I 111 - q' WE „ • AWE PRILLIPSBURCH Imp; CUIiE . .ESTABLISHMENT. pliyaitian of this place respect 4, the eitizowur of Beaver apd tbe - 14.3ininteoantles, - that he has lately open . ad alskgresdy improved; the above - buctitatioi, snalearries on salaesdully, the treatment, by "lifitling iiiierienco ha that branch ethealing art eitables Malta core diseases amemtrollable sends} any other sysi,eco. He weal also notify the public in the neighborhood, that , he practi •ces the Alio - viable and; Homoepathic systems. and will attend to all calla as a phyaleian and surgeon through the. neighborhood ' The subscriber being a regular educated :physician, and having, practiced- medicine - and ,surgery during nearly-20 years is euabled - ,,t0 respond• to all reasonable expectations kroin those that place themselves under his care. , sig. 27, 1856.. C. BAELZ. M. D. ' • NOtite ryas imdersigzied Cosby ere notide that an 1. application will be Made to the nest Leg., Mature- of this Commonwealth, tor a Batik Charter, with a capital of Ono Hundred and . Fifty Thousand Dollars,. ith - the usual' and or dinary Dankingprivilege , 0 be called thip Bank Dollars,: - et. Beaver • county, and ocated on. t he Palls of the Beaver, in Keever may, Pa 1 '—J. L. Newlxid, '• I, William ' Kennedy, .! , - - Edward Hoops, '•L;:11. IL Robertson, 1. A,. lioberlson„' - "Thos. J. Tower, i I ;'• EClderriek, 11. Mende:stall, . 311: A . Kennedy 7, • ' J05..11. Dickson, t: W. `d.. Dickinson, Walter Chester, . &IL Darragh, ~, :. -',BI : ;B.-Citainberlin,., WRlimil Sterling, ;Dos. Cunningham: Jane 25, 1856. • -- Y .- . - - • NOT/CE. NOTICE is hereby . gilen that the partnershii Ultely subsisting between :Joseph F. Cannin*- Imas and Matthew Gilleland, under the firm'ot J. F. Cunningham &Co is this day dissAved .by mutant' consent; fiinct-Ilatthew Gilleland is authorised to settle, ald'd - ebta due to and by the ssid.company. :J. F.,CUNNI:siGIIA3I, 31. GILLELAND: FAUsion,' Oct. 2lst, >s • The ondersigtier,'desirons of! crating 'bib Store et Fillston, will from this date dispose of the entire stock in the store lately - occupied by J. F. Cunningham Sr. l Co., AT and UNDSIS COST. siOat. 21. : .Dts GILLELAND. Wilson, Co' Wholesale Dealers to • D 0 0-DS D . N.O "T, ION S, '1! • No. CrAtooci St., _Pittsburgh, Pa:, opposite. '4IIP- the St. Charles .llotel. Are now receiving 'an unusually large atil so plot* assortment of Dry Goods and Notions, and the' lth of September Will be prepared to exhibit's ery attractive Btu*, whieh, by means Of a buyer constantly in the market, will be Kept full throughout the season. The sttetktion pi the trade is respecifully in vited. • sent. 3. 181; .. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. A _ LL persons indebted to the estate of Ron- Ras Catrtx, slate of South Bearer town shii, Bearer cOitnt. deed.. are_ requested to make,payment td,the\aubscriber, in said totrrt : ship, and those linving igainst said es- fate. will presents them, litoperly authenticated for settlement. • 1 REUBEN WATT, Nor. 5. 1856. \ Executor. . Second Large Irriva of FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT AL lir mr_. ' moo , • i sIRE great secret ,in selling goods consists' 1- inbuying the right kind at the right me _and right price. Fully_ satisfied of this fact, we have adopted the plan of visiting the Eastern mariusts about once every sixty days, end by soAoing , - we have eveiy thing fresh and fach . ionabla in its proper, season. We are nciw,tif faring our second large stock of goods, of aver THIRMY•BOXES AND BALES ' lqt staple andTancy Dry: Goods, Roots and_Shoei Hats and Caps, making in all one of the f Most eit'ensive stacks of goods ever offered in lany one honk in thecounty, to which we invite the attention of the public generally. Woes now buy, who never -bought before, Indothosc who 'always- bought, still buy the more T. M. TAFLOR, Nov. 19, 1856. ' Rochester sot' the hill CUB:Pit)! WAREROOIi.: ;,I AL. . R WM) • HAVING received my Spring assortMent of Goods, I respedtfully invite my friends to give me a call. My stock consists of Brecotel, satin delaine, English mixed delaiui, damasks and Mertens; superb lace curtains; mull do., of all-airless, and new styles and finish ;Irish cornices. of entirely new patterns, aCvarious ' prices. Tassels and cords of all dinds, for cur tains; gimps, fringes, curtain bands of all pat terns - -- French' and Eng6Sh quilts, dimety spreads; bar hollands and green do. of all widths; window , shades at very low prides. In my bedding ware-room will be found an immense stock' of beds, mattresses, bolsters and 'pillows, eov — Trforts, sheets, pillow slips, towelii, ;sacking .licttums, chair cushions, settee seats, 'pew cush ions,. and every article usually found in an ex tensive Upholstery Establishment, deepinithese things ready made! I can furnish them at once and without delay.' airts made and put dawn. Venitisertilinds of it ; blinds painted and -fr-vitnalLd. Roller blinds fitted sp. , and goods Carefully • R. W.F. OW) FUNDRNBE . ing r e t urne d fro_n3 .. EtLio rtG rie, lll. resumed the practice o f profession. Mc* and residence N 0.148 T doors above Smithfi t, t. P h i lrd diteeN tiro H. 1 -- " - '" —ttab4 rElt, Pa. ittililllPAUttili and wtiot a:; . o and ge.. tail-Dealer in 'all kinds of -' ± Tiiti Copper,And Skeet-I ron; 'order. 4 2opting, jtoofing, Spouts, Sm., mode to order. (' lifirShop on Broadway, one dolir 'above Ali- Jpie street, New Brightan, Pa. . (ap9 FRESH- FALL ~G00D3.1 THE subsaiber haring returned trots the Luny will open, during the present week, a large stout. of staple end fancy, Dry . 9cods, - embracing thei — latt fashionable *tiles in the market. ' T. M. TAYLOIi., • DISI. lloahttster on the hill. To Mill Owners IC'IIitILYCH BUR an R d Laurel Hill Mill Stones AC, cloths, mill spindles, mill irons screws, screen sire, corn and cob ;grinders, cast iron'p.roof staffs, on band at BL9 t.ibertyrstreet Pittsburgh. . may 21 W W IY ALLACs. STRAII Engines and- Boilers . — Engines _ with the latest .Ain.imosements, warranted best quality; on hand and nude to order. Boperaof 'Juniata Leon, made on short notice. Orders 'Pied with despair& at 319, Liberty et: - Pittsbarg nay, 21, 1866, W W DE LOB?) A DEBBIE, Attorney at Lar, ' ; aver, Pa. Qthee on lithe" street, Ito Jul ia Shivalay*a Hat Stare. sp26 L 1 JOSEPH H.' WILSON , Attorney at Law Be aver, Pa. Office hi ths - trams IWO.; north side, of , the 1.141- sinid- , , 1 , • qr. • - Lew 117 the Piece. ' 100 phew, bleached muslin.; mortal. Oda, brown . do do 200 pieces Coch N ttoO' awl other prim - - bQ pisess - pasaudar gingbants. ' Jade 4. - • T. IFL TAYLOR.. k . i (V1A1 1 444 5 , d '4 fets. Nil *Reeetrad at the: New - -Drug' and CHEMICAT;STORZI . - - L Oat 14taylreart Maley, Paarl Sago. , 'replace, Arrow Boot, Lac 13iiiphari . , Ground Glager, Cinnamon, Mustard, Mies, Cayennai Pepper, extra* for cooking. • Lemon, Strswberry,/ Raspberry, sAntnieg, Verrill:4, Pine 'Apple ; . .Alum, Corlperss, tildijo; Oxalic Acid, white and common Glue, Madder, extract Logwood, ground do. Craiwood,:buint Umber, Vermillion, Chromic' Green, Yelloir do. Yellow Ciehre, Ve netian Iled.Bpanish Drown, Vandyke Brown, Starch("Resin. Chalk. Glass, Tur pentine, Varnish, -.Carpenters Cough Syrup of lloarhound, CtaTigreen,'and Slippery Elm. ' Sellers Cough Syrup, lileLane's ITermiluge. Carpenters do. Ayer's Cherry. Pectoral,, Ayer's Pills, Davis' Pain Killer. Bailey's Pain Extrac tor, Holland Bitters, Terrell's Tetter Ointment, Tdoth Paste indVowder, Clothes Brushes, Hair BA/she*, Tooth Brushes, White Wash do.; Trus ses, Fancy-,Soap; Glaziers Tacks, Peefamerl generally, Vials, Battles by the gross or oth eriiiseditiint and Vainish Brashes, Narsing Bettles,, Brandy and Wiiie for Medicinal purpo ses. 1 • •0. CIINNINGRA.M. t School -Directors, ',.Superwliors AND C9I, I II 4 KCTORS. .1 Commissioners Tho Commissione of Weaver. County would • earnest / 1Y call 'the attention of Alier-abore 'loped idfievrs.to thb following sections of Alt pas sed in 1556: I L Relative to t%e sale pf\l4ncla for the now ; pagnient of Taxe j a. 'I - • Section 2. That from and after the passage of thiti act, assessors, supervisors, and opUecl, toffs of . road and school taxes be r and they are hereby required' to make their returns fir the collection of, all taxes on'unseated lands, on sr before the first day of ;smutty in . each and every year, and if not so made by said assess- . MS add collectors, each returns .hall not there after be received, nor shall such taxes be a lien Oh 'reel estate : Provided, That this section shall o, t, ponstrned to exempt any such as sessor* id collectors , 'and their bail, from lia bilityJ fbr not ranking their returns acoordihg_to law.s • • Section S. That it shall be the duty bf super- . visors and collectors of road, taxes, and of all collectors of any other taxes whatever; to make , return; to the County Commissioners of any ex honendions claimdd by them. on Cr 'b efore the 'first day of January in each year ; a dd it shall net, be lawful fos the said County Commission- . era toFgrant any exhonerations atter that time, nor for the county Treasurer to sell any lands which' shall hare beep returned and taxes ex honekated, after the'said time. \Vin. U. Tralcott hic 110 (Successors to T. Kennedy, Jr.) 3L*NUFACITOREIIS OE ALL KINDE 0 LOOKING GIAA_SSE ~ , AND IMILLRB IX ligiOrted and DomeStit Faexy Goods, NO: 6;1 WOOD ST. , COI,L OF FOURTH, ‘ :1 1 1 PIT SBURG'II; PA. .Gilt : gilt Mouldings, Portrait, Frames and Looking Glass Plates ways on hand. - Nbi , . 21. '1855. , ' , 1 i . r - Amb rotypes., ;GTR.,PD . RVIANCE has the pleasure of an: , Ltlncuncing, to the citizens of Beaver CoTinty; that helms permanently located in the Bernina ry baildings(lately occupied by :Miss Curtiss)in the liiirough of New Brighton, where, he will al ways; be found ready; to wait on his friends and all others who .wish artistic and life line Min-• iaturis. I 'N i - All sizes and , styles of Linenesses furnished at leis than Pittsburgh • prices ' 1 impressions Bsutiful and accurata of ; the ~ .hest children; oxen by an instantaneous . process. : ' ; • - Pictures ticen equaily as well in cloudy ; l 'as clesii,vreathei. ; ' New Brightin; May 14, 1856:---1 yr. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. . ALL persons knOwing themselves'lndellted cp the estate , of Rev. Anderson B. Qu.sl;-dec'd, ate of RoV'inigh_tcl., Beaver countr, are.regnes tell. to make payMent, and those having against said ;estate will - - , pre,sent them to th. subscribers, Properly Authenticated for' settle: 'tnent. JOHN D. WCORD, Pittsburgh, .31..11'01E1Y S.; QUAY, Beaver, 1 Ontnoer 15;-'1&56. Executors. sad o jest 3to 1Z at `Tmeal M IDNIINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—sklipersoui indebted td the estate . of Ilarriot Crofton, fate of Bormigh township, Beaver county, do e'd are requested, make inuneliatie payment,' an. those having: c aims against said estate, wil present them' to the subscribtr; in said. t s iwn ship, properly authenticated for settlement. • A,4tDRPV,STEWAILT, ,i.dinr. Bridgewater,lNov: 12, IEISI , +.• ADSIINItrit..kTOu. 'NW LIU. 'ALL persons knowing themselves Indebte , td the estateof arid Andrews; late of Darling ton township ; Dearer county, deed, are reque.si ted:to make immediate payment. and those' hal lag claims against said estate, will presenethei to the subscriber, in sail township, properly - al then ticated for, !settlement. ROBERT lIITGIIES, DeeMnber 10, 1836. Administrator. AD3IINISTRATOR'BI NOTICE: • 1 I VXTHEREAS lottais of administration ha e 1` V been granted to the subscribers, on t e utateof Janice Rentou,late pf Patterion t , deed. Those - having claims u2, 4 ainst the deem - ed willplease pre.sexit them for settement; an 1 —nos who are indebted t said estate wi 1 • n • mi natient. cresenern Eternal Nov. 19 i -1866. • CHAIRS!) CHAIR' _ I TORN BI'CUNE still co n tinues the many!), ture of p eye kind of .lain and onitimen ctlntizzais l ....... • The stook is lower than ever , before otr4red this market. Old 'Chairs painted or grain , / and made to look as well as new. • 1 Dearer, Deo. 18. 1854. • 1N DON GLASS-20 boxes assort dz. ] Wfor sale by A. S. liA (WWI% dee 17 1.1 o:. 11. Stewart's Raw, Bridg .wate C'2.I,A.SS WARE-A large stock jos; reedy NJI and for sale by A. S. HARVEY, dec 17 No. - 3, Stewart's Row, Bridgewate LADIES' fine heel Gaiters, the .lateet etyl at the Shoe store of llamas & ncnoLsos, Stewart's Row, Bridgeliater. t • del° FRENCH Momeciheel Boots for t most fashionable at the Shea sto Elof annza & Ntenozabs, delO ' Stewart', Row, Beidgetirater. GLOVE leather patent tip,Soots forLadie at the Shoe store of ' BARiES & NICROT4OII, Stewart's Row, Bridgewater. del° BLACK and tan colored 'Gaiters, for Lail and Mises, at the Shoe store of • Raises ,& Nicttotios, Stinnirrs Row, Pridgewater. dell) ACIRENCII leather Boots for Ladies and id' JU a dew stjle for winter, made to order, the Shoe store of BAILS= & /I:IC*0140N, I dell) Stewart's Bow, BridgeWiter: Tl' ID sad French Morocco Biudthts; a JIM. fine Srticle,lst the Shoe stars of ; Bazass & Ificnoratar, , delo Sievert's Row. Dridgetrater. t . _ 'VINE VW Boots for Ladies, xi the Shoe 1: - ISAuss ft Nionoukts. *.del6 Stewart's Sits, Bridgewater. A:4: .ti il'i . i . . • JOHN T. HOGG: BeediOTd.q... Sonieziadt.-- • . ...... ..,.....:Somerset Co, • . . .................... A'aiette Lo, Vnloritorrn • ' L ' " - New Th.z . .. Bea- veroo. ighton.... Deposits Received„Diseinnts Blade. rafts Bought, ,Sold and Collected. Bank Notes and Sp,teie Bought' and Sold. - tock.A.. Notes and other Securities BoUght and Sold on Comuiission. 1 Correstendeoce & Cellettions.SolleitaLl, Aug 8, 53. - • „ , . 0....1.. • 'FIULTDLZIL, . ;...!.......... tkr IL , altsas'Pir . . .1 — A. CARD ....1 • . ' . have t h is day associate d sptit l. pre, n' the e a rted illesP in ie" or 1° - s e iltr aile er P p "- la P t a e le ...- d We: are also prepared to insert teeth in. entire orcelain base, which cannot fail to please the - oat fastidious, in beauty and cleanliness. we vite attention to our epeciinetus. _ ' , • • 'All those indebted time by note or book ao• oust, will please call and Settle, 13 I am ans. itt ow to close mx.old books. T. J. ettannLea. foCk;iinsendltsoeiriBtrartiot,sitts on ' batten vase. " P 'perform t practice I t i e e; most(lnto all 94ff approved iCr ehe Den tal °s: o p e rations manner.. nSne-°l:ahlilY: if'Pitlin 'Teeth r ed...iMr fromtll.profession,Een Ga mi n s e VtOcbaster, Aug. 8; 1856-6 at. Land and - for male art axterkive collection of PAPEct HANCINGS,• . : omprising a grey number of new patterns, looted expressly fOr;this market frourFrench mad Amaricatt manufaCtures, of Gold. Gold and civet Flowered, of every variety; Glrizedand nglazed: nil the various stiles of Imitation 'nod-Work, inch as • AK, MARBLE, MAPLE, MAIIOGA; - NY, ROSEWOOD, &13 ' arnished and Plain, making altogether an 'as -ortmeizt that cannot be excelled in quelity, , nautili or low 'prices, by any house west ot be AGegheny,monubtins rrices range from cents to 5 (Liters pet piece. i persons desirous f looking, through tbe assortment, whether dis posed-to parch:Me or not, are 'respectfully invi ted to call at I - THOS. PALMERI, No 55 Market street March 1866. i Flouring Mill and Dwelling for Sale mIIE LARGE: ;FLOURING MILL,- known 1 As th 6 Townsend Mill, situated on • the New .Brigliton Rnec, - New Briihtun,,is offered for sale low. It islthirty-five by forty-lice feet, 1 four stories high, including basement, has four • run of Burrs; is in . :good:running order, good water power and.- icitbin l. a few hundred yards of the Ohio and' andlienns. Railroad .Depot. iThe whole or ors part can be had to suit purcha sers, , • I Alio,. a large brio Rouse and two Town Liitsi, Isitunied on the centre of- Broadway, New Brigh ton.. • The house is : -32 by 40 feet, two stories Thelots are' 42 by 150 feet and well im ' prored, with shrubbery and • fruit trees . The whole will be sold low.. For further information !enquire of .the owner oa the premises, or -by letter to the subcriher. .. • •. • , • August 6th 1850 - - JOSEPH McCONNEL: A RARE 'RANCE FOR A FARM. • i 'AST person wishing to purchase ono . of the 1 IIL best and mostklesirable Farms in Beaver 1 county, can be accommodated by calling on the . snlisceber, with one containing about 230 acres, about 180 of which 1$ cleared aiid under W high s6tri - orctiltivatior4 and the remainder coverer] 'with good standibg: timber, most all Wilder fence; on which - there .is erected a large .iinrl very convenient cut stone dwelling, one log alndl onet frame tenant house, a,' large double barn, 1 a wagon -house and granary, and all necessary out buildingi; la well watered, and as alMn daneo of all kinr.h4of the beit of fruit, and pro= l duces algal to any other farm in the county,.— d Terms, one fourth; or one-fiftliirthand,.bnd - the remaiider in eight 'yearly instalments; !the price so low that iiny good praoti4l farmer.can Imake ids payments all; after the first on the .farm. 'The farmLle very plenumintly ,situated, lies level and easily cultivated. Possesisiou I given at ini . time within one month after r the sale, and if not sold soon, will be rented for ry term of four or five years. None need apply; to'ront but a good practical farmer. For fur ther particulars, apply to. , ' JOSEPII 11. iIVILSQN, ' • Attorney , Beaver, [Pa.% Nov. s', '56 W. P.\ MX4sHALI. CO., • 'DEALERS IN'' I' .P APE It' AI A N ExclusiTely, now, offer:, at their 'Store Ito= No ' 87, Mod St. 'l'ittsurgii, Pal, • , new stock ot parlor, ball, dining room. £ Chamber anir office paper;also assembly moms, ceiling andl panel decnations, and marble imitations together with everything in the line s of paper hangings. Also a largo stew* l l tif window shade 4, to which the attention of country dealers is directed. Special indliel ments offered to cash buyer s., Sept, LOTS FOR ISALE. ItHE subscriber offers for 'mile the - folliswing' lots in the borough of ?lie* Brighton, Tl 2: No ' s' 313, 314 awl 317, situate on the Ttailiroarl at the corner of second and apple streot[f. awl No. 374 at the corner of second andllarnony streets.: They,will be sold 'singly or to,r4ther, to suit ;purchasers. For price and tems en quire of Edward liciops, New Brighton; or of the subscriber in Pulaski township. Sept 10 1856 . JANIES FERGUSON. Livery' --ry u t t b ..7 ri y b n e u r n ha g lin . l .T4 bo k n eo g n h, an the dl lL ad iv d e t ri d several , more Horses and BuMes, is now prepa red to, ecommodate the people with good hor ses and -boggles, saddle horses, and anything in his line. Also .ersoos wi 1' • ----- Dr. funith's Drug Store, :u Bridgewater. • Also:, Oteuibusaes and Carriages Tor funerals &a. • JOHN WOODRUFF. ewater. Feb. 20;1856. Teeth S The Teeth! S. wrucurr, AL D., Surgeon Den. W/offibe and residence,lNo. 252, Penn strect,...Pittsburgh, opposite C hrist's M. E. Churcly - Dr. ,Wht's long experience in the practice of Dentistry, lms put him in possessionof All the improvements in this line of his profession. Dr. Wright'! facilities for dispatching work will'enable persons visiting Pittsburgh, l to have operatiima pert:mined during a short sta y. Dr. Wright respectfully refers the medical profession of Pittsburgh. April 23, . 1856. W. G. CHITTICK & Co. ' IMPORTERS 'AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS. No. 9, Stra,wberry St., Philadofpbis. WOULD re4peettally solicit an examination I V .M .of their goods by the erehaate O'Dea- Tee and the adjacent comities. ' Their Inuit comprises s full aseortntent of the but and most popular - brands of Aiurioan fabrio.. In foreign goods they ire prepared to offer peculiar advantages • that portion of 'heir stoop being for the-roost put, of their , own lin portation, or bought under:ths haunter: Aug. 20, • • • Biarer Lodge,: N.. 366, 1, 08.'1.0. Briiigewater, Bearer Co., Pa. , R~EETS every Tuesday evening in their Ran tad story of Brown's Brick Block, Bridge water, Pa. orvicizs ILSCTILD, PIZAILMT 7th► Jamas W. limn. N. G.; Jolla Woodruff. V G. David Woodruff, Sea ;lohnSlam. A. Sae Wm. Barssa.P. ; Its Blaushari, P. G: MEM I ISEIN Empu 1 1 '. 1 1181141311312' , !.: ' '' - • . • . - t,.Y t RlS!''' lIALS. , - , „. . Aand • ti k I . tui6-inkrai remedy for the: . LI l 114" " 1 7- . .E....4 c • 1 Inat: cureefidUll ions ostowners,. geition, Jaundice, prepay, 11,heinnatism,1 Fevers, °Out, Humors, Nervousness. Xsidtddlity, Indamme- Akar', Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side.. Back, - : and Limb*. Emnale•Ctmiplainti, &a. '&c:,,. Indeed, very few are the diseases in which iPtiliga*ter *ES' '.. clue is writ more ,er link Irsluirt‘endentob fireV ness and suffering might , be w qt a ctited; if a hartn less but effectual Cothartil'e, T more freelyk "el '; `No person. MA' rect. well; while costive habit of body prevails r•bintides it Soon generates serious and te rod often fatal diseases., which might haye been avoided by the timely and judicions we efa. purgative. This is alike true of ColdS,Tererish syMPtoms,and Barns denT cuts . They all, _ din become or I produce the seatedlind fold'. ;able disteinpers, 1 which load th hearses ell ever land: : Haim is, reliable family physic is of the. first importance to the public health; and. this Pill: has been perfeirted " with.consummate skill to meet that demand.. An extensive trial of its virtues birhyaicians, Profes:. ears, and . Patients,'_ hai ( shOwn . results surpairling any thing hitherto knoein efirmy medicine. Cores tialr ied-ig io ' MainhachavetteeneterongZetedmfoanrbbeyidi:theliikelctleshejdurthi6.gemeConWaltereted'hano;curersihentniYwntihintn;,s7:de . tided in favor, of these fills we may mention , 'Thr . ..-A. A. Raves, An.aly lima elostoist.pCßusten, and - State - ASSAyeT of MoodirllTlßettg. whose high professional character i.Werridirried by the • / 1 0N. „Entrant) Evens:et, Senator ef the ',,, ,ROBEAT C. WINTIIUOt, Bx-Sporker of the Heusi.. of Rewesantatitea . 4J_ , , Xuflorr t icx switce; Slinistcren. to England. ' " t June B. Ftrzratinks;Cath.!shop of Beaton. .. AlsM Ds. J. K. Cm +Ow, Pra ctical Chemist, of New York ;City, endorsed/4 , \ ' .'", ' EON. %V; L. Mauer; Secretary State I Wm. B. ASTOIL. the riebest man n America, • IS. Lut..ixo P.'cJ. ' Piii.pr's of th Metropolitan Hotel, and otlima. / I . ! 1 ; • j Did space it,',we could give many hundred certitimtes, fr - all Parts 'where the Pills have been used, but idencti even more convincing than the experience f. einffient, public nun is found in their effects rip trial., 1 ' I. . 'lle.se Phis, ..I.6sidt of long, inve s tigation and study, am off , to ' the, public as the- best and I Most complete bleb t e present eta* of medical science can 'aift .1 `' t hey afro conipcilderr not of the drugs them hes, it of the ntedi fi nal virtues only of Vegeta remedies, extracted ,y chemical process in a ,stai. f 'purity, and ecoribined together in such a manaet to insure the best re s ults. This system of 'craft' hen for medicines has been found m the Cherry _ MI and Pills, both, *produce a Mom efficient re y than had pith erpt been - .dr ur to tamed by any-.Proc .i The reason is peilectly oh. i l., „ions. Whil e by tl Id mode of composition, every, niedieine a n buide with more or less of nen imonions and injuri s dualiticsi'hy this each indi !vidual virtue only . st is desired for the'( curative Leffect is present. A the inert and obnoxiqns 'qual ities of each substun 'em ployed are left behind, the corative• Tirmes pnl g retained- Hence it is self-evident the eff should prove as they he r e proved more purely :, edial, and the Pills a surer,: more powerful anti. . to disease than any other medicine known to world. ' • • . J . 14.- --- As it,„l( frequent! xpiedient that-my, Medicine should' be taken mi. • the counter of an attending PhYsician, and as be ild not properly judge of a remedy without kno g its mposition' . 1. have supplied the -icier:de ennui * by which'hoth my Pectoral and Pills ar ade td the whole bOdy et PractitionerS in the tin . StatM and Britith Amer ican Provinces. If, h rer, there should .be any one who has not rm. -ed them, they I will be promptly forwarded bv TO) his r:ddress, •. Of all the Patent hi , nes that are otfered, how few would be taken if th composition waa known .f. Their consists i in it mystery. 1 ! Lase no m • -• , 1 . • I The Cemposition of reparatiens inlaid open Ito all men, and all irho competent tujedge on the subject freely acikno .. their convictions of their intrinsic met . .hts. e Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientie • eri - 1-_to 'be a wonderful , medicine before its effect mo - known. !Many em inent Physician tare, d, , ed the Ernie thing of ' my rim. ' e. and - even ! more niidently, and' are will ing to crtify that l their ticipations•Tviere , more than realised hy thnir eff• pon trial.l : 1 •., - 1 The operate by their . influcnie on the 1 Internal viscera to purify th local and stimulate it i into healthy action mum the obstructions of. the stomach, boweli,liser, 'other organs of the ' body, restoring thehrhrognlt •.on to health, and by correcting, wherever, . • t, such deraege! went* as are tlte list Othrief disease. - 4 1 -<_Being sugar mairpolitlif are pleasant io take, i and being .. . rarely vegetable liann - can arise - front ', their use in any daantity, I I „ Por minute directions, wrapper on the Box. I 4,,/ • 1 ,. PRKPAIt BY :. ~ ' , 4 • ` • 7 j Ali • A.YE R " . ' .8 4,. PracticaldAn *cid Chemist,. '- O'FirEILL ASS 1 ' I Per E live Boxes , for Si: ' 1 i !BOLD Y . . ..: .1 I ..,• , iftolAy A Oling, Beaver, Dr. S: , tato; C. I Kaiser, Kcekesfer, • Brigitte John Black DarHng morehant everywhere. Dr. O. leaver. i 1 , , ri . - 7 I" Tries 25 : AfIpNTS Smitb,..Bridg J 42trgent, N on: and by a I quaningitain, fO." thl If. T. tied his C cold stand, sets; Ilii ‘upply of. CiO , WATCHES NO. ALL ' AT 6 lANYT.I4I 80 Hour rass'Cloe " est Jere All - eloe sold, - we it not, the oney ref V st rilt, 01 , i ALUOST ' Call aid examine • Loo km a e, Ipb 4 ea t r rso:rotelion: twoull beg leave the patrOnago, ain now prepared to . and clog ; all good good time. Jewelry t - id go ld t or goods. ; I ; Bridgewater, Ap gi Wl3 have klat early supply ' s respectfully ask yor Dress Goods is!extt citkg * large sarictr FigurerwiPloki , .. usable.' in great vane buript in all col° everything uattall doo Is gore. Having given o Dry-00'66 traile,,a ket - froqueotly; we we,ean, noir 'offer ever, to'those;wielli Sept. 3, I&E)„ , 31UItIVAY ,wo DENTA that he has, ied the Latest' imp - and is now trepu +ariety of public ; Ist. Single gam Block-teeth centinumia gnat. 1 '3l, • Indestruct ban. EE Alt this lastds IMAM it Ni lo trial, I ictisl ven i I.:1 ' Otliee and reeid sitetthe Market 1 Bridgews*'l Dsiid Staitoti, DRS.LD.' lESPECT,II ILL Practio° nhabitants 'oc No , • Office • and lod bultdin Limpet, StriVAti , I , ALL peOons 014 been 11‘. =EIIIIIIM rips a i `-• • ' . 4 --, Gad ‘riews• FDLto OP HOPt . TCITFIE4F.FtICTED AND , • , ' l' . "SUFFERiNG I T . ': Many Of the+ thousand portals of Dchith may' be'closed, sad lifermadeltappler, and-more ' . comfortable to thonsands who smutty ! 'tt in danger: Deubiless`thisiiorld ,I t ' contains many; erbalm to 'soothe ' : • ~ its physical , woes and cure •'i its &skins, l Ainong those in proms- t• nentrank . r•• I ~. . - . . stands , - . 0 W.IIC lir 3 f S d A fXGE'riABIsE . : 0 31.E0 Ul D j l :: A SAFE . owl speedy cure for"Consultption,. 1 not Only inthoie milder fords o 0 Throat acd Lung Bisemiesotnich as coids L catighs, qUinsey, difficulty of-; breathing, , kirottchitis, Illintitetie sore throat,' weakness of' the. cheat, asthma, inward ulcer, spitting ' of,l bliirid, influemsa, croup,,whopping-cough, paid tn tiie•brettet and. itle, hoariones4 .catarrh and catarrh' affec tions, inflantaintion of. the lungs, bleeding of the lungs, and such like.' But its super' Jr ex ;cellence is seen and tested in tits more advan- Iced alio:Along of t the lungs. For the truth of the above statement and; the efficiency of ' the' preparations as au antidote, we refer the public :to the foltowi!tg testimonials:. . '.. Language' is scarcely strong enough-to tell; 'the great power of this : • . . - WONDERFUL. DISCQUItY l . Tim denoting may try suit bo 000miooeu. The Propietors point to the following etiOna fide e 'certifies 'with confidence - kit the cote u les in: they re.-but samples of the many iiun i diedeof testimonials in onr"pOisiAzion :,' . Philadelphia, Aug. 16.* 1856:Last siring,* ' while' in Pittsburgli. I had, a , bbd col mafl cough vrhieh troubled me much, and zefriend of mi ne game me a battle of Dotrman's Vegeta ble COmpoUnd.for , diseases nt . the throatl nitil lungs,'which I commoneed `taking, and fosind relief alines immediately „I bad taken niany things, for c ugh and hoarseneis, but,never g ,- ,t anythi l ng to help me as it lut.s'doite. 1 (believe it to be the est antidote 113 r coughs andhoarse ! ness that is out, and cheerfullriecoulmeed it . Ito the. pUblin. THOS. 11. STOCKTON. ' .'t ' I Pastor Ist Prot. N6tlt. Church. , ,i '. From Jge Vanhoru, of the District Court . i et Cincin nat i a. , iCincinnati, May 4, 18710.-4 have used Bo*- man'Plf,egetsble Compound fur bronchia:4 , llnd cough:, and .bcilieve it to be the best medicine lout fdr those diseases, and the only one I ever Igot to give'me any perm - anent - relief It will cure. j, I recommend it to the public-as an b' n-' est and ellisiient medicine, aw' will perfo m what It is published to do W. 'VANUORN. !. . ITO THE PUBLIC. I have used Bowman's Vegetable Compound. ii my-family. for coughs. colds and Ministers' sore threat and believe it to be the best t.lti.ug ; that I ever got for those complaints, nuif *sheer kully-reCommend it to the public. , -- '"' . ,REV. J. 'GASTON, ' -- Paiinr of the Clinton et. Mi. E. Church, .[ June ..0, IS3a. . , Cmctunatt., Big Watch. TTON Jewciair lorner of Itridge end water, where he will S t '1 • 1 INDS OF JF,VilSl 4 ,tt_ l Y I ARICZT ' PRICI: t :$1.50. o. $3 to 3.50. ted—to-liesp-gt/ed-tliziK_ .d. Also, Goods Y DZSORIIPTION. sks tock. ank ,nip, customers ifdr retofure bestowed; ana l' kiiids of watnhea ;dies watninted. to keep repaired at alllinies. in exchange forl w l ork I Ladles. ME3 red from the Fast, •nr 'all Goods, to which we rttentlon. Our ifcm of re and beautiful, emtmt gored and plain ;let, nob merinos. fi geolotl nd - Plain wool de in wn.t. st ripe s, El l- ot* latest ivies; anit nd in a firat-einia Dry I • lusiie attention to the }siting the eastern tear natifed in / saying, that ter iniatteetnents ny thing iii our TAYLOR. ; heater on the hill. SURGE nnounce to the public nsiderable east, prom', ente in the profession, to accommodate , every on gold or silver plate , Id? plate, presenting a t• 1 -) .. • eeth on Guth', Perch& im j ' - 1 -; r mod `of inserting teeth, r • faction after l a fkir D wor With geld or gill . 4, , • i on iirlet Street, opio ,Jl ' gmrater. ' 1, 1. Win. Btant6n, as. D. ~, . - ' I STANTON, '_,' for their services ilk the .tee and An** to the . ghtoth 'l*llatott sal vi i In ieeond story of le. dole North of iteirioic Ra. April:l6, 1856, I 1 , , . i • niarettleil accounts on he favoi bwaling, , sT ! 1 • 'Here hi one fiom the . Old pioneer 'Methodist preacher of Ohio, Rev., J. B. Finley. belleVe,•Dowman's, Vegetable/Complunil•t4 be the' ibest remedy .for Diseased Throat and Lungs ; l i orthe day. 'I here tested it, and found WV> be the best of, all the popular remedies I ever tried, and I have tried very many. I rue , emmen3 to the phblid. Try it and you will be coi►iioc ti of its superiority. Ciittiunati July Iter. J.. 8. FiNLSI. Hear t the celetirated Dr. Peck says : ' New yerli. May 12,185 6 .—1 have usedllow man's IVegetable Compound for coughs and hoarseness in',speaking ; abd believe it to be the best preparotion for Throat and Lung coin pislats,l ever got; and I recommend it twine public speaker cud singer, as well us thicsetif flicte(Cerith Lung diseases. -J. T. PECK. Heft what Beason,•of Cincinnati, . say's [Fxtract from a letter.] 41.1 ownian's Vegetable Componnl contains a virtue j which is not possessed by .any other popular medicine in my knowledge. it does not only amootho the disease over, giving it only temporary relief (like most of patent. wed ioines,) but it commences at tee root of the dis calie,i and Performs a perfect cure. . 't M. BENSON, 31.,1). • 1 :e will not permit us to publish any in full; but 'ire would refer to the -croons, -mesons, whose letters are in our pos tifyiwr to its worth : I ishop norris,, Cincinnati, ••, abort Walkar,• ca 00l Wnite, • . Ecoromy, obit Powell, Portsmouth, , I.l%lunkin„ Butler, L. Griffith, Esq. Pittsburgh, Baker, • '' Wheeling, ' E. Gordon,' Pittsburgh, . 3PCombs, r " Tarr Mort:ow, N, Brighton, f. Evans, t Greenlee, Beaver, nutherland, , Vanport, A. Gettys, 'Freedom, Roberts, • - New Cantle, , 'arch Ldwry, Lawrence co.' P. Brositp ci A. Wilson, Ex-o T. W. F. Johnston, Pittsburgh, O reps! certilicat .1 fulloi t ing sessi n, ce' I es. Rev. Rev. . Rev.. , John • lenr B. - l eapt. John IMrs. Mn.s Robe Isaac 1 Mrs. Silas lienr Mrs. ,lOsep Mart Junningham l I ra V " Bridgewater, Yni. Smith, Louisville, Ix' Keys, : Cincinnati, • , Geo. Kennedy, ' Wellsville, Wilkins, , A11 4 K 124 °)' , 1 St eubcnville,- lenry Venanco co. mes Parsons, ' Lauisvilic, ohri 'Watkins, I Jacob. Foe; Georgetown, L. Dodds, Butler co. ov. Wm. Bigler, 'remelt, Sealant, . Louisville. n'a Vegetable Compound, sold by at $1 per bottle, 0r.6 bottles for $5. Seer is our agent at Rocliester,,Bea -EN Retail merchants can be sup= or, -troitier. tiers for medicine to 1). H. lli, BOw :, New Castle, Lairrence'countyi 'eters. Agents wanted in every Til e United States and Canndas. r otherwise to the proprietors. 1856. T. C. Diem D. M Dev. 1 Jod•4 Capt. Joule J. p. Rev., , Dr. J Rev. =I Jame Ex -1 Rey. Bowm Druggi,ts C. L. Also sect all o, man & C.' sole Prop ' i tage in tb by letttr , Nov. 1 PITTSBUICGII: Fa-i 61.1856. MURPIIY BURCIIVIELD, North-east• corner 4th and Mcirkee • PITTSBURGH, iirAvg now ppen, their large Fall 14plY of Family and Fancy DRY GOODS; inclu ding the newest styles of Ladies Dress Goods, Cloaks, Mititillas, Shawls, and super-Fteuch cloth Cassinieres ' DOeskins. All of which will be said at LO LOW PRICES. Persons front a dis tania rittiting Pittsbargh at the approaChing State Fair; or at any other time, wanting any article In the Dry. Goods line, will do well to call. with mi. Oct. 1, 1856. • • 1 ' War is Horrible ! ' 'FIEND , f ' Citizen., and Strangers, Tams .1.7. Norm That D. Wootuturr , still continues t h e MAR E BUSINESS in all its various branches. I Persons wishing any thing to mark .thet last rti r est ing place of'their friends; will find it grkintly , their interestao give me a call 'be f4re goi n g o Pittsburgh; ,as •I am determined not be nUdersold. Stock of the best Rutland and Italianimarble: Tors finished with dispateh and workmanship warranted. A word to the wise is sufficient fifirShoir on Bridge' street, opposite Dr.:Si:filth's Drug Store. I '1 -0 18- 47. , i,!2 ' I • EATIlga belts 'for ntehipery, oti rand. ALI sad made to order, 'also Flag 'gelling for 11!orators, Mt 1111/. Libor": street; Pittsbargia. 1111$ 11; 184. 'afe lir 'Primus. .46hresatest 111- cal linscowee? '4 ,'!AGE. • EZEI . Jittrilitinsr - ,'of Roxbury, hu dlscovere in if en,e'irommon pasture weeds a fremedy j.iiitre!.erery kind of batistes, from_th% Wittrat nuit ofula down to a noopintiile.,. j. • • 11 r• • Ifediss tried it in over 11p:teases, and never failed except in two cases l(both . thundei I ha, mor. t r- -. lke ltsi novriin hls e possenitin• over two bun red certificates of its/ !Virtue,' ~a- l i ' wi,t/iiii twenty, miles of Beaton: :Ij J 1 ~ 2 3 , 1 , j '. Tirckbettleinre•Warrantect, to cure rv , nurs ing , •serelmouth. e. . ' , . . ~ Olie to three , bottleivrlll pure the worst kind of Pintples i on the faces I. ,I„ i ,'. ,• ..1 Two or three bottles will j elear the system of Milei;.- ‘, .• ..,- • ii_ ','•";'' . j '' - ..- •' Two:bottles sie•YrCstrOmted tocuielthe-worst . canker in the. mouth and 0 0.01•• - ~ ,_ - Three .te 'five "bottles are ittirantedrto ,cure the Werst eases pr Erysipellis„. One to two betties are worranted,to ca r rel all bunnir in the Eyes. y 1 I A' ' • '• i • T!o bottlei are wrirrinted to cure running of, the'ettrs and blocheit f amou l the hair -',• , ~ .Four to air bottles' sire, warrinted,,Ao J 'Cute 1 _ I corrupt and runnit ulcer,,: . ' One bottle will • scaly) eruption of the :Aja r . - . • . 1 1 1 - I • A tt7 Pare or three bottl ;Are warranted . to cure , the:'worst case of ringwerm. I ' • • Two .to three bottle; ere•warianted Ito-cure he Most desperate ass of rheumatism. I -Tire or three-bottlealate Warranted,. to cure the Iliad. rhentn. ' 1 1' j • - • ' --.. _ I ' Five to eight bottlerwill cure J theworst ea s e of Scrofula. ,1 * I, , 1 , j ...AI benifit is'altrays A perienced trom the first bade, and a perfect 1 is warranted When_ the above quantity is take'. J • , i. Blender f ' 11 this in the vicinity of Bo j iori. I know the ef• feet of it in every ca-;e.,•' o sure •as water will extinguish •fire,.so sure will this cure humor. I never sold a bottle of it 'silt that sold another, , atter trial it - always speaks for itself. , There are two things about this herb that appear„to me • surprising: . first that it grow; in our pasthres, in 'some places quite plentifid;rintl yet itk value has I never hectikuown until I discoVered it in. 1846 —second, thitt it should 61.1. e all kind; of hu mor 1 " ' 1 • - • In, order to give some idea of. the ' sudden rise andgiest popularity oldie discovery, I will state that, in April, 1853, I Peddled it and sold about .I six bottleeper day- 7 -3a April 1854, I Sold over! one thousand bottles per daY jof it. - ~ -' I Some of the wholesale . Druggists who have I been in business twentylarid thirty years, say thai•nothin'g in the annals of pittent medicines was -'aver like it. Thefle is a universal praise CP' it &Loin elf quarters: 1 I', Ih my own practice I always kept it strictly for,liumors—hut :date Its )introduction as a geu- eral I family tnetlicine ' j , great and wonderful I \ u virtues have been fouil in it;that I never sus- OCted. - Il 1 Several cases of e ileptic fits—a deseasewhich I was • always consul k.c4l ineu,rable, have been cured•by a few bottl s. O, r . liti t a mercy if it will I prove,effectual in a 1 casesoflthat awful malady i—there are but few-whe ll have tieen m o te !of its thait I have. I / II . ' ' 1 • ,I • - II know. of severs} caSes of Drdpsy, all ofthem aged people mired by-.„ - it. ',.For the various dis eases of the Liver I. Sick Headache,' Dyspepsia,• Asthma, Fever .1.11ue,: Paitt.ll:l the Side, Dis eases of the Spine and particularly in 'diseases' of the Kidneys '&c., Ithe !discovery has done more good than any meslichte ever known. , ' J No change Qf diet ever necessary • . --•eat'the. beSt you j get and enottgli•of it. . .-: ' lltariario - Ns--=Asluits one tatle spoonful per ;MY—Children over ten,iears dessert spoonful'. Children, from. five to eight years, tea spoonful. AalVMAlreetion's`eitu he Applicable 'to all eopati tntOns,,take sufficient to r operate on the bo wels twice a day, 31aaufactnred by •, ; 1 ',. DOSALIII,KENNEDir, ' ' A No 120, Witrren,St. ltozbury,. Mali. . men!, $l. -, . Dr ond'o LUC 11111 fe'; tIT.'W Dyott & Soils; Philadelphia,. Gen- Ag*ts fOr Pa.r , Fo sale by WP Philips, free doin; C ILlKaimer, Rochester; 'and Dr. S'Snilth,' . Bridgewater; General whole's:the agents Western Gen; ,l[: Keyser, 1.0 Wood St.. Pittsburgli', in J. P. Fleniing Federal , S. Allegheny City, Nlrs:clay &, Young. Beaver. t. •I A. IBAUSMO.. ~ ! ~ Y. A. ttAu3MAN. : BallSili g iti & Co.. • Exchange,Laud . and °Rea Estate Agents, .fort!- °tiles, lowa. • Des' 41 • . ~ BUY, ( SELL & LOG,ATE LAND WARRANS INVEIEIT,nreIey. for parnes at western rates of I intere st. Taxes paid 6r• resideMts or non resideas.r Incestmentii Made irt Gbvernindit 'adds. Taxer paid, and all trouble and•other expenses borne - by us, Or ;ono-eighth, Of gross 1 proceeds. Interest, at rten Per cent,, per an, 1 null, allowed on all special deposites, for six . months, ot longer time: ' I • Parties desiring goverminent or other land* * can rely upon US for a full; and cofrect descripi ticht of either, and the! l,Owtist market rates. • ..- Orders for goTerurnent Ititids will be attended toles soon after recelpeas posaible. r" , ;.. i .Reinittances can be Maio in drafts4na New York, or by depositing money in any good batik in i Boston; Nett !Yuri:,phil t Adelplif;, Baltimore, Washington D. r d., .or: P,lt.ts4j:gli. . , ' =I Applications Made for I:es . for s!.ttlers. Improvest A and and timber, lands botiglit unit change on Easierntij , . • ibe •,, REFEIVEH Pion WiniF Johnston, Tres Fit isbu lib, Col. - Wilson' le"13 Anderson ' Ir.'w. do ; LY" ( Koro, do. ; lion Joidiuk n, Ohio A P LacoeF, E Joseph" Chamberlain. Cleve John AllisOn, New Brighton. Esq.; Rocltester; Pd.; Treaiu Washington. D. C.,; Cplthicr Gliqnsey [Branch ; Messrs., Banners, Washington, C. ; ..artoprar: iron NJO. MARKET ST.; • : mond A i and Fifth street, Or rit Co., l dbqler In • Alantles, tention of buyer's to hi4,la consisting in part hs follows • • Rich Silk Robes. . i• - " Fancy fancy L blnek, French Merinoes, Orrin! Moos i del Laines • ' ' , Maid end striped Cos is scotch Wool Shawls ; 1 French Chintzes, ~', Cloaks, Mantles and Ta Brocha, long and Silvia Rich/ScAch-plaill long ' Si) makes'of Line Linens, Toweling Embroideries, Hosiery NPittsburg ov. 1f156. 1 New castle, Allegheny, v, I - A. CARRIER. sii 1 1 to ,i A. G.IRRE R 7orne, 4th (6 iS'mUhfteid gents;. nts :State:lint - nil Fire 1 rind Insurance Co. Of lb i I t'apital 1 . iL Girard Fire 1 and Marn e, .ICompani , of Philadelphi Insurance cont. of the Valle ' : , winchester,, Va. _Capi ' offi ce penn!alnsurancd Co l ;'burgh. Autherited - ,Calii . A. A. ;CAB. CuAatats COALE, 10f ! . ..;feir bed-to take, risks in the a +pl7 lair rites, ' _,I I '' I 1 VII 1 , INoti e r - i lt ' LL peraone area he r e any i requested I, tto buy. sell , or in way , negotiate a, land ,errant for - BO acres: , No. 26,514, ,idin in answer to claim No '1(48,866,10t Sabina, Ulan; widow of Joshua Log l ani decid, and sot -by mail to Bridgewatery but of ',received,' as , en vCat haa been enterd in the !Gen e ralLan d Of , 1 tiCe to ng a patent to a\ i.lialentclaimanta. !and s tiie rightful wa.rrante in tends to , :apply for a ) cluplleatei warrant it ..ihe Cominissionarot Pensions. _ ~i,•i i ' - • . . . DnFF'S>t ItCINTIL E.Ol f E4E Or .:Peit4 4 skei; - • FF 44 r o „, ; • Jaunt - nylon, sutcfz. Fellndad. in 106, and incorporatef by Legioitut. of 'l l eitinsyianka, With, p er . 0in .., 11 . LI. I• . 7 7-'• .. inossao uemskAst,(lattEedreta r y o f Tion.lvrlL,LiAx WiLstiss, (blaSecretargif 5 ,t4 ,. Hor. 3z) Hon ,Wetxea Ii: Lo~snir . L . cits.azzi 1.417.01(,' , Gen.; J. jC .MooglizAD, • • FACULTY. Lsr.rirzins'p,itun, • ' President, P. 'kir, jatitadi of D u ,r 4 ' noi .,, keep i ing, The Wes:ern Stendibo a t Professor of the l'...rinetples and prioli c ,„7. * Double Entry Bobk)ceeiiitig. , •.• T. .f10wd0n,,..11. Cowan an ' lt Dpffj Aisociate Professors of floillicepi e . - Williams (ibifieSt Il s t?iseS , nul 0, • . nuin . put/ Penman in" the United States,) fessor of Penmanship.•••, _ N, , '; .11. ' Hatch,' Mop, Professor of Meicoori and Political'Econotny. • . HiM.Judge'Shainuou 'and Hon, J. X •Patrick, special leCturer„o'n mereantile•lsw: i .Ferg,u.soir A. :it, Kline Pyoresso , fes.sor of Commercial L' Jtics. P. Dug, lecturer on the hisb,ry s o d prit , e ,, ple4 of Ancient aidllodern Couimeree Jon .litinthy„ti*Ler o yes the;tiri of det to o,,," Counterfeit Bank Notes ionki tkeiLso.:„4 qualifies' terached utti art in ,hi pun 0 •• 4 , , , Tho.Ltlassical Departnient„ einbiseing n or , ugh Classical'and English Education. F. L. SleWarl; 'a. st.,.l'ritMipr.l.aral ; t sorl,of Mathematics; Apel, l'rofessorlof French iindliera'',O; Languages. •1 , This is fidmitteddo, tillarge'st tun perTectly organized Conimermsl Coll,ie in 11. ' Stites ; and .4 , s p eri ofteu advertised,by sonie:C.kon . , m L o is t p eolle , have never been'and never he 44 . 1 in this, The classes have the si.6tskes;ft'vert peisofi.vaitned above, the Irnsives excepl t i k .„ •"flie nicsociate" Professors of IlOolzktepia 4 till;beett it-shied - fur litsinceS the and Lave, the benefit °this sitlten year.4e'lil. rieime.aS ar,preceptor,audi ic•is pr, 3 4iums'elpertune ELS Stu an liaequate idea ofi• his arVangeSietilSZ e'it'ent of,'busineslAti l e in ki establishing.' can only - be Oiling:l' frtna the , patiiplilpt e t , l l tar!, which are mailed to all; psrts ur the vi s , with speeita'ens sif Mr, ship, when desired. Dig s 'Bookkeeping . .pp Harper's edition. Prier Duff's Cesnuiercial.*.culatlons; Price VIM. I ' 1 • postage 9 , seuts.. - / . • Putt's Steamboat .- toos.ke.e.pirtg.l l'rict $1 ; poStage cents: , iSold by all' tbo,sitv tuttle.. . • lers. • set..,. M A p- 0 F Bearer and., Lawrence Cinvitift, I FROM ACI:Ij.L E.:SK RI:IIEN And Surveys hrott.ghout the .C2ltti MADE 1W NATICANIEL 5. AME.s. • Th ls undersigned will Publish shcirtly,'trn dell s;sulTthient ntiraber of, sObser:berstnul;.' ed.:u i - : '' •. - 1 ,; - 1 N i t.; W i.t I) C.O l )ll)P,Erk: I%IA For Bt • -YEW &L- 4 .1i - 11}-vel , l, I ,Co (INTIM, - , , 1 i • • 1 All the pilblic Itotti s. It4ilrott .d. .prossines - !Stations- Churches - , Post 011i f kicli;ht hool !As • Siores, :\lilli:•Puhlte wild:PrivOte licu,c, ; - .c e , nteries,luilurldfc l iric,:‘, Sholis, l ,&.e , Sx„, ari to thipshown oir - thc NI:LI), in . n•llliiion to t\,• : ,..,,.",1, tc•••ogra.phy , of - ItirtrA, t , 'trtnais, l •Pons stalk:9 , li tnins. The iinte; of pr. pcttr' balder./ Izen.ra: , lyi; (including thole in the county tylinsuhstrg• t.l I.no- inl c friiivatico for tbi vap) aret,affiof tJ "ncrert at their respectit in: the etyls of 6 ted hp, the canvas.ies. : 131 as of the principal villages will life ed, oua large f4calc., in the thargin;,slo veil views of public and private buifdingtf No expense will be:,4pared to execute tat' inlthe highest. style of art. ; The plaa plotted on a suitahlo kcule,lso as to ifc tiantly all the partied:3'l's above specific!) unalie a large and lOrnamdntatplap. TT:" graved and delivered to subscribers. Itaal colored, sn'as to show the 4.ci-riti,°ry ce in 'knell township, nud=inountell on "rolltfrt.' Map will coutaiu iome.l4 'cr 11.6 square Its. Thsuro Isotibupl4. o uu,tl tie unix oie' rice. mOr;ii.Maps • si - ued than l c3iff,frilq • The Map contain table's -?:" Npla:l pt!adtteltons, fassefiseil .v.da? irop-rty, gions societies, schools,' lidalber of ‘3e7l,fe. I . ..dteach tS 'ship and frcipecf.i:ely, t t illy made up from I .,st atithc4tic ,e.et • meats. • . ° ,•;. ' wILT,TA.3tI. 33ATLIZEll. , t c::iae` •.IDec:f 12 1855 New . ; . • l' - ;p 1 r)ill • ‘'%ro-74 .11z rk4 .Ste et Etiilbscribe'r4 have "Ilju*t. reeefvli 1110 inow openittsl their firt r.rr:Y3t.pg, 000,18 ,1 o; Whick theS.'niih calLthT pr ., * at O,Titisin: of their epstota er'4 and fet. erallY. We/flatter ourielvee that we I:4, , tere bft4ltblo to offeti iso-rdlndsp:2leaud de.i:te! stock asAho , ptiesOt. .; : I . 1 . I oOr Dress Gbods Dbpirtrnent contsini Pew i etiles 6,nd, niiveljiesi or the seids'oa: Eitri Black Colored. Iteii-45 'aritiqlt SA ;43_ , Jasper ChenAipl Strip :1. do,? 1 430 tlain, triad pia!,a th; !do do 'twisted sil4'huitneedFobes; 1410 - Jo 7 Chaldi • 1• do di i -do Barego r -i do 113' !do do ,Li two, - de nines Bier tamp'rovedprairie Bahl. of ex!' , ht andsold. EiII BEE I . AYRR 'Co., lidless. do. Rath, Kramer & Rohm, ', Giddings, Jetler . . 1-q., Deaver,' Pa„ ;. and, Ohio;'lion. I`a. ; -Jolna Linton, r's Savings Bans. IState Sant Ohio, Gallaher St Co. , may 21,';1856 09, 811AWLS....kND IMANTI,E. Our ahawl.antrninattle_room 'is atypic!. 1, all the new styles of cialie,leashmers, 0)k, arechw, moire ehanttlia ‘•frgDl,ll4lll-bliK' 1 .Oti stock of dollars, ffbunclngs; lieset is not surpassed by_any _ ,stOe IS Wilt Of.' mountains also, a goo,d, arsckin2tit of int soad itoule4titmishing 7P' )4l : - / ° D E S I C'S . • . rtinte, "ginghaute.. checks, ,muslins,#Taill KentucKy• jeans, eassinette, passiftlerti t° andlinen pant stuffs, etc. LAI 6O , fl 101 0 6:1 ribbong;'antl every other nrticle, usually Ate • tit,' Ciii itAtr"e2efflightiljtz to ehich 4ll4 : elsewhere. as we feel confident we hailer been able to exhibit-4inch' Lik, de.Siiable It0;t1 ER, etween the. next door to' 111erinOes, Cli s the especial and eierustat 1.. '1 Dia- John 6ks, di= at -I:)air, rtneb t in., rea, LOVE d; I)ROTHERS, ' Foimerly ;Young, Sievenson k Loti, lApril 16, 1856 j 174 i /Shawl.; nd square do Stockings, &c., d Gloves, & ' 1 j 'Beaver lit DRIC GOODS lIE subscribers would ,1 Beaver and vicinity, 4ening a first class Drag and _Pry - onthe cornir orThird at they intend. keeping :Ifni best i medicines, oils, paii together with a full assort Ladies dresi goods, consii laines, barties, lawns, tis~ new styles and novelties shawls and mantillas of ME! In 11110.9. Sts. Pats, nil Ids- I p rrieburg. ,000 .$35 ,nattranoe Capital of Pa 000. NEEDLE , 1 1 Our stock of collars, ni not surpasse d .prints, .mil ri villages. ''' ir s l : Beaver checks, li ' rtg b a t° ' tk - 111] . 41 13 1 $ M'Ar MEG Mig '''A• ossinetts, Kentucky jeans,l cotter' pant stuffs, also, gloves, hosiery, tib, b411 ,,,j every, other article usually kept in a ur" Dry.thiods Store, to which we solicit s call examination befoie purchasi ng eleel be ti We feel confident there _ fi n never beenix.. degYable stock of goods b' ughtte tbiso llii i „, We have alscia-tull assoi ent of 13 0124 7 1% Bonnet trimmings, Ladie s. ata / 411s tti - ss , boots and gaiters, also" eeriest -- 1 gizeenswiie, boots and Oh , si Which at foichoap for cash or counttiy produce. , /Till . IM 18811 1 , : 7 17 141)11 111°)Ii ,000 of Pitts- 1. IF.R, , Satre Irighton, ova' , coin pini Feb. 20; : 1 ,000 7- a. st ME ana 'S 01E' I inform the c !that ttlel pood Stork , (1 1 1 Elk street' , - il lassortrrient d ti dre suds. i'llerstof Dry ttiig ofThallsi, nes, .in short, 13 : , f 1 th e ;season. il styles' and Pdets• Ir W 0 it K 1 urices, 1 eyes 416 ,r iio th- 2 . 1 =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers