'! i;.' II BE MEI Eli AB;GUS. \ 1 -*'f .. i- ■ ■-! ■■" ■ WCifit.v -01600 UM &EN NOM*, } •, ' yynMft-Oi»D>tti* aai FnrrCmm j | —— n *sv*aca; otWnriM Tv* Deb. litaK •» *• *>!•<• - Hepejer itiinrMHwfei j^ia«Hiirii«Wwattlatla . <.-:•■ j . JgjpUtMn l*T« FJ; V. ’ • !*^c i ; T'mefTab fV apgg BESS SBfil CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH, B. B. f Beaver Station— Gonra Bast. '■Cmameas, , A*<w. 17, 1802,—JVaiM iri« Btattr Stptio* etfollotn : E.-00 a. 0. Arri»e« «t Pittsburgh,: '9:20 a. it. 2;52 pJi. - T* “ 4:10». I. »:20 r. «• ** “ 8:40 r. v. Ooi«o Wnir * ~ fri/it i&o« Pitltbttrgk a* foUotct: ' , ; C' *4i)a;|x* Atrire»*l 8eiVer,....1.8:10 *. u. 1:40 r.Jn- E0c5e«Ur......6;0Q f. M. .fcOO p. *- “ ■ “ ......4:80 *. *. j ♦ j.' k. McCullough, m . F. E-FMTXRS, Oe*’l IfehtJfeni. I tirrSBUKG. FT. WAYNE ft CHICAGO. B. B. I, Ro theater Stttldß— Going East. ■ f / t<meuiag on ami aflet Sunday, Jan. 4 ’6B. : jrauUact Roc\ater Station at foBota: j . UtTM Rochester Arr. at Pitts.' ' |i( Brigh'n Aceom. 6:55 ju a...... 8:40 A. Id Bright . 12:45 r. a 2:60 r. a.' Mail, :Jl, 2:16 r. a...... 8:46 r. a. Ist Eipreit, 8:40 a. a...... 8:00 x. a. 12d , 10:00 r. ji....-..ll:00 rJ a;’' J-- Goiso Wist— : • - Lk - Leases Pitt*. Air. at Rochester. Iftßrigll'n Accom. 9:30 a. *.......11:23 a. *. iJßrigb'n *• 4SO p. ».-JC Mail. :[ 1 8:00a.«8U....'9:28 x. *. Ift Express, 1:50 a. ki,. 2:05 a. h, 2d Express, : 1:40 r. *„..... 2:55 r, *, ‘ | ADO. BRADLEY, Supt., E. IX Quarterly. Statement OF THE BANK OF BEAVEB COCNTT, / Nrir Bbjohtos, Nor. 5, 1862.1 /. • r-) ■ • v JLXSOVKCSB. • Bills and Notes discounted, 6ct{re_.sso,43B 65 Same underprotesi.C... 160.0 ff loin lb Conuaonwemlth.i 5.000 00 Due from Bank? .17,809 Notes r.nJ Checks of other- Banka i ‘ . 5 V andfrcasnry Notea : 34,044.40 CaSa ia Vault ~..„ .13,716 20 , fumr.are and Office Filturea......._ 1,958 9o Ttitrt accbont, ' 141 : T0ta1.....L.1.i.. 95 LIABIUTIEI. Capital. Stack paid in.,.t..... i£js6fcs3o 00 ■ .Vciei in Circulation; ~i. .... : >3,405 00 IjEpe Ceposilpra ...... 66,412 51 TWiu and Eamtnga. 69 iwsead unpaid....;:.....OiSw-To „ i ■ i. J - l_s£ ........v...5128.9C8 96 EEAYEK COtSTV su Before me, enotirj r.Hic, is and for said County, came Edward iimys. Cash erof (he Bank of BeaTer Coonty, .a.’fv’,c.ivj duly,affirmed according to law, de- I'Cf'ith dial the above statement is correct and ires, accatilij to the best of-his knowledge ted VjViti. 3 EDWARD HOOPS. Afiiici JxcTrabscribed before me this Sib •;s.vc.'.Vir, iS2. H. B. BEISEL, J. Pj^ SHERIFF’S ?AX>Z>. 7l- "-"nc of 1 a writ of Lcvaria Facias fan rTtelbnntVor # tfe<«fcr«to ttftae aiTCCfeorT vj 4 Public Sale, at ibe ShcriCs ol £-_a in tic b trough of Bearer, on Saturday, January 31st; 1863, c I ocUci p. m.,,the' following described to|vit:AU the right, litlS, interest imcUraei' dclckdant. of, inland o the un •&A<l (.nc-ihirJ of the BdloW !pt. srf •Fcf.uo-Wr.jrSo., litas. ,h life borough.of New Dngbtoi^BM^ vtf cour.t.r.; Va.. bouuacd o »\ft«ovrk to wit, ( Oihc N'irtli by lot No. 33. East •>? Asa!. on the South by?lot Sojs-d, and on «• ttc?x A»j Bwer rircr. There being, ■fr?ctcd .on lots Nt>s. H a Jarge fcjir * sutv Vv.cbtt . bciag(?lo feet front on :u;tring iTrough said lots, andcigbtj*- teev the bastTOent/Mory of Stone, and .thrcc-Kor ta of vtoodrolao'* email fywne fhed ■ op tiiCsi.x :.a side of ni ; .d-building about 2*) by Sb feel. , tin the cast ride of street : running tlrouglf Hid Jots there are erected it wo brick dry kilns shoot IS oy 20 feet. There la be-,, ■ IcangiDg to said lotaJioß. ft and 15 the undi vided one- bird of fen share, of stbek-in the -Sew Brighton Water Company, each share. ’ bait; on«tbucdredlh part of all tie vjtcrjtchmging td the race of bind Cobr j-«y. ~')Lr ve are erected bn lots So. 17 apd - Ih-a Urge four story fab Factory, 40 feet on «»«. ruaitihg ’ through said lot£ and 40 feel . " ■ the buehi.cm stonc. and three stories of v I o i v.f brick dry; kilns, on the east .-:ce c! ros! running; through Said lota, about ; Jo if.'Str rgctjjtifcrc is also one other brick 4.7ii"m. p ivtly on tot No, 10 and partly oh !« .Nu,;!7. Tuere is 1 belonging toroU Nos.l 6, I'tcJ IS. the -undivided one-tliird of nine of Stock" in the New cßrighton Water | tictiny, each share being equal to the boe- U fciredth part of aUHhe-water belonging to i *-f’Sae cf said Company. ! ... ' - ieisi ahd taken in execution aa the prop- I .«y sfßh,. s. Gill at the; suit of Cbnatian -Vr**!,. c-rigneeof Rhey & Matthews,- for /. itf Merchants’ £ Manufacturers 1 Bahk i } f JOHN ROBERTS, Sh’ff. • Scturr j Orncx, 1 \ rftirer.Jan. 12, ’C3’, / ■r. t'IST LETTERS, jJINCAIiEP FOB, I 'aJL toainiag in Ae Pflrf (! offirt tt Bwtt O. ■ M'a.. Dtc. Slst, 1862." . , ' ! ' 1 f Sallre j' ' ’ - J»<k JW J .5, Nicholas ? Kidd Jaa .•■ CsinLids ', , . ‘ M’Phersbn.Jas; Pnrdj Wo F . ■ -John ,5j Strock Lydia A ■ Thoi ‘V Wright M»ry E teiWmF Wilson Mary E Vai«iTf& , : . wUtse&Saail ■ ; ‘-.aj David,' 2 calling fork i; * ; C c’.sase aavtUey ada Vr 1 -:i . m. j. ; 1 6S;OCcc Hoot*; F: letters in Ow sbore tist Tertised. ■' " 1. AKDERSOK, P. If. rom -7 A. M. till G P. Mr H ANDERSON, PIADtX IS kT GOODS & GROCERIES. ; &! Tee latest and most fashloNAble if 5 »f DRESS GOODS —fUatij onhands ana for sale, for . cash or produce^ Jannuy 14th, W6S. ' t «sh for hides. I TOL PAT THE'HIGHEST MARKET -.-gLf ■'■ • JAMES DABBAGH. • WIEEIAMS, >' Kay|on»do»r.ew<f Ptoodley’qHotel,' iTBR, PBtfV* £ ■ , . . •. . • .~ . j - . . ' *i 1. ' i n 1.. .->«! , . > 7 1 , 7 .1. 't - i * ' x ' V »' I *■ f ;! , v - j Vol. 39-3 ST ■ !¥)PBBDAyT to:an ordsr of the Orphans? Cjjwt.«( jjzpoaed to sale! ®7. P®W»'. teadno . or. out- 017, on tie prwn ■' ■] -- . WMnesday, Fet*. 2{Sth,‘»Bo, 1 Ifo’elock, a. n:.I the foßbwihg real estate »sltfate on tßewatersj of tittle Bearer Creek, la Darlingtontp., oounty, f’eaMTlrania. Tii: afsrm or trAcf of liad, contuiUQg r ■; ■■./. - 112! Acres aild iui Perches, Bounded on-tho aorth by'lands of William Sharp, east bylani of "Joseph Sharp and ffm. Sharp,, South' by hind of Jostph Sharp land I others, sOd West by[ the XH tjo'Bearer Ureek, ' and lands of Jamba SlcGeorge; about 80 seres eleated audio a good state of caltira tion, on which a rejected a two story stone dwelling house mboui 1$ by 30 feet, a doable log barn, good framd Stable &e., an orchard «“d also sereral good springs of water on the premises. . j ■ The shore property is situated! about one [half mile from-the Darlington or Sow Galileo Station, on tlie ’Pittrhiirg, Fort Wayne & Chf. eago Railroad, f 1 •. i ’■ . . 1 ’ -an ' - ! - Also, all theundinded one-third of all of that ecrtainlot'of ground,siluatein the Til lage of ln t|ie Township afore said, known" its the Sawmill lot; being 3(90 feet in length by 124 feet in width; bounded south, east? and west by, other lands of said Intestate, on which ia erected a Steam Saw mill, about 40 by ‘2O feet. ! . TEKM^rOnerihird: of parchtK money to be paid, oh confiVmalion of the sale by the Court, .the .balance in| two equal annual in. {stalments, from that date,With interest there ( on from-the same time. [ further information enquire of ! Kb. SJiarp or, Jos Sharp. Adjoining thoprem or Aosew Ifrrr, Administrator ofdec'd.; fiew Brigton, Pa. ■[ i t. By order of Court. A. Q. McCREART, CVkJ .jan2B’63, Registers IVotice. interested .in the following Administration and Guardian Accounts, which, hare been passed and filed in tfae'Xie gister s office, of Beaver county, Pai, will take notice that.the same will he presented to the Orphans’ Court, to he held at Beaver, on Wed-. dtb day of .March, 1808, for con firmation and allowance: ,j The final account of James Nelson, Adm'r Of the estate of Alex, Scison. dec'd. The. account of David Anderson, Adm’r cum («(fljr.m/o taaicxo of the estate of Alex. Gibb, dec'd. y'j 1 ; j .The account of Andrew Carothcrs, Adm’r. of the estue of Alfred tl'altonjdeijid. The partial -account Jbf James Smith and Marv Anh Tucker, Executors qf the! last will of SamT Tucker, dec’d. I ' j ; _-The accounts! (Ileal and Personal) of Wm; Henry, Executor iof the ! last Will of John Sutherland, dec'd. The partial account of; John J. Carothers, Administrator. 8c bdnit -noTi of the estate : of James Carothcrs, dec'd. I ' . , fhe final nceoUni-of Isaac listen, surviving Executor of the last will of Matthias Hook, dec’d., and Thos. Nicholson, Andrew dec'd., Mtnteof Jribn*Aihdcrson, deed-j . ! _ The second partial account of Janies vc Fomheli. Administrator of estate yf Lucien Fomheli, dec'd. ; i , T , „„ the Gnatdianaccount s of AVilliam.A. Jhom son'Adnis>>ftiator, oP-Pelcr Eccbel,; decß.., who >?ta son of Jahics Marks, and Jbl-n SnarpSu-eeiey minorson id'. Mary Swcexey, dee d. . Jr ■■■ ' The Guardian account ot Marmaduko nil son, Guardian of [ Frances. Campbell; minor daughter of -Alexander j- , Beaver, Jen! 2a,|18C3. !* ’ , Kcgister. lost of Causes , ) | , For march teumJ-iscs; COMMENC ING Ist MONDAY V ; (mist WEEK.) j Jamesjhmcan 'I vs. Job aM. ErringiA *l. Hiram Meaner, et »l •> Hugh Anderson... , 'HM- - ■“ .l.samo,;,- .> ' James Kelley a wife .” James >1 Elduff; ' »me’. same ’ (second week.) Bank Lawrence ci. - Selah Chamberlin. s „._, i,' ••• ,Same. ;■ -I . - feme “ io» a S Chamberlin. ,F; Weseott, et at i “ Martin Raiser, et aL ! Warts. Anstrie * I!*- ! . 1 ■ ; Veish, use • “.Sharrer & Osborn. Sami Stewart, jr.; •• Augustine Steven* John Graham “ Thomas Murry. ‘ same - ■.*. ' >* i “me : • . t ■ ■ *•. « ■ same - , George Neely . { :» »«“'» . Robert M’Clane r “Henry BMdwai.'’ , James Collihs &,Co. « W. M. Shirts, et aL Lewis Walker’s Ad- Burgess and. Council ministrator, use, “ S Boro of John U. Camp “ Wm. Alexander,, jr. Sami Simes “Ovid Finney. Michael Best, etal “.Henry Kinsey. M. WEYAND, Froth’y. “Union Hotel,” BEARER, PENN*a. at/rX. CLARK, Pbopbieiob TK Addition to- the eonrenjfnM* of a -fire I Hotel, the Proprietor baa fitted op in ms house, in a complelej and satisfactory man- Bte ’“ OYSTER SALOON . ; where the heat quality ’of Oysters may be oV t n j„.d daring their eeaaoni in any desired style. Families can be furnished irilhOystera, by the can or doaen. The table with all the luxuries the PITTSBURG MAR KET can afford. ■ .y- • -'’■■■ . Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed a continoance of the »me is respectfully solicited. J I, - dec|7 T IST O F .LBTTEI I J yijaißiiyh tfcfl pt, Dee. Use, 1862; Adderbyßer triai Beaament Godfrey . i Remit Henry : Barnes Mrs Maty BatesStoekton Cerper Abby Dam James M DarUas John W Frederick Conrad. Frederick 4Blaekia«re GourleyJohn QrinDtrid ;j ■■■■<' Hoffman Coarad 4.. Holing BelWna f, . Henry Christopher HeiwE.*' ’ ;t. Jackson Pamela .v.A - up'qseeas aaWWqg'tw * will pleaaeaay tiny ap oP^* ' r ''F«rtha Aigim •• . Tb«ogk atllife'Jdark and changeful mm| There still ft bright,spotlatSTTseas f y. K*'',’ Though densetheasUt'thitgsthen mold.,' jr*t be ftmn*^, • Though often itmay dimly gleam, ~ ' : r v Andlife ft darksome mist mayseem; ns 'twin norer wholly fcdv . . ’ •., But.etlU extend its genial aid.,7 /■ : C7 'TwiU shine at morn, at noon, at ere, : v >" Thtburdenedsoul to well tellers; , ' And over earth’* dfttheit siencfHwffl ting, A halo whieh' nought else can bring. ' Whjea mirth grows lest, sod pleasures' And sweet eotalent.doth not remain, '■ r" Thireii s beam that breaki the glooms. ' And doth the darkest way relume. U brings its soothinginfiuenee near,* AUsys onr grief, dispels each fear .v v When grim despair ofar souls 1 wouldclaim, To is its *im. Like beacon light 'tWill .rooiid ns ■ ■ .Whejn loee abdfriendships fast decay'; " When fortune frowns and .ilia await, ' Thisi doth the heart resuscitate. ’Tis hope that Orer triumphs here. Creates a smile,, and checks the tear;' Thisjradlant beam still lingers round, ' Through weal and woo its light is found. It bids us took for lasting pealce When we from friends-shall find release ; Points to thaterer-during goal; : Whereidwells the spotless ransom'd soul ' - ‘ . ' JT. bL I. j How to Tell a Tory. He curses (he Abolitionists, damns the black . Republican-*, and is dreadf fulljlsui’aae oh the "free niggers."--; Ho about thlri suspeusion.of llie habeas! corpus, god rages about Fort Lafayette, -and Hhe Ba-stilo ” Ho is Very afraid there will beaii insurrection among 1 ; {bo slaves, but is perfectly easy about I thcmsoi reel ion of the masters. Ho] vjliidcs tbe Prcsifler.t and wishes bo j liadsimk to’ihe boltont oftho ocean,! Ho iii wonderfully exercised on the. subject of political preaching, bathe lieves in Vandyke and the divinity ofj slavery, lie talks a great deal about theenormous war debt, and Is alarm ed at the ‘‘bankrupting Hood'/ crann Svas victorious at Murfreesboro, arid don't care jv bother hebvaf or Ml. You, can tell him at a glance lir a could around the bulletin .board, for the Msli >f patriouc joy i? ab^ <i-ou "bis JuyV, a* limit victory is heralded ffcmj mv ol the Republic. while! the intelli*. trjnecik aHieteat draws'froin him the the csWamation, ;‘yoncan never sub jugate- tho South-'' —• TYbaAj. JtyP\ 1 .AtfoTnim GHivAtnous Lm--O«iP readers will remember how the North crn press and people, and iven Secre tarV Welles; wore blinded by tbc re port* : from Richmond, Unit the first Merri mac was a “dead failure. J Tlioj same reports, in a sliU ™4 ro -®f a PS i atcd form. aro anani being net »mo«‘ in regard ibo No. i. VVo are told that she is moved about by, scowsioiv each side, and etcni then ca-j rccns BO badly aa for use.l ! How jdo will, the tress -Monrae of J m* <>->d “> ■ i l ”"-cTn Monday last iUo new rebel raw •‘Merrimac No. 2,” came down James River as far as Newport Nows, and after lying off that poiht for some hours, turned her rose about, and steamed op towards Richmond again It chanced that on that day there watj not a single iron-clad ip the K,) ?dN nor between hero and Fyrtitss Mohf roe, and if tlio new Me rrimac is at all equal to her predecessor, there was notping on that day that would havp prevented her from coming up to Norj , folk and' shelling us odi. But sh 6 would find something worthy of her metal, if she should makptbo attempt now.** j! ~ j|-- I . • | ENI 'TT'“ 8. UNCALLED FOE, ’<kt Office at Rochester Lee HE Leonard Janet Leonard JC . . Lancaster Mary . | Milter Emma - M‘Masters AD Kewtdn L • ; ;•" Oldham Rachel Porter Jainea Powell Henry RagwCapt. Jaa. • BMdltabeQa, 2 / ' Strode*. Ellen . Small Maggie' . WUUsXixxio, : I. [eimwinibaaberelistj ME Russell and the German* —Bussell, iV, his diary, gives the following ac count of a reception he got. nt tno hands of a'Gormsn.soldier: “Op the- Isfof September a dirty German sol dier ballet} oat irom tho parapet of an. cafthwotki over the liong Bridge, ‘Pull ißui»nseell,Vrftid Jjt. the sEme time cockddhia piece and levelled itj. Bussell in.mediatelyrode around into the fort, the rfeiloW; still presenting his firelock, and asked him ,what bb meant, at the same tip»o calling for the sergeant of the guard, who camb at once, and at his request arrested (be man, who recovered orms ana Mud; ‘lt was a clioake J X: want Ip fSekeh Poll Run As the man’s! Tifle waa, capped .and loaded, and on full cock, Russell did no* see the fun of the proceeding so clearly, and urged an j r into hi# conduct, which ho .did., ,not,,. however, think it necessary to | ,' ■^*^i J ;'i^« ; Bpaper. in p presentation oIV a silver Qf uompprari sayal “He ,n* Jfc c«D;dripk from MiJT contains liqnop^whetbep |lml » somoimpdrtaj ito lb« if. {bfbeard Of ;eqqal» ii Inf Mjr made - hJ thls cky yes, ' ' « ./ ; oqndbroe<f w W i Cook, ifc&city; !S- wi“Psll :WH i& :'■, of >nKfiipori. -:l-Otid ifabta _ * ittacbinent was p&pertylh hi» ' ls and 1 1 Deputy Shenff Wfihnej to servo the at tachment; an<H , «mm it>l| ißeii ’ .researches m«a discover- i ' ies.- r ,"i;' ; !C f vs\ : ■'•■f[v --■■ -i >The! rottnfe;; toil by Cbriiisk on ! tho tlnrd floo*.\ Hfst'df a llsitting foom, where tbi' ifiibHhg wa,i- done, i and a, tfttfetfpmi was;' iurnislicl]‘;W!)[li Usual; manner, and r had tOßit^pidneartboiAWndowa i and a in the ; center! oftbe room. plifeed to each. The‘ , waU«'nhd cerliDW! of the room rare ' Wilh paper of 'a star pattern. ■ ’ ■(n ■ '•;■ • I Direetiy*ovor.iho rooms are two I by Conlisk, : bdt not A ponton .oitbe ! floorirg has brta removed u the ( room gambling room; dhd a smdtt iude tHDrcd through theceiling' of tctf foom each of ibe tablife- Astbe bole.? come di>eialy througU|tho Center of a star i pattern i^b^j*^r ) 'th»3'| are harden ly fpomvliblow. E!icb j bole is so placed to enable a pet- K bn, applying Jiisfeyo to it, to look di rectly into tboband of the player ewxted in tho tbmf bclow. ; . : .,j 4>O t hgeniovaJ dune xoas discoi'eKd Communicating be- J hecen those holes m the tophi 'abore and Ihe-ckair of the ‘gablet: in the rodm he- A; wiroJ^Btrfng^^a handle ; near* the hole, passedßpong : between the* of tho i 4 ojjm tp llhoi cor- tlie gaiqMßng’ rooni and! bed room. ■lt cntefifgSe; bed room and passes down being con' I <fenled,by a ndiili = MEI tiie gambler would bc\plttced. while Hh terminates in a Spring and' hammer,, conceited by the carpet. ~V /-■ -f ' ' \\\■(*. ' The nfothod of working thisinyon tionfor tabbing by piachinery sterns, to Imvobccn as follows: The • victim to bo operated ;upbn?fiuds two c-lmirs drawn up to the table. Il« « f these the gambling thief soatb vh m setf at once, placing bis foot over; the telegraph hammer. victim *i» obliged to take the other, Vbicb is placed in the proper-position, for play ing The gambler’s accomplice in the room above istrclctfeshimselfon a mattress, witb bis eye at the ppop holo— and oi.o hand giaspmg the tel egraph handle. The bole isqoplaceu that be can look directly divyn; into the hand of his victim. As soon as he sees the cards ho telegraphs [their description according to an arranged code of signals by j ulhng tbe Imndlo when the hammer strikes tbp, desired; number of raps on the solo of the’ gambler's boot or slipper, the sound being muffled by the 'carpetr Of bourse it is easy‘tit sod that the map i*bo sits down to pliy with \ such a gambler is robbed assarcly,!,com pletely and : systematically P bad been bouiid band .and loOt and dfi-, livered over to a highwayman, and.ol the two robbprs, the '%wajman would be the more decent man. | . Theso roonis httvo been occupied at various' limes by Conlisk, . i kpr, and other . gpmblCrß, rbsideptsot tlirs city. SMe highly r,dpedabfe ctti zens that wd could name.nave visited those roonis, pnd undpabtedly , ‘foaght the tiger” without a Hbhado w ' ot a Chance against its teeth and claws. ( ' There are other looms in tbis .city used for gambling pdrppses, jjwhich j are (VeaPebted by jmmo of oat [.best citizens, who vvpnld dread - to sep their ■ mimes published, and : wfioap uatnCs. if published!. would startle’and ebook their friends atid the v phblip. Are there np “telegraphs” in theso'roomsr Awrui. and ] SoutM*v Scotch paperrreport, and incident, which though; it involve* only pnp life, contains more of ; the tree ele ments of horrer, strikes more iivthe fine chords :of. human terror, tbi& rattn a gi oat) mreningle'sjlcaw-: trophe. Thomas Loch, .a dock . la; bOrer, was yrprkipg, pa a, ship-jMt -beached bear NVJgntowb, .Whonrije keeled overandtho bulwark , fcll:_qu; bis chest. The.-tide wap fast <*?•“•«« op. and it, Wa> evjdopt that man honr the wretOnod man ; wpmd bp dipwned, nnlMa t&e' wojghl could jempted fro* ris cb'est.* AH the,place iur,ned outioheld,Wthe weight,tmf red pn^ mor •closely. ...A, unhappy bis request, placed over tils I ft<»-ihaj> bo (flight Hot uoticing the op. to » ,ce- Midi no jap. | veiael tbit ' th e ftedc of the' ■■■ V. ■»v, 1. %ttii <a. PdL. Triegrt^h! 0 ' iareß If ftaten iSfeSL m t* b^mtD w* ' , ’«ife i t> mtMbti ■wjiltor Scene InthoSenato of i [■, ■■ .} r, ; :r ; Senate on ®nofc oecuMarf 27l * i Ol^ ’ *°^ xcitln g Scene i ‘ A-long .debate ;,ensned' on Mio bijl for thb Indemnification of the > a c^ > l h t ra % the wnV of habcasi corpu£ and acts done tm pui suaiice thereof ' Mr. bum of Delaware, made a long speech £? ■ ?** to order several' times? Fiw£ly T whon censuring the course of president fruited Stales, calling him imWile. and caliinghim by name,: the Yiee President 'called him to onier, and; requested the Sena tor to take bis seat.;,'Vi- ' \.~ j n Mr..Saulsburyi] continuing his re ieo President -said that 1 ar the Senator. di,d not take .his scat ho j the Sergeant- auArms to take nun m cbaigo. U.V V Mr, Salisbury—Then the voice, of freedom is not allpwiea in the] Ameri can Senate. . v'tj- . - h,i,i * r Scrgcant-at , Arrasr wiJlxake the Senator into cas .. i| : ■: ii-. j. ,' 1 { : I be SergeanVat-Arms then tool? the Senator in charge, and conducted ( him out of the Senate, Mr. Saulsbury display,ng arevolvor, jrbich ho took from bis coat pocket. After a short, time Mr. Ssuihury camo into the Sen steagain uid began to speaki ; I ' j • CbaWSenatorL'lark in the chair) 1 —The Senator will take his seat. : “ 1 I Mr. Saulsbury—Just as I please,! not otherwise. 'K'i- .|, 1 f i >j: ; tq aiqiiestitin of! order. He; said thdttlio Senator from I Delpwarfe, had been] committed la the i custody of the Sergeant-at- A r ms. un tl yet he saw him <on the floor of the Senate. ,H. j . ;■ j, . The Chair said the' iSenator .Was-'in * custody pf the ! Sdrgeant-a&arin'if. ami If he made further disturbance would bo removed from the S'enatoi . Mr. Saulsbury.then to(>k hisTscatv shaking his fist and ;Bwearing at, the Sergeant-al arms an!d Mr. gam ridrJ Jf . Mf- c,ark . of New HampsliifeJ oit Wcipiesday offered ho j folldwinl 1 resolution f ...' ij.-. .-.(: • if!-'; | 'm W. Saul*biily, Ik Seiiatkr from the State of Helawiffe, did, off the 27Iff inst.; bring into the Senate a concealed weapon, and did theff- and there in the Senate boiiavd in a turbu lent and disorderly manner, mid when 221 diil there j arid ;tben threats U%se said weapon npon the »hid Sergeant-at-arms,. and in t J*°J presence of the Senate did draw the’ ahid ■weapon and threaten, to shoot the said Sergeat-at-arms, and behaved I in a (manner disgraceful fo the Soiiato anti destruction of.all order ancT^o,- coi-iim, therefore, ! 5 Resolved. That the said Willard Saul bury be and hereby.'is expelled from the Senate of the United States. Jir. 1 did |not hear who itwas that introduced that reaolu ticin’ ■ -H"-, 1 p ■. l. ■ ■ . | 1 Vice Presideht—it was introduced by the Senator from New Hampshire, i ' Mr. Saulsbury—l bay© not a word ito sarin reference to the merit or 'demerit of 'that resolution. I have lno favors to ask. It may be unbe coming my position and my character as tii Senator of a I sovereign ' State to sav dioro upon the introduction of isiuii a resolution as that, and, .oir, i * will say no more?? tctlihe Senate act as [the Senate may see proper. I neither avow or disavow* whatis chara ed.t [Let -the proof bo made to thf> Senate, and let the Senate act accord* 'mg to its own judgment. , ] | The resolution was laid over. ■at. :■ '-in- 3. tfie’Goveriiirrßht hiy[dowiv its hrms % Ilex might as Tesvdjly made loval speech, biit that would not hay connected *nd ofVwblch ho V s *■ i e loader. .Wo do not charge jeye|y Democrat with being disloyal. ~T hei-c arc? many wfalo thefr duty wai^ieiir-couhtrif; 'but then there are equally as many >vho disregard ,itjj 4-men, who ; endeavor to stifle tlio Government - ; ln every respect —nic-n wiiouid and as sist: rehellionKinsieadir ol ondeuyoring to.nut it down ; and yet sijolj men will say they are as' good Union men ns-any other. - There is~one fact that cannot bo disputed; by any one, and' that U, that any person who found aiding and abetting treason in, any respect is very sure not to bo ja Ke publicah. W« do not say to; wliat partyd£cy all belong, bat ifes well knownyk’hat Vallandigham is the riialn leader of the Democratic party, and opperson has done as much, jin the Halls of Congress, to aid those in arms against:the G<yernnient as Val landigham since Breckinridge’® time has expired;; Wo would iipt.bo>t all surprised to bed- the bold treasbn-aid ,, iug Yallabdigbam- following In. .v. • 1 ‘ ..■» ’i-it ‘ ■ i-US'BOOU AS tc vni ot The CnEERFTJt Word;— Littlo Char- . v at^u end. Ho surely is no ley wa*YAe du| boy :b( . t ter in his] and ip the vest either, laughed at or iho Uhibn. and,tlio 1 Constitution, thap hi m. master r sometimys « , B^c^r ji go , ChamOersburg tnnnted him'with his deficiencies.-*- W T “ I : - Ho beedmo eullen and indifferent. aid pjositofj. > MI ! ... took no pains to get opjf pnq day* gentleman who was visiUng tho school looked over some boys that twerb. making thefc first attempt to wntQ.-- Thero Was a general; tiirst of amuse i mont at poof Charley's Ho 'colored,but’was silentr a., i : ‘‘‘Never;iWind;- my lad, said the i gentleman cheeringly, “don t be dis icouragedj just go oh and do your [ very best, and yo u will bf a bravo.wn :tcr some- day. 1 recollect • Wh«W first began to write being qnite*s awk- Iward as -yon are; but I persqyerea and look here/' He took a pen »bd wrote bis name bn a piece of paper. •In fine legible chapters. ‘See wha II can do.now," ho added. j i 14; . Many years afterwards that gentle man met Charley again. He bad torned but one of the most celebrated men lof his day,[and be fiim, conviction, that he owed hts success in i lift* nnder God's blcsslngV toj the «n* conraging speech ihado byline school visitor. 's‘.v' l:‘= 'v ■' * TiT.fewioM 6> V sirup tdb ~fboh Whedv^g rtteUi 9 tncerl P f ? legislature yeatctday Judge Eomdel J. Bowden of WiHianw htitjt (Eastern Virginia) Senator, to auefeed v f: pirpe the coming 4th oft March. Jt Mid j ;V ‘m.. ■- T'^ o^-sr~* • '' wj;::- i> »..v/ ■, ■' UM f ** a.- . -Special noticc» 2S pee tent; ’addition to »g -.. . .... ; rinler r*tes.' : . i' - . 4 .>: ~ 1 =j^==s===a :fen»uvces Cft 1(3i f 7t> ctiils $[ ppr 3'cor r - Th© New 6eneral r in-phleK . | L- Qonoral Hooker, who relieves (Jen? £ u is diso well kno*.,,antF alf KW the principal* incidents of. bis lifer tave;been frequently made public, we m»y be permitted, to repeat them when be rises before the! Zs “ B JK> OBt respbtraible com tnaoderdf any army now in the fieldl i flegradaatdf at Wfest PoihtinJaJy, ft* «FPoioted Jaeatehobt ~ ln 11841 bo was selected Military, leadeiny, 'vTiich post ho left to accept thehon ®(, re gimontal:iA<yatant bf the Ist Artillery. -During the campaign of P° was 1 ; aid-de-camp £ je, . ,ei ‘ il l Hamer, and was brovetted! Qk Jtrnp for jiisi gallant services. Ilf ajipdipied an kasisiant Aojntaat General, with the rank of I v-aptum. Ho roceived a brevet of itajor for gallant Sordlea at the Na tional Bridge. and of Lieutenant Col. ni Ghepultepec f Ih l ° s ’ rfiSiKiied andi was for koine ajjme in California. He. tom offered lu? services as soon as the war broke out, and has had »j brilliant ■ record, since. His dashing valor was dis played at Williamsburg and lb • mi»ny of the Peninsula battles. | | ■ ; At Antigtgpi ho tv-gs Wounded, and is reported to have said thuthe [would rather have been shot through the head offer the battle than through! the fobt while it was’ That I be, is brave needa tlo further illnstrs , Khp?* be is self-relianti tg: euual- : Ho to i |?J3P.?^, e > the 21st; to lot?hibV cross j •Ills,Whole force at Richards Ford, and! down rapidly.fo SaxtoiiV.Sta iu>t?“U krill»ant, t: oh'Dgeroug move- ) ment—which would have rendered r redenclcsbn,rg untenable, bi.Jtiwhieh. owipg .to prudential considerations. with an cxpcctediirisei in ; i?£l ’ Aaiidl Rauidkh/ Bh'fnsulo would not id.erfoii.j d&p' I'lumker is said to'havefgreat popular i the army, among whom hd : *emeti|iics callecL Joel" Vallandl k'| . . - r -gaam ■■ w talked boldly in 6 Halls of Congress [ Members of th’ honorable, body appear to disrega tjut}' to theiitcountry and th ffirolyitig upon -them under , the oai I THE ? fe«#RAScriUEME!«T OS hm Sot-. ! oteb —This subject has beetjbroachod tri will come up ini regular Iprdef, and then will be tested that hypocrisy in the charac ter of Democracy, which baa so long i deluded anddisgraced the gallantmon who 'are.,bearing the. brunt of: the i flubt in defence of. the Government,— [ The entire crusade iadisfranclftsp^he 'soldier has been 'conducted by leaders of the Democratic party. In theory hod in practice, these men have been ,the!enemies of the war to put down 'rebellion, and ; therefore, tjiey could ndi do other wise Sand be cooBiatent,tban struggle tor the disfranchseinonl pi thP sdldier. . They] could* not enfran - chise the soldier and slavery ; at the Same time. One or the other must be degraded; The Democracy chose the degradation! of the soldier, that their ascension to political powpr might be' insured.- This 1 is the history of-the transaction. From this Aifrto ry ; those iwlio sutviW the fight for the-Onion'will make such --issue with, the leaders of the Democratic party as mnst-TCsnit in their -future defeat and disgrace. ■ > ■ \ ' *•■! gt.A -wdmaai U either Wx>r*h a areatiieaTorWlioiis worth hptjhing.-- If good- for nothing,‘she is not getting jealous for; if e>hoi* lr “ e woman, she wilt gWo no . cause for jealousy. ’ 4 map w a J* jealous of a gpo4 fool to be lealousOf a worthier one; ho » a greater tool , toi tut bit throat fqt either of '.hem.f | ' • -1 1- 1 Ny, "\ »?>->'. ■: .'.ti:. f's r>ri NE u-r-il , I ' •j, i -:; -- ;~; In ' i NOTICE t© advertisers. inserted at tie.rata «j L*5 per square—eaci subsequent insertion, ■2sccnta~ A • libeiW advertisers, and op long sdrortisementsL. , ' ti> s T*etVfi UirtSof fUs tjpb measured ps a sduare. ! n ■ '■ ' “ ME= v Sbabp Retprt.— 'Xtiru-young lafe* ?«ro n<ling in a. car. One of tlicfo; wjt|i%tuie^emarkttblcJforaproini v nonco.of nose, exhibited tb the‘oilier a photograph* of herself,'; and tbny ,vrore engaged in discussing its nloriu ,whon an elderly jady got ml 'A'ftor a Vhile she reached bui her band, and Stud to tneladywith tbepicture— r‘‘Pleaic, foretime lobkat Jt ?” ; VH e ie<jae»b was (net with, . ■ , e *|lfc is Aone 4 ol'ybnr business.*’ iTbo pid lady .settled back in.'her seat very complacently, when the companion of the bno with Hthe pib tnroasked—: jyA: ';V.y,l' 5 w hat db yOu wartt with it I y Old laiV «y J °nly wante)!.;to .see , how sue- \ ;^ ss * u Jv tho artist has pti£. such d largo 1 npse. on sp small a picture.” i' , ; More Oo.vsEavA«BM. The rebel thus enunciates thdt| at 4t dotarirte forwarded on bis by Jeif £avh}t;lA;>-. ,y ‘. A . “'Thc administratiba is bat a singly! branch ; t»f the Government. and. whini , it "errsrr-as Mr. Lineplii’s£untiou bled! v bas--it js thp duty Of the people t'> | sot it right, byadviee ulidad mon i tLon. ' “ they can; dnd if they Cannot, thirfl? tp weaken it by opppsitioh, tbrow:it Ht;flio ,ballot; box,, antf V faili ng—rather tlutn .ruinf or . enthralment - tacrUbh it by rtfbofofibnr - . . A' *! P 1 cfciscly 'wlrat/ ihA rebel leaders! hayo been to do ior twoy eats, And in which jluiy will . be,, ultimately: successful if tins govv erimiont cphtompliite’fi the efforts, to,sl)!;e:uJ siiith Janarchial' doc-. .trines.-. •j V" i'’,!A'' !• ■ ■ ITM—' ! iUELAJib.— Wi> lak'jj following from a letter dated Dub- ; Un.'Doti..3o; : ' 1 The wpaMrs in BiiUyiniu:ari ; et,-lJe)|. fast; tbo anil rooiu keepers).. - ip the poorer districts of olis. tlie lab/it-era driver) into apd ' punda'k' and other ion ns j'or Wfnit oi employment, ana the multi tudesT in the; that a lateand vest and a severeiviriterlmve reduced to miserable destitution, are oil fusing eight months,’ a tiiizCnVi«f;>p^wrnr o.fr county juil to.- a debt -which .t .s wholly out of Ids povvsr/ to 'his creditors' |Uo!jnrs ]>e| ; wcek for ids. board ami tuci*,, determination of contii?u;ug to do during'' his liic, unless ftfce debt, ss i charged. V'.K’-w' ■ icurly. a -pcrseeau.m * Lof sBi uufortjiiiuu- .luul w.c- a-e - t Ac niaueri-to -e , broii''hi before the withnhe object of niUking ,u hi* to meet this and similar. 4 cases, it ihere is none, at present exiSliug---fJ O tH-; dence Preiss. t ■ ;K*uii Western edUor,living h« last shirt stolen, veritir .hiSkrago|a3 follows: . . 'ff !..r. j ' Wo would say to tho rascal who stole the shirt ofT the line while >ve .. ;. wet#m bod waiting for it, tqdry, Mat - we- einccrely liopo; tho collar will; cut- . , his throat. ; ; y{ , :s ' - JTo this a cotrte mpprary - aJ as Served a*hirt. SacwNttxunes Iv " e expect ■ "nSt to hear .of tho extravagant! tel- . low aspiring) to wear'stockings and ,s*, b&vcr W| Olf hnrcasOriablencss ofspine lolss. j , A Delicate Ist,ate, noted Tojy his- love) of the pleas- ure of vthe table, to a tncml k , ; - said— • I- J: ■ “Wo haver, jugt been eating a superb tdrkeyk ex cellent. stuffed w ith trades to the neck, tender, delicate, add of high flavor ;we left only the ; . bones.” • ’• ) ■ ‘■'flow many of you wore There T , t [wasaskcd. • ; '"V ' .v*V*- “Two,” replied the magistrate, v ■ - ; f “Two ?” I W. Vi ' ‘‘Yes, the turkey/and myself.’ ■’ '•' ' ~“ - % T* - ' • 7-j TI V-- . CUKRENCY.-*- W« were sliovvn ,on Fr|day. f a coun- ; lerfeit fifty jurfeatv ; ; note, which thp nhsuhpecti gg V[foW; bis very likely to take. Thev :u-o«ih lily! detected,' hovreyer. ,w> which they are printed is f|rk|tj a«p, Us a dirty look ; the paperfS thimicr; whiie the, note itself is nUrrovrer.v ihe eniiraying oh the backMso -PS™*: ler thani'ohtho goivuuieSml chgravihgyjoarseT.|— Led ger. *’a .. .. . * . ■- i-. -y ■—* ■ — f, tcafcbcr. <«<?& .wertjto , that the '‘ait of playing on a vtolrn required ‘ tW ; im-est 1 perception,; and the most- sensitive of any art in the ‘known world” Upon which ah edi tor eoinnieihh: ] in‘ the following man ner: “The art of publishing a. news; pnnfer, nodi makings]* pay> and at thd same lime have it pleasooyerybody* beats fid|ln* d kite." ;, j i ii»-The-iGJ»avle«toh jlf«rcury HaUofl a*a«>la in yrliich 'in ; ooncctlcß the death, on the battle-field, iii ;hos pUal eie,\ of oriel hundred tn’oasaua robn the warjsomineiKtetf. * / y is s£ount Yp*ay|tti like * newspaper* Bocanee it Miras forth sbhiroafc tf smoke .«M tulaißes of §aa. [' ' "** Xf =I it ~1 ( -, •-5, OMIN ■> vK. ME a_ ';: r: J: •1:'; E ■■‘f-
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