i caucus, held Friday, morning agreed to ask for tho apjoo'int!noni; of alloiiit Committee of Congress to investigate ebames made ugiinst Secretary Chase by Frank; Bla,r. tThis action isdo manded hy Mr. Chase’s friends, who togive| an/official and effectual rolutulion lOjlhp slurs bcapc(| upon ul,or *l t take! the fiiyd, and .(Jen. Smith has been or dered to report th liim. AlSo, lhal Gens. Gillmore and Smith will com* mand a corps nndpr Bnticr whin (he ngn( (im* 1 ‘ ezmni I •' Se^ y ohk,,Mu/ 2. -A • patch, to, tNc Pirns, dated. \v2v“- *• j Ist, suy=;, A dispatch day by the government, fV, m p o '2 j Sfbnrop.' static; th'rrt .*&anr««* | anhy /ihroiurh P> w j£;i jyesterday potutot. -UU-foWi2!? i matcd at 1&000 men'-" [ Noth'! ng|of,; note tias trao«'.i'-e.l i i the front |tt*-dhyj ./'The- prtlf-U -■ } bbih armies extend .up a i U l djV n ; Ra'ppahatyjock andlliupitW ' sidei able feirett.iVreikined at F&i-riv •j-bubg throvj-ing up morsintr«.nchi^i ! j on Ibe lu , i*»h*> 1 . . | . The rebels are reprinted to fe j drawing.. frQnv.MadNon' Court- FI -I ‘ kml'ConeebUuiing in frpiit'of oitrli-;- janjjh eeliter. i fleet's coi’ps. aeeordingto Oeaerta j is. at Hanover it line I*, - * I* j - O.n.'thoS same a nth on; 7, £ et ' s j strength as upwawi* v f i-#‘ I OOlbmon. j' '/• >' ~ ‘ ( Humors prevail that. Fir-. 3ar:ki , ! sujiereedod oy Gearv^ugu'r-i I ' ' ' : r ‘ t B&~ Gov. Curtin rex. I from t b e^W a’,' ~J le partm en , i that the Perinsylviffiia liesi returned home.toroorii.it (.when they.entered the* Si ihnd not troin iiie'dato of Is , to’ the Fcderolffiervieo. >• i I _L . i N’o Postponement.'-^ A, patch says tjidt it is undo the Unipn National Con perfect i ng* dnangemc ni!v timoro Convlentionh None hers hate advocated postp! A Candid Statement.—You m® procure of.ijny druggist is,.tin l * c ?f.’ and vieo)iiy ! Dr. Tobias -Vinetianhio i incut. It is a sure and spe( dy corei?f .sore throat], ( . ljeadaclj(c, toathsebf, I cliroic rbeumatism, polio, 'roups I pains in the limbd. We advise,orerf I ono.lo give it a trial; Tfccl expert 15 [a mere wo. 3 *? confident unperson ivjili chr bo. ff *vr out it; livery family showl I* 3 * 6 bottle in tho'botise in case ol bti‘ih n * e ’ eidciita, sgeji ‘adepts,,bfitns; ■lts pain-'relievefng .qualities arc niirst culouE. As for, croup, it has *** hundreds; wo have tho cortificates t Srovo it - Office. 66 Cortlandt SMW*. *B*l4 hr Vi V- : hi • ■ .. ‘ \ ot tilS Wai! rr»mk Lee' tr; of the Ik- i.iitirvicff!«: i'lun wiib i jn s«- uiCfihr i;e 7si s.">r ajiv lau cui vrlut ■<' ,hp- tiin-aitfi W \V nsnin^ - -4 b:iJ. hjippi-' iK. —The.l^; •lilt rvli il.Kj grogeif- the fnet that -;-arJ fflujopv iiO (jFtfrv eieo' si iiKiahar .of henv connty,' a regi- I-lie m emK placed upofl'' iift' d ?i pf : - ;!1 ’ on’Mon i-M>. CO I VP iorvo'^ , :it tju' ,!iU‘ ’■’•-'rVicV enterijijt' 0 "". sjleeis! dH’ irstooci tbs l imittey pt* (brtlieJh of its me* ineiaeat
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers