be4 ve^ Wednesday, Feb..lBth> 1863. o L (MBRIE, Editor 4 Proprietor. TPHMS - P'oixAsand Fiptt Cfcrr# • *nnuia, ur xatJ&jjtf, wfccrwfee s»ro Dot-' charged- - No discontinued until aii jftxettrages are Settled. . jgfLeftew and communications,by mail ,jjil g, prompt-attention r oi£xe v!®.;ajbl-©s : b' B. i i: Sfatip%(?rtßiG'EAST; - Monday, A.ov. It^iSl&^lrafrai X, i»snr fallout: . - 1 ] 1 «*.. * «. Arrives at PitUburgb, 9:20 a. m. %:■/-:•'• '■ 4:10 p.m.- ■' " ‘ ‘.‘ I— . '8:40 p. &. Gored West— ■foist !(&* I'itlthuryh' <u follows: s, i4rriresat Heaver,. ;40 1. ». ' - Rochester; il v r. * ...8:10 A. ...3:00 r. si. ■~l “ • •• 4:30 r/si. ... _ ' J. Ji. JkCULLOVGIT,:/We |; IVB. MTEKS, Gtn'l Ticket Ay*ul\ • | ; 5 ' vrr-AiiiivFT!: WAYNE & CUICIAGOB. E. ; Rdcnes'er Station—Goi.w East. , ''■(i4fid~?fce('-Sundctif. Jan. 4 *C3. ' *C\, }-Z*e Ilv'chi'sHr. Stutknji: foltotcs:'* / ‘ »' Kocbcstca* Anvat Tht^ ? r lHi'n ACt'jth. C>:ss "X; >iV.. ..._ ?:40 ,\. v M. :*i - ** 12:45 v. 2:50 ''/• . r - - , 2:15 jv,3i. v ,... 5:45 p. !st. 3:10 A.' M.n... .'i;'*) aT ; mW ; v. .11:00 r'fl.JS ,-=s ; • Ooino AVest—v,- X Leaves Pius. Arr. at foeliesfet. Aeeom. -yißVltx. M...i...1t:i5f. ’Vi.; L.i *'** ‘ ■»: lil* r, ?! -: IV-'i- rv i-J b:('0. A. ,ji A. >L. 1 1:50 ‘A. M....... o:l;5 A. 'Jf.V V. M.......1*. AGG. ISUAULEYI Sup:.. J’. L i-t -Eiprertr ■'J Tst-vess, 1 : , : I', ‘ Orphans', Court Sale- T r>VUSCAJiT to an crf>t»s=f the Orphaiji' if Court of L’taver. »iIJ be trjicicJ »o »«le t-v'-pnliTj: vtiKi'ue or. ou':- : crv, J 'on. ihe prem- ) v. cn '■ ' -t : I ■ Wednesday, 2sth j'63. nVf-**'vh-eh. a. real estate .f J:mu- • “ *nrp.• <]ec ‘situate on the waters . f' jLihlo iiewrer K"Haijrit*u rp v _.vf£‘. coiiiitv, i'ciinsylvania, vi/T. u farm or • u3U, c*jiiiaiatfng • 119, Acres arid 115-Perches, ! I "Li ikp north lj\- laials - ' of- v-iiliam ' '. V ")1 U',t ;[TnJ Vt’l|i ■ ;:'-Xi •>£ h-p-jjui'T' in Jt>se ph! Sharp end r.i.'i west’by.flic, Lift!o Beaver tVeok,. .<■; -‘-y .lutiics McGf-or^e: -«bmu 7 • : t ?:* cjlairdinVa: good stat-ei of colliva ca twoislory stone .v; I:vu>e about |S double. &c., uu orchard- V. 'cAt-r'al of water on the :.Vove property about' etfb fi om the BarPShgt-on or'iNcw Galilee n/flnf Pittsburg,' Ton WayiTc-£ Ciit* fu.; nUi'.-.oiul. - v. -i,. ■> •“■ ■ ■,i< ; onc-thini of; all of aV-W^round'aiiuale in the-vil- 'itf: in the Township aforo j,,•• -i.htuitiTT.w jive . Vrtung Sbb. U ‘‘^" L t^ ei bounded jo-i laruHi .of;said -en v.laoli._H?*er eip ted' a Steam .'a\r* . reel/- •- -y.- ol purchase money to •.• _>l > ,of Ihc. sale by the :. 2-4': fa hi hie in Jiwu anuualHu-' V-.JroTgVt E.;i; ilct e. w\{ u, infOrest '-there • ■ - tuVthcr. ;:r’fonaa*.ioi! .of L - ; '.»ury» or Jo* Shiiirp. ud;t»Uut : .g thvpmu~ a ..; A«,:.\hw I>L->>. Adwibistrattrj’ of deed-, 1% -r A. ■■ ;. -■ .... • or Ctni± , Mt CI:IiAKT, art. . w Notice. - tu.4];e f'llluv.-inj: ‘(;rni« Acomi,t<. >1 V;n \ in 1 lie I'.o -r ]*n.. will ?nk«* iV '•* JlJlf'.lliC •i-i :ik IVf.ii- Mr*r for A. ■G, IvV'y'i-'-'t’Cf I’ - ’ AS vl'iCTi; V- : ii>:ra-t’iorrr: ■ if..v:-T'-of n - "Wwc*. of I>OAVC h' loTke f h* At\, -invia u Vky. rii ' ■ ■■ fmvf T.r, . : v.n,' i.i 0t '*•« ll i!!!, n-c J sTr .«iS of -1 Sjvv.xcft Adni r Nt:\son. (lrc'4. • , ; f ti.v e>tart uf A]<yi. irxfr'fKCtuv i. LiJ ''..urc'(/^ ■cm)* Anm’r. Wa|f(,. # r fJev *•■ Tits* awoiint .oftl-lu >!fef«s'rtf Mfri Tiart;:il ar'Cvuiji *v-’.\:id- i ucicr4 fj j Tucker. !V* •> an4 •adar> of i]:c laxl will. t UC*! r.d*FersonM) of WinV. -e la*t WiU of John ■ ' a- J. Car<|thers« of the estate- of / J-.uaui :• of F : doi’ji. V tecotgit . -c ~k khlU* Set r :c' Fa!‘>ll, *fn:rvivin.g u 'f-’ of MfitUias Hook, v ' , aari; rrator iT ' ■ '_’ rc - <icc,\i.. Vtlti. Was oneof tlif "S-t" last,-* 31. of said Mattiias oiinit (Kt-fii nn4. Per-- sob, Administrator of i, dcc’d. tud final nci' Amici * H : V —tlrn Amiens n(l‘]*artial :•• Aiiniijiistriitoi ’• V‘ i V'.'; 1 ::i ■ . ; 'jpTT'a'iaCCOlinl S^^raVr.'cjf Vi. « . Marks, ami N'' *rV‘t M-arr .Swei; v /■"' accouur t-f Fran. *‘'V * r Aiciamlcr £ account of .James .Be olj 'estate of Lucicn 1 =* of A. Tliom- Pctcr m. Geo. Marks- minor < 1 John Sharp Swceiey •jpy, dec’J. - ?ol' Jfannauuke /Wil ccs Campbell, minor ampbcll, acc'il. A. 11. MOOEE, Kegistcr.; , Jaa.i's; lf.C3. . Cotinty, sss. I ' ;* : J - ‘'•'lCoiiTt m- anti for Beaver _ 1 0'E 1 - rse Honorable; Judges of, or.r i* n 'htimitier of- the petition. -of • and Margaret and v "r' -I ' ! M‘ips!. daughters of Samuel Phil. c c.. iur citzuhn to James be F *ll* Geoi LchmcrlTKUiiftrtr;PjsfitTlefiih. - B'f? Soavcr tp • Kqed Clark , iCharles fe tr not contribute towards. De • J ;, i v , ;.■ 1 Ilappver tp‘: I)aw;d Deaverj-AaiSon •,jj B ,; T -; ,211 ," :r,, j' iba Court | Miiisinger,Satn'uels.WiiSon.- i ' v ::sxsz :s***,#if** , _v‘ - ' -'• G. M'CkEAKY, CVk. - Harmony tji: Henry" Feoebt. ■ sifne A wili a,,en d to-tb^dutiesof Hortti"Sewifckly tp rJaftos Jneltson. l at l b° Court Hou^e,in Bea- XctvSewickly tp : Gporee Miller. '£'& kra A 'ai-~wt,-^t f i - Fc!>rual^’^ I ? c3 ’ at 2 Franklin tp: Henrv James al w '' lct lpiiTiics interest- WrlnlVt : i . -E B. CHA-MBEBLiN.-v 'Ww,,. T,:. , , br ' . Auditor.' JNf'W Brighton borr John Itobmson. ■ Phill{pgburg_bor: Jacob Shaffer.. Pulaski tp: Josejih Wliisler./' .... IE3 BEE! _~ , .,_:P_._~ )i?pKU^|^ C(WIMOX OF '■ f - t i. e ' T ? 1 . nn i n, 7assignment o¥ m-;!. V ‘i 1 * $ m - A. Lairil. . ••* ; ; ':■ K A tai?!T l* v * n *Wthe final .account: ““’goec of John A. M’Gill, 3,av of nL, f™* 1 Uic Court on ;;' r - a yjiarch ifto n i- - <;oram oneing::ffrgt M..WEYASX> ; Pro.; ~j p 4). V oi. aovisr Eil - sonA ) ri,PAN,tqll, l ?. “ Opt Jyiartß ftre-Vith native jJnd, Oiir song, is for her glory;; 1 Hji maeGfirji wreath- j» in oor hirnd, , . <3sfiips bSeathe out her stbry. j . Her. lofty hills and. volleys green ! : - r Are shining bright before | - . And lijte a rainbow sign is si6eSiA4 ■. "t Her proud flag waving b’erjua.. - . --' B't/jrOHK.are ' ABftOTT. •V-: ; : »>.- . ’The.return of Napoleon from Elba to’'Pam -was the signal'forall 1 Ted armies of .Europe’to- bq, on ; their march, to brush" him. Hurriedly Nat polein, folJectedli'iOjOOO • men tp- repel the million of'.hayonots, now • crowd ing upon Franco; ~Wcilington 'and. Blucher were in the, vicinity of Brus sels with 100,000 men each/- - To save France the horrors Soft- invasion; N*. poteon resolved to cross thefripiitier, and fait upon cne bbtly of the enemy,, and then another, until they' <§honld« bo compelled to negotiate. - ■ : ■ At.B o'clock In’tue,%ibriilngypf cho l 12lh of June, Ndpoleon lefktho Tull lories. Tor his last campaign;.’ He took leave of- Gaulaineoort, saying, “Fare- i well; must conquer or did."—j Driving rapidly through the day and) the succeeding night, be;arrived, on! the morhjoff of the 18th, dt Avcenes, 15) Paris. Here he had assembled all his available force.— Wellington Was at Brussels; and- B*lu cher a few leagues Com him, neither dreaming - Pf® aftfmfc.,. They’ were waiting tlm|Mriva! of ; 200,W0 Rus sians, witl&pto were to 'bom moncc thcir-Rim-h upoff Paris© Na poleon’s plan was to attack Wellin-'- ton by surprise, and destroy his force,' and Blucher’s, then to mart-1* a-, gainst the Russians.-- | ’ ' ; In an hour after Napoleon's arrival- T . i a i-~ 1* ;at Avesncs the whole nrmy was in , £. lst ° f / Ur < °f. S lr v i. inoiion. j,By different rtartes they I'ji JluiL.i l-tnn >r?t were directed to: meet at Charleroi. ■ <.■ oaas-ii amoas. i . jB5 miles di.-.tajit, afan appointed hour. I fp'Nc.w Brighton bur: Horace Ecesoii >< 'Gcne i ral Eouvmont was in charge of Jacob A'ltiinan- | \ I °" e df .these, divisions. Inl’amqush^" |; l-nac N. Atkins, ' 1 - | lie deserted. Und revealed to the allies Big Beaver tp ; Eamuel Blair, Jaines the plans of 'the -Emperor. Behind Putleison. x . | ' ’ ithe Jntrcnchmlcnts of G.harlc-roj.Napo j ."Pbilliptbm-g bor.: UeinyißimWr ' ; Kon found jtVfr thousand Prussians i Hanbyej-tp: Djiviif Beale;. : 3 '.ready to disp.irte bis passage. He at ,, New Eewickly tprAVillunn C. Brown ‘ tackedsthem: so vigorously that thev j Michael Haygei. JtJinMellon. | ;soon-yetreated. leaving 2,000 of their • ■ Economy' Iji.: WilliahKGole,. John ‘Bad behind 1 them. It was 30-miles jCoinvayp -, , 1 ; | i from Cbmleroi to. Brussels: Ten Jii jic Well l|i': John Craig, ' I . nnles bn this road is situated the lit- JlQun ijr; Edwin IT Aktuß, : tie "hamlet of ; .Quatre' Bras, jfev 'Erohitcr. ’ ■ i ' \‘f j -with 40.000 n..on, whs-.-ordered to ad ■ Lr,Chester bor: 'ifon roe Miller. 'i j v-ancc inimc-diaVtdy to that spot ' Glasgow;- Austin J. Pettit. ] : '| \ j -‘Concentrate,'there'.your men," said , Bridgewater bor.: Nazro Park, i Emperor.' ~‘.‘Fortify vour’armv Raecodiii: John.'K. Pott!ef. j,l by field works. lEStofi so that by (I.een tp : William B,m,soji ,; midnight, this posnipr, occupied and Harimgtpu tp: HaUßcw . ’ ■ F- : - ’ I , by tfio li-arfor Bodrs ; I-Vs-iivis S.: Wiilson. j-f | monk was hastening with . -80,000, ; : - ' ; ' ' ‘ [ itroops to- |orn- Napoto- ' _ PLTVP: jpr.Oßp. • , ■ . , jyn ax the- bead l of 60.000 wpexpeetod- bor : J.l L.'Anderspn. ■ | ly encountc-ied him. Aftefmffe of the tj>: Jacob' Bhuccp. - . tnosf t«>rrib!e conflicts ever waged,the. I ■.•Puljif'KiJj): 10-n:y Bamdtl'..y' j Prussians fled, utterly routed) icayiiig|. NewiSewickly • tp r Ceorge BonpO|. 2(1,000 wdtyrir.g in tlu-ir blood. 10,00(t s -Gilnst'.ail, Black* Boggs., pri.loirers in tlio bands of Xa;K»leoh.—j Janies- Feazt-h -, ,p. I i Hud Ncy obeyed his .orders flic’ Prusi ■ bor r JantiMf -Bog^s, - ■ siun-nrniy would' liave periKlicdi with ' David AViliiam Beaboiib Jps. out the of a man. i’ l j "hainpion. ‘ ■ „. T I But as ; .Key, approached Hjnati-o j tp : A. Bryan. Tbps. B| . a> of stornH.ini'l I i '•c' l Vi . . «'.TI j. . ! floods 61; ruln,niid llii-ougb an oedan-! I ||«! *»fon hoe,;.Cdwpor, Davpd j yj- „,i r c, "be allowed- his exhausted i ■f Johnston. James Hayden. t. j. ; troops to. 'btop, a few ndlcs before; ( Iliinove-r ip ; Jtf' David p.. tt . 4tc i,fthat all' important point, eDungan, Jsdm A. (Abb. V\ dh(im llice,; which'intended wi*-lbe l ' t n cr 'rwiv.‘' i'k •' i iearliest morning light. 'Ho sqftGwo’nT .p-AndwCaro p le . i s :Gco^ e:th i it tbq in crtVclay,.. r: - ...i 'session. ’ at a l»all in Bnis-.j jlarion tj): Jacob | . : >clBrturned pule u rth dismay, as, Iio?: • J.)arlin"ton tju Ureor. | of the approach of!Nui)olcoii. j •• •Baccoon'U>;-Slimuel:bormly. SanHff’\ T ■ i - r \\ i iKenncd V ,Jolm iked: : ! 1 jHbwas fifteen . nnlcs from Brussels j Green tpfDavilTKerr. Jr.. Michael;© 1 Wro.Braq Fully aware o£ the I Kerr. Wm. J. Sterling,. ; J r . s ',. Heniy | ! Co-wan. Benjamin Bawi-cnee.l ■' * d«s !; atcW a ,d.y, ? .on to oeeupy .t— -1 Indushy tp : John AVilsun.- John ' trough |vnob- anght the troops 1 Jackman. BenjundiK Todd-i Cbarjes i P n ?“ d Airy road, : i Hays. John Mason: • :: -I 1 !; u lb' theu - t l Ull^ lt w,th tho roar of tl.e -North SevicklvlfT-Wllliam M'Crcary, t}m ...Orppig Ney ? ,.i con-, Hugh \Vatl'acc. ”lsffiac'llazen.-- I foupd the English were in i ' Hookiaown bor: Williani Miller, possosMon-pf ithejfost. The whole j i Samuel H. Witherspoon' M i d »J the most bloody, dos- j Franklin tp: Joseph Phillisi , I Teralc-rmd to :re- J b- Bridgewater-Bor Jbbn A.| Kow aii. 1 The of Xey, in view Hochester bor : John Stilesi. i I hts in-eparable awful.— Big Beaver tp - Robert Wiley. Ihe Il, S tll oT ' H W»th-dr3mies.eamo, a . >'Borough tp: Amos Dortfxy .. "‘ght of darkness and deluging rain. HaVinoiiy tp : ‘William Gull. ; j-Napoleon, at Ligny, was a victor;— -Patterson tp: Charles Kallk. l diftliuit,,, at .QuuU’e i ' ; • | PraS'/ baffled* bleeding and ex-* (sEcoNni week.) - ■ baiisfcd. 'Blucher, with h'is broken South Beaver tp; Thomas Bradshaw.-; battalions consequently esqapos ami Barclay.Samuel L'awrcuce/fretrcAted - ; towards Wavro, where ; he , Brighton, tp : Samuel Black, 1 Henry i was joined by reinforcements. Na- Eyans. ' M ~ I j poloon’sent Grouchy with 30,000 men bor : George Baker; isahii! lb prtrsne him. j Wellington fell Jiack Black, William Hooper. r V ' l l ij to Waterloo, to be joined by his PruV • tp : Ingram Boyd, Arcbl-;j siaq-all%s. fiSnch was the sti|o of af hald M’Coy. Jghb’ ? Shaffei-, -| d • ■ fairswhon -Ibo morning of U*e 17tb Borough tpi Bueien Conrad, Samuel of June dawned upon these drenched Feoff.:- ■ ( . ■' . i armies. ' BocTiostcr Bor : Ivory Colo : Jesse _ Napoleon; leaving Grrnchy to pur- Moorp. E. Degcn. J; 11. M’Clelland. sue Bluchcj, passed over’ to Quatre - And there are smiley upon oor.lipS; For those who focnieniv; ' For glory’s stay Snows nVeclipse, '■ -T-' : When smiled npon by women. ■ ; For those who the mighty deep, • And scorn the threat-of danger, : We’ve smiles t o cheer—-and tears to wcep For every^oe,c_»n-ranger, I’ i Our heorts are With purjimtive|land,; Oar song is fafter’lSeodonly Our prayers are foTtho gallanf band Vfbo strike where, honor lends them; We-love the laintlcis air we breathe, 'Tie freedom’s endless boweft - v •! .. VC eil twine, lor him on endlesw wreath "Who scorns a tyrant’s powers. They tell of FratiEFs heauliesiVare, | , ~,01 Italy’s proud i j i / •Of Scotland lassies—England's fair/ V Amf nymphs' cfShannon'trTviters - IVc need hot boast their haughty charms, ■Though lords around theta borer; ■ ( ! - Ottr glory- lies in freedom’s arnis^—• ■■ A Freeman for a lover! ; - ME tSf‘‘Manmn “bow fat Amelia tas grown "I” • ‘Yes,” ..replied . bis mamma; '“bni don't say (fear • >^,*^l^l.”. •At tba diDper-ta,ble ppvbe,fopowjng ; day. Harry priu aslceclJf Vf- 1 r .jtake some -. tV--' ' r< °- -’'-‘ : i■>.■•'#' MI -~-TT • - *• , -*.Jf .K EMS IMBE MIN : i • x T*5S r -“- WATERLOO. ME oi Tjasscu ('Bras, joined his troojis to those pf J:, and with this combined force of ■|7O.QOO followed Wellington to the ;spOcious pfafi) of Waterloo. Welling- - •toi* had; Hero[ jskilllnlly posted his troops, on an extended ridge,~and' was jah&ronsly ‘awaiting the arrival of Bid fpher; .It was Che night-of the" 17th, and raiiiyi, whohillfapolebn reach -Icd the fihld; Por eighteen hoars he had nOt ipottigeM: in fe spose oh received any nourishment.— All theniight thWaiii fell in torrents, as the Emperor stationed army i'ortLcßatUe of the mprro.wv 1 ; Wellington’s force hfci pnsly estimated at from $O,O men.. The morni /jatvned Inritl and' an was t|ie Sabbath. T 1 plaTi/bf ; Hold. ,soaked fwithra hy heelis and the-.,, ~np o» . Shies.. yfefiembled a gnagmire. fcfgtif |o'clock the clonds'broke, and; r .St half' > ""i ’ paet. Upthetrpopa ■ i rear, and kritvesand .sawa,. ' anoholy woijtV ■Atilo’blockt! edi The English bio batteries were t ridge .of a gentle ib mile and a halfin le /sw4j(. d'io.'Jpf m» 4 jeny* folid columns,^and, fflwr V3fckt ■"? 3f P^T-vlIr? isbi line up to the vef-yd tnbuYe^o, [auiw. Hour after liofli fire oonlinuod r xjit, Lentlv. asindifferenb/ .*1?” • mw-.fh. a/fix *a-vY“-Y' : .““rfS. %y the strife, dt; ! , &«&#»»•' 'favo&«of iMks6»f* 0 ‘ a -$f “I®. ay®'mission‘arttl'in'-fiie groulgaph had |een|« JgWbei®£ erc his stucfedona power,-baa I British | yortpxjef tends, w;erd%ing iSp vir- Bruseelsr, ft ie.said; I'' futufe was in‘•anguisby doew lib: battlei tost, and tbajt'ho wipetfy id'd sweat noble'UcddS justfy tliep4othb from liis -fci-owl otihl-thab rombiiila-nhee of the Uv- or ipght wWm\ ” .;, .. Jug,- to the. everlasting of 1 Just at tbjs timo'jHjei I.eve- '<s:sbrirbpuiitiyme.pY!»}i. ‘ : ..'' ; i I . , tbe disbenif' 6ff *uppff . r iijdgirt boi to lie iin mens' 0 f 60,i'Qfl B P^ ak buivjWented! mei®, rapidly .&» jt Jdrpsb c «W y 6fl lengthy. descending upbk- -'plain.. jjo j ‘ bc#d that u was Gr«ioi f. li* ought | {‘bniidbred fib Unavoidable.!': I imo and tofbav^ been., It wg;', meher. Na-jj-pube wero insilfficicvnt to write the gjoleon bad pow bd(f -,0l)0 - that could boj tvjrUtcn ! iTlio fol hausted bis and] Io .» 'ng art-; the. names of those, who mbny hours bf£fho|‘ fc. dospffiateg bav«?;--dljd: ?lo«b ’.lihbj organization ; 'o£ j fighting: >Phllinglb/ (fJY the r w ith lime and pipe, j lurcepient of Bluett; irosli .troops,>^ s they could heiascortaincdr ■ : bud 10J),CK|0 topppb| "T**®Y C Jblinson. [ of; llooketolwD, >•• Twenty;- day! of soldiers were nojeffimSer-' drltf oc> u fever, at Camp Wounded;- V •' JIOSC a 100,000. dc'- 5 . u i ll,s ffl. Hazen, qf North Sewlek pended upon Y‘ . £ a J’ ißr icb.,,-Pa j .died on the 4th a to'charge, before tife : ol r d,l£i ;. the reach tho'field. was iiiiinediately hr«itdßl|;,lforwftrd —i j. ,'. a V 108 Y p ' ve "i ot Butler cb.; fa., Napoleon wished to ibmiit; hulA iold- dlt < i ° ! ‘ Bie 9th day of June, of fever ing to the nmmoii of his ,ll o ''bunds, iicar.Bitbui?>'Bridge, Va. staff, siln-enißred ' anWB Harrisj'New Brigh- Niiy. In two ■cohriMpriuM «“-i wounded ht \tp ;batUorqf which had never movebSut to victo- ■ a ' r ifay 31st; captured'by the 1.0-, ; advanbed'against tMkbatterics of i tne ‘ n l. e“d can-ioci td EiqbDiqnd, Yn.; ■ rested-to beuold thesuwtttie spectacle' I. 1 i l *- 1 ?' ?• Klv PPY'>.Bntlerco,l.i > a.,! Nof a drum beat. notiM®lb i u l m *W r at 'Oakh Aigy 1 Slstj | within that cloud-tiierc \vas-iiicessa:U- i VTt--.ftii.tfc n;,«t<.U Y- d„- ly tho gleam and tho Hutrider of WaW| ,H^ on tho; - j th .JL-w iij.t., 48g| ot most «Wfu! -storm; ; - -At the same, id: -f over ;. i n l%bspital ht Aw nioniont the riMiSHiaiifi (Miine ihinidiuv y- j. t .1 . r T 1 • 1 j ing upoii the field.' A gust (if [wind ; * k -.' r ; " Soir a moment swept away thesi|ioke. and the anxious eye--of Kapoiccm l)c -licld 11 l:i! hi-.tiuar<l had d isapjjoiired. —U\ mortal paleness spread over (•Keek of Isapolcori. aiid a panic’ seis ed every -heart. c)f luivi'dr on- Mied which hnVaaniiy; shudders to coTf template. Napoleoni threw himself into a small square; which be had fedpt a*i-a reserve, .tfud yirgod it hito Ihodbep -est thidiiffs of thecncTir ■ that he. .-oiifc'n 'n might -gfrish 'willij the. Guard. Cam brone feized-ihc bridle, of his ho|i ; sc, paving, ‘jfeA>. death shuns, you,- You fell bu, mtidjjS.A -prisoner.” ■ .'.Yielding to these solicitations, he reluctantly retired. The remnant ot> Jiis Guard bade hihi shouting, Vur- 1' Km pcreur.’, Tfeyworosoon surrouiincd, and called Apofe lo surrender.' Cain brone reply, “The '6tford\ii^yiiln&er stiiremlerpr’ • A,few discharges o f f gjrap'efei-om. tbe surrounding hatteries'ii cut Cfhem .'ail; dofei. TJuis, peridhcdfetc ©ld Guard of Napoleon, and thus terminated ttb battle of' Waterloo,. . ■ i, A correspondent-of the Noyr' .'Xork- Times, giving Sin account, by a rebel 'prisoner, who in tho aflair, ot the capture-of the Harriet Lane, tit Galveston, relates' the following re rnarkable incident Almost the first men struck down, were the gallant | Captain Waimvright, ana Lieutenant Lee, who both fought,:-the prisoner says, with a desperation and valor t|iat do mortal could isurpass. He saw tliciH, bleeding and prostrate upon ahe deep still dealing death among iheir enemies.-. \' '. : ,! ■;, ' | One four.g son of Captain -\V|ain- Avright ■— only ten years old; mst! think of it l-;8tooff cabin door; a/re volver in each hand, and never ceiiscd firing until he had! every shot. Offtj of his,poor little* hands wa* disabled by a ball; hisi four fingers, and gave >v;nj; he burst, into teari-riand cried ; “Doyou want to kill nie V't— Darling-, young bcpO; may his conn try never forget Kim ? Where is the Henians to wed his natiVatO ihtinor{a3 .verse, . like • another Cassabiahca ? Philanthropists,’ whose’! hearts are ycartiii gylpr Bou.ethingjto loVe, here, is a -tioplc - orphan, boy on whom 'to lavishyour care.- - He is now a prison er ip the bands .of the enemy. •’ v j®-“I .vvißh you liud foen Eva,” Said, [ttn arch hi to a.v 61d maid whdwas proverbial lor her meanness., ’’Why so ?” ‘’Because,” said he, ‘.‘you would have eaten all the apple instead of di viding with Adam.” ',5- . 1 | - ; V Vj' 1 Kfr'Ono Jonee, wlio bad'been gent orison for iiiarrying‘ t^ r O AY , iv t eß,- AX 'bimsplf; bj saying tbat rwben oe fho fqugnt bini, but \yhoti fh£yfdngtf#f*ch other. 1 *•.«*«» vJ v'T i tOiJ, dujed> ho Ba<U, fie got tw A New Cassabianca. EU 'v?m Hil Ml iro«n«J »&W# Silt aJ. t-j ii \f.mi3wnsMi *M *§3 painful' duty' hunuui Sitpiuel Goer, Stitlpr : en_ Pa., died IBG2, of Typl.lid lover,tin Hospital at Sntiolk, \ r a. y | 'i f | Beaver cq., Jpg’., dfed orVHie Jl7th of.j ■ Pjoceniber,. 1862, of C ironic Diarrhoea,l Tat Suffolk, Ya. V.; J .J, I;, ■ ■ Lewis, Kelly, Butter ;co., Pa., was sent to the Hospital.- at .Williams burs', Ya.. on the 12Gi ojt‘ ilay’v wo have nevcjr been able .tb' ilrcaii of ,;binrAhic'e, it-i|i .supposed;ho is , i; • Daniel.Gi Cjbristy.« nd Rbbert'.Gayim jiof Beaver co., and Robert Balzell, of : Butler co.. have been missing since the battle of Fair Ou ;s, Muy 31st, ’62. | All efforts to asccrta u tlicir fate, have : proved avail. Xq doubt' they {jfcU on 'ihat,bloody; field, ■wheres death tiheld undisputed sway. . | A [ j, Since the organization of our com • Ipany,,the- fbllowipgl persons Iha^c’been honorably, discharged, in Iconsqquenco . of 'physical disability:-?- iMackJbhnson, Oliver* Johnsojb, Addi son Sloan, Joint| M’Carthy, I Russelli Smith, j Elijah B.i Silnds, GebrgeJ Dpi ■Cplemari, Elijah jßaxtur, liugli T. j jPpitprif! John Porter, Wm.. Johnson, s iTwO ot them—-Mack'and W i—iliaye-Since ylosdd their eyps to; tbol Ibccnes 1 -|; ]|,~a : . j, j! Others, with febhttefcd. constita-i t i ohs f oi’i,mapglodr ItfnibSi are sUU.with-l in ; the\\ya!ls i 'of fioppital,? nnfitiodr for tltt active, duties of the field. | ? ; T ’ 11 : i All honor to the dead who Sleep in; Glory’s . grave: Familiar as the sol-; 'dier bcconies'Withjdoafh. ami numer ous as ate the cases'which j>ass before his ey es, there aid yet many among tile mighty throng who pass away, wiio, : from association while.' living,- aro not forgotten, but who dwell long and lovingly in the. survivor. ' i (The- man, would, I indeed, have a hard heart, who having been With our company when first formed, and' seen the many brave, strong t»nd hopc fnl men composing ylt...could look now, without deep fpeiinig, upon its thinned, and decimated ranks. ; 1 : Wbeil WP formed our first lino of battle on the 1 Peninsula of Virginia, we numbered, eighty-three men, all ready and willing, as their actions have amply proved) to die in defence bf tha't Union, under the laws of Which they had severally grown to to manhood. To-d ry wp number present far'duty meu.all told. Where, are those who[arc missing from their places, and, w hose hiihes are hpard no more at roll call ? For more . than half a steoro of these, the Orave answers. 1 ‘‘They are with mo and | will awake no'morey nptiF the last rovillo shall call them to the mighty master of- the rosurreetioft.’’ ‘ ' - [ ' ; i They have left ps, one by one—'some amid the howling death-storm of Fair <JakByiom by the Bipin by the sedref foe,'disease.Death by the : bullet, ■death,by'exbauatiogiideath ! by the. bhyehpi/ tlfiath ini captivity^ 1 (leatti ft f-' J/J- citing in | : G bod for General' Mltdbell. {: ■' : :|'KAairy[iEM, : 'Fob. G.». ; TUe folloiviiig order'! frbfli Genera; Mitchell, commanding post, ;! is the r of the season.' Whenever ftn arnvliljof rebel prisoners taken place, the females of this city- llocfc to/the various offices where passes aye • Issued In; order Wobtain adtnlssion. toi the pm 01 rho n s e swh cr es ai d prisoners 1 die confined. The f following order is full of sarcasm and justice, and .will S.ait the rtbcl sympathizers—jabolit as much as -ho Maine liquor law*did Whisky-drjnicors- The rebel ladies like wery well tp visit the prisoners cif-war confined in our midst,Land, as - a- cloak, take in; & little basket 3F pro- i visions, Bu; ■wholesale charity ; they will, spnrnv The times are too I hard. | You will} also notice that ; thcjl General ftp-bids [the; vieitmg df tliissoi| sick and oun d u d ,/ii oll federates by > athcis t,han tlioib bclwf|i;agi'to rtbof lumilieH whero ti»ey boarded;. General MStbboH| also holds these iipv' -dsjjon'siblo fofetho del very ol,the prisorieykwlloii for by tjie Federal aiiUforities . ' llEyntjCAKTEas u! f?.; Fbuoes. . , j Nashville, Tomi., Feb. 2, Ob. post di sal re 3 lo'expytss nib admuairofT of tlife zeal cerf ahr -‘Seees aton-farni lit s in Jadfn blistering ,to the [wanis jamb alleviating the 1 sufferings of the Cqc federate— \fqnn:lod to-day brought to this eil}'. \, •;! •*' ! tirentprai sc,suOuldbe awarded them ‘ldr\ vto the siriiorihg"! soldier> of that ' cause to, which they;- , aye so ;\\lh .isinstically allied. ' ' j. : t Jhsi'ing to giyothein still greater j i facilities' ft r the exercise of- that de-^j I yptlou whichAo-dayited them through j the iniijd of the public streets of the [icily, unmindful of the inclemency-. ■ bfj Vuie. weather, and farther, to! ftvinta the necessity of (has ■■ public ] id flaunting display,, -syhieh must bo; ‘pugnuutto tfio retiring disjjiosilions | [the vioUcr. -sex, idle general com- j andmg directs as follows :: ’ j burgeon Thhrst9p,nrodieal director, iil 'seicct 4 j of tho wptindcd and sick i Confederate soldiers thia 1 day brought . frijm-’tho front, to be quartered as fol lows x 'J? ■ '■/: ! v ' : (Fifteen 5 at the hotisigbf MrS. il’.Gall, j fifteen -flit tile house ! of iDr; Buchanan, an(d ,tiftc!ori atit.ho house, of slr. Sandy! Bter;8 ter; j all c n street, immed S- .j y_ below Church-stgcet. ; v'-j s it ! |s desirahle tbaKiho sick and wounded sh add not be agitated- by | the'presence of too- jnany persons no j.prie-wilir bo admitted to the rooms in winch tho wounded arc’,, except their i surgeons, without passes from Surgeon ■ Thurston. ■; I J .. * ■■■..■ - f I Kacb .family above nahicil. will- be hgld responsible for the deliveiy of the Contecferalcsoldiers thus assigned, when called for by the propcr.military authority.fundor penalty, in failure of such id.oHvcrfy, of forfeiture to the cl their'property and pei-sohal Jibe .’ty. < ,ii By' Order 1 of I’obort IS. Mitehofl, Brigadier General commanding post.' ;i > JOHN PKATT, A. A. G. • , IiOVAL . LEOisnATHßE.—Eigllty-fouv members of 1 he Missouri Legislature hafe adopted a memorial to Phesideht liiNCOi-Nisetting forth that there is [still tinderlying tKdsm-jacoV of ,tho I State • a'j very. large substratjunf 3 f treasonable -sentiment, which may break out on-the first favorable op portunity^,.expressing thankfulness to, the Government for assis,tihce'rctider cdjiand stating thtf belief that, by. all truly loyal •men in, Missouri,, their lives, property, cpi|atUhtioDal liberty are now enjoyed; representing that utter ruin would rpsult from an other singgle | with domestic traitors and their ido- nd abettors' in their midst; i ,to use bia[utmp! ipn in rescinding or modifyirt' tcA-havo imperious or coert ence only on their and the- enemies. Not Ei :a Eebecsl-—The Le gittlaturo ovidciiiily iin^ preesod, opinion that traitors: have no rjij, which loyal mbn';.,aM bound to reapt Two | bills!)ay b bpeg* introduced ip Ibe Aflsbpibly*preyentr i ngipro tce d in gei hla why, jor JoFt h 0 benefit of, dialOyal persons Tt js believed that : sojne [ measure of thia kittd is .to paw. j ■ ■ : j Ezm /jsnrA iTjKi ■■'.so £ 'j;. ai*i v;U;:r%» : i * ' *** ■ - ii li'k'u I ' 1 • -- '; i• 5 blishe d181(9 , _ .K twliilo i'vithf UB,.amid the nines aiid peninsula., '.Auddnpa, .they bi.yogbne,: and wo aro v left to monMeir loss. But while wo drop tbet®' of sympathy for.tho bereav ed, : ond sadly sig;h ; . when ',wA of ■thdii.f&nit gji pur hearts; beat. quipkjy jvhon remember they' all,|alhi; lied fdf -tbeif country's sake; diod.jdoing tbeir duty; died aS the tine .fioldie’rdies.' : • Many.ore the sad hearts: tbey hnVe leftl at bpfpejmany.arc the. ( jH?jfibpd j moraoryj* and -long deafest Jibnse.i hold words—mentioned only in kind behJing bahtt .ipf time ba .proud tears which the.'wives, motnersiand' wilfo pointTng'to piir un shaken tteonqtijlntionv :thoy' can. ex-* elairij, “Wa, .too, bpvo sacrificed upon ; tho f . , : V i , s ' t . ' . r. I> . K' ; ;' •. A... SV., Taylor. f' PEI EMI vl-r .•' : :'Mj;-Sfr - ■■-•-r'V- Je-w- i; , o,‘ : Northern : \ , ■r (Dhe editor,: of,; tile,,West Chestev ■ f|JcpubUc ; aii'and Hepioerat,...aii his -iif*o ; d Democrat, thus writes from Wash ington to his paper.: I ' lam daily impress- • yjd-with the idea-tjbott; btir loyalrpeople haypinp jrfst appreciation .0/ the spun: gor which surronlids them, and (hat ' thus ‘ failed to yedllzb • the ifdl l perfidyihfi-meti-:Hvith’ /whom ; t.lrey every Hay associate..l sat: dow •, .'a feWdaysesxueb iy ijth - u person, hi;' kno>y t n-i|»;i'ue. oiilyip, a ; c ; .l paoity/andUnversed; tvith/hini iCeuiit’' - matters ' cbnneci cO.‘ [wd.tH'ournid.idhal- trod Wos.His atf-e *, HvSftßtjy de,-. feqr :; of;itljp,\yaiyopposed tQ-the *\d’ - ,mi'uistratiuu._ He-, had just returned hrdtu , : a..y.i e;ir York, add" in I.'. that ' He' met been drinking in .eertaiii opinions IthOTp’ winch.had -the -.smell •* of-''HOraiid Seymour and h' \Yp,od nboUi them.' One remark made ■ b| ; Jt’hifl inan.will isiiOwy the direction gfyeri ;tp hifj- thoughts . oy • those, ho had -eomo'in; cohl.upt with whiithou his yisi't. K It was aydayv oii : which it-; was supp i>o gohii I’appi'iha With if 1c fig Ist Wc, ni’ihv .wiv believed ;t,\vouM ; be, itjwoql(j ' immc diately/lurn-'its back W the -rcbeliv: march<to the . cl tyi ■ and ovortmrn tfie (iovertiraeut 1 2io\V! what do<?b. this;.mean '! \Vh’y hadi ideas iloat; through the beads' ; moil The. coitnti'yl; has||tob good. aii-. ■opinion of the, ranjk. an|ti •; filjs, of ihh ofdbe|Potohiac t(> .believe sueilL ,a sa , datmb aWveJ"^ | but-siill there is reason todSdiovo tha.f, ■ disloyal officers in that army, in con-, neclipn with d(?jxraved| ppiitiijfiilijj o| j Xc-w; York ' ami- other Thaid Maies," > I wdiikl ho so. willing lo ,;;(.e,sudh .a statO’ / 1 of eonfujsion and they. '■, j'Woald to'- make' -the dia- ••• | bpiical, snggesliori which caiho to • i cars from" a man jaht-koditiiiig:/ from' . , the atmosphere of That this army has, .tampered : ' pith .by those irdusonaffie; : pfdilie;ims ' is very go.riefajly heii&yf*- -NoVdows- ■ pi.pei-s buUhejXcw York lit raid ftnd i 41V/d eomtj, within its lines 1 without- ; Pppl'sKiyiOiarid these papers can have ’!’ u 1 o T il Ihmxncipyjidiji/Proelaaiai iot'i, dy.: tribes against 110-i’ucedri edyyapii t h<,Tri,nut: '.villi, column, after c.dhmn V- ! - .the Iv < men bat .fetin'. of ;V itli.oso-wbo iu;C'i iii synipiUby-, with tbo /. iffebel lepVlers/ With. iiiflush/l ■; cnees surrounding, thii ,»riny,..i£-is not ,d|- : mue i woi der Hint demoralizaiion■ - { exists.- or that/ battles a:o lost - .-.Jlen ~' ■ who tii‘6■'■'pr.ralized.'iiiiiy; 'as ; . .hysv.■•■•;■ i ease, exhibi/ indomjralde. i i eohvage am! Jjravefy, but when (hoy, -i jarciiUKl them/ I|urc-llal£-h,car-ted'ln l lije groat .cause for j.|win.c|li ,we| arc fighting,. .their arms-' ' r j'-|wiH’ bc unnßryodjaml disaster CfiiiifsM . / I |an expected ami natural j eonseiiaence: :; J | Bdt tiufse . attempts to demoralize ; ’ 'pur armies- and' icirh them against/ '/ legit mate ‘rulers of the, land, hi only , j bno of the' crimes whicla lay at' il.ej ; I iddorii of northern traitors. It is nor' • jan ascertained' fact (hat their secret’ i bath-bound 1 political societies are r es-' | tabhshed' all t|iro'ugh /t/li-s. ; [The* the' Souih iri-y to til l hell of.Seccssroft^and : -the>eiiViii; now Is to,-drag the Jvorth into- -.ijmvj • • tame, abyss, and by the same i jiVhen you come :>v!»a have v y ; membership ip jliose' j j'Ott Ihd them id be the same meirwho -■ ■ [a few years since, weie >j.n their deuu'neiations of ingisin. - That jvipts a,.crimp of the deepest dye in their>very virtuous e§--/ tiinations. and; now the. have joined'themselves to«a similar 1 soeietyonly for, objects a thdusamC ’/ fold noro infamous. Thcv.xiqc struci';:’ at a-Beligious sect. ‘ The Other steles ■ to ivhderndno and overthrow cmf'Trco instit .ilipiis, to perpetuate, pegiio sla very- [ind to, establish tho; meanest of sill. - despotism. These, /societies-are' made up;of a siiiglViVht&s. ZS'ot ii loy ,al l)e iiocrut, orMiejuibiiraii belongs to, dny branch 61/them. I’hey are Wig riated by southern traitors, and their inmhership in the Kortli iscogrptfsed of pr|;eiCelj theg-a'me kind of people., pnly/thoy“lfav‘o||not the. boldness utb; ebmd.dut biffore- tpeworld and’ fight for-tnclr treason:; They propose to afecoinjplish therr. ends--by s'.oaltlr.-h-.: Like tihe eat, they. inten*l to steal bn - tbeir pray with/velvet foot/and seize itJri tlpine unsuspicious, moment. ' • i ■' i’l ■ , •—* , Sogerartb, whOEVarrost~at Philadelphia, on ja.charge of forgihg bounty warrants, has bad a ; , f hhai hearing, which'resulted in, his hoingi held to' bail fer jtriah in thb sum ol' 85,000.; . He. was. previously held hi -a similar to , answer ,k like charge. ■ i-- '■ : ' . -.t-t j- r-**? '■ ■ Tnij War must be voeght or® — Con. Burnside said injfew York refent'y that while he nntlc-ipated nod wished ah eye jfual pea(3e : this war . mnst i; bo fought out. • He-was going' to'llhod’e Island for a few. weeks’ regosa -and ■ then w onld return to actiye-scrVjce in * the battle-field. This assertion bo • peaud more' thaa oner...! “' NOTICE TO ADVE^ISEBSf^'' -i-L : is. ■-• fx-i W. ■ : Ailrcrtisonionts at jtljo, rate.,of ..75 ■- cents,^;»fl^a®^^Pchf Wli¥ C SfHift r I •■"A apacejftual t 8 twelve lines of tLis ’, Speolal qotiobsiSr> jpereent. Ju!diticn. : fo rcg- . • nlar rates. . $-M'■ ■.',3.. i:..-: • : i ;v’'- ■'. Business earn®, 75 cents 1 « line, per ; ami Deaths; ifeligibug, Political-’ ‘ and other.. Notices of a public najiurc, free: osed boi'c tbat la;battle on Komowhores, along, : ilnock. 1,1 <j btganby sayiiig.:;- og-drawii sigh} :thatT4 o'’then .ra iri n <r,, 7 and .i f cm rd' '■ again deputed.' as Lo vcjtr. on 'the Kpi'lli; H: the 2so.vv -glean nothing iVom these, shevig |il)dooCU‘t iutacics Oil bold, ilui iU'tioii.nion. who are --.Kct down us r i / / / IRE 111 iJ’irtttif-. •:!;■>. | 'i’he •' ! r ; T : S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers