t' MEM r "p j EMI ME '$ - G V S. Wedzmwl6/ob4 , ntlifUNlk . 'lAftttwMP^'Hifi^f'^. Q. L* iWwK) fwiiur a TTCfTwior. f md FimCtm » AW*«e»s otktrwtoe Tws Dot* ijsj Wfil tojjjlitgd. Ntvpaper-dj*e«tttiim«d liiat fftt cw*H^»ri«kiled. -v-'„ ■ lgp*l»tt»* t»rtl jeeimntiil«ktloiil, ty btH t ,i»n bsWt*«Bpt*ttMitson. Time Table. W9EWASS. » R. E. it, is" pei afhßtysVWbMp msM* vieirdf tb'e t I'bfcHeve rhat neccsbit# .t®»>:; !c•l^Bngqd.^..lf <^ 180n rr Lta‘=i<» on ,tbie .pel - \voufd;go far my; nit nd j‘ that' s should hq, gniint. .ungeh'gfo.ufyjiiid « ought, Jo bring «'j the' rnaii 'capubloVj Set-fair. as. g! cert combi ini ityuii>tc( Jtatiyujifivaaying, peitt' lly. d,tsgrm;t ■.); ■ The only quest!. , ; me to be; to r vvhut i And : Jen. Jin sfrenijtb ind she. 1 noO .npn, ; a|o^th ; fu« grownj ,j ,f tpia | A Ucro .n h.-motber J bl , Jgn - KVcrVb; > A.young . .>? joF |bli) cifnr; To imitate tlmpayspiymcif . : ' cd ur t .6f Pltty In - cd inevety tie. And then. a®i|taea : v' '4^n^W^%- v ' To fall in 'ahd wed ;, ty ■’’ ■—.■J**. ; A°” vt*s. v ' ' V\w ncv.liou: will, this _W,>h weih,^ r amtd ? chcme and bOuk td nvoii To gather gold,;dr t'dil for bread ; ■“ llcind/. Tbey t |,* ; To sue for fame’inlh pen, U\bis ’i-ahe^alrV ! And or prize; tuid..thcn I , , otbur count ..*. W--,,n... • “ (. And then a gray and wrinkled Eld,*A-.; • ' p*o p»atlc «o ’• nott Feb. 25th, ’63 f P “~ : 6f i^'sdeelinpr To praise tbe.s'jcncs hisyouth;behdldVt>? !' • State, (iflttl; AnddßetmpmWqf; 1 syiiicp I To dream a!-while tilth darkened kW< :-, : i , -^S ja Ji VM® i<ri,»n iW„ r- -#■ ;SH . ihat {be case sboafi' -- Th * D dru P “?? grave: andlhen? V | thinly of Wb H l f ,/;• .’ “r 't . ■ bandof Ibis Igdyr-'W. m j g®'Tbe following .is. a gopyy of Ibe iqhe cditoi-.ofia j j c^4 spepcb mad&jiy Mr.Porsfung, in ttiej.lbat coutihy aod>J.t | House ori' tbe bill I Kfnllenioii- of - j C?t>X^y, ss . I for vfjenuc.iri Jbc case of lbc l!l^ le XN JL Comity, before j the Hoii. Judges of said Ipf A/. '’ ’ ,'J S ' \ "L x>ar^ - cr ’ | danger that feelllli - Court. ;In the matter of the real and per-! ’ *„ . [,’r - r l I'CVCfiac iniobl IliS* sonal estate accounts pf. John, M’Garthey and MB- PEaSHI.Vo; a i;oliCri»l"f ole I imti lotr of the on .; - ‘ j wjU of MSth^H^elbw'dc^d 1 - i' n '^»'■ '' itet-.u-vc propCTly is situsled about one-1 And n,w tmri-.. Scpi:'lp iso 9 1 ( I ‘ in » ,n - 1 ? H'.ejSiiriUc ilt tut or Ne,w Galilee i»f Henry .Cotirt appoint B B' l coa, ? , J‘ tc J;iA»other, : mlcK B > ■tv x. ; n tee I itftliurg, Jort Wayne & Chi- Chamberlin. Esq., aiu Auditor, to- distribute fdt-'ibg ciaiVOc' 'V-ground sitdate jn the vil-, Wgan, EicoaorSW' the* lasi till and ; I'cst'a- IM.,l M ., i> ; .^K e .* h t b ls ■ C!l^ cl the .-Township oT Jiatthew H.‘Jcffrov. dl'd amone the ! S ends V lot; being 300.■'heirs.and panicsvlnt'crcsTed and ehlitredh^ 1 • - ffcny.cmjiii kntnvs {^*™*l- b 0 r d ' d tl i“ cl0 ’ :(Tromihe Bccord;); ~ katscg-pl wtfdices •'lnaVi'l.c b ir^a a^^tef B ‘ : V ' sl ' Glerfc :: U>*>' #eat. feet, v . *" u^ c ” ?1 !ned will attend to the dutics'of| I’tUTi cuing parties, tfiat it iiiiisi v ' ° f moneyed ißea^er^fcF^^’^*^^ib^eS^ j '■ procuvo' - .a.d ca fcobfirmation of thj, ale hy-ri,. , yi ( A y, c ~; Irw.ritrTxnzy fotlfnt> &C.rir"further infermation,: cneuire rf' T*’" f- "' - ' <*» very highly tberpOST. _ -'attrp or-Jbs a^joining~T^- e p^em^f^^oXlXlSSJ ~ - | tlo * - u V„ I ' l V lh<?’ ■t .r Aqxrwllnu*, Aaministratdr ot’dec'd.. i : T f ' ■HictOfpJinns"- Cohn, in andMbr Jieavcr ,' f '-i' c of-yDeav <-| count v-m this flVffjf ' will.pass •b brtgtcn, Pa,-i ■ ; '!'• ..: ; JlX.wiuhi;-, before .the, Ilonorab Jude- if; Vet 1 i!,l'k sr ‘f ' '‘ Beaver Station—Goiko East, cy r ' Hrmjntr ■ A'oe. 17, 1382.—?V«flM iZaßtattT Suunm aafollov* : -. ArriTM at IHtUbwgh, 8:20 A. «. aijv */' " 4:10 P.. M • 8:46* ». -,££/■ GojsoJWEsif— , '■'■"f-'sszi: !ttpf Piutbiitffh at/cllcttt •• £ k. ‘'jjJt.x. Soehe*t&\ 3:00 p. *. IrfOr.X. ' ' “ " • J. S. McCULLSUGH.. iW/. Tiekci Ageni. TT. WAYNE & CHICAGO E. R. Eflaad RocßesW Going East. i * - cvinexn# mind cjtti Sn*d»y;-Jtn. 4 '63. famtat’ Rochtster Station atJbUcwi: ' • Air. »t Jlius. l!t ; irigli‘%Aec9in,;B:6§ as- k....;.,8:40 i A / r»i. Id Brigh’n " “ '12:46 p. 2:50 p’. M. Mail, • 2:1&r 3;45 pi n. • 5:49 ’' ■ 6:«>‘ a., m. Ist Express, ~ 2d. Express, /7 M— '10:00 *. W.: - > Coi*g West— =- * r-f - Leaves Pitta. Air. »t Uoclicalcr. lit Hrigh'U'Accom. 9:30 A. a. :'m: 2<l' Hrigb’n' ; 4:20 ». ■ u. «; - r >‘ p.;m. ‘ ; 8:00 a. 9:28, ,|o iiaro been . .iled in Uj,c%ifsfoc>ol tte.Clcrk'or tlic'Orphans.! 1 for lioaver ,county, and approved ninl' to'»it! •" ■ y ■; . , *a-_ -I.'' ■: • ■•’,!■ I Personal property to amount of $2OB 85,’ to I t-widotvi of IVm. Elder. dec r d. jnoS Elden Adm, j •**■■■ Personal property jo amount of $299 82, 'to : j tridow:o&knil .Wilson. Uec'd. . IVM. JCerr A~dm 1 Orphans’ ‘ Court Sale. ; p ? pe Vs<i2k,-toi :! ~ . ( widow ut- Francis Alcornf dec'd, -Jlcnrv* F^USUANIIo ’•n ordw. of the Orphan*;’l'PhillisJ Ei’r. j_' • . I ■’,l —Court-of'Bearer, fill be, exposed locale j‘ Pereanal property amount of $3OO, to wid- I -y pubiiS Tcndße at- ou t-erj, oh the iffemil ow of Shiu l-ilobb, dec;* iiliiabfeUi and Wm '> jcr, on " ’ tbb, ; r ' ■Wednesda; o\.s3oo! ht. ■ [' IiSO At 3:05 a. m. Id- Eiprcsa.r :l 1:40 p. ».2:55' p. M. - BRADLEY, Supti, E. b. sr , • ; .-?■ -rr,-v -i«mount ofi to iltH f ’clock,•«. Ik'.,- tie foljpwmg -real, estate , Adin'- '- * Jobbt/Sentx, j ;1 -Sliai-p, dec‘A. sitiate.on \v*|li'?C'”iJSt-1 ‘- • • ■**■? ’' ' 1 :t 1&le Keavcr Crccfer 4 ’ ip.i!if given io creditors, heirs, i Vva'f-Sr.’.y; tcnnsyHanWvii; a farm, oml e ,v [0 a otherß *“»«««- ! itetalnimj' 1 13 • - > ?"' \° a term next,- and not la- | t- „ n .■ ■ «, :-/fc^-V,-=r. ■'- .:‘ er . tl,n, UAe‘third day. of the term, 'leinc ! the 112: £ci*B, &S(t ; Js^ 1 * *ty of MW«b. 1863. to shetv eiase. if any I Jr-taiedthe north bv jlands : of V>'jl liftin'! i y -' b^f B ’-- “BW'f s »i final coafjrjnatirn of I tep. eapi-hy ian.J of Joseph Sharp and ’Via; -i ,te f a!d soycral.appraiscmcnts. . , i isrr, -and of Joseph-Sharp and L lca ' l ''... G. M'CKEARY, Cl'k. | lutvs; and yrest by the Little Bearer - Creek, i -■ > • r. 3( . jJanies about- SO.] * ’b - ■■ -- l and ip a good'jState-bT. calliva- I ■ ' ■■■ which ;nre creeled a2two' storv,. sior.c i >& a l bouse-about is by? 80 fedC a‘double I good frame .CT:.blp -VC., ,'ih orchard i it Aseveral good springs of water on the f r-.rb—s. ( -■ >' ' i- ' ■ * .5 ■ I* - • isaid Courtin', to tof: that l'™? <>««••■' |btstriiit‘ dPhads vW'!^ * ■ A. G. McCBEABV; Clk. ( Jane niiftiy.s.i ./Widow) and MarUref- and i• ' ll “' t ,H l-<- e a fair tlinl-'rnilicHii. ■».!, . I X!W.*(T ■‘Sfntit‘llibtiAt; ,1 r- XiX f ■ ijot flft'w.r :l | ,v^ rv^'s - '.iv‘* the . .s.-m «no ml„4- u$ y>~ X +‘~ -yv-i. • - I '* /*« -i»—: iron, tin*** u^VX&lvSi C*JC J «,. V« «* ■k X . '“&*•**»••*•?] -ions Iw 'm .;-. s tlce -. : ' Bta 4 C ol • • . ‘ siting UuvUhvehor ItHiru-rle t 1 r .v,^: jii >: -?w ■ i j*" 1 :-nTTsfec:-; is -ir?!* ; - l, "'. e - ba:i?J * ■. -r; ; ‘ l v l .’; !! ‘«.K;®-c,wi:l 1)0 presented i«.ite'. I,f V rte “T W r "V .BG3 r the Court. t ieinulx; in Iho finds, ;« tl V* *’,‘**l ’ ° , * ,^ 1 ‘: .*«•«>»••• '»»•<! cb^tlreij.■•■- S&y&i vegllfyf ukr' tMii f iwii-. onetmtl ' 0> V ll ) 1 : l -";|) 1 , 1 * L'uiylW; iii, i. |V „j„ ~ j-®," lion the worthy '■■Bailie S., of ; jV' .--.Vswonwv* -; ••• : *W>ou»t due, tf*ny; •nriti. hU opinion in flic case: : went ;),A man named Shoot* V ( • R,l 1 } r county-a-i in - ; I•■ r '‘H l^" o %l>* ' - I' 1 -'’' m "!j :i l 01 ‘- l>oaojon Aff -piud . • Nelson. Admr ****<**■) ■ • -M j pe. ate-elmraeteD?wrnetp. ilk it i£l 1 *' k n.c- ’V 1 to Ihc allr: X >.• "i : .^“ t? d -. .1 ,A- G: MCEEAIA-Clfc. j , iouillv an u„ p ,^ t .d and''most eVuVil'- TIS S 7, ' ' ■« ; -pla- H.|' oftim dirc.-tUI - ' s “'V*s> r ;;r'?ir;: „% ?"';>■ v 1 A n f T j ,>.i ,„„< f k rcad . f ■^■‘Kii: i :x;, ;r ® -V ! .4,^ ,^ !' -p“ mvit WKch f ! vi<| pd ; and in‘>ris'm afuw f ’ ! uns t, ’ ) '/'V Jf t tis I.l)o), fen Ucd^ H “ decd ! ' '.■.i|«4 « r lll-««ca4. B. 15. CHAMfiEBUS;:- ;'j i.i« -ecM.ii-fiioit, he ij. ■sonu-nvav /»., , / °? tifF.i.c Miat ! ! t. 41 ■ i i t .‘T'“ . V l,lf *• lt<> U> yne ,; . Auditor. l/is wd,*: _lt wa bS« l?hai? o £ i : . ;' dnan ton iliWjn.lyei “I’|| ■' hj c f -i 1 u v ’VlV; , ’'^ u ?.®'‘'°l''-4* tf i I "' ni <ih‘aTtc6ii- ' - ; X^^^fe tor '" f,hC^- u COMMON •■i™..fi-l.oI„ M I- Charge ot tl.e pi-}!!® . . i * wall 'BEAVER eoitNTT; 1 -; 1 was, i n some mtiimer im,,j| f .:,te,l. '|„'! Jcavo to 1 aH, “T' ly *- Heaver bug Gi-jmes raiMiigiiip ■■liwid;'but, i n .-il jr''’;'/'.'i' ,lk ' Ll^^l ; ,lt liovilot C ‘• l ' l ‘ | v M f;^'.| t ' ’, llTi dl|o ■■ Wjf Jolni.! .-••lattenia.tcr of W a Cliar- i i!'® „p,n,' U t . if ,l t . : HIeV, U, a n l!m ,. P j,,' -'X.-'h u|^V^ i •'!« WJ Xr'tfto’ !s^ f %..^ii ' V A s ’r -■• i ter-or incorporation of thc ‘-()ak Grove Ocm- , aooon ~i 5 large i.un.l.ef of. i|„. ( .jtr ‘rv in, i,.V Is** «fl«! i.g. ’ Tl.t-M lJlpA • , -tl , .c A 1 • • " 'O lor *.. . 6^k^ Cn r ft of-Freedom, Bearer zoos, ' tvlio.'’ ;is it mav I.e -i nva-i .l t| V-A 1 th i t.i tr. 11 oi« polt./r v ; n. i-Mtt i aJl - ; r i h l|ad- !u‘iVuUiyoS anfl-nnonil-. .;. .\ or County. p«,.,a. , - ? .V iSvei4 voi-vl...li.rti-in hut H.i .W«l' V.'< ve S i'. M ‘ ■~ a • dj '- v Ootober last, I .!^^ak(i v rl.ntters wfeonlerci/iho ins *l' n ',. n ! a ■olmlty, hurimiv I:?™'' ‘i'C h'o.isb iKioretiii.o ro y ' Eato n , £ urTivi rg : baring pefchd 1 and ‘ or si ‘ ,,ltl! ' IhikjiJrson 'J o J «£.-ftll | next 5 ‘“f X il , ' * 0f Nlltlhia « finding Urropcr,and not objecflonWciianV' '.'‘“U l -®. ''“'l briblif t lu-i e-fnod fW ,II ' fi 'J " "‘ Ansl ‘T. W- , ot, ; accpjint: of tl p .uoigittendance JifV ‘!, n ' ,m - l ! "S 1 o), ' T t^,,! - l,:lshl ; ,1 n •'"> ■ •-I;-* of- aspect, order of the same 10 bo ci\eh pw>on«‘i. - -He liW' : T l..di.*v'* ' it I j • , * ll jl " s VtMinl v.ajul. the juro.r«- • • .'• "I •■.’ ' i . I .( r 1 n r* 7^ t th^cusi^f^. W xUeHoo;. lie i j l!il xi.-acon ino-u.t,rth.e jritave? •-■•■>• 's »“■<>“« - lawe.nd fix Uefim/day of tried ami eonvdo. -H r H .r- •.; ,j alie.war# was (i.nn.l At ■ V, ' fi-. 1 j M U’lt , t „ ..ropsoh' I .couldn'th , ' :/ ( ' -•X d V ”, ' M. WiEYAKD Pro ' i bemg inaflo for the iiiflPfler<T. ; fe-;\vas i roiidiW *?.. 11 nv , '.l‘-T '’' M - r ? n nk, °| :t tAvW'«oH-b-ip«i,,lcnt ‘m,A 1 1 / ; 'V" / i; ,w jo “ l Hiisf the past wear there wis feecive.r i • ** part of ;a building oceufMed 1 H K : X d # ii * 1 nccouct of'James De 'T^AVFP’rnr^- COMMW ?leaS OF i of ‘lh dj «* *’ Bft,ktr — on ■ to "it:—: her Uvo llm- dd’ i Kl i^ os 1 - t . • T KL s “niouni of :. :^ f^ : f»~cw,t, : Tko«:.!- Jo ‘ n . A: ?> G.U. to.H-tn.A. Lifrd. ' ' ; "i*s ; a in the lu.nsc; PrH-i,usi „!w .? " / »«r Craft;: = f, j,:, ;,| : 'l I. : °' ~ X >' r' arailrba-!.. - 'll f■ “I - ®ssr ■: and John,fiMrpSwewer fb - asbccne fikd in my office; and '.^J nude moihery,loeali- 1 ■ eoneeitlingASltcets/.k.ljiowiri'g him' ■ u?“a ■ 3 i :‘. J,ll \^f t y iloteltloiwa jiojv iloihir eitai ci dnth- 1 sll( -. h qusoUiUos only ueotls tlicadopt.ioir. . " ■ 1 dec’#: Mirinailute ffil-l ,y of Campbell; minorj ' • • rilosandof.iganipbcll, dec'd. ' A* R. iMOORE, Register, r' v4 *»• 28, 1868. kiat of Causes - ■ U WEEK '- . 1 ( , Ys - ol : ' n " J *. et <i Kr--, , .■' sara.e'TT-s v • ••' ;: : ;•* ■ ' - ■*£*^ ;fiainc • % E * K ) ••: 1 ** Sclali Cbufnberlin.- \i /,..‘"Fame. •; ■“. Jos. a —* kaiser,'cfc:- al. ■»\ ' . ■ \ - -•• :i v- u. “Jjh&rrer &^O^born. ;. V ust jn'c SfcTerru. ~r Thomag . Murry. • j. ■ -U | . ■■ .-• 4 same 1 :i - V !**.«, * * . i)ictfSott. r* - ' Baldwin. , V *4kf: a ’>k t si v '^ l - Shirts', eral. 1 -;. J:^, 6r‘> i'SfB«» and C6iincil : - iftp '■ ’■ ... of Falls ton. i-.-T judder, jr. : Mi EUi.. ’,.'•* *. ■. |V- r l. : ' WE^D,|rotiV ; wAi ee ** Server, Pejm'a*: BA^ & H-AIR-DEESSEB. - KBits nu . , “ i (Shop one door ewt of Pfcoidlmr’aH^J. - - * If ‘ pw*'r •iV ■ -L- •rfSS#-, , • ;■ v - 'tsi. ->iv_ 1 A 01. * ' , : ! (of Beater county, trill te-e,posjdtdaalo I ; - i iblic-Tendueorputrcry, ontUe^naac^oai . 'f - r -' i: : - : j./ 1 bf l&fl3i< “ | _ :,' I •i®* tohehoqi; ,3,^1 if* 1 h’olodt, p.‘m:; ibe Mtate ofi r llgbt.rs | CC i' r ? tV 2‘j tp.i f.,„; With a WaU> iaa ifitife morn >. 4 cooniy; boundctiftnd. dcsonbfid ,*« fAi., i-' ■ u’i;> , • ’* 1 . < j. • - ,"?• 1 lows: Bcgfflningat it post of the of saidl ,?oret<fld • «loudy Boon andnight;^.:' Aosa,! near the bridge, thence along thi upper i To ee P.> to sleepJand weep again, >/■ aide of the great road Eotitb forty-three de-; ■ With ttunnyiadleil between;and ihenf grecs, west fitty-one perche»loa_ post, thence] ■.i''-'-' " , ivj.l v l ;''> land of : Jesse Moore, notrtlt3sro degrees, j And then apace ,thc infant gtowa\ >-. w-e.t iwenty-foarperches to a post near a Lynn f : To be aJeughjng, puling boy‘ £ ‘ - Jrce, thence north forty-two degrees. cast.- v. . xr.i,,.,. .7 .... . ° - AT' • * forty perches to a post), Uichco.iouth thirty- PPJi despitehis little-woes, ] - ,Jf , ono degrees, east, sixteen perches to place of . Were he hut.conscious p[ his Joy; ; beginning:,containing between.-four and five .Ihafttin, short,,from two4o ten, ,i > i*#**--*^.-*^^ iopali on confirmation sitlc 'by tie ap. ■■ - le “F“ ?? W, l he .decalojpe,, I.Court, bjHance in. two equal, -annual inslal- Rr And break it; an unthinking Lfd, ments from [that date, witKlmtofesl-therctm . Wilh jnirth and mischief all aaoe ■ *S*r»>«. *-f f: : -—~-hBL—.... _-... ■ ITo capture butterflies'; andthen? 01 p Eyyi ECM ‘Notice in tjie Orpfyils’ Court. THE following ! Appniiseteents, under the Act of-April 14. 1831, o{.pr6peny .allow ed to be retained by children of a j decedent, to the ancj'unt of 'Sd'Mi, iir ■ ijp i 'n;CKip. that thß same will be allowed by the Courl on the first dayof next terjn, commencing first Monday March, 18B3,unles*. cause there be shown, against its confirmation. j 1 Feb. 4,’63. ' oF i j In the matter of the exceptions to the ac- I i £?. u “‘ j oi . ~ P - nob e«s. Assignee : of Thomas ! ;M Kiriley.! t • , ! _ And now, to wit; .Jan, 2Cdb. 1868, on mb-! turn, the Court appoint Jntncs S. Eutah, Esq,. I an Auditor. (Extract from the Record.) 'j! .■ Attest: ; ;M. WkVa,ND, Pro. ; j * The Auditor, abore named' n-in attend to tbo i duhes of his appoint mental the Clerk's office, f in‘Beaver, on Fwday, Fcbruary ; 2oth,‘ 1863. at f i 1 > o clock, a. m., at which-timc parties inter- ■ I will attend.; (fc4) -J. S.RCTA^AuiJ'r. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE • IN BEAVER. . , THE tYO-story brick dwelling houM,known as the Dr. G. IV. Allison property,' (now owned .by Mrs. Wallace.) conUining eight rooms and kitchen,with good cistern and •opt -buildings attached, is now offered for sale'. | J. he f e JS “lf<> “ number of choice fruit trees on I the lot. The abdip property iaksitnated on : ~ west oftt T e HousA Priett , »l t buO. Terms lnquire of ' . A. eOBMLY, Ag’t. t j Bearer, Peb, ’6B. ’ . ■ i . (Pitfrbnrg Evening Gaiette insert 5 ! three j times,! and send bill to this office.) / ! MI /- ,clll. :}?&S:. / : -'*£?d'2' • ' ;>-' • ; -^2l i i‘; l '■'■ 7| •- : T'“ :•;i-v;f ¥.•••• -^m" v-ljl, ./• ■ ‘ ' / |‘l i 3 v’ 7* W ■‘''l Sl .i : l ~‘/ ■ - I ;\ •• V* UM -•* *' * :V i* •V^V' I M.'WEYAXD; Pro. MAE w ,*W*-_ ’ 3r»* mom ' ‘ .* ;■■• ,• ./V., , ; 7 / .!U riu /'.rill " ■'■' V' ?;V " B e&VfeiV ?^^sdn£sd Ik*; find finally smirch was made in Uns house; standing just oil ibe ioiipo •sito side of tile street from the jail being the,nearest hoiiko to the jai'l.-^ At iljal time Mi-s. Cruft, (lie VlnnViter ol Mrs.- Barkor,’ was ns site find 'Wn ii.r sometime before, ana iIR was b|r some time after,-in Pittsburg.— Yet the grand jury indicted Mrs. Bar k_er, her who vnw absent, her vso liltfe v boj'B. and the I ■woman; and I 1 may mention; that, the eldest Qf these boys is age. Thns the wSnld fafoily wero jndieted: and . ’of every oppoitunity of bging !&awl a „ wi (. foi\ Other The'facts me vcriiied byvpeoplej as respectable as any m. Beaver eQundy; Jfow, when the grand jury has thns found h bill I evidently under the pfessUfg of the I cxciloihent prevailing.! • cn it baUftre sumed that these parties tan have fair trial m that cp'ahty? \ What venders ti.isMease worse is. that this lady ha* oeen|tli|> Vnlijeet 6f i attack:thyouglv.hj political newstniper i in tbat%opnty;, : : Every effort ],«si ~ to aionsh Tjchibljiv opinion I SjU;hasten el.Wod , | Viih.-bmiig u poliuc-al heretic —aheliov-1 1 ? r th'aw' ban be | Yet sheds: a respectable lady; antf ber high character is vonch ! eo for, not only by the i people in fiea LT# W) m'PTtfibttftr b \ u .rs;-<"‘';e.'»jT t [ ■ »' .-Tr l V \ ' J, .V j" MIMP!=a ri *: ;1 | .'■ H -Jf -Xr -,’J <y'/^ V -- •* ■ i y - „u~.a 5 T- r-. w*. r * t =I CT-'i - i t' : " A tog *°& a ' ! yal Tennessee Hero'' siife theiJnlcQ of’WVftinuV^-tf 1 ' u f I-* 5 ’ &md m--™ givenutAviaw • ai, n-. IK 8 n,ad^^ a .'*- ••••4k* irohi thel'jt>Un|^>ianlh%^t^lini' ' j|^ ' w i* li tailed -Tbl- Wiveflv' • Ci t l ‘ etJ i ?• f l,u^h' V'^d'tcated^ andtwio^uiMxlcilibi tfiaOio' t-hiK-enlfl B |‘ H ' ? Iwg> feature ta/nski • ' ! ' ; ’ in ’ '"'V " W * ere' hi? Jowl- | ««4" 1:lli ”" ”f *«v'*ral of’ t * X edfte. ,;; h,, ; : :. ■ .-•■ . i rf -wl.i.-h .wbv dance. ' ak . !44f> °V J-?4‘*^ e *n' ISMW» fcitimony - Is'$ ■ n'v *! • •^ sa -'V , - ■ Mrs. in : </n<L.f Beat's ij. )lo >] .* : R “4 W. 'fakvr:Uti,\by lift Thderotvdnttl,o 4ra..<4to '• 3\ co.n.ne^ •onh-ssion. ij.etn.yed ; tW : 4nii.iem.e4 10 r,,,mis ■ iW "’fU as t!»j> eiW.i'whh- j."' 4 1 ' null the w rtns employer by bpemiig tlie tirhs-L 1 , 0 * :1 r v ?* M i umeiiso. ./SVs lasjfndeil ih’lV> P A -i’ r -'•• * '■?s?i’PJ’ 1 v4' ; ?« Bentcnca for thaVofkoee 4t t#c entrance i Tnln- 4 “’4 ' V! f? ; . u s ln - ,< i 9t ;-. n .^:- < . thinlc will ten<|.t4Wf I '' 4 i ! H *J’ are/shotiO.ig tor '-t* M -‘4 he . u ‘ u !i& ro .^ l,, I} i! / byfcnikiilll V"| ie s'f |W^| I H to\el^o[vv: i! <w• h/hi^ G . ‘ i‘,l» <%!«#? Vri i.,-Wfc ! .WW i* '■*«"' W SJ i ie,Miw*en4 of.-his'iiiteuclcj- tiVlhli l**» rt -‘ ls f.n- 1 yoii -fii-:h, 4 . r i"4 L \ r r° j“IFtT^P ■4 b f*»%An4:with her i.r tll.i^iJ Msy.k*,di Acuity in wiiy 4^' ctme.nrf.i Sf i J ■V , ' i -j iU»:<nigh | the Ithronir la the uimer end r ; ,: n , - , u,x ' 6^^ e!lt -> Bas ,Ou|^. ilo vifeiy <if] these foots Are r#.,ect i aft | id' escabcli;^^“ j!>ati the ease is one con^sion : andVatoho for >iir h illi^-t&UCkTjrVftr tbetitioriMisitioirlorrfik l rudenegs hy• bpenifatr « nath 1 WR or i lunit y prcshntojj, h ; e. pooit'oea; . 7 1 WI/,a wo B$V P*VL^:^-^ugwrill^--..'- As the fiioriiJs !6ii l t:,,d Wvved to jrneami saici[’ ; ‘Tlmrlk f£; 11^"g f ukeir in his; Jifejlifne,w!e feel iirtpel- i 8 * be glad '• tol se6•ytlii'l'Sv’llr H,n ’ : " J .U.join in aile^i-iiestappea tin ! if you are fond bfiSVith eaufblnei^ - rn'U*'^ 1 r- il >| .be Kreatly. 4 Tiallo^edwefy] !mr ! . f :.■,. ~ ; • ’ J : 4;\ #e testimony o}. a lalthloas mislrei^'^H'^ 9 t 0 cl ■■Wfore I hreseiftcidH 1 , h<? rb 4 by obtairied-5 aer:wihoic horidltL© sword'.k)Wt>fi : - t f liiansihn. \vhieh sftilU hi'! “.•!■? r n!*. f 3*tine- at Louiß- - ~ jttatice 'is IWpeifdi.ig. Tj,i^ st^TW'i«, fion:'p-f iroh : bli nds : ’if •'• 1 it; v^,leai! P.9Sll^jiya3; ; your Exiel* ■V l *? Jf? se )‘ bythai the Bnkit-ihad t "°M\'^.V. ,,i f , : , ;‘: i! - Jfy to av6rti jjjfjd thereby merit llui: Ijm.teet 1 jm.teet hW tviiUi n‘i lk tV*» irtoUjtiitv. The -I)ii£e - 1 ‘tvlUr tfio" U ’^ iv,id 7}!e -Very .kindly ivr.tkdi ! v? e< 'v' , 3 ‘" , UU I ' ■or nt-vey tol-bo forgotten/ , |T ‘?T : - j n — l * io Waterloo 1 ir : “ ut 11,0 ot Beat} ; eeteeiyd. Mastnn," I' J? §. Wilson. i| ; whirl* he vvnA Wi.isioii(. vM K ‘"'.‘' i -=tl-.:ih-ons: ; •;., "| ’ V' Ji)liVi T/lliOlmcji : .the oid ho- :l '‘ l ( ' :, ;l ) : /everal th|.[!saini ilollars Si Li«ii«. j 'St J. E. siiariW j.’ °* .* iVe 4S?S-s' : f':--iikht -of-; w, "’ lJj -.'“; “‘f'Jiyilio; Ti.ii-.- Va, ,'i \ ery : ;in -JC;' 1 ' t [i «\• j>ii-? (*V:«'ll’. *"• . voru ioss Sv>ntU';";is ; . JOs. Al Blrbidau/ ‘ ' v . < ' l ' l<l n f ; f ' Y'ifdje. ■Jdii.3teiii. ( feiV.shora, : "''ll'-t«'eni. ; was • y / ... p!?’ I ®.- Hn.yst, •'.; JR‘ .Hriify Siinthi tV 'V ’ i"i'ore werq Tiurfrieri t>trsYl|»or ! |!ruitis peeasi Wreyhe ryh:ils| ,: ;ui ,A;l{uft ; r, ' ' .‘(J'apt Al’urait-i If •' ot ' (l jihhiiiartiinisejii »i l iaM-i U^ r s •'* •’ iaf-gts immher of 1 i" •*.!’ •tVlfeii; Von/ .!.o>viti- ; S |SI/ Jlu ilh ; i)j ap'd i Clihtoti.c'obiiti^if i&i.oy.i ~ i /-.fAhlierX. Liiiioii 1 ' ' 4 1l( ’ r( ?/" as a eolo,-sVi( i? Botay hea: : .,l of 'ihe r inovem'Jui^:// 'Hiirina, ! : :-.'4 1 - 6 T^ 1 'f of thlf .'Ti, : H'‘‘■ foneerfinig ins inie,, w tl l( , :rnaiJ . " ’ ' i Sahil.'k From-V ; ' - 4? ■ !jt V’“ .altaekegy - 'V ~;jWalMi)o' in ’ if T -j -lis'iit- yjjfe © *6f *-Eras " V -5 ;1 v * ll ai.(J : ’■ i,^(>nlu^i.>n ; JuiWii’ur ihoii ; V 'atile\ / disL 1 '? '-' 1 f'T'P'h'ions^o^ ■ \ lie rAvho* imin.4tfi' a ' K ' '° st :'' tl ' v Vlh!'-t‘d/>asiiioj;i.;'-l. ,H -‘- n the. rebels ■;, jLg„X ar. />/ iisk his lyraee /vhichl ■ ■ , .r’' , l ,-s - .bate, .hec-n- sei fvvry/sido-.'of / . : oi ‘ biittlij . ,u - riic . ; i'™'}’ <e.,e ; ; fffWi. • ,-■•■-■ ■1 i <r*.t'fi«V:|fa'l- t^yei-sseen ■';s K‘-,-\ ii-bii<i sir- ' 4l ‘ l ■' H 4l . 1 / mhU-s, .in- :i;s r, aife.» (iie;i, V lln ’ - r W>t l| iW"'<dioii. -I .-h:n:.e ! lhis | : ypl hy yemau.s n! hjs f , L .i f ifi =■ T fi.ti’thef'alstdioi^isi',' ! n i ff ;r -I°. fhein. , iJe.jiy aiult-V iihbhftdV I • , 1 ’H-f* niu .-i.-i edV ■■ * ; *A that | eyeli’|l.tiiiu ull/>«l W I, tl.ei^H^^^|,at.--|^s|^ ;| .,J I,'rjy,-. L. ri. r ,.s Boieher.o i/the fiehl of- Walrl j^4i4:4 U 'l^ t y r p u "or ivniilaiy; stctteL— ' i i'll !, . l "j' l 'V r I'lls- k"! j-'.-I.bc-y ■ .. f, - . . . O Him to be n lejon; imd aijj indictment is jiovv P^ f V n K ''gainst theni j o intiyrf or tl^t Tiie nr ' f.T' re "' gWVTT fefklu !VHc ivro stariled idefto^ is wholly groumllm aM tli'u'rt&TllPP -‘H* k -• tha -* • Har i in-; OnJ a epper eonntyiVirtrinu 'Phper Currency- <>|f-fiv-o ‘ hundred does V ' '‘itf *? of-'lire innocent. deem if H 1 r“: becnstparatpd from ,lp>r; K of a nil this statlinent 'ife ‘ l > W d -"-I‘c 1 ‘ c of ol\ourUouhii-vV> ■ x make an oiivnest villi i* T? She by Ids which f T?*!' 1 K*>flfcle«a. basis for a'onr- W IvnH- intS o“ihc“Eusir ~P - T® hi r Wit IT«*VT of /„•*». 'Mrs. Barker la tbl widow of'th« Inf * ol . d >] a P 9^ e dian, ',llu : ; lias boqh ; tUWrmiiWie.'r would l,e TuHv J ’ f 4>r. ll ‘ Mon* 11 {iirktwhefioril ! H* l l « all hat;,,.* i&j. ' ' y .hasjcyer been, faithful and cxe~mlahr 1 clinched ■ Imiui I mUi ■n ii'ii' „ ■,. , c !. c "f; 1 '! lmm .the ll.esl. i . " ■ r i-! “ r - ~ ■ ; iir tlie.disel)arg6|)f her { hloWs smaslVed ’(lie *• 1r P l'/ l - e t :' ,d| £°?f ' hncp.ont aad she I,us i.riiit, irf setf.n , wif i Wiihii' Sn bel*-tctti*; tlieir Xor&h- sv,,^:. superior in theWiely df-lhe town rn' susli ibi-cd ‘ 1 ... tl ; l !’^“l el l l i‘^V rr, -C * ti>o; bi-ok to paltlnsers wil'li, viry.. lililu reSiieci - whfcljV .slic .nJlL^4foreov£*"lK^ .cpumiayel,ad« t p,potiyo to cJmmlAlmiid. stMim?..- will.' nemStfK l »¥' T f b .“ 3 'l ,^^ l i:■■ ' the offence wub which ;sho cluuWtl for life i| : - - ? . ihej.daughter coaipieneed .Bfu-cn aie ,ivpre.se iVihiires-nr'c= '- : Tbo WonShpcU was tln Lcra stt'aii- s‘^lb>«tohpcirt^ : sli Vas fonVi.l 0~. i , , UII V'‘ I‘t-fivo| 1 ‘ t - fivo | 3 ; eats : .ol*!.'fp!jils'•.art enoinjib t<> ' t i iias*'k > '' ; - ‘'■■"i '»8f«»n«»y.! Sbo was-mil i frozen i ills tiu* wiPinj?" »f a Ihcre. soino' ® ll( V |iil|^-eym : i«n|’t.'*bntX. ■ epnneeicd in tile rejfiotesldecree wliih siiililfr whit! ; ei- ; - K l.'.n*i,rd LkV. I'.- ‘ - T’&.r'' n - , »l lv^: years;urixi;-iUjii :ii the whole i-a<-o! rthev ..; any iot She *lid not.'’as maiw'fßy-iicr. 'blodti'''imoiP tli‘l slow f *i l f" 1 1 <> c< ihJnty^£r>w•• i ; J-• J• l|l jaJir^ffiidiendcys.TaiikWslV^ebS^f'/ ladies=dld. attinid 1i« trial jUiikl [doof-sili.and'w'aif alhfictcapiial' ‘ llh! l(/ ?", lUrt was no why she should Jure sarttfalediwitl) tl.is n.ollferVMsonle S i i "- , ' vl 3;‘- ' s \P io r eir : meters ° r his Ci blood; mh tiv iSuv: e ii t apj,t*a> aWd K*fcl[d • t V : eoe:l f»« nfail L^. ltie tlme < i; f Sheetfe escape, Mrs. there it-\ci)l rJmainf d'orl not nil jilt, liiae n , ,i - ■ T“'* fe ,j.”li to ijP* •*'•?« ‘ ;t '■ •’.'%?!• y |,tol "'».i;<-ioeM.t! for the i)i»ir b«ne on a vis olean f cun jwu4 this *ild f y^ > ni S * n ►ho djdi t’leini.’ jmci inn] J-iw umlxOi Cvrsfu n i i it; ,l *l, I s tomd ;ib:i not return nrit»l.-n*ai' Hid of lira 1 KlnUW^/tt 1 i *1 .. tduqr npeakji, of tho nml irulu- them ajnlitlieV 'imV r '«' A •" H?- \iy f* lj^«uau s UB; j). v-s*qnrt. to t ! thin ; ibStd&hbt; 111 obtain, 4.EJtts- Jt a.tital Crfihirtat ’btiWiiib- mimes; r*/ded; Bi I ci <>f| tt'^v r M b«t ■ tcf rwj *mti re- .7 an i lav wV<r| O.j ' ■•■• **v^ r 4- K .;i Ji ? l i;v | W( ; ic«t I ! ’ ; v-craelty:'o(t f Jof ’ w|s. . political v : I?, dctcrni- ! Kit fcs i J- ■] on iSatlirday, n-hni L.vpci'ngfon; \v lierci 1 ali St. they had !pdrelmsed nbgrWsi hWtteti among wl,:ch.n ; a vrontan;-nariiwi | itfc nu 1 Hhrnot nnd her'jiiifant child; ' Tlio ; ei-hty . ■ v.-.x-h Jim.: ; - , r . I MM ~' kU i'Vf- A • e 44, 111 111 ;41 eVrilit 4 ;4118 ., T ' ; r r ;; / '“Esr ■ isi IjOu.i!», :js. almost exiliisvely coiii of jtici; :«vev forty-titaj., -Aiupiig: mi tior js Charlet l : Kiilg; wliq i-; • ohi» vi?ar.i V -• ; : L; :- ; >.V ‘ a { '»• ''Vi'-’?* •Sv'"■ \ /".JVi ME " ifsOTICE TO ADVEH7 islesT^ I • , . j j - o i > Advertisement* intoned iat" the me ;«f Cents per 'soharer-cntfli toirgcqncitt insertion. 25 Cents. • A liberal discount made, to ybaTlf , i\ adrcrtisetnenfs.fC ■' ■ A space cfjual to’iWEur. line* £>(■ this..jtjp* 5 measured aa a square.. l ''•* ■ y: Special aoticc* -s*pcr coni, torogV #lac rates.'"' • -.r. •. . * •: .... 1 ; ?•> -V . / * ‘ ,y. . hnsiutfs cCr'df, TC ftrJrift lihc, : ptr- year 1 - i ■ Ptcf.Lr, Edlijjicuf, PcHtieal <r ‘. aad-crlicr Polices oi'‘a public nature, free; ; t. -* V oi a .eon-eel;/.financial-anif r|Oliiy, t°vii'at<! Us tMim-ctiey.: iiflon : a v sfire foundation! ,an<l .in Tsafficieftt. ' quantity for tfll useful pm-posW:Titnid „ k 1 • • • \ T- Ell no- Ul- ; ivlf ■■: feiv.-: oto;: ta.s • - «oT ' SiV MEI MI .1. •V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers