=2X=; IforLnWComjnfttcefl. l66ft J fVt&nrf Mdatiarai Messrii 'Lowry, penny, C'lymer, Johnis&n and lam- V Meetwa, Oowi«i, Filler, ito:t. Koiind thd Scrrill. 1 . i Juiiiiiarjf-. Messrs. Penny, Bound, Clvmrr, Boaghter aad-Johnson. H . j Acaewdse Messrs/*, Serrillj HuiiniU tw,. Lmnberlon, Wilson and Dor.o '>*%iEtcheaU: Messrs. Bob ■icfion. il'CiindlebS,- Lamberton, White and W'aHace. ' • j, ' ■rn prnti<mi and * Gratuitfa i ' Johnson, M Candlc-e*. Donovan, Stutz -3 mai. andJl‘SbeWT. ' ] Corporations-. Messrs. Hiestand, ( Sicjbbls, HUey, Bongbler *nd Bidg : Messrs 11 Foliar, Connell, - gu-ln. Bobinson and, BaffiiKon. Canals <md Inland Jtfa citation: Messrs, nainiitou. Turrcli, Wallace, M'Cand less and Bnebor. ■JSivlroiids i Messrs. Niches, Lowry, - eiatz. ilicstancl andßidgway. '. Ekct'on Districts : Messrs. M’Cand ■-.less, Stutznisu, Boughter ,iaiil Keilly. ' , . Jidtenchmmt and Reform ; Mowra. - HJdirwai:, Ldyyry, M'Sherry, Cfrabam; y «tio Mots, „ j - FMealfyn • Mow*. Torrefy wrabam,, EUisey, While und Steui. ! i Agric'-'lhire and domestic ifanufac ,furei: Mew* .jleiUj’.'XicUOls, Bdcher, j - aiid Smith. ... .. ‘ ; ’ * Militia Messi?.' White,. Jjonovati,! ’ Lowrv. (jfatz and Penny. ' . j ' Roads a ud. Bridges ; Messrs. Stuizl man. Bucher, rSorrill, Hamilton and . Stark i - ! ' 1 Compare' Bill* ;. Messrs . Emsoy, Smith * Wilson. Stark and Graham. Vice and lmmoraiity : Messrs. Gra > >vnm, Bucher. TurrcU, Stein and Ser ' riii. ■■■: ■' i • ■ Private Claims and Damages-. Messrs: ' I Wilson,' Stutzman, Donovan, Stark ' and White. V , ! , : j ‘ Library Messrs." Bound, Wallace and Eohinson.. ■ ; Public Printing rfMossrs. Bobirison, Fuller, Bul-her, BoUgliterand M’- Sherry. , : iPvtiic Builiugs : Messrs. Bpdghter, ConneHjan'lMott. / Cmtnlks and Coitnty Seats : fllyiher tijatz and Tiirnell.- - ll ■ , ' ■ fl- •. ■ , norSE COMMITTEE. ; ■ ' r- Wfys-awtjUe/rHsf: ; Smite, gtfri)Jiudlow- Craig. Jackson. Thomp i Bno.vnl, (Northumberland.) Bt che. Olinstead, Cochran, M’Murtrin :iml Lapm-'e. --- Judiciary System . {Generaty-T-'M-cssr*. . . Kaine, Barker, Vincent, Chani|»iieys; /Shannon. Pershing, Crown, (North-' . nraberfand) Ludlow, Rhoads, Johnson, h .and Brown, (iVan-en.) u i- ; Jjididdrj 'System (fiocal.') Messrs. • "Browii, (Northumberland) Ludlow, ■ t ■ t‘>H-iirua, M’Cullocb.- Glenn, Magee, il’ilurtrie, ■ and- Brown, A {Tioga.]},: . • \,* ‘ ' ■ - i, Panio'ns and : 'Gratuities: 1 Messrs; • Early. / Wiudio, Boileaa, ' lljow'm*|h, (Laiifaster) Ellis* Grabdr, iiWuujjor, Fox, |W(ii[e .ar.d Huston, j ('farms'-. Messrs, seck, Nelson, ' jJJoyW, Box, _’;iT.is.-:ph . Grabam.- ATyi^s, , 4 Strouso and Lilly.P i AgricuitiireandManufactures: \VHdiiur, M Cieilaiijßiii.s, Cross Hutch ■man, Hess, Bittier, Wu/sb and Hoo- Ti6r - '* . - ■ ■' ■" v’ : ■ Eariey, iWake f v'fiejd- *rwitelft}l. ■ Rowland,;' ffiffton, Hess;'ttlino. ■ f .iiilfliptali, (Tioga.) BeneditCjATCJellaQ, •'■-IAIIJ and ' . ■ ■ ~ ; - Amounts'; Ptttlon, j ,f li»port.««4 , '!ox:.'M.’CilelJidSKcrns(S^bn\ , l»! i ; :.' tU|) aiid ’Eiiue. r , . V-; - • ] _ -X‘-t ran:l Immorality v'Mpssvs. Wilke* i ‘l ' f^d:.B») W nw«i • (Lancaster.) Barrdn,i !.<• * a„4 U r arnci-;, < I Vc '* ysf ™ : Jick*on. V". Johnson, 1 SWc* Ulet,. Vincent. Myers ] v D'itrMs . Messrs!- Rex. *'• Rab.er,;Citirfp, Foster, -■ 0 M and Lehman: Wimiey. Reck; H V Hopkins, {^iu.^ilolpnfjr,)JoKcphs;Mooro,Rhoads, ! .(MWcer,) 1 Wolf; Walsh! M’- ! -t&tioyh, Lehman ami M’Clay. ■ ■&!dii*afdEMhtaistllcfii,n/K\iozfa' *>t;(Warrun AT3S elsbn, -Uurtri_CjS -aiifl Bcobc v . , - i ■ ;. Jtolids:, fridges and Canals : .Messrs, hoover, Graham. Hutchjnan, Pottei- Usr<M;Goy,iLabar, Trirameri Noyes, eri ‘ ? -i (Sch uylkiil,). Foster, Maoyer, 7 tv airagr, Camp arid Glfillan. Corporations Messrs. -Quigley,, grimmer, Ol instead, Young,- Baiger, Ih-nvn, (Mercer,) Noyes," Rowland, Uoiiry, Boyer, Dellone, Scnofield, ■ufc'wn, (Warren.) Xenia, Philadel phia.) and Sutphin. - i , . i -W Counties and] County Seats: i Twlteheli; Noyes, Barron, Nhite, Beebe, Boilcau, Gilfilian. Frec. “wl. Maoyer; Robinson, -Hew. Horton aadJacoby. , / ; |V ■ ’ ; - ; j.Cpuipare B\Us: Messrs' Kline, M’-; ■ Bobinsoii and H utebman, . library. Messrs. Grant, Wakefield-! Alexander, Hortouand Kerns; ( . luiilroads i Mcssrs.-Tbompsoi . Smith; (Chester!) Barger, Calen-at, M Manus, Young, Walsh, V • / n?-* o . , * n « ,n '.iEsirloyi Benedict, Smith, i ' and Hurvcj-, : it V- P ,w « i fl r <r Jlailroad : Mepsnw r -Smith, .(Philadel. •*- ,3 d Gfahafn-'Weidner, Lee, Brovim,’ Raneoastr Schofield, .Keros, ' j ■ "| ! . a,,t lpbia.) Bcliono and Slack; T a nd Wolf; Jln« r i L)eilou ?' v^coby-,' Poltejger, ■ : ;.fc r ra S; M’Clay, Warner! -m« ; t^£^. <^n ‘P' Eobin ? OD -HnB. ! NfeJan, Magee, * - £tn< ■ Mos ’ ,rs - Ramsey, 1111 (Washington,) Scho-j field, OUnatead, Thompson | end Tinceot. ■r- r : .. k>. i [ Divorces '.. Meant; Boyer, IPCulloch, j M’Coy, Wcidnor, Bowman, {Tioga,) Patton, Stronse, Paocoast, Bamgey, • Sitter and Slack. : •• ADMI^STRATOR'S-^TOTIOa !T ETTERS'of. administration npon tho «•- ,1 t Uie of Dutn Ui u Big TJcTver tp., Bcaverco., Pa., ‘dec’d, Haring, been granted to the undersigned, all. persons | kaoirliig themselves indebted to said. estate Ore remieeled to ! made Immediate, payment, and those haring claims * gainst, the same Will present them properly authenticated fak set tlement. ] W. H. FOSTER, I I FRED. GRAHAM, i Jan 21 'CB.„ ' J. . r - 'Administrator. , jT OANB ON FIRST MORTGAGES ean be Jj negotiated at the PITTSBURG DOLLAR SAVINGS BASK,. So. 67 FOURTH STREET, Pittsburg, on favorable terms. j jin2l:3m C. A. COLTON. Treasury. Tx na e Tab 1 $ • CLEVELAND i PITTSBURGH, R. R. Beaver Station—Goiko Bast. Ccwnewring, Monday, *■ »Vor. -17, 1802. —‘Tnine leave Beater Slatianae/c.'lovi : ; ■ | 8:00 a. n. Arrives atd?ltt»Msgb, 9:20 a.jk, 2:02 p. a. ’ •• i . £, .dtlOrM*?- ,7:2u r. n. 1 ' 8:15 p. H. '| ' | Gotso West-?- ■ '*• I Tfaint leave Bitteiwyi a*/dUethi^_ 6:10 a.'a. , Arrives at Bearer, .8:10 a. »• I'lO p»■ " » i Rochester 3:ookr. a. 2:00t/«. V '*■ “ .1:30 PM»- - j. n. McCullough, x 1= F. R. MVF.RS, Gen I Ticket Agent. .. PITTSBURG, PT. WAYNE i CHICAGO R. R. I Rochester Station-Goi.va .East. ! i 1 Commencin'! on anda/'d Sunday, Jan,; 4 ’6B. I Trains leave‘k<*hcster. Station at follow I' , ■ . Leaves Rochester Arr. at Pitts. IstErigh’n Accom. C:63 a: m... ... 8:40 A. x. i’d Brizii’n “ il—46 f. if...... 2:60 p. X. .Mail, 2:15 p. *......,3:45 P. x. J 3st Express, ' , rd!:4o a. x £»:iM) a..m, 2d Express, “CuiOO P. JJ......11.-C3 P. M | ■' ' , Goi«f<i ; Wmt— ‘ .;! ’ LeavcsJPitts. Arr.atßocliCstdT. Jstßright Accom, 0:30 a. m i.. 11:23 a. it. 3d. Brigh’n “ ’■j*:2P P. 0:05 P. »t. Mail, • . 4 8:0b a. M 0:28 A. x. Ist" 1:50 “A.' x t. 3:05 A. X. 2d Express. 1:10 P. X....... 2:55 P, x. . • AUQ. BRABfcEV, Supt., E. D. IMPOETANTI TO FEMALES. ■; DR. CHEESEMAN’S PlIjT S -’ Tok-combination of ingredients in these . TilUare the’ rc?nU of & lons and extensive [ | ■ • • j . ” . ■’ i.practice, They are mild is their operation, |and certain .in efrrectijig all' irregularities, j painful menstruat ions, removing all obstruc j fions, whether from cold of 1 otherwise, head :J ache, pain in the ride, palpitation of this heart, tv It ties, all nervous affections, fatigue, hyster ics, pain in the luck land limbs, etc., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature. Dr. Cheeaeman's Pills was the commencement of new era. in the tre at ment of tTiosc Irregularities and obstrue nts which hnve consigned so many to a.mE- XlTcjtEigKAVg,_ So female can. enjoy good health unices she is. regular, and whenever' an obslroition takes place the jcnertil health be gins to decline. " "ic ' J; Dr. Cheeseman’s Pills ’ . T .are the roort effectual remedy known- ftp all Complaint s peculiar to Females. To scs they arc unlacing, . tctlh 'errlain ty, periodical regularity,. They.are kndwn to thousands, who-have| used them al diiferent periods,! throughout the' country,faring? the sahetioq of some of the most eminent Physi cians in- A V - \ , kxjdiat direction*, elating ie\en' they should not aec<t witheach BoxJ-thc Prite pns it.dllar pev Eox, .containlng from 50 to OOPiUs. Ellis tent ly, ouiil, prQOiptly, by .remitting to, the Proprietor. Dr. fjmith ofliridgewater, solo agent for this County. i ; v j E.,8. HCXCH ! INGS. Proprietor. , r j; . .j*- : Cedar. Su, New York. SHERIFFS Hale. BT: virtue ofawrit of Levari* Facias is sued out of lie Crart of-Common. Flees ui toe county of Beaver, and tame directed,.’f wiU;ejtposc to Bublic Sqle, at thcSheritFe of fice,: n th'eborongh of Beaver, on • Saturday, January 81st, 1863. '•jt * . ' v 1 | . • • .• , \ at.-1,- o'clock,’ p. Bi., the. following described property, to wit: All the right, title, interest aniiclaim qf defendant,] of, in, and-to the un divided \ ono-tbird of the lots of ground being No£'H& loj X|i,’l7, 18 and . 19, situate in the borough Of New" Brighton, Ben der county! Pa., bounded as follows, tq wit:. On the North By lot No. 13, on the East by Canal, on the South' by lot No. 20, and on 1 the best by Bearer Irivcr. There’ being erected on lots Nos. 141;'and 15 a large four etory Bucket Factory, Toeing 40 feet front on i street running through said lots, and eighty - five feet deep, (be bWcment.story of strne, and tliree stories of wood; also a small frame abed on tno south side.of said: building about 20 by !80 feet.- On tue/east side of street running: •through said lots there are erected two brick dry kilns about' 15 by 21) , feef. There is be longing to said lots Noa.l 14 and 15 the undi vided one-third of ten shares of stock in the: New,, Brighton Water Company, each share being equal to .the one-hundredth part of all thb-dater belonging to the race of said Com pany.) There are erected on lots No. IT and Id.iadarge four story Tub factory, 40 feet on elrcet], running through iaid loia, and 40 feel ; deep,;the basement stone} and three stories of also two .brick dry kilns, on the’east side ijf road running through said lots, about' 15 by.2o feet ; there is i also'one other brick dry kim, partly on lot No. 1G and partly on, •ot W. n: There is belpnging to rots Nos. 10, 1 * and 18, the undivided one-third of nine shares of Stock in the New Brighton Water Company, each share being equal to the one bundredih part of all the! water belonging to the luce ot said Company. i Seised and taken in execution.as the prop erty bflWm. S. Qill, at (he suit of Christian Ihmsen,-assignee of Rbey & Matthews, "for the; Merchants’ 4 Manufacturers’ Bank , . v t J OHN j EOBEBTSj Sh’ff. Simatrr’s Omci, 1 -f , Beaver, Jan. 12, £3. JT ! : • , . ANDERSON, ■ ■■ ■ --I';;-, * .■ - : ; • - - 'Mr ‘. - DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. The latest and most fashionable Htyler or HKESSCOODS kept constantly on ludi ndlgr tole, for ■ _ | CASH OR PROHUCR. Bearer, January Wth, 18C3J ./ f JOHJf B. WIIWAMS, habbto a .WAirß.i>ttiamiira (SiepogerfooraaiteriSwrfiey'oWol, V , 9U988 nr Y IST OF JfTtEBsIJWCAEtED Is regaining lathe Post offlde at BeararC. HrPa., 1862J •< : , -• ,i.,. EwdWlialr .■; JuikSWJ. . /' Bajghu Eioholaa Kidd Jaa,-■ . . „ i .. <: ypUy*** ..•• DavidSS6~Ba&, - fturdySrm F ' ‘ Daria Jehn- ' fltrock tydiajAt '• V FtankliaThot 'rip; Wrigttilsry B, FleldWm« VOwM^jS Graham.Wm , m WhitseUßaml tomsDnvid.2 •!;- . J ' ■ Persons galling for letjtera.ia the above Ust wiU pleSaoaay they advertised-' t !■■■: ' M. J; ANI>BBSON, P. VU& ■ -j Honrs:Frbift UH.6 P. : 812 ■'i EXECUTOR’S NQTICB T ETTKRB testamentary on the estate of 1 i Ftmicu tale of Polaski.tp., Bea-- vetco., dec’d, having becn gratiled to'the tm lerigned, all persons' indebted to said estate, are requested to sake immediate payment, and those having; claim gainst' sild estate will present, them'to the subserfbcfs. property an tlianllcatsd far settlement. • t . . BBMBY PHILLIS, Pulaski tpj, ■ fixeontor. " doclO j: : Wanted - Immediately, ■' Triox, MINK, RACCOON/ SKUNK, and _T MUSKRAT SKINS; for which thebighert prices, In Cash,' will be paid at the Cheap Clothing Store of I. N. ATKINS, Bearer—sign of the Big Hat. , j '• declT lIiCORFORATEDIB3S. JFFICEOF THE 01 tUAL SAFETY INS PmtADCLriDA, Noi - The following Statemcr the Company ispublubed » provision. of iu Charter; Premiums Received from November l r 1861, to October 31, 1862: ■ On Marine and In- "■ \Jandßieks,....... $226, On Pire KXsis, 99; 808 81 ,821 30 ...... $325,C80 11 Fremianisoi) policies not nark- ' Mfit Nor. 1^1861,......,.;...... 198,908 06 Premiums marked'-off m earned , ;|. tram tS9t. J > ,’®l> tpO<^jBl,62J On Marine and Jn- • ■ •* ■. . ■ land Ri5k5....... $213,14- v . • On Fire Risks...... IOO.OtW .s" . _ 5318,143 07 Int. foreane period; SalTa£,ea,&d. Lowes, Erpcwes, te.,d\iring • year as above: "I'. ■ 4 Marieeani Inland • f ' Jiargt’n losees... $88,886 69 - J - Pin? loraei ,28,8i0 64 Return premium*.' 84,785 .34 Kiijliisgpr*nce» „... 18,148 75 Agency. Gh»rgc*... 14,427 09 AUt., Print'p, 4c.- i, 2,211 62 Taxe*4,......1:..- 45860,4fS ' Kzpente*, B*Ur*ev L ‘ $218.804 42 y „,| ; 1 j. , • . ' SiMyl 0 *! | 5103,063 85 ASSETS. OF THE Miember 1, 1862. $lOO,OOO DVS.6 per ct.10*0...598,000 00 -• * 20,000 .. ‘‘ 0 . •*' 1' “ ... 20 750 00 So,i<oo ♦* 0 -“.Treasury , ....'.l 41,910 00 1 26,000 “ 7 per cent ; I ' TreaSury;Kw(e»..J.. 26,000 00 | 100,000 8. of Pa, «Tpr ct.loan 95.330 00 54.000 “f 1 ti *{. “ 57,150 00 l23,osoPh!ta,tStj6 •• <*120,083 00 30,0005/)fT£un.sv« <• 12,000 00' 20.000 Pt’iliK.UtMj - ■ O’par cool, bond 60.000 Pa. $. It; 2UIU 0 per cent, boni . 6,000 Pa. K. ». 100 ■ Stoejt .’..1........| : .16,000 Ocnnantown 0 1 ■ 300 shares of { principal. ao«l guaranteed | bj .> c . city ofPUilade) , j 118,700 Loans on bon ’• * ; : : iejired Far $088,750 SUrkaVlfc /• ■■ - Coet,iitj3,(4o Rcalestato-;.". .... i J3iilsr«c#it&bt«i t» lasuroj. ! Balance* du<s. atipwf 1 * audit ot»Marine jfolitlis,' ). i interest, and ot&er debts-d] [:Company: iS<SHp,and Stock of sundry] I- ance * other Companies; $1 ' estimated va1ue................ .Cash on deposit with U.. St '.Government' subject' loteht cau 1 .........>...;...‘....580,(id Cash OB depositiabanks 28,73] Cash in Drawer.,..;.... 28; !• . !, ' e $976.212 16 JfOTMtBM 12, IWKJ. j- The Board of Directors haye thiaday elated a cash dividend of TEN CENT on the Capital Stock, and SIXPEB CENT, interest on the SCRIP of the (Company, pay able on and after the first Docpmbcjr proximo. 1 They have also declared a scrip dividend of FORTY I’Ejt CENT, on the £ arne'J l Premiums for the year ending October certifi cates for which will bo: issued] to the parties entitled to the same on and after the first De-i cembcr proximo. ■ I ••••. j- '• ~| ■ I They hare orderodalso that] the remaining outstanding SC It IP of the Conmany of the is sues of the years prior to 1868, bo ' redeemed in cash on and .after February 2,1803, from which date ail interest thereon; shall cease. •3L.No certificate of 'issued under •825. By the Act of Incorporation, “no cer tificate shall issue unless claimed within Iwo years after the declaration o f the dividend whereof it isevidenee. ? IDIERECTOIR/S. Thomas C. Hand, John C. tWris,| Edmund rA Sduder.ThcophilusPaulding; John B. Pen o s:e, Jsmes Triquiur, William Eyre, j Jr., Jas. C.Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph ;H. Seal, Dr. R. M. Huston, Qcorge .Q. LeipcT, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, Robert Burton; Samuel E. Stokca, J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, Ed ward .'larlijglon, H.Jones Brooke, (Spencer 51*Ursine, Jacob P. Jones, James 111 M’Far land, Joshua P. Eyre, John 8.-Semple, Pita. I). T. Morgan, Pint.' A. B. Berger, Pitt. 1 j THOMAS-C. HARD, JWt i I JOHN C, DAVIS Tus /Wa HEI7KY LTLBDBS, Stt'y. ] HENRY HOOPES, •' - Agent, ' kew Brighton: pa. IS PRO AXLED FOR, Post Office at Rockett er T IST OF LETTEEI I a remaining in the F Pa!, Dee. SleV ISffifc Cm HB 1 Leonard Jaaiea Leonard Jc ; Laseaaterj UarjL ■ Adderby Rer Win Beaumont Godfrey Barrett Henry a .Barnes Mrs Mary . Bites SioekUm Milter Emma Carper Abby ■ M‘Harter* A Dj ■. .Paris James M ■ .■ " Newton-iJ ■-* - i Parkins John If. Oldham Bkebsl : Frederick Conrad .... Porter James ‘ Frederick &61ao)cmore Powell Henry , : Oooriey John ;A ’ Eager Copt. Jae. OrimParid .*• ’■ ; Been Isabella, 2 Hoffman Conrad . Shrodes, Ellen i HartseUßH ' Small hlaigia,; Holing'BeOmina . Smith Hyjf Henry Christopher ' Taylor Parid - HelnP . f T WflUslliste Li Persons thl abort llsi& ; i' :; r. ~>-n. viWKQpRMJJSi- :£ . : u .= COet of lit COCKS, JtfMl Soifl ' ; *llt CobAmß ‘ i::. i. : . ..?. I. £T- r . ■/. ■.:*■'■ ' ;" BCBSGBiwiojf A^Emr* At JAY Oo OKE * co>> Btiikera, i ' 140 SOUTH THIRD STBEGTr ‘' j irz 17 ' 1 * 80,, prep “* i **"• laUds Court, Sn the first .4*7 of next term, j ,,l *" , * l one *» *b® 1 ‘ ■!Pl^ “l r! U berib/ tblTcMr^D Cniirf •».t!**: the lint Monday of March noxt,in pursuance ' Twenties,” redeemable atthe pleasure oftho of Mid order. JftßV imBKWTH I j ■ 1 Government. otter fire years. and authomed d*el7 | J 1 j 7. ; r Sheriff.; by Act of Congress, approved February 25, | ; ' Ust Of C&QMH 1 ■'■■,' TtejCOiirOS are jggned.jp sums o * TTH)E ADJOURNED COURT,■ 80;MONDAY TOfn . 4, .T JANUARY, 1868; “ j George Robert : ts Kathan P., Conch. SI(W »od $500?. ■.. JohuD. Dougherty ••Rr.JohniWlu.uc, „„1 r*‘ *? l« James Done.* ' *t Jno. M. Ewing et al. commence from date of purchase. and is Hiram Meaner et ah ‘‘ Hugh Anderson,' w .I^,__ _ j ■' *J Same *. ;• f ; ;| : ;■- ,v PAYABLE IN IQOLD, Bank Lawrence Co* V Selab Chamberlin. : : .: Bwne ‘‘T i- Semi-Annually. whichis equal. .t the present Same f‘ Same, et ah i . premium on gold, to about EIGHT PERCENT, James Kelly -- ' “ JamesM’Eldoff. | &ER ANNUM. | j | Same. et ux •• game. I I Farmers, Jlerchants Mechanics. Capitalists, Jacob J. Hoes ••; John Blake'sadm’r and ail who hare any money ’fo invest, should .M. WEYAKDiiPrbthly a know and remember that these, Bonds nre.in ... -i _i; ;• . effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon nil Rail] JAMBS S. RUT AN* jroads. Canolß, Bank Stocks and Securities! • mhuvo W V f alf It AXXT • n(1 th « all (he Manufhc- A A Asian afi I |AI t;JU AW, lures, &c.i, &e., in the.country: {and the foil <DISTRICT ATTOHXHY.) St BEAVER, PENN’A. Customs Julies, Excise Sumps And Infernal n Turin In Hill Court House. I Revenue, serves to moke these Bonds tlje ALL claims, against the Government for Best, Host Available and • Most Bopulat back. pay,.bounty and: pensions, prose- ! Investment in the 'Marktth |' . eutod to collection with the leMt possible de- Subscriptions received at RARin Legal Ten ay. , . >i ; K i decB’C2 ■ der .Holes, 1 or notes and checks [of banks at Ti T-va ! | ~ | par in riiiiadelphiar Subscribers by niail will iJlßßOmtiOn, receive prompt attention, and every facility THE Co-partnership heretofore existing tin- and explanation wilf be affordec on applica dcr the name and style of M'Coasau. S tioh at this office, r | ! | . | Oabhacub, Fallston, .engaged in the Foundry A full supply .ofßonds will be kept on hand and Machine Business, was'duly.dissolved on. f or immediate delivery'. >i ' . ,j‘ the 8d day of June, 18C2. The books of the JAV COO RE, Subscription Agent, late firm will be Settled by M. Dairagh & Co., at their office in Fallston, Bearer, county. Pa., where they trill: continue said business- in all its branches. All persons knowing themselrcs, : indebted to the late firm will please call and Settle immediately. RAVU) M COH.NEI.L, " MATTISON DABKAGH^ Fail»tonjolo,'62* 8. U. HARUAOH. ELAWARE MU SI) RANCH CO. *mb«r 12,1862. i it of theaffair* of ia cvnfortaitj’wUh EXj?CUTOHS’iNO|ICE. : letters testam&tary on the t : estate of P*o. BoswsLL/ilate of ICew Brighton, Bearer county, dec’d, haring been gruntedto thei' undersigned, all persons in debted to'said estate aro i’Cques.'ed to make immediate payment, and those haring" claims •gainst the same will present* them properly autentiosted for aetUeiueut. j , | JOHN BOSWELL, ' il . , , BEH’J BEDISQN. ■ June 25,1862. Eaecntors. HKECUTOBS SOTWE. ■VTTHEKEAS Tetters testamentary baring f'lf been granted tothenadersigncd, on es tate of Jt/rfph Sr,, dec'd,, laic of Greene tp., JlweT £ounty, Pa.,. all persons knowing themselres indebted to Said estate are requested to mike payment immediately and thosi'baring elaieps ■agalnst-tbe sameiwUl present ' them to the suWcriber duly authenti cated for settlement. JAITKS JfcCREADY, oefii, - —■] ' Executor. brgage - ta...... OO drtgagc „• d* 63,876 00 Share* , L 6,600 00 M C«. ' ~i stock, - - lasi..- Jr lh« • / fphiai. 16,600 00 id and : I plyss- ■■’'.■l'. 113,700 00 ‘Estate of David Minis, Jf., M.D., Deb’d. | VrOTICS that let ters of «(1- i JV( ministration bare been .granted by the l Register of Wills, jio., of .the county oTMe&rer! (upon the e»t»tpon>Arix.Mjsi», Jr, M. IX.deo'd., lateof Boronghtp., in stiid county, to the sub -1 seriber residing in the' Borough -of ilcivter, in said county. > Debtors willinaiebayipent, rii id creditors present their oiaiihs duly authentic »- ted to the undersigned. ’. ■ * % Vv. -S'lV,;■ j ' y- :■ -I ; ; f ; DAKIEI/ Aoxtff,\ j April 12.; 1 : ' ’ Administrator, i xSiICE \lf HEUEAS letters of adibinisiraijoii bt ' Yj : tbc - eeUtto of - JfjcitAEt Hamoo, Wt of. B&ccoon loTrnabip, Beater .county! deJ cea«ed, having been, jinly, grunted to I (he nffi ill person* indebted to aaiS; estate hrejnotified to. mako immediate payment, anu toosc having claims againsl/the same will ptt - •<»*! them properly authenticated for settle ■ ttcntmUjoutdelay. . •.\ ® ‘j•'*■■ JACOB FROSK, M ■ r aep2d. -i. — L : Administrator.' jue,-$083,178 00 ME ...........61,868 85 t'madm,oi,'£S2 58 PltCBU*. ,j <’ ocraeJ , .r' . ; te tlie’ ■: ..w.,...f3pn 5f Insur- ; .0,808, ' 'i 4,518 00 ate*... - - Uy* - " : -' vO ■' 9i , 74 -V -*106,008 08 .p . f B!ti*av Mare. GAME to the premises .of (bo subscribe! living in Big Bear or township, 'Beavei county, o«;tbc evening of the 24th of April & small Hay Marc,‘about 5 years old, shcK all around, saddle .marks, off bind hough on larged by a cut or bruise ; no other marks per ceivable. The owner is deeired.td come for ward, prove property' pay charges and take hei away, or otherwise she will be disposed of ac cording to law. - .i' : ’ T ’ • ■•l:'.-I'; junelfSt , JAMEB K. CAUIQPS. -BTEAY COW. eAMIi..Io the premises ofr the. subscriber, liring in New Sewickley tp.. Bearer co., t'a., on the Ulh of October, 18112, a red. cow, .with a white face, about 6years old; she had abell on, and tw'Oor three slits in the ear; no other marks visible. The owner ia requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her-May. , si. U 0c22:8t.' j ■ A. P. SMITH. • . N'ptico. , ,;,lj : ISherohy given that I have been appointed as Surgeon by the Pension: Department, to jexamine wounded and invalid Soldiers, | idis {charged from tie seiyice; that my authority extends to any Connfy, State or Territory, and that I am nowjfeody to enter upon the discharge of my duties. I - e U‘ f !. •' OEOB6K SIoCOOK. N. D, i ", Oct. 16—(t., _ X. Examining Surgeon.' ■ i v ■ 3sronOß. - A AEON UOOEBj of this Borough ia the jfl “>*/ Accrioxaxa in this coun ty. Be is/at'aniy time, ready to pfcrlbisithe duties of bis office. when notified. ' Any other who attempts to sdD at Anetlon|except at!Ad ministrator's sale, dors it hi violation of law.. The penalty ianet lees th an |6or . : | . Beaver, Deo. 10, ’O2. . ;|'l .{I-- •• ■ ■■'dStra , Vs4^s!«f : ' ( C'li CAME to the- premises of XU subscriber, in Chif)pewatp,,about the Ist of July, a while Heifer, 3 years old. The owner is to como l - forward, prove-’property, pay ohargessud take her away; otherwisesho ..Will be disposed of according to law. V j Aug,2l—2m. i i ’ THOB. MKINLEY. T; " • ' Notice. ■ ;>.|j j i :k'iU. persona■ having unsettled' account ■Aj with me, or Smith, ACoUhts a within the last twenty year* torGardtof; Spinning, &0.,j wtU please call at the Pallston WoofenPaetory,; before the- first i»fc<)ct«ber f 4lB6?,, end settle: the same by eaahor note. - •!: H -rl4 ’1'••! v-jiyia/aa/.i- ! * i 111 xADiIINISTRATOIi’S NOTICE. T KTTEBB of administration on; the estate I i pf'UtSBT BkkO, late of Hopewell Town ship, Bearer eo., dec’d, bating been grant -1 ed to Ibe undersigned, all persona indebted to said estate are Requested to lmmediate payment, nndthose baying claims,against said i estate 'Trill present them to the [subscriber properly authenticated for. settlement. * ELIZA REED, . THOMaATIEED. Administrators. . »epl7 Cnt, ; K«tar* IBACCI (SCj. 1 1 Employment j $lOO COMMERCIAL AGENTS WANTED TO SELfc GOODS FOR THE (A NEW EHOLAN|» | Manufacturing Comp any.' W WILL-GIVE' A COMMISSION OF one | hundred per cent. oh all goods sold by, our Agents, or We will pay Wages pfi from $3O to $lOO per month and pay all no-; cesaory expenses. Pot particulars address! With Stamp,' \i( > n.'V : i s ; ''-J J CHAS. RCGGLES, Gen. Ag’t, For the Adams Manufacturing C«U Dolriot, Michigan. ! ,j ~ . July 2, 1802. JAS G GRIERSON ’ . i ■'T i ■; ■ Ji ■,■ , . • WHOLESALE ' > - ■ > ■ ■ (, I ■ i . ■; Grocer & rommisslon Slrrrbanf, Also Dealer in • )■' ■ .JT GLOTTIS/, IPBIEir) ■ iSD GKKKKALLIi h.; ; 'No: 8 S^lTnFi|:LD I .|sT./,'|!- oi pofiit'o the Monongnhela House,,| PITTSBCKGH, PA. « BBAVBBi L ANp !N^;rum i Rev. R; T. Taylor, A. Mr, Erin* I Mrs.A. S. Taylor, Governess; j A FIII'ST CKASS BCIIOCE FOKTOP.EDU cation of Young* Ladies. Special care given in the Primary and j Preparatory De partments. ; ; "i„ i vi|l,' : ' r , All expenses except Tuition and Washing, pertennof fourteen wcefci*...........1... SBBIOO] ■ r Tuition from $3-50 to‘sB 00. , j 1 ; ji No efforts spared to make the school worthy of the confidence of its patrons. | |" 1 j J Send for a CaUdogue. Jr j' . j ■ j JjS,The 'next term commences Dec. 02.., A. HEW , v AND BE AUTIjFUL EDITION :i I. .'1 OF THE ':‘J '■ i .| L \ 4 —<t « HAKT, ' - XBY JOIIJS O. _ . I rtMO. 1 , fflufliri;i price 50 cents: cm \ljmi * r3 i 25 cent's. Copies o¥ this [book will bo seni'bjr mail on receipt of the [price, in ; postage stamps. Vlcas address V ) - j.'- J. G; 0-iitRlOU£S. Publisher, . r^- ? ;; 148 street.* Tbil’a. Va. : r niltr 2«- r • . I/ ’■■■ “ T h « IJ ii i o n ■ Arch Street above Third; - t~| hrjpiiiiiADEiiPmA, rxi: Upton; 8\ He#comer, THIS Hold is central. achger ibilwhy Cara to all parts of the vii/, and in every particular adopted to t&e comfort ami wants of the. Travelling Public. TERMS, 81,50- PER DAY. ■ “|Tht». H6we||Sewlngi Machine," : i" ••• h{SOU) BY ] . | jh ' .-1,; A. M«i n’GREGOii, COBSEE PESN & ST. CLAW STS., l|? . : h i PITTSBURG, PKNS’A., NEEDS ONLV TOjBE SEEN TO BE AP i'.. i|v {pBECIATED/- r»|^3r-rP°i-,. 1 I A. R. THOMSOS. ; •: ATTORNEY At LAW, Officr, corner of.Thridttntt and Ike Diamond. BEAVER, PA. ■ *“y2i< ■■ h" 1,.',- r. ; ; BENTEI, ARBUCKLE &CO. MANEPAdICTERS OF .j, V I OABBOir OIL, ■: 1 . ; ROCHESTER. J ' : f BEAVER COUNTY PA. Jap2 / i-o»t :po«v, ; |l, : T 081 ia Rochester, on : the, 21st ofiOcto- I i bar, >ißlack 1 Shepherd Dog, jwitb .white i im around hiß neck, and white tip oa the end (if. bis tail; answers to' the name |of “Ring.'’ Any- poison finding said dog WiU [be suitably iiwarded hylcaving him at Johnston's Hot el, ear Rochester Depot,' or at ibe residence of tbeirabseriberiii’New Sawickljr.tpi L sot!2 - . OUN GABBARD. AEMIUIdKRATOB’S NOTICE. ) '■ s'' p-v -!r' • ' j I :ii TETEBS s of'- testamentary on the estal ■■i t of Xnunaar biooßa, lateof Greenetown ship, Dealer .Codntjr, Perm's dfC’d .baling .been grafted tathe all persons indebted to Mud eslate are requested tomaka immediate payment, and those haling claims aaaiast the same’’ will present them'properly authenticated for settlement. ; I ' /I JAMES KELSON, Hanover tp,' . nov6.: , : ■ : : v -Administrator 1 , V;• o. r. coxanta, n. a. CTaaids, m. p. C. CumiHinß & Son > ZVFFKB tbeiir professional servioeehs Phy» Vf clads and Sorgedtas, to the eitftens of Thcv , r «f»n be: foundr wben Tratprofessionly engaged, at the- Bncgum ef «. P. ««Miaa. * V . i Ir.-I v f “=S ,WE BO»Si 4 000 i" L w ■ v ioaa wtwjuwwjw«».iiij»’grasping thesfe#«n»ki»*..4<K-; immnni 1888 J K. T, MiAttuiimi. 1888. ra(jct 3 angdiv think wlnit-relief ft" r pot of thin TUXS EBt»bUahmtet in Bucceiwful Af L & COOLING Salves'will giv« operation for 24_ye»r«, and-ia the largest j o , t jj e one y all love whenfar away from, home . ot the kind in theUUited States, We havc.oD j ,j nc | friends.; ;Ii hardensand makes tough tbb , „ band ot manufacture toordererery dcscopttou Xlicy caii endu * great foSgue. tt; ; °f Looking-glass, rranme, | soolhcsand relieves the inflamed andstifTened A Plain and Ornamental Pier. Wall,Oral & Man-i j o j n t g leaving them supple. .strong aud-vigor-: tel Glasses, Connecting -Cornuies, Hasp and J ous for ■ V i ‘i Btackctr Tables,- .with:.Marble Blab*, foilet j& BKB CUTSi-AISD GUNSHOT WOUNDS, y. J Glasses, Sic., &c., &c.- Mouldings for picture J nt gmuds unetjnnllcd,removing and preventing *: Frames, >n lenglhs sbnable for transput ation, j OT W; TWt W. - and , gemly-S-A either Gilt, BctlingJ Rosewood, Oak, /ebra, drawing Ahe-edgfes together, il quickly and T Birdseye, Mahogany] &e. Our now manufac- cool pletely hcttls the most friphtiy wounds, tory and extensive facilities enable us tolfurn-. AV^ r ES .£*o SISTERS OP OCR AOLCN- . iiatf nny article m our line as good »« the best, : > >. n SEEK? r and ns cheap as the fheapest. :A ] To cannot put into'the Knapsacks of your Dealers are tnyited to oaii upon U$ . Husbands aad Bfbiben*, a mote valuable or/* When they visit New York, ; Vie claim to be (more necessary'gift thnn'n supplr of this . Ay able to supply,to snpjply them with every arti- ■ KJtTKAOROISIIRY MILITARY SALVJ3. W ’ ole in our line whichthcy can possibly purchase . xhe lonely sentry walking" his rounds al " elsewhere. ]•,. night, cipoicd- to drenchtiig tains and. ehilUf.-- fl@T Orders by mail attended, to with night-air, Soften jseired the most VIOLENT promptness.; Donot fail to call when yon visit-COUDIfS nnd' v SUFFOCATING (. New. York. . • i i 1 • ( ' HOATSSNEBS, first jSvmptoms of QUICK CON- 1 Office Wareropmt, Ao. 216 Centre Sl.i A\ T. SUMPIiION, Dnt 1 if’supplied' with HQLLO-- j HORACE V. BIGIER, dyent , . AVAV’S,•ifILLS jintid HOLLOWAY’S 01NT- Ma 7 y—3 mos. j . L ■ - MENT/qll dangcrjjis averted,'a few Pills taken “ nicht nnd moruinet and the ointmcnl hriskly CpOUUty S StS S rubbed twice ndny over the tliroat and chrst 3r,Jv the Orphans’ jCoom in and! for said vvili remove the SEVEREST l , AlKS"an‘d slop 1_ County, before the lion. Judges of said the most distressing or DANGEROUS COUGH ourt. ' In the matter of thq petition for Theforc we say to the whole army, " . ‘ / ' - | partition'of the real estate of, Henry Toy, i £OLI)IERS ATTKNTIOh’ I! , ' late of liorth'Sewiokly township, said county, . Sec to your own .heallhydo hot trust th tho - deceased. ’ ' Army Euppltes hltlidugh most valuable. These 1 Sow, to wit: Nov. 12, 1802, era motion the" and OIN'T>iEM' have been tlihrouglilv Court grant an alias Rule on' the heirs aud i tested, they,are the 1 only remedies,used in thus i legal representatives of said dcc’d., to, wit: j jiuropcan Camps.atid Barracks, liitvorcr.xArtyr' 1 I Mary Toy, (widow) Melissa,, intcrniarried years Hoctor Holloway Ims supplied, all the ’/ j with Stanley, W. Fre«l, of Beaver co.; James | ai-mfes in Europe', niic.ihluring jtiip CRUIEAN j Toy; (dead) leaving a widow Caroline,; aud j CAMPAIGN be established a depot at ilala i childrcn Jolm. HenV} andJamcs, Beaver eo,— j <dava„ for the dxtSusive ■John who resides in Washington'countyr Henry i REMEDIES, manyfatime his special- Agent I Who resides in- Illinois; William, Ephraim,,! there has'sold over a (ton jn weight of the « f Hannhli, Maiy ijnd.Eliza, who isdcad. leuTiug I Ointment in a single day. These fen iblc , and ,-V. Sa. daughter,' Nancy !j ones, who are minors j fatal enemies of lhg Soldier in Calup, , ", S: ; above 14 years, all reside,in; Beaver co.; Johnd DIARRHEA, I>VSE!STEIiYv SCiytVV, SORES j Toy, who resides in Wasblngtpn co.; Ephraiiii j and SCROFULOUS: ERUPTIONS,’aII diyap- T,oy. who resides in| Indiana; Nancy Jones, [ pear like a charm before these (RILLS AND ' daughter of Elira 4(>i>c9. ~'iohgbtpc of said OINTMENT/ and. 1 npw '.while-the Cryvringn dcc‘d„' (u6w doadj lcaving a husband'atid throughout x . f i 1 : child, Nancy who resides in Missouri, 'Henry • ■ l>o AgMSrj.TOAiIMSi!. Toy who, resides in jd.Uiupis;' HanhnUlSears )Do not let thcswbravg perish -by, married to Ephraim I [Sea|sJ who resides in case; piaoc; jn thCifj hatHTsl these iPEECIOUSV; Missouri; Ephraim, whoj resides in Indiana.: REMEDIES', that Will btoblc’'Fucm.rto resist" r William Toy, who rcfidcs in Beaver county; the .jtlang'ci-ouS .exposiiyfe ‘ the EeVeW .the Castor, intermarried to Benjamin Castor, who Chills,: anti- they caimot i resides in Indiada—ahd all others .interested, aVoid.'anJ wbat> •' Ip sljeiv cause, any] they bave.-wliy ufi. In- succor in the if.uur quest to niitkc jpartilion of the real estate of ,brave men burr eTilj'.to'pm tbeir 'baeila ijeo b said deceased', should not bahwardeil,' at an their Knapsacks and.finjithci l !: a sure reiudily- ,i Orphans’ Cpurt Yo beheld on the thirdMbnday ] for all the casualties'pPihc Imtilg,field/ vJIpW ■; ol January next; , , -.. • ( many thousands pf lives i>ii)nfd thus be saved r •) A true copy of Rule. , Wf;' . who iiould otherwise perish before relicfcousd : Attest; A. jG. MCREARV,;CI k. be olisaiuedl:.: 1 . .i' ■ . dcclU , I ' ’"I ■’ , GAllTlON.— h’ono ate gehu’ne>t uiiless;, ■ the words •njclloti'iff, AVr York a/\u ]joinioit; ’'\ are discernable as a ]rater-mart ini every, .li nf ' of the .Cook.of directions around cich pot, cr box; Hie same may be-plainly seen; by the'leaf to We light* V A handsohie reward wi.l ■ be given to any'.one rendering suchbanffiiiim- . tion-ns ifiaylead to l qcdcltctieirnfmy pariy' or’partics; counlei-fcit|ngthc > ing the same, knowing them to be sbpj'-ious. x >! ,**f Sold_af tthe -Sfetnitlhfforyl oflfipfessOr . Holi owav, Sbi Jlaidcn- Laux, New- TV<)rfe' and. by.all respcctabje. Druggist?: aiid Healers in - Medicines, fiivoughout the civilized. wWd,'’jn. t ' boxes at 25 cenis, <i2;relits and S.I enbh.‘ > There is considerable saving by laklbg . .the: larger sizes. Av'!!;.'; i .j', ■ . Dirceiions for the guidanew rlf pti-• ieats in every to eitcii box.- JlayTi I;-1 A-' ■ ■■ . Beaver :v; ■ IN- the Orphans' Court, im and- for Beaver comity,' before? the Hon. Daniel Apncw. President, and bis Associate Judges of said ,Court. | In the matter! of th67paftition of the ftrciil estate of George jdeccassd- C Thk CdMMoswiiAtrn or Fesssylvasia, To Huuicl M’Callister and ‘ Esther his wjfc, in rip-lit .of said jietlfcr; A’in, 11. M’Klimny |aud I‘atlncb his tvifc, In rigid of saidlHanhab: |Nancy and Mary Cain] and heirs of Joints I*. Cain, who died prior jlo ihcsaid intestate, to !wit: Margaret marriwlj to Janies . M’CuUoch; Mary married to Jamck- F. Johnston; Agues i married to 'i'bos. Barhp; ’.George, Elijah and :] last .two jbeing' minors y-Jer Vi, land all iff'-Whom roiido-inlßeayer county, cx j eept Miiryiiwhe resides injGalia co.. 6.- hnd j all others interested, fijrceting; You. nnd each jof you are hereby oiled to be hud appear be-. J : / • /"if f /A/'> /S, , |fi|r,c tbe, Hon. Jildgeg'of dur. Court at V , V/ >, i <®i rsif** '(appraised valuation put upon it.by an Inquest V. Mnp Oj.fnt: llfpl/r/i Ct-iu/i. s j awarded t]ourt and? returnetV ~ ' Qpnft<h: ev ond - 'unSUUiPt v j 1 by The Sfci-iitfof.said j county toJiepU-iubCr - Fromyroti-ut Surveys, limjloitd ti' i.g. dO, [-Uni, lp!2, and.foundto' containl,as follo\vs:j IStar cost £2O.Gy) fp' ringiavc Tt;''aiSd- ; <ißd’' : - | 7l p6rphe!j,:and valncd at per. yj»r> time, ( ; , 1 "" A - ‘ j agre. and in the event] of non-acceptance to f' Superior tc} any Slll,|mnp ever made t r Cei j sbtjw caliw>: who tbo same should not be Cold', ton or Mitchell', snd sells at tbe ; low pi le ’ of | lie rein fail not. ■/ |V - •J , - Jrifty Cents; names- ihra eb gutted on i Witness tbe Hon Daniel Apnev.;. Tre-ideiit this map.-" .I i i, '■s 1 of (Jaid Court, at Beaver, this 12th day ofXdv. It’is aot enlv a Countv ioarf; but it is a iso-a ■ ( ; ;XdccH>] : A.|tpl MICR3|AUyJCI’k. j GOUiyTiYaX: l> a-'ri — ' I>’" iv ijV“i ‘ ‘ 'C ofitbe U. S. Adlamidaf eomr.inV.d iti..ohe. piyujp A Karo Chance TOP A G 0 Ou Invostmcnt, Kvi-ry Ilailro.'t fi Al at i'lii ami ■! i-f ;nrr--. hr: vr; ni . .[-j !'i' : -y-i ■ ' ’ - Cjuarantee gny-.woman or man $3 .tper-, l' I. ■- ■ PO U S L.E , “j day, arid vriH take liac-k'VoU, maps limit a cannot y* HIOCE and FIXTUKESOF A COUNTKI jbo s;ol<|. iuonc^., * '* ©■%K>J»'la4tfdod ii-large'] i ■ ' ' - iifr «{ clsgm; Si;2s-P within. 13 miles of!. !™M well Pilltsburg. 3ust in (iqio for l'a!l knd IVintor _v A? iruA a *S , I - •- Tride ?foeic Jow at Resent:' i»o unsalable C^ 1 ' ior ourjiaaps tm Gofcls., Tebis. ehCy., ifei man “J- J; ‘nfe; i capital, no ‘bettctl chaiiie'could be off^red;— i [ ■' Sioveland dwellih| for sale or renti f Address i,.?’ rAllegher.y CilyfT’a-i. giving n V-‘ real iiiamC, gad stating iwWe an -interview .^ e 4?” fF? cani.be btld;o- j-A k b i e ■ o eUs,' - ■ e i f - (iG'J, on which, is marked Antminnf l.rcch,: Sharpshurg, Maryland Hights, trilli.-’report i Feray. ÜborcraviUo, ;N.olan<!’s Tcvd. arid a’d others gu the Potomac,.arid| every uilijr-r place > in the above named States. : yrmotiev refunded., ,LLOVIVS TOI’OG lIAVHICAL SlAf iOF i' ’ KENTUCKY. 01110.; INUjANA, mnjl lll.lji;,- af the -Joilly aiilbonty ! fogiflon. llofetrnns and the" War Department. ¥fmey .rciutidtd to any one finding ati error i.S it. . ■. >/ f -‘ ; ■i,. J, From tlic Triburie, Ang. 2. : <>lilOTD’| UA? [ nr .VntGtXlA. AIAB.YI.AN-i> ASl>., ’ 11* en 5 s Yt.v’a hr A. “Tb c mop is very Targe: its/ 1 but *5 e.etts,- ar.d'i'^ if ilh; hut » Icyurchaietit" : ;■ j ' ii" ■'- I,h>yd'k Ur*al Map of A.i/’. . . NOTICE. ' • ;j A 1. L PEBSOSS having busincssv-ilh the j 2x[subscriber will plpasb call with Mr. tiobcrl Tallon, [who ps duly authorized; to it*, tend to all business during my absence. , Also' .aUvporsons' Inteingtihscitltd accounts wilt call and make settlement as.scion a? possible. Aa it hasiMjcomeioy duty to-lcavc home foe- the purpose of serving my Country. I hope my customers'will still give, their patronnge ; as usual-ns tboywill find Hr. Tullou at the shoe I shop and my. Bon,\Jamoi, at thotan-yard. ■! sop 3, IgOA J6»X D. STOKES., 1 / Dividentlji^ou O . \ 5 . :w | /Bank or, BzieEit Covart, V . NcSw Brighton, Si’ot. 4,' / 1 V DIVIDEND OE ' FOCkSPEI< CENTr on the Capital Styck of flns N liiink, for liic. past t> months, has bee x declared this day, payable to itpckholdcrs or their legal rispro ppn|«tiycs, os . Demand. ' This dividend Will be 'free of the United. Slates Tax, the Bank' having assumed- the. payment of the Saule to the Government. j i EDmVKD HOOPS. ! novliftiS . , j.' ' ! Cashier. -. --•-I : i :__i* _ •_ •• - ; t ’ - . rtTOTIGE. . HIHE Co-partnership heretofore existing Bn dpr llie name and style jo£ A. D, Gilliland, I't'w prightOn, engaged in the business 'of merchandise, wasduly dissolved on the 19ih day :oIT April, 18C2i -The Books will bo settled at tb(j slurer of M.Gilliland. *-All persons [knowing themselves indeblejlto the late fifei, will piease call and eetllo ; immediately, as tb Books willbe clOsed witholij dolav. , ' A. B. GILUXAs: M. OIUiEtASI), IJf ew Brigbton.MnylV, 1862,“' Confessions & Experience of an (Aval ■pUliUSHEli'lor tii« Benefit and as a w. IT' ing and a caution to young men who im let from NercouvDebiUly, premature Decay &c., siipply.ihg'ol the same tune the means at Self-Cure. By ,one who has cured himaeli after Hotng ptit to great expense through mod • iea) imposition'a4A quackery! By post-paid addressed envelopes, single cdpict may be- bad of the author, NATHANIEL MAVFAIU. Esq.i Bedford, kings C 0.,: N. Y. . marfGily. |’, I |KrAT|E& CWBE. TWT Q Curative Agenesis superior to HTDECK PAXHY for tlie treatinbut- of all [forms oft vueiway and no Institution in this I ooun-- -.frYiwvKases greatei; facilities forits adminis tration than tola. 1 . ■ ' : <•• t>-For Pictorial Circular kddroM , , ; >• -M a )r. " MI From Actual Surreys by (japta. Bait ttßfiUVjii l>own. l Mjssissij>pi Kivcr Pilot's, of Sfrlqula-.' M0.,-shows every indms plantation ami owner's 1 ’mime' from. St. Lot(is to! the Gulf of Mexico— /' 1,35*) rniies-l-every sand-bar, island, town, lahJiitp,! aiid all places 20 miles back froin the yiver—colored in counties au|d Sia;tSj : ! lii ice, sliu sheets; .;$2, pocket form. .and Sr,GU ta - linen, withroll'ers. Heady Sent. 20. . 1 ; JVOI7/ DqxiTtmnit, H 'aaijint/iim 1 ; Sept. lG, 18f;2.'. ■ ■ 1 ?• I-loyil—Sir: Scud me your Map of die ( Mississippi. Hirer, with pijioc per hundred T copies. Hcnr-.-ldmirn! Charles 11, Duvis, enii m&nding the Mississippi squadroni iy- author ixed to purchase os many as are, required fo- , use of tbntiqpailron. N ! . , 'U j fUPEOK WEI.I.S, Secretary of (pc Navy. ■ MILO A. ''l :V, ■ . DKAI.f.R IS, B O O KS ;. S TAT IQ'XIC ll y, 1 Wall •s.. ahd ' PAKCY •; A; rxcAi-s, ; .6 ' KHW BbIgHTON. DMI Jv IS TRA TO R’S: IS’ OTIC E: TTERS of BdtnmiatrationMtfcii the es- late of Saji’i. 'VYlisoKUlalc 6f Bacfccn township, Beaver cpuhtyidcio’d, .having been granted tot hc' onUert.) gnc d,', all ptretrS' itr- t ’ dcbicd to t*id estate avc to iaVkc ' i< -' immediate payment, and these Laving. eltdicj.. 1 against the 'same fheto, pttpulj'", >■ authenticated forf.ci>l<ir,<m. V. i .'i- ‘ “i , r ‘ P. M. JiElitv, r.accQcn l>i, ' ■ - Dcc. n, IRiiU. '• I 1 -iiaj'uititaicr.f :> . ADMI^ LETTIiISS ofAdmlnisiraiicn «n (lie Winto •/-"' ' (Of ‘ Jobs Cocb3.\kt, : lnt« iVc' her- f <mgh of Darlington, Bca.ver lcf n :B, ■/ jiec'd. battij,* bMn {»ranied tpjfccfimikitjglird. all p«*oi» indebted to said ctdafe arorccjuebt- poynuotjafia ifett baring ’. ; elaijus jfiWßgt; t£b ttom ! t pronefw^tuthMtieafcdfore eUlcm’f n(. t ■ - Jr». i'.' - •. -I•: •• TOWNSEND ;• >* • , / / / (
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers