I f TitTOES®THE! -.rWi* tbs nndo|alcnedMiy6rs, hereby on . ithe, Vtfggvsia, Apotheoariee,, and - ,rPhyiioisnaof citlee have atoned ' ygdognmeat of (Aumranco-tona that AYER'S -S*BSAPAHILXiA. haa h'een found to be 1 L,«rfe|ned?;'!Of great excellence, and worthy ; , ; thA|>o‘afld9noaof Uia'ccbimupity. : hon. JameS cook, ,-i: •['(■•.' Mayor of LOWELL. MASS. HolW. AXiBIN BEARD, - | , ’ j' ; . Mayor of NASHUA, N. H. -Bear. b. w. harbinqton, ■ I Mayor of MANCHESTER N. H. i 808. .TOBN ABBOTT, ' jV■ | ; '• .Mayor of. CONOOBD] N. H. j BON. A. *L BULLOCK, i | Mayor of WORCESTER MASS. 1 H$N. HATH*!. SILSBEE, ■ 1 Mayor of SftT.EM. MASS. , HOiir. P. W. LINCOLN,. Jr., * ) , . Mayor of BOSTON, MASS. BQR‘ WM.JA. RODMAN, • - ■ j Mayor of PEOVIDENCB, 3. L . BON. AMO3 W. RRRNTICE, '•| xj Mayor of NORWICH, 1 CONN. HON. 3. N. HARRIS^ . j Mayor of NSW ■ LONDON, CONN. HON. CHAS. S." RODIER, ,' |. i Mryor of MONTREAL, O. E,. HON. |i>. R. JTIEMANN, ' | Mayor of HEW TOBiC CITY. h|)N. H. “|'*,. ~3laßor ofMAMG<'rON I O. W. ‘ Mayor of TORONTO, 0. W. HON. R. Ilv BISHOP, | -XiyorSf CINCINNATI, OHIO. ] HON. I. [BE. GRAWEORD, ' r ; Mayor of LOUISVILLE,’ KV. h|)N> JOHN SLOAN, J , .4 1 .■ -' Mayor of LYONS," lOWA. , JAMESJtfcFEETERS,- .! I. Mayor of BOWMANVILLB, C. W. HON." JAMES NORTH, T. fepJ Mayor of AUGUSTA, MB. ‘HSNT HENRY -COPPER, Jr., f , I i. Mayor of ■SrALLOWKLIi, ivne, JAMES 3. BEEN, £■, -'Mftycr:of FREDEHICTON, N. B. HON., WILLARD NTfE, - ‘.f Mayor ci HE',? BBDFOHD, MASS. H&N.-lj, BLATSDELL, . - I " Mayor ‘of- EALL RIVER MASS. HON. W. H. CRANSTON, .1 v i . Mayor of NEWPORT. RI -4 hln. FRED STAHL.. ‘ ‘‘ | ! ' ■ Mayor-ef GALENA, ILL. JOHN hodgdEn, \ - I . Mayor, of 'SHBO^UB, ; HON, THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD, , | Mayor of CHATTANOOGA, TENN. ■.nJN. Robert blair, "y • f ; Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. ■ H<|n. B. D. BAUGH, j’, -.V . ,r ■ 1 Mayor of AISMPHIS^TENN;, ; Hcln. GERARD '3T±TH, ' .. ; |r Mayor, of NEW ORLEANS,’ LA. HQN. H. 3, SCRAITTON; - ' - . | ; Mayor of HO CHE STSH, H. Y. ndn. Re witt c. grove, 5 . Ij* - iEayor of UTIOA, N. Tl GdH. GEO. WILSON'. '. >V-' •i J . . Mayor of, PA, 'HdN.'.C, Hy BUHL, * /• - , ,’ 7: { , [ Mayor of-EETEOIT/MIOH. HQN, HEJSffAN L. RAGE, j ’ ■■j ;; Mayor of MILWAtTKIE, WIB. "HdN. w. W. VAUGHN, El |>- '] i ; EQN. A. EAfcR,. »■' i Mayor of KEEOSSA, WIS. h6n. JOHN ci HATTIES, ■ | . Mayor ofCHICAQO. tt.t. ■jacfs'.l M. J. A. HEATH, _-f . A (; ■ Mayor of SELMA, *T.a! fioN.A. j. noble, ' I Mayor of MOKTOOMEHY, at. a. HOW. iW. iS. HOLYBAD, .... |. Mayor of C<JLtTMBE3, QAI t)d& ESPARTERO MANUEL, I Mayor of VESA CRUZ. BOpT PIETREI BE CABALLQ, •: % . ‘ 'y . Mayor of MEXICO. RODRIGUES, j‘, ■ Mayor of HAVAHA dqn; antonio echevera flayer of HACIKE, WI3. . i,| J- "j "Mayor of LIMA. Jehu. ■bpfr. Mt’-G. m/j^ANQ-N0,., I ;• '■ ? • Mayor'i_f VALIAXAISO.CHILX. Dffl MAEO SESQUIPEDALIAN ; | Mayor, of HlO JANEIRO, BRAZIL, <fer|ify that the resident Druggists have j, ", assured them' - Sarsaparilla Iff <ro excellent remedy, and worthy the qoa- V jldcace of the, » Spring iDlseases, ,* •I the Blood. Foi|Srrofn.la cr King’s S£tU. ’ •I’otgTrimore, Uic<ur<,and Born. >-«i»r.r options and" Pimple*. Foc|Biet:heii Bhlni, »ad ; > j». Fo, | s i-j Anthony's Fire, nose, or Ery» i; Fo»|Tc<«er or Balt nUeiim.'. {ilpejas. Jflcttd end nsugwun. j - Cont>r ■'mlCanrcixiinyorcßr ■ - ■ r^°f| Sf,r ' .*••?**> fiovc Ears, aud Humors.. j’or|»’emnle Diseases. , ' 'l'. "€ir|S«pprcc»tc:» ami Irrcgtilaritri f Ity chut* or Diseases* . VocS-tver Complaints. j| ' . few, piacntes cr the Heart. ' Th| Movers of the chief cities of tho TTiii :’a,ic'"s J Provinces, in fact al« tarwsai -He cities on tliirr comment-, ■ hayo' llns do-.-uircnt, f v assure their people *•* rosy tsso v,-ith safety and But.our space wUI only admit » p..y?on »•: them. Ay|rtf s- [Sarsaparilla!; - \#yer’3; Cherry Pectoral, ’ Ayer’s Pills,: and u •' Ayer’s Ague Cure. •. -hj . j •• ’ j C»r.' i. C.'A /er Ci Co^ ’ , |;; .•■*,IOJKEM-, JIAS3., •; i; .. aEIfTELjIfIBIJGKIE^CO. T.r"* OIL, - ; ■ ■- I ■"• ■ ‘ H . « v ( . C,- ■•'it''- 1 ROCHESTER, PA, * ‘ ‘ ' '." V: - 1 -■. i : ;\ ' PIRST ARRIVAX, OF SPRING DRY GOODS 'S Prints —Best Chintz Styles, , j -From 1;8 3-4 to 25, cents per yard. Ginghams, Checks, Tibks, Table x— vctoiM*j^L»A_ r ,., Brown and Bleached, Muslins, i And a full line of \ ENGLISH, FRENCH & GERMAN DBESS GOOIDS. SPPJNG.Be LAINI3H, -J v • • 1 r '} A very fhoice selection of stylesiantUcual ity, at'prices jwithin t£e reath btall., • BA Fiji ED .FLANNELS .-.vii-WCX 1 -OJj /!j \\ KN, GOODS. - <. > I .■ A*j'|ruiiious prices* at. * - l- r i i X‘: , ..■■■ '■ X KUliTU’s’ K'S C9JE Atels TORE, (Xctu 'ihc Post Office, lito on.napF.it * p a ■' k , otta,te la ~l`l al eliool. . fiWNpoiUMERIE c4 ( -PA: ' :r P i ?' s itrcjuw'. ,n4]>i mi'l co'avpn- JL, wnr;- girt(l l. t brarie.s,- IU-a.Jin j. Hno-J, . R „;i - i'itaiatjis, .ill .iiiil ar.autii CH-U, - - , oj, •, ' .V ■ 3 ■ * 1 _ i an ion per term ii&foKrteea! weeks. $1,00; f 3nr ; 1 l’P r tuc whole books! f ißcH ? j:fl S. -Itje use u f text ' n if..Fay terj-n oner?', August |B, jgfjg. ' foi- C.-i-alar. .- ’ ■ ■ ~ • J: lAicooriiit, \ v, ; , j ,P. OX, COZED 00. uuyprtiwn & |-a o d Ccnjsission Ag cuts • AjND DEALERS IN , RINTiNfi IXKS.OF ALL, KINDS Vl) ,3>P e > ? rintla S Materials, j* a.viJ PRi.vyixr; pa?kk cards, &h ! T FI^ :S ~^ rown ’ s ?ic:ir!inO,. Philadelphia* - lubune Ifutldings, Xcfcr Vork - F I ' uiariG: fvi. ' ! , ,\ V ■ • ’ . , ■ HOOKSTOWN :S - ® G C.ll'oo B', ' Opens Motadav, .Sept. 28th. Scienefes and Language?, Ta.i-Ut of, the nWjsll favorable terms. |), pf, KljolTi Aariprf ■ MoOoi-ci, Notary JPubßc. •*. 1 ;omc'* Wit!h' i .) B- B. Oil AMBER LIN, ATT’Y AT LAW, (aVo,7r the: Provost Marshal’s office, BitQAD rr.-i r, xkw brigiitox, • .. BEAjVER COUNTY, PA. PROMT attention* given to the drawimr of EXEMPTION papers. andinwiK connected with the draft; al ? o adminis icred, acknowledgments taken,&c., & c - [delG AIBII^’ST Ii'ATOir.S NOTICE.-; NOTICE^ hereby giveoen that letteiWof administration upon, the estate of Dr Deduce W. Aluson, late." of the r boronph of Dearer, Beaver county, Bcnna., deo’d, have been granted tof the undersigned. All persona knowing themselves indebted t.V said estate are requested •to made immediate, payment, and those having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for set tlement. i i>i , 'ALLISON, Administrator, ’ O3-51,. - Bridgewater; Pa. A Gentleman Seured-of Nervous Debility, r n . competency. Premature Decay anjd touthful Error, actually-a desire to betefii others will be happy to furnish to all vdio nceiK-it *£ r S? °f cliurge) jthe receipt and d irecWpns'for making thesi'piple Remedy used in liis ease Those wishing tp profit by his expirictU and possess a Valuable Remedy— will receive the same, by return jmiil, (carefully iealo'd,) liy addressing | JOHN B. OGDEN, I- No Nassau Street, -Nhw i'ork augl2:3m .'I . i ■ . . I , I P I VS,RESTSEAmi~OT^rA' and Blood Penovatori' the eennihe n-ii tie,for. sale .itthe-Drtjf Stiroo' ■“ J cT2 : \ Wt. C. OIB» RAIL-ROADI HOUSE, ADAM 70HXK0V, PROr . Bp&resm, paj new ; smiE ■AN ASYIiirMF TION. CtFHB MEtft |OI alien \ i>f r Nervous ant in.i)n di. <1 jot Her , a4ai.C9ironic Diseases. bxci.tisiAly fob females; Irpins institution is pow open for {ho recop-! tion, care, and treatment.Of thermfepen- ! 'flail clats of patients Who are laboring under mental derangement | or other nervous and chronic disease. [We make special. mention of i nervous and chrome] diseases, from the fact that seven tenths jof the ..female patients that -are committed to our public Asylums, to. be treated for disordered minds, ore reduced to that lamentable condition through previous physical disorder.! I Boswell timed and judi cious treatment ( ’6f chronic and nervoos dis eases, all physical; d&orders, in the majority of cases may herbmolved ; and thus themind, having suffered through the medium of the bodyo will when free, from the exciting physical .cause, (jhrolw off the shackles that, has bound it to wOrse than midnight darkness, and reason will, once morel resume its. sway, clothed in all its primitive beauty and wonted excellence. Heine the necessity of dll those, who are laboring under the predisposing- or exciting, causes, calculated'in the end ! pair the mind to rfsort iff an early mid Judicious course o T remedial agents. ■ | , . The Ihatitutioi fisla large brick building with a stone basement--four stories high and well ventilated.: It is situated on an elevated table .land which cpalmands . a view of entire town—adjacent h: lls-j-grovcs.and neighboring streams;' all of ■ vliieli are calculated to pro ilSSlb i—'•* a " u P u “ ■‘ t «4liaptder <Thp Institution pointnients. ..Ilai ,at gi-ael expense, jlhe’approbalion ai pus. v ; , The water dpi have been gotten modern scientifioji unbraces pot o.nl Suit: ; (\ ■’ ti 5 d : to rnt lat be assured efforts wanting oa condition or to-cift cutK'tr.ed health a!, j For. further, part tVH'coiu.|iUhicatir.:p also, n(Kn 'MWI. , CRJTTMxbKtt’S • \ | PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL^ i ■ C OX. iXj i~rJ] C3~-cl! 3 N. E.,comei’ of7th &ChestinitSt., | ‘ PlliLAl»i:ll'HL\. l'*A . , . i||' I'IS Institution!, 'rt Inch, was (HahHshVdih :[!! and is no.v conwinemly in t.e Gigtliu?fnth ’year I i ts exigence, unmi ; - us grauuue;. h it.dredsof the mostsuc ■JJSSUU .Merchants tut Business Mon of oiir Country. t, Tiiebfijectof the I> ' ford yvtng men facCit. ration foi'-i-iisinoM’ |i l' f ie (•f-:nc , i,cs taught itijpplicablb to the vaj-’ib; jlVnirranship. both pi Commercial Line, bus |OiviJ Engineering,- 1- 1)1 jond Modern Language; J J TH<* uyt. !•— .4' jlolasses or ?ot Icseonk ai IjgtudentTs taught injdiv| djunrueiifeal anytihie, I cr hours are most convi ! '! Catalogues‘ are issui ijlS.th of April. 1 contain dents for the year, 1 .terms. &c., and may b iby addressing the Prin ; [ln extensive aecomn reputation, and the lon Pj'iueipal, this lustitul pcrioia to any other; in t men, wishing to priipriv obtain at the -ante timi prove a recornniendatio cantilc House.. 1 [,• ! { Bock-Keeping, |acw iS than any ether work 01 sale at the College.! . : V , 8. HODGES i ■ Allot I May 7. ' novl2T*2, - w 11 • !•-. I’i-iucipul, i 1 . '~R HI A- V J±j Jr^/ SrEMtUfARV Aijll) INSTITUTE , Rev. R’ T. Taylor, A. M., Prm. Mrs.A. S. Tavjor. Gov ernss. ’S'llE XEXT TEU.\i WILL COMMENCE 'luesda;/, Mai-'h 24th, 1863,’ And continue 14 tree,,. The aim O fJ the l3 to make itsjpup'Us thorough, espe ciuily in the Commoir liraiiches. | . ..- ' < -A. Jformal ciass I '• for the benefit of tbose lwi.hrng to fil’la.ro pelves for teaching, >III be fortned afi tbe bomracnccipcnt of the term Board, Boom rent,' & Tuition yarics from S ' S®*Fdr, .further par President of Faculty. ■ mar4'C3 WHOLES ALEIpRYGOODS mM i; : t *>4 Wood ©t,., '\‘y. ■ PITTSBURGH, PA., THEIR FOR Til E OF 1863, : At ™ E I'O'n'fST Mai kkt’ Pkice : mar. 20,’63 | . •• i ;.o tlie Soti OF J ilon, I The 'Slocitfaoldcri of County-arc hereby aotiS Meeting, Villbe held at >o on ■ Xu XorcTuber ensuing, be 3| and 6 o'clock, p, >p; Directors io serve the same place, on, Moi day,' between U) a. a. day. Ey order'of Itlio I I 1 • ‘ ’SQV'ARJ ter ot Confessions & £>peri 'pUBLISHISIt tor too n Itji ; ■ > n g and a caution; te for, from Nervous Debility &bi. supplying, hit: the san By one wb ;*fpr being put,tb gi eat < tealimjKr.Uion.nnto qnooii post-paid Vddfessed env otay bo; badr of the a MAYFAIR, Esq,, £ tdfot mnS<k1 *- .T - i HI NS. m SEteAT. f "mental 4.T10N08 bder. txioj kiikrw4 o,l ". omplele.in all of ita ap beeh tastefully fitted up order that-i( may j- meet icwß.bf tHotost fastidir ■“ [ * and bathing -shppjiratus upon the mb.st approved :iples. This depurnpeht *»c ordinary d batliH but;, ivarm air and a»,cchdiop for the more dicytunV iifcni. of. cutaneous and’ • ;• ‘ 'to all those who may bo the interests ot auloaV -r» to our chargo-~rujiy etins wjU he pan to ameliorate.their to.iheirub* djwr of* min’d. [: ara\iend for a circular*. ou!d|tb« addressed to." MyX>. Brighton Retreat .. iicw Erich ton* ' . EeayerKo. Pa:i , in md id, <!ouc i dlt sen Snpt, of N ;w ntution :« to nf es for tlioro?ii£b prci*;;- af*c. ITook-koepinjr. ns ITS uf tl|:ldc; uui and ornainriitol*; iionißtics, Nuv.i^aiion. awing, Phbnagr:i|p3iy. i irvrJiinTjt rro ; Y made u*e of, bui'rach-j ■ »I mi fly. ha, mr. v : . and attend at vrluiicv- I vnicnt. i i d anmiHliy after t tie ! fing names,of'• the ■stu-1 ! nd Tull particulars of, 1 ► » obtained ui any time! i ;lpal. * ‘, I rotations, ?jirojicl : :thy expi’i-iißri! of th-., on otfors lucilh-ks so-, pe country, for-j/ninjt * fisv hufitu-ss, anti :lo J A MM.OMA, '.vbichj WIU ■p for. thorn to any j-k*- '.‘rica o( Trent isei on ore widely circulated i .the subject, are ‘foj: CRITTENDEN. I ney-ai-Latc, - \ . Principal. W-' S3B <)0 yiO lo $B,OO < iculnrs inquire ef the K. T.-TAYLOR. OY & Co.' ie. . !eaVek Cod.vtt, ■) Oct. 1--VJB63. J the’ Bank- of Beaver' cl, jhat the Annual the Banking House, :aJay the 3d day of woeu the Lours of laid the election for ensuing year, at, the ‘.he 1 Oth, day of Ko > and 3 p.: m., of said hard of■ directors, UO.'-rS Cashier. ianckof an Invalid. oeneiit and as awam -0 young men avho auf, J. Ppmature Decay' 1 e tipic the beans oi | has cured h}s£selt t» pi-use through uiejr * ®*Tv ly.Jtneloafn g a, - lopes,, single copies nthor, NATHANIEL , rp. Eiiigs.Co.v N. V. J '. ot'i r ; BfIiAVE AND &ko«S. : ■ Aaitf Qintmerit. . rX .{Lti WHOhaveFrienda aid Eclat }vekttthe' Army or |Nayy,-should kii esiepial care tiititLey be amply supplied) w/lh tbbsePilia ; and Ointment t and where the brave. Soldiers ■an (I Sailors' hare, neglected to provide i them i sewes with them; no hotter present oan besent j thim bj thcir friends They have bSen prov ,ed to be thel Soldier’s never-failing friend in : thS hour of peed. : i ; ( C< 3£» H e GOLDS AFFECTING TfiOOfS ] Will be speedily removed and effectually 1 by. using these admirable ituedic lues, and | hyl paying proper attention to the directions '■ which are attached to each Pot dr Box i 1 SICK HEADACHES AND "WANT OF APPE i . i TITE INCIDENTAL TQ SOLDIEkI ! .T 1 ' 68 ® feeling# which so 1 sadden us. Usually arise frpm trouble or annoyances, obstructed pcispinitioD, or eating and drinking Whatever is Unwholesome, thus disturbing the healthful action of,the liver and stomach. Thise or pds must be relieved, if yoi desire to-be well. The pills, taking according |to the printed in- Etrnciions', will quickly a produce a iienlthy actionin both liycrj ami stoinach, and ns a natural a clear head andgood an pet|te.|[: ■; * - Tf -,r WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY induced by MAHRIAG-Ei' - "t;- I.' 1- . ovek fatig-ue, ■ ; i - , (and hates; sorrows and angers b J ! 1 , , 5. ÜBeof in |dSK*ae&s^ Jic number of th^.?rta K to Nothing will plop. ,he ancos. Every pain, disease arid f .-inhK eld know; still it-is a. bdok il.it I qT t!f ' n, - y , , f ra ? , . C£ ff the 1 , -1 up, and not iih about thbhiuie:; id niiigT npd the . t to any oi.c,o* tire nfcgipt hH 6 >he|pr!at-] e’s ,in specie,diUo«ta"o itanAi ic hi T f4 lont - . 11 treat « < l»? any other) itrnu- W?* VOCNG.Huii Spruce at ’■ ,7 V^ l v'i “ PlO ??*| p * rltD ~P( ‘ ak ««»*> <»n ftiiiadelphia.’’ ■- , 1 ’ " i "K‘V ••Vhereas.-th.s|oiuUa <! nt ; wiljf rciuove. 1 mtd v,tfurl,tnait, no mat tor what tile t‘fc j lisertse, before- von ; r-ladc' v-X'■ 5f ro , -t S ”"’‘'iwh^ as ; .It , •H ; e a a ja-t\pjt!cuieT CraßC * C f! Aer papci' get i a I **d E] IH YOVET I and-read it carefully, i l,i. will,; - ,|.;t ! *oRfA 'QVl l’pn'sFs' li t*-; IjUL -i| ft r u "7■ ~4f % v«-SWucii.w! .can be consulted .on apvi'of the ; - "?.• n * eusC -"?'S .- s , n | sn ‘fh »“« an'lj con-j ibcl in Ids pubiicaiion at iiis [poofw^ [ [nu 1 i; I "The 1 ice' Street, above Fourth, Phlla- ! tV, \itfJj ""I tl - y, f l l'.?.' lSl T < i r I airs', from O’to n.'dailv. f rmbr-i i7‘ ~t ', l OUUUa unrueaiaudy.; fhe . »TT-n~,; -iV }ri f7 i: (^»l.v:; pr«vidfc himself - withrthis i mW-h- ! a., ... OF.' ■ fclcpOiHtmcul which.Should•Jie.ihrusliinl.uh-0.-i H-'l4 Bl'k ii - J%r i iliV !..w«|uad and-sni.eared all iir6i|iiil ft, tiieujcovprod j ■ r J ' , 77 a ;P ,n<,<? P- linen from- his.knapsi'ot! lUl ,^ '.lf ji/1 c t,e.u*ths,rrhp&: -| <*o upressed. with a.’ •Jiandktfrclric/.. T Tallin- I ’L'%; ny nr'ijvtEßWEl.b.'i n,^ i lL a H. n, -' rll 'ing , » °r 8 Fills, lb coolithe sv?t! WE I'ACSE AND Cmtlii'f St«>rtfta ?«<>*!» an(i'prevcnt inOamatioiui ■. I-,] * :■ dniomption; Mi-n:,nl slid i’hysi'oal knapsack and Seaman’s' •rv-nsuoss. Epilepsy f Kiil.tirod \ u . j 1 ■-tould bo provided with these valuable ie 3ody,; La’saitudo: ji'e-akness of ■, l? pi C( flP O' '' '.. lij ;:. ■ T j . t;io Luisbd.abrf the Back.:- Indiepositlioiu' mid tt.4 |L'TIOX• — arc genuine unless' Inoapat-Uj^forVitdy and I.ahorDu'TUi-.-s.i nl 1 :ho p’d ll3 ‘'JU-llovay: Xer. Jfe.-r <md Js.:«io n :'- .Ar-pr-hijiihion,:' Cass.nf McmiiryACii -i,,,,' j;, ] a (valer-rclips in evfrvi leaf Som-!y ; Love i-f AXolitudc-:, Timidity : S-df- I '-’ f ip i.cok m dhveii-Sns .J-.x-uud cach pt or lUstru.-ti; L>u.jnc..?;lfD.hdacbe; AlfeXii-.r.s-.oi'-'’v' U- winie miivV- phu.ii-vi syca hi : I’inudis' mi file Face'; Tmlqinntarvi ’.‘fl 1 ' •' hcmldome revh|rdj,-,yiu u ''i s”Xita! Inpapheity : the' foiisc- I]fl 'i i 'Oiahyv oac re:i-!.-vi.-|;- jseoii inlonaa you;lei Indi'scrcUrni.iois.j: tie.,- - [ load Co the of-any panv t-i 1^:.- admii'ahle i.eerel l -:-r’y prove'- j e-iiniter.ei'irigth-viuoijp.-incs orvend tnut (he pr.,ivo :i:;,.■ mioiL.ol;onse’C-iirrii':!,-.l | ’ n g|.lie-saiijc, ;r-lidv,-;ng rj.euijlp ’be, spurious.; evil.-. n:ay be removed vpl hour .medicine ami i ~ at’ tht,* Mc.rufsc' .r_v of 1’ rol’cssor wnhoat i Jiangeroiis surgical -SiicnttiUiis, a.nd 1 . H Laur.; .New ■ Vorfii and should b;nj.rcadiby e\firy y.nurh and 'ctesiyl mis - i l .t It--pcci|!iMe 1 t- -pcci|!iMe 'Pr(iggis.t‘j jVnd Dgalcrk in in tlie IhHd. ■ ; 7s -_ O , ... . - u i llr i i -.a .. 1-r.n -uniier ttMm, afny«adreas; in; a> plaia J °s' ! : f cents, U'J cents aiid i?l each, i scaled ebplopc, the rcccint.of'-six oentsuV' tt^iTKcre, i's cda-jiderahlelia'vir.g M- tikine two po-tdige sian:ps. by addressing. V. N thqlarger #si«s; ftp. 1 ' ’■ ! ~i j : -, sCHAS.'.f. C. KUNE &-C0 I .'. \-H U \~Directional for the ; guidance of pa ■*-.< l}«wpy,New* York. Post OSpo |5.-.x.4.-,g<s;' ’ -u( every disorderarenhiited tocaelji box, ■ 'ii o L-iToTFkts ; ipJ: V■ . r l -- 'Hh' J3n Tide ion Cbttee. : I jtli ISijj’j'aparatioii,■ made frotntbe besij il.w.. JL OolWjvis reenrnmondod bvj physician*' as a siip?ri.?f]XUTKlTlttasßß:vyi!AOEiFi>rOcn era!' Debility. Dyspepsia and. all billions d'.sor oers. _ I'iputands who have u.>;npeUpd'to abaioioiij the osa of colfec. will iustj this with-- qiV. injuribus effects, Wno catf, contaius the,' streuglhj, of Uva pounds' ot’ ordinary coffee. Price Ihjicent.s. - -j’. j | KOf.LOCKIH LE, r,4/.V. 1 f •The purest and best'BAKING POWDER known, fur making light, sweet and taiulmious Bread and Cakes, Price 1,5 cents. , ' ■■'“7 MANUFACtORY, NOS, 221 EAST TWENTT-THIIIBSTEEET. • 173 S 175 GRANDBTREETAND2I6 . ’ .■ CENTRE STREET 7 i:’-,; '. ’ ESTABLISHED 1838. N. Y- ESfABUSBEiJ,IBBB THIS Establishment has beonin successful operation for 24 years, and is the largest of the kind in the United States.' Me hare oh hander manufacture toordeteveiy: description [ of Looking-glass, Picture and Portrait Frames,: j Plain and Ornamental'Pier, Pfali; Oval & Man tel Glasses,, Connecting Cornices, Base; and Brocket Tables, with Marble ISlabs, Toilet Glasses, &c.l &c., So, Mouldings for Picture Frames, in 1 ngths suitable for transport ation,: either Gilt. Berling, Rbsc\pood, TOak, Zebra, Birdseye, Mihogany, So. , Our new manufac tory and. ex; metre facilities enable us to furn ish any arti lo in our line its good as the best, and as chca] as the cheapest. ’ ' ■' ■ Dealers are invited to can upon u* - \Vhen they. isH New York. I Wfe claim to.the able to supp f to supply them with every arti cle in bur tu 3 ■whichtbey can possibly pure ha He elsewhere. I. '} i. effit.'Ordt s by mail attended, to' with promptness. Donotfail to call when you visit •New York. '' . •, Office §*4 Vat 'ootut, Xo. 215 -Centre, St., K. Y. HORACE V. SIGLERj Agaiti 1 .- ; , i'l ■ • r;■ ' : ' - ' 1 'l' -~ I I■■ Mriy"—3m p TTS lovet I hope's, a S JHOOD, ho \reatment aj or seminal-j sexual debit generally; 1 , mental and SEtF-ABUI , MAKRIAO] r thin most c: , hands of et marriage, _ai sires to limi their circup ache incidci, is fullylexpl that should . of eiigravinj I every one sh j must he lock ■» lt y. ill he se .j.twenty-flTon t Address d] i above lionet!) | may ho your Jpelf irnder tlj O'.’.tCßs—nah this .or 1 any; Voting's boole he the mteins your health, .a Hi;. XOPN, diseases dcsii erjoe, 4}C, Sp, Office , “"TiiiF Manufactured by.' i ~ . ' “ 1 M. JI, KOLL 'Corner of Uroad and Chcsfmit*st'rcc*’s t , J* IMIII^DEJaPHL^ Aria sold by all Druggists and Grocers. .. -utr2r, 1 * * • % ‘i • , A EARS, Work’s, Song,; Wortfs and Musio, in, Ntimbep. .1 SVJIOOh MA GAZi.XJJ FliEE's Clark-s School -iVisixoß. Vol ume vrir, j - The ! Publisher ' of Thw’ 1 fayeHte i •.Monthly, in order to reaelrall-diools, will ooiid the'Visitor »i* y<j ar gratis j lo one person (who , ,T.. Let 'as A-rent). I iit an ppsi-otaoo ill the United States. This is ;ao unparalleled oifer: 1 1 ’ , Address, with tive penta enclosed for particulars, : , 1. ; ! J. vv; dauguaday. - ' •■! ■■ ' ■ ,I’u.btisher, 1808 Cliiiostnnt Si.. PI i]a .. Pa . - F.AJ .TjST' OOLKN FACTOHY; THE, undersigned, expects; to commence, -J fits week'.'Carding, Spinning, Fulling, euusluiig and Dyeing; also to nianuftrcture rlanual, Cloth, Castiineres, Satinejls and D.ankets, -at my old place'in FaUston. For .wear and durability, I’can 1 warrant the goods manuiaetured. not to lie, surpassed. For the ‘accommodation on the icrist side of the Beaver, Wool, etc./caa bplcft atmyijousc in I ii.tiski ton. r n«.hip, dr John HodgkinsoaV !storo in Kew Brighton j017;(J3 ' , EXECUTORS NOTICE. TSTHEIkeAS letters,testamentary I having YT T-een granted to, the undersigned, ,on the estate of Josiaii Tfiub, dee'd., '.late of industry twp.t Beaver co, Ba, till persons knowing themselves indebted to fcaidt- estate are rerjoested td-taako payment .immediately and,those h,ayiiig claims against the saute will present them to' tlio subscriber,duly authenti cated for settlement. , .. , ; JOHN SLENTZ, Executor, , i,Ohiotp. fj ; GL 6 ElO U SNE WS! JV’di! from the Army but. from the'} Town ‘_ of Beaver. \. /: \ t ‘ N?w Shoe iStore'} i: | r . riyHE subscriber .would resort fully infer n-I ' JL citisengof Bearer Countjy thiit; in rid-' d-.tj.in to his well selected stock of CmTITINtI ■“ATS, CADS and GENTLEMEN'.* FURNISH ING GOODS; he Imsla tcly «nr<| lijtkcd ,'aVell ! selected stock of.BOOTfvond hind and variety. 'My Block is : We -WgcjV; ever hroughv to Wo county, and I aa detenu incd to sell “oicapeVttian theeh'eapeet’’;— Uwfc-tl (500 000 j-. E OE FEMALE AGENTS , f ' r ' X ;T<;> SKU,ji fpiunty tylured -dap uf ififl Sfofcs.- 1 * I Ca-tiiitl(ihti^W r \jtpM(sicu'k-. Fj . j-ecent Murveys. complLdid A id.'lt) 18C1: c6st $20,001) io engrave ' it, and one vent's tji.mo. • > ('j■ Superior to any $lO map ever made'by Col tpn br Mitchell, and;sells at the .low price of Filty Cent?; ;370,000 names are engraved on | this maj*; I>. .. I ',,! ][ : v ■ 1 *'County.Wlt Ant it is ilso a j ;tOUATV-& KAILIiOAD MAP : |of i wry; & Catkins cobibiried mono,giving, i r.vei V- .lailroad Station and distances between. I yuar.mtce any woman or man $3 to $5 per j dayJ adjl will takejmek all maps 'that i cannot be sola and refund the mdneyj ! 1 ‘i Sjnd for $l. Avon It. to try;■ j". ... i ■■■ I instructions-]io*v lb canvass well furmshtjd till otir agents-., ■ I , ‘ Wanted—Wholesale Agents Ifordur tkaps in ' every- State, California, Cijnada, England, Fratjce and Cuba A fortunb ; may bo made wuibj ai-cw lmndrcd dollat-s capital. : iVbcota petnity. 3 F. Li.ovn, !>'ii Bjfoadway. X. V. Ti c M’ar Department tTsca our map of Vir- Jginiil, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, coat $lOO - 000, on- ■which is market Antietam ; Creek, hharpsb irg.| Maryland Flights,'.Wiliianmpbrt rei'jy. Ithorersvillc, Xolaud'si Ford,, and all others on the Potomac, and every !other place in tlfo.above named States, ormOnev refunded LIiOYD’S I'OPCGUAPHICAL.AIAP OF iiaxpCKV. Oino, IXDIAXA/ and ILL., I at tile. only,authority - lor Gem UosecrAns and | the Hui Department. .Money 'reftimlcd to' imny one fading an error in itj 1 |4 , 1 I '• | 1 From the Tribunjc, Ainey 2. •'] ’ MAP or and PnsvsTLVAXiA.—The map ja | very large; its fcostns out 2o ephts, and it ii H c bed tchkh 'can be purebasn!.'' | ~ .• : fM!l&.vOreat\3lap of life Jf/jnw imi Itijcr. « J °"!' ■h i . tual S^ iy eys by.Ca.pt!. Part and IVm bowti. Mtsstssiiipi iliver Pilati, 0 f M(?., shotvs every namcj frpni St.j Louis loSpTGiJlf of Mexico— r;|}oO, mileb—iovery sand-bar, inland.! town, ..landing, and all places 20 miles back frbml the mer-culared|tn countie- and States, j Price, ;“p in, tdiqets.;s2,. pocket form! jand $2.50 cn Ifoen Wtjili rollers. ■ Uea'dySept. 20. i j |i warn Department, Waibhiffion, XV/S.'., l(j; ' !J; T. liloyd—Sir: Send me y'our llnpiof: the Misaihsippi River, with price,per htiudred , llcar-Adnural GharlcsjH. Davit, com manaiTig Mississippi squadron, fs; au horv lied t|o - j^arclihse'as many asiare required fo ■ubC' of that squadron. , 1. - ; ■ , Secretary bf the Navy. * f° r Inyestmeri^, At Big Scwiddy Station, oh the P. Ft. ■ 'j J?-, Allegheny ■Count'y -'I’HE subscriber offers for sale i2OO Acres cw suitable for a Dairj- or bheep Farm,, with 40 acres of rich Creek Bet torn; nlao, 100, acres, of-lUrer Bottom. ■ j j Thisyaluabje property will be sold to pur caascrsi For particulars inquire of ■ ; Ho ,k-\ ' AV.,C.DCXy,; , ocl , { -, Sluliion, PI Isf KI’H’M. SMITH, i Estate ,’T F.fTEF Xi H'k ship;! Bps. ! been |grar j indebted I ' innnedi.at c I against tli saifae itics 'r 'm ' of Harvey Gamble, dec’d. 9 of ndmimsiratibn onthe esiajo of tr GAMBi.E, late of Greene totvn ver-County, Penna.,' dec’d, lia*;™ led to the undersigned, all persons 10 said estate are requested to pinhe' ; payment, antf those liaving- will present them proberlv ited for Settlement; ' ■T“I • ■ BRITTAIN, V 'j : ■■ -V- 01 II 111 -r» <ji|i Tf ly and an Agricultural J6i GEe; ■ : [v ‘ A F«nli DEVOTED TO ICE li ITjBR ATIT ItEj , . iNCEtJurso T X. 1’ ' o],', . . etry. Tales, MORAL AND ENTERTAIN -READiyO GENERALLY, i T-iterary Dcpaijtmenl W: shall pre choicest varieties! within the rdach: of landed means. ■ The Novelettes, |Tales, |&c., shall be supplied fromthe best test sources, andbe equal to anything md in any journal or magazine; i. CHO Po AND IN« ; In tiu Bent the onr exit Poetry, and high to be foe ..I"- L ■ ’ | ■ Agricultnre and EMBttAC T' I' ; 1 FarmingjGardening, ■ 1 ; ■ I . : ' [n \all their branch?*, a* c j and most dppfot (j)ur labors itfthis department for over thir ty years; haveract the, co-dial approbation of the public. Our purpose Las been to furnish useful njnd reliable information upon! these very important ‘ branches of industry, 'And to protect them, far tig Within our power against, ljh(| false doctrines and selfish ■ pjtrpos es of the rtiany empires olid sensation-dflven-. turers by ivhiclythe.Farmer iH incessantly as .sAilcd. Tliis portion of tie Gcrmanlotrn Tele [graph will-alone bd worth the, whole price of j subscription, as every .Fanner.and Gardener, I who has, a proper 1 conception of bis-calling ! will readily admit. ] j •.. ’ I jNESvS,DEP^ I ' . I j _ The sapie industry, care, in g.-itheiiing ajulpreparin'. !of I lie Day, espnis-lv foi j, hiilierto lias b|cu one - of i i and-giypn so universal f ] coni tuned "’’tit redoubled .‘.increasing detpands of the i. required jin -rids dbpnrtnsvr | precih.ted by thfe reader. ! paefil-*'- |.o uridfi'nt, flu- o. J.t‘ii’7:.• aroif-up jfurm in s wl j~ anvelmi; mas's], of all tin i nov,;= «ifjthe ~ licelc. wiri.o I physical -labor,.tact andjn I/ :■ ■ J L i; Vt’i' -nnne x til a rush ierm*. j!!<*affe tu .call'attention o;‘ !',susk*ribing a noR-spai.; |i • Advance Cast r Uiif ( e.jpy, ■nlle3car.fi?'! i year.-.. ■SoMh.) : throe copies, ; Ffvr Ojftes. One Yon ri S; ! Out: ‘t.-.v'.i-j r Twoillvl : Sifc.HM. 1- ! • 1 " . .' - uhsei iptiuu not) pa 7‘-i. r ■-! ( . ■ ,of five sUhj cwiile tlig.portion gpuiit:-:! plx‘jm-.a.tjjs; a Clulii of ton for one year. All pint) st\! at-tlie en,l op the' time nait tlerctl. );, : i . n~i;l rccei accompli-licit SvFitbWhe ead Efs.„Sjreoiiricn number* ; Pflll.lP R . -j ; Editor ar a, I !n I ‘-'i r.'j’/Wpa /, A N I TY ‘.V . VM I ’.'*;* clever com it and totiric.\l jjuJiDnl ;vc liuve ‘ha-1 in. AmorSci— i.t is.. It ‘%.K.th g”jd-loini-L-i-i J, uud n<it ,-u. : .iu{ to'Sttv thill Us *inll .)« i aa T i--- •» |■ 1 ■ ■■ lu-|jno'<r Our r.ctsoers will/be iil.ld ty know where thuv can: pud.native fuSij tha,t I has' souiejlhing urtiiT iq it than nferd -j)itiotj.”^-Jthmitc ’•This‘paper ns excellent,..';’ . .; Remarkable tor‘ origiatilityl’j’—tjV". 'if.- 2'hfnUerl' - r |" ; Axirr F.itr.is cotiiutted bva vivacious, witty and iutcßigeat oovpt!..i' j ourniiiitts.’'—. /.oVov/.f Conn:j Enquirer. - I; 1 ., ft . ■ ; •■V. ill iv icid -nls potent|nu, iiifinericc ns that of the R.flwkn Pai\ch."—Bot>\n fra&lltr. ' ‘•'VLosqcver finds hiijnself ikugbing tit t’le «i> ..i ''.ixiTY j Fain, imd dots uot.rctirn a qu.u p.:t quo. is fit for ‘t&aion.'in'd sooils.V— -y. i‘. Crayon. I fj VJ ‘ECIAL NO' 1 * • ■ i - | ' The very marked and flat; Mias tim'd far! (ittended : 1 '*■ ‘‘Van itv 1 F Enables the publisher ijo. i <he coiann'ncenjjent'of tlic sued tiiis day, i(0lU June, ; :>Literary and Artistic, nill.b ivill.increase the value ind _ppr,yiiid.| fullv: maintain unanimously accorded to it .; Jxr .. fvi . i ■ f-VMIC JoURNAIi o : !■ \i 1- I ; IT ■ I I ■ I VANITY FAIR | -V ./Mscp »EpCI,ARIOr| E'T.ttY IRPRSDAT. a S-' 13 |f°>j-S«le by all aeWsmen, and at the office of. Publication, No il3 Nassau-strcet,' New iork. • ■ ; r \- j 'i ' ■ ’ ; i ' - j \ j j ' TERMS: 'H.- ■' [Three dbllark.per annum, in advance—Six cents single copy..' ['.V i t . ‘ i [TERMS FOR CLUBS: . \ ■■ Two copies of Tasity Fair wil! be sent to one address f0r.L...... 00\ ilMvccbpresJ.... 1 ..... .'jo 00 I •• Ten- i0pie5[...:.i..,..i..1.. i .;..:;;:;;:;05 joo' ! ; An Bxtra copy will be allowed to thege'Ucr up of every- Clul) of not .less , (bun five copies. [ , Tins palter is Electrotypcd. and numbcrs way be'.procured at anytime. , ' J . ■ T r ■ loCis n. Stephens; • - Pul usher for the Proprietors, .113 Nausaii-st. ■ • ' | New-Vork. 1, : j* ■ MME, DEMOjliii’STkS; J . 1 Quarterly Mirror ot Fashions, , ' IFitA, (it cut Improvem 'tnUs and Addition*,] '! 1 | t TUB SCJtMEtt KUMBURCOXTAJ.-Sa | FO.VJI LARGE] $ j SrimuTT).. FASmOK- I.; Ifcll-sjAsd - ■. j[ 1 patterns 'OEibRESSES, . ' I '■ ■ qoiljPßWijto TUB j New French Waist, an iEi|>ganf Sleeve, and a •' iMisses Sack,- and'a Sheet c? New I: '|i . J-.r anil' Beautiful i ,1 1* ’ BRAID AND EMBROIDERING PATTERNS. - Together with nearly j 100 Engravings bf ' , ,if 1 all [he novelties for . ! Sommer jßonfiets, Cloaks, Trimmings, it Children's Dresses, &c M ! And valnable information!, to Milliners, -press Makers, Mothers; and Radies generally; pre senting the largest and itest F/ shion Jfa-ra izine in the World,! publis red 471 Broadway, N. Y;, s and sold; everywhere at 25 cents; or sent by, mail, post free, bn receipt of the am’f in stamps pr silver.; Tear $l,OO withthcifol. lowing valtlable premium,. J ■ i ! Each yearly subscriber will entitled toa .receipt for the selection of 60 cents worth of plaid!Bitterns, from the 1 designs in the book or from, the -show room, or they may he or dered; and by mail any time durine the y oar, ihy paying postage.,: |i i ■ lnduessiv BaC-SummcrNo.nowrei - F° Toft Want; Employment. 1 I OFFKR a pleasant; business for the SprikrS , end Summer, with large profits. ‘ Sendlfor mynew containing fWI information.’ . Address GSO. EDWD BEAEB. fßi: i j: ■•J ! .- moil, i ■H I j Horticulture, purt^Raislng.&o. mdyeted oh the leittl ed tyttem. , i '*' , | | . an&disorimination, i; tlivSiirrinjM voids r iliis paper? vhieh i:s parked fenturds. ‘disdiictimi, will l, e •efforts to moot 1 the ■public. Tiief tabor rt is nev#r,fu!ljrap-' . Itj would b,■ im i ri'icnsed and o a ro llick it appears, a' ( : ppijit' ■m involving much' i icideul. . to ; triiich hop .'ill >,-Lo. r.bibk" *;>r : ! ■ ; Terms. | ■i r.rin Vofir.' yK.OO : Cup if,s, ohe Vcnr, i '. nd wiliijfrthe year. primers i\t $S wjill t up to ii cojy fr.r or more, to a ,oscvii»tiohs »! i >ppod d. for, unless *c-or- c ion unless' lu' ; . . sent Io rippJicanls; ■ 'FREIS,! i *d Proprietor. ' . . FAIR . Put th>lr cot * is vu js'naa.T test tlic mailer .'for'himself -.vriT.v ]lurd‘s Tot tb p-.»oder ob.ircuai; an enamel.' ' WHAT IUI. lit, , ' l .' EFFHO'. ■■ Ur. Hurd's Moutlf Wash| wiU;gi*c young ]ad,fcs that, ■n«n ; —a sw.eet fercatli un i, j | t)i era. ladies. ’[' • ; i 1.... Ur.- Hurd's Voutb. Wakli ! will, cleanse llie mcty*li;fri | tidns, and if used in the nl } the breakfast taste sweetei more) pleasantly; Uundr testier to this.! Try them, JDr. Hurd's Mouth Wash arc the the best preparalio curing’ 1 Jjad breath and[g healtii to .the gums. • Hui Diseased lile>dbng Gumi, i ctp., have been cured by 1 cut wash. ; Jl)r. Hur.Us Mouth Wash glye-an additional charm make husbands more agree and wives to:tl|eir husbant. used by every person having : ■ ■ AltT/E/G/k L TEETH:. which are liable to inipau atairit to.,the moalh Ur. Hurds Toothache la-odps cure, Tostt* ache 'arisiug from exposed Juervcs, an ! are its best friends thpt parents’can have in :f.l to save their children from torture and iked* selves from loss of' sleep and sympathetic suf. ering.. ■ I | . ' ' t Farmers and jmechanics ' you cannot veil sf*. ford.to neglectyour teeth. "Forairiilingjrame you’ can/ now get proscrv;lives, than ’.tbich Rothschild orj f .star can get nothing better.. Remember that JJi/spejigia \mdiConiut;,)\;M a/ th'il.ung» often originate in neglocf of. i'ecti. Send.for the T, -rinse on Tt-WA-.’and read ;I!r.. Pitch's observations on ; this subjecq If too " tote '« arrest 'decay in yotr own. twth,'.'«« 1 your ehildroii's tecjtli. f - «] . r nALGlAV’lASrpi!3.—l>r.ltiid’3 -Neuralgia; Noti-VdEesivo Tiaslers ari; iho-obst peasant and succ'fekful Tcijiedi'ea’'evir.prcjcr:-’’. edter this'painfulJdiscascj. vThe pineal -»p* ; plies onei soon becoines dijowsv, fr.\b asleep,'■ and ajyakcs free from painl and no. other unpleasant or injiinoits Conscquvhcts «•' ‘ sue. 'ForifforecAe; and A’prpons ffea.laeif, »js ply according; f(b directions, and relief vvftl siu ciy[ follow. !■ Nothing cv.ll be -obtained cqud t°;Ur.i HivrdVvCjotnpfcss for Neuralgia. 'Try' thpm.' They are entirely U hovel, curious-asd original preparation. and wonderfully success 1 fill, jfhey are-of'two sisej!, onc.sinii'n. fiite face, pride 15 cents, and; the 'When large', Ur application toftlto body, piice 37 cents. !W! be inaifed oil reieipt of-p Ere end one-shi' 117/.1 T .-I KETHE FLOPLE DO lEC ?, Tl|c Ameijicahjpebple are.fcttcUigent VnvsgliU ■ appreciate preparations tlia t ctmtribu:o se touch to happiness of those nsiig them, and.- they ' wont ahem. Eyeiyt limit briipgs us letters, so&J ordering the Treatise ou T.’eth, some the- Neu ralgia Plasters, and hot a'ieiv cnCiosingll7ct3. for tho Mo.uth Wash, to be sent - by' -mail : hut ' tOjthese-vve are Compelled to’ rcplv that it is impossible to send a half T pint bottle by tr-hto j The people want these Remedies. • Who j supply themt j|i r Sour is, the j r-|. C HANCE E/rR' AGENTS. '• j, Shrewdagent*; can [make a small firtune Is 1 carrying these 1 articlejs apound to families. Tbf Dental Treasury is the .neatest article that • man or woman can carry, around? ■' Send. fo?. one and sec, hr, better, t dozen, which wi. will sell, as samples, for $7. Agents sfippliw liberally with circulars. Now is the tio» to-to go ,ir to the business; to do good, and oak* a profit. We aye spending thousands’for thi benefit of agents. New F: iglahd men or we mon T here is sdmetbing hive, and s take the tide at its flood? Address, ; WM. Br HURD &C 0.,: I i Tribune Built ings, New York. That remittances may be madn with confi dence. W. B, H.. & Co., reftr to the. Mayor of Ptooklyn: to 6. W. Griffith, President Foj®' '•Ta’and Citizeha Basfc. Brobklvn : to Joy. Yorkt K f. T. W vtice eringsueccss which he publication ol " '-I i ' unnounijo thati with i.=- ■> ™ Features,! both’ >e introduccdjai-hich I interest ofj thjs pa the proud as the leading v America. i' .* fts to Canvassers. jdT. •,, . | am • V, 4:^ssaS^'. - ' °B» l B> ; - oiSJSrSffiP;. -, jssaasgl AKD I • wring Toothache „.„.COXTK Dr. ffurd’t Ctltbratid Jl hpttk. ■":., Dr. IfuhT, VhtqvaUtd but box. . 1 ■■ j Pr. tTurd’i Magic 'TOO •one bottle. •' '.s.;,' j 1 I' Br. lluriTt USKJVAI! \ PLASTER. j 1 Dr. HurTt MANUAL- m r> ►• • • \Dre,errmg Teeth, o'. ■FlOsTvEr°t C S £’ T /0r “ ■ 1 WiW. SILK tor Ckuihua'hn, > • j tooth P/CKS, hA e ,f hrl,Ct yh - i Prepared at Dr. uWii'lim,. I '. •Fourth St.j Brooklyn, fK.jD’vV P ' - :i V /v ’"‘ I>Ol.£AK-V. r Vr <’ m~Th 9 Denial Tredml '/f »>■' 4,five, and O'b* I*** . • directl'),,, fir u}e i, J f i jXlie followii]*; articles & ( . nn Ur '^V Ij[» by maH, Vijz :1/ "‘.f 1 ; .-l n ‘* w paX ; . I ] The Treatise on Prwrv{?k'’7f,\ t ij • -I I piw. ou receipt 0 f stamps. , . '-I j 'I The Am/j a iVnjftr, • 1 Face, Nervous Headache , ,„*}■ j V l S 1 ; , - la '>i»V P?« paid, on. receipt off a ;L c ■ J / , l l r ‘ CJt ;*»ai . - stamps. ! ■I- ■ • i •f c " c<7 '«. orti size.) fori Batoi in- tfie f fidj sll . .V? ilr \ or; fifty pari af th, b’odj. ft^ ££ ?‘A’ ceipt of • Tbiriy-seiir, finrd/j 1 * p d ’ ••' Address,; : ■ , f,- V ' r 1 ■; in/. n;' : ' ' i ■ j‘ * Tribune Plii Dr. Hurd'., MO VTII »M DER an 4 TO fjT//.I Clip scut by liiau.' diin i Lov'V tamed at your Drup'orlPei they 'canaut,, send' to,:ui Price, Os J S.T tainatiicm. . ■ j'.; l /i ,vj M^or lll- 'IiPR'D'.S ;PR Tiijc evidences that, tin ■firj.yf-'i (V;oinJ> unde.-it j- ;;; i linyre n.-cd il.cm an>‘ciqinc:i< JJ'cjijjtist.of Bro ■llip'Xexv V..rk-i«'t!iic- jientis j Vv’p.M-.tiuuz, be vale practice for yo.trsjaii.l I of! Brooklyn of WiiUaiiishi ; csecllpuce, wjjile emincm York rccbmtneJul U.eiifiiS' ; I the profession. ■' \Vilholt: ; in;:. ha-».i sown ; iTlie lid!tor of the lifc \ ■ I ,-.‘fVe arc Lapp;: foknolv u' j liiird,- id sbocteiiinf; boyo : ! ‘.villi bid JiOVlni; V.'ASU : : DKit. Tite «ioai secret ■. Iv. ith tlie fiieff;. :' ar : !c! ■ | ert reprttrn 'tJ-tbM, a* rkhirr lou'j use." . ' , h'he \v. il kr.'.ieji 4 T. K< four.il your TuuT.jr VOV-T; ’ •family have ail up’’.- ./--■ \thrfer' crf ; < i,i;f feel obliged if ycu e-U go i ply at thoMns mib at youf nd Neiiraigi, pm.- '■> To °nn>p. o £t 4 /rAC!I * mrl t-D S£r*j'r~ ~ AI -GIA WVXn?.ro. : ' l-H" AV.-lVi '!/. ft’fiTi/pc ii-. V.'IOI'S ertrino! » ■Ki'baidv h,. ’■'■deal S-rc,.,;-'j, • for ch«J liti.S'TH 'fel ■ J -';- a; ‘Sen W V A "P" ..*rcf ;s Asi s : “ru:''.r;, aad >n .ust-i ij, i. !n " -afuta :jues:!jss T -- i.;:u;rn to r c 7- d lt f'-' <1:. r i*.i ‘,.U • i - ■r. b.:j JH!«t it-.,' , L -i’” ■> J‘ ;{vin , arhum writer • K so i'ood t!i> st ift fifid i: v> i,,i ri'tr usta.. * I- >LUI id' me, saolhcr .thaterkfowaj^ COnti’DS ii* * iid jiOl: rt'i'.Loutl - . ~ . .<• dRD'.S '-‘RKMEI'IEi 'V- . ‘ V *" ‘-*vV Tooth T-c ivder ■ ..finest cLnrjij in pearly tvvtii.j Try^ ■ ‘aniTo'i:!i Powder’ fiin all | wi!l /make i and (Be *sds of c*a. , .gentieiucn. ’ and Tooth Powder ms iii tie world,' for’ ying firnmesd ’and adnids cases-t-f ore y JMcuik/. Canhrr, >r. ftitriag*- uud Tod?h Powder •tt) courtship, and; pbl.o to their ( \vbc§ J 5. ~.TliOy] should trt-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers