■I Ueaver _ ; COB a«TM> TMJtijIKIB m "iMiVt." |Slai^eitsl| % j>-** ei T •• : •• l4O i « •• .....„: 120 ' Cor ° •* 100 By? . , .. •• ■7O | "•g**? ■ “ ............... -■ i 5f r ? ; SeeJ 800 ]' CIOT V, srJd sgo I IT wd ’•* ’ - 8 00 • .fl« .. ..,*2,75 . H-’Jitn. „ : -«o ■ .JPJT’. - “ ~i"— i ip® dosea IQ 1 ~ ''V f 35- ttQktCfv ’ .• ■ 'Aii - *■» „ “ “a 17 .Bunn. - , .;? IS’ . :?.“•;••••.•••• * 0 ■SideJ, .J ••••:••■-- . T»U«*. ... -.. ■- , G ?^ v , - -i| •■' ,io ! JO -• {'-$•«•*-• gO- C*ri-n0i1.,; -| “ ‘° rf irn O’T ablb r >, rLF.VPXAN'I* & PITTSBURGH, K. B. ' Beaver Station—Gotso Easiv . ]' rnm-wnroil :'*«*«/{ BoP 10. lf<GS.—JVom* 8.v.-r ’Slsii'J’i ajfvtimcs: i * .. . \r- -tf it. P-it-tsburgh, 10:00 *. M.; V 6:50 r. M. alMpi v. . • v “- . : , 8:50 . I> - ”• ’ ;<Jn:::«.lVp«T—. 1 f Usvt , Arrlvoir.t Beaver,i:4o A. M. k’ l . “ • ..'....4;25 4 p. m. V,, „ „ S Rochester**.. 3:00 p. M. I •* t ; -••• .......3:10 A. X. I '' '•■ 1. *>IcCUIXCmGH, Pre/t. | F R. M’VEUS. -G-n}\ TctcelAgent. -j PITTdiIVKO. FT- TiV A VSR & CHICAGO B. R < Rochester !' • . ■ L?nve? Ilm;h«ster .-Ait. -at Pitt?.. v£) c -,lil lafi’r.jb'iv Accom. WO -a: m...... a. m." Rama/ • 1 Rr:’! 'n .•• " :, 0 i “ttwar :;,n; r ,‘irn - I'2: C2:.w , • Hri|!i«->a •• &*' p - » 4;51i,p. f},.; McFcr . # p. 7:00 p. kt v* ’•i M. \. S ■ Frazer .: ♦ '2:‘iri p. M.-l-.s?. 8:W p M j&Motris. Z Acnt'ii t'.rv. V* >V.:‘ 7:o*t p. k ';£:iorl. ' G^n-O^'V's^T —r j I** * £ ! Pins. * Arp. at Rouh w*tur. .‘Hnket! i - 2;l*Vp, M 4:00 M. , t | ,i>l Hrijfb'iiA.ccom. a. ,m ......11:00‘A. st» _^Cai v^rl i»i OriL'ii’n . “ a. m 17C2 r.'k? ’i a . Si . , •*■.*«, l-!:o0 r. X.....V <*: 10 r. oai ) ■V In 4tJ} r *» . *l*4o P. h....... 7:»U p. H»j J "til ’ ' -7:oft a. v A . •* 1 in ;■'»>•!■••!•?. , l:4fl a. m....... i.-H (, 1 •M Ztif.fi. . :4-» r.-M.S:,w ■ At'G. gy-iffft E. ■!>■! ; for. xtK^ r r: ijW r j'HAT comir.odVoula iiyi e-mvcnheul Tavern, | stand, well known an th* . • [ . KI-VSTOXH H.OTEL .• ;|. }{**» ■ iiiiaio on , *bri'Jp«'Kljrcet,- Sew Brighton, Tfa. ■ Stokes The house Ifc lilt 1iy,69 feet, urul partly. fur-* McGhe limited, tj coniitiiifi, }n'«il, ttvehe rooms}— j Kensle TV' Bar-room mul .fining room 1 ' are [Jii J*S s «jgw» iSr premises MIC three-vend stithies,r.tul oilier i Ilcrslih TFp OUT-J.OTS-geVrirh |it. j Town* 'f.tiul rs.vcli! M'tu.ifed I’ortyo- j •‘ins>»n \’;*i j.rincipalj etrci't leading from pic | 'V^ r ' V.r* a. nrP. into town, and •also--convcn- | . f>* n ?thl Pr siaMln# f)f canal-boat in rscs. | Vf.'-jf-'r*, <>n th*rfir>i day of>Junc. i ;.iiii*rc S! .orW t oiVeof Iff™* wilt MT,X-TUMyii,l'.'[/, Ns.v liriplityu.- TVJjOTIt’Kis ?j?r. , ffv i givßjieti ihttl let tors! of ■J_\ •'the.' estate | of j button ,Hun.«.v It. : M *<>•.*[yjnrs, lnt4* of? Brighton-; H'oiidfei fon-nWi/j), Denver county, Venn., have 1 to thtMindcrsigue'i. AU persons Viuv.viuj; lii6mj*elvci indebted 1.0 sakKcslufe >rrf'ratjiu*fl > iiB«l to .made immediate^,payment, *rA those Viivip-g claims ujiainstthe same will’ ffhsent them properly authcu.nc.ited for tjci ‘lmcßi. j • , *s ••;, \ CiMVIjLSON, Admini.-trtitor/ i . i>eav*r t V;i. r.j:ril7K^l STATE AND COUfiTYTAX. Oouui*; TrejisUrdr wfll «.ttcn*i in the J[ HOYoriil-tuw.'<lnpsi and,•horoughi for [ho ♦•.:rp sc of receiving the County and State «nr4Bo». fri Uio and plncob do&ig bv'hfw, vi/. ‘ .y--rcr*u-vn. Mv.’ 23. 1 Ha:uiltouy .butr’l 1 k Dili--, ■do - 24, bonilb’s do [ 1 - ! “ -In' 25. ..Eitkm'S _ d-l j ' f <ia !i‘r, RiiatWe 1> \ ,ji dJ '■ 27. M'-Ciisk.'v't stole, do 2S, j Tn-as.'<)tiice. j : j -do o'i, Store.’-. ■’ ,j ,li ■ i-iif ♦•{■ dip . 811. \\ uil J-- boson'sbpt |l ] .. d-), *2. AiiilonT*s yto ' , i i'ifcr!lou !]’■ ,? do _3. llt-r-ertson’s store..' i B«»*cr s I 1 - do. -. U X.eas. Office'- 1, ■/I Hri-ouon’tp),' do- 1 ; f, JJ, -iTalim's. i Nnrti; Sewi.bkiy, .do lb, N. t;n?ern. . < i KiknkUa’ j do -lb. ;4ut(‘nreUa>. : i*!':i;'». .'[ Mfirion, | do 17. G. Kartrell. I . | ’ aV lb. Trcas. Office. j >' w i'.iigbidn. ~db id. ilufop Uobse. * . i i'nh.iki ip.,i 'do 21, it. AValbvce’s. ~ j *?-« Sevrjclslj, !do 22, G. ttaiischer's. been"air,' j - do 23, Geo. Minin's. Kails'on, ■ :■ do 21, Joll bouse. • o'-i\or, ■ do' 25, Trees Office. ''iiifji'na tp., do .27: Mrs. Cunninghatp’s. Big Uvavor.l do 28’ Gracbing hotel- [ ■ •Wlington ip.,' do 20, Jj. I’. Dilworth'sJ -do 'liord.. do .30, A. .I. Cooky. ,i ■ ‘S.'nih Ueuviir, ' Jply 1, 'Joseph Lawrence. ' Beaver,-» '. do 2*4, Treas.; Office. y OjiioAfi. Beiivcr, “do 5, Ken's store. T 'lbio tp„ : da. *>,. M. B. Rarlnger’s. Raccoon ip.j,' j.g. da. 7,. D. Swing's. . [ •'Kon tp., j ! do 3, Win. Elliot's. j Beaver, jl v do' .’9,. Office. . \ | H"u'/.«town;i ; t do 11*. Swearingen's hotels do & Greene, do 12. do, dp. .. Hanover & pireemdo 13, Geo.'Miller's. : Praakfort 11 V dp 14, ,11.. M. M’CutcbcoinV. Hanover, ; l5, Shon's'lstore. j I’Mvcr, do' Id. t)fficd. ~ • 1 . independence and 1... ',-i ■■ Hopewell, ,’d.p . MX, Ryd &. Kerris-f(!nr,d. independence, , do'l6, J. tk\j Hopewell, .. do 20, Robert Sjjott’s. v Wsil’nyinenta can be made in any adjoiiv l?g districts.''- " 'i-ijer . JCjUN CACGIIEY.W TrcuMiiVct. j ik ?s./!ry, j 'frc , e*lotn, • *. . rri Kirrht'iiv. Ar'r. SO,"?»>i AtMAT KALE OP tibTS iW ■ „ ftOPHESTEfI.. riHE subscriber: wjUsell at -Public Sale, hr -A the vlWrough' of Rochester, o:r the. i ♦f 0 / IbOJ, from >5 t,o iOO Town Eots, [ et " er ; vv ya a number.of lots of from ifqc to j: oadC. Purchasers can cultivate the 1 sc^s jpa..;,n-UlioHt fencing, 'as/Uj'ey nre 1 ®*®s*3-wUh an outside fence. /'■ - « r. «r. w^ic k pro easy,will be made known' ea ih e ..i a y' bf Bale _, . t* commence *t IQoVslpsk. "1-" : V /WM. PORTER. Suramir r.,- i‘'.- Gi>nn a Cr, v 0r no * receiving,. fcU : SEW, .l7 ?Ct fron ' efi the C jm&Mx ;\ j >4, . THOB. MCBC;K?T i ; i ■ : ■ ■ - •-'■!■(p--. • > , i-v ? . : ; ' - laL p p ra.is e '.nx' e nt. fl IST iotheconn- J_i tj of Boaver for tbe jear 1864; • ]■■■■ ■■,-]■'■ *• r•" Claw. License. f. ' • J ' |, ■ Jiorough tp. '. ■ Anderaon ft Orr. ............14........ $7 00 Atkinff; 1 K... 14 ■ 7 00 Allison Jamei..........L 14 " 00 jfthderEqn .-...14 1 700 Adams ftema nin .....;. J.. 14 - J 00 Hiip'lfly John ..■.....■.«....w..»..... , 13......... ■ 10 00 Darrrgn M ft S 14...: 7 30' McKibbenT TA;.,;..... -14...; ’ 7 00 tiers!}! S « .................14......... ?7 00 MdCtceijyThomas' - '14......... 700 iW>nn Azariah 14..... 7 oO SnitgerSimon...... ......14......... ' 7 00 Robt ....14......... *1 00 Uarrah Wi11iam..................... 14...,....; 700 I;'"-. ■•.■'] : Big Beaver tp. _, .Patterson ijCo 13......... IQ; 00 Scott \\fm liL.'i. ;. 13.... J.... 10 00 Porter Atchison..,.. ~..'...13 10 00 Caldwell JP........ - 13... 10 00 JohnstonJ 8....;............V.J;.;. U.... ~.. , 7 00 .. i ' . Bridgacaler Boro Raiiger 13 a 1...- 13 10 00 Harvey A 5.i...., - ..'.,... 13......... .10 00 Rich' \\ iUium...’..... 14 7 00 Allison Th0ma5........ 14......... ,T'oo Mulheijju,'....l lii _• 0° .Porter James.,,. 14......... 7. OQ Dickey|j'S'.L......'.l..;- J,4..i..,...r 7.00 plurst A O It IP 80 Angel 14., 7 00 P'aan Joseph. : .. 1.V|......’ 14..7 00 Reeee PUilip ...'.5...>.';14 '. .7 00 1 ■. ’ Vdrlingte* tp, : . v• •. )ii ;i4.~,*.;. 7 « nA M 14......./.. _ 7 Ot Crawlord .j' Co ',.....13 @0 0( C .... 1 13,.....,.. 10 -0( I John L ...’ 11.... 1 ..... , 7 01 , i t0.........L -13.,...„.. 10 0( ■ , Economy tp- John Y... J....... ;,..1’3:;..;„,, 10' 0( stein J j* \Vm...~„1.5....;13..i0 0( i Simon .S. 13 10 0) ~• • ■ Eqlhton boro. i i Edgar William.• J01iuJ...... Imbrie Mecklii .Marks, 'Lhiff J' Sterlin F Biiu Unrigs J j-Bieiten; Outturn Daticai Cannot Godah ’ . Fr’ttdoqi loro. I Lowrv.i i. 14. ner & C H], i icy. J W-agoi Ben tic McKaa &RH (Sretuc ip. EliV* |q Cli v01t......... ar1c3;..;.. Imilev [i * C 6., 14. < Hanover. to, 1 U vv «. m & iuv.. dull-. Ifarriioraj tp ' . Jlopricell tp. n Ma Industry tp. C . k»un, Indtptn'Jencitp. l4 Neii Brighton bor6 on J IS ..... irafii II 7 $ J.. ,y |VUUam .cjl TUoQIpSOD i M; J ; Jatnps I! igliiiu M • q l JohA.,.. nd & Jvrillev k A son John Viii.,(■ (-'0.... d k U' dM I. 13.. . I. Sew Seicicity, Ip. ■ ■ (JearK&i t».L» rWwu •••••»« *?•'' ‘ -C . • Xorth ‘Sewi'kh/ tp la iVjJp... -—l4 .... ♦Jttmts k Son ‘ T’uiirhe K^hlei Ohio, (}> 'Kerr J< i Aber Jo ,McKcu ; Cnn'nUv. Miller n .in .......r. 14,...;....' y JoUu .... U.... ill am 5amue1.....13...,,.... , ' Ph till hero / r 1 Anlhoii£*.« ’.oil rraiicH\ r.. » *• Pattt nonlp • •••■ :m H C k C0...*. ■ ...T4 Raccoon ip. p Andrew 14 sttr Uuniel 14... Knapp* I,»r Gull! P:ltl6rs M'a uh< McCall Scotl J uue* Frnnklin ip iV\ n..i -j.....;.. Jiochester Itor MffJ \u..\ ' rtoorgr C Df. M f... is 111 L Ir SCo . A ■: jt* a ; jl> W.m P y >!ohn An Sen: Woodr •Speyer (Johen . A lexan llisrpin •Cross ?: 1-Vriiyi ;T'onu';i; j BoOld w [, Seely*. V jl! . .. 14... I COMPOUND MEDICINES jioro— Cummins CP • . 3 ! Jfoore J.ihn '3 liridgetftler —Kmith.JitepUen 2 Am'Brighton —Kenni-.p UL 2 Ji’jciteitei-— Jianncn j II- , 3 [ Munima- DS- •• 2 ‘ Shallenbergor-vV L 3 ■ - 1 'B.RBWERIEES. i ' FreentAi— NVwSgravis Conrad , B>, li'i'inc p ’.Ur —Vera Joseph Bocheekr— Klein GoUfib .'. - i, . pJ.STILUERIKS. Briiigth iter —Derr A he; Indue!?!! ij> —Mason 8 ./ - Greene tp —RepJJoho 1 ? & Co Ohio (Wi Bigger k Childs .. Independence—Loofloievon J,S Ilamth, y y-j-Baker BL - The fi ppcal will be at the Cob.- fice in l eaver, on Oth dav of llaj next, from 5 o’clock a. m., to 4 o'clock pVm. I 'j ' r- ’ If a. BUAZURE, [ ■ . A'ppfaijer df.Meicantile Taxes. 'Mar tun t}>. Buhl E Beaver. . NOTICE IN/PAUTtTION. TN (lie Orphans' Court, in and for the coun -I’tylbf Beaver, and State off Pennsylvania: Yo OkJ heirs rcprentativesof An drews! Glass, Into of Ohio Ip. in said county, dco’d:j|Take police that Jjy/virftue of a writ oi parttljjm, is/ued out of lift Orphans’ Court ol said ciiur.ty, and to me directed, an Inqusitior to,make tfirtition Or valuation of th,e real es. late cil'/eaid dec’d., (situate in, OhiftownShip in’said, county) will be held on the premisesjot the/ljoth day Of 51 ny, 1.8G4, at which .tjm< and place you may attend if you.thrnk. prop- K- ■; . JOSEPH Ledlie, Sh’ff. Beaver, Apr. 20,)64. . ~ ' ’ iOSTf^o n tk* dth pC April, hetweeii Thointfs Allison’s- Store . Bridgewatc and New Brighton, a memorandum' bool: containing $3,75 in mon e y, an- order' oio the C Dunty, Commissioners for -T.Oty and. somej other papcrgJ Any person- finding itl and Ipiviug the book and papers at the Argus Office, can keep the money. j k , k. ANDERSON, Apr. 20, ’G-k Darlington. : EXECtJTOE’S I BXECT&TOR’S NOTICE. v i- X IIEBEAS . letfeH testamentary' on. th i ' estate of Samosc Nelsos, late (f >sn Ip., Bearereonnty.Pa., dec’d, harin; granted to the undersigned, all persons ted to mid estate, are requested- to make' diate payment, and those haring claims. l st theaame will present them properly nticated for anttlement;''.' .. \ I' SAMUEL KEUSOK, Oreena tp.. - : -I . Executors. Raco been ihdel imme agait auth * t tpiiASURER’S SAhE. Aat^'JnWFfiajieo J»f an act of thisCoaunon wj^tjh:^passed-tbfc -|Btir-(bnr .ofMafoh.lBls, entjt wd "in act td amend,an act directing the for laxeit”&o>. .and tpc serera!! subsequent wets- snpplcln'sntil thereto;* and,'the |B<vreralaeta-in ! conformity tpcreedih.' requiring and directing the sAle-"of unseated, lands- ‘jfcjr• County;;' Sla,Uy ißdro*;, School and 80011. taxes; : end the dlftt Sectlbn Of thi act bf Aptil-26th; JlSli,' autiroriifeg and g the and -;s»le of aU 1 * rial estatij as unseated! lapis now sold; ,in satisfac tion qf the taxes due and nppaid.'by thif own ers tljereof; also, jhc acl 4 authorising the 'sale of unseated toil' intbe_ borourts'of'.Bea'ver, Bridgewater Bochester'and Fallstonj.tan-bugh taxes!the following lots and tracts of unkeitbd lands] Sc., in- thej-County of Bearer; jor-so much , thereof 'as will pay the arrearage. of tnxesj accrued thereod (bribe years ISfil'ind 1862.1 and'so much taxes] of prertoS a yfeaxs ds | remained unpaid,jwill be' exposed, (q public sale, n| the Court House, in the Borough ■ fteavpK on I V ■- Mpi contii April Bth, 1804, J. & ill due i poa" ntfy lot < j lire notified to do io- propcxty will I promisc-of piyme -] (uni d ujider the 29th [of April 184. ]>L*~ . s!a[ For jrhoi .prai i* Vos lU. 15 Op .14 '.L 7Op 14 7 00 7 0( 7 01 10 0( picl Han 7 ‘OO 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 ,7 00 14...,~., ; 7 00 7 00 . 7 00 7 go' 7 oo 7 00 7 00” 7 Ou 7-.00 7 0* A. 14 !3:, T oo U ... T 00 7 00 ... .7.'00 A. 7 00 .X ■ 10 00 ... V? oo ... T ... j- 7 00 .'"Hi * r ♦stn . *Kii »i!« >Mi *K:I T 0$ 12 5n 7,00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7-00 7. 00 10 00' 7 oo! 7 oq '7 cq TOO 7 00 .'13.. MIMI 7 00 10 on i '0 00 ! 30 00 30 00 ‘lO 00 ■■3 o 00 10 00 15 01 13th of June next, iday the - - I ming tUe nan te by adjournment if noaea- JMHN CACGHET. -Treasurer of’BcasserCo. :siroiu(:of pacing the taxes or tract in the following lists, so before day of sale;, and : o withheld from sale on a Hit, •.1 ’ ' ■ ■ ’ perty dlatked with a {*) is re 41 si section of the aet of I. - leLis^. 8 of iBfrl and 1862; the Taxi c ■. I i onyh. | | part | in lote lieav'T hot ipso*»- Wm. A I Neville ! B ay 'Vui U B i'/j : 'i’ rmhip: ] ■ teadenjylot [ 4 t utit lot ‘ 5 ' . ■ ;9J heirs R. li 1 1 ■. ■ :GJ janon's heirs 1 1, v Jus s of N. R.parli in - ! . Borouoh' V i ey JobnS, .4 ienJade/£a «• s JonbtWn out. lot. radon nndi S 3.H. i\ jilrt ey Johu hoir out lot Shun e,David, 1, oi . i okrnore Fran part Acaden -,U« Car Did ;t lof ’5 *• ! i cos D. N. R.i ylot |. | . I . J / Stoi *Cr b.oiuje and 3 ! sen If .U.H. lots Noss plan i j I. Jaa hcini of N. E|. house: prid 'iHvtdson's -pilin' • - j ■J- ?’!>ovS!i lioutje apd $■ lot Shnroh v w-l •, .' | ctmore Jaiuesl*. Rjll house; and lot Sharon •I • ' j “ ' . !.“ -|- *: I ffman ■ house a lot' ♦To isinger Wm heirs of house!, and 2 lot S. au'd Co.. plan! itt.A. N. it. ' “ SharoJi, '‘.lt;.- -<‘■>'l - 1 ' f ‘, 1 t ’ idncr Rich Viii-house k lot| Jiridytxaler : jcrci: : jh. j ip Martin |or John, lot ‘ . “ i . lot - • “ 1,. .*!' lot j dcnbnll Harrison, J lot, j,- Mcndenhall's plan ’ ■! 4. I. ’ .I ■ ! . Kcri Jus, purl out loi llnp? pi'; * If V •* t*. wart -k Guinn honse !• -, *‘ l *',' * ” Yl 'r j «• t «* ( All .John; er, .N* ,K. lot, “ J eMe -U* Iwiw It j :er )r,t *• " ; cliel'llugh-S. U.riot -[ viion F. 1 lot I)»Tidtsoti*H plj .* • j E =I ,l ( * v* •• T'rter> ular u «.« Ok *; ■ * * I *Ta . 4 • .5 • i ' ■ " {t't ’iit Is Vern’s pi: •lor Milo M, b outre and let ..." '1 • lot 'er-Tbctno? 1 let. - . ■■ 1 lot *J’o 1 I*A ' , '/ />’ g firm er to:tr..ijiip. • / , iMirn's heirs.” X Ij>l \ Chippttca tmrnship./ •* " ; cr Manufacturing <fe, land l Darlinglou township ! ■.ly ,i A, land' lidjoining; J 1’ Martin pavcor>. : ] Darlhtt/IoP 'iuroiyh. j er unknown, 1 iotj . i ■ Hronoim toinmhij . , 1 ps XV I’/heirs of. I jit, Badcnj iiJohti' 1, lot I Win ' - 1 lot. - I lettslikcr M " Llo. “ 1 •4th James- , 1 loi XV & C HR tank house i I'd V. “ 1 lot Bud on • “ 1 lot Baden FalUton borough. Iford.B U-l'lot •• | 1 lot , 1 -lot i lot ■ 1 lot Williams.pl i lot. r>*- 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot r lot- ; “ 1 let Mot 1 lct> Mot; I lot' i ‘ •t lot. ,1 ■ , 1 lot 1 lot' :1 lot - ’• 1 lot •• 1 lot . “ 1’ lot - ' byterian Chnrcb, 1 frame h a lot, Williams' plan erunk'n tuppp’d S Dunham i. I • ’ lly Robert, 1 coalilot - LofnityTho.h’ni of 1 out lot iltonSarah'l Ibl-Wifilams’ pi • ' “ 1 lot “ • 1 lot r “ • ■ , 1 lot •• V ‘Hot ■' ■ <• • Hot: \ • < • Hof. ;•* > ; i - Glatgotv borough.. ■ Jenoott’soil site ilipsTCm'P-; r Ckdrgttoivn borough. I lore’s beim 1 lot-i : ? ' ■ John, heh-a of, 1 lot K 'Jlookrtoirn borough. ■*" BeV Phil Swn Bo.v Sun] iiod V J Bra nor Mrs th Nancy das Jns I Dui ■ . ■< .L .» in-Elii’th ‘• t . Prfi *KeS *TI »W Wright Hugh 1 lot i« ■ Hanover iorcnthiv. yioi drow Othniel land. < • Induttry ioirmfdju ■ • . Sbi maker Adam l,lot Industry Kh iger. Peter house and lot' Patterson t Scuddy.land near Cook’s Terry ' fc.i* RR co. laodtil - . « Findley W* .. do , ,; j&px&k* r- ,* - Banbo Michael hoiuao; and I'd 80 :i Hendrickson Amariah . M . '9 I . nYew horvagh. yj; -J. Chambers Mark. 1 cut lot p. r , cTownsend’a plan . . . 3b do • I lot' , do i J .<vdb, ‘do • 1 lot do jtHITWm water Jot :r • ■ 1 I Hooey wall R 1 lot M’Combe jd 5 Leslie KUi’lhi lot. School pi Pander James parts of lota Fitzpatyick Edward'l lot ■; Gould Maria 1 lot,. V" “ Hot *■, y Haven p Hdiouse and lot , j. ~\- Aikin Uriah Vj' Ml.CombS pi Seibert Nicholas! lot ■ ). V .■ “ 11 lot • - /( WinansJobS. |. -1 lot ■( ‘ j 4 lot ’j.s Jl’Gowan James Jr land; - , u Viino T T I lot): f .‘rim. |l ♦MeSon &,Selly wster lot' J ♦Fombell Lhcien heirs of laiul id: * - .. {• • ehdp T ■ and'Wo lota .);-J . i, ,| ♦Gill William tow patli , 4 ' | ' Keic Sticickly lownthJpi' ’’ ; ♦Mace Lydia 1 lot Unioirvillc j ♦Benz J W land .) I i ♦Ford William] hbnse add land ( North Sewieklytotcmhip, Bayid Ramscyhtnd . \ Hudson Richard land ' ’ 1 Robertson Jackson land ' ♦Welsh Henry hduse'and 1 lot ♦Chew Benjankin land j ' y | Ohio iownthiy "• -A ♦Steel Wniiat4land ' W Briggs Henry I lot WcstSalcw v-',*4 *» . , |! «« . ( *«T M’Mastc'r Andrew land, ■’ , ■ PhUliptburgharoujh. Sproul, Loomis & co.y hoUsc add lot aud land ; ‘ Pulaski tflumthip. • M laud. . JSiillinsWm fi ’land 1 j 1 '[ - *Aj[) • land I Ncvit'e-Thos-lariil on rltcr be ’tween Cn^f-Allen a Mr Jack Sterling Wm I lot-'” “ loterUhip, h-| : >!' a qk si I -S 38,39 27 m 89 1 69 1 34 1 33 70 i 38 1 20 3 62 Davidson William par! in ,IoV Bolesville ) v ' Porter Wm land * s» 3 Hncnen .Tosoph land - 1 . , sr : g Honnou Jo-sllot Hcnnon*s pi ; *Logan Itobcrl heirs of land i *P I' W & C R K house and lot I ' Itnmscy's plan ,i * " ‘ !“ '• I land i ;1 ° . 29 1 65 lo rr,2 -29 •IlcuoEliia !; • ■ fcJ * Linton Jolia two lot? parts of .! *•• ’ ' , 'land- jj “ - land . . •-*’ g •i- .• -'Rochefltr bohuffH. ■. , i •RclcsGhas bcirs 1 lot BoUs.pl ( BonbrighiWm I lot Mctnlen- ! haH'aplan 1 -1 I Cbesney^S-1 .lot Gould's plan : . lErbe Aurustine 1 Ipt ■ do '; j Erre Orimil «b J ldt > :do ii ?° i Hallman' G-W 1 lot , ‘ do, 20 . 44 1,2,3 5 70 * It l .82 3 '3B i,2 69. Hurt shorn III) 1 lot, Boles’ pi Hopson John 1 lot Gould’s pi K«9er Ji 1 !ot : '< db 1 PVVfk C It K lurid ,V ! ,i Waiuock .laa; 1 lot.-i inney'g pi Wasson John ! hOns’e hnd lot| 61,62 3 00 2 60 1 .05 SO licit! Adant t lot Gould’s plan; Fulton Osc iy 1 lot' Pinney’spl| UarropSarnl Holy do ', Dickson Dr Joe brick h 4 lot tj i 05 CO 4ft IS 18 18 dd do 2-lots shop*.st: pie! i. fjo ;. ’:;d? I lot Bonbright pi; Blaka Jnq 1 lot GP & Jill col 1 1 / do '• d'e fin j| 1 do do do . y • Porter: Jas I brick house ./ I Dorsey J C 1 'lot Kenos pi/, tJo ... «« do/ J. -■ p» . - !• -do ■ » L ! Dawson. Wmi 1 lot. ’/_ . •' do ' do- .. / , !■ Green Delilah londWasspn Ip'l o Mulronon’Vl 1 lot Stewart's pi M'GSw .1 limes land' •f • • oj- J areas Henry Vs heirs I .lolly ar. .ring's, plan ' j vdo /do.'-.' do dc • ' <?" /y. do .. <3fl ’ .d° . Pcnriaru ilobt 1 lot lie no a plan -do/ do do.Pinn6yt.pt Fife/Jolm l'l»t GOuld’Splnr, Uawdun F ijlpt Kawlch'splari . /do . dpi,, do • do / do. ■ do ; ' «to do do do . . . dp do >■ do do. . 1 do do Stienfcld Xuncy land / . •oj Sullivan Michael 1 lot’ ■27) f.o; •13 j I- 1 (} 00 sii i oa 3:71 08 <[-1.03 i 5 , 1 04. 1 0: 1.01 IP-; 1 04 04 20rf ] 04 ,» lit 47. 1% 40. Shaffer Conrad Mot Gould's pi Rinehart Bhouse k lot . ;.i o Ruughton Polly 4 lot a stable Neil Lewis J lot Gould's plan Wright Uavid Mot Wasson's pi •| Waidscl)midt li t lotGonld’api ,*C6lt.insll llj lot A starch faery * do . do j 1 dot above factory j *C & P I!H oo house and lot : 2 05 !. S s ' ; 42 ' 42 If 4 " h* Aprl3‘ JOHN CAUGHE AOAS’xisl’LrAT()irS * WHEREAS letters testanrei es'tatje of Juij.NoM. lJkes! boro.of Rochester Bearerco.Jdcc’ granted to the utr!lerSigned, l .all debted tosaiil-estnte are re<piet immediate payment, end those -h; againct the same.will- present -th authenticated for settlement, T 1 * ' - I 5.16- (It 59 59 ■- ‘ I X M,\RY LUKINS, febt’S«. . ; Roe 13eaVei> Hotel, .1 JOSEPH HALL,^n*tietor f i Keaveiy.pk..[■■ HAVING thproughly tllcil'tjp th-i'iousei ho is to ncobmmodale-his friends, and the public' generally,: in the most satisfactory manner. ' I T- finaj'GSii •. Special IVbtj’cc.,. '-At. THE Proprietors of the G irard House Phila delphia would respectfully call the at tention of business men and the travelling community * i superior accommodation andi comfort ered'in their establishment. ‘ aug,l9;2m j - : !■- . KANAG A, FOWjLER, & Coi , . A..’ ’ Bestwick BROABWAY & APPLE [STRI ... .Newjirightph, Pll, | Wholesale atiij Retail [: D taler in 'il ■Tin. Copper,., and-. Sheet tron , ipdre, Andthe most pa terns o( V| PUisbufg Cooking, Parlor and Seating ; . Stoves. j [m'ttr23’C4 I9| t Dr. P; B. .tSToraig* WHO has been- forlwJlne time acting;as Surgeon in. the-A-my, luring returned and again located hirtf elf dn fi , Freedom',.Beaver County,-; i offers his profcssionai I thle pihlie. B&.Offic]e in Phaiips’Jbjaiiding. ■ [mh!6’6B r‘ . * -.* rt „ / . i i ’ ' I - 47 i .48 5 49 60 1 00 49 . R'S \\J HERBAS letters of ado j> W?- tfiej estate of, Hess? Cj o> Greene township, Beaver deceased, haring been duly grat dersigned, all person! indebted arenotified to make immldiate| thoee;having claims against the sent them properly authentic! ment without delay.. - ! '- ■■( "■ _ fIEjvRT {■>- IBS 87 167 2 Iff=ll/ 4-i 3 f«i i 75 .. 75 136| 8 75 f 6 00 ** ; pt. Sui ted to mala laving claims |em property A-im’n. > Pa. ■■ NOTICE , i' r - i'" i inistration on' IpwAS, Br., laic county, la., tied to the tin to'aaijdj’eatate payment, and; same Mil pre ted: for aettl'e h . h •WAK.Jr.. ; [ Aqß’r.j-' 'll ' ;■!< j-, - .•» ~.'. ..?x . e, j i^ f :;.U ‘ at .1, p’cjoclf, W Mj the following described propertyj bemg j part of the estate of Sariuiel Kelly; late of the Boroughfof !feir'!l righton, ? e •;? £,?* tp his; minor jchildren, r? ’, l om 1 ®piA> qr tip undivided J i 1 alf : of itat, piece, paVcpl or lota of ground in thci stud Borough of-New Brighton, .being I of water lots numbered seven and eight' each other, and bounded an follows. v«: }o.j Tv ibeasuring fprty.fire feet in width and. extending from nlhirty feet . street, on the east aidolof the race of the,New Brighton WateriCompany, westward to the Beaver river; No. 8, measuring 'fifty-feet in width 'and ei tending as above from said street to said ■«T«.!|; i ‘ ■'! ■ ! 'v./.-Vl portions of said lots being,bounded, as follows, to-wit: on the north by water lot No. ■%_ ; aoxT the property of ,B. &W. Wild, on the ea?t by street.before mentioned, on the east. em .sido of said race, on the south by water . lot No. 9, also belonging to theaaid B. & W Wildefnnd crifhO.wertlbysaid Beaver river, nUo,ttlc equal moiety dr aiidivied half of all the residue of ■ water lot No. 7, measuring forty-five feet! in width and extending from the canal to the thirty feet street before men tioned also the same mdivjded proportion (or one undivided half part) of Seven sii&rcs of wa fer, cAchsharclicing equ|altolhebpe-hundrcdtK part of all the water furnished by'said race. Upon:winch is erected ainew Stone Grist Mill) nteaatjrjqgon the qut sido' tliirt^sixfeet six unfcftes m width by forty-five feet six inches in' length, and’ measuring insidethirty-two feel inches by fot»jf.p*(f-fce£ Three stonbs high above the basement, tivb water-wheels and; four pair of bnrrs. .■ ‘ j i . ■ TERMS-i-Oho-thiril of tbe fmrehose money | on conflro.«iitm or ' m two.equal annual payment^from that oatc, j with interest [from samoj timlrj- 1 '•• j f . . ': j - By order of the Court, ■) < FRANCIS *V: WILLIAMS,. j ROBERT MEIIARD. ..V; J ; Administratators of the Estate of Saznuel j - feelly.'dec’d. ■■ ' .. t - April,[ 13, 'lBB4. | ! j, /.I -u: 180 ' ’ 267 >$ 243 248 95 8 88 v ; ! *3 157 : 1-85 158 -V63 2 00 i2Q; 121 - 42 122 ‘ .42 2 12 SS 2142 15 5 1? '■ -1. 70 160 2 84 "90 40 ! ;jl 08 I J I 256 I 179 A I OKPJIANS’ COURT SALE. i ~f~> V virtue gf an order! of the Orplmns’/Court 1 , : of the- Bcaver.the undersign ea trill expose to sale by Public! Vendue, or out-cry, on the premises,:on 1 . Jlondiiy, May IGM.yIBt)4, • at 1 o'clock, P. M. of said day,'the'undivided two-ninths, part or moiety'(subject .to the life estate, of Nancy Hurgev, .widow, of Mich ael jHargcr.dee’d.,) iii all the following de acrtheckreal estate belonging to Thomas Har ' g|er unifoinne Hnrgethlminor children of Mi chael Hurler, dec if/, tb |wit: All thej interest of said Thomas Harger find Aniie j Uorger, in a certain farm,,oV tract of,land, [situated in New-Sewicklytiwnship.msaid. County, bound ed hs [follows, 4ir.: Beginning at it post at the north:-west comer, thence along lands owned formerly by Thomasf M'Kce, thence along lauds owned by (widow) Sarah.M Cnicken; . theneealon'g lands owned by George M’Cracfc-[ Our eti, thence along lands owned by William! the the Fordj tbeneb. alopg. ijmds owned by Henry t eluding •Wolf] thence alcfig’ lands owned jby Samuel j blacks. Hendrickson, thence aiongilands owned lieu- brocade ben Hendrickson, thence along lauds owned /which w |by James Sprdat, thence along lands’ owned /can : ail b‘y John lleho, theneg along ;land -owned by j;’ ‘ | Thomas M’Kcc, thence along- land owned by t - f Williamj Smith,thcnccj along Inndtj. owned by ! ( . WiHJam ajltl David Stewart,,;tp the place oft J beginning; containing in all about olio hull--I jj dred and, forty-five’fiercs of land, more or. i .i-l less,; about 80 acres cleared and under culti- |■ '. Cur s vat ion, balance timbered. Thfe premises t'a-.l over On tcred. (There is a luill-seat and-good_mill-'j Frchcb, dam on the same. '.. | - * . ’ ■ ; opt limp There .are on the [premises, a[ framo-housbq ■. and fram's barh of go[bd aize, anti other out- ! j buildings, same fruit i trees on the premises -1 1 I w«ts, wiattSjwtt,.— *—* t.inlhr. i ” I , part of the- gbove described prhmiscs will boj ) / sold( subject to the life estate of Nancy liar-I . ; per, ‘ widow of Michael Harger, dec'-I. ; 1 One-thirdjof thq purchase inoncy 1 on tjic confirmation (Of t lie sale by the court. I "balance in Iwu equal, annual- payments from , that; dale,; withrfinteresti ihereon from same time. ’ , By order of the Court:'- ■. [ . v - f makv'hArger,- [ ; Guardian of Thjos. pnd Anne Harger.: j .oprld'tll [,, ,■ | _ ;,j • ■ !’ •’ 1 jlb. 1 ■ ! a 7 1 !i w . ill 5 p- ■ : !i : ,. 172 3«; | 19 42’ U- 23 fj I'M ■l-3, 24 : <fli 57. 123 13 ii BT' : , 3 J 6 /Vi ■ :/'3o m no AlO 66 ij l fi .1: - os mo ■- ;i MO ' il i ;io - ‘i fMB„ ■ ! f,OS' J: 05 ■V po u.i 08 08 38 i Ilia , 4? ..AVER COUNTY, ss; >. i.T N tlie Orphans’- , Court in X SJB.Uj',I j.J. ana for said ; county,! bc- tore (Tie Hon Judges .p’f 'said Conn.- In! the iiiattcriof the petition for par tition ,of the realestal!e of Mhry«Evfi’ng, dec’d., and laughter of Samuel Campbell, liitc, of Economy /township, Heavier county, i dec’-d.,' and row to wit; l March 12, jfSfi-t. rule on. the heir? and .legal representatives of said dec’d.. viz : iSlirrili .Jnfie.Jntcipnarricd with |>V illinra Thorji-.s,' fil ho -resides jin fltSieoUnty. of Mjbnt iomtry. :ate of Ollij)* Eliza Ewing., at pres* 'tit- living ifti [iuvington. Fountain: Cpiiriiy; Ir.o ( i<ina, and ThomaS Ewing. no\y belonging ! Tothc Army of |lTe'pj|iilcd Stales, Co. D. 62d I Indiana. Viditptcpss. ipw in i Tennessee;Alei i nnijcr M 'lr* g, fgt he ref the aforea-lid cltil | dven,! and hesi'aial of the aforesaid Mary Kw i |ing. dec VI , new -residing in DaoyiUei < Hen-, drieks Ctainty, Indiana,,and ali >r there. ifer i ested, to Shew cause if apy.lliey'have why an j 1 inquest td-miikc partition of the gcaf 'estate' of skid dcc’di, should not be awarded at afl Or phans’ Court, to : be held in Heaver, in and.for said co.unfy.on the first Monday of lunc re a*. I ! A True Copy of Rule. ■ . ’ Attest: ( 'JOHN A. FRA/.IEU, jCl’k. Kotiic.— To rtic heirs and legal representa tives of Mary Spring,;dec’d.: You bud each jof you are Icreby notified to be and appear'at the time and place mentioned in the.foregoing Rule, for the purpose therein set f.rth. : ' 1 1 JOjS. LBDLIE, Sh'ff. , 111111 (If ; ; Office, :BcaTer,irpr.l2,o4. XOWCE IN PATITIONj - ' Dom, INlhe'orpbans’;Coort. in and rorthc coun-.'*dll bo ty of Beaver I ,hind State of Pennsylvania: I our pro Tof'tho! Ijah-R legal representatives of I’,place t Janes jinficnu; lateiof Ohiotp, in said coupty, ' ilec'U: Take notice that by virtue of a I writ of partition, issued, .oultiT. i-heOrphans’ Court of said county, and to nu directed,an Inquisition itomake partition: or,' valuation of the real es tate of said dcc'd.','tsittiato-Tn- "Industry tp., in said county) wiilbe ii el cl on, the.premise s, on. the ,12th day of May, tg64, cl which time and place you may attend if you. think prop er, JOSEPH JEDLIE. Sh'ff, ; ,Snnp.irr’s Offick. ; -v 1. ByaVcr, Apr, 12, '61.7 | .! i ’ GETS Estateof Jas. Carothers, dec’d i JITTERS testameiitary on, the J estate of I i Jams* CABTBKR9, late of Greene twpl, Beaver county, deceased, . having been is sded to' the undersigned, all persons,it debted arc required to make, imindiate payme at,, and tjiose haring claims will present them, prop erly authenticated 'for, 'settlement. ' .ROET. WHITEIIILL, Executor, tiprl3’6T ' ! j Hanovqrtp. WALLPAPERS) . > WINDOW SHADES, ; ' ■ ..-- V \.U C,-* BORDERS. J • rf ' u *y \" f \ . y ~ ;: . 'TTvECORATIOSS, and every.arlicleinllje | J Paper Hanging are now offercil to the Trade, and buyers generally, at the'lowest prtoed possible. ; laiCaE. and-seC at Kd.\lo7 Market.st„.near Fifth, Pittsburg. ! :' ; • -I | JOS. B. BUOHEB. i : : JAMES 8. RUTAJf,- . A TTO B HIE Y AT L AW, i ( DISTRICT A tTdMNBY . , -u. ./ BEAVIER r PENN?A. <• tka Oeiat Hens*' ■' -I ’ . i'-c m GOOpS i I',-:*'. I-' + \ ik . *•;! YOS TBB ip - r « -v-. CH.H.IOP3NT, i '< \ ■ ATV , ■ ■) iRIWH TO i '• •CjARpjfER ijLcjoiiv E. If 'SS >larket I ■ 1. PI pPSBTJ; ■ ( c •cn Fifth st. and E beiw v'lif W*. akc (he iibe'rty ■ Beaver, county, cd our facilities ly iiicrei GrOOtls Dry stand. Our on d to the inoreas s interest of ou; and promoted ;r. 1 ' . at our oU be dcreb i whiclrffl a suatainct ouf Jjpw; S’EW SPHIS lock vvtll compjsa nll.'comprtso all Novelties in latest itnporlationsi-in repps in all colors, - plain aiid figured plain silks .in sll c'oldrs, dhcck'and silks, Swiss and Foulard silks, all Jif e will sell si such low pricey that cone tobc,suited. DRiS ■(, I ock wlillbe found repletc,_ comprising io Hundred different stylos, in French,' r English, and German fabrics, of lal prtntiocs, at pric ea as ipw as years ago. j.l■!, ■ ■ ■ , ;d:A e id-. ’ a?*d " :' ..'■ |■ , *;m 1 , lack (;oons. . J |; 11 his.'.in rcoei]it of !sow‘ \nd our “assortment, i and prices, for iess, will sccpndio horiejiit/fiic tfi thid department >Vo j cr-U particrinr We r.b Vork,} cl>eujih cilyJ • I ' 1101 I-i n i e Mar sal blue a overs; the,low is, ishccting am les and honey id pink,' impki; and v lrish line: est pnees. t | [ cloa idjrc r cloths i meres in plain fancy, unioni i sattinett, corduroys, | and me w ear of fill kinds;' the best' stock it the lowest prices. ■ . _ Cagsi t'wccdn boj3 city; ‘V J ,* ' * 1‘ ! ■ . IGRAL AHD HOOP SHIRTS, , ,j ■ ~1; j.■ / eh we are the sole agent ! of several Jtcd makes, which we wil> seU:loiour iers ai wholesale prices. .;■[ ' r ;■ 'f TvATii of wliic colebral cuatomi DOMESTIC GOODS! y i Stic and imported flannels. - Our stock ] found large, aba well asserted, and ices wiU be 'made so moderate as to hem within-react of allJ | ! ’ V V‘‘ ■ ;j- UIiNISG GOODS. C • > '• -I r *■_ • ~-i -.- , , cheap; cheap. ■ v" v -i' -i CHE L4F. , /■ 0 YES ±ND | CQRSETS'. 1 ■ .;■■ Persots .Tiaiting the city fotj Ihe purpose of . purchasing jbry Goods, are respectfully iuri t4dtp.call,our entire slock Will bo found. | JVet|. bairabU arid "Cheap; KID Gil lER £ SCHtEITER, I ' 'l' 1 : : 1* X Q-Z i arbei; Street, GA .-"M ■ • ' ■ ■i,- ! • ■■■ ■ ‘ \y. BODENII AMEE, M. D - : V . -> Office 801 Droadway.N, T.jv ) W, H. BODENHAMER, M; D.,: '"]% , Monongahela .House,, Pittsburgh, Pa., t Devote their ATTENtiostyo ihbi . ] htedieal and Surgical treatmeataf . h , "i '"1. CHBOMtf'DK^A^BjsJ’wv^-; I’ J " >.» j those■'of. t,be .LOWER :BOWU* i ■lt > V 1 ; K-ibh :iis Piles, Constipat ion, Fistula, Fissure, Tj ■ 1 IS-4D’IX 1* 1? Xl jj-' ‘ of theßoweVUlccralionorth^BowT -" ! -iu ■ */'•' <*• c < ur « Ofi tbAJtowaL^e.i, jUwyj&t " -X ( various Chronic Diseosesbf "'tomb,' lb* | Kidneys, the etc, j - »r 29 . IN Si I > '.T f v : ''' ,? . k .l -t 1! ; ■ "'.-v,) - ijr. : lutt.Bnnr un DIUIW. I \ I ' :h ' ! Sijrw** j'7 y i-' Vr 9 '- *- ! i .»na. V j NM ot fiat, we ba i for -carryit r frieiuls re large g on the ULsiri.esH, :ire attention wifi be i of our business!,. in enstoinefs will'be by every , niean-i in *> '"i G-SILKS i()DS.' 1111 311IJsG- GOODS 1 pillow linens, comb' t| uilts, in white, is, towdeVUnen.,-table ns, aTways on hand, at .. 1•; 1 1 if . cloths, ■n and : in the ! -y' -'js, ■I. V' ■ ! • - ■ -r- - ■:-• ’:- ‘ K-,.' - twl TK tha Orphant* Coot fatal ; - 1 for the" County df -. •- , before the Hoa. L t. M’Qirfc. | Vmiußui, and hi* iksoeiues.JMg«aonHla ••' i; ■■; i Court. .Id tha otuw of the pani tiowaf tha , J ■trad a»Ut}e|of. Jess* Smith, late «r thairtra? r/ : «hip of Oiblo. Beaver county, dec'dt Th* jCommoh wealth .of Pennsylvania, To Susan, t 3 **-'-Hmltbu Jojwph' Smithy Samuel j, ' i Smith. interuarried,wUh Jobnßea- : "t j ver, Hamilton Smith,!Riicliel Smith and Thoa. ' i Smith; Joseph i Adeceased,aB U alsd hiaadd i*w,,bul leaving fouT cbtidn#, rii: Isaac, Ba-- I rah. intennarried with John M. Doy,,lsabella ’ i and Su«an|, whose interest is said real'eMMa i‘ i3?°"’ '. e P t * d ln • Jese & Smith and Samuel; j Smith; <aid Hamilton, iir deceased, sviaalso BildQjrJ leaving one child,' Isidore; ■ whose j interest the said real esUte is vested in the i said Jesse jand.Somnel Smith;Jolmßhaver, j hiißban*oi<f'.«aidi,Susan is deceased, and the . ■ said Susanj has since sold, all her_,interesl in said tp'eaid jcsae andSamlSmith; . Rachel Smith - is•nowdeceased.ieaymgno is. - ' ' Baej-saidiTliopjas Smith Millrliving;,bat .whose : interest in said yepl .estate Is.'dow rested lathe' i stiid jeach saidsam- Smith j abw;decensca, l.iitleavtngTa widow; Margaret, j surviving!,) and .four,children, viz: John 8., ! : ! Su?an, int ermarrren, ‘with" Isaac Jeinison,Jof county, Ohio, Mr.ry Annc.intennarriied ,• with Jame i Daw r «{ib ‘aad-Loaisa.’ogedlS yri-V .tarhose guardian is- Uaniel Dawson, said John 8.-Smith rl Qovy in- tue army of the United States, ip he army of thelVtsi, and all oth- . ‘ *' rs , gTceti ig: leu and each .of you are, barer. iC •by.citid tt bo.jiud, ’appear before our Judges iOf satd Cpiri v a't;jieavcr, ip aqd for said coon* ' '* tv; of B S avct, pl;»p > ‘Orphans’ Court.lb beheld therein the, firrt Monday of’June next, to ae> .cept-or.rpftiso the real eataic,ofsaid deceased, at the app: -aiseraent put npon it by an Inquest duly awaMed by. Court,' and returned by the Sheriff'(J) Hai#h term. 1864. Valuation,. ’ %>,25,0Q0. Aup ittiheVeiont of non-acceptance; ffinlof C £ T 3 isS.Y Uti &tk ; day of-MiicUl 1b(54. . ~' 5 . \'' - • r 11 ]“ M i.ns a. fiuziee; . M i'■ ■ ■ Clerk , • . . - 'A, leaver I apr6.,’fe l.j To and'legal reprcschlatlv'ci'of ’ JcsseSpp?^dec'd,; You,and eacn of you .are hereby notified to be and* appear nl the time • and p.aoe mentioned in tie foregoing Rule, for the purpose tbereiriset forth. . . ■, - i ! ~ -! JOS- LKDLIE, Sheriff. yirlqe <ydor' ,lho Orphans’. Tl Ooiiri: of ib ( e fouiity yfi Reaver, the. .tin-, ilersigiHHt! will expose to' salej- by public ven- . <}uc or onf-cry, on the premises, on'' i j . , April 18ti4,|. rv.b - . I al l p. tn; of said day, the following' describ j ed property belonging to the estate of /Franeia | Slnrion Eypin, late tif Hopewell tp.; in,stod' gounty, ! dcc'd., to wit: I'he undivided one- third tif ftlll that parcel of viand situated in ihb township of IJbpewell nforesnitV,.bounded bn ■he north by - land of the.east * ‘ liy. laudef James Jones, siiVt|th by lai'id'of Jas.:. Irons, and west by lands'of . Jsiries Iritna, cou-; taming about 'd"> acres, more or dess, about iH acres cleared, on which arc erected on€.tw<( ; . story log house,• frame stable,. Stc.i.a good, soring ana some fruit trees on the premises; also tint tndivided our-tbild ofall that veer*, lla’in ottbr lot of groumTsituated in the town-, v'iiip ulcresaid,.bounded on. the -north by lands ■ bf OviUj Pinpcy, on’the east by the Ohio riv er, oii tfi > soHtli bjedarids Of John, M'Kee, and ea the west by. bands of 1 liaivid HroSe; cbxitain- Inc.aifoltj 02,’jores. 'mOr.cl.qr lehtr.’.pjr which are.,; e/ected| a frame dwelling' ftcu frame harp ! end otlit r btit-bnildings,. .tfcod ‘ well "of-water i amf spi|i ;.fruit trees on the premise". 1 ' — r Ouc t|ilrd of tup '.purchase jnotfey on ¥uiifjrumtiou. of sale by.l.bu Venn, balance in I wo, equal annual payments-fruih that ,date, - with interest from “Same lime. • - - ' Bv.irder'of four}:. *• a. -• .* , ■ JOHN K; ,McCyV|.\ j mriltfOV Adm. ofl-ianejs Si I'.rwiiivdee’d. ■ 1 A' V a lii a b l e l’ia r m i . i... iaaio i l ' ;fuV.*«:,r:-t,cr v>l s-vdl tract .of lend, ]JL ii: :ale i:i > T *»r>jh' Powiekly lovuMiip; )sea ! rcr ccVu itt. nboiir"bl -I .acres, on _ ! i*.c ssb.U* ,!ivin £«>V]Castls, |. ner»r th'j The Jand Is, 1 K»lf n^uperirr- vdirfrJicter, called inrn*t jand-l-* ’ liccrr/pr bo*Ug' first. uud >econj*i ('creclc nil ‘be iimdc irvto pir.tMiStbM ; If wtticrod by good 'spring* ji*tf exc? Je:* t \vo: cr.'i fire. uNout SO'ttcrw - [Reared..the.- balance .m/;Ura|rtMV> Coal \U [ftuuinii* nciii* Aho Farm, There is on -ih€* | premises, a gppd Kni:nc ITonpe. in • \yhielij:! Store-a:uV Vest pftioe fi.ro n<>v.- Wept, •' with aJ-jjood .Stable'iaßd joyMiulhliiigs.. There ! isAff Gfistjind f^iiwmiU. witbiD hall* 6 mile r — : 11 A IVcsbyferiai; .and l»apti< Churched uid.a— [m/ile jc.i;U female ‘ and Ooft)moh>. iSchools.,within less iliana mile; The neigh-• la good. Persons of having ;»• gqod i'arm with *uj>erior nJvaiitagce'around jit, have now an cf purchasing. ■■lV'-, jIYM. 15. V I - ' Aii’y ut Law, ■ lieikvrr* P*,.: ' A.nmtal Taxes for 'O Jf. THE A^sisjont - AssessotijOf the 4th’ Divi-, . sion, of the -1 ih Uistiiicti ;6f Pennsylva- i nia, will meet; with the Tax Payers of said District; for tile purnoso of receiving rdnrni - ■ ■of Income-Tax. anil application for License, . as follows: ‘North Scwickiey, at Wotida Store, in Homewood, April, ISih; Economyrp.. Ber ry's Mill, in Baden. AprilPJOth: Harmony tp., tit thef Hotel, in Economy, April. 2lst; * New iS'c vicklev tp., at Pier’sO]‘a Store, in . TTii ■ionviiic:. -Wril 32d. , : I,'’ 1 •-, ‘ • vj .. . i • KLLUENO. J P "Asst; Ass’r.-4th I>iv.24thDist. Psl A DM IJsTI ST il AT OK’S' j LETTERS ofTiidminist ration on I lie estai®o|? ■ Ci,viuxi4% Waiuikn, late of South Bearer.' Ip.BcrJvorco., dec’ll; having been;gn»nled to the undersigned, all persons indehl cdto Said eel at a m r eViii|e S j e d to i?ake immediate,payment, and . • hose having claim ,gainst aaht -votttty •»» ill ' present them subscriber properly an-, thenticated for settlement. ‘j ’ • X STEWA^ 1 ? ELDER. it?' •"I ’ .V’-VK.} : ' AdnH ■& Kohl's aba, • . feb27 y’h'i '• I EwtHßearer tp. i . • '- I rrillE Stockholders of .‘-the Company, for y j ere cling rf feridgcf.tttcr Big RcaverCreeki iiit-of hcjr Vr’blffLane, in (he. county .of-Bem-• ver,” here iy notified that an election fpir cne President; • six Managers, and a Treasu rer, will be held in the, Toll ll6u,se of said Com pany, |on the lost Monday (iojh) of April, commencing atdOo'clock. a. urr .. ••• vmar2’ ’Gt JAMES AELl.'^VN.Tteas. 33t . P.M. KK.ItR hit Froftxtinpal Stfvica i? ;h- : f’eople of v e.K an d yi(’ly git? a-etiai c *-|f ,‘Tr.iblic .piStrooage.! . I ■ " is 1 '1 ' |’s' ’ Hotel; Beaver, - i Peno’a. fi/03 ' ' ; ‘ r " • ■ ! 4 Offer* B Rk •’ Kiri (It'd MEDICAL. CABD. N r r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers