Alv..tyF.a COUNTY, 89 : S the Orphans' Court itvand for the County J of Reftvr, before the lion.j.judges of said • .., Fi"the matter of the •petition for partition of t h e real estate'of James lAke,'deeX • And now, Sept. 13th. 1856, the Coutt grant. s lisle on t ,, e heirs and,legal J:Jhes lake, late of Greene town,bip; laid a s ed, vii: Rachel, interinarriad with Ylatitt fitgler,.now a widow, residing *Pieta-, l'n lavina,_intermarried with Stash g preden. sow a widow, residing in Georgetown, D ea ver, county. Pe., trueniuuruid with' Joseph Amex, (the said 3lary is since - deem's. e d,) 'caving - isstic, two ,childten, Valises and miryEp e n utinory, under . the age 'of fourteen " sr ,. resiling in Georgetawn, Seaver county, ? ina Lake, ,whe resides in Washington „ nt ty, Ohie,..isenos Lake, residing in George._ wen , ite,aver soduty, Pa.: Miners*, intermar. r ind with Davit; .I:lays, residing in Greene Ap., in'Said rottuty..iles, intermarried irith l'at, Thomas L L l ye who.resides in Georgetown,. Beaver eistay, Dewitt ptieson, - -dsidingin GeOrgatown,• tester county,_ega yllilltate W., re s idi ng i n G eor geteiintaforMatid, and all others interest , gorrituitie why , an inquest - to make peril - Eon lof the teal estate of said ,deceaseti, should,' ha be at - warded at the next term of - said.fourt, to to held on tile third, Aloatisy orliofember rest. i A true Copy of Ittile, Attest• RSI. K. BODE:4 - Jan 7 1857 " AUDItOR'S • • • DEAVE It 'COUNTY, SR: IS ti:c Orphans' C:ourc in and foe County treferectll Honorable Judgettforsaid Wirt. at Sept , . term. Its iti.• "'.ln the matter of the petition pr Ann Woolley, the estate of James Waolleji, iecd.'for an Auditor to, make distribution de balance found due on settletnent of the - a - tweit of said admiuistration,lssmong the heirs if said deceased. and ucw, to wit, Sept. 12,11856, the Conti glut thi prayero,f the petitioner, and appoikt B. i..lainberlin, Esq., an Auditor ti: tanks jiAribution. stetting the heirs.'Soy 27, 114.56; c.tutiuued to same Auditor. X true eitr.tct.' attest:., Wm. K_ Ilouttx, Crk. .Nuttee is hereby given to the creditors and tdiori interested' iu the distrifiution absve na tztd, that ths . „4,nditor will attend. to the duties of the a:ppiiintment at his office in New Brigh ton. on Frill); thy .23d clay, -of 'January, 1r;57, at o'clock, A. st., when and wherg you are requested to attend. with evicleitze of yo-r re's: ; ectivi 'claims. B. B. CW.131B1:111,1N, - .Jail 1- 18.57 ~ ... - r . _. Auditor. • 171ASII iiiid for gutter aud_Eggi, itt - IYf- ' Jam, 7 JBs7' ~ : :X. S. Ifiri'ver'.9. - : - No. :.1; Steil:till's lcou-, Bricrqwe.ter: DI:INIE Green cent:l'l)er Mound, -11 at No. 3, Stewitri's Row, Isr,itigewnter Jan 7 1857.. • GARVEY.. . JOs.EPII 11. wrji,suN, ' - 41TTORNtili Ar•L f tw---,iirace - in the' ts.w. 1 mote hose.: Ort the Ntirth' side of the Di lleaver, pa. - • . . Jan 7 1t.457 • ili",3llLE' AGENTS WANTED ------ every loom cr Village of the Union, to sell IN Virg/RATON,. nc , mr. Lady Agents are making- more living from its sale. No MiViEY 'reoui ni.uutil tic tnedixine is sold.; '6407 a good arcempatiying • T F . lavigmator cures ' 74 cue or tlwo teaspoo. gni nt each. attack disappe :For an overloaded Koae,ii, or when foto -rises.or sours, take the' laTi , oat )r after e ng, and it will not. prove d......twee.f01e pr, )pressire:., For Heartburn, cr itieult breathing, take a tea.' e twice - dilly. - For loss of Appe .or Liitle,.. , suess, the medealneds . it will :restore the Appetite and uk ,„t e to digest wet'. IGHT.:II/ ARE " take te p.0.r.1al on rearing and the demons of I will all be fairies_ 'After eating a .early dinner, like 3, dose of Invisiraturi,aud it ijd menrr all oppres4otiror ftil'neas: I The; 1:4,1c; ,- r.tsr ; is 'S c.i+ Remedy of unequalled% mee, a,ting directly i on that'- organ, - curing Jaundice. Biiliaus Attacks. D'iSett- ! 11 , y, l'i!e", Worms, and all Female Üb,i'true ticm.., f.,n• 'which it has it o equal. Fir person aster - -alit ig a full bottle of.the I..nipntor fortis of the labove named -tom it.littut benefit, can call at tho Agents , •1•:..t 51e.31 toot e . buck. Sold at One Dollar :°1" S:ANF011O & Co., Proprietors, Yot .andby . Vonng S fFh imas, Bearer, a'll Sargent New Brighton. - .;Jan. 7. 1 11(44'IPS MgittliNTlLE OLLEGE 01•:'1"iftsburgh, 'Fee-.4) v, (Va.,): and • l'arli)Vtog, icitcts. - - ' uncle 1 in IS Pland ineilrrporatei by the I.eiik:liture of Penti•sylysail., with , perpetual eSarti'r : *; BOARD ortnnzerinti.i . • Ii , n.'JAMES,BIiCILANAIq r . President .of the Unilid WiLicms; Eat 'llloges WA•I.TER ff. Lonxiir, ClisaLcs NATif) it2/.1.• K. 310011 HEAD, • e z--- 1 / ..1 FACULTY- ?1175111410.13. Prf . ..i,ient, P. DiTr, author offbufrs Book . - ketrlnz, The Wes:ern [ Steartiboat;Accclintsul. k::Pn,fesgor of thc . Prtneiples sill Practice Cf Eatry.'Bookkeepng. - •'• •T. Ilawdeu, I'rofessor- of . .Mtheinsties cll3unet Pracssors of UookkeeDing. Duff. Thos. .M.cCarty. - Thos. ",letksbe„ T. ' Lae , ' and J. f. Stot.; •ton, Associate Prof es tri (;* Bookkeeping. ' Wiltiants, ti.he est Bitsimoss and r • esl. l l Penman in the United ...4/Mes;*) Pro ,r ,of Pedmauship. N. 11..Illech, Professor of 'Mercantile rnll'o~tical!fcono y, Eon. Shannon and Iron. J. M. Kirk- I rick, lecturer n mercantile law.i it 6: Lal iil Ferguson, Professea. of Connner- Teselle of the Art of Detect ti flank NoteA. Ciunteriect . and Are:, Profes,_;or .French and German Si: . l'i?Jfessor )16ehanical and Aicn "• 11..1 Draw in r•: mi : torx; d other e , 4 1, RStangnisned the iy, g,entlemeu trout citie±, will also lecture before the in;sc winter: • ' :. -- teliev'ed to be the'only Establishment faundeil, drganized and conducted' 74 - 4ktical vho, fr‘m the most : m.lfiperinedtalformation, ha 4 brought and :Nlercliant's education to / "T7l uPpsvfccFion never attained by the teachers: . ;• 7 •l:Lis of 4.000 Students have been educe rl7 tae 31ercharati:e Profession ; and such the'recentincrens.e of . businesi, that •It'it iltioual Thai and se veral additional kc .be'rs of Bo tkkeeping - liave become neeeses „f.! the aroma:lodation of the Students”. Z'tcieutt hare access to a library „of 3,000 1, 4 tall partit , Clars send for specimens of Penruanshll3, and a circular of l ' l gt•s---thalled free. • licokikePping,•Harper's new edition, T'l , l - 11 - octavo Price $1.50, poitage 21 . . l u.t° S-tt. ,withect Bookiteeping. l Price $1; 'mge . .1 cos , i,.. jk l t lvii9."Aure prompt answers, address all 4*i- respecting the College to the Principal. ' r i lrsiflystem Bookkeeping or blanks, 1. 61 .:inly .of th Pittsburgh.Boo,ksellerßi 111 ' 1.3 Publishers arper & Brothers,. New cat : ' 1 ! .EXECIKTOR'S' NuTICE.I, perscics 'knowing theroselies indebted the of -Peter ields, .dec'd, lite_ of 'Peal est at enm Beaver Sh •contity;are relines / to make payment,: and those having claims saud estate will present theen`to the bscriLer, profierly authenticated for settle. at THOMAS STANDISH, lea" • Hateutm. • - • I - • I lireDTT itl - ! NOTICE' '' .• BEAVER COUNTY, 88: II • In the Orptraie•Criurt in and for "the County , of ltearet,-: heroin time Ilottorablo Judges !!oi; said Cottrt;" , thee a:tatter otthi distribution of prorated! of ther.aale of 'Charles M'Oltigin, - detested, in thalami* of thi trustee. • It, Noy: 25th, 18,56 4 the•Murt appoint Joseph ILI:111150w Esq., au Auditor to- untlio , distribution and report the facts with the dance. 1 A true extract, " •[ Attest Wlt. BODEN Clerkll I M— . . • atters is hereby' given to the heirs and,legitt representatives of said Chirlea :\l'eitigart; deed • and•all others interested, that the Auditor will attend toltho duties of theappuintipent,,it his office in Beaver, at 10 riuloa, , on' Tuesday the 20th- of ',January. 1857; sod iwbbro the -title, an.' 'Other evidences - of the reop en, tire shares of naid,sehate are-required-to be.Pril - Aneed byi t thorre interested. I. • • , .JOSEP.II It WILSON, Auditor. . - -'lsore 31 11856. - • bIT 0 h,'S NOT I C f s.E.' 3 EAVELL COpITY, BS - • laittmtOrphonst Court in agd_fcir the County of B Ibefuto the Hanarotte Judges of•saill, Coo. : • - I In the mhttei , of the settlement ofthe sebaunt of Christirin Black d.Eherhort * Sticklinl. car' rriintstratora Alf febitu icht, , dec'd. • Assarn'oui, Ntrr.77.3th, t . _ on motion of M rfelsk., •for , the .I,lMtalstrators. ids*, Court appoint. Joiephlli.. WMon, Nag., nn Ail.' Alitorie.rotirshall the ,assets in the Infids 41 the said administrators, and .make reporr F to the Co.irt. lI -- A true extract. • Attest; It I :Notice gSven to the creditors and others Interested in the dibtril.ution shove no-, med: that 00 ,Xudii..r will mit tend' toi the duties of the appoinimi•ont at his olnee inlikaver, on Friday the 16th'day of January, A. D. 18.37 et 10-o'clock when anti where You are re quested to attend with evidence oflyour respen didClaims! I JOS,Erji vILSON, Dec 31 l'S57 • Auditor CA ' R D. i) E. (.3 E rII 13 1.1 11 , 1 8 5 • • The partnership of MII3PIIY & BUIICHFIELD expiring by tirnitation in. January next, ri nd Anxious to rioeont ay I:ir ft.q possib:neur stock of goods pre!parittory to the formaticin of a new Partner3hip.i commence on JIONLY,III I 4 - th..OF D - 0.; ENI B&B., - ,:!etrering our . . • iV , TI HE S TOG K . 0 G •D S I - ' Id. both Wliolesale and Retail Room, at Stedoced Price..: ! Sciptic' of thew 'at +' • ./ ADV.AN . CE ON - C.o#, • SONIE ioF 311 EN( Al co.-yr, • and a. lurge portiooof them • c&siIELOW COST. Thi :will hatuy . ode- of .the best oppar tuOities ever otrvretl in thi4 city of guying Good Gdodi- at 'Low - Prices, at privato-sale, anti tee invite ealis teem ail wanting auy cription of Dry. Goods - , , Particular attention is invited to our very large, sieck of ' . • ' _ In Sleeves end Sets, all of which have bean markt / down to closing 'out prices. .AIso,.'CLOAKS;, 1 aild CLOAKING CLOTHS; , . Shawls. Ladies j l Drt•ss Goads, in Silks^,''De, I . Ca si it ne r es, IS: c. . - ' I• ' ftrilic Mace, North east f 0 rne r of 4th sad Morket l St. . • ' dee' 24 1856. 11 1 ' G e Al. G L AND S LAND WARRANTS. rPho Seaior partnim of our'firta blaming juit t 06393 (OITA, where iarrmgements have . beep ma a With NleAsrs. 31 . CLUttE.&. Pubutie. , nue of the largest. and mcmt responitible locht)rig itoti,ea in lowa, we' 'are now prrparel, ut:tk opening of the' Luidpi rice.goa 1..; •I , I t L OCA: 7E , LAND,S • . Either with money or Lahti warratits. Per, eons With means t invest,: and !wishing to se: I sure a large per rdentsge f profit, 'cannot glsi 1 bettgr tlihn invest l in L.tSD Al GUVERNME.N.T I - m ec h in i co a n d: I:ibering 'men hsvi,ng n few hnudrtid dollar,' to inrcet in Innill, or capita lists, tie..di ing to invest' . lurgely, cannot do better thou' by calling on the undesigneci.;-- Our correvontleats 'in lowu mike the seiee tions toile through per:fermi inspection. Dee:. filth 1‘ , 51.e. • • 1 1 ‘ll , M. A. IIErZTION lz.- CO. I: • - 1 ,ky ..t ' -1. 1 - k .. are hereby • , LL ',persons inter.ested are Itereb:„- 'notified j - 1, th‘at the underWgnea Commissions nppaint esd k r the coureitif, - Quartei Session or. Denser c‘inutyte'itufule int.u_the proprie.y ol r erecting n new tott'a , ./81 , , elle of parts of economy 'and Ne.w Sepiclikts . t,,, ,, ',e,:it-:itts in said '-'county, Will meit - ot.theldunth' ;.): ifutehmsns run, fir the purpose of ruttning r the btpintisary lines of the proposed new -towaship, •no 31Ontlity the 12th day of Jan. , A. I).l.lKii. Tit 10 - o'Clock, A. 3j._ • I '', FRANCIS -IIENO; \ - I ,ItiIIN 11. WIIISLER, , - \ IiccatJACKStIN. ' \ . OEM MIN DOc:l7'.. '5O NAT" Ca ftEA.S; I 1 Rol ert: PileNibbin. of New btle,'}Ps.l have taken ;out letters of administtiStius in the county of! Lawrence, on the estate at James! .11:Kibbin; s tomlisr in Bea ver county ; : , this is to re!hest all persons who knowthemselves indebte d to tIM said JaStes Nl'Kibbin;lliat 1 haTe ifrpsintedjJamet Irons; Esq ,of ilopewell, e l ;cy lawful agent-to colk any ontstStuling ounts-f....-assr BY virtue of a te i statum Ten , .• Exp. Writ., issued out of the Ciiiirt . of Common iPlen of Allegheny t7ounti, to me dirteteil, will be exposed to - sale by Ipublic vendne 'or ant-cry' at the Court House in Beaver, Orl NIQNDAY, JANUARY 190851, at i o'clock P. NI. • ; • I All the.rigat, title, interest and, claim of de fendant, of, in and to the following_ described property. situate in the Borough or Rochester; Beaver county, .Pa:, bounded •,on-the 'meth. by Harrison street, east by Nets York street, south by Water street, and,nest by lot.of .Woodru ff i On which is.erebted Iparge stone building, cal ri led the Car Factor , and a number of frame tenements, with engine; &c. Seized and taken •in execution ns the: prOperty of the Rochester ;xanufacturing Company at the suit of Haigh Ifartnpee 5: Co. • JAS. DARRAGII, Sleff. Sh'ffs Omee, Dec. `44 ; 1856. 1 ' : —— _ , • ; I?,XECUTQLIB"„PIGT.fOE.' JITTERS tesiantitary upon Ithe. estateof James Scott, 1:1 ~ late of ChiPpews, tp., liea'ver ionn.y, deceased, haying been granted to the undersigned. notice is hereby given •to all persons indebted said estate'to Make im mediate payment;and those having claims will present them properly 'authenticated for Settle ment. - JOHN Be t ties, New Brighton, : . Wm. lies ar,' Beaver, I 1 t xtitters. N. B. The valuable 'Farm, with first rate improvements, lately o.ielipied Iv deceased, will be for nein eatii, 1 'iri the spring. . deo 24 ,11i56 - -' : klLi EIiVS : IS Calf • u ~ Boots for s ' Ladies and 1, 1 1:- 3 - Misses, with and without heels. at the Bbee store isf - Bssotini ik Ntestor.sou, Aleut , . ItArwitfelitew, Itrrigewater. _ , Wx! K. a t ., cr.: MEI NOTICE.. Sheriff's Sale. ...4yrivrAL orincrns 07. TUE ,tIN.YTID STATES.'- Peisident —Franklin : Pieeist.. • • - • Vice Pre-Went-4de fitefo) lesike 'D. Bright. Secretnry of Sts' e—Willinns L. , Secretary of Interior —flobert •Seeretary of Tre sttry--4atnes °abets: Secretary of-War:—Jefterscin Davis. Secretary of Ifils - ir--janies C. Dtbbin. Post Nl:taterDetest--.Jarnes Csuopbell. Attorney eb Cushing, Chief Justice '..-llNger,D. Taney. Colnatissionoi—L. Made.. STATE oFFICEAS. Govcirner—James I ellock. • ' Fro. of Cantmottwealth—A; 'G. Curtin. \ Surweyor General—Jobn Rowe. • :Auditor tieneralJacob Fry Jr. State Treatnrer,ll. 8. 3lagrair. Judges Suriretner Court—J S black. E. Lew- H Lowrie, G W_Wootiwitni, J. C Knox: AT. 8: Senators—Richard Itroclhead, Meer' • 1. Ciinalconimissionors--Ilmiry : p Mott, Aiito . ifil Plunici; Geo* Scott' • ; 1 • DISTRICT OFFICERS. • ~President Jtidge--Dateiet ' Agnew. Member of Cobmil—Joba Senptor—John 'Ferguson. .Ansetably-DalartagL--xma 1 2,-P ■ IY-Trdirtbitt. . COUNTY oFnc?lts. Associate Judges—duo. Onrotheret 'Jos. heti; ' District Attorney—Woo B Wolsh.• • Sheriff-4=es Darnel: I ''',Prothonotary—M S gust Register& Recorder—Su:nue! B ow Fern: Courts--William:lC ~• rensurerAluglt Anderson: • \ guteepar—AzAriuh Wynn. Cormier—Eli Reed. - Commitsioners—William I' Phillips, Philip Cooper, Hugh tiutherland. , rk to Commissioners—.l It Moore. " Court Crier—Aaron Moore. • Audit irs—Thonia.s Boggs,..likines W Pander. John It Eakin. l'oor ilmatte Directors , ilia% Edgar, Itobt Patter, William Barnes. Trustees of Aentlemy—Thos,- Sohn A Jos.. II Dickson, yin Pallidson; it 31'Greggr, JOhn Murray, Charles LI Maelay. Prospectus for 1857. Tll2 SlTUODiVevemp POST: ENtabliolted A I zi, t litt 1921. 9 ME publishers of this old and firmly estab-, lished•paper take pleasure in calling the attention of the public to their programme for the coining year. Surfeited with polities,. the claims of literature• will ha more than ever ap , predated .'hy• the reading 'world. We, have therefore' already male arrangements' with the -following brilliant list ct writers: • William lloiritt, (of England,) Alice Cary, S. Arthur, 3lrs. Souiltwarth, Augustine llu gantle, ; Mrs: 31., A. Denison, the author of • • • °We design commencing in Vie first number in January, next,' the' following original Novelet. Lltrattila at the xqtliter'i 11 'we By Hewitt. anther •of “Rural Life on „Er-land," "Hanes Jf tbe-Poets,''Bo This is a stay of Australian Life, 31r. hlowitt haring visited tustralia expressly with the ob- . I ject 'acquainting himself with •the novel and,l• romantic Ofteats under which nature and sod ety,presenc themselves in that singular region. ..rhe following Novelets will then be given,- th4ugh probably notin the exact order here I mentioned: • , .• • - • he Srak i ' y of a Country Ginb—By Mice Cary. origin/4 Novelet, writteu expressly fur the he Irithered heart:—An original Nejelo4 l tin expressly for the Post„hy T. S. Arthur. i iiikhouse islanet—An original Nail Stet, by i author of -"'Sly Confession," 'Zillah, or the 4of Medium, Sc. he Quaker's I'rute9e.—An .criginal norelet,l Frs. Mory Ai Denison, author of "Mark, Sexton-" "'Lime Pictures,'.' tic. I he 1:::i.:1 of Llttryandfi—A Tokio(' the Strinst tints. A. origioarNovelet,, by Augustine '1 :intie„ author of "The .Los.t'ot the Witness." 'e bar ' also the pramiseof a ediOrt and con-, -est Ni VELE; by Mrs, Southworth, to ton ugh al nit six or eight Ounitmrs of the PoSt. ' "lii !addition to the nletre list of eoutri , . ;ins, we desigh continuing the usual amount dreigU Letters, Original Sketches, Choice ctiousifroin all sources:, Agriculttinif Arti- General Yews, II ufionsius Anecdotes ' View to PrOduce and Suiek Markets; the Null iii Retail Markets, Batik Note Lint, Edit)- ~ itc.,lS:c.. our of i;eing to give a cola record; as fir us our limits will adroit , of , . t rest 'World. ' yrarikys.-4n the way[of Engravings, we -illy Ipresstit tyre weekly—one of en in tire, .anu theother of al humorous inVture. e postage on the Vest t 4 any part of the U. s, paid quarterly or 'yearly in adrance, at co where it is riceivis.l. is only ':iii cents, r.. I . ~ his (Cash in mirance)--single colly;.s2 09 •ies.., • ' 'i .... 5 00 , - (and, I to ,the gettettuf ,the clti,h) , lo 00 ' , (ttplid:te' ihe get tettof ihe clnb)l if) C-0 ' , (and 1 to the gater'of the 04 1 ), 2 0 00 dress, awry* post:T.74 ' I I I ' • I I I •...,• DEACON, St iPETEIISON i. GG South Third strecl, l',liiladelphia. \,.. Sample numbers' sent gra tis to any one equestedi' - • I: - ! ! DeC.'lo. 1850. • scl ele t del rani. plet the Ma I the a ye i Tel --'.4,C• 1,2 20 1 tr I whou • - ----- - - , - , • blie Sale of . Re4l. Es!ste. RE will be offered at pUblio ,sokii - r, tbs...! I t emises, the real estat of the heirs of Id Ifiirper, dec d, situ t o i mile east of 3 Mill, in Hanover t wiiship, Beaver i , on Friday, the 26th of December, 1856, .g of about 50 acres , !mid, on which-1 . created ; a two Mori frame dwelling R ail me etsOle, and other ut httililln also a 'saw mill ,iter. . Abicit, ' i ning Order. There"_ - itletc,liiiSte I I louseholil and Kitaiiii: IF . rat* lin& isles too nntieroC ..U. kia*,l,-..- 1 - - . - ---' hove property in noi sold. it 'will lie or the iterm of three 3'llro. - i , rder of the Mire. I ' T Archib 1 Harper county. consisti there '1 house, There good rn a lot of other or to comet for rent By Dee 1 JOHN ILHA . , C . hristmas. Gilts. re o•.a loved face *,generally the appropriate and aecePtable memento passed from friend to friend. I pick IL mos that can ROTYPES I ounds to suit the ftincyof her cuS -41 neatly put . up in ca'ses in suit their ! sten May be had at R. WEAVSIt'S ft Gaßerr, New', Brighton. • She has 1, assortment of beautiful Union Cases will' sell trite pictures, at reduced dec 17 1856 . A with bac 4 turners, a various t llagEierre on hand a which • eh I • NOTICE. is hereby given that the partner heretofore existing under the name f A illiam Lowrey & Co., in the coal eratione at Clinton work's, in Big I , Lawrence neural', bile been duly y the withdrawal of William Kenrie- Unrol Lowrey -from thiiisoneern. The of old nritters will be adjusted by r Agent, K. D. Cooper;late manager. JAS. DUNC.AN, Faliston, .IVNI. KENNEDY, Neir Drigfiten. • 83G,".'• k ' . __ le. Gazette copy 8 months and send office. —.l' OTC ship and Otylo mining o Beater tp dialolved, dy - nod Wi , atttlement us or by 0: Dee. 17 New Cs.. bill to this want any thing -in the; way of t waked collars• dress trimmings, s, aided or quilted skirts, stays , or al most any Article in the Dr; 'either. Foreign or Domestic, you nll 'assortment, fresh from the int retAufacturer, at. It lowest cask . Dosit 1 . ' . rAl - LOlit'S . D© ''°i Frvin - sdk bonne knit sleeve. Goods tin will ,final A porter "an 4 prices, et SOMME , . .., ' -- Hite yeacl 1 ' the COSlltoilitratAll 4 # ' • ,• 1 4 MON ... , , 101t•TUR .TRIB, , r " ' ' 1 Q,.. OX..THE' aAits:.INDOo ,- i ... k. !"...Th4l Clam' nagatent have.theilabailtral*lmnonise , in - that the Collectietkaf/Weritiat"Art design , eil for distributionariteiteJthe—eihscribers, ! wititse naes ore received:verities!' 4 the 28th o. Jam m y.t. 4857,, is much, tiler, arid, more come trait on any previous year, , Antang the lending works . in. senipturer-executed in the fluent wiarble—ib the new•:nuil beautiful statue: 'of the "WOOD' ,NYIIPII, I, '; the baste of the , three great American StateaMen, CLAY, IV Ell- 1 STK& 'and CALHOUN I also. Abe exquisite ideal bust, “SPRING." APOLLO and DIANA, tin marble, life ales. Togbther With the follow;i ing groups and statues its Careara marble, of the Struggle for the heart; - ,e0.4 , and fipple ; - Psyche ; Magdalen ; Chia efr 'the Sea ; bum.; eenee ;aplive itird ; tind 1441 et Truant: with nume tis woiks - in 'braze,' and A °Mho.; , Bon of a t: anat. 'want:seen Oitli',rAintsm s, /... by leading artiste. The whore of which are to I be distributed or allotted among the eubscri t`bere whose aims-are received previaus to the Twasirr-me writ or Jnausev, ;1867, 'when the distribution . wilt take place./ . 1 'MAYS OC ACIISCAtinIAA: Every subscriber of threrdollafltt , is entitled to. A copy : of the splendid Ilitifel, Engraving, "Saratroxi Niciar," or • - ___ I \ •.. A copy of any of the following •llagalines °l'C'irli. nl * icitet til n - th e- e ;trr A ' nfeal °B-.;gifi ls ' is i ti °Cl ib i-ii titre ' : t' o li f b; W i ort - s - T v ..,. .. of Art. . . 'I - ' • Thuii, for, every:4l3 paid, a Ciersinslirot, only gets a beautiful : Jo:ltiring ~arlfingazilie one ,year, but siste - receives the-Art Journal one year, and a Tithe( in the. Annisit - ;,Distribiltioiti making four dollar, worth of rahlin matter be sides theaicket, by whiCh a ialtable . pninting or piece.of statuary may be reesitti in addition. Those Whh prefee .Msgszints o the Eitgrai-4. 'tug •-finturday Night," can rei•either of the following' : one year: Harper's ntuine l _Podey's Lady's Moo United states,, - marine, Knick erbocker y arise, Graham' tigazine, Black wood .Magez n , 'outliers I rart , liessenger. Net person is rusty d t siugle share.— Those taking rive membo h , reinittiog 4115, are entitled to six six tick ets in the i dktribution, or au.) Ave • of Ave --- - tl. i i: 1 urines, one year, and six tic ts. I: S'ersons,"iu remitting Ault for l ;nteMbership; I t.i'thhilmitrke for years. - ' i ' '- -• • ;4 5 111 pl ease register the let r: t the Post Ullice . 'l ; ' t.,ons l i4tiit g of a cunnlete'asiortinent of Men's I t t o prevent lo s s, on ! receip o which, n certif.. ' ; Boy's i t . 'in s tles,-; an.: l l. .., t 'itildtcas Kip, ' C•ar n'al, , cot e . , o f 3fe u ibership,, togs er with the F.ngray. I* Thick BO s, i!en's Ildv's, and Youth's I ( organs. I iii 31sgazint ilesired,',wil be fuesiarded to any I Wdmen's at. d , fisses' ("elf; Coat, Enameled. and I part of the country... fi 'S ›- N ~. ! Kip Boots; Bits:tit:Ls, O•titers, mil Children's or 'further . particulaf, see„ l tho Novernher i Boots and Sh 'es. Also .Oinn'Ehoes of every Ar Journal dent free onapplication... : i diseription, to ether "within large assortment I . or membership, rind us e t L . DE:.1131", Fur, Pearl, Kossuth mid Wool Hats; Caps, , tei ri y -C. A. lA., 4414 It lwaY,' Nei ,. )Cerk, or :t4.c.1 IWe tern Officp, •16G Weir strYett:t • ' •1 I The abjve tit etc) wee purchased early _iii the I tv.• 21i:11 1556 .• .1 . 1 t s4.lllu4ki Ohio Seiison prior; t. :Bit.. - great Advance, for cash, '- a ..._ • : • • .---4.-- -2.. - .:L • 1 •' . • I . ' 7 st L . , ifirecly from th Eastern Manufactures and will i lia 31. A pi a l,) 4. in tnien its: Ihe Vold on as fivorable terms as any „of the ft •'.' ' • 1 Nen' York or JPlliladelphiri.houses. I.l%lercitentv i • 1-: tilt. If. i UtilfS, , ,:_ 1 , 1 room, .„,!,I,llmoci - i er, ,i 7 n i e ll„ n fi t.t ri , "f ot i o t o t k o h tl e i:e ri... •ritlvitutage to call awl exam [ • ifs 7/ •beat hi 1. ~ ~.., I] .. ~. . Ili ...iiiiri,.,... their purchdies in Leh:at:l . 's Mold, nth/tit, tocuttry .1...,,.. tins r.sar n et or 6ding,Litst. I , : .. ,_ i !Alt • I i . :'' • I .Sept. 11. 1S Itl . • ' I . *. . i. L . 1 i For , consultation ism ,ollNtise'eses of the '-'-:----- --- • • ---: 1----•----- ---- 7 -- --7 - irH .sit ,;,, . Throat,' Lungs, flieartitiver, Stoteach, 'Bowels, .. :• ' ' •.;' 0 . 1 . . 1 4 ysi,iatas. : NOTICE is li req. given that the Directors Kidneys and Spleen; lao Drugs}, t•Graveft!ithe ftioep,u,; . 4 ,„..1 . e i- m l phi o y f tn tl e / n e t n , w ea u v i r r r ec C e ,, i utity mr,T, .11uttl llotute of . "peeb,,,ileir?l,•it,v; Impurities 1 1 uniatism, Nervonso vt Sealed l'roposalsifrotu, c,, ne th g, vr mrs, ,,iid ~11 f this . tlate to Liece Vi- e r 11 h, 1 1836, for a Physi male diseases E , - ti A l g p u tt e o di tig, , oont ith t i utu, b ot h i,cianlfor the rtiomi ; . yeah -.. f r 'lllposais to b .": left: l o of tti t e h r e v i a tl r o i o o d tios of toot asternal and internal. .;• * .1 , 1 .„.- 1 at , the 0111 d.: of .1 tut .1.1.-IVilvon, lis'l-, Beaver. 1.,' For some ten years . 'l ' has tleynted his en -I • :•• •' , • '', .; --,- • .. ,i• ,„, . I , ,1 ~.... {;tire time to ehrOnic di ses; treating' thodsands., : `" annually,i cianY . of wn I. exhim everyiitd I I ' . - rort . . t , other resource , tliu each. :. In 'no c.tse. ar Mineral or o t her pois employed, [nor dock I ;make sick to m u tt, 1, or tearilOwn to ? inn ,up again. The vie ines - can. lie [buten •••,Ntl safety. by the most case, and pit:ens, may i Vanili at boner, and tinhelwith prinlence-the i .. ordiunry.liet•and ercise. 3lankha re recur. ered under the trenee,nt after:friends antl•phy.i sicians bad given , we hope, the !indisputable , evidence of whieb es 1 1waye e furnished(' • In.l 'm1144, ,Itewever reit • : or &i nre.invi.l to call, rind may be tired that nolencournge- I i t wept will be givdit o 1 pense incurred without 1 a corresponding pros t of' coverY ! . . FITS—THE -CUB. i:ILItr.• , I , -.• Bradoripe, Tru 11 co. .14,18 W. •, ! 'Dr. Tuous•-•Di'mr r : T .ears goi last ; Npril, L besought My st to On lie kroted l it. For fits.. die- had Gtr em cc y fuerl-; . , eis for the :year and a half ore. Ater yOniprescri% bed Le had but one an has haothme sinc e - tb e n'; Various other medial s but bes used herdictr tint without benefit, . one _Rysiciiin satil -he could never be cure) I Y•nnitrulyl' .' I _ 1 ,SOLO.IIIN. ll ' ULlEtt e .! 1' Nov I. 15; . • TA' A. S. 4.11:111EN1, the eitizeng of :Ilead, opened a Tailor Stici rer, Pa., where he in liim line whechink Novalber 19, 184 IAN!) rit:IST P11.1( \ I Wa r r. L hand and. for sale. • Bankerks and Exchange Wntl itiOotl. Areal, tit i ativ idlrl I d _ ear Laiell iVarr..le "idirAys op. • A. .'4a Rai) s & fiefce. ket.s, c; ipieti of Sixth utigh, mid 1' .' -;arbe LlatrivOns '; Ilea 21 I Itl'ill , nithilpli,lloWil ' ' 1 ,IR/Ll. , i ANTS AN' ), _ S--. 1 !rOsli sup- LP ply, j ust received, a ening jaw; et '1 1 • • 4_l TAILOR'S, April 80, 18343: Ha evt , - • ' - hill. B , match, Ar""t" . April 16.18t1 PER, Agent. B. 11, N TS-7-20! pi brillianta, at 20 cen Jane 4; IVA • F yoil,irtint a rich 144. JL plaid or delsine. yort Pec.B LAMES -8!1074-20 bcmts. 20 doz. gum dale. jumt received ',at Norember 19, /838 Ti - EAVY Overcoats, Paz 'at, the Shoe store of BARNI Stelirires tlelo CIOARSE and fine Boots, , N../ ready made, and ma ,l Shoe Sioro of BAUNC' cl o p Stewart's It A fe O w c L u2 S 3 8 1 5 3 ( r i . s s 3 P I e A variety or sizes , of Cow .t.ll. Pumps, tow, for cash, Oct. S. 18.56 - JOll3 )1. LIINIII3. 0. 1;1.11 LUKENS d; Porwaraing tad Comm Roeheateri Pit. Agents f ?; . o. 2. botwegn Pittaburgl 11. P. 11.0BUZ B. - ROgERTS Attorneysl ' iat Law:, B. AILATILL'itS, -shawls, ILL anti. infants Aoki and may 7, 1/3454i, Y I , n f)..a. mt. itiro,CnN.7,ftpTillii;rll.,.; Broadway i: we r: re r_ yt e m r as i d n y i i) i ,bl ep S rat h lio e :u e nix t tar l el i irAt, generalns3 w iNe r w e x , acs.Ea.imr. Brightet r. , ould rel4tf . l4il l y i 1 , N4 low as they can 'be got at any other ouse. ()RIND • ' , I meet of the above ware; as good and at rites prepared 6 do nnytlaw , be ant. to "his care! . land viemir that be ha's A oct s 8 1856 I in Anders A 's n ow Br n- , ' • my vlfe, ll l lll a ) ry l , l h C as i3 le s il. my bed and = ' I . 11.11.. board withoutyeause re provocatibe, I I hereby notify the 'public that I will poi no, debts contracted by her, after this date. : • Dec 17 1856 ' ABEL HILISPDR. WIS DOW 0 L:ASS-20 boxes assorted zes llf for 'sale by I A. S. HARVEY, ' , ilec 17 No. ii. IStowart . i . Row, Bridgewoler. i VIIXI LS. Shawls .--100 shawls. Lrochi, bey , tiState, loai and squats, at prices varying from' $2 to t;41,5, just received at c. lilvember 19..1850. TICYLOWL tiTS, Caps ; Boots and Shoes, at . 1 HI ' ? Oet. 21 . Vo.tau tir.. fitom.:4 I 0 I LOUGH yoti Want a cloak i , cape or taiga, 0 You can Bud them at 1 TAYLOR'S:A ----4--- - - i - I - --, !V Q 1191.111.0 yobstrant a shawl (and what if`tly. t.. 7 I drea Diet v iy Ststo flog, or ania l re., e• l'ANAtiv --- - I LIP,O. NET, pare wet ; g 'LP 'fresh ar througheutae seaeoti ; are styles : • .si' Jun 4.T I M. TAYLO, 1 `IL S, Silks.-10W yards sah s a[ ' t he'' Fl, S I'klC lAL NOTICES. te 1. , 4 krt , i 1 .... ! 1 , 'THE GREAT ENGLISR REMEDTCE I' l , SIR JAMES CLIAIIKR'S 7:I r•'„. 1 .. 1 I,Ceielbrateill teliarile Pill*: , Prepared from a prescription of Sir. I s ' Chat; M. D. Physician Extracirdintuy tit, e Queen. • Tills tavaluable •ledicitte, is tail , un 74g 'ln the Fore , of all those painftil ,and 1 dmagerle ! diseases incident to the female constitutio It Moderates all excess, removei all obsOmc- I Sons and brings on \ the monthly' period:4+6lth regufaril. j ,Theio Pills should be used todo '.or, 'twee weeks Retrievals ,to 'confineinent; theyffor.... lay the constitution and lessen ,autferint du., ring labor, enabling the mother to perforiltrher duties with safety to herself child. ` These' Pills should not be taken by females du ring, the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnan cy ad they are rn,re tn tiring , on'3liecarrigo„ , but,- at any other timallley are, safe.. -, In all eaves eiSerrotte and spinal Aifeetione, pain In o,Dach and :Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue An;', SU ‘ExertiOn, Palpitation of- the Heart I F Lowneri; -of Spirits ; Hysterical; Sick Headache, Whites land all the palatal dierases tirmasioned by a disrOdered system,', these Pills will ofiect a cure when all other means have failed, awl el. tlionah a powerful remedy ; do not contaltkiron, calomel, antimony or caw other mineral.' , 'Fiat directions seoompanyingesch package. Price, in'!ttie , United States and Canatia,-One Dollar. 1 I 'BO4l Agents; for, this cottetry. , i , 1 , LC: IjALVIVIN & :Co.. -, , 1 11.1 I• . ' ` ' ''.. Itoetiester. N,L , ' ISTTLE ar, MOSES, Aub7e, • N. r. beast~ Midge:lts. I ' N. 11.'51,00 led 6 postage insonv erseloited to any, authorised Ageritis,imill insure a Jiottle of:the:Pals by returnmalt: , ;For eali by C. 'L. KAISEIt;, - Roctiesyn Pa,: I• ~ „ • I Wolesale &tents FLE3I/NO..HI3OTLIER. pittiib l agti Pa. . _ , , ~ Dee. 12 , 7 e or itrzt ids 1119- for nil .g 6, TAI LOB'S -ter on the !hill: beat titig .figured TT ard. it . NI. itch stueriaii, tioor, it at .1 TAYL i brlies nior shodi atilt • Tivrr.o'fa,'. 4 Vests, f i rr sale IlriJgowater 11 - ....,- en sullßoys, order. at the • I , tcaoLaos, tridgewoer. • - 1 f -.-- Kettles at .. TITIIIKI3. . 13 ° 1: 8- sri l lo 8C ir r a. 's. MEE Ir. *icrats. f , .." bierbliOte ister3al4,snn : Dever ' 4,pte: M. B.'QUAY nneti7Aoa# 41jrnip4si • ''''. Eo.RlitilltEkt,la.• .', No.} 59, 'Market i Si, POfilburgh, ' HAYINtIi nude their fall pureltaills, oze en abled toi,ofer ta the public generally, the htr goat, bast selected, and. eleapest assortment or , ' FAIYCY & STAPLE t D'y ' ' Jr :.. Goods, -- In the western market.'• Their stook - -Cotopelo ,sei the 1 : , :' , r• ' , B EST 'FAB RICS. :: ' m .. Front the att celebrated mauttactnreYtt of goods, 'Suitable for 1 _HOUSEHOLD.P URPOS:O,t 1 AND TFIE LATEST ' Paris, Fashigns of every description of LADIES' DRESS :;GOODS, E3LBROpERIES; suawts.., , DIANTILLA.S, ite.i I - N. 13.-14 r. White' having personly attend. ed the recert t large o winction Sales t New York, will offer at ti•small advance, HOMO GREAT BARGAINS Musdel ince, Silks, Cashmeres; Fr neh - Mermoes, &C. Uendos L. • litiport:ed ) I dielY taag " as " from the A t, Fact open h ouses.' They' are abte, oFor 14411,U:tens, Barred and Plain Carainles,laconets.-Nalesoo' ks, Welsh and Pateut Flan els, Chintzes, and Calicoes' at NOV Yen% stmi P ihtdelplits pficek. - ‘ sopt 24 1:46. E rn o um meit, Vholeiale Deal?r iff TS, S E S tpi;ilk ;pad 831 lets ; .0,/, sr. mkt.. i .ll OS 'II • Q i Nu' : , iO5 D I fiats, C . <, 1-1 ow ti liana Is receiving' the; Inrgeq, ~ _ ~~ •-' - • I*. 4 -l• ,i — - 1 _ •,, ~ , - I' . --. ~.,,,- ~ ,__. - , - B.A vr - stok a, v - • - r - t i er - dy• J Wool an ri -. Bfitii•fi' / -P - (4'6"ito *tiiit t d 4. t ''''' l .' I.i - '' 4 ° 6 4 1. 4 —) 7 i l4, , , ~• f "P' e l.l • , 1 , , - k , I Wholesale -.. r . land' , *ittiti. ..- _,., , • ; ;rats .! ... ~,......, ... ...., _ . - ttirers of.white&retilea ,-ILithaego, -.. 1 . 4 1.. 1 .., , pi X A ' / ,-I-: " :: tft - . - -• r.t4-1' ' . . ij ,' , avo la. tore now o ff er Lot §',.•rio, . - • „.., ~' r ~,,,- .1 1 • 1 '-.• • 1 • 1 r ' 1 -. ' - • ' ' 7" `- , 124 bas ket s ollro oil, ' ,106 boss rel . n i' so bi l tanner , a .- , -l -'-' t* carboys onratic acid 100 boies!coStile.scapl - ,24''"de brched t loo cases e*tractlogwood : 1 ...,' 1 1100 bbls. ienetino red ! l4 do .poor .200 'kegal sup. ',cart). soda - 1 6110 lbs. - oil sassafras .1, 20 do tfpapisli' biown .( T.--' 600 gallons sweet oil - 200 bbls. , dye woods, ! 12 cases gain shell to • ... 100 lbs.' citric acid BOO lbs oil, origanuni 1. 40 kegs celery ~ 800 do (!it spruce s : '2O Oases gum Arabic __ ' • 10 bbls. fatted bone , 200 onuses iodine .' J ,60 bode. cpsonisilts 1 • 10 eases British lustris„;•.=, ....„ , /100 lbs. teglisk calomel . . 160 Yelloir oclire• 1, 12 casks chalk • ', ' 11;0 do Oho miss • , , 1 .81 lib's black lead • 1 - 69 casks]sal.,soia.: 126 tibia. lampblack . _ l 6O ,t i lo'sliim 1 : ,18 Ws._ inflect, :Acids, 1 ' . - 100 do , !rklUrl/, ' "'„ , - 1 20 •o: tier sulphas ~.1 - ' 10 do lrlsY moss. -' , . \ ' 1 100 do ',putty. •,-, ' t : 126 do• roll brimstone-1 - 46' bales Stores. 1 1 .t - ... I 1 ~i. Raving ~ milent partners in New York:anii 'Philadelphia toaike wl.fitritamt- of ill ; , 1 • , changes in the.nearkWi'We are enabled to ,sell rot cash, or to prompt iiai3;:licit ersmon 'as f tvortblb terms as Eistein, s obbing Lenses! ' • 'i - - '-": -'' .-' I' Oir bras') of white kvl we guarantee to be strictly pure, fait 'Weight, :tali it AV- .f 44assed , .by any for . fineocis nod trbitotiego. ', .. 1, 1. (j i t o b4.4 . . 5 pi4/3; 1 - 1 1, ~ ORIGINAL FIFTH I . STREII Loci ing ac ory ( Established 1839.3 stuip at the carircr or - Fifth Street an' illa4ket Alley, PittZitrgii. .1 • 1, \NUM? ievery. 'article the ' is manufactured. Illhurea.4 Depot fdrj Brldley's StoOkitig , Teprearckil. mistakes and' consequint aisappointmentowir mbar the, corner fit the salesvuom of Our Factor:v. II Oct. 1, 186. ' • --- -A_Ellr STOCK ()Pit -!.• . 1 - Fall . 'anr - Winter; Gociil4. -- 1 , 'yrs?. received at . the corn - e7r — of-Martet 'awl . I.:ridge streets, Bridgewater,' , l'a. l l Fi have.; ..,j,j,asereceived arid am now coesing a 'very desi- II t ruble-stitch of , goods siritable for stai' I pre'sent ij I and - votniug season, to which I invite the' in Hon of my old Imastomers and the . publi c ` in g:ui ) eral to an etnrivation, as I feel 'co, en; it I will compare. II nullity and pries . to lint f other I house in this li,ieinity.' a I .' DitSs3 G[OODS &;.TRT3I.NIIN6-S. t 1 1 40.114 especially invifc the- latlieSl i, call,. an] examine nr,Yr stock of silk, French nievinoes, , ,, gull wool delaines; C3shrnerelheoburgs, I patilins, Persian cloths, \Persian twilli,.girighams l ,.cluun:i: I brrs, - paper cambries i 'catrili i ile,•jaeoliet. swift , i I and HMI muslius, shairls,/ Idressl trimmings, 4 lace fringes, bininet ribbon, sleeves, , e , bllar.s,; waist bands, hoSe Sze Also a large asselrtn4cuf. of men and boy's wear, consisting of blrtitlaiid! colored French Cloths, dotr sins , 11U:icy, ,iiissi meres, tweeds 'c,..lrdi' jftus :satia awl', flucy, vestiugs, nett spurts lin ;ra el, s cr avats,, 'r ti,il Are )Ik handkerchiefs, rjroctis sulipetiders,,conifc t 4 Nt,:. ' noVsEnoLu 000DS.1 ' I .:1- Colored, whi 4Utrreil flannel, l e ant , in flannels, linseys hroWit aiorbreoclied nansinas,. shirting cheeks, ;ilrillingoLiudieens, i•. &c. I lnoots and shoes for: )9.eit,lboy4, la d ies and for durability and ne.ttne'Ss cannot be surpassed. . 1 .-tli;o:1; large assortment of i !soft lilts, cloth, plush and oil silk , caps.. ~ flarilware, ilueensware,(gla l ss :nails nil. gr l )ceriesi 61 . / of which will be Mull low for - c iSh.or profluc6. l . 00; .1.1. Tat./.NIAS A1 4 1.i) • " -- N'"9. 94 l'ourth, , ,xtreel, l lo-leceen ilrcroft Pt l. it.l!,itryh V. 1 BEItSII.I),II..)Iti.)I)ItIETCY,It. . 1118 house i eligihly situated, •conlen U to -bitsii4ess; Los .jost been, opened on !ception of guests is fitted up- in .thti best till oontS largii;Ainl: well ;furnished. The flt i ; esiuducted upon the Eiiro l iean principle, lie delicacies - tic the trket purch.tsed, liar,tti made in proporti6u to itmouuts.orde rithanoderate chiarge f O F rooms. The l'ropi :or having ilotsg experience in ills luilioes, !els confident in ben; o ••• 110,10 1 W render - s;iii4ac- - ton to all who cosy faro • bias with their p.tnitia , , ! ' 'H - ' 1, ISE terms alwa) ige is solicited. T V at. Receive - I . ' 1 Bridgeteatfr. 1 TIIR Balm. ibeOutsreeeived find is i poi', cpet , - dug A veridesirable stock of 1 , F 1 RILL .& WINTER GOODS, ' ' • , , which he will 'fake pleaSurelin sh;tring;to his old customers and the jubli c . g enerally,l edit sisting in part of the following articles./ I e s • Fr. Cloths; of passimeros, kaney °as i.. 1 meres, all woortweeds; IJeans, satin; twee , satinetts; corduroy', vr "knitlldraeis and andr shirts, Cahton flannels, flannels, gent's giov4s, half hirse ' stocks, cravats, h'dtefs, etc.] He wishei to inform the Ladtesl that he has a very desirable stack of 1 •••• 1 '. 1: Pretts Goods zpoll Trinniitys, ! viz: -131OcK and colo'red s silks, , French morinoS; thiliet cloths, Pr. merinolair, all, wool de c l , faiues,- coburgs, , Parisian twi Is, debageS, de lanes, ginghams, piluis, c Ila , under:sleeves, shimizetts, bounets,linantuti an waist/ ribbonti, brocha and long'shawls, dress t 'inntiligs,gl,ove's and hosiery; etc. 1 , i l Also, groceries,lt4ilwarel, Item:sari/re,. boots and shoes, which he will loff, r_at,olsmoll ad vance either for cash or Iptodnce. 1 ipel,./111 kinds of produce taken in exchange- for gOods. Oct. 23. 1855. jT.llo r . ALI.IBO. __._ ;.._____._: i ______.___-L Every. day. Ekiags Nosetitine -J"'" 1 I.N. Atkins h:is_l4so , -- - '1 - I Ph la I Ward/ inky pityie or mi l k,[ irli ag o'. %inf . * la:11S I ;i , , I t f all kinds ati. t h e Also" on hand= 1 Sell liea stock of furEz wo •••••--1 - 1 , Len..lA ell cheap. wool. i . 1 Lambs at cable,Jand: .....,-, an mao faalliontible hats aryl par, a t iu Em's4plied.l 1 - 1 , ...;-.Remenzber thfp s of l the ; BIOIIAT. Beaver, N0v.19, 1 sh. 4 "-. , —.--- tER Goof .. ',PALII - AMIHIVIN ' . r- -.. , , 1 a • Ailk. AIL [._, I Ii YOUNG 86 THOMAS S, l Co4l ' er of Third and Elk stieets, Beaver Pa. There they can be bought cheap for cash or .'country przoluse. 1 , 1 j Oct. 24. ' 1 'enu.sizn. SECOND Azill SallTfifl li PITTSBURGH; PEN; Tan Subscriber would •resp this community, that the bas i reei thi‘4.louse in the most, modern stylf, and earnestly asks 104' a pationage. Charges moderate. JAA. marl 4 .111A - .II.RED : FLANNELS -4tob Flannels. IL* Heavy barred ce:nntry 9tinnele, a very Su perior article.; at , nuv.l9 j TAYLOR'S. --- r AUIES and infants heeds. ladies sepliyr sleeves and Gaffe,- woolen'oaffs and scarfs, 'Faun Tboinse. 11.3.W14, Palmas, r. woolenliand buck ton ntjlroung'4*. Th • . GULL and.winter bounet trigku/lpg • MI tipAIGAMETA, Cob clothe. chain ' inside, robe; popl I Agood sad siiners4cusi other balms st t • ' MEM EffM lent 1 the yle. Uwe 1 all ad (Kelt . , [E1.1.0 STREET, etfully inforin ently - fitted out and approven i - share of You , •r' rzr C. 31'E13.. , , f • omforts, bianketi,gloes skin, eocki, r.ti)tegi and ; ' •• boneta. sific.a9ti .straw Ds all LING & .THOMAS. .I Thibetf ml 4 liattaltit ' ' Ptiraisui anti all Wool ins, at, r . I YottNatAFTlromAi. apauid than 'at • ,etlngli oe, cheaper' A. II 11 - I CEtnittATED roldi.AZiti 11113frisr r a ft --L3 7 3I7SEIPSFit , n - 1 , - , 7.: .• _____ • • . .SEISR OF, TIE; -- _IIIII i NEYS I 1 c ;k N - r ' { LIVER 001111 L , I , t---,- 1 ' * j- ''' ATK-Nt:SB OF. A.I.VIT EThli i . - - t•_ ~ . 1 .EVER AND ; AGUE, And he ririo s a tions cOucecittent Upon 6 iisiwile a { ec ' . ' { ,• . , ; - ,s'f m{ A(1 ET A N .I) To I IrElt. • ' Such itsllndigestinn, Acidity °like Aornach i Co. lieky l'ains, Ifeatburn, Liss of Appetite, Des. iondeneY, Ceittiveness, Mind and tiding piles. Inrill'NervouS, Itheninatic and Yittraigic Affee tionS, it ta's , in numerous instatices proved high. • I.f ben,eficial, ulna iii"otiiere etibdteci a decided • sure. ' 1 di p , i, ' 1 '•This is a ptirely ve4table. qampounrepar:X ,_,I op . :,trictly scientlec principles, aftar the man--" I fre'r of the cAehrated liollara Tryfessor, iloer, '`l - have. 'Bee:iuse of its great success ia .mo.4t .of . 3t-tteq, -its ititrOdu:tion into: the . ilia tekl Stiteß, was' intehlt,l tre4e trsp eel al ly . E . tor . • ihc is e, ofwit: f atherland sc ittierali•re and there 'tier the I fiice of 'this minlity country: 1 Meeting -- .. ids great sue is among them, I now offer If to, the '...kineriCan public,_ !thawing ,that its truly wonderful inikli itul virtues mast be ttelinowW.- - 'I., : I ______, ..:, It is . partieul rly reermi nendekl to -those 'per- 4 4(1)8 Winnilt con titn. ionsni iv I air t' ' barebeenthip - • • ed by ilili cont nnotis use . , f 'ardent spirits, -or ' - other forms of issipation. ' tierientilsi instanta neous in effect, it finds its wiry direetkt i to :the_ oat: f life, thri ling and quicszcning every nervy T -..... riiisz:l l .•uri the , 4uping spirit, And, in fact,l!in-• (Using new liea , th arid vigor "lii the system-I,' - • I,NOTICEt--- 0 , hoover expects Yofind in this !: , sibeverage-Will 1 e disappdinted, but to, the tire[[ . ":"•• weak and low s itited, it will prove a etatttfukl ,:,,, aromsitic eotalit ,possessed of siagt,:ilar reoiedlis• "...5 I properties. • 1 , . ~ , .....; .. 1 CAMTICN. 7 -TI e ,- great 'popularity -4f'this 'tle-.:, , lightfik Aroma lisi induced many 'intitatin'its, which - the publi oliouhl guard ligaiii„4 purehas. ins. ' l l3e not pe suAded tohtii anything else itn.-, til you have gay ii -, bioertitiv's lloilltid Bitters-IL • rt, trial. 0 o bottle williconvinee you how- ' ifilinitely superi r it is td'all these hnitatitnis: ugt„,Sold :it $ 1 10 per liiutile, or SIX tiattleittbr page,, 5-1.)0, sold by t e proprietors, Eenji‘risipage,, ••• .... •. _• - __ • • TEI EMI netpring rgh, Pa.j. Jt. Co;Mann Cheinists, Pivab Mii •,. , ~.. 43 f- 7 .. O ' z i: .=, t,.•11 1 . w. -st ' 0 W- , --. a 1.•• 4 za - , -- ~ • —f.,. =. . co., . • ftri , , :-...., _,.., :.... ..., .... . . , • :.,, ::, 1 ;7: mg „ cp . : L.) C) *li P 4 .. ;1 . V: C„ . ::, r ' - ' l2 ~:tia .• al ow r 4 milf , -. 4[ ••••••• N ,_,'• 4\ , .‘„) a l •••;.: , L. olaai b.,` , \• ' • Mit :7? a ..V.5•• •- . -- "PS .--= 1.1 ,0% .____"'" OP 0 1 111 1 " ' a ' l l O e. , . _i___ ', • - , 1 Mimi • 1 •incil)rotypeg iG JB: I 7F.DER & CO • respectfully _littoral the . citizens of Beaver, 11,1 1 vicinity, drat they' have opened a gallery in the Court /tins e,wherek . they may be foluid for's short time, prepared' to furnish benetiful awllife-liko' pictures to those who may favor them" with- their patrontte.,,l I€9,,.Every picture warninted. PriCCS $4OO l l I - • and upwards. • " • -- f lIALIa ~,(S'a.c.o.4sOre to . John.. llall WHOLESALE .AND RETAIL , Oat mud Can ~Maunfaclarer, - 1 • ', • AND 14tLE11.9 IX I f , F URS, NO 89 WOOD Slly PITTS.OURGI4,O4 WE have juse - received a apiendfd atoei art New and L Fashioitable gild Winter G6ods. This fra is composed of piaeltient rae i N wlitg make and warrant theft work. ConntrYi' . 3 = h un t s are requested 'to call and .eianiutt o4rtrtock. , ' Sf4A,4 9, 11 11 if 4 , ND IVA a 1.. ill est market ,pr tr, paid,in gold for 120,1.60 and_ 80 4Cre! Marla:its.' Any sent to'is, 'e itill;deposit the ; amount 'to their credit. W. 'auk, or remit to them by returw of mail, at the ,W3t,.A. flEatiON ItilaarttP alto Excitaatof Batman* - Comer - of Siith, streets. Pitts. •Pa. : CALA3IIiIILII4 & C I iTIiIIEILTSONi Attorneys and Counsellors at-Liviir! 10E01 Ga Broadway, 3d, door below Merriek' Bottle New Brighton. 2 > ' - Pi/ 9 I COVI I !'7ri 4 " `;kJ from the ;rttbreribrAiresWlllrbi:t 'kJ FalistOn,, a entail blaok CoW; 6 yeah Any one tiring inforniiiionz dial ; will lead to'her rtoOrpri will be rewarded. .Dee• 8,1856.. NANCtiI!LPATT. I i SEE II 11 -: PI Z . 1 i ' ~ IN :1 Ili
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers