I 1 \ A ygTTB: p |r£Bth> 186& f 0. NIGHOLBON *Co., Proprietor*. , ‘ DoilaJl Md FirrfCians iptA jrq»; 6th«nriw !ValXti- te ;?o W« ’• a £ •«•«•£? •w'ieekd. 1 »iid comnmnie»l»on», by ■ i *U '<i»U hire prompt ■ **p —" " • .... “j' jxD.© Table 1 Beaver Station —Goi»o East, Monday, Xot, 17, 1862.-- Traiiu f , * Arrives tt Pittsburgh, 9:20 A. Jt. K ‘ <!, 4:10 P. H. i* 7 ;' “ • ■ :■■*>** ■|— . Gonto West— . . : fWreuii Ww riutturgh atfollaan . .1,,,. v Arrives at Beaver, .8:10 i. M. flvi'v " > Bochester...;..S:oo p. SC. j; 5. McCCaOUG'H, jyt .pjt-MSEBS? P m 7 . ; ):- Aggregate..'....; .i..._i*u,a7, Ppe-ejmlweatTy a join hal [or News ami' of Lilehitutrol Tux TBint>ra has politi cal convictions which are welf cbarnc iterizcd i|y tbesingle word Repubijcan; It- is [RepuWicanin itsliciirtyaillicsion to the great/ trutlr that “God has maud of one blood all rations of men'' ►VrßepHfclicahnh' its assertion of- the ! equal and inalienable frights of all Injen 'to “life, libcrlj, aud the pursuit iof happiness”—Republican in Us ! sieiitliast, earnest. defiant hostility to I cjrcrv scheme and effort: of jlio Slave j ijower, tVmn the Auuoxation.of Texas| f tp tl.c yrcaii RehciUna. lo grasp the! j,empire of ihclKcw Wotjhl.Sndj wield.-} ; tf.e resources of our coi|nlry for Its! !own | aggrandizement —Republican ini j its jitiiiignnism to 1 lie despots; of the! i o ; id VVorid, who futdlyj hail in the it, perils am! calamities sutfdcidy tbrnstll upon! ns by their Ain erica ic cdnnler-| part thpovcrtbroT and; ruin of the j Model Republic—Rcpnljlican in its • hopeif and trust jdts faith ned effort,; !hat; jthi’s :vf -Rdbtllion mnst.|; resp!t in sigptil oreirtliir.sv, of llk j and* tin- '-firm b.stubltehment of:equal righiKapTfeqtmrSaws tlirough- \ out the whole iextefit of|«nr. country, 1 wherein 1/tmwly find Unioir shall in-,• deed be “opifvml inacparulile” hened-j fortUiandforyver." ! I ' V ;! Tu:r. 'TnirirxK.dfVplesj attention Htv; calmer tinies. iaiid to'Soind extent' in j these; .to Education, Teriiji'eiauee. Ag-| rit-ultura, Inventions, rind whatever | Si I f, “ e ~f........... ' G 6 C 9; Eiiueviaf prow/e/s, hud well-being of ; OJQ -"i '[msr.kimr,- bur for the pi|.-cht ifscner-! gics gad its eohithns rub mattfly Tde-! [ Voted; to the invigoration and suererp a - Vv.CviUSTV si: Before me, s notary of the War for the "Unidh. Its special V«-. csme- Edward I t-orre/pomlerrts . . ? aijconiiiai»y era-v U.;;. I t.'t.er ii>iiießank;of Bearer County, ■ -I-,' L a * - • .--.U^Cafya firmed- acdordine to law. di ™ m 7 evel T /... ;ist tLe abpre statement is correct and ! tElpopant incioent of tha t great strug i-i'lTt *~ ' f tin,'.je- Irust'lo result, in th<j J and subscribed before majtbia o til ' I'Ja.Trolili*!*llul;it *1 0 Vnt 1 I iViSrrtiiSt-ft f.f. pwb. .11. ft: EJEtsS* 'J- ?• lof PqaceandThrift Id our distracted, | ; ' | bleeding eoU»t!-Y. ' Wp believe that 80l j r-SHERIFF’S }otherwise eaii a fuller oi- mr.rev accu-i B . ■ , - , r - - - .. ■ rrvto viow of the progress and enarac | \ T-.jioc of a writ of T.evana Facias is-. ’r”/ ' 1 ts :. n;,i ’ -u-a .ju t of the. Court of Ccirnmoii fltu \ tey oi/ tliis : monu-nlous, conflict be | ... ut Cl only of BeaVer.'a!id toms directed. 1 1 Oytalnf-d thari t-h rough j. the regular j -■..it;<-i| o-c to r.ubiic Sale,-at tbs Sheriff's oP j perusal "jf : our; eOiUirilis. ; And we ftbsr. ;T.t Korougb of Beaver,, on | earno|stlv eolieit the cp-operation of Saturday, January 31st/‘1863 t I a r-l friends of eaufo.wlijeh i. •>'/;'-ek. p. m.. V.ic joiiov.-ing dcscribcdj wje. ■ regard, and' uphold as :y.tth: Aiitlic -right, title. Interest j Uipivetyal irumanity*, to aid nsinex !■:i *1 tiuf of defendant..«£ in, .-.ndjto tbc un- i its ctrenlatijnn. j’ . 1 " ~..t iric ibvrd; ot the: foiiowirl;, lots' cfb- j.l. • f 1 TERMS. ! • i : : ' i .#!*? cuormona inef-oakb in the pneo ij>-. :y. i;i.. iHiundcd 'as 'foßows. 10 wh: |pf jirjnling paper and .clhei materials • I'r^v;, t.hihyy b.t .So. ojj/ltfee -Easi by -uHeti in printing iiewspapers, ecmpels s ;..n ;ue: .-..aUi Ay"l.>»r.'«. and on ; i t J ihoroasc-the pvifc'ciof THE'''Tbl is^'fe;BtfsrJ fear now t*W, -Ismiy Bi-itct bri,‘i ' i ,[ ijHAlliY TRIBUNE. ' ntutmig ti.'n.ugi( mid Jw.s-awlrjjiJftr/ ' EijrigTc|Copy.-v. ....J...._•? cel jJ? - ’>■ tt-et Ucv/o me story if irjnvyaud Mill Sufartcribgre, one year (BJI- li .-I'.-ucii! frsnie sbcdj_- r|' r ;fil2Jll*l^ , JblElsJjY TUtB.UNJb.. i c* M <. , 4:'!/btiiMi:ij 2‘> IVv One CopyJ year (104 ■V - u ’ t ‘r- Vr < ’^ sr vaahmjps*' j il ' l ‘V ■~ i ' ‘oj-fccivtf iwo 1 Duck live Cypicay i|ne y^ar.^.., ?tl.«|i<. !•> ibz ■}. Jlicre Tien-Coipics oai '. : ,r * L ‘ 1-jtlic-- iintli- ■ An extra copy'will beaentto clubs of iwen -s.ah«i. fv< to|t* sLnres of «tcck in tire-* XT and orcr.:' i ■ ' r . ’V- : ■ • r ; vew Kriglnon IVatri- o<tepiir.y, iUi-fe j f ' .. WEEKLY TRIBDSR . / il«j fine-^nT:i : rcdxh'lpart of alt ■ Copy'i oni yctfr_(s2 i»neii)l.w'vr*«f > |?b ut v. t ar liio fuoe (if «aid Com,- • Xbrcc Copics, 6ne year.. .^..55. \* a *\ ra-eLcrcjc?c«l_ on lots No. l7';antl'^j Te Copies, one'Vear^..'.'.^.UA.^'......... •f. a largL- iVfur sibrrjT-ujj-^ *lO foet on one . -‘Ui. through;ferJd Jots, ami 40 feet i l’’Anv ; riumber; adrireUed to a ism ■*: b l -'■biiv.ibrunning tbrougb saitl-lius, abodt>extra copy Yvtjl be xent to ev ry - 1 iv - bii tf there ife also or.c other brick 'of -ten. i’■ I “S' ''hr. partly, tn lot No. it> anil pSrtly lin ;r j T\VCllt v Copies, fo oHe .addresSj one; :->p v!T. There Is belonging IB-, ; ;g2s_ and any larger dumber at ; : s the undivided -one-third- of nine ; i • . , : . I, rt f i-. Stopk in the New Erigb.ob Water price. An extra W.ll be , 1 v, each share being equal lo the one- ■ S.ent to clubs of tweirtjh To clubs of [ part of all the woIOT belonging to ’ thirty’ .THE SEMIAV EBKXiY TRI i-”-l uce oi>»■(! Company.; gp I -■ will he seat. To clubs of , filly H .id ind-taken in eiecutiipi as the prop- rpj£E DAILY TRIHUISE Will bo sent .I'f pi Un,. g. Gill.at- the suit of Christian i -j.' ■' , • ; . .[-t.-sia. Bhey Matthews,, for; b rp-rri? riinTTITTW Bachautß - ,^Manufacturers’ Bonk, . . ‘ .THE TTvIBUTvE, : ' t JOHN EDBEKtS, SVf. , Tribune Buildings Npw-York •iwtirrs Omcr, 1i I; h%'' ■■ I i' , 'veer, Jan. i.-.i/’OS. j ... -'i 5 When boj procured it is i much Fafer tbjin lrt remit Bank Bills. !Tho name' oT ; tlve Post Office .and State should in all cases be plainly written. . : -■ , | ' ] Subscribers who .send money by Express, must prepay the Express I charges/ else H will be deducted from the [remittance. 4 ■ ; ! The, Tribune Almanac ronj 1863 will be ready about Hbristmas-. pTTTSETO S - FT. IFAYSE S; CHICAGO B. B. • Rochester Station-CJohco East. I’- • 'jJj„ lieu Jicthattr SlaHcn at Jfyffctr t: . y' ~, Uavcs Hoeliesicr Anv.at Pitts. jrfCncl'n Ac6em.i u:55 a: m,.— 8:40 A. Jt. k!2:-!5 2:p P. K. •.W ■ 2:15 p. 5i.'..... 8:45 p. *. 5:00 a. a. I*l, ExpiwS,' . 3:40 A.-. V.. 2J | Ejflprtas.i ’ .10:00 p. ; jSI.. , ?. Goiso West— A teatcs Pitts, i Arr. at Rochester. IttSripb’u Accent. 9:30 A. M A. M. IdllirifVn 4:20 C:O5 P. M. J.'i:!, ■ 8:00 a.: ji....... 9:23 a. h. ss( Espres*, J 1:50 A. M....... 3;Oo a. M. 24: Express. f 1:40 p. m 2:55 p. M. J- AUG. UKADLEY, Supl.,E.;D. ' r | ,S. M. fPeijtengill & C 0.,& jfcy 37 'Park %»>£, r..‘$ (j State Baton, Agents , ror‘ those rilics, mil rrt* authorised Ip (.ite .A dvci r!£"i‘i(’n(6 and cubfcrjjjriuiis far us mt cut IjOtrtjt UaUi. Hi Quarterly. Statement < /SF THE BANK OF BEAVER COPJ6PV7 tj . Sett Brighton, Sot. 0,.1!562. ; jpsovEcks. 1,2« »nJ so!cs discounted, ictire-.§5&,438 <K> ; : < umlir protest 'to* it ronanife wealth. ........ ,M 1 ve .u— -r.nJ CftA:l» of otiicr; Banks 'l■ v isotes i O ja in V "••p <n.d Unice Fixture?. iicca 3 f LIABILITIES. ME . pcjdin.i. v 556,5a0 00. •I. ',: i - --' -'- 3.455 00 . 66,412 51 •V- uu I'anringSWiS ‘ 56 C 9 JLUii 2,494 75 .OF LETTERS. ESfeALLED FOB,' remnimag in l lie Tost office »t Bcaver/C. < “•lV.Lec.-3lBt,:1802.; • '?■ '[ gillie J - , * Vack/Wj,*. „ Wkey Kitliolas iKidd JaS V ’ ■ IM’PhersoaJaa ■ g,mV il’nrdyjVm • „ ■; '■ «':*,Jolin _ I Strock Lydia A ; 1 Tho« Wright Mary E ’ ' ! # ‘ js t'F - Wilson Mary E r '•cant.Win ; WhitscllSaml ?°ts Livid, 2 f': ' - _ * v-i, ?r T ,JUS tailing for letters 1 in'the above List please «ay they-advertised, , • ! - ’i: • ~ 31. J. AKiDfsRSO!*, P. Mi . Office Hours: From „7i AI M. till 6P. M. -, ■ ■ _ i % B. iAKDEKSON, ■ I' DlAnn tR ■-' l W GOODS & GROCERIES. MOST PASHIOXABIiE / to* j ‘* tt o on panda and,ior bale, lor .I- ASII OR PK ODUCE. . , r <a»tr, January' Uth, 1803: ffSK FOR HIDES. I Vnr/r 1 hfgjtest market - /::lAMBS DAtBAM. i - !i Ik , ■■ n* -I i i S. .'• !• . ' -1 • NMI isT, VdL 39-N lIEW-Y JIUBIIKE. " 5 :. j: 1808.! Ths Sew-Tobk Tbibcnb, first is-.: sued !in 1841, in its - twenty-second 1 years..has- obtained both! «larger and • & more widely diffused.circulation than , any Other newspaper • ever, pnbihhcd ; m -America. Though itfbas, suffered, ': in coni mon with other journals,-, from the and tlephrture ■ of •- tens' Of'thoasanda of it!s patrons • to < serve in the -War' for the Union, iti 1 circulation on this 6th of '•'1.8621 is as follows::- , ’ , Daily;... 60,125 : i ficcii-Wccklj-.—. 17,-50 - . Waeilj.-...-j...v..|.^-148,000,, 1 3 ‘ ' .'ll:CO,p. sj. 100 00 ! s,ceo iiio _ 17,809 4 i 3410-14 40 ... 18.710 20 ... 1,05805 V-- 1 41 ;..$128,9C8 05 " Union HoteL ” ■ BEAVER, PENIPA. r ' | AliEXr CLARK, Propbiedb /; Vs addition ,tp the conveniens*s of a -firs [I class Hotel, [the Proprietor has.fitted npin his house,in a complete and satisfactory man ner, an . -I' - .' ■ f ‘ OYSTER SALOON, : jwbere thei best quality of Qystera may be_ ob tained during their season, 1 in any desired style. Families can bo furnished with Oysters, bv the can or doien. ■ The table is furnished iwith all the luxuries the PITTSBUBO MAR KET can afford. . ' . j Thankfnl for the liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed a continuance' of - the name ia respectfully solicited. | dee!7 - ThEOF. WOOD’S RESTORATIVE COBDIA !J" and Blood Renovator. j the genuine «rtl- ealt »t the li ■•■■^yyjw-.M'-^a^-^ii^Myiitt^ . \ TOT GIPSY GXRl*';,';-| ■>!: ts M tt ;j?«»«1= ■" ‘ Witb rosy lipi and teetb of peiri, j >T ' Yon fancy in my band to 'mi*,-, _„_ •! November #i||gMp| '• -By eaekTOttk and by «n*S;ani(>>'' : ' To teUtha thiagsof ftituro tout* c.,^4.—Enter With ' Ce«»«yonr labor, ee»»e > ' itiaTa*, -r " Be H : pleasure, ease or (tain. ’ You can not tell' wbat comee to mom ! Be It ji>y or b? it aowojr. ilder Anf’ <j 1 But ihon bl*ck-ejt(l Qlpey QlrJ : 'Sol,' ‘■ t - : - j f _. .1 f I 1 . Y ’ - / mtH rosy lip* and teethof Willi 4By akin of olive hue,' 1 . ” With thy tittered goW of bi« x If n»y fate you can’t tell Tbino at Icaatl will telltiW. ' 'lia tofannder o’er the earth ' And call thine own, no fire-«id< , ’X»,to wander orennore,. Hungry weary and footsore. .. resting-place thy hoi .Beaming, dreary and forlorn; - And at last thy Borrow’* o’er, Hunger, cold ii felt no mare; ■ Oh thy. bed of straw to lie, Thera to nst thy heed end die. -If; ell these eril* oh thee wait. Oh! sad, poor maiden,'is thy fa | The Bight Sort of TiJk. ! General Hurlbut. in command [at 1 Memphis, has recently issued ah order [which is extremely distaslciy- to the I secessionists. Having been troubled j lor some time by persons who tesid |ing in Memphis under the protection | of-our flag, were eons|oiuly plotting against the Federal authorities, hold ing communication als6 with guerrilla [lmiida which. infest; the- neighboring. : country, Gen. Hurlbnf thus notifies, [them of his.lntentions: . ■ f I ' ‘-Manyof these Sympathiei rsliavo [exprcssed-jdeterminntioh t lat tbo j Charleston ' and • Memphis railroad • shall nbt be Used by tlic^H nited Stales. ''-All strcli persons may rest fissured j that military authority? wjll rmg ;apd I use t hat railroad as long as n icessaty for the ' public service, and every 'family and all personal' property be* tween. Hatchje« and Cold water rr will be removed if necessary to unobstructed use of tbo road. N more, evf.rv" litmily ini the Memphis of doubtfiil loyalty; they| have gone through" tali oat h of allegiance or not;- wil north of bur lines, if those t shall l>ecome neccsefiHf/<b ‘■Ton families of most noteo sfoiiists; in Memphis will be » I South, ami thseb are to be select | from those of greatest wetlth ai. 1 highest social position first,, because Mess likely to suffer from banishment j, “Citizens will , not be considered l responsible for attacks made by regn j larly 'organized forces of the public j I cneniy.i but will bo held responsible for iiregular forces which aro mainly* -kept np’ipr supplied,; by their sympa thizers in and about,- this city Any person n*ot belonging to the IConfed erato/prmy who shall supply arms, ! ammunition or military supplies,, jto these lawless bands, will be tjuminari ly tried by a ijiilitary commission, apd if sepleneed"by the commisiifouj oip cuted forthwith.” i ( A Soldier’s Thought The following extract trow written by a Boldjcr to ,hia and;published in ah excliani a vivid repreKontation of the ■ and feeling of; many a Spit sacrificing the comforts ofj'j country: 'V;'-'-: / • j • “I begoh to look for al| davs ago. The mail C'omea ii 'I. came |o my quarter* this ' and of going to thei fice,- ill started once and cor would not go till-, to-morrov took another nolion-f-beihg ions to hear from nomo-w and received this letter. lij fed n letter with more anxiety. Being so long'-from. home' wi'.iiont hearing a word from there, I fannied that some one would be dead, or Something bad had happened. These thoughts gave mo much uneasiness;, but when I came to the paiagrapb saying all| was Well at homo I felt relieved. T-—, there is no place like home. I wae gliu to bear that mother was in gpod nealth. Many a [night have 1 thought of how she would come cold and straighten the coyere over me, and ask mo if I .would sleep warm enot&h. Those thoughts • would pass i through my mind as night after night I mid down oiftbe cold, damp ground, with nothing over me but the thin spread boughs of. a pine tree, with no blank et, and nothing but a thin* jblomjo— j | part of the time having no shirt, pants, 1 boots or socks on. > Many! a night have T thus-laid down, and the heavy Southern dews which fell like rain, [and the‘after part of the night would be veryichilly, but after rising injtho mor.iing and getting warm, {I never got up .wanr. in the morning inthe South) 1 felt as well as I ever did in my life." • ] -1 ; , iz • ‘ Both Hdndcii -met at 8 p. i a*. United jStatea Senator Wall, of Burlington, was € tho first ballot ; the Vote.ati Bor S. W. jWoll, 63; Bicbar i22j AVni. Cook.Hudiion,;2 * thm»i ana |c foif’cbj 'i*Opl» fear the in truth with all text. If, os a » inti matost hat: of national bh aweatih ofrnilu only will heiirti coatignityjlhis permitted to powerfully inflni meats of tboen' nent. By’|wet»li into many miliif its literature, cOi zation and rclign continue united, jad. benignant influer ends of! the earth, r day, look np afresh to ,oUr ; fajtb anew,.that*: Jwill die for the Union 'rget thei teaching of the vital necessity Vol qur individual secant, pinosß. aB well os to our natioi , ; . A botUitifal incident in Indian Legend. A band of in theii wanderings,'; afleri : ar rived at the baukeOfaa Alabama liver, wbOn the chief* dashing bis hatchet into a forest ; out treat I” So it was with the jof this Repub lic. After all the trying from LexingtojSH||dUgb the JtrtinuS lings of _ Lo 1)# Brandjwme, German toWn;tflHß>my overr u n n i ng of the J to capitulation if] Cr afttjr ‘ hti and 'am citly whet ing be si »eaisn IP -6Vi oniiK,. __ -.1,0 "Its u*.- cry of their long- heert out upon the ear of the world—“ Al abama 1 here wo rest. I" ■j; ■ Dark as is the hour in our; national hijrtory.i* beautiful vision breaks in upon the eye of jmy x ien alone in my own chamber, 1 ga*?. at the of the, vision, m|y eyes grow diml with tears., Yes, while I gazeand | ( The vision is this;ll see through) the vast, murky and' ! stormy folds ! ofj sor rtjw which surge around nrd brood over us now, a long tract of time, all growing with thp hghmf .joy and blessing. That time will be inaugurat ed by a mighty flowing, together of tlie. affections fcf the; now rent j and convulsed nation. | Though now the land' be torn with agony, like the demoniac of Gadara, then liftb him' delivered from: tbeUegion|ofilloyils. it will have been freed from a brood of evils which are many as linked) [with i the treason and t cbelliOn of times.*— The majesty of the law and tlie Union restored, it will} be' oh a permanent basis.' Then those who i live in the solemn shadow of Indo- I pendence Hail will j jpyfully bail the dwellers around the tallowed 3lounl Vernon! Then the men ot Maine will hail the men of Florida as brothers indeed and in trhth. The ■men of Minnesota will mectithe men lojf Louisiana and Texas'in Ibvo.jj The i men of the mountain volleys of Penn sylvania will meet with :j full .heart, and greet with affectionate! grasp of hands, the men of (he mountain val leys ol Tennessee. The men of (he nation will flow together from [North and--from the. South; jfriinf, i where Atlantic surges beat out. the! anthem of the morning, and from the golden shores against >wlucl» JPacifio surfs thunder tho lullaby, of tie ex piring day. They will galbcr all lof [them agam. around the Liberty rep ■of the They will review and. talk over the past with: leaf-dimmed eyes. Then they will. I»y ; ‘‘We be ■brethren 1” We must look tojit .that we fall out by tbe Way ndmbre/j And (ben they will bury. the. hatchet of Seetipnal conflict deep in the trunk-Of (be Mime treej springing still In fresh dess of life, which recefved the batebet of the fathers of she nation;: and thus sealed them friends foiever IJjf they do this, they will shout together with a voice deep as the voice bt embattled seas.; “One cbnntry, one Constitution, one destiny, jlnd ’one 6pd; forever and ever I’r . • fV -i; . ,[;.'■ ■'Vi; - • j Blesied wIU be that time jpf true batiooal brotherhood There will J then be no wall .of bitterness and prejudice frowning allalong the. line of Mason and JDixon. No, no !, but (rhereverthe American ireeroanwalks i—from the Lakes*of the North, hway down todbcTorange grbves of Louis iana and tbi Shores. of thA Mexican gulf-ho wiil Uft up the exultant cry I a leijep Ibrollifer, -e, giyes thoughts iier npw homo j(;or ;ttcr tjwo i at noton. iflofnooh post joP icludod I r; then I rcry ond wjent iever lift- r»n.-14. : v .!to elect ml w. lectod on odthne: 18 Field, Wm. A. v-f -r'-* ,-;:r ■ ■■ (co; w tempest,. not.for: it’s dcs-' thr drummer dot OFjTTu.wcniaax in- Ipr the dcvclppmcnt ot » ranirv—ms. name axd history. oysical. iritpHeetoal and •/; •. n \ fV'n.!; iWliipa■Vi ’’’i , I" - '- , and the voice; of jubilee is ■ Tlvo drnmnter boy.wh<? c-roB ? cd the ,ibrond 'nmoiig the , astonished a f a ; noec v aL- I' r(^K-t-i('ksbnr" 1 .nnother Bou,ul-ihai.of, W yV I .* Heir daring ;«Jmhear<i stillftiTPii i•6ineift^#|?f l f 4V I Mf , ’ uv ?‘ l,dvl jc .defiant Jangh ’ \Vhich the coh <4* fihfybo : chr lhe' larehallUig in/n ’of .Crntopi : Jta ‘ :; Wcil,’ that Pjru iew yt-aeMhy tins lapgh*if vf*l : 'f||en?icd gfep!' 'throiign jdraW: m b>W:«!&il th#^ ‘SmauiH laugh felr ; , npg 'Hong ' tIJ f f rtf its reli-: i shadowy; co^RlorB 2 # C entancS ioH^ bl l^ v we ' not U>° lc f l do " bt — Iff- «*• come-a frightful warning to all 4'- "f vH"^ and UvilrnMhded meh to bb- h* a £’ •* W' fnfnH’ff » ± der the stare, oEoiir' naffonkt ijtbry-H d a . B b °yi.'^ l '‘f* ff' how tDVa&li idHie’duU ai i 4 ■■*s* P«P **** hat :'* : the tcrijple of Dembcratic Liberty!— * ,th f 5O to Jfnnwsee, The.] fa*:! >.*pw ■Many of my headers t.ave doubtless he lfbspiftf waR notieed,i; with-it mgy ’hu, aW hlmofet b ® “*■ dra t-t*' miconseioas. thrill of pride, the noble ; mpr r tfic 4 [ h W'l™ 1 ,l f-j wood;, eagleiperelibd ialoß iin llbdependrfce IP I **?] . w ?? ak ? at M ll f of %if at; the: Hall, grasping'a 'zibbe jn bis taldnW • j'{ a '^lfeccjycd a sevet* flesh-wound ifftQ go out Let 89 a scrvfe God sfnceriK bl oyo. andj j wet wld-ash^ and perform the' fete dutien of bonorahJe «ar him. ; ; ; keep, ‘-hf fi,! thc»e times, apd that Vaulting eagle | battlo r h«v yaa slationcid ■■‘‘ih is a troii symbhis oar national'destiny. Let as llb .U’e regiment at Murfreestorp, pafer has n maintain the -was eaptu#qd the rebels., , ta f^,( :l Bj'- tc . o ! at albhazards, evcn tlioadh acainßt a tb lbe other prisoners, he marched '-f thi f P : ‘P cpmmncd world ; fo?.what is a -\vortd i4B iuilpf between 10 and: 12 o’oloek ■ venous tronbl. j j •■ £ in arms naainat ua ? if we have' riirht; a V r, " ,^~t’ °f the dislntieo oii rf! °ur ooteniporary then goes c»n to aW God on dbr sideV Let ns—the f «blo quick to MeMinnkville. Hefe i hojv lw trusted a ccrtiti'a/ Onion beitig rbslored and eemehted tb »y "P paired;.'and, 4fu .all;•..were.'!? o ?***'bf - f ponfidcntiy,re!y- ; more £fnily llian evei--tlH>n cliiiL' fo t° Camp Chase • Ife was thhrc j > n g ol *.jW. m e Mt'^ the Gqnfcti tui tl di, : ton is tr aifatE it hot itf Ffpbafgbd ohaefount dijet iieptie Otsfi “Pv 'tiiunian ufarejeouhr fdnd; | [the niiteed Ifltler. and mTsviiipafhT jfpainful irfflctiot he has .be^|»V«o longer; witkHib burhaijisms of 'tfio-'paid, biit MbjPf f nWliiB ; earlicit | f ocf0 c f tf « <ff’'f }'>■ W let uf}{coQfltruor.it'in its lifo .Knirit •3f .Pp. fi'etx^runW• .Ip. Monroe, und \vei>t i fl I ?.'. ; yrnes^ freedmri, in hiirmbny with ohwdrd W|,t with .the iStb as waiter t 6 on.e of f'U’Mi !l , sau f ■•,.*5 Vt -?P p » \ march of historic Jr OlutioU rWhile tim cafains:' ; After with I awslf r patrf .ago, and j doing this; the Bem]bljo ! will hot nshirb M« f iortlimo; ,h|>rctarhed tjVff’? i! ~s »«“ a f «« •'« tUT filing , : for tic ;civill dbmuiioii of Iho jCHobb^ witkLl#. Ho- V ,a f iiig perpetually!isatisne'd! .ViU»' J iierH ltn > tb Si ll r f l rafting in tlio city. as| a , ut 'i .V'ifnM'vlfttttvrs may bo said; own Continental proportion J, but she! siueo. he lilV i e yf! r troubles. ~ ~ ■.. wilb, trunnpbally «» the eagle of In4f^ nt . t ![ l ' wi f h the Glwplain of the 7th. . Reaction \ f '''! : .- -f ■depencjencc Hall holds thej artificial if’ 4 : ? that.’rosim^it, ;alt.hdtigh ‘;Eyon IniCoitgresjq" sjhysq dispateli ~ iqhe ill iiis grasp. gropple thejiwhole i P.f regf nr y enlisled. as’ his eoiUinli- from; \yast;iiig*(>!i, ;‘-a r‘ aettoii bus J ';rpwned Earth ivith "her iiif icnce; Plfy pp# r Pi n S fts proVf fed liis aj- shown, itselff agalnf iufiuenfce jwhiMi ryjll not cause it I f°iP*f f da3’ f iho jtaking |«iuli f dfis-.--dbctfiiies.J3r'' same iliS-v s’A rerberaitb witlr.'th£ shriek of tile in y cef rh-ksburg,: he jlcfl 'his .regi-j,patch (adds; -tfinT. ojupdde ti£ Congress : , but with the jpyful songs' pf. f 3 '\to ; tlf loyal Leiaperals'frefy eondtmn' that -ty'and'lLeligibn 1[ ' : ,’V ' ( i f!; W h efcV th c.w hoi o :co ursc of eve p f\y as •sy nipatljffliler Xsipb treason and- hid Inst* J, U__n ! v i j plearl^ - i observable. Ills ! apceeh. , Such if- reajetio.n/ ivas sure to > ■ ;iof tlie fiattlb is inoat lucid land graph -1 eo'hib sooner or larpit; but lo'r.l b e lion- i. - 'i/*r Mm n i|th 18— 'JCD- Of ill, if no®. .’CTO- j onti rng ’bjr ili-i .able and intocrosting lioeujtnonis. / ter tl.e sharpshooters. i i n ofhthe most chrious of these is rit khoi down, ; aud/dtir druin--}<'an.ip eome.-perish;, '■ of Mr. Lincoln to Gen McCiel-', boy with them. Ho was, Ml»9 [■besldH» l AV_o find that -y It was written in thio ;early part; t bpa in the'!boat. following- tillsj an. immense lf'tdt% | meeting was oeUt ■ ,astyear, shortly after ," n ml Licuteii'pi I. The Cap- I jar. Springfield-; Mhom*,-- armv had moved down to tiiyv Penijn--i tivifjm command blm oirt a M | 'flice pieetiiii; was tlip rosiilt, >.: Uip • aula* and primarily rulers to the much;" iiaat Ibis . Jiim ! inclinable; avowals iiiteiy in.vic oy. discussed, point'-us to the troops left": if,„ woll id s dvulr ber Ifill’ed. , ■HeHen^dpcmomals. of 'the Legislature oi for the defences of WJashing.ton. Mr. on thie shore. arid, shoved off| tlysni'■■ ■Slate, jwluch haye produce! a Liiic‘oliv T w‘ritc4 jn the inost fhnnliar j^ re firsi boat when it was fully spirit Of stci n to every lornisland makisStrategic suggestions; an |,j| t ns ,ict|d of remaning Oh fj-io toi hudeiffors military advice and. rtmim-' t .j un g to the i stern. of-'lhe boh I and lowing;resolution,/jwnh ot.icrs, was fctrincos, in a>tyle;of which this -IJs i washbhie iicfosfl hnden water;! j\Tho adopted : | , -V;..- ■; >. . . the first specimen : furnished to .the ■ phot and shell’flow thickly. Two ; Resolved. That as loyal wo public:: I; j: : j Hj ! men wire killed \vllhiu -aim’s NhgjJi' s|^ I One thing, however, noteworthy yn 1 i>f hinhand liisl oat Was torn open by it-Hiccessary |put a spoeoy cun this letter, as in all of the President’* bullet i On kacliidk 1 the opposite to ihc.existing rebellion, and to cßtaO private Jotters and dispatches, that; a shot struck bis drum, knock- j lish the Just authority of the; hm ef n coin© to light- he shows the most eir-: e j ;t into splinters, and he enugiykup | menl on a secure and hi m basis, ana : hest'anjeiety to do always the Jjestjin.jtoadkl.gari dropped k a wounded that wc rcprf>biito aiul;_.deimune«*.iil hisjpower.the nioift wholWBou|cdjd^vp-.j dr dead soldier, and followed om'lTHe disloyal language add lyels-derogatory tion to .the country’s 'gpod, and ithe i, W ns ; o}i]o, of the first to tear dovvrj tile of thcHovernniiiOt. ;' y most intense desire for ceaseless ytm ■ secession flag, and/ has. brought a ; tO th.R DiaTJSsTKKS-r tiou in the field against the rebels.-—; ~ie (; .c dff us a trophy. He then; broke 'received • Kiehuww.P fvhpow Whoever may be responsible |pr tjhsj|. open k house, and found, in the yard unnsna! 1 v intci TJ»P Hh-h- ' inttetion and delay which him d sharpshooter, wounded |di« his m(>m | • taking the recent dirt, the rebellion to grow from lam^stiyjrightjhanil/ He immediatelybrought s w c l,; r er'%mr>. , : of repressed revolt, amf erect Itselfj irjltoJ big gu|n to bear, of hinf, and'marched- jp 10 jjr evv "^orkT*«‘!’fext,.> a great military powery ‘k>s. hipr olf to the boat; in| triumph’ President. the coprso of W ‘f'X Ipwsonter: He fimn tee/rossed thc. riy-; Korthorn■peace Weii 'that Jheh- efforts lilies tie firgcW McCjelltth no less, thaw ; er j/ na d tTcm ;iiaVksid on ik«t Idm ; a, .o Q f' no the Soi)tlr)ViU have' thrice- to activity. thipk tliisj; 13 Up glory/ nkyjour ; 'fL ea c e only oh The erudition cif tV im the precise tirao for you to strike! a' y OU go on in that way.'you will. soOn id e p e h' t ic„ r c et and would not go back felow/* .says he //‘‘it fa Indisptnsipla f , ot to myj?place.”: Ampng -tlio tro- , t 0 J t]ie pTuiou if the people of ; the •to me that you strike a lolow, ho 7°ij i phicabo found In the hjhisc ho broke j ort b Woidd he Jls Shives ; The pdats t fyou must act ” are his closing j o p eKi wajs. a human bone, phrtiajly Ri c i, nio itd:ii\ou;rer goes a stoj» further.' words; In, all this fho President baljlyoarycd in the shape of a ring,which; j t asserts tllatall •‘S‘«ynfeeie»«”- aye •; 'l' o represented the feeling of fhc annyy 1 heibrrtugtit off, aiid now has with hiih.. r gb e ]|i>,-, l+ slaves ot-dlieir•hathrjil mas— -as if thefaycatisfed. i : Hif advice was,j-j t Wdd jkem to dohfikn manjtpf the' the’<'Ciiiloineii'f»f the South. }± , followed ;/ his com in an as ,as. Com- j horrible sytories wet have heard <*f reh- jjntroduced .su_jho; mander-Ut-Chicf, were dtsobeyed.—iy.! o ljbarbatrt ; es. Ho was also present >Y : iW<ihia otfering'a to ward’. Y. Times: , ' i jat ithtj battle of Satuhtey, but did not .' 0 j; the head of, Gen. i'' X -: .•' ■* . , j I j actually participate, being in the el ',jpik,ly. It kill beirocolleetedthnt Enolish Opinion op Peace Dkii* tyipf Fredericksburg, s / / Jeff Daris’ inessrige i takes parlieidar ocrats —TlhoHngiishi -journals are hot! 1 'f bisf malady opca- . nbti - b of . t)iis gallant omceiv who OCRAT3. J lus discharge kgatu, and he haB levied oivjlhe Seccssitrtnsts of ViP-j blind to all tjhe; beards gt^ rt L fbr home. .. found in ' | n -.,y or tho caused by. their: movements ip the;il3;nitcd r stnte».-r-, jj tt^t^loro b y a well kiyowivcitizen of H»eguerrillas. , . '-j ■ I’-’: -I - Some of them have .aproper apprcCi- Oakland county, ation of the Peace Democrats or sub- hii'n with himto this ci, missjonisla. TJo London fipedtftor, in been v quoting some of their resolutions, rays erali( | r . j ? nd no charge of the Eubmusionists: ij anywheie. Ho is noy ‘‘•They lay down principles which, money,'and we trust t 1 if they aro' not- akin to {hose; of the nent citizens, will.tiilcej rebels, differ frort thern in being moro tion on| his bchall. S| petty and contemptible without being ism merits the greatest aiiwpiKjnpbler-—thjtt.^eOntaiwuierspm- tr»it Tribune. .1 ibal. principles of secession Without|the ’ I •' vitality ofpurpose that renders seces sion strong. | The Democrats take care to adore (mystically) the' word Union, but strive with all their might to (ioternune tinity of purpose which alone pan give |hot word Mocanirig. ’ -■ M- .... v •-r.-i-^I. StOßOgs in {Mississippi. — The j*i«- groes in great - numbers are coming into General Grant’s: lines bringing bones, males'and wagons;- They are set to work ginning and bwling cotton. They receive wages for their, labor," and, >1 tWied thg labor they performed as slaves. There is • every, indication ihat if the masters were well disposed the transition from the system; of involnntiry .paid labbr nroald be much eaaicflhan many -bay* wigposedi '■; ‘; -| - j NE 'fX tablishedr ifel 6 NM | The Vicksburg sa-, gaeious plan adopted ;by Brig. Gen. WilHams!lastdal I,of isajltingj. off Vicks burg front the .banks' of the Mlssissip- j "pi, bj making a diyei son ip the chan* net of that river, appears likejy to bo carried out most effectually bj* the op-' orations of nature. The rise in the riceris widening iabdr deepening the artificial channel or cut of Gen. Wil liamsto such an extent aa to alarm the citizens' of Vicksburgi, lost they “) should find liiemselvcH ' inj an ihland town! before next'spring.] It is thought . that the course af the 'Mississippi will be so changed at thi,s point! n a few i. months, that vessel* - ;6t the largest * class {can go through the channel and ; navigate the river’ wUhoutlpaasing ■Vieirthirg at»s. '' KM s i ij, I;' : El MEE ‘f ‘ I ;-.V -p Ida iV- ■■ i ’ '-ii'- r' I s '" •'!%: - CM A'Yi i : - % V; ji and lie; -hro’.t ly. On all the l6tcfl9,.t'lib little iyith all conwch j inudo foT him wi 'hero \vithout :hat our promi itp a conlribu ueb; rare hen*>- ij reward.—2>c- ME DNEIN ■ r - 't '.}y r r - l >v''- f-n-*: I BUMM NbliCETO* ADVERTISERS. MWMM Adrtti&staiit* fojertodj.aV s«tpof 7Sf •- ccntis per aqtiare—each. Bubaeijncng-'inscrtion ’ 26 cent*.*- A liberal discount’nnidb Urjtat]g.. i advertisers,' sdvcttiEancctir' ' ''aUM Agiitca equal to ,Ttvi;j.vi; ( lmcs oi ibis type’\’f: wc»«uredv»« a.B<juata*“- i'-'. Special notices $> per .coot. addition to'vagi' [/ ulat rates. ■ . :i:i . ■ ' ',l ■r: JStusiEcsaearde, -76 cent* » lijtc, per y«ar J : i MarrirgcJ apd Stalls; licligicne, foUUcalj and other Noticer-tof- apublic nature, (bee. ':• ] Aj.. -;.i y A r l:' ; -|,J Eh >; . ■ ; dialers’ -Tiroubi^s., 1 V-: ■' J■' T]hp editor of the As ii tabu ha SevJu ttel thus (list-diirk-s of printoi'K’ irpuii lon. tho t-kt-H-li being a, life, picture/ d^'w*ii!:f^;tn. Experience: *' Wcsupposc evoryoiio has liis los A country prlutpr iiasumiicrouV trmibios- tp.coii tcjjd wit ii; in fact, -titan any otl i ci - ' tneeli :uiie tfa.hiijiintSM niiku. we Ijiniki j In- tlio first place ho is apt :t(i be poor: fur it| !io \vits' not p l >li«> lisi- ?; r U tlint ni |>tujvciits woifftl ‘ Ixiv.-ortules-i in tli'e ease. jlnlhe hoc- : pnd'pljico. us a matter iiiwltieirhis ■ i ynjjj is coriccrneti, he jbas to I p .ailyiir useineiits In ' ibo paper’’ -mukcs l'is subscrilKM> fcel Jbatlj j \t is u trou b 1 uJ >Tfien, »bme 'rimer want.s Jptk-iiifor bis,pA !-'.s u' siibscrifeunto X ureomit,- jiltixii ilio subscifii ‘‘•tv’prim'-' py“ Doctor.” said un sold lady, to • her' family physician, ‘kisir you tc:l mo why it is that some folks are borri dumb ?” ' , V.,." c j'; “Why, hem 1 why .certainly, madam, . it; is owing to the liiot thnt they conic into the world yvilhout the 'power of speech.” •■■■’> j : V Y-. v • ‘•La ; , ho,” remarked the old Indr, “now jestwce what itjis to hare a phy sical education.. I’ve ashed my old man inofe’n a : hundred times_ that nr . some! t King, and .all I .cpuld erery'ptr& out of’ hiin wart, ‘kase they i*- Well,' I’m ghidtl used yoijV-tpr I nevoy L , could ? gtfkd satisfied, 1 without knoW in’ it.” ' .1 4 ; are telling story, itf Troyr/N. Y’, a? follows;, • < ■ “it whs rumored that.a gentleman; known to ibe a loyal oiti2en,#atl a se cession .flag flyinglVonV his house’. ■ 01, cohrsDjthere was iiii excited party started tor the premises; < Oa reacbingjtUe fofiiid to . bo a lady’s Balmoral that hiul l%n/ -washed and hung from aback window tV> dry. The husband avowed his do termination to stand by : that flag as. loniKas he lived, and the effervescent wsTrd Mrylriitad and 4i»appsit4tf<‘ fV -;S- _4. , 7i1. - -.. -. ;•,:;.: - . - ,:.t. , -7.,:.-:F,:=..,..1;!. :•.(,).- •-•.:-, . - :' - :',.: ---.. .i.:',.',::::', - .. . - ..- .-..:.: ..:*;..,.....,.... I i-ly '‘-•o .r.-.-,^.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers