-figA.TER. PEITJrA. Jsft- 14th,l8i Prtjprte ■ ■'Ztyn *ta-On Dow*» » nd f,fttC: i» ADTASck; otherwise Two ! ■ S .a Mttlef comjnflnicstions, ly KEW-rowcjpuNt Tn lSil, in ils ' twentfiecoflU %, b:is obtained both aSnrgcr ani ;r r c widely diffused circutotMglban: 4 ; f ||.dr newspaper ev,cr--pubnsh,cd 1-ctmmbn :yrf* olherjournuls, Aom v- volunteering and departure of -tf thousands! of its patrons to ' in thenar 1 for tlie .. -JJnion, .its olDocentbel/ -• T T Tlil - Tribune has pollti h>° W P U liEi'unLiGAN. Ifis'iJopnljlifan io its-hearty, adhesion to the groat truth - that ’ ‘‘God, has . madeof one blood all nations in for assertion of Ihc -%cqnai anti inalienable rights of ail - men to “life. liberty, and the pursuit of in cte.iiihist, earncsUdefiant hostility to , c^j s sfcljie'inc' oflßit- of .the lilave j 4 Power, if&vthc;-4nJi?satioh of Tesaai , to jbe 'gccatt td sj|ra*p , the ; : cmpiie'.of Use XewfWoildttnd. : 'vield :tlic. resfiurt-es of ouT country (or its . r.\y ]i a g r ’ .‘UrU i "A-1 ;\v up— R o p l .: U i i c a 11 i n • tirtlVe .despots .- oi the : OlyiVoijd. is-liojihiidiy d.ail in the pfiils and calamities’suddenly; thrust ' iiion us by U l l’ i r. A in erican i fiotin le'v* ■ tiart l!ic'.oycrihrOT-j and,- ruin’ of- the llodd ih’publicrt-Ifiipuhlieai) tiiVit** „ .-hop? and faith elfdgf,' "dial this .Rebellion ’must fei-hlt itrtlie ;siaiial 'orerthro\y "of its ■ploU«s' -.uni. the firm establishment } of i p oul; wlh^.afctirot'bf bur country, ' therein 'Liberty atnd XJ.uipji,"BuaU in deed 'bo and s«separ*ibfe”’'.' hcnce- - 'V/tEt :Ifiußl : XE. devotes attention in '• ■-/j-ejSstfiines. aiul-Ui some extent in tuni, to. ;&g - and u-liatever . ejg- any bluster !to ttfie spiritual; and' \veil?l)elivb 0 1 —•JMnkmtf; Hie, present' us tnc-d ,gi«> are .'xle votfc.lstii the suer-css Its special cgrr^sjiprrieijis 'aj|con>p‘:iny | ••.•wry sitlofah! «; a a.rfnj-- i?nrif. iy p(rt ■ v; • rv i ant incident pi tli.af irreatM-rsi-j -ivjnelr' Nvo IVUSI to.-fesiill' in .tiie -f-Sinaibbd. < ;*hd}u4,iVt! iiiumjja -of. Abe -<i\::pi.-:.i:’a;ws‘i dr.djft'fbe f&tohitfcn ! <-f ufstrarddfS;; p eoueVry.i ,\V|c.by-ejveA.hpri note i-i-vU! iiv-rK iii 'r'u- V irvy' t Tit' 1 ! 11 ! I- | ;-J ; t’Tlir-. - R;-£sflitirt\> ■ V»h:8 ; .tV 1> ! ju (he beautiful ikimcn-| barism, ijdi people have lavished their eiauircvot fh«,j Indians. ‘-(.holandless i treasure as the gold of Ophir; they MiountifiiiS// apts<>Jdw,.thaii v '!the! IA lps i have placed tile darhngs| tho delights .Its history and ' ttriicuird their hearts/and l home on the altat point n'!QMt;«s '3rJte. approptfuitjo field !-of plUriortstni Tken,.v.wijtli . uplifted for .uiriouiipg.^limgni.deient [national- [eyes t<§”Hedvp«, thcyvhaye said, ‘-O ifjt' Thy -pv.piji fir i)s mountain and! God !, jve cpilnt not dear nh aiui i tisliXif iLi "rivers"give emphatic 11° us «*> this jclause, if so bp that/wo , v «.... .... ,:P)uf ;itjg ill adaptationibrjinay s#ebutf cjountiy. For this cause Lvivliilih s'i-ao Uniied IPiitdro. rather than (or tli.dj > vc ourjlivc^ur,fortunes, and v v . ■r si f-rr -“trifes and icaldltsie-; tt/ rhany i peltj?! our safer,*#! h’onor. ' O God 1 |ohk down ■..MCwiTtpoiiV'g-fciSa'isS■ |"fi»cro' .psifoWan Ale.-, jroipdiea,yonj; jthy ’ .Ksfio/int-rea *v‘rjk oglteiiy crag.ftpm Northern Alabama,! P l ‘ytJkfV .the work Ol our Ihiiids; .-pity 'nvrsK (%i -T.'A\U'S;r, through |Tcdni-sscu. Virginia, JPcnn-1 find'bless; uspyn - the sac-nliv&.of* our - all Iheioutli- coinfoirt ju& in bar'sorrows; ; ers pf'.lho y-sremHd ,%w: Ku&iahd, fhnng.-HsJyomjour straits ii»to;a weal .jtrt.j.-• j v.■.<•' ■. whttfitfitTocs iull protest againpt£-iho |by place-, unjd we Avill praise theolor ‘ '■'■‘■K's 1 ■ T.ItUU.'AJ-J. . dissolution i*>{ this Union.-' iVhfm ili- i ; evei- and. ever,' . The hospital wards, ■ Genius of j-l-Ah.o bleaeli. ng boires and mouldering Fa? i; £ r l^t|,!il'v’ : ' - ;:pv----LLLr””--- : : sk.. ■ oti»m up))ii this tremendous national \ forms oiWh -b quiet graves ■ a answer runs like,'the- j which are scalteyed all oycy the, land g,: Oi of iv-'n"' co 'h* l '- along army ran ly. fro in |pno to^f olll Maine und Kansas,tins. V i 1 yj*[ e ' v I until ail. toge'Gicr, in'deep ditiphsi^.A-^P^^balltntr;«-« '.Thoaro ■ • 'tTp&etr^i they roil:out ilt'P'full J^esppprO'.'jawvfu].. ihy lifiid ; tiM bereaved -jtearts which 1 ’dp peai; cliisttr this day lbcir’dieartl i ipeir istore* in sidness—“the /rapture of! -G .y - l:is-gov ppnibe’t' : 'j;p>7A’^/hiiUyj u inetiM(«;erlier'}et aip nian { jningled witlrtciip :” all -g] y/j put asigpreri 7 . tpo'do-x our-i these things prooiaint how/ failliflilly l/io: u:(s‘ io Y o r Uii<i pivers/ylaiVior dni l jf o w bus Uccn njainta^icd;" • dm. /•: ,•),£ . i! vchi iliniy.agaiiijst snob a /dissolution£ <; bd, such a, sublim<P?illusT wciity- Copies, feme chirrs*. ono ;l '*'^??i aS by bliinicd i fration of heroic prioic-fylc. ia in yTp-s-;., ativ larger rpunber a \ cosispirafow.' '-po to tho whence : :ln a ®gtO’ Ibat, to/iise the words will ;Uc';A btf^j^giu !yy% B, |^ a tongaJml!a-<lrip-j°f our CoiAmandcr-iii-Chiof, \v-hose of To elui)sj.-ot-. i ‘ nii: .^' n!ri ® >hanks ; i energy and Religions: zeal a nation ad- K;' AAf'lfcMlv Ift-‘ ■ 1 -:I (ii \\lrriTc;f•.^£iV;iTi.'• •.\v 1 • •«:h a*.-:-* : V.,. to-; ,’j CA— "jt- \‘■..s -• ' ; ’ =M. • ci t : ■ .TJTi- >l3n.\VEiaiLyv'^3^^ e -' Cra^ VM*ca' fho'..C%'oinau^U Tnr''-TovliiWof Wy[-eha»- : -W. xU, LY T!;ii BU2s E' *iil b» «bnV nc ‘ ’ fo,lo >' r tlieV j : ‘ l “ ; roll a>,,j il u! 3u*c S of ' i r A-ii!i-.- <s : TFTP 'TP-tniT vp '** !'^i vc r» ■• f l‘Ci v .ns they eoninua^lo v: ~ Tvi'.afi;-.- YoV'-" 'I "fckjptbfcr ®>6cjs which boii fi-din 'pfaf : 1-froioftcjQlty of thb jlark ’: vhWlien (- • ‘^P I ' Wiki— from' where Iftasca *s* ofihefroHty H. rti t , ' lot.canc pjxtiin-r in the wind-. ■{*.- d nidiiev : hr- [■ t6,< ® • V wer P»£v '•grey', anitejtoftcd wJifja'ddyueted *olll' a • rto rehtiftonc-o •■! ~ '-“ 1 • i imghty mamcrhliK ramble wltlflhc vni- -IQC" t-Bilfovps ofjth&ilesiean.C«'l(^jubUant r / ?'.‘l l« fM'dy abonttSalrisimas-- v4l V ?l f S ‘ ' y; '-•-■■ - * < filled Hoods of the sea I-x Bur.sharjs ! ' rr‘f t V" ."T" j snldniie is tho^|ponse.-6f-hiany->ing. Hi OH : 'id[otek ’ 5 | crs > r ' -A nUphoi»|-eter nafly as tire sjirls -i .1 beat ?and the "muddy - ’ shores ot ,tlie Delia—the clarhorin ,r •V - ' 1 WljQfrii-po&ifbacj to the racrtyiplasli- V . >g spray '-of the far.oir Jiow.tuin 'J«n to;tlie 4eihrcnlen'c«J of grs ' roclcS ’ e ahs’ 6ntf uwin ■ ctolh' rcidaincth: fopevibiarid”. fiitevcr 1 :u a coßjplcie r.ud iaiiffactorjniau- One I” '' . S. : , ! . r . - ! I- The gooius'Tsf lli 'ife'in whfclf wc t r win's their ijrieon.- u ! re^ ilrtl to-our- national iWaUies can Refurnished with;6y^s,i?? , ' <!C t’--' I s »nlagCin%hich tbcNa* iL» o f. dozcn ‘ ■ ? he tobl - 6 is. Turnishcd itf° ns : Stp drawing .room? closely to sffor^ itbe I>ITT SBURG MAR-igethcr, instead -pf. rushing violently ■ •ul for the liberal , fasunder. : Thc great heartoftho Peo-J 'owed * coni in- ‘- fe borei< ?" . pies of the earth i^bpatihg/aUhougJb s6lioiiod.! -a - rnpm 1 fhe dfvlijo D^' 0 ? ,bc '-«^aine E arti-: bi oth«rlj- kindnjcSs. Tim deej) land tUi« ° f . tbo bei&ta of t. f CVUiOKV. v | manjr nations •£. moa for s closer .jan* ■' -' * • -l£\ '■■ ’I ' ' V^’-r. ~ K • 1 •*»- '• L>.' •- v ; v .. . .:vV^l>■ ItfSP:® mu'ed'. _ —• •■■■ •-"'- , « ' ' i'~;' ' •':-.>v^ | V . —. ; C....^»^r^* ; - 'iv~.l.. ,• "•■' ;.■ ■?■ m f yoi. 39--3STq> ' ;^'■ y 'I , 50,125 . 17,250 .Hfr.OOO LC.il AMil :(■« STti:;;!: c.i' t : r,v? ii’ - 'rris! '.S-ws -;scc these liu^oJlooirls'■ nilblcfeiiM] Mf 018.* -and i into tlve Sridi S 4ppi ; ( r UW laance tile san:e is ; dool T V ' S *■ *. THANKSGIVING iSERMOpj; / ' > s(yfxivEßi:i>. is’ ;”ifHK; tocusr street ' e. church, HlßßiSßirnq, Txkii., ' : r r.A X E LIH MOO RE,. D. D.,, November 27th, 1862.: r -PsAi-ii c„. iri-Enter .into his.eatjcs with thanksgivings lind intfTbia courts* xntl^raise; be thaakfurantpibim, and bless his name. ' 1 SaVuei. xrtl, 24.—0n1y fear llie lord, ,niyi sdi’Te him in truth with all. yonr heart : f of-considcr how' great things Ho hath, done 'for.-you. • > v ..]_ ; *\ A gra,-nd-m©®spectacle is \vitnc?- | Peed qu the .earth to-day :' railllidtis ‘pfj y>c iid;ahiUint,B.,dT't:eyortil bMief.ooi»rj •liion woa! lhs:.'inT:t!i w great peen cntcrihgiiintfr.the conrts- of' Jelio 'Vali. in Ihe spirit.of praise and^llan^is-- giving, hecadscofithe “great‘-'isingS* Vv’iiicii lie them.they enter there] also. in the spirit vent snppljeiJtioij 1 fijr blessings irj. the fiitnjfo; a r nafiophl ttnc whichjisl freighted 1 heavily with tjio destinies of •if his revenint' gotlicvißg of tSe peo ple iiitiv&hi- tbniplcs pf thenvni'f-tJpd is, a preeminently grand spectacle, \vhon' %vc* ramunib.er- that; • Ctjey lift ijpTriioin vdiiais in ariseand song, wi\Uc arc’ Still i. bHiutning and: with (he dj i’ purvp\vi ftir fli*,* nrtghty v.-bd 3»avo; places, of human, jfX c: T:V t!io, : niaTtyis- ; libcr-.j laps, i ..is ireasbn I Ujj. tbitfp- t!i 6V£b rfh | tlitso iiiiili' ni/ l'hns !< giYei> in dctianicoj sf U:e thi -ic£ bb-? apcvprabio iu the, siglit of-tbi Most High, w,ao, b:fib .taught us.ini bi£w - ordj| ‘•^Vhj9sni•^offi|^^Uu^^dpfafi»e,; . g|4riSptV f l me : anwlto-liiiii tbatordofetb'His.con-- v.er.sat.if;h auloJit. will 1 shew 1 ” the ■biil- Val>»n r,y (jkjrl.*’ • . 1 I ■■’Let'hs n’<M:gUiiic o briefly of the of -God a Xjitjmi. -TfiC; inteUiiicnt and! pinna AWerir:i cease to ' i-licri->h niifetErni'-i. .Jrratitu'lo to God Jpr-onr national. , ighj'n.laaee—the latnb..£hi wlu'c-li wogltvel!. 'lt is both gretG :iml '■jjSod!y iidieritsuifo. j.lt Sweeps va-fl ranges of” latitude and iouaEjiu<lc > eiabrstoinjf maprhya: “irietfu?- oi'; noil.-!. It * pro itjfic* iiiiil:vaneil in 4 jt jirodric-tloiis. Xisc o;F inijjoMy ii oik iys_'.]prnl’K?s, ■ <.s, :itj.; „ Tiii-y ; {-aii it tin; tiflO or" :i' , r m;Pi!l dero'optneat dT > • ■ 'V ■ 'f: -tf-k :i cjyilizatiou the cclc&lk* •ros.nlt H;t|itie onr.v,orksnap of i> ! 1 previ ous ages. B tf, is an Old-Vi oild, famillhunvith the -find beatings. ■ . wljio.h .have •Ipng.sinev TtSljoi nyJm in , . I By of ckai^ple,. !an, Germanic; unity,'ls. ~a #ubliinC step' oinvbta 'tb#aStU ! ipat blessed tirio when the. of • the raeo feball Be . rcigns : iriall shall' Continent fell ;oni”ftf 'tlib marshalled nations as they bn to t^ei'gbhr'oi universal lovot^Cfeeri? the _ i cdn ;i)e tibyniid objection; rff»'|bl»csten r ; mattcrß-IHtie in theljf siv t c add' dip- iB prGvinco bfitiie minion exercised bj? pica of tbo race, mcii Bjwakiiig jtliO bame'fangnagOj ad- the hjering to, tho earno religion, though tolerant .of,l nil forms of faitbr-inen solved successfully governed i liy the same. fundamental of "Divine revelation ;; yvhich civil laws. fjcilitifS pi drG Ss iuteroourse btiiong men—steamsnips, sues ard iu' railways,"•.tdlcgi'npbi lines—can;, now with which thte offl6e tt^^’d ?^riStibri link the vast' Bjireadings of a conti nent ihtojthp; pf'acgmpact i ng, ironl the tdiwid the icy* walls of the norland from oceao to ,pccarf r can lie'made more homogenous —infused with the; spirijt of ;pne more perfectly. to done •iornc centuries ago in a dominion ein’ J i III M M ■» ... . . gracing V no; u til he of such; terri tory;"- 1 " '; J . ■ .■ Inssinnch, then, as a grout USion of Slates is 'demanded by live physi cal outlines _gf ti|o iXorth American | Continenti*ahd is, by the spiritTand js pf the age, at-oncc .de j siraljio and aacticql, it is with. grati !'iu<ia to God.that wo record what \yc | believe'to aigroat historic trains' j.Jfji c greM.maJoriiy of l7te Afnericau j}€o - ibcc-'tlie UnlorU Yes, let praise bef vrb God to-day-—and like .iiiec nsc mantle his thronfc ti-Qnr.thousandj-pfjbia.lvoly temples— that lie hath Thus far,put it into the ,c fSsmsea of. the people of n polities—rof-%11 creeds, in'.; jail races of rnen enjoyiugj, ip dove live Uiiioi> of tlmso ; [ovcit vjilij. a depth -of | a pertinacity of purpose jbtiity of treason has been lot. ’ Tlijfruprising of fßis ; litts hMif-KO'-Sublirnc, in act of- iiurnL'crs f -that wo tilting .one nation-: for -ari it, in the Ihiigiiaga. of thfl llL'llftS of t.ll, all partreg ir religioiT—plj chusenship^t Slultfs; to li fueling- aud) yvhicli ifoj-jn able to upTO "■•eat pcoph the u.cre 1; n.ay. subhtii ‘oUiur; 'Cry o Prophet, Co flood, and lii the rivers V yrbat peopl govern rueirt event that c ambia *Tisetli up like a s.'waters are'moved like ;Tho\ uprising' of this s for' the'oc«ij)Ko of their and national*• life,Us 1 ah dipsos, lake it Sit in all— f ' I'C milibni t? t c principles^ 1 which lire i MS’olvc—the : mightiest national evolutions wjliieh bfive.,thus far ’trans; pi rod and riveted 11 tepizd, attracted the tli.onglUl!ul3tiidy of tho world; -jn the pending, contest of light against darkness, of civilization against - bar- mires, y the just cause must ■ prevail.” Long as the kvorld endurcB,\si;cn rocn would rccolyla strength of lie>rt for a crisis ; of-triaj, would lie -guided .in^the pathway crt' diUydn times of national doubt and danger, they will turnback with eagtfr eyes toVtho coniliiet of the American people in their resistance to the huge oligarchic conspiracy of ■' T‘ ' ’ ‘ Iji’csp. lipids, 6iiy. against ;arerB,,tjbil6 the masses are faithful to “tLe just > by the hottest iirstitrcts , But, of lluT'jiwplc cause*” arc si \f 'a • of. their n:i(u requires; "dial exception to the people; :' 1 list) it not in lest the dauji rejoice, lost't circumcised tj inies have tr : reS, the truth of-history I it belated, there is an the lofty .patriotismof ' -Tell it uoi in Gath, pub-, tiro (jtreet&'-Af Askelon; |.;htov3 o fvt,hq'~Philistines dio-daugbfors' of tho un tjriumph ” .yea, our ine umphed, and do rejoice --•foinp.'ieu, (mu over the faclwith exceeding gladness. Therodsin a suaH/class of politicians for whoso iguofihs conduct no great political party can bo : ju9tly held responsible. Some of these poli ticians have tong si’ >bi lived- r ..n nave long since; been resolve into the .mournful i-fgidity of petrified ‘ partizans. ' Hearts of stone .have they | —toore deaf ithan - the adder which rcfhsetb to charmed, though One charm her never bo wisely, to the up peals of a shbiltnc, comprehensive Patriotism. Xet they have hi ir ,h-- ilesh lor tliox they arc Huoni; to tvliat they 4 ly, to bo-iUo iij by ofteii digjji intruded culls ot .party; issive tie the galley-slave suppose, often erroneous-' interests of party,-there* mg their gravvsofarr gth i'tfi'd ; a (ij!'/ jjar with wblcfi'&sV ,^oliticu(EO?ft^\^^ %■ r /ill, _ , m| nistrylloUs eucK ; ihoL,^;'Tel ajtion• ship.. ■ And; alas, alas l|st : iaib bleared tberq..ai eyctßomb ministers of God in in tiraoa;l«ko::tlio ;prc6- opt, ' ’ ’ qfrsociqty aro roc' M'hq are afraid..* jh men; pho tic' <e cables atiil tli' 'nary at-. tiiflo pi ofsalvi iiig tlx i'ng tl*. crista *’ the tin: men, .a pfeackh UcflVOli. are,,w;!iulJy ighoraut;, tH ii JI e biilvv' Ijiiraph otffl brow jiatrioi.4;* Appi the, fito| patriotfc i Goyet nor 1 oj have ’-ogive C' cs hate the if)ing,->wd>lch is j jiyii, and to; utter thctcachings of i l;iruth rigutoousncB8 v ,.,Qcclaring j liopeniy the whole counsel of God.”— l l TheiChureh of God, a 8 theiresolutions of her synodB and cbilferchces prove; jjiajdono; nobly , for Jaw; .and [thus lap in tuisv crisis J’ But mightier.' effort instill demanded of-heft. My licarc i rß,’l tell- tvbyid sou ad it butffrbin thif pulpi tlio> Capitol; city of I?ennsylynnia— itfto tbo| ears of|. ajl; lior: ; millions, Motley, bcri (jtalesman-likp f Evprett. !■ in tile riu|li!!bf£: Imn*,patriotism— a whom I love asmo ijUiaeas, of ,niy' and! the mail of wHland. nnfa%& Wielf* 'li&f h&uijti i r partV native states I nfou|d fcoundjitout ifr fertkity- ,of intellectual fihitowdnbssl and! plants itself on the rMjform Of to the oars of tho loyal citizens of all and caustic wit, ihet' heroic Butler—lnhesion thenational patiq tiieso states timcs aMyipon man whoJwiflt a'igreif- national jotisrftl\rhichl ; ■« willing toj»eo 0 nll wherein of gird Hujatt bating! in his j bosdiri I ,' 'would | prqponteived; prejudices and Ipa&sah up libr joins fob: tfra first' resnkp;th6j emb'isitled;icgiphs >TI error; wherein the Chapr,Kigf" t#od j treason, of Sou£hern v!ix>n^i y arA/hcn must rcVcal - furnishes her ajidliberiifi ratling bhek triimphanily tlie tnaptes of Sprigue’" aud’ BprtS&ditiiv onrushing surge* of the raging pfssions ;' tLp'itlostritius list of IHoec vrho furnish. of demagoqxtcs’” . I. believe' she will.: the:livin' light' 'wlijclv coiitratft sr . > - OW' ... . -g [kg. -fcb font!T.tft io be true ami ffailhful, andthat in this ! strongly with the rtiuyky -’shadows of crisis the promise of Tier Lord will bo.dukerwarni.jpalriotism and doubtful verified : : | this - gates of hell shall hotn Joyulfy of. tuo'jrncn ;wim owe all; trioir prevail ■•gainst beti. i . • ■ i ijifiucnc|e to .the glory of their/country,' ■ One sccjfion of of men ofj-tfnd now ip her bout of whom I have • being jto the: (world.;| ‘‘how ' than’ a really, - uncp;ndi|ioi&Uy Joyal, to ?thpj serpent's, toorti it is? t| burp*a lliapk-J Union, hiive lmxed: the politicSU v com'j t less child.” Ohioj tlfel giant pi the i pass more or less never pew|states/ isj. proudffof liar. Tpdr—, ! without a 11 transparent,’ motiyo for is proud’ ’of'hor lloitj arid | their various degree%/.of change.— (fulhrio and BrecLdiiirdge—dhe ■ thep.J The only thing in l which tpey ? hinyei logian, -not the politiciap, .’ of whom, j •ninintaimjd genuine. efcnVistency, is|inj us coiiiparep with his paSt r prestige i their dceply-rrfoted aristocratic seniti-1 and? power, Iwi; may 'pvclaiin, ns was i ments—a| fact ejuiincptly qualifying! snip of iarchangel ruined. - ‘‘lf? thou ! them for| faithful v.-tifa a‘l boost Ihe; bat O, Jiow ■ fairnf' Teii-; j haughty mlavq oligarchy. : Some of; nessec) rejoices in her Johnson and I this class ofi| disaffected politicians :qj£ Browrilpw.- Indiana in lier AYright, | in many, respects twin spirits of. those! still’ the mono;.?which. fur in- ] false teaclujfs-of old, vvVhom the in(; seribetfe'pn lieij. chosen .blqkjj \ n (he * spired writers, ■ describe so i i 15,P Fattier ofddrf Covin- | “Presumptuous arc they. goqd? Wa#inffton---.‘‘inaj.; they are, iejt afraid to' speak eVil oriana-kifr/ws no North, (tip South—noth dignifies;” I “they speak'great, swell?jing biijtdhe Union./' C>up Own Penn-? ing word’k.pfivanity - '‘t hey are ragf jiy lvaii|ia basj her nampdto, glitt/r in j ing'.waves :|of the sea, .foaming- out (.the* throng of patriots hviiohn pftcr | their owp i sliame their fieoi-n jof ages will, (flight to l)pnor.--her Cant- j duly-eonsiitafed, aeavch-ovdained an-j prop, ?[Curtin \ ICnox- and I (frier,?i thority. : SUch men as these talk, witty and Scott, apd Boss/; and Shannon,? polished' phrases, of .conventions ‘‘with and , iidwe. i-Therc/ (joo, is her Fort! unlimitcdj powers;” talk of ,tpo se| noy r whom dyoryraafl: \vtyo ’has not’ cession- pf-ipeities from. stafesy Irt bidtloiija IdndfarowcUjt'o ciindor mu?t| other words, these admit, fromm.i.s gushVjg utforanccs of; of the dear people/whom they pro- years, l ijovos Pennsylvania with all fess, with flo.wiiiir eloquence, to love his Ifeart— \yho if you,.ytalce so devotedly, land- of whose rights they . vaunt themselves |to be the chosen to plunge the land ■nii'over, the CominomvoitUh ijpf Pennsylvania especiallyinto ’the j hortjora. oft revolution and sodiai j ehaoto The crowning infamy offthoij" ’ p'-nns. and [purposes is,;that they cd<d)y calculate on Christian;inbn.by thous? Sid and. ,*Lib : i i^anda,'t p aid| ihoni •of thojr dominion 6r*inrtimited ; pbv# T _ r iiiiacdpo. crs—a' legitimate outflow of . which Helfrconstituted' dominion is,, of course, the stifling 6f every voice' of liberty::; | tho viblerit'rcpresmoDj if' ncSdjhO* s, o,f i tho speech of all. \\‘ho think bor God I has a heart of pity-, for tho down trod ijden. Learning, wealth, pijotyj aro to 'ayaJLnolhing to stayt&e vb<9 hand of violohoe—if tho pcrsoei’fhas the tnis iortrfne to havo a heart to fool for the woes' of his fellows; if he has tho misfortune to Ho under that 'sain of allj inlamy—-to bo conveniently classed, in tlw spirit bitterness, among the biased and hated'Abolitionists. i Oh! consistency r diido tbirio abashed lioad I These, are,.the mco-jwho areiu agony tbr free speech, and"’*wb' o arii jo> afe moaning piteously the. rule of'the''Con stitution. . .Follow-Christians, whither aro wo tondingmthe'oompaiiion»h ip of, those dangerous men ? Oh! Mercy, art thou about to fold thy wings, take thy flight aloft, and-loave the world to darkness and .to'blood I ’ ; - icarta of If Christians, a* the conservators of society, wake 1 not pp may indeed, allpfus, of al{ paftioe, be driv en whither wp think not now.- ,Wo tnay be atartlbd, indeed, as I>y ajire- * vv> heralds; _j; declap 'Ojdtouoljh >£«ti|3 upon VotVeach political ionj^tip, wxfo. also'.lle- does ;lamati6npftlvo ’ Pennsylvania An{l especially hristiftn churcli- -~ ~ .: ~ . -TS^K?Bs|*-' : T%,ctorcß &rtd. The f&gralU up ,the a)stinea malctf|ptipo. Jyfefch. is flimsjly disgnuitd itT* i& '.' fetlvCry piiTOscs >hesop? *MfaitOsS ni? - Dashing bliptlriesa tho pitfiotici .«f, ; tha life e. nation—sooner jw|U, meet w-ittl .rcSis- Uinca wMiicU tho j^ek;./g£yc» to itbo ineet tewlbjo I rebuke, Iwitl v'. consign tLotnj Ito il» 3eisipi^e2, jintl 1 jgncjmShy.- have pdpular. beartj, aa f attcr theffallplFovt rau/uter, : iji atwhitolleatfortbp TJnion, j i loyalty, eiirnost protosla* tio'ns ofc fide:ity. to the jcaiuse of riglit. I BafcfwfuShii-i jverges occur .'to tUo na tional arms; \vheii clajlcls gather .and popularheart jsj discotiragpfjl aifd ead tliesd nidn bdve no worda that ring OnitiiOpopalarcarlikoaiLiattlo-triimp -ot4-inBpirin«‘niejj to rWclup to do, U -inBpi.,lg...JlJ l, up, Up, to, jlijto and tp die. Truly our .Bible es as ‘‘confidciicci i n ail-1 tilt-ri Idijtli^rul in like p, a | fppt' out joi rit.’’ % nistoryTiwill plf te."Tbclj! are, by: their actions, 1 plj ttographfng themselves for the gaze of coming ages—that; is, those of them xvf Oy are not so insigijfieapt as to be utj criy forgotten, navoln tlvlsq clef mil art tal.s, which - note the i failing of a sparrow jto ithe ground. They, are ]>aoiogr4pt>i|ng themselves, hot. tn the .sweet, spit fays of lieifveh’s bnt rather jin the glaring •r%s millions! JIV-ith , ail ;tboj,stre h g t hr 1. bf contrast i there if; between be’autj^autl 1 defwcni j"tyi light and daj|kn'esl, shines but the | pxiimplc. of j rnbn lias Dix and Dickinson of Now Tor If, jand those of the magnificent, 'out much [ maligned, JilUFsachnsotits j whose -status in civilization and appropriate pldce on Iho roll of national iiofior, the. men of ail stales of-' tho dTnion will in due-1 tim ifi rfjdic.q “to ber jtwin/ l|istoifians | BancrpfVii’itnd frbnj him ali~public Stolon, still,fyi'itli his Hahd resting on tli<| is allyingpower in t.Libjiand--a states mart out ot office.' Then, tort, 'there are in this GommonwaaUli other men wjth iwhoni f patriolisijit a rooted principle; Soul, a! livirt'g fir 6 in the heart, not a bauble to be bartered at political I as Pcrstiirig Wakbfivfd, antfjhosts of men' who, ! while they .|may earnesflr ■•h - iney jiuj}' y con tend for thoir khv ri oolitic'nl faith, will defiantly refuse ablind of/edienoo to the dicta of mdn wfio, because they a'; happen to r act political party of which the 'Cxcrcsencest— the’ flight and bhrib — : vainly imagine therasolyea to. bp -the ■fnpskcd moparchs ipf jfrcomen. ; Such men as I have jastfiatnod, hajrp topi much Egyerjenco -jof- (jodv-too| intuch. allogiaUfeo to law-4-to6 tender |a, re gard lo the jfriendshipii which politi' cal; diffalrenees ‘diji not sunder j-r too holy a tegjardf toi |ho I quiet ot; their own homo-Mto listonHo plot*, of I revo lution. . (For if the men I censure do noli inteniiotially plot revolution; l|ioy U h t adv- ------- at leant advise, iu : partisan passion, suctra lino of action as t*ll; leadJ to it;) j iinen willnevcr consent] td d>o in«converting beautiful Pennsylvania, which has nurtured an<| ble|ftoi thetp, into onovast “Acel dama, that is to saV, The field ,of blood.” «; - ' - 1 N,i J, i Bnv o'f such a half-hearted, false hearted, evil hearted, body, of tneii .as 9ave been speaking, as a contrast to the list of; worthies whom, coming ages wilt booor-i-iaenwhodo- 4il* •/'.S'.J • U -u ; ' tv- -. •• *'£. J-4 -v rt •;■ menDllhemseives;. tb*y (in; this «vrfal. historic crisis,. When Itroo ihon .walW of, lifer— oyerj lUieere ;Gbri»fiiu>, and not mcro lip,; patriot, should use ¥l9 ‘-PC 9 f tbo PttMareb:, \‘.Q, inyionl,. <S9»ne not: thou sj|jg their sesoretghnto* their . assembly■ mHSe;,honor&hc il'ot Do I -seem ne apeak Bey.cre? *->• " "* .-’j... comments’now gi vbn to : J)OU> and* so fay as my fcpblovoico ostcnd&j. given to my countrymen of all parties and 'creeds, whom! £ believe to bo .a udit in .their, honest JoyoV of 'the jcaubtry ? : JTy. readcrfe wjll remember there' was a tinid in biatory, .when Jabm, King ,of Canaan, wba had nine. hundred ebari ota, of, iron, for the spaed of'twcnly yciafa; dren of Israel.” When Debdtobi thb tyrOphetcsa, silgipioned i Barak andth\ people >to tip:, Imltlo for UiO' life, and uperty of the nation, some came aucK u nder G od;ti-i u rnp li c d over the op pressor, while others held back in their hoipo|n,Of-these Cwj 3 parities, he arl imri n api r a tip n speaks irjj the thrilling,song of Deborah and Barak ‘.Zebup- 'd'if- '.jd - ' <un an> ..nphtali' vvero ,a people that th|ir v JivcfC unio the death’,' iu| the high- places- of the field. .Tlicj klag3_ came and ■ fought,' ,'tlicn fongjit the kings of- Canaa-n in Tua naefg-bythe watcrsl of Mcgtddlo; they ■ tool?- ho gai n ; bt money..: T hey fopght from Lcavop; the stars, in: their eour : sesifouglit against Shjcra. ■ The river of Kisliun swijpt thcm«ftway,, tlmj an cient'riyef, tlic river Kishoh. 1 Q my pbu! ); lhou hast trodden down streiigth. ®hoii:\vcre.:thb horse lidofs broken by the moansj’jjOf tljo tratnplings, 1 the praikiings igighty ones.”— Praise and here Notyj mark tfic reverse picturh? ‘‘For ' ” ’ : ods h** ” ■ iT ■" " the : divisiors of' lieube 11 there w;cre great, fcearc .heart. Gilead, abode beyond Jordan; and why did Dan' remain in ships T, Asher eohtin . uod jon ith o sea shore, and .abode.in his creeks.. Curse yoMcroTi, said jtlie an gel inhabitants. thereat'; ' because 'they <ean\chr!tpt to .the help oi the Jiord, to •the holp'af tiie.Lord againstthc inigh rtj'd 1 . i t been nigs; this whole; people "tcTi^nupe: carefully whether tM v be ■“*l . ..*a jpu. pi-ejects,, it sri be tlio natiohal' Govcrn iticnt and Hjg.* bo maintained. Be. it known- nntoiali men; of every seetioit and shade otj paUt’ical sentiment, that IpciioMoever .is not earefalljv.cdnsoien tiontiiy, and'' without mental t : '-V 'll: - N ‘ ' ■ • " -ion, 4-fTUfe lojhis whole country in this jamais of her soi row,.that' tor: him j who j tines. doggedly clings tp< the passing I shadow*;.o:'4ariy|iiiiei4st, instcafT of Li'oe subsfanee the jnaiion l al lile, there: )e ; i:othin-j;-Io(t |jhut tlic' [Cursings nt'outragc^oslcrii;]:.;: More than the scowl of the riioun tain .sfornrj will the. knitted hrow of . genpralioiis ; iindi ages scttlef clown Cfocfily, darkly on him. Of the wretch ed hand of those who-may prove faith less tp the t^iiidu'iti^iibaTgh't^ii^)!^. i.willi be he who.se- obscurity sweeps [.him itrom:cs^Jeeipl^iptice." Ipebi I I’lfif'Svcare.'' in (lie ProVidon’CpJpjf Gocl, 1 fdac-pd in trust with.an of hii-iaan rights, pi liberty jtorfail ipob ,phi. j If w o su her ou i fo be Seal - „ca■ to truth; jftiid betray, our liigh tnisl, we become -.g dismembered -na tion in the retributive justice of God, we Geedrno, alongj, with this disunion, tiro -by-word it hel prissifig-and /sbbiln of all mankind; The Great Republic in I whieli | ibo‘4 wiil lingdr in indeed, j a tfc seh |h- mighty life has depkrlccb as ell’ec -1 inaliy as life, has vanished ; from •the j |sCa.lCcred ; b(|iics of llio the j Mastodon, w4>so‘ hughiSkcioipn now I blcnphes ;jn caves oiv-cjiiaarmies 'sfowiyf ntindlin^ ; %&ilctiitUB; %0f nib past ami-perished thic g- f But I with my tlicmc to v • v - -aianics God ibr his ma'hitold' i iand; grcaL mor pics: to us; as |a people.;, Thci-Oiaretwo leilia-cs 'of titfe r -i!iiies for svliichUwe thus, :day to ;cultivatd! devout gratitude; to | the Uulcr of Thorle avpthree natioharchas tisonientjjl which arc clothed , with | pe culiar hdiTpri War, Paiii|hc l l’eetilericc, ■TiiejErstfjuf these afllietibuslisupon us in £it‘at bitterncs, meekly b'oist iindor' tlm’'elitoj(,ene.d rod, and appeat to our tliut, in -ltis:. own good ii|tic, ipid bo far aYe concerned, in a adglito- ous j r wfty > ; Hq wou Id relicvo us hi'the lilowfr which - tv,altb tnil lioiis wail.' But blessed be our God foccvor, 'j&n.t it' hath pleased Him to distil the shower, to; nhcft lortii the i Sunlight arid UiB dbw, to preserve onr fields from the canker -iWom, from '.blighie and rust, So that thornnihistili od with plenty, and with tho gjlaihieSs plcniA, „ v "lainic.. _ lOiirXh dav -n july, nfd. of haring foodeonvonicntfor its. ; Considering her rapid colonial pro- VVe ape sad to see the hinting and grcB9, and’ the peacofulscntimonts of inaiincd; of the biittfgiicldB;-j( her founder, though humanity is' not the Umop; v to think; thjit they must yet ripe for their fruition, Pennsylva suffep: jnjsilohco so much iof discomfort}nia may be justly styled the MornliV- for. the remnant of their days on earth. | Star of that subHnie day which. will But then we there aro no yet broakin-spletidor on ’ tho world infant waits because - the mother’s when men ,“shall beat their swords brdast is:] barren, while slid in turn' into ploughshares,: and their speate lifts her fruitless, anguished try-t;> into pruning hooks; nation shall not Heaven Bread which w need- lift up sword against nation, neither fnl to; surtain life. Thank* bo nhto shall- they .learn war any mor®." : M our God that vro.aro notoeW 'fait 800 the’ feebleness 'of ago coopted- with fhfe ghastly glare hffktnine. have beou shielded marvellously from the ravages o i pestilondel |, ; TheAngol of not.brooded.ia Ja^ihl il • 1 ’ ! I, ■ : ! r :- , . Ili !<*.% ■ ■^r‘‘J;|. i -v i;il 'i: ;, >^ '* ;:‘-’s’ :, -^ : \' \ *>frif)!/ii-J|^^; : >,r-fj■ V; I. -iji/i'* '-i-1 4'p..H>. it > * * M I - rfij-'c, ■■:. .-"ni g'il.; •> -i' < V itfgs| *;»r|4 ftji i ’-if; Wu'Jr : ; 'lSjtSk* :i‘ ; - 3Hed tabli i>;c 4,y. stud wo f- would ' .•fe’v V'-W.-" - .. -I: ■■•_;■■-■■ V:. ; i Adrert^inw>ta\inwHe^ -jat<;tjiejrato.oti76 ■ «p»tirspq;i»iw6r-e»ch 3A*«o|a.:..A ÜberSt pUseonittniiU Uy eatly '* »»doo long: •dTirtiattneats; <■ 'r,t: A *pace equal i*n.V» liaes uf ‘ this type - 4 : •-- Sp«*Ulnotic<*426p«i'eerii; addition ib I. «la**ate*lTS .i; 1 *■*'=- >‘ *• • ‘ ■*, £•’■* ; "... J . 40twih<^^i*cl*, ; -7& , centi k line, ‘ ■' ikiTTii&tt KellgfotiP ) -^Politicii nhdother jniblia ’free.' 1 _ r; • ~ ;■ • cities,i/Ailingl them withO'les offtlie bereaved; over thoas- . and*. who; bad; dfaJJen ;Btaddeuly before nn y nscon too. It, has pleaseaTGod ito .said,Jit h’g aA \y itliuVthus.fur: ‘•Il itt' tbat ibiB;ppopfe<ftliail, so 'maajy; of tjiojn ( ; be writtoii- iVidowr cd and Jilbecjesa by .the ravages .of the'swpnlj; that* idr .8 shall, pinny,. -ia®te in 'an unlpokeii.for.iiqup, fecla ; rush}- yig darkness. around r .tii6iv •.pqaU,t[*%■ cause, ti} o beautiful, ,t hc gifted and the good; are torn away ly thoviolpiiee of battle;; the postilef^eshall be withheld ■foin; O',. let iwlthi caraest beasts, 'wUh of kop!,. Tor hip inercy Ay bic|i/epdp.r e tb' financial, jpri}spei;ity: or' thb the Ipufst. of civil war;;should, alsolbsOjjtijqj-ne.ia !, ■ ■ ... .t . tuiet memory at this tinie; wo dplight lip reeopnt.'ihc yen., lihata yi^rped.^t to the'guoii(incss of itt-: ■heyitance,’Beforel p ; oCthpught, .ppcn^ilj^ Ray a abo^ ■monwcaltli 'of; many vividly applica ble to Pennsylvania: trl ;vk ' “For thb Lord thy God bringelh triboAs ¥ spring out 6f , valleys and hills ■ a _ land ;' of xeheat and j/arky: andpvmos'andTfig i .trcos,,andj pomegranates p of 1 oil olive atkl. honey yd.land] taherkin. thoii shall'eat bred idithoict- scareenesn) thou 'shall not lack any thing in itgd. land whose stones are iron,'a nd but- of ; hills thou maj’e.st dig.” i,i ■ .yi: The sources of her wealth are:so steadily.unfoldiiy themselves,- that; in vioa'. yif them t of thb fertility of ' her •. valloyif and bills, of hoi - interirirnabie .lumber fbrostej-of her almost immeas urablcvtrcpsures of eoal and iron, of her many well# of freely flowing oil, it hjc&ot an extravagance fp spealc f of 1 her as theEmpiro !v Sho'has an ea.Herrr^ort,where phjipg lof the line can float v ii? siifelyVj and i ivhich :caii ; - with yf^brf.ttsv- : injide thb< rendezvous bfia worjd-Wide 7 trade. She Ifas a fine., lake harbor, looking'Oiit towards-1h “'<st thforth , s .... .aj'dS-thc vast; west. ■ She Jjas gran-1 rivers A-draining every section of her soil; site baa ar tificial, iWeroair lilies; oC traded and travcLunsuipussed'anvxv-iierefbrtbo elements ot sublimity which mark their constim-iion—scalintr.-'-as :sb’me pj them ilo, tiie jjgnssive sides oi tlie A 1 le^U<mies,;;tri flpin onein»lauc*;,.tri umpbanUy tunnelling thfe crest of the moiuv rch ni oa ntuia;o ttiemal 1J :TH 0 fcpuoery of. ; the-: :ts rdniarfcably vancd, IjplcVrapi VeadtEfuh??i Vjfa can f listen wit bin :h'er ; iirn ita • toUb tin li i 1 ling of i;Ub .which #iife ■aindoj' dhe piillSf-'fiiiil thrOnglftho tfSijcadbwsi.-. 11 tea ,threads,- of crot§ and also hear, (wiih.'awb rush of -broad and niight y 7 r iV Oj >si r> theur".pathway, 1 o -the sein'Centml f’er.nsy lvafiia seems (il<q,; a Vast(field wliercon tLVq Si]prerno haffcxpon'icoa wondrouyv-ealth of ffneery in-the* curves ;of rivers find rang!ngs of mountains, Eivers ooiiiuoro trmce-' rh pun t aihb j ufeagiiinst odeh iueoybs.andatreich :>!way in i : ig!i,raaes—roll oiit with a flow of outiioqwliiclrtruivscbiidK'tlie eleoanec of figure -with which ajhmriam artist .j wouldj >-V>;:lo. and' frail, a thread- <ffj scarlet. Thus does‘God hero toy witli the everlasting bills. Tin? inhabitants of this §tate:caii .rejoice in avn*b!e; aif:, ; ccAryf * Idiey are sprung"'froth • tlioj cafni, atrong-spnle'd Germans, whOdeffe thd fatherland generati|nns*ngojyjrbfir \ tliO: sous of Ireland, Emerald: of tli'o, and from tho ibrigfsS'ircbf harikttand Scotland to find rfith Urti men of Hug? liiiid aefreo home In tho; iSlew -i Wcu-ldv jChc'se men, of-'-div'erstj nations, swdvrag eternal fiieudship suOniid :of f freedom,;Thq early progress of Pennsy Ivurtiia as and t.he principles; of universal-- -broth'-' erhood aiitjf 'eaeein Wi.iclvlfhe Stag peace'in w hich a.,- y fa(o was pli n i.Od. must' eyc'i, ad mi nis.te r• U * realAvcll-founded-gratification; t<> j .her i citizens..; V“Tfaero histprj*. of the (gliumai) -raco,” says; Banyi-oft,/‘ , li!cc the; confidence. which ti ic siiiip 1 rtC:esand 'institution;! pf > W iliihmPenn inspired.’ The progress ; of ■ jiis;proyijit-u was more rapid than tbo progress of Now Of' • gran li v vai*' * the Indians heneatbilu'' chn tree . Shackaitiaxpn, the hhrtoriani on docu mentary evidonce.asserts: ‘‘Thf great 'treaty, was not fob the; purchase; of lands; |jts; sublime purpose was the of the equal xjghts !of huflianltj’.” i ilqyi ,■ the • eitfeeris -of this Commonwealth neye£ forget the princplcs r which were %fteward BO authoritatively reiterated in the Dec laration oflndcpcndenco w hich was promulgcd from her beautiful mctidpOf lis on the f< ’h dr ,1 Juk { liled to If Pennsylvania bp true to hero , .... Jf>V ig«n, ; sho. has a : grand future. Letf thanks, than, arise to God, for the ih> : beritance of such a Commonwealth* ■ this tremendous crisis; haia B.eyiwr yet failed to answer a- Itfwfu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers