catts&Tby misconceptions of the -jeiljrwhiqhrest.on.ineirnjijols through), ’ . the inllueneo of arU’u 1 anil * aide poli>| ■*; 10 clectioi I s ifeiaus, it is high tiinethe public miucl j copperhead, Cl Siibuld bej bp a held, atdl f«fo niter-, U nit ed Stales of .irhilirdivcstcd.-foUsueh ndsicfatie parly h« lt i> bightiiuc. indeed,' ; , , '• C that thoughtful .000!I ; v . of/every shade.of poiUin;d opinion, 'bo * ™ ar » f,r ‘\ r . i ugVeed in'their hastilitytd.oppression,'! half Star (a» f ’ and in their support «f| cmaneipatidii. |at present ah( i ; IjWt. 4|»w l»e common, ground lor all; toer iii.aeiisiot ''f t>olt ticalimnrtius jit - the i nat ion, as they' aced ia.their Advocacy 6f a ! ril ‘#r°* ££ 'repi.vb;i;-h:i, : for® of goy-1 tlyt,:iruo^••.(')' «i erhiiiciii. Thoughtful inen should j- withstand the _ irrirmid how, in .the long-run pfijtlijs cdilofTdjKi the seal ot ap-f ol^ u|, im J hs jda'ntfU; .Upon ibe right - line* • \ . <&'-conduct.-- Honesty in p><ili ties, as ! , It will take 1. AyelLa's. iii individual'. life, 4ili evef-.i malice out of ! ,! nnoro prove, soouer or lateiv to be the i the presence of i ik T l; ,W"-- r 5 '■ti>ags and c.t.i . tms Union requires the bad mspira-i . ■ ; i- 1 tioii of a loye of bondage to obtain the i-Ph I** 1 ** ,and : othe c:;ip!:iraeiit#-sO'ec,opy vifyilingiiitoplace ! about- the Hallj ■cad pdweivapon the su-pplogstone ol.j day jf .the eleci human No! nol Ins the j.qVjioso ' .fret: c.iHisioa of thoughl . which will',, , 1',., •:• ’ ■ r 7~- i- . • .1 .1 and bullet, thd artfc :;jion many, questions ot strictly, . ■• ■civil piJyy, in the vvelt kpown ' ,^ I! ;r ty; pf any party long-in power- llioi.r. wa ;apf=6 inter corruption, there is ample | force to abide! tielJ for Working chahgcsrHi the ad : J Caudus. amu jo; - miirii'tnition of the Govorftyiehta Let. . . . us therisi->Si<fiit m',tlus. houp ; I )at I, . zor '’.''' ■ ajiri the iiiiiion’s drust .in J. It- is said, am .'(io-d!‘ii5 r rclalisi He.'will an ’ shadjow ol .a do ' obedientaiid misting people. ;n the; Democratic? meJi ; .offion of eyej-y .iimeuJty Wltiel., ™*y \ ullc mrue ni lire lyaiisnirfli in society from v , iiii uoui- of slavery ? io tliaX lofty £ n V* n s 'o tc d-,for estate ■ universal •.lrcedonr r, ‘«.iU“tant|J', Gut • .■feigns. J-flj ; '■ .♦ .’ ; lluenced'to do _ 1 'A’Gu tr Ht' of ,%vliat I have jV tl.cjr peroral card to tlie choice jof issues \vlueh*iur , - 1 . ?• i , .. , - , r : ilo-vi ueve: vial ■ .people.must, make.! is this: i.iv -.‘.i,- '\lrn\Rtftft!;-£c-tri4i*pfrjfit by ' (he " : . Vv>- .-, ■**’ . U/ihti-,:tccl ■:,]<.t load Ikm. hy.-ed _*7yes til /:\si'<h:!‘-ir<f r. ]he Jti t>: i>.nt ;jv (-’-aSie. r:.e-:i. hep vw,point tytUa V,thy nab ./-V. ■]■<,■( This - wji] ‘ . ii,rv r t f the halt Slartm ?1‘ ,t.v l < till}; ir y ‘ ir.'itlnt . j ■ Vf>' Uvrk'mGh ]oh.l v!t,„tF,fy XortbnOi] true lueii spok J: UtihiKitton. 'i -The .■,«/>/ yitU.c-jy of r told like the un'auiul honot'itU? j-cuct:. Itft tv s\is(t'2in JcitUoTTr. ' ,-ike | Pr*ckitiu;u-t:t '4> %-nts-idr a ,>c&te, ‘ -v't'v'nw. ~ 1r- » ‘■■■i f- i- ! * .• •./ - A UVulUfUitrU-t i, \Tush ’Ut-nltt**** t.y ih<o-oy(r. *>t IhK lui- , - - nul anhx±-&u*l\ dxs‘ih:c(uii!iy,cndi and i- 6 ' lll^ cc *\ oa tiie ail . former .. .. C * .no pr*‘e uk-c-ieJ a ; . ‘<l i'co:,ei.i;i:rp -::!::cr wntiUr , ddi- the CJiiiuti oi| T!. i . ii - , .v ,r .L "i, ; h.;ve;l-icu m-tni: T A.i£<i r rLJS> l ifoiVlivc.: *•' - BEAVER, PIBV.VAr ' Jan.' 21st, 1863. : -T. GjcJT.icliolfeonj r TO OUR MATRONS. | - '.''We l.ttlco ;in o.iriA'M to (liO>o, vl'l«iur'HihstrilVKS in”a'rroiir.-/■ L;-i ;,.n ; ¥.lhoirin kt r. ; voinc ai:if„]uy up. liu-n "is J’.-ho Mine.-. .• liv'so do;u;r' vmi ’ , i ■ r . :>i v- * r-O *■* , UliU '■ r ::\ c r_o'/ f ; . ;is iiUc 1 !' 7 - tint ISi . f- djttiinwv|we..-wii! cha'i-ojj',*;!! who' , Layi- jsiiu ifi -rciiiiiot yot. -TiVii;'•i?o t 1, ' *•’ ? '{v ; .. '■ Cm V: ; Aifuiv Uib I>l of Ja;n;:iry. w'e . come . ■ r;i;;s l yU.c price hr ;nivi: <_ < * v 'x s eiu|it ]it;(l .to tJu t on ;u> p\foux»f of- ud.vuii-cu iii ]taper, 1 P:t- au ? i . ‘j-vr;lLa! f\vcj j >skl.^s,l/0• i*ji iar?t'Vuiiiiiicr -lliievl cut-i* ._«s litany~fc*lO.oU. Our atl-, uillcc v.iji’.s vji’i, iTu follows;- ■ ' yy t uutQ\ lirM.' . 1 jj;>m u-jr............ (■». Ho mid Ki’ra Polices...' ll' ( 0 • jjj; , 1 »ic \?h.'r \\>il adopt liu*;Jm»\v ratt> *,. • t • • * * • - ii * . i 11 \ 1 aii-yei 'eoni{H:lloa in do. t-._ X4'«||iJ tJA*j£iuc estuso ihat w.« .arc. lu A.iirsurl alljJlhei- jisfii-ts in ;the cmii!-,, pi ri> ti '■ .Cave* ini'!*. a.vJiT llic price of■ llioir (it.t U •r U /,■■’ . *?.• •T. - , .•.*.■• -j,* kjex-.n|ftjioii.anu.:. i * i rlisiUi'. l>aV(’ V Ilu t! l ,,Vii - V .I U ' r ’ ' V|,,M I ‘•• ur it^isU,llu is to V. Lawae.icc 'anil A. have just. , U the Senile, dnu !ll>n. '' U ' M ' ‘f.- 1 ’ 1 , - TOiij. llei. ry/of Ib c House,.lbrtjfublie ; > Wore •Ut • »it {faiaUt».■•■■■ ■ »••<* i : ”■’• t ■ ‘l'Pfrcd ( ’.'v.;iyii wo .sec editors Of : i'r-L- . ■ ■ ';•.*• ~.J Jlc ' v, '. > P^ > . t;, i*p’ch3i» r .sc arid rejoice at Aid iSi-CiOty i 0( fgueli a blate or anartiiy - i #ln ■ xyliijsl they;.all times x 'everjj, l-raliy. at 2 o-cloeli ; and viierevef Ibumi, fearlessly cou ?' ... ;'l \ n ; :p .(donm all'suelr loiTible oulraicss. iio„ \V. And'crsonJ ' •s' ? —I• ' ’ pi lC_i!r|’i'li. t’.. win) was hadly e*-sKs“l\lro aainyie editor of th.o-Law.- • •« givm atijl shoulder. rough its treasoiiahle ~i!arli:>nlu oi; JJtijl l.han, ihAagusi Ja4.-i V°! mi >»■*) says |t!i!a'.;Wo arc “uoteslihk, i l ' ’ V'”' 0 ‘ ;Jlc has _ c-«jntc-,mj*trLl«?. |aijj mean; have a had ■heeti-ui !j time he ' lCa ‘l and a \vjckp<i heart, and that wo riqei\ cd liiiy.-wo'ijnd, 1 huf, /is now dis- 1 favor mohoei aey.'’ Ae. IT it is “moh il.aiged. ijiule hisi a]\jiearance, wo ‘ ocr “Pj'.’ -to lavlir the whipping of a jnegejfo is oha.fair way oi"i eeovery. ; t.reat’borgus hound '(perhaps we.ought Lir !as (here in several hard fought' sat jyiuhr of throb months |7*s( ■ hattles, an<| ii as always <1 istfinguished ~)' •We jiload guilty—not 1 oae ef our bravest soldiers.. otherwise. 2lr. [Morrill, lash the ties- u.opb Ije taay f'.on ho restored 1./; iriealjle apd traUorovs tchelp "to Ids | health. ' s ; _J ■ - ikenned;. ...pout ho alarmed at lii’s *** ’ ■*'* '4 ' 1 < ■ I'tir'v !:i--;!rViv, J . ~ i .... ,• •?cuf kinder W-,-: : .r.v'. ,1 T .. wil. tj please excuse us ty,dt Vnirttlc* •’,* “'''.‘T*' l ;>* hireling dwarf; ” ,:;,i .. : . : "v; as ''y are only answering' fool ac- TUrc i- ■' 1 r B>rk'oa, KM. ■r f! s.iiy^ l .4y^i., 4 o„t iis Td m “ r :J “- • ,iifk-d States • -1° I 1 !; iat „?t c i^ 0l! >I' ii ou- with ;|! sa.Tl.o vote tor U. Senator ir. v.WJO/Lsul o! tlie-fauc srocs'.to the u.lbKjihc }PcnnVylvsinia • Lecture. stood I HT- , r ■Mr-jßei.-u is |as fellows : Charles P.. Buckalow. Ct* ■ . v r cri ' o!l for. hawking | Simon Cameron,'.6s,; Win. 1). Kelly” 4 u ’* : hes:iya|ll the Republicans;oaHtlng~\beir. <-r .r * - 1 '■ute. coujtaLk s and oil;icr« i votes for Carncronf ,except ITr. tal >t to sec; the law is enforced. 1 jiortjc from Bradford, who typted 'for . .fcy; M. s:i, ,bo. liar-1 Jud i■ : >4 ■ *■ [ 3 1 !i, 4*s» Telegraphy. lias ■been appointed i w . •■> " J^ 4 i'i* •;. • • ' to take thbplaCe’of l)r. PQlcstdn as ; „ A¥^ xa * >:; - Ja °- JS-.-The current then,,., td;rVi- f ' Tl ■ -that payments to :lbe..ariD3* he e o cutpf jlnj State, of I ennsylva- j hjyyjj Keen Kgspendetf requires correc in th cecity of Washington, in i tiuii. Nearly nine miiltons'of dollars the military huSincss.of ih'e'! av f b^en 4 ,aiJ | within .the last ten! CfamnWnVoalth arising with ' v l *' a ?n- P»P'o^»tB^cSterday3«xce«U^ i quajiticd for .the position, njul' session. • i.' ■ with his high -administrative abilities,: The joint resbjatipn authorized an panDiStfaih do be;successful: in-anv' addi^°'? al >»n.c| of IJ. S. ndtes only Td>i*l»e*>'-, with . i&l*b .b« 'wir = b« : * Pre ? i ‘? e “ t yesterday,,and -.: /; > ; to ; the l il ukix'r- : T-,, . , imnio Etator * . , in.iiUi ivoye iH-'ii-i ! in :£o. 7f> ’■ . Oi 'Senator. ii. of tbo } cold-blooded ! great Rarlroad, many of the larles lOiiuckalbw, us | P e ®P^ e pf county know, passes Senator by the Dewo-iM* 1 ™ tl)0 .heart d* centre of tbis 1 the'Pennsylvania Leg-:«j reat .Commonwealth. Its- eastern : cited the ■'-editor of tbo, terminus U at Philadelphia, and its r of the editor of the vpstern terminus at Pittsburg, pasi lbe luminary K f n g 858 miles through a country rich dm pl>one half its tor-1 *p all tbo productions . necessary to that lie yoeo- i/tr iu the iifcorru|iLibility of i'en w lib were aj>le to bribery 0.. Cameron,' as fgeS—of eourae.judgiug •:e!f . f-' ■ a l of the ro the affair, to tell'tluit |a hired band of thieves, throats. 'from Philadbl- t pls>ce«, wjero ’ iii and j'of the House on the lion, for the very ex ofScoia'pcllmg, hy steel ir pujk and tiue men aitdrous Bfockinridger ill, tonij.oiled by brtilo i, the. dcoision of King rUy of whohi wore syra- treason. ' I it is true beyond a . übt, that • sovavpi luyal i nbers,’w Ito wero-favor » or some other loyal Cuekalew with were compelled, of'in so, by bodfty' fear for safely, knowing that (•bed by fiendish ami ■ j.raitoruu'i>* men who fo whip loyal Demb- v i'.ilo .1 iO harness.— lUfrtr Vv'ilat is cal led |jy i incornijnihilUy office jn of. I'tj is fcoinetliiiig ily of tho-tfitizehs of Lx-mocralic polltielaii, iy of tlie.eioctilßi; that is a iJemobfat. vtrtjiijr • 1 , • ■ 'ff-Tes- 1 "Mr! ca ik]i J a te, w<in i d iltcil to leave the Cap- »-4hat 20 car-loads of Jvi n ridge lOemocrals, .sinks oiPhiladelphia, ) to the Capitol lor the iddaitng iuij* one tvlio is Imtorioi 'i lied 13 iy it*' lowest Oiroiighl n ■se o!' iiitit vfusc' 'tit vot<! im* tho .Caucus, had. hovctofore feiUocvats. : , , of tliC lultf. hlicoi.jtilf -ovc in his pipe.and Miiokejik ilicu he .quay have • «aiia,c to hisVliio-jy on tiio.tnafDuiuoci.'U.s Icclcd Utjokldew.' i.- i il be that ibis cuiloi has *jo- dat e to oi‘ .tile Ji:J that ‘l\ 11'-• Wll lie tlrO so reckless that he cun rcjoide i* victory achieved hy the blade huilel. pi I scape gallows "and -'s ' He who a short time ago I So taUfitipgiy about ropes. ho- Uiiig., out: lor traitors ! - These drtls who c-.uue. to'-.Jlartjshuru iuddalc loyai iiion aml reyiresvn ■ orthe people. and i/yloree ihem te against their own convictions >:ht. ought, ito have been driven p‘_lUc cityi'al the {loltit- of the ivt. Oar Coiihiiy has .come'ltsa The Pennsylvania BahroadL wise Pennsylvania to the front rank 3f; wealth and power. The | traveller d this road is carried over .the rich iii agricultural and mineral portions if the Stale'. The scenery jis uusur mseed in sublimity nod beauty. . cnnsylvaifiai always pub ic iraprov.cimjpits/ which . may give ilt a commanding;position m the Un on, and advance the in tercets of her iidu.stnous and enterprising .people, 1 i stly feels proud of this great thoro l re. i ‘ r But it is riot only that portion of the tat o traversed by this Central Roqd, til every county ajud district i >pr borders is enriched by the libera) |d enlightened policy 6f those wha rjanage and control this great Road, {urnerous branches run into rill the ;i eat coal and iron regions, and give market for every description of ag- ; iculturah produce,even teethe interior arts of; tho Stato hitherto, yielding Jithingc VastKttaets of country, al most unknownhelore thoconstniction of this Road andi-its -branches, have now, by the munificent liberality of tri° Central Railrbad company, been offered up, andwitli, a. constantly in ci‘easing'popurrition,|cbntributb largo toithe genefal.Jvvrialth and ’preemi nence ofrouV greaf State. I •.jEvery one who feels the smallest degree of State pride will bo. pleased j to] know.that the | Pennsylvailia Raili! j road company, aftey having develop!-.' j eci the resources o|‘ our own Stale, has i ! been for some time extending her con-' i uycion with other States, particularly' : | with the great West arid- A ortic West, jaijd by these means drawing into: j all the great and accu-j i ni,plating piodgelions oi thiwol iiu-ij | mensc and rich regions of country, r i j'i'oj tb O: -:lsa u age me n f of, this groat; .1 highway,« are immensely indebted ! ; for our present >nd prospect! vc pros*! i purity and .power, Through thlsaiid I | bljier inijirpvtTirieuls.Pe'.i nsy Ivunianow | | stands highest alhong the States of the I I Union, and with such men as now] j.euntrol lids Railroad" she will always 1 j bej- in, the; lead. Ao man connected ! j with Railroads stands higher than.l ! Mgar A. Thompson, the President.— J j His,great ability,.his liberal; bold and ; jco iiprohvnsive policy, justly entitle * i hi;j ' to" (lie position of the grcuUsi| 1 Railroad ilia linger in the United 'an | Col. Thomas A. SebliVthe,!Vice? i President, possesses i talents, energy and enterprise. Sol 'higbjy was ability 1 estimated, that since the breaking put’-' of the.rebellion,he/was called upon'by. j tin. gdrernnieiii to .act- uk assistant i Sec relay - , of War, which he held Mop j some time with honor to himself arid ; bei eiit to. the coiu&ry. Bui the Penn-j\ sylyama Railroad company, required | his aiKji he Was re-called-'to'; Ph ladelphTa where lie now- is devot-' ing his time, his talents riiil his ener- j |"gies to the promotion of the interests j I of. the company and illic fjlate. All j 1 who ary concerned in lids g’rciit enter-j [-pride appear tube peculiarly, tinted Tor; j the ■positions they occupy., i Vvb feel! proud ol'.our Railroip'ly System,; and jof lhu men who si ccesstuliy mWr j age [yid.control ids affiirs. j \J'c will have more to say on this f ■subject'. ] ‘ : -j : #r • y vt ' 1 .5£ . ~ ' I sjgtfjhJjrifT* liubertfj' received, on | last! Frhfjiy. tho warrant for ,llie'*ex« ; j eutioii o( Eli F. Sheet!, whois under I Heutcnci! ot - dehlh Hor the murder of Jol ri'-AnSlcy Friday, tho loth day of April next, is the day fixed for his execution. ' 1 Mr. Editor Wi noli of last wock.'ao- artiel icai\dl the lihi h brigade. hardly . believe that t still aspires to the jirwii man and a etvrisiian e thtol heart to write. I i Ibrjllijj sake ot consist* christianv‘charily, thai liie Say diil not write and that’ ho may din .next issue. If lie doc. I would gay 10 him that he deserves j to be hcjd up to the public scorn and I contempt of every enlightened citizen j of j Beaver county. The malignity! couched in that short paragapb, thej treason, embraced within it, slump it as par tapin'; much more of tbo, spirit of a lickspittle iJatis than of thei temper' of a- loyal citizen of the Uiiioh. Surely the editor of tho .Sftir will not let the blind] partizan zeal, which has of late obscured Ins mental Jjoirizen,’lead liim/tpj|lrtioih the path of rcctitudo'us that-pa ragraph would impel us to believe. r' ; 1 • •■j v’' Yours, truly, ■ iiVi . ■ i * *■-»■■■ f i- ... £ ; isrwe are instruel jhej case in Court whk Iqcior expected would during this;week, has lie will. therefore iea\ tice of the tinio-aud p whore howilfbo to re •ppMr is enr Bwftiac "' I ;■ HArrisburoJ Jao. 17,1:868. , Kb, Emtor;— The.JjcglslatUrvha* been in session now eleven working days. They Lave elected a Shaker to each branch .and together n U S Sen* a tor.So much at id“no more*’ except ap poinliagof committees. Your Seua .tor ia on “Estates and Escheats," “Pensions," “Canals andlulmidNavi-: gat ion” “Ejection District,” and.“ New Counties." Tour uimt'idr, Mr, Ilonry. isor “Education," “Corporations," and i ‘'Federal Relations.'! : Mr. White, Is 1 on “Pensi oh.s“New Counties," and “Mines and Minerals." 'i Tire election of U. S. Senator was" the.occasion of sottie excitement. A large number of hard cases were bro’t up irem Philadelphia lor the purpose or jintiinidating any Democrat who was suspected of.leaning' in favor of Gen. O’amerpp. Tide, ■ they .fully nc complislied. and also picked' eonio. pockets and then returned ■ ■That great: curse of Legislation “FiyoTickots,"—-is exhibiting itself al* ready this session, i flow can', aiiyjf | body of ruen| ? wiBe and bonesf as tbojy may be, carefully * a'nd intelligently I examine: .'important mutters whefe they adjourned over from Thursday to Monday .evening, and fly to* parts known and unknown., It'can'not 1 be done. It hits been tried foi“-suvorul yearsand has sadly failed.| The last House of Representatives was much over the average • in intellect, and about as honest ak the.average, pud:- yet seldom Las so little of. praetfcai? benefit been done lor the people. Tlio preseivy House is not . equal to the last, II think. Many of the ’ prom iiient members of 1802 are missing. Wilji.ams, Scd 11, Bigbam, Armit rqng. Abbot and Bankslare m)t here. \ They will; be missed: I , I ; 1 i . Mr. Hopkins .is again at work on liis Ptirdon, and Tonnage Tax. ~lle votes dead''against the . books, bat takes and keeps ihenV w|ien the}- come.. 1 sec by the Auditor's'report that a Mr. refunded 'live dollars. As this is just the t prileu| paid for Piujdon, the inquiry naturally arises what has become of the ijtlier 'thief. dollars. ' ,■■ -,J! ' :! : ! The Democrats have MeCTrath of Philadelp- Tieasurer.' Tl)e re’publ uate’d Henry }). Moor able' and .accomplished Tlie,result will be know inst. The Legislature at if authorized I lie liuveiyiol conunite.ion of three to rl enutf Lhivh ol the .Stale, nor. ior that purpose, i lawyers— Thayer" of ilfCleUan of 'Franklin of 'Lawrence port; to ilio i here was'a “lave ern in .not’puUiii". at, least.; man, ot every day life, mifteo. ' • . : Bijt ad the tlio printing or tliul re have an opportunity ' yourself.;' ,’i For ,tho Alrgds. i 3 - ipn<»u: In tho'days of'Androtv the ist,*whqsesurnuino was Javksohj there, arose in the South a mighty' man 01 valfii., and an j apostle of De 1 - moeraey, who aimed ,to| he the Priest ol the. iustijiuiioii llewas a’ n|au of n.unjy wOrds, and hhlJ : a pusiiion ih the Senate: for the Givai; SaulK«lniii oh, thepeopleUvhero lie \vielded a might}- influeheb. Pe ing ambitious. he .said, make unUflho South a God of ebony, whose Sfe ;shaii lie an hundred cubits and whoso shall ho forty S will his night foot shall’ rest,on : itton inillsOf Khropefirnd his Jeft; shall test hpqii (jjie golden' sands of the Puisne; and thej nationsi’of the: earth shalfhow dmvn to him and ’do lion : honnijte. IJ is word b bail; tbihiu:. -and' his nod shall ho obeyed.;,and, IwllHbe; an High ,Priest unto him,'find "will j Tl’P.ine a Deeailogue that:sjliall lie hiliil ing upon the'people; and [the flrst aiiii nm-t: important eOiiunaiid wi!l;bo j r. Ist Thou shall steal —‘JThou sjialt commit adultery! •hi. Thou Miali multiply anil .rtHiiejn*; ish the earlli with the rioe-MrealvCd : striped ,;and ail • muViiier jol' shades of complexion. . : 4lh. t bou shall. cohabit with thy slave or bond woman, \Vhdse incrtsa'HO J shall bo a merchandise unto ihe u.titir-i| most cm,ls ol the earth. ’ i ! nth. Thou shall take possession of tho Government of this-mighty Jllb j)Ublip, ai)d rule Jin the Groat Sanhe drim of the People. • (ith. Thou shall rule tho, Northern mud-pills with a rod of iron. : i For the Alrgus/ iced in iho Stur i headed •'Fur ."winch I would llie who i ior*ofa gontlo .•ouhl have, had would lain hojiu,’ ciit-y, and in all . the., editor' of Iho ‘paragraph, •ttvbw it itr his ■ 7llr. Thou shall compel that hddk billM bird of the North, that repre sents the Goddess oil Liberty, .to take up her.abode in some land where there isno .niggers. : . J . ■ • j.|i. j" Bth. Thou shall preach that |Slayery is tlfe corner stone of Frceddrn. , VHh. Thou slujlt preach tlio Divine right of Slavciy ami to rule. • ' v ■ .V _ 1 t.., 10tii. Thou shall preach th!c right lof Secession j-and.'rebellion whenever .we lose tho/contro| of the govcrn ! inont, and sing Hosannas to the’ebony |(iod of Slavery and Democracy. - jln obedience to the Ist command, [ Texas was stolen from Mexico, laO,- 000,000. ■ \ ;|i Amount/ Stolen from the | X/iiiicii ’. .‘States, for her admission into:the : JJriiori, . 1 ‘Amount taken, in the repeal of: the Missouri cbmprpnjjso.iVonv the Unit; , odStatce, 200,0W'000. _ i I : Amount stolen from the TJ. ,S. by Kloyd, before the Rebellion, id > per* j sonal proj>erty, ICO.OOO.OOOi’ Amount 6f| Forts, Arsenals,: Docks, &c., 150,000,C00. Amount be stolen front ! Spain by the Asteud fcbhfSieuce; T|500,000,000. ~’**■■):, : i Amount attempted to ho stolen by /filibustering in'Central America and I Mexico, 100,000,000. r l i i Amount Stolen from the Indian Trust Fjtind. ISO.OOOjOOO. ; .Ammiat n«t detected In j00;000,000.. not <]it>'avo.\v it, ;od to say, that h the U. S.Xkih detain him he re bcjdn continued se| Ip-day. Njo > ahop. when and t, a - L„- icwve taxes, will :•■*») hand bulb; nominated Mr. for State leans; ru noiiii- I', tins'; iiresent. | ineuiiil'eiit —- n on the lOtli ! ' !. '■■■■' ! . ' 1 ■ ; .:■ is last sessioli i - ' to appoint it eviso tin - Hov- Tlio |C«/)Vcr-' ‘< l li>cted ( Ihvo I’llilillK'ljllliH.i anil iliCoijib'; X'iv.V li:i Vu Vaadi' a ije re., 1 llii.ik | >IV t'lMiliiiiMiitl-! one' jnai iiilVii:' oa tl.u : coin- e/littA oniccrd >cin. jutli'ifis' for. 1 . \ ; ' =I Letcerfrom the Anderson Troop 5- GaSIP REAR UABITtXEtR, V ,-fj Jan. Bu;;’ti3. ' / '■Dear Parents and Brothers:' I sup pose ere this tiinoybu bumf formed! opinion that I Lad forgotten, all those dear to me, whom I bud. lull be hind; but no-—wo have been knocked about from post to pillar, ,\vl( h scarce ly time to swallow what; little wo do ■ jjat t« oat.',. .-.. 4 •'.!.] ■■ ■,! we left Louisville I had bald ly time’to do. anything. 1 intended writing home, but could ( not. Eb. .wrotq a- few lines home, and I. then thought it would not make sio” nuch | difference. , |We wore over ttvo voeks toujour way! to this place. When wo iherbASwo expected' to stay at least week; out instead of that we jonly f topped a day dr two. Wei arrii ;ved> liens on the ti-ith, and mare lied jwith {.lie rest of =1 tie army .on thegCtlii iWw travelled until about Mf o’clock at [ nlgbij when we slopped in a colrttioki] jled.ofir hoi-sca somo corn, and pro ceeded 311 bur way until about \'i o'- clock,! when until inorjaingi fyUiutpay Moi niny, Dec. ;G2. ■ ’ ' TJifs abddl ihiy hght ' wp tnovojl with flic army on its way, the pavalyy beiiig- inj the adjvUuccLi ,\Vo had gone but a short di.4aneu when skinuiwhnig began on the right, j \Ve were divided into squdds •1' aljoiil teii : each;! and thrown' lout on ,tlie rod left of the tump ke, (Thbro dy about 200 of uur regiei eoI i wit K-n«;. .'Jibe rest staid behind I ihville.) Our Company wils :di nto squads, ’fHio OdbTwasin i ily about ten .me i,' - £)). ! wasi oilier; squad' Oap|i.V-ilii-st ; .liiVd ! ; •of mV squiid v and u[bl*aver man 1 irew urc'iiiij. Tim wiis j ■ in chtirge-cif Lieut.jScogbr. j Ourjsquad; (jfaveled along. Until woj came lip to vi her.;'l he refiVi pickets;- >V(tre, when .1 j .espied n“jtfeb-” oifgi; | horse. j,pu»'riij|“4or dear .iil!c, end h-adf-j ing amjnhor horse; but; a" {bull )( ,{- tw’bj fioni (iiii-Jjoy.s soon stopped Tie ; let go the horse he was leading,, dis-] I'jmpuuU'd and took oil' his hat ai.d gavel |.l](ilSiiarl|' .Up jis a prisOnoit. ile ;w'j;s| jbtibii f hack to Ilgad-quaKt-hi. in I I o(ie 01-V.ur ij.< ij; his hur.-OS / also. 1 J 1 e saifi iusv a,-, a hljai-ksnii’iv o’f; a reb'e. regiinetii.. jliV'c did nVii stop, long t to ask vquesl ions. ;.-Beirig tiro cxtrehlc'j' .t’iglitmi abb skirniishcrs.-jwo travcl.dd f pr</Uyi last;- ’ : and4tije••/'rfijsjt tldng wu ( (knew *>urs|iiall srpmd' was hailgi'iniie | •in tileladvAncc otgli tjho ykirniis!icrs, J | ajid;i.ii| roar iof < ill J i eovjl i ; ’ljbi'ii w.e ‘ Coinmei ewlj lo'i 4 hrow gin r. j k iolr-n | luiif, ■ j Oiirj; ill )V;irl ichlar I 1 our attention. • J’ll.u rode a ; : si'a.w-u l.ito horse, and rna.!*• litn's.*ll ; j jyerjj e|Hispii:|h.ns' V!.v Ayjo'i*’ day. • '-'in! batteries hait'Viiiellii-d the reheis ‘‘ /lor H*i hob iv iff lwin ."ant I .•ele’tHrg'.-ATtv.i hy -Mjfjo! Eijink SV'.ni-’d I ;in' dfe'fu-ljabhi !lVt?m their pUsiiiolf. j . A i ’• One eimigj mhit ni,oiit|ni; /()iirfiig'| the c.lmrge led iiy.o.nn- [fearless, ni;i|r-:-s, | Miij. d dseiigaid.eii; (iiVir st-Inior ..Major) | ■■was-trying. lonuilre a relicj sarfcjd!i-r. j If e first, jt lied t o pul his sn herj .1 hroegh hini; epuld Hot d , .. ;iiiisi he throw: iloivni his j niul I was aboilt to- draw Ids. rey«>lvcr, wlioirriie ‘•itch.” knocked; hiny -dojvn Wghdlni 1 butt of his niUskhl./agd Was trv to elroku liimv wher. the Scif.geafit itajor t/arne tq.his relief!, jm 1 h-d: [..ho i-c-htvl off,' niul Itiiilt ’lliin■ prisoneij-. all this: wasiigoiiie; j|h, out isrpiitd whs ; hrihjf.iiway iu | /At about.: ill, O/ejoek wo droveijtflioni fyoiir.their jiosit[on lahoui two Kve cojuinc nbod, lirjiig oh fb(,Mij; '•jt thing we know’) a couple' of hurst rigT l behind .ris; their i I?1I pwyu-ofmMiskotj balls;;viiry Jglymmo )1 us were Imrtj W« . stop very long|in’Uris jrplftion;. [was ono i mu inis.|iug after w-h jt this place. lie’ has not ! yc| «l>- " X : ■ hie n p. light* WaB'OI 1 l along at Ka. vided liad' c, in the oluirgi liever m was thw ifin shells cjuncj.'i fortini: ditUnW There . hiul U-f lurried -■ ■■ I ■■ /- j Sunday; Dec-. 2811 1 . ’.02- i ! ay hotlnng, of niuoh noto ■ oe- AVo have not much to! do. . | soi;iday, .\)cv r ; lit*Lli, ’O2. !■ T! is morning-. as usual, wo were up very early," and' oig'our! uiafoh.-', AV £ traveled: unlit noon, : w|ion in e. t-airio t across . the omi'iiy’S ;pipket;s; a U-if -i piliots front our dutttories oWfl; (horn Hying.through the) woods'. \\ *.! klopt littviujoiiigf'vin two- -wings,. Uiej right,under IWarcl. uiidjhe left untleii j lioseitgarten. : |We ; marching j toward a |iii;go jneoe 'ofwoodsy lliei right; reached the .woods -a| firUie in.' ativulie’e ot*]tl)is left, (we [word’on iho i jleft) when firing \\ art iigiiin hoard. \Vo j had thi'n got into tiiio V«>ad, and wo ■ went galloping up to file place' where j ithe fifing : was icard. - \vd'l'the woods we Icgati to'yell,j and into the woo), sWo started, yell-ij ing likii so' inaiiy. Indians; blit wo wore| stepped r tit the sight of Major AVard {teing wounded ini the left side, through the lungs AA’o were rushed I forward.a short distance, when; they Oponjed a .murderous fifoj upoji.ns front' behind a.rail tehee and out of a oorn field|-, il saw Major- llioscjigarten’s hors,onfall. ' He wits trying togot freffu ! ■under, when a diollcd placed his gun to j hia head and fired. AViheu jhis body was recovered (Which was not until the there Were yit Icttst a half-dozen ballsj through, his body. The i rest • who were ||il!gdj >vef^.all non-co.mntissioned oiliebfs, except one little leljow of Co- E, fiyoin|| Philadel phia, a private, and a very intiiiiate friend bfEb.' and myself. Nionc of the killed were brought off flit! field until the nexi evening. ■ ,j *" ,* . To-fi cumd It was iafterwards ascertained that pur little band of. one 'hundred and fifty oi two hundred men, had eharg-' ed on two regiments ot jiiifaniry,’ sup porteitby two of cavalry! I, astonished tllb rebel officers themselves;, to think of it. ijpne rcbel officer said: “Whor’o are |foji|}fllows from ? 1 would like to have a regiment of men like these few;” I ' TricdrtcsAjy, Dec. 3d, '62 ; wo wore .drawn -up in line; »y day. as tcs«rr’e«] but were npt nslKiW. TWi mftrnfnjj w* wirr «r- 'I fierce! to Mho right, being about four I Oaipa i- s- ; [ miles distint- fnfm where with were. If jvMiieh 'vr i i*. We travel!.] atbrig rpadjabqut two!: Sid arrive,tM imles, wofturnod off into tlie|(.‘antiirl> o/!hn j woods.; Wo bad gone but a short ,lis. ; vTs 1 t«nco tjrbcr. a battery opened up.Vus i boats Iho u f r )! !a y lro.« apieceUfrotni. Very - ualely there wks only one Igian hurt.! of thedopHfts I What was wono than all, the battery ’ eart h works m ' . rbi '>l | which fired or. urf proved to bo one of! fort from bo, ?w% our sown, sat..,. Jd there to watch 'S’ some .rebels *4 It >as supposed,J somedamace^fT £r Were coming tlmt way. Wo soon balk reached our position however, and > m.rtoft'killi'n^ 1^ 1 h ” ° ol !, ' i wefo drawn up* ijj line. But a si,On “ i' 1 ' 1 *’* time; elapsed Wuou skirmishing oa*4f-/i -'. v> on our right; ll.ej-e being dm? fdw of:of Wlfc: Ph 1 P ,, »-.nj^K( on, -y'«to»aV and ;rummer,Vs i„ -.i'. i« of i.dantry,; wd. fell | daffiftonA !! j™’ ksJ ** i back! about three hundred yards] and i ntents. 1 i, ol kitowiM. 0 le ? 8! had scarcely got into lino of 'bkttle l!^ at + ; we sfiw a-h rge body of tawdry Ml, We also Vn t *•' out of the woods' in front o.f, i.s. amintirii.if..,' i.;.- i tU; -1 - « 1 W e ’wire - lor rriy d inline with a &;*»•!»* &W poured.a. volley V'vi!,.,' /' :,i ” tOithbpl,and ther . charged oiv'tliein;| thejfivcr bn- >« a,ul the 3; had ourfoiic, j time l k we drove b; ck iwithoullosing u! so Ik-uV ' ■ UI "V rr ’f"o man;} killing.andltvminding several off U r Asinv, , v • 11 ••• jthe u{nemy. This-wiis about 4 o'clock; in,r V. ' f : l, lr in t.he.evehing.\.’ : iVd fo tight theni .’—V j 1 Id dark, when -drawn Tip in ; ' j. ln - jv .: V lino, and'aiil ono ir horses until.near- 'ul HV’lim-1- V’- * ry. 12 o’clock before wo wore relieved, f tblldy ingl^^h' v' Thursday''Storming, Jab. lat, ’"(Jo/. joeived■: ■';•■- f; , ; /■' u ' Ttys morning wo . were relieved a- i'Post otVA •kuiu-as,: kout- 0 .o’clock.-' and' after getting: bleb; (Irai t, weiity rounds-of cartridges' tin'll.'ye-; of the Teiihe.ssVn' ; r'ii,. t £;- yj,;' to (A*#: Kosecraijs’ llca^xi 1 - lv liVJ l ':i thuivlu- tcu-ss-' uai'ters, halted- to-wai-t • conniuVi;,.! attai-lh-ii tl.if !>.,£ „y\; >r siuio w:igons| v (a ;tiaiti gloat lour; sVistat tin ile's long) which wd .weitrro, guard’; the 4iWmy.‘s..w -r a v -4 ; Nashville.; Ta re _guiiril'. icoyi'sis.ted of pn-Oiiv|s>. yaijhaiU v .-O;. : i,thj ody Qhio j.civalfy,, uj part of-a j.S*t froini’ sevi ; ir-ii„i ( .;^„ J / ;' u t i,,'. ;|'jnC isco'i cginic |n,and about. g.OO of:sand:- . - a :|- ■j, jV rJicgintefit. ; ; \fcn Went umty-kidj ;a»i.!imlvamf‘jii};i:,^it,i s v it p u v,. i}ef<jahout- 'seycn inilc.s fixn'ii tiie jilarc • .Ryti'r; y A ni'.iyilJ.Jii;..-;.! .jJ p ;S(iiVtcd. breakout tcii ‘ tidies, ./■-•■ •!!:Hiding tU-tksd.dsinnT,o, r Gen,. Wlicclei'l's TennCs ; en.-ei-u.-itTv an-i. nrihumil-v'- lirigadbi wc jiad. iouglil. ii> a«Mitpl:--i.ijig i-reiioh-t., ' driven (back 4 the <ia\ I,fik%c.: : -'lri i.A. iV-An, i,/ •charge tiic -da y,~ bctOrc.AVuVcaptui;-: V -S. (ja.t.S t jihr.'i^''; tiicir i-dlorg./ .On onc;sic}u tircvl- j ■ y : «V f -’——’ 0 i'l.nis iusgrijitif n; ; A '; y I \ Biittaljon L\tvdlri/;" ' j.'i'l.-lif;,. s Apj rfl jowly 1 -K--.. r 11"-other. ; } \h UJeath ■ bcjqri ’SubJu'/utioA.'’, \ , ’ i i:|' ♦'ijjii.r.' <.?i] i,.>y .•»; rhank God.--rt.-e wbioi'Od t I'i <-ni hi; 'lUvs-' -j,'! hr j-. tm, iV'ftem v.’ sycond a!feiujii pit -al,pur f-sig-/ .-v:', h; ; 144- -'• ’f t rain. f .'iwo ' il si . v '4 Jjgjdptn i' cral - jiicces M Clio,-li>; n--i ; -rfiiitifu-ry. jii.ii to, say, that; i-0.-ri -'■uiliiiu'skciity Jh, foijr n'lcii to p;l ■■ i„viv,-:,s.kre-H”) IggA’i’ kliiCito go but. ■; i ;.; ;; i ,-. jn-*.--;y- -s ■; |ii.aii!i.(-;i-A*)i]ry . ; i■ uns-.n-ct-.r-.i'.i 1 i b uiunb-ii ■ iVm?i it. j- VS. ''l\ y- it.. o- v . ■ ivi- '-ti..0 , .l ■ traiu.-r ■is nicy; jfiyd; the red' br(4-'.-v • ■lie sij. many /.at, in the dttigtf 1 I ,'l .:b : :, V jen-tai.t ii’iy.-yvi3|-}.O •ien'co* atlf.hg', -rilie.j':' d'h'e VK.v',; i.r’.|-t.'H» • shells ...Avar'; yralber ■ i-oiiiicyr ;e,•, very trot -Vfti.V ‘ ’ :.iud,|-l ani slfli-spa-i .... i,v,-iVi.-,'-V d health. r -. : ... A i.n-;.b.;i-yi-j,.;.-. i. f . . ■ry', : i5l deed, the ; r.; .vy;n; ’hoOir-n ich . ekists 111 rtiic I.;h t'i-e-.-'iie.i-L-dk'iy.'ii, I yib-u.-V; . bur Ih--y ur t.--■ - • -,• ■. • -,};;i,[ :.;,o. m -s<> biatiy vi.ngsj'an.i i.i r ' J -.t'-A-T.T t iTi-i'.'*"b-»hio*iiii’jr li tnioyggo'azrdy | AUI ; ciA’sbv ;i,.. y- : I'esortcd t(V. to t,;iy»*.f?.-i i-h ji-ar.-u. 'ifirhe-t ■' 'I. l anv not able to; (Mii'li, V • 1 1 sir'**, t-i.t ii ut-ft 11-'.I 1 -'. . 1 : silci vt d la-l ; sri-iy i,. bt '->ur* i-v.i*i-;0 t 'rn .-i I i rttiini. lAy dlbiiV-vcrs ikii.c]u ycuiiwiedu'c pi vrhuV-i . body',hi- --in-bn. ‘as, it;ne.'|'jaKiy;tv.-' ,tA ;X-s*>.-j';t : x 1 spared .-.ridgyl out-; Utile! onn'i.- I’vid.,- ytiy-s go v.-i jii inie.n.'. jiicfinit the >i'nf t vitii. ami; not \v! t lr‘; 'ijvpr,. pa rod pb; ih.ljb.tkiu: ii'.f ■f 1 ';, ift- Kii Y»rH ‘. V \v o our i.iio, u rry. . am wviv i lit wlii'u. itn- . ■ f ueufly tlir 'vv.:is ti:i j-.;i I v nd and liidu,. l';| and i: ivc •tatlcrod and ■' lird iuivi. tiiiiiii). 1 was iliol. • Tliallk ! nd liuve jjjooi' in Vi ry . sur Wlaolidv \y’ul six is so gj’Jt-ntl better titan.! giindtV is stij djli.l‘o I vi! 1L? 1 i lidlidr itwii ijtliiiig is c-t niitlier. soil'd oil. ’ Ir.l iiin s,; I, will,: a! acquainted st-l'iin 1:t-rS 1 . as-.l. f ii!id hi,s Xt’cmain !;'liha. rebel yi, , 'j ..' % airalfeetioi a "to 'f V i .. j i|mr'owii j.em./’yk V/..- ii, i.v I ;Sa:.;x• T.. Hamij.r<)S-. >/' ,; tire'at','- iSerg’t..CoJ 1,, Andersom!i'a;oop. ' \ / .'■■■■ i* |d- /•';• - : 7 "" ! ' /. •• OBITUARY ■/ ■ ■ -■ '<■ ' •:'••' '- r ' 'i ■ ■’ / '.‘l 1 ell . o\i • -■•I: }■l ; (PA ! : y :■ ■ All -Appeal X'-y ' Vf.,. Mr’\-I#y\.i tknkp. M jroit oca Bjik;AST> noyifttii solbisns. .4;;k:.!iv J.'yi.Xrt iii > ■ i,i) ’ La l ii e Aid Split let V ;J! i iV'.’lVcl’. ; 'l’bf :'. ■■■i-.y :M. apt ker in; ajipeal to mi clliz .•ursjso :iii| ;i rtu'iu in llt / tie- VtbW" -'tUei'y mv eiimiribnlihg flieir ‘'iei;<f’p|(kw;ifds ■ IVVoe-vh mn;i H-f lint alleviating liesti Verings of - '* >’f dud..wounded soldiers. Wi.'if innuy ' ..p 'nf < -in■ l-i. > liavc-rgeiiOroitsly- a tied lis -. Jj'A'i' are ; (•nine- an;:-;ii|;tt k i--;i' yet,; iiiany oiiiers 'toi loaViv.4fi;«.*.ii-; pro.; y,> a i-n, ■ t.t- 1 • <; l in -i; ,in"v L . _ \}eimSd •' front si>,; doing jir ! kvek , 'Vi ; ,;,,,,, ,j.d v , (..> i i i. kV*>n!ivdgc ol a,l . v Styiety ,; irl 7,g s I *>'■. ever pm, do .(.reive and" dlnet t!scpr.f o.miri!.ij-; .. ,y, ; - d -ed (ions. Especially is llj‘Fsl .(j^t?asyv_p ( . >| -.. j':!.,,; |. a rti*\;hij’. ■'t wit lip oill'p I/.-;, i, (hfit (k|', u'l-.-’il. i p!:ij> ,:jr l lV:ps&dSJ". At. lb s ' tiiniS wlien . titled { o '< v iii r jai'tAi-Ji**'! ; <-•■:>l.l tM I- otii iuklmiids, sons Ain(i : , i:; ; vo :1 /i|i -j’.'isivi, Siio '.'-vw..,V Til'O 111 ill's,' is SO urgenty V.‘o _ ti-<',l:'e<'.ufi- oion:'inp;i-:ni-:yi|; : ; . cfftlX- ujl lliat is -ki'ij-Vii - (vml. '• T caii attontion . to. like lilct; j’.'thaf '■■.liiV-'inT.skldm s->’.was..jjiioi'ni V i*v; iiiijies.of.Bcavqr ,-htive .a;.reguiar fir- • i . ll ti t .riir'-'V'lU'iiui v>.A vorv_gmm, ■■■'_ daiiizai;iou«Jor, tlui ! j*ur pose'. -an d - lliatip -, r !aiVt 'sT:e aU'kv'it nwriiom ‘ t'-®'- •- anytUing ]»1 siced in .tbeirvj.lisimJ.s. gpk iu.-VW. >ljd ;si’u- rnpinr ■ I elaithfully lorwin ded al. i dislidlniieil! 'j, lt (.ulni-. pcno-oAd.' anA-■. r>..; ' i>o'n;iiioiis qf'i the follouiiig,. vtii-los ■ ij u ;. Waited Jjif edmo’ g, i>t h<' r V will be gladly rejc-i ived by; ' Jlitli; nuA own. A itjiy. •{ (Beaver Hotel ) or. any .other : meiii'lK'r; | uM , .iniod v. ;',- of the society ; ■, / >:Ti - wnmlled. d j r riiits. di ied 'and airtiglil;| puiohs ; ; [yd/i'oe sM-ii^gi-'i'V : '' e’’'l; - . 'apples ; dpineslie v ines dud gVdpcnes,: , lt Jene-ili eVae'e. 1" of: all kintls.- . I > i!io\v>.; eoniiorls : idk-’dlibUoi'#t M >7 - 'blankets] Canton" Haimot .Vjk] inusliu'- | ! 'r .' ; shirts and draw-cos ;V woolet; siyks c ;-» (),y (iino nk'' “tp 1 .' 10 ' l> ji" C. eapd and. .sli])|i;er;,; sheets ; /.divels j;, , lh ', bandages ant) raj!;s •i"il: V ~ |L t .d .intod^V 1 -.'’? -y' By <v4-yer :o.l| ‘-1! 1,*,’... ■■■"•j-ii.e oamt !n\el ' JlLl-Vd* fch': Ove.yy ■ ' , J . .'elMniLsproad oakoii'.''- . 1(5. obn;;]-J,f)ng-:^'^y|' 1 i .Inn-o. . | . ■ , lit iShelby vlllc.Avilbj ' *>_<..( , ta-j'inid-.-vlw from Jyoc'kpariny:: .irtswl £(!**■ k rf/ ed- ({■oil.- Bi-itgg Jni.;.-y \ ); ktlo-Hl>>ii.Shd.0*’]' ebel army ]u ‘- i T€n--,;.-J v '*" j ; w ,\ ' '■ ;V. - ijv C;:a sjit>; ation has Keen r<? - tAinid itil'i ■■■ sm-d? 1,1 ts rlvat efforts --arc iu |..ii: : in^!d™" ( e ,Mr . ‘:i : from siipjdiescjand , - -. . :iv vf .tn.m. rnsb it. : ok. • will attack ns. ; it is 1 IAUh-' dd-.y t-'"l . ; nib [-ij. iic Ids ." :i,r ‘ e ,■ to- nurnhor about „> A ’ . . „,ji Ucr-fuiS .shall Imyc stirring ’ i' Gen.-Rfiseerans is •, ; iviku.. : yio>» w “I y ■- . the-enemy, but will ;.. ‘ -y: : '/i: m untiiueertaiti ex- . TtoitoWAV? OisTMEsr-'-j io-.;destruction of a■ are Forrest a)i.d dim | t ' l!;V „ tie kfe’U ■o Dont of f“T|' as adding ; 't^ e [ diseased. -it i dllh ‘;"' K;., n in the jilth uist. .j. •... v,,.«lihV »‘"in*n, - ! ~,,r : t fe: n i bn ** re^ el uo ; vs li&tiwjuhiKiii*!* <my; but bopo ‘or | - &' ,w r .* .k- / t I i‘ - 1,- Jan et reel has- arrived thirteen,, brigades and liiisl snperpeii command of th'o •: n.eeeec.' Mieliablerinform •ee i red .from ecqu being made by tin crans’ afmy off retreat and thti'tV i i tjen. JjOngSltee saiij/ next weeje-ji t which-is tnqn'gh 45,U00 i.nien. ,Umes- liero soon 3 l fully prepared fiir not move upoir4!>i peditions .etfeef t railroad, :andnapt men or drive then » TheCluUtanoo day, a lar and transports Mississippi river < ; Wo have noth h<*-e,apd iWsl glo boat. ;; , • :ii fr (; u ti vT^ ! : W,!o!»u;nt- 11 < <_• rd vieis a V< ran Ii Hoard. .. Bi.Xi.nk, Bob-y. ~ 1 . / lT- ;i 'I,I h Vr, ;] , , i- ME El V I \i oil I j ('■ 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers