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"?'Nfl i a ll t r :ffill tilliat iOt in; ,11, 0 20 t It ' im,-_IL, '. ~:: • ..,,bgliltat:l44lii:OFlll,.., ?sing tl , 2 I 411 , I 1 t ' lita • 1)r ial:rliet[;,.llo)** , orake ot j zit! ; . 4 ~....,, ~,, r irg ' '', . ,-:, , • • • ' . El 11:11 EN L tri 'I3EAYEIt - - • .411GITS - - . PRIiITLD ifAD Pi:reclaim) tit -. ?, , • . ,I. & Jr.. - WETANIII. ' T EF..irs---oxa DoV.L'ave and Firm 'C I EXTS, p lanuni, Is aotssrti . of twice - Tirtv DOILA a , sill be charged; No papeiNd4Seohtititied;itnti. 111 arrearages al.e settled, exeePt at the option bf the Editors. l . r Advertisements inserted at',rate of (10 ets. l en bet' square, of fifteen lines for one iusetina— rscb subsequent insertion 2 5 v. ts. A Merle Ilise9tint made to yearly , advertisers. I pe&f.etiers and cosumnal- dons, hy. moil; Clan have prompt .. attention. , .:,-. therreeenti; Nam41r.1,11356;11,1,21&,795 42 • 'Excluding the balance hi the ,Treesury at tisit;firit of •December, If!0•53: 1 tInt reeeipts'•frote all, pources, weee t es,ll7B4.4o' 23 - ,•' Thoordina=, rjr *Xpenditnres-lbr: the same weal:Were .34,- 113.144474 1 ,ah0Wing eta ' , arta of reectiPta j erc" . r ordinaryexpenditeurkif 411.20 ; ,025.:56. .- ,-- The extraordinary :pitymEnte.: for the slime „litai t were $1;23£4;927 4',..V;;e4 fellowii..,vti; ,Toj thelcomPlerion ef the ;Poitege railrea4 and for 1 thefpriyment of jebterwertenali contracted on that !pork. $181,491'14 to the North •Brissoli extenshan, -$122.,4tit 62,4 .to rihsi the south track of the collitabLLtailioad,•3l26l,,oo9 00 11 1 For niAdve power • titi 1133200112,04%' 421 4,61- i hergeittsirDelaWaVe'llMeiou of the Penasylra- : nialcatial. $13:920 00; tos general repairs ini 1.: 3 3-••51-.'3•5, •$G3,065 11; tcr _domestic credi-1 torS, *isl ai3; toold claidir on the main l, ine, : ~.„.- : eiaininqd by thereommissitiners,'and Irak) un- NeW Year's - D y. dee l j tbeitet_ot May 22,\ 18.52, 8139,512 00' td T ~ tii!e redemption of loans. 1n.V.7,82-1. 47;1 eel re-- Happy are they . who ea , stand ou the I liir !notes cancelled, $ 5 3,2i7 00. ;! j ', Ares . hold c..f the New Vear, conscious that f , The interest on the funded debt ; which fell . r e , they liars grown ril•ler they have also'; doe in February and' Angu.st last, was then and that ; which . becomes due in February groin wiser and better, and that titeknow-:14 2 1 : 1 „ , 1 t,. will be paid : with equal prcimptnese, out idle thus -derived from experience, and -,?; , o i lrival:able meana now in the Treotury. 'The , the gird principles xviliel-• hate nett i rc`i I pnuettutlity with which the interest on the ;pub - - ; stretith with increase of years, hare titiO4:c lie debt has been paid, and the- ability of the'. them to sympathise with the errors and , Treasury to meet ail legitimate demands Upon '; 1111.1.-e-ins4dirediri•lie•confideride in our el:ut-; frailties of others less fortunate than theft- - it. , - • 'riticis •and contributed largely teestahlish awl j • s ylees,_ and to - cast the mantic; of co:redly stviiain the credit of the CoMinorivrealth.' 1 ; . • ordr abberration sin morals which thei_are. 1 , The Commis•doneriorthe ; sicildus Fund re con-trained to condoning' Tderc are' _i•ery , pert, the 54112 of $722,4.12191 ns due by the few among 11.0,_even of those' wit,' can di:s- .Treiiiury to that finsb IThis amount' will be iinimisbed as nom o f tth io inpeu r la l;ll taw ., applied to t.'. - :ai redem l itiiin i.,r relief m)6.S now d .e d , ~i o.lrin.i:ntion, and. to thgr...i . itttnit ui the t:andea ill ci.,:..r.,(:tcr, who hare i ~-: 1 1 W ;1 ..% :A Ett , ....•. - -ee debt/ Ilerctofore the.itinilidile rowans in the it tesistu , t.itiptato.n/in -StotTlO strut or : Tr,4,,,„:,. Inive been si.plied, ta some event, in -t!itli,e'r, ant by Co.?' fornel of correct princi- I .nl mem of .•••;it-tan•liag, temporary loans, uhieli i>es and a;s'rnrig will, litre trnddet, With. I.ea'ran anio;4l int‘•re , t jof six per centuni ; it I cu an.l dinfaltetin- stets- ;he F1 110%,c a y of b; ing to I 4 , 1, -. 1,261! ,os a matter of • econ e ; . . ..rax. tone . these lo:111i,j nailer than.the funded 1-• tanecence ;awl purity. -- , , , • • _ ..b.•ht, -5t,'..11 te.,nt a atiic,!l la late of interest. (,) i ' th.:si,, tuotc 2 aitils ;ern, one ' . - --ar :go ' re ...t f , ; •.,,,t•,•• , 1 0131 !11 , I.:pthez• or the teMpur;iry • this day, ;:att , d;•.al the V-ini,i's atria, and lo.:_rls a-tii bz• p iid beiore t!lo dole. :If the elir life t h e el:ivia!ric I;pHits o f o 'Ji : shaken- ; •,,,,;1 .... r, and the , or c - ation of the Hnking all directe;llhy I:4W. red croUers kto d--pu -, with thent..-•rrS 4•llpcfrmutu.d ••I!l:lcmitton , .••las 4 •* .ricit , ; ,... , 1 ,, ,ut . c.k, 11 , ,w ~,s ny I , :tve eh ri er i e _ . ; . 1 1 •11 . e .. ft , inded ;ILI t ‘ rfit9.lcd debt (111 the ,i-vice. ir.L.9•lia, temporary loans, pn the first day of ceiv ,, d ine,r tfli -,C , nitids in the rlniO , r:o or ~.J, --- c". 1) .. , -inllr, 1! . .04, " perkeports of the Auditor and eteokral and .t!tate Tre.4 , :urer, was as follows, h ae , ! 1 ) , : oolic hutal. , ! , al to the dus:; .;- 'how few sit remaii, in the lis*s ;with tam; Tiz: , • , i 1 iiiluntc@ onrolil-t1 and 11,Jir armour nn .le.titell - . c' 'FUNDED 'DEBT. . - , n 4 „..i. : !, t;c;- , e . h: - s , r !fain, Th..,...! who•• • rcr ccitt :le'an, :;:i••51•1•,1:31 03 . ; . ... dop-nd wiini:: e r r sitecess' in the battle of 5 . do „I ill :dB,omt l 4lsj 04 ' Iife•111..111 't:Aatnl.fii t 1 tho.v bare acquired in 4 i. ~'''' , 'Jr.) _ !'•!'-'1, 2 00 00 , - 100 000 00 ' ti,e.. ese c- , f i iiieft. peculiar implement.. ^ 4 '• • " - I ,r ' l ' ) •'• • . j' • ' . t at. I.) isled debt----..•4---- , :139,17•075700 97 rhatiter kld•t,• let fo • the :mot ion of the • ; : 4. • 1 ; _--- fari l oer•-_•i)!,-. - : ortinn., ti the clerk -r; the ' ~ I rNIII-7-ND F'--- 1) /) ,, -EBT • nr..ts • nit ; . Itt-r-1..;:,t f',••••retti , i - .;::-11.jit such encoun- !" - 1 7 0 . • circa:alien.. - 4142..W , ,Tia 00 fitn e ss nt cle- ItiC • St zeilifi.::.ues 1 ; lees, true, -cud eirt-inistanee, -.1 ~. • t:zshin, the strength jo, `rho • aclversarjr - -and '- oiitstanding, • • ~ 1 0-ir own measure-Bf : entiurance Faust also ; Douestic ccedi's 3; .A ;oiler temp. loan, I , e taken int.}.. j conitderatfon, • wi'd bare - , I -, - Ariril 40, 1853,,•• 325,000 00 ~ to ea: n and unlqartt be.fore tlit-t-: .ran t e a s -,, , , Bahl temp, loan; •--.- : , e n 0 . 1 1; empeet : ,l,,hat,syseriss :Tilt Ombra their ) E.,,.. . 1 144, 916 000 00 • " -l'o-ti. ----. ' 71 - • ' 7 Tot4l itur'd debt, .------:-_-__. _ '. l, •!-: i . , • •tja••'-; phi? Contine nt, in this a r ,,.! of! 1 ,•,;.••,:- .... ; Total debt'Dee.l.J.lFs3, • -Trogfess, since ireatih.lits becomethe sym : 1;:ol . :1 _re- peer:ability; and cx.traraci,uti dig 1 ThP funded nut UnfUroled cletit at the close of • . plar is outward manifest:Latin, th " e moral ' the t w ist fi -se-al• year, December 1, IVIC,A was as •t- and &I:intellectual hove been- .ul•rtlinated ' r ° ll . ° i 4. "' "iz: - ' i :Le! tic., rrerwrallv to' the .praCtical. la.. ''' Pe r • c ei't-' l ° 3 n• ••I' lll - • ; 81 01 ' .5 • o do, 'do 3E031;0,001,50 ic ,ki- 4 -1.,,,,,i e ;‘, r . : ,, t1 11,4 i,,, tii•-n t ferget : to - : - ~ •4 i . .30 do 20, "00 00 ''. • , , • --,. - • co;•traio those nobier qirdities of - [tic wird .1 • .1, do ifiti flcto 00 ill nr.'slie !:cart, wat,•., :hone can ni tree; f Tota [nu l l debt • ---..- ------::,.,:),81.0),;17530 . ~ vit:alti t r, ! •,115 cletiruble; mil old - age lion-C • ,1 USFL - SDED DEBT.. t • ernhie and screne. _ ...- --- . ' • • Re r,, , ,r ;„•,,, in • tee do luit Flay our pits imper:Ccelly 011 ,1-.erculatioil, $ :4 120.5 Ovn phi. earthy et age, if we bend nit wir suer -j Itit. to Cekkiicates - - give .ttit !li n e nctitill.i!inn of external trap-i , _ ,: o t4r -I tAtiding 1 - .691-37 I liMelniruei :1,118 . 38 Oro., .it.a. neglect to cultivate (hose carat - f,, ~ ,;;•-• . J .< .• Perte.nie eredi;ors, 1;01 4 :00 ,rial virtues which are the ItiOrf.. gl.tzi.ras )t- i uni. /./'temp, i„, 11, : 1 • , .• tribi,ates i.f the Christina " - i entlsineu Tlia; A ril 19, 1;. 4 33, 1 -100.000 00 ;; 4 t • . • ' ' 1 ,; forarnaiiKmee of our Republic is • not al 'anvil Bal4 of tetm 4 Iran, ? , •ri endatioeted by the tierce strifloi.ctwetut eon_ I, Nt l ay 0, 1651; . 1181 . 000 03 ..••;• tending political parties as by the gradual , •• • • , - • ----.-- d lowering of ttle2. - -4- , otnaidard of • moraltty ; . T debt, D ec . ''' - ct I Tot eo. , o" II anio% us, our loose sysiden; of , dome stic Tst. debt, Dec -1.155; • j; staining, and the imperfect .mariner an 1 ' do do I 'Zit; .. , •-•wii - lit the poorcr idas ses are - educhted.!— ' 1 ' • ' - .1 All•thece est.; a=rea ~ frc;in an ordinate ; 1 thirst • after -tia•alth, and the. orrata , eint. ~1 tiabipt whindt its arquiremrtit has cncoura - , • ,1 geol 1 1t- net toy rt - nees , S o.r retrolgession ,:i to 'bring us be toE.n lickter - milli:ion of 4 r thin!*4: The remedy is rt-rt in reaction, but in checks act guards". - IVe must tem- • per atdatir with prude:tee; accustom the 1 1 ; thought not mersly to preciAl she action, ; z •hut to-weigh well ; the consequenee4; train ;' •:,•%- cur children to habits of ottedienee, and', ':r''_ .._ inspire, them with a proper r&fxret.ec fur, the :law of the - 'hind and the precepts af " the ;Goispel; popularize education among : all elasso of citizens, , and atone f.* past, neglect, by malting Home - a; household; ;-/Templc, in.stltich the affections are shrin-: ed, instead of. a sanity Fair whern_Fation _ - rsigto suprems, awl solid coincett it sacri- d•ns.4 i,, ........t..;‘t.,...... rzi.vlay.-- Ballimore 1 . 3 1 ;6,158 hi -.. ' 1 It iliac lippeitrs Oat 'during the past fil T .scal year. the s4in of three hundred and sixtY-six thousand 'one hundred. and f.fty-eight il , ,llars! and ninety-seven cents:haS been: paid in liqui- dation lof the publie: , lclit. This, taken in con- j nection with tr : :, f.,,t. tint during the:year end::: nig Notember: • •` 1.‘•: - , - ). sit hundred and thirt'y', thou.saii•l six hiiii.ll,...d and one dollars and ;tin cents. were pail' en the same account. exhibits i the gratifying fact, that the processof reducing the public debt hits commenced ;. and, unless', ' checked by reckless mismanagement and lex- . travagant expenditure, must continue until the i ; people and the Commonwealth, oref-relieveil from the debt and taxation with which they are ; burdened' In addition to ibis reduction Of 'the ' , public dent; approtriatione and payments were 'mode for the complerion of the Portage-. , raiiroad awl fur debts previously ; contracted on , Nutt work ; for old and Unsettled' claims ' re- I cently adjusted by the cormissioneriiippointed I. under the act of last session f, for re-Laying the i sontb track of the Columbia raileoita r t for en- barging . the 'Delaware division of the Oriel, and i . . • .- r far other purposes. TheSe extract, de- b - - 'manila upon the Treasurs-have ceased, or wi ll 1 overinOr'S MCISSa e ' manila . 1 , d .: soon cease; with the necessity i that recreate . r .::: - - L ;•. . i them; and. thus 'leave:a still larger portion of i 7 .- :::. , the . irmorable IheSenala7 and . L ent- ;the revenuei to bo applied; iti payment of the' Airs fAf. the lharse . r ! f ...je l i ?r sentufirps of i public debt .:,.. • i 1' .1 .-- ihr General ..4sEciably : ' • .., . 1 A careful examination et the financial co l ndi- 3Fri.1.(4-civizrNs :—I i n obediencito the :! lion of the Common Wealth—her sources of rev- Con-': enne mid the probable future exPetilliture4,lhas utien and laws of this Co:mil/on wealth, you . - .. , I the ho e . ihat the time is not farldis inspii e p : . Ce..iie sesetable.l to discharge the im portant and i tact when the_ k pliblic debt will] be fully paid, : r..!..rtiFiblt•llutit , s thal devolve i pon yon:'T j fuiwitout inceaSig e bj or ea- t r:,t-;t the tights AnA.Fr..yileges of the people, : tio d of , taxation. It r hits. n alreathdeenects shown at i.-anee;ilieir interests. 'anti pp mote. theweb. , y Su L ~.., i that the revenues of .the past year exceeded: the :: tire ani prosperity 4-.4' iris Mate, should L"'" t he i ordinary expenditures one million two hundred , film and: end or all legit;ation. la the : and sixty-five thousan d ninety-five dollars-it - [d diScharge of my duties, it will ue a Pleasure to . fictrsix. cen ts. " - The estimated receipts.andek i petits witl:. von in the acciimplishment of p e nditures fir xturearrent year, which will b 1 1, . . . . . . 'e 7 ; 0 - - presented to; you in `the report of ti the Stitt 10 The Fist year has been riroi f unnstmlprr - I Treastirer, -- show that the excess of receipts t I , crli,y-. The bonntica of, ii k tilt- Providence' over ordinary expenditures, may reacit the a I . harijiloth een with ream our Commonwealth I _ of one . an t ra half million' of dollar's.' Thcs A .14nferus'Ilinevent has rew t rded th e , labor of -estimates, althoUghapProximations,*ill not b/ the -beshandman. idionorable indust r y, in r.P. ,'tar m fro the true result.' Aliening, then; feu; is department 7. ha:sir:fat eorouraged. .N0..1 hundred thousand dollars.for annual extraordt finanlnd.endistrass'inents,—no,conitnercial flis -I nary expenditores-;—atil iundcrit wisisystein of ire =no political 4- skshil, evils, nave interrtip : i c . nynn y i n no probable contingency eau th *el' the pr resit, f 4 checked the energ'es of :*4bite ceed that . Sum—we will at least o ed ' the People. .The' great interests of e , lncatien. i Million of ;dollars to be appropriated annual y • . .lriility and.rengihn; bare. b 'eri.cherished and i for tile payment of the Public debt. With I t e Au‘tri.inel e Health :awl rear , with' their at rapid development of .the wealth and resou I 1 sr.:l:rust ',lile,•:• , ingot, ' have bee •fpar l . I'olliari or t:le. Cointun'hwealth—the increase of popul -1 n' sthr. - rii!el the Nations by hitaf p aer ; and.frout:l tion—of the value of real estate, and 4 tle : 1 01 , 1'n c , ,moth d - avn every and and - Porfe•q-laininnt and value of property of every desc p=l i gift. - are re 'indebted fors - ti ese raerCie.i, nndi tion. the i'evenues 'must,. :and will continue to., to Ilim slinnl4 hr. giretr the I omAge of our. Oe- ; increase. ',T h is 'Janina:nail nedessaryincre el on gi,ratitto e ant praise.; . -, I.of revenue will supply every ideficiency ll and `The finiineialron‘lifion ofi ie Commenirealth j I every demand `ripen probability; TreaSury that f Its _is highly .s•itisfactrtry. Pernr demand. upon I within the range of prothbility.:, lf, then,l, he the Treasury Las been P6mlitly met and.paid, i sum of one ft:Onion dollars be appropriated. 'ti.: , . wit:lout thi; all fif lonusi iThe onerations of: nually in liquidation of this deot, and the this ilepaitment. will be e x hi bited in detail in cruiug interest ou , thestitns-paid, bb appli In : the-report of the State Tr ' arcs. ::: the manner of is- sinking fund, the entire in . II F..r the fiscal 'year en November 30, flehieilkess of the Codunonwealth will be e 'a ' 185%. the receipts at:the r, 'teary (including goihthetl in less: than :twenty-,three years. ,If the balance in the Treasury kin the first day of these premises arc correct--and _their co ‘ I ),:•inhei-, jfIN.I, of $1,"43,J1.4 '4:3) have been nels can only : be impaired by tinsels e leg: r .1114021,f137 54; lb e totaVexpeii•litUrts fur the *ion, rs. toe 'insprident mituagement of i Ka . r i 't sets 5 5 . 1 Uf.i tt 1 4 .- Balenee in i finaneeo--tbt -erat4 of the prokmitien fe' . , 7 , '1 ..157 25 , ,264 CIO ' -' 6-t U 40,701,835 25 ' 51i,067.99 I 22 P 40.701,835 2. Deccc3~.', of thi4learint 'dettionstratintie ' Assn ' 'rhiblitt debt on the Seats day. Of De -1868, to be, in round numbers, forty i fee handfed thousand dollars," Rad ' eild'of each 11214311 i yeer one' million. With' the interests on fotmer tic will be paid; unerring= calculation ins the - result to be as helot* iiulia- us, Wore , the expiratiOn of the'year I rpalylrma* . nutY stand redeemed frail , - on ; o f bei.publin debt,• and harps°. leased from'a taxation imposed to meet tig.,htterest, And In maintain pm faith it' ot 444: Catiraciow id the - .'llieiie" eiltre I ' . . ' t r g cl ri itretec O l ; l a exts of tt . re:ment ridin ut expenditure—refusing .to under ! , -- be schemes or internal improrement l g to a rigid accountability the mei,- disbursing agents of the Otste, their i owmay be auticiPited with confidence.i t again call thy'ttention of the 'Aegis a subject refe to in my last annual in the followin terms : - r i d the Abirty-oigb l ili section of the act 16th of April ) 1845,1 entitled "An providenfor the frdinary expenses of tnept, - _the -- repa r of time canals and trt' Orthe State. Id othe- 1 • PsYin , will de •, 1879, '1 the opp; ii ac ' awl • extrar 1 take a rail hot ix. . 11 realizat 1 ut. lature t messag, “1.4 of the Att t. 61 Gover' railroa Is ~ and other claims up. .- ...meg reveals:the ,Inipoi iCoonnain wealeh;" The Governor was • State in undertaking this alirk. ' 1 , . !zed to. cause Certificates of State It gives me , no Ordinary pleasure to in-, o lie issued to all persons or bodieS form you that the Noctlt Branch eztebaiOn I, to • holding eeriffieates for the pay- i of the Palin!Yivania canal - has been to fat' (interest Am. the funded debt of the; completa4 . that boats freighted with coal whipli -fell due oil the first day of Ad_ f and other roiltrets Were, suce4fully passed .842, the first dtvs of - February and ; through its'catiro length front Pittston to t, 1843, au l film first &Viol Pebru , the Junc"tion tanall 1 his wtirk Was'com:' K 1 Augist, 1844,1 in an' amount equal :meueed in 18:16---slispentled, in 1841—re-: amount of certilic.ites so held(upori!suined __in 1849, ad!Lifinished ,in 1859 delivering up soil certificAtes to the although Ats.comfilef),`%l . MIS Ofri ialiy ar.- 4-General. - In - nirsuance of the au. ', nounct.d 43185:1, - o.o:tends fm - On Nits thus given; Jecrtifinte3 of State;; ton'tO the'New York!: Stiitellinc,,a distance . ,) . :the amount Of fenr millitris one of about ,ninety.four'miles; follwing the 1 , 2 d ,en(l five thiiiisand one hundred valley of the Sucquelniatia to litherisond '. rty dollars and twenty, cents, b ear i„ g .tliduce along the (Ilgetu_ng . river to the.. tst at.the rate of five ps:r cent. per an. State h'oe - ,, where it kites rtht'"Junction ' pari tile. sioni a anually, on theGrst canal,' and is thusivianceted.,With the; of Pehrudry and .'N • itgost in each.y.mr ---- :New York' itiiProvements•;• '' , • _._,-/ , deemahle on or, lafter thcfirst.,,.. ( ll-, ) " - -rof: ThO' importaticennd %%fee of this liti'. st, 18 • 50, ,ware isspetl. , Therifininium ' proven:era, cannot easily twover-ccironteq. 1 fiXcd by law for • the - red,mptieit of Fasting through one of the richest Mineral eertificates, expired on the first day , and aggricultural portions of 'the State, it ' Ign , ,t, .1555. N i) • prevision has been 'offers ti 3 the immense and valuable prodpets zfilr their renewal or reileOiption„ .. ,of that rt -- * 'a a s and chedp Iran( to on Ore author stock corpo meat State gt 6 I Augu ary i• to the: their.] Audi..l thoril; IMM build' and f ; inter Ma EMI and r Aug p^tio thrse .f utad, I ME . ..itc,,.. .:er u pt _• 1 ,lrhounit by the ems of the lies au isl•tg th e se certifi fa tes of State stock, so by the conditi ns of the. certifienics r d in pursuance Itereof,•the tune-6f ncht,ifter the ex iratiou of tJte mini otiperiod, . is °pile al irith . the del,thc, il cmonwealth, y t. a due regard for redit of the State requires that provis. honid be made for their renewal or re ptiou. ,• To redee 1 " these cspificates, a would become nob ssary, and as a loan iiirbe effected,' in - . be. .present financial I ition of:the countr ~on terns more fa ble: to the State ban those on whicb - certificates were issued, .1 . ;oat Ivo,. tend •that antitoxic be given to issue bouds Othe Comutortwealth in renewal aid i ced ficates; healing interest at the. I :A.1 .1 five per cent, per annum, 'payable ii-aunually, and teileenrable on .or, after . ' , expirati u of* twenty years; ` anti ' that'. hoods be issued,"tiith •,coupons or cer-, :at't s,of inter( St. attached; in stuns' equal mount to tle semOenualinteresi there kpily4ble on the :first days'of February 1 August in each! :and everyyear, nit lr }daceasmay br , designated. This Inkr., in form and clitraeter of the eerttfi, es, it is believed; ~ ll be so advantage sto 'the holders', w thOut increasing the t 1 biiities of the Com nonwealth, as to in ce a . :willing and p erupt exchange at a mium for the bon , a proposed: to be is. The report of the ll be laid before ,yot. j a'il the crmditioniof . ;. , it general - operation, . penditures - fur the 0 The told receipts at e puhlic works, for 't ember 30, ISSG, wen gan increase over i revious year, of .f‘i:"'';G l 1,013,589,16, : were c, thor a 1= ray mu fiche; the I ion loa 1,160,194 25 41,0117,119 22 • COrl the th a ! 0 !Of : rat AC , I til 2.,, M , $ 834,534 75 rnd 8992 :426, 50 f to], , Z n.l P'ortage railroads.l The aggregate eXpemlitures for the same 'rear wPresl 943 t 896 I " /3 9 I being an increase , i ver thlie of the previous sear, $105,105,- 4, the revenues exceeding tile expeudi- ,i quo :wei only 882, 118,84. - ' • The increase of i the revenues from these. works would-be encouraging, ware' it . not or the fact that the expenditures'have in reased in a still greater praportion—the ex penditures, ordinariy and ex:r.aorilinary, ex hausting almost the entirerevenue from this scource. The systein must be defective, - -...n. and 1 - --- - hould bo or more care and economy ru eised in its management. The rPcipts nt the'rreastrry from th 6 sev eral divisions, nrer9 asjollow4, viz: ' Main Hue 1 • $1,229,272 86 Susquehanna, North Branch ;.nd Webt Branch Dcleware 1 . ....0 ' ,Total receipts' I ' / • 2,006,015 GO , t . The extraorilinary payments during-the year, amounted to $808,893 16`;,ordinary expenditures, 81,135,004 00; ;net revenue I (exclading extraorinary payments / and for power) -motive poer) $B7 ,011 00. - . _ . On the main ,li e the tolls received at! thin as :o -number', exerctsed. ,locah . 'y and the demands the Treasury from the Columbia road wore' f of trade should h,: 9991,676 50; expPoditures $529,09.4 84 , • The rapid inerer;se of populatio,fii the tolls on the Eastern division of canal, from importance and value of our home and Colutnbia to the' junation $119,118 36 ; foreign, : commerce '' the Constant develop expenditures sss, 18 50 ; receipts from the Junction to IP tfsburghi including the' the extent o f *vent of the material wealth , of-the State,' Portage; railaoad, 117;778 00 ; ordinary iaal and agriculttiral industry, the! fact expenditures, $304 702 The. total re- that the State is flooded by a depreciatedl ccipts on the Mai line were $1,229,272- t, our manufacturing, 16hati- - eurretley , introduced by private bankers ISO ;' af4gregatrrlex enditares, ( excluding $267,000 00 pai. for re-laying the smith and brokers, might justify, , under the -,re. etrictiont and limitations indicated, a ju tnek of the Columbia railroad, and $ 1 . 53, - dicikis increase of banking ;capital within 049 42 ofr mauve power in 1855,Inclafter our .Commcnwealth. This whilst it;Would ! December 18%118 6,) were 13885,83 w. 65, aidithe operations of• trade, and supply the being an excess revenue over ordinary real business.' wants of the people, would, expenditures of 343,437 2L . . • • at the same time, remedy, to, some extent, Although the reiits limn the Delaware the eviis of. a depreciated,foreign and/ Hie - division are less shun / those of the previous gal currency . . ' i ii year, yet the general result of its opera- But 3 the eel approved tho,4lth daly of No tions is satiafActoky / The n e t, revenue at veinh,er last, the thirtiethytertion of the the j Treasur wa51264,095 40. Its 'man- !et of 1850, regylatinOr Orin be, af sgeti3ftfp fie beet abaraetarized by a de• star tlitifirit day of Julys: 'asteuod t 3 f . .. oar • greo of , ei•ototr to swots Of " the'rwei Iloweyer in* to the trade atd the State; Fir"! Rot be viiaerOtt. reasons 'of - overnili rietice of the A~leEtieo 'l3-= new . Jasurc drain the Treasury ) wii aidinimetkin• ally, if at till, thet puhliolnterests. in good" tordi(by effri‘tt and timely re pairs its•C‘pacity will belilly eqttal . to all the demands of its tradelind business. The Portage ralltoadisloot fully com pleted. A small-additin* appropriation may yet be -required to eositplete;': fertile fourth time l this roaC It. is ausiously hoped that, this unprainetiieliinprOvement m soon cease its grinner*a del:nand:l up on the 'Treasury. Every yesierezperienee more clearly reveals the impels , - 'f the ~. ..;g1 n, - _ cueap t,._ oit , itii. • T - the morseim of Neu; York,illaltquore nil in dabre.,iat sl bank paper widiout taxalun , knee, tin g d il' ' t ‘ .4ir, results clearli establish li'hilailerillia. In the conipletion. 'of this' ' _The ; report of yho Superintendent of • the wisdom-of the poliey that founded and ' canal dm 'di ffi culties to be 'overeprii4 and Common Schools, will exhibit to you he sustains them They euoht no t to be'ne i' o ' the lakor'to -be paformed, I were ;greet. nuralier andlceridition of the' wheels-- he i lee;, nor should' the aid of the Commo n thete, to a gr eat extent have be ac ; number' Of teachers and 'scholars, andthe wealth be withheld from theind ; eomplishl under the allfiTititenclency of general 'operations of the syStein due ug ; , The "Blind" and-tho "Deaf and I/uteri WirinlV %ffet,,Esq., , to un s eal this work' the past , yea : To, the valuable statistical 4syltune' at Philadelphia- and "the Venn; , was assigned. t • ''' information - ; of the . ' repok, and thd [useful syl i venia Training School fOr idiotic and This tuna although completed, and ie.,, suggestions or the improvement of aye, ' and feeble, winded childen,” are' , i enstitu fore thcloieof!navtgatiun used ta'..thel: tern, ; linvite c your early and intelligent' hobs that; appeal, in sitenee and sorrow, ! purpose of transpertatoo,Al not,Terft4—].; eettMett. thou. „. . ' 1 !to.the best anti purest. feeling of the heart Sinks in' .the bottom, t . .lrAuC4,s% 'natur e of . Vom ii entail and comParatively nmai l and ask' °dr. Sympathy •nd ni.l Tr ' , , f,.. , I .1 i Y .k • They !the forivation. 'and soils through!' which it Ilportant incident of the State Departme t i lshimld receive , a generous ;share of the' ! , passes, slides , from the hills, and brbaehes I the. care and maaagement, of the pill lie : benefactions of thc ; State. ' ' , , 'I `may occur, but 'theme, after a few year's-of4schoois 'of 'the Conunonwealtb, with" t he ir I Agriculture, in its varied dePartmente,l Dwell applied labor, will be dipiinished;4lirtitorenteenhtindred districts, ten thiiti till is the great interest, of the, Comnionwealtlui 5 ( lby vigilant and'eare entirety - prevent*. 1 direetuCa, I tvrelve--lhouSand i. teachera, ' indllt is the r baiisllalike of -financial and coal: This improvement, although subjenfitt iL pyor live hundred thousand 'scholiva, have ; inertial sueoess. and oft l ate an'd ' national' the rivalry'of 'competing railroads, ir It'efitlsecome, thodmost important and laboriOua ' f in:mm.4r, An interest so important in yo.el , condition, under '''proper manage, ,branch of l that Department. The increas- I should be festered by the State, and hon. ment,will receive its full aleire of coal and !'ed-,anti; increasing be.iaess of the system by all clasiea of society.' ;To its pi other tenage. I, It is anticipated that the : has been met by a come-pendent increase of motion and success, all shouli I cheerful! ; revenues, f.'r the current year, will equal .zeol,labor! efficiency in tho'officers to wh om-, if not exceed the, expendituries • and I in- the . law , has committed its general direction contribtite. VI a briner COW inutliefl . tiaii I ;recommend the establishment df ad Agii .; Lerea%ing With the facilities atlJrded,und ;the ; and sitpekisiond They should be sustain- - ; cultural hureau, .in conneetien with eau , ral i I development of trade, Will, hosts...idled by wise and generouslegiSiation. The ; one . o f the State „Departments, to 'give effi r II ''of its heretobete uneeabing demands upan, . magnitedemid importance. of the syste m, I eieney to 'the collection. anal ;diffusion' of; Ithe Treasury, take preeedenet4 in revenue in its political,/ social 'and moral relati ons ' useful knowledge On this, sulOct, , and. to,! over any canal iu the Comtnotiwee t lth. - to the Preshlat' and future of the people, I encourage, scientific and practical -agieul., In relation to the propriety diisl policy ;re uire thatl this should be done. The I bare. Science, with wondrous energy, has ' , 'of t.lie,sele of the mainline of , our public., g ardianshi'p of the (mind of Oln St I aided the huibandman ip ; his honorable vo; ; improvements,' my mind. has .not elian, ,, ed.' ;sh uld leel'hy a distinct . and prominent cation, ' and still proffers pore help. The EveryAonsideration' of public policy, of ,pl i ce amongl the nn bl, l n at t iutio n s of the ;,§tate should nerve his arm and ;cheer him ; present and future interest, requires the Cammonwealth It should receive th e oifi--' onward in this, the first and nbblest pm , : ~ separation of the i Stato from the iimeaqe! ciant'lnti a mennnforgOn6t, of the govern- suit, o man. This sOject, in connection ' ; meat and control of Oleic works. :The ex ' ' meat and be', austabied by a virtuous a rid; ' with au! appropriation ' to the - I"Farruers' ' peodifuies one that portion of the line, be- ' intelligent people. i If the revenuend ' Mob School of Pennsylvania+an. inati.., tweenthe Junction and Pittshurghl largely tre.a.sores of the State--heepnblic improve - tutiou destined to, be an honor to the Coma , exceed ; the revenues, the excess averaging •nient's--4er lends and her titles, require, pionwealth—Ls. recommended to your fa. 4 annu.illy notless than ' one hundred ',Find and desaye' the marked and distinctive , vorable consideration. ; 4 fifty thousand dollars ;. and , causes arb io , care of the 'government, ; how much more , The "Polytechnic College of 'Pm:lll4lr constant operation that will still ' more in , ; shOup her mental and intellectual, tre4u r ' aura, established by the enterpr i se and lii creaseithis 'deficiency. , This Continual drain refs, richer' than gold--the social and :nor- beralityl of some of the patriotic eitizenr upon the Ireasery, to sustain a , woe - so : al'improvement, of her, people,. more va 11-'1 of Philadelphia, as a school of the applied unproductive; should at once he chee ed. , ablaihan "canals audr / ailways--the tit es ; scienees, , deserves honorable men tion, and. '' - ' L - "-ir consnl • 1 ' e• _ I dl "• -.4,Cer4,1 anal Commissinuers 1 , 'and will exhibit in the public mot-h— -and the receipts and Ist fiscal year.. 'the Treasury, from iheyear ending No , 8..1 006.015 66 be the revenues of the 38,95. Of this sum s nal and bridge tolls, is of the Columbia A sale of the main lino, for a fair consider ation,, and upon forms jitet;ao liberil to the ~ piqehasers, th prop6r reino_dY. Such , sale oniternts anaplyjprOtectifint of the rights and interests °Ville people,,cori,, by proper legislation, be effected. In COUPCC. .sall, in. .... . lion with the payment of the public dept, f The Comity . Superintendency, Where , this quesilow become s ' deeply importanlt. lit has been 'eammitted to faithful and 1 • 1 I The sale would constitute _ a now era in the I cient men, has fully vindicated the w ied financial condition of the,State, and aasure and policy of that messore. It is sloi a still more speedy, reduction of the public. but surely l iremoving , the prejudices tlebt, thin that to Which reference has' been gaining 1 the confidenpe iof the people made. The subject is eurnestly couien. j Whatever defects time' and experience a ded'to your &Vocable chnsidemtion: `I ' z keicloo in this.or, any , other branch of I • 1 I - 1 ..-. I syetem should, be promptly cor-lted. The subject of batik's and banking napi io.its .relations) to 'the curieucy—:-the gensral intcrestg of trade Ind corniuerce_ and the induatrial puraluts 'of jhe citizen,: deserve your careful attention/. My: views' expressed in a former . communication re main unchanged. The/incorporation of new. or the re-eharter of,ohl and Solvent banks when setuallyi necessary, nmi de manded. by the wan s of logiaim3te trade in the community/wherc,loeived, Alionid'bit. fa vored; underno other `circumstances either bV,permitted. Itrthe creation of traakK / the interests of ihe State and people should be consulted, and l a just'discrimiuti -!_tz - exer- I 426,820 51 349,992..29 Hay,...,,,. receiving .!t t he ionic, were in ~ 1 hese l ens i etinents were intended, to pro f; et the ecitornnitity against the evils di a depreplated riurrenicy,- and prevent its In troduction from other .:states. however well intended they will fail p: secure theta objects, unless made ;to embrace Private bankers and others of that clap, Iwhoso profits are largely deponden*, upon the in t 'lll 'talon into the State of such AI curren: ey. 16 many instances the notes of oncown ~.. baultj(ern co lected by pirate bankers and brekers, •ao '- with ; tbese, or' the -wn are the b.-1.- ,_,...., an. "• wit ; t ese, or tto apeete i lect. ..ant_ dnder• values . 1 , with rain Dm the banks issuing them, ? deeply ifitereated 14, their' AIM .they purchase depreciated and foreign bank I bum These measures, as'also ( l l . . paps l which is paid out at par at tam 1 tothe annual State approprtati tounters. 1 Illy others large loans are nrgo- . moo schols, in an amount limit tinted with , banks out of th State, at less I the necessities . of the Treasury,! than the I . ustial rate of interest, and their etiero tO the system---inet floe ill notes, often of a less denothination a tan-and thus promote the true five doll'arS ; ; - and always at' a disa)u t, , the people and the Coininenweal 11 j -br?ught l tnin the-State and put 'into cif . - 11. Our educational, -charitable lawn inithe manner indicated, and ti is, 1 oratory-iossitutioris lave strong too, undlr an agreeinent with the "hank l on the brutoty of the people,' a to t kkg !the o ,loan, that the notes tit, paid ally catninend , ,thetu to year car. out 14lia l , bel kept in circulation. The of ! c ality. 11 . 1 , feet of his: syntem of private bankitig ttT 1 The State - LiinatieL Asylum -I• t• Harris i . be.n c ita un it the circulation of. the par pal- burg, and the Vtrttett.-Penmylrtinial liek:t. 1 i Per f our own hank, trust and instiranee i pital forlihe Insat, e antl'ot her kindr o td [mt.- , coMplanie., , Paying a heavy annual tax to poses at l'ittshurg,-pre ,not;tyl eharitieq, i the•Common'trealth for their priviloges; • rid , and desesre the .aid an encourketnent of f o e ti l elproduetion - of the people agai ht . 1 the State. The annual reports of thes'e these evils, either the ,provisions of he; institutiens will he laid before yr,u, and sliirtt l etit section--of the act of 183 t), will exhibit, in ribitail, their operations lieuO'be repealed, or further ,extende s.' during the past year. ' - , 1 • ' ' m,to emit private individuabi arid aV) 'n -1 , o Idouse of itefuie in Philadelphia,- 1 eialibMs,who! nilly monopolize ard control; land ' the !W estern)' House or 1 ofuge near to •t he detrinient uf the public, this crape ! Pittsbtualt, aro' institutions of teat excel- my 01 of ! her youth! to the boundless fieldsof kat le lge, higl4r than any of earth or Eli geartog i 011 t oftt4 da ontrra ip, em h orabie position; and rezeivo a =eland. enintnensurite with their greater value a usefuineffs. ' Ay: , >mot, But until the' necis . sitY for chaniels-2 tablished, the system, in its and i tegrity, should be maintained; g l id, changed Only to render more cer ti eaceoinilishuieut of its noble purp and Objects. • A. sufficient number of competent ',tier. trained teachers is the great w,an tli'e. systiund In its structure , and' or ' nation it is as perfect if not more so, t sky of the systems of our =sister Sta But the teacher is wanted to give it pr vitality andleficiency—to develap!itS t free and valcW7-to tiecure the.great ob _ o r it+ creation, r ,the thsrough education' of the Youth of the l'onimonwealib. How cap 'this I' I want 'e supplied?, How l f, are teacher& to .1;e trained anti provided to meet this educational demand? Must we be dependent upon the•training schools of Other States? -Must laur system be jeopar (led, led its , succeis perilled by waiting the- sloir au llunaido-efforts of voluntary association+ t'r furnish the - much needed teacher? Voluntary nssociations of common 84holt te retie r ill+ a 'recopy hired I much in their disinte!ed aukuoblnefforts to rem edy this !dee i. cst I They, are iro,Etliy . Abe higbvt coni oreudatton-4ey deserve every encourage- Mont. They , canlind will do more; •but unaided they cannnot accomplish, the ob.. jeot desiredi The Legislature must pro vide thelremedy—they can' supply the de fieiency.l it should be done promptly and ectoally.! No subject of greater interest o campy your suention is legislatorii— e/f . , 1 1 - II ~, ~..4 :: ,1 ~ " ;14- ; „ • ;-; 1 I •f• •.! : • - • F -• ••- . • I • , a of the] person ;3.3.1.:21;'" - -i , '';11:::' ••,',.i 4,1e,t,1..:;, ,, E 4 0 ~ K - r ,44-) . ;,.., -,-5,1, ~, ~...;,...,,,,.f Z.: -2,-,/-_ . l-.. 1 I;tt*- I ' . `: ' -.-; ,'*- , 51 , W. !:--'•'%.:':',..;:.-; ‘f i f _. ' — ,.J. / ' -- :: - - f, f!'f... f' - ,:' ' 'T I ' i 1 - -. .".:. c . .1 , 111 ' i ,-, w :::, ‘ ~,,- ' J..,-i-,..,_.,-.411_,, 7:--;-4:- ' . .L i s % r ^ 1 - . 4 r . , ; ,-Et. . _ 2 ' T':,-4 ' A 1 1,,= . 4 ... ,4 ::A - 1 , , , '-,=' , JW. - i , '.' l :7 7 , - , , , . , i .., ~, ~, . , e. 1 .-.i.._____. - ES 1 • BL , '' ,I _ , 1 4. ' , " t r IO rt c3fly tia day , • • • r.) the 14g establiihiienti fitf State NO., milecho fr iticiti of te6cheis, stilt I to esarylto:thd; 410Dor inee ..e wants ... ~._ . of our common schoolc. , Teach 'ere , ,1 n4i tu trig, , 'itA' _ a \ NorinalSChiJois, Ftrheu in opei supplying their!! place, till should bit aided hit, tile State..! ,institute, in each halantjTinuetitil under the (bate lig care of ti want, Would be I toduettve of n eiel results. ,Whilst it woull teachers l and prepare.thent tor. 4 tan(And responiible,duties, it . 1, , vats and dignify a p rofession tn; lected rid under valued • b- wf, should Zemin the confidonce add patron la' age of the public. 1u the teachings of. n- i this institUtion, 1 literature, seioud i e and art, id . I in happy union,. ` Meet to prepare our ' young ndi; men for, thaimainess of lite- 1 ,-for mining, 1 meehanicutl_andeivil . engineering 2 and for er •:promoung intelligently and sufficiently the f- , gre at interests of manufacturing and agri -1 pm cultriral iadustrv. , . . ', eV I The lavvs.on the Statute book regulating mdl mina:naming and -improv . ement carnpa 7 -- 1 uietrn; require revision.- They . ar i e unneces;,. my , l sarily stringebt in many orthew provisions, be ~ and thus ,defeat the; object of their enact!. meat, L'lles drive capital frotu jibe State' 'Thes mt. CSZ4 . lsistendi r i of Writing, its investment, herb lin and instead of enclittraffi ng individual - awl an- I - associated' enterprise and energy in the hie: tin ' velopment of. our immense natural resent , : es ces , they and crush bothi l by revere restrictions„,',unwise limitations a d pers.on d al liabiiities! The subject deserites caroful ' attentin and libertil legialatien,l. I haVb co frequently eZpreqszti m2,t TieWN in relation to local, special and /omnibus" legislation, thai their' reiteratioii. now i comes unnecessarY. legislation', so fat as 'practicable, shquld be general and uniform. Local and special legislation, when the ob de.-''.red be secured by g,e'petal laws. ject desired can be seco,,,„. _y general ~.._,, or by the action of the Icourts; should be, avoie4l , . "Omnibus •legislation" cannot, t i nder any cireurnstanc s, be ,justified or' approved.: Too much I gislation is awevil ' that prevails exieusively in legislative halls. Its avoidance could II t ' be injurious to public br private interet s'. , IL The practice of delay 1 the general , appropriatio days of the session, and provisions incompatible character, , and' oboomo alone, to insurrnoun highly ',censurable and ued. 'Xhe attempt lint a species of legislativ passage ,Of objectionabl the Legislature, and co by the l Excoutive,:has , cessful , The practice ea condemned; it cannot The militia law of th• i Of its proirisioes, Itsil'should I bez.43 iSed r . The powers and` yds les C rusaderitt-Ohiet should be wore 2kAill:1" d ;as also 'of the otheistrtheti. t o ted with the military tb Cotinioniialtii-='Thic is rpr joie fi bcOftiotioril*ic 664 **' • -* A 4,:grexteleiffielettei, `... fat c'llniVi!!` ; `ndl ke remodeled; and, made to recopy '' 1 het hottora . ble ! position which; from , its import- tillee and necessity, it deserves: 11 ! 1; •• ' -1-- ", to; ilear the close of 'the last sesSion of tlid [Legislature, I transmitted 'te_thtl body In "'--- ortinanc9 plaited by the Select; and; common ,!! 'councils of the city of Philadelphia, ap.l . '~ pr9red` by the mayor on. the 7th of Atiril, , 1854 and officially -' oritinnnidaierr 10 Ind ''t. repo ~1 _ , ~ _ rpstn„ i to convey to the Commontrealth ;o! \';'ennsylvailia a lot ilof ground ilk `that. , , ` t,clt7; Put thu purpose of ere cting thereon 'lt ;I' . 1 State l 'arsettal. %tent of t ime Alone -iirok;!: ! vented actiok on the pre °anion theit Baba', -... ! o mitted "'The grOund thtut - offeeed to ;rho !Stake islvaltilble, ankits toe - ation,nteht eli-, gible for the purpose iutended, I, : • i The c . 9n(iillnip3 of the proposed grad are t faklaaable \te t!itSiii.tci and highly creditiii': I hie to inntliewal authorities ;iof Thila r : I „ 1 delplita, !evincing a liberality sod*.publid' - ' I spirit _worthy of 'all l c commendaticin, The:i: nee,,ei,ity of., 1 a Statearsenal in that city is; so arparcnt !that the subject needs no ebb: oration io this communication. : After thd, ; . salmi of the Btate arsenal,in ! Pliiladelphiag• ; the public arnaS were deposited in an old ' building, or Out house, tio.afe and unfit as l' depositißY, for publiC prsurty. ' .! ; . . 'Pee strtn of 830,000-00 realized front ' • that sal° i. now in the Treasury; and_ by '. ; 1 the f ifty-fifth- e l ection of-an. act (passed the' 10th day of April, 'A. IX 1858, eniilled i , • i "-An act to PrOvide for the -ordinary expel's' isca of • Government," &c., the, Goienmi , 1 was ' authoriit , d to apply di' .nine to , to o th ! ; purchase of a lot, of ground and to; the erect - tion of an arsenal thereon. This sum w ' f 11 1 : 1 d ialufficient for these puttee s, 'e 41 ; consequently the object • inter] ;! ed by he fppropriation has hot be 9 arcoMplis ed., ,ity !the ce.ssiou'L.ef this lot, the Seate wi bed t 1 rclieved from', she expendit9re otatiy: d i n-'' ey for the purchase of quitlble r - grounds, and the etftire sgm'.9f t 30,000 00 they ! be , applied.ta 'the:.ereetior. 'ofltho necessary : b ei ldi fv ,a f ' to .lrbich 4DIII can be I added ) if e. 1 1 i deemed advisable, tlm amount th at may be realized from tile Shi r e of Arsenatsrat Mead-, t villc and fiarrisblfig is recommended In my last etintiel message. -These" same ' ; .! would ,be !mply, 'sufficient to ttecompli4 ; this object. ; !‘• ,I 'I would therefore recommend {the imMe- . diate passage, of ;a bilf tie - 6.6041g tie con-. Ceyatiee of ,the _said lot of ground from th e ! city of I'hilladelphia fop the' pure sea upon the terms and , conditions c!',M e ined itt, Fthe ordinance; =and: that the-suin of &IN- • 000 00 - be , apwopriated for the'relation of 1• 1 a State arsenal there On. - -' 1, - ; ' ; 1 On the Gth of Octoher„ , 18,.)5, I approved ) i"tied Eig i led a bill entitled "Ati,Act to re }teal tii chlrter - orltbe 'Ease and North: = East railroad ceimpan},, and to provide for ' the dispoal of the Sante "I In, pursuance, i of its provisions, 11On. ! JOsepli -Casey wag wpointed to ta k e possession , and; fist e, the ! ; charge_ and custody' of the! road Before posse stop was taken, application i,Was made ' I by the company,io one of the, ,Judgea z i t the 'Supreme Court of Pa-, forinjihjutter '!!t i ion OP - restrain the agent of the St ate frOrn 'taking possession; ' end subseciuen9Y 1 is cautionary order was made .by Itho i Supiente .Court, iu , bang, to. stay proceedings under the act.. The, frestio,nx:theri l 'pending-be- fo'ae that I Co4rtl were 'de teith hied 'in ifaiOr of the Commonwealth—the eoustitutkoutill=,, ~; ty of the act sustained, and the applicatlon: for an ;injunction refused. by of' as the road. w them taken by the!, aget4 o'f; ‘, the State as Airected by law. -i! - • --- ato =th, a i aracter nitatilished; lOne Suctt ig aanually; , tie goveru most benefit I Id improve' iieirimpor=! 1 , iroul d ele , 1p long - tag : most nimble la pa additinn on for coin tctd only by 1, 10u14 give 19 effteieno , y l intereAta of - 7,1 and refor clNints 16- I.i If cord I- •°Y $1 -• - On . the twenty-second day It Atm., , 1856, an i het; entitled An Ant 'supple. mantaryjto the act in aorporating• the Erie and North East railroad- company" was passed. 'By this act the Erie and North East railroad; as originallY located'and con structed, was legilizedland confirmed ; and—, certain changes in ;the road were 'directed , ' Ito be made, and 'other acts to be Alone by ,•• I the company. It was also provided Ibat the Governor shall retain poSsesalopof the Erie and. North East railroad, under ,The, act 'of thelsixth of October 1855, until the provisions of this actosliali beim' been ac-, I cepted by:a vote of the stockholdersnt the Erie.and North East railroad company, at b. meeting called for-that purpose.'' . On Ithe fifteenth tidy of, May, 1856, it a meet; ling - of the stockholders called for that pur l pose, the provizions iaf the act were accept ed by their vote. I-This acceptance, duly certified; was rneived .and filed in this De partment on the fifteenth last. Possession of the road has been restored, and it is now under the care - and manage ment of the company.. A final account for money rretteived front the . road;, whilst, id possession, of the . Stake, will 'be settled With the COMpaity at the earliest wacticable. pe- It is but _proper to state that since' the aceePtatanceof the act of the 221 of iApril, 1186, a -writ of error, in! -the .eases- adjudi eated by the Supreme Court of Pennsylva nia, has been issued at the suit rof .the cora piny by the,,Snpreme Court ot the 'United & ate!, and is' now pending in that.C . cinrt. ' - T - 13 commissioner first appointed having resigned, A. K, Itreltire, Esq., was ap• pointed in his placa. Tho duties ef, both officers were ably and faithfrilly , pe4ormed, 'Copies of their correspondence and reports herewith submitted to the lionise of Rep• resentatives, for the use of the Legislature, will furnish information: - .in Atta . il• on, the, the , suhject now under .consideration. Ti is sineereely desired ; that 'good: faith and, honesty of purpose may etianteteriso conduct of this comliany_in' the disetiarge of the duties assumed by their; loceptanee .nf the let of 22J f April lati and •that eg the passagowf bill u.til the last i incorporating in it • with its - general , rN . when Standing hie objectioos, is .oull be di!.contin . made to force I by :legerdemain the • Measures through pel their sanction een too often suc . not ue too strongly I • • eeetve my sanction. jBtaie is imperfect :-` l-3, ..:-' , - -- - -ti , I, '-'-`.l - ?:';4•;.:-.',,i:P :,s , -1t r ,:-. , J --,, - '.- , '-, --- c:,-., - :- , -, vii ,--1 - '-i.. ; ;:, 4 ~0'k.4;...; ' '-1 .- , 4 '.. I, . I t. , r - I__--'77- 1 ' i "l :tf Wr, —4-1 - ---- - -:.-, -- ; — p - - -: -,-1 1-4 ~,, r .: ~ , . ..:,..s.- , ...., .... 7- i ,--:. •- • 4 - ' -:: -?,'• ';';',:`:- --: 4 ;;':::,•tts, ; ;:' - ' -, -•fr , :: ' ; -. ' ' ' It'7L''''---:',I1:711.11'.--' Y'.. Y~. ISM - t y ,:,,,-.--,....,,..-: ;I.S.gg.l):i.W: OEI TEISI E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers