• , . , • i - , - I,_ , . i.:, 7 ~.• ~ -,•,1 - '.;',7.F.; - ,. * : - .1',. - .)..-- , ...." - f 7t. ii 5 .,.,.4..4. ~. ..5 ,9 1z.5 -, p .;: - - ' . • - • 1 ``'., '," ;‘ . ',` , ',Z:- 'F 1, ;•,....-t. --, - - '," ' [ ~ , —5,.. ?, :"-- , t 0 1 1 -4 '-- - "- ' ------ ' .- ..--.'"' . - -- ___' ' . 7 -- . -.: ; y ' - • 2 -- ' :"- ' !ti . I:C.Xf7 s 7 l 4oEV . 2;Fairibe - 1.,•V , 71 4 i; %,2.oo;iir.;Oaltrep - . . L. ; : 7. " . ~...,:, :‘`—....'' • - i- t., .7 g r''' • 0 .::. - )4:-C.CTts: '4.0. K) -:'' ~:7 1 :4: , 6 4v , • - t , -t -- it . - 2 . ..- - / - •,.,. I I . - _ i ,, . _ , .1 , • , • , , ~.., . .. , 1 rp v...„.1.<•, , , c ,4 ~. 31 ' 7 .....r. , ~1„::'-. :": ?Itelt ,—. •,- ..; ..1 ....:. — • •,. 1 . 1 .7 -:::; : . 1 "/ I ' - ' '':l ,' r •••," - . -1 / 4 . .1 , - ' ' O O .'•, - i't' 1 ' :•- ___ , ~..... - .. , ~ -,. , .. 4 i •„,,, N I •-- I 1. , • i . ':! i : ' rt - ''' ! 2 g I I . 1 ! :...ZZ,,.. i „ I ' '...t . i; ' - '-„,„:".•''r-"l'e ! ' ~ ‘, - ' 1 1101, •,-.-:. I ..,t1;-:, ••2:, :,...1 - V ,_ • ~ ) - I I I i ll 1 I' 4 t% i 11 , •I I ei ..e.- ~ _.,..,-,...1 i i . ..1......,...._.. ;,, . , . . 1 ' ) , "),17: Y, -.!,_- t l: ;÷.:,-.."C1: •. i. -; , 7, . 42< • --• , cg'.. 7 n 2 '.7 41` „.... .' .. WI ' 'rA 1 . 9. f ' '' .. . _•' 4 7. " - ''' . l' ;i1 - ' I 4- '7:#`;;')% ie} - *:l` . s l i- I , •..."*" ', ':.... '.' l • 11 • -- ' 1: I , . ~j 1 ' _ I . XXtt t ih —7-No', 2. '_ . I BEAVER, PA.. WEJ)NESDAr is, W '3l '. 1856 ': 1 • . -=• 1' 1: - ----- : :2 - ESTAB • '.• - ' -- 'II • - - , , -*-7. -- : . f - ' -f', • - • ' 111 II U en 01..IT :- .) ; 1 - 1.i':._X i'li/k), , } lt t 1 - ItGS. • : 1 , _ -_ l'IR1N:r. 1) A sr. r t.. aLSiIEn IITI,;,„ • ti; inis—oNi D0i.i....."t: and FteTt ICENr?!.. p 3 1: AorAsct.; otiretitis. 'lnn Doti... Ali ' . i ll; be cliargei. No - paper aiseoutiimed. anti, • I t 11 7. , ,irie4 are settled, except at ;the option 1 f tfie F.Por'• • . . ).4 - oefi.erilents inserted at the ratj of :i4 ets. ' ..I.,iu:,re, of.sftecn lines fur one intertien-- , to l l ~elneinent insertion 27/ : tents. I A: liberal 41,.....vant wade to yearly adrerti*ers. 7 "-i. , ..':ter:i an.' eont-ntinicatiet_. !'"lii have pront.t attention • „ , . -, • , From the i.ittsburell Ladies.. ''''itthe Republicans confidently expect victory agandists; , governed' by: WI . with 'elltd.' l I! aCeiiiel ti dy as feat as s horinit could YANKEE COURTSHIP. ;', in the next contest? • Soule, and Walker, founded .i ~ ', yhe necessity for their organization still, violeeee, and seeking ,aggrr the . tighteliktmee I ever did .' 'exists in all its force Mr. Buchanan h as! spoliation of na tio ns; will 1 ; •iron& I m the sedge grass wog . truedemands o always proved to the f his' t oj h eors eeu lab of the Rb; ;, . leznets akin' it look sorter party. He fully accepted the Cincinnatilpitserve Liberty and the Ui all ironed dad'a-141.1 head, platform, and pledged himself to its policy ' insepara , hle, perpetual 1 - 4ni ;whin" e ; n big • -- the - bridle and -- a policy of fillibustering abroad prapagan2 fats - . I ad, 01 l plough :',lino sailing:be .. distil at home. Proininent and controll-, - Republican NV Rooms,. asl innamong 'his supporters are men commit:' Nov. 21, 1856. , ~_. ~; , iv that he was aimi ng for the ated, by word and deed, car that•policy, and •:--- - • I • . i . in the creek I labor; tlie;blii ff 'five•fett perpendieknliiit. to . - I want is there to his character, his, anteee. l: * Richmond (vo.) ilnai , t . l k i ni.. co nigh : on t o .. !deets, the nature of his , Northern Ruppert, j 1856-;' ''''-'- 'to entherise the expectation thate, he w:lt i i - _The l e fonorwing hamorom. 1 . ---- - _ • i disitgard their will? • , . ! ' l l g Voirengood's Daddy 71 - i er ,' art o: the ipt mais i x id e l iera l, Very cold without and -' 1 atathing will be so likely to restrain him I --- ..iligtil tff he jist.leapedte or, ~7 - ,ll ins eiiidi n: . t hpf w ekik ate lu r g fl i yllu ih m e ' ; ~ , . • Mud a shrielang-hewlinat , i and tounteract their extreme measures as as - P" - • ----- i ' Tim l'eatmae. ter f e ign eral's rejt:tsiteira , owts rap ia : the. eachasta.- ......- •_ , , ...,,, , - aaaLleaaas NI! ' - win ii 'an e ' '44We -Ire two, - .Rep DA; rictiti-* -2 ' and '4 - Uliihid ''' ifflrnia' • viler L'• Wes. A ti i nn i t2l , r ; : 0 1; 65 t:.. - -- . * r u rW. „3,ls3itiVlf Fo - p F .tir-f ow frtilt: ; . l .. : ',- ''7 - 1 . 0 tkin i AS nothing would be-more neeessa. aa n i ma b u t we will ventral allay. hl* .; •-i-44 1 ,11, ,ry to serve the cause .- 'y / e overdid she; t m . f t fie.l 2 7l.... 4i t ac lu e rled a e fe u e s r .LA ai,„ .m op ti t . eie I.ttAirt , i :have been;25,565.,:.be gau in - tam, tap, at ire kitchen door- We prom . , : Union, should ho, as we of ha fre ye ed :vely !it ic id a t s h o i n e '.e0.6-_,:luto,er°cfadonirt... r eaders havei:easa t itiaii; , 4-t.riCl, In fear frets Dorothy looks pleasant ; . ' J -. fle: ilk.- :10th of tine, there ware la ni t _ . I-. _ "Jonathan" she whispers sly: , tr. believe, continue tke pro-slatery policy • • , 6 of-ilie present incumbent; Lot us beware €6 all who may peruze it : tit"na nearly', R.OOO mail pleites, t t iebetgil. , "Rot me if it 'tisn't 4 e a 4; :irt 4n Y e ' g r3 l:6 ' 4 4lr; h.. 1.--utira t:l rr-t l v e - tt ir'h4 ; li t O :el-r Ve eb r : .l e. s tr‘ uc : 6.t...v111' aster, ' kr them* '.' .. • ' moat hav e done it, but dad waitiOt'aati ng ,of oblitig . our arms,' and waitiog•;., 1 / to .. nee f i'lli)(1 that ere hoss dawn tivlit i At a ih„ ,, ;mule. I crept up to the, dgelsai looked of rli:ili is T itimated at i2:3.9,612 ta;lae, or eta! soma'aellow that 1. don'tareet ,to se e" rasing aa3311,474, - divided as failowa:- - wh the will do. We knew the ambition, # He ' s n spreilin' his tail to , fie ''' .ra,_ - ever; thur'was'olti dad'i bald fian' ll • . . • tli necessities, the schemes of the slave 4-ke(r, bead, . 2 him where - he 'la," ,• I '6l a - ”.._. (.he yeartb like a:peeled onion, a.btilibin' 'on . .: - .2:', iiii:es rd R lilt oataa 141151 stiitii- Door-is open -"Jonathan! • • and a,g. ai W oa , s h aee t a ilaa is lle,, it. d e . u .. a up and down, and •aim .Itoriiets taatillteg •-• ~ ,poWer. : .Its policy of extension lea, :nn , c anel lilVll l , :11111 !1,4111y ' AVIly, - 11111r, how Att ye do?" lal:oooirtilai of inferier grades \"lheti a• .. well. Itorothr, tart port:: ; yell; eruldiz.sinent and universal_ .. a. empire is the Jas." , ~ ~..1 i a. .. t and a eirelini around, turkey bnaaard fa - • - ii--.1 during tha lasi fi-eal ye it was' nearly : - aasecita how it's pate' . rlas of its being, not an accident-is settled -ts These, and like exnr:vsionsWera m hb.e 4 ,2 - don, and every onac in a,..whie -tine, and 0 (16 inili•s of railroad, ,t1327-'•-• miles of . Oat lean stn.-, hi, r2adin•••,. • , • , n il fluctuating,. iCovert or open, modes- se•l to a queer in eking, long-legga.d ' sheat ea- sometimes ten, i'ud •reake a dip .at dad's . p , ` st , anibeat I °of) miles.of caner ]ills. anil ; (. 1 • 1 _ •-, ~ • • I at or extreme, according to circumstances ho sin all-h '. Is i I"t • • It •ed Abe . ~ , - diced. Ile . kept up. a ritu perte• dodettr, ue'l, „ Lai or , wii L•... air , a og , e - , se. ais t v.. , . •••i• pewing. ; • ' . .In c •_..! 1 ;11,11i1 . 1....3 ref ii.firii rgr ales •, , Iti , ...Nela ' - it 'elever chimes in spirit or aim. With Loch remarir to Jonathan, eyed, funny, sort of it geniusifresli 'rem miider, suintinies they'd hit hire, awl sum r..-,ia, en I Ki.esas., 2,2:1:-, :•raile.4 w.:re al- , . ,', welt io,o, how „_ ~___,.__ _ 1 , , , ' - ‘lr Puchuman, the elect of a potty control- so b 111 d J ew ' sll• • me ene - egge e 0t,i144• store, tunes•art r a ' the ' e , n Rater tires iv re with ^ If 6 d to ilia leffigth of routes. Between•the ' . l -" "' lig ' led; hy this p olicy, administering the gav- and mounted en ,giTerpoke,” a nick tatted, drowned hornets.- What ou yearth are ye s • - There's going to be some tall weather yet 1 ;.. first_ af July 'llase2 nnl July Ist; i'ati, the • „ • • , eminent, tie satety of the country and of long poor horse,` , halabranda, half devil, ,duin' tiler, Dad, sex I? .' Duet (dip) you , - , • • SWODIY. I • • railroad service was iticrtmeed 10,177 miles, ' ' free institutions 'must rest it the oreanizi- and - envelo p ed , . i • i ,:, , allaver in a, new ip ar r nu. , icrilibitin7 the‘trut, Om'. with i, t fiat time,; - se , ,utations over; i_ • • * • _ lion of the Republicap party. work of bridle rains, c ' ' 1 ` Wlte< Y i. : ez f; `them are boss flies thar ~ ruppers„lnartatnga r., the:-t i cs , airei fu of service was more than' , ; What, their iv the duty before ns? Or •' ' ; ‘, ; -,? Joritit.tri is mum; strip, eireirighee and red rurgin mho bad -ye ittf really oft rd of theni - are ye r-- • ; iloullc , l. Onalle Ist of December, rt , ,,i,, , ,,,i,z.L,,,,, vieilance action, action au the ' washes over sundry times ; c ' , ci , ,I'' -- reined up in front of Pat Niell'airocery, -; t • • f , Iloss flies 11-11. sex dad , they're tali; tic length' of rhilread routes had Mc teased ~, haw. 1 ma r tin , turougu ti ti press, at th e ballot Thlt he was to among a crowd of • wild mouriintOid fu ll (dip) genuine; bald hornets, yon (dip) in ts4 21,310 tiiilea- aril, th e total costlfor tills', ;1 toX,; in State, count e city, anti town dee- of fight and, most wltisky. a a 3 •' fernai cosh ' Well, dad you'll hitie to Old folks gettin z sleepy-, 1 ...; ,• '1 . i , silo - ice, at that ! date, amounted to P.._,-16.,,• . . , I tioti,; everyvill• re, t ell times; in every '" I say, you dinned ash cos, jist'keep stay thar' till nite r an arter they go to roust, Servile - Insurrection.' . ' I Gm to nod the held • 7-1-7. Tha ithele cost of the inland . service , • • 1 el..etain, malting Ia• liablicanietu, or loyalty °r y shirts on, will ye.' ' ..- - 1 , ), .fiver g ee d a you some home au' I'll 'feed you. tastier i • , '-- . ' 1 , 1 Derotia- sue 'PSC.; that they- At the first afJuly, wes a13,526,02a. - 1 1 . es, to the peliev :eel pri iciples it advocates the The county ir has recently bemistartled Dad ! l etter g• to bed- 1 . - rale • he-a till" I rid ups T a rp I t ;••• • think yonvon't need any r eurriela for a ;reek! .Qe ma j ilt , - The S, , i , r'etary tanudes. kr tit.i t'inam-t ' ' solo p olitical test. 'a primary or munici- aa,•xi, to tile lbest hoes that evewathelled nub- or so) 'I wish I may never see to-morroW ' b,Y, the disceVery of aside spread and deep) ]t ,!road Col :Tiny asizing on the rietr.:l , ion --ina a prolki•ms grin iighteth up Jon:tate? 11 , pal should ..asufferea to g.) by sle- ta u s an d l i e ' s d ea d as a s ail: •ss dip), if I don't'ruinate you; (dip) w' en I , worm, poor , 0 a Laid plains o l f• insuarection. among the ne s f tlearrithdrawal of the 'li. i,izi Niel ; , la , .Ya'armarea• e fault. The party liAt Wol,ltl Ftle.•-et4lcA , '4l l'iky-t ail." /' - 0 .:- ~! -AO get out sez, dad. 'Better say you wiz!' groat in the s outhern States. Thts' discieva i 'apart moat topit t eeal. 1 0 farce the '• . . 1 , - , I , , . 1 , . .) . . 1 , . • • I%%iliac• cry has . carried dismayand, terror to he killed lam- Sat.?'.i.i. id 6 „, sax: yam weir - lever see another bald hornet, if ,_ ;, l, el,l. ho entaider- an eserleaint rice a er i e, a (ad foils snoring saun , lly, triumph in State e aetiens, must be i re tpes hue inquir w' ' ~ ga t ' t you ever play ~ h oss .uorrir. sex l a Aria heartsror maayipehple, and indeed, , n th t 1 0 T-tlinau.••,Thrvl be ree'mmtmade ilm int- - , 1 mum folks c.ore together; r o d by namicipal s a:ass. 4 beati at • ' .1 11 - by', within," yon tartaatefool :' ha knowinr , dad'a'anunoclifiel nature, I broke . ing-coUl ~, ~ t er ealculated'to f . , awak e:ea:aim r• glii. , r e••ntrier , . n exeeeding ' ' I. danailan na I Dorsally • Next to retain; g pwenid'ihe States . jist died so, died a starelidg p; at ihat.- from them paks and sortur COW to the Ie" ahtrati in the'bosonis even of the, bold i, : - .1 - ../i f . l . • w i l i ly it, v. i tit that . conipeny, . T:tlkinz"hout the weather. I , iltpady under the; control,, let the Re pub.- Warn% that good. luck.: Fao s tiff • a 11.j',.0.0• • copper: mites. \•• I staid hid-out till the nett est. •it moan!--, who could - face death iin its '- euleas , nut execedilfr :324 - 0 6110 ..•r T.;l••,thon i. thinkin- 'i • lirans devote timut "IVC.I to the tvrirli rf ars- •- r most a ' elliie , sha o `with &nine ' 'and C.'s' ' ' .. ' . • ' I • •- . - . , , _. ~ . . . 1 , , not, that adzactly, but statial .firse r f t a l c arternoon, when I aced >a feller trailm and PP r, P„. ,al a new ;ia aa. ,a-42u.t or `.'ell 1 Utlt I,t.'e-. ''' iiew to pop the yte:-tion 1 - I settenat mg diver emeiplea and Initiating then froze after% anis, ao still th t lias -sea I, 'What Was going' on at the kabin conetancy, n /gat well shnok with app - Lt. , ~ el a t e e iv e a weekly nmil b e twce.o the 'At- , Thu hi s heart is thumping .o , ' thM true course t.f. political netian in the, dad and- ma T uaa e 1 W m . eve i t I s t. - k i k:this • side of the kreck w h en ' you passed it?' , hension end dismay from 'a danger which , , i "i i el_ . $ ~ . , . i.i.r..: • r iris and Califarnesa , ... , , I.Can lutr,lle Veep to. vest ou '- • 1 alive Status, which have decided thesalees ,out so, (spreading Eisarins.4o, lilac/v.” ! 41a0fityl nothing much - , only a man was sit _ ! threatens to khting death, aind 'wors& than '11. ,,, ay-cm-theta-. fir the year' leo., ta-re it his toncite de-art:tit auto the root' of his- lion against them: Thi s ti m e, we base a ceirpetitcr's bench, anal weWaited siiin.;• 2 lltig - -in the door with nara shirt on, and. a death, to the wile - of - his bosom, and the ; • . 1 ~............, . 1 :91:10.5'.!: !! 1;._ and the grass revenue, sue ta. „ ew e . fillip t • ,teep days for bun 14 thaw afore we ' ' ' ati - iltiona ti, was 'greasing - his back and aarme . , children that) surround the . hearthstoue.l 6. e•ea anal %ppreptialioni fur:fi l l:C2 nidli ! • ' - Such of the Southern journals as ,have, --, '" be'removtalsby preper effart. Mane . ..thou- s ki ll . hi m -W II flo, -'- t• 0 aid- his head was aborit as big as a ten : _ e , ir we .i, - • .- - , . ; ;,••cr, :tri",6 - 2.1.1,21, • ..,,beiving_a ibfieieney - atads of honest.' but not well•ihfornied vii- 'tn e aa( c ou t al n a hi l f la iri g yro' d' J. ~. Only keg and he hadn't the first siatallof attempted to give any explanation br 4ho : if '-'2..ic , 7,00,0.. lie reeoniniewis th • alias • "EneWs theccas something coining; . ?ere % 1‘ /10 supported Mr.• liechalutujinder :5..111, an Jake' (Fo o l J-0 ; ,, we L iaertU - 41an-,e'ree-all smooth 'That man was my N shit, of the iipsurrections, have concurred , if .' . lilie,n- ef the franking privet: a le, attfal tale l ..acoes =sauna nt 4uttatuad-- . -1 , • the dclusitc imEmioulfiii.he swell& favor nun lin 11,.. , ,,/ . ' .1 i i :: ';' 11 - p ••-; •j a v le • ' ,1. 1 6 , i - • in attributing it to illi, diet', gams pa• sal W aq ripe 1 g Mug in ibis . ~., _.,.-. .. 4`.:UIIIII 1, 91," pre a rta yin.: tit of all t amearent t . lie feels nincli like miming. ' the sores rirr.... ='-t..;.- , i wttt sannetearit : C a n t ina .11Ma - anne , r k awn tn lite" r , • rather dry ~/ ' , --,a l Yr • sez the' traveler,' •' a' alt " T eT. , v ' t t ie s , It is well _ll ..; . A ,cait3 , ..31 m eter...' Al_ ) the repe:ll of the act,; ' "De ...t. D. r, thv ''' he says, tle•ir'inistake and be auxiOus to correct it. Noah Dan Webste*so me au rho twin J• , - '7" --- '"" -- r--- " ilalltiP..l4.S C Z;l" %La ._1 '.. ill i ititt theillVOStaife' 4 - . - i ' 1 -or articularl sez raerrown ,4l‘.l7, ;;Irieli ,give_s the rAst Masirr 'oen-1 !And.hi , heart belt. faster= i ', ' - The tinii I polies of the It a p u bli ca ns iu gi t ls an: Catharine Second, an Clenpatry persoaal y p y,. I ' .r art partyalhive denounced all who ,oppsised •tirat seen dad since, and won 1 be i . , - esst, :: - - nary au•harity fo meta nem Nav Teraey !'rums' anti jfilliaua in Antony, an' Jane Lind :,.. Tour Bullion. leora Ih• . . aaeose tl'int cou na.l I would go a - '`. ' ••• , • . , , f 1 ' ' their schethes for extendina slavery, into I '. fee-ed to meet him in the - next ten years. . . , 0 4 e, s e sse a f r necan stearushin servie. a !se •VII to Pan ora Co.t;o• r •. .i - r- re their indapereleitt aetien, and an' the b a b y, 311! the prospects, an a ,, . , , . . Manaus ,a 1 a aeoatiouinsts , and charge:et uat ,t• L• ' rie al 'u 1, ..3 t• the 1--Itt 111.1 t. err ~recto , ". .• " • --. • 1 . .. - A n a e at taase lin the everlastina b;.nds tof • a laelear i eh (rem New - 011 , 3:ms to I I:lvan-1' - 1„,„,,ii„„ ) ., ' . ; temporiziug witli'a .art got up fur putele- . liven hataelf, all left wiihout l eny horse to "ea s "'PIK .' 1 l sea uet tit tiaritinny with their , itsn, and the erre with. That iris a Mee mess fir tt . ~ , • ell such persons composina an militates& • ' Aral the last we saw of Sot, he was • • .- , . .. . d majority at the North; were determined, is flares:re 119 W e'lle - C..42an attain-hip I•nel , ' '-•'' r, c on:.lliat oa air- Fillitiere's e fram.l4, iiiaither sr erible family tui ba slashin aboutain stoopi i ng to . get In the ung . gery oar, with , , , ell ~_ I,to abolish alaaere -ad erterr:•l his heels. - IlneY Waal t• i v * * * -• 1 • anti i lir Mr . Buckman or ilisalaing the :strut it ? Ibe dureed of I diil'ilt ;feel a nagaaa- 3 "" . ''' ~,_ 7 . .1181tiz out of New Liiiit et, an exp. tw:•••_• to , * ri' - • : :- , throe...bout the Union- Gf course this"wil is tl 1 1 i'd , anernment of F.4,1 , ..; ,, ,000 . pt)r , annuiti ' . years have passed noes, nod •,, I calaa-aten by a seperite tit ket can hardly like stealing a Loss soinetonee. .1 ell, we 'at - , -- ---•-•"-- te - - , a falsehoodaand known to be a falseapoele • e. 'a ,re sail is pi-aetivi_il vil!)- ono p•iit of an. Down nithin the c•tlley, 1, , I,e repatte ag eta •1, - - waited an' rested au' waited, uutil well •-_-_- Agiteion and Insigiectien. ; ' b•. •t utterance -.but! thel , e t. ~ . y those ;ells gave„ 1 , , i s , a , , ' ^il.l.i: true emlr:i• of the ilepnlrlicans i'.. into iarawberry time, hojata some stray r Mitre- slienal "lee area:m..l,lo-th eae' ,o - - ' Far av:ly from c ity, , I .:laves nit° listened taallese wild itaraneues e f..... 11 of otiter•cf -thin_ ..,thert • rat.: i, ii, i• - •,rect cr 'limy alley : tl l• 11; 1 'll o (“41v . I - '•' • • I L, S at l e -any e its of Wh o ugh;he South's new reit iia , tlte • • i e to manies ! prowl) ..:,., _.).,..y au_ i ta. ,„ , aossatiou. tame .1 o t „ . .. i . .. • r,.a • a • in.ta cr tes - de • e%; lea, P,a . . from s the furious ' p eel SC y 00 , ,L fiat that - neeotiations are, an Pr,:a 7 ra' -{ i steceis a little cutta:e. ; airport their own arneel a,,,,,, se c l ea ly se t en y eielt luelaas thus ever eentesawliar dad• bitter fruits of the agitation of the stater) intended ta embitter • the. • masses at ! dia l , with a vicar to the ream:tam of th e .aaalei, , . • 1 - ferta in the; Philadelphia id :aerial; !tn..' is, he's so dratted mean, an ' lazy, an e a acv- a u e s tiou, in the disccintent and contempl3- Southern people' against the people ofl the . 1 a late as 1.111:,1C ill Morel'; . .1 i • trati-4 t..hrirttt: cat 1:lille , 1 St:o4 closea • evel caaln.i.a, with , teller partice apeeel lee au' trillitta i• . • tot servile insurrections among the slaves North, were not titavilliug to giVe credence' .I,in ttlrin awl lli.rcthy - ',. ' •,, • .- • - ' 7 : 1 ~-,,` 1 I ' I I i: 1 + 1. I% 111111 S. 91.'1 Of tk.e I" f t.-. i'_ ea.ta e al bet we,•n ee . , directly to thesetnas. , of all patties to ig- aa e n , - ; ; i lie lay' . •• a l, wawa mire been brouelit to ..g.t., l ye. "icy one Hite., ( il :swage a to a story .so flatteeing to their. bepes; and, ~ a , , [ eatina on t he perch,.. . . • , the 1. - •• :tag "i-"qtat , '= , 1, , ./ I iiv.:A Britt:llu to 12 - • e nose ill 0r.2,A biz i tio n .; . Irv i issues whichwould a _ - , 1s , , . trill persist in agitating. We see no red- -: A m l la half l l,, r en white healed yonag• ter , • ~ , ,- , ,-,• • ~• , . • ,„„ 11160, a Hewitt an, a 7 , . 0111 U an a rah]..per- , „ hence they have been prpinated and encoura a 1 i tl ataras aeeine, • e tlaf. - • , aim a Ina pantie) nil riot too Tie danger • ' • surrectieuaryntove. con to doubt tha, the in , , , aged to the attempts which have been see • ~. ' around them. in' at mart , itnifir,xt int - mein' ses he Seat - , , ! a iliat now the...locus the horior avid iaterests ra toll . l 'nettle afnong the slavesin the Cumber ' recently aist•overed aud suppressed. - Wholl t 'lll'll 1 I 3on w et. we . rho ; )e 1....9 , . '' • 'Deprat - zicrit of hie,lnterier. - - _ - ______ .if the ceivery aril 'Me etability of the land valley may be tra c e d to e the recant ag- . 1 , . , my-elf •tu4 pull the ploueli while - you- is to blame' for tin: disaster 3 from ;whteli I . ' riiiion--pilavere prep la:alert allied with dia.' " ' . • . 1 itzttion of the .question of slavery 1 . 111 the : the wives • d uf . the !South I had!, ill daughters 1 - 1 -. ...1 ''''' ' t•' 7/C f . 1, • • la terr air 's • Itepart i i , .r.EI`UBLICABT ADDRESS. i.; ' union. - . • iz , drive me, nu we II lireke up corn • grouoi , , , this Presidential ciimpaign. Democratic oat. j ust barelyeseaped, by the timely, tin; wet , au' then the, old quilt (that atom ean a . I }.list • t sea / .1,, a Patna etas eit sietity ratsar , , ~ _ .c. , . 7 1 , 1 ,• , • ii - .. 7 • i ( •,,, .J,...:t 09 not f07.12t that O t is net the alit tom at the South have misreprce•enied tle inieht also say, prat i leinial diselosur4s of WI. • i • stns ~.1 ( f ..',,,„ . r rom ~,,1 , 7 ),1 ~ (Ohl:. !of .1,,s in!) Olt IV briN kin plant it nr let it :den:. "t •- ~ jis .1, 1 . 1 - Wl.' ,_tit repert en • Ilp ta ll l t 1 t.t . . i t r th ; „ A. le ~ f ai, , r nit ~/ stata , 3 0 generous sentiment, but of . sufficient in-- a . • I•• - ; ;vent'th the . my ••-n 4) ••ts• •0 nu We. purpose of t he a Fremont atiovemen „ , .t at the ' - • e t ; i r.l 01.1 IceSlgl).3 OL txlo S..IIVe: t Ano,oubledly t inhni-11-t- it ltl a7a, aat.) aeree exeltaara '• '' - ' l ' - ' • . • f ion t• ien th••t reveals the -lineman re- •a• ;' . ; North and have led theislaves to believe, tole 1 . ill. , deurre , oeuas a o, a ler ,party par s ea* , s , - '.. .a., -1• ~l 'l he Presaleraiel tamest Is over, .• at ' ' ' ~"I'• • " - . . I- pawpaw thicket, and pealed' a; ri ti sinar i- , • . ..--- co v • nem , . a a •0 a / , , fir ‘Ciinot saciaine ties extreataTl ,Cli tilt"! , . t , i 'd ti 1 1 . t pie 1 . 7100 belo , llllxitl.tl in tietien against the el 4 i 1 a c lif thev beset not „r•ueceeited Air n i 1 4 -aoses and for the a tke of- personal aila, nee ' • . ..• • •-•. 1 a ' y o. ..... last We neat! some ma a 9 IC. • 1:11 C 1.1 0 tn chance a ire, are main • 011 111 , 2. 111:1( e . • , 0 1 1 1(11Wri' 11 / net 14.1- , atisai i .11 a nise gm.- , . , . i• . neercssive po•tcy or tl.e slave power.- ' blieens were ' their mestere, that the l a cim a _. . rut rat s have g,one about fulininating i lacie a • ' • • • - turmia tietainent of the results. pars hiss d el, and Ore le :w e tl y; l i a n - m iela a lo n e ' which r•all for the' int. rim-itten of •-a W e re :hese simple &at:stains cubatittea t o to , . abolitionists, whoee .uitertor al Puriaa7a Ir a'' falsehoods meal:let 1,11. the people • o ,thl then lie w ool! haVt. a aridlea SO I 4'..11 , ,rfc.55... Ale saya it is impartant ther • a • . • _ a! aaeri Ii • 1. .. two ]Turtles emerael from • ' ' a . dav to 111 C , , , e; , It of tllO I.:llited States.-- .- ' 1 e pee i ae, ~ the entaneipation of th e slaves eiral the North`aana , lieve thus prompted ana'•eu ! L the -•-• art • -la. pron ti iiicpeal; ef, vales 1 ren aim, oe WC 1. • 7 ./ - 1 .., • w ith l e e. of 's . in the viettirs, - ... q ~,, ,i . a - ill t..si)r of the extenston of elave- ; ' - - eas en 01,1 unlit! 11 I - • &e e l otter L ,- • • . ' W ch uld not be -' , • tittle fwkal ' l ice 'Jf• iron. s o r t er like unto abolition a s'-trtrY• ae' c' eouriv ,- ;i1 the alaves to resolt, aliialt nevee : - / a : t,e a , r inare' of liner. in the rotund-tied. The Pro- 1. ' 3 ••: ' by saucti.•ning nue atetnaaa it, ralien "a - I •" . I• , . 1 ~, . . . I.)? - .are you ur favor of such extension h eY • :'f•'• ' • k '. , brats . and surprised to learn that a general belie i , f ere- '' . . • • ; would have been attemp e al, except fa. the a pits, are a ae now-an Wt.an . rtes Va u d 'Mee or dirtating Iles petents to _....• Slat cry party has civet : e its , a residential !Ile :rash, or countenance of the Federal Gee- '• • t•a i• ii v ded a•nona the slaves at' the South, that hones inspired, of aid an assistane.s lfroni , be iaiuell witheut firtTa r rte. 'x:ref:legit. i te on's- however , 11 , e thr• vote's saf a - 1 a . e ' n ' i l' i ' '-- '- ' - ' - - - , ernment 4 -MA could they be atermi tte.l to 1 - nets:tee it setter in t o a ()retie at, ama e •• • 'dad t 1• a b 1 ' d i the questien-efeetnaucipation Was invo se ' • 1• d• ' ' '' 9 Wh i 'to.le ' , the penple of . the Nerth. o_ s i . Ira -of Quell 1 eharacter a s 1 I he atatari'Y at land seas . • •r e• a li .Ina. minnrity, and t . , , . sittepe eTame& it eir ,as 'lie sad ie „ . i . , of .' record their vacs iu respreate, without am- ;s nai l s in due recent ametion, ai d' that the Nerta • blamed for:1, the - glaein and apprehemsina c% 4.1 ()Ve , r a.e.,11,010 easteina the vietery I e the off-eases cee- liana worked for setae time au' , a ' - dau arm jute the • • • South? and who a) •t• e. ilecelay .ar , hirraseinent a t!rithout constraint --. .0r 'any • • N wos prepared to' c •een Y whedi still i broods over th e 1 '-•'-.'' e i•h•r • eapa ta •-e.f re 5` 4 52.1 114. tion)lisni and temporary causes The Re- , , s ort s feel his oats au' go to cavern!' y r ki* uni t • i' et• .thc f the 'ola of • a' . in nu LeLI• W. , 11,11- 0 / 4 P ' i We: when we oat die bridal 'all fixed i on I ;Ir/. - • - 'Sow 1 to , e eeCtitis• 1 •.. - 1 jib . embarrasament to the lak• ha; cause L ' , 1 . .1,:l • ill:1/ LI. of attal. ai.a.aed e ta': pre e lleans, wherever able to , lessor clearly V e free a•aat. • I 1 • r • •tl • ' i ' • • • ' aNow alio 14 to;-bla m e for this state of •.,of J the people au the. & a cmes ,a, an' Per "I's '''''a`' 1 " dad ,ha e tomped the hit _lest like a ; ale 1 s . 1 - •SiIIOSS , I r i -- ; -1.'1 , 1,t) il r iu . ,- ) 1 ac , c .. 1 11,. , u 0.,..,6 a ta the puhli i the r e al i.s,r__. of the early-ass I I I „ . ,, ,_\ _. ~.i. . u'd r e •i , a de- • ' - • - - .' ,-`• 1 thine- 9 il•irtitiely not those who ib the ; , nere these] outbreaks have oceured? 1 lam 1, Iv i t h e etas ....3,4•03, WU . CU Il - -- "i•l't 'r ' it ' ; ;-: t, •; '''. -: i - czi r -1' atheism or ghlVer Palen- boss (act alwayS was a most compticatea . ~. , , . , _ a _ 4.. , .1,, ~,,,_ , W , ri, . _ .. ~ y , .... S U.,r,-,' V ca• fur..tet 1..•••,.....a 1 .-,i.ii,L' grat.ti.. —,- .JI ..T . , . ... .. . y s . called nee•ttiveao birth ' I** and ifetra i allerk latereat af lteallintt). . a r e rLs'"'"ae 1 "' "r) answer _LS Still the reckless anaiimpitra l iptee i t '. • I l' . ; ; ra ; ' - i sientarive carried the peoi,lo with diem 1 1 •-a i .. - • • ales , alma, ,irer 0. . e astene. t o ai s esm ._ a i , , durned old foal, eny le , . • !aids let nor' - ' r .s r sita - ~ ii?si of the ,lace power. ,Itis ' d ea e ue S ate ave rise to this' lavery r ' Ull ircea•dante•l ninawitial 'mimosa . break- r ( liter us. " aa a • Pe ° P.a'a ag•nsell• so when lie warn't about,) !Ilea I put g: i, • ~; la , ma rl e „ . g\ , . r aise•eitieue feeeell'as -when tae ruaa'al 3.- I - r . i • )'" ' , us believe,- that at laeart thew are (lobate the. , rital an' out did, au' ete - goes to' idle to,say•N tl must a uietl • that this .or i l ) agitation. by ,the repeal of the ; alisatutt • f••• si n u s , tut _u 1 : , stroll , r p ti ti a n. ; lig_ up inasoine, estates tbe orgeuizatiod of ~ ~ -, ao 4 . .. .. - .. on, be , s, , . • ~ 1 b - - d i , 'Aibmit - to the extension of Slavery eVer C. inaiontisa and who endeavored to .3 sta ._ t t the eats n.l n o :,-Itvery. desirous that i•-•.;:5,i...' - t'bilr adve`rsiiries. / , the field, me le:ultras dad by ticric, au . . . _ . . houal wee.' ) ' a : --, new Territories, lest agitation s • .• e , 'eat, a ta the pe pIL• liy this outruns by earl e , , t . , the territories of die Union be eoliecerated tea„. th e ;amber-111 , watt on inn' back. T•Je E 2 ,-, '' ' 2 -f •• • • Ar s i s . I A w ithi n .1,1-u hien gathering tngether of the pee- t to free labor and free inatitutions• and that ,-• .a • - " I i i '' ken the relations between to a s ter and slave. of the North the "design. of :abolishing Ai . Is el the s l ave 10*- , I frli: , -.1.: r loin prelathav s reacheaaateo ah e ple alarmed et the taros . .• , t • r - the rcquire only eulighteunieut as to ' the , la hen we cinnato the deco, 1 ; et t 'awn a and ll'l'le did mail. he wanted to jump di the slave`nol- • • • .st • air ;'!'hat is ' a eorsideration whit, . very in the .Southern. States.-- . l, $ r'l).'' •• ' 1 ' •tl • reseut 'tallies , r.. se a . teat. i 117111 0 it. p • ... Cr,e rather than '5 well organized purr' : ' ' must effeetual !neaps of sectng this end, pap, ' ' ' ' I hitched ' tiers should entertain. They should . I:lave l De , J al . • ~ a itrati ma 2 lielian treaties have :era no ..' alai but a fewmoittlis .to attend toithe . . - ;the fence on all fours, hiss war . - - ' I 1 this when they foolishly acceps I ' _ a _ • - 1 1.0 convert their cherished s 'Laurent into hint inta the' •• i tei we wen t,lt iought o • . Llama a , away . , aanats 130 of which rethaia to be acted complicatea details party warfare; lob= a fix..., . t priimiple of action. i tel the glittering bait; held vat to them by . Jag lt_m:tie' 'f or w a rd , to his ~piallite tight': - the y becalm: : ' • ea ales has been exteaginshea te nearly ft-'l I -itt 1 obt:tine la strot , ltold ecru' the _ ~,.. . . . 9 lie times are pregnaut wan WarTllll 4 l,. , roma, ,ap t we Ma...e s..arpe pow , will we partiea to the repeal of the ' tutu ' 'Chet a. disunion art • exists in the Seat'', 1 goiiig_ rite' ovor the bushei a ils]!; sprouts , a - f I 1 The azereaata oti the national an , h. • . : - i tip? preittritees of . • ~ • , P .) 1 callt.:...re. o aur .. • ' C ramme At the door of the auth . - , , no lonaer 'admits o f a d ou bt. It necepts' antic as a role boss, the eulj , difference 14 ill amp . • , .. ~ the /111.1.'ei, 01 1 1)(IFi`l : / -in old, n a rty, c ram., e. be laid the : seerasetietsieration theeefore is all,leal a , „,„ , . • I ors of that iniquitous act must a 1 a ' • e the election of Mr. Iluelianan as a ff ording, lie mention two' legs l' Presently: we cunt , , ....a.l 1 tneueing the eine:tea witeeteee unite s up , , . • 11 - d did to ';keep' u s re aonsibility tor the slavery agitaalon. ands ;port of a •owerful section, hardened : -- the In 'Lei; within our la a•a•rs are sup- . I • by time and means to cousolida e itaestrenath ,h, 'II sasarac patch, an • , up • - I r all italtation t eaH victory, d t • ' Iwhichle •-• A I . - kar a t t - a I buten] .sluere into lor the evil results which drat .a _ I _an ma ure its 1 p land ont %hamlet It s c ea as loss, ea e aelee te naniber ale et, 300,000. The long! party drill, accustomed .9 was prosaic . iviefilina the wbole Dower of the Fet o Kansas and it ,i and tore down hornet's neat each onto a cre ' , not only the euslavemen , ,A, • , ) cr , . l'e:::, It civilizatian amen. , tits Inaians ~,1 all the ir ae ktve • the Sou - dia l i 1 . 1 ..,.. . . • which on] four'. 'the recognition of slavery fn all terriarry 1 as,big aa elhoss Iread,ant - '-aalreal- 1.1 am attetteae wit a the e happiest 'l 1 , J i_( wit:nitration-a party y • , • • , . ad I" kedl 'Chose who,are ir,ferested in smvery 7t? but four•atates a nd a of the United • a tates, but the conversion ; ()red into rite atrate, Ile rare :Ma ate \ . a .. , .. . ~ . . ', collate. alt and dice's premise. ef stea.iy pregress ' years figo-carr•e- a 1 1 ..) of tllO Miser half of Celifortia into a slave ouce or twice and fetched a wares; wits nor' weo . • ~ Ll ' , -Le ainciioration oft : heir physical an I ,lu.ajo . rlty of the per.l...vote---st!ii, n odes . __ the , „ . • .. e •es to the fact l ithe they are. he • ito f T ho a th district and, sin into tan. Ihi open their ea ~ _ , State, orearazstton a uaw slues er- • era es i 1 e, - .- faba rln eras „ror all these adycrs:..eircuinstanees, they have ;. T 1 _ O ll ,. _ ritery in the taz+lsilen-p.urchi l ise, the future 4 • triumphed in -- eleven, if not_twelre of the annexation of Nlie4r.igualar, the subjuka- Secretary of the Nayy's Report. fice States, pre-eminent, for enterprise and , •-''',- „I tEte , eneral intelligence, 'and containing one=',-t i l-_on of .Contra --, rumen an t,... acquisi-; v. he Se. 2r et :i! ..y- of the -Navy gives a de- rialf,.•l the white .p m.-,inilatil of the Cone- . tort of - Cuba . ."-" , 'IM as the free - State; are f:'.. l-., 1,1 vi , w of the iTerations of the Navy try;'giy.-ii . to their - PresidentiaL- candidate : nut expecteirtir-sA unit to Al this, intimate • ,: daiing the. last year,and its present stengib. ' nearly three time. 3 'as inany eieetoral antesd meinberment of the tit ion, and the 6m of a-great sla-vehtliling-confeiler -4 . ta:!)-,::: his r:,..0tn0 on ienlatis arc, for an- a , A were cast by the Whig party'in 1852. . fin -11; ~ i,er spa Inn in 110:, Paoli!, rendered and i this day.cOntrol the government: of !3-+ ,With forei.m allim adccs with Brazil ad Tt'lrs•zary by:,;i7F.- ex.tenolin , 7. commerce; for 14 of the :nest powerfid States of thd Un. Itussia. l . . 1 It'''ad..rion “f the 1-.11w.1i-li an 1 French ion.:. I 1 . i i i. Itimay aisume at Ifirst a odcrate tone, . , - . , - , - 1 ~m,r,. I n 1 I , .L+, , •1 1 p-..a1 , 1 Well mav our adveri-aries tremble in the 'ro p even t the sudden al euanon of its - ~i, , at lispit e ~ a ',mill s..' :tier a_ .o,sur- hour of their victory; "The - Vouncratie ' Nett ern allies, it may del U y the develop- 7 ' - i• - llie t; u too I -lau is . 4 wh;eh C )mine- and! Black it,•publie3n p utter;" they say, !mew, of it: plot, as it did nder the Preree . , d '' r e-Mot yin made au luis iti-ta:t Iry rep , rt. "are nearly balaneel in rogarL to; river.— ~.Idministration; but the rt:Peal of thel.3lis The i S,: te .t • - , ; 1" i.- rt. at) r , Avis t,ie ,coustrue- The fortner was victorious in the. reciT"',7 ll -4 14 ' i Compromise came at last, and so will ' ti -I, of the tix war stefrAin-rs a. inaugura-- striv - de but sticeess was har.lly won, w i t h tou s le upon the country inevitably the final ,C. 7.7. . • tir , a •I ' f h --- 41 - ' ~ new era in the naval' s.!iticc, itod the aid of iMportant accidental advantages. i ,aets o ~t c ark conspiracy. When the !...11'-ais • his • fJriner reeoun.Mmdation for-. "f be latter has abated nothing of its zeal, illiour, shall _come, then will the honest !Dem• Ti:- tinitiliag steam sloop of war of small draft. ' a of -the free States bel driveninto our nd has iuffeted no pause in its pt "4.1in4 out Of scum:a :o relieve disL for another hattle._"* 1 l !ranKs, and the Men of the slave States be 4 tam. crews is spoken if as an txprimemt!, i With such numerical force, , such zeal, :driven icto,o ranks, and the ton Of, the :.`, 1 '.4 w ill- be e•uviuue..l7. - it it sllall workwell\ 1 iutelligenee and harmony in eminel; with ,slate -Mates why prefo• the Republic of Tile S...eeriiiar2; likawrise , re•- , nametrlA tlyi 'sn many great States and maretlian a ',Waslaink,ton, Adams/and I,eff q spu—a Re -22' of ao.istA!.it p.-,r . mirs .with mol- ' m illioo voters rallied to their stan'ilard . by' public of Law, order and , liberty—to an -.,„... „ . . , ,,t0t5fi t 5•ti-iti,,u. . -oligarchy of stichulders and slavery prop ; tlit: Or /rt 4 „1 .fe w .ut niths, wily . .my not condition BY ALICE .DE VERDE Cottage by the hillside— Time, nigh unto dark,. Dorothy beside the fire", Waiting for her spark. Old man by,the chimney Reading Boston paper ; - . ~., ; • • Old lady near the table i I\ ,, '•' - Making, Sal a cape, or mac other peOliar - kinil of garment • by mai min' psi as natural as ever, seed,. lot 'gt:the' lines, and hollered woa,.dad, wea b t you mut as We!! said Woa to h loe:;nntnive. Geewhilikius bow he run.— Wheu he cunt.toa bu'b, he'd , ilear the top of it;golpnerand•all; 'praps he short there tank be another settletn6ta t, 41d, bor no:A.:in lit, and ihailt' war 'safer t go Wk . 1 than thine and quicker dime \; every . now and tliert he'd paw'one side'\ r. his head with fast one fore leg :then t'otlier, .then he'd gin hi.uself an Opewbandd Slap, that sounded like a wagon-Whip, and a,runnin all the time, and karrien,thet goiier. aboutas fast a;tl high fro,in the, 3learth as ever a gopher was csfried, I.swar. IVben he cum wilt° fence be busted rites thine it tiring nth onto seven panels, catti-ing and brealche the. t raittlyy, and hear- he ' left óe gopher, geers,.•single-tioeand all mixed up not",'Worth a (turn. Most of his 'shirt stuck int the splintered end of a broken rate, an' nigh onto . a pint of hor nets staid witiOhcithirt, a adagio' it all over, tbs dailanesennewl a l nl it, a imitating the jog in the ~:e.. in 6 ....5p' : , inn' at the shadwow they-are perhaps losing I desertion;L , th e e: 'substance. ' In seeking •to extend - SU: 1 ' *,I out }lndian ,trotibles in 'the WCSI very they are weakening the bonds of , l icased . ec'ept with the:Cheyennes . their slaves. They have yet to learn, toed I. It is recommended -to extinguish th that the imlitical tieutagogues at the South', sessory riAtsj of the !Judson BaY . CL I who are, niakino . a hobby ,of tiie slavery Loy, as tqyowe no allegiance . to our question,. and their coadjutreq at the North t eminent, l''aiitl wont:L i ...be disposed 't() `rim leaders of the Democ.atie pal•ty, are I else a poweffol influence among the Unir worst enmities.. But for the lad ens again t' our people if occasions r bors of Senator Douglas and Atchison and , mi. 1 1_ " ---- 17 — '-''---- b , PreSideut . Pierce, undertaken to secure' .k, vigorous c.ampaign has been prej their-favor the last Presidential election' against tbe Florida Indians, General would not Efave been based upcm the goes- I ney commanding the military.'posts. .., tion of extending or restricting slavery; 4 M i nch 43c.e. is der ted to the, tonsil demarmques at the South would , not have tiou of,th l e present s ste:n of military ,s is ) ' had an opportunity to, pour ist , i the greedy lon the)Vostare Procitier, 4i and . a cop l, ears of the'ga.pin4 slaves there foul libels revelution,of the wh e system is-urgd 1 upon the ; people of the North ; and a Revile The exp#: 7 os.• at p'esent .are enori 4 ) insurrection would not now be apprehended. without,asY et7es riding benefit ' Let the responsibility ta:st a where it a ptoperly country l frouti r. , ~ , belongs. • , - ''' . ' ' The gret!, number of resignations in the Even new, the demagoguescontieue\heii army ,Shaw ;the necesity for at. ineree of agitation: Not content to s let the qua .s- pay .It evidetice4 a policy injurion 't4 . tiq cute n rest until it Omit, ute r ap legilusie- professiotall pride, 'While The hand 'sa ice 1 -'''' • ' ', i 1 1 I 1 ly in' connection Witti'':the admtsa n ,o Katiiasi...Piediideriy'lleros, mina need .hrow, gbothi+ firibaod•'ittiolfetreis, sta that body has derie atithingits'Yet but:kb e' the ilavery 1 - 4stion. - ',Agitaition .is the order , ~..1 tha day; And Southern politiciah seem. }more eager' Ifor. It than thosis fro the North: TheSnt-whcrhaie watched the oursq of , the :debiitit irtCongress itring th e past , week will not &the notice hat protnineEt -Southern members noirF repudiate tict doc- I i Irides' of squatter sorerei ty, ;mi l ,insist t thatreengre t ati having no', riglft fcr legislate' ;'opctt.the subject of,Slavery in ' tEe ferrite. tit* ;cannot dslegSto:that pcwestrtftlto-tfitm tlers-4n ' other words";,that Ili n eTtailfta in I.t habitual of ; fitirritory eannoCexclilde 6 1l • q,",01E,4;.9*-I:l6 . carried infq the ielyi o. 1 Viesra oft an: bo - intant4ikedieffelf."ll44olle stittational7ht, in defiance-of the wteles - of It knajorit of •Vie . inhabit'arttte-4'llit.lrii t Oa,. ley , ' pe r ihnerrade -doetriei ; isitili l- 'lette i 1 w hi c h Sou tii ern agitators will pre, upon. the countrylUntil it is adopted in the Derr- °erotic platform, And which they willseek '•t4. b titttblish 11 1 )37' : I 'the electimiJof-i' N.sident who is nom!Mittel ttr.ttiis policy. Agita t tion is the agi 6 l rder'of the 'd e ay, :and wre 1 t . f' tluite sure that the North can teleratolerate tation as long :a's the Sohth can. W,o'clep.; recatet'llie• evil effects of this ill-judged at , - itationiin til i t. section,: but we sincerely be lieve that ifs. ,he slarcholdeis, would hen. a half dozen} such dethagogues, as Brooks: Keitt, Quitman, and - other. slavery,.agita tors, they would do more -to promote the , security of Slave property that they can by whippingJ•thousands of ignorailt ne,orles,' )• or a liundrd suspected whiles.--Boafon: Joiirna/. II -- It - ' -; ' ', I ' Abstract - of the I:apart of the Seci Of War Department. --- The 'authorized strength of the arn) y la now 17,894 men.. The actual strenith at the, date of the returns, -July Ist, ,18,4,' wa515,5(4, The tetnnher of enlistinenits made luting :the` twelvz months ending Sept ,r `mliet IS3O, waa. r 1,14.0. I_7le mitnitex of off:rs refused on account of tUi : rioritLyt and Unfitness foe serviep:was Tite nutuber of casu aities during, the time, wash 6695 Of which 3,22 were try -7 4 F Min , • I ~-, ~• ~, • . • . ..,.. . TAstio-4.11i:.'•ii5?•:,.. , and frontier station . ' of .he - ,officers retrir o, nlteni sacrifices whic , no otii6l l. 4fieers of the - govaroment , fro coiled upon 'to toolit.-;-:_ rite expense Of•lriog been- grentiiitag. triented, and :tht,pay it about- the sdtno as it was fifty yenrsingo.' It is 3:oadecOndloy, :7 -1 the reprt cdntinues, to driirci.' the and ititelligOni him thosetti4"whioti 'ther adorn. ..uzz, • • .:a gn ci ' . lt , ur x 1 e_. - -1 0, Ift r - - - ) 4 t 1 IVINTEA:1111 yI ' . f in tit; one thing upon the - farm is there Bitch ,t Irk of economy as in theiF 363 '?,dot , i , ug i IN% Viiiiltire ! intide during ! the l afttitet il7l!il . :l4i)§. — l , .... )0 There are tuultede 0 t P.M 0 91 8 wittti%!' gait ••' '''' r ifriontte4eiindt44lveiii - Wrllioi t ifteirizi:,: -,- 4" ,,, ;1 dd ‘r dollars worth 'tit' f erti li s in g' . re 0 n ch s mate rials to be wastedi•whiel they !till kepla'clititi, - 2 i the Spring bfiurohising guano And Othei star, - Mires-of less value. • The animal! and lie/plaids i' barn y ard ' ''' manures, in th o are left to fonAttwit , . Twashings, by ; rains arid melting suden ! - - 14iiit i i arr t y away to"hrooks or to , tho rout' Oft the.,l .1 chief strength of these otherwise valttable - imot. stances. /t should be knewn that a ciartiload ~. of rotted manure will Yield more than otse-leilT ti of its rill value to_four or-fira barrels of mild 5. , . leached through it'; and yet: how little mittruip /ih farm yard generally is not actually-snhinit; il ted , " to •that amount: of araihUzg from: d*cit f rains or wa' r fruit the barn 'and shed roofs, & ; 4. - I - Nu economical eidtivator will peimit Manures • 4 1 to be 'earmsdi to'li.h,' or sun at all. 'Tittiy : •, should be kept nud e cover, in a bartt-ceiheiilt---- • there be one; if not, under a rude shed;:Witicti ' i i can be cheaply ednitytteted, by putting lup I 1 few -pests, and laying on rough boa i rds orifabiiJ : : II Udder some such Shelter all droppings of Oft& 0 1 . , shiu t lilhe daily'throwii, autthlieti with refills; :1 , strati, much, or even eartirrto alisoibi lin li;.' ' ' quids and gasesi -- •.. , -.--- ;.. ; ; l It is not well to tot manures too Mi.* beford pcittlSOg thdm indCr the doll. Fermentation and. lotting continually set at liberty' e very best fertilizing.eleme r nts of animal arid vegeta- .. ble manures, pita - t hese are-lost - iit-thd, air.— Let , Let all Such suhetattees be kept , as fre \ e) fr oM • ' beating as may be.! "There is n o fear bCI they mill decay ! fast, enOugn'is-hen plowed tittd!rttliel , Boil, find !herd the.; escaping "gases' will be re . • taided 'kith° benefit of the growing crol,.'''' ' I .It is highly benedcial ,te. keep a supply of ' ground ,plaster l edwaYs on hand, and' tsi r ii dt!, s ihree thuds a•weelt sprinkle a, few hairclfitbs o „ 1- 5 / q.' ;ut overeveiy 'igass oftfresh manure. Th is ? especially.useftil in horse-Mil coW 0 J ' 7.'• i I. ii rTh e i ie_ o f stiiiiilt much P ar ° 2 " I t - 1 --. ferment niiiiiiiediVeidelt In thti 'ciitii -i . 1 / td ! g 1 1 • We: refer to theitTeatment of muck 0,,010 . . p•... ud. Those sUb4tantes haVe usually Wl —! re' S'4ll# l , i a Lind of,pitcliv or asphaltic covering, ' , !'sv.; , .? - • stops; their further decay, and ut.course pr, _ vents their yielding uP‘ili — eir elenientsfo miler- , • izli groWing.planta: They,nmy be mixed tills caustfe limp, or with animal • manures, !insd thro4l.n info a beep to undergo fernieritation.H. If there is a large proportiOrt.of muck, it will retain the escaping gases. The time is notlis= • tint When the pass of farmers , will leaid the ,• • value of secur i ng a large stuck of Muck to; be ‘ • thrown ,up au4 dried in Summer, and freely. , _ • in ;:red with ,the contents of the ,stable and yard '\ in Winter., , I • _1 • • _.• - i Fefttenit4 Poultry. :•••. It you, p.cop o,s ut up t • pou ry ose;I dark plac; nu& Stuff them with dough 'matte from Indian eirn. Others givb tlient're-largei prisou, told feed them with . ..et:tins toil' dough mixed tvitli milk 'Others lt=d them-rah where thy care tOfeedthem well three '; t Ones 'per' da3l. This mode will not Lit so fast as the iiiss.. confinement methOd; but to our mind ; it lip Pears fo be the•brest Mode. It ify • more healthy aol congenial to/ the fowl; and t he flesh will be morn healtly. • • A writer iulthe " Farmer's Library" recOrti.' meads this ipotle for ftiltentng turkies. 111 e i'eeds them liberally in, the 'mortal*, again at " At night, betcire roosting,. they' ''..sho l ultl lbe fed with oet meal, and sisiat' '• ' . twill ; I / • i Have you Water in your 'Stoe), . _ If not, liioO;toldslce, rord'.if it is possible, introduce it—ither set a rani , ,,or a•windmill;or one of the self:acting welts; or tay'a pipe froth a spring on the•hill ; orthrow . a dam t aercst, the brook, and; lay a OpO from that—somi how or other man'uge' to lave fluwing waler plentfbeit, :;:o as not to driye iCiar''s. 'the bk:ook,or t l 'hare to ptimp or tuna a - crank, half a day tci'dnits water rir thp.V clud hat'' ..io idea of thO convenience tilt fie has tried it: Sit down l and; makean estinat ,he time it s takes in four months to d v, wlfter for forty.: , head of stock, or t ad or diive •theht atu ' t. eighth of la mile ,to w cr,and ou wokki liirit.' .. „ the water .-- come in a pipe if there - cii anyr such. thing, says the Home toad, and sil l 1 - ' tarr fa t...s , I , I d ,T, wfr t ad. *- ...el* w. e 4 - • L 4. • - _ snp we. - i Curd for:,Sc z in S' , lt:ep.-,--I beg td' send you a certain c re for scab in sheep i .A 8 Ilave tried it 0 1. 1 winter, with the happiest effect in some sesl; that resisted tic most_ flopyn”d washes. Tho.following, ' lis the'recipe: •. ,: ,One partiblacli antimony, cur arts poli= 7 &red nitro, four, 'partiii sulphur, a small' !quantity ,oif poWdered ginger, and asjmuch 1 yellow soap as twill mike ths ina.ss\ef-,-. -- w . proper c9utence for.i.naking into balls. -A. drachmof ;this substance given to e iieei s ft:o 'lace aiWeek, 'will effect' c ur e, iwit fortnight or'Afiree wecko according, - , to the state of the sheep. ' Keep than ila at night and winter. , 1 I= c po- I tnp i a l - goy.. exer Judi '. qui , eted Liar-. lete 0,17 ns, V, Ole II I .Corn Stalks for IleavesH—A Gentletpfid iu the Anieriean Agriculturist, ,states.that he thoroughly cured a fine young mare at; lfliCted with the beaver, by i feeding_ her on scorn stalks; aniktbat the.thsease never .ree urnta. t . CM 121111 ME , L~ r.~t F r~ta,e. =I MI MI MS ME lar& I IMIE 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers