ME obbhaetowhtelkfraph. A Ftnily Md m AarioiJlufrir Journal, : v- ’ ; SKVOTEDIO' . I. k I ;. CHOI CE EITERATCBB, .1 '•|“ 'j ISCKfiMKO L v ■| ■ i ; Poe try Novelettes, Tales, A3fl> i ORAL AED ENTERTAIU"- ! ISO READING GENERALLY. In the literary Department we shall prer tPfit the choicest Tarietifcs within the resell of oar ortended means. The Novelettes, Tales, Poetry, ic. f shaU be «ipplie4 from thejbcst i asd highest sources, and be anything to be foukd in any Journal or - Agriculture and Horticulttire, j, ' I XHbAaciko ij ’ : ' Ftrnain jjQirdtnlng, Fruit-Raising, Ac. Ji «B tiefr inaeiet, at ymdueted, on ti* UtM had non approved system. Our labors in tils department forprer thir ty Tears, hire met the cordial approbation of the public.' ■ Onrjpdrposh'has been to furnish .useful and reliable information upon these Terr important branches of indurtiyv and to protect i them so far./ras within our power against the: false doctrines'and,selfish purpos et of tbo many empires and sensation-adven turers by which the Farmer ia incessantly as sailed. I This portion of the Germanlorh Tele- Jmph will’alone be Worth the whole price of subscription, as eyery Farmer and Gardener, who has a propCT conception of hia calling, Will readily admit. ' (REWS DEPARTMENT; V Thesame industry, care, and discrimination, ingathering and preparing the Stirring Even.U of the jDny, expressly for this paper, which 1 ‘hitherto has hecn one of its marked features £ land gixen so universal satisfaction, will be ' ! continued with redoubled efforts - to meet the S-;. - increasing demands of the public. The labor ' rented in this department is never fpllyßp . precised by', the reader.;. It wotild be im '\ possihleto present, the-eondensed and care ’ ' fully niadc=,np form in which it appears, a, corrected mass of all the most interesting! • ! \jafcwe of the week, without I involving much f physical labor, tact and judgment. WeUnneiuhe ***» temi, to y hich we beg lease Jto call' attention bf «U .Who. Ihinl of subscribing for a newspaper: - '. j ' Advance Cash Terms. . One copy, one year, S 2; one copy,; three v- Tean,l $6,00; three copies,' oncjear, §5,00; . five. Copies. One Year, $B.OO C Ten*-Copies, / 1 One fear, $15,00; Twenty Copies, One Year, ■ $28,00. ; ?S ; • . 1-: y' i ftr-.-. - lOrSahserlption not paid within <KS year, ■ JCuA Club of fiTeisnbsenbers,| at $B, will entitle the person getting it up to a copy for aiz months; a Club of ten or more, to a copy f for one year.; All Club'subscriptions stopped at the end of fhe time paid; for, unless ye-or 'dered. . . . - ,'i , • ; j order will receire attention unless ; accomplished With the cash.; T" Specimen numbers sent to applicants. PHILIP R.FREAS, .4 ... Editor and Proprietor. rhilaMfhia, Of/. 22,’02. ro, r BRIGHTON RETREAT. *•,} ' ' ASYLUM FOR THE RECEP ION, CURE AND TREAT MENT OF MENTAL ALIENATION OR , DISORDER. Artel QtHer ■ ‘ iTOua aiid'f^ Diseases. DLHSIVELT 'FOR FEMALES. ' TSe: ■ EX E , . - TS. maiS institution is bow open for the rcecp-j 8 | tioh;" care, and treatment of the indtpm- ] fo,l]claii of patients whojare laboring under tncoui 5 deraragcm^nt; or •owieV nervous and ehnlnic disease. /He make special mention of tefitma and chronic diseases, from the fact that' seven tenths of the femaie patients that ire| committed la our public Asylums, to be t-eated for disordered minds, are reduced, to thai lamentable - condition through pterions physical disorder." .By a well timed and jndi ' clour treatmentiof chronic and nervous dja «ai«a.' all physical disorders, iff the majority of eases may heremoved ; and thus theraind, haring suffered through" the medium of the ’ body will when fr* from |the, exciting physical cause,, throw off the shackles that : ha« bound it to worse than midnight darkness, I and reason will, once more, resnme its sway, ■ - eloibed in all its primitive beanty and wonted \ i ;» excellence. Hence the necessity of ell those, who are laboring under the. predisposing or exciting causes, calculated in .the end (o im c' pair the mind to-resort Jo an early and 'ft judicious course of remedial agents. The Institution is a {large brick building 1 with » stone basement—four stories high and V well Ventilated, i It is situated on an elevated ; ‘table land which commands a view of entire. t IpirnHaAiacefit hills—groves and neighboring streams;' all lof which are Calculated 10-pro duccTavorablb impressions upon- the disorder ed mind.- ‘ -{* -, - ■ iThe.lnstitntion is complete in all of its ap pointments. '{Haring been tastefully fitted up at! greet expense, in order that it may meet approbation and viewsof the most fastidi ...'■-i. one. {■ - - ,1/ ' - j The water, closets and bathing apparatus V ! i . hare been gotten up upon the most approved 1 modern.scientific principles. This department i}• ' ■ embraces not - only ,the: ordinary baths but, tl«n,- Jtif medicated, warm air and' ascending' I t Sa descending douche for the more effectual i i/ attd 'successful treatment of cutaneous and . i-. atiicr tftofUoMdlefiSel.? - i 1 ■ ; /We beg leave to aay-to all those who may be ■' ! } commit the inlerests of a dear wife, sister or daughter, to' our charge—may lie assured, that nomeans will be spared*or effort* wanting on'our part to ameliorate their condition or to effect a restoration to their ac v " euitomed health and vigor of mind. - farther particulars send'for a circular. ' ' iU communicationS should be /addressed to. ' E. KENDRICK. M. D, Bupt. of New Brighton Ketf eat /'• New{Brighton Beaver Co. Pa. , - N ■; :-X ,0t12’62. KOIiLOCK.’^ D offee. rnS3B preparation, made Java I Coffee, is recommended byVphjsieiaßi as superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for Gen eral Debility, Dyspepsia and all billions disdrv tdenl iliowaada who have Been compelled to abandon die use of coffee, will use this with out injurions effects; One. can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price26cent*, ."t'y ;/.! , • ■ j /' . KOLLOCK'S IBVAIIf. . ' i-•The purest and best .BAKING POWDER known, for ntakiag light, sweet and nutritious Bread and Cakes. /.Fries' 15 cents. Mansfaetured by V- M. H. KOLLOCK, Chemist, -t i Corner of; Broad and Chestnut streets, • J- ,; - [■ , • PHILADELPHIA,, ■ ] *»d sold by all Druggists and Grocers. ■' f RMMMMOUSE, S AOAML JOBSSdH, PRO’B Ss T ipis 4.} BO6HUUIV pvnTA.. El t'iiV- El *„. •.; ; “Tifia is the first really’ clerereomiq and satirical! journal »• harehadik America— and really clorwU is. It faboth sW>»d rood-tempered, end not afraid to ny that ha seal U it* own—which eliowe that it has a goal. Onr reader* will he glad to know where they can. find nafiro Inn that >n aometting better in it than mere —Alta aft? “■This paper is excellent..... Kumarl cable for originality."—A*; T. Trooper. • --: i i*v*siTT ‘Fain fa conducted by a riraeioua, witty and intelligent corpe of _-r (Coi to.) ; , K’ ' L, ‘•Wm wield as potent an influence as that or the London /W."—AmWi TrootUer. - | ••tThosoerer finds himself laughing at the fait of Vasnrr Fain, and docs not return a quidproquo. is fit for ‘treason, m?'i spoil!. A'. ¥. Crayon. .. ' .’ i i The rerr m«rked «jd fl»tteringrocee*«' rhich far attended 1 the publication of r L «yijOTT . Farit,” £ ! Enables the publisher to announce that ™b r£he commencement of the. Second Volun e,. is sued this day. SOth-JunA New Features; both Literary and Artistic; wifi be introduced, *nich will Increase the value and interest of tt e pa per, and fully maintain tbe proud *pdsiUoja unanimoasly to it, as the leading | VANITY FAIR I II 111 PIT) EECCIAEIT *VI»T THCMIH. ■ and is for Sale by all Newsmen, and ftt tbe Ofice' of Publication, No 118 Kaasau-ltreet, New Voile. . I-,' _ 1 ' , TEEMS; „ ' | . I Three dollars per annum, in adiranee—Six: cents single copy. !■ i . TERMS FOE CLUBS.: -j;' 1 Two copies of VAXrrr Fain wiU be_sent to one address fdr..l • Five c0pie5..:....;..«» Ten copies, ..*,w,....20 00 An Extra copy will be allowed to thepetter | up ofevery Club of not lessthan five copies. This’paper is Electrotypedv numbers may be procured at any time. ■ 1 = ' i ‘ LOUIS H. STEPIIESS, ' Publisher for the Proprietors, llSNaasau-st. ■ New-Tork.; , ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ ' I ■ THE : .. ■ ' SATURDAY MOENUJG TOST. / * Tbe best Family wewßpapcr; in ■ WESTERN PENN’A. . Aad the .only .Democratic linwu , Sheet in . Pittsburg. '• ’ * r ESTABLISHED IN 1804. It contains. aU the GCBBENT NEWS OF THE DAB reliable. Monetary, Market and Commercial reports and a choice selection of Tales, 'Poetry, Literary and Scientific Articles, * ■; Valuable Statistical Information* ■ Agricultural News, Ac.; ’ -.ALSO— ■ • " I ' -'L.- r Ttiie Latest‘Telegraphic News. Embracing every important Item of News, Foreign and Domestic,' -Congressional , ’j< InlclKgctioo, Legislative Prpj 1 ; ■ •VC|CdingS, &c., &c. ti. ; ! Tcmt, $1 for a Single Copy,or 11 Copiet one year for s\o. ) Annniss— 1 JAMES.P. BABB, , , ■ 1 ■' Y Editor and Proprietor. Corner Fifth end Wood sts., Pittsburg Pa. gg£,Bend your money by mail at my risk. ' -'*•l t, NIEBEWI 1 SPECIAL NOTICE. / Comic. Journal of America! TO COUNTRY pEiALBRS. School- Books and Stationery at Whole i*. ' ;■•!,■ sale. ; , , • The subscriber has always on hand Osgood’s k M Guffey’s Spcllei- & Be®- iota. Ray’s, A rithmetics, Stoddard’s Sri£|t»netie, “Pinneo’s Grammars* Bi btik'k Testaments, Better Cap;and Commercial Note pnporij, Eayolopes, Blank Books, Pass Books r Steel Pens afid Holders. Copy Books, Slates, Ink, Ink stands, Bonnet;Boards, &b., &c. - Usual discounb—Xor cash. Goods packed and delivered to any part of the City. ROBT. S. DAVIS, f«[b:18 73 Wood st., Pittsburgh yy Wirrn, PLiL-C W ttlCKEisot. Pittsb’g MILLER & RICKfiT 30^ ASD IJCPOfiTEBS .. Brandies* Wines and; Segnrsi Sot. 221 4 223, Cor. of Liberty $ Irvin it*. U ® PITTSBUHU, Pa. . Iran, Siils, Cotton Yarn, constantly -■ on band. ? . . [«ng» mi mmi General Commission Merelianl r '■'ato r Dealer in ‘Flour, Grain, and all kinds ■of Country Produce, Wipes end Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, da. . Office arntf Warehouse. .No. 28T South 2d stree FiiiladeipliiA- TiarUberal adrances niadeon consignments ■ ; ■* ■ , ■I ; »».* 28 -s J. O. TTILSOS. ». ». a’iuoi. WU> FI SLAT \IW, M’KLROY & GO., Wood St., IPITTSBTTiE^O \Bave noic their STOCK of RY GOODS, ilptc. Extra indnccniente offer* r ed to Cash buyers; j (mhl9. WATER CUBE. IVTO CiiratiVe Agency Usuperipr to HYDROS JM IPATUY for the treatment) of all forma of Diseases, and no Institution this conn try possesses greater facilities for its adminis tration than this, , j ■ Bgß_For Pictorial Circular addresa rtw i j Diu w. Hi HAMfcLETON, j J. .;j Piitaburg.Po. Com Sterling H^e, No, I€|7 Second. Street N •] ■ '{mentis wood aid HAWOtr) ~ PITTSBURG, PBKN’A. , SCABBING BT;THE MEAL, DAY OK WEEK. ■. | Temd { Very Moderate. ier ! ' W Beaver] Hotel, JOSEPH HALL, Proprietor, - Fa.-, .-A'-. TiTATIBa ttaroagUy fitted np thtohonae, H he to noir .prepared to accommodate hU ftnndaj aad thepnblio generally, in A**"* ■attofaetorr manner. : I- ; [may62 Fine Cut, Kitnr* 2 - o St BRAVE 1 : SOLDIERS HOLIifWAT'S WLLS And Ointment. A LX. WHO hare friend* aad BeUUreeinthe that they be amply supplied with tkoM POl* ■nd Ointment;! and where the brare Soldier* and Sailors hare preside them-, ■elves with than, no betier present can be sent them by their friend*. They have been mot-> ed to bo the Soldier’* n*Ter-frilin*= friend In the hour of need*.-* - 1 .. COUGHS AND COLDS AFFECTING TROOPS Willbe speedily remorod and effectuelly cored by using tlieee admirable medicine*, and [by paying proper attenbon to the Direetioae which are attached to each Pot ear Bon. , SICK - HEADACIXEB AKD want of appk- TITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIEBB. These feelings which ho sadden: us, usually Aria* from 1 trouble or annoyances,. obstructed perspirat!on,or eatingaad drinking whsterer 'is unwholesome, thus disturbing the heaHhfta action of the liver and! stomach. These or gans must bo yon desire to be well. The PIBi taking according to th« printed in gt ructions, will quickly la produce a healthy action iif both liver and stomach, and as a natural consequence h clear head and good ap- WEAKNESS OB DEBILITY INDUCED BY . OYEB FATIGUE, =: ,-.i WiU soon disappear % the use of/these in-s valushle Pills, and the Soldier, wUI qnkkly en quire additional strength, Never let the bow-j els be rither confined Or unduly acted upon.,! It may seem strange j that HoHoway’a. Pills should be. recommended for Dysentery, mod - Flux, mank persons supposing that they would increase the’ relaxation! ■ This la a great mis take, for these PUls wUI correetsthe' Uver and stomach and .thus remove aU the ecrid humors frontthb system. This medicine wiU give tone and'vigor to the-whbleforganic system howev er,deranged .while health end strength follow as a matter Of course. - Nothing wiU ptopthe relaxation of the Bowels so sure a» this fam ous medicine. , i ■ ‘ VOLCNTEEKS ATTENTION! INDIBCKE . TIONS OP YOUTH. 1 'Sores and Ulcers, Blotching! and Swellings, can with certainty hoj radically! - inf ed if tfce Pills are taken night tand morpiag, and the ointment be trebly used as stated in the-prints cd instructions. If treated in ant other mani ner they dry bp in oni part to break put inan-| other.! Whereas this Ointment will remove the humors from the system and leave the Pa •tient a vigorous and healthy man, . It will rej quire a little perseverance in bad cases to in sure a lasting cure'.: * . ! FOB WOUNDS. ElTttEB OCCASIONED B 5 THE BAYONET, OB 8 ABMS,OE THEBiCL LET, SOBEB OB '. ; ’ ■ To which every Soldier and Sailor are liahl s there are no medicines so safe,/, sure. and eon,- tenient as Hollowny’hPilUaisd wittmcut. The poor wounded and almost dying sufferer might have his wounds dressed immediately, if he would only provide himself with thie match - less Ointment, which shouldbe thrust into the wound and smeared all abound it, then covered witha piece of linen! from his knapsack, and compressed with a handkerchief. ■ Takic g night and. morning 6 :orB Pills, to cool the sy s tem and-prevent inflamation. • Every”’Soldier’s knapsack and Seaman’s, chest should be provided with/these valuable Remedies. I V. 4 fTTtOW.+None * f e genuine unless the words New York and London, are diseernshle as ajwatcr-mark in eveiy lejaf of the hook of directions around each not Joj, box; the same may hb, plainly seen by AoldipO Ike Uaf to the light- |A handsome reward wall be given to any /one rendering sneEiqfbrnja- Jtion aamay.lead lo the detection, of any party or patties counterfeiting the medicines or vend ing the same, knowing them to be spurious. *»*Sold at the [Manufactory of Professor Hollowat, 80, Maiden Lane, New York, ahd by all respectable Druggists and Dealers In Medicines, throughout the eiviliied world, in boxes at 25 cents, 02 cents and $1 each. jgp* There is considerable saving by tak; ng the larger sizes. ‘ ’ H. B.—Directions for ! the guidance of >a ients inevery disorder »ro affixed to each bix. -May". T [V’ | ' /.'■/' iIME. i)EMOREST’3 ■'l , . Quarterly Mirror ot Fashioi i With Great Tmprorfninti and Addition*, 'tb« stiWßi jtrMßßa cqstais* : FOUR LARGE SPLENDID FASUIO PLATES, THREE FULL-SIZED PATTERNS,OF DRESSES, i coarnisiso van ~ New French 'Waist, an i Elegant Sleeve, and Misses and s Sheet of . New ■ - and Beautiful , ' BEAm AND EMBROIDERING PATTEI N ; Together with hearty 100 Engravings at - *ll the novelties for Sommer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmi ig / Children’s Dreues,&o., And evaluable information to Milliners, lire Mahers, Mothers, and;Ladies generally, pr aenlihg the largest- and best Fashion Nag sine in.the-World, published 473 BroadW* y., and gold j everywhere at 26 eeatiy. «ent by mail, post free,onrcceipt of the n in stamps or silver. Year $l,OO with lb >f< lowing valuable premium. . Each yearly will be entitle* i tc receipt for the selection 'of 60 cents woith plain patterns, from the' designs in the >oc or from the she# room, or they majr le < dered and sent by mail any' time during the year, by paying postage*’ ’ - * lnducements to Canvas*' irs. ... Ko..noW ready. !E>T ew f G-ood.s! I % B, S. B ANGER . Bridgewater, Pa., StS just received a Urge assortment of . SPRING GOODS, , will be Offered il PANIC PRICES. >mongst bis stock eon, st all times, bo found a Variety of- I" f' DRESS GOODS, MUSLINS, GLOVES, HO- 1 BIERY, Ac., &e., . • PEON & STEEL, all Tarietlea. JNAILS by tbe pound or keg. i WHITE LEAD and VARNISH., j LARD, SPERM. LINSEED A CABBOI I OILS WINDOWGIjASS, alljUM. .. QDEENSWARB, LOOKING-GLASSES, Ac. AH of wbieb wHI be sold low for Cash, Of Country Prodiuje. J- . ! Bridgewitert) Mit. 7> 1861 ... ;-H BEAVpR JICADEBiyi t npHIS \IHBI ITtTIOS WIU. |opBS «* ffDNDAY, Lbtijat oi SBPlffli pwtknliua addresi th« Pi B. B. jpjBCKR. Beaver n7AHTED—-10,000Bna&ela, W •• 6,000 “ ' Bye. « 5,000 : •• Biriiy, • ; 6,000 •• Ode, , Delivered is PUUbnrg, for wblch I*m eulhor i«ed-to p»y l>e highert^pncjt^ldfeew, .: Ko \m, Libtrta Strut ;.KUrtttrii|| , rngfil «■; i . - ' f M.CAMS, )BZBSE& 7 —T— , . -*XBK-KNIV6Bi Bclisot*, ? Gum Hi w*T Purses, Porrtloßalca, NewDe*, ' Pencll-Bhsrpefter*,; Spool CMtcii, Pin*, &«., for »»le »t the Drtig fltOTe I : SM^L,-y: ; jy . DB.C. jOHW«.WI_ yAItMBR. .ft HAIB-D1 CZ= U.VMA*' BXllO*lB. KH mm Bubeeriber iharimg pursl ssed 1 I tabUxhment «satly owhaad alHirtiolee nsnolly E*"* 4 )* and mayrnfo pn Wn keeptof Ik* PTOSB* . m 4 BKaTDBUQS. . k taHety of other article* will also b*lOT»d in hi* establishments _ Ted, Extract of Coffee, Botin -Boap, Fan&f Soapa,Portif<>nie»i Cmlt. ALL ARTICLES FOB THE TOILET. SPOOL COTTOH, NEEDLES, i .STEEL i BRUSHES. TOOTH BRUSHES. ! ’ ; TOBACCO, SEGARS, LET- \ 1 ' TER, NOTE,* FOOLS- , "[■:.- ' ’ CAP PAPER. ....... Carbon OH Lamp* and Chimney*. ' These are a few of the articles, andoply a few'alwaysonhand. Callandsee. ’ • •’ ■ He will ttyl by eloee (attention and; IWr dealing, toglvosatiafaction Ip aU who may fpvor him with tbeir custom. , ■ i | i i C. V. CUMMINS, SI, D. attention will bopaid to , patting up Phyriciaqo prescriptions. [ang27 j THE GREAT CAUSE OP ; sH'ii mn n Ml ser* y • Vwe PukUtltZmaSaUedEuMlope; Pria t ttMi ' At' LECTURE BY Dm CULVEBWELL, ON THE CAUSE ANDCUBEbf Sperms’- toirkce*, Consumption, Mental «#d, rhywenl Debility, -Nervousness, Epilepsy; Impaired Nu trition of the Body; Lassitude; Weakness .of the Limbs and the Back; Indisposition, and Incapacity for study and Labor.; Dullness of Apprehension 1 ; Loss of Memory; Aversion to Society; Lore of’ Solitude; Timidity; SelD Distrust; Diraineea; Headache, Affections of theiEyes; Pimples on' the Face; Involuntary Emissions, - and Sexual Incapacity; the (Conse quences of youthful Indiscretion, Ac., Ac., • ■ admirable Lecture clearly proses thajttho above enumerated, often self-afflicted evijs, may he removed without medicine and without Dangerous surgical operations, and. should be read by‘every youth and every man v in (he land, j J. , ’ , . Sept under, seal, to any address, In a plain scalad envelope, on the rfteipl of six-cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing, - ■ Trr ! CHAS. J. 0. KLINE S CO.. 12l Bowery,New Tork.Post (Office 80x,4586, MARRIAGE. TITS lores snd hates, sorrows and. anger*,] I hopes and fears, rjegrels and Joys; MAN HOOD, howJost, how! rcßtorrri; the nature, treatment arid radical enre of spennaUrrhsea orseminil weakness; forolnntary emissions, sexual debility , and impediments to marriage generallynerronsnesa, - consumption, fits, mental and physical incapacity .resulting from SELF-ABUSE—are tally explained .in. the MAUKIAGE GUIDE, by WM. XOUNG, M. D. This most extraordinary book in. the hands of evory young person contemplating marriage, and erery man (or woman who de sires to limit the number of their offspring to| their oircunitindhL Btwy ptu#» acne incidental to youth,. maturity and old *B**! is Ifully explained; erery particle of knowledge that should be known is hero risen. It is full of] engrarings. In fact, it discloses secrets that erery. one should know; still it is a book that 1 mtist bo locked up, and not Be about the bouse.- Iti will be sent to any one op the receipt of i twenty-fire! cents in specie or,-Rootage stamps. ( Address Da. Wn. FOUSO, 416 Spruce st,, . shore Fourth, Philadelphia. . . before you place your self under the caro of tiny, of the notorious . Quack* —native or adtertuein [ thU or any other paper, get ?: m, . Young’s book,; and read It carefully. It .will, » be the means of Bating yon many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life. J - , , * Dm TOUSG can bo eonsflfted on any of the 5 diaeoscs. described in his publication, at: bis . office, 410 Spruce Street, shore Fourth, Phlla i mMLlOffice hours from 9to 3, daily. fmar26 I . BEAVEE • FEMALE sbmutaet. [Bbv. W. W. Lavebty, Principal. ■: ’ (iatb c*»« oi ver. *. k’oill.) fHl'g iKStITDTTOS, for the reception of Young will open on Mmday[ iU Is? day of September next, i, Boarders recs Wed into the family of the . Principal!. _ ... I Expenses—Board,; light, Fuel, and Tuiupn, per term jof 14 weeks ........"S-tft 00 a !• Tui»k>4 alone, per term, $4 00, $BOO &$< 00 * according to branches studied, , ; 7! - ; for furtherpartlcnlars address the _ Principal. \ ; ! ' ■' angO .A^csieonriFEss ll 00D, 60BSTAKTIAL, MPE-Übß 'PIC. VT TCRKB e*n now be bed Rt the . - ; £ ! COTJBMOIJSE, ih bbaveb. i’t Theta pictures are not mere dnnb», but war >l. SUFEBIOR to anyObat bate embin made in; Bearer count;, by toy other artist. , 4 To be convinced, call andeaamlno epeeimeßS. of 1 »ill remain but a few week*. , ,! ; ,v i: - •gb.QaUery in tb* tamo rtom - occupied by, * «01T1857. T G.A.OBIPFIN, iorOJ . Photographic Artist, j JOTS?, cob & y ilnroing ud Co®miMion AgenU-11 t AND DJS.VLEBB IN - ERINITING INKS OF ALL KINDS Type, Printing Material*, ' WRITING AND PBINXIN6TAPEB CABt)B,&C OFFICES-rßrown v « PuiWinfl, PfriUdelpUm; Tribune Buildings, Now York. 1 _jliji’ JOHN ». YOUHO, Jj 1 -■ I ' V ! ; ; l JLtt’y at liaw, ’;>• i ’ (BEAVER, PA.)I - ■ •a-oEce in tbs Court Honro. j • ■ A ■ ■ )». |jr W.ERAEtr i ! COMMISSION MERCHANT^ I No. Igs Bto»et, i PITTSBURGH, PA. ; Ijtier. for o«^' and Oroeerfe*, wemptly tjj W owwt prices,;wnen ‘ *eoomp*»«® AfSti lip I. ~' ■., .888. ««P^. P*.j. Pink, r e«*ers, ! bread, TS.j Go Yob Want Emptoynwnt. ] lOfrFEB » ptoMUt bosbiM* for tlie Sprforg I and Subumt, with. Urge : ■rnev eironlar, containing faU WormaliOn. I ; AddreM .1 °QEO.eDW’D SBABS,J 'j, ] • iyB6.‘ V. , ; 4 181 WUUmi j attorhelatlaw. r . ~o>ffiee in Gen. fmon'e Office^ : NOBTH BIDB *OEf TOB WAMOHIJ^ .■■ BE AVEB, PA. ptpSqffi : -h ft' KS3S, Proprietor/ '; ' Bnt«T«| £'J ; - S CHERRY y S'- I§SSSswl23 >sa^fflßsa4iß-f3fou 'SS^sxsn^ysir^s JSVSSS* *“•“* ' ■Hj , 'i ,n^"" • n' tWiiriM aMm Mi'jw****®*^ . SeTpw■*«»«•• : : : i ■-. i :: - ■'‘Aattmar nibble, ■«* Bwtoehnfc. ' ' Mafirjim Au-.u-tSSSSSm* : i t7i Tnmmr. it. u_ ii iw lftw* Q»t i ssss&fesssss : «-n-H? *—»-■ fam , riapTM aoi «Mh«.|M (Mto *■■*•*■?* Owr. y&SSSSASS^^ s-uHrsr j ESuSmo noSnf.o. Bmmna. aiMHMm,.. •*«■*!, un?.* km (Mian*. n>rS»y.£>u»**■**>» Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. mgl Mfow hn. *mb A| UM.tkdr.tfdtejMto.Hkh tod, ■uilM'krt fOpUn.Uikktamtou. l— in ikMrm WiHUi. Pm. toinlrf. whhh 'I I - ■ i «todU»c. ttocrdlnMT ■■lldMt, .nit thto tog ****** i ; ..! -■- .hi. iti Miinn -f n~ n*rtrtmM |SfhMntKU **&S*lU*mn. • i 1 .aj <linMmtl>iMlw«n«*l* ABkh « dte S.i.M»* ii»l«T»ltrtl<m,«Mll»Hrtk^t^y /■!*• «ttk tofjto to to, «*■»» .*■*»• y*^s da. tnlUk a* toMM* «*••• tote km. mbm 1 mi—t rftom «ML WkUi togW*l .! Adiiigiiiitki*. toi|li itl>»hit«lMa*n«iitb» (iSsS3atfs®s#atr4ffi ' ilMiiiil. i.f [*T*~* — 1 —*—***•**•-«- in'^rmv «t*d. ,kMrir to to*«F ' wtiSMoTSltorow^StoMowingeoeptolali: t nnill r —'.' amo« totojtotou. Bwiilto prqjg. VmL tad tak* MfetoS**" Hd ollir wf *»®s gr-ss^rrrr.'ss .'. ■:•■■■ ■ - . i SNNMd toy Dr. J* 0. WJBj. : kMiytto.mhMtot.XawiO.liMf f h Vno.MOa.nmßox. »w. ■*■»•'•»•.‘K. ! rl ■:.. : j‘-j-- NU «r-. 1- ■■> ■;; ■;■ ', : r d v$- rat »»la byl>. Minltijr., Benter; 'p Cromm BooheMr. Waggoner A Frf iouii 3. Nlchds, B»d»os 31 Bargain, N.» Brijrblcra, JoW Black, Darlington. Dw- j.:V • CRITTEJmBN’S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL] :t: COXjXoEIQ-ES, I i K; E. corner o£7t!i &ClieatmitSt., TTHTS Insiitutioii, wbioh »« established ih iii 1844, and is how consequently m.t eigthtoenth year of . Its existence, nnufoeil among its grains! es, hundreds ofthe mostiuc-1/ ccmful • Merchants and Business -Men qf| our I of the Institution is solely W af-| ford young men focilities for thorough ptjepn* I ? j ration for business. . J:! 1 . "Ti I I The branches tsught src, Book-keepmg.sSj ; applicable to the ramps departments ofttjade; [ 'penmanship, both plain|and. ornametftal; • ■Commercial Law, mathematics, Kartgstiom 1 Civil Engirding. Drawing, Phonography, I . and ModesiiLanguages. ij ■ 1 ' t The system of Instruct ion is peculiar; no , clitoefi or set lesson® sre mode use of, | student is taught individually, so that ho may I ; eommenoest any time, and attend at whatov-1 : or hours ifiei most convenient. ■II . 1 ‘ | Catalogues are .waned annually .after £*e 16th of April, containing reputation, And the of; the ; Principal, this Institution ; offers facilities sn 1, perior toady other in the, country, for .yoong ; i«n wishing to prepare for hnd »o obtain at the same tlmea nirnojes, which wiU \ piora a recommendation for them to anyj M«- I Series ot Trerijaw on j Book-Keeping, now. more widely eoenUtedl than lany other work on the subject,-arc fori •ale et the College, -.v. |;1- .. 8. HODGES CBITTBSDBS, \ p .: .1' v Ammqt-at‘l*'* k'. -I ■ ,j' : „ Pbwcipsx. | 20,1802 , 11*7.7. • Notice. I/, ,;i The accounts ana : ' subscription* tQ TH* ! ,Akous r for 1860 and 1861* which have nbt :been settled up, as well as .the acjcoupts of M. Weyand, H.« J- Weyand, and Weyand and Henry; arc inlmyj bands for settlement. AU 1 whoare ; Indebted to either of these [for subscription, advertisement pr job j work, Mill please call on me at the I Omen. Many of these ca icountaare of long standing and should the settled. 1 [ :V-i';;vi v '. j BAHOELPAYENPOBT. BILINERY AND E "i\MllM\klNS : % 'SksTABL^H^T,. : I ,‘j; • NEW BBIOHTOS.PA., ■1 mil. * . ■/rf-'v'i. r#t v ; 'n; i ' "I ’*' " KB.: • ' 10 11111 4 1111111111116111 ; iiiiip nus. ■ pM*Lm»*i r <imr«cmi3PAlrißUai LIVSR Cd««PI.AIMT : m m*o MiimJatm snun.^ .: 1. :i '• i ii» ' B Tbaotdturr evUeneM «f Pl** of tfa« IdVotare PlUl - n— in: Uiereglonof the liter, sometimes dull and aching, increased tir pressure. pain and Cneadnesa in IraaiUng.Pabi to u the right Sbwldcr, uneasiness - when lyingupon tb* toft side, |i; i inorsaandsitufiftlit T ;; and Pirfangh. disordered atom- " aob, Hanna, fellewish Tinge on the eyes snd skln, H*adacbe, yel- r-: lowish liiron.lbetonigue.Bitter tafc into fa* the mouth,heavy, ; dali sewfttea ln the Braln, De- .? fntstoa fff Spirits, amounting to | Insanity, elicit Fever toward evening. Less of Appetite, HcteßCfcelJfWithinoroseneesand 2ypocheadrla, # HenralgiB, # duii nen, • general feeling bf Ifceasi- 7 ■MS,* Languor, drowsiness, the patient conscious of somethihg wrong in himself, and disposed ■ to see nothing right in'things 1 •boot him, yet wholly unable! to expiate tne|csusa of bis sen*; sations —with many others easily ■ J detected by resemblances to one or {other of. the above. The Liver Hill wm.alxnost cer tainly arrest the disease if taken uponthoappoarance of the above, 7 aymptoms, which if allowed, to its course, beoomes.ohronio in tts nature and almost inoor table, producing great end con stantly increasing suffering. | I Tbs dm of d 1 * nodidse vBl nelthsv c nitt ■ nnir i1l»«««rt —•—-r I ’"*** to totosrafbssrsltamftothemoreyigorou.|, -s nfthla ahystelmn. nfconM it bir necMMirlto ton to his •I* r■' i(i. - ' a» i iiaur nsDicisE ■ SELLER*• LIVER PILLS abb idVAXUABIin. ■ i - ipf-leelgS Cents;; j. SELLERS' c otuin iv 8. Ovtsu Sm.->Aw Sir—“ln reply - fcw irf the mhinatent, I wooM eny tflnt' the »lo if n>,iw Mrtidnw bu On* exceeded niy expects^ tore fafled to pMdnre : i thedeatod a&cil Tbs Cooah Syrup la • caw:f« courtToJil*.it, and »b« tbeapnfaa rftte»Art« ■ wach of aft which. ■ UfladdflrqtnUdMiietthn it a fcii»r<r»iii tar “tta »na ttaloc aeriWi! at thlaaraaonta in* ~ r*. ah. BdlirfO«gh O. CD?ln!tttt J , ■ price BS'Oiß«tji. ; fi 'V' ) - VERMIFUGE. .k. ■«. S. n'lkidil'li farmer Puttl .! t,. s v siiuw—Ul»ft«iu»«iM«ofdnfir,«» m2pl^ar£tlut l b«r t-*Umonyto Jirttlyeelebnued Vermlfag*. 1 . ::ESSSStevs& Sss ' 35 Ccnti. ; : . pbxpaud uro Mi® ® T .-... Ti R. E. SELLERS *. CO. • 1 ■ nmBiPQH, pa. j ■:.; IMINI {SELLERS’ {vermifuge. IWdRMSI )nejycti Thenuandi of ChUflioa diol B tU9 boTTibla CVU. lWaiirmin,rmc r ! (. fcadly cilia .-for Incrceaod riatchftdncea;, Lfcr prater car* i* Otc*tlret{im e/ Oil rcw- The aarVcrfes ,‘>l’P<»W eB <* adrertiaad worm meillcißci la. In a nscenure, lifted by the Ihjorioos qnalltfcf of aomo of. tbe ■alftsgae, end 'tbe pedlllre IwlOclcpcy of meat tbe aoolWd “Wort* Confcetloaw,” tWcnn aOlem," “Wcrm Taav" Ac. Err* */ art Of Aomlcaa da ttcy art rat lit Itaiir mrcoar uw. No «boo*htful, «en u mother, *UI lbne'trt«e with of her IM. '■[ ’■■ ■■ a*''.'''' ; ' j 1:.;,’. ’ LET PHYBICIAIIB APEAK. iLUIS’ ViBIIfCGETBE BESTIS USE! HBiis IB E PROOfr. xfeHay Soft**, fTy. Dee. 11, ISM. , M«.R. A fcu.ibas-.roor VemUtage .(»»*»* erartrtne Ibaa laaoberelgareooorlal; My brother”! child wa« 1 ming amd mtt» (e o (acre; atrieicn. In 80] ami. The child, that na (Iren an (Or loot, la v 1 (hluSuH* OWe, April I. IMS. , All (bat la raqblrbdp (Belt reputation In any u “l B. n. wiuon| m. d. Arfa? Fkaaniti Tfco 6ct;4,lSU. ■uudKUnn. We «sl(ht aaamenta hundred! ofotber caeca, • TOltn&^.WBaUi»<Ten»lfo»toaatood the trend pub lic fcr aßae Osaa jnartar of a eanlury,whlch, ef Mtb cooeMreof lUtnUn •n/Vf, «f taaßfi tbactlSafalyofUaagaet. ~ : 1 . i '[ ' ggu- M abl MuprißclpMißfp : anafttw«>» Ite»«i*t f*av**U ;. ’ ini lat* uttktr. < ! I-' Price »» Oent»* '' nma |B. E.SBLLEBS & 00.1 ■; ‘ y wAi j I • - -V-i'l I :.- • .? v Ift 'tiS Unfit CaUtl- TktW *r &».tutaj •' 1 Wmr tf izurmmalum qpiiiaLtfMllfaL i ! Mad Jirtqlh,, Diuattd Oime ; l , r v Toothache, lEarieht, u i i : . . '•■■■ and Neurelfia. J’ , OPR ARTILLERY IS : »B. WM. B. HURD’S pEMT ALTUEi&’.L * P. V-,. '' Ji A coxsiKM fElOf rca y PttESKHViXU T«)!i V. Ikrifjfing theßteathand ' : V.r ■■<!, ‘V ‘|K . ■ urlng Toothache and Neuralgic. =BEI r ; !u! =I . 'CONTENTS. > . Drßur <P« Celebrated Jfo VTB fcdS# , loutt. : ' --- -rM a : i-. -.1 • ■'; ■£: .i;. v Dr.Ettrd'i Unequalled TQ.OTE POODEIi, one Vox* - , • • jti. HunPe Magic TOOTBACEE B'BCPSr ant bottle. , ■ : ■ JDr. llunTt UMEIVALED; NEVBAL6IJ plasteb.' ir.; r ;f >' Dr. JlureTi MANUAL bjt the Ben Meant<sj 'preeemnn the Teel\, Direenthtf/erlihi - . Pfizer Treatment of (RaTc(rim^t<Tfeih : ;| ,-!■ {'/■ ' FLOSS SILK for deanmo\te!u ten the inti.: TOOTDPICKS,eie..ete. -II . i I, Trepared at tcnta! Office, 7" - • Fourth St.*Brooklyn, (E. D.) . ~ if - • Price, ONE DOLLAR ; or SIS s£. Dental Trearun/ makes a spickat- ’ eight inches, by fire, and is sent I>J cjpuns / Full Wreeiiiine for, tier it bn ; 1 The follwiing articles' wc cansendfepaista ly, by road, viz: ■The Trealiee on Pretereinj ilte Teelh sent, p&t-.V paid,.; on. receipt cf Twelve cents,! -or loiir 1 stamps. j-.t ' ' j-! |'| ] 'V r ,Th i Netiralifia Plaster, Jor Scuralyain the Face, Nervous Headacdle,u and EaiHjme, s«!nk hpost paid,-On receipt ol Ei/man- Cebue orisi . 'fthmo- 'i ; ; .1' ‘bljia ana {lapgo- ; ’ains in-the C!ie;eu:-;r.-, i;ao. nf. the'body, seu’t re-. tirtu-eivenicents. ~ I.i '..'■l’' . f i i iv. i. Vi! i ; . ■ WM. £..j/CR4{ ra|-_;V ' ' Tribune JiHildiro/?, ■ fie:? JVii.V: > ■d'ililO IfriT: I YASII.-TO0 ?///+.» T»v p. TOofuAcm. ■mioi'p B'ei tail," but they can ~};&/ 1 1 1., 4-f cb- . tai jfpwf.Dmg'Or PeiioJicai f.:. :■!■€? !r '(the,. ,<tnriot> send ito us for the TBEASUKY, Price, O.vk., fchicli 1 ein tains them. ■ .T. :-'vl ;. - is na .'jps-ZiMaviirti; ■mV; r ho best evidence? thjtf they ere)i,i.'ihat tbytr rimst friends ami Best patrons,po !1)i050.v...0 *»e Used them longest.-.■' tr. TJ&. J(.‘Jiu i € nainent htenti-t of Brooklyn,. ic;Xctv Tori: State I)c-nti-.-':f ;■*,.- ' lesa preparations have been | - < itc practice for years* and n■> a,:;-.- J ■-■. : . ' Brooklyn br.WiUiaiasliUig 0..- ■■: scellence, while eminent xte.o. t-(, ork recommend them as the i>-,-t f t ’ [to profession. 1 '"Without the a.,i ■-.* j*<..r.. Bg.ldcalets have sold them hr tp-'r'*- 4 '’ - ' 'fllp-Editer of tp 'jbrecilvt; />, (.■ .v‘.{ •tVc are happy to. knar.- too: ■:rd: , :: a t-r, Infd* is succeeding : 4- M-d ail rf.pcei’v.k-ne ’ vitbf his MOCTU- W.. 4 nnJ Itl^jC-il JEW The great sec. - .us sucei-ss vitntbe fact ihtit•’’■■v. .‘ "t Aey fere tJ •Kemlonjj use.’’ | _ The well ku.ov.-n 3-’, 1. P.hrnpEi ■ routJdjybur TOOTH 1 • :- '> K^l 1 - ;%=!&* family have Used it aU ■;?* potcaerfcr-the lect i •• ""-1. -t :=r' ll “‘ fcoltomiged. If’yon jtuifp )ly ntj the Idusour-t tit! - b5»J”' ' i: \n : T 1 fit 1» >. Yi pHut.their cost'issi) test the matter fork'~isoiir , : .■ I ■ fii Borne ol llu 1 u. -Unary* T ".I -■ ~V : 1 ‘ 1 pr. Hurd’s Tooth IWcr " nor alkali, 1 nor charcoal, and .poiiShr- , wearing thp enamel Csc 5S«b C J»'vi- • n '•■ TUiX Dlt. UCEW’S •WrFECT'r I r.Hurd’a Mohth Wash and Vo *i, i■- rijl give young ladies; that hr.cst ic;n.i' . ••;'■■■ nhu—a* sweet breath and pearly; tc«.h.[ . i~\ . : bexn, ladles. - 0-: T, . 4:1)5: Hurd’s MontJj/Wash and TooThJjvitUr.r rtllycleanse the mouth from all luur^-'j.Tt l • tifflas, and if used in the morning, w.;~ .*, „ thobreakfast taste sweeter and l ife us.-. ! ■-'tn , more pleasantly. . luridreds vl jpcrsoii.* -,.0 tertify to this. Try »*»«*■*• gentlemen., I? - ; . 6r. HUrd's Mouth Wash and Tooth V- ">■?• . irf tbo I bejbest preparations r : ■ iniing bad breath hnd giving rtiramtoo; aoo •, acaltb to the gums!,- Hundreds; ol tease.- : Dwted Blading GmU,, Sore ' ■ ; etJ., been cured by Hr. Ifhrd s-as.i- ■ - ent wash. ’ ,’!i J ..e. f Dr. Hurd’s Mouth Wash and Tooth . > w.!c.r, . 1 gife an additional charm to oourtshii, an;, rmike husband* moreagreeableJO thejr | Wvosl ,f .■ hnd witok Io lb oir husbands. They shn.-d be ■... ■sed by every person having ■ - f ARTIFICIAL TESTB, wHich aro liable td impatt ajairitto the omuim far Hurd’s Toothache Droops ,cm-e'Tooth acts ‘arising from exposed nerves, ntid are the bcit friends that,parents can have in the house tofeave their children from torture wl them selves from loss of sleep - Fliers aW: mechanics! well af foM to neglect your teeth. .Forltntling sume y W can noA get, th»« Rothschild or Astpr can getl nothing he-tej. ««.<f : . w w ■<*** m&*** >» rti-. 1 gold ’ .X'- ■if too Fitch’s observations on this • iubj , ' sa “ e We tolarrest decay in your own - - -Neuralgia N«n-AdhWv2/^to , *”^” , ££*s. i plcahantandsuccessMwmclh e . . ; icd for this painful idi^ase.") *“P T -.j., i , . plies one.>oon btcomes drowsy, l. . and awake? IVee ' I other unpleasant or injurious g <1 p; sue.t ‘For, Earache and . ■ ply according to dircctioup, on , e - ua v . , surely follow. Nothing cani c. r ,„ iv try to Dr. Hurd’s Compress u D rious and them. They are entirely sut . ce iB^ ‘ Original preparation, and '. sma J n for the , Wl. ir They are of two siie-, ] arge , for : % American are tntrib^^^ ‘ wont them. Kvery niaU V.ngs us lcUe^^^ ’ Ordering the Xreat.s 0 som ing3 . ralgia not ® mail: .but, fbrtlie sloulh Wash, that it is ’ to these bortfe t.v .ip 4 -. 1 Impossible to sendahalW )yho „« , The people want these Remeoie , ;• tupplf ihemf i -1, ; Now ia the i ■ . _ g ' chance FOE ,AOESTB. : Bbrewd : f carrying those articles around t , 4 Dental Treasury is send foi t min or wjoman WIWT.. one and.W, °V AgenW supplW i will sell, as eamples. fuf js tll? n mi ; Übendly .with ciwulara, 00 j t tfi dro»k»., to'to golnto the thousands for tl»-., . e profit. We are or bwefit of agents, i- New E giw t O hwo« W men! i 4- takethe UdoJfl »t» ®o g ijjpgp & CO-. >ij Trlboijo .Thatremittancee inay®e ® May«re f WfB. 1- '■ ■C'ttiji jV/iZt ; firvTn. ■>v • r 1. ■jthj; ‘ter- BM , / • El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers